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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-08-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 MinetestForFun amazing ^^
00:00 blaise !up
00:00 lemonlake_ MinetestForFun, not necessarily
00:00 MinetestBot is up (1552ms)
00:00 lemonlake_ it's normal for a big server
00:00 * blaise does a little dance
00:00 lemonlake_ !server midnightsystems
00:00 MinetestBot lemonlake_: No results
00:00 lemonlake_ !server
00:00 MinetestBot lemonlake_: No results
00:00 lemonlake_ bender
00:00 lemonlake_ !server midnight
00:00 MinetestBot lemonlake_: No results
00:00 crazyR blaise how is it affecting performance
00:00 lemonlake_ blaise, what's the servername?
00:00 blaise it seems fine
00:00 blaise lemonlake_: midnightsystems
00:00 lemonlake_ >.<
00:01 blaise hehe
00:01 lemonlake_ is !server broken?
00:01 lemonlake_ !serve
00:01 lemonlake_ !server
00:01 MinetestBot lemonlake_: Minetestville | | Clients: 5/40, 3/5 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / minetest | Ping: 165ms
00:01 lemonlake_ ó.ó
00:01 blaise !server
00:01 MinetestBot blaise: Craig's Server | | Clients: 3/30, 2/9 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / Craig-Server | Ping: 221ms
00:01 kaeza !server midnight
00:01 MinetestBot kaeza: No results
00:01 blaise wtf
00:01 crazyR !server Ethic Rush
00:01 MinetestBot crazyR: Ethic Rush | | Clients: 3/15, 4/12 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / minetest | Ping: 98ms
00:01 kaeza !server Midnight
00:01 MinetestBot kaeza: No results
00:01 kaeza ...
00:01 lemonlake_ !server Midnight Systems minetest server
00:01 MinetestBot lemonlake_: No results
00:01 lemonlake_ that's weird
00:01 lemonlake_ maybe it doesn't show empty servers?
00:01 blaise that's not my server
00:02 WindHero ....dat urbandictionary page @_@
00:02 WindHero not nearly that much profanity................
00:02 lemonlake_ blaise, which server is yours?
00:03 blaise the one @
00:03 lemonlake_ yeah, maybe !server doesn't show empty servers
00:03 lemonlake_ !help
00:03 MinetestBot
00:03 blaise it may be called vaio
00:03 blaise as that's the host name of the machine
00:03 ^v joined #minetest
00:03 lemonlake_ it has an empty servername
00:03 blaise although, the domain is pointed at it
00:03 blaise so..
00:03 * blaise shrugs
00:04 blaise really?
00:04 blaise maybe I should fix that
00:04 lemonlake_ blaise, its actually most likely because there's no servername
00:04 blaise lmao
00:04 lemonlake_ you probably should rofl
00:04 lemonlake_ !server Road
00:04 MinetestBot lemonlake_: Road | | Clients: 1/497, 0/3 | Version: / sky | Ping: 102ms
00:04 blaise how do I fix that, anyway?
00:04 lemonlake_ add a servername
00:05 blaise or minetest.conf?
00:05 lemonlake_ minetest.conf im fairly sure
00:05 lemonlake_ why would it be
00:06 * blaise shrugs
00:06 blaise lemonlake_: echo "server_name = midnightsystems" >> minetest.conf ?
00:07 lemonlake_ idk
00:07 Jordach playing BFD and found this beautiful segment
00:07 lemonlake_ look it up
00:07 lemonlake_ i don't know minetest.conf
00:07 lemonlake_ >.<
00:08 WindHero !wiki minetest.conf
00:08 MinetestBot "minetest." -
00:08 blaise danke
00:08 blaise lemonlake_: do you not run/play minetest?
00:08 lemonlake_ blaise: no
00:09 blaise why are you here?
00:09 lemonlake_ because i make mods
00:09 lemonlake_ but i dont play the game
00:09 lemonlake_ server_name = My server
00:09 lemonlake_ (
00:10 bas080 lemonlake, I still consider that playing with minetest.
00:10 lemonlake_ bas080, consider what you like
00:10 lemonlake_ the question however was 'play minetest'
00:10 lemonlake_ that i do not
00:10 lemonlake_ i do not play the game as a game, i just sometimes run it to test my mod
00:10 bas080 You are not just a user
00:17 blaise some ahole joined my server and demanded I speak to him in spanish
00:17 lemonlake_ then do that
00:17 blaise nah, I banned him
00:17 lemonlake_ what??
00:17 lemonlake_ why?
00:17 blaise becuase he was demanding I speak spanish to him
00:18 blaise his demands were in engrish.
00:18 lemonlake_ that's not very fair
00:18 blaise you cant make demands on someone elses property in an outragious way,
00:19 blaise dude spent 5 minutes speaking to me in english trying to get me to speak spanish
00:19 blaise asking about skins
00:19 MinetestForFun very funny :D
00:19 blaise what about skins, anyway?
00:20 blaise can we skin our characters or something?
00:20 blaise and, isn't that something done on the client side?
00:20 khonkhortisan no hablo español
00:20 DMackey joined #minetest
00:21 blaise khonkhortisan: no, your derpyness.
00:21 blaise khonkhortisan: but thank you for asking
00:21 khonkhortisan hehe I said that I didn't
00:22 blaise ich spreche deutsch
00:22 blaise and a little french..
00:23 blaise but my spanlish is b0rked
00:24 WindHero Latinem scio.
00:25 WindHero :D
00:25 WindHero
00:26 blaise !server MidnightSystems
00:26 MinetestBot blaise: MidnightSystems | | Clients: 0/25, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.10 / minetest | Ping: 830ms
00:27 lemonlake_ WindHero: cool
00:27 WindHero thanks
00:27 blaise :)
00:27 blaise 830ms?!
00:27 WindHero have another one coming soon
00:27 blaise SHIT!
00:28 lemonlake_ blaise: that's just mtb
00:28 lemonlake_ no big deal
00:28 WindHero Google Fiber or go home
00:28 WindHero jk
00:28 domtron_ joined #minetest
00:28 blaise I got 20Mbit up 5Mbit down cable
00:29 blaise should be fine
00:29 blaise and the server is wired, not wireless
00:29 lemonlake_ blaised: that's just mtb no big deal
00:29 blaise btb?
00:29 blaise mtb I mean?
00:29 lemonlake_ mine
00:29 lemonlake_ test
00:29 lemonlake_ bot
00:30 blaise VanessaE told me there was a cap on how fast the server would send media and textures and stuff to clients anyway
00:30 VanessaE I did?
00:30 blaise yeah, like 7 or so months ago
00:30 VanessaE not a cap
00:30 VanessaE more like a code limitation
00:30 blaise it caps out at like 5K/s
00:30 VanessaE that limit has since been fixed
00:30 blaise has it?
00:30 VanessaE yeah
00:31 blaise awesomesauce
00:31 VanessaE it can send data much faster than that now
00:31 VanessaE like a few megs a second now
00:31 blaise VanessaE: Hi! btw.. :)
00:31 VanessaE hi
00:31 lemonlake_ VanessaE: bye, btw
00:31 * blaise hugs VanessaE
00:31 lemonlake_ sleepy time now
00:31 blaise VanessaE: my son is 3 months old today..
00:31 VanessaE cool
00:32 blaise anyone have the problem of people stealing their pony vaio laptops in their game?
00:32 blaise and how can this lemongrab character code mods without running the minetest server/client ?
00:33 blaise isn't that like beating a nail into wood without the wood, nail, or hammer ?
00:33 blaise VanessaE: btw, I disabled mobf on my sever and peoples are still timing out..
00:33 blaise !up midnightsystems
00:33 MinetestBot blaise: Invalid Address
00:33 blaise !up
00:33 MinetestBot is up (137ms)
00:34 blaise !server MidnightSystems
00:34 MinetestBot blaise: MidnightSystems | | Clients: 0/25, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.10 / minetest | Ping: 264ms
00:34 blaise does anyone else have problems?
00:34 WindHero and here's the other screenshot:
00:34 blaise beautiful
00:35 WindHero thanks
00:35 blaise WindHero: what is it?
00:35 blaise and what are you doing?
00:35 WindHero a lava fountain with a statue of a Dungeon Master in the center
00:35 WindHero for CaveRealms
00:35 blaise ah
00:35 blaise caverealms a mod?
00:35 Sokomine hm, i can check later on (mobf ought to be in my cache anyway; as most other mods are)
00:35 WindHero I'm almost ready to push a new commit
00:35 WindHero yeah
00:36 WindHero;t=9522
00:36 blaise nice
00:36 blaise WindHero: can it be added to an existing server?
00:36 WindHero yes :D
00:36 blaise cool, so I don't have to regenerate themap?
00:36 WindHero they start appearing at -700
00:36 WindHero noep
00:37 WindHero *nope
00:37 blaise Sokomine: I removed mobf to try and eliminate lag but people are still timing out
00:37 WindHero but they won't appear in old sections
00:37 blaise Sokomine: so, I'm not so sure it was mobf'
00:37 blaise s fault
00:37 blaise know what I mean?
00:37 Sokomine blaise: if they join with those unofficial android clients, that might be no wonder even on a server that otherwise works fine
00:38 Sokomine mobf does add quite a lot of data. the necessary models are big and plentiful
00:38 blaise ah
00:38 blaise hey, what does this mean? {["choppy"] = 4, ["level"] = 4, ["fleshy"] = 4, ["snappy"] = 4}
00:39 khonkhortisan it's the weird names we give as properties to blocks/nodes
00:39 khonkhortisan how easy it is to break by hand or by a tool
00:39 blaise ah
00:40 blaise I'm like 50 stories underground and I'm hearing a cow
00:40 blaise wtf
00:40 blaise I wonder how long it will be before that boat mod crashes my server again
00:40 blaise :(
00:41 WindHero for schematic-placing nodes: description = "A Hack like you should know what this does...",
00:41 blaise that I apparently can't remove becuase it's integrated
00:41 WindHero xD
00:41 WindHero who said it can't be removed?
00:41 WindHero just delete the "boats" folder in "minetest-game"
00:42 blaise but what if I want boats?
00:43 WindHero Keep an eye on GitHub commits until it gets fixed :P
00:47 blaise some dude was asking about cars a few days ago
00:47 blaise had me wondering about htat
00:47 blaise s/htat/that/
00:51 blaise 08:01:20: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ...mes/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/boats/init.lua:84: attempt to index field 'player_attached' (a nil value)
00:51 blaise 08:01:20: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
00:51 blaise 08:01:20: ERROR[main]:  ...mes/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/boats/init.lua:84: in function <...mes/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/boats/init.lua:79>
00:52 blaise interesting, no?
00:54 blaise I unbanned that MASTERCHIEFT character
00:56 WindHero I'd report that error to BlockMen
01:16 Vazon_ joined #minetest
01:18 blaise WindHero: who's BlockMen ?
01:18 Exio4 core dev
01:18 blaise I'm curious about a postal system mod...
01:18 WindHero moderator on the forum, programmer for Minetest NeXt, a.k.a. minetest-game
01:19 blaise I need to get a working economy going on my server
01:20 blaise WindHero: are you involved or know anything about the android minetest port?
01:20 WindHero currency isn't a bad mod for that
01:21 WindHero I'm not currently involved with it, no
01:21 WindHero I've been intending to test it
01:21 WindHero but haven't yet
01:21 blaise someone gave me a link for a build..
01:22 blaise it was pretty buggy.. but that was some 6 or 7 months ago I believe
01:22 blaise I believe it was ShadowNinja's android build
01:22 blaise I could be wrong
01:22 WindHero sapier's.
01:22 blaise ah
01:22 WindHero wait
01:22 WindHero 6 or 7 months ago?
01:22 blaise feels like it
01:22 ShadowNinja I don't make Android builds.
01:23 blaise it was before my son was born, I know that
01:23 WindHero I didn't even know they were making builds for it that long ago
01:23 blaise ShadowNinja: lmao
01:23 Exio4 doesn't matter, still your fault ShadowNinja !! :p
01:23 blaise ShadowNinja: thanks for the clarity
01:23 WindHero blaise:;t=9389
01:23 WindHero try those
01:23 blaise AhHAH!
01:23 blaise danke
01:30 domtron joined #minetest
01:41 OldCoder joined #minetest
01:45 blaise
01:45 blaise Woot!
01:45 blaise :D
01:45 VanessaE you're a bit out of date ;P
01:45 VanessaE 0.4.10 has been out for a few weeks now :)
01:46 blaise yeah
01:46 blaise I was using a very old Minetest-debug.apk
01:46 Exio4 latest build has android fixes too
01:46 Exio4 latest git
01:46 blaise I got my server updated the day the new version came out though
01:47 blaise Exio4: yeah, I dunno if I can remember how to build an apk with the adk though
01:47 blaise I have it, just havn't messed with it in a long time
01:47 Exio4 i thought you were going to build a build
01:48 blaise I was just wanting to check out the android progress
01:49 crazyR anyone know what might cause bucket:bucket_water to not show up in the registered_nodes table. the node is definatly registered
01:50 Exio4 it isn't a node?
01:51 Exio4 but an item?
01:55 domtron joined #minetest
01:59 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
02:02 crazyR oh
02:03 crazyR that could be an issue, is there a table for items? like the one for nodes?
02:04 Exio4 register_items? i don't know ;P
02:05 Exio4 registered*
02:06 crazyR thanks, think i got it
02:06 RealBadAngel yes there is
02:06 MinetestBot RealBadAngel: 08-06 00:37 UTC <lemonlake_>
02:07 crazyR minetest.registered_items[itemname]
02:09 ^v joined #minetest
02:09 RealBadAngel
02:09 RealBadAngel sample code that reads it
02:11 RealBadAngel actually pretty weird one but loop definition shall do for you
02:12 RealBadAngel if ure not sure what def holds just add there print(dump(def))
02:21 domtron joined #minetest
02:39 Wolfzie left #minetest
03:24 Miner_48er joined #minetest
04:48 blaise hrmm
04:49 blaise I can't get sfan5's android build to connect to a server.. "single player" works though
04:50 blaise although quite a bit of errors fly by on the screen constantly
04:52 blaise oh wait
04:52 blaise I got it working
04:52 blaise lmao
04:53 blaise ah, much smother than local play
04:56 HobGoblin joined #minetest
04:56 blaise sup
05:03 LemonLake joined #minetest
05:12 Nate__ joined #minetest
05:31 ModernHippie joined #minetest
05:32 ModernHippie left #minetest
05:51 Jousway joined #minetest
06:00 asie joined #minetest
06:23 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
06:45 nman3600 joined #minetest
06:59 khor_ joined #minetest
06:59 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:07 werwerwer joined #minetest
07:11 Krock joined #minetest
07:22 jp__ joined #minetest
07:24 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
07:27 Matsetes joined #minetest
07:29 Matsetes Hi!
07:29 jp__ Hi.
07:29 Matsetes Which is the channel for minetest-technic?
07:31 Krock ##minetest-technic ?
07:31 Krock ah, just one hashtag
07:34 Halo joined #minetest
07:36 nman3600 Hi, I've been a bit obsessed with minecraft lately
07:36 Krock unpossible
07:37 nman3600 I bought it yesterday.,
07:39 Krock <insert trout slap here>
07:40 Nerotic joined #minetest
07:40 Nerotic It's been awhile.
07:52 Nate__ does anyone have the old versoin of the irc mod
07:52 Nerotic no
07:59 crazyR1 joined #minetest
07:59 Eivel_ joined #minetest
07:59 milleja46 joined #minetest
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:10 Scall joined #minetest
08:14 PenguinDad joined #minetest
08:15 asie joined #minetest
08:17 Krock damn
08:17 Krock just wanted to be 1st who reports that post... "The post you requested does not exist." after I sent it
08:17 Krock :(
08:21 Nate__ Ca anyone help me with this error
08:21 Nate__
08:23 Miner_48er Nate what version of irc?
08:23 Gizmo joined #minetest
08:23 Nate__ The new versoin
08:23 Krock remove creative from your mods folder
08:23 Nate__ Krock: ignore that
08:23 PenguinDad You ate an apple in nethack :P
08:24 * Krock can't help with the IRC mod
08:24 Nate__ PenguinDad: I will start changing my passwords now
08:25 PenguinDad Why?
08:25 Nate__ 3:23 AM <PenguinDad> You ate an apple in nethack :P
08:26 PenguinDad Nethack ~= Hacking computers
08:27 Nate__ Shoot
08:32 Miner_48er Nate is that the latest version of luasocket?
08:32 Eater4 Yes
08:44 Calinou joined #minetest
08:46 Eater4 Try accessing the paste now PenguinDad
08:55 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
08:55 Topic for #minetest is now Latest stable version is 0.4.10 | Please be patient, responses may take a while | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | Logs:
08:55 joepie91 joined #minetest
08:56 reactor joined #minetest
08:57 proller joined #minetest
09:03 skittle_ joined #minetest
09:03 skittle_ hello
09:03 skittle_ OIHDJFSIOFJS
09:05 e1z0 joined #minetest
09:08 Firebat joined #minetest
09:27 Calinou avatar redone is probably done
09:28 Calinou biggest size only 248 bytes!
09:28 Calinou smallest 167 bytes
09:29 PenguinDad looks like a crosshair :D
09:31 Calinou yes, but much lighter, easy to indentify
09:31 Calinou works on dark + bright background well
09:31 Calinou so it does its job
09:31 Calinou identify*
09:33 Krock Calinou, what does it symbolize?
09:33 proller joined #minetest
09:37 Calinou you choose
09:43 crazyR joined #minetest
09:48 ImQ009 joined #minetest
09:54 Calinou I wonder if I can upload the binaries I compile for use by other Ubuntu/Mint users on the forum
09:54 Calinou does that work?
09:55 ThatGraemeGuy Calinou:
10:09 basxto joined #minetest
10:23 jp__ joined #minetest
10:27 jp__ RealBadAngel : water reflection functions can be accentuated & used for the mirrors ? Same technical principle ?
10:27 Calinou ThatGraemeGuy, we already have daily PPA, I think
10:28 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
10:31 twoelk joined #minetest
10:31 ThatGraemeGuy Calinou: true
10:32 ThatGraemeGuy but the answer to the question "how do i make packages available to Ubuntu users" is "Create a PPA" :-)
10:32 ThatGraemeGuy it sounded like you wanted something of your own ("the binaries I compile") separate from the official PPAs
10:33 Megaf joined #minetest
10:34 PenguinDad Calinou's binaries are special because they have 20% more ponies :D
10:35 Calinou ThatGraemeGuy, but I could just ship .zip files
10:35 Calinou no need for admin rights, if you already have dependencies
10:35 Calinou easy to update (no need for admin rights there too))
10:35 Calinou could be portable (RUN_IN_PLACE)
10:35 Calinou PenguinDad, 20 % more Carbone :p
10:35 ThatGraemeGuy mmmmm ponies are delicious
10:35 Calinou (would ship Carbone by default, in addition to minetest_game)
10:36 ThatGraemeGuy Calinou: ah, did not realise you meant RUN_IN_PLACE builds. yes, zip or tarball would be dead simple
10:36 Megaf Hi everyone, how are things?
10:37 Calinou ThatGraemeGuy, I guess I'll make RUN_IN_PLACE builds, so that people can put it on their USB drives
10:38 Calinou and for testing
10:38 Calinou hi Megaf :) fine
10:38 Megaf Good
10:39 Megaf I’m here trying to figure out a way to see my desktop power usage, I mean, watts or amps. Using some kind of software
10:39 proller joined #minetest
10:41 Calinou Megaf, generally, it's impossible to know exactly, but you can “predict” based on your usage
10:41 Calinou what's your CPU and graphics card?
10:42 Calinou how many hard drives do you have?
10:42 Calinou (probably 1, but I'd like to make sure)
10:43 Megaf Calinou: It’s an AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE (4 cores, 3,2 GHz). But I disabled 3 cores and set it to powersave, also, system is idle most of the time, and no X running, the VGA it’s an onboard AMD HD 4200 using the opensource drivers.
10:43 Megaf and two disks
10:44 Megaf so, I expect a consumption of about 90 watts at most
10:44 Calinou why disable 3 cores? :o
10:44 Calinou keep at least 2 cores active, else everything will be slow
10:44 Calinou Megaf, is the screen LCD, LCD LED or CRT?
10:45 Calinou LCD will use 40-50 W, a CRT wil use 70 W, a LCD LED 20-30 W, depending on size.
10:45 Calinou an HDD uses 10 W at most at full load, 3 to 4 W at idle
10:45 Megaf Calinou: this computer is in use only as a ssh server, so I can access other computers on the network
10:45 Megaf there’s no screen on
10:45 Megaf it’s really idle 99% of the time
10:45 Calinou but remember, if you want to know how much electricity you'll pay for, you'll need to calculate the power used by the PSU, not by the parts
10:46 Calinou no PSU has 100 % efficiency, so you need to know your PSU's efficiency for that
10:46 Krock Megaf, set up Apache HTTPd and you'll get some load
10:46 Calinou (no-name PSUs are at about 75 %)
10:46 Calinou Megaf, why do you have a separate computer for use with SSH? I don't get it
10:47 Megaf Calinou: mine is a 80+, I believe is around 85% of efficiency
10:47 Megaf maybe more with little load
10:47 Calinou why don't you use another PC as a client?
10:47 Megaf because my adsl router is not working, the NAT setup page will never load and the router will actually freeze for a couple of seconds while loading the NAT port forward page
10:48 Megaf One thing I’m thinking of is creating a virtual NIC on the server I actually want o access and assign that IP to the virtual NIC
10:51 sfan5| joined #minetest
10:53 Megaf Calinou: and I’m 6,309 mi away from my computer
10:54 Megaf That’s 10153.4 km in real numbers
10:55 Calinou you mean 10,153 km?
10:55 PenguinDad Megaf: and in surreal numbers?
10:56 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
10:56 Calinou Megaf, for PSU efficiency
10:56 Calinou there's a table
10:56 twoelk Krock: your mt-mappreview seems to not allow seeds larger than 2147483646
10:56 Krock twoelk, I know, there was a problem with calculating those Int32 numbers
10:57 Calinou Megaf, you can expect 130 W on PSU at full load, 50 W at idle?
10:57 twoelk VEC for example uses 5456417845860793769
10:58 Krock what's VEC?
10:58 twoelk but anyways I compared seed=1000 and it looks very different (VE-creativeserver)
10:58 PenguinDad Krock: VECtor maybe :P
10:59 Krock PenguinDad, hmm I think it's not vector
10:59 twoelk Vanessa has some maps online to compare
10:59 Guy09 joined #minetest
10:59 Krock twoelk, no wonder. that preview mapper uses my yappy "codes"
10:59 twoelk ah
10:59 Guy09 Hi Krock long time no see
10:59 Krock Guy09, never saw you actually.
11:00 twoelk so have to generate a yappy map to compare ok
11:00 Guy09 ?
11:00 Krock twoelk, it uses the codes from minetest noise.cpp but a compatibility is not expected
11:01 twoelk :-(
11:01 twoelk hopefully as in "not yet"
11:02 Krock twoelk, why? do you want to explore maps before they actually have been generated?
11:02 twoelk yeah
11:03 twoelk to study mapgen noise for example
11:03 twoelk scale 0.01 is pretty revealing for example
11:05 Krock minetest's noise has much salt in it
11:05 twoelk ah, so thats what the white stuff is
11:05 * PenguinDad hands Krock some pepper
11:06 Krock :)
11:06 asie joined #minetest
11:07 twoelk But indeed I do think there could be quite some uses for a seed preview
11:27 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
11:28 Guy09 joined #minetest
11:45 Guy09 joined #minetest
11:48 proller joined #minetest
11:49 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:50 Jordach joined #minetest
12:01 fishyWET joined #minetest
12:07 Garmine joined #minetest
12:09 Jordach i spy a PenguinDad joining VE-Vanilla
12:09 * PenguinDad meows at Jordach
12:10 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
12:19 Megaf joined #minetest
12:20 Megaf joined #minetest
12:21 Megaf_ joined #minetest
12:21 Megaf_ joined #minetest
12:21 * Jordach has noticed an alarming statistic with Minetest Public Servers
12:22 Jordach There are more females than males playing Minetest
12:22 Krock ^
12:23 Jordach i'm probably going to work this out
12:23 Krock There are more mobile phone players than PC
12:23 Megaf_ That's true. And I don't see any problem with that.
12:24 Jordach at some point i'll reclone VE's skin lib and then total up the genderness of skins, and attribute those to Mobile or PC users
12:24 PenguinDad Maybe Minetest isn't an FPS by default :D
12:24 PenguinDad + because
12:24 Jordach i have the feeling most females feel out of place within MC
12:25 Jordach i don't know any female players bar LemonLake
12:25 Megaf_ I like minetest just the way it is. It only could have a built in thing for skins.
12:25 Krock nevaaah
12:26 Megaf_ People ask for skins a lot on my server
12:26 reactor Is it me or player attack animation looks annoying?
12:26 Jordach reactor, it uses the punch anim
12:26 Krock just get u_skins and unified_inventory, problem solved
12:26 reactor Exactly that punch animation.
12:26 asie joined #minetest
12:26 Krock the animations are boring, only right hand is used
12:26 Megaf_ Hi asie
12:27 reactor It doesn't look like punching.
12:27 Megaf_ So make a better one krock
12:27 Jordach and last night some whining 12 year old that got banned decided to basically shout and get really annoying
12:27 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:27 Krock Megaf_, hiw?
12:28 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
12:28 asie hi
12:28 Krock Jordach, IP ban helps
12:28 Jordach Krock, [23:04:19] <Jordach> trying to shut some whining kid up
12:28 Jordach [23:10:49] <Jordach> that little shit is going down even if it costs me my admin level privs
12:28 reactor Jordach: is it me or that tends to happen a lot?
12:28 Krock lol
12:28 Jordach reactor, often enough
12:29 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
12:29 ecutruin joined #minetest
12:29 Jordach ecutruin, last night i found this while playing on the BFD server
12:30 reactor It seems like... everyone is compulsive to to 2 things:
12:30 ecutruin Neat
12:30 reactor 1. Punch everyone the first time they see them.
12:30 Jordach i rarely find nice spots
12:30 Krock Jordach, hmm? BFD server?
12:30 reactor 2. If they notice someone is an administrator, they start asking for help or privs.
12:30 Jordach Krock, : 30000 (VM hosted)
12:30 Krock oke
12:30 Jordach i can actually ignore it now without leaving my client open
12:31 sfan5 !up
12:31 MinetestBot is up (533ms)
12:31 Jordach and connecting doesn't take a fucking year any more
12:32 Krock 1st connect always takes years
12:32 Jordach Krock, Vanessa provided her media space for BFD
12:32 Krock Jordach, ah, nice
12:32 sfan5 Jordach: that doesn't help if your internet is slow..
12:33 kizeren2 joined #minetest
12:33 PenguinDad Jordach: does it have a index.mth?
12:33 Jordach PenguinDad, VE possibly manually generated it
12:33 sfan5 Jordach: make sure index.mth is there
12:34 Jordach why?
12:34 sfan5 makes stuff even faster
12:34 Krock Jordach, those snowy tree leaves do not drop themselves when dug
12:34 Jordach Krock, can't drop leaves when there is multiple items
12:34 Krock ehm.. you can
12:34 Jordach Krock, >2 = leaves dropping leaves
12:35 Krock ah. got a sapling from them
12:35 sfan5 Jordach: but it needs to respond at POSTs
12:35 sfan5 (much complicated)
12:35 Krock evergreen tree..
12:35 PenguinDad Jordach: "14:34:05: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: = not found (HTTP response code said error) (response code 404)"
12:35 sfan5 lol
12:35 sfan5 someone forgot an \n
12:36 sfan5 VanessaE: you don't need address = in the config
12:36 reactor PenguinDad: mth
12:36 Jordach !title
12:36 MinetestBot HTTP error 404
12:36 reactor !title
12:36 MinetestBot HTTP error 404
12:36 reactor <_<
12:36 Krock lol
12:36 Jordach why do we even need random and useless file formats
12:36 Krock ".htm"
12:37 sfan5 Jordach: it's not useless
12:37 PenguinDad > useless
12:37 reactor The name is confusing.
12:37 sfan5 it's just a collection of hashes
12:37 reactor And leads one to assume it's a typo of '.htm'.
12:37 Krock MineTest Header?
12:37 sfan5 MineTest hash table
12:37 Krock MTHT
12:37 reactor mht?
12:37 sfan5 s/hash/Hash/
12:37 sfan5 only the uppercase chars
12:37 sfan5 MineTest Hash table -> MTH
12:38 sfan5 (that was probably it)
12:38 reactor .bin
12:38 reactor But no, we keep spawning extensions.
12:38 sfan5 uh
12:38 sfan5 .bin is too generic
12:39 Jordach .mts, .mth, .we,
12:39 PenguinDad .bin == Bread Is Neat
12:39 Jordach i can go on
12:39 reactor .we could be .txt
12:39 sfan5 but index.mth could've been index.txt and text instead of binary stuff
12:39 sfan5 reactor: why?
12:39 sfan5 .txt is text
12:39 reactor .we _is_ text
12:39 sfan5 a world edit schematic may be text
12:39 sfan5 but it is not to be used like .txt files
12:39 sfan5 you don't need to edit it
12:39 reactor And you can specify the actual format in magics.
12:39 * Jordach pauses music and makes some coffee
12:41 sfan5 .mts makes perfect sense
12:41 sfan5 it's a special file format that is not .txt
12:41 sfan5 regarding the .bin argument: why is .zip not .bin? why is .jpg not .bin? why is .png not .bin?
12:42 reactor Exactly.
12:42 reactor I would even object the use of .tar.bz2, .tar.gz
12:42 reactor Why?
12:42 reactor Can't TAR already determine what it's compressed with?
12:43 sfan5 yes
12:44 reactor If everyone uses arbitrary extension for their format, we run out of short extensions and they become as long as filenames.
12:45 reactor file.heylookatmybrandnewextensionmuhahahaha
12:45 sfan5 if you just want to make distinction between .txt and .bin you might aswell not use any extensions
12:45 reactor Good point.
12:45 reactor I would.
12:45 sfan5 how about house.schematic?
12:45 sfan5 what MCEdit uses
12:46 Krock >.schematic
12:47 Krock doesn't follow the good old' 7.3 names :(
12:47 sfan5 lol
12:47 sfan5 who cares about dos?
12:47 Krock well, I don't but it's just that little thing which is left
12:47 twoelk joined #minetest
12:47 reactor sfan5: that doesn't mean we should make them as long as possible.
12:48 reactor You eventually get tired of typing.
12:48 Krock ^that too
12:48 sfan5 theres tab-completion
12:48 PenguinDad Krock: ddos is better than dos :P
12:48 sfan5 and I did not say that you should make them long
12:48 Jordach Krock, 8+3 names actually ;3
12:48 reactor Okay good luck tab-completing when you have a directory with 1000 of those.
12:48 Krock PenguinDad, if, then DDoS
12:48 Jordach +1
12:49 Krock case sensitive.
12:49 reactor .schematic .schematia .schemtib .schematid .schematietcetera
12:49 Krock .schematibacteria
12:49 * sfan5 meows at reactor
12:49 reactor Just so that you can not tabcomplete efficiently.
12:50 * reactor spawns a dog next to sfan5
12:50 * sfan5 eats it
12:50 * GhostDoge barks at reactor
12:50 * reactor noclips through the ground
12:51 Jordach Krock, the texture is a misspelling
12:51 reactor "forniture"
12:51 Krock Jordach, yeah.
12:51 Jordach Krock, it hasn't made a visual error for me to get annoyed with
12:51 reactor That is like, naughty furniture?
12:52 Krock come come?
12:52 Krock *how come :3
13:08 Megaf joined #minetest
13:08 Megaf joined #minetest
13:11 LemonLake toradora was really cool
13:12 sfan5 LemonLake: are you doing anything productive these days?
13:12 LemonLake sfan5: no
13:12 sfan5 :D
13:12 LemonLake ive lost the ability to be useful
13:12 * sfan5 meows at LemonLake
13:12 * Jordach has been here for nearly 3 years
13:12 LemonLake which reminds me...
13:13 LemonLake i haven't slept since monday
13:14 * GhostDoge hands LemonLake a pillow
13:15 LemonLake GhostDoge: wouldn't help
13:15 LemonLake for some reason i haven't been able to sleep lately
13:15 Jordach TIL it's more efficient to create steel dighammers then pickaxes
13:15 sfan5 >dighammers
13:15 Jordach 3x3 area dug and costs twice the amount compared to a pickaxe
13:15 sfan5 bfd is so unique
13:15 sfan5 why don't you release it already
13:16 Jordach sfan5, because there is so much shit missing
13:16 Jordach did you not read the goddamn todo list?
13:16 sfan5 then add that shit
13:16 sfan5 ;)
13:16 sfan5 no
13:17 GhostDoge Jordach: it's not too hard to draw and code shit :P
13:17 Jordach BFD will become larger than Dreambuilder
13:17 sfan5 Jordach: but it will be not just a collection of mods?
13:17 Jordach sfan5, heavily modified mods
13:17 sfan5 no
13:17 sfan5 I mean
13:18 sfan5 are the mods integrated with eachother?
13:18 VanessaE hey, be nice.  I'm working toward making each mod in dreambuilder cross-depend on the others
13:18 Jordach sfan5, rather than having each mod define their own metals - the BFD core mods, mapgen, tools, deco, are the ones the mods should pull from
13:18 VanessaE (but without making them inoperable individually)
13:19 Jordach (in fact, you can remove everything but those three mods and BFD will still run - minus any good content)
13:19 Jordach in fact Factory is on my list to intergrate
13:20 GhostDoge !c 5000/3700 == 16/9
13:20 MinetestBot False
13:20 GhostDoge :(
13:20 Jordach sfan5, you can already test it from Git
13:20 Jordach i actually need help on what needs tweaking
13:21 sfan5 >downloading from git
13:21 sfan5 >2G connecton
13:21 sfan5 connection*
13:21 Jordach >30mb
13:21 sfan5 >5 KB/s
13:22 sfan5 !c 30 * 1024 / 5 / 60
13:22 MinetestBot 102.4
13:22 sfan5 102 minutes
13:22 sfan5 or something like tht
13:23 * Jordach thinks Jordach is the only person who has used MGV7 to it's near full extent
13:25 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
13:27 Jordach sfan5, i remodified gs_tools so that it works better
13:28 Eater4 joined #minetest
13:29 sfan5 Jordach: where is the bfd repo?
13:30 Jordach my githug
13:30 sfan5 'githug'
13:30 sfan5 <3
13:30 * sfan5 githugs Jordach
13:31 Jordach and just because the content is unique; doesn't mean the starting out is; i made it look like MTG / Dreambuilder so people know exactly what to do
13:31 Jordach dauym dighammers are way faster than steel picks
13:32 Jordach went down like ~80m in the fastest time ever :P
13:32 sfan5 Jordach: link please?
13:32 Jordach
13:32 Jordach s/freaking/fucking/ btw ;3
13:33 Jordach !tell WindHero might have to steal your DM Temple schem, might make for some fun in BFD
13:33 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when WindHero is around
13:38 Jordach \o/
13:38 Jordach
13:38 crazyR anyone know what the inventry is for on the pipework filters? does it actually do anything?
13:39 Krock ^ nothing
13:39 VanessaE crazyR: that's how you tell the filter just what items it should pass.
13:39 crazyR ohhh i never knew about that. thats kool
13:39 VanessaE crazyR: an item placed in the filter's inventory = this item is allowed through, everything else is denied.
13:39 Jordach when connected to other pipes
13:39 Jordach a sorting pipe
13:39 VanessaE Jordach: no, a chest
13:39 GhostDoge filters are ĸewl
13:39 VanessaE it's used to decide what to draw out of a chest specifically
13:40 VanessaE (or a furnace, etc)
13:40 crazyR ive always used sorting pipes to do that, but thats awsome saves messing about with loops
13:40 sfan5 Jordach: >customised thumbnail    how?
13:41 Jordach sfan5, verified account ;34
13:41 Jordach sfan5, btw, there's hidden jokes within BFD#
13:42 sfan5 Jordach: >verified account    how?
13:42 Jordach at random when a evergreen tree sapling grows, you might end with a different resul;t
13:42 Jordach sfan5, use your phone number
13:42 sfan5 Jordach: hidden jokes.. thats something one might expect from you ;)
13:42 Jordach sfan5, and by killing the mob that spawns, you might get an air sword
13:42 sfan5 ooooh
13:42 sfan5 :O :O :O
13:43 Jordach which has 100000000000 damage output
13:43 Krock 21 would be enough
13:43 Jordach Krock, Dungeon Masters absorb ~80% of all damage
13:43 crazyR has there been any debate about users having to use there email to register on a server. ie has anyone suggested that it be added to the client?
13:43 Jordach and have 60hp
13:43 Krock uuh
13:43 Krock crazyR, redcrab did that somehow
13:44 sfan5 Krock: that was done using a (probably php) website
13:45 VanessaE sfan5: and a chatcommand
13:45 Krock ^
13:45 VanessaE /setemail or some such
13:45 Jordach for fuck sakes
13:45 Jordach *** Error in `./minetestserver': malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x00007fc418000e4f ***
13:46 crazyR what i meant was for default functionality. has anyone suggested it to be a default feature in minetes. where as the login page will have an email feild above the username feild, and if you havent been on the server before your required to enter it. just a thoug. it would be usefull for a few reasons, 1) automatic password reset?
13:46 crazyR slowing down duplicate accounts
13:46 sfan5 crazyR: nobody has suggeted that yet
13:46 crazyR is it something worth considering?
13:46 * twoelk notices he might have to update his installed version of BFD
13:46 Jordach these mem corruptions only occur in a VM with IRC
13:47 sfan5 Jordach: only with IRC?
13:47 Jordach sfan5, yes
13:47 sfan5 tried using gdb?
13:47 Jordach never once happened under windwos
13:47 Jordach sfan5, fuck that
13:47 Krock turn off IRC and run that thingie on your PC without VM
13:47 * Jordach noticed this also occurs with quite a few entities around
13:48 sfan5 Jordach: that doesn't mean windows is better; might be that windows just doesn't detect these or has a different memory layout which prevents these from happening
13:48 sfan5 47Mbig_freaking_dig.tar.xz
13:48 sfan5 :(
13:48 Jordach sfan5, i noticed it with too mny items on the floor
13:48 sfan5 looks like I won't be downloading bfd
13:48 * Krock never had any memory corruption error
13:48 Jordach sorry krock, had to clearobjects
13:48 Krock yes, I saw
13:48 Krock seems lit it takes some moments
13:49 Krock *like
13:49 VanessaE 47 MB for BFD?
13:49 VanessaE jeez. I think you just exceeded Dreambuilder by a couple MB
13:50 Jordach VanessaE, most of isnt actually the jukebox
13:51 Jordach zipball downloads don't have the fucking massive history
13:51 sfan5 Jordach: it would take me 2 hours to download bfs
13:51 sfan5 bfd*
13:51 sfan5 1% [                                       ] 791.520     5,07KB/s  ETA 2h 8m
13:52 VanessaE dreambuilder is only 19MB as a tar.bz2
13:52 VanessaE 46 MB uncompressed
13:52 VanessaE (without the git history)
13:53 Jordach 66.1mb on disk, 60.1 on disk
13:53 Jordach and that halves when you remove the mobmodels and nodeboxmodels folders
13:54 Jordach mods weigh in at 25.2mb
13:55 LemonLake Jordach: why are you models so big?
13:55 Jordach LemonLake, blender models
13:55 sfan5 24Mbig_freaking_dig.tar.xz
13:55 sfan5 removed the .git history
13:55 LemonLake Jordach: you don't need to include the .blend, ya know
13:55 sfan5 Jordach: tell me what I can remove
13:56 Jordach sfan5, mobmodels and nodeboxmodels
13:56 proller joined #minetest
13:57 Jordach sfan5,
13:57 Nerotic lol
13:57 sfan5 >image
13:57 Jordach sowwy
13:57 sfan5 pls
13:57 LemonLake Jordach: why do you need an image to show that?
13:57 * sfan5 wgets
13:57 Jordach LemonLake, because i can't be bothered
13:57 kaeza joined #minetest
13:57 LemonLake and weren't you on windows 8 before?
13:57 Jordach
13:57 * VanessaE pounces on kaeza
13:57 Jordach LemonLake, i was
13:58 Nerotic windows 8 <///3
13:58 LemonLake Nerotic: windows 8 isn't as bad as people made it out to be
13:58 Guest86934 joined #minetest
13:58 Nerotic It looks nice, I just don't like Windows in general. LemonLake
13:58 LemonLake but if it has to be windows, windows xp beats it
13:58 kaeza mornings
13:59 kaeza VanessaE, hm?
13:59 Nerotic I prefer my Mint.
13:59 LemonLake Nerotic: neither do I
13:59 VanessaE just trying to be funny :_
13:59 VanessaE :)
13:59 LemonLake Mint was alright, but it was the fastest linux distro to break for me
13:59 VanessaE good morning
13:59 Krock LemonLake +1
13:59 Nerotic break?
13:59 LemonLake yes
13:59 Nerotic I have had Mint for a long time. It has not given me any issues.
13:59 LemonLake somehow it is now in an unusable state
13:59 Nerotic um
14:00 Nerotic Mint 17?
14:00 LemonLake my entire home folder is fucked over, applications have a weird startup-loop issue
14:00 LemonLake 16, i never bothered to upgrade
14:00 Nerotic I have 17 now :3
14:00 Nerotic cleaning something, bbl.
14:01 LemonLake uh
14:01 LemonLake i uh
14:01 LemonLake i never realised parappa the rapper was an anime
14:01 sfan5 Jordach: I'll try minimizing the lua and optimizing the pngs
14:02 asie joined #minetest
14:02 Jordach sfan5, pulls are fine ;3
14:02 sfan5 you probably don't want your lua minimized
14:02 sfan5 hm
14:02 LemonLake and no wonder toradora seemed so much like sakurasou, both were made by jcstaff >.<
14:02 Jordach sfan5, see tanks and jukeboxes
14:02 sfan5 but you could do that when releasing a version of bfd
14:03 Jordach sfan5, big list of todo
14:04 * sfan5 loads
14:04 Jordach it's plaintext without html
14:04 Jordach so it's faster :)
14:05 LemonLake oh wow, prison architect alpha 23
14:05 LemonLake completely forgot
14:05 sfan5 >youtuber nick name prebanned, with the message. Please use your own username, not a youtubers.
14:05 twoelk how do yo "male" a farm?
14:05 sfan5 lol
14:06 Jordach sfan5, the impersonator count on the public servers is too damn high
14:06 sfan5 yes
14:06 LemonLake 'tis a shame i don't have my old prisons
14:06 * Jordach doesn't drop the soap
14:06 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
14:07 twoelk Jordach: todo list first item 8) last line male=>make
14:08 Krock lol
14:08 Jordach iPod Touch typing sucks (although 80wpm on the iPad is fucking amazing)
14:09 sfan5 Jordach: >player_PilzAdam.png
14:09 sfan5 u serious?
14:09 Jordach sfan5, i sometimes clone VanessaE's skin lib
14:09 Krock sfan5, y u no make  MT lets plays?
14:09 LemonLake ^
14:09 sfan5 Krock: because meow
14:09 Krock meow!
14:09 sfan5 Krock: there is already meldrian
14:10 Jordach if i tried you'd hear the windows notification noise too much
14:10 sfan5 Jordach: why don't you make bfd lets plays?
14:10 Krock there's never enough¨!
14:10 LemonLake there's enough minecraft letsplays, thats for fuckin sure
14:10 Jordach sfan5, when i start preparing for the 1.0 i'll start making external content
14:10 Krock more video = more chance for players
14:10 Jordach eg, wiki, pdf based instructions, videos demonstratinfg
14:11 mati1 joined #minetest
14:11 sfan5 >Output file size = 739 bytes (782 bytes = 51.41% decrease)
14:11 sfan5 Jordach: y u not optimize?
14:12 Jordach sfan5, i'm a lazy bastard
14:12 Jordach and B) that stuff isn't in my domain
14:12 sfan5 don't be one
14:12 LemonLake ^
14:12 Jordach sfan5, i hate having to do extra steps just for one person
14:13 sfan5 >one person
14:13 sfan5 yes
14:13 sfan5 because disk space is free
14:13 sfan5 hint: it isn't
14:13 Jordach sfan5, it basically is with cloud storage ;3
14:13 Jordach $ per GB is like nothing now
14:14 sfan5 >counting in dollar
14:14 sfan5 are you not in the UK?
14:14 Jordach i am yes
14:14 Jordach most people use $ per GB
14:14 LemonLake Jordach: proof pls
14:15 Jordach and the German player count is too damn high ;3
14:15 Jordach s/player/developer/
14:16 sfan5 Jordach: does that mean you don't like german developers?
14:16 Jordach no
14:16 Jordach sfan5, i just happen to take metrics now and then
14:16 sfan5 what about female developer count?
14:16 Jordach sfan5, very few
14:17 sfan5 very few = ?
14:17 Jordach ~3
14:18 sfan5 only 3?
14:18 Jordach darkrose, VE, and someone else i remember doing something]
14:19 LemonLake you done like sfan?
14:19 VanessaE Sokomine.
14:19 Jordach there we go
14:20 LemonLake oh female developer
14:20 LemonLake got chat goes fast when you aint lookin you get behind
14:21 VanessaE cg72 might count, depending on your threshold for "developer"
14:21 * Jordach referrs to the more active developers
14:22 sfan5 refers*
14:22 sfan5 >Error: failed to minify. Make sure the Lua code is valid.
14:22 sfan5 damnit luamin
14:23 Jordach sfan5, don't fuck with my code
14:23 Jordach pls
14:23 Jordach in warned you it's hard to compress ;3
14:23 sfan5 oh
14:23 sfan5 I tried to run luamin on the pngs
14:23 Jordach n00b
14:23 GhostDoge lol
14:24 sfan5 local a=0;local b={{"Red Bed","red"},{"Orange Bed","orange"},{"Yellow Bed","yellow"},{"Green Bed","green"},{"Blue Bed","blue"},{"Violet Bed","violet"},{"Black Bed","black"},{"Grey Bed","grey"},{"White Bed","white"}}for c in ipairs(b)do local d=b[c][1]local e=b[c][2]minetest.register_node("beds:bed_bottom_"..e,{description=d,drawtype="nodebox",tiles={"beds_bed_top_bottom_"..e..".png","deco_wood_oak_planks.png","beds_bed_side_"..e..".png","beds_bed_side_
14:24 sfan5 "..e..".png","beds_bed_side_"..e..".png","beds_bed_side_"..e..".png"},paramtype="light",paramtype2="facedir",stack_max=1,groups={snappy=1,choppy=2
14:24 sfan5 /\ what it does to the beds mod
14:24 sfan5 (not everything ofc)
14:24 Jordach da fack am i reading
14:24 sfan5 lua
14:25 GhostDoge I don't have to read this code do I? D:
14:27 Jordach
14:27 twoelk Jordach: you might need to edit the "...  then move the folder big_funking_dig into the games folder  ..."
14:27 Jordach twoelk, more busy with code than instructions, and playtesting
14:28 twoelk yet installing should not go wrong
14:28 crazyR can someone have a look at this formspec and tell me if you can spot what might be casuing it to fail:
14:28 crazyR Ive put the errors in the comments
14:29 sfan5 >Failed to minify big_freaking_dig/mods/tools/custom_tools.lua
14:29 sfan5 nooo
14:29 Jordach sfan5, broken anyways
14:30 Jordach it's unused
14:30 Jordach (will probably do it legit when 1.0 comes about)
14:30 sfan5 Jordach: can I just rm it?
14:30 Jordach yes
14:31 sfan5 big_freaking_dig/mods/signs_lib/init.lua
14:31 sfan5 o.O
14:31 sfan5 Failed to minify big_freaking_dig/mods/signs_lib/init.lua, I mean
14:32 Jordach sfan5, don't do dis
14:32 GhostDoge yay! signs_lib's is not minifyable
14:32 sfan5 Jordach: y not
14:32 crazyR anyone?
14:32 * twoelk notices his last version of BFD is from May
14:34 twoelk oooh, pink trees, my niece will be happy
14:34 Jordach twoelk, Cherries ;3
14:34 sfan5 lol
14:35 twoelk hm, eatable?
14:35 sfan5 Jordach: do you have player_sfan5.png too?
14:35 Jordach sfan5, noep
14:35 sfan5 22Mbig_freaking_dig.tar.xz
14:36 sfan5 :(
14:36 GhostDoge <3
14:36 sfan5 it didn't get much smaller
14:36 * sfan5 licks GhostDoge
14:36 twoelk is cherryblossomleaves usefull for anything?
14:36 Jordach twoelk, decoration
14:37 sfan5 o wait
14:37 sfan5 I kept the .bak files
14:38 twoelk a sandmonster inspects my cherryblossomleaves pillar, seems unimpressed
14:39 sfan5 22Mbig_freaking_dig.tar.xz
14:39 sfan5 damn
14:39 Jordach sfan5, the two blender stuff will get stripped eventually
14:39 sfan5 it's not getting smaller
14:40 Jordach sfan5, you won't
14:40 sfan5 I could
14:40 sfan5 combining all pngs would help compressability
14:40 sfan5 I could write a program for that
14:40 sfan5 but nah
14:40 crazyR guys i know you are all really busy etc, but can i spare 2 minutes of your time to have a quick glance at this formspec and see if you can see where the error might be please:
14:40 crazyR
14:40 sfan5 it will still take 1 hour to download bfd
14:43 LemonLake crazyR, is this a player inventory formspec?
14:43 LemonLake or a formspec for a node?
14:43 crazyR for a node
14:43 crazyR well both
14:43 LemonLake aight
14:43 Krock <3
14:43 LemonLake does the node have an inventory named 'main'?
14:44 crazyR it should have its a clone of the pipeworks mese filter. il double check though incase ive deleted it by mistake
14:45 LemonLake the filters do have said inventory
14:45 LemonLake im aware of that
14:45 crazyR yeah its still there: local inv = meta:get_inventory()
14:45 crazyR inv:set_size("main", 8*2)
14:46 Krock crazyR, replace "invsize" with "size"
14:46 Krock and you need to create the lists before updating the formspe
14:46 Krock c
14:48 jp__ joined #minetest
14:49 crazyR crock you had it, the inv was created after the formspec was set, thats weird though as it works like that on the other filters
14:49 crazyR *krock
14:49 Krock *Krock
14:49 GhostDoge *ĸrock
14:50 Jordach *ĸrocĸ
14:51 Krock *ĸr°çĸ
14:51 GhostDoge *ĸ®ø¢ĸ
14:52 Krock *ҜяосҜ
14:53 reactor ЯEДЯЦM
14:53 sfan5 uh
14:53 GhostDoge *Ḱ̵̀r̛͏̸͞͝ơ͏c̷͢k̶̸̢͝͡
14:53 Krock RERUM
14:54 Krock ☺
14:54 Eater4 I wonder if I can write the irc mod in lua
14:54 Eater4 C*
14:55 * Krock wrote a IRC bot from scratch, so it shouldn't be too hard
14:55 Eater4 Krock: if you can do it, then windows might actually work!
14:56 Krock It's just not lua compatible...
14:56 Eater4 :/
14:56 Eater4 all mods are written in lua right?
14:56 proller joined #minetest
14:56 Krock some os.exec() here and over there...
14:57 Eater4 For what?
14:58 Krock 0 idea
14:59 Krock somehow it's not possible to control I/O stuff from other applications
15:04 * Jordach thinks Krock is lying
15:04 Jordach Digilines + Mesecons can control external lights
15:04 Jordach and other stuff
15:04 * Jordach is interested why the interest in BFD is going up
15:05 Jordach and the reason why nobody gets fast, fly is because it renders mobs 100% useless
15:05 NakedFury joined #minetest
15:12 Sokomine jordach: perhaps because you're operating a server and people see it on irc
15:13 Jordach Sokomine, i doubt it
15:13 Jordach it's not on the list and people in here and not inchra are interested
15:13 Sokomine in general, people tend to not to notice stuff. espeically if it's text only without pictures, hardly anybody takes a notice :-(
15:14 Sokomine my moresnow mod adds nice snow covers for roof nodes and also allows - to a degree - to place wool layers on stairs and over nodeboxes (as carpets). yet - as i didn't supply any screenshots - all that happened was that krock seems to like the snow machine :-) (at least something)
15:14 Sokomine ok, the intrest in snow might be limited right now. but...with the current heat over here....
15:14 twoelk hi Sokomine, seen Krock's mt seed mappreview?
15:15 Jordach Sokomine, come join me, made a massively deep mine
15:15 Krock ehm. license of it: CC-BY-NC-ND
15:15 Sokomine oh, no, i don't think so. would be intresting to see
15:15 Krock ^ twoelk
15:15 Krock Sokomine, but those covers aren't working well with stairs :3
15:15 Sokomine although i've changed the village generator so that it works with any mapgen now. the new version can be found under
15:16 Krock yay!
15:16 Sokomine it's still based on nores villages and uses much of the code from there. highly recommended are my cottages mod (else no nice medieval villages) and moresnow (if you have a world that has snow)
15:16 Sokomine oh? why not?
15:16 Sokomine they ought to
15:16 Jordach Sokomine, MESE¬!
15:17 Krock hmm maybe I did something wrong while testing
15:17 * GhostDoge doesn't like snow since every lua mapgen spawns him in an insanely big snow biome
15:17 Jordach BFD isn't that bad ;3
15:17 Sokomine there are of course limits as to what can be done. you can't place a block above the stair and still expect the snow to work - because the snow cover is located in the (apparently) empty block above the one it covers..
15:17 Sokomine ghostdoge: :)
15:18 * Sokomine diggs jordachs mese and puts it in a chest for later use :-)
15:18 Jordach 20% absorb and 30hp - stone monster
15:18 twoelk I would like snow covered mountain tops, would make excelent views
15:22 Sokomine twoelk: mg sometimes has such nice mountains. that can already be done if you add whole snowblocks on top
15:22 GhostDoge Is there any way to disable this goddamn texture randomization in BFD?
15:22 Krock "mg" is misleading somehow..
15:23 twoelk Jordach: on my slow system I can actually see the land generated, populated with flowers and then caves carved into the world, resulting in lots of floating flowers and trees
15:24 Jordach twoelk, that's a bug
15:24 Jordach GhostDoge, no
15:24 Jordach actually yes and no, but it'll stay that way when generated
15:25 * Krock 's mapgen generates caves before flowers appear :)
15:25 Sokomine this is a sample of how the snow covers on roofs work:
15:25 Krock a perfect line :)
15:25 * twoelk imagines some big bug burrowing the caves - and all of a sudden remembers Dune's giant sandworms
15:26 * Krock gets villages
15:27 Sokomine the snow follows the biome. there'll be snow on roofs if there was snow before the village was built
15:27 Sokomine (permasnow perhaps...)
15:27 twoelk nice Sokomine. I have infact seen such snowborders in real life ;-)
15:27 Sokomine twoelk: right :-) especially in mg, it might also be giant rainworms
15:27 Sokomine the houses looked too odd without the snow on them
15:27 Sokomine so i had to write that moresnow mod :-)
15:28 crazyR Sokomine: what map mod are you using there?
15:28 Jordach Sokomine,
15:28 Krock Sokomine,
15:28 Sokomine that was while it was still embedded in mg
15:29 twoelk um?
15:30 Krock wow. already 70 views?
15:30 Sokomine twoelk: huge snow-covered mountain done by mg, with tiny village in front:
15:30 Jordach Sokomine, there's lots of iron down here
15:31 twoelk nice
15:31 Krock ehm.. snowy desert?
15:31 Sokomine jordach: first mese found on bfd?
15:31 Jordach on my server ;34
15:32 Sokomine krock: hm, strange. need to look into that bug
15:32 twoelk except for maybe sand bioms should rather produce dunes. That village sure is in danger of a sand anvalanche
15:32 Krock exactly.
15:34 Sokomine the villagers hope nobody notices :-)
15:35 Jordach Sokomine, i may try that with BFD
15:35 twoelk maybe they should plant something to fasten the sand
15:35 Sokomine ought to work there. the villages are not entirely finished yet (there are still enough things to be done) but they're ready for first testing
15:36 Sokomine that'd require them to be there :-) they're not yet. that's something on the todo list
15:37 Sokomine (plus it'd require them to be aware of their sourroundings...something almost impossible)
15:37 Sokomine guess you'll have to go to their rescue and build something :-)
15:37 Sokomine can someone do me a favor, download my mg_villages mod and see if you get the same error as krock?
15:38 enricom_ joined #minetest
15:38 Jordach Sokomine,
15:38 twoelk I once had a screensaver that had Spock inspect the contents of my desktop
15:38 Sokomine *g*
15:38 enricom__ joined #minetest
15:39 Sokomine jordach: "Dieses Video ist nicht verfügbar." (this video is not available)
15:39 Sokomine no idea why. wouldn't run direclty in my browser anyway
15:39 twoelk for awareness a villager would need a memory he could read and write to
15:40 twoelk maybe a village awareness?
15:40 Sokomine even then, it would be beyound their ai
15:40 Sokomine we can be happy if they don't jump into the next hole they find
15:42 twoelk hm, ondeath-write-to-village-memory-avoid-this-area (othervillagers:"right, ok, will do")
15:44 crazyR anyone know what this error is. in builtin\game\item.lua:276
15:44 Calinou joined #minetest
15:45 Jordach Sokomine,
15:49 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
15:51 Sokomine twoelk: hm :) "player seen. avoid by all means!!! hostile creature!!!" might be a very reasonable warning cry :)
15:52 twoelk was thinking of some deer behaviour patterns along that line - never got beyond some notes about deer
15:53 Jordach oh deer
15:53 Sokomine deer behave in a strange way. for some time, we saw a large group next to the road. now it seems to have wandered off elsewhere (or split up or just hidden under the wheat)
15:54 twoelk just hit one on the motorway a few weeks ago :-(
15:54 Sokomine animal behaviour might help with those mobs
15:54 Sokomine oh :-( at least you didn't get harmed
15:54 Jordach twoelk, oh deer :3
15:56 twoelk police told us on that stretch (Hamburg-Luebeck) of some 60km they have some 15 dead deer - each day
15:57 Sokomine poor deer :-(
15:57 blaze joined #minetest
15:57 Sokomine perhaps the ones i saw are more intelligent and hide from cars
15:58 twoelk roe-deer to be exact
16:05 crazyR Anyone know what causes this error. there is no other debug info ERROR[main]: ServerError: error in error handling [C]: in function 'add_node'
16:05 crazyR ERROR[main]:  Â C:\minetest\bin\..\builtin\game\item.lua:276: in function  <C:\minetest\bin\..\builtin\game\item.lua:191>
16:06 Jordach >error in error handling
16:06 crazyR well yeah i guesed that lol, but im trying to work out why, and how i can fix it :P
16:07 crazyR this is the line it refers to: core.add_node(place_to, newnode)
16:07 VanessaE that happened when that "lets take out all those asserts" commit went in, didn't it?
16:07 crazyR lol who did that?
16:08 VanessaE I don't remember.  check the commit log :P
16:11 _Esteban joined #minetest
16:12 Krock
16:13 VanessaE don't fall off the edge! :)
16:14 _Esteban 0_0
16:14 _Esteban Hi everyone!
16:14 VanessaE hi
16:14 crazyR the only addertions related commit i can find is this one 'Remove vector assertions'
16:14 _Esteban Anyone knows what is the visual style used back in 3.1 with the dungeon master?
16:15 Krock sprite
16:15 VanessaE _Esteban: look at minetest nostalgia game
16:15 VanessaE it still uses that old method
16:15 _Esteban I used sprite,but it uses the same image for all sides
16:18 Sokomine can anyeone else do me a favor and test my mg_villages mod?
16:19 Sokomine doesn't require more than downloading the mod and starting it in a new world
16:19 VanessaE _Esteban: maybe upright_sprite?
16:20 Calinou nope, it's a 6d sprite
16:20 Calinou ugly as hell, but you see it from all angles
16:20 Calinou Simple Mobs uses upright_sprite (thanks to me)
16:20 Calinou used*
16:21 Calinou now it's 3D
16:21 asie joined #minetest
16:21 _Esteban thanks Calinou, what are the settings I have to add to get it?
16:21 zat joined #minetest
16:22 twoelk Sokomine:
16:23 Sokomine twoelk: thanks. same error as the one krock reported. very odd
16:24 _Esteban nvm! I found it on the lua_api document, thanks for your time guys!
16:24 Calinou OK
16:25 Gregor3000 joined #minetest
16:26 _Esteban left #minetest
16:27 Jordach !tw
16:27 MinetestBot Dog countries v. cat countries... (via @brainpicker) (@qikipedia)
16:37 crazyR i cnt work it out ive even run it in gdb and no other error messages are coming up
16:40 Calinou Sokomine, where's your mg_villages mod?
16:40 Calinou I'd like to test it, but I don't find it in either Mod Release or Modding General
16:41 Krock Calinou, github ;)
16:42 Sokomine calinou:   it's recommended to use my cottages mod (from random_buildings, but without the other mods in the pack) and my moresnow mod alongside (moresnow only if you have a mapgen with snow)
16:44 Jordach WAIT WHAT
16:44 Jordach [17:44:00] <Jordach> JD-BFD, cmd status
16:44 Jordach [17:44:01] <JD-BFD> # Server: version=0.4.10-dev, uptime=10526.7, max_lag=0.1, clients={Jordach,crazyginger72}
16:44 * Jordach calls bullshit on lag
16:46 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
16:46 sfan5 Jordach: 0.1 might actually be right
16:46 crazyR its been rounded down
16:46 sfan5 meow
16:48 Calinou Sokomine, works
16:49 Calinou I spawned in a village
16:50 VanessaE calinou.diety_mode = true
16:50 VanessaE deity*
16:50 Calinou why? :P
16:50 VanessaE jk :)
16:51 Guy09 joined #minetest
16:54 * Jordach is already doing Multiplayer testing
16:57 Calinou found another village, far away
16:57 Jordach !tell PilzAdam BFD has never been laggy.
16:57 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when PilzAdam is around
16:57 Calinou the spawn village has atrocious amounts of wheat
16:59 twoelk Sokomine:
17:00 Krock twoelk, got the same :/
17:01 Calinou
17:01 twoelk the second try seems to have gotten a bit farther until tilt
17:04 VanessaE Sokomine: Y U NO USE random rotation of the wheat?!
17:04 VanessaE
17:05 q66 joined #minetest
17:06 Sokomine random rotation of wheat? sounds good
17:07 twoelk Sokomine: tried in Xubuntu, and spawned in village. Seems to be WindowsBuild spezific
17:08 Sokomine extremly odd, twoelk. explains why krock and you are having issues
17:09 twoelk are you using anything newer than say a week
17:13 twoelk the windows client I am using is Krock's minetest-0.4.10-gsmapper from  June 21
17:14 GhostDoge gsmapper D:
17:17 twoelk ok the official 0.4.10 windows32 client also crashes
17:18 GhostDoge twoelk: mingw or msvc?
17:19 twoelk the one from the homepage
17:20 jp___ joined #minetest
17:20 GhostDoge twoelk: I can see two win32 builds there
17:21 twoelk oops there is a choice?
17:21 twoelk can't remember
17:22 twoelk should be the one
17:24 Krock twoelk, * July 21
17:25 twoelk \games\minetest\minetest-0.4.10-gsmapper_20140721\ <- if I could only read
17:26 Krock :3
17:41 Jordach can anyone confirm FPS drops when in the inventory
17:42 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
17:42 Jordach 64fps -> 17fps
17:43 Jordach other formspecs do not do this
17:44 _Esteban joined #minetest
17:45 VanessaE Jordach: nope.
17:45 VanessaE can't confirm that here.
17:45 Jordach 20140704 build date
17:46 VanessaE wait, strike that
17:46 VanessaE there is a slight drop for me also
17:46 VanessaE but not a huge one like you're seeing.
17:46 VanessaE a few fps difference at most, for me
17:47 VanessaE 5-10 fps, seems to be
17:47 VanessaE highly variable
17:48 _Esteban Hello
17:48 GhostDoge I can't confirm that fps drop :/
17:48 _Esteban Sorry if I am annoying with my questions, really,..
17:48 _Esteban here goes another question: how I use the "- setsprite(p={x=0,y=0}, num_frames=1, framelength=0.2, select_horiz_by_yawpitch=false)"?
17:48 Jordach VanessaE, it's like the code for lower fps in esc is being used in the inventory formspec
17:48 sfan5 hello
17:49 VanessaE Jordach: that's the first thing I thought about but I don't see it here.,
17:52 Jordach VanessaE, trying with BlockMen'#s latest build
17:52 Jordach VanessaE, still drops
17:52 Jordach VanessaE, it literally 100%s the CPU while in inventory
17:53 Jordach VanessaE,
17:53 Megaf joined #minetest
17:55 VanessaE Jordach: maybe that highrez formspec image?
17:55 Jordach VanessaE, chests are larger and keep at 62
17:56 VanessaE no idea then
17:57 Jordach
17:57 Krock
17:57 Krock flush flush
18:04 _Esteban
18:04 VanessaE you know...some people should just not be allowed near a computer:  \;t=1583&amp;p=150406#p150403
18:04 VanessaE _Esteban: heh
18:06 _Esteban ^agree
18:06 Calinou computer permit!
18:07 _Esteban Ik, it doesnt look that special, but I saw a few people reques it and im trying my best
18:07 Exio4 turing tarpit
18:07 _Esteban request*
18:13 VanessaE bbl
18:13 _Esteban left #minetest
18:25 Akagi201 joined #minetest
18:27 Pest joined #minetest
18:27 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
18:36 Jordach !tell EvergreenTree mobs now stay even when the server restarts, so no losing the special NPC
18:36 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when EvergreenTree is around
18:37 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
18:37 Krock Jordach, new feature or bugfix?
18:37 Jordach Krock, removed the stupid feature of tamed mobs only survive server restarts
18:37 Krock ah
18:38 proller joined #minetest
18:38 Jordach if you happen to get one of the easter egg mobs, then you'll realise that they will live forever...provided they don't go into water
18:39 Jordach under certain conditions that they might spawn ;)
18:43 kahrl joined #minetest
18:48 roboman2444 joined #minetest
18:48 crazyR has anyone played with this digilines mod yet?
18:49 crazyR sorry mod for digilines*
18:55 Krock 1st time, Access violation <3
18:55 Krock 2nd time, crash <3 <3
18:57 * sfan5 meows at Krock
18:57 * Krock meows at sfan5
18:58 * GhostDoge squawks at Krockfan5
18:59 sfan5 wat
18:59 GhostDoge *barks
19:00 GhostDoge !doge
19:00 GhostDoge MinetestBot!
19:00 MinetestBot GhostDoge!
19:00 sfan5 !doge
19:00 MinetestBot
19:01 proller joined #minetest
19:01 Krock "such sponge" HAHAHAH
19:03 sfan5 !cat
19:03 MinetestBot
19:04 GhostDoge TIL The Fairly OddParents is still running
19:06 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
19:17 crazyR guys if i allow while & for in the lua controller will the overheat still com einto affect if it gets too much?
19:17 Taoki joined #minetest
19:18 Sokomine calinou: the people in that village are hungry. i'm afraid the wheat won't be enough in reality to feed a village :-)
19:20 crazyR anyone?
19:20 Krock !doge
19:20 MinetestBot
19:21 Jordach !cat
19:21 MinetestBot
19:21 GhostDoge !doge
19:21 MinetestBot
19:21 Jordach !cat
19:21 MinetestBot
19:22 Jordach :3
19:26 ShadowNinja crazyR: No, it will just lock up your server if someone starts an infinite (or just long) loop.  That's why they're disabled.
19:26 Taoki joined #minetest
19:26 crazyR is there anyway to allow them but limit them
19:26 WindHero joined #minetest
19:26 MinetestBot WindHero: 08-06 18:33 UTC <Jordach> might have to steal your DM Temple schem, might make for some fun in BFD
19:26 ShadowNinja crazyR: Maybe, with the Async API.  But it will be very complex.
19:27 WindHero Jordach: sure, just don't steal the credit
19:27 crazyR or somehow bump the heat value up by so much on each loop
19:27 ShadowNinja (Well maybe not, considering the engine handles the thread pool)
19:27 ShadowNinja crazyR: That's impossible.
19:28 Jordach WindHero, i even solved the mystery of npc mobs in simple mobs going MIA after server reloads
19:29 WindHero neat!
19:29 WindHero I also find that mobs in simple mobs hardly even spawn even with a chance of 10
19:29 Jordach WindHero, bull
19:29 Jordach loads are spawning in BFD for no reason
19:30 WindHero I set DMs to spawn on their statues with a chance of 10
19:30 WindHero it took 5 minutes til I found one
19:31 WindHero hmm
19:31 WindHero maybe I'll just switch it to hot_cobble
19:31 ShadowNinja If this is an ABM, higher chance means lower probability.
19:32 WindHero ik
19:33 WindHero the default for DMs is something like 7000
19:33 Jordach 10 chance is still high, something like ~4 would spawn one per 60 seconds
19:34 WindHero I'll test that
19:45 WindHero "Come to the geek side... we have (internet) cookies."
19:46 Calinou Carbone's mob spawning uses values from 15000 to 25000
19:46 Calinou interval of ABM is 2, but active_block_range is 1
19:46 Calinou rat uses 8000
19:46 Jordach TIL buttons under the chat can be pressed
19:46 Jordach click it once, then reopen the formspec and click again
19:47 Jordach (once the chat overlaid exits the formspec)
19:51 WindHero when I think about it
19:52 WindHero these new caves are incredibly similar feeling to the nether
19:56 niko left #minetest
19:57 WindHero That DM Temple was actually my 3rd revision
19:58 WindHero the first time I change it was to raise the statue's pedestal up a block
19:58 WindHero and the second was to add the treasure chest with ABM and facedir
19:59 GhostDoge when I think about it DMs are quite similar to these blazes from MC
20:01 WindHero ehhh
20:01 WindHero DM's look more threatening if you ask me
20:01 WindHero those glowing eyes....
20:01 GhostDoge But DMs are more awesome
20:02 WindHero that's what I'm saying ;0
20:02 WindHero *;)
20:03 Drae joined #minetest
20:04 Drae Hi
20:04 WindHero hi
20:06 kizeren joined #minetest
20:23 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
20:25 WindHero Downloading Blender 2.71 now
20:26 Krock congrats
20:26 WindHero rofl
20:26 * Calinou already has Blender 2.7413
20:27 WindHero I just had to wait until I got somewhere without limited internet data
20:27 WindHero Calinou: wut
20:29 Krock wait, I can't comment anymore under videos? stupid google+
20:34 Jordach i'm already on the 2.72 beta build
20:35 Jordach because it has GOD RAYS
20:35 Jordach in BI / Cycles
20:35 WindHero lol
20:35 WindHero I'll admit I haven't been doing much Blender lately
20:35 WindHero especially not renders
20:36 WindHero lately when I use it, it's to create models for games
20:38 WindHero yay, n++ moved on to v.6.6.7
20:39 WindHero I had purposely downloaded 6.6.5 instead of the latest when I started using it, lo
20:39 WindHero l
20:40 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:43 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
21:22 Jordach twoelk, Sokomine: restarting server
21:22 Jordach there we go
21:27 _Esteban_ joined #minetest
21:27 Vazon joined #minetest
21:32 Jordach twoelk, sokomine, going to have to recompile the server
21:35 Jordach twoelk, right about now
21:41 twoelk I guess I should have noticed something fishy was goin on when I could breath underwater. Respawning will be fun
21:42 asie joined #minetest
22:02 luke4378 joined #minetest
22:02 luke4378 Hi he
22:03 luke4378 Hi Vanessa
22:03 VanessaE hi
22:03 Calinou night
22:03 luke4378 !eightball is Luke a wizard
22:03 Calinou;t=509&amp;p=150409#p150407
22:03 Calinou oh cool
22:04 Calinou will look at it later
22:04 Calinou (in before they pronounced my user name, lol)
22:04 Jordach luke4378, wrong network
22:04 Calinou probably will look without sound anyway
22:04 PenguinDad !fortytwoballs :P
22:05 luke4378 jordach
22:06 Calinou;t=509&amp;p=104108#p104108
22:06 Calinou whoa, I edited a post I did exactly 1 year ago, without realizing it.
22:06 luke4378 left #minetest
22:07 PenguinDad Editing a post without noticing it :D
22:08 Jordach twoelk, online
22:09 VanessaE Calinou: haha
22:10 oompa joined #minetest
22:11 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
22:11 oompa how to i download mods for minetest 4.10
22:11 VanessaE download them from the forums
22:11 VanessaE like you'd download any other file
22:12 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
22:12 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
22:12 VanessaE unzip, rename if the forum post says to, put in your mods folder, enable in the menu
22:25 luke4378 joined #minetest
22:25 luke4378 Hi shadowninja
22:27 luke4378 Hi sokomone
22:30 Hirato joined #minetest
22:44 mikal[sosa] joined #minetest
22:47 luke4378 joined #minetest
22:47 luke4378 Mikal
22:47 mikal[sosa] hi
22:47 luke4378 Hi mikal
22:47 mikal[sosa] hey
22:47 luke4378 I'm surprised I'm on irc now
22:48 mikal[sosa] me two
22:48 luke4378 I'm gonna tell coolcat to get on here
22:48 mikal[sosa] okay
22:50 luke4378 She is getting on
22:50 luke4378 On
22:51 mikal[sosa] okay
22:52 mikal[sosa] so wassup
22:58 deezl joined #minetest
22:58 mikal[sosa] hey deezl
22:58 deezl howdy
22:58 mikal[sosa] man so when i chat on the server dose IRC come up??
22:58 luke4378 joined #minetest
22:58 luke4378 Mins
22:59 luke4378 All
22:59 VanessaE what server?
22:59 deezl no, the server isn't on this cannel
22:59 mikal[sosa] oh
22:59 VanessaE this is the main Minetest discussion channel, not the Inchra server network.
22:59 deezl this is freenode #minetest
22:59 luke4378 What is the Chanel called deezle
22:59 mikal[sosa] oh really
23:00 mikal[sosa] yhea
23:00 deezl if you want the IRC channel that the mtz-basic is on, you change the server to ""
23:00 mikal[sosa] so change the channel
23:00 deezl and join #minetest
23:00 deezl not the channel, the server
23:01 mikal[sosa] still dosent get it
23:01 deezl joined #minetest
23:04 mikal[sosa] deezl
23:05 deezl yes?
23:06 mikal[sosa] i still dont get it man:( sorry im frostrated
23:06 VanessaE mikal[sosa]: IRC server channel #minetest
23:07 VanessaE you are on IRC server freenode channel #minetest
23:07 mikal[sosa] okay i think i get it now
23:07 deezl mikal: when you are at the client page, there is a place to click that says: server and network
23:08 deezl you put the server as
23:08 mikal[sosa] okay i get it now
23:13 swaaws joined #minetest
23:17 WindHero joined #minetest
23:20 WindHero I was thinking the hurricane would miss us, but......
23:20 deezl Is that the famed WindHero of the caverealms mod?
23:20 WindHero xD
23:20 WindHero I do believe so.
23:21 deezl We love that mod on MTZ-Basic
23:21 WindHero :D
23:21 WindHero great, I'm gald you like it
23:21 WindHero *glad
23:21 deezl some very stunning realms have spawned there, you should come check them out sometime
23:22 WindHero hmm, maybe I will
23:23 WindHero I genuinely enjoy working on that mod
23:24 deezl It's fantastic. I understand you worked with Zeno` a bit on tweaking some things
23:25 WindHero deezl: is it on the public serverlist?
23:25 WindHero OH, that's his server!
23:25 deezl yes, as "onez` minetest server"
23:25 deezl yep. I think we need to change the name to mtz-premium though
23:25 WindHero yes, Zeno` has been a great help with the mod
23:27 WindHero I still have plenty of ideas to work into the mod though
23:27 deezl oh yeah? do tell!
23:28 WindHero well
23:28 WindHero I don't think I'll get to it anytime soon, but
23:28 WindHero;t=9522#p145501
23:28 deezl lol, ok, I will check it out
23:30 deezl oh man...that crystal is would be interesting to see how that kind of structure could be built on MT
23:30 WindHero yeah, it's gonna take me a while to figure it out
23:30 WindHero but if i do......
23:31 deezl I think I have a screenshot somewhere of one of the larger realms on mtz, lemme check
23:32 WindHero I'm on the server atm
23:32 deezl oh cool
23:33 WindHero the other plan I have is to make a brightly lit biome with the whole ceiling covered with glowing rock
23:33 WindHero and ferns and stuff down below
23:33 deezl that would be awesome, kind of like journey to the center of the world
23:34 deezl I'd like to see lakes too
23:34 WindHero that would be part of that biome
23:34 deezl
23:34 WindHero I tried once before to do that, but it was before I switched generation methods
23:35 deezl ah
23:35 deezl of course, with creative, I could always make a lake!
23:35 WindHero nice pic
23:35 WindHero par for cavern size
23:36 WindHero during some of my testing earlier, I found one cave some 200-300 blocks tall
23:36 deezl I gotta get a screenshot of the one Sokomine found, it's enourmous. I protected the entire thing to keep the kiddies from mining it out
23:36 Exio joined #minetest
23:41 deezl WindHero: next time you come on, I'll tp you there
23:42 Exio hihi
23:46 WindHero alright, I just had to do something quick
23:46 WindHero I'll hop back on
23:53 WindHero I remember how it was only two weeks ago that I finished digging down to the caves on my friend's server
23:55 zat joined #minetest

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