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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-06-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 PilzAdam but for me lua-api.txt as it is is the most useful format
00:00 PilzAdam and I guess for other modders too
00:00 sapier PilzAdam you're not center of world ;-) neither am I
00:00 sapier I had vanessae's problem months ago and thought it was only my problem
00:00 PilzAdam lua-api.txt aims at modders, not as regular users
00:01 sapier but I guess me and vanessa aren't the only ones not finding paramters  for "play_sound"
00:01 PilzAdam *at
00:01 sapier and modders don't need help? ;-P
00:01 Exio if you can make something userfriendly keeping the simpleness, do it
00:01 Exio modders are humans
00:01 Octupus joined #minetest
00:01 PilzAdam I had to look up the parameters of sound_play() too (2 times actually), but I always found what I needed
00:02 sapier who has written sound support? who merged it?
00:02 PilzAdam c55 I guess
00:02 PilzAdam it was added when I first got 0.4 IIRC
00:02 sapier ok so at least you didn't know it ;-)
00:03 NakedFury the lua api could use some organizing love
00:03 PilzAdam maybe I should write a tutorial about how to use lua-api.txt
00:03 NakedFury lua api.txt
00:03 sapier I like the parser idea
00:04 NakedFury pdf file indexed with everything in parts, etc
00:04 sapier we already have almost a markup language there
00:04 sapier I guess it could be extended to really be a parsable language ... but this requires any change to be checked prior merge
00:04 NakedFury what will the parser do?
00:04 VanessaE PilzAdam: sign onto my server please
00:05 PilzAdam I would prefer a hand written pdf, to add examples and stuff
00:05 VanessaE or codedevil since you mentioned the bug
00:05 sapier e.g. create some interlinked html doc
00:05 PilzAdam VanessaE, why would I?
00:05 VanessaE to help me test this fehcockta sound issue.
00:05 sapier PilzAdam a handwritten pdf is as useless as wiki as it'll be outdated most of time
00:06 VanessaE http://pastebin.com/HmdBH8gj
00:06 VanessaE there's the code as it stands now.
00:06 PilzAdam not if we put it in doc/ and add a rule to update it each release
00:06 sapier release ... lol
00:06 sapier so it'll be up to date for  ... 1 day?
00:06 Exio 15 minutes
00:06 MinerofLands PilzAdam is there a way to check your skills?
00:07 MinerofLands like /skillcheck or whatever
00:07 PilzAdam sapier, the newly added API functions are unstable anyway
00:07 PilzAdam and its not like we rewrite the API after each release
00:07 PilzAdam MinerofLands, not yet
00:07 PilzAdam I can add it
00:07 PilzAdam VanessaE, yep, 5 nodes hear distance
00:08 VanessaE ok good
00:08 VanessaE is the volume falling off like it shoul?
00:08 sapier pilzadam I'm not talking about how it should be but what it's like ... 0.4.6 was deprecated about 2 weeks after release
00:08 VanessaE should*
00:08 VanessaE yes it is.
00:08 sapier I guess 0.4.7 will hold for about 2-4 weeks until major improvements will be added
00:08 VanessaE ok, that fixed that stupid bug :)
00:09 PilzAdam sapier, well, minetest.get_world_directory() is up-to-date since forever
00:09 sapier yes and "if" will be there tooo ... but it's the new functions most moders need docs
00:09 PilzAdam sound_play() is not new...
00:10 PilzAdam and most mods are designed for stable release anyway
00:10 sapier lol
00:10 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:10 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:10 sapier I guess you're the only one with this oppinion
00:11 sapier if this was true I could fetch all your mods from 4 weeks ago and run at minetest-0.4.6 ;-)
00:11 MinerofLands PilzAdam its pretty cool so far :D im testing it
00:12 PilzAdam MinerofLands, /giveme economy:shop
00:12 PilzAdam has no textures yet
00:12 kahrl if wiki modifications could be attached to pull requests it could be made a requirement to keep the dev wiki in sync
00:12 PilzAdam MinerofLands, and /setmoney singleplayer 1000000000
00:12 sapier still neither play_sound nor set_animation nor attach doc have been fixed for at least 3 releases ;-)
00:12 MinerofLands still skills arent given automatically i think
00:13 sapier yes kahrl that'd be an option still I'd prefere offline doc
00:13 PilzAdam sapier, fix sound_play().... what is broken?
00:13 PilzAdam MinerofLands, yes, somone in the forum repsonded to your topic
00:13 sapier "parameters"
00:13 kahrl sapier: wiki -> pdf converters exist
00:13 PilzAdam MinerofLands, I was waiting for you to tell me your ideas
00:14 kahrl in fact I helped write a special purpose one one time
00:14 sapier kahrl do those keep links?
00:14 kahrl they should, if written well
00:14 PilzAdam MinerofLands, best thing would be if you write them to the forum topic, its already too late here
00:14 sapier sounds to be an option worth evaluating
00:14 VanessaE ok now why the heck aren't the gates sounding right.
00:15 sapier but I guess primary problem is commit/wiki linkage
00:15 VanessaE just re-rendered the sound for those.  it's mono, 48kHz, ogg, and using exactly the same sound code as the doors use.
00:15 PilzAdam sapier, kahrl, we just need a modder community that keeps the wiki up to date
00:15 kahrl PilzAdam, that hasn't happened
00:15 sapier yes I know if gouvernment doesn't fit ppl just exchange ppl
00:16 PilzAdam announce it in the forums or so
00:16 VanessaE https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/blob/master/doors_and_gates.lua#L328
00:16 VanessaE what's wrong with this code?
00:17 codedevil VanessaE: try gain 1
00:18 VanessaE codedevil: that's the exact same code as the doors are using and it works fine there.
00:18 PilzAdam Im going to sleep now; bye
00:21 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:21 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:23 khonkhortisan I just saw my username on the minecraft forum. *grumble youtube embed grumble*
00:24 salamanderrake joined #minetest
00:28 VanessaE damn it damn it damn it
00:29 VanessaE sound positioning is right but the volume level is too quiet (always was)
00:29 VanessaE and it doesn't fall off smoothly with distance
00:29 VanessaE wtf am I doing wrong?
00:29 sapier nothing I realized same problem
00:29 sapier or we are doing same thing wrong
00:30 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
00:32 VanessaE sapier: the code as it stands now:   https://github.com/VanessaE/homedecor/blob/master/doors_and_gates.lua#L301
00:33 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:33 tjbarber joined #minetest
00:34 sapier I don't se any bug but sound is quite strange as it doesn't honor walls
00:34 sokomine might be too much load for the server to handle walls etc
00:35 VanessaE I don't care too much about that, only that it is loud like it should be.  My sounds are normalzed to -3dB, so it isn't exactly quiet.
00:35 sapier I guess it's implemented x² which is really fast drop in sound level ...
00:35 VanessaE and that the volume falls off over distance like it does for other stuff
00:35 VanessaE instead, it's quiet from the start and just abruptly cuts off when I get far enough away
00:35 kahrl it actually calls alDistanceModel(AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE);
00:43 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
00:43 thefamilygrog66 howdy folks
00:44 Exio hey
00:47 sokomine i only use sound for the bells mod run on the kingarthur server. it does have localised sound as well. how localized it is i don't know
00:47 sokomine didn't test it that intensively
01:00 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
01:00 ch98 joined #minetest
01:01 Exio "44 minutes remaining"
01:01 Exio finished in 30 seconds or less
01:01 Exio i missed windows
01:18 ch98 does anyone have a spare computer with internet and minetest competable cpu?
01:18 Exio for what? ;P
01:19 ch98 making mods over vnc and looking at servers over vnc
01:20 ch98 meaning using that cpu and this screen
01:20 Exio the latency will kill you
01:21 ch98 I don't think minetest will be built for few month on ppc
01:21 ch98 better thab nothing
01:21 ch98 than
01:21 Exio what about getting a x86 desktop with a cheap APU?
01:21 ch98 no money
01:21 Exio i said "cheap"
01:21 Exio meaning you will end with a low-end cpu what probably performs better than that ppc ;)
01:22 ch98 how long will $200 laptop last?
01:23 SmugLeaf chromebooks are nice
01:25 Exio and expensive as hell SmugLeaf
01:25 Exio ch98: laptop? i said desktop, performance/price
01:26 ch98 it is cheeper by time it lasts to buy little newer mac than cheap ones
01:26 Kacey joined #minetest
01:26 Kacey joined #minetest
01:26 SmugLeaf http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-XE303C12-A01US-Chromebook-Wi-Fi-11-6-Inch/dp/B009LL9VDG/ref=br_lf_m_2858603011_1_1_img?ie=UTF8&s=pc&pf_rd_p=1531202082&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=2858603011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1DZ1N5CNYQNDD1N15NP8
01:26 SmugLeaf https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=chromebook_samsung_wifi
01:26 SmugLeaf http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834131403
01:27 SmugLeaf > $250
01:27 SmugLeaf > expensive
01:27 SmugLeaf Exio: fucking what?
01:27 * Kacey is amazed ShadowBot hasnt kicked yet
01:27 ch98 $200 means $132
01:27 SmugLeaf like, I've seen stuff cheaper then a chromebook
01:28 SmugLeaf but i would never ever pay for it
01:28 SmugLeaf ever
01:28 SmugLeaf ch98: find a AIO apu "desktop" computer
01:28 Kacey i have a 350 USD laptop
01:28 Exio running MT in a VM
01:28 Exio 57 FPS when looking at the sky :D
01:28 SmugLeaf Kacey: so do I, screen is extra terrible
01:28 Exio and 35~ when looking around
01:28 SmugLeaf the rest of it is nice considering
01:28 ch98 some people has computer they almost never use lying around powerd up taking useless electricity
01:28 Exio this computer was 1000 USD in total for me
01:29 Kacey 15 inch screen
01:29 Kacey windows 8 installed
01:29 Kacey not a bad computer
01:30 SmugLeaf http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1241558
01:30 SmugLeaf or keep poking newegg for something like this
01:31 SmugLeaf http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=apu+desktop&N=-1&isNodeId=1&Page=2
01:31 SmugLeaf tons of stuff here
01:31 SmugLeaf way faster then ppc
01:31 Exio than*
01:31 ch98 do you know how fast this laptop is?
01:33 SmugLeaf 21:22:24 < ch98> how long will $200 laptop last?
01:33 SmugLeaf a week
01:33 Exio i'd say two
01:33 SmugLeaf a month if you duck tape pillows to it
01:33 ch98 yes and $3000 mac lasted almost 10 years now
01:34 ch98 that is 120 month
01:34 SmugLeaf my p4 is probably about that old
01:34 Exio my amd duron
01:34 Exio has more than 10 years, and still works like the first day
01:34 Exio the problem is, the stuff from today is not the same as it was 12 years ago
01:35 SmugLeaf vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
01:35 SmugLeaf physical id: 0
01:35 SmugLeaf version: 1007.005
01:35 SmugLeaf date: 08/04/2005
01:35 ch98 tecnology is moving fast
01:35 SmugLeaf almost that old
01:35 Exio 2001 here :D
01:36 SmugLeaf this pc cost me maybe 500 bucks
01:36 SmugLeaf but it has 6 hard drives in it
01:36 SmugLeaf so that's at least 70% of the money spent on it
01:37 SmugLeaf buy apple doesn't give you anything
01:37 SmugLeaf except shiney
01:37 SmugLeaf but it's your money, do what you want
01:37 ch98 wait.... gcc4.2 is almost built
01:37 Exio the funny thing is, ch98 doesn't have enough for a new mac
01:38 SmugLeaf # gcc-config -l [1] i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.6.4 * [2] i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.7.2
01:38 SmugLeaf Exio: that's ok
01:38 ch98 only thing wrong on there is battery and cpu type
01:38 SmugLeaf he can wait a few more years
01:38 ch98 on here
01:38 Exio i'm pretty sure the cpu speed would be too
01:38 SmugLeaf then play with us
01:38 Exio hahaha
01:39 SmugLeaf my current laptop is a dell precision I ebayed for 380~ish
01:39 ch98 I wish someone had ppc computer so I can work with them on compiling it
01:39 SmugLeaf I could setup distcc if you want
01:40 SmugLeaf actually I couldn't, too lazy
01:40 SmugLeaf I have enough toolchains on this
01:40 Exio haha
01:40 Exio i'm being lazy
01:40 Exio so playing around in a wxp vm
01:41 SmugLeaf Exio: I dropped my laptop on asphalt
01:41 Exio i can't drop my laptop anymore
01:41 SmugLeaf it cracked the corner, and put a dent into the asphalt
01:42 Exio the last time i dropped it; a plastic in the corner broke
01:42 SmugLeaf I just put a bit of epoxy on the inside
01:42 SmugLeaf precisions are made of metal
01:42 SmugLeaf they are mobile work stations
01:42 SmugLeaf which is why I bought it
01:42 Exio i'm now a desktop guy
01:43 Exio i prefer price/performance over portability
01:43 SmugLeaf I agree
01:43 ch98 so noone has computer just lying around?
01:43 SmugLeaf ch98: no
01:43 SmugLeaf well I have a p3 I could boot
01:43 SmugLeaf but it's a server so the scsi raid array is too noisy
01:44 SmugLeaf Exio: but my work means I have to have a "desktop" with me at all times
01:44 SmugLeaf so I got this
01:45 SmugLeaf I can't complain for the price
01:45 SmugLeaf ch98: just keep saving, you'll get that new mac in a few years
01:45 SmugLeaf I'm sure it won't be too out of date
01:45 Exio or a powerful desktop (or even laptop) in just months!
01:47 SmugLeaf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook_Pro#Technical_specifications_3
01:47 SmugLeaf > $2000 for ivy bridge
01:47 SmugLeaf not out of date AT ALL
01:48 ch98 then, most likly, my pc will be fixt or minetest will be built successfully in ppc mac in few month.
01:48 Exio i'm not sure it will be able to handle MT with more than 4 FPS
01:48 ch98 why not?
01:48 SmugLeaf ppc is pretty inefficient
01:49 Exio not because that
01:49 Exio because you have an old laptop
01:49 SmugLeaf that's why mac switch from ppc to x86
01:49 Exio and want to run a new program
01:49 SmugLeaf and you probably have a ati rage128 or something
01:49 SmugLeaf in that 10 year old pc
01:49 ch98 is there any way to get fairly good guess on fps of minetest?
01:49 Exio a new pc
01:50 SmugLeaf compile it
01:50 SmugLeaf and benchmark it
01:50 ch98 on this computer so if i should do it
01:51 SmugLeaf http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=66823#p66823
01:52 SmugLeaf also it seems there is a lower limit on the osx version needed
01:53 ch98 irricht 1.7.3 works
01:54 Exio that is only the basic-engine-wrapper in minetest
01:54 EdB joined #minetest
01:56 ch98 what exactry makes minetest not compile in older computers? too old of compiler?
01:56 Exio no idea
01:57 Exio it compiles in fbsd for a core dev, with gcc 4.2 iirc
01:58 ch98 so only thing is to find out how to get gcc 4.2 to work with xcode here
02:10 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
02:21 MinerofLands joined #minetest
02:21 MinerofLands joo joo
02:37 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
02:43 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
02:44 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
03:04 arsdragonfly|pho joined #minetest
03:04 Exio how ironic
03:05 Exio minecraft in a vm with lowest settings, 50~70FPS
03:05 Exio minetest in a vm with the lowest settings (somewhat similar), self built minetest, pilzadam's build, and official, more than 55 FPS only when looking at the sky
03:07 Exio same conditions, not rendering anything and look to the sky in MC is like 95 to 100 FPS
03:07 meldrian joined #minetest
03:09 Exio that is faster than my netbook in both cases... how sad
03:09 ShadowNinja Depends on the hardware? But Minetest could certainly use some work in the graphics speed department.
03:11 Exio a vm running with three cores in a bulldozer x6 6100, nvidia gt 610 is the host gpu, enabled "3d and 2d accel" in vbox's settings, (32b guest system, windows xp sp3)
03:13 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:13 ShadowNinja So, good specs. Minetest should have a good computer setting.
03:14 Exio in the host system (debian sid), MC and MT work very well
03:19 arsdragonfly|pho does the official 0.4.7 build has cURL support?
03:19 arsdragonfly|pho *have
03:19 Exio should
03:36 Exio so cute
03:36 Exio the vm with minecraft + far, fancy, smooth lighting maximium, 30~35 FPS (some vsync)
03:59 Exio night
04:16 opticlove joined #minetest
04:16 opticlove joined #minetest
04:28 Miner_48er i'm looking for the node removal code in Zeg9's itemframes it seems to use a nonstandered removal code could can_dig be used this way? https://github.com/Zeg9/minetest-itemframes/blob/521a9ef5594eff22038f6d8b255d6f47c82ea90f/itemframes/init.lua
04:31 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:31 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:37 neko259 joined #minetest
04:45 mc333 joined #minetest
04:55 Menche joined #minetest
05:19 GhostlyDeath joined #minetest
05:19 GhostlyDeath joined #minetest
05:31 VanessaE joined #minetest
05:33 qwertytrains joined #minetest
05:39 Octupus joined #minetest
06:08 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:09 tango_ joined #minetest
06:19 tango_ joined #minetest
06:29 rsiska joined #minetest
06:39 reactor joined #minetest
06:39 reactor Greetings!
06:46 tjbarber_ joined #minetest
06:58 khonkhortisan I should just use a c++ library to get some 3d functions in lua
07:03 khonkhortisan how do I set the font size in minetest?
07:16 VanessaE joined #minetest
07:18 VanessaE ok, purged my video driver, irrlicht, luajit, and minetest, rebooted, recompiled/reinstalled each of them in that order, and rebooted again, and I'm still getting crappy performance near the spawn on my server
07:18 VanessaE I'm utterly out of ideas.  wtf is going on with this?
07:22 reactor So, eh. The screens, where do I upload them?
07:22 VanessaE imgur or so
07:22 VanessaE tinypic
07:22 VanessaE any of those sorts of places
07:23 reactor To be more precise, it looks like it renders with FOV less than the FOV displayed.
07:25 VanessaE now that I don't know about
07:27 khonkhortisan I can walk into a wall and still not see it at 5 view distance
07:28 VanessaE khonkhortisan: do you get the same sort of FPS drop near the spawn?  like half your usual rate?
07:28 VanessaE particularly if you look north?
07:28 reactor God, why should most sites be so mouse-requiring?
07:29 reactor So, here comes one: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fjot9v&amp;s=5
07:30 VanessaE oh yeah
07:30 VanessaE that's a known issue
07:30 VanessaE though it's usually less severe
07:30 reactor Also, the blocks' surfaces look like they're two polygons z-fighting
07:30 reactor can be seen there, I think
07:34 VanessaE that happens too
07:35 reactor hmm
07:35 VanessaE especially if there are slabs/stairs + water involved
07:35 reactor https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/718 related?
07:36 VanessaE you know, I think I'm getting bit by that out-of-indicies issue (or rather, the effect of it) when I'm near the spawn
07:36 VanessaE but there isn't that much stuff here, I've seen far more on redcrab's server and not experienced this kind of frame rate drop
07:36 VanessaE reactor: I believe so, yes
07:37 qznc_ joined #minetest
07:37 VanessaE I used to be able to get 35-30 fps with 512px textures and a view range of 170.  Now I can barely sustain 25 with default textures and a view range of 60.
07:38 VanessaE there's some weird performance regression going on here
07:38 khonkhortisan I'm slowing down with terminals, text editors, and the server map.
07:38 VanessaE s/35-30/25-30/
07:38 ShadowBot What VanessaE meant to say was: I used to be able to get 25-30 fps with 512px textures and a view range of 170.  Now I can barely sustain 25 with default textures and a view range of 60.
07:38 VanessaE hah, it interprets sed expressions now?
07:39 khonkhortisan what khonkhortisan meant to say.
07:39 khonkhortisan s/khonkhortisan/ShadowBot/
07:39 ShadowBot What khonkhortisan meant to say was: what ShadowBot meant to say.
07:39 khonkhortisan ha!
07:39 VanessaE hha
07:39 VanessaE haha
07:40 khonkhortisan I assume it only works on what I say
07:41 VanessaE s/assume/suppose/
07:42 reactor Also, in some cases, transparent things are drawn in black.
07:42 ShadowBot VanessaE: Error: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 1000 messages.
07:42 VanessaE HAH!
07:42 VanessaE DOS attach the bot :D
07:44 * VanessaE watches the blinkenlights on the 'share and enjoy' sign
07:46 reactor It's getting better, actually, if I stretch the window as though my screen was a widescreen.
07:51 reactor The inventory gets messed up on low resolutions.
07:52 VanessaE joined #minetest
07:53 VanessaE oop
07:53 VanessaE wrong button.
07:53 VanessaE eh, just as well, I'm off to bed.
07:54 reactor night
07:55 VanessaE night all
08:05 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:26 Jousway joined #minetest
08:28 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:31 StarBlessed joined #minetest
08:31 JamesTait Good morning all, happy Iced Tea Day! :-D
08:37 reactor ?
08:37 reactor Cold tea sucks.
08:38 JamesTait It's better than no tea. And it's such a shame to let good tea go to waste, so I have no quarrel with iced tea.
08:43 khonkhortisan wow it takes 5 seconds to play all the noteblocks when they're connected to the same button
08:51 Gethiox joined #minetest
08:54 Calinou joined #minetest
08:56 Gethiox joined #minetest
09:01 LunaVorax joined #minetest
09:05 reactor pkglint \m/
09:18 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
09:28 rubenwardy joined #minetest
09:28 rubenwardy Hi guys!
09:29 thk joined #minetest
09:31 reactor Afternoon.
09:44 Exio reactor: try with burningsvideo
09:44 Exio i had the same problem here with software
09:45 Exio and stuff is too glitchy with the software renderer anyway
09:45 reactor ?
09:45 reactor burningsvideo?
09:45 Exio video_driver
09:45 Exio the other software renderer
09:46 reactor Wow.
09:46 reactor I might have guessed! I used to be good at random poking.
09:46 reactor :(
09:47 reactor Thanks, man.
09:47 Exio aw
09:47 reactor Now to the audio crash.
09:47 reactor I think I should find libogg :D
09:47 Exio hehe
09:48 Exio what specs does your desktop have btw?
09:48 reactor Core 2 Duo @ 2000 MHz
09:49 Exio kk
09:49 reactor about 3072 MB RAM
09:49 Exio 3gb :P
09:50 reactor As for the VGA, NVIDIA the hell knows the model.
09:50 reactor I mean, I forget.
09:50 Exio lol
09:50 reactor I don't use it often, anyway.
09:52 reactor To play games, I usually boot Linux from an external disk, and it bugs me a lot, for I don't have time to set up everything in two OSes.
09:53 Exio i just play RE, MC (yes, kill me), cs cz and hl
09:53 reactor I do play MC, too.
09:53 Exio aw :P
09:53 reactor I'm just upset by the fact it's in Java.
09:53 reactor And it's heavy as hell, I doubt I could run it on software rasteriser.
09:53 reactor And it's getting crappier with every release.
09:54 Exio i'm sad about minecraft being faster than minetest
09:54 Exio in the vm or with high settings
09:54 Calinou joined #minetest
09:54 reactor in the vm
09:54 reactor hmm
09:54 reactor qemu?
09:54 Exio http://cadoth.net/~exio4/private/wtf.gpu.png
09:54 reactor wait a second, how do you forward PCI devices?
09:54 reactor I thought it was unsupported.
09:55 Exio i don't use qemu for windows :P
09:55 reactor eh?
09:55 Exio the guest is windows xp sp3
09:55 reactor or... qemu-kvm?
09:55 reactor or xen?
09:55 Exio graphics reactor, graphics
09:55 reactor ?!
09:55 reactor Ah.
09:56 Exio for now, vmware and vbox are the "possible" solutions for that stuff
09:56 reactor hmm
09:56 Exio and no, i don't have a spare gpu to plug directly to a VM
09:56 reactor Well, I don't know... I'm still waiting for the PCI forwarding thing to become mature in either virtualisation technology.
09:57 Exio you can do that with qemu now, iirc
09:57 reactor Because that would allow me to stay comfortable while also running games.
09:57 reactor Good.
09:57 reactor Or... qemu-kvm?
09:57 reactor The problem is, I don't have hardware virtualisation support here.
09:58 Exio http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&amp;px=MTM3NTk
09:59 reactor Good.
09:59 Exio sorry, have to go
09:59 Exio later :P
09:59 reactor See you.
10:07 StarBlessed Hey guys (and girls), how do we feel about this latest information about security breaches by the FBI and CIA into Google Plus and Facebook?  I'm looking for opinions.
10:08 reactor "Pwneth!"
10:10 reactor Yes, I'm honest. People shouldn't put so much personal information on the web for the first place.
10:10 reactor s/for/in/
10:10 ShadowBot What reactor meant to say was: Yes, I'm honest. People shouldn't put so much personal ininmation on the web for the first place.
10:11 reactor ShadowBot the ed(1).
10:11 reactor :)
10:11 reactor Some time ago, I've had an idea for an irssi plugin.
10:11 reactor That edits the buffer according to people's regexes.
10:12 reactor So that edits don't appear as separate messages.
10:12 reactor But eh. I don't know perl.
10:13 Calinou StarBlessed: cool story®
10:13 reactor How about social networks were developed by FBI and CIA? Eh!
10:13 Calinou no
10:14 Calinou people do not spy on people if they can't make money out of it
10:14 Calinou people need to stop being so scared of FBI/CIA/NSA
10:14 reactor Why not, that would explain everything.
10:14 Calinou are you a criminal, reactor?
10:14 reactor No.
10:14 reactor But they want to outlaw data sharing.
10:14 Calinou why are you scared of government spying then?
10:14 reactor ^
10:14 reactor Besides, I live in Russia.
10:15 reactor It's normal to be scared of government spying on you here.
10:15 Calinou are you a pussy riot then?
10:16 reactor No.
10:16 reactor I run a torrent daemon most of the uptime.
10:16 reactor That's why.
10:17 Calinou torrenting is legal
10:17 reactor It is.
10:17 reactor But these dumbasses...
10:17 Calinou as of today noone has been sued for torrenting.
10:17 reactor Do you really think anyone will listen to your technical gibberish when they seize your machines?
10:17 reactor Oh.
10:17 Calinou why would they do that in the first place?
10:18 reactor I don't know. Eh.
10:18 reactor Don't worry, I've got my paranoia under control here.
10:22 StarBlessed The only reason I ask, is because Im contemplating leaving (or at least lessening) my presence on the major social networks, and redirecting to the more secure and distributed networks.
10:23 Calinou like NoOneGoesToSpora?
10:23 * Calinou rolleyes
10:24 reactor Hmm.
10:24 reactor Hmm.
10:24 Calinou tip: facebook is a waste of time
10:24 reactor True that.
10:24 StarBlessed Interesting enough, Im on Diaspora.  There are actually more people than you might think.  A fair amount of my friends are there.
10:24 Calinou good for you
10:24 Calinou but it does not work for everyone
10:24 reactor Why not roll yer own site instead?
10:24 StarBlessed No, it doesnt.  I agree.
10:25 reactor You have a machine to run overnight, don't you?
10:25 StarBlessed reactor: I was thinking about it.  I have the server and bandwidth, why not use it.
10:25 Calinou I don't, I'm not wasting electricity
10:25 Calinou this is why "experienced" people use centralized services
10:25 reactor Oh. I've found a good thing. Electricity is not very expensive here in Russia.
10:25 Calinou and I don't even talk about people who don't know what is a web server
10:26 Calinou reactor: ~13 cents per 1000 watts here
10:26 reactor watt-hours, you mean?
10:26 proller joined #minetest
10:26 Calinou yea
10:26 reactor oh
10:26 Calinou "watt-hours" is stupid
10:26 reactor no
10:26 reactor nonono
10:26 Calinou it is just like "watts"
10:26 reactor W is the unit of POWER
10:26 reactor not ENERGY
10:26 reactor eh
10:26 reactor N*t=W
10:26 Calinou whatever
10:26 reactor where N is power, t - time, W - energy
10:27 Calinou nevermind
10:27 reactor Physics, man!
10:27 * StarBlessed grins
10:27 reactor Hell. I don't know what they teach at school nowadays.
10:27 Calinou physics? I wrote "big rigs".
10:27 Calinou have to go now
10:27 StarBlessed LMAO!
10:27 rubenwardy Watt is the unit of power?
10:28 reactor Isn't it?
10:28 reactor Ampere*Volt = Watt
10:29 StarBlessed Watt / Volt = Amp & Watt / Amp = Volt
10:29 reactor rather, (Ampere + i*Ampere) * (Volt + i*Volt) = Watt + i*VAr = VA
10:29 StarBlessed lol
10:29 reactor (in AC)
10:32 reactor mm.
10:32 reactor Burningsvideo.
10:32 reactor Where do I change its settings?
10:32 reactor It seems to use some weird filter on all the textures.
10:32 reactor And they look blurry.
10:33 q66 joined #minetest
10:33 StarBlessed Is it an app?
10:34 reactor Burningsvideo?
10:34 reactor Nein, it's a driver.
10:34 reactor A software rasteriser, but another one.
10:34 StarBlessed Ok, for windows I take it?
10:34 reactor Works better now, but eh. The textures look weird.
10:34 reactor BSD.
10:34 StarBlessed Ive never seen the name on Linux
10:34 StarBlessed Oh, really?
10:34 StarBlessed Nice
10:35 reactor You know, BSD and Windows have something in common.
10:35 reactor And that something is TCP.
10:35 reactor Namely, M$ had ripped TCP utilities from BSD back then.
10:36 StarBlessed LMAO!  Ok, ok.
10:36 reactor ... as always the case is BSD's permissive-submissive license :(
10:36 reactor I like the viral nature of GPL better myself.
10:37 reactor *shrugs*
10:37 reactor </rant> :)
10:38 * StarBlessed smiles.
10:38 StarBlessed I understand
10:42 reactor I think... some components are better licensed virally, and some are not.
10:43 reactor For example, it's better to keep crucial, peculiar parts from being closed-sourced by commercialists.
10:43 reactor But the general principle of function... why not?
10:43 Exio reactor: that is why i think the GPL is "better" ;P
10:44 reactor Well, what I'm trying ot say, we need some license that would enforce itself, like GPL, for a determined set of components.
10:44 reactor ...while not doing so for the rest.
10:44 reactor Or vice versa.
10:44 Exio yes, but i mean for special things what aren't oneliners or are very important or "core"
10:45 reactor Yep.
10:45 reactor That combined license would keep commercialists interested in developing the thing and contributing to it.
10:46 reactor The developers would then be able to trade permissions to close-source something for contributions or money.
10:47 Exio well, yes, having that would be very "nice" for the projects, as they would be able to get money from the code, or even better, more code!
10:48 Exio i think the BSD license is way too permissive, but the GPL is too "strict"
10:48 rsiska joined #minetest
10:48 reactor Yes.
10:49 reactor As for now, the best solution would be using the two licenses together, GPL - for a determined set of things, and BSD - for the rest.
10:51 Exio i still find sad the fact of a VM running faster than my netbook :P
10:52 reactor ?
10:52 reactor Exio: by the way.
10:52 reactor How do I change Burning's video settings?
10:52 reactor It seems to have presets or something.
10:52 reactor the current is "beautiful"
10:52 Exio video_driver = burningsvideo
10:52 reactor and it seems too much
10:53 reactor Because it gives maximum 10 fps.
10:53 Exio iirc there is some patch for that around
10:53 Exio even if it only affects the software "driver"
10:53 Exio what probably, nobody uses :P
10:55 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
10:56 arsdragonfly !up arsenalmp.no-ip.org 30002
10:56 ShadowBot arsdragonfly: arsenalmp.no-ip.org:30002 is up (477ms)
10:57 rubenwardy !down
10:58 reactor !sideways
11:02 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:03 Calinou joined #minetest
11:03 rubenwardy lol k0k0k0.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/100-things-every-game-student-should-know.pdf
11:05 Calinou 1) add hats
11:05 Calinou 2) add rubenwardy as a NPC
11:05 Calinou 3) add PilzAdam as a pony NPC
11:06 proller add Calinou as disaster NPC
11:07 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:07 reactor eHll oveeroyen
11:07 reactor !
11:07 Calinou hi
11:07 rubenwardy PilzAdam would be a rainbow brony
11:07 Calinou no, that's you
11:08 PilzAdam Lua is magic <3
11:09 PilzAdam rubenwardy, page 7
11:09 PilzAdam I say mobs
11:09 PilzAdam and Im a dev
11:09 PilzAdam -> Im Notch
11:09 reactor Whoever desiced to write games in Java is brain damaged.
11:09 rubenwardy yeah
11:10 reactor s/sic/cid/
11:10 ShadowBot What reactor meant to say was: Whoever decided to write games in Java is brain damaged.
11:10 reactor Or... must have been abused in their childhood.
11:10 PilzAdam where is MintestBot?
11:10 PilzAdam sfan5?
11:11 reactor PilzAdam: someone made it issue a command.
11:11 reactor I think.
11:11 reactor !rev error
11:11 rubenwardy page 59
11:13 reactor You mean, rage 69?
11:16 reactor Hmm. Curl support.
11:16 reactor Is it like, for fetching additional textures?
11:18 rubenwardy > Getting server listings
11:18 Calinou yes, curl is used to download media
11:18 Calinou and getting server list too
11:18 rubenwardy > Faster loading times downloadeng media to client
11:18 rubenwardy (instead of using TCP/UDP)
11:18 Calinou <reactor> Whoever desiced to write games in Java is brain damaged.
11:19 Calinou java is a decent language which is cleaner than C++, and easier to use.
11:19 Calinou on top of that it works on any OS
11:19 rubenwardy Unless you are writing for internet
11:19 Calinou it is 10 to 20% slower than C++, not a big deal
11:23 reactor 20%
11:23 reactor or one fifth
11:23 reactor that's much
11:23 reactor and the more powerful machine is, the more electricity you're wasting on it
11:25 reactor imagine you have five CPU's, and one is just heating up the room
11:27 Calinou who cares? you're going to waste like 15 watts for same performance
11:27 Calinou thinking you'll have 100% load 24/7 is just stupid, to
11:27 Calinou too*
11:28 reactor Beside, that's how software bloat happens.
11:30 rsiska joined #minetest
11:37 reactor Hmm.
11:37 reactor "Audio: Vorbis extension NOT present", despite havig both libvorbis and liboss
11:37 john_minetest joined #minetest
11:39 proller joined #minetest
11:39 bas080 joined #minetest
11:40 Calinou software bloat is irrelevant since PCs get more powerful every year.
11:40 reactor Oh yeah yeah.
11:40 Calinou not to mention you're always allowed to optimize your software
11:40 reactor Cool story.
11:40 reactor More processing power is wasted.
11:40 Calinou and?
11:40 Calinou tip: BSD is slower than linux
11:40 reactor And all the advace in CPU power is negated.
11:40 Calinou computer time is cheap; your time is not
11:41 Calinou reactor: 5 years ago, it was not possible to compile minetest in 1 minute with a 150 euro CPU
11:41 Calinou today it is
11:41 reactor The kernel is slower? So what, most Linuxdistros are bloated as hell with unnecessary packages.
11:41 reactor s/xd/x d/
11:42 ShadowBot What reactor meant to say was: The kernel is slower? So what, most Linux distros are bloated as hell with unnecessary packages.
11:42 Calinou tip: amount of packages does not mean speed, nor RAM usage does
11:42 reactor Besides, where are the test results showing that?
11:42 Calinou and you're always allowed to remove packages
11:42 Calinou reactor: phoronix
11:42 Calinou http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&amp;px=MTM4NzQ
11:42 reactor Well, if these packages _run_, they do consume time.
11:42 Calinou linux won in all tests :P
11:43 reactor For example, all these fancy desktop candybutton interfaces.
11:43 reactor Oh, especially transparency and animations. Don't make me puke, no one needs that crap.
11:43 Calinou noone forces you to use unity or gnome 3
11:43 reactor True, but hey.
11:44 Calinou "no one"? a mild amount of effects are always nice, and most WMs let you turn them off
11:44 Calinou xfwm just has shadows and terminal transparency, that's all
11:44 reactor Why waste time on stripping a Linux distro down to base if I can just install a barebone system that BSD offers?
11:44 reactor It's a matter of preference, anyway.
11:44 Calinou it often takes less time to take a distro like xubuntu and remove packages than "build" your own system
11:44 Calinou if not always
11:44 Calinou not to mention it is easier
11:44 reactor Also, if we speak of kernels. Linux tends to crash more often. Good luck running it overnight.
11:45 reactor Xubuntu does use network-manager. Eh.
11:46 Calinou and? network manager is the most complete and easiest to use network ademon
11:46 Calinou daemon*
11:46 reactor It's crap.
11:46 Calinou also, linux never crashes for me
11:46 Calinou the NM applet uses 0.2% of my RAM (8GB)
11:46 reactor It's unreliable and complicated.
11:46 Calinou please don't call it "bloat"
11:46 reactor ^
11:46 reactor exactly
11:46 Calinou it has never failed on me
11:47 Calinou both wifi and ethernet
11:47 reactor Why not use 0 bytes of RAM and 0 CPU cycles, having configured the network manually?
11:47 Calinou it's not 2009 anymore :P
11:47 Calinou reactor: noone wants to do that
11:47 Calinou it's 2013
11:47 Calinou CPU cycles? it uses 0% of my CPU right now
11:47 reactor That doesn't mean we should make computers usable by monkeys.
11:47 reactor Or if we should, we should leave humans the possibilty to use them.
11:47 reactor s/possibility/opportunity/
11:48 Calinou I'm not a monkey, but I don't want to have to configure my network manually
11:48 reactor Which we're going to lose soon, if this goes on.
11:48 Calinou you lost it already: windows has a majority market share since it is the default OS
11:48 reactor The most successful does not imply the best.
11:48 reactor Marketing, mate.
11:48 ShadowBot reactor: Error: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 1000 messages.
11:49 reactor And don't forget, 95% of people are retarded. Re-tar-ded.
11:49 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:49 reactor And Windows is targeted to the retarded.
11:49 reactor ShadowBot: oh yeah.
11:50 reactor .-7s/possibilty/opportunity/
11:50 Calinou I know, but still
11:50 Calinou there are no actual benefits to configuring your network manually
11:50 Calinou a computer is meant to be used
11:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest
11:51 reactor Oh, come on, man! If you run the machine 90% of the time, and unattended most of the uptime, milliwatts matter.
11:52 reactor It would draw, say, 500 mW more. Three hundred days a year.
11:52 reactor That would probably cost you a dinner.
11:52 Calinou they do not
11:52 reactor An extra dinner... why not?
11:52 Calinou 1 watt used for a year (8760 hours) will cost you about 1.2€ in france
11:52 Calinou 1.2€ is 1/3 of a SATA cable
11:52 Calinou sure
11:52 reactor Which is... hmm.
11:52 Calinou it's nothing
11:53 rsiska joined #minetest
11:53 Calinou also, again, do not keep your PC on 24/7 unless you need it
11:53 reactor Pff. I pay for me Internet.
11:54 sfan5 hi
11:54 Calinou hi sfan5
11:54 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:55 reactor 1.2 Euros.
11:55 reactor That's... about 60 rubles. I could buy some tea and cookies.
11:55 reactor Rather than just waste it.
11:56 Calinou you surely need these teas and cookies to survive
11:56 reactor No, but eh.
11:56 Calinou not to mention, if you run your PC 8 hours a day, you will only save 40 cents
11:56 reactor Why not, it's better than heating up the room.
11:57 Calinou reactor: heating up the room saves heating costs
11:57 Calinou :p
11:57 reactor In winter, yes.
11:57 reactor That's... good, actually.
11:57 reactor But not on summer.
11:58 reactor *facepalm* Thermodynamics, man!
11:59 reactor Well, if it had a hose going outside of the room attached to irs exhausts, why not.
11:59 reactor So the room would suck in fresh air.
11:59 reactor But you would need an extra fan.
11:59 reactor s/irs/its
12:00 Calinou most cases have at least two fans, reactor
12:00 Calinou and higher end ones have 3 fans
12:00 Calinou if not 4 :P
12:00 Calinou and I'm not counting CPU/GPU/PSU fans
12:01 reactor ...and?
12:01 reactor You need to expell heat outside.
12:01 reactor If you don't, how ever hard you run the air around the room, nothing actually happens.
12:02 reactor So, that heat swapper should be connected to a radiator outside.
12:03 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
12:03 reactor No, john_minetest, it doesn't work this way.
12:03 reactor Too little difference in pressure.
12:04 reactor If you want a fridge-like system, you should make a closed system and fill it with a suitable gas, say, some CnF(2*n+2), don't remember the name
12:04 reactor and you're gonna need a fridge-type compressor
12:05 reactor and that's not heat swapper
12:05 reactor heat swapper would be, say, you have a water cooling system
12:06 reactor in which water goes from the CPU and to the thing
12:06 reactor and back
12:06 reactor that "thing" is the heat swapper
12:06 reactor oh yeah yeah
12:06 reactor Oil. That would suck.
12:06 reactor I would be... an oil-cooled reactor.
12:07 reactor For the record. I am not a reactor.
12:07 reactor Ha.
12:08 reactor No, I would like that to be tested on test subjects first.
12:10 reactor Excess Flood.
12:10 reactor You see, he is probably trying your idea, john_minetest.
12:12 reactor Ooh yeah yeah. The problem is, we could probably end up being test subjects in our own experiment.
12:12 reactor No way.
12:12 rubenwardy PotatOS
12:13 reactor Potato battery.
12:13 reactor There are a kind of cameras, called potato camera.
12:13 reactor I wonder about the etymology.
12:15 reactor They don't exist anymore. Eh.
12:16 reactor Or, if you can revert the nuclear explosion, or time in whole, okay.
12:16 reactor Yeah.
12:16 reactor That.
12:18 reactor That would be cool.
12:18 reactor ..except for when they bite you
12:19 reactor ... and they will, eventually.
12:19 reactor Good luck not becoming her test subject, too.
12:20 reactor Oh, bullies for you!
12:21 proller joined #minetest
12:22 PilzAdam Black Mese?
12:22 PilzAdam -> TODO list
12:24 reactor hmm
12:24 reactor -DENABLE_SOUND=0 has no effect
12:24 reactor the game still wants to access /dev/sound
12:25 reactor -_-
12:29 proller joined #minetest
12:37 proller joined #minetest
12:45 reactor Hmm.
12:45 reactor Mod dir: games/minetest/mods?
12:48 Fresh_m__ joined #minetest
12:53 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
12:58 arsdragonfly !up arsenalmp.no-ip.org 30002
12:58 ShadowBot arsdragonfly: arsenalmp.no-ip.org:30002 is up (449ms)
12:58 harrison Tearing eyeholes in a placenta doesn't make it into a marsupial mask.
13:00 AntonBoch1244 joined #minetest
13:05 reactor Tearing bunghole doesn't yield you a goatse.
13:07 MinetestBot joined #minetest
13:07 codedevil joined #minetest
13:10 sfan5 WTF?!
13:11 reactor Hmm.
13:11 sfan5 my vps was down, and the env_meta.txt file contains "25d:Win.Trojan.Swizzor-1191\n135168:bfbb23dc899acd53"
13:11 reactor Anyone using WOrldEdit?
13:11 reactor s/WO/Wo/
13:11 * sfan5
13:11 AntonBoch1244 no
13:12 reactor sfan5: I've put the latest one in games/minetest/mods, no luck
13:12 sfan5 reactor: try mods/
13:12 reactor mkay
13:13 reactor oh yeah
13:13 AntonBoch1244 mods folders is ./mods , ./world/mods , ./games/mods?
13:13 reactor thank you
13:13 AntonBoch1244 need additional information
13:13 PilzAdam AntonBoch1244, * world/<worldname>/worldmods/
13:13 sfan5 AntonBoch1244: mods/ and <world directory>/worldmods are intended for mods
13:13 reactor games/minetest/mods didn't work, mods/ did
13:14 sfan5 PilzAdam: *worlds
13:14 sfan5 reactor: mods are not supposed to be in games/.../mods
13:14 AntonBoch1244 ok! Thx
13:14 reactor yeah, I see
13:14 reactor now
13:14 reactor That's confusing.
13:17 codedevil joined #minetest
13:19 reactor uhh
13:19 reactor hmm
13:19 rubenwardy joined #minetest
13:20 AntonBoch1244 My Hard Drive is not working :(
13:21 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
13:23 sfan5 wtf?!
13:23 sapier joined #minetest
13:23 sfan5 70% of the player files are filles with something that looks like a virus database
13:24 sapier where do I find documentation about json moddb api?
13:25 PilzAdam is there already and API for the moddb?
13:25 PilzAdam -d
13:25 sapier I thought so
13:26 rubenwardy I dont think so
13:26 BrandonReese_ joined #minetest
13:26 PilzAdam is there already a moddb?
13:26 rubenwardy It is still on their issue list
13:26 rubenwardy sapier: pm
13:29 salamanderrake joined #minetest
13:37 Final joined #minetest
13:41 meldrian joined #minetest
13:41 AntonBoch1244 joined #minetest
13:55 reactor So eh.
13:55 reactor Is there a way to disable texture smoothing in burningsvideo?
14:10 TheLastProject joined #minetest
14:12 rubenwardy Why are you even using it?
14:13 rubenwardy also, you should probably ask in #irrlicht
14:15 reactor Mkay.
14:15 reactor rubenwardy: the default software renderer fails hard here
14:15 rubenwardy you should use OpenGL or DirectC
14:15 rubenwardy *X
14:15 rubenwardy Why are you even a software renderer
14:15 rubenwardy ?
14:15 reactor BSD.
14:15 reactor No VGA driver.
14:16 rubenwardy Download it
14:16 rubenwardy install it
14:16 reactor It doesn't exist.
14:16 rubenwardy get a _BETTER_ linux os
14:18 reactor It's a matter of preference.
14:19 rubenwardy ok then
14:19 rubenwardy do not play 3d games
14:20 reactor Man, your face is big and green to me.
14:22 rubenwardy Ahhh! Ogre3d!
14:24 Calinou_ joined #minetest
14:24 Calinou_ mmmph
14:34 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
14:35 EdB joined #minetest
14:38 bas080 joined #minetest
14:40 rubenwardy portals in irrlicht: irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16037
14:40 rubenwardy similar to portal the game
14:40 reactor cool
14:40 reactor By the way, I'm getting 20 fps here, rubenwardy.
14:40 rubenwardy nice
14:40 rubenwardy screenshot?
14:40 reactor So eh, I don't think cpu render is a problem on modern machines.
14:40 reactor Let me find it...
14:41 reactor http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fjot9v&amp;s=5
14:41 reactor That's an early attempt.
14:41 reactor Now it's a lot better.
14:41 reactor I'll shoot more when I'm done.
14:41 rsiska joined #minetest
14:41 reactor Better in quality, not speed, though.
14:42 rubenwardy another portal: tk.files.storage.msn.com/x1pnp_rgmi5o52OyFpCCVa62-VpuxY_S_xTE6B7gUSIR9xWG1UqQMXRW-K4_Ifkc60iTnBCbA8-a2mmY7_p3R1dxuP5K_6YZDKQHtLBtuywIYrF2StemCkb4h4riajbKlIXFGRX7SaJ9vk
14:42 reactor People are dreaming of teleportation.
14:42 reactor There must be a way eh.
14:42 reactor But how.
14:55 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
14:56 KikaRz joined #minetest
14:57 arsdragonfly it seems that curl never worked for me
14:57 reactor But we first need boost from biotechnology, so that people's brains grow bigger and they understand quantum mechanics.
14:58 reactor arsdragonfly: did you define its source dir?
14:58 arsdragonfly reactor :how?
14:58 reactor cmake . -LH will show you the list of vars
14:58 reactor change them with -D
14:59 reactor cmake . -DVARIABLE=BLABLABLA
15:02 rubenwardy hmmm
15:04 rubenwardy no
15:04 rubenwardy well,
15:04 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:04 rubenwardy I am currently fiddling with lighting and shaders
15:05 Calinou_ <reactor> So eh, I don't think cpu render is a problem on modern machines.
15:05 Calinou_ LOL WAT
15:05 Calinou_ CPUs aren't made at all for graphics
15:05 Calinou_ GPUs have a lot of cores for a reason
15:06 reactor Man.
15:06 reactor If there _was_ a _supported graphics card, I would go for it, Calinou_.
15:07 reactor s/supported/supported_/
15:07 arsdragonfly reactor :There's no option to define cURL's source directory: -(
15:07 Jordach joined #minetest
15:07 Jordach joined #minetest
15:08 reactor arsdragonfly: -DENABLE_CURL=1 -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=${PREFIX}/include/curl
15:08 reactor You're welcome.
15:09 rubenwardy lol
15:10 reactor don't forget to edit these
15:10 arsdragonfly reactor : i thought it was for the compiled library
15:10 kahrl ugh, why does gcc complain about an unused fwrite return value when I call ferror immediately afterwards
15:10 kahrl stupid
15:10 reactor arsdragonfly: oh...
15:11 reactor hmm
15:11 reactor where do I put mods for dedicated server?
15:12 reactor same as for the game, in gamedir/mods?
15:13 KikaRz joined #minetest
15:13 KikaRz hello
15:13 KikaRz well... let's suppose that someone commited ...
15:13 KikaRz How I update my game?
15:13 KikaRz git pull and?
15:16 FreeFull git pull; make clean; make
15:16 FreeFull Should work
15:16 FreeFull If the cmake stuff got updated too though you'll have to that stuff too
15:18 KikaRz and If I have 2 cores?
15:18 KikaRz dual-core ?
15:18 KikaRz its -j what?
15:20 qwertytrains joined #minetest
15:21 KikaRz Frefull?
15:21 KikaRz *FreeFull?
15:22 arsdragonfly KikaRz : -jn to have n jobs
15:22 KikaRz jobs?
15:22 arsdragonfly -j for infinite jobs
15:22 KikaRz ???
15:22 KikaRz jobs?
15:22 PilzAdam threads
15:22 arsdragonfly Or you can type make --help
15:22 KikaRz j4 for?
15:22 KikaRz 4 things a way?
15:23 KikaRz ah
15:23 arsdragonfly Prabably
15:23 KikaRz it does 4 things at same time?
15:23 PilzAdam make it -j<#cores*2-1>
15:23 KikaRz Oh... cool
15:23 KikaRz 2*2 4 - 1 = 3
15:23 KikaRz ok
15:23 arsdragonfly *o
15:23 KikaRz i've set up 4 threads '-'
15:24 * PilzAdam compiles with -j16
15:24 KikaRz how many cores ? '-'
15:24 KikaRz wait
15:24 PilzAdam 8 virtual, 4 physical
15:24 KikaRz oh...
15:24 KikaRz cool
15:24 KikaRz I must try to compile at 8 threads
15:24 KikaRz '-'
15:25 PilzAdam I just have to watch out that my RAM doesnt overflow
15:25 KikaRz How we see the ram?
15:25 KikaRz Monitor System?
15:25 sapier 8 cores but not enough ram ;-P
15:25 Calinou_ reactor: use an OS that supports graphic cards then
15:26 KikaRz I have 1,7 GB Ram
15:26 KikaRz '-'
15:26 KikaRz ok, taking at maximum 644 MB / 1,2 GiB?
15:26 KikaRz lol
15:26 KikaRz I have 1,75 GB Ram
15:26 KikaRz not 1,2
15:26 KikaRz '-'
15:27 KikaRz what's ccplus?
15:27 KikaRz *cc1plus ?
15:27 PilzAdam sapier, yes, only 4 GiB :-(
15:27 arsdragonfly !g cc1plus
15:27 MinetestBot arsdragonfly: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=345201
15:29 KikaRz cc1plus = make?
15:29 Jordach trololololol
15:29 * arsdragonfly is compiling minetestserver 0.4.7 on his phone and doesn't dare to open the web browser
15:29 Jordach my school thinks zipballs arent cool
15:29 qwertytrains left #minetest
15:29 KikaRz arsdragonfly, rly?
15:29 Jordach i just made a zipball format that has the extension .za
15:29 KikaRz lol
15:29 KikaRz ka.za!
15:29 KikaRz xd
15:29 sfan5 kae.za
15:29 Jordach they can go fuck themselves
15:29 reactor ?
15:29 arsdragonfly I have only 279mb of RAM on my phone
15:29 reactor Calinou_: ?!
15:29 KikaRz yea sfan5
15:30 KikaRz kae.za!
15:30 reactor Calinou_: what?
15:30 reactor Calinou_: I haven't said a word.
15:30 Calinou_ c<reactor> If there _was_ a _supported graphics card, I would go for it, Calinou_.
15:30 reactor Calinou_: again, it's only sporting to get it working here.
15:30 reactor I like challenges.
15:30 KikaRz Calinou_, add one-line update Minetest
15:30 KikaRz XD
15:30 Calinou_ cd to minetest directory
15:30 Calinou_ "git pull"
15:30 Calinou_ done
15:30 KikaRz nope
15:30 Calinou_ oh you have to recompile too
15:30 KikaRz yes
15:30 KikaRz so... it's:
15:30 Calinou_ but for minetest_game you don't
15:31 arsdragonfly Holy shit
15:31 KikaRz cd minetest ; git pull ; make clear ; make -j<threads>
15:31 arsdragonfly It killed the terminal emulator for me :-X
15:31 KikaRz are needed spaces?
15:31 PilzAdam you usually dont need to "make clean"
15:31 KikaRz well, you said I do.
15:31 PilzAdam usually == I have never used it
15:32 Calinou_ same
15:32 sapier PilzAdam 4GB? yes very small at least if you try to use vms too
15:32 KikaRz offtopic - who does Gangnam style's karaoke 100% correct?
15:32 KikaRz offtopic - I don't.
15:38 KikaRz ...
15:38 KikaRz XFCE crashed -_-
15:38 KikaRz ok
15:41 Jordach hey KikaRz
15:42 KikaRz Hi.
15:42 KikaRz My stupid XFCE is just lagging
15:42 KikaRz bar stills gone... that makes me confused.
15:45 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/A93CUbn.png
15:45 VanessaE hi all
15:45 KikaRz Hi sweetie :)
15:45 Jordach hey VanessaE
15:45 reactor VanessaE: hey
15:45 KikaRz Stupid The Scale of the Universe 2
15:46 reactor VanessaE: it works with Burning's video.
15:46 VanessaE cool
15:46 reactor I'm still experiencing problems with audio.
15:46 reactor Evne with libogg and libvorbis.
15:46 reactor s/ne/en/
15:46 VanessaE no idea there
15:46 MarkTwain joined #minetest
15:46 reactor mkay
15:47 MarkTwain hello
15:47 VanessaE I'm no good at figuring out system problems anymore
15:47 KikaRz Who can contact this guys, and add there MINETEST? http://htwins.net/
15:47 Jordach VanessaE, that comes from old age ;)
15:48 VanessaE you seen my pictures.  I ain't old. :P
15:48 VanessaE (though some days I sure FEEL old :-/  )
15:49 MarkTwain I need someones advice
15:49 MarkTwain I plan to add mesecons to my server but remove all craftin because it lags
15:50 MarkTwain Would this be a waste?
15:50 MarkTwain If people Cannot access it
15:51 Calinou_ MarkTwain: "be a waste"? explain
15:51 VanessaE mesecons is fine, it's the client that's the issu
15:51 VanessaE issue*
15:51 VanessaE horrible performance regressions lately in client rendering
15:51 MarkTwain If people cannot craft items from it then it would be a waste of media to load
15:52 KikaRz MarkTwain, just if the server is creative
15:52 MarkTwain Its a survival server
15:52 MarkTwain I wouldnt ask if it was creative
15:53 reactor 4destructive
15:53 reactor s/4//
15:53 MarkTwain I like to think of it as an admin feature like the command blocks and logic
15:53 MarkTwain But the thing is:
15:53 MarkTwain mesecons is not for admins
15:53 JamesTait joined #minetest
15:53 JamesTait joined #minetest
15:53 MarkTwain It needs to be remade to be for admins
15:53 MarkTwain I am thinking of a GUI for the luacontroller that has: add statement, add event and all that
15:54 MarkTwain And basically similar to mesecons but faster
15:55 MarkTwain I think digiline would be a better alternative but the luacontroller is the part that manages digiline and if i add the luacontroller i am likely to add things that can affect the environment as a result of a digiline signal like lights
15:55 Calinou_ <VanessaE> horrible performance regressions lately in client rendering
15:55 Calinou_ which ones?
15:55 reactor MarkTwain: how's Tam Sawyer?
15:55 Calinou_ haven't noticed any
15:56 VanessaE Calinou_: I used to get 25-30 fps at view distance of 170 and 512px.  Now I'm lucky to get 25 with a view range of 70 and 256px textures.
15:56 frogcrush joined #minetest
15:56 frogcrush joined #minetest
15:57 VanessaE even with default textures I get low rendering speeds.
15:57 Calinou_ default textures with aniso + filtering + 4× antialiasing = 130 FPS
15:57 Calinou_ view range 128
15:57 VanessaE Something arounf the spawn on my server is killing my framerates
15:58 VanessaE around*
15:58 Calinou_ too much leaves probably
15:58 VanessaE nope.
15:58 VanessaE hardly any trees at all at the spawn
15:58 PilzAdam VanessaE, I guess the trees are the cause
15:58 VanessaE PilzAdam: ^^^^
15:58 PilzAdam turn fancy leaves off
15:58 VanessaE read:  there are no trees at the spawn.
15:58 VanessaE and if I get into a dense grove of trees *away* from the spawn, my framerates are fine.
16:00 i joined #minetest
16:00 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
16:01 VanessaE the problem is the engine is not culling out all the excess faces/verticies
16:01 reactor it does
16:01 reactor as can be seen from my screenshot :D
16:01 Jordach Minecraft on the xBox360 even lags
16:02 Calinou_ Jordach: uh uh
16:02 Calinou_ console games lagging
16:02 Calinou_ impossibru
16:02 Jordach Calinou_, yes
16:02 Jordach snowy biomes with LOADS of trees
16:02 VanessaE even if I look at the ground with exactly TWO types of blocks visible, it's drawing 273,000 vertices.
16:02 Jordach and with splitscreen
16:02 VanessaE it should be more like several dozen
16:02 Jordach it halves the FPS
16:02 PilzAdam VanessaE, press F4 and change your position
16:02 PilzAdam VanessaE, I guess any not solid nodes are the reason
16:03 Jordach Calinou_, also:the leaves that are behind the transparent leaves are rendered solid
16:03 Calinou_ O_o
16:04 VanessaE PilzAdam: then explain this: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2006102013%20-%2012:03:47%20PM.png
16:04 VanessaE that's after looking away from the spawn and letting it sit several seconds
16:05 VanessaE it's drawing shit that isn't even on the fucking screen
16:05 Calinou_ the world isn't loading for me
16:05 PilzAdam VanessaE, press F4, fly away a bit and look what blocks are rendered
16:05 i maybe it's because of mob objects
16:05 VanessaE PilzAdam:  that IS with F4/no camera updates as you already said
16:06 VanessaE and I looked already
16:06 VanessaE Calinou_: you're in now.
16:07 Calinou_ the spawn does have trees
16:07 VanessaE Calinou_:  yeah, out past the spawn, outside of my default 70-node view range
16:07 Calinou_ if I look at the spawn I get 27 FPS
16:07 Calinou_ view distance 128
16:07 KikaRz lol
16:07 MarkTwain I get 25 View Distance 35
16:08 Calinou_ oh, with freetype fonts the profiler is broken
16:08 Calinou_ MarkTwain: by default it is automatically chosen
16:08 Calinou_ and you have a shitty PC :P
16:08 Calinou_ because 35 is the minimum
16:08 i I get 3 FPS with 125 range
16:08 VanessaE Calinou_:  the auto-ranger is broken.
16:08 KikaRz I I follow I follow you... I follow you, deep sea baby... I follow you
16:08 MarkTwain MIN=15 MAX=10
16:08 KikaRz :P
16:08 VanessaE it doesn't adapt anywhere nearly fast enough for normal gameplay
16:08 MarkTwain Or something
16:08 MarkTwain viewing_range_nodes_max = 15 viewing_range_nodes_min = 20
16:08 Calinou_ dat name; i
16:09 VanessaE it adapts at like 0.1 nodes/sec or slightly faster, when it should be adapting at a rate of at least 10-20 nodes/sec.
16:09 Calinou_ you must be highlighted often :P
16:09 Calinou_ MinetestBot: if min is higher than max, the min value is used
16:09 Calinou_ KikaRz: twss
16:09 KikaRz twss = ?
16:10 Calinou_ that's what she said
16:10 i I get 3FPS with 35 range, too
16:10 KikaRz Lykke Li - I follow rivers
16:10 i I guess the pipes cause the lag
16:11 Calinou_ the pipes?
16:11 i there are lots of nodeboxes under the spawn
16:11 Calinou_ also, lag isn't slow performance
16:11 Calinou_ +1
16:11 Calinou_ IMO pipes should only use 2 to 4 nodeboxes :|
16:11 i VaE built pipes under the streets last time
16:11 KikaRz Minetest works with GLC?
16:12 i I don't get lag away from streets
16:12 VanessaE PilzAdam: and for the record, I have a shit-hot-fast video card that should able to more than keep up with anyone here. Even with default 16px textures, I'm getting under 30 fps at the spawn.
16:12 PilzAdam VanessaE, dont use so many nodeboxes and transparent nodes
16:12 VanessaE PilzAdam: explain THIS:
16:12 VanessaE PilzAdam:   http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/screenshots/Screenshot%20-%2006102013%20-%2012:12:02%20PM.png
16:13 VanessaE that's RIGHT after sign in, after just standing there long enough to let the full range (60) load up.
16:13 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
16:13 VanessaE there's NO WAY my HD6870 video card should be turning out such shitty performance.
16:13 Calinou_ KikaRz: GLC?
16:13 KikaRz Yes.
16:13 Calinou_ VanessaE: you have a 6770, no?
16:13 KikaRz http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/glc.html
16:13 Calinou_ but even my 570 gives 25 FPS when looking at the spawn
16:14 VanessaE Calinou_: HD6870 with the very latest fglrx.
16:14 Calinou_ KikaRz: try?
16:14 KikaRz Calinou_, ok
16:14 KikaRz Calinou_, change your name to Calinou
16:14 Calinou ah I can now
16:14 KikaRz Calinou, Easier to TAB
16:14 Calinou I got "nick temporarily unavailable" before
16:14 KikaRz Calinou,  the _ gets glitched.
16:15 KikaRz VanessaE, can I record your server? *w*
16:15 VanessaE KikaRz: sure, but get permission from whoever's on.
16:15 KikaRz And: the liquids are enabled? And no possibility to crash ?
16:15 * sfan5 is currently building MinetestServer for android
16:16 Calinou sfan5: is it possible to forward ports to a smartphone/tablet?
16:16 Calinou don't they have a firewall?
16:16 sfan5 Calinou: most don't have one
16:17 Calinou at least I hope the server will be usable, unlike on raspi
16:17 KikaRz VanessaE, I want to make my waterfall as seen in Minecraft. (youtube.com/joaoadriano3
16:18 Calinou tws
16:18 Calinou twss*
16:22 reactor Is it possible to create an empty world?
16:22 sfan5 reactor: yes
16:22 reactor good
16:24 grogaway sfan5: I don't mind if you'd like to remove my instacabin mod from the forums - sorry, I didn't realize there was a licensing issue with what I was doing, and I definitely don't want to upset anyone here.
16:24 grogaway was kicked by ShadowBot: Highlight flood detected.
16:24 sfan5 wut?
16:24 PilzAdam i?
16:24 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
16:24 thefamilygrog66 oops
16:25 thefamilygrog66 did you get that message, sfan5?
16:25 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: not your fault
16:25 sfan5 yes
16:25 sfan5 link?
16:25 thefamilygrog66 http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6195
16:25 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, fix your bot
16:26 Xenorax joined #minetest
16:27 i http://ubuntuone.com/5teK6XlD2VzdpMRiKUIwv3
16:27 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: umm
16:27 sfan5 just rewrite the mod so it uses the API
16:28 Jordach i, please change your nick
16:28 reactor iUbuntu
16:29 sfan5 !oo
16:29 sfan5 !op
16:29 I was kicked by sfan5: Come back when you have changed your nick to something over 4 characters
16:29 reactor Pwneth!
16:30 thefamilygrog66 sfan5: I'd rather just have it taken down, if possible. The point of it was to use the deserialize function from worldedit in my mod, but not necessarily require the entire WE mod to be installed on a server.
16:30 PilzAdam ban ???!*q* ?
16:30 PilzAdam s/q/@
16:30 kahrl or make the highlight flood detector ignore short nicks
16:31 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: "entire WE mod" .. you only need the "worldedit" mod not worldedit_commands
16:32 KikaRz lol
16:33 KikaRz Who is I?
16:33 sfan5 dunno
16:33 thefamilygrog66 sfan5: Yes, but I just wanted to make a mod that did one function, and not rely on another mod in order to do so. In other words, only have the default dependencies. If by copying the deserialize function from WE violates licensing, then I'd rather just have the post removed.
16:34 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: ok, if you want
16:34 thefamilygrog66 If that's what has to be done to prevent problems with licensing, then yes.
16:35 sfan5 removed(not deleted, but removed [from normal people accessible things])
16:35 thefamilygrog66 Thanks.
16:36 thefamilygrog66 I'll take it off github as well.
16:36 sfan5 thefamilygrog66: I'm not a licensing expert, but you could license your mod under a license that is compatible with AGPLv3
16:36 MarkTwain How can you take things off GitHub?
16:36 ShadowNinja Hmmm, there were somehow ten hilights in there. Or maybe it is broken.
16:36 sfan5 !kick KikaRz <KikaRz> can you kick me out of the channel?
16:36 KikaRz was kicked by MinetestBot: <KikaRz> can you kick me out of the channel?
16:36 KikaRz joined #minetest
16:36 KikaRz thanks
16:36 sfan5 ShadowNinja: there was an user named "I" in the channel
16:37 KikaRz and he sent this: http://ubuntuone.com/5teK6XlD2VzdpMRiKUIwv3
16:37 thefamilygrog66 MarkTwain: not sure exactly, but I'm going to try now...
16:37 ShadowNinja Ah, it should check only 3+ char nicks.
16:38 thereisalimitofc ok
16:38 KikaRz I was testing limits
16:38 MarkTwain thereisalimitofcharacters
16:38 MarkTwain ?
16:38 KikaRz ok, no ééaáíó
16:38 KikaRz erroneus
16:38 KikaRz * éàéééí :Erroneous Nickname
16:39 MarkTwain eeææ→→ø
16:39 KikaRz *erroneous
16:39 thefamilygrog66 sfan5: I might look into that, but to be honest, I'd rather just not have to deal with that sort of thing - wtfpl makes the most sense to me in this context
16:39 KikaRz cool error!
16:39 KikaRz who can make commits?
16:39 KikaRz like, updating files?
16:39 KikaRz I want to test how to update minetest
16:39 KikaRz '-'
16:39 sfan5 git pull
16:39 KikaRz I know how
16:40 KikaRz but I want to test
16:40 KikaRz '-'
16:40 PilzAdam oh, I can add a big "KikaRz" logo to the menu
16:42 KikaRz lol...
16:42 KikaRz Ok.
16:42 KikaRz I got one idea for Minetest.
16:43 KikaRz Fast Downloads.
16:43 KikaRz What that does? You place files in a ftp, then , you put link in config of the server
16:43 sfan5 !seen proller
16:43 MinetestBot sfan5: Sorry, I haven't seen proller around.
16:43 KikaRz !seen proler
16:43 KikaRz :C
16:43 sfan5 !seen troller
16:43 MinetestBot sfan5: Sorry, I haven't seen troller around.
16:43 sfan5 !unignore KikaRz
16:43 MinetestBot sfan5: 'KikaRz' removed from ignore list.
16:43 sfan5 umm
16:43 PilzAdam <KikaRz> What that does? You place files in a ftp, then , you put link in config of the server <- we already have that
16:44 KikaRz No we don't '-'
16:44 sfan5 cURL supports ftp://foo.bar.com/ links
16:44 KikaRz So, why the files don't download faster? '-'
16:44 PilzAdam the setting is called remote_media
16:44 sfan5 ftp is slow
16:44 PilzAdam you need cURL support compiled in, though
16:44 KikaRz ...
16:44 KikaRz And how I compile iwth cURL?
16:45 PilzAdam -DENABLE_CURL=1 I guess
16:45 thefamilygrog66 MarkTwain (and anyone else interested): I just deleted the repository on github by clicking on the "settings" tab, and then scrolling down to the bottom of the red, DANGER ZONE section.
16:45 KikaRz ???
16:45 thefamilygrog66 DAAANGGGERR
16:45 neko259 joined #minetest
16:45 KikaRz not working
16:46 KikaRz not working
16:47 KikaRz it's cmake -DENABLE_CURL 1?
16:47 PilzAdam <PilzAdam> -DENABLE_CURL=1 I guess
16:47 KikaRz ...
16:47 reactor !
16:47 PilzAdam use CMAKE . -LH to see a list
16:47 KikaRz curl library its what? -.-
16:47 PilzAdam libcurl-<something>
16:47 KikaRz ...
16:47 KikaRz Yes, I know that, but WHAT?
16:48 PilzAdam tab is your friend
16:48 reactor How to make a dedicated server load mods?
16:48 KikaRz PilzAdam, not working
16:48 reactor They load fine when I run minetest, but minetestserver doesn't load them.
16:48 KikaRz Ok, i got many...
16:48 PilzAdam KikaRz, oh got you are lazy
16:48 sfan5 reactor: the dirty and easieast way: "cp -Rfv mods/* games/<gameid>/mods"
16:48 PilzAdam -t+d
16:48 KikaRz libcurl3              libcurl3-nss          libcurl4-openssl-dev   libcurl3-dbg          libcurl4-gnutls-dev   libcurl-ocaml  libcurl3-gnutls       libcurl4-nss-dev      libcurl-ocaml-dev
16:48 reactor oh!
16:48 KikaRz What to choose?
16:49 sfan5 KikaRz: libcurl4-openssl-dev
16:49 KikaRz Thank you sfan5, you are my friend <3
16:49 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: reload FloodProtector
16:49 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.
16:49 KikaRz Pilz, go get some sleep, you are in Adam drugs.
16:49 PilzAdam libcurl4-gnutls-dev
16:49 KikaRz Pilz, I don't trust in you, Adams.
16:49 sfan5 why gnutls when you can have openssl? ;)
16:50 KikaRz sfan5, what you use?
16:50 PilzAdam I have both
16:50 sfan5 sfan5: the openssl thing I think
16:50 PilzAdam also nns
16:50 ShadowNinja It should only count nicks longer than three characters (exclusive) at the next regexp update (join/part/quit).
16:50 KikaRz KikaRz: testing Highlighttomyself
16:50 KikaRz DIdn't worked.
16:50 PilzAdam !kick ShadowBot
16:50 KikaRz Hah, noob.
16:50 PilzAdam MinetestBot!
16:50 MinetestBot PilzAdam!
16:50 KikaRz MinetestBot!
16:50 MinetestBot KikaRz!
16:51 Calinou joined #minetest
16:51 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: ?
16:51 PilzAdam " at the next regexp update "
16:51 sfan5 $ dpkg --get-selections | grep libcurl4
16:51 sfan5 libcurl4-openssl-devinstall
16:52 ShadowNinja Well there aren't any realy short nicks here right now.
16:52 PilzAdam $ apt-cache search libcurl4
16:52 Calinou ShadowNinja: there was "i" an hour ago :P
16:52 KikaRz sfan5, should I use -RUN_IN_PLACE 1 ?
16:52 sfan5 KikaRz: use "-DRUN_IN_PLACE=1"
16:52 KikaRz (that makes minetest to go to ".minetest" ?
16:52 ShadowNinja Calinou: Yes, he got kicked and the regexp will no longer include him.
16:53 sfan5 exactly like that
16:53 KikaRz I hate .minetest...
16:53 Calinou ShadowNinja: heh
16:53 Calinou KikaRz: .minetest ftw
16:53 KikaRz ftw = ?
16:53 proller joined #minetest
16:53 KikaRz front the way?
16:53 PilzAdam lol
16:53 Calinou for the win
16:53 KikaRz I'm not AMARICANA
16:53 Calinou or just fuck the what
16:54 KikaRz fuck the whooze
16:54 KikaRz lawl
16:55 ShadowNinja Who has the largest rollback log? (950M here)
16:56 Calinou DSK has the largest rollback log
16:56 Calinou 252E
16:56 Calinou :trollface:
16:56 KikaRz testing "make -j5"
16:57 Calinou ubuntu users: "use make -jT"
16:57 Calinou arch users: "use make -jT+1"
16:57 Calinou gentoo users: "set swappiness to 100 then use make -j"
16:57 Calinou :>
16:57 ShadowNinja Calinou: Why so?
16:57 PilzAdam Calinou, lol
16:58 qwertytrains joined #minetest
16:58 KikaRz if -j5 fails, i'll try -j6, if -j6 fails, i'll try -j7, if j7 fails, i'll try -j8... if -j1999 i'll try -j2000...
16:58 KikaRz Calinou, why?
16:58 KikaRz what that does?
16:58 KikaRz jT?
16:58 Calinou tip: -jT can never fail
16:58 Calinou T for threads
16:58 KikaRz -.-
16:58 Calinou even without an argument it won't
16:58 KikaRz Namb...
16:58 KikaRz We already know
16:58 Calinou but using more jobs than CPU cores will be slow
16:58 KikaRz and?
16:59 KikaRz -j2 is slower...
16:59 KikaRz Ok, guys, How I compile to my friend that uses Shitdows?
16:59 reactor Shitdows :D
16:59 KikaRz or Winshit
16:59 reactor Yeah
16:59 PilzAdam utils/buildbot/
16:59 reactor or both
16:59 KikaRz or wishitoes
17:00 Calinou compiling on windows is like trying to watch MLP on BSD
17:00 Calinou don't even try
17:00 KikaRz I want to build to my friend
17:00 Calinou tip: there are windows builds available on the minetest forums
17:00 KikaRz and PilzAdam, How I use that?
17:00 Calinou tell them to use virtualbox, run xubuntu in virtualbox :P
17:00 KikaRz Calinou, he likes my modified versions
17:00 Calinou twss
17:00 KikaRz Calinou, no, twHs
17:00 PilzAdam KikaRz, you need some basic understanding of what you are doing, so RTFM
17:01 KikaRz RTFM? some kind of FM radio?
17:01 sfan5 YESS!!!
17:01 PilzAdam yea, kinda
17:01 sfan5 minetestserver for android compiled
17:01 KikaRz Rabos de Travestis Fantasiados por Mães
17:01 reactor Mгes?
17:01 reactor Cyrillic?
17:01 KikaRz Translated: Travesti Butts Fantasied by Mothers
17:02 PilzAdam sfan5, I want to join an ultra laggy server on your phone in the next 10 minutes or didnt happen
17:02 sfan5 one sec
17:02 KikaRz sfan5, can you help me with Windows Build?
17:02 reactor ОШN6KА ЧТЕНNЯ /dev/ra0a
17:02 KikaRz reactor, only English
17:02 KikaRz Or: Translate.google.pt
17:02 KikaRz *.cm
17:02 Calinou /dev/ra0a?
17:02 KikaRz *.com
17:03 KikaRz Calinou, that's my pendrive
17:03 * Calinou slaps reactor around a bit with a large /dev/nvidiactl
17:03 * KikaRz slaps Calinou around a lot with a large /dev/null
17:03 reactor that's a disk
17:03 Calinou KikaRz: want to play on xonotic some freezetag?
17:04 KikaRz No thanks.
17:04 Calinou :p
17:04 KikaRz I've been playing all night
17:04 Calinou play on non-vehicle servers if you don't like vehicles
17:04 sfan5 :/
17:04 KikaRz I played on non-vehicle servers
17:04 sfan5 now I need to compile all shit again just because make package requires the install prefix to be /tmp
17:04 KikaRz Now guys, who can help me getting back my beautiful title bars? :'(
17:04 qwertytrains left #minetest
17:05 Calinou dunno
17:05 Calinou did you try changing the theme, KikaRz ?
17:05 KikaRz Yes.
17:05 Calinou then don't
17:05 Calinou set it back to "Greybird"
17:05 KikaRz which one?
17:05 KikaRz greybird or Greybird?
17:05 KikaRz Nope
17:06 KikaRz None worked.
17:07 KikaRz xfwm4 --replace didn't worked
17:07 * sfan5 is such an idiot
17:08 KikaRz Why?
17:08 Calinou "window manager theme"
17:08 Calinou not "style"
17:08 KikaRz I changed that
17:08 KikaRz Oh
17:08 KikaRz wait
17:08 KikaRz where is that?
17:08 KikaRz Window Manager?
17:08 Calinou yea
17:08 KikaRz Oh!
17:08 Calinou you're using english? aren't you spanish? :P
17:09 KikaRz Yes, I'm using english
17:09 KikaRz If I use Greybird WMtheme, it don't works
17:09 sfan5 PilzAdam: it will take some time, I have to rebuilt anything because I forgot RUN_IN_PLACE
17:09 PilzAdam see? didnt happen... :-p
17:10 sfan5 "not yet"
17:10 KikaRz Thank you Calinoua
17:10 KikaRz Thank you Calinou!
17:12 sfan5 here is it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetestserver-0.4.7-android.tar.gz
17:14 proller market it! 8)
17:14 KikaRz sfan5, that's only the server???
17:14 KikaRz I wanted that to be the Client for Android *w*
17:14 KikaRz Why you don't create Minetest for mobile?
17:16 reactor Hmm.
17:16 reactor There is something lurking through grey parts of textures.
17:16 reactor Looks like the engine confuses grey with transparency.
17:20 Calinou reactor: s/engine/software renderer
17:20 Ipos joined #minetest
17:20 reactor Maybe.
17:20 reactor I don't know.
17:20 reactor s/software renderer/something
17:21 sfan5 OMFG!!! it works
17:22 ShadowNinja sfan5: IP?
17:22 sfan5 one sec
17:22 Calinou probably
17:22 * Calinou knows ports can't go above 65535
17:24 sfan5 omfg!!
17:24 sfan5 it works
17:24 PilzAdam <ShadowNinja> sfan5: IP?
17:24 PilzAdam <sfan5> one sec
17:25 sfan5 there seems to be some endianess incompatibilites, but it works
17:25 sfan5 but super slow
17:25 sfan5 yes, yes
17:25 Calinou sfan5: what's your device?
17:26 sfan5 Calinou: Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-<something>
17:26 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
17:27 sfan5 !up sfan5.dyndns.org 30010
17:27 MinetestBot sfan5.dyndns.org:30010 is up (231ms)
17:27 sfan5 ^ ip of the server on my android phone
17:27 ShadowNinja How powerful is that?
17:28 sfan5 <sfan5> but super slow
17:28 * PilzAdam connects
17:28 sfan5 takes 5-10 secs for it to realize that I dug blocks
17:28 Jordach sfan5, port irrlicht
17:28 sfan5 Jordach: it is already ported
17:28 Calinou sfan5: yeah, old low end thing :P
17:28 Jordach sfan5, now try that on a SGS4
17:28 sfan5 Jordach: buy me one
17:29 Jordach <- IS NOT your slave
17:29 reactor Hm.
17:29 sfan5 seems like the server hung up
17:29 reactor It seems //import is missing from World Edit.
17:29 sfan5 restarted
17:29 reactor How?
17:29 sfan5 reactor: //load
17:29 * ShadowNinja has a decent tablet. (nexus 7)
17:30 sfan5 ShadowNinja: try it on there
17:30 sfan5 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetestserver-0.4.7-android.tar.gz
17:30 PilzAdam sfan5, "Connecting to server..."
17:30 sfan5 PilzAdam: try again
17:31 Calinou Jordach: a nexus 4 is quite powerful (for a smartphone) and is "only" 300 euros :P
17:31 sfan5 actually let me disable anticheat to make it faster
17:31 Calinou but it only has 8GB and non-extensible storage
17:31 Calinou and battery life is meh
17:31 Jordach Calinou, ew, no MicroSD slot
17:31 Calinou yep, non-extensible
17:31 sfan5 lol
17:31 Jordach oh, and SGS4 has a removable battery.
17:32 rubenwardy JAVA!
17:32 sfan5 "-!- Invalid Command: /help"
17:32 KikaRz WHO SAID JAVA? I'll kill that person...
17:32 PilzAdam Java
17:32 Calinou death by java
17:32 KikaRz I hate java...
17:33 PilzAdam do you hate your brain too?
17:33 sfan5 Any suggestions how to make a minetest server faster?
17:33 khonkhortisan robocode uses java
17:33 sfan5 (config settings)
17:33 PilzAdam sfan5, remove all mods but defaulz
17:33 PilzAdam *default
17:33 PilzAdam and, use the default mod of minimal
17:33 sfan5 k
17:34 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
17:34 Jordach my space fighter: http://imgur.com/a/MBDPj
17:34 reactor hmm
17:34 webdesigner97 VE?
17:34 reactor no fly privilege in singleplayer!
17:34 reactor sfan5: I see... thank you
17:34 PilzAdam <reactor> no fly privilege in singleplayer! <- thats normal
17:34 sfan5 PilzAdam: could you try connecting now?
17:34 VanessaE yes?
17:34 webdesigner97 I need you ;)
17:34 VanessaE uh oh
17:35 webdesigner97 only fpr circular saw
17:35 VanessaE I didn't do it, I sweat
17:35 VanessaE swear*
17:35 VanessaE hehe ok
17:35 webdesigner97 :D
17:35 sfan5 19:35:22: ACTION[ServerThread]: Jordach joins game. List of players: Jordach
17:35 sfan5 ^ yay
17:35 VanessaE webdesigner97: https://github.com/VanessaE/gloopblocks/blob/master/init.lua#L180
17:36 Jordach CHAT WORKS
17:36 PilzAdam sfan5, still nothing...
17:36 webdesigner97 let's take line 178 for example...
17:36 VanessaE modname first, then the base of the node name, then the drop (I think), then group, textures, description, I forget the next one (I always make it the same as the node name), the setting for paramtype2, and the ligth value if any (0 for none)
17:36 sfan5 PilzAdam: jordach could connect
17:36 VanessaE you have to register the stairs/slabs/etc first
17:37 sfan5 VanessaE: could you try to connect to the minetestserver running on my android phone
17:37 VanessaE then register it with the circular saw (line 191 goes with the register call at line 180)
17:37 webdesigner97 uhm, ok?
17:37 VanessaE sfan5: sure
17:37 webdesigner97 sure
17:37 webdesigner97 w8
17:37 sfan5 !up sfan5.dyndns.org 30010
17:37 MinetestBot sfan5.dyndns.org:30010 is up (156ms)
17:37 webdesigner97 no
17:37 sfan5 ^ this
17:37 VanessaE connecting...
17:38 VanessaE there it goes
17:38 VanessaE is this....0.3.1?
17:38 VanessaE oh right, minimal
17:38 VanessaE seems to work except the chat is sorta broken
17:38 VanessaE (names are off by two chars)
17:38 PilzAdam sfan5, remove leafdeacay and all other ABMs
17:38 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/dIs9oWJ.png
17:38 VanessaE or rather, names are just..broken :)
17:39 VanessaE but it works
17:39 sfan5 PilzAdam: disable_anticheat made it faster
17:39 webdesigner97 What is the seond param? The base block for the stairs?
17:39 sfan5 VanessaE: probably because of endianess
17:39 webdesigner97 (VE)
17:39 Jordach sfan5, whats the version of Droid are you running this on
17:39 VanessaE yes
17:39 webdesigner97 I'll try it out again
17:39 VanessaE webdesigner97: default:cobble --> cobble
17:39 PilzAdam sfan5, Im on
17:40 webdesigner97 what do you mean by that, VE?
17:40 VanessaE webdesigner97: yourmod:coolblock --> coolblock --> yourmod:slab_coolblock_quarter
17:40 sfan5 Jordach: 2.3.6
17:40 Jordach sfan5, i have a 4.0 tablet
17:40 PilzAdam sfan5, chat is fucked up
17:40 Jordach ill test it later
17:40 sfan5 PilzAdam: ik
17:41 VanessaE webdesigner97: that's how the naming is resolved from the parameters you give it
17:41 sfan5 Jordach: you may have to get busybox on your device to unpack the tar.gz
17:41 webdesigner97 ok
17:41 Jordach sfan5, file expert undoes tar
17:41 PilzAdam sfan5, everyone turn fly and noclip on
17:41 rubenwardy My guinea pig: http://rubenwardy.no-ip.biz/DSCF2587.jpg
17:42 sfan5 Jordach: yeah, I bet that app can't access /data/local/tmp
17:42 Jordach sfan5, root
17:42 VanessaE awww
17:42 reactor Yay! A netsplit!
17:43 Jordach sfan5, the mapgen is fucking quick
17:43 Jordach it generates as fast as i can walk
17:43 sfan5 Jordach: it doesn' even use LuaJIT
17:43 Jordach \o/
17:44 sfan5 aand the server hung up
17:44 sfan5 server restarted
17:44 PilzAdam sfan5, turn the map to singlenode now
17:44 sfan5 what do I need to put in map_meta.txt again
17:45 PilzAdam mg_name = singlenode
17:45 rubenwardy Also: http://rubenwardy.no-ip.biz/DSCF2527.jpg (VanessaE)
17:46 sfan5 done
17:46 PilzAdam sfan5, a new map?
17:46 PilzAdam Im just falling in air
17:46 * sfan5 too
17:46 Jordach PilzAdam, where is the singlenode generated
17:47 PilzAdam singlenode ==  all nodes are the same
17:47 PilzAdam the same == air by default
17:47 webdesigner97 VE, do I need to register all kinds of stairs or can I pick some of the?
17:47 webdesigner97 *them
17:47 sfan5 I'll try mapgen index
17:47 sfan5 *indev
17:48 PilzAdam no, its even slower
17:48 sfan5 spawned in the ground...
17:48 PilzAdam (than v6)
17:48 reactor hmm
17:48 sfan5 v7?
17:49 reactor how do I enable certain mods _before_ map creation>
17:49 PilzAdam maybe
17:49 reactor ?
17:49 sfan5 i'll try v7
17:50 sfan5 even more slower...
17:50 sfan5 i'll stick with v6
17:52 sfan5 let me try if server_announce works
17:52 PilzAdam you shoudl generate some terrain with v6 and then switch to singlenode
17:52 PilzAdam thats what I originally meant
17:52 sfan5 oh, ok
17:53 sfan5 oh wait, I didn't compile curl in
17:53 reactor hmm
17:53 reactor it's imported
17:53 reactor but flipped
17:54 Calinou kkk
17:54 Calinou oops
17:54 Calinou wrong window
17:55 sfan5 PilzAdam: I generated some map with v6 and switched to singlenode now
17:55 sfan5 *terrain
17:57 webdesigner97 VE, I can't make it work :(
17:57 webdesigner97 http://pastebin.com/hhf7k86J
17:58 ShadowNinja sfan5: Could you post that link again?
17:58 sfan5 <sfan5> here is it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetestserver-0.4.7-android.tar.gz
17:59 sfan5 ShadowNinja: its not an app or so, you need to enable "adb push minetestser<tab> /data/local/tmp" and "adb shell" to unpack and use it
17:59 sfan5 *use
18:00 ShadowNinja sfan5: I know that, trying to unpack now...
18:01 sfan5 ShadowNinja: tar from the busybox on my phone didn't have -z so I had to use gzip -d
18:01 reactor The tomtweschem.py has a bug: it flips.
18:01 sfan5 I
18:02 reactor even the screens in the article show that
18:02 reactor -_-
18:02 sfan5 reactor: ..i shouldn't flip
18:02 sfan5 *it
18:02 reactor strange
18:02 reactor but screens shows the flippage, too
18:02 reactor show*
18:02 PilzAdam sfan5, can you grant me fly and noclip?
18:02 PilzAdam Im inside of a node
18:02 sfan5 PilzAdam: you should have it
18:02 sfan5 ...
18:02 sfan5 commands don't work
18:02 reactor http://i.imgur.com/CC7215r.jpg
18:03 reactor http://i.imgur.com/iiOqrCP.jpg
18:03 sfan5 i'll set default_privs
18:03 reactor horizontally
18:03 sfan5 reactor: yeah, I saw it
18:03 reactor I wonder if that's the script or the we
18:03 sfan5 reactor: the script
18:04 sfan5 PilzAdam: 've set the default privs
18:04 sfan5 +I
18:05 PilzAdam you need to restart
18:05 reactor sfan5: mkay
18:05 reactor great work, otherwise
18:06 PilzAdam sfan5, works
18:06 Calinou reactor: MCEdit can make MT WE schematics? O_o
18:06 Calinou is it official?
18:07 reactor I don't know.
18:07 Calinou BSD users definitely don't know anything :trollface:
18:07 PilzAdam sfan5, wow, building a tower works without noticeable lag; thx client side prediction
18:08 sfan5 Calinou: I made an mcedit filter
18:08 reactor Calinou: yes, I know you're fat and green.
18:08 sfan5 PilzAdam: I also disabled anticheat, with anticheat enabled the blocks may disappear and appear again
18:10 PilzAdam sfan5, your nick is "  5   cr"
18:10 PilzAdam in the chat
18:10 sfan5 yeah, thats really buggy
18:11 PilzAdam LOL! the chest texture :D
18:11 ShadowNinja Hmmm, chmod won't work and it doesn't have +x.
18:11 sfan5 ShadowNinja: I used busybox's "ash" for executing minetestserver
18:12 sfan5 also the chmod from busybox works better
18:13 PilzAdam sfan5, I can see you building without lag
18:15 ShadowNinja Busybox chmod also does nothing.
18:15 sfan5 hm
18:17 PilzAdam sfan5, ok, I got the whole map loaded
18:17 sfan5 :D
18:17 PilzAdam sfan5, its a perfect cube!
18:17 webdesigner97 bye!
18:17 webdesigner97 left #minetest
18:18 PilzAdam sfan5, 50% desert, 25% normal biome and 25% water
18:19 sfan5 I guess that fits
18:19 ShadowNinja Maybe it is mounted with noexec or something.
18:20 sfan5 ShadowNinja: could be
18:20 sfan5 theres no need to try the sdcard, because thats always mounted with noexec
18:20 sfan5 but since /data/local/tmp should be in the system partition it should be executeable
18:20 sfan5 e
18:20 sfan5 *-e
18:21 KikaRz VanessaE, did your server crashed?
18:21 reactor hmm
18:21 Calinou s/crashed/crash
18:21 Calinou double past ;)
18:21 KikaRz I think yes.
18:22 VanessaE I'm lagging bad
18:22 KikaRz well
18:22 KikaRz server crashed
18:22 KikaRz I think
18:22 KikaRz I froze up
18:22 KikaRz and you too
18:22 VanessaE no, it's up
18:22 KikaRz you were walking on air
18:22 KikaRz infinitly
18:22 KikaRz Connecting to server...
18:22 VanessaE checking
18:22 KikaRz didn't worked.
18:22 KikaRz Well
18:22 KikaRz going to wash my hair
18:23 KikaRz and my head.
18:23 VanessaE wait
18:23 reactor load_mod_no_mapgen = true
18:23 KikaRz VanessaE, what were you about to show me?
18:23 reactor but it still has generated some stuff
18:23 VanessaE server restarting.
18:23 KikaRz VanessaE, what were you about to show me?
18:23 reactor ...not some, but it still generates
18:24 KikaRz Gtg.
18:25 rsiska joined #minetest
18:25 ShadowNinja Alright, running on port 30001, just have to forward...
18:25 sfan5 yay
18:27 PilzAdam sfan5, summary: your phone server works a billion times better than expected!
18:27 sfan5 yep
18:27 * sfan5 expected it to insta-segfault
18:29 ShadowNinja Done.
18:29 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: up shadowninja.minetest.net 30001
18:29 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: shadowninja.minetest.net:30001 is up (565ms)
18:30 Jordach http://paste.ubuntu.com/5752525/
18:30 Jordach it doesnt work
18:30 ShadowNinja It ignores everyone but me.
18:30 ShadowNinja (To prevent conflicts with MinetestBot)
18:30 Jordach then its not useful bot
18:31 ShadowNinja john_minetest: ,,(up vanessae.mine.bz)
18:31 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: vanessae.mine.bz:30000 is up (345ms)
18:31 cisoun joined #minetest
18:32 ShadowNinja Use !up. If MinetestBot is around it will respond, if not mine will.
18:32 Jordach PilzAdam, this just breaks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5752525/
18:33 Jordach oh wait
18:33 Jordach missing an end
18:33 ShadowNinja I can't because they will both respond.
18:33 KikaRz !up vanessae.mine.bz
18:33 MinetestBot vanessae.mine.bz:30000 is up (359ms)
18:34 PilzAdam Jordach, the singlenode mapgen in the engine is a bit faster
18:34 KikaRz there are updates in git?
18:34 Jordach PilzAdam, the world is already singlenode
18:34 Jordach but the node appears black
18:34 ShadowNinja Jordach: That will add mese everytime a block is loaded.
18:34 Jordach ShadowBot, i wanted a core block
18:35 ShadowNinja Jordach: Then check minp and maxp.
18:35 Jordach ShadowNinja, the block appears black without any form of lighting
18:35 Jordach this might actually be useful for a space map
18:37 ShadowNinja sfan5: Chat is broken.
18:38 sfan5 ShadowNinja: you can't see the players names and many other things are also broken
18:38 sfan5 commands don't work
18:38 sfan5 but all in all, it works better than I first expected
18:38 ShadowNinja Well it's a start. :-)
18:39 Jordach sfan5, actually, the lighting works for me
18:39 * ShadowNinja wants a android client. :-)
18:40 Jordach oops, i meant chat and player names
18:44 sfan5 if anyone wants to compile minetestserver for android, you need https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/minetestserver-android.patch and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/zlib-1.2.8-arm.zip
18:44 sfan5 ^ ShadowNinja: you COULD try to fix some of the chat bugs
18:48 thexyz http://modcrash.com/nvidia-display-driver-damaging-gpus/
18:48 reactor So eh.
18:48 reactor Server mods are per-game, and client ones are client-wide?
18:48 PilzAdam there are no client side mods
18:50 Jordach thexyz, i aborted installation of that the other day
18:50 reactor I mean, multiplayer mods and simgleplayer mods.
18:51 PilzAdam in singleplayer the server is just hosted on the same PC
18:51 PilzAdam there is no differenve in mod handling
18:51 PilzAdam *difference
18:52 reactor why do I put mods in gamedir/games/minetest/mods for them to work on a dedicated server?
18:53 PilzAdam because you forgot to enable them when putting them in mods/ ?
18:54 Ipos joined #minetest
18:54 reactor enable, eh?
18:55 reactor I get mutually exclusive answers from the web.
18:55 PilzAdam http://dev.minetest.net/Installing_Mods
18:55 reactor By the way, is there a way to pass textures to clients?
18:56 PilzAdam textures are always downloaded from the server
18:56 PilzAdam clients can use their own texture, though, by putting them in textures/all/
18:57 reactor oh
18:57 reactor good
18:59 ShadowNinja My tablet is getting really hot...
18:59 Jordach start of my own space map using the regenerative glowing_mese core: http://i.imgur.com/mUjE2D3.png
18:59 ShadowNinja But only 50% usage by minetestserver.
19:02 VanessaE ShadowNinja: how does your duplication bug appear?
19:02 ShadowNinja The one where you drop a item on a single sand pipe. I told you about it a while ago.
19:02 VanessaE oh that
19:02 VanessaE also, I found a bug as well, but of course Nore isn't around to fix it...  whenever something goes into a mese pipe, sometimes half of that stack gets sent back to the source
19:10 reactor So, anyone else using no_mapgen?
19:13 KikaRz Guys, how I use buildbot? Whats this Build Directory? output? (Usage: ./buildwin32.sh <build directory>
19:13 KikaRz )
19:13 PilzAdam Usage: ./buildwin32.sh <build directory>
19:15 KikaRz or ~/minetest?
19:15 reactor Oh well. Good nighty.
19:16 KikaRz ./buildwin32.sh: linha 76: 7z: comando não reconhecido
19:16 KikaRz (unknown command)
19:16 KikaRz (unrecognized command)
19:17 ShadowNinja KikaRz: Just a empty directory.
19:17 KikaRz ok.
19:18 KikaRz same error
19:18 VanessaE ok I see what's happening with the pipes
19:18 KikaRz ./buildwin32.sh: linha 76: 7z: comando não reconhecido (unrecognized command)
19:18 VanessaE there's no duplication at all
19:18 KikaRz I know
19:18 KikaRz They stack
19:18 KikaRz then divide.
19:18 VanessaE it's that pipes are occasionally splitting the stacks and sending some of them backwards
19:18 KikaRz through all sides '-'
19:18 KikaRz backwards?
19:19 KikaRz lol
19:19 KikaRz I didn't seen any item going backwards... lawl
19:19 VanessaE if it's a mese sorting tube, half the stack gets sent forward, half gets sent back to the input stream
19:19 VanessaE the other tubes pass half of each stack through each output pipe
19:19 KikaRz ok
19:20 VanessaE come back to my server, I've rebuilt the sorting machine to make it more clear what's happening
19:20 KikaRz I was about to start playing CS 1.6
19:20 KikaRz but ok
19:21 KikaRz VanessaE
19:21 KikaRz why I got 2 users in /home? (saying: joao "default, my brother and mine user" ; vanessa "that contains VanessaE Texture Packs and Mods") ?
19:21 VanessaE looks like a sand tube placed at the point where they're all returning to and ejecting from works
19:21 VanessaE works..to suck up the ejected items and keep the flowing back into the tubes.
19:22 KikaRz Yes, but why I have got that 2 folders in /home ?
19:22 VanessaE how would I know? :)
19:23 KikaRz There is one User from you!
19:23 KikaRz '-'
19:23 VanessaE each linux user normaly gets their own folder
19:25 thefamilygrog66 do I get my own folder too?
19:26 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
19:28 VanessaE if you have an account on her box, sure :D
19:28 VanessaE bbl
19:28 KikaRz VanessaE
19:29 KikaRz discovered a bug in your system
19:29 KikaRz too high stacks = items get stucked on sky
19:29 Calinou joined #minetest
19:30 Taoki joined #minetest
19:33 KikaRz lag
19:33 KikaRz how I enhance my minetest performance?
19:34 Calinou by getting a better PC? :P
19:34 Calinou try disabling fancy trees, shaders, and clouds
19:34 Calinou enable_clouds = 0
19:34 KikaRz already done
19:34 KikaRz all disabled
19:34 Calinou in minetest.conf to fully disable clouds
19:34 KikaRz all disabled
19:34 Calinou enable_fog = 0 too
19:34 KikaRz Playing Condition Zero
19:35 KikaRz ALREADY
19:35 PilzAdam dont play singleplayer
19:35 KikaRz ...
19:35 KikaRz I didn't
19:35 KikaRz I was playing on VanessaE's server
19:35 KikaRz -.-
19:36 PilzAdam lag !=  bad performance
19:36 KikaRz ...
19:36 KikaRz Yes...
19:36 KikaRz no
19:36 KikaRz Lag = Bad Performance / PING
19:36 KikaRz Lag = Bad Performance / PING / FPS
19:36 Calinou no
19:37 Calinou ping and FPS are not linked at all
19:38 KikaRz yes
19:38 KikaRz they are
19:43 whirm1 joined #minetest
19:46 GhostlyD1ath joined #minetest
19:46 GhostlyD1ath joined #minetest
19:55 Taoki joined #minetest
19:59 PilzAdam mito551, https://gist.github.com/PilzAdam/5751756
20:00 mito551 thank you
20:02 PilzAdam it would be nice if you could find a mix of realism and... idk what to call... maybe "comic" style?
20:02 PilzAdam comic doesnt really fit
20:02 PilzAdam "unrealistic game sound" maybe?
20:04 Gethiox2 joined #minetest
20:05 Mati^1 joined #minetest
20:06 Taoki joined #minetest
20:07 khonkhortisan When I play all the noteblocks at the same time, it takes 5 seconds to play them all, and a single noteblock can have 3 echos. What can I do to fix the sound?
20:09 mito551 PilzAdam wow, if you can do all of these suggestion how come you didn't change the current minetest sounds?
20:09 PilzAdam well, I cant
20:17 KikaRz joined #minetest
20:17 KikaRz joined #minetest
20:19 KikaRz Help
20:19 KikaRz One guy is trying to hack me!
20:19 KikaRz By IRC!
20:20 KikaRz PROKILL [XTREME-CM.ORG] on steam!
20:20 KikaRz What's the probability of being hacked in Linux?
20:20 khonkhortisan wow, a noteblock activates _12_ times when it turns on once!
20:20 KikaRz cool!
20:20 KikaRz but with different types of sound?
20:20 khonkhortisan action_on is misbehaving
20:20 khonkhortisan the same sound, echoed
20:21 qwertytrains joined #minetest
20:21 Calinou [random offtopic thing] anyone wants to play chess with me? http://lichess.org/5249xvdi :P
20:21 KikaRz khonkhortisan, can you help me?
20:22 khonkhortisan I have bt5r3, but I don't know how to use it
20:22 KikaRz someone can help me? -.-
20:22 Calinou who clicked it?
20:22 KikaRz I'm being hacked
20:22 khonkhortisan me
20:22 Calinou ah
20:22 khonkhortisan which one is the queen?
20:23 khonkhortisan ooh a timer
20:23 Calinou the one with a lot of spikes
20:23 khonkhortisan ok
20:23 Calinou yep
20:23 khonkhortisan I get those mixed up
20:23 Calinou there is an ingame chat btw
20:24 khonkhortisan I don't see it
20:24 khonkhortisan oh - narrow window
20:24 Calinou narrow window?
20:24 Calinou ah
20:24 KikaRz I'm looking game
20:24 Calinou KikaRz, ?
20:25 qwertytrains left #minetest
20:25 KikaRz I'm watching game
20:25 Calinou oh, if you click the link, you spectate
20:25 Calinou khonkhortisan doesn't seem to play
20:25 proller joined #minetest
20:26 Gambit joined #minetest
20:34 Calinou khonkhortisan, gg
20:34 Calinou how long have you been playing chess?
20:34 KikaRz Checkmate
20:34 KikaRz I want to play with you Calinou
20:34 PilzAdam Calinou, lost?
20:34 Calinou lost, yeah
20:34 Calinou KikaRz, ok
20:36 Calinou http://lichess.org/gssz4r65 to spectate
20:36 khonkhortisan I don't play chess much
20:39 khonkhortisan what makes the timer go up?
20:39 Calinou khonkhortisan, 8 secs per move
20:39 Calinou this is the default
20:39 Calinou yey queen
20:40 Calinou checkmate
20:41 MinetestBot GIT: Uberi commited to Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Support cyclic references in luacontroller memory tables, prohibit usage of goto statement (bugs reported by Nore). c87bc60635 2013-06-10T13:40:34-07:00 http://git.io/KQA3qg
20:42 Uberi joined #minetest
20:44 Calinou intel ad at TV \o/
20:44 PilzAdam Calinou, wich one?
20:44 Calinou about ultrabooks
20:44 Calinou do, do-do-do-do
20:45 Calinou PilzAdam, want to play? :P
20:45 PilzAdam no, I dont play chess
20:45 john_minetest joined #minetest
20:45 Uberi hey everyone, if you have a server running Mesecons, please upgrade it ASAP, there is an important security fix out
20:46 PilzAdam Uberi, how to attack servers that are not updated? :-p
20:46 Calinou by creating spam machines :>
20:48 Uberi PilzAdam: see the latest posts in the thread :)
20:48 Uberi goto could lock the server up
20:49 Uberi and cyclic references can cause crashes
20:49 PilzAdam lets poke VanessaE by crashing here server >:-)
20:50 PilzAdam awww, she has no Luacontroller :-(
20:51 ShadowNinja Updated.
20:51 Uberi wait what? really?
20:52 khonkhortisan noteblocks https://github.com/Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons/issues/108
20:52 KikaRz guys
20:52 qwertytrains joined #minetest
20:52 ShadowNinja VanessaE: ^
20:52 KikaRz what's BuildAndShoot's thing?
20:52 khonkhortisan When anyone types something, I can see this page refresh top to bottom
20:52 KikaRz Jeija, ARE THOSE NOTEBLOCKS???
20:53 Snuggletummy joined #minetest
20:53 Calinou there are noteblocks in mesecons already
20:53 Calinou and they are very loud :|
20:53 Uberi KikaRz: you mean the new old AoS?
20:53 Calinou even with 40% volume (where other sounds are fine)
20:53 khonkhortisan noteblock aren't as loud as toilets
20:53 Calinou khonkhortisan, slow 2D accel
20:53 Uberi khonkhortisan: will look into it
20:54 KikaRz Uberi, I want to know the IRC Channel and Network
20:54 Calinou blame fglrx|nvidia :>
20:54 KikaRz Rizon don't works.
20:54 KikaRz It's Quakenet?
20:54 PilzAdam whats the itemname of the adminpick?
20:54 KikaRz admin:pickaxe
20:54 KikaRz lawl
20:54 Calinou maptools:adminpick
20:54 Calinou there are aliases
20:54 Calinou adminpick, admin_pick, pickadmin, pick_admin
20:55 ShadowNinja Uberi: New old AoS? It is operational?
20:55 Uberi KikaRz: have you looked at jy server launcher btw?
20:55 KikaRz ?
20:55 Uberi ShadowNinja: yep, new master server and all
20:55 KikaRz jy server launcher?
20:55 Uberi * my server selector
20:56 KikaRz ...
20:56 Uberi for AoS
20:56 KikaRz I want to know HOW TO PUT IT ON LINUX???
20:56 PilzAdam Calinou, thx
20:56 KikaRz I'll suicide myself
20:56 Calinou KikaRz, AoS does not work on linux AFAIK.
20:56 ShadowNinja Uberi: Where do I get it?
20:56 Calinou maybe with wine
20:56 KikaRz yes it works.
20:56 Uberi KikaRz: bad idea, no sound with AoS on linux
20:56 KikaRz And?
20:56 KikaRz I don't want sound!
20:56 Uberi (with WINE, I mean)
20:56 * Calinou would like to see a port to minetest of AoS
20:56 KikaRz I want gameplay!
20:56 Calinou isn't AoS paid anyway
20:56 KikaRz There is one GITHUB '-'
20:56 KikaRz No Calinou
20:56 KikaRz http://buildandshoot.com/
20:57 Calinou I mean, a minetest game that implements AoS
20:57 KikaRz That's the good, and old Ace of Spades
20:57 KikaRz THE ORIGINAL!
20:57 Uberi Calinou: that's the new AoS, and the reason there's a new old AoS :P
20:57 Uberi KikaRz: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/72356-ace-of-spades-server-selector-updated-june-1-2013/
20:57 Calinou lol autohotkey
20:57 KikaRz That works on linux?
20:57 Uberi yes, with WINE
20:57 KikaRz ...
20:57 Uberi which you'll be using anyways if you're playing BnS
20:57 KikaRz I want for LINUX!!!
20:57 Uberi KikaRz: then look for another game
20:58 Uberi or use WINE
20:58 KikaRz Fuck that another game!
20:58 KikaRz I want Build and Shoot
20:58 ShadowNinja It has IRC support?
20:58 KikaRz and Minetest!
20:58 * Calinou plays trackmania using wine just fine :>
20:58 Uberi winehq.org is your friend
20:58 KikaRz Yes ShadowNinja
20:58 KikaRz Quakenet / #buildandshoot
20:59 KikaRz Now I have GTA San Andreas and Ace of Spades for LINUX *w*
20:59 ShadowNinja I imagine I can change that?
21:00 ShadowNinja (I want to use  my own network)
21:00 qwertytrains joined #minetest
21:01 KikaRz Uberi, I don't know how to use WineHQ
21:01 KikaRz Going to Try Trackmania Nations Forever
21:02 Uberi KikaRz: give it a try, I recommend a good frontend
21:02 khonkhortisan Calinou, you lost because of moving the rook between the bishop and king, when instead you could've captured the bishop, and had a rook-guarded rook threatening the king
21:02 khonkhortisan move 27 c6
21:04 Calinou KikaRz, you need good hardware
21:04 KikaRz Calinou, getting good performance
21:04 Calinou 1) trackmania won't run on a P4 2) wine is very slow
21:04 KikaRz 89 FPS
21:04 KikaRz *w*
21:04 Calinou 2600K + 570, have to run at high settings with 4× AA.
21:04 KikaRz Calinou, I got with WINE, 89 FPS
21:04 Calinou on windows I can run everything maxed out 60+FPS
21:04 KikaRz And I have one Athlon64 Dual Core
21:04 Calinou on linux I get 20 FPS
21:04 Calinou (yes, I disabled wine debugging)
21:04 KikaRz let me try
21:04 KikaRz to windowwed
21:05 Calinou anyway it isn't important, the game still looks good with high settings
21:05 qwertytrains joined #minetest
21:05 KikaRz From first looking
21:05 KikaRz I like the game
21:05 KikaRz now lets see the gameplay
21:06 * Calinou is ~19000 on ladder
21:06 Calinou about 67k ladder points
21:06 Calinou ladder points|lollipops|little ponies|whatever
21:06 KikaRz dafuq?
21:06 KikaRz My screen is fucked up
21:06 KikaRz lawl
21:06 KikaRz COOL!
21:06 Calinou I play a lot on fullspeed servers
21:06 Calinou there are some very skilled players btw :P
21:07 Calinou KikaRz, btw I can't play right now, but tomorrow I can
21:10 KikaRz I love this game!!!
21:10 KikaRz I love this game!!!
21:10 KikaRz 9,5/10!
21:10 KikaRz Now, Ace of Spades on linux
21:11 KikaRz We can use shortcuts from web?
21:11 Uberi sort of
21:11 Uberi if you use the WINE Gecko browser yeah
21:12 Uberi you are using that right?
21:12 KikaRz O endereço não foi compreendido
21:12 KikaRz
21:12 KikaRz
21:12 KikaRz
21:12 KikaRz
21:12 KikaRz
21:12 KikaRz was kicked by ShadowBot: Repetition flood detected.
21:12 KikaRz joined #minetest
21:12 Uberi why hello there
21:12 KikaRz Ok, translating: The Firefox can't know how to open this address, because of protocol (aos) that isn't associated to any program
21:13 KikaRz So, what I do?
21:13 khonkhortisan you find a program that can open aos
21:14 KikaRz How?
21:14 KikaRz ...
21:14 khonkhortisan then either send the program directly to that link, or tell firefox what program to open it
21:14 KikaRz Not that. -.-
21:14 KikaRz Wine.
21:14 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
21:14 KikaRz How I tell Firefox, that "aos" corresponds to a program that is installed at Wine?
21:15 Calinou (insert shrugging rainbow dash here)
21:15 Calinou KikaRz, not sure if even possible
21:15 Uberi KikaRz: copy link
21:15 Uberi run within WINE
21:15 KikaRz ... How? -.-
21:15 Calinou but usually, to start a wine program with command line, you "cd" to the directory where the .exe is then use "wine file.exe"
21:15 Uberi firefox? right click, copy link address
21:15 KikaRz wait...
21:15 KikaRz what if I do
21:15 KikaRz wine <link> ?
21:15 KikaRz it must open AoS
21:15 Uberi exactly
21:16 KikaRz wine: cannot find 'aos://3999992249:32887'
21:16 KikaRz -.-
21:16 KikaRz wait
21:16 Uberi no no
21:16 KikaRz so?
21:16 Uberi wine client.exe "aos://3999992249:32887"
21:16 Uberi WINE doesn't seem to support protocol handlers yet
21:17 KikaRz wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\client.exe"
21:17 KikaRz nope
21:17 KikaRz I need to direct to:
21:17 KikaRz C:/Ace of Spades/client.exe
21:17 Uberi yeah cd there first of course
21:18 KikaRz ERROR - Server connection failed
21:18 KikaRz going to try another
21:19 KikaRz Duh.
21:19 KikaRz Why I don't use a Game Launhcer?
21:19 KikaRz http://launcher.buildandshoot.com/download
21:19 Uberi if you do get it working, my server selector detects paths automagically and presents all of them in a nice list
21:19 KikaRz that got the server list?
21:19 Uberi oh that one, I'm pretty sure it requires .net framework
21:19 KikaRz and?
21:19 KikaRz I should install then
21:19 KikaRz -.-
21:19 Uberi hahaha
21:20 KikaRz Well
21:20 KikaRz I think that supports net framework
21:20 KikaRz '-'
21:20 KikaRz Well, link of your server selector?
21:20 Uberi see above
21:21 kahrl you can define custom protocol handlers in most desktop environments, so you can click aos: links
21:21 Uberi use the compiled version unless you want to install AHK as well
21:21 KikaRz ...
21:21 KikaRz link for compiled thing
21:22 Uberi see above
21:22 Uberi it's really not that hard to find
21:22 PilzAdam Calinou, can you move this to old mods: http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=1710 ?
21:22 PilzAdam it doesnt work right and is outdated (obisidan is in _game already)
21:23 KikaRz With "wine client.exe 'address'" isn't working for any server
21:23 Uberi KikaRz: you should get that working first before trying any launchers
21:23 Uberi are you in the AoS dir?
21:24 Uberi also use double quotes, not '
21:24 KikaRz yes
21:24 KikaRz And I used double
21:24 Uberi what happens?
21:24 KikaRz joao@pc:~/.wine/drive_c/Ace of Spades$ wine client.exe "aos://1379434439:33887"
21:24 KikaRz fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
21:24 KikaRz Then: Server connection failed
21:24 Uberi try a different server
21:25 Uberi an aloha.pk server preferably
21:25 KikaRz ...
21:25 KikaRz not working
21:25 Calinou done
21:25 Calinou PilzAdam, moved
21:25 Uberi which server?
21:25 KikaRz aos://1379434439:37887
21:26 KikaRz aloha.pk humans vs. zombies
21:26 KikaRz .
21:26 Uberi ah one of my favourite servers
21:26 Uberi I'm going to play there now actually
21:26 KikaRz idiot
21:26 KikaRz help me to solve this
21:26 KikaRz -.-
21:27 KikaRz Your server thing dont works
21:27 Uberi you'd best not throw about insults if you want any help
21:27 KikaRz ...
21:27 KikaRz You don't help me
21:27 KikaRz I'll have to force you
21:27 KikaRz '-'
21:28 KikaRz There's any Daemon Tools Lite for linux?
21:28 sapier lol daemon tools?
21:28 sapier what to you need them?
21:30 KikaRz Mount ISO
21:30 KikaRz '-'
21:30 KikaRz GTA San ANdreas
21:31 Uberi use an archiver to extract it
21:31 Uberi peazip or 7zip do it without any complaints
21:31 KikaRz ...
21:31 KikaRz 2 cds?
21:31 KikaRz -.-
21:31 Uberi yep
21:31 KikaRz what I do
21:31 KikaRz if it requests 2nd cd
21:31 Uberi burn them
21:31 KikaRz ...
21:31 KikaRz where?
21:32 Uberi I dunno, a fireplace would be good
21:32 KikaRz ...
21:32 KikaRz I can burn 2nd cd in pendrive
21:32 KikaRz and then, when requests
21:32 kahrl /give KikaRz fire:basic_flame
21:33 KikaRz ...
21:33 KikaRz Shut up kharl
21:33 Calinou /give KikaRz lava_source -1
21:33 Calinou :p
21:33 Calinou night now
21:34 KikaRz ...
21:34 Calinou period period period
21:34 Uberi ellipses!
21:34 khonkhortisan "..." "…"
21:35 Uberi khonkhortisan: confirmed noteblocks issue, btw
21:35 khonkhortisan k, I'm spewing print statements all over the place
21:36 KikaRz I want Ace of Spades
21:36 KikaRz TODAY
21:36 Uberi ew, go invoke the GC in the bathroom
21:36 Uberi KikaRz: yes, yes you do
21:37 KikaRz GC?
21:37 KikaRz Game Cheat?
21:37 khonkhortisan garbage collector, I think
21:40 khonkhortisan Uberi, I bet you can guess what the problem is with noteblocks
21:40 khonkhortisan But I'll tell you anyway: MESECONS_GLOBALSTEP
21:40 Uberi aw geez
21:41 KikaRz Uberi, you that like Windows
21:42 Uberi that sentence makes very little sense, I'm afraid
21:42 KikaRz shutdown -r -c "PARADOX - Say Yes and I'll make you eat cookies!" -t "-1111111"
21:42 khonkhortisan makes sense to me, it's just an unusual structure.
21:42 KikaRz khonkhortisan, put there in CMD
21:42 KikaRz then , write YES
21:42 KikaRz on cmd
21:43 KikaRz and you will get a surprise
21:43 KikaRz *w*
21:43 LunaVorax joined #minetest
21:43 Uberi no no, that interpretation would use "likes", not "like"
21:43 khonkhortisan "you" then narrowing you by "that like Windows". Starting off with Uberi, it's decribing that person as "you that - maybe it should be likes instead of like.
21:43 khonkhortisan ^
21:43 KikaRz lol
21:43 Uberi yeah that could work
21:43 KikaRz well, would be better:
21:43 KikaRz you that likes windows
21:43 KikaRz but windows can be material or OS
21:44 KikaRz omg, i'm paradoxing myself!!!
21:44 KikaRz aaaa! Aaa!
21:44 KikaRz Self Destruction
21:44 Uberi not necessarily "likes", so much as "haven't found a good replacement"
21:44 Uberi for instance, AoS doesn't have sound on any of the linuxes
21:44 KikaRz And?
21:44 KikaRz I dislike sound!
21:44 khonkhortisan "Uberi, you that likes windows" (singular) or "you that like windows" (plural)
21:44 KikaRz I like gameplay
21:44 Uberi it would likes in both cases, since it refers to the subject
21:45 KikaRz bye
21:45 KikaRz see ya tomorrow
21:45 Uberi the plural applies to Windows itself
21:45 KikaRz Tomorrow will be a big day
21:45 KikaRz :)
21:45 Uberi it always is
21:50 pandaro joined #minetest
21:56 khonkhortisan createPlayingSoundAt: out of memory and before createPlayingSoundAt: invalid name from a button playing all noteblocks :)
22:01 sapier left #minetest
22:43 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
22:52 OldCoder joined #minetest
23:11 Fresh_me_ joined #minetest
23:14 NakedFury joined #minetest
23:25 proller joined #minetest
23:25 Menche joined #minetest
23:28 khonkhortisan I believe turning on globalstep makes the noteblock turn on as many times as how many rules it has
23:36 Taoki joined #minetest
23:44 VanessaE hi all
23:45 Exio hi :P
23:52 iqualfragile joined #minetest
23:53 iqualfragile joined #minetest
23:59 PilzAdam bye

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