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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-03-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:11 whitephoenix joined #minetest
00:12 Tmanyo joined #minetest
00:12 whitephoenix Where is the formspec for the default player inventory stored? I'd like to modify it to have a 2x2 grid instead.
00:13 kaeza whitephoenix, default/init.lua, near the top
00:14 whitephoenix Oh thanks, I don't have default in my subgame so I was thinking it was in the engine source somewhere
00:15 kaeza well, you could override it in an on_joinplayer callback
00:18 All|knowing joined #minetest
00:29 pgimeno left #minetest
00:35 numzero joined #minetest
00:37 comradmax left #minetest
00:48 Dargod joined #minetest
00:55 rubenwardy or sfinv
00:59 LazyJ joined #minetest
01:31 swift110 joined #minetest
01:33 riff_IRC joined #minetest
01:44 riff_IRC joined #minetest
01:45 Allonphone joined #minetest
01:47 Puka_ joined #minetest
01:53 Menche joined #minetest
01:58 riff-IRC joined #minetest
02:04 benrob0329 joined #minetest
02:09 riff-IRC joined #minetest
02:13 Sokomine hm. client-side mods....i thought they might be good for things like i.e. carts or other things which would be too slow server-side
02:14 VanessaE nope.
02:15 TommyTreasure joined #minetest
02:20 ^v joined #minetest
02:38 LazyJ Client-side mods - if the client computer is too old and slow or underpowered (small devices), and the client-side mods make playing even more sluggish for the player, then that could convince the player that Minetest is too laggy and not worth playing. Word of mouth can still influence, even negatively.
02:38 Puka joined #minetest
02:39 LazyJ That's one of the concerns that have been on my mind in regard to CSM.
02:39 LazyJ
02:39 OldCoder <OldCoder>
02:39 OldCoder <OldCoder> Announcing an alternate link for CoRNeRNoTe Bower
03:03 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:28 Allonphone joined #minetest
03:37 kaeza joined #minetest
03:39 Allonphone joined #minetest
03:46 Allonphone joined #minetest
03:55 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
03:55 Allonphone joined #minetest
04:00 Taose joined #minetest
04:04 Not_a_Robot joined #minetest
04:11 redblade7 joined #minetest
04:23 Freejack joined #minetest
04:43 ^v joined #minetest
04:56 Puka joined #minetest
05:09 ssieb joined #minetest
05:35 ^v joined #minetest
05:49 Allonphone joined #minetest
06:26 CWz joined #minetest
06:59 Puka_ joined #minetest
07:26 lumidify joined #minetest
07:28 Guest35774 joined #minetest
07:30 proller joined #minetest
07:37 Hawk777 joined #minetest
08:11 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
08:38 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
09:02 ensonic joined #minetest
09:37 ensonic hi, can anyone recommend a nice mod to take as a template for doing own animals? I'd like to do that with my kids. I've been looking at the animal_modpack, but that brings a lot of own code and I don't know how they converted the blender files to the b3d files (and what kind of format that actually is)
09:44 The_Loko joined #minetest
09:45 proller joined #minetest
09:45 Alcyone2 joined #minetest
09:58 Krock joined #minetest
09:58 Krock joined #minetest
10:13 Puka_ joined #minetest
10:22 Telesight joined #minetest
10:32 lisac joined #minetest
11:15 Darcidride joined #minetest
11:20 proller joined #minetest
11:32 BBmine joined #minetest
11:33 BBmine Hello
11:33 BBmine I just saw that my account has been banned from the forums for a month.
11:36 Krock not too many shitposts, so this can't be the reason
11:37 BBmine It said "Repeated shitposting"
11:38 BBmine It would've been nice if I had been given a warning....
11:38 Krock oh well, looks like someone had a lower threshold to kick shitposters off
11:38 Krock perhaps you were already warned a while ago?
11:40 BBmine Nope. I was never warned.
11:47 sfan5 BBmine: if you had any kid of self-reflection about your behaviour you would have known way earlier
11:47 sfan5 kind*
11:50 BBmine I saw that I topic I made in General Discussion about what videos I should make next was deleted.
11:51 sfan5 indeed it does not belong there
11:51 BBmine But where does it belong? Offtopic?
11:51 Krock yes
11:52 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:52 Krock or "Minetest-related projects" if it's a longer project
11:53 BBmine I guess it was the random posts of me griefing someone?
11:56 sonicpp joined #minetest
12:09 lisac joined #minetest
12:10 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
12:22 rubenwardy joined #minetest
12:29 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
12:30 * stormchaser3000 installed a new motherbaord into his computer and is hoping he didn't mess up when connecting a cable
12:30 stormchaser3000 it seems to be working fine
12:30 stormchaser3000 but i don't want it to burst into flames
12:30 stormchaser3000 XD
12:38 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
12:39 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
12:40 Krock stormchaser3000, overlock the CPU now!
12:40 stormchaser3000 XD
12:48 Jordach joined #minetest
12:52 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
13:01 Fixer joined #minetest
13:03 rumble joined #minetest
13:16 ensonic joined #minetest
13:21 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
13:40 muhdnurhidayat joined #minetest
13:41 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
13:46 muhdnurhidayat if I uses blocks/items as craft recipe AND sounds from default in my mod, should I put default as mandatory dependency or optional, or I don't need to put them?
14:04 sfan5 muhdnurhidayat: technically you don't need to but it's a good idea to put it as a mandatory dependency
14:05 muhdnurhidayat oh, ok thanks. :D
14:17 Menche joined #minetest
14:33 Krock joined #minetest
14:33 Krock joined #minetest
14:42 DI3HARD139 Quick question. Is there a quick way to obtain the server name from the minetest.conf file?
14:43 DI3HARD139 In any way similar to minetest.get_server_status anyway?
14:44 DI3HARD139 nvm just remembered a way
14:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:08 riff-IRC joined #minetest
15:11 PsychoVision joined #minetest
15:19 riff-IRC joined #minetest
15:31 proller joined #minetest
15:39 ensonic hi, can anyone recommend a nice mod to take as a template for doing own animals? I'd like to do that with my kids. I've been looking at the animal_modpack, but that brings a lot of own code and I don't know how they converted the blender files to the b3d files (and what kind of format that actually is)
15:40 sfan5
15:51 fireglow the more I play with new sneak, the more I want the old behaviour back :s
15:56 sfan5 what parts of the old behaviour
15:57 fireglow mm just now I was edging on a block with sneak and tried to jump to the next one. Someone built a jump and run kind of game where this is required to complete the course
15:58 sfan5 thats a first
15:58 sfan5 (other people usually complain about two other changes)
15:59 sfan5 i agree that its unfortunate but i haven't looking at solving it yet
15:59 agaran well for now there is simple solution, compile last version of client before sneak removal merge and live happilly and prosper..
15:59 agaran at least this is solution that works for me
16:00 sfan5 which parts of the sneak changes do you dislike agaran?
16:01 agaran well I -used- to use 1k nodes tall sneak ladders in mining, used to climb over edges of machinery to build next levels, and used to ability to crawl on narrow places on walls making invisble paths if back wall was obsidian brick and added were slabs of obsidian glass
16:02 sfan5 sneak ladders might just come back
16:03 agaran and loosing all that is quite enough to not bother with updating, I play MT to have fun.. and for me, all, introduction of change and how widelly it gets protested is not a good sign.. maybe I am too old to like changes, might be..
16:09 Milan[m] i know alot of people who would heavily miss sneak ladders as well...
16:09 Fixer Milan[m]: if you discard kids, yes, sfan5 may have a solution to add them back
16:11 Milan[m] what do you mean with 'discard kids'?
16:11 Allonphone joined #minetest
16:16 nowhere_man joined #minetest
16:18 Puka joined #minetest
16:20 Fixer Milan[m]: kids are on crippled mobile, they can't use sneakladders that easily
16:20 Fixer thats more like #PCmasterrace problem
16:22 Milan[m] well...2 of 3 servers i run are not that mobile friendly anyway hihi... maybe it should be configurable and opt-in.
16:22 ronsor /r/PCMasterRace
16:27 ronsor_ joined #minetest
16:29 ronsor_ joined #minetest
16:30 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
16:36 Ronsor well i compiled minetest
16:37 LazyJ joined #minetest
16:37 fireglow yay
16:39 agaran I compiled minetest, dug dirt, build cobble hut ?
16:39 fireglow yay
16:43 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest
16:46 Krock build as many cobble buildings as possible!
16:47 Fixer as ugly as possible
16:47 sfan5 then you'd need to use dirt
16:51 kaeza joined #minetest
16:52 Fixer not long ago, while i was roaming different servers I've discovered newly build "house" that had deep 2011 style, it is like I went back 6 years ago... guess the materials
16:52 agaran heh.. I had idea to make dirt nonusefull for build..
16:53 kaeza greetings
16:55 All|knowing joined #minetest
16:56 Fixer kaeza:
16:56 kaeza Fixer,
16:57 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
17:00 Menche joined #minetest
17:02 Ronsor yay
17:02 Ronsor i've my first patch for client mods
17:03 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
17:03 Ronsor minetest.send_chat_message(message) -- acts just like message was typed in the terminal/chat box
17:03 riff-IRC left #minetest
17:03 ensonic sfan5, thanks
17:03 Ronsor if anybody is interested, i'll submit a pull request
17:07 sfan5 sounds useful, please do
17:11 Ronsor ok
17:11 Ronsor i will
17:12 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest
17:12 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:17 Ronsor hey
17:20 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
17:21 Krock hey
17:22 kaeza HEY! LISTEN!
17:23 kaeza o/ Krock
17:23 Krock o/ kaeza
17:23 est31 joined #minetest
17:26 LazyJ What is the purpose of sending fake messages with Ronsor's mod?
17:27 sfan5 inform the user of something
17:27 LazyJ And is this seen in the other players' chat?
17:27 sfan5 wait hm
17:28 LazyJ My concern is it being used to spam the chat.
17:28 Krock o/ est31
17:29 kaeza LazyJ, there's server-side flood control available
17:29 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
17:29 kaeza which I think would be triggered
17:29 LazyJ kaeza, where? I'd like to read-up on it.
17:29 sfan5 chat spamming is also possible without it
17:30 sfan5 this can help automating things
17:30 Krock copy a whole text file and paste it - spam on the same level
17:30 LazyJ Yes, automate admin commands is good but given how bad chat spam is, the hazard is too much.
17:30 sfan5 nah
17:31 LazyJ And just because something bad is already possible does not justify making it worse.
17:31 sfan5 most people who spam the chat are random kids
17:31 sfan5 which don't know how to install client mods
17:31 sfan5 and are on android anyway
17:32 LazyJ Looks like I'll be banning more players in the future.
17:33 kaeza LazyJ, uh, I guess it was not merged yet
17:33 LazyJ Great. :/
17:33 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest
17:33 kaeza or at least it's not documented in .example
17:34 kaeza LazyJ,
17:35 LazyJ Thanks kaeza.
17:35 LazyJ Already see a loop-hole.
17:35 sfan5 nothing is perfect
17:35 LazyJ The chat can be spammed by a single character.
17:36 kaeza no, because of the other settings
17:36 LazyJ If a non-coder like me can figure this out so easily and quickly, more code-savvy trolls will do worse.
17:37 VanessaE how exactly do I enable the profiler?
17:37 LazyJ The 10-second time-out? No good.
17:37 LazyJ Create a CSM to intermittently spam chat and a bot to relogin after being kicked.
17:37 Krock VanessaE, do you mean "instrument.profiler"?
17:38 VanessaE Krock: yeah, whatever it is people are calling the mod profiler
17:38 fireglow LazyJ: so?
17:38 VanessaE (and, why is this not documented?)
17:38 fireglow no system is 100% effective in removing spam
17:38 LazyJ Chat spam is annoying fireglow.
17:38 kaeza VanessaE, it is in settingtypes.txt
17:38 kaeza but for some reason not in .conf
17:38 fireglow LazyJ: so propose a system that deals with it
17:38 Krock oh, apparently it's "profiler.load"
17:38 agaran fireglow: well if you turn off internets, you have no spam ;)
17:38 fireglow agaran ;)
17:39 Krock instrument.profiler only profiles the profiler itself
17:39 kaeza VanessaE,
17:39 LazyJ fireglow, I did not create this problem and I did not give trolls the tools to make it worse. The ball goes back to the devs.
17:39 fireglow writing a minetest client is not that hard, it's been done in perl, hah
17:40 VanessaE thanks, kaeza
17:40 kaeza yqw
17:41 fireglow if alice wants to spam your server, LazyJ, alice will find a way
17:41 kaeza I guess people don't run too often
17:42 Krock what? this file even exists? :3
17:43 sfan5 it's a just a decoration
17:45 kaeza it used to be worse
17:45 kaeza it was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "beware of the leopard"
17:45 kaeza a.k.a. somewhere at the bottom of some file :)
17:53 Allonipad joined #minetest
18:00 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
18:03 red-002 I have a feeling #5452 will generate a lot of "entertaining" forum discussions
18:05 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
18:13 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Add clang format & skip build if no source file modified (#5433) 22567d1 (2017-03-25T18:12:18Z)
18:16 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
18:21 Allonipad joined #minetest
18:23 Allonphone joined #minetest
18:23 red-002 Ronsor, adding a way to break blocks is probably not a good idea
18:23 All|knowing joined #minetest
18:24 red-002 it's unlikely to be merged
18:26 Krock hehe kaeza, unbelieveable that you've found that file in such a place
18:52 GNU[BDC] how to make mt server use more cores?
18:52 Krock doubt that's possible
18:53 Krock at least the mapgen can be spread on multiple threads
18:53 Krock # num_emerge_threads = 1
18:53 Out`Of`Control Krock:  when i use WE to tweak, mt uses only 1 core.
18:53 agaran because lua works as single tread thus one core
18:54 agaran and I doubt you will see multi-threaded lua anytime soon in MT.. it is very complex to get working multithreaded interpreters..
18:54 Krock but parallel running threads could be executed on a different core IIRC
18:55 Out`Of`Control but mods and so all run on one core
18:55 Krock exactly. that's why Lua mapgens will never be faster than C++ ones (with the same functionality)
18:56 Out`Of`Control need to sell other 3 cores lol
18:56 Krock i7 out, adapter and P 1 in
18:57 Krock a trophy to the one who manages to do such a hardware hack
18:58 Out`Of`Control or i have to run 2x WE each on its own core haha
19:00 sofar the cost of multithreading would be more locks
19:00 sofar and locks would slow down lots of simple operations
19:01 sofar without profiling data, it's not possible to even determine what could be made parallel
19:02 agaran sofar: I thought once about making just map save/load/management thread as separate, but I didn't even tried to estabilish how much changes it might cause, just used some part of ceph inner architecture as an reference idea
19:04 sofar you really need to profile the server separately without any locally connected clients
19:05 sofar so, you can't even profile the server if you have only 1 machine
19:05 tpe joined #minetest
19:08 agaran well I do have >1 so..
19:11 Sokomine i still wonder if all the copying of data between core and lua when using lua mapgens isn't one of the major factors of slowdown. at least it seemed to be so in my tests. has been a while since i last looked
19:12 agaran Sokomine: it may be, I am not remembering who, proved results that doing all-lua stuff was faster than C++ side calling maany lua callbacks
19:26 swift110 joined #minetest
19:26 diemartin joined #minetest
19:27 All|knowing joined #minetest
19:56 est31 joined #minetest
19:58 All|knowing left #minetest
20:00 strncpy joined #minetest
20:01 strncpy Hi
20:01 red-002 hi
20:03 * red-002 waits for strcpy to join
20:04 sfan5 you can't that's unsafe
20:04 agaran ;)
20:05 diemartin char s[5]; strncpy(s, "Hello", sizeof(s));
20:05 diemartin <_<
20:05 sfan5 diemartin: what happens if sizeof(char) != 1
20:06 diemartin magic?
20:06 sfan5 nah
20:06 sfan5 the c standard prohibits that
20:07 diemartin hence, non-standard behavior, aka magic :)
20:21 Milan[m] can't i check for player privs on_construct? it works somehow only on_punch for me o.O
20:26 ^v joined #minetest
20:26 Szkodnix joined #minetest
20:30 Tmanyo joined #minetest
20:35 rubenwardy joined #minetest
20:35 rubenwardy joined #minetest
20:37 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
20:39 swift110 joined #minetest
20:53 fireglow important safety announcement re. cats
20:53 sfan5 !title
20:53 MinetestBot sfan5: Remove cat before flight - YouTube
20:57 Ronsor red-002: I don't mind having a way to break blocks
20:57 Ronsor i'll just have to write a program that will apply my patches to minetest
20:58 Ronsor and distribute my own builds
21:12 Ronsor It seems to me people from non-English speaking countries and children are the main demographic of Minetest
21:13 Ronsor atleast according to the people that join my server
21:13 Ronsor out of this, atleast 50% of them are bound to grief
21:13 sfan5 that's the main demographic of the android client
21:13 sfan5 which dominate the playerbase
21:13 Ronsor 80% of guests are going to grief
21:15 Krock use the setting "default_password" and paste the password into the description to keep off kids
21:15 Ronsor i like kids
21:15 Ronsor for me, the kids aren't the griefers
21:15 PureTryOut[m] really? most Minetest players use the Android client?
21:15 Ronsor mostly non-English speakers; likely because of language barriers making it impossible to communicate rules
21:15 Ronsor though my server allows griefing
21:15 Ronsor and wars
21:15 PureTryOut[m] tbh I find that hard to believe
21:16 Ronsor i sure don't
21:16 Ronsor I have lots of users on iPads and android phones & tablets
21:16 sfan5 PureTryOut[m]: heres the stats
21:16 Ronsor the iPad users have a bootleg minetest installed
21:16 Krock alyways these ninjas ^
21:16 Ronsor like Worldcraft
21:16 Krock was two seconds too late to hit enter for the same link
21:17 Krock s/lyw/lw/
21:17 fireglow 1927468 servers??
21:17 PureTryOut[m] 1.7m+ players? what the hell?!?
21:17 PureTryOut[m] or servers?
21:18 Krock that's the number of calls to the server
21:18 Krock if each player checks out the server list 20 times this number goes fast downwards
21:18 fireglow oh players, these are the weblogs from the serverlist the client fetches
21:18 Ronsor hey that can be part of advertising
21:18 Ronsor Minetest: over 1.7 MILLION players: JOIN TODAY!
21:19 Krock must play minetest more often again to push the windows stats upwards >:)
21:19 Ronsor Or I could just write a script to inflate stats
21:20 PureTryOut[m] Krock: hell no, get it down lower by switching to Linux!
21:20 Krock PureTryOut[m], my browser is linux, Minetest windows ;)
21:20 Ronsor I use both
21:21 PureTryOut[m] wut, why?
21:21 Ronsor depending on convenience
21:21 Ronsor because I have both
21:21 Krock PureTryOut[m], useragents are magic.
21:21 PureTryOut[m] I know how it works, but why would you want to play Minetest on Windows? 0_0 screw Windows :p
21:22 Milan[m] wow didn't expect different results between `function(pos, node, puncher)` and `function(pos,puncher,node)`
21:22 Ronsor I know windoze sucks
21:22 Milan[m] windows... i don't miss these days
21:22 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
21:22 PureTryOut[m] Of course it sucks, it's proprietary :p
21:22 Krock Milan[m], it's not the spaces that matter btw. it's the argument sorting
21:22 PureTryOut[m] that in itself makes it suck. and then there are the technical aspects on which it sucks
21:23 PureTryOut[m] not saying that Linux is perfect though
21:23 Krock oh shit. look at this discussion that I started :<
21:23 Milan[m] well the spaces would be even more confusing :D i dodn't know that sorting even matters #todayilearned
21:23 Milan[m] *didn't
21:24 Ronsor it always matters in programming
21:24 PureTryOut[m] of course you'll start a discussion by mentioning you use Windows :p
21:24 Milan[m] but thanks for pointing out, krock!
21:24 PureTryOut[m] it should start a discussion imo
21:24 Ronsor >Windows
21:24 Ronsor I prefer Unixy systems
21:24 Ronsor but i'm writing my own OS
21:24 Krock Milan[m], in Lua it's not that logical but in other languages it would throw you an error for passing a different type to an argument of a function
21:25 Ronsor e.g. C
21:25 Ronsor which will atleast warn you
21:25 Milan[m] unixy systems? i don't like macos that much
21:25 Ronsor Unixy = {BSD,Linux,MacOS}
21:25 Ronsor I prefer Linux, BSD second
21:25 Ronsor MacOS is a good user-facing Unix
21:25 PureTryOut[m] I dislike proprietary systems in general, no matter if it's Unixy or not. but yeah I prefer unixy over NT-y as well
21:25 PureTryOut[m] like ReactOS is a good project, but I would never use it myself
21:25 Milan[m] krock, sounds like when i finally go learn golang, i won't run in such an error, right?^^
21:26 Krock no idea about golang
21:26 PureTryOut[m] let's start a new discussion
21:26 PureTryOut[m] Rust > Golang
21:26 Ronsor Golang > Rust
21:26 Milan[m] ewwww
21:26 Krock Golang + Rust < C(++)
21:26 Ronsor Golang has more sugar (i.e. built in features)
21:26 Ronsor I honestly prefer C when I don't need too many features
21:27 Ronsor C++ has gotten out of hand lately
21:27 Ronsor they keep adding more stuff
21:27 Milan[m] that's not fair i wanted to have golang and now people are against it
21:27 PureTryOut[m] new discussion, Vim > Emacs
21:27 Ronsor I like golang
21:27 Milan[m] *as my first real language
21:27 Ronsor Nano > Vim > Emacs
21:27 Ronsor no wait
21:27 PureTryOut[m] I'm not against Golang, I just think Rust is better. but tbf, I know jack shit about programming languages lol
21:27 Krock PureTryOut[m], the winner of that round will be Notepad.exe /s
21:27 Ronsor Cat > Nano > Vim > Emacs
21:27 Milan[m] whoooot nothing bigger then vim!
21:27 PureTryOut[m] Krock: > mfw installing Wine makes notepad.exe the default text editor for everything
21:27 Krock heheh
21:28 PureTryOut[m] Ronsor: ed > *
21:28 PureTryOut[m] ed is the default text editor
21:28 Milan[m] discourse>nodebb>mybb>phpbb
21:28 Ronsor hah i don't even have ed
21:28 Ronsor also i prefer CustomBB
21:28 Ronsor as in write your own forum software!
21:28 Milan[m] hah.
21:28 Ronsor Warning: 82412394012834012 XSS bugs found
21:29 PureTryOut[m] new discussion: Matrix > IRC > everything else > Discord
21:29 Krock PureTryOut[m], how can "ed > *" be true if ed ∈ (element of) *
21:29 Ronsor Discord < *
21:29 Ronsor also
21:29 Milan[m] forgot about mumble completly :(
21:29 Ronsor ed > (!(ed) in *)->Array()
21:29 Milan[m] mastodon>gnusocial>twitter
21:29 PureTryOut[m] Milan: I did not. it falls under the "everything else" category
21:30 Ronsor mastodon it!
21:30 PureTryOut[m] but tbf you can't compare Mumble and IRC lol
21:30 Ronsor but mastodon is under the AGPL
21:30 Ronsor which i think is evil personally
21:30 Ronsor (I like the regular GPL btw)
21:30 PureTryOut[m] AGPL > *
21:30 Milan[m] oh come on...
21:30 Ronsor AGPL < (* - [AGPL])
21:30 Ronsor the AGPL is an EULA basically
21:30 PureTryOut[m] so... when will Minetest go AGPL3 everywhere?
21:30 Ronsor It doesn't only restrict redistribution
21:31 Ronsor also if Minetest tries to go AGPL I'll have to fork it
21:31 PureTryOut[m] gl with that lol
21:31 Ronsor Minetest should go with regular GPL to be honest
21:31 Ronsor LGPL is best for libraries
21:31 PureTryOut[m] agreed
21:31 Calinou Ronsor: LGPL means "lesser" as of 2.1
21:31 Milan[m] but if someone wanna follow me there:
21:31 Ronsor I know that
21:31 sfan5 Ronsor: there are no plans for any kind of license change in mt
21:31 Ronsor but still it's technically used for libaries
21:31 Calinou it doesn't make much difference in the context of a program like Minetest, it's still a suitable license
21:31 Calinou it's not like we're using CC BY on code
21:32 Ronsor yeah
21:32 Ronsor that would be a MIT license basically
21:32 Calinou no, it'd be worse
21:32 Ronsor anyway I think i want to install matrix now
21:32 Ronsor wait i don't think i have enough disk space
21:32 Ronsor or ram
21:32 Ronsor matrix's server is memory hog
21:32 PureTryOut[m] I do like that Minetest's default textures are all CC BY. allows it to be included with regular package managers
21:32 Ronsor i mean 2gb is ridiculous for chat
21:33 PureTryOut[m] Ronsor: people report that it runs fine on a RPi3 (1GB RAM)
21:33 Ronsor It does?
21:33 Ronsor I wonder how much disk it takes
21:33 Ronsor i have 120MB left
21:33 Milan[m] you can restrict memory and you can expect something around 400M - beside, they're rewriting to a new golang server
21:33 Ronsor (yay USB drives)
21:33 PureTryOut[m] and the main devs are working on a new (proper) homeserver implementation written in Golang
21:33 Ronsor ooh golang
21:33 Ronsor I want to help with that
21:33 PureTryOut[m] should be way more efficient
21:33 Milan[m] do it
21:33 Milan[m]
21:33 PureTryOut[m] ^ JUST DO IT
21:34 Ronsor just do it(R)
21:34 Milan[m] wait, i confused them
21:34 Milan[m]
21:34 PureTryOut[m] yeah Dendron isn't the right one. they should remove the repo imo
21:34 Ronsor yeah
21:34 Ronsor it's ded
21:35 Milan[m] i still want you folks on mastodon :(
21:35 Ronsor Mastodon it!
21:35 Ronsor still affero
21:35 Milan[m] mimimimimi
21:35 Ronsor which is why i'm working on a new project
21:35 Milan[m] the dev of masto is a humand - u can talk to him about it
21:36 Milan[m] -d
21:36 Milan[m] rofl
21:36 Ronsor *-d is the correct syntax
21:37 Milan[m] this is the correct license, this is the correct syntax ... opensource itself doesn't matter anymore in the minetest irc...
21:37 Ronsor *free software
21:37 Ronsor I pulled a stallmanism
21:37 Milan[m] oh come on
21:39 Ronsor heh
21:39 PureTryOut[m] what you are reffering to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux...
21:40 Ronsor Stop right there
21:40 Ronsor it's GNU/BSD/X11/MIT/Linux
21:40 Ronsor oh man you made me do it
21:40 Ronsor it's GNU/BSD/X11/MIT/Minetest/Firefox/Chrome/Linux
21:42 Milan[m] ewww `on_construct = function(pos, node, placer)` still don't work :(
21:42 PureTryOut[m] s/whateveryoujustsaid/systemd
21:42 Ronsor Systemd will replace linux soon enough
21:44 Milan[m] can't `minetest.check_player_privs` work `on_construct` in general or is it my code?
21:44 Milan[m] this time i am sure i do the same thing like i did on_punch
21:45 All|knowing joined #minetest
21:46 diemartin what is your code?
21:46 Ronsor Please PazteBin it
21:47 Allonphone joined #minetest
21:48 Milan[m] something like this atm
21:48 red-002 physics/silicon/gnu/linux
21:50 Ronsor Universe/Linux
21:50 diemartin Milan[m], those two `if`s are not equivalent
21:51 Milan[m] yes, i know but my problem is that player stays nil :/
21:51 Milan[m] or...placer in this case
21:51 diemartin Milan[m], >on_construct = func(pos),
21:52 red-002 still waiting for Room-temperature superconductor/power grid/minix 3
21:52 diemartin there's no placer argument to on_construc
21:52 diemartin +t
21:52 diemartin Milan[m], maybe you meant on_place ?
21:53 diemartin or something else
21:53 Milan[m] on_place somehow failed to place the item completly with this...
21:54 Milan[m] but yeah - comparing with my check on tnt i guess i really forgot something :o
21:54 Milan[m] or not ..or hm... scratching head
21:55 Milan[m] how would this argument look like / where exactly do i have to study the docs for it, diemartin?
21:55 diemartin Milan[m], are you explicitly setting the node in on_place?
21:56 diemartin Milan[m], lua_api.txt should be the definitive ref
21:57 Milan[m] will have a look again...ty
22:00 kaeza yw
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