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IRC log for #minetest, 2020-09-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:22 begui joined #minetest
00:31 Serega333 joined #minetest
00:31 Serega333 left #minetest
01:10 Hawk777 joined #minetest
02:05 fluxflux joined #minetest
02:20 fluxflux joined #minetest
03:05 jas_ main_menu.x.ogg doesn't respect mute_sound=true.  good night
03:09 Menchers joined #minetest
03:19 bebebeko joined #minetest
03:25 Menchers joined #minetest
03:29 olliy joined #minetest
05:13 FeXoR joined #minetest
05:25 Boingo joined #minetest
07:13 Talkless joined #minetest
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
08:18 bebebeko joined #minetest
08:30 calcul0n joined #minetest
08:33 bebebeko joined #minetest
08:47 FreeFull joined #minetest
08:56 testman joined #minetest
09:04 AndDT joined #minetest
09:52 deltanedas joined #minetest
09:54 Fixer joined #minetest
09:57 SwissalpS joined #minetest
10:02 dievri Hello. Based on what minetest decides, if player is newly registered account?
10:04 sfan5 probably whether get_auth returns nil
10:16 jas_ !mod
10:16 MinetestBot jas_: morefaces [morefaces] by Dogzilla131 -
10:17 jas_ dead mod :'(
10:17 jas_ !server
10:17 MinetestBot jas_: King of the Hill :: Modern Warfare (CapturePoint) | | Clients: 0/32, 0/3 | Version: 5.2.0 / minetest | Ping: 133ms
12:42 deltanedas joined #minetest
12:59 deltanedas joined #minetest
13:30 Bombo trying to compile it
13:31 eeerungur joined #minetest
13:32 MinetestBot [git] luk3yx -> minetest/minetest: Remove null bytes from TOCLIENT_BLOCKDATA (#10433) 09af0c5 (2020-09-26T13:31:54Z)
13:32 eeerungur static_spawnpoint < this sets the default spawn for when someone joins the server right? does it allow people to change their respawn points with beds?
13:32 Bombo does it need LevelDB and Redis and Prometheus and SpatialIndex?
13:33 Bombo the apt install line on doesn't instasll these
13:33 sfan5 those are optional
13:34 sfan5 eeerungur: that only applies to new people or when you don't have another spawnpoint (such as a bed)
13:34 MinetestBot [git] BuckarooBanzay -> minetest/minetest: Enable LuaJIT on the Docker image (#10414) 9eb4516 (2020-09-26T13:32:49Z)
13:34 sfan5 so yes beds will still work
13:34 eeerungur sfan5: thanks for your help. :)
13:44 ghoti joined #minetest
13:45 erstazi joined #minetest
14:01 jas_ !test
14:09 Krock I can only see lava that might cause slow rendering times there
14:17 bebebeko joined #minetest
14:20 jas_ yes thx
14:20 jas_ i didn't notice while recording
14:21 MTDiscord <G​enshin> What did i miss?
14:22 Krock G​enshin: hopefully me
14:22 Krock jas_: lol ;)
14:22 Krock animated nodes might perform a bit worse
14:22 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Hello Krock, how are things? :)
14:26 jas_ so make lava not animate?
14:29 Bombo is PostgreSQL optional? it uses sqlite anyways?
14:30 heavygale you can choose what backend you want to use for your server
14:31 Krock hi Genshin. Most is fine - just the weather isn't that motivating.
14:32 Krock Bombo: yes, optional. requires a build that supports it
14:33 Krock check that by running minetest(server) --version
14:33 Krock actually. that might not be listed in the output. hmm.
14:34 Krock ldd minetest(server)  | grep sql
14:35 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Weather can be a drag, over here is very hot to go outside, lol
14:40 basxto joined #minetest
14:56 Bombo -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
14:56 Bombo just because PostgreSQL Redis Prometheus SpatialIndex
14:57 Bombo what are these for?
14:57 Bombo Krock: are these really optional?
14:59 Krock Bombo: disable them
14:59 Krock perhaps they're enabled by default, so use -DENABLE_POSTGRESQL=0
15:00 Krock or whatever. the exact setting is documented in
15:01 Bombo cmake .. -ENABLE_POSTGRESQL=OFF
15:01 Bombo hm
15:02 Bombo cmake looks for a file with that name
15:03 sfan5 also it would've been useful to say what cmake says before the "Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!"
15:03 Bombo OH ;)
15:05 Bombo no got it the D was missing
15:05 Bombo sorry
15:06 dievri joined #minetest
15:06 * Bombo watching make
15:06 sec^nd joined #minetest
15:13 Krock make -j
15:16 jonadab joined #minetest
15:17 calcul0n_ joined #minetest
15:45 kamdard joined #minetest
15:52 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:19 deltanedas joined #minetest
16:31 Hawk777 joined #minetest
16:35 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:42 MinetestBot [git] MoNTE48 -> minetest/minetest: Android: replace InputDialogActivity on simple dialog window (#10034) 4298d95 (2020-09-26T16:42:22Z)
16:42 MinetestBot [git] EliasFleckenstein03 -> minetest/minetest: Patch fast/teleport vulnerability when attached to an entity (#10340) 65c15e1 (2020-09-26T16:41:44Z)
16:42 MinetestBot [git] Tyler-2 -> minetest/minetest: Log server announce on updates and deletes too (#10177) 917e357 (2020-09-26T16:41:16Z)
17:13 fruitsnack joined #minetest
17:14 fruitsnack hello, probably not the best place to ask about this, but what's going on with
17:14 fruitsnack MineClone2 is hosted there and it's been down for 2 days
17:22 eeerungur fruitsnack: probably unrelated, but i've just noticed my mineclone2 server has crashed.
17:32 MTDiscord <J​onathon> fruitsnack:;t=25401
17:34 MTDiscord <J​onathon> also this reddit post talks about it:
18:05 deltanedas joined #minetest
18:05 melu joined #minetest
18:13 deltanedas joined #minetest
18:18 deltanedas joined #minetest
18:53 submariner joined #minetest
19:10 Pie-jacker875 is it possible to define params on worldedit
19:10 Pie-jacker875 I want to set the selection to moreblocks:slab_wood, param2: 20
19:24 Pie-jacker875 how am I supposed to set a region to slabs that are in a certain orientation
19:24 Pie-jacker875 I have yet to find an example of how to do this
19:25 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith>
19:25 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> That file documents all the commands
19:26 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> Including the one for setting param2
19:26 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> And if there is a command you need and cant find, there is always //luatransform
19:27 Pie-jacker875 how about replace param so it only targets one type of node
19:28 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> at that point you'll probably need to use luatransform
19:28 Pie-jacker875 lol
19:28 Pie-jacker875 so I take it there's no replace mix either
19:29 MTDiscord <J​onathon> yes, use worldedit addition mod
19:30 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> Here's the luatransform command if you want
19:30 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> //luatransform local name = "moreblocks:slab_wood" local param2 = 20 if minetest.get_node(pos).name == name then minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = name, param2 = param2}) end
19:30 MTDiscord <J​onathon> < for replacemix
19:30 MTDiscord <J​onathon> also adds a lot more helpful commands
19:30 Pie-jacker875 RIP my building
19:30 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> always make backups
19:31 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> nothing in worldedit can be reverted
19:31 Pie-jacker875 at least it was just a single slice of my building
19:32 Pie-jacker875 also thanks for indulging my laziness
19:33 MTDiscord <J​onathon> wasn't there a mod that added a worldedit //undo at one point?
19:33 Pie-jacker875 I was just reading about that, sounds like there is at least one but it's not entirely reliable
19:34 MTDiscord <J​onathon> i think lsw had it at one point, i would have to ask ls13/cee-gee about it
19:34 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith>
19:34 MTDiscord <J​onathon> or there it is
19:47 fluxflux joined #minetest
20:10 deltanedas joined #minetest
20:14 sec^nd joined #minetest
20:36 deltanedas joined #minetest
20:37 Bombo how do i make a user an admin again? /grantme all doesn't seem to work
20:38 Bombo 'insufficient permittions'
20:38 Bombo s/tt/ss
20:41 MTDiscord <G​enshin> hopefully someone can test this
20:41 Bombo in ~/.minetest/games/ i did 'git clone' then edited 'minetest_game/minetest.conf' added just 'name=bombo' but '/grantme all' didn't work
20:43 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> > hopefully someone can test this @/g/ what features does it have? like what hacks does it check for?
20:45 MTDiscord <G​enshin> @oneplustwo So far it can detect: Killaura, Fast dig, instant break nodes, forced fast, forced fly, forced noclip, and jesus walk
20:46 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> what does fast dig do?
20:46 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> i thought unlimited range was solved
20:46 MTDiscord <G​enshin> fast dig allows you to instantly dig diggable nodes
20:47 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> what about scaffold?
20:47 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Not yet
20:48 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> i mean technically people could have a normal client and just set right_click_repeat to 0.01
20:51 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Also it has a automod feature that allows a server host to enable/disable autoban or autokick when detection found a culprit consistently triggering the following detections
20:52 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> digging fast is different from breaking fast
20:52 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> if a player breaks an obsidian node in under a second using the bare hand, thats an issue
20:52 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Yes, breaking fast allows you to dig unbreakables with anything, even your bare hand
20:52 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> insta break isnt that op
20:53 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> you cant break obsidian with your bare hands
20:53 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> Depends on the game
20:53 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> depends on the dig time
20:53 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> and i think the instabreak is client side only or something
20:53 MTDiscord <G​reenXenith> Maybe you missed the part where it said "cheat"
20:53 ghoti joined #minetest
20:54 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> well i have a hacked client with instabreak
20:59 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> and i know that if the node takes more than a second to mine, you cant really instabreak it
20:59 MTDiscord <J​ordach> doubt
21:00 MTDiscord <J​ordach> also: setting speeds to that wouldn't do anything on right click because of server_step
21:00 MTDiscord <J​ordach> it'd read rightclick as a single button press due to delayed updates
21:03 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> > also: setting speeds to that wouldn't do anything on right click because of server_step @Jordach still, blocks can be place a lot faster
21:03 MTDiscord <J​ordach> and? i can click stupid fast
21:03 MTDiscord <J​ordach> doesn#t change a thig
21:04 MTDiscord <J​ordach> games that /dont/ use the default Minetest mechanics come out unscathed
21:04 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> well the speed at which you can bridge is similar to the speed at which you can scaffold
21:04 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> which was my point
21:04 MTDiscord <J​ordach> nerdpoling is the easiest thing on the planet
21:04 swift110-phone joined #minetest
21:05 MTDiscord <J​ordach> look down and hold right mouse
21:05 Bombo oh got it it has to go into ~/.minetest/minetest.conf
21:05 MTDiscord <J​ordach>
21:05 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> you took the gif right out of my mouth
21:06 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> > doubt @Jordach wdym
21:07 MTDiscord <G​enshin>
21:08 MTDiscord <J​ordach> i basically wrote a brand new game using the Minetest engine without even touching the standard digging and placing controls at all
21:09 MTDiscord <J​ordach> the world is used, just as terrain
21:09 MTDiscord <J​ordach> no survival or crafting
21:09 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> point being?
21:10 MTDiscord <J​ordach> it's immune to the usual "hacks"
21:10 MTDiscord <J​ordach> which are nothing more than boring source code edits made by script kiddies like you
21:10 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> tracers?
21:10 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> fullbright?
21:10 MTDiscord <J​ordach> what is display gamma
21:10 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> HUDbypass?
21:11 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> lol
21:11 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> touché
21:11 MTDiscord <J​ordach> bypassing the only formspec on join in my game wont do you any good
21:12 MTDiscord <J​ordach> it's required to actually play the game
21:12 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> so in other words
21:12 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> wait what is your game even for?
21:12 MTDiscord <J​ordach>
21:12 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Its a first person shooting game
21:13 MTDiscord <J​ordach> because of the design, i can port it to any game engine that runs Lua due to it's non usage of Minetest related APIs
21:14 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> interesting
21:14 MTDiscord <J​ordach> client side hacks pose no threat as everything is calculated server side
21:14 MTDiscord <J​ordach> clients are basically untrusted entirely
21:14 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> freecam?
21:14 Pie-jacker875 wallhacks
21:14 MTDiscord <J​ordach> fixed in engine today
21:15 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> how is freecam fixed?
21:16 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> im sure its not
21:16 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Wallhacks?  You mean no priv noclip?
21:17 Pie-jacker875 pretty sure wallhacks typically means seeing enemies through walls when you shouldn't be able to
21:19 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Pretty sure a detection with raycast would solve that problem
21:20 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> lol
21:20 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> isnt rendering client side?
21:20 MTDiscord <J​ordach> yes and irrlicht is so crap you might as well write a new minetest client
21:20 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> lol k
21:22 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> i learned programming yesterday so idk
21:23 MTDiscord <G​enshin>
21:23 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> yes i opened terminal
21:24 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> then i typed "tree" and then "top" and now i am best hacker in school
21:24 MTDiscord <W​arr1024> how are you gonna get down from there though?
21:24 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> ?
21:26 MTDiscord <L​one_Wolf> Not a hacker until you can get down without Mr. Incredible
21:27 MTDiscord <W​arr1024> to be fair down comes from geese, not tree tops
21:28 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> i hacked my school
21:28 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> :(){:|: &};:
21:39 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Tbh I only added strict detection for the following hacks:  Killaura, Fast dig, instant break nodes, forced fast, unlimited range, forced fly, forced noclip, and jesus walk.
21:40 MTDiscord <G​enshin> The rest are pretty minor to even add detection for them.  Scaffolding isnt too much of an issue tbh
21:41 MTDiscord <G​enshin> It doesn't disrupt gameplay in any way
21:48 MTDiscord <G​enshin> But if people want me to add a detection for it, i'll gladly make one
21:54 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> > The rest are pretty minor hacks to even add detection for them. >  > Scaffolding isnt too much of an issue tbh @/g/ depends on the game
21:56 deltanedas joined #minetest
21:58 MTDiscord <G​enshin> @oneplustwo  > But if people want me to add a detection for it, i'll gladly make one
22:14 swift110-phone joined #minetest
22:54 deltanedas joined #minetest
22:54 ghoti joined #minetest
23:14 uroboro joined #minetest
23:15 swift110-phone joined #minetest
23:21 begui joined #minetest
23:33 homthack joined #minetest
23:41 deltanedas joined #minetest
23:53 MTDiscord <G​enshin> happy now? @oneplustwo
23:53 MTDiscord <G​enshin>
23:57 MTDiscord <o​neplustwo> the council is satisfied with your work. they will now claim credit for it
23:59 MTDiscord <G​enshin> Repo is AGPLv3

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