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IRC log for #minetest, 2022-05-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:11 chikao joined #minetest
00:33 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
01:16 Lesha_Vel joined #minetest
02:41 ayaka joined #minetest
03:02 riff-IRC joined #minetest
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
04:03 ayaka joined #minetest
04:32 Alias joined #minetest
06:02 calcul0n joined #minetest
06:13 definitelya joined #minetest
06:23 independent56 joined #minetest
06:26 lemonzest joined #minetest
06:47 independent56 Are mapblocks quantum? Only when you view them is their state revealed - loaded, unloaded. And sometimes the state is changed under observation, or lack thereof
07:00 illwieckz joined #minetest
07:01 debiankaios joined #minetest
07:16 specing_ joined #minetest
07:26 illwieckz joined #minetest
07:32 illwieckz joined #minetest
08:04 orwell96 joined #minetest
08:14 independent56 joined #minetest
08:17 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
08:55 independent_ joined #minetest
09:03 Warr1024 joined #minetest
09:34 appguru joined #minetest
09:34 sobkas joined #minetest
09:49 Fixer joined #minetest
10:08 Talkless joined #minetest
10:23 sobkas left #minetest
10:24 sobkas joined #minetest
10:31 sobkas joined #minetest
11:35 sobkas joined #minetest
11:36 Alias joined #minetest
11:58 independent_ Comparing my old train map to the new... wow... it's changed to be so much bigger
11:58 independent_
11:59 independent_ Even disregarding the dotted "in construction" lines, it is still massive
12:30 erle independent_, do you have an idea how to properly represent trains in xmaps?
12:31 independent_ What do you mean represent?
12:31 independent_ Iconography?
12:32 erle like how you want them to look on the map
12:32 erle i tried alternating dark and light on a line
12:32 erle like in real maps
12:32 independent_ Hmm.... possibly boxes with the train ID in them.
12:32 erle but it looked to modern
12:32 independent_ Yeah, that's a good idea
12:33 independent_ Possibly just a thin black line, in comparison to roads being tubes
12:34 independent_ As for the trains, possibly little symbols like this, boxes with ID umbers
12:34 erle wow thanks
12:34 erle can you program lua?
12:35 independent_ yes, but i do not have knowladge of the minetest API. I have made train information boards, but they are very broken
12:35 independent_ I mean, i do, but not that much
12:36 independent_ consider and
12:37 erle then maybe you have an idea how i could improve the xmaps api
12:38 independent_ Honestly, i am in no posistion of authority or knowledge to complain about APIs
12:39 independent_ maybe the Advtrains lua in-world api, but nothing else
12:44 erle independent_ i just mean, if you wanted to make a map of trains, how would you want to do it?
12:45 independent_ Honestly, as a train admin, it would be something like, with a schematic of points, but for a general map,  a black line works fine
13:38 Parnikkapore_m Upvoting a line (possibly black) to represent railroad tracks on xmaps
13:43 MTDiscord <Warr1024> You could do a line with small lines crossing it, like railroad ties, so a rail line looks like ++++++
14:06 settl3r[m] At which light level do rats start to spawn? at 8?
14:07 settl3r[m] And at which light level is an area considered 'safe' (from monsters) ?
14:07 settl3r[m] Are rats the only way to tame cats?
14:07 settl3r[m] s/way/food/
14:10 celeron55 erle: in xmaps style a train track probably would be just a dotted line. nothing else. any extra information doesn't really fit into the "olden times" style
14:11 celeron55 it's not a bad thing, as for treasure maps it adds some mystery that things aren't perfectly marked and labeled
14:12 celeron55 maybe a dashed line. something that makes a reasonable contrast with the palette when using some color from the palette
14:13 celeron55 or even a .  .  .  .  . -style line, i.e. widely spaced dots, just to leave room for other things
14:15 celeron55 you could contrast roads to that by making them just a different color, a different dash/dot pattern or even a wiggly line
14:16 celeron55 (or just not draw roads at all)
14:16 orwell96_ joined #minetest
14:18 Markow joined #minetest
14:18 celeron55 of course if you're going for a "pokemon on gameboy" style then trying to make a more photorealistic (lol) rail makes sense, like what Warr1024 suggested, or even make both rails visible
14:30 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Add relative numbers for commands by prepending ~ (#9588) ac5e817 (2022-05-22T14:28:24Z)
14:35 erle celeron55 i tried dotted lines, but straight dotted lines on this kind of map just seem weird
14:35 erle advanced trains seems to have curved tracks though
14:36 celeron55 well, if the tracks are straight, there's not much you can do. well you could apply a transformation that makes straight tracks curved, like make a very shallow zig zag pattern
14:36 erle celeron55 you are right btw, “things not perfectly marked” is what i am going for. not enough space to draw a tree because enough stuff drawn in the area? i draw no tree
14:37 erle the thing is, since i have added the ability to put the maps on sides of nodes, i think train tracks would really fit!
14:37 celeron55 or you could try a zig zag pattern anyway, it could look ok
14:38 celeron55 what if you space the dots even further and use a dark color for them? instead of tightly spaced dots and a light color
14:39 celeron55 some responsibility falls onto the train track designer too, straight tracks look boring anyway
14:39 erle it's more about the curves
14:39 celeron55 make them not straight and they'll look better on a map
14:39 erle which is why i am thinking about advanced trains
14:40 celeron55 probably have to traverse the track in the map generator and figure out the average direction it's going
14:40 celeron55 then draw the line in that direction
14:41 erle nah, i'm too lazy for that stuff. really, all i am doing is traversing a mapblock and plotting it at 1 node = 1 pixel resolution
14:41 erle then adding some icons
14:41 erle the coastline is total trickery for example
14:42 erle i just draw the water, then look at each pixel and do some stuff when water and land are next to each other
14:42 erle but it looks nice
14:42 celeron55 what about for drawing the tracks, you'd divide the map into let's say 3x3 pixels blocks, then check if there are any tracks in that block in the world, and if there are, draw a dot at the middle of that block
14:42 erle that sounds like a good idea actually
14:42 celeron55 you'd get dotted lines with an enforced maximum amount of dots
14:43 erle because right now i have this thing where if you make a small loop of track it looks stupid
14:43 erle also it could maybe make diagonal tracks look good
14:43 celeron55 a non square block could make sense too, like 2x3 pixels
14:43 celeron55 adds a bit of style
14:43 Taoki joined #minetest
14:44 celeron55 you'll then have to decide which side of the 2 pixels you'll draw the dots but that's just a coin toss when writing the code
14:44 celeron55 doesn't really matter
14:44 erle i mean, i'd probably implement it differently, like the trees and plants: it blits an image onto the existing bitmap only if it does not overlap something previously drawn
14:44 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> I still wonder how it is possible to set a pos of an entity WITHOUT the target area being loaded and it working even if you restart before you visit the area...does MT actually load the mapblock from disk, store the entity and save it back to disk all inside set_pos()?
14:45 celeron55 ah so you'd draw the tracks basically as sprites on a grid
14:45 celeron55 while you draw trees and stuff as freely positioned sprites
14:45 celeron55 try it, i think it'll work fine enough
14:45 erle i would not even do it on a grid, if i make a 3x3 bitmap with a dot in it and ensure it never blits where i already drew tracks, i can have non-grid sprites basically
14:45 erle thank you!
14:46 erle celeron55 do you have maybe any idea for mountains (except contour lines, those don't fit the style), sandy deserts or icy plains?
14:46 erle icy plains and mountains look super boring on the map rn
14:47 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> I'm asking this cause I need to know how reliable it is to send an entity into an unloaded map area
14:48 celeron55 well, some kind of shading could work. like do a dim dot pattern where there's a slope towards +x or +z (or however you choose), and leave -x and -z slopes the regular color
14:48 celeron55 do it below all the objects
14:49 erle hmm, interesting idea
14:49 celeron55 or maybe just use horizontal lines like the water. not sure about the style, but shading slopes is probably the way to go
14:49 erle right now i have a checkerboard pattern below everything
14:49 erle the horizontal lines are the contour lines i mentioned, everyone suggests them
14:49 erle but they don't fit the hand-drawn ye olde times style
14:50 erle they are just easy to implement
14:50 celeron55 i don't mean contour lines
14:50 celeron55 they could fit if the palette is carefully used but not sure
14:50 erle oh you mean like some pattern
14:50 celeron55 it'd look like a technical geological map if you used contour lines
14:50 erle the palette is 256 bytes, i am using like 12 or so haha
14:50 celeron55 shading is different
14:51 erle i see, i misunderstood
14:51 erle i tried drawing actual mountains on the map which looked great, but i did not have good enough peak detection
14:51 erle if i had some algorithm for “find large mountain” and “find small mountain” and “find tiny hill”, it would be great
14:52 erle celeron55 btw do you remember how long it took from rails being added to actual railcarts?
14:52 celeron55 well, you could just compare the height difference inside the mapblock, and if it's lare, then draw one of those symbols, maybe even at a random position in the mapblock
14:53 celeron55 large*
14:53 celeron55 like, just pick the four corners and middle point or whatever, and see what the largest y variation is
14:54 celeron55 i don't remember, doesn't really matter
14:54 erle nah, just historical curiosity
14:54 erle could be a good idea to scan each 16×16 x×z area for highest y and then draw a mountain or not, what do you think?
14:55 erle i'll try a bit the rail things now
14:55 erle i already like how the maps make it much harder to get lost
14:55 celeron55 i think rails were added in the spring of 2011, and carts were added when the modding api had enough features, i don't think that could have been more than 2 years, probably not even 1
14:56 celeron55 i think the mountain symbol shouldn't be based on absolute y, but height variation
14:56 celeron55 but it's possible that's not true
14:57 celeron55 it's a question of what it should represent
14:57 celeron55 should it represent hard to pass terrain (height variation) or a high up place, but possibly easy to pass (large y)
14:57 MisterE[m] And then what will you do with jordach's mountians :trollface:
14:58 celeron55 i think hard to pass terrain would probably be more useful as a map feature
14:58 celeron55 altough then the symbols would focus on the slopes instead of the mountain tops, if the mountain tops are flat
14:58 erle what is jordach mountains?
14:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> His new mapgen
14:59 erle celeron55 you are right, the map should be useful to navigate
14:59 erle i bet rails are group=rail or so now hehehe
15:00 erle R.I.P. CONTENT_RAIL
15:00 Taoki joined #minetest
15:00 Sven_vB joined #minetest
15:01 MTDiscord <MisterE> Where a mountian is a significant portion of the world
15:03 erle MisterE btw could you use an xmaps style HUD for some of the minigames? i'd be willing to help if yes
15:06 definitelya MisterE[m]: Wouldn't that be a mountain range mapgen? If so, the map could clump mountains together (2x2, 3x3, etc.), to give a more omogeneous feel.
15:08 MTDiscord <MisterE> My point, and note the trollface please, was that the mountians are too large to load so yoo would not know where they are and arent
15:08 MTDiscord <MisterE> Erle, actually, perhaps
15:09 erle tell
15:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> Maybe in some gems arenas
15:09 definitelya Aknowledged :P
15:10 HuguesRoss joined #minetest
15:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> I need a way for players to know where the enemy's gem is, where the mines are, etc
15:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> Altho, I'm unsure that the maps would be a great fit
15:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> Testing needed
15:12 erle celeron55 do you have an example of the kind of shading you mean? is it the thing that fleckenstein implemented for mcl_maps? (look at the trees)
15:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> Hmm, that might work
15:13 erle (map markers are not in mineclone2, btw. but i bet they will be at some point)
15:16 MTDiscord <MisterE> Erle, I want to revamp gems at some point soon. I will ping you
15:16 celeron55 i'm actually not that convinced of the idea when thinking it a bit more. layering things doesn't really work in that style
15:17 celeron55 for that style for every given free spot you have to determine what's the most important thing to show, and draw the symbol for that thing there
15:17 celeron55 discarding everything else
15:20 erle MisterE[m] cool!
15:20 erle celeron55 you might be right. but like, what if the biggest thing is drawn first
15:20 erle i mean i kinda do that right now
15:21 erle first water, then trees, then grass, then flowers
15:21 erle mountains would be between water and trees
15:21 erle as they are big features
15:21 celeron55 i'd probably do a few passes, starting with the most important things, and then the last passes can fill the not important places with less important things, if there are any
15:21 erle yeah
15:22 celeron55 mountains would probably be one of the least priority things
15:22 erle so like, the rail line would obviosly be drawn before the trees
15:22 erle well, if a mountain is just a /\ symbol that might have a lot of background color
15:23 celeron55 well, if the mountain still fits after the more important things, then for sure it can be drawn
15:23 celeron55 but if there's a house or something on a mountain, the house should be drawn, not the mountain, if the mountain symbol doesn't fit
15:24 erle true, but if i make the mountain symbol very large i could just also give it a palette color that is ignored when blitting
15:24 celeron55 that's layering, which i think doesn't fit the style well
15:24 celeron55 but if you can make it look good, then go ahead
15:24 erle each blit takes a list of colors that are stop colors, i.e. if the blit area contains any of those, it does not blit
15:24 erle i can try. but first, rails.
15:35 erle celeron55 is this what you meant with a dotted line? i think it needs to be a bit darker, but otherwise, i kinda like it.
15:35 erle also i need to work on the diagonals, maybe your grid idea was not so bad
15:38 celeron55 well, it's a start, but does need improvement
15:38 celeron55 maybe even 2x2 dots would be appropriate
15:38 celeron55 as all the other things on the map are so much bigger
15:49 Pexin for rails, if possible i would favor what Warr was talking about. old rail maps used a line with periodic short lines crossing it. but once again the resolution may not allow it.
15:50 erle MisterE[m] what is gems actually about?
15:50 Pexin it occurs to me that representation might have been a murkan thing. no idea what other countries did
15:51 MTDiscord <MisterE> erle, what about having elevation contours?
15:51 MTDiscord <MisterE> want to play gems?
15:52 Pexin settl3r[m]: someone was working on making cats tameable by giving them fish, but i dont think they got around to finishing it yet.
15:52 erle not right now, but maybe you can point me to what gems does
15:52 erle like documentation
15:52 MTDiscord <MisterE> oh documentation, how I hate thee
15:52 MTDiscord <MisterE> I wish
15:53 MTDiscord <MisterE> so... gems basically is bedwars
15:53 erle Pexin settl3r[m] ocelots in mobs_mc are tameable afaik, they become cats
15:53 MTDiscord <MisterE> do you know that erle?
15:53 erle MisterE[m] what is bedwars lol
15:53 MTDiscord <MisterE> ok
15:53 erle kill the other players bed?
15:53 erle because that's what people already do on anarchy servers hehe
15:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> so... bedwars, eggwars, gems, and their ilk basically are where there are teams, and each team has a base. If their base exists, they can respawn, if it is destroyed, they will be eliminated when they die
15:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> with gems, its a bit more complicated
15:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> each team has a great gem they must protect.
15:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> that is their respawn base
15:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> if it is destroyed, they can be eliminated
15:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> to destroy a great gem, you must use a gem pick
15:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> in eggwars, and in gems, you get items by collecting money (gems) from droppers, and selling them in shops
15:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> in gems, you can only sell gems at the correct shop
15:56 erle Pexin that made me smile hehehe
15:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> like, there are 4 differrent gems, and 4 different shops
15:57 erle so uh
15:57 erle it is like a heist game
15:57 MTDiscord <MisterE> at each shop, you can sell gems, and get gem items of that type, as well as regular items
15:57 MTDiscord <MisterE> to destroy a great gem, you need a gem pick
15:58 MTDiscord <MisterE> the catch is that you cannot use your team's gem-pick to dig the opposite team's great gem
15:58 MTDiscord <MisterE> also, the gem swords work best (add extra damage) against the team of the same type
15:58 MTDiscord <MisterE> also gem shields protect most against attacks from the team of that gem type
15:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> and gem picks of the same type as a great gem dig fastest
15:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> so you see, your own gem type is your team's greatest weakness
15:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> you must protect your own team's gem type, even though you cannot use it for much
16:00 MTDiscord <MisterE> while trying to capture gems of other teams
16:00 MTDiscord <MisterE> because they will be most effective against that team
16:00 HuguesRoss joined #minetest
16:01 MTDiscord <MisterE> you can use your own type of gem to buy basic items, (regular sword, pick, armor, etc)
16:01 erle MisterE[m] so it is about who mines faster
16:01 erle MisterE[m] can players also attack each other?
16:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> you can also use your own type of gems to purchase gem protector blocks. Those are the only gem item you want in your own gem type
16:02 erle does this mean you need like a lot of players?
16:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> oh I forgot the gem blocks which cannot be mined except by gem picks
16:02 erle also where would the map come in here, as a HUD for “where is the shop and where are the gems”?
16:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> but gem protectors are defensive blocks that damage other teams but not your team
16:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> in a readius
16:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> *radius
16:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> erle, you can pvp, that is mostly the point
16:03 erle so how big is the arena?
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> you need at least 2 players for 2 team, and 4 players for 4 team games. But the 2 team isnt very fun without 4 players, and the 4 team isnt very fun without 12 players
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> the maps are... kinda large?
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> depends
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> I have an island map
16:04 ronoaldo joined #minetest
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> for 2 teams
16:04 chikao joined #minetest
16:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> where each team is on a pirate ship on 2 sides of an island
16:05 MTDiscord <MisterE> there are mines (gem droppers) in "mine-like" structures on the island,
16:05 MTDiscord <MisterE> and shops in the ships
16:05 MTDiscord <MisterE> also there are shops on top of the mountian on the island
16:06 MTDiscord <MisterE> there are also the two other gem types which do not have teams attached on the sides of the island, in mines and shops in small boats just off the island
16:06 MTDiscord <MisterE> then there is a space themed arena (2 players). its kinda experimental.
16:06 MTDiscord <MisterE> *2 teams
16:06 MTDiscord <MisterE> each team spawns in a small planetoid'
16:07 MTDiscord <MisterE> and their great gems are on an islend bewteen them, in the middle
16:08 MTDiscord <MisterE> there are droppers in their starting planetoids, and also on the central island. the shops are in the starting planetoids, and there are the extra color gems in spaceships to the side
16:08 MTDiscord <MisterE> then the 4 team arena
16:08 MTDiscord <MisterE> is in a desert valley setting
16:08 erle MisterE[m] i think up until 256×256 it probably works for my map HUD approach. after that, you no longer benefit much without a big screen, as the pixels are too tiny to recognize anything.
16:08 erle so how big is the arena in terms of nodes?
16:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> I dont recall, but I think that would work for many arenas
16:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> but... there is an issue...
16:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> if the maps are autogenerated
16:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> then they will show stuff outside the arena
16:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> which is usually empty air, or flat stone
16:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> also the arenas are rectanglular often'
16:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> and the space-themed one will not go well with the theme, I think
16:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> so, those are some issues to consider
16:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> for finding the map elements, I was considering Positional HUDs'
16:11 erle it is trivial to limit the map rendering to whatever you want
16:11 erle like, i limit it to an 80×80×80 cube because i want to minimize emerges
16:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> so, the gems arena is defined in the arena definition as two bounding points, so the map can use that
16:11 erle good
16:11 erle yes
16:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> and it does get all emerged anyways
16:11 erle sounds good
16:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> I suppose the map can be themed?
16:12 erle obviously you can do whatever you want
16:12 erle it's just showing a bitmap
16:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> well, I saw 2 themes in the examples
16:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> pirate-map like
16:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> and more true-to-life
16:14 erle the more true-to-life thing is from mcl_maps, which fleckenstein made … last year i think (?) and i improved for mineclonia (i am not done with the improvements yet)
16:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> hm, so xmaps is just the pirate-theme?
16:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> well, I guess it would mostly work
16:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> erle, no rush, but before you help with the code, you should play gems, and then examine the code
16:18 erle xmaps is just “hand drawn treasure map” themed
16:18 erle like if you had a mapgen that added chests somewhere
16:19 erle you could generate some far away chest, make an item using xmaps and put it into a chest at the current position
16:19 erle or players could mark their bases like that
16:19 erle if you want a dynamic map for gems that shows, for example, where the enemy is and where you are, that's possible
16:20 erle but it might be more interesting if it only has the level layout
16:20 erle like a proper minimap
16:20 erle and maybe a location of shops and gems
16:20 erle your choice
16:33 Pexin erle: re client hints: well of course, the server has the right to know everything about you, and you aren't allowed to know anything about the server. that's just fair innit. *confused corporate noises*
16:33 erle hehehehehehe
16:34 erle this is rails on flat ground in the woods with darker dotted lines
16:37 wolfshappen joined #minetest
16:45 erle Pexin look
16:46 Pexin oooooh
16:46 Pexin .
16:47 erle Pexin is this what you want?
16:47 erle the diagonal one looks like crap
16:47 Parnikkapore_m that does look a lot more like train tracks (but needs better transitions)
16:48 Parnikkapore_m darker dotted lines looks a lot like a walking path (or maybe the "walk like this to the X" on treasure maps)
16:49 Parnikkapore_m not always a bad thing tho
16:50 Pexin yeah i was thinking dotted line looks like walking path too. not sure why I thought that
16:51 Pexin erle: looks like you're putting a lot of work into this. once it's ready, I think I'll suggest it to the admins on my regular server (with procedural treasure)
16:51 erle Pexin you can already suggest it
16:52 Pexin I'm sure the ProcTreas can be modular
16:52 erle i will keep it compatible with all future API extensions
16:52 erle like, when i enable different map styles, this will just be the default
16:54 erle MisterE[m] Pexin i wonder: for radically different map styles, would it just be enough for the map to have a callback that just takes minp, maxp and spits out a bitmap?
16:55 Pexin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16:57 erle Pexin anyway, it's “ready” from my POV as soon as version 2022-05-22.2 is on cdb
16:58 erle Pexin but you can start making a “treasure chest” mod right now actually
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18:48 celeron55 i think the "Pexin-style" track looks fine
18:49 celeron55 the almost glitch like graphical quality doesn't bother me
18:49 celeron55 the dotted line is indeed not very self-explanatory
18:51 celeron55 i mean, if i was shown the former without any indication what it was representing, one of my guesses would be railroad track
18:51 celeron55 i can't say the same of the latter
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