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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-09-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 zat My server is not even trying to announce when server_announce = 1
00:06 zat (USE_CURL was used)
00:06 zat What might it be?
00:06 zat (compiling from latest commit)
00:12 diemartin zat, did you use -DUSE_CURL=1 or -DENABLE_CURL=1 ?
00:12 diemartin ENABLE_CURL is the correct one AFAIK
00:13 zat curl
00:13 zat cool* I will check, I was using the USE_ one.
00:14 diemartin also, I'd use -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
00:14 diemartin but that's just preference
00:14 zat I am using it :)
00:14 diemartin good :)
00:17 dafull97 us `0gb, do you know how to change a new spawn point
00:17 dafull97 only for new players
00:18 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
00:21 Cerise joined #minetest
00:22 thefamilygrog66 dafull97: add this line (changing to whatever coords you prefer) to the minetest.conf file: static_spawnpoint = 0, 3, 0
00:22 zat diemartin: strange, doesnt work either
00:24 dafull97 thanks dude!
00:24 dafull97 @ thefamilygrog66
00:24 zat My config has: http://pastebin.com/JW7cUKMA , I guess it is fine. ?
00:24 thefamilygrog66 np
00:24 dafull97 server announce = 1
00:24 dafull97 server_announce = 1
00:25 bas080 joined #minetest
00:25 zat It has underscore
00:25 diemartin zat, did it detect cURL at cmake stage?
00:25 zat ¬¬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:25 diemartin aha! :)
00:26 zat damn me for not reading carefully that... thanks die!
00:26 diemartin np :)
00:30 dafull97 +1 for diemartin has helped alot of people!
00:31 diemartin https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100008207/memes/00-stopit.png
00:31 zat Have the LEL meme diemartin?
00:32 diemartin zat: http://fuuu.us
00:32 zat there is not the one I know
00:33 zat diemartin → http://uppix.net/YQ2V6T.jpg
00:34 diemartin O_o'
00:35 zat le me
00:36 diemartin zat face
00:36 zat die
00:36 diemartin martin
00:37 zat please
00:39 nanomo what are the software requirments to run minetest on windows?
00:40 Whitemau5 joined #minetest
00:41 Whitemau5 ok so i have a question
00:41 us`0gb Your question has been taken into consideration. Please hold while we deliberate upon an answer.
00:42 Whitemau5 i havent even asked it yet -_-
00:43 PilzAdam this brins the question up: why havent you asked it yet?
00:43 PilzAdam *brings
00:44 diemartin nanomo, a PC with Microsoft Windows XP or later installed, and optionally an user
00:44 nanomo diemartin: i have a win2003 server and minetest close right after the cmd console it's showed
00:45 diemartin maybe also a relatively recent graphics card and CPU
00:45 PilzAdam nanomo, do you have opengl support?
00:45 nanomo diemartin: if i run a cmd ,. change the directory to /bin and run minetest.exe --help nothing happens
00:45 diemartin (dual core recommended, though it's reported to run on a P4)
00:45 nanomo PilzAdam: it's a VPS, so i don't think there is some graphic card
00:46 PilzAdam --help doesnt work? thats strange
00:46 nanomo nope, but if i use the same files on win7 every works
00:46 Whitemau5 ok here it is: i want ot create a skin for minetest so i can play it, but i dont know: is there a specific webistie to create a minetest skin or can i use a minecraft skin creator website such as: minecraftskins.com
00:47 PilzAdam Minetest's skins are compatible with Minecraft's
00:47 PilzAdam so yes, you can use that editor
00:48 Whitemau5 ok because i want to make a skin on minecraftskins.com and have someone upload it for me on minetest on a server but i wanted to make sure i kne wwhat to do
00:50 Whitemau5 thanks bye
00:52 PilzAdam nanomo, I dont like to suggest that, but try running it as admin
00:53 * us`0gb gasps
00:53 nanomo PilzAdam: i tried that too :(
00:53 * us`0gb gasps again
00:54 PilzAdam have you tried restarting?
00:54 dafull97 joined #minetest
00:55 dafull97 sorry closed tab didnt relize
01:01 nanomo PilzAdam: yes, i've installed vc redistributable 2010 too
01:01 PilzAdam Im out of ideas now
01:01 PilzAdam what a shitty OS just closes programs without... anythin?
01:02 dafull97 PilzAdam, i might could help a little... i Remoted to his Computer/Server
01:02 nanomo PilzAdam: yes, and seems not to create debug.txt neither
01:03 PilzAdam well, if --help doesnt work then it simply doesnt start the program at all
01:04 dafull97 nanomo, can i conenct via remote again... i might have one more idea
01:04 * PilzAdam wouldnt give dafull97 access...
01:05 dafull97 why not, i already did... im not a hacker -_-
01:06 zat Damn the only thing I need to get working is giving certain privileges to one user, and modifying the auth.txt when the server is off does not work.
01:06 dafull97 i can help with that zat
01:06 dafull97 minetest.conf
01:06 nanomo i did :S
01:07 zat There I am, viming the file.
01:07 dafull97 cd ..
01:07 dafull97 cd ..
01:07 dafull97 crap
01:07 dafull97 haha
01:07 zat kik
01:07 PilzAdam the fact that you are not a hacker is why I wouldnt give you access
01:08 PilzAdam if you were a hacker then you would follow the ethical guidelines of the hacker community
01:08 dafull97 i c, i'm meaning i would make a shortcut to the minetest.exe file and put --help as a aruguement
01:09 PilzAdam that wouldnt help
01:09 dafull97 and see the output
01:09 dafull97 how not?
01:09 dafull97 then see if the program was functionable at all
01:10 PilzAdam because it does the same thing as typing that into a cmd?
01:10 dafull97 yea true, haha
01:10 dafull97 beside that it runs as administrator
01:10 dafull97 with shortcut
01:10 dafull97 run cmd as admin then it the same thing
01:11 dafull97 zat, goto minetest.conf and search for name and set the name of your main admin or whatever and un "#" it at the beginning
01:12 dafull97 save it
01:12 dafull97 restart server
01:12 zat Yes dafull97, I am the admin, but I want to give fly, noclip and teleport to another user.
01:12 PilzAdam you should first shut down the server, then edit minetest.conf, and then start again
01:12 PilzAdam btw
01:12 dafull97 in game goto chat, /grant <username> fly
01:12 dafull97 and replace fly with priv
01:13 zat I want them to persist
01:13 Inocudom joined #minetest
01:13 dafull97 it will save them
01:13 dafull97 until you revoke it
01:14 dafull97 such as /revoke <username> <privalege>
01:14 zat it does not
01:14 dafull97 hmm, it should?
01:14 zat the user logs out and they are still the original
01:14 dafull97 you can edit it in the players section
01:14 zat is it possible?
01:15 Inocudom Here is a video of someone that managed to keep a male griefer (carpenter) bee as a pet. It was a docile pet.
01:15 Inocudom http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&amp;v=rmN52-EIIpI
01:15 dafull97 maybe not... im looking now... there is a way some where
01:16 PilzAdam Inocudom, youtube provides shorter links under "share"
01:17 dafull97 found it! /.minetest/worlds/yourworld/auth.txt
01:17 dafull97 and find there username
01:17 dafull97 add privs
01:17 zat remember, my first message:
01:17 zat Damn the only thing I need to get working is giving certain privileges to one user, and modifying the auth.txt when the server is off does not work.
01:17 Inocudom http://youtu.be/rmN52-EIIpI
01:18 dafull97 you save it right? the /grant <username> <privs> worked for me and save
01:18 dafull97 until i /revoke
01:19 Inocudom It does work, I see. That particular male griefer bee can make for a good pet if it has honey and a small home container.
01:24 * dafull97 is getting on his server
01:25 PilzAdam zat, so, did I understand it correectly? /grant works while the player is logged in, but when he quits and rejoins then it doesnt work?
01:32 zat Right Pilz.
01:33 PilzAdam do you get any warnings about file access issues?
01:35 zat nothing
01:35 zat (new players are correctly added to the file)
01:37 PilzAdam have you modified builtin in any way?
01:41 dafull97 i offically admit i need to learn more before helping other players
01:41 dafull97 Help? : http://pastebin.com/SCHeLtbq
01:42 zat PilzAdam: never touched builtin
01:42 zat could it be a mod?
01:43 Cerise joined #minetest
01:46 dafull97 VanessaE, are you here?
01:46 Inocudom http://youtu.be/u0cuWrVReSo (oOChainLynxOo's new video of the nyan cat server)
01:48 codehero huh. the mob mod works quite good
01:48 codehero the only thing that bothers me is the spawning :P
01:49 zat is actually the mobs mod expensive?
01:51 codehero in terms of resources?
01:55 zat yes
01:55 PilzAdam bye
01:57 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
01:57 Topic for #minetest is now http://minetest.net | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released; 0.4.8 will be released soonâ„¢ | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: http://minetest.net/servers | IRC LOGS: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/ | WIKI: http://wiki.minetest.net | Today's event: TYPO ADY! |  Don't ask about asking questions.
02:08 Pelayo_ joined #minetest
02:09 IceCraft joined #minetest
02:15 dafull97 joined #minetest
02:16 thefamilygrog66 I've uploaded my new Magic Beans mod to GitHub, and have included 16px textures for those who'd prefer that (cough...Jordach): https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7307
02:16 dafull97 need Help
02:16 thefamilygrog66 what's up?
02:17 dafull97 wow, nevermind
02:17 dafull97 simple fix haha
02:17 thefamilygrog66 I like those ones!
02:17 dafull97 getting better at this =D
02:17 thefamilygrog66 It's a fun learning curve, sort of... :)
02:17 dafull97 hope i can help many people in the future
02:17 dafull97 yes learn alot in the last week
02:20 zat wow, Minecraft is the most sluggish game I have ever tried. I just tried to... try it.
02:20 dafull97 who knows Lua?
02:22 thefamilygrog66 I know some lua, why?
02:22 dafull97 what other languages you know?
02:22 thefamilygrog66 php
02:22 thefamilygrog66 javascript
02:22 thefamilygrog66 BASIC
02:22 thefamilygrog66 haha
02:22 thefamilygrog66 Pascal
02:22 thefamilygrog66 Turing
02:23 dafull97 nice ok...
02:23 thefamilygrog66 PERL
02:23 dafull97 python?
02:23 thefamilygrog66 haven't played with python yet
02:23 dafull97 C/C++?
02:23 thefamilygrog66 nope, again not yet
02:23 dafull97 what would you suggest out of all the languages you learned?
02:23 dafull97 and what are the ups of lua nad downs?
02:23 thefamilygrog66 just the ones that I've either learned at school or needed for work or for fun
02:24 zat dafull97: suggest... what for?
02:24 thefamilygrog66 ^^^
02:24 thefamilygrog66 some are more specialized than others, depends on what you're doing
02:24 dafull97 what would you suggest out of all the languages you learned?
02:24 zat what for?
02:24 kahrl what language is haha?
02:25 dafull97 On more of the network side, and Gaming, and overall
02:25 dafull97 programming Language
02:25 zat what scale of development
02:25 zat how complicated will it be
02:25 zat elaborate
02:25 thefamilygrog66 kahrl, I was laughing at BASIC, cause it's the first one I learned back in the 1980s (I'm old)
02:26 kahrl Oh, yeah. Laughing at BASIC is permitted.
02:26 dafull97 haha
02:26 zat BASIC? I first learned Atari BASIC.
02:26 dafull97 on Network -
02:26 dafull97 on Gaming -
02:26 dafull97 Overall -
02:26 thefamilygrog66 That said, my last mod - the hedge maze one - was based on an old BASIC program I copied out of compute magazine in '81.
02:26 dafull97 what would you suggest
02:27 zat need low maintainance? need performance? need stability?
02:27 zat what is more important?
02:27 thefamilygrog66 zat, mine was commodore basic, on a PET then a C64
02:27 zat thefamilygrog66: ok wat lol
02:28 dafull97 i've been more into scripting... what is them, zat
02:28 zat if you are more into scripting, take a look at lua or javascript.
02:29 zat for the most pro level of performance... C/C++
02:31 dafull97 ok, what is the best for networking... Lua, or javascript
02:31 kahrl what kind of networking?
02:32 thefamilygrog66 zat - here's what I learned on: http://www.cosam.org/images/pet/pet.jpg
02:32 dafull97 overall networking
02:32 kahrl lua by itself doesn't have networking functions as it's based on the C library
02:32 dafull97 ok, so C/C++ better for Networking?
02:32 kahrl don't know about javascript, aside from that you can obviously use it in a HTML page
02:33 thefamilygrog66 dafull97, if you're referring to website stuff, php and javascript
02:33 dafull97 no, more of client/Server stuff
02:33 thefamilygrog66 ahh, gotcha
02:34 dafull97 lua, what is that used for mostly?
02:34 dafull97 beside mods
02:34 kahrl you can do pretty much anything in C and C++, but you might need to write a lot of code depending on what you want
02:36 thefamilygrog66 http://www.lua.org/about.html
02:36 kahrl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lua_%28programming_language%29#Applications
02:37 dafull97 instead of reading 100 sentences can you put it into 1-2 sentences im tired haha
02:39 kahrl not really
02:40 dafull97 ok ;/ haha
02:41 dafull97 can you make a hello world of lua in pastebin? =D
02:41 dafull97 so i can see some code haha
02:41 kahrl scroll up from my link
02:42 dafull97 im thinking C/C++ or lua
02:43 thefamilygrog66 print "hello world"
02:43 thefamilygrog66 http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo
02:43 dafull97 that's lua?
02:43 dafull97 wow preety simple =D
02:43 pitriss dafull97: you can't compare c/c++ and lua.. c/c++ is programing language, lua is scripting language
02:44 dafull97 now is lua still used activly?
02:44 thefamilygrog66 you could also get fancier: io.write("Hello world, from ",_VERSION,"!\n")
02:44 dafull97 pitriss, i know this
02:45 kahrl scripting languages aren't programming languages? turing would disagree...
02:45 dafull97 im trying to decide a programming language/scripting langu\uage to learn
02:45 dafull97 almost same, i agree
02:45 pitriss kahrl: i mean, purposes of each of mentioned language
02:46 dafull97 pitress, i understand... tring to decide a new lang. to learn
02:46 dafull97 you have any preferances?
02:50 dafull97_ joined #minetest
02:51 dafull97_ any preferances?
02:51 dafull97_ i timed out... :/
02:51 kahrl it depends on what I'm doing
02:52 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:52 dafull97_ yes, overall Lua or C/C++?
02:52 kahrl I don't have any overall preferences
02:53 kahrl except no java :P
02:53 dafull97_ what would you perfer if you had to have one hahahaha
02:53 us`0gb C is more useful. Lua is easier.
02:53 us`0gb *C/C++
02:53 dafull97_ us `0gb !!
02:53 dafull97_ finally
02:53 dafull97_ hahaha
02:54 dafull97_ jk...
02:54 us`0gb Finally what?
02:54 dafull97_ talked :P
02:54 us`0gb No one said anything to me on this channel, so I was mostly quiet.
02:54 dafull97_ i like talking to you
02:54 dafull97_ haha
02:54 dafull97_ i didnt know you was here
02:55 us`0gb I'm on another channel trying to get my computer connected to the web and failing.
02:55 dafull97_ oh, sucks
02:55 us`0gb Yeah. But such is life.
02:56 dafull97_ haha, yea
02:56 dafull97_ you gonna be on tomarrow?
02:56 us`0gb It seems I may have to choose between getting my computer connected to the Internet, making it able to sleep, or getting a new one that I can't afford.
02:57 us`0gb I'll likely be here tomorrow, though not all day. I have work.
02:58 harrison get the new box
02:58 harrison you deserve it
02:58 dafull97_ i have to do school, on most of the day
02:58 us`0gb I can't afford it, it's about $600 USD.
02:59 us`0gb And that's for the low-end one.
02:59 thefamilygrog66 I thought you were a mac guy, 0gb
03:00 us`0gb Mac? No, I run Trisquel at the moment, and I'm trying to switch to gNewSense.
03:00 us`0gb (Both are GNU/Linux-libre.)
03:00 thefamilygrog66 ahh, cool
03:01 Menche joined #minetest
03:02 dafull97_ im linux guy
03:02 dafull97_ =D
03:03 thefamilygrog66 windows/linux here
03:03 dafull97_ i have a windows for school that it
03:03 thefamilygrog66 I use it for work mainly
03:05 * thefamilygrog66 has to figure out how to make a decent beanstalk to add to the magic beans mod...
03:24 twoelk joined #minetest
03:48 Cerise joined #minetest
03:51 dsfsgslsl joined #minetest
04:10 SpeedProg joined #minetest
04:18 ImQ009 joined #minetest
04:27 Miner_48er joined #minetest
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04:55 Cerise joined #minetest
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06:16 Pelayo_ joined #minetest
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07:00 Pelayo_ joined #minetest
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07:42 xrosnight joined #minetest
07:55 xxxxxxxx joined #minetest
08:09 john_minetest joined #minetest
08:09 Calinou hi :)
08:10 Calinou where?
08:10 * Calinou steals mese from john_minetest's chests
08:10 us`0gb To where from where?
08:11 VanessaE hi
08:11 Calinou that's a lot yeah
08:11 Calinou >university
08:11 Calinou have fun... </sarcasm>
08:11 us`0gb Fun. WHat are you studying?
08:12 us`0gb Oh, nice!
08:12 Calinou read: windows, office, photoshop, vmware
08:12 us`0gb What? Bleh.
08:12 us`0gb I don't know about VMware, but I don't like those others.
08:13 Calinou that's what you study in CS courses
08:13 Calinou john_minetest: and expensive as hell
08:13 Calinou but well, we all know all unis use pirated SW 8D
08:13 Calinou that's not the same thing
08:13 Calinou virtualbox is slower, but it's FOSS
08:13 kahrl we didn't have to use proprietary software in most of our CS courses, but a number of students used facebook
08:14 Calinou openoffice is dead, vive libreoffice
08:14 Calinou kahrl: lucky
08:14 us`0gb I like VirtualBox. It even allows file transfers between systems and copy/paste, et cetera.
08:14 Calinou vmware can do that too, I guess
08:14 Calinou downsides of VirtualBox is slower 3D accel, slower CPU stuff
08:15 us`0gb I'm not using proprietary software in most of my computer courses either.
08:16 us`0gb I use it to run Xubuntu, which has Flash installed. I need Flash to access my seminars.
08:16 kahrl actually the only closed-source software I remember we had to use was some graph drawing software by a company affiliated with our algorithms professor
08:16 us`0gb I guess I need proprietary software for all my courses ... But usually nothing other than Flash.
08:17 Calinou well, any uni here requires you to use office, windows, OS X and stuff like that :P
08:17 Calinou I gtg, bye
08:18 us`0gb Bye.
08:18 Calinou so is quake 2
08:18 * Calinou gallops away
08:18 us`0gb My school "requires" Office, but LibreOffice works. Just not officially.
08:19 us`0gb Also, same deal with Windows / OS X.
08:19 kahrl png is so 1997, too :P
08:19 Calinou I'll never be able to use linux @ uni when I'll be at uni later
08:20 us`0gb Althogh the school tech support helped me with an issue on my GNU/Linux-libre system, which they don't officially allow.
08:20 Calinou png doesn't support animation, and noone uses apng :(
08:20 Calinou so gif is like flash here :P
08:21 Calinou yes, but noone uses it, chrome(ium) doesn't even support it by default, you need a extension
08:21 us`0gb PNG unofficially supports animation. I've seen animated PNGs.
08:21 Calinou firefox got quite better as of firefox 22 but it still takes ~3-4 secs to start compared to chromium's < 1 sec
08:22 Calinou meh, I never get toolbars
08:22 Calinou I read what I do when installing software :P
08:23 us`0gb Chromium also fails to let you see the http:// prefix. And yes, I care.
08:23 Calinou it's copied anyway
08:24 Calinou same :P
08:24 us`0gb I also read license terms, which drives people nuts when they are waiting for me to finish.
08:25 us`0gb Yeah. People want to rush you, but you need to know what you are agreeing to.
08:29 us`0gb "Functional programming combines the flexibility and power of abstract mathematics with the intuitive clarity of abstract mathemat
08:29 us`0gb Sorry, wrong channel.
08:30 whirm joined #minetest
08:31 OldCoder joined #minetest
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08:39 us_0gb joined #minetest
08:46 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:47 Pelayo_ joined #minetest
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08:49 caemir joined #minetest
08:50 JamesTait Good morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Ask A Stupid Question Day! :-D
08:52 us_0gb Food morning!
08:52 us_0gb *Good
08:53 JamesTait I actually didn't mind the first version. ;)
08:56 VanessaE hi
08:56 * VanessaE offers everyone a hot bowl of creamy chicken ramen, speaking of food...
08:57 us_0gb Hello, VanessaE!
08:57 VanessaE hi
08:59 JamesTait VanessaE, I'll take you up on that offer! :)
08:59 VanessaE here ya go ;)
08:59 VanessaE that's gourmet-quality salt and fat there!
09:00 us_0gb I'm about to have a ping timeout. Good night!
09:00 * JamesTait noms merrily
09:00 VanessaE night, 0gb.
09:00 us_0gb Am I still here?
09:01 VanessaE yup
09:01 * VanessaE resets 0gb's ping timer.
09:01 us_0gb I must nit understand the meaning of "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down".
09:01 us_0gb *not
09:01 VanessaE heh
09:01 us_0gb Do you know how to kill my wireless card?
09:02 VanessaE your computer knew you wanted to keep chatting :P
09:02 VanessaE you probably need to kill your hostapd daemon first
09:02 us_0gb I do want to chat, but I also need to experiment with something.
09:02 VanessaE (or wpa_supplicant)
09:03 VanessaE (or Network Manager)
09:03 us_0gb Hmm. THat sounds like it's outside my current skill set. I'll have to put it off for now then.
09:03 VanessaE one of those is keeping your wireless alive automatically.
09:04 us_0gb Yeah, I bet you're right. I lost connection for a couple seconds and something brought it back.
09:04 VanessaE in your panel, there should be a network connection widget.  right click that and there should be a checkbox for wireless
09:04 VanessaE uncheck that and it should shut off the wireless, if I remember right
09:05 us_0gb Right lick brings up a single-item menu. THe item is "About", and is just credits for the indicator applet.
09:06 VanessaE left click then
09:06 us_0gb No worries though. I have another experiment to keep me busy.
09:06 VanessaE depends on your desktop/window manager
09:06 VanessaE xfce puts it in two separate menus, gnome I think crams it all into one
09:07 VanessaE others may vary
09:08 us{0gb joined #minetest
09:08 us{0gb joined #minetest
09:09 us{0gb Thanks, VanessaE!
09:09 VanessaE you're welcome :)
09:10 us{0gb I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've located the cause of my computer freezing when it wakes. The bad news is that the cause is the wireless card.
09:10 VanessaE I ran into that last time I installed; network manager wanted to control my wireless device, but I wanted manual control.
09:10 VanessaE damn
09:10 VanessaE bad hardware?
09:11 us{0gb Yeah. If by "bad" you mean "the developers didn't release specs so people couldn't build the needed firmware/driver".
09:12 VanessaE heh
09:13 VanessaE well I meant actual hardware failure :P
09:13 us{0gb Oh, nothing like that. This time.
09:13 VanessaE "this time"... heh
09:13 us{0gb I suppose it's the developers' policy that's bad, not the hardware.
09:14 us{0gb Well, I've have two hard drives die on me and earlier today, I couldn't even boot the BIOS, so yeah, this time.
09:14 VanessaE ouch
09:15 us{0gb Yeah. It was scary.
09:16 us{0gb One of these day's I'll be able to afford a computer that isn't second hand. But that will be a while.
09:16 us{0gb *days
09:17 us{0gb And now the Dragora installer hates me. THough I no longer need Dragora, so I guess it's all good.
09:17 VanessaE Dragora?
09:18 us{0gb Another GNU/Linux-libre system I was trying to try out hoping to fix my computer issues.
09:18 us{0gb Trisquel freezes when waking from sleep and gNewSense doesn't, but can't use the wireless card.
09:19 us{0gb But it seems it doesn't freeze BECAUSE it can't use the wireless card, so I've narrowed my solution search.
09:28 krofek__ joined #minetest
09:36 Krock joined #minetest
09:37 us{0gb I haven't tried Inkscape yet, but GIMP is awesome.
09:37 VanessaE nice
09:37 us{0gb What is that in the middle of the logo?
09:38 Semilevel joined #minetest
09:46 john_minetest_ joined #minetest
09:46 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
09:48 theTroy joined #minetest
09:54 xxxxxxxx left #minetest
10:05 Pelayo joined #minetest
10:08 Pelayo joined #minetest
10:15 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
10:17 theTroy joined #minetest
10:21 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
10:23 jojoa1997 left #minetest
10:23 q66 joined #minetest
10:26 Gethiox joined #minetest
10:34 Jordach food morning JamesTait
10:35 JamesTait Jordach, hi! o/
10:35 Jordach <JamesTait> > Happy Friday, and happy Ask A Stupid Question Day! :-D
10:35 Jordach lol
10:35 JamesTait Actually, I am still feeling hungry.
10:45 Jordach you're worse than me
10:48 Jordach aww
10:56 VanessaE bbl]\
10:59 Evergreen joined #minetest
11:00 Evergreen Best post ever?     https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112205#p112205
11:03 Jordach hey Evergreen
11:03 Evergreen Hi
11:03 Jordach hahhaha
11:03 Jordach -h
11:04 Jordach fun fact: i've found something awesome to do in blender
11:05 Jordach make a plane from add, give it the cloth modifier, press the play button on the anim player
11:05 Jordach (make sure the plane is subdivided
11:05 Jordach <- is making a rendered comic book
11:05 Jordach k#
11:05 Jordach -k#
11:05 Jordach lol :P
11:07 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest
11:07 dhbiker joined #minetest
11:10 Jordach Evergreen, y u no use quassel
11:10 Evergreen Because it the gui stopped loading
11:10 Evergreen it wasn't working for me
11:11 Jordach oh
11:11 Jordach i think you're missing the QT4 lib
11:20 Jordach i just noticed the age of my keyboard: http://i.imgur.com/Sr1tlmm.jpg
11:24 arsdragonfly It can be older if there's nothing on it :P
11:24 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:33 Jordach haha
11:34 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:35 Krock hi
11:35 theTroy joined #minetest
11:35 Jordach PilzAdam, openspades?
11:35 PilzAdam nah, I have to eat something first
11:36 Jordach lol eating
11:36 Jordach i'll be in the usual placre
11:36 Jordach place*
11:49 proller joined #minetest
11:53 dafull97 joined #minetest
11:54 dafull97 Good morning all!!
11:54 dafull97 friday!
11:54 * dafull97 is glad it is friday
12:05 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
12:07 dafull97 you guys awake? =P
12:07 arsdragonfly 20:05 friday here
12:08 JamesTait It's lunch time here, I'm awake, but have other things on my mind. ;)
12:08 dafull97 JamesTait: oh haha it is 8:08 here, in the morning
12:11 Jordach proller, lol'd at the PM
12:14 proller need more noobs 8)
12:19 dafull97 Hey Jordach, remember me?
12:20 Jordach yes
12:20 Jordach proller, go to the forum's offtopic section then; weapons free
12:21 proller hardcore_mese_tnt !
12:21 Jordach arsdragonfly, are you somewhere near asia
12:21 dafull97 where is the money2 mod?
12:21 arsdragonfly china to be exact :P
12:21 arsdragonfly Money2???
12:22 Jordach arsdragonfly, ah
12:24 arsdragonfly https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7253
12:24 arsdragonfly Check out my AdvancedMarket mod
12:25 arsdragonfly Revolutional way of trading
12:25 arsdragonfly Buggy and WIP as it is though
12:25 dafull97 nice, but i need currency for my server and stores
12:26 Jordach china has access to IRC
12:26 Jordach notbad.jpg
12:26 hmmmm joined #minetest
12:28 arsdragonfly Yes of course, but anything but easy when trying to find some other stuff :P
12:28 arsdragonfly Tibet, etc.
12:31 * Jordach thinks Minetest playing cards would be awesome
12:31 dafull97 is there a mod like a Vendor where you just click a "Shop" or a Pod
12:31 Jordach dafull97, DanDucombe's Minegelds do that job nicely
12:31 dafull97 i have them
12:31 dafull97 mod currency?
12:32 dafull97 but how do i use a "Shop"
12:33 * Jordach isnt sure what you're on about
12:34 khor joined #minetest
12:37 dafull97 like a currency system, and a Shop system thing and use money and shop to buy stuff from shop
12:38 dafull97 does the Minegelds currency have shops?
12:44 dafull97 Jordach ^^
12:45 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
12:47 dafull97 all who wants to play minetest, join my server! - DJ Server -
12:47 dafull97 port - 30000
12:47 dafull97 Thanks!
12:47 Jordach dafull97, yes
12:47 Jordach my tab key isnt working
12:48 Jordach now it is
12:48 Jordach wtf
12:48 dafull97 really? thats good!
12:48 dafull97 haha
12:55 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:09 Evergreen I don't think saying "I got banned for no reason plz unban me plz plz plz plz plz plz. I beg you plz." is a good way pf getting unbanned from a server.   :P
13:10 dafull97 Evergreen, who siad that? haha
13:10 Evergreen darthvader
13:12 dafull97 who, on your server?
13:13 Jordach Evergreen doesnt have a server afaik
13:13 Jordach and FUCK
13:13 Evergreen No, on landrush
13:13 dafull97 oh, haha... why "FUCK"?
13:13 Jordach viewskew's MG versions isn't latest: latest has support for pdf and ODT
13:14 Jordach which would have been lovely.
13:14 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112240#p112240
13:14 VanessaE oh boy
13:14 Evergreen Me and a friend are thinking of building a server machine, and finding a place to put it as neither of our internet providers allow servers
13:14 VanessaE and I thought you were exaggerating :)
13:14 Evergreen Nope
13:14 dafull97 hahaha, wow...
13:14 VanessaE also, hi
13:14 Jordach hai VanessaE
13:14 dafull97 hey VanessaE
13:14 Evergreen He actually said he was 10, and he was from africa
13:15 PilzAdam Jordach, today is the "No reason day", you might want to change the topic
13:15 PilzAdam (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112235#p112235)
13:15 Jordach !topic
13:15 Jordach !op
13:15 Topic for #minetest is now http://minetest.net | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released; 0.4.8 will be released soonâ„¢ | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: http://minetest.net/servers | IRC LOGS: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/ | WIKI: http://wiki.minetest.net | Today's event: No reason day. |  Don't ask about asking questions.
13:15 VanessaE what, no sandwich of the day?
13:15 Jordach well that should have worked
13:15 PilzAdam +r?
13:16 Jordach accident
13:16 Jordach i tabbed when trying to command
13:16 PilzAdam what is +r?
13:16 Jordach googling
13:17 Jordach !op
13:17 Jordach disabled
13:18 Jordach PilzAdam, for some reason /mode #minetest -o Jordach doesnt work
13:18 PilzAdam +r is registered users only
13:20 Jordach oh fuck
13:20 Jordach i got nick in the wrong place :P
13:21 VanessaE surely your client has /op and /deop
13:23 Jordach VanessaE, try to be professional for once :P
13:23 VanessaE why?  where's the fun in that?
13:23 PilzAdam the fun is that you can misstype and e.g. dissalow unregistered users to join :-p
13:24 VanessaE :P
13:28 dhbiker joined #minetest
13:29 kahrl a read for anyone who is considering using SHA-3: https://www.cdt.org/blogs/joseph-lorenzo-hall/2409-nist-sha-3
13:30 Jordach tl;dr
13:30 kahrl in that case, don't use SHA-3 :P
13:31 VanessaE too bad there's no clear way to know what standard is being used by a given site.
13:33 VanessaE I think I'll stick to using AES for my local stuff.
13:34 * Jordach prefers 1kb level encryption
13:34 Jordach 1kb of keys
13:34 kahrl AES is encryption, SHA-3 is a hash function
13:34 VanessaE ohhh
13:35 Jordach MD5 FTW
13:36 Jordach but theres an easier way to erase a HDD - The microwave
13:36 VanessaE I wondered why that seemed wrong.... and I've used SHA hashes before
13:36 * VanessaE feels stupid
13:36 kahrl Jordach, I prefer chainsaws
13:37 Jordach that too
13:37 Jordach or the volcano they detroyed the Ring with
13:37 Jordach </lotr>
13:39 Gethiox2 joined #minetest
13:52 theTroy joined #minetest
14:13 Jordach > I finally stoped being lazy for 1 minute
14:13 PilzAdam ;-)
14:13 Jordach PilzAdam, at least i do constructive things
14:14 Jordach the more i use blender, the better the chances of me creating a video based render that I LIKE.
14:14 Jordach (i often hate how the pipeline doesnt work as expected, even though anim player is fine)
14:14 PilzAdam its not a generally lazyness but Im lazy in terms of supporting my old mods
14:15 Jordach heh
14:15 Jordach once my wool mod became mainstream, i stopped giving a shit
14:15 Jordach ^ VanessaE
14:15 PilzAdam I like writing new original code, but I lose interest in it after 2 days
14:15 Jordach you're as bad as me PilzAdam
14:16 PilzAdam e.g. I recently wrote a 2D RPG engine in Java; I got it all somewhat working in 2 days but I never felt like doing graphics, sound or actual game content
14:16 Jordach the only time i ever updated wool was to make it work with digging groups (which in turn put more colours in)
14:18 Jordach fun fact: my model has had broken UV for weeks; never got around to fix em
14:18 Jordach (the template master)
14:20 babyface1031 joined #minetest
14:24 meldrian joined #minetest
14:29 babyface1031 can anyone help me set up a microcontroler?
14:30 pitriss babyface1031: you mean luacontroller?
14:30 babyface1031 yes
14:30 babyface1031 sorry i had it puller up to write and it said microcontroler
14:31 pitriss hehe np, what you need to do with it?
14:31 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:32 babyface1031 i am trying to make it if c and d are on then no power goes to b But if c is off then b gets power
14:32 pitriss ah..
14:33 pitriss wait sec..:)
14:33 babyface1031 ok thank you
14:34 pitriss btw what with that pin.d ? if it is "off" then don't allow any function or?
14:35 babyface1031 D is always on
14:35 pitriss ahh so no need to worry about it then?
14:36 babyface1031 nope thast should always be on unless someone comes and mess with my stuff
14:37 VanessaE for functions like that, microcontrollers are simpler.
14:38 VanessaE on(D)sbi(b=!c&d) ;  I think
14:38 VanessaE er
14:38 VanessaE on(D)sbi(b,!c&d) ;  I think
14:38 VanessaE I hate using Luacontrollers when a plain old µC will do the job
14:39 VanessaE feels like throwing an FPGA at something when all you need are a couple of 7400's.
14:40 Jordach VanessaE, it's like comparing a PDP-8 to the K supercomputer
14:40 VanessaE heh
14:40 xrosnight joined #minetest
14:42 babyface1031 i did luacontroller cause i couldnt craft the micro controller
14:42 VanessaE ah
14:43 pitriss microcontroller was replaced by luacontroller IMO
14:43 VanessaE no
14:43 VanessaE definitely not.
14:43 VanessaE µC's have their place.
14:43 pitriss hmm so this can be issue on landrush server then
14:44 VanessaE only if someone depends on them and they're yanked away suddenly.
14:44 VanessaE otherwise I guess everyone has to use LuaC's
14:44 VanessaE on my server, both are available.
14:44 babyface1031 i am trying to do something like stonewall pitriss
14:44 pitriss babyface1031: so closing doors during night?
14:44 babyface1031 yeah
14:45 pitriss babyface1031: there is no need to use controller then:)
14:45 VanessaE an inverter and a solar panel is enough
14:45 babyface1031 oh i didnt know
14:45 VanessaE panel --> inverter --> door
14:45 * Jordach can do that in 3 node spades
14:45 Jordach space
14:45 babyface1031 oh see i alway try ot make things hard than they neeed to be
14:45 Jordach S.Panel, Microcontroller + door
14:45 pitriss babyface1031: yes as VanessaE said mesecon solar panel, not gate, doors
14:48 babyface1031 thank you it works now :D
14:48 pitriss yw
14:48 VanessaE np
15:03 Jordach *GIMP crashes* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
15:03 Dan_D joined #minetest
15:03 Jordach Dan_D, I know what you did LAST SUMMER
15:03 Dan_D Huh?
15:03 xrosnight joined #minetest
15:04 Dan_D left #minetest
15:04 Dan_D joined #minetest
15:04 Dan_D Anyone hee use Kubuntu?
15:04 Jordach PilzAdam does
15:04 Dan_D Is he here?
15:04 Jordach should be
15:05 * Jordach removes PilzAdam's ability to commit to minetest/minetest and minetest/minetest_game
15:05 Jordach </baiting>
15:05 Dan_D I accidentally removed the thing on the bar at the top in Kubuntu where you can switch between desktops. I can't work out how to get it back. Help PilzAdam?
15:05 Jordach +1 for quassel
15:05 Jordach Dan_D, use the mouse scrollwheel on desktop
15:06 Dan_D Ok
15:06 Jordach it should change (does for Mint, xfce)
15:06 Dan_D Will the touchpad scroll wheel work?
15:06 Jordach yes
15:06 Jordach it works in xubuntu
15:06 Jordach (i actually tested this)
15:06 Dan_D Nope, it doesn't seem to
15:07 Dan_D And I can't open anything now I don't hink, not without logging in and out again
15:08 Dan_D So, this is stupid
15:09 * VanessaE peeks in
15:10 Jordach hello VanessaE
15:10 VanessaE hi.  don't ask me why I just did that, I was already here :P
15:10 Jordach VanessaE.py needs fixing
15:10 IceCraft hi
15:10 * Jordach asks VanessaE why
15:10 Jordach No reason.
15:11 IceCraft joined #minetest
15:11 VanessaE holy crap
15:11 VanessaE my survival server now has 78 mods on it
15:11 VanessaE (including the original minetest_game stuff)
15:12 VanessaE more than that, actually, if you count the modpacks
15:13 Dan_D joined #minetest
15:13 Dan_D Back to Windows for now then
15:13 VanessaE windows, ew.
15:13 Dan_D Yeah, Linux is awkward as shit
15:13 VanessaE Dan_D: you're just used to a different interface, that's all
15:13 VanessaE for me, windows is awkward
15:14 Dan_D So, I accidentally remove something from the bar at the top, and I can never get it back.
15:14 VanessaE sure you can.
15:14 Dan_D But no-one knew how
15:14 VanessaE usually it's just right click the bar, "add to panel" or something similar
15:14 Dan_D Just now that is
15:14 VanessaE depends on your desktop environment
15:15 Dan_D Kubuntu
15:15 VanessaE ok, so that's KDA
15:15 VanessaE er KDE
15:15 Dan_D If I right-click the bar it assumes I am clicking on the nearest icon
15:15 Dan_D PS I am on Windows right now
15:16 Dan_D What is the best Linux distro, not Including ..buntu
15:16 VanessaE the best?  well for n00bs, Xubuntu or Mint.  For the experienced, probably Debian or Fedora.  For the hackers, probably Arch or Gentoo
15:17 VanessaE for the insane, Slackware :P
15:17 Dan_D Xubuntu is ..buntu
15:17 VanessaE Xubuntu is Xubuntu. It is not Ubuntu.
15:17 Dan_D No, but it ends in buntu
15:17 VanessaE doesn't matter.
15:17 Dan_D Therefore it is shit and bad
15:18 VanessaE the *buntus get their stuff from the Debian world.
15:18 Dan_D I have tried Lubuntu,Ubuntu, Kubuntu and I can't use them without them becoming unusable after a couple of days
15:18 VanessaE I used Xubuntu for years, quite happily.  Only reason I switched was a perceived performance issue (that turns out didn't exist)
15:18 VanessaE try Xubuntu then.
15:18 Dan_D Lubuntu and Kubuntu break, Ubuntu lags like hell
15:18 VanessaE ot ises the XFCE desktop, which works similar to say WinXP and prior
15:19 Dan_D I hate WinXP
15:19 VanessaE you know, REAL taskbars and menus and such
15:19 dafull97 joined #minetest
15:19 dafull97 Hello all,
15:19 VanessaE define "lags like hell"
15:19 VanessaE hi dafull97
15:19 * dafull97 Enters room with swag
15:19 dafull97 hahaha
15:19 Dan_D Te mouse randomly freezes and Programs take a long long time to open
15:20 VanessaE odd
15:20 VanessaE well try Xubuntu anyway
15:20 Dan_D Maybe.
15:20 VanessaE it's not like you HAVE to install it.  it's a live DVD/CD
15:20 Dan_D Does it come in the Wubi installer?
15:20 VanessaE you can just run from there but remember that running from optical media (or USB thumbdrive) is SLOW.
15:20 VanessaE idk, maybe
15:20 VanessaE I've never used that method, as I don't dual-boot
15:21 Dan_D And bootloading disks do NOTwork
15:21 VanessaE (If I need windows some day, I'll use a virtual machine)
15:21 VanessaE what do you mean bootloading disks doesn't work?
15:21 Dan_D My computer ignores them and goes straight to Windows
15:22 VanessaE because your BIOS is probably configured to ignore optical media
15:22 Dan_D Also, how do I get rid of  KolibriOS? I deleted all the files, but it is still in BIOS as dual boot.
15:22 VanessaE this is not an OS issue, this is a BIOS issue, easy to fix on most machines.  There'll be a boot menu where you can select what media/drives you can boot from
15:23 VanessaE that's not BIOS, that's the master boot record on your hard disk
15:23 Dan_D But how do I get rid of the dual-boot thing?
15:23 VanessaE easiest way to remove that entry is to fiddle with grub a bit
15:23 Dan_D But HOW??
15:23 Dan_D I can't work out how to do anything with grub...
15:24 dafull97 VanessaE, why do you own so many servers?
15:24 VanessaE I don't know how to make that change, except that you'll have to first get into your BIOS, make sure you can boot from CD/DVD/USB.  From there, boot with any random Linux disk, doesn't matter what.
15:25 VanessaE dafull97: I have two, and they're both running on my home PC.
15:25 Dan_D What xubuntu install size should Iselect?
15:25 dafull97 and PilzAdam, are you here?
15:25 dafull97 VanessaE, oh... thats awesome.... i like running mine in VPS security Reasons... =D
15:26 VanessaE Dan_D: for the disk size?  4GB is sufficient for a base install + most stuff.  8GB is enough for a full suite with everything under the sun
15:26 Dan_D Ok
15:26 VanessaE 1GB RAM is enough to get you going nicely.  2GB recommended.
15:26 VanessaE less is usable, if slow.
15:26 Dan_D I have 2gb ram
15:26 dafull97 256mb ram is enought to run minetest server right?
15:26 Dan_D And how do I get rid of KolibriOS
15:27 Dan_D Maybe
15:27 dafull97 VanessaE, 256mb ram is enought to run minetest server right?
15:27 VanessaE dafull97: not really.
15:27 dafull97 really?
15:27 VanessaE 512MB is better.
15:28 pitriss dafull97: nope.. even 510MB was too low
15:28 pitriss *512
15:28 VanessaE With 256MB you'll find your server will crash often due to out of memory
15:28 pitriss it was laggy for 5 ppl connected
15:28 VanessaE 512MB will be enough for most stuff, the server uses about 300-350MB RAM but you want enough for your OS too
15:28 dafull97 on mine?
15:28 Dan_D How do I dispose of KlolibriOS
15:28 VanessaE er your VPS's OS anyway
15:29 VanessaE Dan_D: you have to use GRUB to do it
15:29 VanessaE but I have no idea how as it's been years since I had to mess with that
15:29 Dan_D How do I useGRUB
15:29 dafull97 pitriss, when did you connect
15:29 pitriss Dan_D: ask in grub related topic..
15:29 pitriss *channel
15:29 pitriss Me? Im still here:]
15:30 VanessaE Dan_D: doesn't Windows have some kind of repair tool in it?
15:30 VanessaE use that to rebuild the Master Boot Record
15:30 VanessaE (or just re-install if you have to)
15:31 Dan_D How do I re-install windows without losing everything?
15:31 dafull97 pitriss, im meaning ws you connected to my server?
15:31 Dan_D And how do I get this repair tool?
15:31 VanessaE make backups and don't let Windows re-format your disk
15:31 VanessaE it should be built into Windows, if I remember right.  Something about "rollback"?
15:31 Dan_D I can't make backups, the disk is corrupt and nothing gets backed up.
15:32 VanessaE it's been too many years.
15:32 VanessaE what disk is corrupt?
15:32 pitriss dafull97: i wasn't there.. we have own private server:
15:32 VanessaE your system drive?
15:32 Dan_D C:\
15:32 VanessaE if it was, you couldn't boot from it
15:32 Dan_D Yep
15:32 dafull97 pitriss, ohh... ok... so what is the recommecnded memory?
15:32 VanessaE your drive is not corrupt
15:32 Dan_D But backup won't do any backups of the programs file, because it claims corruption.
15:32 pitriss dafull97: 1GB is fine, our serve have now 2.5GB
15:32 VanessaE just make some backups to an external drive, or to CD/DVD, or to another computer, or to "the cloud"
15:32 VanessaE nononono
15:33 VanessaE use your file manager
15:33 VanessaE copy your stuff to a safe place the old fashioned way
15:33 Dan_D And also, I have several corrupted non-deletable files on mycomputer
15:33 VanessaE forget automated backup tools
15:33 Dan_D And when I boot windows, I get a thing that is meantto check for corrupted files, but it crashes.
15:33 VanessaE forget all that for the moment
15:34 Dan_D Also, Windows explorer crashes if I right-click things in it,leading to the loss of the start menu
15:34 VanessaE just fire up your file manager and dump everything you want to save onto a thumbdrive or DVD or something
15:34 VanessaE ok, then you'll have to back your stuff up from the command line
15:34 VanessaE (the "CMD prompt" or whatever they call it now...the old DOS prompt_)
15:35 Dan_D Ah, I hate command line
15:35 VanessaE well when the GUI is busted, you have to use the command line :)
15:35 dafull97 RAM??
15:36 Dan_D Windows is stupid. Linux is worse. Mac is just... nope.avi
15:36 Dan_D Mac is the devil'sspawn
15:36 Dan_D iOS isn't though
15:36 dafull97 pitriss, RAM??
15:36 VanessaE you could also boot from any random linux CD/DVD/USB after you change your BIOS settings, use THAT to do the backup
15:36 werwerwer_ Dan_D is there anything good in OS's then?
15:36 VanessaE (using the file manager that goes with whatever desktop yoyu're using)
15:36 VanessaE you're*
15:37 Dan_D Well, KolibriOS was shitty
15:37 Jordach Dan_D, then don't have a PC is you're calling all OS'es shitty
15:37 Jordach <- takes donations
15:37 Dan_D OSs are good so long as they are usable and don't break when used
15:37 VanessaE What about android? :)
15:37 Jordach </burn>
15:37 VanessaE Dan_D: tip:  OS's break.  Always.  Keep backups.
15:37 Dan_D No, I like windows, it is just full of Crashiness
15:38 VanessaE of course it is, if your fs is as corrupt as you say
15:38 Dan_D VanessaE: HTF do I backup without command line, and without a file manager?
15:38 VanessaE you're lucky any of your personal data is still reachable.
15:38 Dan_D Yeah
15:38 werwerwer_ Dan_D use any linux live cd
15:38 VanessaE Dan_D: by going into your BIOS and making your PC boot a Linux distro of any kind
15:38 VanessaE and use that
15:38 Dan_D Some prgrams,like GIMP, have just randomly stopped working, and never boot
15:38 Dan_D Ah well
15:39 VanessaE any random distro
15:39 Dan_D To the survival server then!
15:39 VanessaE knoppix is one of the better ones for this particular task, but use whatever you have handy
15:39 werwerwer_ btw there are some windows based live cds if you hate linux so much
15:39 Dan_D And BTW, mostof my personal data is kept on d:\
15:39 werwerwer_ doesn't matter
15:40 Dan_D I like Linux, it is just it appears to be designed for awkwardness
15:40 dafull97 brb later guys
15:40 VanessaE ok, so just copy everything else to D:/ from your linux install (the Wubi one), then shut down and unplug that drive.
15:40 VanessaE Re-install windows (again, you HAVE to make your BIOS boot from your install media)
15:40 Dan_D Ok
15:40 VanessaE then shut down again and re-connect the D:/ drive
15:40 Dan_D How do I re-install Windows? Do I download it from somewhere?
15:41 VanessaE you should already have a "recovery" CD
15:41 Dan_D Oh. IDK where if I do.
15:41 Jordach Dan_D, oh deer
15:41 VanessaE wherever you keep the stuff that came with your PC
15:41 Dan_D deer?
15:41 VanessaE you know a box in the closet somewhere.
15:41 * Jordach thinks people should only install Operating Systems if they know what the fuck they're doing
15:41 Dan_D I have 2 foam packaging pieces
15:41 Dan_D Which it came in
15:42 Dan_D I didn't install Windows
15:42 VanessaE Dan_D: you're fucked.
15:42 VanessaE get off of that busted OS now, while you still can
15:42 Dan_D And I am using the Wubi installer for ..buntu Distros
15:42 Dan_D Ok, do backups, I am also half-way through installing Xubuntu.
15:43 Dan_D My internet is so damn slow
15:43 VanessaE if your underlying OS is busted, that Wubi installer is likely to fail also
15:43 * Jordach uses Windows primarily and is quite happy as-is
15:43 Dan_D It worked yesterday
15:43 Jordach > yesterday
15:43 Jordach i smell a failing HDD
15:43 VanessaE says the guy who calls all *buntus shit
15:44 Dan_D I think only some parts of C:\  are corrupt
15:44 VanessaE If C:/ is corrupt, NOTHING is safe
15:44 VanessaE and that's especially true of an overlaying OS
15:44 Dan_D Program Files mainly
15:44 Jordach all subdirs of C:\ are FUCKED.
15:44 VanessaE if your house's foundation were crumbling, you're not gonna be safe building on a second story on your house.
15:44 Dan_D Unless it's minetest
15:44 werwerwer_ if c: and d: are different physical disks, than d: is more or less safe
15:45 Dan_D In which case it will hover :)
15:45 Dan_D They are partitions I think
15:45 VanessaE then you're doubly screwed.
15:45 Dan_D So they aren't safe I guess
15:45 Dan_D Ah, bugger
15:45 VanessaE if C:/ is truly failing, D:/ will fail soon
15:45 VanessaE a partition only separates the data, it doesn't separate disk-level corruption
15:46 Dan_D Windows Backup backups everything except Program Files, and Appdata
15:46 proller joined #minetest
15:46 VanessaE (it will usually keep one bad fs from "leaking" into the other, but that's probably not the problem here)
15:46 Dan_D Those two it says are on a corrupt drive
15:46 VanessaE don't use Windows Backup
15:46 werwerwer_ if it's really hardware problem you sould experience bsods alot. do you?
15:46 Jordach Dan_D, #windows
15:46 Dan_D bsods?
15:46 VanessaE Blue Screen of Death
15:46 Jordach !g bsod
15:46 VanessaE aka a kernel panic
15:46 MinetestBot Jordach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Screen_of_Death
15:46 werwerwer_ blue screen of death
15:46 Dan_D I have never had them yet
15:46 Evergreen joined #minetest
15:46 VanessaE does your PC just freeze up or reboot without warning?
15:47 Jordach Dan_D, from you're statements, your machine has 3 months
15:47 werwerwer_ than it's likely to be software fail
15:47 Dan_D Sometimes the Desktop freezes, which is annoying
15:47 VanessaE hm, looking at Wubi here..
15:47 Dan_D And sometimes desktop and start menu disappear entirely
15:47 werwerwer_ it's just explorer crash
15:47 VanessaE get a Linux distro on there NOW.  get your data off that disk before the OS dies completely.
15:48 Dan_D Ok
15:48 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:48 Dan_D After the explorer crash, I have to reboot
15:48 VanessaE then if you wanna go back to Windows, go find and download a safe, clean copy and re-install from that
15:48 Dan_D And also, linux once took mt system up to 80+ *c
15:48 VanessaE (I can't help you with where to get one, you could always buy a copy in an local computer sture)
15:48 Jordach Dan_D, then you're using the wrong OS
15:48 Dan_D Which is worrying
15:48 VanessaE store*
15:49 Jordach don't use Kubuntu
15:49 Jordach that needs a lot of power
15:49 Dan_D I have removed Kubuntu
15:49 Jordach Lubuntu is your BEST BET.
15:49 VanessaE Jordach: I already told him to use Xubuntu
15:49 Jordach VanessaE, in his case, speed is needed
15:49 Dan_D Lubuntu broke with an update
15:49 Dan_D The mouse stopped moving in Lubuntu
15:49 * harrison prepares to molt
15:49 Dan_D The touchpad WAS enabled
15:50 Dan_D And it happened straight after an update
15:50 Dan_D Just under 40 Minutes to go before Xubuntu is downloaded
15:51 VanessaE Dan_D: I'd be more inclined to blame your broken Windows filesystem since Linux sits on top of it in those Wubi-installed situations
15:51 Dan_D Just to say, last night, it said over 532334 Hours to go, when downloading a .zip
15:51 VanessaE (Linux in a disk image, sits in the Windows filesystem.  If the windows fs is busted, it can corrupt the linux image)
15:51 Dan_D Ah
15:51 Dan_D Ok
15:51 Calinou joined #minetest
15:51 Jordach hey Calinou
15:51 VanessaE it's just a guess mind you
15:51 Evergreen Wow, darthvader has some really hardcore math for us:  https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112259#p112259
15:51 Dan_D The laptop only cost ~£150 though
15:52 VanessaE either way Jordach's estimate is right - you've got roughly 2 or 3 months of life left in that PC if you don't fix it.
15:52 Jordach oh and btw: before i had the internet, I HAD THAT BEFORE.
15:52 Dan_D Ah, goddammit
15:52 Dan_D I am too young for these things
15:52 Jordach i had to copy and paste on to flash pens using the file manager of the task manager
15:52 VanessaE how old are you anyway?
15:53 Jordach that was hell: freeze = fucked
15:53 Dan_D I shall make as may lovely mods as I can before my computer fails
15:53 Dan_D I am 14
15:53 werwerwer_ old enough
15:53 Calinou hi :)
15:53 werwerwer_ install linux
15:53 VanessaE time to talk to your parents then about getting the laptop reformatted
15:53 Calinou Dan_D: it might only cost £150 but is insanely slow
15:53 VanessaE they can take it somewhere to get it cleaned up
15:53 Dan_D I have tried Linux about 3 times already werwerwer
15:53 VanessaE (it'll cost money though)
15:54 Calinou lol, tech support
15:54 Dan_D Also, it has 2Gb Ram, 1.6Ghz Intel Atom processor
15:54 Calinou yes, insanely slow
15:54 VanessaE Dan_D: I told you, if the underlying OS or filesystem is busted, you're hosed.
15:54 VanessaE EVERYTHING will be broken eventually.
15:54 Calinou I have a very similar, if not same CPU in my netbook (atom N455)
15:54 Calinou single core with HT, 1.6ghz
15:54 Dan_D Yep
15:55 Dan_D The model code is NP-N145-JPO3UK
15:56 Dan_D NOT
15:56 Dan_D *NOT the product number
15:56 bas080 joined #minetest
15:57 * Jordach pokes sfan5
15:57 Dan_D Also, Windows has to be shut down using the power button
15:57 Jordach that's making the PROBLEM WORSE
15:57 Dan_D Because it can't turn off the normal way
15:57 Jordach Dan_D, ctrl + alt + del, summon the task manager
15:57 Dan_D I left it going over 14 hours on the Shutting Down screen
15:57 Dan_D TAsk manager op0ened...
15:58 Jordach you see the File > New Task (run) option
15:58 Jordach open THAT.
15:58 werwerwer_ shutdown -t 0 -f -s
15:58 Jordach that file manager can copy and paste to flash pens
15:58 VanessaE oh that's bad
15:58 Jordach sfan5, you're fucking file service is down.
15:58 VanessaE you're totally fucked, Dan_D.
15:58 Dan_D Don'tyou mean Applications, New Task...
15:58 Jordach Dan_D, that
15:58 Jordach <- windows 7
15:58 Dan_D Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!
15:58 VanessaE NEVER shut your PC down with the power button
15:58 VanessaE I repeat, NEVER.
15:59 Dan_D It can't so soon!!!
15:59 Dan_D I have to use the power button, every time
15:59 VanessaE then your PC is already dead - software-wise.
15:59 VanessaE you HAVE to reinstall
15:59 Dan_D '<Dan_D> I left it going over 14 hours on the Shutting Down screen'
15:59 VanessaE assuming the hardware is still okay
16:00 Jordach Dan_D, there is no recovery now
16:00 Dan_D It simply doesn't shut down that way
16:00 Jordach your window is slipping
16:00 Dan_D STOP!!!!!!
16:00 VanessaE your PC is dying.
16:00 Dan_D Soz
16:00 Dan_D No! NO!
16:00 Jordach now you see why i buy Desktop hardware
16:00 VanessaE get your parents to take it in for service.
16:01 VanessaE with a little luck, the hardware is okay.
16:01 * Jordach hates netbooks and laptops
16:01 VanessaE reinstalling windows is fast and cheap enough
16:01 VanessaE but you HAVE to figure out the backup isue
16:01 VanessaE issue*
16:01 Dan_D http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
16:01 VanessaE I don't care how you go about doing it, but get your personal data off that machine NOW.
16:01 Jordach that's my line
16:02 Dan_D Copy and paste everything from both C:\ and D:\?
16:02 Jordach yes
16:02 Dan_D That may take a long time...
16:02 Jordach (except windows and program files
16:03 VanessaE so let it take a long time
16:03 Dan_D Why not program files? I will lose paid software
16:03 VanessaE because program files is corrupted.
16:03 VanessaE or likely is.
16:03 Dan_D ie, prgram suites that cost £300
16:03 VanessaE if you paid for a program, you sure as hell better have some install media for it?
16:03 Jordach Dan_D: tpb if you have the box lying around
16:03 Dan_D But disk check says it is fine
16:03 Dan_D I have the install disks for the programs suites
16:03 Jordach i'll pirate it if i have the original license
16:04 VanessaE you paid 300 quid for a program for a netbook that was only 150!?
16:04 Dan_D Just
16:04 Dan_D Woops
16:04 Dan_D Yes i did
16:04 Jordach because simply finding the disks is a pita
16:04 us{0gb Jordach, what's wrong with laptops? Besides poor hardware support.
16:04 Dan_D If I am careful I may be able to delay the decline till I get a new laptop, hope fully before Easter
16:05 Jordach us{0gb, easy to break
16:05 VanessaE Dan_D: you don't need new hardware.  you need to reinstall windows.
16:05 Dan_D I need a new laptop anyway
16:05 Jordach not to mention fixing things is a pain (esp when something manages to get into the fan)
16:05 VanessaE if you could afford 300 pounds for a piece of software, you can afford 100 or whatever it is for a legit copy of windows.
16:05 Jordach 30 quid for W8
16:05 Dan_D A more powerful one,that I won't bugger ip
16:05 Jordach (from upgrade channels)
16:05 us{0gb Hmm. I suppose there's that. Still, laptops don't hurt my wrists like desktops do.
16:05 VanessaE unless you can get that thing running a live (as in, installed on bare hardware) linux distro
16:05 VanessaE ok 30 then, either way
16:06 Dan_D IDK
16:06 Dan_D I am getting a better more powerful laptop anyway, whatever you say, I have been meaning to for a while
16:06 Calinou <Dan_D> ie, prgram suites that cost £300
16:06 Calinou what program suites? :P
16:06 VanessaE photoshop :P
16:07 Calinou lol, photoshop
16:07 Dan_D Serif
16:07 Calinou also, it's more like 1000 pounds
16:07 Calinou not 300
16:07 VanessaE well what else do you know of that people fork over that much cash for? :)
16:07 Jordach Dan_D, get a desktop not a laptop
16:07 Jordach VanessaE, TPB
16:07 VanessaE laptops are not suitable for gaming
16:07 VanessaE get a desktop
16:07 Calinou don't advocate piracy
16:07 Calinou VanessaE: except 2000$ ones :p
16:07 Dan_D Can I carry a desktop around in a school bag?
16:07 Calinou but they still get very hot :P
16:08 VanessaE 500 bucks or so and you've got yourself a moderately-powerful box.
16:08 Jordach Calinou, only when I lose the install disk and have the license
16:08 Jordach that's usually my problem
16:08 VanessaE Dan_D: nothing says you have to throw away the netbook
16:08 Dan_D Good pojtn
16:08 Calinou ok laptop + good desktop is a good combo
16:08 Calinou ok laptops cost ~500 euros usually
16:08 Dan_D But I already have a WinXP desktop connected to out tv
16:08 us{0gb I game on my laptop. I'd get carpel tunnel if I gamed on a desktop.
16:09 VanessaE so?  get another then
16:09 VanessaE don't use a netbook for gaming
16:09 VanessaE it is not designed for that task
16:09 sfan5 hi everyone
16:09 VanessaE hey sfan5
16:09 us{0gb Another what?
16:09 werwerwer_ us{0gb: do you game using touchpad?
16:09 us{0gb Hello!
16:10 Dan_D I know it isn't, I assured the shop assistant I would only be using the netbook for Word Documents and such
16:10 Calinou us{0gb: why carpal tunel?
16:10 Dan_D I use the touchpad for gaming
16:10 us{0gb I do game with the touchpad. I find it to be way easier than a mouse.
16:10 Calinou lol, gaming with touchpad
16:10 Calinou you've never played a FPS
16:10 Dan_D I have
16:10 Jordach http://xkcd.com/488/
16:10 werwerwer_ us{0gb thaaats weird
16:10 Calinou even Minetest is way better with a real mouse :P
16:10 Dan_D Sauerbraten
16:10 Calinou also, you don't get carpal tunnel with good mouses
16:10 us{0gb I started getting carpel tunnel when I used a desktop a lot.
16:10 Dan_D Sauerbraten is nigh on impossible with a touchpad
16:10 Calinou which mouse?
16:11 Calinou using mouse is comfortable for me...
16:11 * Jordach too
16:11 Calinou more than touchpad
16:11 VanessaE I use a logitech M185 wireless mouse with a gel-padded mousepad.  no C-T here :)
16:12 * Jordach neither, and Jordach doesnt use gel padded shit
16:12 Jordach my arms are fine
16:12 Jordach http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/2d3e/wqwnvlvahtjdijffg.jpg
16:12 VanessaE Jordach: I had to, problems with the nerved in my arms (not C-T but some other weird thing that no one can really figure out)
16:12 VanessaE plus my desk was hurting my hand
16:12 us{0gb I used a braceMinetest on a mouse is a pain for me. It's really a matter of preference which works better. My only point in arguing the laptop side is to not discourage it. Laptops work better for some people. Just because they don't work as well for you doesn't mean you should claim laptops are bad.
16:12 VanessaE so the get fixed the issue
16:12 Calinou lol wireless
16:13 Jordach > wireless
16:13 Jordach enjoy your signal when VanessaE is microwaving
16:13 VanessaE us{0gb: well I guess it's like how some people prefer joysticks to gamepads
16:13 Dan_D Can I make a joystick work with mt without an external program?
16:13 Jordach nope.avi
16:13 VanessaE Jordach: the receiver is only about 1m from the mouse anyway and it never glitches :)
16:13 us{0gb I had to use a brace for a while to fix my wrist from too much desktop use. I'v never had that issue on my laptop.
16:13 Jordach VanessaE, haha
16:13 Calinou a brace?
16:13 Jordach but then again, my arm is level with the mouse
16:13 us{0gb A wrist brace.
16:14 * Jordach finds making a rendered Comic Book easier than video
16:14 VanessaE Dan_D: too late.
16:14 VanessaE your fs is corrupted
16:14 VanessaE you need to reinstall
16:14 us{0gb Calinou, http://www.braceshop.com/mcdavid-carpal-tunnel-support.htm?gclid=CLX1mLn867kCFYs1QgoduiMA6A
16:14 VanessaE there's simply no choice here.
16:14 frogcrush joined #minetest
16:15 Dan_D YEAH!!!!
16:15 Dan_D Sorry
16:15 VanessaE heh
16:15 Calinou KDE users would say "by the word of Amarok"
16:15 * Jordach high fives Calinou
16:15 Dan_D Nah,amarok is bad
16:15 us{0gb Who is Amarok?
16:15 VanessaE Amarok?  ew.
16:15 VanessaE Audacious ftw.
16:15 * Calinou uses Clementine, and brohooves Jordach
16:15 Dan_D Armok, the God of Blood
16:15 VanessaE us{0gb:  media/music player for KDE
16:15 * Jordach thorws clementines at people, minus the beheading
16:16 VanessaE also the name of some really obscure tune, from which the program takes its name
16:16 us{0gb Ah. My default music player, Rhythmbox, is bad as well.
16:16 Dan_D Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress
16:16 Dan_D http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/
16:16 Jordach i hear dwarf fortress is fun
16:17 Dan_D Such a gret game
16:17 VanessaE Audacious, in XMMS/Winamp classic view mode, with the "Expensive High-Fi" skin.
16:17 VanessaE doesn't get any better :)
16:17 Dan_D It is really hard if you start in an evilbiome,with terrifying surroundings, next to a necromancer tower...
16:17 Dan_D With bits of hair and skin being re-animated
16:17 * Calinou is playing TF2 with a custom HUD he installed yesterday
16:18 Dan_D *collective ewwww*
16:18 Jordach VanessaE, image or GTFO
16:18 VanessaE Jordach: hold
16:18 Dan_D And anyway, my computer has been retarded like this for almost a year now
16:18 Jordach which slot on the fruit machine VanessaE
16:18 us{0gb VanessaE, does Audacious keep playing songs if you tell it to play only one? If not, I'll give it a try. Basically, I'm looking for a music player with that one simple feature.
16:18 VanessaE Jordach:  http://www.winamp.com/skin/cpro-expensive-hi-fi/221928
16:18 VanessaE that one.
16:19 Jordach us{0gb, clementine does that if you set it to replace current playlist and not append
16:19 VanessaE though my version is a bit older than that
16:19 us{0gb But there is a setting that does not do that?
16:19 VanessaE Jordach: ah, this is the one I use:   http://www.winamp.com/skin/expensive-hi-fi-1-2/122459
16:20 Dan_D Face it, my computer SHALL NOT DIE!
16:20 VanessaE us{0gb: it can play one, or a whole playlist.  it can repeat individual songs, or the whol elist alos.
16:21 VanessaE whole list also*
16:21 Jordach i used to use this until i found a replacement: http://www.winamp.com/android
16:21 Dan_D VAnessaE, apart from the how-the-person-died thing, can you think of any other improvemetns to the death name mod?
16:21 VanessaE Dan_D: it's already dead.  filesystem corruption is like mold - it spreads if it isn't treated.
16:21 VanessaE no
16:21 us{0gb Okay, good. Playing a single song a single time is such a simple feature, but several music players I've tried lack it. And it's the only way I choose to listen to music.
16:21 Dan_D Yeah, I have a corrupt file in my dropbox which is annoying
16:22 VanessaE us{0gb: one that's more handy for that task is actually mplayer.
16:22 VanessaE it's designed for that play-once-and-quit usage
16:22 VanessaE audacious isn't, but it does work.
16:23 VanessaE Dan_D: eventually, a corrupt library gets loaded, writes out a file you needed, but that file gets written wrong...later you open it up, it calls forth another library that reads it wrong because of the corruption, that library crashes
16:23 us{0gb Mplayer looks like it doesn't have the library feature, but that's at first glance without installing it. I'll install it and see.
16:23 VanessaE next thing you know you're hitting Reset or Power or whatever
16:23 Dan_D Oh well
16:24 VanessaE demons spew forth, mass hysteria ensues, and your fancy new mod is trashed.
16:24 Dan_D *Brings in a random squad of cool army guys to kill demons*
16:25 Dan_D Wow lol https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112205#p112205
16:27 us{0gb Yeah, Mplayer is nice, but it's basically what I have when I use the movie player to play mp3s.
16:27 us{0gb WHich is sort of a hacky work around I use when I don't have a decent music player.
16:28 * Jordach lols at ShadowNinja's avatar
16:29 VanessaE I use Xine for movies usually
16:29 VanessaE Audacious for music
16:31 Dan_D Ok, gonna try Xubuntu, see you guys in hell...
16:31 VanessaE heh
16:31 VanessaE it'll fail
16:31 VanessaE he just doesn't understand how fucked his machine is with a broken fs
16:31 us{0gb Xubuntu would be great, if it weren't for that fact that it isn't fully free.
16:32 Jordach this is why education should have better IT courses, rather than just IT for business
16:32 VanessaE it's free enough for most people
16:32 VanessaE Jordach: we didn't need computer courses when I was growing up.  We learned it ourselves.
16:32 us{0gb WHat's broken? What is an FS? I'm assuming it's not a file system, that's easy to fix with an install.
16:32 VanessaE when I was his age I was already coding my first games and such
16:33 VanessaE us{0gb: his windows filesystem is corrupted, crashy, and requires rebooting his PC by way of the magic power switch
16:33 us{0gb VanessaE, that's because computers didn't use to be difficult because they didn't run WIndows.
16:33 us{0gb (That's about the lack of courses in the past.)
16:33 Jordach terminals ftw
16:33 VanessaE I dunno, computers back in the day were essentially CLI-based.
16:33 VanessaE a lot of people would argue that such things are more complicated than a GUI
16:34 VanessaE (of course we had GEOS, so that answers to that argument)
16:34 Jordach emacs anyone
16:34 Calinou us{0gb: fully free distros are unusable on most hardware
16:34 VanessaE what are people doing so badly wrong these days that it's become so complicated to use and learn?
16:34 us{0gb More complicated than a normal GUI, yes. More complicated than WIndows including all the maintenance you have to do because Windows breaks itself, no.
16:35 us{0gb Calinou, I'm having that very issue right now.
16:35 VanessaE us{0gb: true enough
16:35 us{0gb What is the magic power switch?
16:36 * VanessaE looks at her survival server's map and frowns at there not being a whole lot of development uet
16:36 VanessaE yet*
16:36 VanessaE you know, the one that cuts the power and reboots when all else fails?
16:36 VanessaE like the "magic reset button"
16:36 xrosnight joined #minetest
16:37 us{0gb Oh, sorry, I misread again. I read "booting", not "rebooting". It makes more sense as "rebooting".
16:37 us{0gb I thought he was booting via an unusual switch.
16:37 VanessaE heh
16:37 VanessaE brain cramp ;)
16:37 us{0gb I use a button to boot my computer as well.
16:38 dafull97 joined #minetest
16:38 dafull97 im back for a few... haha
16:38 VanessaE wb
16:38 ShadowNinja Jordach: 60x60 limit. :-(
16:38 us}0gb joined #minetest
16:38 Jordach ShadowNinja, do what i did
16:39 dafull97 pitrss, are you here?
16:39 Jordach scale the 8x8 face to 64, then crop the four pixels
16:40 dafull97 To all! - What is your recommended RAM for a 45 person Server
16:40 VanessaE 45 people?
16:40 VanessaE about 8 cores at 4.5GHz each and 32GB RAM
16:40 us{0gb I don't know. A lot?
16:40 VanessaE :P
16:40 PilzAdam depends
16:40 Dan_D|ipod joined #minetest
16:40 Dan_D|ipod Hi guys
16:40 us{0gb 32 GIB ... yeah, that would be a beast.
16:40 PilzAdam dafull97, what game and mods do you want to run?
16:40 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: told you.
16:40 xrosnight joined #minetest
16:40 us{0gb Hello!
16:41 VanessaE ha!
16:41 dafull97 i run 0gb_game
16:41 Dan_D|ipod joined #minetest
16:41 Dan_D|ipod What did you tell me
16:42 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: did you finally break it? :)
16:42 dafull97 and like 15 mods?
16:42 Dan_D|ipod Not yet
16:42 VanessaE dafull97: number of mods doesn't matter much.  I run a total of 78 on mine
16:42 PilzAdam dafull97, not "how many mods", but "what mods"
16:42 VanessaE (and the server doesn't routinely exceed 1GB, if that much)
16:42 us{0gb PilzAdam, very true.
16:43 Dan_D|ipod Eg, unified dyes vs some small mod
16:43 dafull97 um, let me look... i have landrush and currency, firearms mod
16:43 VanessaE unified dyes IS small.
16:43 dafull97 simple mobs
16:43 VanessaE now, you put some of paramat's mods on there...you better have some GOOD hardware  :)
16:43 PilzAdam ugh, then limit max players to 10
16:43 Dan_D|ipod Xubuntu takes ages to load... It is still 'configuring hardware'
16:44 Calinou probably not normal
16:44 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: of course, because you're running it on a netbook and you're not even running it on bare hardware
16:44 Calinou VanessaE: MT server isn't multithreaded so you just need 2 cores...
16:44 dafull97 WanessaE, what you mean? do i have some of his mods on there?
16:44 Calinou but fast ones
16:44 VanessaE Calinou: it IS multithreaded, just not very efficiently so.
16:44 Dan_D|ipod What about having more trees, plus animals_modpack, plus technic? Lag is what you get
16:44 us{0gb When Xubuntu takes forexer to load, something is broken. Xubuntu is like lightening.
16:44 VanessaE (the mapgen can run several threads, but the results are...  not the best)
16:45 us{0gb *forever
16:45 Dan_D|ipod It is the first time booting, it is setting itself up
16:45 VanessaE oh, it's probably still installing then
16:46 Dan_D|ipod Yeah
16:46 dafull97 VanessaE, what you mean? do i have some of his mods on there?
16:46 VanessaE well that doesn't count.
16:46 VanessaE dafull97: doubt it.  I was making a joke.
16:46 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: just let it finish
16:46 VanessaE on slow hardware, it takes about 45 minutes to install Xubuntu
16:46 Dan_D|ipod Aha, says it is running update-grub. will this get rid of kolobrios?
16:46 VanessaE yes
16:47 Dan_D|ipod Yay
16:47 VanessaE at the expense of putting xubuntu in its place :P
16:47 Dan_D|ipod I never really wanted Kolibrios
16:47 dafull97 VanessaE, ohhh... sorry new still haha
16:47 Dan_D|ipod It was stupid
16:47 dafull97 all my mods!!! - currency  farming_plus  firearms_guns  firearms_spawners  firearmslib  jail  landrush  locked_furnace  locked_sign  maptools  mobs  rulepop  tnt
16:48 VanessaE I don't see anything particularly heavy in that list.
16:48 VanessaE tnt can slow a server down while it's detonating, but that's about it I guess
16:48 dafull97 no, really simple stuff til i get bigger
16:48 dafull97 tn can?
16:48 dafull97 tnt*
16:48 VanessaE now try moretrees + plants_lib :)
16:48 PilzAdam VanessaE, "nothing heavy"? have you missed the "mobs" part?
16:48 Dan_D|ipod joined #minetest
16:49 VanessaE PilzAdam: I assume he means simple mobs.  not a particularly heavy mod that I've seen
16:49 VanessaE mobs != mobf
16:49 Dan_D|ipod Bah, I keep hitting the to back a page button
16:49 PilzAdam VanessaE, I happen to know what my mods are called
16:49 Dan_D|ipod Lol
16:49 PilzAdam but anyway, with many people mobs wont run very repsonsive (I think)
16:50 Dan_D|ipod Who here has the Hill Climb Racer app?
16:50 Dan_D|ipod Or jet pack joyride?
16:51 Jordach Dan_D|ipod, shush
16:51 Dan_D|ipod Why?
16:51 dafull97 VanessaE, Yes it was simple mobs
16:51 PilzAdam VanessaE, you run simplemobs on your survival server?
16:51 Dan_D|ipod I dunna wanna shush
16:51 PilzAdam how does it perform?
16:51 Dan_D|ipod Laggu
16:52 VanessaE PilzAdam: other than the entity duplication issues, it behaves just fine
16:52 PilzAdam I guess you connect over Lan to the server?
16:52 Dan_D|ipod The mobs sometimes don't attack, and sometimes their animations don't change to the attack one when they chase you
16:52 VanessaE I have it on both servers, with the survival one allowing for hostile mobs also.
16:52 us{0gb Hmm. Clementine has the annoying feature of remaining active even when you close the window, but I can live with that a lot better than I can live with Rythmbox playing every mp3 on my hard drive when I only tell it to play one song.
16:52 sdzen joined #minetest
16:52 Calinou it's not a bad thing
16:53 Calinou hides it from alt+tab
16:53 VanessaE my client runs on the same machine as the server, so I never see network latency, but regular server lag of course shows up as bad for me as for anyone else
16:53 VanessaE I haven't noticed that mobs causes any such lag
16:53 us{0gb Also, I seem to have to open Clementine twice for it to actually open.
16:53 thexyz us{0gb: use deadbeef
16:53 * harrison tires of being an insect and goes back to being a cuttlefish
16:53 * harrison drifts closer to the reef
16:53 Jordach us{0gb, first is minimise to tray, second is window
16:54 Dan_D|ipod I get it a lot, also, sometimes I am near them and don't take damage, then start taking damage somewhere else after I have killed them:
16:54 Jordach (for me i just right click it then press play)
16:54 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: that's more a problem of server lag than network latency
16:54 VanessaE since the mapgen itself more or less runs in the same thread as the Lua stuff
16:54 us{0gb Jordach, I see that, but that still is cumbersome to have to find it in the menu twice before choosing a song.
16:54 * harrison suddenly jets away in a cloud of ink
16:55 dafull97 VanessaE, mobs havnt lagged for me... with 256mb RAM how many people could i host?
16:55 sdzen so apparently my harddrive has finally joined its brothers in the cloud. no minetest for me until I stop running off a cd drive.
16:55 PilzAdam VanessaE, it doesnt exactly run in the same thread, but it locks it
16:55 PilzAdam (Lua locks mapgen)
16:55 us{0gb thexyz, deadbeef does not appear to be in the repository.
16:55 VanessaE PilzAdam: close enough, same effect anyway.  hence the "more or less" part.
16:55 VanessaE also, when I wrote "mobs != mobf", I figured you'd misread it.
16:55 PilzAdam In Minetest everything generally locks everything else
16:56 VanessaE not that you don't know your mods.
16:56 sdzen what repo doesnt have deadbeef?
16:56 thexyz us{0gb: what's your distro?
16:56 sdzen mplayer for all your wants and needs :)
16:56 dafull97 *ALL* - how many people could i host with what i provided above?
16:57 thexyz mplayer for music is not the best choice
16:57 us{0gb thexyz, Trisquel. Perhaps deadbeef is proprietary? I lack proprietary stuff in my repos.
16:57 Dan_D|ipod Okay Xubuntu, here I come!
16:57 PilzAdam dafull97, yourself at the same PC, firearms and mobs arent fun over a larger network
16:57 VanessaE Dan_D|ipod: good luck
16:57 dafull97 PilzAdam, what you mean?
16:57 us{0gb sdzen, mplayer is basically what I have when I use my movie player to play music files.
16:58 thexyz us{0gb: no, it's GPL'd, but well, have fun with your distro
16:59 us{0gb Hmm. I wonder why it's missing then. I'll ask in the other channel after I have time to research it a bit.
16:59 thexyz yeah, really, why could it be
16:59 thexyz let me make a wild guess… no, that'd be too harsh
16:59 Jordach haha
17:00 thexyz us{0gb: anyway, you can compile it from sources
17:00 Jordach brb - BACON BAGELS
17:00 VanessaE Jordach: GIMME!
17:00 us{0gb That's a good point. I might do that.
17:01 ShadowNinja Why two us.0gb's?
17:01 thexyz aren't we celebrating gnu 30th anniversary today?
17:02 PilzAdam thexyz, no reason to do that
17:02 PilzAdam (see topic)
17:02 us{0gb ShadowNinja, my hand slipped, and I joined Freenode twice.
17:03 dafull97 PilzAdam, what you mean?
17:03 sfan5 someone mentioned Minetest in /r/Minecraft on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1n8hgw/i_know_my_computer_probably_wont_be_able_to_run/ccggd6a
17:03 sdzen what magic do you imploy to duplicate with just a slight of hand magician?
17:03 thexyz sfan5: and what?
17:04 us{0gb sdzen, a magician never tells.
17:04 thexyz lol
17:04 thexyz nice comments
17:04 VanessaE "Once it can load in MC maps, it'll be great"
17:04 sfan5 normally people mentioning mc clones in /r/Minecraft get downvoted into hell
17:04 VanessaE HAH!
17:04 thexyz > Is this made in Java?
17:04 sfan5 ^ plol
17:04 thexyz > Mainly in Lua with a smattering of C++.
17:05 sfan5 > Was that the language that Escape from Monkey Island was written in?
17:06 us{0gb "Once it can load in MC maps, it'll be great!"
17:06 VanessaE us{0gb: you're lagging :P
17:06 us{0gb Not this time, I'm just slow.
17:06 Dan_D joined #minetest
17:07 Dan_D Haha
17:07 us{0gb Oh, wow. You already said that.
17:07 us{0gb Sorry, my bad. That was just me not reading fully.
17:07 Dan_D First speech from Xubuntu: Hi!
17:07 us{0gb Hello!
17:07 us{0gb How is it?
17:07 VanessaE Dan_D: it works?  excellent.
17:07 Dan_D Very fast
17:07 VanessaE I told you it would be :)
17:07 us{0gb Ignoring freedom, Xubuntu is probably my favorite.
17:07 Dan_D MUCH faster than any OS except KolibriOS, which is still there apparently
17:07 VanessaE now give it two days and your underlying windows filesystem will trash it ;)
17:08 Dan_D No VanessaE, that shall not happen.
17:08 dafull97 what is faster Xubuntu or Ubuntu
17:08 sfan5 windows will trash anything
17:08 VanessaE it must have detected the old grub boot record and chose to retain it.  no worries.
17:08 sfan5 dafull97: xubuntu
17:08 Dan_D Xubuntu is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster
17:08 VanessaE Dan_D: now try it with minetest :)
17:08 dafull97 What is the fastest linux os?
17:08 VanessaE dafull97: depends on what oyu're doing.
17:08 sdzen depends on what you need in a distro
17:09 us{0gb Fastest? SOmething without a desktop.
17:09 sfan5 ^
17:09 sdzen and VanessaE beat me
17:09 Dan_D VanessaE, how do I get the latest Minetest nightly build, in Xubuntu?
17:09 VanessaE HIYAH!  YAH!  *insert other random chop-socky here*
17:09 VanessaE ;)
17:09 * us{0gb does not recommend running without a desktop, however
17:09 VanessaE Dan_D: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/README.txt#L83
17:09 VanessaE folow this, to the letter.
17:09 dafull97 overall, with a desktop of corse
17:09 Dan_D Ok
17:09 sfan5 us{0gb: servers too? :P
17:09 sdzen I am sure someone here is running full cli
17:09 ShadowNinja I know someone that can get a server to boot in 1.5s with only slightly higher-end hardware.
17:09 * sdzen calls out
17:10 VanessaE Dan_D: with one exception:  you could just git clone the sources instead of grabbing zips if you want to.
17:10 us{0gb Well, servers are different. My server has no desktop, but it's not being used as a client either.
17:10 us{0gb My server runs headless. Like a chicken.
17:10 Dan_D Also, I want it to be all in a folder on the desktop, RUN_IN_PLACE I think the term is.
17:11 VanessaE Dan_D: there is also a nightlies PPA, here:  https://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/daily-builds
17:11 VanessaE (the PPA is much easier to use)
17:11 sdzen but what if Dan_D has a curfew? :)
17:11 Dan_D VanessaE, can you tellme how to install the nightly as a run in place build, easily
17:12 VanessaE Dan_D: the nightlies PPA isn't run-in-place
17:12 VanessaE it's a system-wide installer
17:12 Jordach what if i told you that Xubuntu is M$ owned
17:12 VanessaE I'd say bite your tongue
17:12 sdzen I would believe it
17:12 VanessaE Dan_D: for linux run-in-place you'll have to compile.
17:12 dafull97 you guys that run your servers 24/7 from home how do you generate money to pay for electric? haha
17:12 Jordach dafull97, solar power
17:12 Jordach VanessaE uses that iirc
17:12 sdzen slaves
17:12 Dan_D Okay, not run_in_place,but how to get the latest basically, and keep it updated?
17:13 VanessaE dafull97: my total power bill runs me less than $100 a month in the summer, and about $150 in the winter.  the PC barely registers,.
17:13 VanessaE Dan_D: the PPA.
17:13 Dan_D VanessaE, how to use the ppa
17:13 sdzen VanessaE, do you use appliances or are you foraging for berries?
17:13 Dan_D Is there a big fat 'Install Minetest Here!' Button?
17:13 VanessaE open a terminal and do:   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/daily-builds; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
17:13 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:14 VanessaE that'll install it in one line.
17:14 Dan_D Ok
17:14 VanessaE sdzen: appliances.
17:14 dafull97 what is the differance between Xubntu and Ubuntu
17:14 sdzen DE
17:14 VanessaE oven, washing machine, dryer, dish washer, two microwaves, fridge.  the usual.
17:14 sdzen 2?
17:14 Dan_D How do I keep it updated?
17:14 Jordach Xubuntu has a faster GUI, Ubuntu? SLOOOOOWWWW
17:14 VanessaE dafull97: Xubuntu is the Ubuntu base stuff plus XFCE and related imagery
17:14 us{0gb Ubuntu has a pesky interface and is slower. It also comes with Amazon ads.
17:15 VanessaE Dan_D: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
17:15 VanessaE minetest will be updated along with the rest of the system
17:15 VanessaE think "patch tuesday" but without all the reboots.
17:15 Dan_D How do I get the terminal?
17:15 sdzen unity is an evil version of gnome
17:15 dafull97 im thinking hard about switching to Xubuntu, Dan_D how much faster is it?
17:15 Dan_D Also, I only want to update Minetest,not everything
17:15 VanessaE Dan_D: in the Xfce menu, Accessories
17:15 Dan_D Xubuntu is like ligtning on My Netbook
17:15 VanessaE there are a few terminals listed there.  Choose your favorite.
17:16 Dan_D Ah tahsnk
17:16 VanessaE (Xfce's terminal is in Xfce menu -> System)
17:16 us{0gb Same here. Xubuntu is way fast on my laptop as well.
17:16 Jordach ctrl + t (if your DE/UI does this)
17:16 VanessaE Windows-F1 for me :)
17:16 Calinou disable compositing for free FPSes in your games
17:17 thexyz ctrl + alt + t
17:17 dafull97 i mainly swirtched to Linux because people say its faster than windows, i have older Laptop.... then i "fell in love" with it hahahaha
17:17 VanessaE (that keystroke is based on a keyboard I had years ago, where there were some generic media keys.  the one I used for the terminal was right above F1)
17:17 Jordach thexyz, it's that way round iirc
17:17 * dafull97 is better than VanessaE, not really... haha
17:17 thexyz now enjoy your tearing
17:18 * Jordach had a joke; was too offensive
17:18 Dan_D The one thing I don't like about Xubuntu is whenever I move my mouse to the bottom of the screen to select this box to type stuff in the IRC client, the applications bar pops up and blocks my line of sight.
17:18 neko259 joined #minetest
17:19 Jordach Dan_D, that bar can be disabled
17:19 Calinou first thing I do after xubuntu install: remove bottom panel (dock)
17:19 Jordach i have done so before
17:19 Dan_D Ok
17:19 us{0gb Dan_D, I know, that can be a bit annoying at times, but if you don't want to get used to it, you can remove that bottom bar.
17:19 VanessaE Calinou: two docks, autohide, with the launcher at the top.
17:19 Calinou on my netbook I autohide top panel too
17:19 Dan_D VanessaE, what was the sudo command to just update Minetest and nothing else?
17:20 Calinou Dan_D: depends on how you installed it
17:20 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:20 Calinou if you installed it from sources, git pull
17:20 dafull97 Dan_D make Youtube video? i would love to see it before i switched
17:20 VanessaE Dan_D: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
17:20 VanessaE Calinou: nightlies PPA.
17:20 Dan_D Ok thankis
17:20 Dan_D dafull97, I can't really make a video, but you can try a dual boot of it or a live CD
17:21 dafull97 ok, thanks anyway =D
17:21 dafull97 be back in a few
17:21 VanessaE Dan_D: the "update" step tells the package manager (apt) to download the latest program listings and trawl through them looking for new versions.  apt-get upgrade actually downloads those new versions.  apt-get dist-upgrade is more agressive, but I forget what the real difference is.
17:22 Dan_D How do I remove the bottom panel?
17:23 rubenwardy Hi all
17:23 proller joined #minetest
17:23 Dan_D Never mind
17:23 us{0gb Hello!
17:23 Dan_D This IRC client is so much better thanks Mozilla Firefix
17:23 VanessaE Dan_D: right click -> panel -> panel preferences
17:23 Dan_D *FireFox
17:23 thexyz I want blu ray 3d support in Linux, what do I do?
17:23 Dan_D So I, to update minetest, do:
17:24 VanessaE thexyz: ehm...that's still iffy but I guess VLC and some commercial util
17:24 Dan_D sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
17:24 VanessaE Dan_D:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
17:24 VanessaE yes
17:24 Dan_D Yay
17:24 Dan_D I actually remembered something for once :P
17:24 thexyz VanessaE: correct answer is either to install windows or mess with wine and reencoding
17:25 Dan_D Where will the minetest icon/whatever be?
17:25 VanessaE thexyz: no, there's some stuff for linux to do it now.  you basically have to rip the disc first though
17:25 VanessaE Dan_D: I don't know that it'll be in the menus.
17:25 VanessaE run it from Alt-F2
17:25 VanessaE or from a terminal
17:25 thexyz VanessaE: I'm sure there is not but could you kindly give me the links? I think H.264 MVC isn't implemented in ffmpeg/libav
17:25 VanessaE or add it to your panel if you want
17:25 thexyz so there's no chance of BD3D working
17:25 us{0gb Installing Windows is never the correct answer.
17:25 Dan_D How to from terminal?
17:26 VanessaE Dan_D: just "minetest" :)
17:26 Dan_D Ok
17:26 thexyz and, well, if it's not implemented in ffmpeg/libav then it's probably not implemented anywhere
17:26 VanessaE thexyz:  been too long since I read about it.
17:26 Dan_D Sounds simple enough
17:26 Dan_D Wait-GIMP comes with Xubuntu? Awesome!
17:27 thexyz VanessaE: okay, I have VLC laying around, let's see
17:27 Jordach thexyz, what point of VLC does everything don't you ever understand
17:27 VanessaE thexyz:  looks like it does it via the usual win32codecs hook
17:27 us{0gb The Minetest icon should be in the menu under "Games".
17:27 VanessaE Dan_D: yes
17:27 Dan_D Also, my school uses GIMP 2.8 which is almost impossible to use
17:27 * Jordach prefers 2.6.12
17:27 Jordach i aint upgrading ever
17:27 VanessaE us{0gb: oh, so it is!  I didn't realize it got added to the menu.
17:27 Jordach as long as it remains compatible with future versions of windows, i'll use it
17:28 us{0gb It does from the stable PPA, anyway. I don't know for sure about the nightly PPA.
17:28 VanessaE Jordach: I hated it at first, and still hate the export-versus-save duality, but after a while you get used to it and actually find yourself missing it when you have to use 2.6
17:28 VanessaE us{0gb: it does from source too.  never noticed before.
17:29 us{0gb It does from source? I've never had it do that from source. Maybe it's disabled if you tell it to run in place.
17:29 * us{0gb always runs in place when compiling
17:29 Jordach VanessaE, 2.6 ftw, i dont like the Photoshop like UI
17:29 Dan_D Wow, 15FPS in Minetest,that is 8 more FPS than in Windows
17:29 * Jordach isn't a fan of PS either
17:29 Jordach I've grown up on 2.6, i'll die using 2.6
17:30 Dan_D I like GIMP 2.6
17:30 Dan_D It is nice
17:30 us{0gb The only thing PhotoShop is good for is editing real-life objects.
17:30 us{0gb http://xkcd.com/331/
17:31 thexyz VanessaE: I don't see any proof of VLC being able to play BD3D (are you sure you're not talking about BD? those are very different things)
17:31 Dan_D Also, I like the concept of IRC clients, I never knew they existed until today
17:31 VanessaE thexyz: as I said, it's been too long since I read up on it.
17:31 thexyz VanessaE: but you did read up on it?
17:32 us{0gb Yeah, IRC clients are more convenient than the web interface usually.
17:32 VanessaE the some time ago, yes but maybe it was plain BD and not BD3D
17:32 thexyz or you don't remember and said "it works" just because you got confused and thought I was talking about BD
17:32 thexyz right
17:32 VanessaE where did I say "it works"?
17:32 thexyz BD is not interesting at all
17:32 VanessaE [09-27 13:28] <VanessaE> thexyz: ehm...that's still iffy but I guess VLC and some commercial util
17:32 thexyz okay
17:32 * us{0gb thinks "BD" looks like a face
17:33 thexyz > no, there's some stuff for linux to do it now.  you basically have to rip the disc first though
17:33 VanessaE yeah, there I misread BD3D as just BD
17:33 Dan_D Okay, I will amend my previous statement. Any distro ending in buntu is shit, unless it starts with Z
17:33 Dan_D *I mean X
17:33 thexyz okay
17:33 thexyz that's bad
17:33 VanessaE sooner or later it'll happen.
17:34 Dan_D And I will install Xubuntu as the first program installation when I get a new laptop definately
17:35 thexyz VanessaE: replies from developers look like "The reason 3D isn't implemented in any major media players is because nobody cares about 3D except television manufacturers. Also because there's no standardized method of outputting 3D video. There's about 6 different methods out there, at least, all of them mutually contradictory; just see Youtube's "3D player" for an example of the madness."
17:35 thexyz also something along the lines of "it sucks anyway"
17:35 Dan_D Is it possible to select and copy posts from IRC, rather than memorising them?
17:35 thexyz http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?p=1462086&amp;postcount=11
17:36 thexyz guess that's not going to happen
17:36 Jordach Dan_D, copy and paste is possible
17:36 Jordach just highlight the text + nick and ctrl + c, then ctrl+v somewhere else
17:36 Dan_D I can't highlight the text though
17:36 us{0gb WHat client, Pidgin?
17:37 us{0gb Use XChat instead.
17:37 Dan_D It is Xchat
17:37 khonkhortisan 3D is supposed to be stored as complete frames for both eyes, then processed for whichever viewing method is being used, to be able to change the method
17:37 us{0gb XChat also comes with Xubuntu.
17:37 Jordach * Received CTCP-VERSION answer from Dan_D: xchat 2.8.8 Ubuntu
17:37 us{0gb Oh, my bad.
17:37 us{0gb I don't know why it wouldn't be working then ...
17:37 Calinou Dan_D: I hardly enjoy Minetest with 15 fps, especially with low settings...
17:37 Dan_D VanessaE, you installed pyramids on your server?
17:37 khonkhortisan Quoting a ctcp makes me think I'm getting one from you
17:37 VanessaE yes
17:38 Dan_D Internet is quite slow here...
17:38 us{0gb Dan_D, are you right clicking to copy or are you using control + c?
17:38 khonkhortisan or middle clicking to copy?
17:38 Dan_D I can't select text in the first place
17:39 us{0gb Okay, that's odd.
17:39 Dan_D Yeah
17:39 Dan_D Will exiting the terminal that Mt is running from make Mt close, in Xubuntu?
17:39 khonkhortisan shift-left/right can highlight if you already have a cursor
17:39 VanessaE yes
17:40 Dan_D Okay
17:40 VanessaE if you [X] out of it
17:40 VanessaE better to close minetest properly
17:40 khonkhortisan but not in a terminal
17:40 Dan_D What about running the sudo command in the same terminal?
17:40 Jordach never run minetestserver or minetest as root
17:40 VanessaE why would you use sudo except to update?
17:40 Dan_D I opened terminal, and typed minetest
17:40 us{0gb No, never run the server as root.
17:41 Dan_D It then ran from that terminal
17:41 VanessaE right.
17:41 VanessaE just minimize the terminal then
17:41 Dan_D And I wanted to try and install Wine at the same time
17:41 VanessaE the [_] button in the title bar.
17:41 VanessaE oh, for that just go through Synaptic or something
17:41 VanessaE or open another terminal
17:41 VanessaE you can have as many open as you want
17:42 Jordach Wine is not exemplar.
17:42 Dan_D Is it sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get instal wine
17:42 Dan_D *install
17:42 VanessaE thexyz: well if that's the state of things, I guess there's nothing much to say
17:42 xrosnight joined #minetest
17:42 Jordach lol 3D TV
17:42 VanessaE some day, maybe it'll happen after the aforementioned 3d format mess is straightened out
17:42 Jordach it's pointless
17:42 VanessaE Dan_D: should be yes
17:43 Dan_D Minetest freezes when loading pyramids_mummy.x
17:43 Dan_D When connecting to your server
17:43 VanessaE give it time to load the models
17:43 Jordach Why play GTA5 when you've got Modern Warfare 2 going on outside :P
17:43 Dan_D I got a timeout error
17:44 Dan_D Also, Black Ops 2 is broken on my Xbox
17:44 VanessaE that's okay, just disconnect, wait 45 seconds, and try again
17:44 Dan_D I am re-trying to connect now
17:44 Jordach woah
17:44 Jordach Dan_D, haha mine works
17:44 Dan_D Black Ops 2?
17:44 Jordach mhm
17:44 khonkhortisan 3d gaming is better than 3d tv
17:45 Calinou enjoy your halved FPS, khonkhortisan
17:45 Calinou as if today's GPUs were too fast
17:45 Dan_D It freezes and requires the button to be pressed on the Xbox in either multiplayer or Zombies, but not cmpaign
17:45 Jordach Calinou, the 3DS handles it fine
17:45 khonkhortisan I just halve my width (cross-eyed)
17:46 Jordach Dan_D, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=110635#p110635
17:46 Cerise joined #minetest
17:46 Dan_D Lol
17:47 Jordach i can pixel art on any medium
17:47 Jordach </deal_with_it)
17:47 Jordach >*
17:48 Dan_D I can't install wine, because 3 things are currently unavailable.
17:48 * Jordach prods sfan5
17:48 VanessaE Dan_D: pastebin please?
17:48 Dan_D So off to the software centre...
17:48 Dan_D I did:
17:48 Dan_D sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wine
17:49 VanessaE I meant the error part silly :P
17:49 Dan_D Ok
17:49 sfan5 Jordach: what?
17:49 Dan_D How am I meant to memorise the long error message?
17:49 Jordach http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163704/
17:49 Jordach sfan5, ^
17:49 VanessaE Dan_D: copy&paste
17:50 Dan_D How do I select the error message though?
17:50 VanessaE the same way you would in windows,.
17:50 VanessaE highlight with the mouse, right click -> "Copy"
17:50 Dan_D Well, click and drag doesn't work
17:50 khonkhortisan screenshot as last resort
17:50 VanessaE then go to a pastebin and right click->paste
17:50 sfan5 Jordach: dunno, may be my router
17:50 Jordach (your service was broken earlier)
17:50 Dan_D So I can't highlight the text
17:50 VanessaE you can't highlight in the terminal
17:50 VanessaE ?
17:50 Dan_D So how do I select the error message?
17:51 VanessaE you can't highlight in the terminal ?
17:51 * Jordach uploads something large
17:51 thexyz VanessaE: I don't see any relation between decoding MVC and outputing 3d though I'm not the one to judge what should those people do with their free time; just saying that this argument is totally invalid; moreover, hdmi 1.4a spec has 3d section which is quite clear; and the easiest way to implement it seems to support 1920×2205 resolution (it is interpreted as 2 1920×1080 frames over/under, with 45 pixel empty space between)
17:51 Dan_D No I can't
17:51 VanessaE Dan_D: screenshot then
17:51 thexyz Jordach: you sure have a strong argument here
17:51 Dan_D What is the screenshot keybind?
17:51 VanessaE Dan_D: Printscreen
17:51 Dan_D Then what?
17:52 Jordach current project: http://sfan5.duckdns.org/upload/userdata/3/Page1.png
17:52 VanessaE Dan_D: then upload to imgur or something, like usual
17:52 Dan_D Ok
17:52 Jordach 1.48mb oops :P
17:53 sfan5 aww shit
17:53 sfan5 I shouldn't allow file listing on userdata dirs
17:53 * Jordach lols
17:53 Jordach b-b-b-but im the only user of secret links
17:53 Dan_D http://s9.postimg.org/mzome17bj/Screenshot_270913_18_52_15.png
17:53 rubenwardy Jordach: one the second box, the bubbles are wrong
17:54 thexyz that didn't take too long to realise
17:54 Jordach rubenwardy, the lighting bolt indicates shouting, or forms of agression
17:54 rubenwardy it is read jordach first then mum
17:54 Jordach rubenwardy, fuck it
17:54 Dan_D I only have the Ubuntu software center, the Xchat client, and the terminal running
17:54 * Jordach says fuck the rules
17:54 thexyz sfan5 will soon figure he shouldn't be using apache either
17:54 Dan_D Software center is now installing wine
17:54 rubenwardy It confused me
17:54 Dan_D Because terminal gave that error
17:54 sfan5 thexyz: I shouldn't be?
17:55 Jordach Dan_D, i has a bigger screen
17:55 Dan_D Err? What?
17:55 Dan_D I has been using a netbooks
17:55 Jordach Dan_D, close ubuntu software centre
17:55 thexyz sfan5: yes, stop using apache2 now and begin to live in wonderful apache-less world
17:55 Jordach that's currently locking the dir apt-get needs
17:55 Dan_D It is half-way through installing Wine though
17:56 sfan5 thexyz: who will make my .htaccess files work with nginx/lighttpd?
17:56 VanessaE OH
17:56 Dan_D Because Using terminal didn'twork, so I resorted to software centre
17:56 VanessaE dan you didn't say you still had the software center open.
17:56 VanessaE this is a completely normal error
17:56 Dan_D I only opened it after the error
17:56 VanessaE only one program at a time may have the apt database open
17:56 thexyz sfan5: you don't need .htaccess files
17:56 Dan_D Then had it open when I screenshotted
17:57 Dan_D Why is Wine so damn slow????
17:57 Dan_D At installing???
17:57 sfan5 thexyz: how do I tell the server not to interpret .php files as php code then?
17:57 VanessaE because it's bit?
17:57 VanessaE big*
17:57 Dan_D Oh yeah, good point
17:57 Jordach rubenwardy, the duvet was a technical cheat: i used the cloth modifier then let it fall over my model and bed, then rendered
17:58 Dan_D Bye guys for now
17:58 VanessaE Dan_D: anyway, you still had something else open that was using the apt database, maybe software center, maybe something else.  that'w hy
17:58 VanessaE that's why you got that error.
17:58 VanessaE damn ir
17:58 VanessaE ARHGH#UT*_)&NT*@!()RT*($)@!T*($_@*!!!!!!!
17:58 Jordach !!kick VanessaE
17:58 Jordach spam*
17:58 sfan5 Jordach: fixed it
17:58 Jordach woop
17:58 * VanessaE screams
17:58 * Jordach gets the straight jacket
17:59 thexyz sfan5: I don't understand you; you obviously can do everything .htaccess capable of in nginx, just with different syntax
17:59 kaeza joined #minetest
17:59 sfan5 thexyz: I didn't understand you then
17:59 thexyz dunno about lighttpd but most likely it can do that too
17:59 thexyz sfan5: that's fine, now stop using it
17:59 Jordach <sfan5> fuck nginx
17:59 Dan_D joined #minetest
18:00 Jordach thexyz, not everyone has to use your standards
18:00 Dan_D Does Xubuntu come with Java?
18:00 sfan5 nah, I'm very busy (watching animes :P)
18:00 VanessaE Dan_D: no but you can install it from Synaptic
18:00 * Jordach spray paints the VLC cone onto thexyz's computer case
18:00 thexyz sfan5: what are you watching?
18:00 Jordach porn
18:00 Jordach </reflex>
18:00 sfan5 thexyz: Makai Ouji - Devils and Realist
18:00 thexyz Jordach: of course, that was just a recommendation
18:01 Jordach haha - woah
18:01 Jordach Quassel just froze
18:01 Dan_D So, hows life people?
18:02 Jordach joined #minetest
18:02 Dan_D Also,why are some name greyed out on the nickname area?
18:02 Jordach wtf
18:02 Jordach Dan_D, they're away
18:02 Dan_D Ah
18:02 Jordach now look at my nick
18:02 khonkhortisan /away
18:02 Dan_D How do I make myself come back?
18:03 khonkhortisan /back
18:03 thexyz sfan5: is it good?
18:03 khonkhortisan also, /away <reason>
18:03 sfan5 only watched the fitst couple episodes, but: yes, it seems to be good
18:03 sfan5 first*
18:03 Dan_D Come on wine...
18:04 Dan_D Just saying, for some reason Wine doesn't run programs as well as Windows
18:04 Dan_D Even though people say it's better
18:06 Dan_D How do I find my Windows files? Only D:\ appears, not C:\
18:06 us{0gb Wine runs some applications better and others worse.
18:07 us{0gb No C:? THat's odd ...
18:07 thexyz why do you need wine?
18:07 Dan_D To run Windowsprograms
18:08 VanessaE Dan_D: windows files will show up as something like "8GB filesystem" or similar in your file manager
18:08 VanessaE whatever the size of the partition is
18:08 VanessaE WINE is not meant for running stuff from your windows partitions
18:08 Dan_D Yeah, there is 139Gb partition that is D:\, but no 89Gb, which is C:\
18:09 VanessaE the idea is that you copy your programs from there TO the linux side and run them locally, but there's a lot WINE can't do.  you will have to continue to dual-boot.
18:09 VanessaE eventually when you've got just linux running on bare hardware, you can use a virtual machine
18:10 Dan_D Yes, but I want wine to run Windowsprograms, I just can't find them to copy them across
18:10 VanessaE the windows filesystem may be mounted differently i.e. maybe it's a folder under /media or so
18:10 Dan_D Also, is there a sudo command for notepad++?
18:10 VanessaE remember, you're running linux on top of a windows filesystem.
18:10 VanessaE you don't need sudo to run a notepad.
18:11 VanessaE use leafpad.
18:11 Dan_D It was 89Gb for Kubuntu,Ubuntu, and Lubuntu
18:11 thexyz Dan_D: no, no, what programs do you need to run?
18:11 Dan_D And I want Notepad++, I am used to it
18:11 VanessaE (or mousepad... it's in your menu under accessories.)
18:11 thexyz I'm sure there are better alternatives
18:11 Dan_D No, Notepad++ absolutely rules the Multiverses!
18:12 Dan_D Unless there is not Linux Version
18:12 VanessaE Dan_D: then download it from its website and install it using WINE
18:12 Dan_D I already have it on windows
18:12 Jordach it should run in WINE afaik
18:12 VanessaE but you're better off using a native linux program instead
18:12 thexyz this is really dumb
18:12 Dan_D What is the best alternative?
18:12 VanessaE I use gedit
18:13 * Jordach does too, when on Mint
18:13 Dan_D Well, wine has a Browse C:\ option.
18:13 VanessaE geany seems popular too
18:13 VanessaE that's C:/ on your linux partition - a fake directory for wine
18:13 Jordach geany eats everything IIRC
18:13 VanessaE it does not point to the real windows.
18:13 proller Dan_D, geany
18:13 thexyz you didn't tell us what do you need editor for
18:13 Dan_D Leafpad is a 'Simple Text Editor' Can it do macros and such?
18:14 VanessaE dunno, never used it
18:14 Dan_D Is it a full blown coding software
18:14 Dan_D Answer = Nope.avi
18:14 Jordach Dan_D, then look no further
18:14 Jordach Geany does that
18:14 Dan_D Ok
18:14 Jordach Geany is like N++
18:14 Jordach and it does have the tabs
18:14 Dan_D Or I could just use Wine and Notepad++
18:15 kaeza inb4 vim
18:15 VanessaE bite your tongue, kaeza
18:15 Jordach Dan_D, http://www.geany.org/Documentation/Screenshots
18:15 thexyz yeah, vim is good
18:16 Dan_D A light and fast IDE Using GTK2
18:16 Dan_D Is this Geany?
18:16 Jordach yes
18:16 thexyz it's awesome and free so why not suggest it?
18:16 FreeFull Leafpad is more like Notepad than like Notepad++
18:16 Dan_D I am installing geany now...
18:16 FreeFull Although there is some functionality in Notepad that isn't in Leafpad, and vice versa
18:16 rubenwardy left #minetest
18:17 Dan_D Wow, wine cannot open C:\ drive
18:17 FreeFull Leafpad doesn't have insert date, notepad doesn't have Auto Indent
18:17 VanessaE thexyz: because Dan_D is only 14 and barely understands what he's doing right now?
18:17 Dan_D That is f****** akward
18:17 FreeFull Dan_D: Check your winecfg
18:17 Dan_D Ok
18:17 VanessaE Dan_D: WINE can't access the real windows because the system doesn't know that partition exists.
18:17 VanessaE FreeFull: his linux file managers can't see it.
18:17 Dan_D It could on Kubuntu
18:17 thexyz VanessaE: then he shouldn't be doing that
18:18 kaeza VanessaE, you don't need to be 14 to not understand vim :P
18:18 Dan_D What is this 'vim'?
18:18 Jordach dont.
18:18 VanessaE Dan_D: forget it.
18:18 Jordach you'll pull your own hair out
18:18 VanessaE Dan_D: can of worms.
18:18 kaeza ^
18:18 thexyz vim is the best text editor ever made
18:18 Jordach bullshit
18:18 Jordach that award goes to notepad
18:18 thexyz on the other hand, emacs is the best text editor too (some people think that, at least)
18:19 Jordach everyone has used it once
18:19 kaeza vim is cat on steroids
18:19 thexyz those who say "notepad" are incompetent fools
18:19 * kaeza runs
18:19 * Jordach has written a vim like app for windows
18:19 Jordach runs in the dos console
18:19 thexyz those who compare it with cat are incompetent even more
18:19 sdzen and not a single person is talking about emacs.
18:19 thexyz 22:17   thexyz: on the other hand, emacs is the best text editor too (some people think that, at least)
18:19 VanessaE what, no love for pico? :)
18:20 VanessaE I cut my teeth on that one :P
18:20 kaeza mp anyone?
18:20 thexyz there are two editors for linux and both are "the best"
18:20 sdzen did see that
18:20 sdzen didnt*
18:20 us{0gb As fare as command line text editors, I prefer pico over vim and emacs.
18:20 VanessaE these days it's either nano or gedit, for me
18:20 VanessaE depending on my mood and the thing being edited.
18:20 thexyz I have no idea what pico is but vim is better for sure
18:21 thexyz right, that's like nano?
18:21 us{0gb Nano is pico.
18:21 VanessaE similar
18:21 youlysses joined #minetest
18:21 thexyz "the editor which can't undo"
18:21 thexyz oh well
18:21 thexyz some people call those editors
18:21 us{0gb I do prefer Gedit. It has undo, pint-and-click, and syntax highlighting.
18:22 thexyz no, wait, nano has EXPERIMENTAL UNDO FEATURE
18:22 sdzen scite..
18:22 thexyz that's nice
18:22 thexyz us{0gb: vim has those too
18:23 us{0gb Vim and emacs are odd, you have to type a command before you can type? I mean, I guess it makes sense because it's non-graphical, but they aren't the editors for me. I like things being easy.
18:23 VanessaE nano can undo?  since when?
18:23 thexyz no, you don't have to type a command
18:23 thexyz I don't know about emacs, but vim has multiple modes
18:24 thexyz I won't explain because you for sure can google
18:24 kaeza ._.
18:24 us{0gb If vim has that feature, it's either newer than the vim I used, or it's some feature that wasn't easily visible.
18:24 thexyz but to enter INSERT mode you just have to press I
18:24 thexyz there are other keys, too
18:24 thexyz but you can google
18:24 kaeza I think he meant you need to type 'i' to start editing
18:24 thexyz yes, and thanks to that there are no crazy ctrl+shift+alt+whatever shortcuts
18:25 us{0gb Yeah. Hitting any key to start editing is what I mean, but I forgot which specific key you have to hit.
18:26 us{0gb I understand these are powerful editors in the right hands, but my hands are not the right hands.
18:27 thexyz did you try it?
18:27 thexyz you don't need to enter hardcore mode and use hjkl when starting: use mouse, use arrows
18:27 us{0gb Try what, vim and emacs? I tried vim, and I saw what I needed to about emacs.
18:28 us{0gb Hmm. Vim entered this "hardcore" mode upon starting for me then.
18:30 thexyz are you sure you were running vim?
18:31 thexyz and not vi, for example
18:31 us{0gb Hmm. It said it was vim and I opened it using the "vim" command in Terminal.
18:32 thexyz sometimes it could be aliased to "vi"
18:32 us{0gb It could be. The header says "VIM - Vi IMproved".
18:32 ShadowNinja vim takes some time to get used to. And I still don't use hjkl. Although I usually find mouse=a anoying.
18:33 thexyz then it's vim, are you sure you have correct settings?
18:33 thexyz ShadowNinja: yes, but it could be easier for beginners
18:33 us{0gb THis is from the start. I don't know how to alter vim's settings.
18:33 us{0gb As I said, if the feature is there, it's no in an easy to find place.
18:33 * us{0gb is no guru
18:34 Krock joined #minetest
18:34 thexyz maybe
18:34 thexyz you just edit .vimrc
18:34 LazyJ joined #minetest
18:34 thexyz I think it may be a good idea to google for some basic .vimrc
18:34 us{0gb See, knowing you need to edit a specific file is not an easy to find place.
18:35 neko259 joined #minetest
18:35 FreeFull The most basic .vimrc is a blank one
18:35 us{0gb I'll do that when I have time. At the moment, I'm trying to fix my suspend issues.
18:35 ShadowNinja My /etc/vimrc: http://ix.io/8g9
18:35 thexyz FreeFull: I didn't say "most basic"
18:35 thexyz you at least need "set nocompatible"
18:35 FreeFull us{0gb: Try running vimtutor
18:36 thexyz > runtime! archlinux.vim
18:36 Dan_D I am back
18:36 us{0gb I'll do that when I have time. At the moment, I'm trying to fix my suspend issues. I know what I need to do to fix the problem, I just don't know how to go about doing that.
18:36 FreeFull thexyz: Having a vimrc actually makes compatible off
18:36 thexyz oh, that's interesting
18:39 Dan_D Oohh, geany looks just like Np++
18:39 thexyz this is mine https://gist.github.com/xyzz/ceffbd63d3e11e1952d1
18:39 thexyz although I don't remember what some stuff does
18:40 zat joined #minetest
18:40 zat Is it really necessary that landrush protected blocks must damage users trying to dig/grief in there?
18:41 xrosnight joined #minetest
18:46 ShadowNinja zat: Nope. But Brenaweb thought so. Some even think you should be banned for that.
18:47 us{0gb I thought Land Rush was all about attacking people but only when they were online.
18:47 zat All the new users are getting killed for hitting things nearby as they try to understand the interface.
18:47 us{0gb Banning and damage seem bad for that.
18:48 VanessaE well does the mod print a warning saying that the area is protected/
18:48 VanessaE ?
18:48 zat Not all players are english speakers.
18:49 VanessaE so?  they can learn a few phrases.
18:49 VanessaE all servers have rules, do they not?
18:49 zat I prefer being a little bit less pedantic and let the users figure it out when they see things respawn.
18:53 Dan_D joined #minetest
18:53 VanessaE and if they don't "figure it out"?
18:54 VanessaE I mean, at what point do you need to just say "ok this guy is griefing, not learning"?
18:54 Dan_D I have downloaded a tar.bz2 of a game, that is for linux, but what do I do to it to compile or whatever?
18:54 VanessaE Dan_D: terminal.  tar jxvf filename.tar.bz2
18:54 VanessaE then cd into the folder it creates and check for build instructions
18:54 Dan_D Thanks
18:54 VanessaE e.g. a README or INSTALL file
18:54 Dan_D Ok Dokay
18:55 VanessaE usually you'll just need to sudo apt-get install build-essential; ./configure; make
18:55 VanessaE the ./configure step will try to find all the libs a program needs.
18:55 VanessaE when it comes back with an error, search Synaptic for the library it wants and install the "-dev" package that corresponds to it
18:55 q66 joined #minetest
18:55 VanessaE then repeat ./configure until you get no more errors.
18:56 Dan_D 'parently there is 'no such file or directory'
18:57 VanessaE well just look around in the folder
18:57 VanessaE check the website it came from also, there may be build instructions there
18:57 Dan_D Ok
18:58 Dan_D By the looks of things it is of an older version anyway, so off to Wine it is...
19:03 us{0gb WHy do textures never look as good in-game as they do in GIMP?
19:04 us{0gb My nodes look awful.
19:04 VanessaE the game doesn't to proper scaling/antialiasing
19:04 VanessaE I mean it's all nearest-neighbor instead of decent stuff like lanczos or even bicubic
19:05 VanessaE so you see hard, pixelated edges on the imagery
19:05 us{0gb Anti-aliasing ... Doesn't that have to do with causing blur?
19:05 VanessaE not if it's done right
19:05 khonkhortisan antialiasing in minetest causes edge bleed
19:05 zat VanessaE: and what id they dont figure it out, what if they dont learn a few phrases, what if... -- IT IS JUST A DAMN GAME, period.
19:05 PilzAdam I always think the opposite: textures look awful in gimp but pretty good in-game, with the high zoom factor and the tiling
19:05 VanessaE antialiasing is supposed to just smooth the transitions between neighboring pixels
19:05 Tiktalik if your textures look bad in-game
19:05 Tiktalik then you need to make better textures
19:05 Tiktalik you have to check for things like repetitiveness
19:06 Tiktalik and figure out if you really want to be staring at that texture for a good while
19:06 us{0gb PilzAdam, exactly my point. What looks good in GIMP looks bad in Minetest. What looks good in Minetest looks bad in GIMP.
19:06 PilzAdam so, start drawing bad textures :-)
19:06 VanessaE bbl, getting tired
19:07 Tiktalik us{0gb: texturing is completely different than, say, spriting
19:07 us{0gb I tried drawing worse. It didn't help. THare's also images that look bad in both Minetest and GIMP.
19:07 us{0gb Tiktalik, apparently. I have no idea how to texture.
19:07 NekoGloop joined #minetest
19:08 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
19:08 Tiktalik us{0gb: a good thing to do is create an image four times bigger than the texture you're making
19:08 Tiktalik and then tile your texture in it
19:09 Tiktalik if you've got unpleasant visual things that stand out, like odd lines in your grass
19:09 Tiktalik you need to remove them
19:10 us{0gb I have done that. I am careful to make sure things line up properly. But for example, my new mapgen_junglegrass doesn't tile, and it still looks bad in-game. And things that tile properly and look good in GIMP still don't look good in-game.
19:11 thexyz http://wiki.minetest.net/RPG_mode
19:12 us{0gb Hmm. I don't know about Skyrim or Ender Dragons, but dragons do sound fun.
19:12 thexyz surprisingly enough, the wiki is rather active (there's one guy making a lot of changes)
19:13 kaeza "23:04, 27 September 2013‎ Prestotron55"
19:13 kaeza > Prestotron55
19:13 kaeza .-.
19:14 us{0gb Oh, I've seen Prestotron55 around IRC lately as well.
19:14 Dan_D joined #minetest
19:14 PilzAdam "Dragon 23% done" – "Ok lets do the dragon in 100 lines, we have already 23 done!!!111!"
19:15 Dan_D Seriously VanessaE, that pyramids_mummy.x is stopping me from joinging the server.
19:15 kaeza there was a guy, I don't recall if it was on the forums or here, that was asking which one was the "official" wiki, becayse he wanted to contribute
19:15 kaeza -y+u
19:16 PilzAdam kaeza, it was "Wuzzy" on the forums
19:16 * us{0gb considers adding a dirt_with_junglegrass node to his game to make his junglegrass node match it better while still being able to use the more exotic color on mapgen_junglegrass
19:16 zat PilzAdam: what about features implemented?
19:16 thexyz it should be stated at the main page of wiki.minetest.com that wiki was moved
19:16 Dan_D Also VanessaE, what was the server'sirc channel called?
19:16 kaeza PilzAdam, ah, yes
19:17 PilzAdam http://wiki.minetest.net/File:Air.png lol
19:17 kaeza such gimp skills
19:18 us{0gb Oh, right. dirt_with_junglegrass still wouldn't spawn in jungles. My plans are once again foiled.
19:24 kaeza https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=112294#p112294
19:24 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:25 jojoa1997 Hi
19:25 kaeza you gotta hate that "Hide extension for known file types" thing of Windows
19:25 kaeza hi jojo
19:27 us{0gb Hello!
19:27 NekoGloop kaeza, That's why it
19:27 NekoGloop 's turned off
19:27 NekoGloop goddamn this keyboard
19:27 Wuzzy Why did you mention my name?
19:28 PilzAdam Wuzzy, are you from the Minetest forums?
19:28 Wuzzy Yes.
19:28 PilzAdam we talked about your wiki contributions
19:30 Calinou joined #minetest
19:32 jojoa1997 Wuzzy what did you add to the wiki
19:32 Spads joined #minetest
19:34 Dan_D left #minetest
19:35 Jordach this is awesome: http://justgetflux.com/
19:35 Jordach in fact; my monitor likes displaying bright blue
19:35 Jordach everything's got a yellow-y tint
19:38 PilzAdam reminds me to redshift, which makes your screen red-ish since its easier for your eyes
19:38 Jordach but it doesnt feel like staring into a giant light bulb anyone
19:38 Peacock joined #minetest
19:39 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
19:39 Wuzzy jojoa1997: I only added Air, Dye, Flower, Cotton Seed, Wheat Seed, Category:Stone, Groups, Screwdriver, Minetest.conf (just copied), Category:Sand, Category:Passable, Template:Group Data, Vanilla Minetest game, Time of Day, Controls/Movement modes, Repairing, Controls (copied and edited), Map Generator Evolution (copied), most files seen at Biomes, a shitload of fixes for crafting recipes, redesign of It
19:39 Wuzzy ems and a shitload of smaller things. See full list at <http://wiki.minetest.net/Special:Contributions/Wuzzy>
19:40 Wuzzy Oh, and a complete rework of the Crafting page.
19:41 us{0gb Nice! Minetest wiki users everywhere thank you.
19:41 Wuzzy I am now active on wiki.minetest.net, not on wiki.minetest.com anymore. I guess the article copying is done so far.
19:43 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
19:43 thexyz that is great
19:43 thexyz so now we should get someone to set up a redirect
19:44 thexyz Calinou: plz
19:44 roboman2444 joined #minetest
19:45 thexyz since I don't remember nickname of the guy who hosts it the easiest option will be a javascript-based redirect
19:46 Calinou why the highlight
19:46 NekoGloop calinou pls
19:47 sdzen left #minetest
19:47 Peacock didn't you know? its Happy Calinou Highlight Day :P
19:47 Jordach Calinou, hey hey Calinou
19:47 NekoGloop HEY! LISTEN!
19:48 Jordach HELLO!
19:48 us{0gb WAKE UP!
19:48 Jordach !op
19:48 Peacock lose the caps, or lose your teeth :P
19:48 Peacock *loose?
19:48 Topic for #minetest is now http://minetest.net | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released; 0.4.8 will be released soonâ„¢ | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: http://minetest.net/servers | IRC LOGS: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/ | WIKI: http://wiki.minetest.net | Hourly Event: HIGHLIGHT Calinou. |  Don't ask about asking questions.
19:48 us{0gb Ha ha, the joke's on you. I have no teeth.
19:48 * Calinou drinks atomic punch and walks near level 3 sentry
19:49 * Jordach snipes Calinou
19:50 Peacock atomic punch? i thought we only served that on Tchernobyl Tuesdays
19:50 Jordach or Fukushima Fridays
19:50 ShadowNinja ~pingcalinou
19:50 Jordach :>
19:50 Peacock lol true
19:50 ShadowBot Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou
19:51 Jordach hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
19:51 OWNSyouA1 joined #minetest
19:51 Jordach !ping Calinou
19:51 MinetestBot Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou Calinou
19:51 Peacock if they hold the olympics in Japan near Fukushima it will bring new meaning to the term "three legged race" :P
19:51 Jordach it works
19:52 thexyz Calinou: make wiki.minetest.com redirect to wiki.minetest.net
19:52 Calinou not sure if I can
19:52 Peacock use the force
19:52 * Calinou uses the force on Peacock...
19:52 Calinou [segfault]
19:52 Jordach Calinou, O.O
19:52 Peacock but dont shart yourself using the force :P
19:52 us{0gb Minetest still doesn't have sound packs, right?
19:53 Jordach using the force is needed when you've run out of lube...
19:53 * Jordach runs
19:53 Peacock heck people can hardly agree on non-terrible default sounds :P
19:53 thexyz Calinou: you can edit javascript
19:53 us{0gb I meant sound pack support.
19:53 PilzAdam us{0gb, just make a mod that depends on default and has all the soundfiles
19:53 Calinou how would I do that JS redirect? :P
19:54 ShadowNinja Calinou: Just change the main page to <h1><a href="wiki.minetest.net">GO TO THE OFFICIAL WIKI</a><h1>
19:54 Peacock well the lua menu should make it easy enough for anyone to write
19:54 Calinou lol
19:54 us{0gb I'm not asking how to implement it server side, I'm making my own stuff that doesn't depend on default, so that's not an issue. I am wondering if clients can override it.
19:55 Peacock how would that work with ambience type mods?
19:55 us{0gb I'm going to "steal" default's sounds though. I can't edit sounds.
19:55 * us{0gb shutters at the thought of ambiance
19:56 zat that href wont work ShadowNinja
19:56 zat would append wiki.minetest.net to the path
19:56 us{0gb Or ambient sounds, rather.
19:56 Peacock its a good idea, but until we can stream sounds or whatever, several mb's of downloading music to join a server is a bit of a drag yes
19:57 Krock Hello people, is it normal to play with 2 FPS with a 3 GHz PC?
19:57 Peacock yes
19:57 Peacock next
19:57 us{0gb I meant I don't like the sounds playing while nothing is happening, not the download time.
19:57 zat Krock: try setting a higher fps rate roflolol
19:57 Peacock ah well me it's the download time
19:57 Jordach Krock, what operating system are you using
19:57 Krock lol the problem is, it won't go higher
19:57 Peacock people timeout two or three times before being able to join
19:57 Krock Windows XP, 2 GB RAM
19:58 Jordach Krock, any graphics cards
19:58 Krock yes, 64 MB
19:58 Jordach theres the problem
19:58 ShadowNinja zat: s/wiki/http:\/\/wiki/
19:58 Jordach 64mb isnt enough for minetest
19:58 Krock not? o.o
19:58 Jordach you'll need at least 256mb+
19:58 Jordach or use the intergrated graphics of your motherboard
19:58 zat ShadowNinja: correct kik
19:58 Krock it's the integratd one
19:58 Peacock Minetest runs on old hardware â„¢
19:58 Jordach (which is probably quicker)
19:59 Peacock (probably time to drop that slogan :P)
19:59 Krock okay thanks jordach, I'll see what i can so
19:59 Krock *do
19:59 Peacock not sodo, sudo
20:00 Jordach Krock, i think you're using AGP, am i correct
20:00 Peacock they still make AGP cards?
20:00 Jordach Peacock, yes
20:00 Krock I'm using an integrated card
20:00 Jordach my card was manufacted just over two years ago
20:00 Peacock i had an AGP TV-Tuner card in the late 90s
20:00 Jordach Krock, AHA
20:00 Jordach in the bios, you should be able to turn that setting upto 128mb, or at least 256mb
20:01 Peacock well if it's integrated, isn't the memory shared?
20:01 Krock and it illl not burn up or something?
20:01 Peacock only on reentry
20:02 dafull97 joined #minetest
20:02 dafull97 Hey guys im back
20:02 Calinou hi
20:02 Jordach wait.
20:02 Jordach i've seen that exact IP before
20:03 * Jordach is getting suspicious
20:04 Peacock good enuff for me
20:04 * Peacock fires fouton torpedos at dafull
20:04 Jordach Peacock, they still make AGP cards, but they're for some reason, more expensive than the PCI-E type
20:04 Peacock well yeah its kinda Mesozoic at this point
20:04 Vargos joined #minetest
20:05 Peacock i haven't seen an AGP port on any of my towers in years
20:05 Jordach heh
20:05 Jordach without my card, i only get 20fps
20:05 Jordach with it, i get 30-50 fps
20:06 Peacock im getting 20 FPS right now but im running tons of other shit too
20:06 * Calinou never tried his IGP...
20:06 Calinou HD 3000
20:07 Calinou not sure if I'd get 120-150 average FPS everything maxed out with it :>
20:07 Krock joined #minetest
20:08 Jordach Calinou, OpenSpades gets apparently 30fps with full settings
20:08 Jordach Krock, any better
20:08 Krock hmm
20:09 babyface1031 joined #minetest
20:10 Jordach Krock, running any background apps
20:10 Krock yes! it works much fater now :D thanks
20:10 Krock *faster
20:10 Jordach Krock, fps now
20:10 Calinou looks like I have 60
20:10 Krock 23
20:10 Jordach Krock, that's playable on a IGP
20:10 Jordach i usually got that myself
20:10 Jordach when i used to have a IGP
20:11 Krock yes...our eye just needs something like 18 too see a movement
20:11 Jordach 24fps iirc
20:11 dafull97 Getting Xubuntu =D
20:11 Jordach Krock, i'm assuming you set the IGP memory to 128mb or 256mb
20:12 Jordach (512mb is reccomended)
20:12 Krock yes higher than 256 wasn't possible
20:12 Jordach ah, but that should alleviate your issue
20:12 Jordach minetest just happens to use about 25% of the ram needed to run MC
20:13 Jordach Krock, (which on average is around 250mb)
20:13 Krock oh
20:13 Jordach Minecraft likes to give itself a 1gb, minetest doesnt.
20:13 Krock I never played MC before so I have no idea what the requirements are :3
20:13 Peacock obvs since youre not running all that java bs on the side :p
20:14 Jordach Krock, anyways, enjoy minetest to it's fullest extent
20:14 Krock yes, thank again for helping me
20:14 Peacock wow, wife just had that bug where you dig shit underwater and get water nodes too lol
20:15 PilzAdam Peacock, that minetest version is rater old, isnt it?
20:15 Peacock 0.4.7
20:16 dafull97 PilzAdam, have you ever used Xubuntu?
20:20 jojoa1997 left #minetest
20:20 PilzAdam Peacock, cant be, its fixed since 0.4.5
20:20 PilzAdam or do you use a different game than minetest_game?
20:20 Peacock i guess not, just checked, wife's 0.4.7, im (server) 0.4.7, she dug bricks underwater and got water nodes
20:20 Peacock what was the fix, lua code or engine?
20:20 youlysses joined #minetest
20:21 PilzAdam there is no way you can get water nodes as drops
20:21 PilzAdam https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/0beabfc7555860b0a1868532615f3d52d7ecceb4
20:21 PilzAdam your wife is a cheater :-p
20:21 Peacock naw im just using a custom default
20:21 Peacock so i have to add drops '' to all the water nodes
20:22 PilzAdam and lava and other liquids
20:22 Krock uhm I also was able to "dig" water and got them as drops, but when i rejoined it wasn't posible to do anymore
20:22 Krock thaat was a bit weird but..okay
20:22 Peacock but since when are liquids diggable? seems that's the real bug
20:22 us{0gb How do I flip a texture backwards? I don't see the option in the API, but I've done it before.
20:22 us{0gb In the API documentation, I mean.
20:23 Peacock might be simpler to add a line in register_node (builtin) where it puts the '' drop for every liquid drawtype node
20:24 us{0gb I'm using digable liquids, so it would be nice if that option wasn't removed.
20:24 us{0gb I use buckets as tools that dig liquids.
20:25 Peacock its an option or a bug?
20:25 us{0gb It's an option.
20:25 Peacock it make buckets pretty pointless if you can just dig liquids with any tool
20:25 Jordach diggable liquids would be awesome
20:26 Peacock weird option lol
20:26 Jordach punch lava with fists; magically carry lava with bare hands
20:26 us{0gb The error also happens in some other cases allowing you to dig nodes with the wrong tool. Liquids are not special that way.
20:26 Peacock yeah because griefing isn't easy enough :P
20:26 Peacock wonderful lol
20:27 us{0gb Jordach, you need a bucket for that, but my buckets act like liquid-mining picks.
20:27 us{0gb Sort of like how the axe is a cactus-mining pick.
20:27 Peacock dunno, for me, liquids should be naturally occuring, if people want liquids they should dig canals or use those big wheel thingies to bring it up
20:28 Peacock its pretty funny when you think of the fact that farming is pretty medieval, while anyone can dig a cubic meter of liquids with any tool
20:28 us{0gb And if you want it that way, that's fine. Bu tdon't take away the option to allow other people to do other things by changing the node registration function to react to the drawtype.
20:29 Peacock well its already changed in the default mod, so i'd assume no one else can dig liquids either
20:29 us{0gb Right. So just don't change the registration function for new liquids.
20:30 us{0gb The bug is in the nodes, not the function.
20:30 Peacock dont worry, i gave up a long time ago trying to understand half the changes that are made :P i just override default and builtin and deal with it lol
20:32 watupboiwatt joined #minetest
20:34 anunakki joined #minetest
20:34 anunakki hello
20:35 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:36 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
20:37 anunakki joined #minetest
20:37 anunakki joined #minetest
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20:53 Dan_D joined #minetest
20:53 Dan_D Hi guys
20:54 hoodedice joined #minetest
20:55 hoodedice joined #minetest
20:55 hoodedice joined #minetest
20:55 hoodedice Jordach
20:55 hoodedice http://i.imgur.com/5I5R6dJ.png =P
20:58 whirm joined #minetest
20:59 Dan_D Does Alabeathira sound like a good name for a castleor city?
20:59 Spads left #minetest
21:19 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:27 Peacock whats the difference between snow and snowblock?
21:29 kaeza snow is the item, and the thin layer of snow on top of blocks
21:29 kaeza the block is just that: a block made of snow
21:30 kaeza compare to a steel ingot vs a steel block
21:33 PilzAdam Peacock, /giveme default:snow and default:snowblock, place them both, compare
21:33 Peacock thanks, trying to convert paragen to work with lvm, but im missing a few nodes
21:36 FreeFull kaeza: Well, you can't place a layer of steel ingot onto blocks
21:36 Peacock lol
21:36 FreeFull I guess it'd be more like steel plate vs steel block
21:36 Peacock i dont even get what these leveled nodeboxes are supposed to be lol
21:36 kaeza FreeFull, but you can't craft steel blocks from steel plates :P
21:36 Peacock seems overly complicated
21:37 kaeza anyway, what is a steel plate? O_o
21:37 FreeFull A hypothetical item
21:38 ShadowNinja steel quarter-slab.
21:39 PilzAdam Peacock, the API for all the weather / finite-liquid things are fucked up
21:40 Peacock weather/finite liquid/leveled nodeboxes, and we still only got one colour of light and weird shadows :P
21:40 Peacock thats life
21:41 ShadowNinja So when are client-side mods scheduled for?
21:41 Peacock anyways eventually i have to update my default and go over it again, i was just hoping it wouldn't be soon
21:41 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, in the future
21:42 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Oh, I thought it was scheduled for the past. </sarcasm>
21:42 kaeza "the future" == "in the next few trillion years"
21:42 kaeza "if not, remind us again"
21:43 Peacock and 3 DB backends if im not mistaken :P
21:45 PilzAdam I guess dummy cant be counted as real backedn
21:46 Peacock that brings it up to 4 :P
21:46 Peacock (wasnt aware)
21:46 PilzAdam hm? leveldb, sqlite and dummy
21:46 NakedFury joined #minetest
21:46 Peacock i heard rumours of sophia too
21:46 PilzAdam thats just sfan5 going crazy
21:47 PilzAdam and AFAIK he waits for libmtmap
21:48 Peacock so many DBs, and one ring to rule them all
21:49 PilzAdam dummy just rules all in terms of speed and code length
21:49 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: No, sophia is far faster than LevelDB. And it shouldn't be hard to add support for it.
21:49 sfan5 PilzAdam: going crazy? hm?
21:49 PilzAdam "moar dbs, moar!!!" :-p
21:49 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I got a (theoretically) working branch with sophia support, but somehow the internal crc's of sophia get corrupted and it fails to load the database
21:50 Peacock i wonder why paramat duplicated nodes like cloud and stone :/
21:51 ni89659 joined #minetest
21:51 Jordach Peacock, so the engine doesnt make caves
21:51 Peacock thats easy, disable caves in map_meta
21:51 Peacock why the cavegen runs anywhere but underground is beyond me lol
21:51 Peacock oh no i started a war :( lol
21:52 * Peacock launches ICBMs at all the DBs
21:53 Peacock well hopefully when 0.5.0 comes around there'll be 1 standard db (the fastest/bestest)
21:57 ShadowNinja sfan5: How is Windows support for Sophia?
21:58 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I don't see why it shouldn't work; I didn't test it however
21:58 ShadowNinja Does anyone else agree with me that Minetest's major-minor-patch version system is more like huge-major-minor?
21:58 sfan5 yes
21:58 kahrl more like 0-major-minor
21:58 Dan_D joined #minetest
21:58 Dan_D Hello?
21:59 ShadowNinja ^ I feel like it is goind to take us 10 years to get to 1.0.0.
21:59 ShadowNinja If Minetest is even actively developed in ten years.
22:00 ShadowNinja IMO the next release is worthy of the 0.5.0 mark because of LevelDB, which has been the most wanted feature for years.
22:01 ShadowNinja At least for server owners.
22:02 svuorela joined #minetest
22:03 Peacock i wouldn't call it 0.5.0 without throwing in a few major API things (at least as great as nodeboxes were to pre-nodebox mt)
22:06 kahrl voxelmanip?
22:06 ShadowNinja Peacock: Like node models? The idea is that we shouldn't need a dozen MAJOR features to bump the MINOR version number.
22:06 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, no, we already have some plans for 0.5.0
22:06 ShadowNinja ^That is pretty big, it makes Lua mapgen practical.
22:06 PilzAdam such as BKVL
22:06 kahrl PilzAdam, indeed
22:07 Peacock well voxelmanip has been with us since 0.4.7, so it wouldn't really count for 0.5.0 anymore (if you wanted to do that, shoulda bumped it to 0.5.0 when it came out)
22:07 ShadowNinja Meh, but maybe we should bump the versions a little faster, and we should certainly release faster.
22:07 kahrl perhaps we should start working towards 0.5.0 after releasing 0.4.8
22:08 PilzAdam the second digit basically means incompatibilty
22:08 ShadowNinja Peacock: No, the VM isn't in 0.4.7.
22:08 Peacock it isn't? pretty sure my version says 0.4.7 ( a git) and it is in there
22:08 ShadowNinja 0.4.7-git does have it, but not 0.4.7-stable.
22:09 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Normally the first digit means that, eg python2->3.
22:09 PilzAdam I know
22:09 kahrl with #936 git versions will no longer show the same version number as stable ones
22:10 Dan_D joined #minetest
22:10 Peacock F5 used to show the precise version (git), dunno why that was taken out
22:10 kahrl when was that?
22:10 kahrl I don't remember it
22:10 Peacock back when i ran arch so, about six months ago
22:11 Peacock version string said minetest-git(MDY)
22:11 ShadowNinja kahrl: BTW, a nota about that. I don't think the tag should be shown if you are not on that exact commit. eg no 0.4.7-MSVC-303
22:11 Peacock now it just says 0.4.7
22:11 kahrl PilzAdam: did you install it via arch?
22:11 ShadowNinja note*
22:11 kahrl Peacock: *
22:12 PilzAdam kahrl, no, its rather unusual to install things with arch in Kubuntu ;-)
22:12 kahrl heh
22:12 Peacock what PA said lol
22:13 Peacock now i compile rather than use packer
22:14 kahrl ShadowNinja: I think it should be shown, it makes it possible to see the base stable version without having to look up the commit in git log
22:14 Peacock dunno, for a major version, maybe something like making the mapgen into an object you can define/register more than once, in essence, being able to register realms like the default mapgen, stuff like that
22:16 ShadowNinja MGv7 Lua-definable biomes?
22:17 Peacock lua definable biomes yeah, that would be cool
22:17 Peacock but being able to use the mapgen itself to define realms, that would be cool too
22:18 Peacock (youd need params to define the ystart and yend tho
22:18 * Jordach slowly feels worse
22:18 kahrl oh by the way the arch daily on http://minetest.net/download is broken
22:18 kahrl the link, I mean
22:18 Peacock the ability to configure different skies for different realms, would add more to otherworldly realms
22:19 * Jordach pokes VanessaE
22:19 * Peacock doesnt use arch anymore (not my problem lol)
22:20 Peacock heck, even being able to have multiple stars/moons or none at all would help differentiate servers
22:22 * Peacock is testing lvm-paragen
22:23 rsiska joined #minetest
22:39 hax404 joined #minetest
22:40 milleja46 joined #minetest
22:47 Peacock well, lvm paragen works, but i shouldn;t have used the latest version of paragen lol
22:48 Peacock http://s23.postimg.org/nhpl78ni3/screenshot_1637564865.png
22:49 Jordach sfan5's and nore's mapgen doesnt glitch out
22:49 Peacock theyre using 0.1 paragen i take it?
22:51 cisoun joined #minetest
22:54 Miner_48er joined #minetest
22:56 paramat joined #minetest
22:57 Dark_Soul joined #minetest
22:58 NakedFury joined #minetest
23:07 Jordach they built they're own
23:08 Peacock that wasnt what nore said
23:08 Jordach hmm
23:09 Dark_Soul VanessaE are you there?
23:10 Peacock damnit, wheres the thread with that mapgen and town that sfan and others built?
23:11 Peacock found it
23:11 Peacock ok so i dont think its exactly the same code according to this: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=111431#p111431
23:12 Peacock though paramats' paragen 0.2.0 has a shitton more biomes than the default mapgen, so i lvm'ed that
23:12 Peacock i just hope he can fix the horizontal splits, since i dont have a clue lol
23:16 Jordach Dark_Soul, i might be of assistance
23:16 milleja46 joined #minetest
23:16 Jordach what's the problem
23:18 kaeza joined #minetest
23:20 * Jordach may hav IBS
23:20 Jordach have*
23:20 paramat Peacock, i don't get horizontal splits in non-lvm paragen 0.2.0, are they every chunk? (80 nodes)
23:20 Peacock i moved a wide distance horizontally, and it seems to be there everywhere :/
23:21 milleja46 joined #minetest
23:21 Peacock i may have fucked up somewhere
23:21 Jordach paramat, Peacock needs a LVM version
23:21 Jordach hey paramat
23:21 Peacock (i updated the pastebin, i had the wrong heights set- for my own map)
23:22 paramat yeah i'll write the lvm version soon, hi J
23:23 Peacock allright, fixed all my heights, trying again
23:23 Jordach hmm, i've been so pressurized by college that i've gotten irritable bowels; great way for a weekend to go
23:23 * Jordach still feels like shit
23:24 Peacock not necessary to share with everyone :P you wouldn't want to know what happens after i eat thai food :P
23:24 Peacock suffice it to say, the battle of Klach D'Kel Brakt pales in comparison
23:24 paramat ah just found your pastebin of paragen lvm :)
23:24 Peacock the updated one?
23:25 Jordach Peacock, i can usually hold my weight on a lethal curry
23:25 Peacock http://pastebin.com/WY6j60Fs
23:25 Jordach the only thing that burns is my mouth
23:25 Peacock though asian food is no good if it doesnt burn both ways
23:25 * Jordach is considering testing Neuromancer's Immersion
23:25 Jordach let's see how this P4 handles
23:27 Jordach \o/ it loads
23:27 paramat yeah the updated one i think, i'll reload it
23:27 Exio4 hi paramat
23:28 Peacock hm, i think i fixed the horizontal splits
23:28 Exio4 how is the mapgen going!
23:28 paramat hi Exio4 ... it's epic
23:28 Peacock i had changed ymin and ymax without adjusting the other height levels (like waty and sandy)
23:29 Peacock so the pastebin i sent you should actually work fine :P
23:30 paramat ah excellent
23:31 paramat hm i could make the parameters all relative to ymin to avoid that mistake
23:31 Peacock well at least it was my mistake :P i changed the height in case i wanted to add more realms in the future, and set it to 25-27K
23:32 paramat generation time per chunk?
23:32 Peacock faster than the mainstream 0.2.0, but still a bit slow
23:33 Peacock i just watch the terminal output and notice it print paragen 1..2...3 much faster
23:35 Exio4 you should use the fast-mass perlin noise functions
23:35 Exio4 and cache the node ids outside the on_mapgen
23:35 Peacock one thing i noticed in moonrealm lvm, you get the content id's within ongen, which means theyre called everytime ongen is called right? what if it were defined outside ongen, then it would be only once?
23:36 Peacock there, exio just said it lol coulda saved me the trouble :P
23:36 Exio4 yes, it would work, and would be pretty nice to do it, and if you use luajit it would be amazingly fast
23:37 Exio4 using number indexs could make it be pretty fast too
23:37 Peacock i do use luajit, so some timesaving would still be good
23:38 Exio4 local env = minetest.env
23:38 Exio4 local perlin3 = env:get_perlin(perl3.SEED3, perl3.OCTA3, perl3.PERS3, perl3.SCAL3)
23:38 Exio4 wut
23:38 Exio4 minetest.env? nah
23:38 paramat Peacock, insert 'local vi = a:index(x, y, z)' at line 492, otherwise no clouds
23:38 Peacock good timing, i just got a segfault for clouds lol
23:39 paramat lol
23:39 Peacock right under: if y0 == cloudyq then -- CLouds ?
23:39 paramat yeah i will need to learn to use the new perlin stuff
23:40 paramat oh um line 492 in the pastebin
23:40 Peacock ideally maybe just have a single YLEVEL variable, and derive ymin,ymax,waty, sandy from that
23:41 Peacock under:  if env:get_node({x=x,y=CLOUDY,z=z}).name == "air" then ?
23:41 paramat yes, everything relative to the average surface level, good idea
23:42 paramat above that
23:42 paramat under 'local z = z0 + k + b'
23:43 Peacock perfect thanks
23:44 Peacock my line numbers dont add up since i have to define a few extra nodes my custom default doesn't have
23:44 paramat Exio4, thanks good advice.
23:44 Exio4 Peacock: you should use voxelmanip for reading nodes 'names' too
23:44 Exio4 paramat: what advice? :P
23:45 Peacock *add up = line up
23:45 Peacock exio4 im just splicing the same method used for moonrealm-lvm :P paramat knows more what im doing than i know what im doing lol
23:45 Exio4 k
23:45 Exio4 thought you coded that part
23:46 Wuzzy joined #minetest
23:46 Peacock naw i stared at moonrealm and paragen for an hour and just spliced things together
23:46 Peacock thank god for 24" screens
23:46 * Exio4 only has a 21.5" screen
23:47 PilzAdam 23 here
23:47 Peacock still wide enough to compare two files side-by-side
23:47 paramat Exio4, your advice at 00:35 :)
23:48 Peacock past midnight in the UK? still 19h here lol
23:48 Peacock therefore, happy-hour is ongoing lol
23:48 Exio4 [20:35:08] <Exio4> you should use the fast-mass perlin noise functions
23:48 Exio4 i see
23:48 paramat I heard that new perlin function seed is absolute not seeddiff, how would i make the seed world dependant?
23:49 PilzAdam paramat, I havent heard about that
23:49 paramat lol my mistake
23:50 Peacock well if my lvm-convert works, than a few tweaks for speed is all that's missing
23:50 paramat (^ plol)
23:50 Peacock *then
23:50 Weedy joined #minetest
23:51 Mossmanikin joined #minetest
23:51 Mossmanikin Hi folks
23:51 paramat how about lvm trees?
23:52 PilzAdam use schematics for trees
23:52 Peacock youd need to schematizes them
23:52 paramat okay
23:52 Peacock (i know the spellings wrong lol)
23:53 paramat your word's more funky
23:53 Peacock hm another segfault with the thing you told me to add
23:53 Peacock paragen/init.lua:527: attempt to index local 'a' (a number value)
23:53 Peacock for you line 492
23:54 Peacock i guess i have to reinit a
23:54 paramat oh there's another 'a' variable!
23:55 Peacock so what should i do?
23:55 Peacock ah shit youre right
23:55 Peacock for a, for b
23:56 paramat best to use 'local vi = area:index(x, y, z)'
23:56 Peacock and change all the a's to area i guess
23:57 paramat yes but only in the lvm stuff
23:59 Peacock builtin/voxelarea.lua:35: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'y' (a nil value)
23:59 paramat oh yes that bug

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