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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-08-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:28 daddev joined #minetest
00:28 daddev Woohoo. My 4-year-old is finally interested in this stuff, and minetest is still around! Any huge advancements in the past 6 months?
00:39 The5thRoman joined #minetest
00:39 VanessaE actually quite a lot
00:41 The5thRoman How do I join the CL Server IRC
00:42 VanessaE CL server?
00:42 LemonLake The5thRoman: go on the CL server then talk in-game
00:42 The5thRoman (ChainLynx Server)
00:43 The5thRoman left #minetest
00:45 VanessaE kaeza: green and yellow signs added.  no craft recipes yet.
00:45 LemonLake wait WHAT
00:45 VanessaE a bit hacky the way I did it but they integrate well.  those are wall signs only
00:46 LemonLake noooooo
00:46 VanessaE ?
00:46 LemonLake no fucking way
00:47 LemonLake oh thank god
00:47 LemonLake nvm
00:48 LemonLake 'twas a close one there...
00:48 VanessaE wtf?
00:48 Freejack joined #minetest
00:54 blaise hey, uhrm...
00:54 blaise how do we climb down latters ?
00:54 blaise and up?
00:54 VanessaE shift
00:54 VanessaE and up is space
00:55 blaise ty
00:55 blaise :)
00:55 VanessaE and it's ladder. :P
00:59 onum joined #minetest
01:03 VanessaE kaeza: force-pushed to add recipes and fix a couple of textures.
01:03 VanessaE I think I'm done with my changes.
01:22 LemonLake nearly finished the website :D
01:31 LemonLake Well, crafting recipes are done
01:31 LemonLake that's good enough
01:48 Freejack joined #minetest
02:02 blaise I haven't a clue about crafting recipes
02:02 blaise lmao
02:02 blaise I need a minetest cookbook
02:02 blaise yamein?
02:03 blaise lemon?
02:03 blaise did you die?
02:03 blaise ah, he was resetted by his peeriors
03:22 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
03:31 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:46 daddev looks like Arch Linux has 0.4.10 packaged. Am I OK with that, or should I really be grabbing from GitHub?
03:48 VanessaE get it from github :)
03:49 daddev VanessaE: OK
03:52 need_help joined #minetest
03:52 need_help Hi everybody, please, can you give me the command line for create a new world into a debian server minetest ?
03:54 VanessaE no idea.  I just copy an existing world created with a client, delete the map files, and change the seed
03:55 need_help err... if you delete the map, the world is empty ?
03:55 VanessaE if you delete the map, the world re-generates from scratch using the current seed.
03:56 Miner_48er
03:56 need_help im sorry, i don't understand what is the "seed"
03:56 VanessaE the seed is a number used to start the random number generator used to create the terrain
03:56 need_help here is the command line ! thank you very much :)
03:56 need_help Oh ok VanessaE
03:57 need_help very interresting
03:57 need_help thank you for your answers
04:03 VanessaE bbl
04:05 need_help the command line is not working, VanessaE please, can you explain me where is the maps file ? i've found the seed and it's modified
04:07 Miner_48er joined #minetest
04:25 OldCoder joined #minetest
05:08 Hirato_ joined #minetest
05:09 Jousway joined #minetest
05:13 Eater4 joined #minetest
05:27 Lunatrius joined #minetest
05:35 JamesTait joined #minetest
05:35 diemartin joined #minetest
05:54 asie joined #minetest
06:04 dhbiker joined #minetest
06:19 Guest54751 joined #minetest
06:50 basxto joined #minetest
07:03 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
07:10 Hirato_ joined #minetest
07:11 Hirato__ joined #minetest
07:20 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:25 asie joined #minetest
07:27 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
07:38 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
07:44 nman3600 joined #minetest
07:46 nman3600 Hi
07:47 sfan5 hi
07:48 Gourytch joined #minetest
07:52 * nman3600 hands sfan5 some milk.
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:01 Jordach joined #minetest
08:02 khor_ joined #minetest
08:03 sfan5 o/ Jordach
08:22 Gizmo joined #minetest
08:24 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
08:24 harrison joined #minetest
08:29 Megaf joined #minetest
08:30 Megaf joined #minetest
08:30 Megaf Good Morning everyone!
08:32 nman3600 Good morning Megaf
08:34 Krock joined #minetest
08:34 Krock hi
08:35 Megaf Hi there
08:36 nman3600 Moin Krock
08:42 nman3600 Krock, When's your server up?
08:42 Amaz joined #minetest
08:42 Amaz joined #minetest
08:42 nman3600 Hi Amaz.
08:42 Amaz Hello!
08:43 Krock nman3600, in 5 minutes
08:45 jp joined #minetest
08:46 jp Kon'nichiwa
08:47 nman3600 こんにちは どのように して いる?
08:47 nman3600 It's KonnichiHa!
08:47 nman3600 Not Wa.
08:47 nman3600 It's spelt Ha pronunced Wa
08:48 nman3600 jp: ^
08:49 jp Thanks ;)
08:49 nman3600 Krock, It's been 5 mins
08:51 nman3600 Krock ^
09:06 LemonLake joined #minetest
09:07 Calinou joined #minetest
09:12 LemonLake i swear this song has french at the beginning..
09:23 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
09:34 proller joined #minetest
09:48 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:58 sfan5 joined #minetest
10:13 swaaws joined #minetest
10:19 Megaf Hi?
10:20 BlockMen joined #minetest
10:21 Krock hi!
10:22 BlockMen hello
10:24 sfan5 joined #minetest
10:34 LemonLake are we having a hellofest or something
10:36 proller joined #minetest
10:38 Guy09 joined #minetest
10:38 Guy09 Hello guys is anybody online?
10:40 Amaz LemonLake, Yep  it seems so!
10:40 LemonLake Guy09: I am quite online.
10:40 LemonLake Amaz: haha
10:42 crazyR im not :P
10:45 LemonLake i dun goofed...agen
10:47 Krock no one is online
10:47 LemonLake we're all onsquare
10:49 LemonLake css is srsly dicking me about here...
10:53 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:57 Krock MinetestBot!
10:57 MinetestBot Krock!
10:57 Krock - sfan5 quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
10:57 Krock well, I don't think thisworks backwards
11:05 jp joined #minetest
11:05 Garmine joined #minetest
11:09 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:10 LemonLake Downloads page is complete
11:11 jp sfan5:
11:11 jp meow
11:11 LemonLake jp: sfan5 is not here
11:11 jp shit
11:26 need_help01 joined #minetest
11:28 need_help01 hi everybody, im searching the maps file in a world folder, can you explain me where is it ?
11:28 jp need_help01 : which OS ?
11:29 need_help01 sorry, Debian
11:29 jp ~/.minetest/worlds
11:30 need_help01 i know this path, but when im in /minetest/worlds/myworld/ i don't know where is the file for maps, is it the maps.sqlite ?
11:30 jp map.sqlite, yes
11:31 need_help01 ok, thank you very much :)
11:31 jp np
11:42 Krock hmm.. returned status code 0
11:51 sfan5 joined #minetest
11:52 need_help01 Hi, i have generate a new seed and remove the map.sqlite file, for create a new world because i want the moretrees/plantlife mods work perfectly, plantlife works greate, but moretrees works very strangly, indeed,  just one tree on 100/200 trees has been modified, did you have an adea ? ^^
11:52 need_help01 i think it's not a normal moretrees activity
11:52 need_help01 (when i see screenshot of Vanessae)
11:53 need_help01 great*
11:53 need_help01 idea* (sorry me bad :/)
11:57 jp Can you re-phrase more clearly please ?
11:57 Krock just delete moretrees and grab the latest git
12:00 need_help01 it's the latest git (i've downloaded it 2/3 days ago
12:00 need_help01 err sorry i re-phrase :/
12:01 need_help01 i've add somes mods to my actual world, but some mods, for work, need a new world, so i've creat a new world. But, i think moretrees doesn't work properly in this new world
12:02 need_help01 because i see few trees modified, but one tree modified among 100/200 trees with normal skin, it's strange
12:02 BlockMen joined #minetest
12:03 need_help01 when i see the vanessae screenshot, most of trees are modified
12:03 ThatGraemeGuy doesn't moretrees just place saplings? perhaps you need to give it some time for them to grow?
12:03 jp The MoreTrees trees doesn't modify the default trees, eh.
12:04 need_help01 oh ! i didn't know i have to wait
12:04 jp Sapling are putted here and there, that's all. You don"t need to create a new world.
12:04 need_help01 y but new trees are generated in the world :)
12:04 ThatGraemeGuy it shouldn't be long though, if you walk around the new world for a little you should see a few of the trees from moretrees at least
12:06 need_help01 ok, so... it's not like the screenshot of vanessae ^^
12:06 jp Oo
12:06 Krock possibly they spawn saplings, which do not grow immediately
12:06 need_help01 I thought I was landing in a beautiful junggle filled with different trees :D
12:07 need_help01 ok
12:08 need_help01 can i increase the speed of the trees ?
12:08 need_help01 of the grow*
12:08 need_help01 can i increase the grow speed of the trees*
12:08 need_help01 (sorry)
12:09 Krock got world wolder and edit th moretrees config
12:09 Krock *goto
12:10 need_help01 ok i will try this
12:11 asie joined #minetest
12:12 LemonLake another thing has been made
12:13 Krock define "thing"
12:13 milleja46 joined #minetest
12:13 LemonLake Krock:
12:13 LemonLake fully css
12:14 Krock the loading image?
12:14 LemonLake jas
12:14 Krock cool.
12:15 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:20 LemonLake here we go again
12:21 Lunatrius joined #minetest
12:21 LemonLake that's one slow netsplit
12:21 LemonLake a tiny one at that
12:21 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:24 niko joined #minetest
12:25 SoniEx2 joined #minetest
12:27 * Krock has nothing to do 0.0
12:27 LemonLake Krock: spend a min looking at my site? :p
12:28 Krock at codepen?
12:28 LemonLake no,
12:28 LemonLake last few weeks i've been upgrading it, like two hours of work every now and then so it's been slow
12:29 Krock needs more text
12:29 LemonLake more text?
12:29 LemonLake where specifically?
12:29 Krock everywhere.
12:30 LemonLake :p
12:30 Krock 1st and 2nd page at least
12:30 LemonLake yeah, i'll be doing that another time
12:30 LemonLake right now im focused on #minetest
12:30 LemonLake i need to make the crafting recipes easier to find, any ideas?
12:31 Krock refer to a crafting guide
12:31 * sfan5 meows at LemonLake
12:31 LemonLake what do you mean?
12:32 LemonLake as in, in-game?
12:32 * LemonLake meows at sfan56
12:32 LemonLake 5*
12:32 sfan5 lol
12:32 Krock LemonLake, do you want to write a client which parses all those mods?
12:33 Krock well, that's not even a bad idea
12:33 LemonLake Krock: explain
12:33 Krock LemonLake, use LuaJIT and go into mods folder, parse all init.lua files and get the recipes
12:33 LemonLake oooh, that's quite clever actually
12:34 Krock bit you'll have many problems with unknown functions
12:34 Krock *but
12:34 LemonLake yeah...
12:34 LemonLake i'd also need to make the crafting thing more modular
12:34 LemonLake there's a mediawiki plugin for it, actually
12:34 LemonLake
12:41 jp joined #minetest
12:41 jp sfan5:
12:43 RealBadAngel what we really need are definineable types of crafting
12:43 RealBadAngel it should be done ages ago
12:44 RealBadAngel also removing the recipe shall be aviable
12:51 LemonLake TIL JS has a switch statement
12:52 LemonLake my life is completed
12:56 Vazon joined #minetest
13:03 LemonLake I think I'm gonna start learning irrlicht and stuff
13:04 LemonLake I'm gonna make a tool that can generate an image of chosen size with supplied node textures (inventory image)
13:04 LemonLake Then in the future, I'll try and make it read nodeboxes. Keyword: try
13:07 Naked joined #minetest
13:17 Krock LemonLake, something with more 0xBADC0DE
13:17 LemonLake 'more'?
13:17 jp joined #minetest
13:18 Krock 0xBADC0DEr does not exist, therefore I added more
13:18 LemonLake i'll be honest, this website kinda hurts because of the inconsistency
13:18 LemonLake whos site is this?
13:19 Krock LemonLake, I think you can guess it easily
13:19 LemonLake ahh
13:19 LemonLake it needs a makeover p
13:19 LemonLake :p
13:25 crazyR hey krock, does that u_skins mod work properly? also will the skins data file from the normal skins mod work with it?
13:26 Krock define "normal"
13:26 Krock and hi
13:26 crazyR erm hold on il find a link
13:26 crazyR <--
13:27 Krock ah. 2d skins have been removed from u_skins (in my fork) and a bridge is not easy to make
13:27 Krock since the skins have diffrent ids
13:27 crazyR i dont need 2d skins, i hate them lol
13:27 crazyR are all the 3d skins using the same id though?
13:27 Krock Ah, I se they use numberic values, too
13:28 LemonLake gotta figure out how geany works and how to set up irrlicht with it now
13:28 crazyR to be honest yours looks alot cleaner.  i might just tell everyone they need to pick a new skin
13:28 crazyR lol
13:30 Krock crazyR, insert your "Please choose a new skin"-message here:
13:30 Jordach joined #minetest
13:30 LemonLake anyone got a tut for irrlicht + geany?
13:30 * Krock doen't know what geany is
13:31 LemonLake :/
13:31 crazyR il need to modify my signiture script too i think. nothing major though. 2 minutes work. looks to be worth it though :)
13:31 LemonLake because the kdevelop tut is outdated, and the codeblocks link is dead
13:31 LemonLake geany is the only other one i somewhat know
13:33 LemonLake okay, I think I've sussed it out
13:35 Krock !tell zsoltisawesome happy bday
13:35 MinetestBot Krock: yeah, yeah
13:35 LemonLake haven't seen that dude in ages
13:36 Krock !seen zsoltisawesome
13:36 MinetestBot Krock: zsoltisawesome was last seen at 2014-06-04 22:06:13 UTC on #minetest
13:36 Krock ah. possibly away
13:36 reactor joined #minetest
13:41 VanessaE joined #minetest
13:44 Krock noo... 4.99 posts per day
13:45 Krock yes! one more and 5.00 again
14:01 proller joined #minetest
14:05 VanessaE joined #minetest
14:06 proller joined #minetest
14:07 VanessaE joined #minetest
14:08 VanessaE stupid thing.
14:08 jp joined #minetest
14:10 kingkong_ left #minetest
14:12 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:21 preludelinux joined #minetest
14:22 Krock VanessaE, peer is a very bad guy. yes.
14:22 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:24 LemonLake well, progress has been made
14:24 LemonLake there's a cube existing there
14:24 LemonLake now i need to position everything
14:24 LemonLake what are the camera angles for the inventory image?
14:26 LemonLake or at least what class the inventoryimages are done in?
14:28 VanessaE Krock: well in this case, thermal expansion in my network box caused the RAM to work *just* a tad out of spec, just enough to force me to crack it open and fix it.
14:29 Krock VanessaE, oh.. but that shouldn't happen
14:30 LemonLake I think it's content_cao.cpp, am I right?
14:31 VanessaE Krock: indeed.  probably just slightly dirty contacts of something.
14:31 Krock VanessaE, open, shake, use vacuum cleaner, close, done :)
14:32 VanessaE heh
14:39 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:39 Calinou joined #minetest
14:43 mati1 joined #minetest
15:02 Scall joined #minetest
15:09 crazyR Krock: i get this error when running your python script for skins
15:10 Krock crazyR, I'm not good in python but I'll try to add something like a catch handler
15:17 crazyR thanks
15:25 LemonLake hmm
15:25 LemonLake having some weird culling issue
15:26 LemonLake any irrlicht pros here?
15:27 Jordach irrlicked :3
15:27 Jordach (does nobody else read it like that?)
15:27 LemonLake Jordach: no
15:28 LemonLake because i have a very small knowledge of how german words are pronounced
15:28 Jordach nein ;3
15:28 LemonLake Jordach:
15:30 LemonLake anyway, here's my problem:
15:30 LemonLake whenever one pixel of a tri is offscreen, the entire tri disapperas
15:48 jp I've an issue with entities. When I place them when clicking on ground, they're elevated between Y=0 to 1 :
15:49 jp But when I replaced these models in PilzAdam mobs, they're are correctly place on ground :
15:49 Calinou jp, model offset is wrong
15:50 Calinou move the models downwards
15:50 Calinou (using Blender or such)
15:50 jp Not at all. Look the cat.
15:50 Calinou sadly, there doesn't seem to be any way to change model offset or rotation in-game
15:50 Calinou yes, model offset issue
15:50 Calinou the _model_ is offset, not the collision box
15:51 jp The cat when replacing in 'Mobs' mod are correctly placed. But the cat is in air when I place him "manually"
15:51 jp Same model.
15:51 Calinou try moving the collision box around
15:51 Calinou (offset the whole box)
15:51 jp I replaced the cat by the sheep the mobs mod, and it works fine.
15:51 Calinou this is an hack
15:52 jp I set that :      collisionbox = {-0,-0,-0, 0,0,0},
15:52 Calinou that means no collision box
15:52 jp The collisionbox doesn't effect the entity position.
15:52 jp affect*
15:52 Calinou if it's physical, it will, since the entity is affected by gravity
15:53 jp Even when I picked the sheep collisionbox, same issue.
15:53 Guy09 joined #minetest
15:54 Jordach jp, scale the model so it fits inbetween -0.5 and 0.5 blender units along the xyz axies
15:54 jp Well, I replaced all the 0 by 1 in collisionbox : same issue. No effect.
15:54 Jordach -0.5 and 0.5 are used as they are identical to nodebox units
15:54 Guy09 !seen CraigyDavi
15:54 MinetestBot Guy09: craigydavi was last seen at 2014-07-26 09:51:06 UTC on #minetest
15:55 jp Ok, Jordach, will try that. Thanks.
15:55 Jordach jp, then put the legs at -0.5
15:55 jp But there is exist a solution in MT...
15:55 Jordach (hint, just alt+g in object mode, then in edit mode, select all then move the entire mesh)
15:56 jp Ok.
15:56 Guy09 This is the best moment ever
15:56 Calinou why?
15:56 Calinou do you hate CraigyDavi? :p
15:56 Guy09 my sisters r going to their friends and i get tomorrow alone :)
15:56 Calinou meh
15:57 * Jordach has had thoughts about producing a Windows Phone 8 version of Minetest
15:57 Guy09 trust me if u knew my life u would think the same :p
15:59 Guy09 !seen VanessaE
15:59 MinetestBot Guy09: vanessae was last seen at 2014-08-02 06:25:09 UTC on #minetest
15:59 reactor !seen myself
15:59 MinetestBot reactor: Sorry, I haven't seen myself around.
15:59 Guy09 lol
15:59 Guy09 u gotta type yo name
15:59 Guy09 lololololol
15:59 reactor !seen reactor
15:59 MinetestBot reactor: reactor was last seen at 2014-07-26 20:08:11 UTC on #minetest
15:59 reactor Oh yeah.
15:59 Jordach >hoodediceâ„¢: Britain First and English Defense League are too friendly
15:59 Guy09 :)
15:59 Guy09 ?
16:01 Guy09 Y is it so quiet now?
16:01 Guy09 is everyone AFK?
16:02 Jordach people just not giving a fuck
16:02 Calinou no, this is the nature of IRC, its activity varies a lot
16:19 LemonLake am i on everyone's /ignore?
16:20 icetea joined #minetest
16:20 icecream- joined #minetest
16:23 LemonLake seems like i am :/
16:24 Calinou no
16:28 Krock LemonLake. yes
16:29 LemonLake How do I tell irrlicht to use OpenGL?
16:30 LemonLake Currently it's software rendering and that's causing some very irritating frustrum culling bugs
16:36 Calinou LemonLake, video_driver = opengl
16:36 Calinou in minetest.conf
16:36 Calinou it appears in window title
16:36 LemonLake Calinou: This is not minetest.
16:36 LemonLake This is irrlicht.
16:36 LemonLake In general.
16:36 Calinou then there should be a setting
16:36 Calinou Irrlicht demos ask on start
16:37 LemonLake They do?
16:37 LemonLake Oh wow, they do
16:38 LemonLake "video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole();"
16:41 LemonLake Calinou: Thanks for pointing that out to me, I've solved it now
16:52 zat joined #minetest
16:53 Garmine joined #minetest
16:59 Calinou finally, using random programs randomly comes useful to me!
16:59 Calinou (I downloaded Irrlicht demos just for fun)
16:59 Calinou (but also when I tried to compile Minetest on Windows, which never succeeded)
17:03 halothe23 joined #minetest
17:03 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
17:04 NobbyNobbs joined #minetest
17:05 NobbyNobbs hi
17:05 Calinou hi
17:06 Calinou …
17:06 NobbyNobbs oh, good. still someone alive here
17:06 Calinou 5 minutes-old NickServ account with a weird real name
17:06 Calinou not sure if mark or not
17:06 sfan5 hello
17:06 NobbyNobbs no, just keeping my privacy
17:06 NobbyNobbs last time i was on irc was 10-15 y ago
17:07 NobbyNobbs very common by then
17:07 NobbyNobbs name is from discworld
17:07 NobbyNobbs is that a problem?
17:07 Calinou no, but we have a problem with someone who keeps evading bans
17:07 LemonLake Calinou: that's good
17:08 LemonLake Now I'm having a problem understanding ICameraSceneNodes :/
17:08 NobbyNobbs certainly not me
17:08 Calinou oh, I never programmed with Irrlicht though
17:08 LemonLake One place says that the third parameter is the position they look at, another says it's their rotation
17:08 NobbyNobbs i actually have a problem with mintest and this seems to be the best way to ask for help
17:09 sfan5 just ask
17:09 LemonLake ^
17:09 NobbyNobbs just tell me if you feel offended for some reason
17:09 Calinou don't ask to ask, just ask
17:09 Calinou it's OK :)
17:09 NobbyNobbs thanks:))
17:09 zash I feel offended becasue you are asking about asking! ;P
17:10 LemonLake haha zash
17:10 VanessaE NobbyNobbs: what's the problem you're having?
17:10 NobbyNobbs prob is technic:supply_converter. short: it does not work (hv to mv)
17:11 LemonLake (super facepalm)
17:11 VanessaE NobbyNobbs: ask on #minetest-technic
17:11 VanessaE there's more help there :)
17:11 LemonLake I was wondering why my node wasn't showing up. I replaced it with the new camera definition.
17:11 NobbyNobbs sorry, i'm a bit out of this irc-stuff
17:11 VanessaE it's oka
17:11 VanessaE +y
17:11 LemonLake NobbyNobbs: it's chill
17:11 NobbyNobbs vanessae: thks. will try there
17:12 LemonLake woop woop
17:12 LemonLake We've got a cube!
17:14 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:14 Calinou nice Numix
17:14 Calinou is that a node box viewer?
17:14 Calinou or something not Minetest-related?
17:14 Calinou a graphical skin editor could be nice, but not easy
17:14 LemonLake Calinou: a project to both learn irrlicht and make a useful thing, yes
17:15 LemonLake it's a nodebox viewer, correct
17:15 LemonLake so far you'll supply it with the textures and it'll save an image with custom size for said nodebox
17:15 LemonLake in the future i'll support actual nodeboxes
17:15 Krock
17:16 LemonLake [18:16:44] Hagrid: So far OS X has removed Java and X11 support.
17:16 LemonLake typical apple
17:18 Calinou Java? how?
17:19 LemonLake Apple no longer make their own version of Java (and ship the OS with it). You must now download it from
17:19 LemonLake It lead to LWJGL being broken for a very long time.
17:21 NobbyNobbs Calinou: Apple is pusing their own language "Swift"
17:23 Krock Jordach,
17:23 Krock I use Win XP, too :P
17:23 LemonLake "The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum." since when
17:23 Krock since offtopic
17:26 BlockMen joined #minetest
17:27 dylygs joined #minetest
17:27 LemonLake now how to texture cube....
17:28 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
17:30 reactor joined #minetest
17:33 Vazon joined #minetest
17:35 q66 joined #minetest
17:36 LemonLake Who suggested Inkscape to me a while ago?
17:37 sfan5 not me
17:43 LemonLake Whoever did, my opinion on it has changed
17:43 LemonLake I actually find it a lot easier than gimp for these vector drawings :D
17:44 LemonLake It takes a lot of getting used to it, the controls are a bit finnicky but it beats gimp in a lot of ways
17:51 jp joined #minetest
17:55 alket joined #minetest
18:03 asie joined #minetest
18:04 VanessaE I use inkscape from time to time, maybe you saw me mention it
18:04 VanessaE (but I wouldn't say that I "recommended" it, as it can be irritating to use)
18:06 twoelk joined #minetest
18:08 Krock CraigyDavi got a lonely net split
18:08 CraigyDavi Yep
18:09 khor_ joined #minetest
18:22 ImQ009 joined #minetest
18:25 Calinou Inkscape and GIMP are not comparable in general
18:25 Calinou Inkscape is an actual vector drawing software
18:29 blaise
18:30 basxto joined #minetest
18:35 jp Jordach : your solution worked well, thanks
18:38 Miner_48er joined #minetest
18:44 Krock jp, whoa. almost realistic
18:44 jp It's just a begining...
18:44 e1z0 joined #minetest
18:50 dylygs joined #minetest
18:53 twoelk corporate design police: "unblocky object detected in a voxel world"
18:56 Calinou yeah, that
18:56 Calinou also, fan art detected
19:07 jp Kill-joys...
19:08 LemonLake Calinou: I drew minim vectors in Gimp.
19:09 LemonLake Calinou: Everything there except the Seiko one is made in Gimp.
19:23 LemonLake hmmm
19:23 e1z0 joined #minetest
19:34 proller joined #minetest
19:39 jp Krock:
19:41 LemonLake now how do I set per-face textures in irrlicht?
19:41 LemonLake I'm using pretty much the same cube mesh as MT
19:42 Krock jp, creative.
19:44 LemonLake jp: now actually make a model
19:44 jp You ?
19:53 ^4 joined #minetest
20:32 playzooki joined #minetest
20:32 playzooki hey guys
20:33 sfan5 hi
20:33 playzooki im having a problem with unified dyes and coloured wood, i have installed them in the mods folder and enabled them and they do not show up in the inventory. Im using 0.4.10, creative mode, flatgen. any way to fix this?
20:35 sfan5 playzooki: did you ask the colored wood developer? btw: unified dyes is already in minetest_game, you don't need a mod
20:36 Calinou local colored_block_groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1}
20:36 Calinou playzooki, in wood.lua, remove not_in_creative_inventory=1 at line 19
20:36 Calinou by default it's hidden from creative inventory
20:36 playzooki ok
20:36 playzooki thanks
20:36 Calinou VanessaE, you should add a (minetest.conf) setting for that, like I did in Map Tools
20:36 Calinou maptools_creative global var
20:36 Calinou (0 by default)
20:37 Calinou (1 by default, which means it's hidden)*
20:38 VanessaE I can add that, yeah
20:39 VanessaE I removed them from the creative inv because I expected users to use sokomine's painting machine
20:39 VanessaE wait what?  when did unified dyes get added to minetest_game?
20:40 sfan5 huh?
20:40 VanessaE oh, it didn't.  :)
20:40 sfan5 wasn't it unified dyis
20:40 sfan5 dyes that got added?
20:40 VanessaE nope.
20:40 VanessaE just a plain old half-assed dyes mod.
20:40 VanessaE celeron55 went his own way with it
20:41 sfan5 then make a pull request to make it better
20:41 VanessaE most of it is coded well, but the end result imho didn't come out right
20:41 Calinou unified dyes as default would be nice, to separate Minetest from Minecraft more
20:41 VanessaE no need, waste of time
20:41 Calinou give it an unique feature
20:41 sfan5 VanessaE: why a waste of time?
20:42 VanessaE sfan5: because I went round and round with c55 when this was first proposed.  I figured the whole idea is dead on the floor since he went with that existing dyes mod.  BEsides which, the only thing needed now is a sane way to get black dye
20:42 VanessaE (maybe craft coal or something)
20:42 VanessaE you're welcome to merge UD if you want, though.
20:42 VanessaE afaik it's stable.
20:42 asie joined #minetest
20:42 VanessaE s/that existing/the now existing/
20:43 VanessaE brb
20:43 sfan5 VanessaE: celeron55 isn't involved as much anymore
20:44 Exio4 how was a s16 serialized by MT?
20:44 Exio4 sfan5, ^ you!
20:45 kaeza joined #minetest
20:45 sfan5 Exio4: see ##shadowempire
20:45 Exio4 i did >.>
20:45 kaeza greetings
20:50 * sfan5 greets kaeza
20:50 * kaeza meows at sfan5
20:53 Calinou coal → 4 dark grey
20:53 Calinou scorched stuff → black dye
20:53 sfan5 how do you get scroched stuff?
20:53 playzooki doge > cate
20:54 VanessaE sfan5: yep, I know.
20:54 kaeza -> > →
20:55 VanessaE Calinou: there's no way to get scorched stuff...  except maybe cook a flower?
20:55 Sokomine are minetest.get_perlin and minetest.get_perlin_map stateless, that is: always return the same result with the same parameters? (as opposed to pseudo random generators)
20:55 VanessaE presently you have to do two dark grey -> black but that makes no sense at all
20:55 VanessaE (because in any reasonable palette, the result would still be dark grey)
20:56 Calinou VanessaE, cook rat or meat
20:56 Miner_48er joined #minetest
20:56 Calinou (mobs mod)
20:56 Sokomine how about coal? that makes nice black dye
20:56 Calinou cooking a flower sounds like a good idea
20:56 VanessaE Calinou: but without those mods?
20:56 Sokomine poor rats!
20:56 Calinou in general, cooking what's uncookable normally
20:56 Calinou Sokomine, cook cooked rat*
20:56 VanessaE anyway, gotta run
20:56 VanessaE bbo
20:56 VanessaE bbl
20:56 Calinou bye
20:56 Calinou cook flower, cooked rat, meat, coal lump…
20:57 Sokomine that does at least make sense. although coal is available in most minetest games (while rat is not)
21:02 crazyR does anyone know of a technic machine design that can empty a bucket of water without destroying the bucket?
21:03 crazyR or even a pipeworks design
21:11 Sokomine someone did build a manual machine for that purpose on the landrush server :-)
21:11 Sokomine people could buy an empty bucket, fill it themshelves, and sell the full bucket for slightly more
21:12 Sokomine such a machine would be something for pipeworks rather than for technic. i've tought about something similar
21:15 Calinou → lol, me on a screenshot
21:15 Calinou (posted on forums by 4aiman)
21:16 * Calinou should get a classier avatar.
21:16 Calinou this one isn't flat design :(
21:30 crazyR Sokomine: thats teh reason i need it, its to try and inject some credit into the world. without just giving them it. so far we have an autocrafter making buckets as needed and then the depositor sedn them to the scrap(chest and constructor)
21:32 Sokomine oh, the buckets do cycle around in this setup. a few are enough. the player's job is just to fill them. filled bucket + something gets crafted into something else - and the autocrafter returns the empty bucket to the sales machine
21:32 Sokomine check it out on the landrush server (now hosted by oldcoder)
21:41 OldCoder Sokomine, Hi
21:46 Sokomine hi oldcoder. just pointed someone to a world you've saved :-)
21:47 RealBadAngel crazyR, that should be added to deployer, i will code that
21:47 Sokomine and, er...better do not let me do any landscaping right now :-) first attempts to get nores village generator running with the default mapgen left me puzzled why the world was empty...until i realized i had it set to singlenode for another test
21:48 Sokomine and now, with normal mapgen and no preparations yet, there's a lot of...flying...village...
21:51 OldCoder Sokomine, yes
21:51 OldCoder Sokomine, the other world that was broken
21:51 OldCoder with a house of yours
21:51 Sokomine ah. that was only a rather tiny world
21:51 OldCoder I'm wondering... if I delete the subterranean part
21:51 OldCoder Might this fix it?
21:51 Sokomine might be a good idea, yes. just try it
21:51 OldCoder It had farms, houses, nice
21:51 OldCoder We'll discuss it this Summer or Fall
21:51 OldCoder
21:52 Sokomine that landrush world you saved is definitely worth it! that's another matter. the other world...well...that was tiny to begin with and didn't have much in it. even if you get it to run, saving only the few buildings that are worth it might be more than enough
21:52 Sokomine ok :-)
21:52 OldCoder Sokomine, I hope to persuade...
21:52 OldCoder would-be world owners to agree to help me merge worlds
21:52 OldCoder This will make room for new worlds and also reduce the number of large empty ones
21:53 Sokomine right now i'm trying to get a village generator to work outside of nores mapgen
21:53 OldCoder kk
21:53 Sokomine that might be a very good idea, oldcoder!
21:54 OldCoder
21:54 OldCoder Well, there are no takers
21:54 OldCoder Two people here agreed to do this
21:54 OldCoder Then reneged, cursed me, and stormed off :-)
21:54 OldCoder They considered the world I'd given them to be their right and changed their mind about sharing it
21:54 OldCoder But I feel it's a sensible thing to do
21:54 OldCoder
21:55 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, has irrlicht support for geometry shaders?
21:55 OldCoder Accordingly, I will announce: The old worlds from 1 to 2 years ago are safe and will return after my server move is completed
21:55 OldCoder If people would like worlds, come and see me in PM sometime
21:55 OldCoder They are up for grabs (U.S. idiom: Come and Get Them!)
21:55 OldCoder
21:58 ShadowNinja Sokomine: Yes, same seed and same parameters generates the same results.  That's important so that, eg, the same map seed generates the same map.
21:59 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, yes
22:00 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, have you ever thought about just sending one vertex per cube to the GPU, and calculate the rest in a geometry shader?
22:00 RealBadAngel what for would you need them?
22:00 PilzAdam I do that in my engine, and it works pretty well
22:00 ShadowNinja OldCoder: VE considered merging worlds too, but managing players and inventories makes it complex.
22:00 OldCoder ShadowNinja, not for some of my old worlds
22:01 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, can i see your code?
22:01 OldCoder In some cases where _games were incompatible, certainly there would be issues
22:01 OldCoder But in other cases it would not be a problem
22:02 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, and i think that geometry ones are already supported by mt, just never used before
22:02 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Then which inventory do players get?  How do they switch between maps?
22:02 PenguinDad joined #minetest
22:04 OldCoder ShadowNinja, Hm? Not following. I'm just talking about saving some old buildings
22:04 OldCoder There would be a few different cities
22:04 OldCoder on the same map
22:04 OldCoder This has been proposed to me before as far back as two years ago
22:05 OldCoder Seems like a good idea, subject to the use of compatible worlds
22:06 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Oh, so one world with buildings from another world added?  That seems very difficult to do nicely, and very time-consuming.  You also probably won't get all buildings.
22:06 OldCoder Oh, so WorldEdit is not yet working?
22:06 OldCoder Explain the difficult part, others have said it will work
22:06 * OldCoder listens respectfully
22:07 OldCoder When I tried this a year ago
22:07 OldCoder Buildings came over with large holes in them
22:07 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Working, but it will still take a long time, and you'll have trouble fitting and aligning things.
22:07 OldCoder Hopefully this has been fixed
22:07 OldCoder How about I copy blocks directly
22:07 OldCoder and work with people to smooth over the rough joins?
22:08 OldCoder That should work
22:08 ShadowNinja Very imprecise, but possible.
22:08 ShadowNinja Has someone made a block copier yet?  I think someone mentioned it.
22:17 LemonLake joined #minetest
22:20 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I've seen a few but they are problematic
22:20 OldCoder I could easily do one myself with a little help
22:20 OldCoder I think you helped me with the math on the block deleter, right?
22:21 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Yes.
22:22 LemonLake Do you dudes know how to irrlicht?
22:22 LemonLake Actually, no, I have a question
22:23 LemonLake How are cubes rendered in Minetest? Specifically the textures. Are they stitched into a UV map, or are there 6 mesh buffers?
22:24 PilzAdam LemonLake, each texture is a material, if that answers your question
22:24 LemonLake PilzAdam: Not quite,
22:24 LemonLake I'm trying to work out how to do this myself for a single cube :/
22:25 LemonLake The only resources I've found suggest a UV map or the mesh buffer method, which I can't quite work out
22:30 OldCoder ShadowNinja, let's expand that code soon
22:31 Hirato joined #minetest
22:32 LemonLake Hmm...
22:33 LemonLake Could a dev tell me, where are the inventory cubes drawn?
22:33 kzz I must say home decor is quite impressive
22:34 LemonLake kzz: you only just realised? :P
22:34 kzz yeah Im new to this
22:34 LemonLake ahh
22:34 PilzAdam LemonLake, normally you have to define the texture position for each vertex
22:34 kzz will work with Carbone?
22:35 LemonLake PilzAdam: essentially a UV map?
22:35 PilzAdam yea
22:35 LemonLake kzz: most mods work with most games :p
22:35 PilzAdam I dont know how irrlicht does that
22:35 LemonLake give it a go, it won't destroy anything...essentially
22:35 LemonLake PilzAdam: guess I'll be searching the source code for a few more hours :/
22:35 PilzAdam have you considered using playing OpenGL instead of Irrlicht?
22:35 LemonLake
22:35 LemonLake Would it by any chance be that?
22:36 LemonLake PilzAdam: I wanted to, but I want to learn new things
22:36 LemonLake that's the main point of this project
22:36 kzz what if I later remove a mod
22:36 LemonLake + understand the engine
22:36 kzz what happens with the now unknown blocks
22:36 LemonLake kzz: then you will see unknown nodes + items, they'll have a fancy texture
22:36 kzz is that ok to do on a server?
22:36 LemonLake you can just punch them out, it does no damage
22:36 LemonLake and they're fine on servers, just annoying
22:36 PilzAdam LemonLake, does that mean you already know how to render a cube in OpenGL?
22:37 kahrl grep -nR inventorycube ~/minetest/src
22:37 LemonLake PilzAdam: pretty much
22:37 kahrl --> tile.cpp:1430
22:37 LemonLake kahrl: I'll look at that, thanks
22:37 kzz Recommends: buckets, vessels, wool (any version), unifieddyes, moreores, moreblocks,
22:37 kzz glooptest.
22:37 kzz ^-- what of this should be installed in Carbone?
22:37 kzz for homedeco
22:37 LemonLake kzz: whatever you want ^.^
22:38 PilzAdam LemonLake,  this should help you in this case
22:38 LemonLake the first 3 are sorta default anyway
22:39 LemonLake tile.cpp:1256 is what I'm mainly looking for, I believe
22:40 kahrl oh, I didn't pull since sfan5 reworked tile.cpp
22:41 LemonLake kahrl: that'd be why it was in the middle of nowhere ;p
22:41 LemonLake but I've found it now, thanks
22:41 LemonLake now it's just implementing it
22:47 Sokomine ShadowNinja: thanks for confirming
22:49 Sokomine block copying works on database level (if it's a sql database at least)
22:49 Sokomine identifying the blocks which are to be copied is the most work
22:50 thk joined #minetest
22:51 Vazon mhmm is it possible to make groups based on a priv?
22:52 Sokomine vazon: what do you have in mind?
22:54 Vazon im wanting to make it where, on my server if you have creative you can see every block but if not you dont have it, you crafting guide isnt all cunked up with leaves and trees ext
23:01 Vazon Sokomine: ^^
23:04 WindHero joined #minetest
23:08 LemonLake This is probably a silly question, but how would I get an IReadFile for a file path?
23:08 LemonLake Specifically to load an image from
23:10 WindHero hmm
23:11 WindHero
23:11 WindHero That's where I learned to do image loading in Lua
23:11 LemonLake What does this project do?
23:11 WindHero let's you load a picture to create an image out of wool blocks
23:11 LemonLake WindHero: I'm talking about C++, not Lua.
23:12 WindHero ack
23:12 LemonLake Search engines are useless when it comes to Irrlicht
23:12 * WindHero slowly recedes into the shadows
23:13 * Jordach returns after 6 hours of skyrim
23:13 LemonLake Actually, I think I can do this without an IImage
23:13 WindHero 6 hours?!
23:13 Jordach WindHero, 16000000000% more comfy with an xbox controller
23:13 WindHero xD
23:13 Jordach PC gaming with pesantry control styling
23:14 * PenguinDad can't play with an xbox controller
23:15 phantombeta joined #minetest
23:15 Jordach tl;dr Sony MDR-ZX310APs are fucking comfy
23:15 harrison we need a unicode-compatible VR display
23:15 harrison to build the VR asciiverse
23:15 harrison so that IRC lives forever
23:15 RealBadAngel LemonLake, what do you need to know about images?
23:16 WindHero
23:16 * Jordach zooms in
23:16 WindHero lol
23:16 Jordach looks like my magma stone
23:16 WindHero orly?
23:16 Jordach ya
23:17 WindHero I actually did that myself editing the Minetest NeXt cobble texture
23:17 Jordach
23:17 * WindHero zooms in
23:17 Jordach tl;dr i've got shit tons of work todo again
23:18 WindHero there's enough difference between the two
23:18 Jordach Windows 8 Failure = lost render worl;d
23:18 WindHero >:O
23:18 Jordach however, my dropbox contain enough data to resurrect it
23:18 WindHero xD
23:18 Jordach though .blend files and manual rebuilding
23:18 WindHero a pain nonetheless
23:18 Jordach (my flash drive had a ancient revision)
23:19 WindHero some of the things I find on my old drives....
23:19 LemonLake joined #minetest
23:19 LemonLake Such fun.
23:19 WindHero "Did I seriously save that terrible .blend I made of a snowman for my first Blender project?!
23:19 Jordach WindHero, not going to run out of room soon
23:19 WindHero <RealBadAngel> LemonLake, what do you need to know about images?
23:20 LemonLake The broadband is dead. At a time I can't get it too.
23:20 WindHero Yes, I believe it's safe to say that, Jordach
23:20 * WindHero looks at his pitiful 16 GB flash drive
23:20 Jordach WindHero, might be dropping another 4tb in there
23:20 GTRsdk Anyone tried using Sprint 4G LTE for running a server from?
23:21 WindHero f-f-f-f-four?!
23:21 LemonLake realbadangel: I may have got it myself, but if not then I'll get back to you on that one
23:21 GTRsdk I know connecting should work no prob
23:21 RealBadAngel i mean im doing code bout it all the time
23:21 GTRsdk but if I'm on the go, and take my server with me (it's the most powerful computer! :D), I wonder if it would work...
23:21 RealBadAngel so i propably know all the answers ;)
23:21 LemonLake Rba that's helpful
23:22 WindHero GTRsdk: I'm sure you COULD run a server on that, but it'll be awful slow for everyone
23:22 RealBadAngel just ask here or
23:22 LemonLake My broadband is dead so googling is a struggle as now all I have is a phone to balance Irc and browser..
23:22 WindHero I think you'd find that you couldn't have more than 1 ohter player on without major lag
23:22 LemonLake And andchat doesn't even have multi window support
23:22 WindHero *other
23:23 RealBadAngel btw
23:23 RealBadAngel
23:23 RealBadAngel how do you find it?
23:23 WindHero :O
23:23 WindHero that's insane.....
23:24 RealBadAngel thats propably final version
23:24 GTRsdk WindHero, sure there would be lag, but it can't possibly be nearly as bad a no server ;)
23:24 LemonLake Rba sorta unrealistic but super awesome, much prefer
23:24 RealBadAngel WindHero, thats not insane, thats LAVA SHADER ;)
23:25 WindHero I've seen a lava flow from 3 meters away IRL, no joke
23:25 Vazon is it possible to make groups based on a priv?
23:25 WindHero uber cool shader though
23:25 RealBadAngel whats most funny imho, and you all wont propably wont belive
23:25 WindHero not in ral time
23:25 WindHero *real
23:25 WindHero @Vazon
23:25 RealBadAngel that its using 16px textures
23:25 * WindHero jawdrops
23:26 ^v joined #minetest
23:26 LemonLake Rba.. What
23:26 RealBadAngel the screenshot above is for default lava processed by the shader
23:26 LemonLake Do.I see a ^v?
23:26 Vazon dang
23:26 LemonLake Oh my... This is bending the rules a bit
23:27 LemonLake Maybe my Xbox can be my google... Let's see if it has a web browser
23:27 WindHero xD
23:27 Jordach LemonLake, xbox1/360 has IE
23:28 LemonLake Jordach even if its ie that's perfect
23:28 WindHero IE ~= decent web browser
23:28 WindHero or !=, whatever you prefer
23:28 LemonLake I'm aware but all I need is docs and stackoverfloe
23:28 LemonLake stackoverflow
23:28 Jordach to people complaining the forum is css broken: my aging iPod Touch renders it fine without issue
23:28 LemonLake No big deal for the time being
23:28 RealBadAngel ive recorded a short vid with it, will upload it shortly
23:28 WindHero @Jordach, ikr?
23:28 LemonLake Oh wait...
23:28 LemonLake Wtf
23:29 Jordach >shortly
23:29 LemonLake My Xbox somehow has internet
23:29 WindHero RBA, you are a shader master
23:29 LemonLake Yet my PC doesn't? BS
23:29 Jordach LemonLake, you sure it's not DHCP being a shit
23:29 Jordach (HomeHub owner of boxes 2/3/4)
23:29 LemonLake Noep
23:29 LemonLake Got the BT broadband msg
23:29 ^v LemonLake, no i dont
23:30 LemonLake Etf
23:30 lemonlake_ joined #minetest
23:30 lemonlake_ ooh
23:30 lemonlake_ it seems the xbox was the jumpstart for the broadband :L
23:31 Jordach all praise Bill Gates our lord and master ;)
23:31 WindHero please don't tell me this means I have to actually like XBox now......
23:31 lemonlake_ haha
23:31 WindHero rofl
23:31 lemonlake_ well
23:31 Jordach i am trollin ;3
23:31 lemonlake_ the hub has been playing up badly lately
23:31 lemonlake_ at least once every few hours it'll go down for a few minutes, once a week for about an hour
23:31 lemonlake_ sometimes it randomly drops wireless-only connections
23:31 lemonlake_ (im ethernet)
23:31 WindHero Nintendo > all other consoles
23:32 Jordach WindHero, wanna play Brawl
23:32 WindHero Would if I could
23:32 Jordach or at some point, the one for 3DS ;P
23:32 WindHero the servers for it are down
23:32 WindHero Definitely the 3DS one though
23:32 Jordach 1) i want mother fucking mewtwo
23:32 Jordach 2) nuff said
23:33 WindHero til then, I'll be shaping up with Sakurai's other masterpiece of multiplayer, Kid Icarus: Uprising
23:33 lemonlake_ Ahhh, I overlooked the tile code
23:33 AndChat| joined #minetest
23:33 lemonlake_ the whole 'image from scratch' thing was just to ensure it didn't have any effects
23:33 AndChat| Excuse me
23:33 Jordach silly kitten
23:33 lemonlake_ and the IImage was, again, for the image from scratch thingy
23:33 lemonlake_ so really I can just use a straight up ITexture
23:34 Jordach HOLY SHIT
23:34 lemonlake_ hm?
23:35 Jordach 1 year since LogoSkyBlock
23:35 lemonlake_ nearly
23:35 lemonlake_ 2 more days
23:35 lemonlake_ aww, its down, i wanted to try it
23:35 * Jordach is considering a special 0.4.10 version
23:35 lemonlake_ Jordach: bfd, ofc :P
23:36 lemonlake_ you're all about that bfd
23:36 Jordach LemonLake, MTG
23:36 RealBadAngel
23:36 RealBadAngel ok, here we go ;)
23:36 lemonlake_ good, you've finally come to your senses
23:36 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: is that sharpening on purpose?
23:36 Jordach dem clouds
23:37 Jordach MMMMMMMMMMMM
23:37 lemonlake_ Jordach: clouds where?
23:37 Jordach lemonlake_, RBA is using realtime perlin clouds to make paterns
23:37 lemonlake_ that's perlin noise, not clouds
23:37 lemonlake_ ;)
23:37 RealBadAngel not really
23:37 RealBadAngel its just cloud image
23:37 lemonlake_ 'cloud image'
23:37 Jordach lemonlake_, Blender Terminology calls them clouds / noise
23:38 WindHero ^
23:38 lemonlake_ Jordach: in editors they're often simplified to 'clouds' for n00bs
23:38 harrison noise
23:38 RealBadAngel but yes, it can be called a noise
23:38 lemonlake_ usually made with perlin noise, or averaging certain noise functions
23:38 lemonlake_ a noise it can be called, yes
23:38 Jordach signal to noise in channel about clouds / noise: quite a lot ;3
23:38 RealBadAngel effect is made out of 3 textures
23:38 lemonlake_ c++ y u do dis
23:38 harrison i don't mean to carp, but i think you are muddying the waters
23:39 RealBadAngel basic one gives the colours pattern
23:39 RealBadAngel cloud noise
23:39 harrison carp
23:39 RealBadAngel and normal map a shape
23:39 harrison waters
23:39 harrison see what i did?
23:39 Jordach RealBadAngel, now make water look good and not shit :3
23:39 Jordach (in fact you've already got the correct technique)
23:39 RealBadAngel jordach i will, but i need more rendering passes and a sun position
23:40 lemonlake_ this is difficult to convert
23:40 RealBadAngel first will give me reflecions second light scattering on waves
23:40 Jordach RealBadAngel, consider getting the time from 0.0 and 1.0 and extrapolate a arc postion based on that internal time
23:40 lemonlake_ ah, back to the createCubeMesh...and I'd removed that code...damn
23:41 RealBadAngel Jordach, but the current will stay as for lightweight effect
23:41 RealBadAngel i mean the one in the pull
23:42 Jordach RealBadAngel, fine by me
23:42 RealBadAngel btw, its damn fast
23:42 Jordach i don't care about the shit water until we get the better water
23:42 RealBadAngel way faster than animated one
23:42 Jordach (and please don't make it two typed)
23:42 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: What is TextureFromMeshParams?
23:43 RealBadAngel thats the code that should be wiped out
23:43 lemonlake_ uh
23:43 lemonlake_ okay
23:44 RealBadAngel its one of the methods to render something and get an image
23:44 RealBadAngel and made in a very weird way
23:44 lemonlake_ yes...this is what i would like to do
23:44 lemonlake_ but i think i don't need this
23:44 RealBadAngel we dont
23:44 lemonlake_ the mesh buffer thing is done right, so i believe now i can just add a light and test it
23:44 RealBadAngel modder shall provide an image
23:44 lemonlake_ the entire rtt thing can go on my end
23:45 RealBadAngel letting the engine to do absurdly costly renderings all the time is just fuckin weird
23:45 RealBadAngel such code is called a bottleneck
23:45 thk left #minetest
23:46 RealBadAngel and we are full of such shit
23:46 lemonlake_ great, now i've locked the compiler somehow
23:46 RealBadAngel single commit that cleaned mapblock mesh gave me a few TIMES longer view distance
23:47 lemonlake_ Fatal error: can't create .objs/main.o: Permission denied
23:47 RealBadAngel we used to have file access and such in drawing loops
23:48 lemonlake_ I think I know the fix but I'm not sure why it's happening in the first place
23:48 RealBadAngel im a former demoscene coder, and when i see such innovations in realtime code it makes me sick just
23:48 lemonlake_ aight, that worked, now i need to make it into a node
23:49 lemonlake_ RealBadAngel: yes, I understand that too
23:49 lemonlake_ demoscene coder? Can I see some of your work?
23:51 lemonlake_ ooh, a segfault. those are fun
23:52 RealBadAngel hmmm, lemme find some links
23:52 RealBadAngel
23:52 lemonlake_ How would I solve a segfault? They seem ambiguous
23:53 VanessaE run the program through a debugger
23:54 VanessaE it'll be able to isolate where the segfault is happening and possibly even generically why
23:54 mati1_ joined #minetest
23:54 lemonlake_ Okay. Now gotta figure out how to use a debugger in code::blocks :p
23:55 lemonlake_ that's how
23:56 RealBadAngel
23:56 lemonlake_ These are all yours?
23:57 RealBadAngel the balls are exactly the same as snake is
23:57 RealBadAngel the very same technique
23:58 RealBadAngel those are for SAM Coupe
23:58 RealBadAngel but ive coded a lot for ZX Spectrum
23:58 lemonlake_ Well, looks like the segfault is here: IMeshSceneNode* node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(cube);
23:58 lemonlake_ I think it's because I'm dropping the mesh. (facepalm)
23:58 lemonlake_ Nop, not quite

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