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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-10-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 luke9017 joined #minetest
00:03 zlsa joined #minetest
00:05 luke9017_ joined #minetest
00:06 luke9017_ hi
00:11 chchjesus joined #minetest
00:12 codehero joined #minetest
00:15 codehero joined #minetest
00:17 luke9017 joined #minetest
00:17 luke9017 shadow
00:18 luke9017 im in webchat
00:21 Cylus joined #minetest
00:25 erlehmann joined #minetest
00:26 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
00:28 Nerotic joined #minetest
00:29 Nerotic Can someone tell me how to disable sand biomes in Minetest? I looked in default/mapgen.lua and nothing was found, and I tried messing with the .conf
00:30 PilzAdam Nerotic, the sand biomes are added by the core, not by mods
00:30 PilzAdam you need to change the desert noise params in minetest.conf
00:30 Nerotic mgv6_freq_desert?
00:30 PilzAdam try  mgv6_freq_desert = 100
00:31 Nerotic 100 will disable it? I expected 0, but okay.
00:31 Nerotic Thanks.
00:31 PilzAdam it's reverse chance, I think
00:31 PilzAdam so 100 would be 1%
00:31 Nerotic What would be 0%? :P
00:32 PilzAdam IIRC I never found a desert with 100
00:33 Nerotic Alright, thanks for the assistance. I had a feeling it was that when i looked at the wiki, but the parameter 0 didnt work. And I didn't really read about parameters so I guess i shouldve. Thanks
00:35 PilzAdam hm... by looking at the code it seems like it's a perlin noise threshold; so anything > 1.0 should disable it completely
00:35 PilzAdam default is 0.45
00:36 Vazon joined #minetest
00:37 exio4 joined #minetest
00:37 Nerotic Good to know.
00:38 Nerotic Lately I've been messing around with the core, and minetest_game to learn a bit more on how the game works internally. It's pretty simple and fun to play with.
00:43 Daryl joined #minetest
00:49 jin_xi Nerotic: what did you play with? mapgen stuff?
00:49 Nerotic yea
00:49 Nerotic other stuff too, but today was mostly mapgen
00:57 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:57 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:58 Cylus So if I set it to -1, everything becomes a desert?
00:58 Cylus I'm going to try that.
01:00 exio41 joined #minetest
01:02 Cylus I found a small patch of grass, but for the most part, yes, everything is a desert now.
01:03 Cylus Oh wait, no, there's some larger grass spots over there. Hmm. There's a lot more desert then before though. what's the lowest perlin noise value?
01:06 ninnghazad joined #minetest
01:07 Cylus -100 seems to have done the trick. Not that I need an all-desert world, but it's interesting to know it can be done.
01:08 zat VanessaE: ping
01:08 VanessaE pong
01:10 zat VanessaE: what real tree is your jungletree based on?
01:12 VanessaE nothing in particular
01:12 VanessaE just a generic "jungle" tree
01:14 zat lol
01:14 paramat joined #minetest
01:15 Cylus Hey! It's our resident perlin expert.
01:15 paramat O/
01:15 Cylus paramat: Do you know what the highest/lowest perlin values are?
01:16 paramat desert noise has 3 octave and persistence 0.5, so stays within -1.75 to 1.75
01:16 paramat the range depends on octaves and persistence
01:16 paramat but is typically -2 to 2
01:18 Cylus Sweet. Thanks for the information! I suppose I'll need to look into octaves and persistence then if I plan to make any sensical changes to the mapgen noise values.
01:19 paramat oh this is assuming that 'scale' is 1 and 'offset' is 0, which it always is with 'minetest.get_perlin'
01:19 paramat 'scale' just multiplies the resulting raw noise value
01:20 Cylus At the moment, I'm looking at the C++ mapgen values that are set in minetest.conf. I'm not sure if I want to change them in my game, but it's a possibility.
01:21 paramat 1 octave noise always has a raw value range of exactly -1 to 1
01:21 Cylus It might be fun to have more jungles, but those drop the FPS quite a bit for some reason, so maybe not.
01:24 paramat 'persistence' is the amplitude of an octave relative to the previous octave, so 3 oct persist 0.5 has range = (-1 to 1) + (-1 to 1) * 0.5 + (-1 to 1) * 0.5 * 0.5 = -1.75 to 1.75
01:25 Cylus Okay, so persistence less than one makes later octaves "weaker".
01:25 paramat yes
01:26 paramat each additional octave has a 'spread' half the size, so controls finer detail in the noise pattern
01:27 Cylus And the number of octaves is just the number of iterations?
01:28 paramat so persistence is the balance of fine detail to large scale detail, so controls 'roughness'
01:28 VanessaE i was wondering wtf the persistence was for.
01:29 paramat number of octaves = number of levels of detail. each octave is itself a noise generator, then all the values are added
01:32 exio4 hi again
01:32 Cylus Hello!
01:34 Cylus Huh. It seems we have new textures. It's a good thing I botched my initial fork, because now it gives me a chance to rebase it and get in on these sweet textures.
01:34 exio4 hey!
01:35 exio4 what is new in this land?
01:35 exio4 haven't played much the last time (
01:35 exio4 :(
01:37 Cylus Well, there's some cool new features, such as a new type of dungeon (sandstone brick dungeons), but there's also lame new features, such as bookshelves that act as dedicated book-storage-only chests.
01:37 Cylus We've also now got panes, which link together sort of like fences.
01:39 Hirato joined #minetest
01:39 exio4 the commits give in /minetest/ give a nice show of what is going on
01:40 Cylus Yeah, I bet they do. I should take a look at those when I get the chance.
01:54 cities hey
01:54 cities in world edit
01:54 cities how do you replace a block that has spaces in the name?
01:58 llamapasture joined #minetest
01:58 Cylus cities: You have to use the node's real name, not the human-readable name. The real name can't have spaces.
01:58 Cylus For example, "Stone" is really "default:stone".
02:01 cities where do you get the real name
02:04 Cylus cities: From the Lua code. What node do you need to know the name of? I might know it.
02:04 foobar_ joined #minetest
02:04 cities wooden planks and palm tree planks
02:05 Cylus cities: Palm tree planks are going to be a moretrees thing, so I'm not sure. Regular planks are "default:wood".
02:05 foobar_ When I try to start minetest I get "Need running XServer to start Irrlicht Engine", but Xserver is running. How do I fix that?
02:06 exio4 check your DISPLAY (environment) variable
02:06 exio4 is it ":0" or something like that?
02:07 foobar_ is is ":0.0"
02:07 exio4 are you starting minetest with the same user as the one who "started" x11?
02:08 foobar_ yes
02:08 exio4 can you start other X11 apps from that terminal?
02:08 cities thanks Cylus
02:08 cities the moretrees one was palm tree planks with spaces, ut worked anyway
02:08 foobar_ exio4: yes
02:09 exio4 I don't really know then, sorry :P
02:10 Cylus cities: Maybe worldedit has gotten more sophisticated since I last used it then ...
02:12 ibloat joined #minetest
02:12 ibloat joined #minetest
02:14 exio4 the english of the teachers in the MOOCs I am stalking is really easy to understand for a non-native speaker like me :D
02:23 andre_pl is there any way for a mod to determine if a player is standing on a node?
02:23 andre_pl vs. in the air
02:25 zlsa joined #minetest
02:35 Miner_48er joined #minetest
02:39 doomtron joined #minetest
02:40 doomtron Hello
02:48 paramat left #minetest
02:48 doomtron When waving water is selected, the water block, which is above another block(i.e. wood), doesnt get its texture loaded.
02:51 erlehmann_ joined #minetest
03:14 zlsa joined #minetest
03:20 Not joined #minetest
03:29 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
03:34 Atlas|1618033 Looking to get started on engine documentation. Any ideas?
04:22 kaeza joined #minetest
04:44 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
04:46 proller joined #minetest
04:47 Scall joined #minetest
04:50 asie joined #minetest
04:54 ungali joined #minetest
04:56 est31 joined #minetest
04:56 MinetestBot est31: 09-26 17:06 UTC <Sokomine> that's a known bug in the engine/builtin. i hope it will get fixed eventually. it's issue #944
04:57 sol_invictus joined #minetest
05:00 est31 VanessaE in homedecor you can create locked microwaves. But when I did that, and used it, it became a non-locked microwave. Is that intentionally? Why not disable locked microwave entirely then?
05:00 MinetestBot est31: 09-26 17:06 UTC <Sokomine> that's a known bug in the engine/builtin. i hope it will get fixed eventually. it's issue #944
05:01 est31 minetestbot?
05:02 VanessaE actually no, that's not intentional.
05:02 VanessaE shit.
05:03 VanessaE I'll fix it asap.
05:03 VanessaE can you file an issue so I don't forget?
05:03 est31 ok
05:03 VanessaE
05:03 est31 which way do you want to fix it
05:04 VanessaE I'll make it so that it remains locked.
05:04 est31 ok. I'll file the issue.
05:04 VanessaE did this happen with any other locked nodes?
05:05 est31 ovens I think
05:05 VanessaE ok, mention those too
05:05 est31 let me try...
05:06 est31 ovens can't even be built as locked. Crafted yes built no.
05:06 VanessaE eh?
05:07 VanessaE oh there's no locked variant at all?
05:07 est31 there is and you can craft one but when you build it then there is no ( locked by %user)
05:08 VanessaE when you "build" it, you mean when you place it?
05:08 est31 yes
05:08 VanessaE ok, please mention this in your issue report also
05:08 est31 but microwaves too
05:08 VanessaE I'll try to fix it
05:08 est31 I'll link this chat.
05:08 VanessaE yes
05:09 VanessaE probably just a missed/nil field in the metadata or something.
05:09 VanessaE I'll get to it tomorrow though
05:09 est31 ok thanks
05:11 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
05:17 est31
05:17 est31 bye
05:26 kaeza greetings
05:30 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
05:30 rickmcfarley What's up dude
05:38 dirkk0 joined #minetest
05:43 sol_invictus joined #minetest
05:46 Vargos joined #minetest
05:53 kaeza joined #minetest
06:26 jp joined #minetest
06:31 [xming] joined #minetest
06:34 Miner_48er joined #minetest
07:00 asie joined #minetest
07:01 NakedFury joined #minetest
07:10 alket joined #minetest
07:25 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
07:29 CW joined #minetest
07:30 ImQ009 joined #minetest
07:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
07:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
07:44 rubenwardy joined #minetest
07:53 Scall joined #minetest
07:54 roboman2444 joined #minetest
08:01 compunerd_nick joined #minetest
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:03 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
08:03 Scall joined #minetest
08:25 ninnghazad morn'
08:32 rubenwardy Hello
08:34 VanessaE morning
08:35 jp \o
08:38 asie joined #minetest
08:40 NakedFury joined #minetest
08:48 DarkNekros morning everyone :)
08:49 reactor joined #minetest
08:49 VanessaE hi
08:49 reactor hellф
08:53 iqualfragile joined #minetest
08:58 alexxs joined #minetest
08:59 witheld Oh god minetest on android doesn't have autojump
08:59 iqualfragile witheld: wtf is autojump?
08:59 witheld Have you ever played minecraft on android?
09:00 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:00 witheld Or any other first person game on a touch screen slab
09:01 iqualfragile witheld: no, i don't do spyhardware
09:02 witheld iqualfragile: anyway, on a phone/tablet, looking around while using the dpad while jumping would require three hands
09:02 witheld So to deal with this, all first person games just have you jump whenever you're about to bumb into something
09:02 witheld bump*
09:03 tadni` joined #minetest
09:03 dirkk0 joined #minetest
09:04 Amaz joined #minetest
09:04 witheld And that's auto jump
09:04 witheld Get it, automatic jumping
09:06 Akuukis joined #minetest
09:06 iqualfragile witheld: yes, i did understand your explanation, it was not all that hard to follow, what kind of humans are you usually talking to that you have to make sure?
09:06 JamesTait joined #minetest
09:06 witheld Ones like you usually
09:06 witheld Pretentious, annoying
09:06 witheld Not dumb, they just choose to be that way
09:06 Akuukis joined #minetest
09:07 iqualfragile witheld: are you sure you are thinking of me?
09:07 witheld You're right, forgot self-righteous
09:07 iqualfragile i can't remember to have talked to you beforehands
09:08 ThatGraemeGuy eh this conversation is enthralling, do continue
09:08 witheld left #minetest
09:08 iqualfragile no, actually i will stop, in my whole self-rightouness i will just put witheld on my ignore list
09:08 rubenwardy iqualfragile is not a native english speaker, so probably didn't understand the combination of auto and jump into one ward.
09:08 rubenwardy oh
09:08 rubenwardy futile
09:09 rubenwardy :S
09:09 iqualfragile yes, i do understand the combination of simple words as i am german and we do that all the time, but autojumping is not unambigious, it could for example mean to "lock spacebar"
09:10 ThatGraemeGuy tablets have spacebars now?
09:10 * ThatGraemeGuy runs
09:10 rubenwardy Yes, that is what I meant :
09:11 * VanessaE sighs
09:12 kaeza this whole thing could have been avoided if s/wtf/what/, and s/spyhardware/android/
09:12 VanessaE iqualfragile: you didn't handle that well, at all.
09:12 kaeza it's not that hard to speak politely
09:12 VanessaE "what kind of humans..." should not have been said.
09:13 iqualfragile VanessaE: is that offensive? im sorry, as mentioned im not a native speaker, what would have been a more apropriate word?
09:13 iqualfragile children, idiots?
09:13 VanessaE iqualfragile: yes, because it presumes that the person to whom you were replying was not in fact speaking to humans.
09:13 jp you meant "what kind of person", right ?
09:13 VanessaE the appropriate response would have been not to respond at all.
09:14 iqualfragile jp: yes! thats it
09:15 VanessaE that would have helped, but the whole line following "your explanation" comes off as inflammatory to a native speaker, honestly.
09:16 iqualfragile VanessaE: well, it was ment to return his insult
09:16 VanessaE I see no insult from him prior to that.
09:18 rubenwardy "Get it, automatic jumping", wasn't an insult, but was a bit rude
09:18 VanessaE nope, not rude either.
09:19 iqualfragile well, it was rude to me
09:19 VanessaE that phrasing is a bit obscure but it usually isn't meant to be rude (let alone insulting).  it's a shorthand for "Do you get what I mean?"
09:20 VanessaE he was literally asking you if you understood.
09:20 rubenwardy s'pose sop
09:20 rubenwardy *so
09:21 iqualfragile VanessaE: if you let go of an apple it drops to the ground
09:21 iqualfragile did you get what i mean?
09:21 VanessaE your explanation is simple enough that no further clarification is needed.
09:22 VanessaE but when he said autojump, my first thought, not having ever played MC, was some sort of hold-a-jump-button feature
09:23 VanessaE in fact immediately prior to that I thought of the double-tap-to-fly feature but then immediately discounted that as unrelated.
09:23 iqualfragile VanessaE: yes, mine too, thats why i asked, a and his explaination was simple enough that no further clarification was needed
09:23 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:24 rubenwardy I thought he meant jump when reaching a node edge, like he meant. But it was ambiguous.
09:24 VanessaE I'm just saying that you really went the wrong way with your choice of words.
09:24 VanessaE language barriers suck.
09:25 kaeza textual communication cannot impart things like mood, etc, so that played against too
09:25 VanessaE indeed
09:25 hax404_ joined #minetest
09:26 Akuukis joined #minetest
09:26 VanessaE anyways, thus endeth this morning's lesson on etiquette :P
09:26 kaeza "Assume good faith", they say
09:26 VanessaE kaeza: what is this, Wikipedia? :P
09:27 erlehmann joined #minetest
09:27 Amaz XD
09:27 kaeza no, if that were the case, all of us would be kicked for not being "notable enough" <_<
09:27 psedlak joined #minetest
09:27 VanessaE haha
09:28 Akuukis Hi all. Is there a mod in Minetest with robots like ComputerCraft or OpenComputers are for Minecraft?
09:28 * speak gives thumbs up to VanessaE for resolving the situation
09:28 VanessaE heh
09:29 VanessaE Akuukis: not robots, as such, but there are plenty of mobs to be found.  re-texturing one of them to look like a robot would be fairly trivial
09:29 rubenwardy I was bored :(
09:29 kaeza Akuukis, the luacontrollers/digilines from mesecons, and probably part of technic
09:29 VanessaE oh you mean just electronics?
09:29 VanessaE I thought that seemed a little odd
09:30 Akuukis VanessaE: sorry, I mean something that moves and is programmable
09:30 VanessaE Akuukis: so something like LEGO Mindstorms or so?
09:30 iqualfragile kaeza: in the german wiki minetest is notable enough
09:30 rubenwardy There are enough sources in German :O
09:31 VanessaE Akuukis: technic + mesecons can do that.  you can build machines that move around
09:31 rubenwardy Or are there just less ar__holes?
09:31 iqualfragile why not use the german sources for the english wiki?
09:31 rubenwardy Can we do that?
09:31 VanessaE rubenwardy: a little of both, maybe
09:31 Akuukis kaeza: it sounds something close enough. I will check
09:31 VanessaE iqualfragile: it's already been tried ones.  epic fail :(
09:31 Akuukis Thanks
09:31 kaeza rubenwardy, afaik, it's discouraged
09:31 VanessaE once*
09:31 kaeza Akuukis, sure :)
09:31 rubenwardy since MSCraftGate we should have received a lot more sources for Wikipedia
09:31 iqualfragile VanessaE: crating a wiki article or using german sources?
09:32 VanessaE iqualfragile: both
09:32 kaeza Akuukis, they are not mobile, though
09:32 Akuukis :(
09:32 iqualfragile VanessaE: i was around when the english wikipedia entry was created and deleted
09:32 rubenwardy I created it :(
09:32 iqualfragile i actually was the one who started translating it to german on a piratepad
09:32 VanessaE iqualfragile: If I recall, that article used some sources from the German article, didn't it?
09:32 rubenwardy Here is the saved version:
09:33 Akuukis kaeza: oh, that's something like Redstone, not quite what I was looking.
09:33 iqualfragile rubenwardy: well, in that article there are 2 external sources
09:34 VanessaE Akuukis: mesecons and technic work together.  you can create machines that move around, dig things, etc.  Lua controllers are programmable and can be used to control said machines.
09:34 kaeza Akuukis, the luaCs are programmable chips; I wonder if it would be hard to implement that as a mobile "robot" entity, with any useful functionality...
09:34 iqualfragile in the german one there are 3 additional ones of which one is ooooold and two are not reachable anymore
09:35 Akuukis Now i got it, it's more than Redstone. Yeah, lua controllers.
09:36 rubenwardy Yeah, it sucks
09:36 kaeza digilines are also like data buses, in that you can send arbitrary data to other nodes
09:36 rubenwardy I needs to be rewritten. Completely
09:36 rubenwardy We need sources searches
09:36 rubenwardy *searchers
09:36 Akuukis In minecraft both mods implemented robots as blocks that can move.
09:37 rickmcfarley Akuukis: check out if you haven't, it's got some cool stuff
09:37 Akuukis So there's already everything i need to make a stationary computer that can control something.
09:38 iqualfragile what would you guys think about a python api for minetest?
09:38 hax404_ joined #minetest
09:38 rubenwardy
09:38 rickmcfarley I like python
09:38 rubenwardy iqualfragile, python is a bit weird as an API
09:39 VanessaE Akuukis: a *mobile* computer.
09:39 kaeza why?
09:39 kaeza rubenwardy, ^
09:39 rubenwardy Embedding is bad in python. Mt currently embeds lua. extending is better in python as you can include extra modules.   Like     import minetest;   as a file in builtin
09:39 rubenwardy Although not a problem to embed, actually, as it makes it sandboxed
09:40 rubenwardy So ignore my comment.
09:40 VanessaE Akuukis: technic contains devices that you can use to move assemblies and structures around, including the devices that control those structures
09:40 rubenwardy gtg
09:40 Akuukis VanessaE: yes, technically speaking robots are mobile computer blocks that can interact with world
09:41 ninnghazad kaeza: robots like in minecraft's computercraft is what i try to do right now.
09:41 someguy joined #minetest
09:41 kaeza Akuukis, ^
09:41 someguy anyone there?
09:41 Akuukis VanessaE: oh, so I can make a big ship of multiple blocks from technic that moves together?
09:41 ninnghazad computertest, dronetest, not sure about the name yet
09:41 VanessaE andre_pl: correct
09:41 kaeza someguy, no
09:41 VanessaE oops
09:41 VanessaE Akuukis: correct
09:41 someguy anyone have a idea how to connect /use my dualshock controller with minetest?
09:42 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:42 someguy anyone?
09:42 kaeza someguy, something like qjoypad + some driver/hardware to connect the controller
09:42 Akuukis VanessaE: cool, that's a start. And is there any sign that someone is making a mod for minetest to implement robots?
09:42 iqualfragile sandboxing is only hard in the default python implementation, using another one (namely pypy, which should be used anyways, at it greatly improves execution speed) solves that issue
09:42 iqualfragile aditionally our current lua is not sandboxed at all
09:43 ninnghazad Akuukis: me
09:43 someguy i have the drivers
09:43 someguy qjoypad?.
09:43 Akuukis ninnghazad: hi! Good news. Have you already started?
09:43 kaeza someguy, it's a program that translates joystick input to keyboard/mouse input
09:44 PjotrOrial_ joined #minetest
09:44 someguy ok
09:44 someguy i will download it
09:44 ninnghazad Akuukis: yes, theres quite a bit of code already, but its far from ready
09:44 ninnghazad Akuukis: tricky trying to sandbox lua-in-a-lua
09:45 Zeno` joined #minetest
09:45 ninnghazad Akuukis: but seems possible so far, with some cutbacks
09:45 Akuukis ninnghazad: nice. I have done some coding in lua for OpenComputers. Are you on Github?
09:45 Jousway joined #minetest
09:46 VanessaE ninnghazad: borrow some code from mesecons' Lua controllers?
09:46 VanessaE it's already sandboxed :)
09:46 proller joined #minetest
09:46 Akuukis Good idea
09:46 ninnghazad Akuukis: yes, look for dronetest.
09:47 ninnghazad VanessaE: thx i might look into that, but as its pretty specific i'm not sure there is much to copy, but maybe some tricks i haven't thought of...
09:51 Zeno` tricks?
09:51 someguy Kaeza
09:51 someguy im on windows not linux.
09:51 ninnghazad hm, well, tricks like catching buggy usercode and so on
09:51 rickmcfarley I'm trying learn how to make a simple electric system because I want to port/recreate Galacticraft
09:53 Akuukis ninnghazad: found dronetest. Check out my project on Github RobotColorWars, I would like to port it to minetest, probably through dronetest if that works out. :)
09:54 ninnghazad Akuukis: i have a CC project called SWARM, also on github, which is why i started dronetest. lol, stalled with the same reason as your project.
09:54 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:54 ninnghazad Akuukis: i focused on shared pathfinding for the turtles, and got pretty far.
09:54 dirkk0 could you both post the links, please?
09:55 ninnghazad searcg on github for RobotColorWars, SWARM and dronetest
09:55 ninnghazad search
09:55 Akuukis ninnghazad: impressive.
09:55 dirkk0 k, got it.
09:56 ninnghazad i like your project, that is like totally something that i would have liked to use my api for.
09:56 dirkk0 oh, I see, these are in MC not MT - I didn't read the log far enough, sry.
09:57 ninnghazad Akuukis: how far in with the project did you get?
09:57 ninnghazad yes they are MC but should become MT because it would be a shame otherwise
09:57 kaeza someguy, see if you can find anything here:
09:57 Akuukis ninnghazad: i got working pathfinding in OC, with 1MB team available! :D did lots of optimizations. And infinite thread library is working
09:58 someguy i am looking at it right now.
09:58 someguy everything is not freeware.
09:58 Akuukis On Github you can see readme, everything is nicely written there.
09:58 Akuukis And link to YouTube to show pathfinding
09:58 Zeno` someguy, linux?
09:58 ninnghazad Akuukis: i considered switching from CC to OC, but the memory-limits put me of. i have a client/server model in there, and the mapserver can easily use MBs of memory with multiple turtles - so it was a nogo
09:59 someguy Windows
09:59 Scall joined #minetest
09:59 VanessaE someguy: I have a Mad Catz xbox controller which I know works in Linux.  I'm pretty sure PSX/2/3 controllers also do
09:59 Akuukis ninnghazad: i though the same because pathfinding uses less of RAM, but it's all matter of optimization
09:59 VanessaE bind one of those through qjoypad and it should work?
10:00 Akuukis *lot's of, not less
10:00 ninnghazad Akuukis: a lot of coding fun those little botters. i do plan to make dronetest or whatever itll be called similar to CC and not OC though.
10:01 someguy i have a Ps2 dualshock usb controller
10:01 someguy how to use it with minetest.
10:01 ninnghazad Akuukis: its not really the pathfinding itself, at least not if turtle don't move like 1000 units away, it's the shared map that eats the memory.
10:02 someguy Qjoypad is not available for windows.
10:02 VanessaE someguy: no idea then
10:02 * VanessaE doesn't do windows
10:02 proller joined #minetest
10:02 someguy K.
10:02 Akuukis ninnghazad: not a problem. Take a look at my code how the map is stored - it's in chunks and only needed chunks are loaded rest are on HDD, thus no need for huge RAM
10:03 ninnghazad Akuukis: yeah, wanted to implement diskswap for that too, but well... now first things first and getting a mod to run the code with.
10:03 Akuukis ninnghazad: but that's one of unfinished parts..
10:04 ninnghazad Akuukis: one of those neverending projects anyway
10:05 ninnghazad Akuukis: btw your welcome to help with the development of the mod btw. lots of stuff to code, from easy to braincrumbling.
10:06 ninnghazad yeah... minus 1 btw
10:06 Akuukis Ninnghazad: that's true. Good luck! Also I hope you will inspire more from OC, because RobotColorWars is not working in CC for numerous reasons :(
10:08 Akuukis Ninnghazad: I would like to. If you could document more or request for parts that would be great. Also I dunno how things work in MT,
10:09 tpe joined #minetest
10:09 iqualfragile die partei, die partei, die hat immer recht
10:12 ninnghazad Akuukis: neither do i, but it only took a few days to get a basic idea (i code for a living for what it's worth). in the forum there's a thread, something about lua threads, where i was talking to some other ppl about the mod, maybe worth a read. i will create a rough roadmap for early dev within the next few days, and put it on the githubs.
10:17 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:19 rickmcfarley hi john
10:38 edlothiol joined #minetest
10:42 Akuukis ninnghazad: sorry, back now. Thanks, then I will wait for update on Github. For me coding is for fun only.
10:46 BlockMen joined #minetest
10:46 Akuukis Ninnghazad: also please drop me a link to that forum. See you later,
10:46 ninnghazad Akuukis: kk
10:46 Zeno` regarding that threads thread
10:47 Zeno` be aware of:
10:49 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
10:52 Akuukis Thanks Zeno` good conversation over there
10:59 Akuukis2 joined #minetest
11:06 Megaf Fritigern: You there?
11:14 jp BlockMen : I don't understand at all your point about the gold block
11:16 BlockMen jp, just answered on github
11:17 jp I'm disagree to overlay my textures with the dirty current textures...
11:18 jp can't do better, do whatever with this
11:19 BlockMen i just gave you my feedback. you can convice the other two ofc
11:19 BlockMen then it would get merged anyway
11:22 Zeno` which request is this?
11:22 jp as owner, you're necessarily more convincing than me ;)
11:23 VanessaE
11:24 Zeno` they look better to me
11:24 BlockMen jp, i dont think so. example: dungeons. i said i wont block it but i didnt like (since they are completely useless currently), the other two wanted them
11:24 BlockMen and now they are in
11:24 VanessaE BlockMen: imho, jp's textures look better than the existing defaults, because metals should be smooth when they're in "block" form
11:24 VanessaE BlockMen: see for example, HDX's metal blocks
11:24 BlockMen talk with sfan5 and nore
11:24 jp Calinou did the same kind of textures in Carbone btw
11:25 VanessaE however, the coloring on bronze is wrong in both the old and new textures
11:25 BlockMen btw, i can see the diamond block pattern in them, jp :P
11:25 aheinecke joined #minetest
11:25 VanessaE the old texture is too brown, the new texture is too saturated.
11:25 jp BlockMen : and ?
11:26 VanessaE copper, similarly needs color tweaks.  the new texture is slightly too orange, should be a little more pinkish
11:26 BlockMen nothing ?
11:26 jp * a lightned pattern, ntw
11:27 Zeno` yeah I say merge jp's changes (with those small tweaks as suggested)
11:27 jp it also depends of the monitors, not exactly the same visuals
11:27 BlockMen VanessaE, pinkish? no no no
11:27 VanessaE BlockMen: you have never seen pure unoxidized copper just after exposure to acid, have you :)
11:28 BlockMen i have.
11:28 Zeno` not that I even use the current minetest_game (and probably never will) lol
11:28 VanessaE BlockMen: it is quite red, in fact.
11:28 Zeno` I'll backport the new textures though
11:28 ninnghazad copper ore actual is greenish
11:28 VanessaE ninnghazad: only in its oxidized state
11:28 BlockMen VanessaE, see our ingot discussion on steel color...
11:28 ninnghazad ah k,
11:29 BlockMen we dont need to repeat that for copper now
11:29 VanessaE BlockMen: only unoxidized, polished copper looks ... "copper" colored. but ok
11:29 Zeno` copper is most definitely not green (without oxidisation)
11:29 BlockMen ^ known
11:30 Zeno` ingots are generally "pure" and if there was oxidisation on them they'd be cleaned before distribution
11:30 VanessaE BlockMen:
11:31 VanessaE just for color reference.
11:31 ninnghazad yes, but when you actually find real-world copper-ore it probably is oxidized, except if you just broke the ore freshly. so to confuse everyone id say make copper ore orangeish and make it turn green when besides an air node =)
11:33 ninnghazad apart from that minerals do oxidize while in the ground... even if slowly.
11:33 jp you don't confuse with the brass about greenish-oxydation ?
11:35 ninnghazad hm, there even is violet copper-ore. well beats me
11:36 jp BlockMen : you have saw the screenshot from the e-mail you've received ? because this screenir has been updated 3 times...
11:36 jp screenie*
11:37 BlockMen jp, no
11:45 Wuzzy joined #minetest
11:53 LzP joined #minetest
11:53 LzP left #minetest
12:05 VanessaE bbl
12:14 dirkk0 joined #minetest
12:16 PenguinDad joined #minetest
12:24 cities hi
12:26 ninnghazad o/
12:26 diemartin joined #minetest
12:28 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
12:36 ninnghazad whats the most aggreed upon redstone-alternative for minetest?
12:39 PenguinDad ninnghazad: mesecons
12:39 ninnghazad thx
12:40 meldrian joined #minetest
12:46 shadowzone joined #minetest
12:48 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:57 FreeFull joined #minetest
12:57 FreeFull joined #minetest
13:03 kaeza joined #minetest
13:04 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
13:08 Conover joined #minetest
13:09 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
13:12 jp joined #minetest
13:16 asie joined #minetest
13:28 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
13:40 aheinecke joined #minetest
13:46 ninnghazad anybody knows where state-info is stored within a mesecons-node? or, if it is in meta, how it is called?
13:47 * Brains is getting lots and lots of SerializationErrors in processMessage...
13:47 ElectronLibre The on-state and off-state? I think you can get them by the groups, or the nodename.
13:49 iqualfragile ninnghazad: on and off state are different nodes
13:49 iqualfragile the action que is a seperate file
13:50 ElectronLibre minetest.get_node(pos).name:split("_")[3] must work.
13:51 shadowzone ("_") that's a good smiley.
13:53 Amaz joined #minetest
13:54 diemartin joined #minetest
13:56 PenguinDad snprintf = shit now prints formatted :D
13:59 proller joined #minetest
14:02 Aqua joined #minetest
14:03 Aqua Hello ^.^
14:03 ninnghazad ElectronLibre: iqualfragile: splitting the nodename works, thx
14:03 ElectronLibre Hello Aqua :).
14:04 ElectronLibre Good luck for what you are doing ninnghazad ^^.
14:04 BlockMen joined #minetest
14:05 zat joined #minetest
14:07 kaeza joined #minetest
14:10 ninnghazad hm but the convention of using a global nodename-suffix for a mod's stati seems strange...
14:11 ninnghazad only works if only mesecons does it, or am i missing something?
14:12 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
14:13 ElectronLibre Mesecons and some mods of pipework do it, but it's not a mod's state, it's a node's state. It's the only way to use a on node and a off node.
14:14 ElectronLibre (It's a nodename-suffix, not a modename-suffix :) )
14:16 proller joined #minetest
14:18 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:19 zlsa joined #minetest
14:24 proller joined #minetest
14:27 dirkk0 just out of curiousity: is there a reason, why MC blocks are called nodes in MT?
14:28 Some_Donkus joined #minetest
14:29 jp node != block
14:30 DusXMT Because they're represented by notes in a sqlite database? (first guess)
14:31 DusXMT *nodes
14:31 PilzAdam dirkk0, a node is "a basic unit used to build data structures" (from wikipedia)
14:40 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
14:40 Akagi201 joined #minetest
14:48 cities dirkk0  I won't look down on you for calling them blocks
14:48 cities I want to call them blocks too
14:48 kaeza be aware that in MT, "blocks" are what MC calls "chunks"
14:49 kaeza (almost)
14:49 cities oh goodness.
14:49 ninnghazad those nodes are quite blocky, indeed.
14:49 cities why can't we all just call everything by the samething
14:49 ninnghazad like the smurfs?
14:49 cities I feel like it has to be more 'techy' sounding since its minetest
14:49 BlockMen kaeza, just cause of lazyness
14:50 BlockMen actually they are called mapblocks
14:50 kaeza ^ :P
14:50 Atlas-1618033 joined #minetest
14:52 PilzAdam sometimes 5x5x5 mapblocks are called "chunks" in minetest
14:52 PilzAdam and by "sometimes" I mean "in mapgen"
14:56 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
14:57 kaeza wat
15:00 erlehmann joined #minetest
15:01 * ElectronLibre reminds the tetris' music *_*...
15:03 dirkk0 thx for the explanation
15:15 PilzAdam sfan5, it seems like I can't dye colored wool with white dye to get white wool again; could you check that?
15:16 sfan5 maybe
15:18 Broam joined #minetest
15:18 Broam joined #minetest
15:26 DusXMT joined #minetest
15:35 proller joined #minetest
15:35 microcarrot joined #minetest
15:36 microcarrot I doubt that anyone remembers this:
15:37 Zephlon joined #minetest
15:37 * PenguinDad doubts that nobody remembers
15:37 microcarrot PenguinDad: well some people forgot, i'd bet
15:38 dirkk0 it would probably be remembered more if it were on this page:
15:39 microcarrot dirkk0: not my fault it isn't, it's not popular yet because its incomplete
15:39 kaeza then complete it!
15:40 cities who made the pixel one
15:40 cities texturepack
15:40 cities pixelbot
15:40 cities or whatever
15:40 cities its nice
15:40 microcarrot working on it, it takes time!
15:42 PenguinDad Sholy Hit o_o
15:42 microcarrot its by the same guy who made minetoon
15:42 microcarrot Gambit
15:44 Calinou joined #minetest
15:44 microcarrot hi Calinou!
15:46 microcarrot cities: ^^
15:47 Calinou hi
15:48 microcarrot is it just me, or on wednesdays people respond slower?
15:48 Amaz I think it's just you.
15:49 microcarrot hmm
15:49 Atlas|1618033 Time dilation. I blame your proximity to the speed  of light.
15:50 microcarrot ha
15:50 Calinou don't expect people to reply instantly on IRC, despite it being instant messaging
15:51 microcarrot haha
15:51 microcarrot I don't
15:51 microcarrot it seems like every wednesday people are slower to respond
15:51 cities who made minetoon
15:52 microcarrot than normally
15:52 microcarrot Gambit
15:52 microcarrot ^ cities
15:52 kaeza and on wednesday, people repeat themselves
15:52 kaeza and on wednesday, people repeat themselves
15:52 cities except the
15:52 cities grass texture goes too far down the side of a dirt block
15:52 cities but other than that I like it
15:52 PenguinDad kaeza: I noticed that too
15:52 PenguinDad kaeza: I noticed that too
15:52 rubberduck joined #minetest
15:53 cities sorry I didn't see the first gambit responce
15:53 microcarrot hi rubberduck
15:53 rubberduck !seen MinetestBot
15:53 microcarrot its fine
15:53 rubberduck why does this not work???
15:53 microcarrot !seen rubberduck
15:53 MinetestBot rubberduck: minetestbot was last seen at 2014-09-27 21:02:44 UTC on #minetest-de
15:53 MinetestBot microcarrot: rubberduck was last seen at 2014-09-30 20:10:39 UTC on #minetest
15:54 PenguinDad MinetestBot: why u so slow?
15:54 microcarrot it just lagging
15:54 Calinou happy October!
15:54 Calinou :p
15:54 PenguinDad s/why/y/ :p
15:54 kaeza :D
15:54 rubberduck hi
15:54 microcarrot Happy Lagfect
15:54 ElectronLibre left #minetest
15:55 rubberduck how can i do the "seen" command right?
15:55 PenguinDad Happy Lagtoberfest :D
15:56 john_minetest joined #minetest
15:57 rubberduck How can i use the "seen" command, i tested it but it says "unknown command"...!!!
15:57 PenguinDad !snipe
15:57 PenguinDad :(
15:58 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
15:59 microcarrot
15:59 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
16:00 Calinou;t=10250
16:00 reactor joined #minetest
16:00 kaeza !btc UYU
16:00 MinetestBot kaeza: Unknown currency. Supported currencies: NZD, THB, CNY, EUR, CHF, HKD, USD, GBP, CAD, PLN, SGD, ISK, AUD, RUB, TWD, CLP, KRW, BRL, SEK, JPY, DKK
16:00 kaeza MinetestBot!
16:00 MinetestBot kaeza!
16:00 Calinou no BTC :(
16:00 Calinou and FRF
16:01 * rubberduck buys MinetestBot for 10000000000 Minegeld
16:01 PenguinDad rubberduck: one does not simply buy her ;D
16:02 Megaf_ joined #minetest
16:02 microcarrot rubberduck: no need to buy it, just get it off of github :P
16:02 rubberduck ...
16:02 rubberduck how can i use the "seen" command, it does not work for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:02 sfan5 asie: what did u do? :(
16:03 Calinou rubberduck, you should join #stuntrally :p
16:03 rubberduck ok
16:03 PenguinDad asie did something D:
16:03 Calinou rubberduck, which mod do you use for that command?
16:03 Calinou the default game doesn't have /seen
16:03 microcarrot Calinou: I think he means with IRC
16:03 rubberduck yes
16:04 kaeza !seen rubberduck
16:04 MinetestBot kaeza: rubberduck was last seen at 2014-09-30 20:10:39 UTC on #minetest
16:04 sfan5 !tw
16:04 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:04 MinetestBot Dammit, free services. (@asiekierka)
16:04 sfan5 not even once
16:05 rubberduck it says me "unknown command"
16:05 kaeza ItsLuke|AwayBich, away nicks kill
16:05 kaeza (except for away, who is always away)
16:06 Amaz :P
16:07 sfan5 !tw
16:07 MinetestBot I never tweeted anything. This account is merely an illusion; a decoy designed to think I am a secretive person. In reality, I am no more th (@asiekierka)
16:08 sfan5 looks like someone is no more th
16:08 microcarrot lol
16:10 Daryl joined #minetest
16:10 Calinou * seen :Unknown command
16:10 Amaz Calinou, !seen
16:10 Amaz For MinetestBot,
16:12 rubberduck please help, why does the seen command not help??????:'(
16:13 rubberduck i mean not WORK
16:13 Zephlon256 joined #minetest
16:13 PenguinDad !g Why does the seen command not work??????
16:13 MinetestBot PenguinDad:
16:13 Amaz XD
16:13 sfan5 rubberduck: you are doing it wrong somehow them
16:13 sfan5 then*
16:13 Amaz !seen Amaz
16:13 MinetestBot Amaz: amaz was last seen at 2014-09-30 16:48:24 UTC on #minetest
16:13 sfan5 !seen Amaz
16:13 MinetestBot sfan5: amaz was last seen at 2014-09-30 16:48:24 UTC on #minetest
16:14 Azelphur_ joined #minetest
16:14 rubberduck what do i have to write: an example could help
16:14 sfan5 we just gave an example
16:15 Nekrodes_ joined #minetest
16:15 Amaz sfan5, did you use me after you saw me do it, or just randomly?
16:15 rubberduck @seen
16:15 sfan5 Amaz: randomly, but you had the same idea
16:15 Amaz XD
16:15 sfan5 rubberduck: ! not @
16:15 rubberduck !seen rubberduck
16:15 MinetestBot rubberduck: rubberduck was last seen at 2014-09-30 20:10:39 UTC on #minetest
16:16 rubberduck i tested it with MinetestBot before
16:16 andre_pl_ joined #minetest
16:16 lstep_ joined #minetest
16:16 rubberduck that did not work, then i used the "/", because i thought "!" is wrong
16:16 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
16:16 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
16:17 rubberduck !tell rubberduck hi
16:17 MinetestBot You can tell that to yourself
16:17 PenguinDad rubberduck: it worked but she was a bit slow
16:17 cities !hi I'm cities
16:17 nully_ joined #minetest
16:17 Calinou !seen Calinou
16:17 MinetestBot Calinou: calinou was last seen at 2014-09-28 09:50:31 UTC on #minetest
16:17 iqualfragile netsplit?
16:18 microcarrot cities caused a netsplit!
16:18 terminator joined #minetest
16:18 shadowzone XD
16:18 Artemis3 joined #minetest
16:18 Broam I wonder if I do that will I cause a split
16:19 PenguinDad And then cities split the nets D:
16:19 cities omg I get blamed for everything
16:19 shadowzone So do I so don't take it personally.
16:19 cities see theres that shadowzone person again talking
16:20 shadowzone I'm playing chess with a few people.
16:20 shadowzone So I'm deep on concentration.
16:20 cities I never heard of chess with more than 2 people
16:20 shadowzone Well we have spectators and 2 players.
16:20 Broam Chessboxing never caught on either. It's okay.
16:20 Broam
16:20 microcarrot hehe
16:20 shadowzone Right now it is Dawid and Microchip.
16:20 cities I used to cheat at online chess
16:21 sfan5 iqualfragile: no
16:21 shadowzone XD
16:21 iqualfragile sfan5: no what?
16:21 zlsa joined #minetest
16:21 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:21 sfan5 iqualfragile: not a netsplit
16:22 cities I had a laptop with a computer chess game on it and I would play online chess on the desktop
16:22 cities Id put the setting on like super insane or something
16:22 cities then copy the moves
16:22 Broam back in the days before we had operating systems that could handle multiple windows.
16:22 iqualfragile sfan5: no sir!
16:22 cities Broam  it wouldn't let me turn the window upside down
16:23 cities in order to copy it right I needed it to be oritented the same direction as the online chess game
16:23 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
16:24 nully joined #minetest
16:25 microcarrot guys, my school has scary pictures in it
16:25 microcarrot
16:25 microcarrot that is in one of my lessons
16:28 rubberduck why can i place paper in a protected area????
16:29 Calinou the mod probably does not check for protection
16:29 rubenwardy Just an Asian lady. She isn't going to boom your home.
16:29 Amaz XD
16:32 reactor
16:32 Calinou*
16:33 * PenguinDad loves how voxel ands seems to be slower than Minetest
16:33 PenguinDad s/voxel ands/voxelands/
16:34 * microcarrot loves how PenguinDad doesn't realize that Minetest is already horribly slow
16:37 PenguinDad microcarrot: when was that added?
16:37 Calinou PenguinDad, there is no proof that 0.4.10 is slower than 0.3.1; it's likely the inverse, we got a huge amount of client-side and server-side optimisations
16:37 microcarrot 0.3.X and up
16:37 Calinou we can have stable mods, we can have low server CPU and bandwidth usage…
16:37 Calinou we can have quick joining if you don't have heavy mods
16:38 Calinou Minetest isn't horribly slow, it's just being used wrongly
16:38 exio4 it is slow
16:38 exio4 because it could be faster
16:38 Calinou then by that definition, everything is slow
16:38 * sfan5 meows at exio4
16:38 exio4 yeah Calinou
16:38 sfan5 Calinou: a NOP is not slow
16:39 proller using lua - wrongly
16:39 DusXMT We need to remove all abstractions: They are what causes all the slowness!
16:39 Calinou proller, aren't you the MOBF/animals maintainer?
16:39 DusXMT (troll)
16:39 exio4 good abstractions aren't the cause of slowness
16:39 exio4 Calinou: what about sapier
16:39 Calinou I mix them up maybe
16:39 proller Calinou, WAt!!1  sapier
16:39 microcarrot I am holding a bio-hazardous object
16:39 kaeza /kick proller pls
16:39 exio4 /kill #minetest
16:40 DusXMT s/troll/joke
16:40 kaeza /hug exio4
16:40 * sfan5 licks exio4
16:40 exio4 /hugback kaeza
16:40 exio4 kaeza: hai <3
16:40 jp joined #minetest
16:40 kaeza :<3:
16:40 exio4 sfan5 ∈ (cats ∩ people)
16:41 * sfan5 hugs exio4
16:41 Calinou ±sfan5
16:41 exio4 ∓
16:41 DusXMT ? means hook
16:41 microcarrot ?
16:41 Brains Does anybody else regularly have a few hundred items running around in tubes and, after some time, see memory use (on the client) climb while fps drops...  Exiting to the OS and reloading restores expected behavior?  I think I'm seeing a memory leak (just observation, no proof yet).
16:41 jp kaeza :  ??
16:42 Calinou pipeworks can be slow, Brains, with too many items
16:42 DusXMT Brains: I had the same problem around the time I saw my first Nyan cat, it started acting up like that, but went back to normal when I closed and opened the game
16:42 kaeza jp, wat
16:43 Brains Calinou: Slow I expected but I'm seeing progressively (over time) worse performance that is "fixed" by restarting the client.
16:43 jp kaeza:   :<3:
16:43 Brains DusXMT: Yeah, that sounds similar to what I'm seeing.  Maybe I'll get a chance to look at it later.
16:43 kaeza jp, plol
16:44 jp reminds me this face
16:45 zat joined #minetest
16:46 DusXMT Also, I don't quite understand the "Return to OS" thing. It made sence in DOS where it pretty much transferred full control over to programs it ran, but today, we no longer do that
16:46 Brains By way of explanation, I've got a single centrifugue set up with a simple sorting tube setup...  Throw in a bunch of uranium and periodically check on it to see if it got stuck.  Not fast but cheap and it can run in the background while I'm off doing things both in game and IRL.
16:49 rubenwardy Calinou: "You don't need to install this mod if you're playing that particular game" or "You shouldn't install this mod if you're playing that particular game". :P
16:49 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:50 exio4 pizza works
16:50 Calinou you can install it, but it'll do nothing
16:50 Calinou (as you'll override the mod by the same mod)
16:52 rubenwardy yeah. "You don't install this..." sounds weird. I don't think it is grammatically incorrect, it is just a bit weird. Or at least not as good as shouldn't. :P
16:52 twoelk joined #minetest
16:53 rubenwardy "You don't need to install this mod if you're playing that particular game" or "You shouldn't install this mod if you're playing that particular game". :P
16:53 kaeza Wasn't there a topic like this already?;t=10248&amp;p=156391#p156391
16:54 Calinou yes, but it was just “which games you play”, this one is “other free/open games you play”
16:54 Calinou also was quite old
16:54 kaeza ah
16:54 Calinou lots of people saying they play Minecraft before Microsoft buyout 8)
16:54 kaeza that was it
16:54 rubberduck <3 MinetestBot
16:54 MinetestBot <3 rubberduck
16:55 rubberduck !tell mircrosoft bye bye
16:55 MinetestBot rubberduck: yeah, sure, whatever
16:55 Calinou;t=10251
16:55 Calinou please test if you can
16:56 rubberduck !tell microsoft bye bye
16:56 MinetestBot rubberduck: I'll pass that on when microsoft is around
16:56 kaeza please don't abuse the bot... she has feelings you know? D:
16:57 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
16:57 sfan5 !ignore rubberduck!*@*
16:57 MinetestBot sfan5: 'rubberduck!*@*' added to ignore list.
16:58 rubberduck ok
17:00 microcarrot
17:01 rubberduck how long does this count (i only want to know this)
17:01 rubberduck is this based on a timer?
17:02 microcarrot rubberduck: its as long as sfan5 doesn't unblock you
17:02 rubberduck ok
17:02 microcarrot I know a few people who are block forever
17:02 zsoltisawesome including me
17:02 MinetestBot zsoltisawesome: 08-04 18:35 UTC <Krock> happy bday
17:03 zsoltisawesome nice, krock, thanks
17:03 zsoltisawesome !g test
17:03 MinetestBot zsoltisawesome:
17:03 zsoltisawesome oh
17:04 zsoltisawesome I guess sfan5 was nice enough to unblock me
17:05 microcarrot lol
17:06 microcarrot I read "Canadian screenwriter" as "Canadian screwdriver" XD
17:08 kaeza !g kaeza
17:08 MinetestBot kaeza:
17:08 kaeza nope
17:08 shadowzone !g shadowzone
17:08 MinetestBot shadowzone:
17:08 shadowzone XD
17:08 sfan5 !ignore *
17:09 MinetestBot sfan5: '*!*@*' added to ignore list.
17:09 kaeza :<
17:09 microcarrot !g realtinymonster
17:09 microcarrot oh, missed it
17:17 iqualfragile hello shadowzone
17:17 shadowzone Hi.
17:17 dirkk0 joined #minetest
17:17 iqualfragile welcome back
17:18 dirkk0 ty (if you were refering to me)
17:18 iqualfragile dirkk0: akward
17:18 iqualfragile i meant shadowzone
17:19 iqualfragile but if you like vans, you are obviously welcome, too
17:19 shadowzone o.O
17:20 iqualfragile daww
17:20 shadowzone joined #minetest
17:21 iqualfragile aaah
17:21 iqualfragile i missed you
17:21 iqualfragile why did you leave
17:23 iqualfragile shadowzone: ^?
17:23 Guest28094 Did sfan5 just add everyone to the ignore list? o_O
17:23 shadowzone I exited the tab by accident.
17:24 PenguinDad Guest28094: yup
17:24 Amaz O.o
17:24 iqualfragile shadowzone: so you are telling me you have a hostname cloak but are using webchat? wtf shadowzone
17:24 Guest28094 ?????
17:24 shadowzone No I'm using hexchat.
17:25 Guest28094 never heard of “tabbed chatting”? xD
17:25 shadowzone I closed the window.
17:25 sfan5 iqualfragile: shadowzone is not using webchat
17:25 iqualfragile ah, you said
17:25 iqualfragile "tab"
17:25 sfan5 a cloak is never applied when using webchat
17:25 iqualfragile sfan5: thats why i questioned it
17:26 diemartin joined #minetest
17:27 Guest28094 What is this MinetestBot and what is it good for?
17:27 iqualfragile !rainbow bluuurghhh
17:27 MinetestBot 4bl7uu8ur3ghhh
17:27 cities ooo beautiful
17:27 sfan5 Guest28094: MinetestBot is a bot and does stuff
17:27 sfan5 such as
17:27 sfan5 !help
17:27 MinetestBot
17:27 sfan5 ^ that
17:27 Guest28094 ok thx
17:28 iqualfragile sfan5: liar, minetestbot only has 4 commands, !rainbow !seen !tell and !c 20390230**3030393
17:28 cities that that did not I and said
17:28 Amaz iqualfragile, !wiki
17:28 sfan5 iqualfragile: last one does not work anymore
17:28 cities !wiki mona lisa
17:28 Amaz (But, I suspect that it was sarcasm.)
17:28 e1z0 does have anyone invite to ello ?
17:29 iqualfragile !c 4*2
17:29 cities I want an invite too
17:29 MinetestBot iqualfragile: Took to long to calculate
17:29 iqualfragile not even that? disabled c alltogether?
17:29 Guest28094 It’s “!wik”, not “!wiki”
17:29 sfan5 Guest28094: both work
17:29 iqualfragile you could have ran it in a thread and terminate after like 3 secs or smth
17:29 sfan5 iqualfragile: the vps only has 0.2 cpu cores, so it might take too long to calculate 2*4
17:29 cities I have such an interesting life that needs to be posted in more social networks
17:29 Guest28094 Then why didn’t “!wiki mona lisa” trigger an answer?
17:29 sfan5 <iqualfragile> you could have ran it in a thread and terminate after like 3 secs or smth
17:29 sfan5 thats what I'm doing
17:30 Guest28094 !wiki mona lise
17:30 Guest28094 See?
17:30 sfan5 Guest28094: I made MinetestBot ignore everyone (except people that are admins)
17:30 Guest28094 Aaaah now I understand
17:30 cities Mona Lise is a knockoff of the Mona Lisa painted by andrew Smith in 1971
17:31 Guest28094 The more likely explanation is that “mona lise” is just a typo. ;-)
17:31 cities Dammit, Ammonia, Lisa!
17:34 shadowzone !help
17:34 shadowzone It's ignoring me too?
17:34 shadowzone *she
17:34 iqualfragile it
17:34 DusXMT she
17:34 Amaz she
17:34 iqualfragile shadowzone: looks like it
17:34 PenguinDad she
17:35 shadowzone I corrected myself.
17:35 Amaz We were correcting iqualfragile! :P
17:35 sfan5 shadowzone: what part of "she ignores everyone" do you not understand?
17:35 iqualfragile yeah, i forgot a questionmark
17:35 PenguinDad iqualfragile: dammit you c-c-c-combo breaker!
17:35 Amaz XD
17:35 Amaz Right!
17:36 shadowzone Oh.
17:36 cities she-it
17:36 DusXMT I've got an idea: We can ask her author, sfan5
17:37 sfan5 ask about what?
17:37 shadowzone o.O
17:37 DusXMT MinetestBot's gender x3
17:37 iqualfragile to add a !van command, that makes minetestbot tell the vanned person to get in the van because there will be candy
17:37 sfan5 female
17:37 sfan5 bots are always female
17:37 iqualfragile example: !van shadowzone
17:37 cities why
17:37 sfan5 iqualfragile: put your nsfw stuff elsewhere please
17:37 cities why can you be trusted
17:37 cities you say you're an animal
17:37 rubberduck :-D
17:38 rubberduck i add marble pillars to my mod now
17:38 shadowzone Plus I wouldn't get in the van anyways.
17:38 PenguinDad cities: you can always trust kittens :3
17:39 cities PenguinDad  how many kids do you have
17:39 PenguinDad cities: I don't have any
17:39 cities see
17:39 iqualfragile sfan5: its not nsfw, its candy!
17:39 cities we can't trust.
17:40 * DusXMT would go in, in a hope it's not the organ-stealing type of van but the fun-times type of van
17:40 shadowzone I'm not getting in anyones van.
17:40 iqualfragile but shadowzone seems to dislike candy, good for it, will help with staying slim
17:40 shadowzone uh..huh.
17:42 DusXMT s/organ/intestine/
17:42 cities you better go get some macaroni and cheese and soak that stuff up
17:42 iqualfragile DusXMT: no, its the fun times van
17:42 iqualfragile we even have a matress
17:42 iqualfragile to jump around on
17:43 DusXMT :D
17:43 iqualfragile (you can't install a trampoline inside a van, you know)
17:45 rubberduck you never know,probably i can do it...
17:45 iqualfragile rubberduck: but the problem is that vans have roofies
17:45 iqualfragile *roofs, sorry
17:45 rubberduck when cut off the roof
17:46 shadowzone Get a pick-up.
17:46 iqualfragile shadowzone: thanks for finally being constructive
17:46 shadowzone XD
17:46 iqualfragile so would you like to be picked up by a pick up?
17:46 cities lol vans have roofies
17:46 cities sorry
17:47 shadowzone No.
17:47 iqualfragile shadowzone: yeah, neither would i, just does not have the same ring to it
17:47 shadowzone XD
17:47 cities itsok to get in a van unless someone is offering strange candy
17:48 shadowzone I'd rather get picked up by superman with a hot tub than a van with "candy"
17:48 cities anytime someone says to me you want some strange candy and they are coming from a van
17:48 cities I run away
17:49 shadowzone I run away as well.
17:49 cities my grandfather used to tell me, if someone comes up to you and says that your grandfather is dead or hurt
17:49 cities don't follow them
17:50 iqualfragile;f=1412568000
17:50 iqualfragile look, thats my van
17:50 iqualfragile i even wrote free candy on it
17:50 shadowzone XD
17:50 cities now hes dead and I didn't go to the funeral
17:50 * shadowzone burst out laughing
17:51 iqualfragile shadowzone: but the pickup thing does not seem to be a bad idea either:
17:51 shadowzone o.O
17:52 iqualfragile thx
17:52 sfan5 iqualfragile: can you stop now?
17:52 iqualfragile sfan5: but its even anime, you should like it
17:52 nsfw Oct01[17:37:40] <sfan5> iqualfragile: put your nsfw stuff elsewhere please
17:52 * nsfw stuff :(
17:52 microcarrot LOL
17:52 iqualfragile nsfw: you like vans?
17:53 microcarrot I once made a channel with the mode +O *
17:53 microcarrot it was fun
17:53 cities whats +0 ?
17:53 iqualfragile was kicked by MinetestBot: Move your discussion elsewhere please
17:54 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:55 microcarrot its a capital o
17:55 microcarrot cities: it givers
17:55 cities omg it is
17:55 iqualfragile microcarrot: no it snot
17:55 iqualfragile its a plus sign and a capital o
17:55 cities it givers...
17:55 cities hmm
17:56 microcarrot cities: it gives op to the specified person
17:56 cities I know what +o is
17:56 microcarrot but if you put star it gives op to everone
17:56 cities I thought it was a 0
17:56 cities sorry
17:56 microcarrot its all good
17:56 cities it looks the same on this font
17:56 microcarrot also +o != +O
17:57 cities I did not know that star trick
17:57 cities nice
17:57 cities I don't think it does that on efnet but not sure
17:59 frecel joined #minetest
17:59 reactor giver.jpg
17:59 microcarrot reactor: yourmom.exe
18:01 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
18:01 sfan5 reactor: pngmasterrace.png
18:02 cities listening to soundboards
18:04 Jordach joined #minetest
18:05 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:05 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
18:05 * EvergreenTree rowrs at sfan5
18:06 reactor sfan5: pngmasterrace.jpg would be ironical.
18:06 sfan5 reactor: no that would imgur
18:06 reactor But illustrative at the same time.
18:10 * microcarrot has left freenode (Quit: Wait, does this work?)
18:10 microcarrot nope
18:10 sfan5 * microcarrot has left freenode (Quit: Wait, does this work?)
18:11 sfan5 doesn't look quite right
18:11 microcarrot yeah...
18:11 PenguinDad microcarrot: sorry but quit messages don't look this way in my client
18:11 microcarrot mine are formatted like: |<--Amaz has left freenode (Quit: Bye-bye!)
18:12 * microcarrot has left freenode (Quit: Wait, does this work?)
18:12 microcarrot better?
18:12 microcarrot :P
18:12 Calinou mine are hidden
18:12 Calinou they are null
18:12 Calinou (-:
18:13 Cylus joined #minetest
18:14 George__ joined #minetest
18:15 * PenguinDad didn't quit irc yet (Stay: I want moar!)
18:15 Jordach mmmmmmmm
18:15 Jordach a real can of coke and not that lifeshit
18:16 microcarrot lol
18:16 George__ Hi hhow do i find out what versiom of minetest
18:16 * PenguinDad meows at Jordach
18:16 George__ i have
18:16 George__ '
18:16 PenguinDad john_minetest++
18:16 microcarrot sierra mist is better than pepsi
18:16 Jordach U WOT M8
18:17 George__ how do I find out what version of minetest I have?
18:18 sfan5 George__: upper left corner should contain the version
18:18 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest
18:18 George__ thanks
18:19 George__ that worked ty so much
18:19 * microcarrot is away
18:19 George__ Where can I fing a mod for a nice house?
18:19 sfan5 microcarrot: use /away instead of away messages
18:20 George__ a nice modern house?
18:21 Salbei_ joined #minetest
18:22 twoelk|2 for building yourself try homedecor mod
18:22 George__ ty
18:23 jp George__ : you can even go the forums and type on your keyboard for searching...
18:23 jp too late
18:29 rubenwardy Oooh
18:29 rubenwardy In GIMP, you can use addition in the input for the height of an image
18:29 rubenwardy like height = 102+20+3
18:32 Calinou the height of an image?
18:32 sfan5 I think rubenwardy means that you can enter a math formula in any field where gimp requires an int
18:32 rubenwardy yeah
18:35 sfan5 mpv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:35 sfan5 :(
18:37 Jordach >linux support for borderlands 2
18:37 Jordach FUCK YES
18:37 Jordach AW YISS
18:37 PenguinDad zomfg
18:37 sfan5 MEOW
18:37 sfan5 meanwhile: <3 Portal 2
18:37 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:37 sfan5 john_minetest: works perfectly for me
18:39 jordan4ibanez !tell celeron55 boo
18:39 jordan4ibanez !hello
18:40 jordan4ibanez Is the bot absent
18:40 rubberduck :-Dyes
18:40 sfan5 basically yes
18:40 rubberduck because of me
18:40 rubberduck i made my marble pillars ready
18:42 uroboro joined #minetest
18:44 rickmcfarley left #minetest
18:44 * sfan5 meows at jordan4ibanez
18:51 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:55 BlockMen joined #minetest
18:58 Brains Okay, that isn't happy...  I apparently lost a couple hundred uranium dusts of various percentages.
18:58 alket joined #minetest
18:59 Some_Donkus joined #minetest
19:01 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
19:04 zat I can make layered textures in the format: texture.png^another.png
19:04 zat Masking textures like that would be a cool feature
19:05 sfan5 zat: y u no read lua_api.txt?
19:05 EvergreenTree zat: you already can
19:06 sfan5 zat:
19:06 zat sfan5: I am not a luaer, thats the thing
19:06 zat lol EvergreenTree
19:07 zat I asked because it wasnt there
19:07 sfan5 zat: you don't need lua to understand lua_api.txt
19:07 sfan5 tip: if unsure, consult lua_api.txt
19:07 sfan5 it is probably always more up-to-date
19:07 zat seems like I have to first ask the txt file yes
19:07 EvergreenTree Exactly
19:07 zat thanks for your hugu kindness sfan5
19:07 zat huge*
19:08 * sfan5 meows
19:08 zat gei
19:09 zat now I can continue codirg my ultra new awesome and paradigmshiftinggame
19:11 rubberduck here are the marble pillars:;t=10202
19:12 rubberduck oops: i mean;t=10202#p156411 (goes directly to the screenshot of the pillars)
19:22 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest
19:22 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:24 john_minetest left #minetest
19:28 shadowzone Hi oOChainLynxOo..
19:28 oOChainLynxOo Hi Selah..
19:28 shadowzone why are you on the freenode #minetest?
19:30 oOChainLynxOo Because
19:30 oOChainLynxOo Reasons
19:33 Cylus joined #minetest
19:34 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:37 EvergreenTree shadowzone: Because he doesn't want constant chat spam
19:37 EvergreenTree Its nearly impossible to hold a discussion on there
19:37 shadowzone Oh.
19:43 oOChainLynxOo EvergreenTree is correct
19:44 oOChainLynxOo Like, just a moment ago someone was begging me to play multiplayer chess with them
19:44 shadowzone XD.
19:45 rubberduck Good Morning, i go to bed now
19:45 rubberduck left #minetest
19:52 cities is there another #minetest ?
19:53 ElectronLibre Probably on another server.
19:53 cities ill check it out
19:53 Miner_48er 12 server have there irc's connected to #minetest
19:56 cities hmm
19:56 cities fayntic?
19:56 cities they have the exact same channel topic
19:56 cities whatis fayntic
19:57 cities oh freenode
19:57 cities weird
19:57 cities searchirc doesn't index freenode as freenode
19:57 cities it indexes it as fayntic
19:59 Amaz joined #minetest
20:00 ElectronLibre Freenode's #minetest is the official, I don't know if there is a lot of (real) peoples on the others..
20:04 DarkNekros and ElectronLibre is one of these (real) people :p
20:05 ElectronLibre Yes :D. I'm probably more than 1 but I'm one xD..
20:05 DarkNekros :p
20:07 proller joined #minetest
20:08 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
20:08 luizrpgluiz hi
20:08 ElectronLibre Hello luizrpgluiz :).
20:09 RumiaGloop joined #minetest
20:12 shadowzone Hi luizrpgluiz.
20:12 oOChainLynxOo EvergreenTree's right, it's hard to maintain a conversation at
20:21 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
20:21 MinetestBot [Git] Sapier at GMX dot net -> minetest/minetest: Fix android build using hardcoded path for data instead of using the one fetched by android api on init. b37bff7 (2014-10-01T22:18:29+02:00)
20:23 oOChainLynxOo Lol
20:28 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
20:37 lemonlake joined #minetest
20:37 lemonlake booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere
20:38 ElectronLibre Hello, happy to see you too.
20:38 theTroy joined #minetest
20:38 lemonlake Of course.
20:39 * ElectronLibre has never seen a people as entousiastic as him :D
20:39 lemonlake >a people
20:39 lemonlake >entousiastic
20:40 ElectronLibre Bad translation from french? A problem with the sentence?
20:41 lemonlake I have many problems with everything.
20:41 ptrllama joined #minetest
20:43 oOChainLynxOo I'll bbl
20:43 lemonlake Okay.
20:43 ElectronLibre Ho.. My english is really very poor?
20:44 lemonlake Don't call me a ho you ho.
20:50 EvergreenTree dah, don't use away nicks ItsLuke|AwayBich just /away
20:50 ElectronLibre (So it is.. I've got to learn again my lessons...)
20:50 ptrllama Hi, noob question, when I create new world in SP it doesn't have any biomes.. didn't find anything online. Any help is appreciated.
20:51 Amaz Did you select mg v7 in the world creation?
20:51 MinetestForFun what the version of the mapgen you use with the new world ptrllma ?
20:51 Amaz Because that doesn't have biomes by default.
20:51 ptrllama mg7 :D Ooooh thanks
20:51 MinetestForFun indeed, don't select v7, use v6 instead :)
20:51 Amaz Make a new world, and from the mapgen list, select v6!
20:51 Atlas|1618033 So who around these fine parts dabbles in documentation?
20:52 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
20:52 ElectronLibre v7 creates world with stone, ores and water only, doesn't it?
20:52 Amaz Or, try out a mod that adds biomes, like
20:52 Amaz ElectronLibre, yep.
20:53 ptrllama Yes, there were some ores and stuff.. It works beautifully now :) thank you everyone I was fooled thinking higher version = better :D
20:53 ElectronLibre Ok, si my memory is still working pretty well...
20:53 ElectronLibre *so
20:54 MinetestForFun ptrllama, i've did the same mistake my first world generation :p
20:56 ptrllama MinetestForFun: Glad I'm not alone :D felt stupid when I couldn't find anything online.. seems like warning or mapgen description would be usefull :D
20:56 Amaz Hmmm...
20:56 Amaz That could be useful to add.
20:57 * ElectronLibre used v6 because it was the default mapgen, and 1 year ago, there weren't any choice for mapgen (If this sentence isn't correct, he gives up --"...).
20:57 EvergreenTree ElectronLibre: I think that is correct
20:57 ElectronLibre *there wasn't..
20:57 Amaz Actually, there were :P
20:57 Amaz Just not in the menu.
20:58 Amaz You had to manually specify them, iirc.
20:58 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
20:58 ElectronLibre In 0.4.7 there was a menu to choose the magpen?
20:58 Amaz Nope.
20:59 Vazon joined #minetest
20:59 Amaz But I think you could do it via the conf file or somewhere else.
21:00 ElectronLibre Ok. I started by using 0.3.1 on Debian GNU/Linux, and I downloaded the 0.4.7 on Windows. Then I used 0.4.7, 0.4.8 and 0.4.9 on Windows. So I don't remember every of the menus x)..
21:00 EvergreenTree You can set all kinds of things via the conf file
21:00 EvergreenTree I'll bet you didn't know that you could set the minetest window size via the conf file
21:00 ElectronLibre Hum, minetest.conf I think. There was a "mapgen" value.
21:00 EvergreenTree you can make it go fullscreen too
21:01 EvergreenTree Look at minetest.conf.example
21:01 EvergreenTree its full of every possible setting
21:02 ElectronLibre Hmm.. There is only one problem, wich could be a very great feature ("It's not a bug, it's a feature"), it is that there is only one file for client's and server's settings...
21:02 [xming] hehe that was fun, parsing ini files in bash, needed that for my minetest mod manager
21:03 cities why not just hit the maximize butto
21:05 [xming] trying to do everything in pure bash without and external tools was challenging
21:05 [xming] s/and/any
21:05 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
21:05 exio4 it is a .. beatiful thing, after you coded the working script, aka, 4 hours of writing, for just 300 lines of code
21:05 exio4 you then, take a real programming language, and make a little program that does everything that you were trying to achieve in 50 lines of code...
21:06 exio4 and it took you 20 minutes, but well, worth it!
21:06 jin_xi for me its more like 4 lines in 300 hours and its still not working
21:06 exio4 heh
21:06 ElectronLibre cities : with the maximise button you still have got the menu bar at the top of the window, with fullscreen = yes no (I tried on Windows, not on Debian GNU/Linux).
21:06 [xming] I am more a shell script guy rather than a real programmer
21:07 cities does that bother peopel
21:07 [xming] the only language in which I can program with decent speed is Golang
21:08 exio4 [xming]: that was me until I took proglang :p
21:08 exio4 now I can make decent "programs" at decent speeds in a functional language!
21:08 [xming] proglang/ prolog?
21:08 exio4
21:09 [xming] hmm not my kind of thing, I will stick with bug ridden bash and Golang
21:10 exio4 it was my first MOOC too
21:10 exio4 it was a really good one, but well
21:10 exio4 I took with it a friend
21:10 exio4 if I didn't "take it that way", I wouldn't have passed the second week
21:11 [xming] well 35 lines to parse a (pseudo) ini file in bash isn't that long :p
21:12 exio4 how are you reading the data into the array?
21:12 [xming] in a pseudo 2 dimentionl array
21:12 exio4 I don't remember where my ini parser is
21:12 [xming] using hsh table
21:13 exio4 [xming]: "pseudo"? :P "a,b" as index?
21:13 [xming] :D
21:13 [xming] bash doesn't have multi dimensional arrays :(
21:13 exio4 I did "ini_a[b]"
21:14 exio4 the "read" trick is really nice
21:14 exio4 for meta-programming
21:16 [xming] for line in $(<$1); do ... done
21:16 [xming] ugly bash syntax :p
21:16 exio4 (while read; do ..; done) <$1
21:16 exio4 (while read -r line; do ..; done) <$1
21:16 exio4 there
21:17 [xming] nah, pumping it in a var in one swoop make my RAM work a bit
21:17 exio4 ehm?
21:17 exio4 why would anyone want that
21:17 exio4 anyway, [xming]!
21:17 exio4 learn Haskell for a great good!
21:18 [xming] tried that
21:18 exio4 try again!
21:18 [xming] gave up on that, and only golang for me
21:18 [xming] if I had to try again, it would be Erlang
21:19 exio4 if you're a little bored, really check proglang
21:19 exio4 at least for stalking the videos a little bit
21:21 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
21:23 EvergreenTree Hey Wuzzy2
21:23 Wuzzy2 hi
21:23 EvergreenTree Your tutorial map is awesome btw
21:24 ElectronLibre left #minetest
21:24 Wuzzy2 This may be true, but there is still room for improvement.
21:24 Wuzzy2 I am working on I18N right now.
21:24 [xming] exio4: which course di you follow?
21:25 EvergreenTree Wuzzy2: Yes, there is room for improvement
21:25 EvergreenTree It is still better than minecraft's non-existant tutorial
21:25 EvergreenTree :P
21:25 exio4 [xming]: just
21:26 exio4 right now, I am "stalking" an introductory course to logic, intro to mathematical thinking and machine learning, they're really good too
21:27 [xming] those are free? unless you want certs?
21:27 exio4 you get a "unverified cert" for free
21:27 exio4 (unverified because they can't "confirm your identity", but whatever)
21:27 [xming] but to follow the course is free?
21:28 exio4 it is free, yeah
21:28 [xming] how does it work? Just video course? Or live?
21:29 exio4 video course, with assignments
21:29 exio4 they're not easy as you might think eh!
21:31 exio4 wow, neat 30 Mar 2013
21:31 [xming] hmm some AI and Machine Learning courses
21:32 exio4 this is the one I am taking
21:32 exio4 it "just" started
21:32 Wuzzy2 Does minecraft really have no Tutorial? I never played Minecraft, so I don’t know.
21:33 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:35 microcarrot by
21:35 [xming] by what? :p
21:35 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when rubenwardy is around
21:36 kahrl joined #minetest
21:38 [xming] BTW if anyone is using Alpine Linux, I have aport for minetest, if you want I can polish it up and push it to be packaged
21:41 [xming] hmm tempting
21:41 exio4 then you check edx...
21:42 exio4 then udacity... then you keep finding MOOCs
21:42 exio4 then you go crazy and say "why the fuck I am even doing this if I could be learning all this cool stuff?"
21:43 [xming] if this stuff existed 25 years ago, I would probably follow bunch of them
21:44 [xming] exio4: thanks for link to coursera
21:44 exio4 yw! :P
21:45 [xming] aw this is too tempting
21:45 exio4 if I had ... infinite time ... I would take, like, 35% of the courses in the site
21:45 exio4 economics, computer science, AI...
21:45 [xming] I guess that I've found 2 years worth of course that I am interested in
21:46 [xming] just by quick browsing
21:46 [xming] for me, AI, medicine, physics. engineering
21:47 [xming] I better stop looking
21:47 exio4 there are lots of awesome topics
21:47 exio4 [xming]: look at edx/udacity too
21:47 exio4 there are a lot of MOOCs
21:47 exio4 but yeah, it is too tempting ;P
21:48 [xming] you want to keep me browsing?
21:49 exio4 just check how many years you would need for taking all the courses you would like to!
21:51 [xming] euh I don't have that much years left
21:52 exio4 because the time for taking all the courses would be about 3-4 lives
21:53 [xming] I am 20 years over the the fast learning age
21:54 exio4 it is never too late!
21:55 exio4 [xming]: are you 60 years old?
21:55 [xming] 42 is always the answer :p
21:55 [xming] at least for 1 year :p
21:55 exio4 then you're still young!
21:56 [xming] exio4: well nice talking to you, bed time, ttyl
21:57 exio4 see you later, man
21:57 oOChainLynxOo Back
21:58 tpe joined #minetest
22:00 Hirato joined #minetest
22:03 H-H-H joined #minetest
22:07 shadowzone joined #minetest
22:07 shadowzone joined #minetest
22:10 * Fritigern just looked up Microsoft on Urban Dictionary, and it's hilarious! Here's one of the definitions: A company most famous for its satirical "operating system," Windows.
22:19 paramat joined #minetest
22:25 andre_pl_ I'm trying to use the sit animation in a mod, but it seems to only last a single tick, is that normal? do I have to re-set it every tick?
22:25 Miner_48er joined #minetest
22:25 andre_pl_ and if so, does that involve a packet every tick as well in server environments?
22:28 john_minetest left #minetest
22:34 andre_pl_ I'm also having a hard time figuring out how to get the player who sent a command in a chatcommand
22:34 andre_pl_ is that a thing? :)
22:35 ShadowNinja andre_pl_: There's a name argument...
22:36 andre_pl_ ShadowNinja: ah, I just noticed, thanks. I misread a couple of examples
22:37 andre_pl_ does that mean the 2nd argument is the unparsed remainder of the command, and 'params' is for display purposes only
22:40 ShadowNinja andre_pl_: params is the rest of the string, you have to parse it yourself.  Using string.match is a popular way to do it.
22:52 andre_pl_ ShadowNinja: thanks!  whats the popular way to deal with mod configuration?
22:58 Freejack joined #minetest
23:11 proller joined #minetest
23:13 pitriss hi, please why i have sign formspec moved outside screen?
23:14 RumiaGloop hi, please how do you english?
23:14 pitriss RumiaGloop: ha ha ha.. not everybody must be native english speaker:/
23:15 RumiaGloop but seriously I have no idea, I didn't think formspecs could move from the center of the screen.
23:21 ShadowNinja andre_pl_: Use minetest.setting_get/getbool() to get the settings from minetest.conf.  Or use Settings() with a filename in the world directory if you have a lot (>10 or so) settings.
23:23 Scall joined #minetest
23:24 bjrohan joined #minetest
23:24 MinetestBot bjrohan: 09-30 19:29 UTC <VanessaE> I installed that skin you wanted finally.  Sorry for the delay.
23:25 bjrohan When is sapier usually on, so that I may ask about my animal modpack issues
23:26 andre_pl_ ShadowNinja: awesome, thanks again
23:26 andre_pl_ wasn't aware we could store settings in the config file
23:36 ShadowNinja bjrohan: He left about an hour ago.
23:36 ShadowNinja two hours even
23:39 Atlas|1618033 joined #minetest
23:44 H-H-H joined #minetest

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