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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-02-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 LunaVorax joined #minetest
00:09 monkeycoder joined #minetest
00:17 EduardeCalibal Someone using the mod timber?
00:18 MiJyn many, I think
00:18 EduardeCalibal Is a small script, but the line about the variable and the list of the types of woods don't is declared as local then, maybe, make problem with other scripts (here happen)
00:18 MiJyn *many people using the timber mod
00:18 EduardeCalibal Line 1
00:18 EduardeCalibal timber_nodenames=
00:19 EduardeCalibal Only add a local and the problem is solved.
00:19 celeron55 joined #minetest
00:19 EduardeCalibal Some like "local timber_nodenames=...
00:21 EduardeCalibal Putz...  I have all trees full of flowers and apples -.-
00:21 EduardeCalibal AFK
00:25 Gambit joined #minetest
00:26 hallstein joined #minetest
00:26 MiJyn @EduardeCalibal, why don't you write that on the forum?
00:27 theTroy joined #minetest
00:27 ttk2 joined #minetest
00:34 EduardeCalibal Well, the irc have a log then is more logic to me, to write in the forun I need make a account, open the page, seek the topic, read the other posts, translate the idea from my brain (portuguese) to english and make a post.
00:34 EduardeCalibal :D
00:34 EduardeCalibal Well...  I need eat and sleep now.  Cya.
00:34 EduardeCalibal AFK
00:35 OWNSyouAll whats with the users in the chat that look like ban commands like *!*@201.141.88
00:37 VanessaE dunno
00:49 kaeza joined #minetest
00:50 kaeza greetings and salutations fellow modders & coders
00:51 VanessaE hey kaeza
00:52 kaeza hi V
00:52 kaeza what's up?
00:52 VanessaE not much
00:52 VanessaE y u no build on my server no more? :(
00:52 q66 joined #minetest
00:52 Kacey kaeza, hola
00:53 kaeza I'm currently without inet at home :/
00:53 kaeza hola Kacey
00:53 VanessaE what happened to switching providers like you were planning?
00:53 kaeza VanessaE: SOON...
00:53 Kacey i learned to use an luacontroller
00:53 kaeza ...ish
00:53 VanessaE ok
00:54 VanessaE --ish. heh
00:55 kaeza I'll just post this here...
00:56 kaeza It's still WIP
00:56 kaeza hope you like ^_^
00:57 Kacey kaeza come check out my server
00:58 Kacey port 30000
01:00 kaeza Kacey: I can't right now. I'm not at home..
01:00 Kacey aah
01:00 kaeza on a related note, I must convince my sister to switch to Linux :D
01:01 Kacey haha
01:02 MiJyn kaeza, nice!!
01:02 Kacey afk
01:02 Kacey dinner
01:02 VanessaE kaeza: well anyway, new map on my server, 99% of the structures have been copied from the old map
01:02 VanessaE but you knew that I guess
01:04 kaeza VanessaE: good :) I'll check out your server when I can.
01:05 VanessaE ok
01:05 kaeza VanessaE: I have finally got the inspiration to work again on coomputers
01:05 kaeza now with recipes
01:05 VanessaE cool, I've been wondering about that :-)
01:06 Kacey nvm dinner isnt ready
01:07 Kacey aah kaeza i have learned "el verbo 'tener'"
01:08 kaeza Kacey: good :)
01:08 kaeza Is this good enuff?
01:08 kaeza ah! forgot the license
01:08 Kacey a little less confusing than ser but im getting there
01:11 kaeza just a question: who's the maintainer of the inventory_plus mod?
01:12 kaeza on the forums it's cornernote, but I've seen there's a newer one around
01:15 monkeycoder joined #minetest
01:16 VanessaE forget inventory plus, unified inventory is the way to go now :-)
01:16 VanessaE it puts all the others to shame
01:19 kaeza hmm
01:19 NekoGloop joined #minetest
01:19 kaeza doees it support the armor mod?
01:20 kaeza hello NekoGloop :3
01:20 NakedFury not true vanessa. wait for more unified inventories ++
01:20 NakedFury that one is gonna kick ass
01:20 kaeza NakedFury: more_unified_inventory_plus :D
01:20 NekoGloop meow
01:20 VanessaE NekoGloop: Octupus was looking for you earlier
01:20 NekoGloop Why?
01:20 NakedFury yep kaeza
01:21 VanessaE dunno
01:21 RealBadAngel if the armor mod creator will want to use UI he needs to use its API
01:22 RealBadAngel im not the one to make it work with armor mod, but its creator
01:22 NekoGloop So contact cornernote? ;-)
01:23 VanessaE good luck with THAT
01:23 RealBadAngel lol
01:23 kaeza nah... maybe I'll just fork it and improve
01:23 NekoGloop VanessaE: How long ago is "earlier"?
01:23 VanessaE a few hours
01:23 kaeza dunno if cn is still around... in one way or another
01:23 RealBadAngel API for UI will be aviable soon, its almost complete
01:23 YoungDerp hi NekoGloop
01:24 kaeza NekoGloop: is your new gloopores stable?
01:25 NekoGloop kaeza: Yes, download glooptest and disable everything else (config file)
01:25 YoungDerp
01:25 YoungDerp NekoGloop ignored my ip i just know it
01:26 kaeza NekoGloop thanks, also, check this and tell me what you think:
01:26 kaeza I have plans to add armors based on your ores
01:26 NekoGloop Go for it. Keep it limited to the ones that make tools, though.
01:26 YoungDerp ima sub you kaeza
01:27 NekoGloop So arol and alatro only.
01:27 kaeza ah, ok
01:27 * YoungDerp cannot view the armor video
01:29 NekoGloop Those are the two "hard" materials, whereas akalin, kalite, and talinite are "soft" metals. Kalite is so much so as to not be capable of being just forged normally into ingots.
01:31 kaeza hmm... I was thinking of adding talinite and akalin as simple "decorative" armors (or whatever that is called; you can wear them, but the protection is _very_ low
01:31 NekoGloop Make crowns? Glowing talinite crown :D
01:32 NekoGloop That might actually be a useful thing to make xD
01:33 Random_Person "Hey, y'know what would be great?"
01:33 kaeza NekoGloop: great idea! a talinite crown, MESE chestplate, and diamond shield :D
01:33 Random_Person "If NekoGloop got off his ass and updated GloopTest."
01:33 Random_Person "Wouldn't that just be great?"
01:34 kaeza that would be great Random_Person :D
01:34 Kacey lol yes
01:34 Kacey dinner
01:34 NekoGloop Hey, log-stalking tells me Kacey is attempting to talk to me.
01:34 NekoGloop Look how little I care.
01:35 Kacey two can play th /ignore game
01:35 kaeza anyway, gtg now. See y'all laters!
01:35 NekoGloop see ya kaez.
01:36 VanessaE bye
01:36 NekoGloop Should I make any of the ores have a different spawn rate?
01:36 VanessaE yes, tone them all down
01:37 VanessaE rainbow caves :-)
01:37 _MiJyn_ joined #minetest
01:37 _MiJyn_ joined #minetest
01:37 kaeza left #minetest
01:37 VanessaE seriously try this sometime:  install only glooptest and worldedit.  generate a new map, use worldedit to trim out all the stone, dirt, grass, sand, etc in a large region.
01:37 VanessaE observe what remains :-)
01:38 NekoGloop Epic ore parkour.
01:38 VanessaE I found this out by accident while transferring structures from the old map to the new one on my server.
01:38 mauvebic or put all those things to air in mapgen lol
01:38 Kacey is NekoGloop talking?
01:38 VanessaE yes he is, and this is why I hate /ignore
01:39 NekoGloop I'm honestly surprised that nobody deemed the reason I /ignore'd him bannable.
01:39 VanessaE I don't even recall why that was, neko
01:39 NekoGloop Jeff the Killer picture spam.
01:41 NekoGloop Basically for the purpose of trolling.
01:41 VanessaE er, ok
01:42 mauvebic teehee, im generating two enterpriseses
01:42 mauvebic the crappy one from TOS and the last one lol
01:43 VanessaE "the crappy one from TOS"
01:43 VanessaE such language
01:43 bas080 joined #minetest
01:43 VanessaE hey bas080.
01:43 mauvebic cmon even the cars looked better back then lol
01:45 mauvebic its weird the constitution carried more people but was much smaller :/
01:45 VanessaE more people than what?
01:46 VanessaE the 2010 model?
01:46 VanessaE (or whatever year it was)
01:46 mauvebic the E model
01:47 mauvebic well it would explain the relatively desolate hallways on the later shows lol
01:48 bas080 Hey VanessaE
01:50 VanessaE bbl
01:57 mr0wl joined #minetest
02:12 Muadtralk joined #minetest
02:15 Kacey back
02:18 monkeycoder joined #minetest
02:34 Kaceyofminetest aah better
02:35 Muadtralk spam spam spam nick change spam spam :P
02:36 Kacey not really
02:36 Kacey trying to register my dif. nicks
02:43 NakedFury
02:44 Muadtralk do want.
02:45 shirish joined #minetest
02:45 NakedFury sadly every minecraft clones stays blocky
02:46 mauvebic not all, blockscape has angled blocks
02:47 NakedFury yeah but  in the end they are still blocks
02:47 NakedFury I would like to play a hexcraft game
02:47 NakedFury would be different
02:50 Kacey that looks cool
02:50 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
02:51 mauvebic its taking longer to spawn the enterprise than it did atlantis lol
02:55 NakedFury make some star wars ships, they look better
02:58 Kacey how does one set up a 3 monitor display?
03:00 Kacey night all
03:00 MiJyn @Kacey, using what?
03:03 NekoGloop joined #minetest
03:07 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
03:19 TheBonsai joined #minetest
03:19 Muadtralk left #minetest
03:23 NekoGloop joined #minetest
03:27 NekoGloop Who's the n00b who's never played an RPG in their life that calls armor "minecraft-like"
03:34 NekoGloop andrea65751: Banned. Registered: Today.
03:34 NekoGloop This is sad.
03:39 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
03:40 MiJyn NekoGloop, "She" was a bit iffy, but yeah, I don't get why people want their "banlust" filled :/
03:43 NekoGloop I'm going to wait for a 0.4.5 stable of minetest, because I'm tired of this update every second bullshit.
03:43 NekoGloop (before updating glooptest any further)
03:53 MiJyn what's the features planned for 0.4.5?
03:53 NekoGloop Everything that's been added since 0.4.4 that will finally be polished somewhat, and mapgen.
03:54 MiJyn oh
03:56 telek We hope anyways :D
03:57 MiJyn no extra features? :(
03:57 telek There's still up to 0.5.5 versions before it gets stabilized :D
03:57 MiJyn oh
03:57 NekoGloop I just want something to build a mod off of that can be considered standard.
03:58 MiJyn yeah
03:58 telek NekoGloop: You'll need to find something that's been discontinued then :D
03:58 MiJyn meet the world of programming languages and libraries @NekoGloop
03:59 telek Just look at the mess they're making of the new C standards :D
03:59 telek It's not like it's an 'every year' moving standard.
04:00 MiJyn telek, exactly
04:01 MiJyn that was what I was referring to when I said that actually
04:01 MiJyn you won't belive how much compatability code I have written in my C libraries :/
04:01 telek Well time to have the de jour standards fall to the de facto standards, eh? :D
04:02 telek Mijyn: Oh judging by some of the apps I've seen, no doubt a ton.
04:02 telek You should see old MU* servers.
04:06 MiJyn @telek, well, I don't consider it an issue... IF and only if they have backward compatability libraries
04:07 telek Mijyn: No it's all #ifdefs and macros :D
04:09 MiJyn telek, yeah, that's what I mean
04:11 telek Oh you mean in the abstract, not literal sense, then yeah :D
04:11 MiJyn abstract?
04:11 MiJyn library as in header thingy
04:11 MiJyn or whatever
04:12 MiJyn like this: #define LIBFOO_COMPAT_VERSION 1.2.3
04:23 telek Mijyn: Ahh gotcha.
04:25 MiJyn yeah
04:25 MiJyn if only all libraries did that :/
04:25 MiJyn it's not the application's job to always stay up-to-date with the library, doing ridiculous things like:
04:25 MiJyn #ifdef LIBFOO_VERSION_3_3_3
04:25 MiJyn / do stuff
04:26 MiJyn #elseif LIBFOO_VERSION_3_3_2
04:26 MiJyn // do stuff
04:26 MiJyn #endif
04:29 telek glibc being the notorious example?
04:33 MiJyn telek, hmm, haven't programmed in that for a whle
04:33 MiJyn *while
04:35 MiJyn but yeah, I imagine it would be
04:35 simion314 joined #minetest
04:41 telek Last time I read, in order to specify glibc symbol versions you had to tack an attribute onto EVERY function call from glibc, or else you'd get stuck with whatever the latest symbol your version of glibc supported.
04:57 MiJyn wow...
05:23 neko259 joined #minetest
05:32 shirish joined #minetest
05:52 NakedFury joined #minetest
06:02 MiJyn see y'all later! gtg now
06:10 rsiska joined #minetest
06:17 iqualfragile joined #minetest
08:06 neko259 joined #minetest
08:15 monkeycoder joined #minetest
08:31 mr0wl joined #minetest
08:47 Jeija joined #minetest
08:50 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:59 LunaVorax joined #minetest
09:19 rsiska joined #minetest
09:19 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:32 monkeycoder joined #minetest
09:56 proller joined #minetest
09:57 grondilu left #minetest
10:55 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:24 q66 joined #minetest
11:46 MilanFIN joined #minetest
11:55 blaze joined #minetest
11:57 theTroy joined #minetest
12:11 monkeyco_ joined #minetest
12:30 LunaVorax joined #minetest
12:35 vals_ joined #minetest
12:37 skpfreak_ joined #minetest
12:43 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:06 AspireMint joined #minetest
13:19 q66 joined #minetest
13:20 sfan5 step 1 for minetest on android: compile irrlicht with OGLES drivers  âœ”
13:24 q66 joined #minetest
13:32 cisoun joined #minetest
13:34 q66 joined #minetest
13:36 whirm joined #minetest
13:40 sfan5 step 1.5 for minetest on android: compile curl for android  âœ”
13:51 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
13:51 jojoa1997 Has anyone made a current bit build
13:52 ruskie
13:54 jojoa1997 thexyz, sfan5: will you make a build of the current version?
13:54 sfan5 with freetype
13:55 sfan5 ?
13:55 jojoa1997 Of minetest dev version
13:58 troller joined #minetest
13:58 sfan5 if you want one without freetype support, I can do that
13:58 jojoa1997 What is free type
13:59 thexyz later
13:59 sfan5 !g freetype
13:59 sfan5 damnit!
13:59 jojoa1997 Is it the local in pilzadams builds
13:59 ruskie freetype is the font rendering thingy
13:59 MinetestBot joined #minetest
13:59 sfan5 !g freetype
13:59 MinetestBot sfan5:
13:59 sfan5 ^ jojoa1997
13:59 jojoa1997 I just want what it would be compiled
14:00 * sfan5 is compiling a build right now
14:00 jojoa1997 So it is just a font changer code
14:03 jojoa1997 sfan5: is it possible to make a program that installed mitest for on the github dev
14:04 sfan5 step 1.75 for minetest on android: compile libogg and libvorbis for android  âœ”
14:04 sfan5 jojoa1997: yes
14:04 sfan5 new minetest build online at
14:04 jojoa1997 Could you put it in you build topic
14:04 sfan5 maybe
14:04 jojoa1997 Also are you making an android version ^
14:06 sfan5 yes
14:06 sfan5 i'm trying to make an android version of minetest
14:07 jojoa1997 When will it be ready? Also I can test it for you
14:08 sfan5 i don't know
14:08 sfan5 !c 0.75 + 0.125
14:08 MinetestBot 0.875
14:08 sfan5 step 1.75 for minetest on android: compile l  âœ”
14:08 sfan5 derp
14:08 NekoGloop joined #minetest
14:08 sfan5 step 1.875 for minetest on android: compile openal for android ✔
14:09 jojoa1997 Yay so much progress in a minute
14:09 jojoa1997 I want to be the first to test it.
14:10 sfan5 :/ minetest wants x11
14:10 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:10 jojoa1997 Also sfan5 please do not make the android version have the need to be compiled
14:11 sfan5 any other things would be dumb
14:11 jojoa1997 True
14:12 jojoa1997 Will it be in the app store?
14:13 jojoa1997 Well?
14:16 jojoa1997 sfan5: Did you see that ^
14:17 sfan5 dunno
14:17 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:17 jojoa1997 Haha very funny
14:17 VanessaE first he has to convince the build system to ignore the absence of X and actually make it build
14:17 jojoa1997 What is X and good morning VanessaE
14:18 VanessaE good morning
14:18 VanessaE X is the graphical framework used on most Linux and Unix systems
14:18 VanessaE it is to Linux what the GUI you use in Windows is to that OS.
14:18 VanessaE (simplistic explanation)
14:18 jojoa1997 OK but this is for android so it wouldn't matter right?
14:18 jojoa1997 And what is my GUI in windows?
14:19 VanessaE Android runs Linux so in theory X could run on it, but that aside if MT needs X, it needs X.  that's that.
14:19 jojoa1997 Android is Linux? Wow I do use linux
14:19 VanessaE I don't remember what the Windows equivalent is called.
14:19 thexyz sfan5: good luck then
14:19 VanessaE yup, Android runs the Linux kernel but beyond that I don't know what else
14:20 jojoa1997 I think that the android app should connect to servers
14:20 NekoGloop VanessaE: The equivalent of what?
14:20 VanessaE as I understand, some people have succeeded in running Debian on an android tablet.
14:20 sfan5 VanessaE: i added # on 2 lines and cmake now ignored the absence of X
14:20 VanessaE NekoGloop: of X11
14:20 NekoGloop Which is?
14:20 VanessaE sfan5: yeah but did it actually *work*?
14:20 thexyz there is some irrlicht port for it
14:20 sfan5 VanessaE: i'll see
14:20 VanessaE NekoGloop: I don't know, I already said that :-)
14:21 NekoGloop No, what precisely is X11.
14:21 sfan5 the libjpeg makefile doesn't support DESTDIR -.-
14:21 VanessaE NekoGloop: it is the framework that provides a unified way to access graphics hardware on Linux systems, draw windows, that sort of thing.
14:21 NekoGloop I see.
14:21 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:21 thexyz oh, you'll also need another jthread, google for it
14:22 thexyz which is going to be replaced by wayland
14:22 VanessaE yes, some day it will
14:22 VanessaE (I wonder how close we are to that.  I'm somewhat cautious; I remember how much of a headache it was going from XFree86 to Xorg)
14:23 celeron55 oh, there is a jthread for android 8) that's good
14:23 sfan5 the bzip2 makefile doesn't support DESTDIR either -.-
14:23 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:23 VanessaE sfan5: there's always chroot if you have to do it the hard way ;-)
14:24 VanessaE (I kid, I kid)
14:24 VanessaE or fakeroot, etc
14:24 AndChat-177716 joined #minetest
14:24 whirm joined #minetest
14:25 NekoGloop jojoa1997: How many times need you join the channel?
14:25 VanessaE NekoGloop: maybe he's suffering some weird effect from that meteor that blew up in the sky over Russia earlier ;-)
14:25 AndChat-177716 joined #minetest
14:26 NekoGloop Well then maybe I shouldn't have shot it out of the sky
14:26 NekoGloop ;-)
14:27 sfan5 libpng makefile supports DESTDIR \o/
14:28 celeron55 sfan5: you can always count on doing quality stuff
14:28 EduardeCalibal I love make a meteor shower in this game. :D
14:28 celeron55 hmm
14:29 celeron55 no, libpng isn't theirs
14:29 celeron55 thought it was, for some reason
14:29 sfan5 lets hope minetest compiles without libXXF86VM
14:29 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:29 VanessaE jojoa1997: sit still damn it
14:30 sfan5 celeron55: i had to compile libogg and libvorbis and they both supported DESTDIR
14:30 sfan5 /home/stefan/aw/minetest/src/lua/src/llex.c:181:26: error: 'struct lconv' has no member named 'decimal_point'
14:30 sfan5 it didn't even get past lua
14:31 sfan5 lua compiled!
14:32 sfan5 sqlite3 compiled
14:34 sfan5 jthread compiled
14:35 sfan5 error: 'JMutex' does not name a type
14:35 sfan5 hm.
14:35 Kacey joined #minetest
14:35 Kacey hi all
14:35 sfan5 hi
14:35 whirm joined #minetest
14:35 celeron55 sfan5: as said, you need to get the android implementation of jthread
14:36 sfan5 i did
14:36 celeron55 hmm, is it based on 1.2 or 1.3?
14:36 celeron55 1.3 has some namespaces and stuff
14:36 sfan5 i used the src folder from
14:36 sfan5 seems to be 1.3
14:36 sfan5 '''This is a port of Jori's JThread library to Android (v1.3.0).'''
14:36 Kacey celeron55: would it be possible to make texture packs be switchable in-game?
14:37 celeron55 Kacey: dunno; probably hard
14:38 Kacey put them in folders and have a call to them
14:38 celeron55 sfan5: this exists:
14:38 Kacey in the pause menu
14:38 q66 joined #minetest
14:38 celeron55 sfan5: probably not compatible with current versions of MT
14:38 sfan5 celeron55: a simple ''using namespace jthread;'' may also do it
14:40 celeron55 sfan5: it does do it
14:40 sfan5 putting ''using namespace jthread;'' at the end of jmutex.h and jthread.h worked
14:41 sfan5 my build folder is already > 300 mb :O
14:44 sfan5 60% done
14:45 sfan5 the gui*.cpp files compiled without any warning
14:47 Kacey android ersion of mt?
14:47 Kacey version*
14:47 sfan5 yes
14:47 sfan5 error: undefined reference to 'wctomb'
14:47 Kacey nice
14:47 sfan5 android doesn't support wchar, i hate that
14:49 * Kacey has a motorola
14:49 Kacey idk if it would work on there
14:49 Kacey needs to be java2me :(
14:51 whirm joined #minetest
14:51 q66 joined #minetest
14:53 Kacey well im off to school bye all
14:56 VanessaE celeron55: can you or someone please relax the resolution restriction on the menulogo image?  I'd like to provide a high-resolution high-detail one for HDX but the most I can get is somewhere in the 320x240 range
14:56 VanessaE (MT scales it up by 4x)
15:01 q66 joined #minetest
15:04 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:14 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
15:16 YuGiOhJCJ hello I am wondering why I got a "water source" block in my inventory sometimes... Do you know what I have done to get them ?
15:17 VanessaE no clue on that unless you're running some mod that gives it to you
15:17 NekoGloop Digging too fast near water.
15:17 VanessaE only other ways tog et that normally is with a bucket, /giveme, or creative mode
15:17 YuGiOhJCJ no mod I have just minetest built from source
15:17 YuGiOhJCJ yeah probably digging too fast near water
15:17 thexyz sfan5: wow it does
15:17 YuGiOhJCJ that's what I have done
15:18 thexyz crystax ndk
15:18 YuGiOhJCJ so we can say it's a bug :)
15:19 AndChat-177716 joined #minetest
15:20 YuGiOhJCJ where is the best place to report bug for minetest ?
15:20 NekoGloop We know already, though.
15:21 whirm joined #minetest
15:23 iqualfragile
15:23 iqualfragile there
15:23 iqualfragile but check if there is an ticket allread
15:25 celeron55 >android doesn't support wchar
15:25 celeron55 ehm...
15:25 celeron55 irrlicht works exclusively on wchar
15:25 celeron55 how could you even build it 8)
15:26 NekoGloop Magic, celeron55.
15:27 VanessaE he doesn't build it =- he calls chuck norris, who just gives it a dirty look, whereupon the electrons rearrange themselves to form the compiled code.
15:27 NekoGloop Real programmers use Chuck Norris.
15:27 celeron55 sfan5: does wcrtomb exist?
15:27 YuGiOhJCJ thank you
15:27 celeron55 and mbrtowc
15:28 sfan5 celeron55: i don't think so
15:28 celeron55 sfan5: because
15:28 celeron55 ^f mctomb
15:28 celeron55 wctomb*
15:29 babyface1031 joined #minetest
15:29 sfan5 i'm just going to use this:
15:29 celeron55 not before you see what i linked
15:30 sfan5 how the fuck gets "#ifdef ANDROID" into the source code of apple files
15:30 YuGiOhJCJ are you sure there is a place for reporting bugs on ? (I just find the git repository)
15:30 VanessaE YuGiOhJCJ: "Issues" link
15:31 YuGiOhJCJ nice ;)
15:31 celeron55 sfan5: well, that is a good question, but anyway
15:33 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
15:34 jojoa1997 VanessaE: I was still logged in with my tablet and I forgot to log off. I am using an irc app
15:35 VanessaE oops :-)
15:36 sfan5 this is frustating
15:37 Jousway joined #minetest
15:38 sfan5 everything works except:
15:39 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:39 VanessaE uh oh, here comes trouble
15:39 VanessaE ;)
15:39 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
15:39 sfan5 hi
15:39 VanessaE greetz, Adam
15:41 celeron55 sfan5: that looks like an internal irrlicht problem
15:41 sfan5 yea
15:41 sfan5 *yeah
15:42 celeron55 probably better contact somebody involved in making that port of irrlicht
15:42 PilzAdam YuGiOhJCJ, actually you cant get water sources by digging in latest version of Minetest:
15:42 celeron55 what command has resulted in those errors?
15:43 YuGiOhJCJ nice it is a corrected bug in the last version thank you for the information ;)
15:47 pandaro joined #minetest
15:47 pandaro hi all
15:49 sfan5 celeron55:
15:53 Jordach joined #minetest
15:53 Jordach joined #minetest
15:53 * VanessaE pokes Jordach
15:53 thexyz unaffiliated!
15:54 Jordach hmm?
15:54 * Jordach feels travelsick
15:54 celeron55 sfan5: only odd thing i can see is that irrlicht is twice on that command line
15:55 celeron55 it's likely that minetest's build system somehow interferes with something specific to the android port of irrlicht, but hard to guess how
15:55 sfan5 no,no
15:56 sfan5 celeron55: look at this
15:56 celeron55 ?
15:57 sfan5 ld doesn't find the function even if its in libIrrlicht.*
15:57 sfan5 error: undefined reference to 'irr::io::createAndroidAssetFileArchive(bool, bool)'
15:57 celeron55 that doesn't conflict with anything i have said
15:58 sfan5 i don't think its minetest's fault, i get exact the same error messages when i compile the irrlicht helloworld example
15:58 sfan5 ^ celeron55
15:58 celeron55 okay; then your irrlicht build is broken
16:00 sfan5 found the problem! the responsible cpp file is not compiled and linked
16:02 sfan5 i need to resolve ''error: undefined reference to 'irr::video::createOGLES2Driver(irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters const&, irr::video::SExposedVideoData&, irr::io::IFileSystem*)''' now
16:07 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:07 celeron55 is it not the same kind of screw-up?
16:07 sfan5 problem resolved! helloworld irrlicht example builds
16:07 sfan5 celeron55: yes, it was the same problem
16:09 sfan5 minetest and minetestserver successfully built
16:12 sfan5 the helloworld executable is 100x bigger than the media files used for the helloworld example
16:14 AspireMint for people playing on Redcrabs server:      === Reached 9GB map size ===
16:14 q66 joined #minetest
16:14 sfan5 time to use scp
16:31 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:32 Calinou joined #minetest
16:35 berome joined #minetest
16:36 jin_xi joined #minetest
16:40 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:41 rubenwardy hi all
16:47 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
16:47 jojoa1997 sfan5: how is the andoid version coming
16:47 sfan5 segfaults
16:47 jojoa1997 coul i try
16:48 sfan5 not yet
16:48 jojoa1997 or is it not compiled yet
16:48 jojoa1997 what android do you use
16:48 jojoa1997 is it the jelly bean version?
16:48 sfan5 i compiled minetest for android api 9 with opengles 1
16:48 Calinou there is 4.1 and 4.2
16:49 jojoa1997 4.2
16:49 Calinou both are jelly bean
16:49 jojoa1997 i use that
16:49 Calinou api 9 is quite old :P
16:49 Calinou latest is 12 afaik
16:49 jojoa1997 sfan5 what does it have and/or does it have every block
16:49 Jordach sfan5, which droid ver is that
16:49 sfan5 Jordach: i think 2.2
16:49 jojoa1997 also are the controls touch screen
16:50 sfan5 Calinou: the ndk has api 14
16:50 sfan5 jojoa1997: nothing is done for touch controls yet
16:50 jojoa1997 ok so how do you look around
16:51 jojoa1997 i have a keyboard that can test non touch controls
16:51 sfan5 i'm not done yet
16:51 jojoa1997 i know
16:51 jojoa1997 oh you are still trying to get it to run?
16:51 Jordach O.O
16:51 * Jordach has android 2.2
16:51 * jojoa1997 has android 4.2.2
16:52 * Jordach has a Android 4.1 tablet
16:52 * jojoa1997 tablet is better
16:53 MiJyn jojoa1997 wins! :P jk
16:53 * jojoa1997 o/
16:53 jojoa1997 gtg be beck in 3 hours
16:53 sfan5 Calinou: the newest android api is 17 (4.2)
16:53 * Calinou has none
16:53 Calinou android emulation is slow as hell
16:53 Calinou sfan5: will it work with 4.2 then?
16:53 sfan5 yes, it shoudl
16:53 sfan5 *should
17:22 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest
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17:25 webdesigner97 joined #minetest
17:31 MiJyn hi
17:32 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
17:32 monkeycoder joined #minetest
17:56 mr0wl joined #minetest
17:57 Jordach Calinou, because java
18:00 mauvebic joined #minetest
18:00 Calinou no, because emulation is done by software
18:01 Calinou poor intel can't port their emulation thingy to linux
18:02 celeron55 well, android is ARM
18:03 celeron55 your desktop is x86
18:03 celeron55 it's not like emulating an another processor would be fast or anything
18:07 MinetestBot GIT: jojoa1997 commited to celeron55/minetest_game: makes wood doors craftable from wood group 86cff038a4 2013-02-12T12:46:03-08:00
18:07 bas080 joined #minetest
18:09 Jordach woah woah woah woah
18:09 Jordach jojoa made a minetest_game commit??
18:10 MiJyn yes
18:10 MiJyn issue with that?
18:10 Jordach yes, jojoa is a retard
18:11 mauvebic lol
18:11 MiJyn oh, so it's jealousy, right?
18:11 mauvebic isnt there a more polite term for that lol
18:11 Jordach MiJyn, no, he just doesnt understand anything you say and will probably ignore so
18:11 NekoGloop oh, look who doesn't pay attention to the chat, *coughMiJyncough*
18:11 MiJyn NekoGloop, it sounds a lot like Jordach is jealous of not having a minetest commit
18:12 Jordach MiJyn, i do have two
18:12 MiJyn maybe he's a newbie, doesn't mean he's not allowed to help minetest
18:12 MiJyn Jordach, okay, fair enough
18:12 Jordach and
18:12 MiJyn I honestly don't get you guys... you being to "newbies are not allowed"... right... elitist
18:13 Jordach because nobody new listens
18:13 MiJyn Jordach, ugh... yeah they do
18:13 * PilzAdam doesnt count texture changes as commits
18:13 MiJyn they just have new ideas
18:13 PilzAdam :-p
18:13 * Jordach slaps PilzAdam
18:13 Jordach a commit in history is still a commit
18:13 * PilzAdam is not slapable
18:13 * Jordach puts on shades
18:13 MiJyn @PilzAdam, same here... and I thought Jordach was a coder xD
18:14 Jordach MiJyn, because i have the freetime to code, but not the effort
18:14 NekoGloop MiJyn: He only comes on chat to whine and complain about minetest >.>
18:14 mauvebic problem with newb ideas is that they're only new ideas to them :p
18:14 MiJyn Jordach, okay fine
18:15 Jordach ...and the constant wanting minetest to be like mc
18:15 MiJyn @NekoGloop, IKR?
18:15 MiJyn Jordach, that was what blockplanet was for :P
18:15 Jordach yup
18:15 MiJyn and then it failed, due to ahem...
18:15 Jordach for the past year of being in minetest i've changed a tiny bit
18:15 MiJyn *due to *ahem*
18:16 Jordach s/*ahem*/random tank name
18:16 Jordach M1 Abrams
18:16 neko259 joined #minetest
18:16 MiJyn yeah you could say....
18:16 PilzAdam T-90
18:16 MiJyn It's still really annoying how you guys keep on putting down any newbie without even giving them a chance
18:16 * Jordach prefers air combat in BF3
18:17 * PilzAdam too
18:17 MiJyn fine, maybe they didn't check through the history back to 2011, but honestly...
18:17 Jordach because there are ways of doing things here already, why change said methods
18:17 NekoGloop MiJyn: He's *not* new though.
18:17 MiJyn like Likwid
18:17 PilzAdam but you cant reach Colonel 54 with Air only
18:17 MiJyn NekoGloop, oh
18:17 Jordach PilzAdam, i like a bit of RPK or M4A2
18:18 MiJyn but you just said he was
18:18 NekoGloop No i didn't.
18:18 Jordach Likiud is 2x as stupid as jojoa
18:18 MiJyn sorry, I think Jordach said he was
18:18 MiJyn Jordach, how so?
18:18 MiJyn he loooks fine to me
18:18 NekoGloop MiJyn: You did.
18:19 Jordach read his frickin posts
18:19 Jordach they often make no sense
18:19 MiJyn NekoGloop, no Jordach did
18:19 MiJyn Jordach, well yeah... duh... he's from another country
18:19 Jordach and if they have *craft in their name their IQ is halved
18:19 NekoGloop Jordach: Yes but Likwid *can* offer constructive advice.
18:19 MiJyn so you're going to criticize a brazilian who can't speak english well?
18:19 MiJyn or whatever
18:19 Jordach NekoGloop, so then LandMine offers GREAT security advice? :P
18:19 MiJyn (not saying he's brazilian)
18:20 MiJyn Jordach, so? He likes minecraft too... issue with that?
18:20 Jordach i meant any nick with *craft turn out to be idiots
18:20 Jordach (more often than not)
18:20 mauvebic seriously lol
18:20 MiJyn Jordach, oh, so it's like judging the book by the cover right?
18:20 mauvebic and im not entirely convinced they arent the same trolls
18:20 MiJyn I could say my username was MiJynCraft
18:20 MiJyn and?
18:20 MiJyn issue wit hthat?
18:20 MiJyn *with
18:20 Jordach MiJyn, probably, but GOOD english is preferred over shitty
18:21 Jordach (i judge by english quality)
18:21 mauvebic it reads more like intentionally poor english
18:21 mauvebic at first i thought it was 'gangsta' speak or some other bs lol
18:21 MiJyn Jordach, oh, so you don't care if the person's native language isn't english?
18:21 Jordach jojoa (pretty much) stole J41's NPC mod and did stupid stuff with it
18:22 MiJyn He is definitely NOT english, and you judge his writing skills?
18:22 Jordach MiJyn, no, the other day i helped a frenchie
18:22 MiJyn Jordach, oh? If you consider that an issue, why don't you blame PilzAdam for all HE'S done?
18:22 mauvebic J4I seemed cool with it
18:22 Jordach because PilzAdam speaks clearly and can be understood
18:22 Jordach communication is key.
18:22 MiJyn Jordach, so what's the issue with him? He's not english, he's definitely from another country, he's trying his best
18:23 MiJyn Jordach, oh, so if he speaks well, everything is fine, even if he stole ideas?
18:23 Jordach PilzAdam's english is probably better than mine at times
18:23 * Jordach smells bad question
18:23 Jordach his ideas work because they are logical and make sense
18:23 mauvebic who stole ideas?
18:23 Jordach and not this mod does: ofsdlansdfnsfnsd for the millionth time
18:23 MiJyn I spent around a week trying to do that minecraft item pickup thingy, and then he stole it. And you're saying that's fine, but when jojoa forked J4I's mod WITH his permission, you DO have an issue?
18:23 MiJyn that's just idiotic
18:24 Jordach MiJyn, im sometimes more GRUMPY than thexyz
18:24 mauvebic people steal ideas all the time, its a point of pride for OSS lol the trick is not to blab about what you're working on till it's done
18:24 Jordach ...and thats why im not saying what things i've coded
18:24 proller joined #minetest
18:24 mauvebic and if it was so easy that someone else could do it without any  code examples, then its not necessarily the hottest idea worth getting worked up about
18:25 MiJyn mauvebic, nope, that's not true. I work in different communities, but this one is, by far, the worst one I've ever worked in
18:25 MiJyn people DON'T steal ideas without giving credit out there
18:25 Jordach MiJyn, people think Minetest == Minecraft
18:25 MiJyn only in here and other aggressive communities
18:25 mauvebic so why get pissy? go with a restrictive license, keep certain things to yourself, you wont have any problems
18:25 Jordach and not to mention useless 12yr olds
18:25 MiJyn mauvebic, you think I didn't use a restrictive license?
18:25 MiJyn I used GPLv3, which requires credit
18:25 MiJyn and he didn't give any
18:26 MiJyn honestly
18:26 Jordach MiJyn, its hand-written code
18:26 Jordach PilzAdam made it on his own without the BUGS
18:26 MiJyn Jordach, oh, so anyone who plays the game just for the sake of playing and then they have an idea, they are useless?
18:26 PilzAdam MiJyn, when coding the item_drop mod I wasnt aware of any other mod that does this
18:26 MiJyn Jordach, uhh.. okay...
18:27 PilzAdam there are 2 possible reasons for that: 1st: there is none; 2nd: there are some bad mods, that dont work correctly
18:27 Jordach youre just being a bitch because OSS isnt working your way
18:27 Jordach (and the community isnt co operative)
18:27 MiJyn Jordach, I WORK in OSS communities, many
18:27 Jordach because the 12yr olds dont know code and what not, they JUST WANT the GAME and MODS
18:27 thexyz me no grumpy
18:27 MiJyn minetest is as un-OSS as OSS software comes
18:28 Jordach thexyz, not against your track record
18:29 MiJyn PilzAdam, okay, using your argument, I could steal any mod I like and say "oh, I wasn't aware of it... therefore I'm not in fault"?
18:29 Jordach MiJyn, he joined just after you made it
18:29 Jordach (iirc)
18:29 thexyz wow, I do have some commits too =^^=
18:29 Jordach from my first burnout i learned one thing: I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS
18:30 Jordach nor two fucks
18:30 mauvebic youd have to prove the code was lifted from yours
18:30 mauvebic then you can get onto the EFF and press your case
18:30 mauvebic though since no one is making any money here, i wouldn't hold my breath for damages lol
18:30 MiJyn Jordach, and... ? Honestly, I can't see how he could be saying the truth
18:30 Jordach go compare the two with a git checkout or patch
18:31 PilzAdam MiJyn, do you give credit to Mojang in your item pickup mod?
18:31 ttk2 joined #minetest
18:31 PilzAdam I do, because I call it "Minecraft like item drop/pickup"
18:31 MiJyn mauvebic, well, I don't have too much of an issue with him doing that, BUT, when Jordach had an issue with jojoa forking J4I's mod, WITH J4I's permission, that's ridiculous
18:31 MiJyn @PilzAdam, I did too
18:31 PilzAdam so I give credit to the inventor
18:31 Jordach MiJyn, i meant blatantly stealing skins from people
18:31 MiJyn Yep, I did that too
18:32 thexyz plz, peace
18:32 MiJyn @Jordach, with his permission
18:32 * Jordach at the 7 month mark for burnout
18:32 mauvebic lol get over the skins, you know how many "pylons" ive spotted so far lol
18:32 PilzAdam MiJyn, I was inspired by Minecraft, not your mod
18:33 MiJyn PilzAdam, I know, my mod too, but it looks so similar to mine that I really can't see how you can prove that you weren't aware of mine
18:33 NakedFury he never visited the forums before doing his?
18:33 Jordach so RealBadAngel's technic isnt a tekkit ripoff?
18:33 NakedFury never saw released mods or mods section
18:34 PilzAdam NakedFury, I was browsing the forums for some days, but I wasnt aware of this mod
18:34 PilzAdam and IIRC, it isnt really a mod, its a patch to builtin
18:34 mauvebic besides you leave and come back, how is anyone supposed to know weather or not you were going to carry on any of the work you started?
18:34 PilzAdam MiJyn, can you link it?
18:35 MiJyn listen, that's not the main issue. Though it's highly suspicious (and I don't belive you), I'm cool with it. I just used that as an example
18:35 PilzAdam MiJyn, yea, I see your point
18:35 MiJyn I don't want to start an argument over that, we've already discussed it
18:35 * Jordach sods off and watches some youtube
18:35 PilzAdam if people invent stuff, its not good to steal it without credit
18:35 MiJyn right, exactly
18:36 MiJyn I give credit to everyone and everything that inspired me, or helped me, or whatever
18:36 mauvebic so everyones' happy now :-)
18:36 MiJyn like most other descent OSS programmers
18:36 mauvebic *decent, descent is crash, down
18:36 MiJyn and I don't see why minetest modders shouldn't too
18:37 MiJyn just go to my nether mod, I gave credit to people that didn't even need it (just random ideas), but I felt it important to include them
18:37 PilzAdam MiJyn, actually most of my mod ideas are from Minecraft
18:37 jin_xi i don't think anybody can be serious about someone stealing something that is not original in the first place....
18:37 MiJyn I don't want to go into holier than thou, but what other mod do you see do that? Honestly... Now go to true OSS software, you'll see plenty of that
18:38 * Jordach is working on a awesome mesecon machine
18:38 mauvebic unfortunately attitudes about "intellectual property" seem to vary wildly from one continent to the next, which doesnt help lol
18:38 MiJyn yeah
18:38 PilzAdam Jordach, tell me if you are ready, so I can tell Jeija to change mesecons to be incompatible with it :-p
18:38 MiJyn I just like the BSD attitude about it... it works perfectly, and everyone is happy
18:39 mauvebic well there are two dozen open licenses to chose from, all born from different politics ... lol
18:39 PilzAdam MiJyn, the problem is, if you make a mod that has the same basic idea, but is very different to an already existing one
18:39 PilzAdam (e.g. farming)
18:40 thexyz MiJyn: PilzAdam: what mod are you talking about?
18:40 MiJyn mauvebic, yeah, that's why I like the BSD license ^^
18:40 MiJyn thexyz, the minecraft item pickup one
18:40 MiJyn @PilzAdam, very different?
18:40 PilzAdam there was one farming mod, wich uses entities and does some other strange stuff (mostly copied from Minecraft)
18:40 thexyz MiJyn: so, you mean, PilzAdam stole the idea of minecraft item pickup from your mod? what an asshole!
18:41 mauvebic lol
18:41 thexyz seriously
18:41 MiJyn thexyz, no, I mean I'm pretty sure he stole code
18:41 MiJyn the idea is not mine
18:41 thexyz I don't see any other game which uses minecraft item pickup
18:41 MiJyn but the code is
18:41 thexyz except Minetest, that is
18:41 MiJyn haha
18:41 PilzAdam so I started making my own mod, and wasnt really looking at the existing mod but was inspired by Minecraft and mostly by my own thoughts
18:41 thexyz oh, well, let me compare it
18:41 MiJyn I don't care about him stealing the idea
18:41 mauvebic well if the code was lifted it should be easy to provide a screen with line by line comparison of the differences
18:41 MiJyn PilzAdam, oh wait, you said "wasn't _really_ looking"... therefore you DID see my mod, right?
18:42 MiJyn mauvebic, correct
18:42 PilzAdam I used the hoe texture, and credited it
18:42 PilzAdam MiJyn, Im talking about farming
18:42 MiJyn pilzadam, oh
18:42 NakedFury how many ways can we do item pick like minecraft in minetest?
18:42 mauvebic *hoe
18:42 NakedFury the code that is?
18:43 MiJyn NakedFury, a few ways
18:43 mauvebic im not even sure what item pick is lol
18:43 EduardeCalibal Me to... :D
18:43 sfan5 i should have compiled the irrlicht library the right way
18:43 MiJyn I used the setvelocity method
18:43 NakedFury items drop to the ground instead of going to inventory. the way minecraft does it
18:43 mauvebic eww, why?
18:43 MiJyn PilzAdam made his own setvelocity method (pretty much), but same method
18:44 mauvebic as if mining and crafting wasn't tedious enough lol
18:44 thexyz ok, so, we're comparing with, right?
18:44 mauvebic i predict a mod with a delete node tool lol
18:45 PilzAdam thexyz, yes
18:45 MiJyn thexyz, I think so
18:45 MiJyn ok then yes
18:45 MiJyn so PilzAdam got to the effort of creating his own setvelocity function
18:45 MiJyn I was too lazy :P
18:45 MiJyn so mine was buggy
18:45 MiJyn but yeah, same idea
18:45 thexyz MiJyn: care to point at lines which you think are stolen from your patch?
18:46 triplei joined #minetest
18:46 PilzAdam MiJyn, thexyz,
18:46 MiJyn idc about the lines
18:46 MiJyn it's how it's written
18:46 MiJyn PilzAdam, right
18:46 MiJyn of course, it can only be written one way :P
18:47 MiJyn but still, if I was sure he didn't look at my mod's code, then I'd be 100% cool with ti
18:47 mauvebic how its written?
18:47 MiJyn *it
18:47 MiJyn mauvebic, yeah, the algorithm
18:47 mauvebic well thats like trying to patent a mathematical formula
18:47 MiJyn the algorithm has to be the same, of course, but like... isn't it it sort of obvious how similar they are?
18:47 MiJyn honestly
18:48 PilzAdam there are actually two ways to do this, 1st: do it in buildin/item_entity.lua; 2nd: use a globalstep to detect items arround players
18:48 mauvebic lifting code straightup is intellectually lazy, but there arent a 100 ways to write it from scratch either to achieve the same end
18:48 thexyz MiJyn: wow ur so illogical
18:48 PilzAdam MiJyn's "mod" uses the first one, mine the second one
18:48 thexyz 22:44  <       MiJyn> | it's how it's written
18:48 NakedFury at least nobody has brought this problem with registering nodes with the classic way
18:48 MiJyn PilzAdam, right, I did the first
18:48 thexyz 22:45  <       MiJyn> | of course, it can only be written one way :P
18:48 MiJyn Pilzadam, exactly
18:48 MiJyn thexyz, exactly
18:49 thexyz MiJyn: why do you care, anyways?
18:49 MiJyn thexyz, I already told everyone that I'm okay with it (like a couple of times), but you all seemed to want to prove me wrong
18:49 Menche joined #minetest
18:49 MiJyn so no, I don't really care
18:50 mauvebic it is abit confusing :p says he doesn't care but keeps bringing it up when PA's around :/
18:50 NakedFury celeron should ask for credit from all classic node registering codes because he wrote the first one
18:50 MiJyn mauvebic, I only brought it up twice
18:50 mauvebic best thing to do is drop it and move on to something new :-)
18:50 MiJyn once before I left (wanted to make sure he was aware), and now
18:50 thexyz MiJyn: you do
18:50 mauvebic and dont talk about it till its done ;) :P
18:50 MiJyn mauvebic, I know
18:50 thexyz MiJyn: see logs
18:51 PilzAdam I actually feel bad when we are talking about this topic
18:51 MiJyn mauvebic, I'm actually cool with it, it's just that I used that as an example to show Jordach
18:51 MiJyn I might be wrong about him looking at my mod, and if I am, I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think I am
18:51 mauvebic jordach's not even here right now tho
18:51 MiJyn mauvebic, I know
18:52 MiJyn it extended beyond my reach :P
18:52 thexyz how should that be called? slander?
18:52 MiJyn slander?
18:52 MiJyn what's taht?
18:52 MiJyn *that
18:52 mauvebic and pilzadam was pretty oblivious, just look at the sheer quantity of code he generates, i doubt he has time to scan the forums constantly too
18:53 MiJyn @mauvebic, uhh... yeah, he definitely has time unless he's a slow coder
18:53 PilzAdam My first goal is to make a good game; and I dont care about anything else in the first step
18:53 thexyz ok, fine
18:53 MiJyn because I write hundreds of lines of code each day, and I have plenty of time to do other things
18:53 mauvebic yeah but look at what he's done, do you think he of all people needs to ripoff code to make a name for himself? its not logical
18:53 thexyz you're too annoying, stop
18:53 thexyz or talk privately which is even better
18:54 MiJyn @PilzAdam, okay, I understand
18:54 MiJyn mauvebic, you wouldn't belive what people do...
18:54 mauvebic sounds kinda ominous lol
18:54 MiJyn after spending 3-4 months coding for J4I, just to know that he stole all of it, I can't trust anyone
18:54 sapier joined #minetest
18:55 MiJyn and I don't mean 3-4 months coding a bit, I mean 3-4 months coding full-time
18:55 MiJyn or 2-3
18:55 mauvebic there are some pricks but dont assume every coincidence is the same thing happenning all over again :p
18:55 MiJyn mauvebic, I still can't trust anyone who seems to have stolen an idea
18:55 Calinou idea stealing? don't tell people about your ideas then
18:55 mauvebic then dont, why continue cooperating if it gets you this upset
18:55 Calinou if you do, deal with it
18:56 MiJyn since he did that to me, I've tried my best to give credit to everyone, directly or indirectly
18:56 MiJyn Calinou, no, I wrote the code
18:56 MiJyn (and the ideas, but those were private)
18:56 Calinou also this is not a competition, if we steal for ideas, it's so that we can have a working thing quicker
18:56 MiJyn Calinou, okay, so put yourself in my place: you wrote code full-time for 3 months, and then someone says HE did it?
18:57 MiJyn and you never receive any credit
18:57 MiJyn he's lifted high as a superstar
18:57 MiJyn and you're just a random "idiot complaining about thigns"?
18:57 MiJyn *things
18:58 thexyz MiJyn: what were you writing?
18:58 Calinou it's not like attribution is the most important thing in the world
18:58 Calinou people aren't going to hire you based on your minetest mods
18:58 mauvebic if you have a problem with superstars why do OSS at all? its like the worse place for personality cult worship lol
18:58 MiJyn thexyz, blockplanet and minetest++
18:59 MiJyn Calinou, so then you write something else, and nobody knows you, and they think: "so this guy thinks he's good? What a retard"
18:59 mauvebic well to be fair, attribution is at least as important as need to license mods on the boards (otherwise why bother?)
18:59 MiJyn mauvebic, I don't care about superstars, AS LONG as they deserve their place
19:00 mauvebic ill do you one better : i dont care about people at all lol so much more liberating
19:00 MiJyn but when you're the guy who made them superstars, and they promised they would say what you did, you trusted them completely, and they didn't
19:00 Calinou MiJyn: they can see it based on your post history; if they don't look at it and say that, then they are idiots
19:00 Calinou (eg. helping people around with modding issues)
19:00 Calinou now I have to go, bye, dinner :)
19:00 MiJyn Calinou, I didn't post anything about my work, J4I did
19:01 MiJyn anyways, I've overstated my point I guess
19:01 mauvebic not worth staying upse
19:02 mauvebic *upset
19:02 sapier1 joined #minetest
19:02 mauvebic i thought coming back you'd be over it :/
19:02 MiJyn come on, I've lived it, and it's gone, the thing is, I wanted to provide context
19:04 MiJyn you know, minetest is not my life, I'm working much more in real OSS, but back then, I quit my real OSS life to work on minetest
19:04 MiJyn got behind in everything
19:04 MiJyn took me a long while to catch up]
19:04 MiJyn and now I'm okay, but I don't want this to happen again
19:04 Jordach code outlives the programmer MiJyn perhaps someone mau recognise you in the future
19:05 sapier1 who deserves or not is always a matter of view ;-)
19:05 Jordach may*
19:05 MiJyn @Jordach, maybe
19:05 MiJyn @sapier1, check the logs :P
19:05 * Jordach is working on a special 8 bit display
19:05 MiJyn Jordach, mesecons?
19:05 Jordach yup
19:06 Jordach MiJyn, with info from wikipedia
19:06 sapier1 :-) was to lazy and hoping that 2 min didn't happen to much ;-) seems to have been a false prediction :-)
19:06 MiJyn Jordach, what do you mean?
19:06 Jordach MiJyn, pm
19:06 MiJyn sapier1, yep :P
19:07 sapier ok back to normal name
19:07 Oblivion1500 joined #minetest
19:07 MiJyn haha yup
19:08 MiJyn ---------------------------------
19:08 MiJyn On an unrelated note, I've made some electricity stuff
19:08 MiJyn for my mod
19:09 mauvebic im pretty close to having a megacity on my map lol
19:09 MiJyn @mauvebic, awesome! How many different buildings do you have?
19:09 sapier do you have an asteroid protection system installed? ;-P
19:09 mauvebic not the space map :p
19:09 mauvebic the main map
19:10 mauvebic north to south the megacity is roughly 3-4K nodes
19:10 TForsman joined #minetest
19:10 sapier currently its asteroid low flight season ;-)
19:10 mauvebic havent counted the buildings, way too many lol
19:10 mauvebic yeah i saw the russian videos that was batshit insane lol
19:11 MiJyn mauvebic, yeah xS
19:11 MiJyn *xD
19:11 sapier yes considering the coincidence of predicted asteroid flyby in about 20 minutes is even more strange
19:11 MiJyn @sapier, maybe the mayans got it a year off :P
19:11 jin_xi we totally should make asteroids for minetest. with craters and stuff
19:12 sapier I think the russians just wanted to be in news again :-P
19:12 sapier << just kidding
19:12 thexyz Yes!
19:12 telek joined #minetest
19:12 MiJyn jin_xi, good idea!
19:12 mauvebic you cant have asteroids without first defining at what height *space* starts on a map lol
19:12 MiJyn once we can draw on the sky, that is
19:12 MiJyn if not, that'd be impossible (unless we have some _really_ fancy node moving stuff xD)
19:12 sapier just drop some random nukes every now and then ;-)
19:13 MiJyn haha yeah
19:13 MiJyn but to have the full effect, we NEED to be able to draw on the sky xD
19:13 sapier add some fire nodes ?
19:13 MiJyn hmm
19:13 sapier a little bit smoke and particles
19:13 MiJyn but then it might be invisible to the player
19:14 MiJyn if it's like at 30,000, going down, the player might not see it
19:14 sapier if he's hit he'll notice
19:14 MiJyn and it would require a hella CPU power
19:14 berome I (klunk) told about a meteor mod some time ago, here, I hope someone gonna "steal" "my" idea because i'm too bad at coding ....
19:14 MiJyn sapier, haha
19:14 MiJyn oh where?
19:15 MiJyn ok, if I write it, I'm gonna give you credit :P
19:15 sapier I think you'll have to complain at god for throwing that meteor to russia ;-)
19:15 berome :-))
19:15 berome too nice
19:15 MiJyn @sapier ??
19:15 sapier he stole the idea first ;-)
19:15 MiJyn sapier, oh right xD
19:15 jin_xi also fossils mod
19:16 MiJyn yeah, god will complain "Hey, you stole my idea! MINETEST IS STEALING RL!!"
19:16 MiJyn jin_xi, who made that one again?
19:16 MiJyn was that you?
19:16 sapier :-) sounds like a cause for lawyers and court
19:16 MiJyn sapier, yeah, but god'll win... you can't beat him :/
19:16 jin_xi there is one? nice, not mine in any case
19:17 sapier hmm maybe theres a saying in my home "at sea and in front of court you're in gods hand"
19:18 MiJyn jin_xi, or maybe I'm talking about the bones mod
19:20 MiJyn @sfan5, if you're here, does worldedit save node metadata too?
19:20 MiJyn or just the nodes?
19:20 sfan5 /metasave does
19:20 sfan5 //save does not
19:21 MiJyn ok thanks
19:21 sfan5 *//metasave
19:21 MiJyn yeah, thought so :P
19:21 MiJyn does it also save the direction that the nodes are facing?
19:21 MiJyn (sorry if I'm asking too much here :P)
19:21 PilzAdam its stored in param2, so yes
19:22 PilzAdam you cant ask too much (if you really dont know the answer)
19:24 MiJyn ok
19:24 MiJyn I keep on forgetting :P
19:26 MiJyn another quick question: Is it reasonable to include a C library in a mod? Or is it not recommended?
19:26 sapier as of security perspective this would be a reason do not use this mod
19:27 berome this is user-friendly ? installation
19:27 sapier by the way how do you want to get this done platform independent
19:27 MiJyn @sapier, ok
19:27 proller joined #minetest
19:27 MiJyn @berome, no, it should be user-friendly enough (included within the distribution)
19:27 MiJyn @sapier, would you download it if you could access the source code of the C library?
19:28 mauvebic i see lua support sqlite, does that work out of the box w/ minetest?
19:28 sapier I don't think so as I couldn't verify that the binary version really is what c source claims to be
19:28 MiJyn sapier, ok
19:28 MiJyn mauvebic, you mean accessing the sqlite database of minetest directly?
19:29 PilzAdam mauvebic, no, because the engine doesnt expect other programs to modify the database at runtime
19:29 PilzAdam (I guess)
19:29 sapier don't take me wrong this is my personal opinion there are lots of ppl in here not taking security issues into consideration
19:29 mauvebic if the engine's got a lock on the db yeah you cant
19:29 MiJyn @sapier, yeah, IKR?
19:30 mauvebic but i was rather thinking of storing blueprints in a seperate database
19:30 sapier for the moment just use io:open() to access sqlite files ;-)
19:30 MiJyn sapier, landmine was very interested in virus coding for mods
19:30 mauvebic by being able to select ranges i could load the larger blueprint in a more methodical pattern
19:30 sapier why don't you add a sqlite interface to core mauvebic?
19:30 mauvebic because i dont do cpp and even if i learned it i doubt it would be good enough to be pulled
19:31 PilzAdam new mod: "io.execute(":(){:() |  :()&")
19:31 sapier :-)
19:31 MiJyn PilzAdam, yeah! xD
19:31 mauvebic though im definately not opposed to a database for mods to store their info in
19:32 sapier secure file api supports opening files as "settings"
19:32 mauvebic sapier should like that idea, using db\s instead of openining/writing text files
19:32 sapier yes it'd be no big deal to replace settings backend to use sqlite databases instead of plain files
19:33 sapier mod's don't need to care about how their data is stored in my oppinion
19:33 mauvebic though it would have to be modside not worldside to work properly lol
19:33 mauvebic if the mod data was stored to the worldpath then you couldn't transfer blueprints/buildings from one world to the next
19:33 sapier :-) I knew there was a problem ;-)
19:34 sapier best thing to give atm is user stored data
19:34 PilzAdam there should exist both, modpath and worldpath settings
19:34 sapier or something like minetest.register_mod_settings() to be called on init.lua execution
19:34 mauvebic all i know is i got blueprints running around 100mb lol would prolly fit better in  db indexed by xyz
19:35 mauvebic or something like modata = minetest.new_moddb(...) ?
19:35 mauvebic and get_moddb
19:35 sapier if you'd create a blueprint "compactor" you'd most likely reduce their size by some factors
19:35 mauvebic i did lol
19:35 mauvebic cut a third off
19:35 mauvebic 115mb -> 65mnb
19:35 mauvebic *mb
19:35 sapier no you'd have to store a reference to this moddb within init.lua
19:36 sapier at later time you can't acces modname anymore
19:36 mauvebic i tried using hex to shorten so more, but it adds 0x everywhere so it was actually bigger lol
19:36 sapier I thought more in direction of merging multiple attached nodes of same type to a more compact representation
19:37 Jordach hey guys, check this out:
19:37 mauvebic though, storing 10 mil nodes would obviously take less space in a db with int values than as a string in a text file lol
19:37 sapier e.g. { default:stone, minp,maxp }
19:37 sapier yes of course but still you're storing every node
19:38 mauvebic only the coordinates at this point
19:38 sapier yes but node for node
19:38 mauvebic how would you store it?
19:38 mauvebic ive though of doing it with ranges
19:38 sapier I've done something like this for blueprints in mob_trader
19:39 berome Jordach: nice minetest_LCD !
19:39 Jordach berome, its a prototype
19:39 berome yes WIP
19:39 sapier It's just a quick and dirty solution only supporting "walls" but it'd not be a big deal to maxe 3rd parameter > 1 too
19:39 Jordach it counts two sets of 8 bits and calculates the result
19:39 Jordach in deanary
19:40 sapier mauvebic do you only need storage or export too?
19:40 mauvebic ive thought about taking Y, and for each y where x and z are true, then youd have an entry like ex. (32,0-12,12)
19:40 mauvebic where y =0, 12 do etc..
19:40 mauvebic export to what?
19:41 sapier if data is stored in an sqlite database exchange of blueprints would be difficult
19:41 mauvebic not at all
19:41 mauvebic you write a simple import/export thingy
19:41 sapier having a separate db for each blueprint sounds like a very bad ide to me
19:41 mauvebic not *for each* blueprint lol
19:42 sapier ok so you think about a script to extract a blueprint from db?
19:42 mauvebic just the ability to define a db (optional) for each mod,
19:42 mauvebic lua supports the sqlite, though id have to compile some stuff and make users do the same :/
19:43 mauvebic right now i have a script that extracts blueprints from meshes, so a db would be peice of cake
19:43 mauvebic sql was one of the first things i learned a decade ago along with php and all that other web stuff
19:43 sapier atm secure file api supports opening a file and accessing it with settings_set settings_get ...
19:44 sapier if this would be updated to write data to file by using sqlite would you use it?
19:44 mauvebic well im still operating from stable, need every ounce of processor for those big textfile blueprints lol
19:44 mauvebic well no don't remove file access, that wont make everyone happy lol
19:44 sapier I don't think that'd improve too much using this api
19:45 mauvebic im just talking about including the luasqlite commands to the api, so we can create db's from mods,
19:45 sapier If it was my decision I'd already removed non limited whole system file access
19:45 mauvebic yeah but who would upgrade with half the mods broken?
19:46 sapier I don't think anyone will upgrade ever again as soon as malicious mod starting transforming minetest clients to botnets
19:46 mauvebic anyways, just floating the idea, some mods are getting to be creating an awful lot of textfiles that they dont necessarily clean up lol
19:46 mauvebic i dont know where you got that fantasy from lol
19:47 sapier that's no fantasy thats reality lua has full access to any file you can read with your user
19:47 sapier what os do you run mauvebic?
19:47 mauvebic arch
19:48 sapier do you want me to write a mod executing a shell on your machine from within minetest? I don't think it'd me more than an hour to complete
19:48 mauvebic yeah but then youd have to convince the person to install it lol
19:48 mauvebic and obivously i frown upon mods that let users run lua commands from ingame
19:48 sapier It's not a big deal to hide this within plantlife mesecon or mobf
19:49 sapier no one will find it before it's to late
19:49 mauvebic its always been possible, fact remains no one's done it yet
19:49 jin_xi server side mods make this unneccessary
19:49 mauvebic the only person who could possibly have motive to do so is landmine, and would you install anything he writes? lol
19:49 jin_xi just put an evil server up
19:49 STHGOM joined #minetest
19:49 sapier no one has created a touchscreen smartphone before apple did
19:50 sapier that didn't stop apple from doing it
19:50 mauvebic uhm, i remember an awful lot of touch devices in the 90's lol
19:50 mauvebic cash registers going back to the 80's too
19:51 mauvebic god knows i had to learn plenty of em lol
19:51 sapier it was possible to create touchscreen devices long before apple did it just noone did
19:51 Jordach because Microfail
19:51 mauvebic i defy anyone to do it then
19:52 sapier apples customer limiting is even worse than microsoft was in his worst times
19:52 mauvebic if it gets through all our quality assurance routines, then well know theres a problem
19:53 sapier yes this means your routines are crap ;-)
19:53 sapier nothing ever passes at first time
19:54 sapier and by the way most mods out there are so simple you don't need security at all because reviewing what they're doing can be done in a view minutes
19:54 mauvebic but i sincerely doubt anyone's code would be widely adopted without at least one person looking at it
19:54 sapier you won't even understand the principles of mesecons or mobf in a view minutes
19:55 sapier and I doubt there's a single person out there having reviewed whole mobf code
19:55 Jordach sapier, refactor mobf into c code
19:55 sapier no I won't as it'd be waste of time
19:56 Jordach why, it'd be FASTER.
19:56 sapier this changeset would never be included
19:56 mauvebic well for me any and all npc's slow down the building/spawning process so i dont really run any
19:56 Jordach sapier, instead just make a c mobf (the mobs are still lua side mod folders, but the AI is c)
19:56 sapier lol mauvebic anything requireing non zero amount of computation power will slow down building process ;-)
19:57 mauvebic not necessarily
19:57 mauvebic you can have a shitload of mods that only do something on punch
19:57 sapier jordach this is exactly current design
19:57 sapier those mods don't do anything active
19:57 Jordach sapier, then DO SO!!
19:57 mauvebic or with abms set insanely high
19:57 mauvebic but any code that runs on_step with any restrictions is going to slow shit down
19:57 mauvebic *without any restrictions
19:57 sapier jordach there aren't even simple bugfixes merged to minetest why should I waste about 2 months of development time for trash?
19:58 TForsman joined #minetest
19:58 sapier not two months of real time DEVELOPMENT TIME
19:58 STHGOM joined #minetest
19:58 mauvebic is path-finding still done from lua or is c-side?
19:58 sapier there is no "path" finding
19:59 mauvebic so the movement is random?
19:59 sapier in most parts yes
19:59 mauvebic nice for animals
19:59 sapier I won't implement path finding in lua either as this wouldn't be possible
20:00 sapier but I may add a pathfind alhorithm to c
20:00 mauvebic but ppl want me to add NPC's that *build* the buildings i spawn, i dont see how that would work out nicely strictly from lua lol
20:01 sapier I don't think that'd be any problem
20:01 sapier I've added path-following in current mobf development branch
20:01 Jordach mauvebic, soloution: tell 'em to FUCK OFF.
20:01 mauvebic that works too lol
20:01 sapier as your blueprints already define some sort of path you wouldn't need any "finding" at all
20:01 mauvebic npcs are superfluous in the process
20:02 mauvebic no im just basically wasting resources moving entities to the nodes that are being added lol
20:02 sapier decoration is always superfluous still its sold for billions of dollars every year ;-)
20:03 mauvebic im spawning a 10mil-node blueprint, plenty to do in terms of roads, windows, lights, lol
20:04 mauvebic the whole thing is on a platform too with no grass lol
20:04 sapier ok for this extreme case I understand you require any cpu cycle ;-)
20:06 mauvebic takes about half an hour each go lol
20:06 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:07 sapier mauvebic maybe you should learn c++ ... this task could be done in seconds if done within core
20:08 mauvebic trying to learn the map format actually, i use python to make blueprints and figure if i could add the nodes directly, id save 2 long steps
20:09 mauvebic id still have to run it twice toget rid of caves, but still;
20:09 telek Hey what does.... ServerEnv: Trying to store id=5 statically but block (4,-10,-11) already contains 66 (over 49) objects. Forcing delete.
20:09 telek mean?
20:09 mauvebic too many entities
20:09 telek What causes that?
20:09 sapier about any complex mode
20:09 mauvebic bow and arrow?
20:09 sapier mod
20:09 mauvebic too many moving thigns
20:10 sapier entity limitation in core is way to low
20:10 mauvebic too many signs
20:10 * telek nods.
20:10 mauvebic it could be like swap and adjusts up and down according to lag
20:10 arvislacis joined #minetest
20:10 mauvebic or if you still have the attach bug: too many item drops
20:10 telek Speaking of which, we really need a way for scripts to iterate through the db and load/unload unused nodes.
20:11 sapier lol
20:11 sapier this is already done by minetest core itself
20:11 sapier if this wouldn't be done you couldn't do anything in minetest
20:11 telek Except a number of mods have crashed on me because they were servicing a node that apparently unloaded while they were active :D
20:11 TForsman joined #minetest
20:12 sapier this is a bug in that mod, you always have to be aware of entitys or nodes being unloaded
20:13 mauvebic same happens with lua and large tables tho
20:13 sapier define "large" :-)
20:13 telek I've had it happen with unified_inventory, both animal mods, the growth scripts, and probably a few others.
20:13 mauvebic in the hundreds of thousands, millions, etc.
20:14 sapier you've just skipped 3 magnitudes ;-P
20:14 telek Oh also, has the ironwood script been fixed? :D
20:14 sapier no 4
20:14 telek I don't know what happened, but I've got fences of ironwood trees all over my active world now :D
20:15 mauvebic when it comes to large tables lol you can either use a db or read files line by line, but line by line you get no ordering/sorting, no ranges, etc.
20:17 mauvebic otherwise id have blueprint spawning work within the radius of the player, instead of trying to add 10mil nodes at once :p
20:17 sapier if there was a sqlite interface what exactly would you require to be supported mauvebic
20:18 mauvebic i was thinking of adding this at my end: (thoughts?)
20:18 telek Will it work alongside the minetest sqlite calls?
20:18 sapier you know you will be in conflict with security if you add this?
20:19 Jordach celeron55, ./mode #minetest-dev +b Taoki ?
20:19 telek Also keep in mind using that will limit you to sqlite, which might make it a mess to switch backends in the future.
20:19 Taoki Jordach: ?
20:19 mauvebic does the lua/api support sqlite calls? then i dont need this
20:19 Jordach its a joke:
20:19 Jordach <celeron55> yes, and i am just about to do what feels right
20:19 sapier no it doesn't by default
20:19 mauvebic so id have to add the library?
20:20 telek Wouldn't a script load/unload lock/unlock set be a better way to handle it?
20:20 sapier this library is a binary library
20:20 telek Well for node-related stuff.
20:20 Jordach also: my simple as fuck 7 segment display:
20:20 sapier so it either needs to be merged to included lua code
20:20 mauvebic well im gonna start by speeding up my spawn process, if this is something that interests others i suspect it will be done right and added
20:20 telek Jordach: Nice.
20:21 mauvebic for python its simple i 'import sqlite' lol
20:22 sapier mauvebic this library is same as most lua mods no security considerations at all
20:22 mauvebic well then its good we are talking about it now, i would rather use api calls honestly
20:22 sapier maybe it could be reinforced if added to core too
20:23 sapier yes but ther won't be a full blown sql api anytime soon
20:23 sapier so what's minimum you require to be supported
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20:24 sapier do you really NEED database functionality or only a way to store data
20:24 mauvebic i can create dbs in python, i just need to open a custom sqlite file and be able to select ranges from tables and get the results line by line
20:24 sapier this is what you want to do because you already do it somewhere I was asking what you need to have
20:25 mauvebic i need to store 10mil and more entries, index by X , Y, Z and select ranges
20:25 sapier I tend to tell you to install a full blown mysql server and upgrade your hardware
20:25 mauvebic to do that from lua, id have to read the file, store it all in an array and try and sort that lol
20:26 sapier your request contains more data about 99% of all minetest servers ever will handle
20:26 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to celeron55/minetest: Restore old acceleration behavior until something is actually agreed on 65cb318cd9 2013-02-15T12:25:23-08:00
20:26 Jordach telek, i've just upgraded the bus to register the first number
20:26 Jordach it also uses microcontrollers
20:26 sapier you're already doing this mauvebic with bad result
20:26 mauvebic the point is the scale the amount of data you need at any given time to perform large operations
20:26 mauvebic *to
20:27 mauvebic well, with bad result, lets see you spawn atlantis :p
20:27 mauvebic its taking more time than i'd like
20:27 sapier no the point is you do produce to much date because of not analysing it and expect data storage to fix this fault
20:27 telek sapier: MYsql serious? At least use postgres.
20:28 telek Ohhhh gotta update my client now :D
20:28 sapier you may use a oracledb too this was only an example for a full blown optimized sql engine ;-)
20:28 mauvebic X, Y, Z * 10 000 000, it cant be more basic
20:29 sapier mauvebic there won't be any pc out there being able to handle this amount of data in realtime
20:29 telek That reminds me, how many terabytes was a complete 65k on a side world again?
20:29 mauvebic well no because you;'d throw it all at them at once
20:29 telek And also, any chance of us getting the worldsize runtime configurable? :D
20:29 sapier if you do that bogus claims I don't think I'll do anything
20:30 mauvebic the point is select node based on a range of x y z relation to the area around the player, instead of spawning 10mil node, youre spawning the ones within his line of sight, and do so as he moves
20:31 mauvebic with a scaled approach the total number of nodes/positions because pretty meaningless, its a matter of time/moving around
20:31 mauvebic *becomes
20:31 sapier mauvebic you won't be able to do this in a performant way from lua anytime
20:32 mauvebic the simplest solution then is back to the map format: inserting the nodes directly from the python script that reads the meshes
20:32 sapier do it in cpp or drop your ambitions
20:32 sapier ok you can do it offline from python to of course
20:32 mauvebic the simplest solution i think
20:33 telek Also aren't there already contention issues with the DB while the server is running? I know the mapper app misses lines on my db sometimes if I have the server running
20:33 mauvebic me too
20:33 telek Wouldn't that be an issue for any scripted interaction as well?
20:33 sapier as you already are used to python i think so too
20:33 rotor112 joined #minetest
20:33 rotor112 hi
20:33 telek Sup rotor?
20:33 mauvebic python versions might not make much sense, but i understand the syntax a heckuvalot better lol
20:33 rotor112 :
20:33 rotor112 this are 2 letters
20:34 sapier telek as map isn't designed for concurrent access I'm surprised it's working at all ;-)
20:34 mauvebic i think the original mapper works in python too?
20:34 telek sapier: Yep, misses lines here and there, but it does it.
20:35 telek I was hoping it would work a bit cleaner so I could run it as a cgi script to autogen whenever somebody looks at it and it hasn't been updated for x minutes.
20:36 sapier I guess those lines have been changed by core while mapper was evaluating them
20:36 sapier I assume map would be damaged if anyone did concurrent write access
20:36 sapier as mauvebic wants to do this this would be a offline only task
20:36 rotor112 left #minetest
20:37 sapier as long as map is a sqlite format this won't happen
20:37 sapier sqlite is single access only
20:37 sapier maybe mapper could check after reading and try again on error
20:38 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
20:40 mauvebic do you know which file add_node is in/
20:40 mauvebic *?
20:41 sapier don't use add_node for more than single nodes
20:41 sapier scriptapi.cpp
20:41 sapier add_node triggers light as well as modifyabm calculation for all surrounding nodes
20:41 mauvebic actually look for a sample insert, selects not showing me much lol
20:41 mauvebic i wish i could avoid the shadows forming too yeah lol
20:41 telek sqlite doesn't have a locking mechanism?
20:42 mauvebic looks weird under ships at high elevations
20:42 sapier at least not throughout different applications ;-)
20:42 mauvebic game wouldn't be running
20:44 * telek nods.
20:45 mauvebic otherwise what would be a good way to get lua to take a breather between every 100K nodes (ex)?
20:45 mauvebic if i could move the player into each area in between, might not have so many caves
20:48 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to celeron55/minetest: Restore old acceleration behavior until something is actually agreed on (part 2) 4035bf3259 2013-02-15T12:47:23-08:00
20:49 Jordach telek, now mesecon wire cannot interfere with the light wiring:
20:49 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:49 Jordach also, part of the number 0 is now displayed
20:51 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:54 telek Jordach: Wow.
20:56 Jordach telek, the numbers 0 and 1 work now
20:58 telek Jordach: Wirring is needed to each 'lit' element?
20:58 Jordach telek, the bus is designed so i dont have to have infinite amounts of cable behind the lights
20:58 Jordach thats what the dirt box encases, the light bus
20:59 telek Jordach: Oh neat.
21:00 Jordach top segment of the number 2 working :P
21:01 telek Man, you know what minetest could really use? Beyond just a creative mode, an 'editor' mode where you rotate around a specific point on the map for construction purposes (with sproxel-like mousing through the voxels to place units.)
21:01 sfan5 guess what system i'm using: Linux localhost #1 PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 14:02:52 KST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux
21:02 telek Android 2.something
21:03 sfan5 Android 2.3.6
21:06 Jordach telek,
21:06 celeron55 sfan5: my guess: you read that from irrlicht's command line output
21:06 telek sfan5: Nice. Used the ndk?
21:07 telek That's pretty pimp jordach. When are you going to get the 256x256 pixel video display going? :D
21:07 sfan5 celeron55: that, would be nice, but i can't even get the hello world example running
21:07 sfan5 telek: yes, i also use /system/xbin/busybox instead of /system/bin/toolbox
21:13 Jordach telek, there is one bug though
21:13 Jordach you cant have more than one switch active at a time
21:13 thexyz oh, I almost forgot about new win32 build
21:13 thexyz will do it later then
21:14 * Jordach gives thexyz a kitten for forgetting
21:14 * sfan5 calls the kitten abuse hotline
21:16 Taoki joined #minetest
21:19 MinetestBot GIT: celeron55 commited to celeron55/minetest: Some kind of middleway values for player acceleration for now c88d89d26e 2013-02-15T13:18:19-08:00
21:28 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
21:30 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
21:52 Menche joined #minetest
22:01 mauvebic alot of changes to movement today lol
22:02 STHGOM joined #minetest
22:02 sfan5 mauvebic: yeah
22:05 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
22:11 telek joined #minetest
22:14 telek joined #minetest
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22:27 berome joined #minetest
22:36 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
22:38 Kacey joined #minetest
22:38 Kacey hi all
22:38 Menche hi
22:39 Kacey i have a 54-day weekend :P
22:39 Kacey 4 -day
22:39 Menche a 54-day weekend?!?!?!
22:40 Menche lol
22:40 Kacey idk what is up with my chatpad lol
22:40 Menche i do too
22:41 * Kacey is on his xbox :P
22:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest
22:41 PilzAdam Kacey, dashboard or playing a game?
22:41 Kacey chatting on irc :P
22:42 PilzAdam then its a 360, I guess
22:42 Kacey ya
22:42 Kacey why?
22:42 PilzAdam just curious what other people are playing on the xbox
22:43 Kacey im using the ie app to use webchat
22:43 Kacey what games do you play?
22:43 PilzAdam Battlefield 3
22:43 jojoa1997 minetest
22:43 PilzAdam jojoa1997, on the Xbox oO
22:44 * Kacey wishes there was a minetest for the 360
22:44 jojoa1997 i dont have oen
22:44 jojoa1997 one
22:44 PilzAdam why are you anwering not asked questions that are not directed to you?
22:44 PilzAdam *answering
22:45 jojoa1997 PilzAdam can you make a build of the current dev minetest. idk if xyz or sfan5 have made one yet
22:45 PilzAdam no
22:45 PilzAdam the win build is broken
22:45 jojoa1997 why?
22:45 PilzAdam need to find a fix first
22:45 * jojoa1997 grrr
22:46 PilzAdam it works fine on Linux, though
22:47 Kacey but what doesnt work on linux
22:47 Kacey afk
22:48 NakedFury was that a real question or a rhetorical question?
22:50 TForsman joined #minetest
22:51 jojoa1997 NakedFury will you be working on the doku texture packs and making an update anytime soon?
22:52 NakedFury im looking for my old doku texture, way before they started doing grey grass and leaves
22:53 NakedFury once I get that I will redo them all again, at least default minetest and slowly work the mods. first small mods
22:54 NakedFury but it will be easier since minecraft is gnna use or is using a new texture pack method. its the same as minetest
22:56 PilzAdam gtg; bye
23:00 jojoa1997 OldCoader
23:00 jojoa1997 OldCoder
23:00 jojoa1997 can you give me interact on 30009
23:00 LunaVorax joined #minetest
23:17 Kacey back
23:17 OldCoder Hi
23:20 Kacey hi OC
23:20 Kacey im getting off for a bit
23:21 FreeFull joined #minetest
23:24 pierreghz joined #minetest
23:25 Muadtralk joined #minetest
23:39 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
23:46 sapier joined #minetest
23:52 Muadtralk joined #minetest

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