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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-08-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 RealBadAngel ah, i found the one
00:01 RealBadAngel
00:01 RealBadAngel
00:02 RealBadAngel btw, funny to find pieces of your work after 20 yrs on youtube :)
00:02 lemonlake_ 20 years?
00:02 lemonlake_ wow
00:03 RealBadAngel yes, i made that 20 yrs ago
00:04 lemonlake_ nicee
00:04 lemonlake_ hmm, its at "setMaterial"
00:04 RealBadAngel we were very funny generation
00:04 RealBadAngel my friend had no monitor, borrowed one for a while
00:05 RealBadAngel launched voice synthetizer that could do just the numebers
00:05 lemonlake_ hehe
00:06 RealBadAngel that soft gave him byte by byte 16k of ZX Spectrum ROM
00:06 RealBadAngel he wrote that down
00:06 RealBadAngel and dissasembled the whole ROM
00:06 RealBadAngel and wrote a bible for us
00:06 lemonlake_ a bible?
00:06 RealBadAngel complete rom dissasembly
00:06 RealBadAngel that was a fuckin bible
00:07 RealBadAngel he made that at school, while having classes
00:07 lemonlake_ those were the days, huh?
00:07 RealBadAngel jeez
00:07 RealBadAngel i miss those days
00:07 RealBadAngel we were fucking gos
00:07 RealBadAngel gods
00:08 RealBadAngel now all is optimized, objective and productive
00:08 RealBadAngel which means for a customer go buy a faster pc
00:09 RealBadAngel we had one hardware and we did better and better code
00:09 lemonlake_ okay
00:10 lemonlake_ i've been messing around with the code, "tried to set a texture not owned by this driver"
00:11 RealBadAngel can i see your code?
00:11 lemonlake_
00:20 WindHero
00:21 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: did I mess up that bad?
00:21 lemonlake_ WindHero: that's actually really nice
00:21 WindHero thanks
00:21 WindHero still quite incomplete
00:22 WindHero I have to make some schematics stil
00:23 WindHero particularly involving those DM statues
00:23 lemonlake_ schematics?
00:23 WindHero like how I have the parthenons in SkyLands?
00:23 lemonlake_ ah
00:23 WindHero mtschem
00:23 WindHero *.mts
00:23 lemonlake_ I know what a schematic is
00:23 lemonlake_ I just wondered what for
00:24 WindHero I'm gonna have dungeon-esque structures
00:24 WindHero complete with lava-surrounded DM statues
00:24 RealBadAngel lemonlake_,  reading your code now
00:25 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: k
00:30 RealBadAngel lemonlake_, and your compiler logs?
00:30 RealBadAngel btw, still lava:
00:30 lemonlake_ the build log?
00:30 RealBadAngel yes
00:31 lemonlake_ That's nicer
00:31 RealBadAngel thats for lava source
00:32 lemonlake_ hmm
00:32 lemonlake_ this is not letting me paste
00:32 lemonlake_ <lemonlake_> hmm
00:32 lemonlake_ <lemonlake
00:33 lemonlake_ wat
00:33 lemonlake_
00:44 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: anything?
00:45 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: Because I solved it. I was removing the textures when I shouldn't have been :P
00:52 lemonlake_ I got the light wrong tho :/
00:53 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel:
00:53 lemonlake_ Does that look correct to you?
00:54 RealBadAngel shading is a bit wrong, but ok
00:55 RealBadAngel lemme point you to correct code
00:55 lemonlake_ I'm at the correct code
00:55 lemonlake_ using the exact same values
00:55 lemonlake_
00:56 RealBadAngel
00:56 RealBadAngel thats modified vertex manipulator code
00:56 lemonlake_ hmm
00:57 lemonlake_ can't be right
00:57 lemonlake_ looks identical to me
00:57 RealBadAngel
00:57 RealBadAngel and here code that applies shading
00:57 lemonlake_ ahh... hardcoded face shading
00:57 RealBadAngel yes
00:57 lemonlake_ this is for the real mapblocks
00:58 lemonlake_ incase you hadn't realised, mine is an inventory image :P
00:58 Sokomine hmm. is there a way to avoid cavegen and mudflow attacks when using voxelmanip in on_generate?
00:58 RealBadAngel lemonlake_, but it should be at least similar in lool
00:58 RealBadAngel look
00:58 lemonlake_ looks exactly like the inventory images in-game
00:58 phantombeta joined #minetest
00:58 RealBadAngel who told you that current look is right?
00:59 lemonlake_ my eyes
00:59 RealBadAngel hehe
00:59 RealBadAngel cube has to be clearly 3d
00:59 RealBadAngel its not by now
00:59 RealBadAngel shading can solve it
00:59 lemonlake_ okay then
00:59 lemonlake_ i'll implement that later
00:59 lemonlake_ bookmarked
01:00 RealBadAngel your eyes can notice geometry when faces are different
01:00 lemonlake_ my eyes can notice geometry through common sense
01:00 RealBadAngel but when textures are the same, its damn flat
01:00 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
01:00 lemonlake_ you do have a point
01:00 RealBadAngel just like something on the floor stepped on it
01:01 lemonlake_ it still maintains it's volume, but the form has been modified
01:01 lemonlake_ in other words, everything is in the same place, just squashed
01:01 RealBadAngel yup
01:02 lemonlake_ next up is to add the GUI
01:02 RealBadAngel you should make separate app out of it
01:02 lemonlake_ whadya mean?
01:02 RealBadAngel kinda modders tool
01:02 RealBadAngel to generate high quality images for mods
01:02 lemonlake_ that's the whole intention ^.^
01:03 RealBadAngel yes
01:03 lemonlake_ it's actual intention was to create inventory images for use on websites etc
01:03 RealBadAngel and then engine wont have to do that any  longer
01:03 lemonlake_ but they can use it however they like
01:03 RealBadAngel and i mean the engine
01:03 lemonlake_ as in, using this conventionally for nodes?
01:04 RealBadAngel yes
01:04 lemonlake_ :o
01:04 lemonlake_ if that's the case, im surprised nobody beat me to this
01:04 RealBadAngel so no more generate inv images on startup
01:04 lemonlake_ yes
01:04 lemonlake_ = super fast loading times
01:05 lemonlake_ im sure a lot of mods won't actually end up using this, but if at least the subgames can do it that'd save a lot of work for the engine
01:05 RealBadAngel and the tool should land in the repo as helper utility
01:05 lemonlake_ :o
01:05 RealBadAngel we can force usage of it
01:05 lemonlake_ lol okay
01:05 lemonlake_ we'll see what the other devs think
01:06 lemonlake_ tbh the hardest part of this proj is gonna be making it work with nodeboxes :/
01:06 RealBadAngel im the one that cares bout FPS the most
01:06 RealBadAngel and i gonna force it for sure
01:06 lemonlake_ my plan is to simply allow the user to supply their nodebox array (maybe later also a NBE file)
01:06 lemonlake_ in a textbox
01:07 lemonlake_ alpha works, that's good
01:08 RealBadAngel one more thing
01:09 RealBadAngel you could consider making here also extruded models
01:09 RealBadAngel that is also pain in the ass
01:09 lemonlake_ what are extruded models?
01:10 lemonlake_ i saw it in the code, but didn't know what they were
01:10 RealBadAngel current code fails for high resolution images
01:10 RealBadAngel you do
01:10 RealBadAngel wielded item
01:10 lemonlake_ ahh
01:10 lemonlake_ hmm
01:10 VanessaE it doesn't just fail
01:10 RealBadAngel the code that makes a mesh out of flat image
01:10 lemonlake_ maybe in the future when i understand stuff
01:10 VanessaE it falls flat on its G*d damned face.
01:10 VanessaE I mean it fails miserably.
01:10 lemonlake_ one thing at a time
01:10 VanessaE :)
01:17 Vazon VanessaE: do you know how to give the irc chat bot a proper name?? mine will not name
01:17 lemonlake_ Vazon: tlc
01:17 lemonlake_ it will learn it's name on it's own
01:17 Vazon what? o.O
01:17 lemonlake_ just keep calling it by its name
01:18 Vazon Crap i have feared the day when computers learn xD
01:18 lemonlake_ lol
01:18 Vazon :3
01:20 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
01:21 VanessaE Vazon: irc.nick = MyBotNameHere
01:21 VanessaE in your minetest.conf
01:21 VanessaE also and irc.server will need to be set
01:21 VanessaE obvious meanings for those
01:21 Vazon it is set up and i did put that in the config and i didnt work
01:22 VanessaE then you did it wrong. :P
01:22 VanessaE it works for me, and I have 8 such bots.
01:22 Vazon nope exactly like you siad
01:22 VanessaE nope.
01:22 VanessaE = #minetest
01:22 VanessaE irc.server =
01:22 VanessaE irc.nick = VE-Survival
01:22 VanessaE that's how mine's set
01:22 Vazon ok
01:22 VanessaE and I have irc.NSPass set also, of course.
01:24 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:30 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
02:07 lemonlake_ Aight, nodeviewer has a background color chooser thingy now
02:07 lemonlake_
02:08 paramat joined #minetest
02:08 lemonlake_ Okay, now that that's done I'm gonna get some rest
02:09 lemonlake_ Tomorrow I'll add texture changing and exporting
02:09 lemonlake_ Goodnight all!
02:14 paramat RealBadAngel, a request for improving faces shading, smooth lighting off shows how NS faces are now too similar to top face, currently: compare to:
02:15 VanessaE I thought that was fixed?
02:16 paramat it's less noticeable with smooth lighting on
02:22 paramat Sokomine, 'is_ground_content = false' in node definition protects against cavegen. 'mgv6_spflags = nomudflow' in minetest.conf
02:24 Sokomine paramat: thanks! vanessa said the same about ground content. i thought it was against floating flowers?
02:25 Sokomine paramat: is there a way to disable mudflow for certain mapblocks? it can flow happily if it wants...but not inside my villages!
02:26 paramat no :P
02:26 Sokomine there are also these block wide and one block deep...lines...around the map
02:26 Sokomine oh :-(
02:26 paramat lines on chunk borders
02:27 paramat caused by lowering terrain by voxelmanip in mgv6
02:27 paramat thats why i asked hmmmmm for that flag
02:28 Sokomine hm. what happens with nomudflow? are there any sideeffects on terrain as such?
02:30 paramat couldn't be bothered with a minimap of mgv6 because boring on a large scale, innaccurate on a medium scale. but made a 3D minimap of watershed:;t=8609&amp;p=150142#p150142
02:31 paramat mudflow makes the terrain look aged and eroded by flowing mud from high unstable places to low places
02:47 Miner_48er joined #minetest
02:53 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
02:54 VanessaE it's been so long, I don't even remember what a map without mudflow looks like, save for those grid lines
02:55 VanessaE I still wonder why the root of the problem never got fixe.
02:55 VanessaE +d
03:01 Sokomine paramat: hm, yes, boring on a large scale might be the effect of the mapgen. it works out pretty well for gameplay, but is very difficult to...regocnize where you built
03:05 Sokomine hm. perhaps i ought to generate the terrain in general, then wait a few seconds, and generate anew?
03:18 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
03:30 paramat Yes it's possible to use voxelmanip after 'on generated', you can use it in an abm triggered by a spawner node, this also enables you to update lighting
03:34 paramat ... thats how i'm doing generative architecture
03:34 paramat left #minetest
03:47 VanessaE bbl, bed
04:11 donat joined #minetest
04:14 donat Can someone explain me what the 'chance' field is supposed to mean in minetest.register_abm()? Thanks!
04:22 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:42 donat Okay, I figured it out.
04:55 Exio4 joined #minetest
05:18 Exio4 "fullscreen isn't available on this video"
05:18 Exio4 wath
05:18 Jousway joined #minetest
05:42 kaeza lel
06:03 asie joined #minetest
06:13 nman3600 joined #minetest
06:29 nman3600 こんにちは
06:30 basxto joined #minetest
06:51 asie joined #minetest
06:57 jp joined #minetest
06:57 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:06 Exio4 joined #minetest
07:13 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
07:27 Exio4 joined #minetest
07:29 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
07:43 khor_ joined #minetest
07:59 Calinou joined #minetest
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:04 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
08:18 Krock joined #minetest
08:19 LemonLake joined #minetest
08:19 Krock moin
08:22 Krock
08:22 Vargos joined #minetest
08:25 LemonLake Krock: That's cool
08:25 LemonLake What are the dark patches?
08:25 Krock mountains
08:25 LemonLake Ahh
08:26 Krock it represents a yappy world but somehow I don't get the same maps..
08:26 Krock (in minetest and in that program)
08:31 Halo joined #minetest
08:39 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:40 ThatGraemeGuy is there any tool that will delete map blocks from a database that are outside a give x,z range?
08:40 LemonLake ThatGraemeGuy: I can only think about editing it with a query
08:43 jp
08:43 jp Fatal woman <3
08:44 ThatGraemeGuy LemonLake: yeah, was just wondering if anyone has perhaps toyed with something like that before
08:44 LemonLake ThatGraemeGuy: not really, haven't done maps or anything in MT
08:44 LemonLake (not me)
08:44 LemonLake jp: Where are you getting these models?
08:44 jp Blenderswap
08:45 LemonLake I see
08:45 jp But there are a very few percentage of MT compatible...
08:45 jp Like 5%.
08:46 ThatGraemeGuy we have a world that has been extensively explored to some very far distances, but any building activity is constrained to a relatively small area around the origin point. problem is that we added a mod a while ago that adds new ores, and finding them is a pain becase ungenerated map blocks are pretty remote
08:47 LemonLake You could regenerate the mapblocks
08:47 LemonLake (by coding a little thing in lua, forgot how to do it tho)
08:47 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:48 Krock LemonLake,
08:51 ImQ009 joined #minetest
08:51 LemonLake that's looking nice
08:51 kaeza joined #minetest
08:57 Krock thx
08:59 LazyJ joined #minetest
09:01 ThatGraemeGuy LemonLake: oh, cool, didn't realise that could be done
09:01 LemonLake Irrlicht is nicer than I'd thought...
09:02 LemonLake ThatGraemeGuy: Don't take my word for it, but I'm pretty sure that somehow with voxelmanip it can
09:04 ThatGraemeGuy eek, way over my head :-o
09:15 ThatGraemeGuy CREATE TABLE `blocks` (`pos` INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,`data` BLOB);
09:16 ThatGraemeGuy well that's pretty simple, if i can find how to relate 'pos' to x,y,z co-ords i could do what i want quite easily
09:21 Krock one number is xy and z at once
09:25 ThatGraemeGuy looks like it has what i need
09:36 Calinou joined #minetest
09:46 LemonLake joined #minetest
09:46 LemonLake Irrlicht tabs seem really confusing
09:53 jp joined #minetest
10:02 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
10:04 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:30 Calinou → with this, only monsters spawn, no animals, why? :/
10:31 twoelk joined #minetest
10:37 twoelk Krock, that map preview thing is very interesting. Have you compared the result with generated maps allready?
10:37 Krock twoelk, yes I did but somehow it didn't work well:3
10:37 Krock FOSSCON? hmm
10:39 jp Fausse conne.
10:39 twoelk mind sharing the app for some testing?
10:40 Krock twoelk, it's C#, don't know if you can use that type
10:47 twoelk ah, ok, indeed have been just compiling mt on xubuntu, cause I just cant get ok, will wait for an exe, not in the mood/not enough time to hassle with some windows compiler at the moment.
10:47 twoelk gah
10:48 twoelk dass for dem ok gehoert da nicht hin
10:48 twoelk manno
10:48 twoelk irc ist doof
10:49 twoelk vor dem zweiten ok
10:51 twoelk irc channel focus switch and I dont notice --- too dumb for IRC
10:51 * Krock sent twoelk a PM but possibly he didn't notice it
10:59 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:03 LemonLake Where did krock go? O.o
11:03 LemonLake Usually he doesn't part at this time
11:08 twoelk hm, every seed larger than 2147483646 is not acepted? (hoping Krock reads logs)
11:10 proller joined #minetest
11:14 ProGirl joined #minetest
11:14 Akagi201 joined #minetest
11:15 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:17 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
11:24 Akagi201 joined #minetest
11:25 jp joined #minetest
11:25 meldrian joined #minetest
11:25 jp
11:29 Jordach joined #minetest
11:33 phantombeta joined #minetest
11:33 e1z0 lol
11:33 RealBadAngel hehehe
11:33 jp Beautiful back eh ?
11:34 jp (I'm talking about the car of course...)
11:34 RealBadAngel some1 should make remake of DN3D map in mt
11:34 RealBadAngel ofc with babes, lotsa babes ;)
11:34 kaeza <3
11:35 RealBadAngel and add bubble gum
11:35 jp Oh yeah, I'm nostalgic of DN3D.
11:36 jp all my childhood...
11:37 RealBadAngel duke is freeware now so possibly one could use even original textures
11:37 jp Oh yeah it's doable.
11:37 Jordach freeware != freely licensed textures
11:37 jp *Piece of caaake*
11:37 Jordach get yer fucking facts right
11:37 RealBadAngel im not sure bout it
11:37 Jordach </calinou>
11:38 RealBadAngel but what im sure theyre remakin duke out there
11:38 RealBadAngel ive played one highly modified
11:38 RealBadAngel with modern shaders and high res textures
11:39 RealBadAngel and thats opensource project
11:42 RealBadAngel Jordach, but makin a mod with a world could be definitely possible
11:42 RealBadAngel heck, that could become a game
11:42 RealBadAngel we do have firearms already
11:44 twoelk that guy/game just wont die
11:45 RealBadAngel no way
11:45 twoelk wasn't that new DukeNukem version the game the term "vaporware" was invented for?
11:47 RealBadAngel
11:48 RealBadAngel thats lookin good
11:48 jp RealBadAngel:
11:48 RealBadAngel oh yeah
11:49 twoelk how did they do that reflection in the mirror?
11:50 twoelk we need that rather than 100 sorts of killing somebody ;-)
11:52 RealBadAngel irrlicht can do that
11:52 RealBadAngel we just dont use irrlicht materials
11:55 twoelk oh dear I can allready see him as next player model, I guess I'd rather have R2D2 then
11:57 Jordach twoelk, come get sopme
11:57 twoelk ?
11:58 jp Hail to the king, baby!
11:59 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:02 twoelk RBA, that reflection is a material as in animated texture or does irrlicht have a material that can reflect in real time? I thought the latter was not possible for mt
12:05 AndChat| joined #minetest
12:09 Naked joined #minetest
12:10 PenguinDad joined #minetest
12:12 LemonLake joined #minetest
12:42 Guy09 joined #minetest
12:43 Guy09 Is anybody online?
12:43 Guy09 !dating
12:43 zash That's not how you IRC
12:43 Guy09 Thought it wouldn't do anything
12:44 Guy09 !seen VanessaE
12:44 MinetestBot Guy09: vanessae was last seen at 2014-08-02 06:25:09 UTC on #minetest
12:45 Guy09 man answers do take ages
12:46 Guy09 !Microchip
12:46 * PenguinDad looks if he's online
12:46 Guy09 whoops
12:46 Guy09 !seen Microchip
12:46 MinetestBot Guy09: microchip was last seen at 2014-04-06 01:25:23 UTC on #minetest
12:46 Guy09 there we go
12:49 Guy09 joined #minetest
12:49 Guy09 !seen Jordach
12:49 MinetestBot Guy09: jordach was last seen at 2014-07-26 18:17:14 UTC on #minetest
12:49 PenguinDad !seen GhostDoge
12:49 MinetestBot PenguinDad: ghostdoge was last seen at 2014-07-27 04:29:31 UTC on #minetest
12:50 Guy09 i'm gonna tea
12:50 Guy09 test somethin
12:50 Guy09 my bad spelling:p
12:50 Guy09 🐗
12:50 Guy09 omg it works :)
12:50 asie joined #minetest
12:51 Guy09 !ping
12:51 Guy09 lol
12:51 PenguinDad IT works :D
12:51 Guy09 😄😃😀😊☺️😉😍😘😚😗😙😜😝😛😳😁😔😌😒😞😣😢😂😭😪😥😰😅😓😩😫
12:51 Guy09 LOLOLOL
12:52 Guy09 I'm not spamming am i?
12:52 Jordach you are
12:52 Guy09 oh 😳
12:52 Jordach leav the bots alone
12:52 Guy09 i am
12:53 AndChat| joined #minetest
12:53 PenguinDad Jordach: look before you op ;)
12:53 Jordach PenguinDad, not my fault someone needs to gtfo out of the Jo name space
12:55 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
12:57 Guy09 !help
12:57 MinetestBot
12:57 Jordach !ignore Guy09
12:57 MinetestBot Jordach: 'Guy09!*@*' added to ignore list.
12:57 Jordach hah
12:57 Jordach stupid webclient doesn't open in new tab
12:58 PenguinDad <3 MinetestBot
12:58 MinetestBot <3 PenguinDad
12:59 twoelk regarding the last seen querrys, is MinetestBot missing the last week history?
12:59 Vazon joined #minetest
13:02 whiskers75 joined #minetest
13:04 Jordach Gethiox, where the fuck is this:
13:09 Gethiox Jordach:
13:09 Gethiox
13:10 whiskers75 joined #minetest
13:16 lemonlake_ woop woop
13:16 lemonlake_ net split
13:16 PenguinDad Splat.Split :D
13:16 jp I've an issue for remove an entity :
13:16 Akagi201 joined #minetest
13:16 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:16 Vargos joined #minetest
13:16 ^v joined #minetest
13:16 PaulHarris joined #minetest
13:16 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
13:16 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
13:16 Guest40288 joined #minetest
13:16 blaise joined #minetest
13:16 VadtecWk joined #minetest
13:16 Vohveli joined #minetest
13:17 jp I've an issue for remove an entity, init.lua :    debug.txt :
13:20 ecutruin joined #minetest
13:21 PenguinDad jp: this should work
13:21 RealBadAngel seems like i have evening off
13:22 RealBadAngel just brought home another 25kg of tomatoes
13:23 RealBadAngel wonder who will make them, my gf already refused lol
13:23 jp PenguinDad: it works, thanks very much ;)
13:23 RealBadAngel and cats seems like not interested at all
13:23 Calinou joined #minetest
13:24 PenguinDad np
13:27 Tylertwo joined #minetest
13:28 PenguinHub joined #minetest
13:29 PenguinHub hi1!
13:29 PenguinHub *hi
13:29 Calinou hi
13:29 Calinou PenguinHug?
13:29 Calinou Hub*
13:30 PenguinHub joined #minetest
13:30 PenguinHub Hi again
13:36 ThatGraemeGuy hrmmm
13:36 ThatGraemeGuy losing my mind a little
13:37 ThatGraemeGuy so from the 'pos' value of a block in the db i've got some co-ordinates
13:37 ThatGraemeGuy but these aren't the same as-in game co-ordinates and i'm too thick to figure out what they are :-/
13:37 ThatGraemeGuy and how to relate them to in-game co-ords
13:38 lemonlake_ ThatGraemeGuy: divide the in-game coords by 80?
13:38 * PenguinDad looks confuzzed at PenguinHub
13:38 lemonlake_ 80 is the about of nodes in a mapblock
13:38 lemonlake_ 80x80x80
13:39 Calinou a node is 10 Irrlicht units (BS = 10)
13:39 Calinou so position stored in eg. player files is multiplied by 10
13:39 PenguinDad lemonlake_: that's a mapgenerator chunk at default chunksize setting
13:40 ThatGraemeGuy I mean if a block in the db has 'pos=-469774354', that works out to (-18, -3, -28)
13:41 ThatGraemeGuy but block -469774354 works out to  (-17, -3, -28)
13:41 * PenguinDad rofls
13:41 ThatGraemeGuy not sure how these relate to in-game co-ords
13:43 ThatGraemeGuy uh second one should be -469774353 i meant, oops :-/
13:50 PenguinHub Hi PenguinDad!
13:50 PenguinHub Is Hub greater than Dad ?
13:50 PenguinDad !c "PenguinHub" > "PenguinDad"
13:50 MinetestBot True
13:52 PenguinDad !c 2**16-1
13:52 MinetestBot 65535
13:53 PenguinHub 2**16-1?
13:53 PenguinHub 131072 is my fave number
14:04 FreeFull Why?
14:04 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:06 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
14:06 Calinou 16777216!
14:07 Calinou who is PenguinHub?
14:07 Calinou separate NickServ account from PenguinDad
14:07 LemonLake joined #minetest
14:13 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
14:15 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:15 whiskers75 joined #minetest
14:19 PenguinHub !c
14:19 MinetestBot PenguinHub: Nothing to calculate.
14:19 PenguinHub cool
14:19 PenguinHub !c (2^16)+(2^16)
14:19 MinetestBot 36
14:20 PenguinHub that can't be right
14:20 PenguinDad !c 2**16+2**16
14:20 MinetestBot 131072
14:21 PenguinDad PenguinHub: ^ is some bitwise operator in python
14:24 PenguinDad !c (2|16)+(2|16)
14:24 MinetestBot 36
14:25 domtron joined #minetest
14:35 ThatGraemeGuy ok so now that i've figured out the conversion from a "pos" value to/from co-ordinates, can anyone comment on whether it ought to be safe to remove blocks from the map DB?
14:44 PilzAdam ThatGraemeGuy, should be safe as long as no Minetest instance is accessing it
14:45 PilzAdam but you should always create backups
14:45 ThatGraemeGuy thanks PilzAdam
14:45 ThatGraemeGuy yes, of course will make a backup copy and do a fair amount of testing as well
14:47 ThatGraemeGuy we have a relatively small world that a handful of us play on, and at some point in the past someone did a ton of exploring, so after i recently added technic, we're finding that new ores are not to be found anywhere close to where most people are typically doing stuff
14:47 ThatGraemeGuy want to remove generated blocks on the edge of the small "active" area so they can regenerate with new stuff in them
14:48 ThatGraemeGuy that's the plan at least
14:49 domtron_ joined #minetest
14:50 Krock joined #minetest
14:50 Krock Olleh
14:51 PilzAdam ThatGraemeGuy, in theory that should work
14:53 ThatGraemeGuy cool, thanks PilzAdam
15:05 blaze joined #minetest
15:16 Krock no. that's enough.
15:19 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
15:32 Eater4 joined #minetest
15:32 Calinou joined #minetest
15:34 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
15:36 jp Krock:;t=9873
15:37 Krock jp, full 3d?
15:37 jp yep
15:37 Krock uuh
15:37 Calinou CC isn't a license
15:37 Calinou “These models are licensed under a CC license by their authors.”
15:38 jp Look the link on the author names
15:38 Calinou nice girl doing the finger
15:38 Calinou by the way, many of these models are also fan art
15:39 SylvieLorxu jp: I agree with Calinou, which CC license? There are 6 or 8 of them or so
15:39 jp The only condition is to mention the author, as precised.
15:39 SylvieLorxu So, CC-BY?
15:39 SylvieLorxu Version 1? 2? 3? 4?
15:39 jp The others are free-ti-use I think.
15:39 sfan5 Calinou: maybe they meant CC0? or CC-BY-SA?
15:39 jp to*
15:40 SylvieLorxu "Free to use" in which cases?
15:40 jp Free completely
15:40 jp no license
15:40 PenguinDad No license ~= Free
15:40 jp Look the links for more precision, I'm not expert of that
15:41 SylvieLorxu No license == Non-Free
15:41 smoke_fumus left #minetest
15:41 Krock !license == !free
15:42 sfan5 SylvieLorxu: no license means all rights reserved, doesn't it?
15:42 Krock !(license != free)
15:42 SylvieLorxu sfan5: Exactly
15:43 PenguinDad Three of these models are Personal use only :/
15:44 blaze joined #minetest
15:44 jp So I can't post them on public ? It's a pity :(
15:45 PenguinDad And all of these three models weren't created with blender :D
15:48 Calinou <sfan5> SylvieLorxu: no license means all rights reserved, doesn't it?
15:48 Calinou yes, by Berne convention and such
15:49 jp What should I do, Calinou ?
15:50 jp Remove the non-licensed models ?
15:51 Calinou your models do have a license (it's a requirement for uploading on Blendswap), but many seem to have a non-commercial clause, which is bad (but tolerated on the forums)
15:51 Calinou but… are they all from Blendswap?
15:51 Calinou preferably, they should be, not from some shady source
15:51 Calinou (rip-offs are frequent)
15:51 jp 6 for Blenderswap
15:51 Calinou “free-to-use” probably isn't allowed on forums
15:51 Calinou too broad, too many restrictions
15:52 jp Ok I remove the 3 non-licensed.
15:53 jp Shit :(
15:53 jp I'm really disappointed
15:53 * PenguinDad gives jp a Flash Cookie
15:54 Calinou it's not like these models fit into Minetest
15:54 Jordach one can always ask the resident modder ;0
15:54 Jordach modeler
15:54 Jordach (i need my fucking coffee right now)
15:55 PenguinDad TIL Jordach drinks coffee
15:55 Jordach PenguinDad, namely double or quad espressos in case of two hours sleep and have to be in the city
15:56 Jordach (yes i can pull 24 hours without needing to nap)
15:58 jp Btw Calinou, the 6 models from Blenderswap are CC-BY.
15:58 jp not 'NC'
16:00 Calinou cool
16:00 Calinou I dislike coffee, so I don't drink any.
16:00 Jordach PenguinDad, i can in theory admin a server for 24 hours
16:00 Calinou but I dislike stuff like cola too
16:01 Jordach Calinou, wtf are you, a luddite?
16:01 Jordach actually, are you not human?!
16:02 Jordach PenguinDad, these Sony headphones actually have BASS :3
16:02 Calinou a pony :D
16:02 * Calinou runs
16:02 * Jordach gets out the sugar cubes
16:02 PenguinDad *gallops
16:03 * PenguinDad gives Jordach a corner
16:04 Jordach PenguinDad, at least the Headphones don't have computer crippling DRM ;3
16:05 * PenguinDad is confused
16:05 * Jordach is referring to the Sony CDs with malware-DRM
16:05 Jordach tl;dr play it and record with desktop capture softwarew
16:06 Calinou it'll decrease its quality
16:06 Jordach Calinou, says 1920000KHZ output D:
16:06 Jordach -0
16:06 Jordach 192k actually (over did it as usual)
16:06 sfan5 lol
16:07 Jordach (i might actually be an audio purist)
16:07 LemonLake joined #minetest
16:07 sfan5 a what?
16:07 LemonLake a joined
16:07 Jordach sfan5, flac / m4a @ 450kbps or bust
16:08 sfan5 450k aac
16:08 sfan5 why not just flac then?
16:09 Jordach because not all stores do FLAC
16:09 Jordach and here's how you make normal headphones into beats:
16:09 Jordach and spotify's offline storage is set to FLAC level
16:10 sfan5 Jordach: you are aware that spotify premium uses 256k mp3?
16:10 Jordach heh
16:10 sfan5 and what is that with all stores?
16:10 sfan5 every CD is flac
16:10 sfan5 (44.1k, s16[lb]e))
16:10 Jordach sfan5, most stores (iTunes, Beatport, Bandcamp, etc) are mp3 usually
16:10 sfan5 s/)//
16:10 sfan5 oh
16:10 sfan5 online stores
16:11 sfan5 that makes sense
16:11 Jordach sfan5, CDs are VERY expensive here
16:11 sfan5 iTunes uses 256k AAC IIRC
16:11 sfan5 yeah ik
16:11 Jordach Vinyl here is even cheaper
16:11 zat joined #minetest
16:11 sfan5 Stream #0:0(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 261 kb/s (default)
16:11 sfan5 /\ from iTunes
16:12 Jordach sfan5, i downloaded something from iTunes and was mp3
16:12 sfan5 you did it wrong
16:12 Jordach sfan5, i always do it wrong (see Meshnodes, BFD)
16:12 sfan5 I pulled my music directly from the iDevice using (see
16:12 sfan5 what is wrong with your meshnodes?
16:13 Jordach sfan5, too hacky for my liking
16:13 Jordach although 0 problems heard from the desk fan in homedecor
16:14 sfan5 >heard
16:14 sfan5 maybe you had sound disabled :P
16:14 * Jordach pokes VanessaE about recording a looping fan sound when turning it on
16:16 sfan5 don't you have a fan yourself?
16:25 Jordach i don't hear no 10 year olds screaming #cutforjordach do i
16:25 Jordach and yes that was a stab
16:27 Calinou <Jordach> sfan5, most stores (iTunes, Beatport, Bandcamp, etc) are mp3 usually → then don't buy from them
16:27 sfan5 uh
16:27 Jordach Calinou, most shit i have don't eat anything else and Rockbox is shit
16:27 sfan5 bandcamp?
16:27 sfan5 you can choose flac too
16:27 Jordach sfan5, if the option is there
16:27 Jordach most large artists DONT
16:28 sfan5 thats not bandcamps fault
16:28 Calinou FLAC or high-quality OGG
16:28 sfan5 nope
16:28 sfan5 just flac
16:31 crazyR sfan, has there been any development on this:
16:31 sfan5 I'm on vacation
16:31 sfan5 do you expect me to fix that
16:31 sfan5 I don't even know what the issue might be
16:32 * Jordach meows at sfan5
16:32 crazyR well, firstly i didnt know you was on vacation. and secondly, are you not the lead developer of it now? if so i would have though you might have a much better idea as to what might be causing it or atleast how to figure out whats causing it. than me or most other would.
16:33 crazyR *others
16:33 sfan5 I have the code here
16:33 sfan5 but I don't have time actually
16:33 sfan5 Jordach: low bandwith? y that?
16:34 * Jordach wonders if sfan5 can confirm that his towel is already on the poolside seating
16:34 sfan5 I'm not in a hotel
16:34 sfan5 they would have WiFi :P
16:35 Jordach sfan5, 3g?
16:35 * Jordach has 4G reception here
16:35 sfan5 no 3g here
16:35 sfan5 2g
16:35 sfan5 EDGE
16:35 Calinou IRC, EDGE-friendly since 1998
16:36 sfan5 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=4637 ms
16:39 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
16:40 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
16:41 Jordach and
16:43 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:44 rubenwardy Hi all!
16:45 sfan5 !deop HLuaBot
16:45 PenguinDad Hi rubenwardy
16:56 fireglow joined #minetest
16:58 Jordach TIL all iDevices have the same sync/charge socket issues
16:58 Jordach the backplate is 60C
16:59 ShadowNinja HLuaBot: load RemoveBots
16:59 HLuaBot Plugin successfully loaded.
16:59 ShadowNinja
17:00 Jordach !op HLuaBot
17:00 fireglow left #minetest
17:00 kahrl joined #minetest
17:00 ShadowNinja Should catch some of the less inteligent bots.
17:00 Jordach ShadowNinja, do remove it on Inchra: coolcat uses all upper
17:01 ShadowNinja Setting +i might be better than banning though.
17:01 Jordach or at least disable
17:01 ShadowNinja Jordach: Nah, I don't like all-uper nicks anyway.  :-P
17:01 Jordach you evil man ;3
17:02 ShadowNinja Jordach: Is his ident "~COOLCAT"?
17:02 ShadowNinja Hmmm, yes.
17:03 Jordach ShadowNinja, yes
17:03 ShadowNinja I'll add == "freenode".
17:03 Jordach [17:53:03] <-- Cool_Catty (~COOLCAT@nope.avi) has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
17:04 ShadowNinja []reload RemoveBots
17:04 ShadowNinja HLuaBot: config prefix
17:04 HLuaBot prefix = "''"
17:04 ShadowNinja ''reload RemoveBots
17:04 HLuaBot Plugin successfully reloaded.
17:06 q66 joined #minetest
17:20 asie joined #minetest
17:21 * sfan5 licks asie
17:22 daddev joined #minetest
17:22 daddev how do I access the mobf menu in sapier's mod?
17:23 harrison we need a unicode-compatible VR display
17:23 harrison to build the VR asciiverse
17:23 harrison so that IRC lives forever
17:24 sfan5 yes
17:24 VanessaE daddev:  /mobf  :)
17:26 daddev VanessaE: Huh, I can't get it to come up. invalid command
17:27 daddev I can see the mod listed in the mods section of the config since I extracted it
17:27 VanessaE strange, when last I checked that was the command.
17:27 VanessaE but did you enable it in the menu?
17:27 daddev VanessaE: probably not. How do I do that?
17:27 VanessaE select a world, click "configure"
17:27 VanessaE click the mod in the list, select "enable" at the top of the window
17:28 reactor joined #minetest
17:30 daddev VanessaE: ah, configure ;-) Thanks!
17:32 khor_ joined #minetest
17:43 * Krock made a perfect guide how to set up a world
18:07 blaze joined #minetest
18:08 LemonLake joined #minetest
18:09 daddev joined #minetest
18:27 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
18:28 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: hi
18:28 HLuaBot Unknown command "hi". Try "help".
18:29 lemonlake_ well fuck you
18:29 reactor HLuaBot: ÑŠ
18:29 HLuaBot Unknown command "ÑŠ". Try "help".
18:29 lemonlake_ ah
18:29 lemonlake_ the new ShadowBot
18:31 PenguinDad HLuaBot: meow
18:31 HLuaBot Unknown command "meow". Try "help".
18:31 PenguinDad :(
18:31 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: quit
18:31 HLuaBot Insufficient privileges.
18:31 lemonlake_ bitch
18:31 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: grant lemonlake quit
18:31 HLuaBot Unknown command "grant". Try "help".
18:31 lemonlake_ >:(
18:33 Jordach joined #minetest
18:33 Jordach that wasn't suposed to happen
18:33 lemonlake_ but it was
18:33 PenguinDad HLuaBot: privilege all lemonlake_
18:33 HLuaBot Unknown command "privilege". Try "help".
18:34 PenguinDad >:D
18:34 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: help
18:34 HLuaBot Commands: reload, load, unload, plugins, op, deop, devoice, voice, join, part, help, uptime, echo, raw, eval, quit, more, ping, shutdown, config, tell -- Use 'help <command name>' to get help with a specific command.
18:34 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: op *
18:34 HLuaBot Too many arguments.
18:34 lemonlake_ :(
18:35 reactor lemonlake_: it's sending notices to the channel.
18:35 lemonlake_ reactor: what is what
18:35 lemonlake_ oh wow, that's weird
18:35 lemonlake_ why can't it just message like a sane person?
18:37 reactor 00:34 < lemonlake_> HLuaBot: op *
18:37 reactor 00:34 -HLuaBot:#minetest- Too many arguments.
18:37 reactor Okay?
18:37 lemonlake_ HLuaBot: op
18:37 HLuaBot Insufficient privileges.
18:37 lemonlake_ ;'(
18:37 reactor Maybe it isn't notice.
18:38 reactor Oh well it looks like it.
18:38 lemonlake_ I think it is
18:38 lemonlake_ As a matter of fact, is
18:38 lemonlake_ But why notice?
18:38 Jordach because namby pamby ShadowNinja
18:38 Jordach ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:39 lemonlake_ >namby pamby
18:39 lemonlake_ >( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:39 lemonlake_ srs
18:39 reactor Ô’_Å’
18:39 * Jordach stopped giving a fuck about seriousness a while ago
18:39 ShadowNinja !g RFC1459 NOTICE
18:39 lemonlake_ reactor: needs surgery
18:39 reactor ?
18:40 ShadowNinja
18:40 ShadowNinja Jordach, lemonlake_, reactor: ^
18:40 Jordach just because it's defined by some engineering nerds doesn't mean you have to follow them
18:40 * Jordach likes the idea of infinite anarchy
18:41 reactor ShadowNinja: then notice the issuer of the command!
18:41 reactor Why notice everyone?!
18:41 lemonlake_ ah
18:41 lemonlake_ +reactor
18:41 Krock test
18:41 reactor Jordach: it's the standard.
18:41 Jordach reactor, xkcd.
18:41 PenguinDad !c '\'meow'
18:41 MinetestBot "'meow"
18:41 reactor Imagine if nobody ever adhered to "some engineering nerds".
18:42 lemonlake_ Jordach: what does xkcd have to do with anything?
18:42 Jordach clearly they ignored the "more than one way to skin a cat"
18:42 ShadowNinja reactor: Becuase that isn't what people want.  They want to be able to show other people in the channel the result of their commands.
18:42 reactor You couldn't even match a bolt and a nut in your life, genius!
18:42 reactor wouldn't be able to*
18:42 * Jordach considers custom 3D printing his schematic of his iPod Dock
18:43 PenguinDad Krock: It works isn't that awesome?
18:44 reactor ShadowNinja: /me scratches head
18:44 reactor Well that is reasonable.
18:46 * Krock discovered /amsg
18:46 Jordach nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
18:47 Jordach i really need to get a new chair
18:47 Krock whyyyy
18:47 Jordach the back side is coming off D:
18:47 Krock I don't have a backside on my chair.
18:47 PenguinDad Krock: /amsg?
18:47 Krock PenguinDad, "sends a chat message to all connecte rooms"
18:47 Jordach PenguinDad, messages all chans
18:48 * PenguinDad could also do /allchan /msg *
18:49 * Krock is active
18:49 * Krock also found /ame
18:49 reactor Passive-aggressive.
18:49 * PenguinDad could also do /allchan /me *
18:50 * Krock could also do /allchan /way
18:50 Krock (/away)
18:51 PenguinDad /allchan /away makes no sense
18:51 Krock >/way
18:52 PenguinDad WTF is /way
18:52 Krock idk
18:53 Krock we ere just using all "/a*" commands
18:56 rubenwardy hi
18:56 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Disable preload_item_visuals by default d7bcde6 2014-08-05T14:54:33-04:00
18:57 rubenwardy Bye all!
18:57 rubenwardy left #minetest
19:03 * Jordach nukes another external access point
19:03 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
19:03 Krock finally a by-default-speedup :)
19:06 PenguinDad Krock: I think we should release now :D
19:06 Krock PenguinDad, yes. a new version is required.
19:07 MinetestForFun Hi everybody, i've some problems with my minetest server : when i start my minetest server, all is ok. But when i connect a client to my minetest server, i found this errors : (i think it's the mods "unifieddyes" and "bone") but i don't know the modification i need... :/ please help me ! :)
19:07 asie joined #minetest
19:11 PenguinDad MinetestForFun: There are no real errors in the image
19:12 MinetestForFun so.. i jsut ignore ERROR[main] ? it's not important ?
19:12 PenguinDad You can normally ignore generateImage errors
19:14 MinetestForFun ok thank you for your help
19:16 MinetestForFun i've also this errors, (not a problem, i ignore it ?)
19:17 MinetestForFun (very strange errors ^^)
19:18 Partmedi1 joined #minetest
19:21 Miner_48er joined #minetest
19:22 Krock MinetestForFun, which version are you using?
19:22 Krock (looking at error #2)
19:23 MinetestForFun Im using minetest 0.4.10 on a debian server
19:23 MinetestForFun im sorry i don't know the command for mp ^^"
19:26 Partmedia joined #minetest
19:36 lemonlake_ is RealBadAngel active?
19:37 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
19:37 lemonlake_ !tell RealBadAngel
19:37 MinetestBot lemonlake_: I'll pass that on when RealBadAngel is around
19:37 proller joined #minetest
19:39 Krock lemonlake_, "not my beer" but, what does it do?
19:39 lemonlake_ Krock: Well, it was a project to learn both irrlicht and create a tool that allows the user to generate an inventroy cube for external use.
19:39 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Formspec escape fixed seen in world creation menu 15f3713 2014-08-05T15:37:53-04:00
19:39 Krock ShadowNinja, how about the *CDP fix?
19:39 lemonlake_ But now RBA would like to make it mandatory for all modders to use this tool to generate their own images, and remove the engine's method to generate them.
19:40 lemonlake_ Thus, saving loading times as the engine no longer has to do ^
19:40 ShadowNinja Krock: Um, one minute...
19:40 Krock lemonlake_, it looks interesting
19:43 lemonlake_ Krock: it's pretty badly coded, first time using irrlicht
19:43 lemonlake_ i'm sure i'll figure it out
19:43 Krock lemonlake_, C++?
19:43 lemonlake_ ofc
19:43 Krock k
19:45 MinetestForFun Krock i've you an idea for my errors messages ? if you want i can give you a screenshot with all of the start messages when a client is conencting to my server
19:46 lemonlake_ MinetestForFun: are you need_help from yesterday?
19:46 Krock MinetestForFun, as long it runs, it should be no problem
19:46 ShadowNinja Krock: It looks fine to me, but sapier had an issue with it.
19:46 MinetestForFun lamonlake_ (im need_help, my english is recognizable ? ><)
19:47 lemonlake_ "<MinetestForFun> Im using minetest 0.4.10 on a debian server"
19:47 lemonlake_ MinetestBot: gives it away instantly
19:47 lemonlake_ tabfail
19:47 Krock ShadowNinja, Lua only uses the required values and it's much easier to handle updates in that area.
19:47 MinetestForFun Ahah :)
19:48 Krock I think, as long no one else is against it, it should be okay
19:48 ShadowNinja Krock: Agreed, now convince sapier of that.  :-)
19:48 ShadowNinja Or get someone else to agree.
19:48 MinetestForFun ok i ignore my errosr messages, thank you for you advices :)
19:49 Krock I'll try my luck
19:50 PenguinDad Krock: this might help you ;)
19:51 lemonlake_ PenguinDad: that actually works
19:51 Krock PenguinDad, thanksa lot
19:56 lemonlake_ Doing a complete redesign of NodeViewer menu
19:56 lemonlake_ it's currently absolute, and i'm sure you know how horrible that can be
19:59 asie joined #minetest
20:05 lemonlake_ and yet there is not a way o have a non-absolute gui
20:05 lemonlake_ fantastic
20:07 * sfan5 meows at lemonlake_
20:07 PenguinDad <3 GitHub
20:08 lemonlake_ </3 GitHub
20:08 lemonlake_ sfan5: why meow?
20:08 Vazon joined #minetest
20:09 Jordach
20:09 Jordach ^ actual next gen
20:09 Jordach MS / Sony can't even match
20:10 lemonlake_ Jordach: yes, but this is a very small handheld portable console with 3d computin
20:10 Jordach lemonlake_, most run at 48/2 under 3D mode
20:11 lemonlake_ Jordach: idk, i mean my xbox original can get 50 last time i'd measured it
20:11 lemonlake_ 360 could hit 60 and xbone again 60
20:12 Jordach lemonlake_, just because they can doesn't mean devs will
20:12 Jordach devs usually cripple their games
20:12 lemonlake_ Jordach: not necessarily
20:12 lemonlake_ you also can't blindly state a console's frame per second
20:12 lemonlake_ a console is supposed to simply play a game, not be better than pcs
20:13 lemonlake_ wanna know why pcs are better? because they're bigger, and not meant to be cheap
20:13 lemonlake_ to cater to their audience the console needs to be within affordable range somewhat, so they need to keep the specs cheap enough
20:14 lemonlake_ if you want a 2 grand playstation or xbox, then you'll get way better specs
20:14 lemonlake_ devs will get more money, so they'll make their game faster
20:14 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
20:15 Jordach lemonlake_, have you seen how retarded some devs actually are
20:15 Jordach they cripple the PC to be on par with the lesser machines
20:15 lemonlake_ Jordach: at the end of the day, as long as the game is playable it doesnt matter
20:15 Jordach playable means an actual fps rate
20:15 Jordach not the same as a movie
20:15 lemonlake_ titanfall is source engine
20:16 lemonlake_ source engine has fine framerates for simple levels, they fault with details though
20:21 Partmedia joined #minetest
20:32 Jordach i found something out - using 6 blocks of wood makes 12 stairs
20:33 Jordach those quarter lines can be made into stairs
20:34 PenguinDad You just need enough glue :D
20:34 * Krock gives Jordach mesecon_materials:glue
20:41 Jordach wait
20:41 Jordach it's 8 actually
20:42 lemonlake_ Jordach: correct
20:43 Jordach we're goddamn inefficient
20:43 lemonlake_ from each 6 plank block you get an extra quater, equals six quaters
20:43 lemonlake_ 3 quaters for 1 stair, so you can make two extra stairs from that
20:43 Jordach lemonlake_, rusty maths here
20:43 lemonlake_ why so?
20:43 Jordach not done it since um
20:43 Jordach ~14 months ago
20:43 lemonlake_ this isn't even maths, it's just logic ;)
20:44 Jordach lemonlake_, algebraic
20:44 lemonlake_ that's practically inalgebraic
20:44 lemonlake_ would you like a blender animation of the process?
20:44 lemonlake_ the process of making stairs?
20:44 Jordach lemonlake_, i know i can demonstrate it physically
20:44 lemonlake_ there you go then
20:45 lemonlake_ if you know that, you know you can visualizeit
20:45 Jordach for each three nodes used, get 4 stairs
20:45 lemonlake_ that's a pretty weird way of thinking of it
20:45 lemonlake_ either way, how is it 'inefficient'?
20:46 Jordach because we currently get 4 nodes
20:46 lemonlake_ ohhh
20:46 lemonlake_ yes...that's very silly
20:46 lemonlake_ fix that in bfd ;)
20:47 Jordach or 6
20:47 Jordach minetest.register_craft({ \n output = 'stairs:stair_' .. subname .. ' 4',
20:47 lemonlake_ but then we could be using a LOT of wood to make straps to keep it sturdy or somethin
20:47 Jordach inefficient
20:47 Jordach lemonlake_, the model doesn't show that
20:47 lemonlake_ indeed
20:47 Jordach it is basically a sawed off quarter
20:48 lemonlake_ unless the remaining wood is used to make a saw?
20:48 lemonlake_ it's just so indurable the player never sees it?
20:48 Jordach lemonlake_, explain the crafting of TVs with your fists
20:48 lemonlake_ its just a game
20:48 Jordach that's why i won't go too far
20:56 Jordach lemonlake_, starting meh BFD sevrer
21:11 * Jordach turns off the expansion of the spread
21:12 lemonlake_ Jordach: wai?
21:12 Megaf joined #minetest
21:12 Megaf Hi
21:13 Jordach lemonlake_, overpowered
21:13 Jordach and i mean it
21:13 Jordach you leave that mapblock loaded for more than 5 minutes and it expands nearly 4 mapblocks
21:14 Jordach (i'm also cutting down on the size of the biomes, putting it inbetween glacier and snowy plains)
21:59 kizeren joined #minetest
22:13 milleja46_ joined #minetest
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22:29 WindHero joined #minetest
22:31 Hirato joined #minetest
22:32 Eater4 joined #minetest
22:33 kizeren joined #minetest
22:35 MinetestBot GIT: Uberi commited to Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Fix typo (thanks donat-b!). https:/ 2014-08-05T18:34:43-04:00
22:45 MinetestForFun am i the only one having problems for making my minetest server public ? (i've modified the lines in minetest.conf but my server still private...) If you want see my minetest.conf it's here Please, can you help me ?
22:46 Eater4 I can
22:46 Eater4 Let me look
22:46 MinetestForFun thank you very much
22:46 MinetestForFun !
22:46 Eater4 can you use unbuntu pastbin please?
22:46 MinetestForFun y i can
22:47 MinetestForFun 2 minutes please
22:47 Eater4 ok doke
22:47 MinetestForFun
22:49 Eater4 MinetestForFun: did you port foward?
22:49 Eater4 Forward*
22:50 MinetestForFun y
22:50 MinetestForFun i can play in my server, but privatly
22:51 MinetestForFun you can play also play in my server if you want to try
22:51 MinetestForFun you can also play*
22:51 Eater4 MinetestForFun: you need to make sure you have port 30001 forwarded
22:51 MinetestForFun you want a screenshot of my ipfire ? :)
22:52 Eater4 naw, if you port forwarded it then I believe you
22:52 MinetestForFun imp sure i've forward my port 30001, i can connect and play in my server
22:52 Eater4 make sure you add public_serverlist = true
22:53 MinetestForFun but my server still private :/
22:53 MinetestForFun err... where i need to put this line ?
22:53 MinetestForFun in minetest.conf ?
22:53 Eater4 MinetestForFun: add public_serverlist = true
22:53 Eater4 Yes, in minetest.conf
22:53 MinetestForFun my god... my bad...
22:54 MinetestForFun this line is not here :
22:54 MinetestForFun need an update :D
22:54 Jordach the serverlist auto updates
22:55 VanessaE use this list.
22:55 VanessaE not that one.
22:55 MinetestForFun i've use the two lists
22:55 Eater4 VanessaE: he was talking about how he didn't have it annouce to the public_serverlist
22:55 MinetestForFun but the text for adding his server to the server list is not update, it lacks a line
22:56 Eater4 VanessaE: why can't we have one list? Why 2
22:56 VanessaE try server_announce = 1  (not = true)
22:56 MinetestForFun just look at the bottom of this page :)
22:57 MinetestForFun i try and i say you if it's ok :)
22:57 VanessaE just try it
22:57 VanessaE you don't need to specify an address to announce to
22:58 VanessaE
22:58 VanessaE there's mine.
22:58 VanessaE works perfectly.
22:59 Eater4 Hm...
22:59 Eater4 VanessaE: that's it?
22:59 VanessaE yup
23:00 VanessaE that's all I have in that server's .conf for announcing.
23:00 Eater4 oh
23:05 NakedFury joined #minetest
23:06 MinetestForFun so, im waiting my server appear in the server list
23:07 ImQ009 joined #minetest
23:14 phantombeta joined #minetest
23:24 WindHero
23:24 WindHero ^Dungeon Master Fort
23:25 crazyR anyone know how i can check if a node exist/loaded
23:25 WindHero thinking of having a random treasure chest spawn inside
23:25 * Jordach sighs
23:25 crazyR with lua i mean sorry
23:25 Jordach NOT this AGAIN
23:25 Jordach
23:25 WindHero that depends
23:26 WindHero Jordach: the shadow or the silly chat?
23:26 Jordach the shadow
23:26 Jordach a perfect square
23:26 bas080 joined #minetest
23:26 crazyR i had that issue on my old map
23:26 PenguinHub Hi again everyone!
23:26 WindHero @crazyR: use minetest.get_node(pos) and check if it's name isn't "ignore"
23:27 crazyR what i mean is i want to check if the node name is loaded   its for an admin deposit machine
23:27 crazyR mod:nodename
23:28 WindHero minetest.registered_nodes()?
23:28 crazyR thanks
23:28 VanessaE check if the mod that contains it exists.
23:28 WindHero not sure if I have the right syntax there
23:28 crazyR il look it up but thanks, its a good head start
23:28 VanessaE if minetest.get_modpath("foo") then <code that assumes the node you want exists>  end
23:29 VanessaE and put foo? into your depends.txt if you can.
23:29 VanessaE for whatever mod foo is that you are looking for nodes in
23:29 crazyR VanessaE the only issue with that is if the actual node name hasnt been spelled correctly the machine will presume that the node exists and then no one can sell to it.
23:29 VanessaE ah
23:29 crazyR looks like windhero has the right solution. just checking it out now :)
23:30 WindHero :D
23:30 crazyR windhere, is it part of the new api? its not in the wiki
23:31 Jordach crazyR,
23:31 crazyR i know thats where i am
23:31 Jordach !dev minetest.registered_nodes()
23:31 MinetestBot No such page.
23:32 WindHero minetest.registered_nodes[name]
23:32 WindHero ^that
23:32 WindHero I had it wrong
23:32 Jordach !dev minetest.registered_nodes
23:32 MinetestBot "A table of tables of a time, function and function arguments used for minetest.after, e.g." -
23:32 crazyR hmm yeah that will work actually, its the same as what unified inv uses i think
23:32 WindHero from the api: Registered definitions of stuff
23:32 WindHero --------------------------------
23:32 WindHero Anything added using certain minetest.register_* functions get added to
23:32 WindHero the global minetest.registered_* tables.
23:33 WindHero if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
23:33 WindHero return nil
23:33 WindHero end
23:33 WindHero ...and so on.
23:33 crazyR thanks hero :D
23:33 WindHero no prob.
23:36 crazyR 1 job done, now to create my digifilter :D
23:36 blaise what are the two inventory mods?
23:36 blaise inventory+ and what?
23:36 crazyR unified inventry
23:37 blaise unified inventory is moe betta?
23:37 blaise and, are there armor mods for unified inventory?
23:38 crazyR not sure about armor but you could alway create a button on it that would load the modmenu(armor menu)
23:38 blaise hrmm
23:38 blaise I've only tried one of the armor mods
23:38 blaise it's not all that great
23:38 crazyR i dont use it anymore as my server isnt pvp, seemed pointless tohave
23:39 WindHero <blaise> unified inventory is moe betta?
23:39 blaise you can make the server non-pvp?
23:39 WindHero you talk pidgin, brah?
23:39 WindHero jk xD
23:39 lemonlake_ pidgin?
23:39 blaise
23:40 crazyR lol
23:40 lemonlake_ i know what pidgin is
23:40 blaise WindHero: you mad brah?
23:40 lemonlake_ this isn't pidgin talk
23:40 lemonlake_ this is general nettalk
23:40 WindHero troll
23:41 crazyR ^ i use it saves me having mutliple windows open
23:41 blaise nettalk? or pidgin?
23:41 WindHero But to me pidgin = slang
23:41 crazyR pidgin lol
23:41 crazyR hero, what does is mean in slang
23:41 blaise WindHero: what you call pidgin, I call chicken head
23:41 WindHero rofl
23:42 blaise I wonder if there is a bitcoin mod
23:42 blaise where we can mine btc in minetest..
23:42 WindHero I hate to use wikipedia but..
23:42 WindHero
23:43 WindHero It's da kine brah! ;)
23:44 blaise WindHero: I've considered going through life talking like that guy from the angry asian resturant prank call youtube videos..
23:44 WindHero rofl
23:44 WindHero I don't believe I've seen those...
23:44 WindHero but I can imagine it clearly
23:44 WindHero having been around MANY asians
23:44 blaise it's a roit..
23:45 blaise there's even a soundboard for android
23:45 WindHero heheh
23:45 blaise !up
23:45 MinetestBot seems to be down
23:45 blaise D:
23:46 MinetestForFun i've changed my minetest.conf like you advice me, but my server still private :/
23:46 blaise yeah, I had that issue..
23:46 blaise it was weird
23:47 MinetestForFun i don't understand why ><
23:47 blaise port was open, but wasn't informing the minetest public directory of it's existance
23:47 MinetestForFun and your server is now in the public list ?
23:47 blaise yes
23:48 MinetestForFun how did you make that ? ><
23:48 blaise after a few days it just started working...
23:48 * blaise shrugs
23:48 blaise I think it had something to do with a bug
23:48 MinetestForFun oh, ok
23:49 WindHero mobs:register_spawn("mobs:dungeon_master", {"caverealms:dm_statue"}, 14, -1, 100, 1, -2000)
23:49 WindHero ehehehehehe
23:49 blaise it randomly does it every once in a while
23:49 MinetestForFun thank you for the information, i will wait ^^"
23:49 WindHero spawn chance: 1/100
23:50 blaise MinetestForFun: I think they squashed the bug though, so while your waiting you may want to investigate
23:50 blaise MinetestForFun: do you use linux?
23:51 blaise I keep a log server running and have all my machines dump their logs to the one logserver box
23:51 MinetestForFun y i use linux, my server is in a debian computer, my minetest server run a 0.4.1 version
23:51 blaise MinetestForFun: you may want to check out lnav
23:52 blaise it's a little program which does color parsing on log files than I keep the minetest log open in a console term to monitor what is going on
23:52 MinetestForFun i don't know what is it
23:52 blaise debian should have it in the repo's
23:53 MinetestForFun please, can you give me the name of the packet ?
23:54 blaise lnav
23:54 blaise Homepage:  
23:54 blaise Description:         A curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files
23:54 blaise Could someone help me with a server crash?
23:55 blaise I get this after the server runs for a long time
23:55 blaise
23:55 MinetestForFun i've found him, thank you very much :)
23:55 blaise keep in mind I've never had a boat mod
23:55 blaise and it doesn't exist on the server and never has
23:55 MinetestForFun boat mod is native, no ?
23:55 blaise is it?!
23:55 blaise well it's broke
23:56 kaeza joined #minetest
23:56 MinetestForFun check your /minetest/minetest_game/mods
23:56 lemonlake_
23:56 blaise I don't have one
23:56 * blaise pets lemonlake_
23:56 * lemonlake_ is petted
23:57 MinetestForFun here : /minetest/games/minetest_game/mods
23:57 MinetestForFun i've a linux distribution, maybe it's different for windows
23:58 MinetestForFun in this folder there have the native mod
23:58 crazyR does anyone know how to chart the player activity. ive seen a few people have done it. but not sure how
23:58 lemonlake_ MinetestForFun: those are the mods that are part of the game
23:58 MinetestForFun personay i've the boat mod here
23:58 lemonlake_ you typically don't edit those
23:59 lemonlake_ mods should be properly placed in the mods folder
23:59 blaise wow, my map is 64GB
23:59 MinetestForFun what ?!
23:59 crazyR :O
23:59 lemonlake_ blaise: ranking up in the highs
23:59 MinetestForFun impossible Oo
23:59 blaise MinetestForFun: I use Funtoo and Gentoo linux
23:59 lemonlake_ MinetestForFun: very possible
23:59 lemonlake_ its quite normal actually
23:59 blaise I got a lot of players

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