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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-12-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:35 roniz joined #minetest
01:02 Viper168 joined #minetest
01:04 n4x joined #minetest
01:05 exio4 joined #minetest
01:05 Wayward_One joined #minetest
01:14 Megaf joined #minetest
01:23 crazyR joined #minetest
01:58 drewp sfan5: somewhat better texture mapping
02:14 acerspyro joined #minetest
02:15 n4x joined #minetest
02:17 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Ore: Add Vein ore type 61dfa91 (2014-12-28T21:17:12-05:00)
02:34 acerspyro I am having issues with the android version, touch screws up as soon as I try to touch at two places at the same time
02:36 acerspyro Anyone else experienced this?
02:38 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Biome API: Add shore top and shore filler nodes, underwater node, water top node. Add water top depth and shore height parameters. Remove water dust node 570c204 (2014-12-28T21:37:43-05:00)
02:42 est31 joined #minetest
02:44 est31 Is there a way to record the chunks sent by a MT server?
02:46 Wayward_One est31, yes, just add enable_local_map_saving = true to the minetest.conf
02:47 LazyJ est31, from minetest.conf.example:
02:47 LazyJ #    Save the map received by the client on disk
02:47 LazyJ #enable_local_map_saving = true
02:47 LazyJ It will save the chunk in your "worlds" folder under the server's name.
02:47 est31 cool thanks Wayward_One, LazyJ
02:47 LazyJ yw ;)
02:47 Wayward_One you're welcome :)
02:49 acerspyro I wish my question was this easy to answer
02:51 kaeza 42
02:52 acerspyro 42?
02:52 est31 The answer to the ultimate question.
02:53 acerspyro This is not the ultimate question, tho
03:01 diemartin joined #minetest
03:03 acerspyro Noone had such problems with the Android version?
03:04 chchjesus__ joined #minetest
03:04 acerspyro Why do I always get problems that only I have?
03:10 acerspyro Guess noone knows so here's another one.
03:12 acerspyro Why can't the player model move its head,  hold items or crouch?
03:20 Wayward_One it can hold items
03:21 Wayward_One i believe there's a mod for showing weilded items
03:21 Wayward_One *wielded
03:22 acerspyro Lol how about by default?
03:23 Wayward_One no idea why it's not default
03:24 acerspyro Same for crouching and moving the head, idk what's wrong with it
03:24 Wayward_One as for the crouching and head movements, iirc there's something in irrlicht that makes it impossible
03:25 acerspyro ???
03:25 ungali joined #minetest
03:25 y joined #minetest
03:26 exio4 joined #minetest
03:27 Wayward_One acerspyro, i think Jordach and/or Calinou may know more about it, maybe a few others too
03:35 acerspyro I'd love to know
03:35 kaeza acerspyro, there's a bug in Irrlicht: if you manually rotate a bone (as needed to implement moving heads), you lose the animation functionality
03:35 acerspyro Is a fix planned by the irrlicht devs atleast?
03:35 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Cavegen: Fix copy & paste error (solves #2020) c5faa64 (2014-12-28T22:35:14-05:00)
03:36 kaeza dunno
03:36 kaeza Taoki[laptop], may know something
03:38 kaeza someone also suggested changing the model pitch slightly without moving individual bones
03:39 acerspyro Or
03:39 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Decoration: Add height_min and height_max parameters 863379a (2014-12-28T22:37:27-05:00)
03:39 kaeza it wouldn't be as in MC, but at least it could give an indication if the player looks up or down instead of straight ahead
03:39 acerspyro Make the head a separate model
03:40 MinerDad joined #minetest
03:40 kaeza that would happen to work with the default model, but as soon as someone comes up with something more complex it will break
03:40 acerspyro How about just fixing the bug
03:41 acerspyro On the irrlicht side
03:42 kaeza it was fixed (or being fixed) on Irrlicht 1.9 IIRC, but we are stuck with 1.7/1.8
03:43 acerspyro
03:43 acerspyro Hm something 1.9 doesn't have?
03:44 Wayward_One wait, stuck with 1.7/1.8 permanently, or for now...?
03:45 kaeza
03:46 kaeza Wayward_One, for now, because debian does not have 1.9 IIRC
03:46 acerspyro Fucking debian
03:46 MinetestBot [git] ChriPiv -> minetest/minetest: Fixed issue #2007 2ccb610 (2014-12-28T22:46:01-05:00)
03:47 acerspyro Screw debian, provide a 1.9 bundle with the game if not available on the system.
03:48 Wayward_One hmm :/
03:48 MinetestBot [git] ChriPiv -> minetest/minetest: Skip further loading of client if there was an exit signal 91c00d2 (2014-12-28T22:46:53-05:00)
03:51 Enke joined #minetest
04:06 turtleman_ joined #minetest
04:10 acerspyro joined #minetest
04:10 acerspyro Apparently that androirc is showing ads that I can't see...
04:22 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
04:24 MinetestBot [git] fz72 -> minetest/minetest: MainMenu: Save 'hide gamemods' and 'hide modpack contents' checkbox state (fixes #1960) 86cfbc2 (2014-12-28T23:20:51-05:00)
04:29 MinetestBot [git] kaeza -> minetest/minetest: Faster string.split implementation. ab55da5 (2014-12-28T23:27:07-05:00)
04:33 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
04:39 y joined #minetest
04:40 someguy_irc joined #minetest
04:40 exio4 joined #minetest
04:42 MinetestBot [git] Sapier at GMX dot net -> minetest/minetest: Fix MSVC compiler warning about passing this pointer in initializer list acb3519 (2014-12-28T23:40:44-05:00)
04:53 Artemis3 it would be real nice if you could fix the ppa:minetestdevs/stable for minetest 0.4.11-0ppa1~ubuntu12.04.1 which currently holds no binaries somebody named PilzAdam updated 27
04:55 petrusd987 joined #minetest
04:55 Tg1 joined #minetest
05:02 Akagi201 joined #minetest
05:12 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: LuaItemStack: Fix and document behavior of set_name, set_count, set_wear, set_metadata 3c637b4 (2014-12-28T23:59:24-05:00)
05:13 chchjesus joined #minetest
05:52 exio4 joined #minetest
06:10 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
06:13 MinerDad joined #minetest
06:21 chchjesus__ joined #minetest
06:33 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: LuaVoxelManip: Remove blank allocator cc3ab5e (2014-12-29T01:31:37-05:00)
06:47 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: FontEngine: Don't use file extension to check font file compatibility 9eb4922 (2014-12-29T01:46:13-05:00)
07:05 n4x joined #minetest
07:08 hmmmm I'll come to you like an affliction.
07:08 hmmmm But I'll leave you like an addiction.
07:08 hmmmm You'll never forget me!
07:08 sebastia joined #minetest
07:09 LazyJ The flu.
07:15 someguy_irc joined #minetest
07:22 Aragas joined #minetest
07:30 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Print unit test failures to dstream 5038b9a (2014-12-29T02:30:03-05:00)
07:36 someguy_irc_ joined #minetest
07:49 leat joined #minetest
07:52 BorisGrishenko joined #minetest
07:56 zigz joined #minetest
07:59 pitriss` joined #minetest
08:00 icetea joined #minetest
08:00 sol_invictus joined #minetest
08:00 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
08:00 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
08:03 Wayward_One joined #minetest
08:03 JZTech101 joined #minetest
08:03 crack joined #minetest
08:07 Scall joined #minetest
08:20 exio4 joined #minetest
08:21 kahrl joined #minetest
08:21 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:58 CWz joined #minetest
09:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:01 n4x joined #minetest
09:12 Viper168 joined #minetest
09:24 nore joined #minetest
09:27 MinerDad joined #minetest
09:27 Amaz joined #minetest
09:30 n4x joined #minetest
09:30 exio4 joined #minetest
09:35 Arch-TK joined #minetest
09:53 cib0 joined #minetest
09:56 someguy_irc joined #minetest
10:00 Du_Draig joined #minetest
10:01 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:26 toast joined #minetest
10:41 proller joined #minetest
10:43 exio4 joined #minetest
10:45 n4x joined #minetest
10:57 cib0 joined #minetest
11:14 raffahacks joined #minetest
11:15 raffahacks left #minetest
11:21 Fritigern joined #minetest
11:21 cib0 joined #minetest
11:25 cody2 joined #minetest
11:26 FR^2 joined #minetest
11:26 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
11:41 leat joined #minetest
11:53 exio4 joined #minetest
11:53 n4x joined #minetest
11:56 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
11:56 toasttt hello
12:13 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:17 jluc joined #minetest
12:20 roniz joined #minetest
12:27 Tg1 joined #minetest
12:44 ecutruin joined #minetest
12:51 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:55 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
12:55 TriBlade9 joined #minetest
12:56 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:02 chchjesus joined #minetest
13:04 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
13:04 stakewinner00|2 joined #minetest
13:09 Trustable joined #minetest
13:10 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
13:18 Lunatrius joined #minetest
13:22 swaaws joined #minetest
13:22 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
13:26 PilzAdam joined #minetest
13:30 cib0 joined #minetest
13:31 someguy_irc joined #minetest
13:31 kahrl_ joined #minetest
13:42 Krock joined #minetest
13:42 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
13:43 Megaf joined #minetest
13:46 T4im joined #minetest
13:52 shadowzone joined #minetest
13:56 H-H-H joined #minetest
13:58 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Fix -Wtype-limits warnings and remove disabling of -Wtype-limits 3993102 (2014-12-29T23:56:40+10:00)
14:04 MinetestBot [git] kahrl -> minetest/minetest: Add util/ 101baf6 (2014-12-30T00:03:10+10:00)
14:07 MinetestBot [git] Rui914 -> minetest/minetest: Update Japanese Translation 4150e53 (2014-12-30T00:06:20+10:00)
14:08 n4x joined #minetest
14:18 turtleman_ joined #minetest
14:24 jluc joined #minetest
14:27 Jordach joined #minetest
14:27 Amaz Am I correct in thinking mapgen v5 made its last appearance in 0.3.3? Before being added back in 0.4.11, of course :P
14:32 MinetestBot [git] KodexKy -> minetest/minetest: Center status text for better visibility. a79a116 (2014-12-30T00:30:28+10:00)
14:32 MinetestBot [git] KodexKy -> minetest/minetest: Add extra buttons to Android GUI. All icons are licensed by under CC BY 3.0 62feade (2014-12-30T00:30:28+10:00)
14:34 Krock Supid question but - can linux users un-7zip archives?
14:34 Krock (which were compressed under windows)
14:34 Zeno` joined #minetest
14:35 * Zeno` looks around in bewilderment
14:35 shadowzone Hi Zeno`
14:35 Jordach meow
14:36 * shadowzone pets Jordach
14:36 Jordach (no, i did not wake up at 2pm today)
14:36 Zeno` hi shadowzone and Jordach
14:36 shadowzone poor guy, no one ever pets him.
14:36 Jordach :3
14:36 Zeno` sure you didn't, Jordach
14:36 Zeno` umm, shadowzone... do you think he feels better now?
14:36 shadowzone Probably
14:37 Zeno` ok, I will accept that :)
14:37 shadowzone Lol
14:37 * Zeno` roars
14:37 Zeno` and waits for the pet
14:37 * shadowzone grabs an AR15
14:37 shadowzone Wut was dat?
14:37 Wayward_One o.o
14:37 Zeno` what?!
14:38 shadowzone Whatever it was I should be calling the zoo saying "your lion got away"
14:38 * Zeno` ROARS
14:38 * shadowzone falls over
14:38 Zeno` a roar is just a very loud purr, right?
14:38 * Wayward_One blinks
14:39 * Zeno` blinks
14:39 * shadowzone takes Wayward_One's camera and takes a video for the news
14:39 Wayward_One err
14:39 Zeno` umm
14:40 * Wayward_One hands shadowzone the SD card and battery
14:40 Wayward_One :P
14:40 Zeno` err
14:40 Amaz Krock, if no one has answered your question, afaik, yes, linux users can.
14:40 Zeno` Linux users can do anything!
14:40 shadowzone "A lion has excaped from the zoo and seems to be in need of a petting *throws Wayward_One over there* let's see what happens"
14:40 shadowzone YESH!
14:40 shadowzone LINUX FTW!
14:40 Krock Amaz, thx
14:41 Wayward_One o.o
14:41 Zeno` What have the pesky Linux users done now?
14:41 * Wayward_One pets Zeno`
14:41 T4im p7zip is available in debian, Krock, but xz is the preferred lzma variant
14:41 * Zeno` curls up in Wayward_One's lap
14:41 Selah joined #minetest
14:42 Krock Zeno`, Y U copypasta sfan5?
14:42 Zeno` Krock, why not? :D
14:42 Krock T4im, okay. I don't use xz so it won't be a problem in this case. thanks
14:42 shadowzone joined #minetest
14:42 Krock Zeno`, cuz unique and amaze stuff.
14:42 shadowzone wut happen?
14:42 Zeno` ok I will change my quote
14:43 * Zeno` jumps onto Wayward_One's lap and claws away watching ripped fabric fly in all directions
14:43 * Krock hands Zeno`
14:43 * Wayward_One keels over
14:44 Selah joined #minetest
14:47 shadowzone joined #minetest
14:47 shadowzone Back to Linux
14:47 shadowzone Windows is a pain in the ass
14:47 MinerDad joined #minetest
14:47 T4im krock: same question reversed, can windows users uncompress xz? or does 7zip only support the one format?
14:48 Zeno` 7zip should be able to decompress .gz or .xz
14:48 Krock T4im, the 7z GUI shows up the following formats: 7z, bzip2, gzip, tar, wim, xz, zip
14:48 T4im ah, nice :D
14:48 T4im so there's quite some overlap
14:48 Krock and it can open like 80 different archieve types
14:49 T4im is 7z commonly installed?
14:49 Krock but I think most of them use the same algorythm
14:49 Krock 7z is not owned by M$, so it won't be included by default :3
14:50 T4im hehe, they don't own deflate either, but I think they added that, didn't they?
14:50 T4im zip that is
14:50 MinetestBot [git] kahrl -> minetest/minetest: Ignore downloaded public serverlist if public_serverlist is false ff3cfb7 (2014-12-30T00:49:23+10:00)
14:50 Zeno` oh dear
14:50 Zeno` kahrl_ and I pushed at the same time :3
14:50 shadowzone Lol
14:51 n4x hot
14:51 Zeno` lucky github is clever!
14:51 shadowzone Yep
14:51 shadowzone and n4x, really?
14:51 * Wayward_One curses ENet
14:52 n4x zeno and kahrl pushed at the same time
14:52 Zeno` :-o
14:52 n4x don't tell me that doesn't sound "twss"!
14:52 shadowzone <Zeno`> kahrl_ and I pushed at the same time :3
14:52 shadowzone <shadowzone> Lol
14:52 shadowzone <n4x> hot
14:52 shadowzone that
14:52 Zeno` sounds hot to me
14:52 Zeno` lol
14:53 * shadowzone faceboards
14:54 Wayward_One is that like wakeboarding?
14:54 * Wayward_One is interested
14:55 shadowzone No
14:55 Wayward_One aww
14:55 shadowzone It's a headdesk with your keyboard
14:55 * Wayward_One loses interest
14:56 twoelk joined #minetest
14:58 shadowzone Lol
14:59 Zeno` actually I'm probably confused
15:03 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:03 shadowzone How?
15:07 theTroy joined #minetest
15:14 ImQ009_ joined #minetest
15:14 exio4 joined #minetest
15:16 Aragas joined #minetest
15:17 leat joined #minetest
15:18 Zeno` How could I be confused?
15:18 Zeno` I guess that's a valid question
15:21 Krock Everybody loves Kung-fu fighting!
15:22 jin_xi just cast a forgotten spell or apply cursed unihorn
15:22 hmmmm hey modder people, how can i get a piece of code to run after all the mods have been initialized, but before the environment is created? (e.g. after the time the last mod to get loaded has its init.lua run and before minetest.after(foo, 0))?
15:22 Zeno` Those kicks were fast as lightning
15:22 marktraceur hmmmm: I feel like I should ask you *why*
15:23 Krock uh. no idea. let all mods depend on yours
15:23 Krock no no.. depend your mod on all mods
15:23 marktraceur Krock: But that would require you to know which mods were loading, or yours wouldn't ever load.
15:24 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
15:24 Krock don't worry - there are only 1100 correctly titles mods on the minetest forums
15:24 Krock *titled
15:25 marktraceur Oh, good.
15:25 Zeno` But they fought with expert timing
15:25 marktraceur Zeno`: You know, it was a little bit frightening.
15:25 Krock ^
15:26 Jordach hmmmm, create a mod that depends on all the other installed mods
15:26 marktraceur That's not the answer here.
15:26 Jordach then that init.lua will be run last basically
15:26 Jordach (due to mod load order with dependancies)
15:26 jojoa1997 What is the new model for minetest called? meshnodes?
15:26 marktraceur There *should* just be a register_on_modload or something
15:27 marktraceur But then you start a race to the bottom of that one.
15:27 Jordach jojoa1997, mesh nodes, yes
15:27 marktraceur I feel like we had this conversation really early on, like, 0.4.1
15:27 Jordach they'll support all the meshes that Irrlicht eats, minus supporting animations
15:27 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:27 Jordach "buh muh shaderrs" is a bullshit reason
15:27 marktraceur hmmmm: You still haven't said what you're trying to do with this thing.
15:27 Krock !tell Calinou could you please add a reference to in ? Thank you!
15:27 MinetestBot Krock: yeah, yeah
15:27 jojoa1997 How do i make meshnodes?
15:27 Krock <3 MinetestBot
15:27 MinetestBot <3 Krock
15:28 Krock jojoa1997, wings3d, blender,..
15:28 jojoa1997 all those... bleh too complicated
15:28 Jordach <- won't make others meshes for free
15:29 jojoa1997 Jordach will you make an arrow mesh for free?
15:29 Jordach not unless i use it myself
15:29 marktraceur Hah
15:29 shadowzone I'm currently learning blender and how to use meshes.
15:29 jojoa1997 Jordach make a mod with an item that is an arrow
15:31 Jordach jojoa1997, just learn blender yourself
15:31 Jordach you might eventually use it for 3D printing one day
15:31 jojoa1997 I did a while ago and i sucked
15:32 Wayward_One joined #minetest
15:32 jojoa1997 if i ever get a 3d printer
15:34 marktraceur jojoa1997: An arrow, like, for directions? Or like for a bow?
15:34 jojoa1997 a bow
15:34 marktraceur Hm.
15:34 marktraceur jojoa1997:
15:36 Krock it's a tihng
15:36 Krock *thing
15:36 jojoa1997 also is it possible to do this sort of animation yet?;s=12&amp;e=20
15:37 ImQ009_ joined #minetest
15:37 jojoa1997 and thanks marktraceur
15:37 Jordach jojoa1997, err nope
15:37 marktraceur No problem.
15:37 marktraceur Just call me Google.
15:37 Jordach we can't animate wielditems
15:37 jojoa1997 :(
15:38 Jordach jojoa1997, i will remind you that we have a vertice limit within minetest for entities, nodes / mapblocks and wielditems
15:38 Jordach it's around 64k
15:38 jojoa1997 vartice?
15:38 Jordach jojoa1997, points that make up triangles
15:38 jojoa1997 you mean like each corner of a node
15:38 marktraceur Vertex.
15:38 jojoa1997 ah
15:38 Jordach jojoa1997, a node has 8 of them, while stairs has 16
15:38 Jordach (the two step, not three step as seen in BFD)
15:38 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:39 jojoa1997 so animating would add more vertices?
15:39 Jordach nope
15:39 Jordach animated ones just move them around bones
15:39 marktraceur Do the two-step, do the two-step
15:39 Jordach which meshnodes cannot do
15:39 jojoa1997 time to install blender
15:39 Jordach my method was to simply make crossbows instead
15:39 marktraceur Jordach:
15:40 Jordach you'd have to manually insert the bolt using the crafting grid
15:40 jojoa1997 ooh i never thought of that
15:40 jojoa1997 say can you now use right click for an action?
15:40 Jordach yse
15:40 Jordach go look at throwing
15:40 jojoa1997 this throwing?
15:40 Jordach the carbone one
15:40 Jordach works way better
15:41 crazyR joined #minetest
15:41 Krock eeks. minetest.env:
15:41 Jordach (there's loads of those in BFD) D;
15:41 Krock Jordach, place before they multiply!
15:41 Krock *replace
15:41 jojoa1997 is there a newer better itom drop mod? I need to find a function that allows items to be pulled towards other items. like gravity
15:42 jojoa1997 hehe the mods name is "gravity"
15:42 Jordach jojoa1997, screw item dropo
15:42 Jordach i just want nodes to be picked up automatically when someone drops it
15:43 Jordach except digging puts mined items into the inv
15:44 jojoa1997 Jordach the idea is that you have blocks and items which have gravity so you are pulled towards them
15:44 Jordach err nope
15:46 jojoa1997 are mesh nodes faster?
15:48 hmmmm hrmm
15:48 crazyR Does minetest only make use of one core when operated on a multicore cpu??
15:49 hmmmm do you guys want me to add on_mod_load()?
15:49 jojoa1997 I think you have to change the settings to multi. Check the minetest.conf.example
15:49 jojoa1997 hmmmm what would that doo?
15:49 T4im hmmmm: when in the lifecycle would it run?
15:50 hmmmm it'd run after all mods have loaded, but before the environment has initialized
15:51 T4im ah, so a clean verison of minetest.after(0, func)?
15:51 jojoa1997 i would say yes. I remember that i needed to do minetest.after() and then have it load
15:51 hmmmm nope, minetest.after(0, func) runs after the environment initialized
15:51 hmmmm the alternative to all this is that current mods get rewritten to not use on_mapgen_init() any longer
15:52 jojoa1997 why? what is the problem?
15:52 T4im on_mod_load() would then run before minetest.after, correct?
15:52 hmmmm T4im, correct
15:52 T4im well sounds good to me :D
15:52 hmmmm what could that possibly be useful for
15:53 hmmmm jojoa1997, on_mapgen_init isn't existing any longer
15:53 T4im weakening optional dependencies a little
15:53 LittleJoe joined #minetest
15:54 jojoa1997 oh
15:54 someguy_irc joined #minetest
15:55 T4im on_mod_load could be useful to check if some other mod (possibly unknown) already did something or declared something :D
15:56 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:58 hmmmm why is minetest.after(0, func) considered bad?
16:00 Zeno` wait, on_mapgen_init() callbacks are begun before all mods are loadeD?
16:01 hmmmm no, after
16:01 Zeno` hmmmm> the alternative to all this is that current mods get rewritten to not use on_mapgen_init() any longer <--- what did you mean by this then?
16:02 hmmmm well I removed on_mapgen_init, so mods that use it won't ever have that callback called unless I add something in place of it
16:03 jojoa1997 is it possible to check if the player is holding a button
16:03 T4im jojoa1997: depending when you want to know about it
16:03 T4im there are some callbacks that allow checking certain buttons, like when you right click, punch it etc…
16:04 Zeno` hmmmm, why did it need to be removeD?
16:04 jojoa1997 T4im I want to check how long the right button has been held down
16:04 Zeno` I think my keyboard is dying :(
16:04 jojoa1997 or i mean after a set time I check if it is still held
16:04 hmmmm zeno`, because it's irrelevant
16:05 Zeno` hmmmm, irrelevant how? :)
16:05 hmmmm not needed anymore
16:05 T4im hmm I can't come up with a solution to that jojoa1997… I think on_rightclick is only called once, and without pointing at something it won't probably be sent at all
16:05 hmmmm I moved map creation to before scripts are run
16:05 kilbith joined #minetest
16:06 marktraceur hmmmm: You still haven't said what function you're registering after all mods have run
16:06 hmmmm does it matter?
16:06 kilbith left #minetest
16:06 marktraceur hmmmm: Maybe there's another way!
16:10 crazyR_ joined #minetest
16:11 Zeno` I don't get it. Is this change in behaviour already merged or something that's possibly planned?
16:11 someguy_irc Zeno`, :D Yoooooo
16:11 hmmmm something i'm in the process of doing
16:12 turtleman_ joined #minetest
16:13 Amaz hmmmm, how will settings be set before the mapgen is run in that case? e.g.
16:13 hmmmm you can just set it on script load
16:13 * Jordach wonders if hmmmm turns down for what
16:13 hmmmm minetest.get_mapgen_params()
16:13 Amaz Okay.
16:14 * Jordach feels like BFD is the only source of good Biome API documentation
16:14 hmmmm biomes are not supported
16:15 Jordach hmmmm, minetest.register_biome({})
16:15 hmmmm Jordach, that's not in lua_api.txt
16:15 Jordach huh
16:15 hmmmm you're not supposed to be using register_biome
16:15 * someguy_irc glares into the chat
16:15 someguy_irc Hi.
16:15 hmmmm the only reason why anybody knows about that function is because i gave some biome definitions to shut people up about the stone after somebody added mapgen v7 to the main menu dropdown selection list
16:16 crazyR joined #minetest
16:16 Amaz How are biomes supposed to be registered? Or are they not?
16:16 Jordach hmmmm,
16:16 Tg1 joined #minetest
16:16 Jordach it's almost always updated to the current spec of the API
16:17 hmmmm yup... the api spec says literally nothing about biome definitions
16:17 hmmmm you're just relying on undocumented behavior
16:17 Jordach "undocumented"
16:17 Jordach more like documented
16:17 ImQ009 joined #minetest
16:17 hmmmm where is it documented
16:18 Jordach hmmmm, in the case of how i've done so
16:18 Jordach i will eventually end up writing one properly
16:19 hmmmm well, i'm sorry you feel differently, but as it stands right now there is absolutely no official documentation about biomes.  they are an unsupported feature that people are using with the knowledge that the interface exposed may change at any given moment with or without notice
16:19 n4x joined #minetest
16:19 hmmmm there is no attempt to preserve compatibility with biomes because it was a feature that never got released
16:19 Jordach hmmmm, i already adapted my schematic replacements with ShadowNinja's stuff
16:19 hmmmm you're all just jumping the gun
16:21 Brains Jumping the gun is better than jumping the broom...  As long as everybody knows which is which.
16:22 Jordach hmmmm, as long as it's properly documented in code form or even api form -- at least someone can understand it
16:22 hmmmm i should've kept mapgen v7 disabled from within the core
16:22 Amaz Someone would have found it :)
16:23 Jordach hmmmm, i don't like Lua mapgens, and v6 is putrid in the mode of biome + landscape generation
16:23 Tg1 joined #minetest
16:25 Brains hmmmm: Is the complaint that relying on undocumented behavior is liable to break?  If so, my insignificant vote is folks are welcome to rely on undocumented behavior but not to bitch about it when it breaks....
16:25 * Brains carefully doesn't check the state of the documentation in general.
16:27 Scall joined #minetest
16:29 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:29 hmmmm sure, i agree... one day I might change all the parameter names just to be a dick
16:31 * twoelk doesn't understand what hmmmm expected people to do
16:32 n4x he just expected people to don't white to breakage of unfinished and experimental non-stable features
16:32 hmmmm i think i'm going to add a secret biome key that people need to figure out in order to use biomes
16:33 Jordach hmmmm, and we'll just read the source
16:33 hmmmm sure, it'll be possible... but not easy
16:33 Brains hmmmm: Why not just ignore the use of the undocumented features...  Anything else and you are wasting your time.
16:33 twoelk ah, like the hidden non existing version of the legendary airsword?
16:33 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
16:33 Brains hmmmm: Solved once, read many.
16:34 hmmmm jordach's arrogance on the matter made me want to take action
16:35 Zeno` on_mapgen_init() is *not* undocumented
16:35 Jordach hmmmm, you're the arrogant one by simply making everyone see your world
16:35 hmmmm no, but register_biome is
16:35 twoelk so how should he have done it correctly?
16:35 Zeno` hmmmm, we're talking about on_mapgen_init() though
16:35 hmmmm yeah but the topic changed somewhere
16:36 hmmmm jordach started talking about biomes somehow
16:36 hmmmm :D
16:36 twoelk or is the correct way at the momment to simply not use biomes just now?
16:36 hmmmm register_biome() will fail unless the biome manager is initialized first
16:36 Zeno` oh. I'm confused then
16:36 Jordach hmmmm, there are several mods that use biomes before I even had a go with them
16:36 hmmmm minetest.init_biome_manager(secret_key)
16:36 hmmmm it's like the AMD K10 ICE MSR
16:37 hmmmm which people ended up brute forcing
16:37 twoelk I like things called manager in code :-)
16:37 Zeno` <hmmmm> well I removed on_mapgen_init, so mods that use it won't ever have that callback called unless I add something in place of it       <--- I thought this was the critical comment
16:37 hmmmm Zeno`:  yea it is
16:37 hmmmm like I said... the conversation changed
16:38 Zeno` ok, well change it back :P
16:38 Zeno` How is removing a documented function ok?>
16:39 hmmmm 'cause i would have readded it within lua
16:39 hmmmm until i realized there's no other way to run code after mods init but before the environment steps begin
16:39 Zeno` I have no idea what this conversation is about then =D
16:39 hmmmm for example
16:40 hmmmm for mginit in registered_on_mapgen_init do
16:40 hmmmm mginit(minetest.get_mapgen_params())
16:40 hmmmm end
16:40 hmmmm and toss that into minetest.after(0)
16:40 hmmmm or something like that
16:40 hmmmm but not hacky
16:42 Megaf joined #minetest
16:50 zigz left #minetest
16:51 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:52 HomelessHedgehog joined #minetest
16:53 jojoa1997 what is the extension of a mesh
16:57 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:02 crazyR anyone use redis as a backend?
17:04 sfan5 just ask your question
17:05 crazyR im just look for info on reliability and potential issues. known issues, anything i might want to consider before deciding on wether to switch to it
17:06 fz72 joined #minetest
17:06 Calinou joined #minetest
17:07 sfan5 crazyR: it takes much RAM
17:07 sfan5 crazyR: issues? I know of none
17:13 Viper168_ joined #minetest
17:15 kaeza joined #minetest
17:15 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:18 Viper168_ joined #minetest
17:19 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:20 rubenwardy !title
17:20 MinetestBot rubenwardy: HudKit for Minetest
17:20 rubenwardy It allows you to use strings to identify Hud elements
17:22 rubenwardy and, Hi All!
17:23 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
17:26 Krock rubenwardy, hi and ctf fail at
17:26 kaeza greetings rubenwardy
17:26 Krock dat copypasta
17:26 rubenwardy lol
17:26 rubenwardy what fail?
17:27 Krock it uses ctf instead of the variable above
17:27 Krock "myhudkit"
17:27 rubenwardy ah
17:27 rubenwardy lol
17:27 Krock :P
17:27 leat joined #minetest
17:27 rubenwardy fixed
17:27 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:32 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
17:35 MinerDad joined #minetest
17:36 rubenwardy Can someone help me with getting screenshots of all the drawtypes?
17:36 rubenwardy I am writing a chapter about them
17:36 Krock how to show "airlike"?
17:37 rubenwardy Maybe exclude thatone
17:37 rubenwardy As in, a photo for each one, about 128x128, taken from 2 metres, looking sort of isometric.
17:38 Calinou a render should be used, preferably
17:38 rubenwardy That's a good ide
17:38 rubenwardy a
17:38 rubenwardy !wiki normal;
17:38 MinetestBot No such page.
17:38 rubenwardy !wiki normal
17:38 rubenwardy !dev normal
17:38 MinetestBot No such page.
17:38 Krock tick-tock-tick-tock..
17:38 rubenwardy meg
17:38 rubenwardy
17:39 rubenwardy The renders in each of the links will be sufficient.
17:41 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
17:42 rubenwardy okay, from torchlike onwards they aren't very good
17:42 rubenwardy except stair
17:42 rubenwardy and slab
17:50 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:51 hmmmm ahh
17:52 hmmmm it occurred to me that I don't actually need to preserve the timing of on_mapgen_init
18:00 tpe joined #minetest
18:01 CraigyDavi How long should the official minetestmapper take to generate a -1000:-1000+2000+2000 map?
18:01 CraigyDavi It's taking ages for me
18:02 hmmmm about tree fiddy
18:03 rubenwardy the cpp version is much faster
18:03 rubenwardy python takes ages
18:03 CraigyDavi Hmm
18:04 rubenwardy the cpp takes about 10 seconds for +-3000, python takes about five minutes. For me
18:04 rubenwardy I think. It is about 20-50 times faster
18:04 CraigyDavi Then there must be something wrong, or maybe the map it's due to the map size
18:05 CraigyDavi I'm only doing +-2000 and it's been 15 mins
18:07 petrusd987 joined #minetest
18:08 electrodude512 joined #minetest
18:11 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
18:11 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
18:14 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
18:16 icetea joined #minetest
18:17 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
18:19 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:20 exio4_ joined #minetest
18:20 troller joined #minetest
18:23 FRQuadrat joined #minetest
18:26 NekoGloop joined #minetest
18:27 Weedy joined #minetest
18:27 Weedy joined #minetest
18:28 rubenwardy lol, writing documentation about the glasslike drawtype, turns out that glass doesn't use glasslike.
18:30 fz72 hey there, has lua entitys something like metadata for nodes?
18:30 n4x joined #minetest
18:33 Scall joined #minetest
18:33 mitrom joined #minetest
18:37 Jordach !title
18:37 Jordach ^ Sokomine
18:37 MinetestBot Jordach: make BFDs gameplay FASTER BY REQUEST BY EVERYONE ·  050fef4 · Jordach/big_freaking_dig · GitHub
18:41 meldrian joined #minetest
18:46 mitrom how there should be an apostrophe there
18:47 Lunatrius joined #minetest
18:52 Jordach mitrom, git bash doesn't like my using these: '
18:52 mitrom ah yeah
18:52 rubenwardy git -m "BFD's"
18:52 mitrom ^
18:52 rubenwardy Is it just bash?
18:52 Jordach mitrom, too lazy and have cold fingers for typing
18:53 rubenwardy * git commit -m "BFD's"
18:53 rubenwardy doesn't matter that much
18:57 ElectronLibre Try git commit * and type what you want as title.
18:59 DuDraig joined #minetest
19:00 CWz joined #minetest
19:01 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
19:02 Xack hi Calinou
19:07 Calinou hi
19:07 leat left #minetest
19:11 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
19:20 rubenwardy
19:21 rubenwardy Wow, a sentence in the introduction was left half completed
19:22 amDOGE joined #minetest
19:23 shadowzone First of, what is a drawtype? A drawtype defines how the node is drawn onto the screen, they are sent along with the node definition to the client where
19:23 shadowzone ?
19:25 PilzAdam joined #minetest
19:29 rubenwardy Wow, a sentence in the introduction was left half completed
19:29 rubenwardy Ignore that sentence
19:31 rubenwardy First of all, what is a drawtype? A drawtype defines how the node is to be drawn. A torch looks different to water, water looks different to stone.
19:31 shadowzone Okay
19:31 rubenwardy I don't like it :(
19:33 y joined #minetest
19:35 exio4_ joined #minetest
19:44 rubenwardy Why do HUD elements return IDs, rather than assigning a string?
19:44 rubenwardy like formspecs
19:44 rubenwardy as in, why don't you give it a name when creating it, rather than having to remember an ID.
19:45 rubenwardy You could use serials:   num_of_hud++; local name = "mymod:hud_" .. num_of_hud
19:45 rubenwardy if you don't want to name it.
19:45 Johnsen2 ....
19:47 rubenwardy To maintain support, make HUD functions return the string/name, and allow mod devs to specify a string/name
19:47 rubenwardy or include HudKit by default XD
19:48 rubenwardy !title;t=10868&amp;p=166302#p166302
19:48 MinetestBot rubenwardy: HudKit - refer to HUD elements by strings. - Minetest Forums
19:59 JAPP joined #minetest
20:00 JAPP Hello !
20:01 rubenwardy Hi!
20:02 Wayward_One how would i make a world with just desert stone and desert sand?
20:05 JAPP I'm using a public wifi access point and I would like to know how to configure MT to use a VPN through this public spot.
20:10 mitrom left #minetest
20:14 Krock Wayward_One, make abms on stone, grass and dirt
20:14 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
20:14 y
20:14 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
20:28 acerspyro joined #minetest
20:29 acerspyro I got such a weird bug last night with dreambuilder
20:30 acerspyro I was flying around, and then all of a sudden, in the distance I see...
20:30 Krock kill it.
20:30 Krock bad bugs
20:31 acerspyro Up in the sky, fans either hanging in mid air, or on unknown node blocks, with random blocks like micro blocks (?) amongst the unknown nodes blocks.
20:31 Krock screenshot or it didn't happen.
20:31 acerspyro I get up there, place a block, server crash
20:31 acerspyro Krock, Oh I got tons
20:31 Krock pls4link
20:32 acerspyro hang on, need to upload
20:34 acerspyro 19 screenshots
20:34 * Krock hangs on something
20:34 acerspyro :D
20:34 Krock perfect uploader:
20:34 acerspyro This was memorable, I have a lot of fun with bugs
20:35 acerspyro,1V4DpaF,PjVP3Y5,5Ie2WNv,C24qciq,d5JGETj,tajRfL5,tyMLnBI,OloMMUR,VjVy5ws,UtCr33l,ZsnN60F,dyoDI3q,DmcIsZW,cKR0fBU,TWHAzVV,7JauFfY,SwQkudv,hdgDjgF
20:35 acerspyro lol
20:36 Krock a cloud mod?
20:37 acerspyro lol I never thought of it like that
20:37 acerspyro A space ship that came to invade, with server crashes as its defense mechanism
20:37 acerspyro I couldn't break the unknown node blocks.
20:37 Krock maybe it's a feature
20:37 exio4_ joined #minetest
20:38 ThatGraemeGuy show debug info and you can get the item strings
20:38 acerspyro accidental feature
20:38 acerspyro ThatGraemeGuy, It shows nothing for the unknown nodes blocks
20:38 Krock interesting - those anomalies only happened on a thin layer
20:39 ThatGraemeGuy you don't seem to have debug info enabled in those screenshots
20:39 acerspyro You point at it, and it's as if you were pointing at the sky.
20:39 acerspyro ThatGraemeGuy, nope, but I did enable it
20:39 ThatGraemeGuy ah ok
20:39 ThatGraemeGuy very weird
20:39 ThatGraemeGuy is it reproducible? or did it just go away?
20:39 Krock can't explain this.. seems like there was a memory/IO corruption
20:39 acerspyro It happened very randomly
20:40 acerspyro Loading a lot of chunks quickly, since I was flying across the map with fast on
20:40 Krock I guess the sqlite security level is at minimal...
20:40 Brains acerspyro: I think I saw something like that but my crashes happened pretty quickly.
20:40 acerspyro Well, funny thing
20:41 acerspyro I was using a dedicated server locally (for performance) the first time, and the server crashed.
20:41 acerspyro But the integrated server didn't crash
20:41 Brains acerspyro: What was the last entry in your debug.txt when it crashed?
20:41 Krock so you saved the map?
20:41 * Brains was playing singleplayer when it happened.
20:41 acerspyro Krock, unless there are back-ups, I deleted it.
20:42 Krock mhm k
20:45 acerspyro debug.txt shows nothing useful...
20:46 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:48 * Brains seems to recall a server out of memory error in there, but can't recall if that was the right debug.txt.
20:50 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
21:05 MinerDad joined #minetest
21:07 Jordach
21:13 benoliver999 So I was just on my server when I lost my internet connection. Unfortunately, I kept building for about 15 minutes before realising there was a problem (I couldn't update my inventory). Is there a way to avoid this in the future?
21:14 troller yes, play in freeminer
21:14 ElectronLibre Send you a private message to ckeck if you're still connected.
21:14 ElectronLibre In 0.4.9 I remember whenever you get disconnected you got stuck in the map. This feature has disappeared in 0.4.10.
21:15 benoliver999 Yeah I cuold just keep building
21:16 benoliver999 I'm a minecraft convert so I'm used to just getting disconnected/the game freezing
21:16 benoliver999 You cannot place a block unless you have a connection
21:17 benoliver999 Freeminer looks cool but "Unlike Minetest it aims to make the game fun while trading off some bits of perfectionism." made me laugh - a bit harsh!
21:18 troller yep, site need some changes
21:18 benoliver999 Not for me, I'm a 'lego' player, but I can see the appeal
21:19 benoliver999 Is it just minetest with mods built in?
21:19 benoliver999 It lools like there's more work in it than that.
21:19 Pest joined #minetest
21:19 troller no, its 1.5 years of optimizing core and fixing bugs like your connection
21:20 benoliver999 Yeah
21:20 Viper168 joined #minetest
21:20 troller including auto reconnect
21:21 troller and lost connect detection
21:21 Player_2 joined #minetest
21:22 PilzAdam joined #minetest
21:23 Cylus joined #minetest
21:23 benoliver999 I'm still sore after losing a fair bit of work so it's definitely an attractive alternative...
21:30 CraigyDavi There used to be a feature which froze the player when the conenction was lost of the server was shutdown but that seems to have been removed
21:30 CraigyDavi *or
21:31 acerspyro I can't manage to place my slabs vertically. >:[
21:35 Kargaroc joined #minetest
21:35 AgentFire joined #minetest
21:35 AgentFire So what did 0.4.11 do?
21:37 acerspyro Shit.
21:37 AgentFire Pardon?
21:38 acerspyro pardon what
21:38 acerspyro AgentFire, I'm sorry, but this channel does not have a no-swearing rule.
21:40 acerspyro AgentFire, 0.4.11 has performance improvements.
21:52 Arch-TK hmm
21:54 kaeza joined #minetest
21:56 Arch-TK 3 days and still flagged out of date... that's a bit slow for arch packages.
21:58 kaeza blame the maintainer for the arch package
21:58 kaeza !next
21:58 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
21:58 acerspyro !prev
21:58 Arch-TK ....
21:58 acerspyro THIS SUCKS
21:58 * acerspyro slams laptop on the floor
21:58 Arch-TK I'm not blaming you guys...
21:59 Arch-TK !source
21:59 Arch-TK hmm so not supybot?
22:00 acerspyro !txen
22:00 acerspyro !vrep
22:00 kaeza Arch-TK, phenny
22:00 Arch-TK acerspyro: Do I know you from #archlinux or #archlinux-offtopic ?
22:01 acerspyro Yep
22:01 acerspyro Much likely
22:01 Arch-TK that explains it.
22:01 acerspyro #archlinux
22:02 * Arch-TK wonders whether he should take a gander at the minetest source or continue with his own projects.
22:02 Arch-TK Ah, a git clone never hurt anyone.
22:02 acerspyro yes
22:03 acerspyro Someone started an army of git clones
22:03 acerspyro Bazaar hurts.
22:03 Arch-TK acerspyro: Point on the doll where git clone touched you.
22:03 * acerspyro points everywhere at the same time.
22:05 kaeza Arch-TK, as a bonus, a clone allows you to switch between release and dev versions at whim :)
22:05 kaeza or to any version for that matter
22:06 Arch-TK kaeza: it also allows me to inspect the tree, change branches, craft mail, inspect the log, revert, reset, rebase, yes
22:06 Arch-TK many things
22:06 Arch-TK git is useful
22:06 Arch-TK and fast, until you're dealing with the linux kernel.
22:06 Arch-TK Then it's fast after you warm it up a bit.
22:07 acerspyro sitting on it should work.
22:08 Arch-TK I should install gentoo on my auxillery server machine and get it compiling.
22:08 Arch-TK That should be enough to keep the city warm.
22:13 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
22:20 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:20 jojoa1997 it is possible to change the pitch of an entity?
22:21 Clean3d joined #minetest
22:24 kaeza jojoa1997, nope
22:24 kaeza only yaw (no roll either)
22:26 kaeza feature request maybe?
22:29 acerspyro I wish there was a ghost to tell you where and in what position your block is going to be placed for slabs, steps, etc.
22:30 jojoa1997 im pretty sure there is
22:30 Clean3d left #minetest
22:30 jojoa1997 also kaeza :( then my arrows look stupid
22:41 rnd joined #minetest
22:42 rnd hi
22:43 kaeza hi rnd
22:44 rnd i have question: homepos table is defined in sethome mod but says its nil if i try to read it in other mod, how to access it?
22:44 VanessaE joined #minetest
22:45 jojoa1997 if I put a function in function.lua and a tool calls the function(it is defined in a seperate file) will the function wrork?
22:45 rnd that seems similar problem
22:46 VanessaE jojoa1997: sure as long as function.lua is loaded first.
22:46 VanessaE and the function you defined is not `local`
22:46 rnd how do you make sure its loaded first?
22:46 VanessaE rnd: dofile, depends.txt, whatever is appropriate.
22:47 jojoa1997 function is loaded first
22:47 jojoa1997 oh hi VanessaE
22:47 rnd thx
22:47 jojoa1997 I think I am back into modding. I tried modding in Minecraft but it is too confusing. Much easier to borrow everyone's code in minetest
22:50 VanessaE acerspyro: interesting bug you got (that mapgen glitch with the windmills and unknown nodes)
22:50 VanessaE jojoa1997: good to hear
22:51 acerspyro I get lots of interesting bugs
22:51 VanessaE well you can be sure that nothing in dreambuilder created THAT :)
22:52 VanessaE (there aren't any terrain mods, just flora/foliage and slight landscaping bits and pieces)
22:52 MinetestBot [git] Uberi -> Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Merge pull request #68 from KodexKy/stack2_fix https:/ (2014-12-29T17:51:51-05:00)
22:52 MinetestBot [git] KodexKy -> Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Fix stack2 param https:/ (2014-12-16T02:14:22-04:30)
22:52 kaeza Uberi is alive :O
22:52 VanessaE YAY!
22:53 VanessaE hopefully he fixes that //load bug now
22:53 VanessaE MichaelEh has been hocking mir eh chinik about getting the latest Big Sight update loaded into VE-Creative
22:54 VanessaE :)
22:54 kaeza heh
23:00 kaeza joined #minetest
23:10 Player_2 joined #minetest
23:14 roboman2444 joined #minetest
23:15 crazyR joined #minetest
23:17 MinetestBot [git] Uberi -> Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Fix some warnings. https:/ (2014-12-29T18:16:36-05:00)
23:18 chchjesus__ joined #minetest
23:27 MinetestBot [git] Uberi -> Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Fix crash when loading schematic in a LuaJIT build in recent Minetest versions (thanks LazyJ & VanessaE!). https:/ (2014-12-29T18:26:37-05:00)
23:30 Du_Draig joined #minetest
23:30 VanessaE :D
23:34 OldCoder VanessaE, Landrush locked up and cycle crashed in pipeworks. Reverting luaentities fixed it. Should I simply delete the file prior to each world start?
23:34 OldCoder The braces seemed to be balanced in the bad copy of the file, but there was something wrong with it
23:38 VanessaE WAIT WHAT?
23:38 VanessaE oops
23:38 VanessaE sorry, caps
23:38 VanessaE what is the error, and what's "luaentities"?
23:39 VanessaE sorry I left earlier, my computer was giving me fits
23:39 shadowzone joined #minetest
23:43 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
23:44 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:44 EvergreenTree While looking at package managers for various languages, I got an idea for the way mods are managed in minetest
23:45 crazyR_ joined #minetest
23:45 EvergreenTree Mods could be handled like packages, and they would have their own metadata files
23:45 EvergreenTree Like author, description, etc
23:46 EvergreenTree You would still be able to manage them the same way as before, but I just thought it would be a nice addition
23:46 EvergreenTree Maybe have a tab which allows you to install mods from a file
23:46 EvergreenTree *directory
23:47 EvergreenTree MMDB could also use the metadata to fill out the various forms for a mod
23:47 EvergreenTree I think this was discussed somewhere on the forum, but I can't remember where.
23:47 EvergreenTree json might be a good choice if any such metadata file is introduced
23:49 * NekoGloop throws a kitten at EvergreenTree
23:49 * EvergreenTree catches the kitten and passes it to sfan5
23:50 * Viper168 gets the kitten high on catnip
23:52 * NekoGloop chops at EvergreenTree with a alatro axe
23:53 * EvergreenTree grabs the axe and throws it at the nearest kraken
23:58 kaeza joined #minetest
23:59 kaeza modem being retarded today :(
23:59 kaeza "today"

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