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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-03-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 Taoki joined #minetest
00:16 OldCoder joined #minetest
00:31 Viper168 joined #minetest
01:23 turtleman_ joined #minetest
01:26 Zeno` joined #minetest
01:44 GaboXandre left #minetest
01:58 OldCoder joined #minetest
01:59 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:05 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
02:23 Chanku joined #minetest
02:30 Chanku Alright so I need some help
02:32 Chanku wait nevermind
02:36 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:39 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:11 tim_flatus joined #minetest
03:26 Haudegen joined #minetest
03:26 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
03:33 Freejack joined #minetest
03:37 WarrTab joined #minetest
03:39 LazyJ joined #minetest
04:08 LazyJ joined #minetest
04:13 jordan4ibanez I finally did it
04:14 jordan4ibanez c++ that isn't hello world
04:31 Viper168 joined #minetest
04:39 barrydk joined #minetest
05:00 DMackey joined #minetest
05:14 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
05:14 mazal joined #minetest
05:19 Guest joined #minetest
05:24 chchjesus_ joined #minetest
05:37 lemonade joined #minetest
06:15 Megaf joined #minetest
06:34 manax joined #minetest
06:36 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
06:52 someguy_irc joined #minetest
06:54 Shackra joined #minetest
06:55 Shackra hello!
06:55 Shackra how deep should I dig to start finding diamonds, and also I want to know if I go deeper I will find diamonds anyway?
06:57 Shackra I have found more mese ore actually
06:57 Shackra but no diamonds yet
06:57 Shackra I'm at -320
07:03 Viper Shackra: get near 1k
07:07 Shackra wow, ok. Thanks Viper
07:07 Viper168 yup
07:08 Viper168 :P
07:09 Shackra wow, I have found uranium at -3334
07:09 Shackra *-334
07:52 Haudegen joined #minetest
07:58 mazal If I have a chest with teleporter tube that teleports to a receiver that is about 150 nodes away , with nobody standing at the receiver , will it still go to it's destination , or must the area be loaded where the receiver is for it to work ?
07:59 mazal The destination is just a chest with receiver tube
08:04 srifqi joined #minetest
08:12 FreeFull joined #minetest
08:18 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:18 gorilla joined #minetest
08:30 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:32 Zeno` joined #minetest
08:41 Drangue joined #minetest
08:42 alket joined #minetest
08:43 FR^2 joined #minetest
08:43 Dartmouth joined #minetest
08:47 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Ensure that heightmap is initialized before use d4e210e (2015-03-10T18:46:28+10:00)
08:51 turtleman_ joined #minetest
08:57 Akagi201 joined #minetest
09:03 Trustable joined #minetest
09:04 Yepoleb joined #minetest
09:05 Dartmouth joined #minetest
09:08 ekem bananas
09:09 Dartmouth ^this
09:40 Haudegen joined #minetest
09:49 est31 joined #minetest
09:54 sofar joined #minetest
10:11 mazal joined #minetest
10:11 barrydk_ joined #minetest
10:12 FreeFull joined #minetest
10:22 JamesTait joined #minetest
10:23 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Organize Your Home Office Day! :D
10:25 LazyJ joined #minetest
10:31 Viper168_ joined #minetest
10:44 someguy_irc_ joined #minetest
10:55 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
10:55 stormchaser3000 oh dear
10:55 stormchaser3000
10:57 Haudegen joined #minetest
11:19 crazyR joined #minetest
11:19 crazyR joined #minetest
11:31 alket__w joined #minetest
11:33 Dartmouth joined #minetest
11:36 Dartmouth_ joined #minetest
11:50 theTroy joined #minetest
12:03 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:15 farfadet46 joined #minetest
12:15 farfadet46 hi
12:36 brothersome joined #minetest
12:36 brothersome Question: How do I start minetest with a  leveldb for data
12:42 turtleman_ joined #minetest
12:43 est brothersome, new world or move existing one?
12:44 brothersome First create file, but it still creates a rollback.sqlite
12:45 est rollback is always created as sqlite
12:45 est but no map data is stored thee
12:45 est only player's actions
12:45 est there*
12:45 brothersome Strange that the database option can only be set in and not in the graphics
12:46 est its mostly for server owners
12:46 est and people who know technology
12:47 est so you know technology, you can already change the file
12:47 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:47 brothersome I did, thanks, I try to help the admin for creating a map on - The data seems to be corrupt
12:52 est why corrupt?
13:01 Haudegen joined #minetest
13:03 Zeno` joined #minetest
13:12 est arch linux distributes minetest under the GPL
13:12 est which is wrong
13:12 est because they can only distribute it under GPL v2.1 +
13:12 est or LGPL v2.1+
13:12 est but not GPL
13:12 est GPL means that you chose the version
13:12 est as licensee
13:15 enricom joined #minetest
13:23 Tablet_One joined #minetest
13:25 ruskie joined #minetest
13:42 est31 joined #minetest
13:55 kilbith joined #minetest
13:55 kilbith left #minetest
14:09 Xenoth joined #minetest
14:18 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:38 Drangue joined #minetest
14:39 est31 can anybody say what is about?
14:39 est31 is it about making minetest to a cheap copy of minecraft?
14:40 raffahacks joined #minetest
14:43 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:43 raffahacks left #minetest
14:46 theTroy1 joined #minetest
14:47 Zeno` can anybody say why that when I search for "documentary" on youtube that 99% of the results are crap about UFOs and ghosts?
14:48 est31 lol
14:48 est31 you keep watching them?
14:48 est31 :P
14:49 Zeno` well, there are no other results so of course
14:49 Zeno` lmao (kidding!)
14:49 Zeno` I will watch this serious doco about atlantis
14:50 est31 upload one about minetest
14:50 est31 then watch that
14:50 Zeno` Minetest.  The secrets of the Ancients.
14:50 raffahacks joined #minetest
14:50 Zeno` Shocking new conclusions!
14:51 raffahacks left #minetest
14:52 Zeno` "Are the worlds of minetest alternate universes? In this documentary we provide definitive proof that suggests that they are"
14:53 Zeno` "Watch to see how we prove that Perlin and semi-simplex noise actually represent alternative realities"
14:53 Hirato cosmic horrors revealed! What lurks in the depths of minetest's deepest caverns!
14:54 Zeno` yeah!
14:54 Zeno` actually it might be more interesting than this crap I am looking at now, lol
14:54 Hirato anything with cosmic horrors usually is
14:54 Zeno` true
14:54 Zeno` and hidden secrets
14:55 Zeno` arrgh
14:55 Zeno` Atlantis is apparently is Spain
14:55 * Zeno` stops watching that one
14:55 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest
15:02 srifqi joined #minetest
15:04 srifqi ~support
15:04 srifqi !help
15:04 MinetestBot
15:05 est31 ?
15:05 est31 ~source
15:05 ShadowBot My source is at -- Custom plugins are at
15:05 est31 if you need that one
15:06 srifqi ah, thanks for reminding est31 (aka est :D)
15:37 farfadet46 joined #minetest
15:37 farfadet46 hi !
15:47 farfadet46 left #minetest
15:59 alket joined #minetest
16:05 roniz joined #minetest
16:07 Calinou joined #minetest
16:12 turtleman_ joined #minetest
16:25 e1z0 joined #minetest
16:39 tpe joined #minetest
16:42 ImQ009 joined #minetest
16:43 Viper168 joined #minetest
16:45 Tg1 joined #minetest
16:48 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:04 alket joined #minetest
17:11 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
17:12 DI3HARD139 How can I force a spawn location? I setup static_spawnpoint in the minetest.conf file but it spawns players elsewhere.
17:13 est31 DI3HARD139, perhaps wait for restart?
17:13 est31 s/wait//
17:14 est31 s/for//
17:14 est31 s/  / /g
17:14 DI3HARD139 I restarted it twice and its still doing it.
17:14 est31 is it setting the static spawnpoint every time?
17:15 ProfOak joined #minetest
17:15 Haudegen joined #minetest
17:15 Volcanion joined #minetest
17:15 Volcanion Hello
17:15 VanessaE hi
17:15 DI3HARD139 hi
17:15 ProfOak iH
17:15 Ataron joined #minetest
17:15 Volcanion Hi ProfOak
17:15 est31 hi
17:15 est31 hi VanessaE
17:15 Volcanion Hi VanessaE
17:15 DI3HARD139 I set the spawnpoint to: static_spawnpoint = 27.9, 21.5, 153.8, yaw=298.6 but it keeps spawning in the default location 0, 10, 0
17:16 VanessaE lose the spaces and lose the yaw= argument
17:16 est31 no yaw
17:16 est31 yup
17:16 Volcanion Is MineTest born before was Minecraft created?
17:16 DI3HARD139 ok ty
17:16 VanessaE Volcanion: it was created shortly after Minecraft
17:16 Volcanion Thanks
17:16 VanessaE but draws its i nspiration from the same place as Minecraft does -- infiniminer.
17:16 VanessaE inspiration*
17:17 est31 but not as clone i think, am I right?
17:17 VanessaE Minecraft started as a more-or-less clone of Infiniminer.  Minetest started as an alternative to Minecraft but not really as a clone.
17:18 Volcanion And... there are multiplayer servers?
17:18 VanessaE Volcanion: of course.
17:18 est31 yes many
17:18 VanessaE
17:18 Volcanion Yay
17:18 jbb joined #minetest
17:18 jbb hi
17:18 Volcanion Oh, there are OVER 9000 servers
17:18 Volcanion XD
17:18 jbb is somebody here?
17:18 VanessaE in the "Client" tab of the game that you download, you can access the "Public Server list", which is ^^^^^ that
17:19 VanessaE (but rendered in a different form, of course)
17:19 jbb How can you generate rees without plantslib?
17:19 jbb with plantslib
17:19 jbb the rtrees will not get into the default
17:20 VanessaE jbb: you don't need plants_lib for that
17:20 jbb no
17:20 Volcanion Are there only english and american people? Or there are users from all the world?
17:20 exio4 wow, the server list has got more servers than the last time I checked it
17:20 VanessaE Volcanion: all over the world.
17:20 Volcanion Oh, cool
17:20 VanessaE mostly english-speaking, but not always american
17:20 jbb it is able to do this without plantslib
17:20 * est31 is from germany
17:20 jbb im from germany
17:20 Volcanion I'm from Italy XD
17:20 exio4 VanessaE: we speak english even though it is not our native language
17:21 VanessaE jbb: the trees that you see plants_lib spawning come from the Minetest engine's spawn_tree() call and only require a position to spawn at, and an L-systems tree model
17:21 est31 english == lingua franca
17:21 VanessaE exio4: that was my point :)
17:21 exio4 Volcanion: Argentina here!
17:21 jbb but can you use only Minetest engine's spawn_tree()?
17:21 exio4 VanessaE: ah
17:21 VanessaE jbb: in plants_lib?  no.  you can use your own functions as well if you want.
17:21 Volcanion It's a good place the Argentina
17:22 jbb im and lnj want to add a birch biome
17:22 VanessaE take a look at the bushes or dryplants mods, they have good examples of the use-your-own-function method.
17:22 Volcanion (At school I haven't 10 in English)
17:22 jbb how are the jungletree ibiome programmed?
17:22 VanessaE well there's already a birch tree and biome def in moretrees, is that what you want?
17:22 exio4 Volcanion: of course mio amico!
17:23 Volcanion exio4: Do you speak italian?
17:23 jbb I think the birch is too big in moretrees
17:23 DI3HARD139 is it possible to make it so Im not looking at the floor upon spawning?
17:23 est31 ~topic
17:23 ShadowBot est31: Welcome to #minetest, the official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.12 (2015-02-18) | Responses may take a while, so be patient. | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
17:23 exio4 Volcanion: not so much, just a little bit
17:23 jbb and there are too much other trees
17:23 Volcanion Uhm, cool
17:23 exio4 Volcanion: mio italiano non sei molto bene (?) :P
17:23 Volcanion O........k
17:24 est31 wasn't there a list of language channels
17:24 VanessaE jbb: try the "tiny trees" mod then.  it's similar to moretrees but with much smaller models
17:24 * est31 wonders
17:24 jbb thank you
17:24 exio4 I know! I know! don't laugh at it! :P
17:25 jbb this mod is ok
17:25 jbb but it although adds trees I dont like
17:25 VanessaE make a fork of it and remove the trees you don't want
17:26 jbb googd idea
17:26 VanessaE all you have to do is remove the plantslib:register_generate_plant() calls
17:26 jbb It doesnt work without plantslib?
17:26 VanessaE afaik it uses plants_lib to do its work
17:27 VanessaE yep, it does.
17:27 jbb and the default jungletrees?
17:28 Volcanion What means "yep"?  I do not speak English very well ...
17:28 jbb the same like "yes"
17:28 VanessaE default jungle trees are a mapgen feature. then them on in your map_meta.txt
17:28 Volcanion Thanks
17:29 jbb but you could add it to the mapgen
17:29 VanessaE Volcanion: he is correct.  yep, yeah, yes all mean the same thing but with slightly different emotions behind them
17:30 VanessaE jbb: I don't need to.  edit your world's map_meta.txt, find the mgv6_spflags line, and make sure it has "jungles" in it (make sure it does NOT say "nojungles")
17:31 DI3HARD139 VanessaE: Is it possible to set the spawnpoint so Im not looking at the floor?
17:31 STHGOM joined #minetest
17:32 VanessaE DI3HARD139: no.  the spawnpoint only decides where you end up.  you'll need to set an on-joinplayer hook to point he player in the right direction manually
17:32 VanessaE the*
17:32 VanessaE
17:32 DI3HARD139 Ok thanks
17:32 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:33 VanessaE you'll need to make a mod for that, or perhaps write a function to point the player properly, and add it to your spawn mod so that both /spawn and join-player can call that function
17:34 DI3HARD139 ok
17:34 VanessaE you'll need these two functions to point the player's look direction:
17:34 VanessaE
17:34 VanessaE
17:35 VanessaE oops, second one is wrong - you want the one at line 2379.
17:35 est31 DI3HARD139, you can start from this mod:
17:40 fusion44 joined #minetest
17:41 DI3HARD139 Do I just add those to a random .lua file or are there lines that go under it?
17:43 VanessaE you need to know how to code in Lua a bit to use those lines.
17:45 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
17:52 turtleman_ joined #minetest
17:56 Shackra joined #minetest
17:57 nrzkt joined #minetest
17:59 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
18:01 DI3HARD139 Is there any way to reduce the max lag. Ive seen mine at 17 at one point and the server stops responding.
18:01 DI3HARD139 this was at the local level
18:04 VanessaE depends what you're running
18:04 DI3HARD139 like mods or hardware/
18:04 DI3HARD139 ?
18:05 est31 mods
18:05 nrzkt VanessaE: if i understand you tell me that the problems you are talking about are not related to network changes ?
18:06 VanessaE nrzkt: at least the player going flat is not.  I have not established if anything else is or not.
18:06 VanessaE I was able to reproduce that on stable-0.4 branch
18:07 VanessaE (while trying to sort out an unrelated issue)
18:07 ElectronLibre I've seen flat players with 0.4.9-servers. It shouldn't be related to your work nrzkt.
18:07 nrzkt flat player cannot be related to network, and i don't think other too because if a packet is corrupted every transaction using this packet is corrupted, the network pipe is a simple pipe, you pass or you corrupt, impossible to have another behavious between pass and corrupt :)
18:07 nrzkt s/i don't think/i think/
18:08 VanessaE actually is IS network related - it happens when the player is emerged before the player model is received/loaded, something like that.  It's a protocol failure but apparently it predates your rewrite.
18:08 DI3HARD139 I'm running: Animals Modpack, Areas, Bridges, Cannons, Carpet, Carts, Currency, Digilines, Factory, Fake Fire, Farming Plus, Fire Arms, Home Decor, Jail, Locks, Mesecons, More blocks, More Ores, Name Restrictions, Nightclub, Noncubix, Pipeworks, spawn (ty for the link est31).....
18:09 DI3HARD139 Spinge, Streets, Technic, Teleporters, Travelnet, Unified Inventory, Unified Bricks, Unified Dyes, Wardrobe and world edit
18:09 VanessaE if no player model is available when the player object is emerged, it somehow falls back to the old flat sprite.  that's what I recall from the last time this happened.
18:09 DI3HARD139 sponge*
18:09 VanessaE and if no player *texture* is available, it falls back to the old "green guy" skin as well.
18:09 nrzkt i don't think it's a protocol failure. It seems it's a thread sync failure
18:09 VanessaE (otherwise it renders the player skin either flat or on the model)
18:10 VanessaE well some core dev determined it to be a protocol failure. I don't remember who.
18:10 nrzkt but i'm working to improve all of that but it's impossible to have compat with old model i think because they are too many things to rework into client session init on client side
18:11 nrzkt i already see the issue you mentionned and it was related to server thread sync between emergethread and serverthread, one was, i don't know why, too long to give the data, then the client became stuck like you said
18:13 crazyR joined #minetest
18:14 VanessaE between that and the ghost entity problem, running a server is becoming increasingly frustrating.
18:15 VanessaE and now this "death loop" problem, too.
18:15 VanessaE (these predate your changes)
18:15 nrzkt you DB is not too stressed ? what is you backend ?
18:16 VanessaE leveldb
18:16 VanessaE and the db is only ~8GB
18:17 VanessaE actually wait, that's the larger server that doesn't have as many probs
18:17 VanessaE root@ns368334:~# du -h --max-depth=1 /home/minetest/.minetest/worlds/
18:17 VanessaE ...
18:17 VanessaE 2.1G/home/minetest/.minetest/worlds/Creative_World
18:17 est31 probs?
18:19 nrzkt leveldb can have better size
18:20 VanessaE these are fairly old worlds.
18:20 nrzkt maybe the database backend uses too stress on DB, i don't study it, but maybe transactions are not well used
18:20 VanessaE lots of development
18:20 VanessaE and some of that usage is the rollback log also
18:20 nrzkt emergethread uses lots of cpu on my server with redis when i'm working on it with some players, i think it's not normal. On wow emulators with 300 players the database thread used MySQL and uses less CPU
18:21 VanessaE some way is needed to tell dig-/place_node to not record into the rollback log
18:22 est31 VanessaE, why=
18:22 est31 why?
18:23 VanessaE est31: nodebreakers, deployers.
18:23 VanessaE quarries.
18:23 VanessaE every.  stupid.  action.  is recorded.
18:23 VanessaE which bloats rollback logs
18:23 est31 yes
18:23 VanessaE I just deleted a FIFTY FIVE GIGABYTE log.
18:23 est31 I have none of them and rollback got 2 GB in one week
18:23 est31 thats not ok
18:24 VanessaE (from VE-Survival, which is NOT the server that's having the problems)
18:24 Zytum joined #minetest
18:24 Zytum hi
18:24 sfan5 VanessaE: why do you enable rollback rec. then?
18:24 VanessaE either dig-/place_node needs to be told not to record, or those devices need to be rewritten to use set_node.
18:24 VanessaE sfan5: because griefing is still a problem on those servers. but I was just thinking about turning it off.
18:25 est31 set_node doesn't record players
18:25 est31 also, cheapies builds are all not protected
18:25 VanessaE est31: that's my point.
18:25 est31 or most of them
18:25 est31 but thats important, to work inside protected areas
18:27 VanessaE yeah, that's the only real solution - nodebreakers, deployers, quarries need to be modified to use set_node instead.
18:27 Krock joined #minetest
18:27 nrzkt note to core-dev, i will work on our minetest distribution for minetest on Android with a free price and without advertisments.
18:28 nrzkt my jenkins already build android apps for me on google play store, i only need the NDK to generate the right APK and add the software signatures.
18:30 Krock eeks, always those technical terms
18:31 Krock but well, every help is welcome
18:34 est31 nrzkt, can you do automated builds of every pull request of minetest on github?
18:35 est31 because then we would solve problem we have travis for android: missing RAM
18:35 nrzkt i can do it with my jenkins but i need some of my RAM memory on my server :p
18:36 nrzkt i do it for my github android app :)
18:36 nrzkt but there is travis here, and it could not be my decision
18:36 nrzkt
18:37 ElectronLibre ^ WARNING: French. May your eyes not burn.
18:37 DI3HARD139 lol
18:37 Krock ElectronLibre, thanks for the warning.
18:37 nrzkt if you look at this i have a build on every minetest branch for windows and for UNIX, but it's bind on my fork
18:38 nrzkt i also prepared a release build for windows 32 bit using cross compilation which was working :)
18:38 Krock ElectronLibre, what are you talking about? It detects the language of your browser
18:38 VanessaE Krock: nope.avi
18:38 nrzkt and with jenkins please note we can mutualize compilation times by adding slaves for builds :)
18:38 ElectronLibre Oh. Great.
18:38 VanessaE it renders in french on my box also.
18:39 ElectronLibre Oh. Not great.
18:39 nrzkt if someone give a user access to another server with SSH jenkins can connect to it for doing a build task :)
18:39 VanessaE well mostly (a few english words on the left)
18:39 Calinou thanks for making your Jenkins public
18:39 VanessaE nice work, nrzkt
18:40 Krock VanessaE, wat? Perhaps is the english translation incomplete.
18:41 nrzkt no problem but at this time it's on my repo, not on minetest repo, except windows release i think :)
18:41 nrzkt for the PR i can use the same API as my PR integration for ownCloud SMS app :)
18:42 nrzkt then if other core dev want to improve the process we can think together to improve it
18:44 nrzkt with this jenkins it could be possible to add some releases for example 1 snapshot per week
18:45 Jordach joined #minetest
18:45 nrzkt i can produce: FreeBSD builds (because it's a FreeBSD), Linux builds (dpkg and maybe RPM, but dpkg, sure), and also windows-32 builds
18:45 Calinou automatic daily builds is good
18:45 twoelk joined #minetest
18:46 nrzkt oh i see we are talking in the wrong chan for this :p
18:46 nrzkt can we talk into minetest-dev ? :p
18:46 Calinou yes
18:46 Krock as long they're built with MinGW I don't need to worry :3
18:47 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:47 est31 nrzkt, I can help you with android builds
18:47 est31 I can give you shell scripts that does them
18:48 nrzkt est31 ==> #minetest-dev :)
18:51 Shackra why the technic machines and generators says that they have no network if I use their corresponding cable to connect each other?
18:52 VanessaE Shackra: you need a switching station
18:52 VanessaE think of it as a router or controller
18:52 est31 only question in faq lol
18:52 Shackra Oh, ok
18:53 VanessaE [machine] [switching station] [power source]
18:53 VanessaE #---------------#---------------#
18:53 Shackra ah, ok
18:53 Shackra I though one could connect them directly
18:53 VanessaE est31: no one reads FAQs :)
18:54 Shackra how do I use the geothermal generator?
18:54 VanessaE Shackra: they're still connected directly via the cables, but the switching station has to be on the same circuit also, to "route" the energy "packets" around.
18:54 twoelk call it cheat codes and everyone will look
18:54 Krock the switching station should be placed in the center of all your machines to make sure it's always loaded
18:54 Shackra VanessaE: ok!
18:54 est31 twoelk, lol
18:54 Krock Shackra, put lava and water near on each side
18:55 Shackra oh!
18:55 Shackra ok
18:55 VanessaE (yes I know, horribly inaccurate analogy but it works)
18:55 twoelk cobblegenerator?
18:55 VanessaE Shackra: water on two opposite sides, lava on the other two sides, but move the lava down one meter
18:55 twoelk if you are not careful
18:55 VanessaE (water even with the machine, lava below it)
18:56 VanessaE otherwise, ^^^^ that happens
18:56 Shackra do you have a picture of the setup? just to be sure
18:56 VanessaE of course if you have gloopblocks, you can just keep it all even with the machine ;)
19:01 VanessaE Shackra: screenshot coming...
19:01 VanessaE
19:01 Shackra VanessaE: great!
19:02 ShadowNinja VanessaE: set_node records to the rollback log.  The engine has a rollback context.
19:02 VanessaE that's a LV geotherm on the left, a switching station to its right, and on the far right a LV furnace and batt box.
19:02 VanessaE ShadowNinja: damn it.
19:02 VanessaE est31: ^^^^
19:03 VanessaE ShadowNinja: you see how I put the water up at the same Y location as the geoterm, and the two lava nodes at one meter below them?
19:03 VanessaE erp.. . Shackra ^^^^^
19:03 Shackra VanessaE: thank you very much!
19:04 Krock VanessaE, since when do those copper connections have a white isolation?
19:04 VanessaE Krock: since a couple of months.
19:04 VanessaE LV wires have grey insulation, MV has black, HV has black/yellow stripes
19:04 Krock ah. Looks like I don't use technic enough
19:06 Jordach u wot m8
19:06 Jordach >osiris threat
19:06 Jordach u wot m8
19:08 est31 VanessaE, lava needs to be below? is that recent change?
19:08 VanessaE est31: it's not a change in technic, so much as a trick to avoid lavacooling in minetest_game
19:08 VanessaE having both at the same Y level as the geotherm would work fine...
19:09 VanessaE for the few seconds it'll take for minetest_game to change some of the sources into stone ;)
19:09 est31 really?
19:09 VanessaE yeah
19:09 est31 have thought its only on direct contact
19:09 VanessaE nope.
19:09 * est31 tests thazt
19:09 est31 that?
19:09 est31 that*
19:09 VanessaE gloopblocks, on the other hand, does check for direct contact, so the usual all-at-the-same-Y works fine in Dreambuilder. ;)
19:11 fling_ joined #minetest
19:11 est31 ok VanessaE you are right
19:11 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:11 Warr1024 joined #minetest
19:11 VanessaE yep.  I forget who showed me that trick originally
19:13 VanessaE ShadowNinja: so, then my original request still persists I guess.  set/add/etc need a flag to disable rollback recording. :-/
19:13 VanessaE and place/dig as well
19:13 VanessaE guess that would at least make changes to technic a bit easier ;)
19:16 Trixar_za joined #minetest
19:18 Jordach :O <JD-BFD> Server has been running for 265:40:47
19:19 rubenwardy !c 265/60
19:19 MinetestBot 4.416666666666667
19:19 Jordach wrong way m8
19:20 Warr1024 !c 265/24
19:20 MinetestBot 11.041666666666666
19:20 rubenwardy lol
19:20 Shackra VanessaE: my lava gets cool because of water :-/
19:21 Shackra your trick don't works :(
19:21 VanessaE Shackra: did you make sure to separate the water from the lava?
19:21 Shackra should I use glass too?
19:22 VanessaE using glass like I did?
19:22 VanessaE so the two can't flow into one another
19:22 Shackra yes
19:22 Shackra but I was using sand to separate them
19:23 VanessaE well any material will work but you probably missed a hole somewhere
19:23 Shackra humm...
19:23 VanessaE you have to make absolutely sure they can't touch
19:24 Shackra they can touch each other diagonally?
19:24 VanessaE they should not.
19:24 VanessaE but that's not possible to avoid of course
19:24 VanessaE so you have to completely separate the sources
19:25 VanessaE try moving the water sources up above the generator
19:25 VanessaE use glass to keep everything separated and to control the flows
19:26 Shackra ok
19:27 Shackra can the lava be under the generator and the water above it?
19:27 VanessaE yeah
19:27 VanessaE try that
19:27 Shackra I'll try that
19:27 VanessaE (I hate default lavacooling :( )
19:27 Warr1024 how should it work differently?
19:28 VanessaE Warr1024: like it does in gloopblocks ;)
19:28 Warr1024 oh, with the pumice and stuff?
19:28 VanessaE the water and lava should need to exactly touch to react
19:28 Haudegen joined #minetest
19:28 Warr1024 yeah, the proximity thing is weird right now
19:29 Warr1024 though tbh, there are lots of problems with 2 fluids touching.
19:29 Warr1024 I have flammable gas in my mod, and you can sometimes find it as a bubble under water...
19:29 est31 I dont like that no stone gets creates
19:29 est31 created*
19:29 est31 also I don't like that its so slow
19:33 VanessaE it's even slower in Dreambuilder ;)
19:33 VanessaE (though deliberately so)
19:33 est31 why
19:34 Shackra darn
19:34 Shackra it doesn't work either
19:34 Shackra lava below the generator, water above it
19:34 VanessaE to keep it from causing lag and it also results in a more natural-looking cooled flow
19:35 VanessaE Shackra: and completely separated by glass so that they can't possibly touch?
19:35 Shackra yup
19:35 VanessaE Shackra: what's happening?  cooling?
19:35 Shackra nop
19:35 VanessaE or the gen just doesn't turn on?
19:35 Shackra the generator doesn't work
19:35 VanessaE OH!
19:35 Shackra exactly
19:35 VanessaE why didn't you say so
19:36 Shackra :P
19:36 VanessaE you need to hook it up to a switching station and a machine, like I did
19:36 Shackra I did that
19:36 VanessaE did you use the right type of cabling and the right kind of machine and so forth?
19:36 Shackra the generator have a cable from one if its sides
19:36 VanessaE nono
19:36 VanessaE cables in the bottom
19:36 Shackra really?
19:37 Akagi201 joined #minetest
19:37 VanessaE I don't know which machines will accept cables from the sides
19:37 VanessaE but try it from the bottom
19:37 est31 many do
19:37 est31 but not all
19:37 VanessaE est31: they were never supposed to...
19:37 est31 ah really?
19:38 est31 ok then that technic bug can be solved easier
19:38 STHGOM left #minetest
19:38 est31 scroll up in #minetest-technic and read about the bug I discovered
19:38 est31 then I'll just disable adding fromm the sides altogether.
19:38 VanessaE check with ShadowNinja first
19:39 STHGOM joined #minetest
19:39 VanessaE the only machine that was ever supposed to accept a cable from anywhere other than the bottom was the supply converter (top and bottom), afaik
19:39 VanessaE but there may be some deliberate change, idk whaty
19:39 ElectronLibre I may not be the first one to ask but what package am I supposed to install to use the irc mod kaeza made?
19:39 VanessaE -y
19:39 VanessaE ElectronLibre: luasocket or lua51socket however it's called
19:39 est31 ElectronLibre, yes I had that issue too
19:40 est31 ElectronLibre, for ubuntu its "liblua5.1-socket2"
19:40 VanessaE est31: ah, yeah I saw that mention of the bug
19:41 est31 but perhaps no
19:41 est31 because many setups now rely on it
19:41 est31 like mine
19:41 ElectronLibre I'm gonna try again, but even with these packages installed, there is no irc lua library anywhere.
19:41 VanessaE and yeah, if the machine were actually *supposed* to accept cables from the sides, it should theoretically draw from both networks, but it shouldn't do that at all anyway
19:41 VanessaE but that was never how technic was meant to work
19:42 ndumont joined #minetest
19:42 VanessaE so you're relying on a bug :)
19:42 VanessaE it has to be fixed.... but cheapie's gonna be pissed ;)
19:42 est31 it allows to make panels
19:42 VanessaE (because you just know he's also exploiting that bug ;) )
19:42 VanessaE panels?
19:42 ElectronLibre Ok, noone of your packages exists in debian's repositories, however I have installed lua51-socket.
19:43 est31 place multiple machines on top of each other
19:43 VanessaE that's the one, ElectronLibre
19:43 est31 come to VE-S
19:43 ElectronLibre Yes.
19:43 VanessaE est31: don't need to...  I get what you're saying.  that's indeed an invalid connection method.
19:43 VanessaE ShadowNinja: *poke*
19:43 ElectronLibre But no irc files in /usr/lib/anything.
19:44 VanessaE ElectronLibre: just install luasocket and then install the IRC mod in a normal minetest mods dir and set up its variables in your minetest.conf
19:44 ElectronLibre I used a fileseeker program, and there is no occurency of lua and irc in any path or filename in /usr's files.
19:44 VanessaE it uses the regular Lua method to find the parts of luasocket that it needs
19:44 ElectronLibre It is what I did... And it can't find any files, otherwise I wouldn't come here to ask if there was something to install.
19:44 Warr1024 I managed to get that IRC mod working on OpenBSD, but oddly, it doesn't work WITHOUT LuaJIT.
19:44 VanessaE oh heh
19:45 VanessaE Warr1024: weird, but then again no one should run minetest without luajit anyway :)
19:45 Warr1024 you'd think it'd be more stable without jit and faster with
19:45 Warr1024 apparently it's both faster and more stable with
19:45 Warr1024 so without-luajit is pretty much an emergency use-case only
19:46 est31 no one except testing use case
19:46 Warr1024 e..g. for operating systems that are very strict about JIT's.
19:46 ElectronLibre I've never managed to use this mod, the files were always missing.
19:46 VanessaE ElectronLibre: now, there apparently is a config line in the IRC mod that you can edit to adjust the Lua search path if it can't find luasocket
19:46 ElectronLibre Ok... So I must find which one by myself...
19:47 VanessaE should be right at the top of irc/init.lua
19:47 VanessaE package.path = <bunch of stuff>
19:47 est31 operating systems that don't like JITs are stupid
19:47 VanessaE looks like you can add a custom package.cpath =    in there.
19:47 ElectronLibre I see no configuration variable.
19:48 ElectronLibre Yes.
19:48 Shackra weird
19:48 ElectronLibre But the problem isn't that the mod can't find the files. It is that there is NO FILES. I spent about 20 minutes scanning my whole / dir, and there is no one of the files it seeks.
19:48 Shackra the generator is on now
19:48 VanessaE wait, you installed luasocket and there are no files?
19:49 Shackra but is like lava and water have to touch each other at least
19:49 ElectronLibre No files.
19:49 VanessaE Shackra: they don't need to touch each other, they just need to touch the generator.
19:49 ElectronLibre I can find noone of the files it needs.
19:49 Shackra well, it works for me now
19:49 Shackra but not in that way
19:50 VanessaE ElectronLibre: oh wait, did you by chance git clone the IRC mod and forgot to `git submodule --init` ?
19:50 ElectronLibre Yes.
19:50 ElectronLibre And still no one of these files.
19:50 VanessaE I'm lost..
19:51 VanessaE kaeza's "quick one line install" doesn't work?
19:51 VanessaE cd <Mod directory> && git clone irc && cd irc && git submodule update --init
19:51 ElectronLibre I'm trying right now in a new world's mods directory.
19:51 est31 no dont use mod directory
19:51 est31 use worldmods
19:51 est31 thats better
19:52 est31 but VE I know you already do :)
19:52 est31 just wanted to point it out :
19:52 ElectronLibre (world's mods directory = worldmods)
19:52 est31 :p
19:52 VanessaE well s/Mod directory/wherever you like to store your mods/
19:52 VanessaE (I store them in ~/Minetest_related/mods and then copy them to worldmods etc)
19:53 ElectronLibre I don't use mods/, on my windows builds it's even a clone of my mod database, but never used.
19:53 ElectronLibre Tried in a new world : no file found.
19:54 VanessaE wait wait.  WHAT file is not being found?
19:54 ElectronLibre And I get this error since at least one year (I'm trying since a while). When MinetestForFun started to use this mod, we were getting this error, but then kaeza helped him and it works now.
19:54 ElectronLibre I'm sending you the list 2 sec please :).
19:55 est31 me too
19:55 ElectronLibre
19:56 VanessaE ok then you need to do what I said
19:56 VanessaE edit the IRC mod to point to where your luasocket actually ended up
19:56 ElectronLibre Ok, I will try again.
19:56 VanessaE in worldmods/irc/init.lua add a custom package.cpath right above or below (but outside of) that first package.path
19:56 ElectronLibre Actually it's located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
19:57 VanessaE yeah, that's exactly the problem
19:57 VanessaE IRC mod doesn't look there, and nor does Minetest as you can see
19:57 VanessaE you just need to add that directory to the search path
19:57 VanessaE well that dir + the rest of the "lua/5.1" part
19:57 VanessaE whatever it is on your syste,m
19:58 VanessaE system*
19:58 Shackra it is possible to build an elevator using mesecons?
19:58 VanessaE Shackra: dunno, never tried
19:59 Shackra but the materials to do so exists?
19:59 ElectronLibre Yes. Here is what I added to init.lua 10 minutes ago : ..";/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/?.so"
19:59 VanessaE that's not enough - I think you need to extend it all the way to include the full lua path
20:00 est31 what the hell is ?
20:00 est31 which weird shell are you using
20:00 ElectronLibre Hang on, I found some .so files.
20:00 est31 man why do people not use bash
20:00 VanessaE est31: that's just what lua uses for the standard wildcard apparently.
20:00 ElectronLibre est31: I use bash.
20:00 est31 ok then good :)
20:01 VanessaE ElectronLibre: try  ;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so
20:01 VanessaE see what that does.
20:01 theTroy joined #minetest
20:01 est31 ElectronLibre, weirdly, its working for me
20:01 est31 without custom changes
20:01 ElectronLibre I just wrote it : and here is the error
20:01 ElectronLibre Do I need multiple files?
20:02 est31 and also with only files in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
20:02 VanessaE ElectronLibre: ok then extend it further, ;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/socket/?.so
20:02 ElectronLibre Ok.
20:02 VanessaE and strangely it works for me just fine on debian, also without changes.
20:02 ElectronLibre Now it can't even find the first file.
20:03 est31 ElectronLibre, is your minetest build for 32 bit?
20:03 est31 or your lua
20:03 VanessaE ElectronLibre: ok then back off that last change and well... idk what to do now.
20:03 ElectronLibre Neither I think, I'm using 64-bit programs.
20:03 ElectronLibre s/Neither/noone of both/
20:03 ElectronLibre Ok VanessaE.
20:05 ElectronLibre At least thanks for having tried to help me :).
20:05 VanessaE how did you get this copy of luasocket?
20:05 est31 and which distro you use?
20:05 ElectronLibre $sudo apt-get install lua-socket
20:06 ElectronLibre est31: Debian 8 jessie.
20:06 VanessaE jessie...that's the unstable branch isn't it?
20:06 est31 also, dont install that
20:06 ElectronLibre Testing, frozen now.
20:06 VanessaE not that it should matter now
20:06 ElectronLibre I never use sid, too unstable for me.
20:07 est31 install liblua5.1-socket2
20:07 exio4 I use sid in a container :D
20:07 exio4 and debian stable in the host
20:07 ElectronLibre There is no package liblua5.1-socket2, I already tried ;).
20:07 est31 ok
20:07 est31 gtg
20:07 VanessaE I'm using deb 7.5 on my server.  lua-socket-dev was enough to make it work for me, but I run luajit.
20:08 VanessaE did you compile minetest yourself?
20:08 ElectronLibre I installed lua-socket-dev about 30 minutes ago, and yes minetest is compiled by myself.
20:08 VanessaE what's your install $PREFIX ?
20:09 ElectronLibre Hmm, I don't know what is that. Could you help me to find its value?
20:09 VanessaE `which minetestserver`
20:09 ElectronLibre Oh, the directory I placed the bin and sources.
20:10 ElectronLibre "~/Programmation/WorkBench/minetest/bin/" <= I'm very inspired with my paths' names.
20:10 VanessaE wat
20:10 VanessaE I think this is the problem
20:10 ElectronLibre That I run it in ~/anything?
20:11 VanessaE this is gonna sound stupid, but uninstall minetest.  rip out all traces of your current install, and do this:  cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DRUN_IN_PLACE=0 -whatever-other-cmake-flags-you-use
20:11 VanessaE then make && sudo make install
20:11 VanessaE it'll end up as  /usr/bin/minetestserver
20:11 ElectronLibre Ok. I remove my clone, and then reclone, compile from a fresh copy.
20:11 VanessaE get rid of the custom search path you added to the IRC mod
20:12 VanessaE no, you don't need to re-clone
20:12 VanessaE just make sure you don't have a global install hanging around somewehre.
20:12 ElectronLibre Oh, but so, what do you mean by uninstalling exactly?
20:12 VanessaE just what I said.
20:12 ElectronLibre re-cmake and re-make with these values?
20:12 VanessaE fuck it.  get rid of your copy that's in ~/Programmation/WorkBench/minetest/bin/  also :)
20:13 VanessaE delete and re-clone
20:13 ElectronLibre Oki.
20:13 VanessaE clone, do the cmake with the flags I just gave you plus tack on whatever other flags you usually use as well of course
20:13 VanessaE then make && sudo make install
20:14 ElectronLibre I will add these values to my automatic script while it clones.
20:14 VanessaE one thing I found a while back is luasocket + irc mod do not like to work at all if minetest is not installed to the same $PREFIX as luasocket (and if you have luajit, it needs to be the same also).
20:15 ElectronLibre Strange indeed.
20:15 VanessaE and your errors were precisely the errors I got at the time
20:16 VanessaE
20:16 VanessaE this is my build script
20:16 VanessaE simp;e, but effective
20:16 VanessaE simple*
20:17 ElectronLibre Yes, mine is a little bit more complicated because I need to pull things to my local git server to backup, and a few other parameters.
20:17 VanessaE I simply installed luajit and luasocket from the system repository, then cloned minetest and ran my script and it just worked. :)
20:17 ElectronLibre I'm gonna try right now, everything is at its place.
20:18 Player_2 joined #minetest
20:18 * ElectronLibre just realized he destroyed the subgames he cloned.. Ok I'm gonna comment some lines of my script.
20:19 VanessaE oops :)
20:19 ElectronLibre Compiling right now..
20:19 VanessaE
20:19 ElectronLibre It's no problem I have backups in ~/Programmation/Gits ;)
20:20 ElectronLibre About everything I cloned is saved on my server/stored in a script/cloned as a backup there.
20:22 ElectronLibre (^ Very good this draw, really showing what is going on xD)
20:22 VanessaE xkcd usually has something appropriate for almost any subject  :)
20:23 ElectronLibre Yes, I sometimes spend times reading their comics.
20:24 ElectronLibre Now it's installing, and I just need to rewrite all my local servers' launch script to use minetestserver instead of ./minetestserver. It will just take a minute :).
20:25 Vazon joined #minetest
20:25 ElectronLibre Oh, i removed them. Great.
20:29 VanessaE fix time :)
20:30 ElectronLibre Yes and I just have the nasty surprise to discover that I have to install subgames in /usr/share/games/minetest/games. :D
20:30 ElectronLibre *I just had ,sorry.
20:31 VanessaE nope.avi
20:31 VanessaE put them in ~/.minetest/games
20:31 VanessaE games, mods, worlds, etc all go in ~/.minetest
20:32 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~$ ls ~/.minetest
20:32 VanessaE cachedebug.txt  games  minetest.conf-lowrestextures
20:32 VanessaE clientfonts   minetest.conf  modsworlds
20:32 ElectronLibre Oh, then it's better, I don't want any sudo in my scripts.
20:33 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~$ ls .minetest/games
20:33 VanessaE dreambuilder_game  minetest_game  mt_nostalgiarealtest_game
20:33 VanessaE and so on.
20:36 ElectronLibre HOLY VOXELS.
20:36 ElectronLibre IRC: Connected!
20:36 VanessaE :D
20:36 ElectronLibre Thanks a lot VanessaE!
20:36 VanessaE
20:36 ElectronLibre Now I will be able to help MinetestForFun to update the IRC module on his server :D.
20:37 VanessaE (video is "The Banana Splits" theme, my standard "celebration" tune :) )
20:37 * ElectronLibre can guess that by looking at youtube-dl's logs.
20:37 ElectronLibre If I find any time I will listen to it ;).
20:37 VanessaE you have to listen now :)
20:38 VanessaE it's time-critical ;)
20:38 ElectronLibre I have no phones, and I'm watching TV with my family, so, I will move to my room soon :).
20:39 VanessaE heh ok
20:39 ElectronLibre Uh, strange, the IRC mod starts even if I use ./minetestserver, if minetestserver is installed ._.
20:40 VanessaE interesting
20:40 VanessaE well at least it works!
20:40 ElectronLibre Yeah \o/
20:40 Xack aw
20:40 Xack gitorious is shutting down
20:40 Xack aquired by gitlab
20:40 Xack Calinou: ^^
20:41 ElectronLibre Now I will write again all my launch scripts \o/
20:41 VanessaE Xack: already discussed.
20:41 Xack ah alright
20:41 ElectronLibre Xack: Yes, he is warned, the first one who told us if I remember correctly.
20:41 Xack ahh
20:41 Calinou Xack, old news ;)
20:41 Calinou will switch to Notabug maybe
20:41 Calinou
20:41 Calinou we discuss it in ##freepost
20:41 VanessaE Calinou: why not bitbucket or so?
20:42 VanessaE or just go back to github :P
20:42 Calinou it has no pull requests yet
20:42 Calinou both are proprietary, VanessaE
20:42 Calinou Notabug aims to be fully free software
20:42 Calinou [GitLab is partially proprietary too, so I'd rather not use it]
20:42 VanessaE why not follow on to gitlab then?  it's open source?
20:42 Calinou [that said, if Notabug dies, it'll be my only option]
20:42 VanessaE meh
20:42 meldrian joined #minetest
20:43 ElectronLibre Wow I segfaulted minetest. Someone wants a backtrace?
20:44 VanessaE ElectronLibre: file a bug on github, put the backtrace there
20:44 ElectronLibre Oki, I will look at that. (Slite3's fault apparently)
20:47 * ElectronLibre doesn't know why but when he starts typing "Ok" his fingers add an "i".
20:51 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
20:51 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
20:57 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
20:58 lord_dog joined #minetest
20:59 Zytum joined #minetest
21:00 Zytum Krock left?
21:00 Guest44481 joined #minetest
21:01 Zytum it
21:01 Zytum seems it
21:01 Guest44481 som1 know how to add carts on this game?
21:02 Guest44481 I tryed pushable blocks but doesnt work
21:02 Calinou Guest44481, install the “carts” mod.
21:02 Zytum steel X steel
21:02 Zytum steel steel steel
21:03 Calinou
21:03 Calinou this page lets you search for mods
21:03 Guest44481 Merci Thx
21:03 Calinou here is the carts mod:
21:06 alket joined #minetest
21:07 Xenoth joined #minetest
21:11 Zytum I installed some mods and I can't create them in my games
21:11 Zytum cart, heal potions and windmills
21:13 lord_dog left #minetest
21:16 flok420 left #minetest
21:24 Yves joined #minetest
21:25 Yves Installing carts :
21:25 Yves Il tells me that chars a-z,0-9 only accedpted
21:25 Yves im lost
21:26 Haudegen joined #minetest
21:29 VanessaE rename it just "carts"
21:29 Yves thx
21:33 Zytum thanks
21:36 Zytum stills without appear ):
21:45 DMackey joined #minetest
21:47 Zytum bye
21:52 Builder123 joined #minetest
21:53 Builder123 Finally set hexchat
21:53 ShadowNinja VanessaE, Warr1024: IRC often fails with regular Lua because Minetest bundles it.  That's why there's that extra search dirs hack, so it works on more distros.
21:54 VanessaE ShadowNinja: see #minetest-technic also, other stuff there.
21:54 VanessaE hrm, no...most of it was here.
21:54 VanessaE short version:  technic cables were never supposed to connect anywhere but the bottom of a machine (except for the supply converter).
21:54 VanessaE est31 thinks he can fix this.
21:54 VanessaE opinions?
21:56 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Yes, but having additional connection points is helpfull.  Block the front, but the rest should be fine.
21:56 VanessaE (fixing it will break some people's machine layouts that rely on the current behavior, which is technically a bug)
21:58 VanessaE hm, ok
21:58 VanessaE that complicates his fix plans somewhat I guess
22:02 theTroy joined #minetest
22:07 Salbei joined #minetest
22:11 mrtux joined #minetest
22:23 mrtux joined #minetest
22:31 Hirato joined #minetest
22:43 Jordach joined #minetest
22:43 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
22:46 STHGOM joined #minetest
22:54 Viper168 joined #minetest
23:04 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
23:06 Johnsen2 not working again
23:06 est31 VanessaE has said it is down forever
23:06 est31 use
23:06 Johnsen2 Anyone can tell me another way to connect to inchranet
23:07 Johnsen2 oh yea, i forgot
23:07 VanessaE isis has been replaced with, but use
23:07 est31 her new server is osiris
23:07 Johnsen2 ok
23:11 srifqi joined #minetest
23:14 olddog60 joined #minetest
23:15 olddog60 anyone know if the server announce is down?
23:16 est31
23:16 est31 ~title
23:16 ShadowBot That URL appears to have no HTML title within the first 4KB.
23:16 est31 !title
23:16 MinetestBot No title found.
23:16 est31 olddog60, no its up
23:16 olddog60 ok ty, my 3 servers not showing
23:17 est31
23:17 est31
23:17 est31 ~title
23:17 ShadowBot <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
23:17 est31 olddog60, do you have a public IP?
23:17 est31 also, wait a bit
23:18 olddog60 yes, they all were working for several months. Not sure what happened.
23:18 est31 its not instantaneous
23:18 olddog60 will check with my provider
23:18 est31 is it reporting anything on console?
23:19 olddog60 let me check again
23:20 olddog60 no i'm running them each in a separate linux screen and I can see a player even
23:21 olddog60 thx for help
23:29 srifqi joined #minetest
23:32 everamzah joined #minetest
23:47 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
23:54 Enke joined #minetest

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