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IRC log for #minetest, 2020-12-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 mase joined #minetest
00:19 Hawk777 Your code runs from the top every time an event occurs. “mem” is the only thing that is preserved from one execution to the next.
00:19 Hawk777 So if you need to save some data, that’s where you put it.
00:20 Hawk777 mase: ^
02:08 Verticen joined #minetest
02:12 alex-resist joined #minetest
04:11 SX Well in addition to mem you could use lua controller port states to preserve info but it is just few bits, also interrupt id (a lot more limited) if those are enabled.
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:20 Guest84775 joined #minetest
06:10 Flabb joined #minetest
07:30 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
08:47 I_am_6r1d joined #minetest
08:51 erlehmann joined #minetest
09:07 calcul0n joined #minetest
09:18 ssieb joined #minetest
09:26 FeXoR joined #minetest
10:10 Beton joined #minetest
10:23 milkt joined #minetest
10:27 Lunatrius joined #minetest
10:36 nowhere_man joined #minetest
11:07 Flabb joined #minetest
11:08 I_am_Grid joined #minetest
12:06 I_am_6r1d joined #minetest
12:34 Fixer joined #minetest
12:51 erlehmann joined #minetest
12:54 Lukwe joined #minetest
13:02 lisac joined #minetest
13:28 appguru joined #minetest
13:31 FennecCode joined #minetest
13:32 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
13:42 Jhalman joined #minetest
13:55 MinetestBot [git] Wuzzy2 -> minetest/minetest: Fix fallnode rotation of wallmounted nodebox/mesh (#10643) 535557c (2020-12-22T13:54:27Z)
13:55 MinetestBot [git] numberZero -> minetest/minetest: Fix GLES shader support after #9247 (#10727) 03540e7 (2020-12-22T13:53:52Z)
14:04 milkt joined #minetest
14:06 alex-resist joined #minetest
14:24 aheinecke joined #minetest
14:25 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
14:30 erlehmann joined #minetest
14:37 erlehmann joined #minetest
14:56 AspireMint joined #minetest
14:59 AspireMint Hello, can anyone tell me case when i have but its def. is not in minetest.registered_nodes table? Is it posible to not have it in registered_nodes?
15:02 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> > * minetest.get_node(pos) >     * Returns the node at the given position as table in the format >       {name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}, >       returns {name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0} for unloaded areas.
15:02 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> "ignore" is the special case
15:02 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> as well as "unknown nodes" probably?
15:03 AspireMint aaaah, thank you!
15:06 kamdard joined #minetest
15:09 erlehmann joined #minetest
15:40 Fixer joined #minetest
15:47 Verticen joined #minetest
16:25 Verticen joined #minetest
16:31 Verticen_ joined #minetest
16:36 Verticen joined #minetest
16:43 Verticen joined #minetest
16:52 alket joined #minetest
16:52 Li0n joined #minetest
16:54 Li0n left #minetest
16:55 est31 joined #minetest
16:56 milkt joined #minetest
17:08 est31 joined #minetest
17:16 MTDiscord <P​reet The Nitro Addict> what is this
17:24 Talkless joined #minetest
17:32 Krock this is patrick
17:40 bwarden joined #minetest
17:57 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:27 homthack joined #minetest
18:56 Hawk777 joined #minetest
19:09 fleeky_ joined #minetest
19:40 erlehmann joined #minetest
19:56 olliy joined #minetest
20:15 homthack joined #minetest
20:22 absurb joined #minetest
20:50 Rookeee joined #minetest
20:51 AspireMint joined #minetest
20:53 Rookeee ...
20:58 blaise lol
20:58 Rookeee ?
21:03 blaise <.<
21:05 Rookeee O_o
21:19 appguru joined #minetest
21:31 MTDiscord <a​ppguru> and this is spam
21:43 appguru joined #minetest
21:45 MTDiscord <+​Inocudom+> So, how goes the development of Minetest's engine? Any important optimizations as far as rendering and the automap go?
22:29 systwi joined #minetest
23:00 Calinou I don't think it's changed much since last year
23:00 Calinou rendering and minimap feel optimized enough for me now, there have been significant improvements since 0.4.17

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