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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-07-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:12 sad_mine_wanaB joined #minetest
00:12 zrokh "is it just me or is there a lot of excitement today" said nobody today
00:14 sad_mine_wanaB i just got a nice new laptop that refuses to run minetest. it always freezes/crashes somewhere between "Media" and "loading textures". could anyone help?
00:14 zrokh LOL
00:14 zrokh i have an idea
00:15 zrokh go to, download the .exe, buy minecraft, try if it works
00:15 sad_mine_wanaB im interested in minetest at this point
00:16 sad_mine_wanaB mintest DOES, however, run single player
00:16 PilzAdam sad_mine_wanaB, can you create some debug output?
00:18 Ego I would like blocks the size of laid snow, but with different textures, more specifically a wood texture..  And can be lain sideways :O  Is this available in some mod that anyone knows?
00:19 Arkmabat joined #minetest
00:19 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Disallow the name 'singleplayer' in a multiplayer server 320a00e7c6 2013-07-11T17:15:09-07:00
00:19 VanessaE_ wooden slabs of that particular thickness are part of moreblocks.
00:19 Uberi|Fooooood pressure plates?
00:19 Uberi|Fooooood (mesecons, btw)
00:19 Ego Thanks!
00:19 Uberi|Fooooood no problem :)
00:19 Uberi|Fooooood remember that they aren't full slabs
00:19 Kacey joined #minetest
00:19 Kacey joined #minetest
00:20 VanessaE_ (moreblocks has quarter slabs that look like they're 2 pixels thcik
00:20 VanessaE_ thick*
00:21 PilzAdam 2 HDX pixels?
00:21 VanessaE_ 2 default pixels
00:22 sdzen you could do what I used to do, put them in a cloud jail that they couldn't die in, set the respawn area outside of the jail and teleport trusted players out
00:22 VanessaE_ er make that 4 pixels.
00:22 sdzen that system didnt work :)
00:23 sdzen but it was funny as hell to watch landmine scream in it
00:26 Uberi|Fooooood I bet it would be
00:30 sokomine you could offer him an area where he can grief :-)
00:31 sokomine cloud prisons for new players are no solution. you don't know beforehand if a player will grief or not. and good builders will most likely not want to stay on your server if all they can see is some cloud prison. not a very inviting place!
00:32 VanessaE_ bbl, my turn for food
00:35 sad_mine_wanaB is there anything i can do or download to make minecraft work with my graphics card?
00:36 Arkmabat Try directx mode
00:36 Arkmabat I find that better than opengl on my single core laptop.
00:36 kahrl minecraft?
00:36 Arkmabat Huh
00:37 Arkmabat Im sure he meant mt
00:37 Arkmabat For mc theres optifine mod
00:38 Arkmabat You could mod your gpu... Im considering royal bna mod for my laptop...
00:39 Arkmabat Is there a capture the flag mod?
00:39 PilzAdam yes, kaeza made one IIRC
00:40 Arkmabat :D Where is that located?
00:40 PilzAdam dunno
00:40 Arkmabat I shall hunt. Thanks
00:41 sad_mine_wanaB i have an nvidia gforce gt 650m
00:41 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
00:41 sad_mine_wanaB is that incompatible?
00:42 kahrl wasn't that rubenwardy with the ctf?
00:44 Arkmabat Ya its for intel gpus. Search around but be causous and use system restore point. Setting the app higher in the processor list might be better to try first. Mt is glitchy on singke core, there is a 3x3 texture pack that loads SUPER fast
00:45 sad_mine_wanaB Arkmabat: are you talking to me?
00:45 Arkmabat Ya
00:45 sad_mine_wanaB there's no way to download direct x and make it work"?
00:46 PilzAdam set video_driver = direct3d8 in minetest.conf
00:47 PilzAdam but disable shaders then, they wont work with directx
00:47 iqualfragile wut? 8?
00:48 PilzAdam iqualfragile, math.random(8, 9)
00:48 iqualfragile gl.
00:48 Arkmabat Ya try that sad mine
00:49 Arkmabat Its not using directx until you tell it to.
00:49 sad_mine_wanaB should i add that math.random bit?
00:50 Arkmabat No, thats somebody elsr
00:50 sad_mine_wanaB ok
00:50 Arkmabat Put that in minetest.conf
00:51 sad_mine_wanaB ok i deleted the line where it said video_driver = opengl or something to that effect and replaced it with what you told me to
00:52 sad_mine_wanaB it's still not working
00:52 Arkmabat Try it out!!
00:52 Arkmabat What does it say?
00:52 Arkmabat Awwe
00:52 sad_mine_wanaB minetest not responding
00:52 PilzAdam sad_mine_wanaB, it should output a line starting with "Using renderer:" in the console, can you paste that line?
00:53 Arkmabat Mine didn't even have that line. Do you have the newest version?
00:53 sad_mine_wanaB opengl 4.2.0
00:53 PilzAdam then you have set the setting wronh
00:53 PilzAdam *wrong
00:53 Arkmabat Hmmm ya it shouldnt be using that. What version of mt do you have
00:54 sad_mine_wanaB 0.4.7
00:54 PilzAdam pastebin your minetest.conf
00:54 sad_mine_wanaB ok one sec
00:56 sad_mine_wanaB oh wait guys, it's being saved with ".example" at the end. how do i remove that?
00:56 sad_mine_wanaB im on win 8
00:57 Arkmabat Ah!
00:57 PilzAdam just save it as minetest.conf
00:57 Arkmabat Just backspace so it is .conf
00:58 sad_mine_wanaB when i try to save it as that, exactly as you wrote it above, it says "minetest.conf.example already exists, are you sure you want to save"
00:59 Arkmabat Edit the other file then. The one that ends in conf
00:59 PilzAdam thats the downside of windows, the users of it dont even know how to handle files
00:59 sad_mine_wanaB there is only one file and it ends in .conf.example
00:59 Arkmabat video_driver = direct3d9
01:00 PilzAdam sad_mine_wanaB, then you obviously have to create it
01:00 Arkmabat Oh, because mt hasnt run succesdfulky yet
01:01 sad_mine_wanaB thanks. could you please let me know what folder i should create it in?
01:01 Arkmabat Where example is, the first folder you open
01:01 sad_mine_wanaB and should that single line "video_driver = direct3d8" be the only thing in the folder?
01:01 PilzAdam just where the .example one is
01:02 Arkmabat Mmm try it
01:03 Arkmabat Id copy all of the example with that line
01:04 PilzAdam Arkmabat, you dont have to
01:04 PilzAdam that just bloats the file
01:04 Arkmabat Good to know
01:04 PilzAdam and lines starting with # are ignored anyway, so its just a huge mess
01:05 sad_mine_wanaB its still hanging at "connecting to server"
01:05 Arkmabat We re getting further
01:06 PilzAdam we still need the debug output to properly help you
01:07 sad_mine_wanaB it says using renderer opengl 4.2.0
01:08 VanessaE_ back
01:08 sad_mine_wanaB wb
01:08 PilzAdam <PilzAdam> sad_mine_wanaB, can you create some debug output?
01:16 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
01:30 PilzAdam bye
01:47 Johnyknowhow joined #minetest
01:47 ssieb joined #minetest
01:47 Johnyknowhow Hello, chatting of my iPad.
01:49 Johnyknowhow I hope that RealBadAngel can get some sort of guide working for his mod technic
01:49 Johnyknowhow It's annoying to not be able to understand what half the things do
01:51 Johnyknowhow Hmm, the users online tab on the left of this window won't work for my iPad
01:51 Johnyknowhow *right
01:52 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
01:55 Johnyknowhow And how can I see a irc chat in a server? Someone sent a meesage to a server I was in once, through irc without being in the server.
01:56 ShadowNinja Johnyknowhow: Do you mean to a channel without being on it?
01:57 Arkmabat joined #minetest
01:58 Johnyknowhow I gusse, I'm new to irc. I was playing in the server, and someone said something through irc without actually being on the server.
01:58 pehjota ShadowNinja: I think he means sending a message from IRC to a Minetest server.
01:58 Johnyknowhow Yeah
01:59 Johnyknowhow Is t
01:59 ShadowNinja Johnyknowhow: The IRC mod. You can chat on my server if you like with it.
01:59 ShadowNinja #minetest
02:01 Arkmabat joined #minetest
02:02 Johnyknowhow Cool, I think I'll ask Rancon to get that mod for his sky block server, cause I like to chat with him about mods and I'm typing on my iPad, and there is only one computer in the house that can run multiplayer minetest
02:02 Johnyknowhow And how would I chat from irc with that?
02:04 Arkmabat joined #minetest
02:04 kaeza joined #minetest
02:04 Johnyknowhow I got the scrolbarrs
02:05 Johnyknowhow To work, just use two fingers. ._.
02:05 kaeza that's what she said
02:05 kaeza hi all
02:05 Johnyknowhow Hi k
02:06 Johnyknowhow ... My cat is sitting on my head.
02:09 Johnyknowhow Wow,I noticed alot of people In here that I don't like for griefing/messing with rancon p's server. Oh well. It's only a game with a  small community.
02:12 Johnyknowhow joined #minetest
02:12 onpon joined #minetest
02:19 Johnyknowhow joined #minetest
02:21 Johnyknowhow Rrrr I want to get on a server!
02:34 onpon joined #minetest
02:35 onpon3 joined #minetest
02:44 Arkmabat joined #minetest
03:05 Arkmabat joined #minetest
03:06 Arkmabat Ke
04:06 VanessaE_ zzz
04:10 Arkmabat joined #minetest
04:13 kaeza joined #minetest
04:14 MinetestBot GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Clean up bumpmap code a bit fc6725f14e 2013-07-11T21:11:46-07:00
04:21 deepdigger joined #minetest
04:30 neko259 joined #minetest
04:49 sfan5 hi
04:59 NekoGloopMkII joined #minetest
05:27 Miner_48er joined #minetest
06:46 dranov joined #minetest
07:00 NakedFury joined #minetest
07:08 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:23 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:23 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:32 whirm joined #minetest
07:39 Calinou joined #minetest
07:40 Vohveli joined #minetest
08:14 harrison joined #minetest
08:35 JamesTait Good morning all, happy Friday and happy Cow Appreciation Day! (With a shout out to Embrace Your Geekness Day tomorrow) :-D
08:40 tjbarber joined #minetest
08:42 harrison joined #minetest
09:12 TheLastProject joined #minetest
09:14 Calinou joined #minetest
09:17 kaeza mornings
09:18 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
09:31 StarBlessed joined #minetest
09:42 q66 joined #minetest
09:45 blaze joined #minetest
09:48 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
09:49 away joined #minetest
09:55 around joined #minetest
10:11 tjbarber_ joined #minetest
10:31 FreeFull joined #minetest
10:34 svuorela joined #minetest
10:48 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:48 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
10:49 sfan5 hi
10:49 Calinou hi
10:50 kaeza hi
10:54 PilzAdam Calinou, -> offtopic
10:54 proller joined #minetest
10:55 Calinou lol
10:55 Calinou PilzAdam: put in trash
11:08 Yepoleb hello
11:08 Yepoleb Do animated textures have a variable amount of frames?
11:08 sfan5 yes
11:10 john_minetest joined #minetest
11:10 Yepoleb thanks
11:10 Calinou Yepoleb: any amount of frames will work
11:10 Calinou note that older cards may not support textures with a height more than 8192 pixels, and more than 16384 pixels for recent cards
11:11 Calinou (not sure if you can do more if the texture isn't square)
11:11 Calinou nope.
11:13 PilzAdam john_minetest, try passing each frame through an picture -> ascii converter ;-)
11:14 Yepoleb even a static frame?
11:35 kaeza;id=413#comic
11:40 john_minetest joined #minetest
11:50 Calinou joined #minetest
11:57 cisoun joined #minetest
11:57 IBM5150PC joined #minetest
12:16 Wuzzy joined #minetest
12:18 iqualfragile joined #minetest
12:53 dranov left #minetest
13:02 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:02 diemartin joined #minetest
13:06 proller joined #minetest
13:07 PilzAdam Calinou, just ban him:
13:11 Calinou banning for that? not really
13:11 Calinou remember, some people can be really stupid
13:12 PilzAdam "being stupid", "double posting of topics", "creating topics in wrong section" <- choose a reason
13:13 iqualfragile i do not think that is enought for a permanent ban
13:20 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
13:21 RealBadAngel hi
13:21 Calinou PilzAdam: none of these are reasons for a ban, except if the offense is repeated
13:22 Calinou john_minetest: lol
13:24 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
13:25 iqualfragile hi
13:25 PilzAdam Calinou, and now?
13:27 Calinou lol
13:27 iqualfragile i do not think that he will add to the minetest community
13:27 iqualfragile ban him for like a year or so
13:28 Calinou lol
13:29 Calinou well, done
13:29 Calinou 2 day ban for now
13:37 harrison joined #minetest
13:37 cisoun joined #minetest
13:38 sdzen joined #minetest
13:38 Ego Is there like a /spawn command?
13:39 Calinou Ego: by default, no
13:39 Calinou some mods add this functionality
13:41 Ego Aw rats, thanks Calinou
13:41 Ego Trying to trap a sheep, they are proving annoying!
13:43 harrison joined #minetest
13:44 bas080 joined #minetest
13:49 VanessaE_ good morning all
13:49 Ego If I trap it in my house will it despawn anyway?
13:49 VanessaE_ it will if you don't feed it
13:49 Calinou oh
13:49 VanessaE_ (right click on it with wheat in your hand)
13:52 harrison joined #minetest
13:54 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
13:56 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
13:58 harrison joined #minetest
14:04 harrison joined #minetest
14:06 proller_ joined #minetest
14:10 proller joined #minetest
14:12 meldrian joined #minetest
14:13 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
14:17 ShadowBot joined #minetest
14:18 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: stfu
14:18 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
14:18 ShadowNinja There is a upstream bug that causes the initial sleep to fail.
14:18 VanessaE_ hell of a command to give a bot :)
14:20 milleja46 joined #minetest
14:20 ShadowNinja It is an alias that I made. ,,(help stfu)
14:20 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: (stfu <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "lobotomy add".
14:21 VanessaE_ heh
14:21 khonkhortisan Parasite_!
14:22 pandaro joined #minetest
14:25 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
14:25 PilzAdam spam?
14:25 PilzAdam looks different than usual
14:26 VanessaE_ questionable.
14:26 VanessaE_ delete it but don't ban.
14:26 VanessaE_ see what he does.
14:27 iqualfragile when was the last time you have seen jeija?
14:27 VanessaE_ on here?  not in weeks
14:27 VanessaE_ I see commits from him on mesecons on occasion
14:27 VanessaE_ can't remember when his last one was though
14:28 iqualfragile ok…
14:29 pehjota PilzAdam: The blog linked in that forum post is about actual sofas – unrelated to Minetest.
14:30 pehjota Spam.
14:30 iqualfragile yep, smam
14:30 iqualfragile we need to change the captcha
14:30 PilzAdam ^ thexyz
14:31 VanessaE_ deleted and banned.
14:31 iqualfragile no
14:31 iqualfragile there are even 13 year olds playing minetest
14:32 iqualfragile and they might have problems solving that
14:33 pehjota Q: "What is the name of this game?" A: "Minetest".
14:33 PilzAdam john_minetest, no, use Σ[x=0;5](x)
14:33 pehjota CAPTCHA ^^
14:38 harrison joined #minetest
14:38 Ego PilzAdam, these posts by Dj22, I'd like to use the trapdoor as a mod, I put that into an init.lua and it told me it was malconfigured.  Any idea? ( )
14:38 PilzAdam wooow, xchat bug, that ")" is black not red
14:39 khonkhortisan it's supposed to be red?
14:39 PilzAdam highlights are red, yes
14:39 khonkhortisan oh - I thought you had syntax highlighting
14:39 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
14:39 Ego Oh, I wrote a script that makes linkification blue and underlined, and I spaced the ) away from it so it wouldn't be colored (and on some clients added to the link), at the end of a link, it sends an original text code.
14:40 khonkhortisan We here on this channel are colourblind
14:40 PilzAdam Ego, what exactly does it tell you? can post the last lines of debug.txt?
14:41 PilzAdam khonkhortisan, I "c" what you did there :D
14:41 Ego Sure, sec.
14:41 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
14:42 PilzAdam john_cephalopoda, how about stop DDoSing them?
14:42 Ego
14:42 Ego All I did was add the trap door post of his to an init.lua
14:42 PilzAdam Ego, whats the mod called you put that code in?
14:42 Ego Made a directory calling it trapdoor
14:43 PilzAdam then go to all register_node() calls and set the modname in front of the ":" to "trapdoor"
14:44 PilzAdam i.e. s/"blocks:/"trapdoor:/g
14:44 Ego Ah, otherwise that should have been in the blocks, I see.
14:45 Ego I just started this stuff yesterday, this is loads of fun. =P
14:46 PilzAdam VanessaE_, /nick VanessaE
14:46 VanessaE_ too lazy.
14:46 VanessaE_ (requires fucking about with logging back into nickserv)
14:47 PilzAdam havent you registered VanessaE_ as a group member of VanessaE ?
14:48 VanessaE hm, guess I already did.
14:48 VanessaE *shrug*
14:48 VanessaE I can't remember what I do from one day to the next anyways
14:49 PilzAdam oh, yesterday you told me you want to send me all your money
14:50 Ego Instead of doing "minetest.register_node("trapdoor:trap_door", {" can I do "doors:register_door("doors:trap_door", {" and throw it into the "doors" directory init?
14:50 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:51 Ego Also, if you type doors too much, it doesn't look like a real word anymore. =P
14:51 VanessaE heh, maybe if you turn that around a bit :)
14:51 Calinou joined #minetest
14:51 PilzAdam Ego, I suggest you to not change games
14:51 Ego Ah, I got the doors here, but they don't work as doors (open/close)
14:51 Ego Trying to make a trap door to my island.
14:52 PilzAdam and doors:register_door() can be used in all mods, just add "doors" to depends.txt
14:52 VanessaE s/add \"doors\"/add \"doors?\"/
14:53 PilzAdam VanessaE, then youd have to check if the function is not nil and have fallback code ready... too complicated here
14:54 VanessaE well in this case I suppose he does have to hard-depend, unless his mod provides enough other stuff besides a trap door.
14:55 Ego Hm, when I punch the trap door (because right clicking it didn't open it) it says: :54:24: ERROR[main]: Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "trapdoor:trap_door1" at (36,3,-46) (block (2,0,-3))
14:55 Ego So much effort just to get a trap door!  Hehe
14:56 Ego Wow, these trap doors are light sources for some reason, lol.
14:59 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, you still owe me a lighting fix ;-)
15:02 RealBadAngel yes i know
15:02 NakedFury hello minetest irc people
15:02 NakedFury o/
15:03 RealBadAngel but the fix is related to the complete rework of shaders code and as a side effect tile
15:03 RealBadAngel i think i wont be ready to publish it before 1-2 weeks from now
15:04 RealBadAngel its a total rework of many tile/shaders/mesh code
15:06 NakedFury in this rework you did, did you make the games lightning "come" from the sun so shadows look realistic? or you didnt touch that yet?
15:08 PilzAdam what do people think about insta-dig in creative mode?
15:08 RealBadAngel NakedFury, im using by now fake light sources
15:09 NakedFury like it
15:09 NakedFury ohh ok RBA
15:09 RealBadAngel but im going to implement node pos based light sources
15:09 RealBadAngel +sun
15:10 RealBadAngel fake still, but not breakin current light system
15:11 NakedFury its hard to switch it so the sun is the light source?
15:12 LazyJ joined #minetest
15:12 Final joined #minetest
15:12 RealBadAngel not really hard, but minetest uses different philosophy
15:13 RealBadAngel for example, all the bump mapping, parallax occlusion, water reflections are given away for free in irrlicht
15:13 Jordach joined #minetest
15:13 RealBadAngel all those effect require just to define parameters of node
15:14 RealBadAngel but whole the world of minetest is just a one irrlicht's scene node
15:15 RealBadAngel its like in history of a mankind
15:15 RealBadAngel some1 ate an apple and we have to live with it
15:15 RealBadAngel ;)
15:17 NakedFury but whole the world of minetest is just a one irrlicht's scene node. what does this mean?
15:17 NakedFury one irrlicht scene?
15:17 Ego I can't get these trapdoors to work as doors =/
15:18 Ego I'm sure this is racism.
15:29 Ego I don't have public checked, but 5 people have logged on to my server..
15:30 VanessaE "public" just means you announce to the master server list.
15:30 VanessaE it doesn't control whether people can actually reach you
15:31 Ego Not sure how they keep finding me, though.
15:31 VanessaE that's more a function of your router, firewall settings etc
15:32 * PilzAdam is using IPv6 for singleplayer to increase security (since my ISP doesnt support it)
15:34 sokomine don't you want them to find you? :-)
15:36 Kacey joined #minetest
15:38 sdzen prolly not quite instant in creative pilzadam, abit faster then it is now maybe
15:38 sdzen after all instant digging can lead to a lack of precision
15:39 PilzAdam everything that is not insta-dig will result in different dig times for e.g. obsidian
15:39 PilzAdam and there is a builtin delay of 0.15 seconds before digging the next node
15:43 thexyz PilzAdam:
15:44 thexyz good enough?
15:45 PilzAdam -21.33
15:45 proller PilzAdam, make 6to4 tunnel and use ipv6
15:47 PilzAdam thexyz, everyone with GeoGebra and 11 years of maths in germany can solve this
15:47 kaeza PilzAdam, re: instadig, it's fine I guess
15:47 PilzAdam bbl
15:47 kaeza ...
15:48 kaeza meh was going to suggest something, but whatever
15:56 OldCoder joined #minetest
15:56 diemartin joined #minetest
15:59 sokomine is there a way to find out if a texutre exists?
15:59 VanessaE attempt to open it? :)
16:00 sokomine not very practical :-) hm. ok, i could do only needs to be checked at mod start
16:08 Jordach hey VanessaE
16:10 VanessaE hi
16:10 Jordach
16:11 VanessaE doesn't look HDX at all to me.
16:11 Jordach look at the clothing detail
16:11 Jordach (or the jeans in this example.)
16:12 LunaVorax joined #minetest
16:12 VanessaE oh I see it now
16:12 Jordach VanessaE, big pixels + high detail
16:21 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
16:21 webdesigner97_ joined #minetest
16:26 Jordach Skinning Experiment;
16:27 harrison joined #minetest
16:28 sfan5 Jordach: I want that skin
16:28 ShadowNinja Rollback is slow enough to ping out my server on even short rollbacks.
16:28 Jordach sfan5, heh
16:29 Jordach
16:31 blaaaaargh joined #minetest
16:32 webdesigner97_ kaeza? I need your help...
16:32 Jordach sfan5, idk if our engine supports model alpha used like that; i know it doesn't like semi-transparencies on models
16:32 sfan5 Jordach: try it, may work
16:32 kaeza hey webdesigner97_
16:32 kaeza what do you need?
16:32 webdesigner97_ VE told me that you made the code for homedecor's oven
16:33 kaeza yup
16:33 kaeza well, almost
16:33 webdesigner97_ Now I want to redefine the node inside my new mod, but the game crashes
16:33 kaeza it's just copypasta from the default furnace
16:33 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
16:33 webdesigner97_ my new code (simple):
16:33 webdesigner97_ but the error message still comes from oven.lua:248 in homedecor
16:34 webdesigner97_ it says that fuel is nil
16:34 webdesigner97_ how can that be? I redefined the node..
16:34 kaeza yeah, but you are not setting the 'fuel' meta string
16:35 webdesigner97_ what's that?
16:36 webdesigner97_ is it ?
16:36 VanessaE well, lines 29, 32 and 33.
16:37 webdesigner97_ ok, those 3 lines
16:37 VanessaE so in your case if you tack on lines 32 and 33 inside your on_construct, it may work
16:37 webdesigner97_ I'll try it put
16:37 webdesigner97_ *out
16:37 kaeza err... well, an inventory rather
16:37 webdesigner97_ One last question:
16:37 Jordach :D
16:37 webdesigner97_ what's hacky_swap_node() ?
16:38 kaeza it's... a hacky function to swap nodes :D
16:38 VanessaE I'm not sure, it's a function to...yeah
16:38 VanessaE something from default.
16:38 * kaeza reiterates his suggestion to export that as minetest.swap_node()
16:39 kaeza <PilzAdam> its hacky
16:39 VanessaE better would be an engine function that handles the task the "right" way
16:39 kaeza hehe right
16:39 VanessaE (by merely changing the mesh/textures, without touching the metadata)
16:40 webdesigner97_ oh ok
16:40 webdesigner97_ same error:
16:40 kaeza webdesigner97_, what it does is set a node and transfer all the metadata
16:40 webdesigner97_ ok
16:41 webdesigner97_ I'll use my own node and override homedecor:oven later
16:42 YoungDerp joined #minetest
16:42 YoungDerp joined #minetest
16:42 ShadowNinja Wonderfull job rollback. Don't fix it, just blast a big hole in the middle of it.
16:42 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
16:42 VanessaE webdesigner97_: when you get it working, make it a pull request against homedecor if you can do so without breaking your proposed model
16:42 VanessaE s/model/functional model/
16:43 kaeza webdesigner97_, can you test something?
16:44 kaeza change this line:
16:44 webdesigner97_ sure
16:44 vals_ joined #minetest
16:44 kaeza to: if fuel and (fuel.time <= 0) then
16:44 kaeza err
16:44 kaeza if (not fuel) or (fuel.time <= 0) then
16:45 kaeza random fact: 0 in Lua is true
16:46 VanessaE ah, I shoulda remembered that ABM
16:46 jrabbit_ joined #minetest
16:46 JamesTai1 joined #minetest
16:47 webdesigner97_ ok, the game doesn't crash anymore :D
16:47 webdesigner97_ now I can start my mod :D thx very much!
16:48 kaeza VanessaE, your turn to patch :D
16:50 _ecks joined #minetest
16:50 kaeza webdesigner97_, does the oven work correctly now?
16:50 webdesigner97_ it did, until now...
16:50 webdesigner97_ same error
16:50 webdesigner97_ w8
16:51 kaeza ZOMG
16:51 webdesigner97_ ok, no it doesn't
16:51 webdesigner97_ why does it still call homedecor's functions....
16:51 kaeza can you pastebin the error?
16:51 webdesigner97_ sure
16:52 kaeza because you are defining your node in homedecor's namespace :P
16:52 VanessaE fixed in homedecor git.
16:52 webdesigner97_
16:52 VanessaE shit
16:52 * webdesigner97_ will register his own node
16:52 webdesigner97_ ?
16:53 VanessaE broke it
16:53 kaeza webdesigner97_, are you sure you patched the thing as I said?
16:53 webdesigner97_ yep:
16:53 VanessaE copy&paste error. fix force pushed to homedecor git.
16:54 webdesigner97_ if (not fuel) and (fuel.time <= 0) then
16:56 kaeza ...
16:56 kaeza [13:43:49] <kaeza> if (not fuel) or (fuel.time <= 0) then
16:56 kaeza read again :)
16:56 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:57 webdesigner97_ oops
16:57 ssieb joined #minetest
16:58 webdesigner97_ lol, there's still the infotext of homedecor: oven out of fuel
16:59 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:59 kaeza That's because the ABM is in charge of updating it
16:59 webdesigner97_ which ABM?
16:59 kaeza (the one defined in homedecor)
16:59 webdesigner97_ ah
16:59 Jordach_ joined #minetest
16:59 webdesigner97_ so I'll create my own node for now
16:59 kaeza just copy & paste the entire file and edit as required
16:59 VanessaE webdesigner97_: like I said, why not just make your changes directly to homedecor and pull-request?
17:00 webdesigner97_ I don't have github and the mod is just an experiment because I'm completely new to formspec and inventory ;)
17:02 ShadowBot` joined #minetest
17:03 webdesigner97_ sorry. gtg now
17:03 webdesigner97_ bye
17:03 kaeza cya
17:03 webdesigner97_ and thx for your help!
17:03 VanessaE bye
17:03 kaeza np
17:03 VanessaE yw
17:03 kaeza I just had another wacky idea
17:03 VanessaE ?
17:04 kaeza homedecor_register_furnace() :D
17:04 q66 joined #minetest
17:04 LazyJ joined #minetest
17:04 VanessaE go for it :)
17:04 kaeza to easily register new furnace-like nodes
17:04 VanessaE I believe you have commit access :)
17:04 kaeza much like register_door and register_sign
17:04 kaeza yup :)
17:08 * Jordach_ cuddles MinetestBot
17:13 MinetestBot seems to be down
17:17 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:17 Ego Anyone know of a mod for perimeter/authorization?
17:17 Ego Like, people can't build on area you claim, et cetera
17:18 Ego 'cause I might just kill this kid, griefing me with lava. >_>
17:18 Kacey node ownership
17:18 Kacey protection mod
17:18 Kacey just look it up
17:18 Ego Will do!
17:19 Ego There we go, that's what I need, thank you.
17:21 ShadowNinja ShadowBot`: nick ShadowBot
17:36 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:38 Pest joined #minetest
17:45 Calinou joined #minetest
18:08 Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest
18:11 NekoGloop joined #minetest
18:11 proller joined #minetest
18:13 Zeg9 joined #minetest
18:15 neko259 joined #minetest
18:16 Kacey|mobile joined #minetest
18:17 OldCoder Hi
18:17 OldCoder john_minetest, My new server is powerful but MT is down until my host returns from an international trip. He needs to switch to a different ISP.
18:19 Taoki OldCoder: Hi. Been a while, glad to see you active again (and still with Minetest). Hope things are well
18:21 kaeza $ man 4 Okay
18:21 kaeza No manual entry for Okay in section 4
18:33 OldCoder
18:33 OldCoder Taoki, Over time.
18:38 Jordach OldCoder, is the server a Amazon VPS, or a custom one
18:38 Jordach either way, i wanna know
18:39 kaeza joined #minetest
18:40 OldCoder Jordach, the new server is not a VPS. It is powerful to run VPSes.
18:40 OldCoder It is an eight core system with 32GB of RAM
18:41 * Jordach droold
18:42 Jordach drools*
18:42 Jordach you should try a test minetest server
18:42 Jordach (and make separate VPS'es for each server.)
18:42 Jordach thus allowing different admins to control and install mods
18:42 Jordach (using Debian 6 + SSH)
18:42 sfan5 Jordach: /me wants to write a software for that
18:43 Jordach P-P-P-P Pick up a Python
18:43 sfan5 Y-Y-Y-Y Yisss
18:44 sfan5 Jordach: with a nice web interface?
18:45 Jordach
18:45 Jordach if you're like a me; then i want full (sudo) access to the system
18:45 Jordach because i prefer my uptime
18:46 sfan5 Jordach: with a nice web interface YT
18:46 sfan5 wat
18:46 sfan5 sfan5: seriously brain, why?
18:46 Jordach
18:46 sfan5 sfan5: can't you be not stupid one time.. ?
18:47 Ego Heh
18:48 Jordach honestly, the VPS provided by StarBlessed has almost 100% uptime
18:49 sfan5 OldCoder: everything works except MT?
18:50 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
18:53 Jordach unusual; putty wont connect to my vps
18:55 OldCoder
18:55 OldCoder Hmm?
18:55 OldCoder Allow an hour or two
18:55 OldCoder sfan5, I will explain below:
18:55 sfan5 ok
18:55 Jordach OldCoder, the website on apache isn't responding either
18:56 Ego Jordach
18:56 OldCoder Jordach, k hold on. sfan5, Host is sharp and helpful. His upstream ISP is not. They use crappy equipment. Host has left on a trip. As an emergency measure he is routing things through alternate paths. As a consequence I have limited ports until he returns. Basically Web and ssh.
18:57 OldCoder So MT will run
18:57 OldCoder But I don't have ports for it ATM
18:57 OldCoder john_minetest, will consider and comment shortly
18:57 OldCoder Oops
18:57 OldCoder Jordach, not john_minetest
18:57 Jordach :P
18:57 Jordach Ego, hm?
18:59 sfan5 OldCoder: I have a pretty stable way of piping TCP from any host to any other server, but not UDP...
19:01 OldCoder Yep
19:01 OldCoder There are a number of approaches. Best is simply to have host change his upstream ISP
19:01 OldCoder This should happen, I hope, next week
19:01 OldCoder Waiting to find out
19:02 OldCoder Jordach, your suggestion about test server is interesting
19:02 Jordach OldCoder, then we start a fresh 0.4.7 world: OpenMines II
19:02 OldCoder Jordach, I won't update until LevelDB is supported
19:02 Jordach then say -- upload your worlds to your apache instance
19:02 Jordach and i'll store them until we need them again
19:03 SpeedProg joined #minetest
19:03 OldCoder Jordach, Apache instance?
19:03 OldCoder What do you mean?
19:03 Jordach /var/www
19:03 OldCoder Do you mean Amazon?
19:03 Jordach yes
19:03 OldCoder Not following
19:04 OldCoder I don't use either Amazon or Apache
19:04 OldCoder Well, Amazon a little
19:04 sfan5 OldCoder: any other open ports besides 80 and 22?
19:04 Ego Jordach, I asked earlier if you could make 1 person creative and the rest not, you responded with nope.avi
19:04 Ego That mod indeed does that.
19:04 Ego Figured I'd inform ya. ^__^
19:04 Jordach Ego, i thought you meant installing it
19:04 sfan5 Ego: he meant that there is no official support for that
19:05 Jordach :P
19:05 Ego oic
19:05 OldCoder sfan5, there are probably ports in a specific range higher up; I'd need to check
19:05 OldCoder But I don't want to move the worlds and documentation around when it's just for a few days
19:06 PilzAdam joined #minetest
19:08 sfan5 OldCoder: /me has got an idea how one _could_ reliably pipe minetest traffic from to your VPA through and UdpPipe and to the actualy server without moving any stuff around(keep in mind there is a could in this sentence)
19:08 sfan5 *actual
19:08 sfan5 *VPS
19:09 Jordach sfan5, the server isn't responding AT ALL
19:09 Jordach and yes, i tried the IP
19:09 Jordach
19:09 sfan5 Jordach: hm, all you would need is 0 open ports
19:09 Jordach should load a large table
19:09 sfan5 ..
19:10 Jordach the network seems down for that node im using.
19:10 sfan5 the "host" server needs <number of servers> open ports, the "client" server need 0 open ports
19:13 * VanessaE is back (yay.)
19:14 * PilzAdam too (double yay)
19:14 * MinetestBot purrs (triple yay)
19:15 Calinou joined #minetest
19:15 * john_minetest puts a kitten on Calinou's head (quadrouple yay)
19:15 * VanessaE puts Calinou (with kitten) on MinetestBot's head
19:15 PilzAdam Calinou! (quintuple yay)
19:16 * Calinou removes kittens, puts ponies instead
19:16 OldCoder sfan5, if there is an extended delay that may be fine. But it should only be a little while longer.
19:16 OldCoder Ponies!
19:16 OldCoder That would be a pile indeed
19:16 VanessaE OldCoder: your kitten pile is overflowing again.
19:16 OldCoder MinetestBot purrs?
19:16 sfan5 yes
19:16 OldCoder VanessaE, I wish to find them homes
19:16 OldCoder Virtual homes should do right?
19:16 VanessaE yup
19:17 VanessaE bear in mind, Kacey hacked the kitten generator to run on bones, so they're piling up faster than usual ;)
19:17 OldCoder !!
19:17 OldCoder
19:17 OldCoder There
19:17 OldCoder One of them is happy now!
19:17 OldCoder
19:17 OldCoder was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
19:17 OldCoder joined #minetest
19:17 * OldCoder shrugs
19:17 VanessaE bad shadowbot!
19:17 OldCoder Four lines is a flood? Oh, well
19:17 Calinou you said 5
19:17 OldCoder Did the kitten make it through
19:17 Calinou you said a space :P
19:18 OldCoder Ugh; to coin a phrase. Very well.
19:18 Taoki f
19:18 Taoki l
19:18 Taoki o
19:18 Taoki o
19:18 Taoki d
19:18 Taoki was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
19:18 OldCoder Hm?
19:18 OldCoder 5 it is
19:18 Taoki joined #minetest
19:18 Taoki Heh, it got me too :P
19:18 OldCoder wb
19:18 Calinou le kicked Taoki
19:18 Taoki tx
19:18 OldCoder
19:18 Calinou first time you probably get kicked from here :P
19:18 OldCoder VanessaE, ^ Every kitten should be happy. Calinou, shrug.
19:19 Taoki Right, I didn't even realize :P
19:19 OldCoder That one was rescued a few weeks ago
19:19 sfan5 OldCoder: the piping wouldn't work easy as well: Minetest Player <-> [{VPS w/ all ports open} <-> TCPPipe <-> Connproxy-Server] <-> Internet <-> [{VPS w/ 0 ports open} <-> Connproxy-Client <-> UDPPipe <-> Minetest server]
19:19 * Calinou is playing wolfgame: #wolfgame
19:19 Calinou well, waiting for players, there are only 2 right now
19:25 Calinou john_minetest,
19:25 Calinou it's a "detective" game
19:26 OldCoder sfan5, I am confident that I could find a way to redirect things
19:26 PilzAdam echo "<Calinou> YES!!!" >>
19:26 OldCoder Even at the UDP level. But there should be no need.
19:27 Calinou lol PilzAdam
19:27 Calinou O_o
19:27 Calinou it's not a drinking game, lol
19:28 Jordach OldCoder, hagi
19:28 * Jordach meows
19:28 * MinetestBot pets Jordach
19:29 * Jordach hugs MinetestBot
19:29 Jordach who's a good girl
19:29 * MinetestBot giggles
19:29 Jordach i treat bots with respect
19:29 Jordach esp. ones with @behind them :)
19:29 Taoki Jordach: That reminds me of Tears of Steel (Blender movie if you seen it)
19:29 Jordach anyways; back to my Sci-Fi shooter
19:29 Jordach Taoki, saw that an hour ago
19:30 * MinetestBot randomly meows
19:30 Taoki fun fun
19:30 * MinetestBot puts a pony on Taoki's head
19:30 Jordach think Halo + CoD + RE + Xonotic + 64 Players
19:30 Jordach in 8 teams of 8
19:30 MinetestBot --- Vote which pony now! ---
19:30 Taoki Our bots are bronies too :)
19:30 Calinou Taoki, "fun fun fun" :>
19:30 Jordach and each team does not have the same weapons
19:31 Taoki Jordach: Interesting... got a link and screenshots?
19:31 sfan5 since when does MinetestBot obey what Calinou says
19:31 sfan5 ?
19:31 Jordach Taoki, not yet
19:31 MinetestBot why do you care?
19:31 Jordach i plan on doing everything slowly as of yet
19:32 PilzAdam Jordach GF approves
19:32 PilzAdam +'s
19:33 Calinou haha
19:33 Calinou new sig get!
19:33 Jordach <- has a girlfriend
19:33 PilzAdam suuuuuuuuuuuuure
19:33 Jordach <- also goes fast; should get some grease lightning
19:34 Jordach :D
19:43 Vargos joined #minetest
19:47 whirm joined #minetest
19:51 OldCoder Jordach, haggis is a Scottish food. It is just a fun phrase.
19:51 ShadowNinja RealBadAngel:
19:54 sokomine oh...we started with entire ponys are placed on peoples' heads? sounds...heavy :-)
19:55 sokomine question: how do i get the image how a block would look like in the inventory?
19:55 Calinou according to xonotic, lightest pony is 41kg, heaviest 52kg :>
19:55 sokomine a pny that only weights 52 kg? that sounds a bit too low
19:56 sokomine they carry children (and sometimes even lightwight adults?) - those would weight more than the pony. maybe that's the value for newborn ones
19:59 sokomine ah. minetest.inventorycube will do
20:00 OldCoder joined #minetest
20:02 Jordach ehm WAT
20:02 Jordach * ChanServ has quit (shutting down)
20:02 Calinou no services?
20:02 Calinou :D
20:02 PilzAdam !op
20:02 sfan5 !op
20:02 sfan5 OP Party time!
20:02 VanessaE !op
20:02 PilzAdam haha
20:02 VanessaE you suck, MinetestBot. :)
20:02 Jordach dont forget me
20:03 Kacey OP PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
20:03 sfan5 !op Jordach
20:03 sfan5 !op VanessaE
20:04 Jordach OP fistbump
20:04 Kacey what about me?
20:04 sfan5 Kacey: no u
20:04 PilzAdam Kacey, you can be happy to not be muted
20:04 Calinou nickserv is also down
20:04 Jordach DUN DUN DURR
20:04 Calinou </sarcasm>
20:05 Calinou really, #minecraft will suffer again 8)
20:05 Jordach let's raid #minecraft
20:05 harrison joined #minetest
20:05 sfan5 !voice Calinou Kacey Exio4
20:05 Calinou I would have to reconnect :P
20:05 sfan5 Jordach: they have votd-bot now
20:05 Jordach votd-bot?
20:05 sfan5 <Mustek> !op
20:05 sfan5 * votd-bot gives op to Mustek
20:05 Jordach oh, OP bot
20:05 * Calinou plays wolfgame, is dead
20:06 Jordach sfan5, wanna suggest a skin for MinetestBot
20:06 MinetestBot I don't play Minetest, so I don't need a skin
20:06 ChanServ joined #minetest
20:06 Jordach oh, there chanserv is
20:06 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest
20:07 sfan5 !devoice Calinou Exio4 Kacey
20:08 * Jordach hangs OP Jacket on the wall; where it usually hangs
20:09 * Calinou steals OP jacket
20:09 * Calinou cloaks
20:10 * Jordach stabs Calinou through the chest
20:10 Jordach
20:11 Taoki MinetestBot: You should play the game you're a bot of
20:11 Calinou he should play #wolfgame
20:11 Calinou he would probably die at first night, though
20:11 Jordach
20:13 VanessaE hah
20:13 VanessaE ain't it the truth.
20:14 Calinou lol
20:15 Jordach you can even hear the noise that the pixar lamp makes
20:16 * Jordach eats chocolate chip cookie
20:16 Jordach nom nom nom
20:17 Jordach ShadowBot should be invisible to the channel :P
20:17 PilzAdam ShadowBot, hide!
20:17 PilzAdam doesnt work :-/
20:18 Jordach because shadow = ninja = unseen
20:18 Jordach mmmm, cookie was delicious
20:21 MinetestBot GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Masterserver mods announse, ipv6, better curl errors ac7a44792c 2013-07-12T13:19:05-07:00
20:21 proller first ipv6 server !
20:22 * Calinou tries to connect to it
20:22 Calinou [finger face]
20:22 Calinou inb4 crash
20:23 VanessaE no worky
20:23 VanessaE (probably because I'm not IPv6-compliant over here anyway :) )
20:23 Calinou my ISP supports it, but no reason to enable it
20:23 Calinou they can feel free to make ipv6 an epic fail by putting NAT again 8)
20:24 Calinou dat IP length
20:24 Calinou dat minimal, too :P
20:25 proller working for me
20:25 Jordach is mine
20:27 proller 255* 1/3
20:29 Jordach that's binary!
20:34 Jordach MinetestBot,
20:34 Calinou john_minetest, +1
20:34 Naked joined #minetest
20:34 Calinou ipv6 was probably lead dev'd by mesa or gallium3D devs
20:34 Calinou :>
20:34 Jordach alphanumeric cods
20:34 Jordach codes*
20:34 Calinou it's harder to pronounce, too
20:35 Calinou but if you get used to it, it's fine
20:36 Jordach but is easier than eofsbfsbndfvsnfsdf
20:38 Jordach Target Aquired:
20:38 kaeza fek
20:39 Calinou haha
20:39 kaeza VanessaE, code is almost ready
20:39 Jordach Calinou, want?
20:39 VanessaE ok
20:39 kaeza now for some reason furnaces don't want to cook :(
20:39 Calinou nah
20:39 Jordach i abused alpha
20:40 kaeza VanessaE, I'll push to my repo just for reviewing
20:40 kaeza do not pull yet
20:40 Calinou that's what she said
20:44 diemartin joined #minetest
20:44 Taoki joined #minetest
20:46 diemartin VanessaE,
20:46 diemartin what do you think?
20:46 VanessaE looking..
20:48 kaeza here's how you define new furnaces:
20:48 kaeza and here are some examples:
20:50 VanessaE wow
20:50 kaeza eww
20:51 kaeza looks like my previous patch is not there
20:51 VanessaE I see you register the oven differently than the microwave, e.g. lack of "active" textures, no light param, etc.
20:52 kaeza yes, mainly because the oven uses _side.png for both sides and back, while MW has a separate tex for each side
20:52 RealBadAngel Jordach, ofc, every moron can do that :)
20:52 VanessaE right
20:53 kaeza (and because MW needs nodeboxes)
20:55 VanessaE hm, I don't see the code in here to make the locked variants?
20:55 VanessaE (there's a lot of code, and I'm a slow read :) )
20:57 PilzAdam prepare for MinetestBot flood
20:57 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Don't show flags in local favorites 288948edf7 2013-07-12T13:55:34-07:00
20:57 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix bug server name set to address field when using up/down keys a0771d0940 2013-07-12T13:46:28-07:00
20:57 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Add missing server flags in public serverlist 38bc38cd88 2013-07-12T13:46:27-07:00
20:57 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Remove lots of debug output from modmgr 494fa0c81a 2013-07-12T13:46:27-07:00
20:57 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix serverdescription and name not beeing saved to local serverlist 7dbbbfc665 2013-07-12T13:46:27-07:00
20:58 VanessaE * Shadowbot has kicked MinetestBot from #minetest (message flood detected)
20:58 Yepoleb punish it!
20:59 kaeza lol
20:59 kaeza VanessaE, forgot about those :P
21:00 VanessaE make it an extra field in the function call or def or so, so that locked versions aren't always created if they aren't wanted.
21:00 kaeza "I wont copy all the commit hashes here." <-- lazy
21:00 PilzAdam kaeza, feel free to do so
21:01 kaeza VanessaE, it's just a matter of calling the create_locked() function
21:01 VanessaE kaeza: I think just that, and turn up the microwave's speed a bit (maybe to 1.75)
21:01 VanessaE oh ok
21:01 kaeza good point
21:02 VanessaE else this looks pretty good
21:04 VanessaE kaeza: also, delete microwave_oven.lua :)
21:05 kaeza yep
21:05 kaeza more deletions :D
21:06 VanessaE soon homedecor will become as complex as technic (and probably become self-aware)  :-)
21:07 kaeza heh
21:07 kaeza I tell you, this thing will have to be changed to a modpack soon :)
21:07 VanessaE it's getting that way huh
21:08 VanessaE ditto for pipeworks
21:10 VanessaE maybe I'll split it up some time soon then
21:20 sokomine who knows...when you leave your minetest world...the furnace will get up and dig some coal? :-)
21:20 sokomine (or eat all nyan cats in the vicinity...)
21:21 VanessaE I dunno, the pneumatic tubes in pipeworks are getting close to being turing-complete ;)
21:23 VanessaE (ok, maybe not)
21:24 Yepoleb Xorg constantly uses more than 35% cpu after i quit minetest, but I can't find an error in Xorg.0.log
21:24 VanessaE Yepoleb: check that minetest actually exited.
21:25 VanessaE (i.e. is not just hung with no visible window)
21:25 Yepoleb no, i checked that already
21:26 Yepoleb It uses 120mb ram, is that normal on a mate desktop?
21:27 VanessaE 10507 root      20   0  437m 163m 129m S   1.0  1.0 154:17.64 Xorg
21:27 VanessaE I'd say yes.
21:27 VanessaE (debian here)
21:28 Yepoleb it doesn't happen every time
21:29 StarBlessed joined #minetest
21:29 VanessaE for me, X uses between 10 and 30% of one CPU core while MT is running
21:33 NekoGloop joined #minetest
21:34 Yepoleb i don't have anything to use for a bug report
21:35 NekoGloopMkII joined #minetest
21:35 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:38 VanessaE Yepoleb: just gather together everything you can think of
21:39 VanessaE debug.txt, exact series of actions, the whole schmear
21:39 VanessaE
21:39 VanessaE report it there
21:39 kaeza VanessaE, pushed to origin
21:39 kaeza hope this doesn't break anything :P
21:39 VanessaE kaeza: if it does, we know who to blame ;)
21:39 kaeza hehe
21:40 kaeza BTW, making locked furnaces work properly will need some rework
21:40 VanessaE no worries
21:40 kaeza they show ok and all that but can't cook items ATM
21:40 kaeza (the ABM doesn't account for those)
21:41 VanessaE right
21:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:42 VanessaE *looks at diff stats*  net of about 190 lines deleted.  nice.
21:42 MinetestBot GIT: commited to minetest/minetest: Better masterserver html 0a2de78da4 2013-07-12T14:41:49-07:00
21:42 hmmmm guys
21:47 NakedFury joined #minetest
22:04 rsiska joined #minetest
22:25 * sokomine looks intrestedly at hmmmm
22:26 Guest38562 eep
22:26 * VanessaE looks at Guest38562
22:26 sokomine hmmmm: can/will you do that node-name-replacement for the schematics? it would be extremly helpful to be able to override the names in the schematics file. also it would be useful to have a convenient method to read the size
22:26 sokomine a guest? those usually grief...
22:27 * sokomine donates a free leftover letters to guest38562 so that he can afford a name
22:31 * VanessaE tosses in a couple of spare e's
22:33 sokomine that's fine! he'll eventually be able to afford a name :-)
22:33 * sokomine adds a few leftover y
22:34 PilzAdam I think its harrison
22:34 * Yepoleb adds some random numbers
22:35 sokomine if it would be a harrison, all those es and ys won't be of much use :-(
22:39 Yepoleb how about donating your name?
22:39 VanessaE sokomine: could be lamefun, in which case, j and s are of the most use ;)
22:39 VanessaE [07-12 16:08] * harrison is now known as Guest38562
22:39 VanessaE well so much for speculation :)
22:47 moruk left #minetest
22:49 moruk joined #minetest
22:59 PilzAdam john_minetest, hm? whats that?
23:00 diemartin joined #minetest
23:02 Yepoleb i think it's more fun irl, but who cares about rl ;D
23:05 Yepoleb and you can't respawn
23:07 Yepoleb we should stop depending on that stupid real life
23:08 Yepoleb it's closed source
23:08 VanessaE Yepoleb: yeah but there's a huge reverse-engineering effort underway already
23:09 Yepoleb i heard it's impossible to reverse-engineer everything
23:09 Yepoleb i will create an open source clone of it, when i'm older
23:10 Yepoleb graphics don't matter
23:11 VanessaE Yepoleb: be sure your environment variables and toolchain are set up properly, or you'll end up with buggy, possibly malfunctioning results
23:12 Yepoleb i hope it doesn't get flooded with malware like colds and influenza
23:12 VanessaE it will, but fortunately, it'll have a built in, decently-functioning anti-malware suite.
23:13 VanessaE just be sure you keep up-to-date on patches for it
23:13 Yepoleb like an immune system?
23:13 TheLastProject joined #minetest
23:14 Yepoleb it sucks, because it creates the patch after you got infected
23:14 VanessaE heh, way to spoil the analogy :)
23:15 Yepoleb if i fix all the security issues before they get exploited, they shouldn't have a chance
23:15 VanessaE yup
23:17 Yepoleb why don't we breath using our hair, did anyone get infected because they breath using their hair yet?
23:17 Yepoleb i don't think so
23:18 VanessaE no, but I remember seeing a documentary on some culture that learned to communicate through their hair... some blue-skinned creature called a nav--something or other..
23:19 Yepoleb we have irc, that's just stupid
23:20 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
23:20 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
23:20 VanessaE are you kidding, the way they did it made fiberoptics look like old telegraph lines by comparison :)
23:20 Yepoleb oh, that's cool
23:21 kaeza joined #minetest
23:23 Yepoleb they could make an irc network with their hair
23:24 Yepoleb i will talk to my dad, he should be able to do that
23:25 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
23:25 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
23:26 Yepoleb i have to go to bed now, see you on sunday
23:26 VanessaE night
23:26 Yepoleb goodnight
23:26 Kacey bbl
23:34 Kacey joined #minetest
23:34 Kacey joined #minetest
23:36 Kacey so what is the difference between Xubuntu and Debian with XFCE?
23:37 kaeza joined #minetest
23:46 Taoki Finally. Latest GIT commit fixed technic_game which wouldn't load because of an error for me
23:46 Taoki I'd like to learn it. Anyone got a tutorial for minetest_game?
23:56 sdzen speaking of tutorials
23:56 sdzen this guy needed one

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