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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-12-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 OldCoder Dogzilla131, anunakki wb
00:09 Octupus hi Dogzilla131
00:09 jordan4ibanez I got freepcgamers to review minetest
00:09 Uberi awesome!
00:09 OldCoder Wait
00:09 Dogzilla131 Hi octu
00:09 OldCoder Does this mean the game is Notable now?
00:09 OldCoder Restart the Wikipedia article
00:09 jordan4ibanez yes
00:09 OldCoder Who wishes to take a stab at that?
00:10 OldCoder It means Deletionist Debates again
00:11 VanessaE please do
00:11 OldCoder VanessaE, you up for this?
00:11 VanessaE take those bastards on.
00:11 OldCoder k
00:11 jin_xi joined #minetest
00:11 VanessaE me?  no.  I gave up on contributing to wikipedia.
00:11 VanessaE hey jin
00:19 jordan4ibanez i got a yobo fc twin and it is AWESOME
00:21 Octupus alright studied alot of lines on css time to deal with minetest stuf
00:22 Octupus VanessaE,i have opened a fb page for mt awhile ago and it has now 11 likes :l
00:22 VanessaE cool
00:22 Octupus XD
00:23 Octupus Any1 that wants to contribute a like to the FaceBook Page of Minetest please do so this game needs to become worldwide :D
00:23 Uberi got a link?
00:25 Octupus Hold on
00:26 Uberi oh will have to wait until after food
00:28 Octupus Uberi|Away, when u get back here ya go :D
00:28 moltenbot Octupus's link: Update Your Browser | Facebook
00:28 mauvebic lol
00:28 Octupus Any1 else who wants to contribute a like there is the link above
00:28 jin_xi update your browser man
00:28 mauvebic i thought bots faked useragents
00:29 Octupus WOW as soon as i sent that link i got a like
00:29 mauvebic must be all the flash and javascript crap on fb lol
00:29 jin_xi probably a fake like anyway
00:30 Octupus how is it fake :l
00:30 kizeren Liked!
00:31 Octupus thank you kizeren
00:32 kizeren Anyone have a survival server up and going?  The one I frequent seems to down for the count....
00:32 Octupus kizeren,i do
00:33 kizeren May I?
00:33 Octupus only down for updates and back ups,about 30 mins everyday
00:33 kizeren Whats the addy if I may join it...?
00:33 Octupus to save the world just incase of *the bad people*
00:34 Octupus 30004
00:35 kizeren Interesting......No connect.
00:35 Octupus address is
00:35 Octupus port is 30004
00:35 kizeren that just sits here "Connecting to server" .....
00:36 Octupus probably down for updates
00:36 Dogzilla131 he's right octu
00:36 kizeren Calinous down that is the one I camp out on....
00:37 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
00:38 Octupus RealBadAngel,HIIII
00:41 sema4_ joined #minetest
00:43 VanessaE hey RBA
00:46 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
00:46 Octupus hi jordan4ibanez
00:47 jordan4ibanez hi doctor octopus
00:47 Octupus :)
00:48 Octupus Dogzilla131,kizeren,if i were u guys i would update to 4.4 so u can play on the server
00:48 kizeren I am on 4.4
00:48 Dogzilla131 already did
00:48 Octupus well no harm done :)
00:48 kizeren Well to be honest mine says 0.4.4-dev
00:49 jordan4ibanez I'm playing tf2 natively on linux lol
00:50 kizeren tf2?
00:50 marktraceur Natively?
00:50 marktraceur (damn it, nobody carried it through)
00:51 marktraceur Octupus, kizeren, 0.4.4. Not 4.4.
00:51 Octupus marktraceur, i always forget the 0 :)
00:52 kizeren :)
00:53 jordan4ibanez yes it's natively
00:53 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Is this new?
00:54 jordan4ibanez look up steam for linux
00:54 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Well, I'm not all that interested unless it's free
00:54 jordan4ibanez It's free
00:54 jordan4ibanez But only 32 bit
00:54 jordan4ibanez also
00:54 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: What license?
00:54 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Valve confirms Steam Box coming in 2013, says it will compete with next-gen consoles | ExtremeTech
00:55 jordan4ibanez I have no idea, it's free to play, closed beta, look into the liscense for steam yourself lol
00:55 marktraceur Well, you said it was free
00:55 marktraceur So you must have some idea of the license
00:55 jordan4ibanez It's free, go get it at steam for linux, look up steam for linux on google AND GO GET IT
00:55 Octupus Maybe marktraceur a GPL
00:56 Octupus Wb Uberi
00:56 Uberi o/
00:56 Octupus I sent a link above
00:56 Uberi ah thanks
00:57 Uberi 13 likes now
00:57 Octupus :)
00:57 Octupus i need 17 more
00:57 Octupus TEll your friends
00:58 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I cannot find any information on the license, nor a download link, nor source code
00:58 Uberi marktraceur: it's proprietary, obviously
00:58 Uberi and it's in closed beta, with open beta coming next week
00:58 marktraceur Oh. So it's not free.
00:58 Uberi it is, in the other sense of the word
00:58 marktraceur Well
00:59 Uberi free as in beer is still free, you know
00:59 marktraceur "Free of cost" is sort of silly to truncate, when the actual meaning of "free" is in such widespread use in the software community
00:59 Uberi marktraceur: not so in the general populace
00:59 marktraceur Uberi: Welcome to IRC, we aren't exactly the general populace....
01:00 Uberi marktraceur: you've got a point there
01:00 Octupus_ joined #minetest
01:00 Uberi but using the terms free and libre is totally unambiguous
01:01 marktraceur Uberi: Well, using the terms "gratuis" and "libre" would be, but if I only see you use "free" and "libre" I could still assume you mean the same thing by both. And I usually do.
01:02 Uberi eh, OK
01:04 sema4_ weird, i am building a nodebox with facedir, and when placed in one direction, it renders improperly.
01:04 sema4_ but when placed in the other 3 directions it renders correctly
01:04 OldCoder 17:03:31: INFO[main]: ** Server received: peer_id=2,
01:04 OldCoder size=13, data=Hello World!M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:31: INFO[main]: Sending data (size=30000):
01:05 OldCoder 0000 0000 0101 0101 0202 0202 0303 0303 0404 0404...M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:31: INFO[main]: ** running client.Receive()M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:31: INFO[main]: ** Client received: peer_id=1, size=30000M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:31: INFO[main]: Received data (size=30000):
01:05 OldCoder 0000 0000 0101 0101 0202 0202 0303 0303 0404 0404...M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:32: ERROR[main]: run_tests(): 1 / 12 tests failed.M
01:05 OldCoder 17:03:32: ERROR[main]: run_tests() aborting.M
01:05 OldCoder Hmm
01:05 OldCoder Sorry. That was too long.
01:05 OldCoder Is anybody able to comment on the above?
01:05 Uberi OldCoder: a built in test failed for some reason
01:05 Uberi seemingly the first one
01:05 OldCoder Yes; that is clear
01:05 Uberi one moment, lemme check the source
01:06 jordan4ibanez moo
01:07 Uberi actually it doesn't say which test failed
01:07 Uberi hmm
01:07 Uberi one of them anyways:
01:07 moltenbot Uberi's link: minetest/src/test.cpp at master ? celeron55/minetest ? GitHub
01:07 OldCoder Checking things here too
01:07 OldCoder Test #1
01:08 OldCoder No
01:08 OldCoder You are correct
01:08 Uberi OldCoder: well it does print out a message at each test run
01:08 OldCoder Yes
01:08 OldCoder TestConnection
01:08 Uberi wait no I see it now
01:09 Uberi well seems like it's having trouble receiving data from the client:
01:09 moltenbot Uberi's link: minetest/src/test.cpp at master ? celeron55/minetest ? GitHub
01:10 OldCoder The client is part of the same code; this is simply a Win32 build of the master
01:10 OldCoder I will fiddle with it
01:10 Octupus_ VanessaE, there was 1 last ultimate test
01:11 VanessaE Sorry guys, emergency server restart
01:11 Octupus_ kay
01:11 VanessaE (already done)
01:11 Octupus_ lets see if lava can with stand the protection
01:12 Octupus_ put some stone infron of the wood
01:12 Octupus_ i got a mod idea any1 wanna hear it
01:12 OldCoder sure
01:13 Octupus_ when lavatouches lava its burn so everytime something wooden burn its turns into wooden shards
01:13 Octupus_ *something wooden
01:13 Octupus_ and if its 1 block away from lava its starts to melt
01:14 Octupus_ *another mod idea*
01:15 Octupus_ if a house doesnt have 4 stilts to keepit high it falls to the ground the higher the house the more stilts
01:16 marktraceur Octupus_: So....gravity?
01:16 Octupus_ yes
01:17 jordan4ibanez\
01:17 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Steam Community :: Steam for Linux
01:18 kizeren still no 30004.....
01:18 Octupus_ kize it is updating to 30004 which may take awhile
01:18 Octupus_ *not 30004 to 0.4.4
01:19 sema4_ oh interesting, it had to do with my nodebox dimensions being flipped (1st point was upper coord, should have been lower coord)
01:20 kizeren Ahhhh okay.  Wander if the other one I am playing is doing the same.
01:21 jordan4ibanez I am making pigs for minetest :)
01:22 kizeren What animals do you have so far?
01:22 jordan4ibanez Well this pig is just a body, this will be my test for animals
01:22 kizeren Ahhhh
01:24 kizeren I saw the video of the NPC's you done.  Awesome!
01:26 jordan4ibanez Thanks!
01:26 sema4 joined #minetest
01:30 kizeren Do you have any plans in mine for them?
01:31 kizeren I was thinking something like an adventure map....following preprogrammed route or something.
01:39 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Is the NPC mod a library, or do you just have a bunch of code adding preprogrammed NPCs that you envisioned?
01:40 jordan4ibanez a mod
01:40 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Ask it a different way: Could we put it in minetest_game, and have people build mods around it?
01:40 jordan4ibanez lol no
01:40 mrtux joined #minetest
01:40 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Stuff like mods.register_mod( 'animals:squirrel' ....
01:40 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Well, what's the license?
01:40 VanessaE c55 did indicate interest in a generic mob API/library...
01:40 jordan4ibanez wtfpl
01:40 marktraceur Exactly
01:40 jordan4ibanez wtfyw
01:41 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I may swing through it and see if I can't genericize it
01:41 jordan4ibanez It's heavily in development
01:41 marktraceur (another instance of "because I'M NOT BUSY ENOUGH")
01:41 VanessaE heh
01:42 marktraceur I still have huge swaths of underground city to build, too
01:42 davidpace joined #minetest
01:42 marktraceur My weekend is looking very full
01:42 jordan4ibanez Please don't
01:42 VanessaE build it on my server :-)
01:42 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: What?
01:42 jordan4ibanez I'm heavily creating updates
01:42 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Well, I can try to rebase your changes as I go
01:43 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I'd strongly suggest refactoring before you go any further, it will really help things in the long run
01:43 jordan4ibanez I'd rather do it all myself, once i get a couple mobs i like, then i will create an api
01:43 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Too bad, you licensed it under WTFPL, wrong license if you want to stop me from doing things
01:43 jordan4ibanez I think it is fine for now lol
01:44 OldCoder NEWS: Minetest 0.4.4 Windows client builds and runs fine!
01:44 * OldCoder continues MT 0.4.4 work
01:44 VanessaE cool, OldCoder
01:44 mauvebic im makin' mountains (mouhahaha)
01:45 jordan4ibanez Fine, liscense is apache 2.0
01:45 mauvebic what are those underground elves called?
01:45 mauvebic dwarves
01:46 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I downloaded it as WTFPL, so I'll be relicensing it as GPLv3 and writing a more generic implementation sometime this weekend
01:46 jordan4ibanez Don't
01:46 jordan4ibanez I'm asking you kindly
01:46 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: You haven't given me any real reason not to
01:46 mauvebic let him finish it himself
01:47 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: I'm glad you want to work on it, that's great, but if you want to tie down your code I'm going to download it and write a better version
01:47 jordan4ibanez no offense mark, but you're kinda being a dick
01:47 marktraceur I'm OK with that, it will lead to a useful library
01:47 FreeFull I think tthat something being licensed under the WTFPL might still not give other people the right to relicense
01:47 VanessaE marktraceur: I got a better idea - take on PilzAdam's rework of thexyz's signs mod - give it multiple font sizes (I provided some on the forum thread) and make it respect node_ownership :-)
01:47 VanessaE Ijust had to yank it our of my server because of a security issue with it
01:47 VanessaE :(
01:48 marktraceur VanessaE: Nah, I like this idea better, NPCs are a good idea
01:48 jordan4ibanez I'm telling you, the next update will include +400-500 lines of code, please, at least wait
01:49 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: When will it be out, if you don't mind me asking?
01:49 jordan4ibanez in 4-10 days
01:50 marktraceur jordan4ibanez: Can I help you push that a bit faster, maybe? I'm a pretty fast worker when it comes to this stuff, and it would be useful to have a solid base.
01:50 * marktraceur is amused, actually, Apache allows relicensing as well
01:52 mauvebic
01:55 Uberi GPLv3 is good for this purpose if you don't want relicensing
01:55 Uberi I recommend the AGPLv3 since the GPLv3 has a loophole in the particular case of MineTest
01:56 FreeFull What's the loophole?
01:56 Uberi FreeFull: well, mods are run on the server
01:57 Uberi it's not considered distribution
01:57 Uberi therefore, you do not need to give out the source
01:57 Uberi well it's a loophole to me because giving out the source is fundemental to the concept of the GPL, IMO
01:57 klunk bye peopk
01:57 Uberi bye
01:57 OldCoder Uberi, Problem before was probably compiler flags. I recommend people use -O2 and not -O3 Goodbye klunk
01:57 klunk :-)) *people
02:00 jordan4ibanez I'm not looking for loop holes, i'm just looking to release the api, and the mods using the api itself, but the code is just a baby right now
02:01 Uberi yes we should respect jordan4ibanez's wishes to release it how he wants to
02:01 NekoGloop joined #minetest
02:02 Uberi hey NekoGloop
02:02 VanessaE evening NekoGloop
02:02 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on Uberi's head
02:02 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on VanessaE's head
02:03 Uberi :O
02:04 * VanessaE sniggles with the kitten
02:04 VanessaE snuggles too.
02:06 * NekoGloop sets down the box of -1 nekogloop:kitten
02:06 Uberi /giveme air 99
02:06 * VanessaE looks at the kittles
02:07 VanessaE kittens*
02:07 * Uberi places air on NekoGloop
02:07 VanessaE hm, you're still using the old 2d mobs for these.
02:07 * Uberi builds a house of air around NekoGloop
02:07 VanessaE nice nodebox defs on the box itself, but those kitten sprites gotta go :-)
02:07 NekoGloop That's a known bug
02:07 NekoGloop Will be fixed in version 1.01
02:09 NekoGloop 0.01, even
02:10 VanessaE Uberi: you hacker, you.
02:11 Uberi :P
02:11 * NekoGloop puts default:cloud around Uberi
02:12 Uberi /giveme : 99
02:12 * VanessaE grants Uberi worldedit privilege
02:12 Uberi hey I wonder if that would work
02:12 * NekoGloop puts nekogloop:kitten around Uberi =3=
02:12 VanessaE no, it does not.
02:12 Uberi :(
02:12 * Uberi just wanted some extra hands
02:12 VanessaE "Server: -!- error: cannot give an unknown item"
02:14 NekoGloop nekogloop:kitten is given an exception on dig event to replace itself and the 3x3 area around it with default:lava_source.
02:14 Uberi :O
02:14 NekoGloop So no killing kittens =w=
02:14 VanessaE //replace nekogloop:kitten air
02:14 VanessaE :-)
02:14 Uberi //replace stone tnt:tnt
02:15 Uberi //replace air tnt:tnt
02:15 NekoGloop //replace grass fire:basic_flame
02:15 NekoGloop Kaboom.
02:15 Uberi :P
02:15 Uberi you mean dirt_with_grass
02:16 NekoGloop Whatever
02:16 NekoGloop //replace dirt_with_grass fire:basic_flame
02:16 NekoGloop //replace dirt fire:basic_flame
02:16 NekoGloop Boom.
02:17 NekoGloop //replace air nekogloop:kitten
02:17 NekoGloop Yes, i went there.
02:18 NekoGloop My army of kittens! MEOW WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!!!
02:19 NekoGloop
02:19 jordan4ibanez
02:19 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: - "Bad Chili Fart.wav" by DoubleDeanArt
02:20 NekoGloop moltenbot: y u lrn to /ignore
02:21 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on jordan4ibanez's head
02:22 jordan4ibanez yay
02:22 ttk2 joined #minetest
02:22 * kizeren takes alergy pills
02:22 jordan4ibanez I just realised i can go rent games, then rip the cd into an iso, then burn the iso to a disk lol
02:22 NekoGloop =w=
02:23 NekoGloop /give Temperest nekogloop:kitten -1
02:23 Uberi O_o
02:23 Uberi you play with fire!
02:24 NekoGloop have some kittens. =w=
02:29 NekoGloop /give Temperest default:lava_source -1
02:29 NekoGloop Have fun.
02:30 Uberi what am I going to do with these -1 lava sources
02:30 NekoGloop Make a -1 lava pool
02:32 Muadtralk joined #minetest
02:34 Muadtralk anyone notice c55 isn't a moderator on his own IRC channel?
02:34 kotolegokot joined #minetest
02:35 OldCoder Muadtralk, he has full ops
02:35 NekoGloop Anyone notice the freenode guidelines say to only keep op when needed?
02:35 Uberi hey Muadtralk + kotolegokot
02:35 kotolegokot hi
02:35 OldCoder NekoGloop, Anyone notice that is a philosophy and not a rule?
02:35 Muadtralk how odd.... my irc client isnt showing his powers
02:35 Muadtralk but it shows everyone elses
02:35 OldCoder Muadtralk, he has not opped himself ATM
02:36 cy1 hey RealBadAngel, where's technic_obsidian.png?
02:36 Muadtralk ahhhhhhhhh
02:36 OldCoder NEWS: The slow Ambience problem is partly corrected
02:36 OldCoder About 5X faster now
02:36 OldCoder When I test it
02:36 NekoGloop NEWS: i still dont like it
02:36 Uberi really? how?
02:36 Uberi that's incredible
02:36 OldCoder Uberi, C55 or another party made the congestion parameters adjustable
02:36 Muadtralk ambience?
02:36 Uberi oh neat
02:36 OldCoder Remains to be seen if other people see the same speedup
02:37 OldCoder Muadtralk, music
02:37 Uberi and sound effects
02:37 Uberi like running water near the ocean
02:37 Muadtralk thats what i was thinking you were talking about
02:37 OldCoder I just loaded all the media in just a few minutes
02:37 sema4_ joined #minetest
02:37 Muadtralk minutes?
02:37 OldCoder As opposed to 30
02:38 NekoGloop As compared to hours.
02:38 Muadtralk hmmmm
02:38 OldCoder I think I can tune this further
02:38 Muadtralk odd when i had it installed for all of a day on my server people were only complaining of a few minutes loading
02:38 OldCoder The U.S. worlds will return in a few minutes
02:38 OldCoder Muadtralk, good
02:38 OldCoder Apparently it varies
02:39 NekoGloop There's also less mods on his server.
02:39 cy1 nvm I found it RealBadAngel
02:39 OldCoder mods are not the issue NekoGloop
02:39 OldCoder While I am at it does anybody wish mod updates?
02:40 VanessaE 0.
02:40 OldCoder Or new mods?
02:40 VanessaE oops
02:40 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on OldCoder's head
02:40 * OldCoder pets the kittie
02:40 kizeren OldCoder..Do you do calinous server?
02:40 OldCoder kizeren, Yes
02:41 OldCoder Nobody needs new mods?
02:41 OldCoder VanessaE, I don't wish to use plantlife yet; needs more testing
02:41 kizeren I was going to request one for his server....but it has escaped me.
02:41 VanessaE OldCoder: no prob.
02:41 OldCoder kizeren, ok
02:42 kizeren I think it was mesecons where buggin on me few days ago.....
02:42 kizeren But that isn't important.
02:42 Uberi what was the issue, kizeren?
02:43 kizeren Sticky pistons on that server when placed one to the back of another and triggered ...they would turn towards each other and stop working.
02:44 OldCoder
02:44 sema4_ well that took long enough
02:44 sema4_ /quote nick sema4
02:44 OldCoder NEWS: All 18 U.S. MT worlds updated to 0.4.4. Let's see what's broken! Come and inspect the worlds and report all the malfunctioning stuff please
02:45 OldCoder A nice new Windows 0.4.4 client will be posted tonight with preloaded cache
02:46 OldCoder Dogzilla131, check 30004 if you can
02:46 mrtux joined #minetest
02:46 OldCoder VanessaE, maybe take a peak at 30017
02:46 OldCoder mrtux, willing to check out 30001 MT 0.4.4 world?
02:46 OldCoder mrtux, I will post a new Windows EXE in a few minutes
02:46 mrtux sure
02:46 OldCoder Hang on and you can try it
02:46 youlysses joined #minetest
02:47 mrtux joined #minetest
02:47 VanessaE looks right to me, OldCoder
02:47 OldCoder ty
02:47 OldCoder Need to see what crashes etc.
02:47 mrtux oldcoder, i don't need the exe
02:48 OldCoder mrtux, running what?
02:48 VanessaE OldCoder: pilzadam's signs don't respect node_ownership, just fyi.
02:48 mrtux oldcoder: windows
02:48 mrtux Nothing is wrong with the exe from the downloads page
02:49 OldCoder VanessaE, k
02:49 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on mrtux's head
02:49 OldCoder VanessaE, I thought the 2D avatars would remain. Dogzilla131 and I are apparently 3D now.
02:50 OldCoder VanessaE, do you know how that works?
02:50 Muadtralk did you remove the character.png
02:50 OldCoder Muadtralk, No
02:50 Muadtralk and models stuff?
02:50 VanessaE OldCoder: correct, but it is possible to revert to 2d if you want
02:50 Muadtralk try that
02:50 OldCoder Muadtralk, VanessaE ty
02:50 VanessaE but no one wants 2d anyway :-)
02:50 OldCoder VanessaE, delete the character.png and it will be 2D for a world?
02:50 OldCoder VanessaE, I wish one world with fun 2D
02:50 VanessaE no, I'm sure it's more than that
02:51 OldCoder Muadtralk, is she correct?
02:51 VanessaE like Muadtralk said, maybe delete the model file also
02:51 Muadtralk I still want 8 directional sprites
02:51 OldCoder VanessaE, Muadtralk what is the model file extension?
02:51 VanessaE .x
02:51 Muadtralk just remove the folder
02:51 Uberi (DirectX model format)
02:51 VanessaE you probably need to delete the whole folder.
02:51 OldCoder VanessaE, can 2D and 3D be mixed on a world?
02:52 VanessaE OldCoder: i don't know.
02:52 OldCoder Let us find out
02:52 Uberi science!
02:52 OldCoder Heh
02:52 OldCoder It can wait actually; I better finish the Windows client. mrtux my version may be faster.
02:53 Muadtralk oh and delete the player.lua
02:53 Muadtralk and its retrospective linking to the init
02:53 OldCoder Dogzilla131, to answer your ingame question your 2D avatar is gone. You are a 3D generic player.
02:53 mauvebic OT creme celery + can of tuna = actually good
02:53 OldCoder Muadtralk, But if I delete all that a world can be only 2D. So I guess it is a choice between one or another.
02:54 Uberi mauvebic: that sounds pretty delicious to me :)
02:54 OldCoder Folks try out the 0.4.4 stuff the next few days and tell me what happens
02:58 NekoGloop Go away, uberi. :D
02:59 Muadtralk hmmmm
02:59 hmmmm hmmmm
02:59 hmmmm every time i'm highlighted, i'm being highlighted by one person
02:59 hmmmm can you guess who that one person is
03:00 VanessaE heh
03:00 NekoGloop hmmmm
03:00 NekoGloop HMMMM
03:00 NekoGloop Idk.
03:00 Muadtralk if there was a way to be able to set specific visuals for players
03:00 VanessaE hmmph.
03:00 Muadtralk ie mesh or sprite
03:00 NekoGloop Muadtralk: There is iirc
03:01 Muadtralk i suppose it actually might be a way to do that
03:01 Muadtralk there not it*
03:01 OldCoder Muadtralk, let me know if you figure it out
03:01 OldCoder I'd love to have the option of both
03:01 VanessaE huh.  response from github re: zipball target folder naming:  "Thanks very much for the feedback, I can definitely see how this function would be useful.  We've had some requests for this, so I will add your +1 to the Feature Request list for the team to consider."
03:02 VanessaE (I asked for the ability to specify the exact folder name to be created when a zipball is prepared on demand for download)
03:07 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on Muadtralk's head
03:08 Muadtralk player textures mod
03:09 Muadtralk next to the textures put visual = upright_sprite
03:09 Muadtralk iirc
03:09 Muadtralk and have some sort of hook to a text file containing the names and preference of the players?
03:09 VanessaE Muadtralk: how about working that mod into something that covers both use cases and which can be merged upstream?
03:10 VanessaE I'm sure c55 will find it useful, the rest of us do anyway :-)
03:12 jordan4ibanez I've thought and thought and thought and thought
03:12 jordan4ibanez i just realised how to pathfind
03:14 mrtux_ joined #minetest
03:14 VanessaE evening mrtux_
03:14 mauvebic theres a thread on pathfinding methinks
03:14 mauvebic dont know if they got any work done yet though
03:15 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on mauvebic's head
03:15 jordan4ibanez No, it has to be a special one for minetest, i just figured it out though, hopefully i will be finished by tomorrow
03:16 mauvebic pathfinding over 10, 100, 1000 nodes?
03:16 * NekoGloop punts a kitten at mauvebic
03:16 mauvebic on an island not so bad
03:16 mauvebic around a lake :/ bit tougher lol
03:17 mauvebic i already have a cat on my lapand she keeps head-buttingme when i type
03:17 NekoGloop This kitten is nice
03:17 NekoGloop It doesnt even mind being punted.
03:18 NekoGloop See
03:18 Muadtralk muavebic small world
03:18 * NekoGloop punts another kitten at mauvebic
03:18 mauvebic lol
03:19 mauvebic sorry busy with 420'ness atm lol
03:22 Taoki joined #minetest
03:24 Uberi|Away hey Taoki
03:24 NekoGloop //set nekogloop:kitten
03:24 NekoGloop =w=
03:24 Uberi|Away jordan4ibanez: make sure you post about it in the mobs thread so I see it!
03:24 Uberi|Away bye everyone!
03:28 OldCoder The Windows EXE is producing a large debug.txt file
03:28 OldCoder is there any way to turn that off?
03:28 OldCoder NekoGloop, VanessaE ?
03:29 NekoGloop You expect me to know/care?
03:29 OldCoder I am finished I think except for that
03:29 OldCoder NekoGloop, Know, yes
03:29 Muadtralk turn it off?
03:29 VanessaE symlink it to the win equivalent of /dev/null
03:29 VanessaE no clue how that's done though
03:29 OldCoder There are no symlinks under Windows
03:29 OldCoder Not normal ones
03:30 OldCoder I will try creating a folder by that name
03:30 Muadtralk its a debug txt for a in development game
03:30 Muadtralk i dont think its meant to be removed
03:30 OldCoder Muadtralk, Need to disable it
03:30 OldCoder Or users will have 1000GB files
03:30 OldCoder I think I did it
03:30 OldCoder This is fun
03:31 NekoGloop You broke it.
03:31 OldCoder Full update of stuff almost finished
03:33 OldCoder Windows EXE seems healthy
03:33 OldCoder I've added all sorts of mods
03:33 OldCoder This copy should be less crashy than the standard one
03:38 OldCoder
03:38 OldCoder Who wishes to try the new Windows 0.4.4 client?
03:41 OldCoder
03:42 OldCoder Are there any Windows users who wish to try a nice new client? 0.4.4, less crashy, preloaded cache, faster, the oldcoder_game modset built in. Come 'n' get it.
03:42 OldCoder :-)
03:42 OldCoder
03:42 OldCoder cy1, VanessaE, NekoGloop, mauvebic, mrtux ?
03:42 OldCoder
03:43 mauvebic arch linux here
03:43 VanessaE hm?
03:43 VanessaE oh.  strictly linux here.
03:43 VanessaE (Ubuntu)
03:43 mrtux oldcoder, i'll try it tomorrow
03:43 mrtux well
03:43 mrtux maybe
03:43 OldCoder That's pure commitment! :P
03:44 mrtux windows will go bai bai sometime soon
03:44 * OldCoder chuckles
03:44 mrtux Steve Ballmer is evil
03:44 OldCoder Nobody will try the new client?
03:44 NekoGloop Nope
03:45 OldCoder Oh, well
03:45 mrtux I will.
03:45 OldCoder All right
03:45 OldCoder
03:45 mrtux >go on my minecraft server
03:45 mrtux >dirt hous
03:45 mrtux *house
03:45 OldCoder ^ Fast client! Try it!
03:45 OldCoder NekoGloop, will you try the client so that you can laugh at the futility of existence?
03:46 * mrtux wishes Microsoft wasn't so pathetic
03:46 OldCoder Micro$oft is $$$
03:46 OldCoder That is something to remember
03:46 mrtux Microshit
03:46 OldCoder They have clout
03:46 mrtux Bill Gate$
03:46 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
03:46 OldCoder Dogzilla131, please try my new Windows client
03:47 OldCoder Do you have Windows?
03:47 Dogzilla131 yes
03:47 OldCoder
03:47 OldCoder Download that
03:47 OldCoder Unpack it
03:47 OldCoder Go into bin folder
03:47 OldCoder Run minetest.exe
03:47 OldCoder Thank you
03:47 OldCoder
03:47 OldCoder Try it on 30004
03:47 OldCoder Or stand alone
03:47 OldCoder Or both
03:48 Dogzilla131 ok, but what is the difference
03:48 mrtux VannesaE: Why use Ubuntu? :P
03:49 mrtux I like Arch GNU/Linux
03:49 kizeren Arch rocks!
03:49 mrtux and other "do it yourself" distros
03:49 mrtux ^
03:49 OldCoder Dogzilla131, mine is faster, less crashy, has a preload cache, and comes with my modset
03:49 mrtux Never tried Slackware
03:49 OldCoder Test it please
03:49 OldCoder mrtux, Slackware is good
03:49 mrtux I'm itching to try it though
03:49 mrtux it's weird that it has 8 cd's
03:49 OldCoder Then proceed
03:50 OldCoder mrtux, why weird?
03:50 kizeren I run Arch, T2, CentOS, LFS, Ubuntu
03:50 NekoGloop Arch rocks! Where? Arch rock formations are awesome!
03:50 mrtux 1 seems to be for KDE
03:50 Dogzilla131 ok im downloading it
03:50 mrtux NekoGloop, Arch LINUX not Arch rock formations...
03:50 NekoGloop Oh
03:50 NekoGloop Then fuck arch.
03:50 mrtux lulz
03:51 mrtux >inb4 oldcoder adds this to his blog :P
03:51 OldCoder ?
03:51 mrtux well
03:51 mrtux nekogloop thought arch was a rock formation
03:51 NekoGloop He'd have to be paying attention.
03:51 OldCoder He did not
03:51 NekoGloop And i was joking.
03:51 mrtux but it actually is lunix
03:51 OldCoder He was poking fun
03:52 mrtux *gnu/lunix
03:52 mrtux oh lol
03:52 NekoGloop lunix?
03:52 mrtux yeah
03:52 NekoGloop Is that linux for the moon?
03:52 mrtux dunno
03:52 mrtux maybe
03:52 jordan4ibanez Pathfinding is going to be really heavy duty lol
03:53 NekoGloop The paths are going to be laid out in stainless steel tiles?
03:54 Muadtralk solid mese tiles?
04:00 mrtux night
04:01 kizeren Interesting......
04:01 kizeren Just teleported to -3000 and it says everything is way out :(
04:02 davidpace joined #minetest
04:25 * VanessaE peeks in again
04:25 VanessaE OldCoder: you around?
04:33 VanessaE OldCoder: please update your copies of vanessa_game and My_World_server at your convenience.
04:33 OldCoder VanessaE, Hi
04:34 VanessaE same URLs as before.
04:34 OldCoder VanessaE, Sure!
04:34 OldCoder Will do after I complete a job application
04:34 OldCoder Deal, though: Try my new Windows client; will you?
04:34 OldCoder It does need to be tested under Windows
04:34 OldCoder VanessaE, ^
04:35 VanessaE take your time.
04:35 VanessaE I can't try the windows client, I don't have windows.
04:35 VanessaE (not even a dual boot or virtual machine)
04:36 VanessaE also, on a different but related note:
04:36 moltenbot VanessaE's link: Changed Mese to act like an object cut out of a block of stone, rather than an object found *among* the stone. by VanessaE ? Pull Request #64 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
04:36 VanessaE this supercedes pull request #60
04:37 VanessaE (it is already included in the vanessa_game files)
04:39 OldCoder Hmm
04:39 OldCoder VanessaE, that is the change you mentioned
04:39 VanessaE yes.
04:39 OldCoder The one that sounds good but is irreversible
04:40 VanessaE no
04:40 OldCoder Oh?
04:40 VanessaE actually now it isn't
04:40 VanessaE I fixed that.
04:40 OldCoder Good
04:40 OldCoder So no real reason not to use the patch?
04:40 VanessaE it will not alter old maps, and I stuck a little stub into 3dforniture to convert my map back to the original format (this will not affect anyone else's map, and that is a temporary change that does not need to be managed)
04:40 VanessaE correct.
04:41 OldCoder So I could update 3dforniture elsewhere and then use your mesechange safely?
04:41 VanessaE maps spawn default:mese, I just changed the textures, made it drop crystals (which you smelt into ingots and craft into tools, blocks, etc)
04:41 OldCoder See question
04:41 VanessaE don't update 3dforniture anywhere else.
04:41 OldCoder Just for your world?
04:41 OldCoder So your change is useful and should be safe?
04:41 VanessaE I just stuffed an alias in there just to have a place to put it that would not be part of my official pull request.
04:41 OldCoder Remind me to add it
04:42 VanessaE the alias is not intended for use outside my world
04:42 OldCoder k
04:42 VanessaE the pull request is, of course.
04:42 OldCoder Remind me to add the change
04:42 VanessaE it's already part of vanessa_game :-)
04:42 OldCoder Remind me to add the change to the other worlds
04:42 VanessaE OH
04:42 VanessaE ok
04:42 OldCoder :-)
04:42 VanessaE I thought you were talking about the alias, not the rest of the patch :-)
04:42 VanessaE right.
04:42 OldCoder Yes
04:42 VanessaE ok
04:43 VanessaE the only reason not to use it is that it still breaks old recipes, but that can't be helped, and it still has that workaround to craft default:mese for use therein.
04:43 OldCoder Any recipes that would affect my worlds?
04:43 OldCoder Which ones?
04:44 VanessaE Anything that uses mese except for standard mese pickaxes - I already fixed those.
04:44 OldCoder So I'd need to edit a bunch of mods?
04:44 VanessaE but you can craft mese out of stone + mese crystal and use that in any mod that needs default:mese
04:44 OldCoder Would people be confused?
04:45 VanessaE probably.
04:45 OldCoder Well we
04:45 VanessaE but it's better to break mods than break maps. :-)
04:45 OldCoder Well we'll talk about it
04:45 VanessaE *nod*
04:46 mauvebic break maps? lol
04:47 VanessaE yup, I would rather break a bunch of mods that I can just submit updates to than to cause old maps to have a bunch of unknown blocks.
04:47 Aqua joined #minetest
04:48 Aqua Hello iss davidpace here?
04:48 VanessaE no, but he was earlier.
04:48 VanessaE mornin' Aqua.
04:48 Aqua Damn
04:48 Aqua Good afternoon'
04:49 VanessaE or afternoon then :-)
04:49 Aqua I made a wicked map publishing it now
04:50 VanessaE cool
04:50 Aqua uses PilzAdam's Cart's 2 mod its a rollercoaster thing
04:50 VanessaE Anything like mine? :-)
04:52 Aqua Link?
04:53 VanessaE
04:53 moltenbot VanessaE's link: Mesecons machine competiton 2.0! (Page 2) - General Discussion - Minetest Forums
04:54 VanessaE you've seen it in my server before of course
04:56 Aqua Do you have to climb back up or does it loop?
04:57 Aqua Mine goes alot more distance from cliff to cliff and has stations
04:57 Aqua other then that its pretty similar
04:57 VanessaE it loops
04:57 Aqua And mine looks hideous its flying in the sky
04:57 VanessaE heh
04:59 Aqua Mine goes upside down
04:59 Aqua brb
05:04 Aqua Back
05:05 Aqua What time is it for you?
05:10 VanessaE joined #minetest
05:10 VanessaE I hate computers.
05:11 * VanessaE just showed a network card who's boss.
05:40 anunakki joined #minetest
05:43 cy1 where's the player.x file...?
05:46 celeron55 joined #minetest
05:49 anunakki joined #minetest
05:49 anunakki joined #minetest
05:52 neko259 joined #minetest
05:53 OldCoder celeron55, 0.4.4 upgrade completed and a snappy new 0.4.4 Windows client is built
06:05 rsiska joined #minetest
06:06 VanessaE OldCoder: I forgot to actually upload those new world/game files.  They're on the way up now.
06:07 VanessaE in the meantime, HDX now supports the new mese paradigm:
06:08 VanessaE and now the two ZIPs are actually uploaded and ready for you to grab at your convenience.
06:09 OldCoder VanessaE, All right
06:09 OldCoder Proceeding right now
06:12 davidpace joined #minetest
06:12 VanessaE davidpace: Aqua was looking for you earlier.
06:12 davidpace Yea, I can imagine
06:12 davidpace I came here looking for him
06:13 davidpace How long ago?
06:13 VanessaE about an hour and a half ago
06:13 davidpace Okay
06:14 davidpace I promised him 2 textures I made
06:15 davidpace Wha
06:15 davidpace Oops, sorry
06:15 davidpace Who is moltenbot?
06:15 davidpace
06:15 moltenbot davidpace's link: Minetest Forums
06:16 davidpace Or what is?
06:16 VanessaE he's not a who, he's more of a what :-)
06:16 VanessaE just a useful bot is all.
06:16 davidpace Yep, I can see that :)
06:17 davidpace I just wanna see what it does :-):
06:17 moltenbot davidpace's link: freenode Web IRC (qwebirc)
06:17 davidpace Cool!
06:19 davidpace Your store?
06:19 moltenbot davidpace's link: Digital Audio Concepts - Products
06:19 davidpace I am reffering to: VanessaE
06:19 VanessaE yeah.
06:20 davidpace Nice.
06:20 VanessaE but I don't advertise it here since it is off-topic for this channel.
06:20 davidpace Okay.
06:21 VanessaE ok, time for me to get to bed.  night all
06:22 davidpace Night
06:22 davidpace What time is it for you?
06:49 davidpace joined #minetest
06:59 davidpace joined #minetest
07:01 OldCoder VanessaE, try world 30017 again when you have a chance
07:01 OldCoder
07:02 OldCoder Are there any Windows MT users here tonight?
07:04 davidpace I am
07:04 davidpace ...
07:06 Kray I read Windows NT
07:06 davidpace Bye, I'll be back on in 30 mins or less, I hope :-), @OldCoder , I am a windows MT user, but I am on an old computer so I can't play MT atm
07:06 davidpace I'll leave this logged in :)
07:07 davidpace If Aqua comes, tell him I'll be back soon
07:09 TForsman joined #minetest
07:12 simion314 joined #minetest
07:17 davidpace joined #minetest
07:23 davidpace joined #minetest
07:39 OldCoder Hi
07:39 OldCoder Kray, do you play MT under Windows?
07:42 davidpace joined #minetest
07:43 davidpace OldCoder : Do you know the server that your letting octopuslegs use?
07:43 davidpace If you do, Do you know what version of minetest its using?
07:47 OldCoder Hi
07:47 OldCoder davidpace, I should know because I built it :-)
07:47 OldCoder davidpace, What do you need to know?
07:47 davidpace Good
07:47 davidpace What Version of minetest does it run?
07:47 OldCoder The server was upgraded to 0.4.4 tonight. It is a patched version with LevelDB support and changes of my own.
07:47 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
07:47 davidpace Alright thanks1
07:48 davidpace *!
07:48 OldCoder davidpace, The LevelDB support is significant. makes a big difference.
07:48 OldCoder davidpace, did you say you could not run MT at the moment? I need to test my new Windows client.
07:48 davidpace Okay.
07:48 davidpace i can now
07:48 OldCoder Wait
07:48 davidpace What do you need?
07:48 davidpace Okay
07:48 OldCoder
07:49 OldCoder Download the ZIP and unpack it somewhere
07:49 OldCoder Go into the BIN folder
07:49 OldCoder Run minetest.exe
07:49 davidpace ok...
07:49 OldCoder Connect to world 30001 for me
07:49 OldCoder I will interact you
07:49 davidpace downloading 1 minute left
07:49 davidpace Alright
07:49 OldCoder Tell me if it runs and if you hear music
07:49 OldCoder That is pretty much it
07:49 davidpace Okay
07:49 OldCoder ty
07:50 davidpace No problem
07:50 OldCoder davidpace, BTW this version has preloaded cache and the OldCoder modset for offline play
07:50 davidpace Alright
07:50 OldCoder May also be faster and less crashy than official
07:50 davidpace Good, I like the sound of it so far :0
07:50 davidpace *:)
07:51 davidpace So just start the game thats already here?
07:52 OldCoder davidpace, no
07:52 OldCoder Go to multiplayer
07:52 davidpace Alright
07:52 OldCoder Server:
07:52 OldCoder Port: 30001
07:53 davidpace Alright, Gonna do it right now
07:53 OldCoder I will be waiting when you arrive to grant interact
07:53 Jousway joined #minetest
07:53 davidpace connecting
07:53 OldCoder You have a fast PC and network
07:53 OldCoder Good
07:53 davidpace I do? :)
07:54 OldCoder Seems like it may be the case
07:54 OldCoder Compared to some certainly
07:54 OldCoder davidpace, do you hear sound effects?
07:54 davidpace Yes
07:55 OldCoder davidpace, ty!
07:55 OldCoder So it works?
07:55 davidpace Yes, No problem
07:55 * OldCoder is pleased
07:55 OldCoder davidpace, tyvm
07:55 OldCoder Have fun
07:55 OldCoder davidpace, that is what I needed. Pretty sure everything is in order now.
07:56 davidpace I have to get off right now, I will be on soon though :-)
07:57 OldCoder Sure
07:57 OldCoder ttyl
07:57 davidpace Hmmm, so with the port 30004 is PvP?
07:57 OldCoder Yes
07:57 OldCoder But the worlds as a whole are underpopulated
07:57 OldCoder This will change over time
07:57 davidpace Okay, and both are hosted by you :)
07:57 OldCoder All 18 are :-)
07:57 davidpace 18? You have 18 servers?
07:57 OldCoder About 20 to 25 counting other machines
07:57 OldCoder Yes
07:57 OldCoder Some are pretty cool
07:57 davidpace Wow
07:57 OldCoder If I do say so myself
07:58 OldCoder I like this game
07:58 ruskie hehe
07:58 davidpace I can see that
07:58 OldCoder It is art brought to life
07:58 OldCoder ruskie, admit it... this is art
07:58 davidpace Free Art! :-)
07:58 OldCoder Yep
07:58 ruskie it's engineering+art+everything else
07:58 OldCoder ruskie, tell RealBadAngel Europe is next
07:58 OldCoder Yep again
07:58 ruskie erm... I'm not very active around here recently
07:58 OldCoder ruskie, busy IRL it happens
07:58 ruskie so not even sure what's going on
07:59 OldCoder ruskie, I have upgraded my worlds to 0.4.4
07:59 ruskie ahh
07:59 OldCoder It actually works
07:59 davidpace Minetest is awesome thats whats going on
07:59 OldCoder <-- pleased
08:00 davidpace Alright See Ya guys! There are a few servers I am active on right now :)
08:00 davidpace Bye
08:00 davidpace I
08:00 davidpace Have got to find out which one is my favorite :)
08:01 neko259 joined #minetest
08:04 DangerCoder neko259, hello
08:05 neko259 DangerCoder: Hi.
08:30 Basstard1 joined #minetest
09:23 davidpace joined #minetest
09:23 davidpace Was Aqua on recently?
10:01 aheinecke joined #minetest
10:16 leo_rockway joined #minetest
10:30 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
10:31 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
10:32 Calinou joined #minetest
10:35 DangerCoder Calinou, Hi!
10:35 DangerCoder Calinou, Your world is now 0.4.4
10:35 DangerCoder Report any problems
10:36 Calinou dear FSF, my money does not talk, and here it's euros, not dollars, so how am I supposed to turn my dollars into decibels?
10:36 Calinou :trollface:
10:36 Calinou DangerCoder: k ;)
10:37 * DangerCoder shrugs
10:37 DangerCoder Bonsai Kitten gave me the idea. I don't recall if you know him.
10:55 KikaRz joined #minetest
10:56 KikaRz Hi there
10:56 KikaRz any news about the updates?
10:56 KikaRz In 3 hours, ill be for vacances :)
10:57 KikaRz VanessaE, you there?
10:57 Calinou
10:57 Calinou :p
10:57 KikaRz Who is DangerCoder? and where is ChanServ?
10:57 DangerCoder Hi
10:57 Calinou DangerCoder is oldcoder..
10:57 DangerCoder ChanServ is here
10:57 DangerCoder I am simply having a bit of fun
10:58 DangerCoder KikaRz, my U.S. worlds are all 0.4.4 now and I have built a new Windows 0.4.4 client
10:58 KikaRz And who are you?
10:58 KikaRz ah!
10:58 DangerCoder The new client is available from
10:58 KikaRz fail, i thinked that ChanServ were OldCoder.
10:58 KikaRz what client
10:58 DangerCoder It is fine
10:58 DangerCoder A new Windows Minetest 0.4.4 EXE
10:58 KikaRz im on a school computer.
10:58 DangerCoder Very well
10:59 KikaRz Im with WIndows here, but i can't play here
10:59 DangerCoder k
10:59 KikaRz 11:00
10:59 KikaRz in 5 minutes, i have to exit.
11:00 KikaRz DangerCoder, that supports D3D?
11:00 KikaRz I don't think right
11:00 DangerCoder I don't think so; but you can try it
11:00 KikaRz Ok, ill try at home.
11:00 DangerCoder It is simply my version of the standard Windows build
11:00 KikaRz in 2 hours and 30 minutes
11:00 DangerCoder I have not added new graphics DLLs
11:01 KikaRz anything different than the official one?
11:01 DangerCoder Yes
11:01 DangerCoder The following:
11:01 KikaRz what?
11:01 DangerCoder (1) Preloaded cache, (2) A good configuration file, (3) The OldCoder modset is included, (4) Compiled differently to reduce crashes
11:01 DangerCoder Four things ^
11:03 KikaRz gtg
11:03 KikaRz bye.
11:03 DangerCoder cu
11:05 thexyz DangerCoder: what crashes?
11:05 DangerCoder thexyz, Well, for example:
11:06 DangerCoder Minetest.EXE would not run for me yesterday until I recompiled with -O2 as opposed to -O3. The network test at startup simply failed. After the change it seemed fine.
11:06 whirm joined #minetest
11:06 thexyz umm..
11:06 DangerCoder I've explained this before. -O3 is death for the program.
11:06 thexyz are you sure you're building release, not debug?
11:06 DangerCoder Just *try* to compile it for a number of different hosts.
11:06 DangerCoder Yes.
11:06 DangerCoder But actually
11:06 thexyz yes, I compile it under MSVC for windows, and it works fine (as reported by users)
11:06 DangerCoder note that -NDEBUG is required
11:07 DangerCoder Glad to hear it :p
11:07 thexyz all settings is default
11:07 DangerCoder FIne
11:07 thexyz that's just strange
11:07 DangerCoder <--- Disclaimer: It is not fine :p
11:07 DangerCoder thexyz, MSVC and gcc are different
11:07 DangerCoder Not surprising there are anomalies. Best to be conservative. And my EXE is probably faster than yours.
11:07 thexyz are you compiling under gcc?
11:07 DangerCoder So I have been told.
11:07 DangerCoder yes
11:08 DangerCoder Latest one seems to work great. Try it.
11:08 DangerCoder has the link on the front page
11:08 thexyz well, I can't compare speed because I only have windows in virtualbox ATM
11:08 thexyz gcc builds are worse
11:08 Calinou windows' EULA forbids its use in a VM :>
11:09 DangerCoder Not based on what I've heard
11:09 Calinou everyone does that, though
11:09 Calinou at least since vista
11:09 DangerCoder Remark is about gcc
11:09 thexyz AFAIK they don't support DirectX
11:09 Calinou real GPUs work fine with opengl :P
11:09 thexyz well
11:09 DangerCoder
11:09 DangerCoder ^ Nice fast stable Windows client :-)
11:10 thexyz DangerCoder: does it support directx?
11:10 DangerCoder I have no idea
11:10 DangerCoder Try it and tell me please ty
11:10 thexyz you should better have some
11:10 DangerCoder Some what?
11:10 * DangerCoder is curious
11:11 thexyz some idea, as opposed to no idea ^^
11:12 thexyz ok, let me check in vm
11:13 DangerCoder Very well
11:13 DangerCoder ty
11:14 thexyz I'm currently trying to add some sort of remote_media setting which allows to make clients fetch media from remote server via http protocol, are you interested in testing it?
11:16 youlysses joined #minetest
11:16 thexyz DangerCoder: apparently, it doesn't support direct3d9
11:16 thexyz same for direct3d8
11:18 cy1 ugh mesecons...
11:19 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:19 youlysses joined #minetest
11:20 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:23 brobostigon good morning everyone,
11:27 cy1
11:27 cy1 anyone actually comprehend mesecons? :(
11:31 cy1 worst part is it's oldcoder's world so I can't mess with the codez
11:32 cy1 or uh DangerCoder = OldCoder?
11:32 thexyz for sure
11:33 cy1 oh god it got so so late
11:56 thexyz so, using cURL (even one-threaded) reduces startup time for minetest+ambience from (something like half an hour?) to 45 seconds
11:58 PilzAdam does this break anything?
11:58 thexyz dunno
11:58 PilzAdam are you sure you have deleted the cache when retrying?
11:59 thexyz sure
11:59 PilzAdam I suggest you continue testing
11:59 thexyz it locks everything on client when fetching data, though
12:04 thexyz PilzAdam: you can also test it yourself
12:05 Zeg9 joined #minetest
12:06 PilzAdam thexyz, there are new dependencies
12:06 thexyz ikr
12:06 thexyz it can be disabled
12:07 PilzAdam do you know the ubuntu packages?
12:07 thexyz no
12:07 thexyz (what did you mean though?)
12:08 PilzAdam the names of the ubuntu packages i need to install
12:08 Zeg9 PilzAdam, I got a working model :D
12:08 thexyz oh
12:08 Zeg9
12:09 thexyz PilzAdam: you probably need libcurl-dev
12:09 thexyz if it won't work try any of those libcurl4-openssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
12:10 ttk2 joined #minetest
12:10 PilzAdam both, openssl and gnutls are in the repos
12:10 PilzAdam wich one should i install?
12:13 thexyz any
12:13 thexyz well, the one you like more
12:13 thexyz i've set up a compatible server at
12:13 DangerCoder Hi
12:14 DangerCoder cy1, Hello
12:14 PilzAdam that was fast!
12:14 DangerCoder So cURL is not a general solution?
12:15 DangerCoder thexyz, quite interested in testing yes
12:15 DangerCoder I did LevelDB didn't I? :-)
12:15 PilzAdam hm, it was probably the cache the first time
12:15 DangerCoder thexyz, Not useful though unless it supports Windows
12:15 PilzAdam thexyz, the media thing stays at 0% while loading
12:15 Zeg9 I'll be back around 5 pm... PilzAdam, see carts forum post
12:16 DangerCoder thexyz, adjusting congestion setting seems to help a bit
12:26 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
12:27 anunakki joined #minetest
12:27 RagnarLaud h8i
12:27 RagnarLaud hi*
12:27 RagnarLaud hi PilzAdam!
12:27 PilzAdam hello
12:28 RagnarLaud hey you did the darming mod right?
12:28 thexyz DangerCoder: why wouldn't curl support windows?
12:28 john_minetest joined #minetest
12:28 RagnarLaud farming*
12:28 PilzAdam RagnarLaud, yep
12:28 RagnarLaud can u help me make 3 plants?
12:28 RagnarLaud and 3 seeds...
12:28 RagnarLaud well you get the point...
12:28 PilzAdam you just have to copy the existing code
12:29 RagnarLaud the code from the farming mod?
12:29 PilzAdam yep
12:29 RagnarLaud its SO confusing :S
12:29 thexyz DangerCoder: and it can't be useless, it's backwards-compatible
12:29 PilzAdam take this as an example:
12:29 thexyz so clients without curl support will work too
12:29 DangerCoder thexyz, It does. The issue is getting cmake to work. I was totally unable to persude cmake to find boost even though I built boost myself. Same issue might happen with curl.
12:29 RagnarLaud ok...
12:30 DangerCoder thexyz> DangerCoder: why wouldn't curl support windows?
12:30 DangerCoder ^
12:30 RagnarLaud btw, is it okay if i use GEdit for editing lua?
12:30 DangerCoder But your other point is valid
12:30 RagnarLaud cause it seems to work :D
12:30 PilzAdam RagnarLaud, you can use anything you want to edit it; but VIM FTW!
12:30 * DangerCoder does not like "build" systems that make it impossible to build things
12:30 RagnarLaud VIM?
12:30 RagnarLaud well anyways...
12:30 thexyz DangerCoder: curl definetly supports win32
12:31 DangerCoder I *know* that
12:31 thexyz DangerCoder: well, you should be hating windows, not cmake
12:31 DangerCoder See above. The issue is getting cmake to find it.
12:31 DangerCoder Excuse the "*know*"
12:31 DangerCoder But I spent hours trying to build MT for Windows with Boost
12:31 thexyz it can be configured by hand
12:31 DangerCoder I tried that
12:31 DangerCoder For hours
12:31 thexyz and on windows it's AFAIK is the only way to make it work
12:31 DangerCoder Make which work?
12:31 thexyz anything!
12:32 DangerCoder BTW This was cross-compile
12:32 thexyz like libogg or libcurl
12:32 DangerCoder I ain't going back to Windows Charlie
12:32 DangerCoder :-)
12:32 thexyz ok
12:32 DangerCoder Not after about 15 years
12:32 thexyz as I only compile using MSVC I'll only be able to write guide explaining how to compile using it
12:33 DangerCoder If I can cross-compile MT that will be great. Otherwise no point for me.
12:33 DangerCoder But thank you for the points
12:33 DangerCoder AFAIK cmake should be the only problem. And it *is* a problem.
12:34 * DangerCoder hates "simple" build systems
12:34 thexyz it's strange you weren't able to build minetest with boost
12:34 DangerCoder For Windows
12:34 DangerCoder Linux version obviously works like a charm
12:34 DangerCoder The issue is cmake
12:35 DangerCoder cmake means break :p
12:35 thexyz it should be pretty straightforward
12:35 DangerCoder Nope
12:35 thexyz how can cmake be issue?
12:35 DangerCoder cmake refuses to find boost
12:35 DangerCoder I patched and patched
12:35 thexyz nah
12:35 thexyz YOU should find it
12:35 DangerCoder Cried and sighed
12:35 thexyz not cmake
12:35 DangerCoder No boost for OldCoder
12:35 DangerCoder I *did*
12:35 DangerCoder I built the damn thing myself
12:35 thexyz and then point cmake to library/includes dir
12:35 DangerCoder I did all that
12:35 DangerCoder And BTW...
12:35 DangerCoder I have fiddled with cmake for years
12:36 thexyz (by point cmake i mean make it link with boost, etc)
12:36 DangerCoder I know all that
12:36 DangerCoder The thing is there are multiple modes
12:36 DangerCoder And combinations of prefixes etc. etc.
12:36 thexyz well, that's not my issue ATM
12:36 DangerCoder Huh
12:36 DangerCoder Who said it was?
12:36 Jeija joined #minetest
12:36 DangerCoder *You* are the one pressing me about this
12:36 * DangerCoder is annoyed
12:37 * DangerCoder is literal. When he is asked questions he answers them. He does not like to be told that he should not answer the questions he is asked.
12:37 DangerCoder D:
12:37 DangerCoder
12:37 DangerCoder If somebody prepares a curltest I will test curltest to see if curl can be tested
12:37 DangerCoder Nuff Said
12:37 DangerCoder
12:39 thexyz what do you mean?
12:39 thexyz >If somebody prepares a curltest I will test curltest to see if curl can be tested
12:39 DangerCoder MT with curl support
12:40 DangerCoder You asked me something to the effect, would I test it
12:40 DangerCoder The answer is yes
12:40 DangerCoder
12:40 DangerCoder <thexyz> I'm currently trying to add some sort of remote_media setting which allows to make clients fetch media from remote server via http protocol, are you interested in testing it?
12:40 DangerCoder
12:41 * DangerCoder sighs and does not understand why communication is often so difficult
12:41 DangerCoder
12:42 * DangerCoder is going to update blog entries and nap for a while
12:42 DangerCoder Good night!
12:42 RagnarLaud hey i need some help...
12:42 DangerCoder RagnarLaud, with what?
12:42 RagnarLaud minetest.register_alias("farming:corn_seed", "farming:wheat_seed")
12:42 RagnarLaud what if i delete this line...
12:43 RagnarLaud what happens...
12:43 thexyz DangerCoder: that's probably because you sometimes miss some lines
12:43 thexyz like this one (16:04:07) thexyz: PilzAdam: you can also test it yourself
12:43 thexyz well, i didn't say your name that time
12:43 RagnarLaud hey...
12:43 thexyz so it's probably my fault
12:43 RagnarLaud what if i delete the aliases...
12:43 DangerCoder RagnarLaud, Oh; sorry. Not able to focus at that level right now. thexyz In this case I don't think I missed anything. Your remark followed mine. Assumption was natural. But I am tired. Good night.
12:43 RagnarLaud what will happen/wont happen
12:44 RagnarLaud oh ok...
12:44 RagnarLaud good night :D
12:44 RagnarLaud VanessaE
12:51 RagnarLaud WOW
12:51 RagnarLaud making code for a mod isnt actually that hard :D
12:51 RagnarLaud yay
12:51 RagnarLaud my mod will be hopefully up this week :D
12:51 RagnarLaud or maybe the next week :D
12:54 thexyz RagnarLaud: you should read lua api documentation
12:54 RagnarLaud what?
12:54 RagnarLaud why?
12:55 thexyz (16:42:10) RagnarLaud: minetest.register_alias("farming:corn_seed", "farming:wheat_seed")
12:55 thexyz (16:42:19) RagnarLaud: what if i delete this line...
12:55 RagnarLaud well i didnt delete it yet...
12:55 RagnarLaud and maybe not gonna
12:55 RagnarLaud just gonna tweak it a littlebit...
12:55 RagnarLaud hey thexyz
12:56 RagnarLaud you wanna be my tester?
13:04 MilanFIN joined #minetest
13:05 RagnarLaud sfan5
13:05 RagnarLaud hi :D
13:05 sfan5 hi
13:05 RagnarLaud im making my first mod that im going to release
13:06 RagnarLaud
13:06 RagnarLaud is it allowed to move the topic to Mod Releases before its ready?
13:06 thexyz no
13:06 RagnarLaud if so, then please do so
13:06 RagnarLaud oh...
13:06 RagnarLaud ok... :(
13:06 thexyz seems you missed the "releases" part of its name
13:07 RagnarLaud what?
13:07 RagnarLaud if you click on the dl/crafting link, there is a "coming soon" pic...
13:08 RagnarLaud isnt that enought?
13:08 thexyz of course it's enough!
13:08 thexyz moving it right now
13:08 thexyz
13:11 RagnarLaud moving what?
13:11 RagnarLaud wait you can move?
13:11 RagnarLaud and youll move it?
13:12 RagnarLaud wait...
13:12 RagnarLaud oh!
13:12 RagnarLaud thexyz = The XYZ = XYZ?
13:12 RagnarLaud OH!!!
13:12 RagnarLaud NICE :D
13:14 RagnarLaud But i got high...
13:14 RagnarLaud i forgot to make the textures...because i got high... xD
13:15 RagnarLaud btw, what do you think...
13:15 RagnarLaud as a FIRST mod :D
13:15 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:20 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:22 thexyz love those guys
13:24 RagnarLaud john_minetest yeah :D
13:24 RagnarLaud but idk how to...
13:24 milan_ joined #minetest
13:26 RagnarLaud oh yeah :D
13:26 RagnarLaud or...
13:26 PilzAdam thexyz, cant understand anything but its still nice
13:26 RagnarLaud maybe make a random text generator for shout priv, while high...
13:27 thexyz PilzAdam: enable subtitles
13:27 RagnarLaud so if i say like "Hi, PilzAdam" it says "gu OukxSfgb"
13:27 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:36 RagnarLaud awesome
13:37 RagnarLaud john_minetest: hey mind helping me with that?
13:46 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:53 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:53 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:55 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on #minetest's head
13:57 * john_minetest adds a rainbow and pop-tart. NYAN!
13:57 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:57 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:57 NekoGloop joined #minetest
14:04 whirm joined #minetest
14:05 * NekoGloop punts a kitten at #minetest
14:06 * PilzAdam puts a dog to the cat
14:08 NekoGloop You're mushroom guy, not dog guy
14:11 whirm joined #minetest
14:11 RagnarLaud PilzAdam: hey can you help me for a sec?
14:11 PilzAdam dunno
14:11 RagnarLaud PilzAdam: i think i just found a bug...
14:11 RagnarLaud farming:add_plant("drugs:tobaccaplant", {"drugs:tobaccaplant_1",
14:11 q66 joined #minetest
14:12 RagnarLaud what do i do with the farming:
14:12 RagnarLaud or do i keep it...
14:12 PilzAdam leave it as is
14:12 RagnarLaud oh ok
14:12 RagnarLaud thanks
14:12 PilzAdam and add "farming" to depends.txt
14:12 RagnarLaud oh ok :D
14:14 KikaRz joined #minetest
14:14 KikaRz Back
14:14 KikaRz Hi VanessaE, hi everyone
14:14 simion314 joined #minetest
14:15 RagnarLaud hey PilzAdam
14:15 RagnarLaud isnt farming upstream?
14:15 PilzAdam its not
14:16 whirm joined #minetest
14:17 RagnarLaud oh...
14:17 RagnarLaud well it should be... :(
14:22 whirm joined #minetest
14:25 SpeedProg joined #minetest
14:31 RealBadAngel hello everyone
14:32 RagnarLaud hi!
14:32 RagnarLaud hey RealBadAngel
14:33 RagnarLaud what if the textures are .jpg, if i describe that in the init.lua as texturename.jpg, does it work?
14:35 RagnarLaud never mind :D
14:36 whirm joined #minetest
14:36 KikaRz RealBadAngel, hi :)
14:41 RagnarLaud [Mod]Drugs[drugs] 0.0.5 has just been released!
14:41 KikaRz ...
14:41 KikaRz you kidding me? -.-
14:41 RagnarLaud nope!
14:41 RagnarLaud
14:41 KikaRz ...
14:41 KikaRz I dislike links.
14:42 RagnarLaud what?
14:42 KikaRz nothing.
14:44 RagnarLaud I HAVE EARNED $0.00200
14:44 RagnarLaud YAY XD
14:44 RagnarLaud FOR 1 VISIT :D
14:45 RagnarLaud :3 i love AdFly :3
14:46 KikaRz shut up.
14:46 KikaRz i have 644.4333$ by Machinima
14:46 KikaRz and 53.43$ by TGN Portugal
14:46 RagnarLaud so?!
14:46 RagnarLaud well im 13 :D'
14:46 RagnarLaud youre 21/22 xD
14:46 KikaRz so, you can't have money.
14:47 RagnarLaud why not!
14:47 RagnarLaud xD
14:47 KikaRz Credit card.
14:47 RagnarLaud i have a credit card you moron!
14:47 KikaRz If you're 13.
14:47 KikaRz -.-
14:47 KikaRz you cant
14:48 RealBadAngel Gretid Gard?
14:48 KikaRz Idk what's a Gretid card.
14:48 RagnarLaud LOL
14:48 RagnarLaud i can you asshole!
14:48 RagnarLaud im not where you are!
14:48 KikaRz No Flamming.
14:48 RagnarLaud im from estonia!
14:48 RagnarLaud flamming?
14:48 RealBadAngel when u cant have Credit Card you get Gredid Card
14:48 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:49 RagnarLaud LOL
14:49 iqualfragile hi b!4tc35
14:49 KikaRz Flamming is when you tell Offensive Words to someone. (like: YOU MORON! YOU ASSHOLE)
14:49 KikaRz hi iqualfragile
14:49 RealBadAngel hi iqualfragile
14:50 PilzAdam hi iqualfragile
14:50 iqualfragile hi guys :D
14:50 PilzAdam
14:50 KikaRz and girl
14:50 iqualfragile KikaRz:  see "hi b!4tc35"
14:51 RagnarLaud COME ON!!!
14:51 RagnarLaud WHY
14:51 KikaRz shut you you nawb.
14:51 iqualfragile RagnarLaud: stop the capslock
14:51 KikaRz SHUT UP YOU NAWB!
14:51 RagnarLaud ok :(
14:51 RagnarLaud CAPS L0Ck
14:51 PilzAdam Do not earns money from an Open Source project; thats my opinion
14:51 RagnarLaud K1Ck
14:51 RagnarLaud ok :(
14:52 RagnarLaud if i remove my adfly link, will you delete ur post?
14:52 PilzAdam yep
14:52 RagnarLaud oh wait!
14:52 iqualfragile PilzAdam: … hmm… if he would realy be the author it would be allright i guess (depending on the size of the mod)
14:52 RagnarLaud why not earn line 0.002 $ from 1 view?
14:53 PilzAdam its 99.9% code from me
14:53 RagnarLaud :(
14:53 RagnarLaud but it was my idea :(
14:53 RagnarLaud and im going to credit you in a sec
14:53 thexyz PilzAdam:
14:53 thexyz i've fixed something
14:53 thexyz now it's threaded
14:53 KikaRz RagnarLaud, you too young to win Money by internet .
14:53 PilzAdam im on -dev, you dont have to double post
14:53 thexyz ok
14:54 thexyz so, ambience loads in ~20 seconds for me now
14:54 thexyz using 8 fetch threads
14:54 PilzAdam im not gonna test this right now
14:54 thexyz ok
14:54 PilzAdam just remove this curl package
14:55 PilzAdam *removed
14:55 thexyz why?
14:55 iqualfragile w00t?
14:55 RagnarLaud btw, i hate you adam!
14:55 iqualfragile one does not simply remove curl
14:55 RagnarLaud bye!
14:55 iqualfragile go to hell
14:55 PilzAdam iqualfragile, only the -dev package
14:55 iqualfragile ah, ok
14:55 thexyz still
14:55 PilzAdam I dont need it
14:56 thexyz what are you running your linux from, a floppy?
14:56 PilzAdam + depdendecies it was over 19 MB
14:56 thexyz oh
14:56 thexyz that's strange
14:56 thexyz afaik, -dev one only contains include dir
14:56 KikaRz Yay, young puto saiu.
14:56 thexyz still
14:56 thexyz package size is 891.1 kB for amd64
14:57 thexyz well, whatever, it's not windows, you don't have to immediately remove stuff you don't need
14:57 thexyz anyone else willing to test?
15:01 KikaRz amd64, not ixxx
15:05 thexyz that's not fun, how can minetestserver eat up to 70% of core i7-2600 when 7 players are online?
15:05 thexyz up to 90% actually
15:06 thexyz (though i use pretty old version, 20120606 one)
15:06 PilzAdam why do people use old versions?
15:06 thexyz you mean, this one was fixed?
15:07 PilzAdam no
15:07 thexyz also, what is >Congestion control parameters?
15:07 PilzAdam its something about the network
15:07 thexyz can it improve perfomance?
15:07 PilzAdam the package send limit or so
15:09 KikaRz guys
15:09 KikaRz can you translate me: surdo (PT) to english?
15:10 KikaRz (a person that can't listen )
15:17 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:18 whirm KikaRz: deaf
15:18 KikaRz i know that is defficient
15:18 whirm no man...
15:18 whirm
15:18 Penguin joined #minetest
15:20 Penguin Hi Can Someone Help Me What Fourm Would I Post 0.4.4 Skins
15:21 PilzAdam Texture Packs
15:21 Penguin Thanks
15:30 celeron55 joined #minetest
15:30 KikaRz Who can come to VanessaE's server to explain me mesecons?
15:30 KikaRz hi celeron55.
15:30 moltenbot joined #minetest
15:37 babyface1031 joined #minetest
15:37 KikaRz VanessaE
15:40 babyface1031 hi everyone
15:41 simion314 joined #minetest
15:43 babyface1031 where can i get the 0.4.4 that OldCoder has on his server
15:43 KikaRz
15:44 KikaRz there is a 0.44.
15:44 KikaRz *0.4.4 client
15:44 babyface1031 ok ty
15:44 KikaRz or
15:44 KikaRz i guess
15:44 KikaRz .zip
15:48 celeron55 joined #minetest
15:49 iqualfragile in wich file is the abm wich changes saplings into trees?
15:50 iqualfragile KikaRz:
15:50 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Mesecons
15:50 KikaRz iqualfragile, i didn't said about that.
15:51 Jordach joined #minetest
15:51 Jordach left #minetest
15:52 KikaRz Hi Jordach, Bye Jordach
15:56 KikaRz guys, how i install java?
15:57 KikaRz im developing an app for android, iOS and etc
15:57 KikaRz and i need to try it in linux
15:58 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:58 KikaRz Hi NekoGloop
15:58 Jordach joined #minetest
15:58 KikaRz Hi Jordach
15:58 * Jordach laughs evilly
15:58 * NekoGloop punts a kitten at KikaRz
15:59 KikaRz NekoGloop, I'm already a kitten.
15:59 Jordach NekoGloop, cloaks ftw
16:01 celeron55 joined #minetest
16:02 KikaRz Jordach, you will see in 5 min
16:03 KikaRz joined #minetest
16:04 KikaRz left #minetest
16:04 KikaRz joined #minetest
16:04 Zeg9 joined #minetest
16:04 KikaRz Jordach, now you can see. unaffiliated/kikarz
16:04 KikaRz :)
16:04 Zeg9 Hello
16:04 KikaRz Hi Zeg9
16:05 Jordach hello Zeg9
16:07 PilzAdam can the client's c++ code access the settings of the server?
16:07 Jordach nope#
16:07 Jordach unless they are the admin, with /setting
16:08 KikaRz /set
16:08 PilzAdam I mean does the client now if the server has enable_damage = false
16:08 PilzAdam (in the c++ code)
16:08 KikaRz PilzAdam, you can set by the client (server priv needed)
16:09 KikaRz then you will put: /set enable_damage = false/true
16:09 PilzAdam -_-
16:09 NekoGloop Retards
16:09 NekoGloop Retards everywhere
16:10 PilzAdam KikaRz, i want to now how to do it in the *code*
16:10 PilzAdam i know how to set it in the chat
16:10 KikaRz NekoGloop, put your keyboard in your a** then you will see where are the retards.
16:11 NekoGloop The above sentence couldnt possibly have worse grammar.
16:13 KikaRz :'(
16:13 KikaRz Im scared.
16:13 NekoGloop Good
16:13 KikaRz Too much wind outside (130 KM/h)
16:13 KikaRz NekoGloop, not scared from you. from the weather
16:14 RealBadAngel time to unpack flying tools
16:15 RealBadAngel heres not so windy, just cold
16:15 RealBadAngel -10 by now
16:16 KikaRz
16:16 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Instituto de Meteorologia, IP Portugal
16:16 KikaRz thats not spanish, thats portuguese
16:17 RealBadAngel damn you
16:17 KikaRz you talking for me or for NekoGloop?
16:17 RealBadAngel you
16:17 KikaRz what i did to you?
16:18 RealBadAngel you have +20 circa
16:18 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:18 KikaRz circa?
16:18 RealBadAngel well, 10 to 20
16:18 RealBadAngel i do have -10
16:18 KikaRz no, i have 5ºC (minimal)
16:19 KikaRz and 11ºc (maximal)
16:19 RealBadAngel still, way more than we do have here
16:19 NekoGloop Then stop living at the north pole
16:19 RealBadAngel hehe
16:19 KikaRz you dont have wind.
16:19 * NekoGloop punts a kitten at rba
16:20 RealBadAngel i could swap 20degs in plus for a little wind
16:20 KikaRz RealBadAngel, im going to install teamviewer
16:21 KikaRz first tell me: how to install java?
16:21 RealBadAngel google knows
16:21 Zeg9 teamviewer ? java ?
16:21 Zeg9 Why you need java for teamviewer ?
16:21 KikaRz ... Not for that -.-'
16:21 * Zeg9 is out :D
16:21 KikaRz it's a project
16:21 KikaRz that im developing (not gaming)
16:22 thexyz google is your friend
16:23 NekoGloop Course, you could just use windows.
16:23 KikaRz NekoGloop: windows sucks.
16:23 KikaRz NekoGloop: windows sucks.
16:23 RealBadAngel example:
16:23 moltenbot RealBadAngel's link: Install Oracle Java 7 in Ubuntu via PPA Repository ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
16:24 NekoGloop KikaRz: Then why are there so many games developed exclusively for it?
16:24 KikaRz cause you're noob.
16:24 RealBadAngel $
16:24 KikaRz you don't know make them work into linux -.-
16:24 RealBadAngel all have coins instead of eyes
16:25 RealBadAngel its called business little kitty
16:26 KikaRz Yea.
16:26 RealBadAngel all is about to get as much money as possible out of you, happy consumer
16:27 Jordach well
16:27 Jordach minecrap at first was very very cheap
16:27 NekoGloop Why do they care? They dont get money from you buying windows.
16:28 RealBadAngel stop blaming Notch there, hes indie developer
16:28 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:29 thexyz NekoGloop: windows is too insecure to use this days
16:29 RealBadAngel windows is good at one thing
16:29 celeron55_ joined #minetest
16:30 RealBadAngel its a demo of an os
16:30 RealBadAngel it shows how real OSes could work to the folks
16:30 RealBadAngel except for that of course its only a demo
16:31 KikaRz Aaaa
16:31 KikaRz got a problem
16:31 KikaRz E: O pacote teamviewer necessita ser reinstalado, mas não foi possível encontrar um repositório para o mesmo.
16:31 mauvebic windows has been insecure since 2000/ME lol
16:31 NekoGloop Windows is a real OS.
16:31 KikaRz The package teamviewer needs to be reinstalled, but could not be possible to find one repository for it.
16:32 RealBadAngel people are made dumb by the corporations
16:32 KikaRz NekoGloop, just put it in your a*s and smile.
16:32 RealBadAngel one rule, if im a producer of something
16:33 RealBadAngel i will make anythin to sell you my product
16:33 RealBadAngel lies included
16:33 mauvebic they're all real OSes, just diff varieties of bad lol
16:33 KikaRz Faaak!
16:33 NekoGloop This is the kind of community that doesnt want content from someone who uses a real OS.
16:34 RealBadAngel first rule when you will attempt to be a seller of anythin
16:34 mauvebic i dont think people here care what OS you use except for a few zealots
16:34 RealBadAngel customer is our enemy
16:34 RealBadAngel he has our money
16:34 RealBadAngel we shall do anythin to force him to give it to us
16:35 mauvebic there's always communist china?
16:35 celeron55_ NekoGloop: this is the kind of community that has people who think the community is two people that happen to be against them
16:35 RealBadAngel no
16:35 RealBadAngel thats real life
16:35 RealBadAngel thats how they train the workers
16:35 NekoGloop celeron55_: you, rba, mauvebic, kikarz, vanessa... Need i go on?
16:36 NekoGloop Some are more subtle in their hate of anyone who uses windows.
16:36 KikaRz NekoGloop, vanessa is offline.
16:36 RealBadAngel i was takin part in such shit
16:36 KikaRz not offline
16:36 KikaRz is away.
16:36 mauvebic ianno, the last political conversation (involving animals i think) didnt end too well
16:36 mauvebic maybe we should end this here lol
16:36 NekoGloop And there's always the retard known as KikaRz.
16:36 KikaRz rba, go query
16:36 RealBadAngel all resellers were trained like that
16:37 KikaRz fuck you NekoGloop. i'm tired of you. and maybe more people are.
16:37 NekoGloop KikaRz: Learn to understand the damn english language.
16:37 mauvebic not everyone is native english speaker
16:37 NekoGloop I wasnt talking to her.
16:37 NekoGloop Nor did i even intend to ping her.
16:38 KikaRz NekoGloop, I'm not talking "bad" english.
16:38 mauvebic john_minetest perhaps we should setup a poll for that lol
16:38 iqualfragile in wich file is the abm wich changes saplings into trees?
16:38 NekoGloop KikaRz: Yeah, but you cant understand good english
16:38 KikaRz NekoGloop, i'm without host. (i'm in my friend's house)
16:38 KikaRz his net is satelite.
16:38 NekoGloop KikaRz: This is relavent how?
16:39 KikaRz Now, you are talking bad english, not me.
16:39 mauvebic id call it minetest-retarded but these days saying retarded is worse than dropping the n-bomb
16:39 KikaRz !define relavent
16:39 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: En Suisse, laver la vaisselle après le repas.
16:39 KikaRz That's Swedish.
16:39 NekoGloop relate. relavent.
16:39 NekoGloop English ^
16:39 KikaRz *relevant
16:39 * VanessaE peeks in
16:39 KikaRz *revelant.
16:39 VanessaE what'd I miss?
16:39 mauvebic not much lol
16:40 KikaRz Hi VanessaE, a discussion with NekoGloop.
16:40 VanessaE oh
16:40 mauvebic lol
16:40 mauvebic oh says it all
16:40 NekoGloop relavent is the proper way of saying it.
16:40 KikaRz relavent = washing the plates, etc.
16:41 NekoGloop revelant? wtf does that mean.
16:41 KikaRz !define revelant
16:41 moltenbot no definition found, try to use 'thinking'
16:42 KikaRz !define !relevant
16:42 moltenbot no definition found, try to use 'thinking'
16:42 KikaRz !define relevant
16:42 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: relevant definition: having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand.
16:42 KikaRz you see? revelant and relevant are completely different things.
16:42 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: not on the topic of discussion; far from the general subject of a discussion; not part of the purpose of a particular communication channel, such as an Internet newsgroup.
16:42 mauvebic !define retarded
16:42 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: retardation definition: an act or instance of retarding.
16:42 Dopium joined #minetest
16:42 KikaRz !define NekoGloop
16:42 moltenbot no definition found, try to use 'thinking'
16:42 thexyz NekoGloop: what's your native language?
16:43 KikaRz swedish maybe.
16:43 NekoGloop english.
16:43 thexyz KikaRz: stop abusing the bot
16:43 KikaRz you sure?
16:43 KikaRz thexyz, i'm not.
16:44 NekoGloop !define relate
16:44 NekoGloop Oh, right.
16:44 KikaRz *related
16:45 NekoGloop moltenbot is ignoring me.
16:45 KikaRz Because you may be retarted.
16:45 mauvebic retarted? lol
16:46 mauvebic or just a tart?
16:46 KikaRz (im writing the form of him)
16:46 mauvebic ahh lol
16:46 NekoGloop No, you just can't spell.
16:46 KikaRz retarded it's the right form.
16:46 KikaRz Your  english is 40% correct .
16:46 mauvebic nekogloop focus less on people and more on code :-)
16:47 NekoGloop My code is shit, so what purpose would that serve?
16:47 mauvebic you spend all your time here fighting with people
16:47 mauvebic if you put that time into your code imagine what you'd have
16:47 NekoGloop More shit?
16:47 mauvebic put yourself down if you want
16:48 KikaRz mauvebic
16:48 mauvebic but you seem to be putting others down for the same reason
16:48 KikaRz going to create new blocks
16:48 KikaRz then programing them
16:48 KikaRz (how i can make slabs?)
16:48 NekoGloop You don't.
16:48 KikaRz Shut up NekoGloop.
16:48 thexyz well, NekoGloop seems only to be capable of whining ATM
16:49 mauvebic slabs? half the stairs mods have em kikarz including the default if im not mistaken
16:49 NekoGloop Someone make wallmounted slabs. And then do placement like redpower.
16:49 KikaRz default have them too
16:49 NekoGloop Now.
16:50 KikaRz (guess im going to destroy NekoGloop's house.)
16:50 NekoGloop I dont have one.
16:50 KikaRz oh right, you live in the street.
16:50 NekoGloop I live in a hole in the ground.
16:50 KikaRz without beds
16:50 Calinou joined #minetest
16:51 NekoGloop Stop explaining your life.
16:51 NekoGloop We don't care.
16:52 Calinou no u
16:53 NekoGloop thexyz: I take it you were the one who wiped my farewell post, as well?
16:53 KikaRz NekoGloop, do you want to start having problems? I guess yes.
16:53 thexyz NekoGloop: umm?
16:54 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: not on the topic of discussion; far from the general subject of a discussion; not part of the purpose of a particular communication channel, such as an Internet newsgroup.
16:54 KikaRz I heard that Windows it's the most unprotected OS.
16:55 KikaRz john_minetest, go make your homework.
16:55 NekoGloop What the hell does that even mean.
16:55 mauvebic i dont know how some people sit on this channel 24hrs a day every day lol id go insane
16:56 Calinou NekoGloop: that's not a question
16:56 NekoGloop Calinou: Exactly.
16:56 thexyz NekoGloop: what topic were you talking about?
16:56 NekoGloop A ponderance.
16:56 NekoGloop thexyz: The one that got wiped mere seconds after i posted it.
16:56 KikaRz And a Warning.
16:57 thexyz well, I don't remember this, but I guess you may be right
16:57 mauvebic can we have a sticky thread called 'The Sign-Out Book" where people can post their goodbyes?
16:57 KikaRz john_minetest, he started. not me.
16:57 mauvebic better than a bunch of threads
16:57 NekoGloop KikaRz: And you continued it for what, an hour?
16:58 KikaRz NekoGloop, Stfu and go get some sleep .
16:58 KikaRz -- End of Thread --
16:58 NekoGloop It's noon for pete's sake...
16:59 * KikaRz is installing some apps.
16:59 KikaRz DangerCoder = OldCoder.
16:59 KikaRz He changed his name.
17:00 mauvebic anyone heard from neuromancer lately?
17:00 NekoGloop Only mac uses call applications "apps"
17:00 NekoGloop users*
17:00 NekoGloop Fuck this keyboard. So damn picky.
17:00 Calinou how can you fuck keyboards...
17:00 mauvebic sticky keys... lol
17:01 Calinou john_minetest: how do BSD users call these, then?
17:01 NekoGloop i just fuck you all and call them what they are: "applications"
17:01 Calinou must be "apps" since OS X is so famous :>
17:02 KikaRz NekoGloop, fuck off.
17:02 KikaRz I'm not a Mac user. so, shut up.
17:03 Calinou KikaRz: be nice to other people in the channel, please, there's no need for insults.
17:03 KikaRz Calinou, i'm tired of him.
17:03 Calinou john_minetest: depends on your client, on xchat it's /ignore <nick> ALL
17:03 Calinou KikaRz: there is still no need for insults :)
17:03 Calinou ignore him if you want
17:03 KikaRz NekoGloop is now ignored.
17:03 mauvebic there are plenty of polite ways to insult people anyhow
17:04 mauvebic like telling a woman she looks "smart"
17:04 NekoGloop Good god. I thought i'd never be rid of kika.
17:06 simion314 joined #minetest
17:07 celeron55_ NekoGloop: can you seriously suggest i hate people who use windows while i am roughly the only one who insist on having everything in minetest reasonably support windows and compile windows versions with microsoft's compilers?
17:08 celeron55_ get real
17:08 celeron55_ i mean, of course i hate windows, but i hate linux and osx and everything else too
17:09 celeron55_ and those aren't the people who use them
17:09 celeron55_ they are the OSes
17:11 VanessaE Since I was mentioned earlier today in this subject, I don't generally hate people either (not even you, NekoGloop  ;-) ) regardless of the OS they use.  I just hate the OS. :-)
17:11 Jordach i'll use anything that supports my needs
17:12 NekoGloop ...
17:15 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:16 harrison joined #minetest
17:17 iqualfragile forum-admins spambots, spambots everywhere (please delet)
17:17 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: nevkick's profile - Minetest Forums
17:17 youlysses joined #minetest
17:17 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
17:17 iqualfragile ( Calinou VanessaE celeron55_ sfan5 thexyz ) see above
17:18 thexyz nice report, >Modding General : [Mod] Drugs [drugs] : Post #56838
17:18 thexyz Spam/AdFly
17:18 PilzAdam heh
17:19 Calinou done
17:19 VanessaE done.
17:19 Calinou thexyz: should we keep adfly links?
17:19 Calinou adfly is terrible
17:19 PilzAdam I thought you dont read the reports
17:19 NekoGloop No they dont
17:19 NekoGloop They just undeniably ban.
17:19 Zeg9 just edit them and replace by their target
17:19 thexyz Calinou: can we `wget` those and receive files?
17:20 sema4 joined #minetest
17:21 Calinou nopez
17:21 Calinou and adblock sometimes even fails to block sound-playing ads (happened once to me)
17:22 mauvebic flashblock will block those
17:23 mauvebic noscript too
17:23 Calinou who uses firefox in 2012
17:23 KikaRz Me.
17:23 mauvebic ? i have those on chrome
17:23 KikaRz Chrome lags my pc
17:23 Calinou chromium > chrome
17:24 KikaRz Firefox plays faster the Youtube movies / films / videos
17:24 mauvebic chrome,chromium, iron, wtv lol
17:24 mauvebic back in the 90s browsers were browsers (not portable OSes lol)
17:25 Calinou KikaRz: youtube-dl > youtube
17:25 iqualfragile firefox
17:25 mauvebic now you need a dozen blockers to read a page in peace lol
17:25 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
17:26 iqualfragile Calinou: youtube-dl | mplayer
17:27 Zeg9 Firefox here too
17:27 Zeg9 mauvebic, welcome to what people did to web
17:27 PilzAdam is there an browser poll?
17:27 mauvebic just an hero
17:27 Zeg9 It seems so
17:27 PilzAdam Firefox
17:28 KikaRz Calinou, can't.
17:28 mauvebic what i miss abouty 90's web: people made real fansites with more detail than most wiki pages lol
17:29 Zeg9 Yeah but ... ads won't be here, flash stuff too,... but... no "good css" or other nice stuff
17:30 * PilzAdam is a fan of HTML5
17:30 Zeg9 "HTML5 by microsoft" according to sourceforge xD
17:31 mauvebic lol microsoft aint the enemy anymore, thats really 90's. apple is
17:31 KikaRz HTML5 sucks (if its from Microsoft)
17:31 Zeg9 It isn't from microsoft
17:31 Zeg9 but sourceforge is sponsored by microsoft, so...
17:32 Calinou ms uses github too :D
17:32 mauvebic when gates left and stevie came back the tables pretty much turned
17:32 Calinou mauvebic: not really
17:32 Calinou stuff is still bad
17:32 Zeg9 But you know, microsoft helped in kernel 3.0...
17:32 mauvebic both are bad
17:32 Zeg9 ...maybe for their virtual machine project
17:32 mauvebic it was always a matter of marketing and controlling the market
17:33 mauvebic ballmer is inept at both
17:33 mauvebic steve was good at it but hes gone now
17:33 Calinou the only products that work are windows and office because they're selling it forcibly
17:33 KikaRz TeamViewer 8 is now installed
17:33 Calinou "work" in a commercial way
17:33 Calinou KikaRz: woo! another user of proprietary evil software!
17:34 KikaRz no, im not a user
17:34 PilzAdam Idea: recreate the Minetest article here:
17:34 KikaRz just a destroyer
17:34 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: Meaning of life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
17:34 KikaRz
17:34 KikaRz '-'
17:34 mauvebic it works because companies can call someone when shit breaks and not be told 'FIY' lol
17:34 Calinou KikaRz: ask the WP admins
17:34 Calinou i'm too annoying for them..
17:35 iqualfragile KikaRz:
17:35 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Minetest-c55 - Wikipedia
17:36 marktraceur KikaRz: Don't ask, just make the article!
17:36 PilzAdam KikaRz, learn german and read the german article; its absolutly worth it!
17:37 Calinou marktraceur: so that it'll be deleted because not notable?
17:37 Calinou +it's
17:37 Calinou that's what happened before, we had a good article
17:38 mauvebic wikipedia doesnt seem to have a lot of pages on OSS games :/
17:39 marktraceur Calinou: If further people make good articles, then it's less likely to be deleted.
17:39 mauvebic im more used to looking on for that
17:39 marktraceur Calinou: Iterating, too, is good.
17:39 Calinou marktraceur: see the "article for deletion" about minetest
17:40 Calinou as i'm too lazy to make another WP account, as soon as I contribute to it the article will be removed
17:40 Calinou (plus, coming with decent fakenames is hard!)
17:40 youlysses What license is the artwork under? I want to upload a package for NixOS assuming it's not already avaliable. :-)
17:40 Calinou mauvebic: 2007 was the year of foss gaming, you could make an artcile about a foss game with zero sources and it stayed there
17:40 Calinou eg. armagetron advanced
17:41 Calinou youlysses: a mix of WTFPL, CC BY, CC BY SA
17:41 Calinou the most strict one being CC BY SA
17:41 mauvebic 2007 was the peak of linux too, i never got physical with computers back then
17:41 mauvebic thank god for cheap keyboards
17:41 PilzAdam youlysses, and cc-0
17:41 youlysses I guess I need to look into it, and see if it's compatible with the hydra build system (license wise). :-P
17:42 marktraceur Calinou: I fear I'd have a complicated time of things if I tried to build an article
17:42 marktraceur Calinou: I'm part of the project, credited and all, so
17:42 Calinou there is already one article
17:42 Calinou *plugs USB drive and gets the wikicode of the old article*
17:43 VanessaE bbl
17:43 mauvebic youd need to run the article through a thesaurus and change a few dots and commas to make it look newish
17:45 KikaRz VanessaE, if you were liking chocolate... i was giving you 4 boxes
17:45 KikaRz i have 12 in here.
17:45 Calinou erm, looks like i don't have it
17:45 Calinou john_minetest: it's called java
17:47 Zeg9 Yeah, in python you need to format your code great, to make it run
17:47 Zeg9 :D
17:48 KikaRz lol
17:48 * Calinou got crushed by a python standard library
17:48 KikaRz Meaning of Death
17:48 KikaRz what it says?
17:49 mauvebic monty python
17:51 mauvebic cop a feel?
17:52 mauvebic :P
17:52 mauvebic thats more than i know how to do lol
17:54 mauvebic they quit fightin a while ago anyhoo
17:54 mauvebic thank the gods
17:54 babyface1031 joined #minetest
17:58 mauvebic were building this huge-ass mountain with a dwarven city in it
17:58 mauvebic like the timelapse video 'dwarven city'
18:21 PilzAdam Calinou,
18:21 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: [Mod] Drugs [drugs] (Page 1) - Modding General - Minetest Forums
18:22 Calinou yes, i know
18:23 Calinou ah he wanted it to be deleted
18:23 Calinou done
18:25 KikaRz joined #minetest
18:25 KikaRz Fuck.
18:25 KikaRz joined #minetest
18:25 KikaRz my computer crashed
18:27 Calinou old news
18:27 KikaRz let me see if in my language is there
18:27 KikaRz if is not
18:27 KikaRz ill add
18:28 KikaRz it's my language
18:28 KikaRz
18:28 KikaRz Its not
18:28 KikaRz going to add
18:29 KikaRz can i?
18:30 Calinou yes
18:30 Calinou maybe use the german article as a abse
18:31 KikaRz idk german
18:31 Calinou google translate knows german
18:32 KikaRz Gean (discussão | contribs) apagou a página Minetest (20. Impróprio
18:32 KikaRz Gean... who is Gean?
18:33 KikaRz LOL
18:33 KikaRz Wikipedia dont needs email to register
18:33 Calinou no
18:33 Calinou registering is good, though, you should do it :P
18:34 KikaRz lol
18:34 KikaRz Who is fucking Gean?
18:35 KikaRz (meist nur Minetest) = ?
18:35 KikaRz "meist nur" is what?
18:36 PilzAdam KikaRz, mostly
18:36 PilzAdam its german
18:36 KikaRz ok
18:36 KikaRz i know.
18:36 neko259 joined #minetest
18:36 KikaRz i cant use
18:36 KikaRz Freies = ?
18:37 PilzAdam free
18:37 KikaRz Help me translating in Query.
18:37 PilzAdam lets flood the channel ;-)
18:37 KikaRz No. That's restricted.
18:37 KikaRz Whats computerspiel?
18:37 sema4 jargon
18:38 PilzAdam KikaRz, computer game
18:41 KikaRz1 Window
18:41 KikaRz1 List of Ignorated
18:41 KikaRz1 or Ignorated List
18:41 KikaRz1 (in XChat 2)
18:41 KikaRz1 Did you unignorated me already?
18:44 Jeija left #minetest
18:45 Calinou xchat2 is obsolete, use hexchat:
18:45 moltenbot Calinou's link: HexChat
18:45 Calinou xchat (the original one) is also obsolete, it's no longer updated ;)
18:46 Jordach Calinou, /ctcp Jordach version
18:48 KikaRz john_minetest, you unignored me already?
18:48 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
18:48 RagnarLaud Hi
18:48 RagnarLaud Hi john
18:48 FreeFull I wonder if xchat aqua will ever be merged into hexchat
18:49 Zeg9 Hi Ragnar
18:49 RagnarLaud Im using jmirc
18:49 PilzAdam RagnarLaud, still angry?
18:49 RagnarLaud hey zeg
18:49 FreeFull I'm using irssi
18:49 RagnarLaud Not much
18:49 FreeFull But hexchat is what I recommend to other people
18:50 RagnarLaud Btw jmirc is irc on my phone
18:50 KikaRz ...
18:50 KikaRz PilzAdam, its the Rubenwardy thread updated?
18:51 PilzAdam what?
18:51 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:52 Zeg9 I have to go, bbl maybe
18:52 Zeg9 Bye everyone
18:52 KikaRz bbl = ?
18:52 RagnarLaud Bye
18:52 Zeg9 be back later
18:57 KikaRz Guys, i present you... My son.
18:57 KikaRz telek
18:57 KikaRz telek> Mommy!
18:57 KikaRz <KikaRz> Hi sonny :)
18:58 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
18:58 RagnarLaud Im back, lag
18:59 telek What's going on in minetestland?
19:00 RagnarLaud idk
19:00 KikaRz
19:00 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Usuario:Gean - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia livre
19:00 KikaRz Gean is a brazilian user...
19:00 KikaRz what a stupid.
19:00 RagnarLaud Nobody cares
19:01 KikaRz going to report him
19:01 jordan4ibanez
19:01 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: [1.0] Santa! (Page 1) - Modding General - Minetest Forums
19:01 KikaRz RagnarLoud, shut up
19:01 KikaRz He deleted Minetest  (PT wikipedia) info
19:01 RagnarLaud Sir no sir
19:02 RagnarLaud Oo 2 and a half men is on yay
19:02 RagnarLaud Im afm
19:03 sema4 joined #minetest
19:03 RagnarLaud Away from mobile
19:03 RagnarLaud /ME is watching 2 and a half men
19:04 KikaRz stupid.
19:04 telek What's shakin kikarz?
19:04 KikaRz shakin = (a bit same of) Vibrating
19:04 RagnarLaud No im not, i know what to google
19:04 KikaRz stupid.
19:04 RagnarLaud No im not
19:05 KikaRz i didnt called you
19:05 KikaRz i called to 2 and a half gay.
19:05 RagnarLaud Oh ok thanks honey
19:05 youlysses joined #minetest
19:05 jordan4ibanez All the english in here terrible
19:05 MilanFIN joined #minetest
19:06 RagnarLaud Oo kandi left charlies brother
19:06 RagnarLaud hi jordan
19:09 PilzAdam Jordach, nice lets play with mito!
19:09 * Jordach did not not it was out
19:09 * Jordach was playing tekkit for ideas
19:10 Jordach i should make a jar of dirt, for the boat users
19:11 Jordach so scurvy is curable
19:12 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
19:12 RagnarLaud Hi
19:19 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
19:19 RagnarLaud Hi
19:25 KikaRz SHUT THE HELL UP!
19:25 telek Jordach: I thought scurvy was cured with biscuits?
19:25 Jordach nope
19:26 telek Fresh fruit?
19:26 Jordach vitamin c means anti-scurvy
19:26 telek Ahh.
19:26 telek So orange them.
19:27 telek Why does minetest seem so slow when loading worlds with a lot of mods? Checksumming of textures?
19:29 PilzAdam all the media (textures, sounds, etc.) are loaded at startup
19:29 PilzAdam this takes a while
19:29 marktraceur KikaRz: Um, what are you saying shut up about?
19:30 PilzAdam telek, and also if you use preload_item_visuals the inventory items are all rendered at startup
19:31 telek PilzAdam: Good to know. They're always done when I start anyway? (Default on?)
19:31 KikaRz marktraceur, to RagnarLoud
19:31 KikaRz it's annoying
19:32 PilzAdam telek, the inventory images are not rendered when you dont use preload_item_visuals; it makes loading of worlds really fast if the textures are cached
19:32 PilzAdam so only the node definitons need to be loaded
19:33 telek PilzAdam: Oh, interesting! Thanks.
19:33 telek What version was that added?
19:33 PilzAdam 0.4.4
19:34 Jordach shits, i crashed tekkit
19:35 telek PilzAdam: Neat, I'll add it to my conf file then.
19:36 Jordach PilzAdam, is my voice clear enough? or does it need mic specific tuning?
19:36 PilzAdam its in the settings menu
19:36 telek Oh even better.
19:36 PilzAdam Jordach, I can understand you but better sound quality is always welcome
19:36 telek I hope systemd dies a slow painful death.
19:36 Jordach PilzAdam, blame my xbox260 headset
19:36 Jordach 360*
19:37 KikaRz 260...
19:37 KikaRz let me search for that
19:38 marktraceur KikaRz: It's annoying that....he was saying "hi"?
19:38 marktraceur I just read the AfD log for [[:en:Minetest]], that was fascinating
19:38 KikaRz He spanned.
19:39 KikaRz 2 times
19:39 Taoki joined #minetest
19:39 marktraceur KikaRz: 2 messages does not spam make.
19:39 KikaRz joining and leaving
19:40 marktraceur KikaRz: He clearly had connection troubles, that's life
19:40 PilzAdam but he dont have to say "Hi" on all joins
19:41 marktraceur PilzAdam: He doesn't have to, but entering a channel is usually a good time to say "Hi" :)
19:42 PilzAdam but not when pinging out
19:44 KikaRz not that
19:45 Jordach PilzAdam, i had a panic attack this morning
19:45 PilzAdam why?
19:46 Jordach lambmine
19:46 Jordach (yes, i wanna spin it)
19:46 KikaRz Idea for Creative
19:46 KikaRz spin it?
19:46 KikaRz o_o'
19:47 Jordach PilzAdam, there are three computers in this house, all of them being expensive, i dont want ANY OF THEM CMOS hacked or worse
19:47 Jordach thats the reason for the cloak now
19:48 DangerCoder Hi
19:48 Jordach (it also helps that he cant find my ip easy)
19:48 KikaRz ok
19:48 KikaRz good
19:48 KikaRz DangerCoder = OldCoder. Ok People?
19:48 KikaRz DOn't panic
19:48 KikaRz going to dinner!
19:48 DangerCoder Heh
19:48 KikaRz-Dinner BRB
19:48 DangerCoder It is just for a day
19:48 KikaRz-Dinner reason?
19:48 KikaRz-Dinner going to dinner
19:49 telek PilzAdam: Option is already enabled, still as slow as previous versions.
19:49 PilzAdam disable it
19:49 PilzAdam enabled is default
19:49 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
19:49 RagnarLaud Hi
19:49 PilzAdam and was default for every version before 0.4.4
19:49 RagnarLaud Hi adam
19:49 PilzAdam hey
19:49 Jordach DangerCoder, why the danger part?
19:50 RagnarLaud Hi jordach
19:50 Jordach hello
19:50 RagnarLaud im using a java phone to be here lol
19:50 Basstard` joined #minetest
19:51 Jordach RagnarLaud, when i responded to your post under the mito lets plays, i hit yours when i meant to hit mitos quote button
19:51 RagnarLaud Oh ok
19:51 RagnarLaud btw jordach, what do you think about the drugs mod?
19:52 Jordach have not used it
19:53 DangerCoder Jordach, I posted the relevant exchange on my blog. It is simply a fun diversion.
19:54 Jordach Old "Danger" Coder
19:54 * DangerCoder shrugs
19:54 thexyz DangerCoder: you may be interested
19:54 markveidemanis joined #minetest
19:54 moltenbot thexyz's link: Added ability to fetch media from remote server (using cURL library) by xyzz ? Pull Request #354 ? celeron55/minetest ? GitHub
19:54 DangerCoder Not as euphonius
19:54 DangerCoder thexyz, thank you!
19:55 DangerCoder euphonious *
19:55 thexyz minetest_game + ambience loads in ~15 seconds for me now
19:55 DangerCoder thexyz, Sounds good. But is that a default mode or is there a command line switch? I am looking at the diff now.
19:55 thexyz when media_fetch_threads is set to 8 (default)
19:56 thexyz it's enabled by default
19:56 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
19:56 PilzAdam thexyz, is it compatible with servers that not use this?
19:56 thexyz PilzAdam: should be
19:56 thexyz PilzAdam: you can also test and tell me
19:56 PilzAdam clients that not have this connected to servers
19:56 DangerCoder thexyz, is there a way to turn it off? And I will try to build and test Windows version shortly
19:56 thexyz DangerCoder: yes, you just -DENABLE_CURL=0, it
19:56 RagnarLaud Hi im back when i get disconnected then wait for a while
19:57 thexyz it'll also turn itself down when curl libraries are not found
19:57 DangerCoder thexyz, I mean at runtime; startup command line option switch
19:57 DangerCoder I assume not; but that is O.K.
19:57 DangerCoder Just wish to know
19:57 thexyz what do you mean?
19:57 RagnarLaud Hey jordach
19:57 thexyz why do you need to turn it off at runtime?
19:57 DangerCoder thexyz, debug and/or special cases
19:57 DangerCoder But never mind
19:57 RagnarLaud What do t think about drugs mod
19:57 DangerCoder I assume the answer is no
19:57 DangerCoder On with the show
19:58 DangerCoder I will try a Windows build today
19:58 thexyz so, server should have remote_media setting set to URL where media is located
19:58 DangerCoder thexyz, example?
19:58 thexyz
19:58 thexyz all files should be accessible like
19:58 RagnarLaud Hi thexyz
19:58 thexyz hello
19:58 DangerCoder thexyz, where would that be relative to minetest_game folder?
19:59 DangerCoder Isn't the media scattered about?
19:59 thexyz all textures/sounds/etc have different names, so that's not a problem
19:59 RagnarLaud Drugs beta is out did t know thexyz
19:59 thexyz you should copy everything from textures/, sounds/, models/ (something else?)
19:59 DangerCoder thexyz, not following. There is no single folder where the media is.
19:59 DangerCoder O.K.
19:59 thexyz yes
19:59 DangerCoder thexyz, so you are indicating that files should be symlinked into a single folder.
19:59 RagnarLaud Have t tried it yet
20:00 thexyz DangerCoder: right
20:00 DangerCoder thexyz, they are not all uniquely named though I think
20:00 thexyz they are
20:00 DangerCoder Is this the actual case?
20:00 DangerCoder Very well. Can try it
20:00 DangerCoder john_minetest, Hi!
20:00 RagnarLaud Well have you thexyz
20:01 thexyz RagnarLaud: link?
20:01 DangerCoder thexyz, I will attempt a build today. You will be asleep. I will let you know.
20:01 sema4 most people prefix the textures like modname_texturename.png, but some do not
20:01 thexyz DangerCoder: ok
20:01 thexyz i already tried to build it for windows
20:01 DangerCoder sema4, One solution might be to omit those files and let them default to usual mode
20:01 DangerCoder thexyz, would that work ^
20:01 thexyz gave up, DLL hell and then access violation in trans_func
20:02 DangerCoder thexyz, if I detect overlapping names and do not symlink either copy what will happen?
20:02 thexyz DangerCoder: there are NO overlapping names
20:02 DangerCoder thexyz, see sema4 remark above
20:02 thexyz so what?
20:02 thexyz still
20:02 thexyz there're no overlapping names, period
20:03 thexyz if there are, server just sends some file
20:03 DangerCoder thexyz, you have worked and spent time. Thank you. I will attempt builds and report results.
20:03 thexyz ok
20:03 DangerCoder thexyz, humor me and answer a question.
20:03 DangerCoder If I omit a symlink will file be sent the usual way or will the server not fall back?
20:03 thexyz it will be send the usual way
20:03 DangerCoder Good
20:04 DangerCoder So this approach sits on top of the usual one?
20:04 DangerCoder And there is fallback
20:04 DangerCoder That is well
20:04 * DangerCoder nods
20:04 DangerCoder Sounds like something fun to try. I will do so.
20:04 thexyz yes, though it's better to use it for everything, that'll decrease server load
20:04 DangerCoder thexyz, yes. This is a technical question. Useful to know.
20:05 KikaRz-Dinner back
20:05 KikaRz-Dinner omg,
20:05 KikaRz-Dinner i'm shocked.
20:06 khor joined #minetest
20:06 KikaRz That shooter killed 18 kids
20:06 KikaRz :'(
20:07 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
20:13 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
20:13 RagnarLaud Hi
20:13 RagnarLaud John query me
20:15 * DangerCoder is going for an errand and is sorry to hear about events. Back for all day in 30 to 90 minutes.
20:20 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
20:20 RagnarLaud Hi
20:21 paxcoder joined #minetest
20:21 paxcoder who griefed baembaem at gameboom's servers?
20:22 KikaRz I didnt
20:23 KikaRz RagnarLaud, stop spamming joining, leaving etc.
20:23 paxcoder by the looks of it, someone played with lava around my forest
20:23 EqualsRagnar joined #minetest
20:23 EqualsRagnar Hi
20:23 paxcoder the whole ceiling was made of black-coloured wood
20:23 paxcoder it caught on fire
20:23 paxcoder burned entirely
20:24 paxcoder the nook burned too
20:24 EqualsRagnar Yeah no shit
20:24 paxcoder and even some of the inside
20:24 EqualsRagnar You dont say
20:25 paxcoder so who played with lava?
20:25 EqualsRagnar I did
20:25 paxcoder rose fence burned too in part
20:25 EqualsRagnar ikr
20:30 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
20:30 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
20:31 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
20:32 * RagnarLaud is watching jackass 3.5
20:34 server__ joined #minetest
20:34 realbadangel_ joined #minetest
20:35 Muadtralk1 joined #minetest
20:35 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:40 rsiska joined #minetest
20:41 paxcoder alright, so whoever burned it owes me (at least) 648 black wood, 132 saplings, 126 normal wood (though there was jungle wood involved too)
20:43 KikaRz not my problem.
20:43 KikaRz * RagnarLaud is watching jackass 3.5
20:43 KikaRz * RagnarLaud saiu (Remote host closed the connection)
20:47 roboman2444 joined #minetest
20:49 Muadtralk joined #minetest
20:49 marktraceur KikaRz: Don't harass someone who's having connection problems
20:49 KikaRz NOT ME
20:49 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
20:49 KikaRz How he cant have network problems, if its loading films and etc in the mobile?
20:49 KikaRz ...
20:49 paxcoder marktraceur, don't harass someone who has trolling problems
20:50 paxcoder marktraceur, don't harass someone who has spamming problems
20:50 paxcoder harras.
20:50 RagnarLaud Im watching jackass 3 and im laughting my ass off xD
20:50 marktraceur KikaRz: It happens. We just live with it. You can always turn of join/leave notifications for him if you want.
20:50 KikaRz !define offtopic
20:50 KikaRz moltenbot is offline.
20:50 RagnarLaud Who
20:50 paxcoder RagnarLaud, but you STILL want attention
20:51 marktraceur RagnarLaud: KikaRz is right about that, your film habits aren't really on topic.
20:51 paxcoder RagnarLaud, I can sell you a pill, looks like aspirin but i added attention in it. When you take it, so much attention hits you that you blush.
20:51 RagnarLaud Why yes, yes i do
20:51 paxcoder $400 per pill
20:51 paxcoder no guarantees (GPL)
20:51 paxcoder you get the ingredients, of course
20:52 RagnarLaud So its like ill pay you 400 bucks, and MAYBE ill live after that
20:52 paxcoder you can check the ingredients first
20:53 RagnarLaud Yo sup
20:53 paxcoder but your survival is not guaranteed, that's right
20:53 RagnarLaud Tomorrow 0.1.0 will be released
20:54 KikaRz ...
20:55 Muadtralk will it be used in conjunction with the weed mod?
20:58 KikaRz you forgot one
20:58 KikaRz cocain
21:06 paxcoder umm.. are you sure?
21:12 Jordach huh.
21:14 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
21:14 RagnarLaud Hi
21:15 RagnarLaud Is john_minetest here?
21:16 paxcoder what cuts trees best?
21:16 Muadtralk mese picks
21:17 paxcoder mese picks suck for the job
21:17 Muadtralk instant destruction of anything not fast enough?
21:17 Muadtralk wait....
21:17 Muadtralk oh yeah they limited the mese pick
21:17 anunakki joined #minetest
21:18 Muadtralk it still should tear through it pretty quickly
21:18 paxcoder i hope there's something quicker
21:18 Muadtralk only in mods
21:18 paxcoder mythrill perhaps?
21:18 Muadtralk ohhh!
21:18 Muadtralk are you on singleplayer?
21:20 paxcoder no
21:20 Muadtralk okay then nvm
21:20 Muadtralk mithril prolly is best
21:29 PilzAdam VanessaE, player texture:
21:34 VanessaE PilzAdam: installed.  I'll restart the server in a while
21:35 VanessaE PilzAdam: btw your signs mod has a bug:  it violates node_ownership when placed (and it should disallow editing also).
21:36 PilzAdam that should be fixed in node_ownership and not in my mod
21:36 VanessaE your mod is probably using the wrong function to place the node
21:36 * VanessaE shrugs
21:37 VanessaE either way I had to remove it from my server :(
21:39 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
21:41 PilzAdam VanessaE, if node_ownership cant handle this its not a good mod
21:42 VanessaE well what's really needed is a proper hook into the engine to let mods like node_ownership intercept all methods of adding nodes.
21:42 KikaRz VanessaE, server?
21:43 EqualsRagnar joined #minetest
21:43 VanessaE KikaRz: it's busy with worldedit.
21:43 KikaRz fixing shadows?
21:43 VanessaE tyes
21:43 VanessaE -t
21:43 EqualsRagnar Hi vanessae
21:43 KikaRz i could have temporarily world edit, to make the area better.
21:43 VanessaE hi
21:43 KikaRz but just you can have
21:43 VanessaE KikaRz: no one can have worldedit, it's too risky.
21:43 KikaRz im controlled.
21:44 VanessaE PilzAdam: you're using some function that node_ownership doesn't know how to trap
21:44 EqualsRagnar Im im th middle of a mod that will be fully released tomorrow
21:44 VanessaE even my homedecor knows to check for it before placing a door (=two nodes)
21:44 DangerCoder left #minetest
21:44 PilzAdam if its in lua-api.txt i will use it
21:44 KikaRz Vanessa, why the slabs are so bugged
21:44 VanessaE come on man, stop being so G*d damn stubborn.
21:44 KikaRz with the blocks ?
21:44 VanessaE KikaRz: eh?
21:44 PilzAdam also this is in a part of the mod i copied from thexyz
21:45 KikaRz the blocks are 1 slab distance on the top of it
21:45 VanessaE KikaRz: looks like I crashed the server :-/
21:45 PilzAdam and why the heck cant i connect to your server?
21:45 KikaRz Lawl
21:45 KikaRz too dangerous: Reason: Hasta VanessaE puede crashar el servidor.
21:45 VanessaE try now, PilzAdam
21:45 PilzAdam ah
21:45 KikaRz (Its too dangerous because VanessaE can crash her own server.
21:46 VanessaE PilzAdam: worldedit is not very server-friendly :-)
21:46 EqualsRagnar Bye jackass is on
21:46 KikaRz for me its
21:46 KikaRz you dont know how to use it! :c
21:46 davidpace joined #minetest
21:46 EqualsRagnar Be back soon
21:46 EqualsRagnar Bye
21:46 KikaRz its BBL (be back later.)
21:46 KikaRz not BBS.
21:46 KikaRz -.-
21:47 davidpace Realize how he did not say bbs
21:47 EqualsRagnar idc
21:47 EqualsRagnar Bye
21:47 davidpace Bye
21:47 KikaRz ncbttc
21:47 EqualsRagnar Hi david
21:47 KikaRz .
21:47 davidpace Hi
21:47 VanessaE KikaRz: it's an interaction between the //dig command and the particles mod.
21:47 EqualsRagnar Not gonna go
21:47 KikaRz DO NOT USE DIG
21:47 KikaRz USE //set air
21:47 marktraceur BBS == 'Bulletin Board System'
21:47 KikaRz VanessaE, you really don't know using WorldEdit
21:47 davidpace Nobody Said BBS!
21:48 VanessaE KikaRz: you have to use //dig to force the light to recalculate.
21:49 davidpace Hi Vanessa
21:50 VanessaE KikaRz, PilzAdam ok now.
21:50 moltenbot joined #minetest
21:50 VanessaE (I forgot to actually copy the skin into place)\
21:50 KikaRz again?
21:51 KikaRz its restarted?
21:51 PilzAdam why dont i get the server shutting down message?
21:51 KikaRz not Ctrl + C
21:51 KikaRz maybe forced to quit
21:51 KikaRz and no saving
21:51 KikaRz 7  days left.
21:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
21:55 VanessaE PilzAdam: because I restart the server via a killall command when I run my update script.
21:56 OldCoder Hey
21:56 VanessaE hey
21:56 KikaRz You back to normal!
21:56 OldCoder Yes
21:57 OldCoder VanessaE, checked your world on 30017 ?
21:57 VanessaE OldCoder: not yet, will do now.
21:57 OldCoder k
21:57 OldCoder So far so good in general
22:00 davidpace Hey OldCoder! :D
22:00 OldCoder davidpace, Hi!
22:00 davidpace Could you give me interact privs on your PvP server?
22:04 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
22:04 RagnarLaud Hi
22:04 RagnarLaud Im back
22:04 OldCoder RagnarLaud, wb
22:04 KikaRz ...
22:04 OldCoder davidpace, coming right up
22:04 RagnarLaud What???
22:05 OldCoder Welcome Back == wb
22:05 RagnarLaud Whats WB
22:05 RagnarLaud Oh
22:05 OldCoder Welcome Back is what it means
22:05 davidpace Alright Thanks
22:05 RagnarLaud mkay
22:05 OldCoder davidpace, what is your ingame nick there?
22:06 davidpace david
22:06 RagnarLaud Hey oldcoder
22:06 RagnarLaud Can you host a server 24 7?
22:06 OldCoder davidpace, done. Indicate any other servers you join later.
22:06 OldCoder RagnarLaud, I host about 18 of them.
22:07 OldCoder But I don't do "give me a blank world" without a good reason. The resources cost me money.
22:07 RagnarLaud Can i be the 19th?
22:07 OldCoder What do you have?
22:07 davidpace Thanks OldCoder
22:07 * OldCoder nods
22:07 cy1 joined #minetest
22:07 OldCoder RagnarLaud, any special reason you can't build in the existing worlds?
22:07 RagnarLaud What???
22:07 OldCoder See question
22:07 OldCoder It is fair. This stuff costs me money.
22:08 OldCoder cy1, hi
22:08 RagnarLaud Not that i cant but i want a 24 7 server until i get a new laptop and them i can host it myself
22:08 davidpace There are a lot of 24/7 servers up
22:08 RagnarLaud Oh ok...
22:09 davidpace Such as Vanessa's, Redcrabs
22:09 davidpace ..
22:09 davidpace I'm sure OldCoder has some 24/7 servers also
22:09 youlysses joined #minetest
22:09 RagnarLaud I know, but non of them are cops and robbers
22:09 davidpace Theres also a thing called singlepleayer
22:09 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
22:09 OldCoder davidpace, Only 19 counting Europe :-)
22:09 davidpace You mean PvP
22:09 cy1 OldCoder: hi
22:10 davidpace Ragnar, You want Pvp?
22:10 cy1 cops and wut
22:10 RagnarLaud Hey oldcoder how do you host, dedicated server?
22:10 davidpace You Pay
22:10 OldCoder RagnarLaud, $$$
22:10 * marktraceur doesn't understand, is there something other than a 24/7 server?
22:10 OldCoder marktraceur, Yes
22:11 RagnarLaud Im making a minetest game called cops and robbers
22:11 cy1 RagnarLaud: so, would that be a server which has locked chests disabled or something?
22:11 OldCoder marktraceur, People try to do this using their home PCs
22:11 marktraceur Then what's the point?
22:11 cy1 OldCoder: Like meeeeee
22:11 OldCoder marktraceur, ^
22:11 cy1 You pay for your home PC more than a server though
22:11 OldCoder How so?
22:11 cy1 It's just an unavoidable cost for me.
22:11 marktraceur So do I, what's the problem with that? Does somebody at the power company turn off your electricity at night?
22:11 cy1 OldCoder: like $40 a month for ISP whatevers.
22:11 cy1 40? 80? I dunno.
22:11 RagnarLaud Nope anybody can grief, steal etc and will be put to jail
22:11 OldCoder marktraceur, quite often it's difficult to keep a home server and connection running
22:12 RagnarLaud But BBL
22:12 OldCoder cy1, yes
22:12 cy1 RagnarLaud: That's true of all servers.
22:12 marktraceur OldCoder: That's very strange.
22:12 cy1 though jail = no interact
22:12 RagnarLaud Jackass is on
22:12 RagnarLaud Bye
22:13 john_minetest joined #minetest
22:13 OldCoder c u
22:13 OldCoder marktraceur, not strange at all
22:13 OldCoder marktraceur, talk to Zeg9. His server was part time til I took it over.
22:13 davidpace OldCoder Loves this game.
22:14 marktraceur Huh.
22:14 cy1 I want to pay less to my ISP for less bandwidth, and get a VPS somewhere with the extra money. But the person who handles the bills is like uh-uh that sounds too strange and risky. And my ISP is like "would you like MORE download (fuck you about upload) no we don't have any deals for low bw you moron you want MORE"
22:14 marktraceur OldCoder: I mean, it's strange that you can't keep a home internet connection up
22:14 cy1 plus I can't find a good VPS
22:14 marktraceur OldCoder: I had at least 98% uptime when I hosted my server at home
22:14 cy1 and
22:14 cy1 so basically I'm stuck with god damned Frontier as my VPS
22:14 davidpace You can keep internet connection up, its just his internet will take 10 years to start up if hes running all 19 servers
22:15 davidpace *INternet Browser
22:15 davidpace Am I wrong?
22:15 cy1 davidpace: that's why you need a room full of computers :T
22:15 davidpace Not everyone has the money for that, for instance, me
22:16 OldCoder davidpace, Actually speed is not a problem if you have a reasonable amount of RAM and a fast PC
22:16 OldCoder One PC can host a number of MT servers
22:16 OldCoder It needs optimized configurations though
22:17 davidpace So, running a server doesn't slow your computer down by much?
22:17 OldCoder I also recommend LevelDB
22:17 OldCoder It does!
22:17 OldCoder So MT plus watch videos not recommended etc.
22:17 davidpace Okay
22:17 OldCoder Personal PC not advisable for MT server
22:17 OldCoder Should be dedicated
22:17 OldCoder But a dual core with a few gig of RAM will work quite well
22:18 VanessaE OldCoder: seems to work okay for me, crappy (if fast) internet aside.
22:18 mauvebic 3gigs?
22:18 marktraceur davidpace: Well obviously, if you're running many servers, you should spring for more than one machine, and some nicer bandwidth.
22:18 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
22:18 davidpace Yes, Mark
22:18 mauvebic joined #minetest
22:18 OldCoder c u
22:19 OldCoder mauvebic, Hi!
22:19 mauvebic left and came back :p
22:19 mauvebic (switched pcs)
22:19 OldCoder All right
22:19 OldCoder Glad to C U regardless
22:19 mauvebic you too
22:19 mauvebic me too?
22:19 mauvebic my english sucks
22:20 mauvebic my bandwidth is unlimited
22:20 mauvebic but no one on the outside can connect
22:20 davidpace He is happy to see you
22:20 davidpace Alright, I'll get off for now.
22:20 LAD joined #minetest
22:20 mauvebic i have a modem uplinked to a router so the setup is bizarre to figure out lol
22:21 davidpace Bye Guys, And Girls (if there are any) :-)
22:21 OldCoder C U
22:21 mauvebic even when i place the server computer in the 'DMZ' outside calls arent routed
22:23 mauvebic lan IP's, Wan IPs, gateways... lol could use a networking course
22:25 bbcccd joined #minetest
22:26 bbcccd (works?)
22:27 KikaRz VanessaE
22:27 KikaRz !up
22:27 moltenbot Minetest server DOWN
22:28 KikaRz it's down bbcccd
22:28 bbcccd damn
22:28 bbcccd left #minetest
22:28 bbcccd joined #minetest
22:29 bbcccd !up
22:29 moltenbot Minetest server UP
22:29 bbcccd there we go
22:29 marktraceur bbcccd: Stick around a while
22:29 bbcccd its mauvebic
22:30 bbcccd dont know why i cant take my own name
22:30 bbcccd prolly cuz i pulled the plug on my router lol
22:30 marktraceur Well, it was logged in before, but timed out now
22:30 bbcccd lesson learned: place computer in DMZ, set up NAT on modem
22:31 bbcccd god knows when ill need it i wont remember lol
22:32 cy1 lesson: IRC nick names are not a strong form of identity. Use public keys.
22:32 cy1 learned: ???
22:32 bbcccd hmm, someone just tried to connect but it timed out, thats cuz of the media i imagine?
22:32 bbcccd public keys???
22:32 cy1 media doesn't cause timeouts
22:32 cy1 bbcccd: yes indeedy
22:32 bbcccd i cant even remember my facebook password, enough accounts ty
22:32 cy1 0ac7da56
22:32 cy1 8 digits I had to memorize
22:32 bbcccd what causes timeouts then?
22:33 cy1 clients crashing...
22:33 cy1 I dunno.
22:33 cy1 nets
22:33 bbcccd allright, now that that works, whats the best free dyn dns?
22:34 cy1
22:34 mrtux I agree
22:34 mrtux I used to use
22:34 mrtux but now i use cloudflare
22:34 cy1 other than that I only know :/
22:34 bbcccd though my ISP only refreshes my IP once every two months unless i release it myself lol
22:34 mrtux No-ip isn't that good.
22:35 bbcccd dyndns was the only one i knew of but it looked somewhat sketch
22:35 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
22:35 mrtux I can't find the signup page anyore
22:35 mrtux *anymore
22:35 RagnarLaud Hi im back
22:35 bbcccd
22:35 moltenbot bbcccd's link: Create your account
22:36 RagnarLaud What page?
22:36 marktraceur RagnarLaud: We saw
22:36 cy1 dyndns only has the domain <name> and no NS forwarding, and it dies if you don't send them a bump every 30 days.
22:36 mrtux Welcome back, RagnarLaud
22:36 bbcccd a bump of what?
22:36 cy1 afraid is p. cool, and their paid options are nice too
22:36 mrtux yep
22:36 cy1 bbcccd: like, a script that updates your record there
22:36 RagnarLaud Thanks mrtux
22:36 mrtux I want to use them again :(
22:36 mrtux I have to use cloudflare now though
22:36 * mrtux isn't very happy
22:37 bbcccd meh, i dont need a dns that can wipe my ass and check my emails, i just need forwarding to my IP adress lol
22:37 RagnarLaud Hey who wants to be a beta tester for my mod?
22:37 cy1 either one then bbcccd.
22:37 cy1 I only needed NS records because goddamned jabber is a goddamned horrible DNS monstrosity
22:37 cy1 RagnarLaud: what mod
22:38 RagnarLaud Hey who wants to be the first to get stoned im minetest with my mod?
22:38 bbcccd i once kept all my account info in a passworded zip file.... then i lost the password lol
22:38 cy1 sorry my minetest is a glass house
22:38 RagnarLaud [Mod]drugs[drugs]
22:38 cy1 touch fuzzy get dizzy?
22:39 RagnarLaud Ill release the mod tomorrow
22:39 marktraceur RagnarLaud: That'll make it hard for people to test it until then
22:39 RagnarLaud What?
22:39 mrtux bbcccd, you can probably decrypt the password
22:39 bbcccd argh!
22:39 mrtux or even the zip archive for that matter
22:39 bbcccd locked out
22:39 bbcccd those stupid recaptchas
22:40 * mrtux hates recaptcha
22:40 RagnarLaud Hey what fuzzy and dizzy?
22:40 bbcccd seriously its only like 12 year olds who can read them
22:40 cy1 ur mom
22:40 bbcccd 24" screen and i still cant figure it out
22:40 * RagnarLaud LOVES CAPTCHA
22:40 * cy1 prefers word problems to captcha
22:41 bbcccd tseteniM!
22:41 bbcccd i know by heart now lol
22:42 RagnarLaud You do know it doesnt need a capital m right?
22:42 bbcccd ok so once im signed up it takes me to a subdomain page
22:42 bbcccd am i supposed to create a sub or a domain?
22:44 cy1 bbcccd: subdomains. domains are donated.
22:44 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
22:44 RagnarLaud Hi im back
22:44 RagnarLaud I crashed
22:48 bbcccd !up
22:48 moltenbot Minetest server UP
22:48 bbcccd sweet
22:48 bbcccd ok the bot works by logging in
22:49 bbcccd thats the timeout user lol
22:49 cy1 OldCoder: update your mesecons to the latest. there's a pistons bug I ran into that I think is fixed.
22:52 OldCoder cy1, k
22:52 OldCoder In a few minutes
22:52 OldCoder You can test for me
22:53 VanessaE zzz
22:53 bbcccd coffee?
22:53 VanessaE I wish :-)
22:53 * VanessaE is tired.
22:54 marktraceur VanessaE: Cheer up! It are Friday!
22:54 * marktraceur is going to have a nice relaxing evening of TV and minetest
22:54 bbcccd cheer up (avoid the news)
22:54 marktraceur Possibly substitute one or two hours of nerf war. But that's subject to participation of others.
22:54 bbcccd nerf on minetest?
22:54 marktraceur bbcccd: No, in real life
22:54 bbcccd oh lol
22:55 marktraceur bbcccd: We had a holiday party last night and wound up warring in an art gallery
22:55 VanessaE OldCoder: please re-download world and game again.  Updated.
22:55 VanessaE wait..not yet..
22:56 OldCoder O.K. NP
22:56 OldCoder Say when
22:56 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
22:56 VanessaE hit enter too soon :-)
22:56 cy1 OldCoder: will do
22:56 sema4 joined #minetest
22:56 telek We need more metadata in mod packages.
22:56 VanessaE OldCoder: ok, now.
22:58 VanessaE OldCoder: say when and I will log in and check it out.
22:58 cy1 OldCoder: ready to test whenever you are
22:58 marktraceur telek: Like what?
22:59 telek marktraceur: Mostly version information, maybe some sort of API/ABI version number, just stuff to help avoid incompatibilities now that people are running 30+ mods on the average server?
22:59 bbcccd im only running 7-8 mods on mine
23:00 telek bbcccd: Any of those modpacks?
23:00 bbcccd my modpack yeah lol
23:01 marktraceur telek: Application Brogramming Interface?
23:01 telek Application Binary Interface :D
23:01 marktraceur Ah.
23:01 telek IE if data structures have changed or whatnot.
23:01 OldCoder cy1, VanessaE very well to both of you. Allow 15 to 30 minutes. I will post here again.
23:02 marktraceur telek: Agreed. Hence my consistent requests for a package manager. Nobody else seems interested, really.
23:02 bbcccd because no one can agree how it should be setup :/
23:02 OldCoder marktraceur, my frameworks are evolving in that direction
23:02 bbcccd and we have 2 or 3 partially complete systems i think
23:03 telek Gotta say we're a pretty good example for why Tarn said he didn't want to open source Dwarf Fortress 'until it was finished' :D
23:04 bbcccd well eventually a clear favorite will emerge and that will become standard
23:04 telek If everybody doesn't have a common vision then you can end up with everybody implementing the desired features, but none of the features actually working together :)
23:04 bbcccd i doubt all the lifeforms on this earth were meant to compliment eachother, but here we are lol
23:05 bbcccd brb
23:05 mauvebic joined #minetest
23:06 mauvebic 420time, feel free to grief my test map in the meantime :P (
23:08 OldCoder mauvebic, is that the 100MB one?
23:09 OldCoder Link that again
23:09 jordan4ibanez idk, should i rename my mod shitting santas lol
23:09 OldCoder I am going to host it
23:09 mauvebic no no no but i can start that one if you want to visit
23:09 OldCoder It is online IIRC
23:09 mauvebic when? ill need to upload a newer version
23:09 OldCoder Where is the demo page you asked me to review the other day?
23:09 OldCoder Go ahead
23:09 OldCoder Can be today if you wish
23:09 * OldCoder is in a Minetest Mood
23:10 mauvebic the modpack was updated today, gimme half an hour to upload the map (takes a while at 120mb) lol
23:10 OldCoder No rush!
23:10 OldCoder I will be here for hours
23:10 OldCoder And there are other tasks first
23:10 mauvebic me too still pretty early in the day
23:10 OldCoder Good
23:10 OldCoder You are not in France etc. then
23:10 mauvebic Quebec :-) in the country
23:10 OldCoder All right
23:11 OldCoder So take your time and let's see if the thing runs for me
23:11 OldCoder Prepare a modpack, some notes and remarks, and a ZIP of the world tree
23:11 mauvebic though dont mind the name of the world, it was like the 20th test map i had started that day lol
23:11 PilzAdam gtg; bye
23:11 OldCoder It can be called Mauvebic
23:11 OldCoder Or Satan's Sweat
23:11 OldCoder As you prefer
23:11 mauvebic i cant rename the world without crashing the client lol
23:12 OldCoder Hmm?
23:12 mauvebic any name other than whats already there lol
23:12 * OldCoder shrugs
23:12 cy1 santa's sweets?
23:12 OldCoder c u in a bit
23:12 cy1 mauvebic: connected btw
23:12 OldCoder That is confusing
23:12 mauvebic hehe nvm youll see later ;P
23:12 mauvebic cyl try the white guns :p
23:12 cy1 still 0% media :/
23:14 mauvebic still 0 now?
23:14 cy1 yayyy 2%
23:14 mauvebic jesus
23:14 mauvebic i have to get rid of those musical paintings in riventest
23:14 cy1 if you clear your cache and login to your world, your cache size will be the media size,
23:15 mauvebic dont understand :/
23:15 jordan4ibanez
23:15 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: Minetest (Free PC Sandbox RPG Game): FreePCGamers Game Watch - YouTube
23:17 OldCoder
23:17 OldCoder VanessaE, how confident are you with Plant Life presently?
23:17 VanessaE satisfied.
23:17 OldCoder How safe do you feel it may be?
23:17 OldCoder Do you trust it yet?
23:18 VanessaE it's been working flawlessly on my server so I guess i can trust it :-)
23:18 OldCoder But only the one server? Has anybody else tried it?
23:18 VanessaE well,
23:18 telek Is there a mod which readds rats, or are they gone now?
23:18 OldCoder Not redcrab yet?
23:18 OldCoder telek, reads rats?
23:18 VanessaE neko259 refactored nature pack to use it
23:18 VanessaE and it is now part of that mod
23:18 OldCoder VanessaE, ah!
23:18 telek OldCoder: re-adds.
23:19 VanessaE so anyone who has nature pack has plantlife.
23:19 OldCoder VanessaE, should I use nature pack?
23:19 VanessaE at least if theit copy is recent.
23:19 cy1 69%
23:19 VanessaE no, don't use nature pack yet
23:19 OldCoder VanessaE, in the future then?
23:19 VanessaE it isn't stable yet.
23:19 VanessaE yeah, in the future it'll be.
23:19 cy1 OldCoder: it's working on my server no problem
23:19 OldCoder VanessaE, but Plant Life may be approaching stable?
23:19 OldCoder cy1, ty
23:19 VanessaE plantlife is stable.
23:19 telek I used to have rats in one of my old worlds, but they apparently got removed at some point (we had them as pets in a cage in-world)
23:19 cy1 AND NO POISON IVY >:(
23:20 OldCoder VanessaE, I saw crashes but may be unrelated. Comment on rat for telek. Tell me again which mods to delete if I add plantlife right now. And link again to plantlife latest.
23:20 VanessaE cy1: delete the poisonivy folder from plantlife and it will go away :-)
23:20 mauvebic cyl should be faster next time, dumped about 4mb of useless sounds
23:20 OldCoder VanessaE, thexyz may have fixed the ambience speed problem
23:20 OldCoder For Linux clients at least
23:20 VanessaE OldCoder: a server and game update are forthcoming.
23:20 VanessaE some nitwit poured lava near a large grove of trees and started a forest fire.
23:21 VanessaE I'm cleaning up the mess now.
23:21 VanessaE and I disabled fire.
23:21 VanessaE (now)
23:21 OldCoder VanessaE, fine. I will be away for 10 minutes. Then I will update mesecons, add plantlife, update your world and game folder, and was there anything else?
23:21 VanessaE when you update mesecons, delete the command block from it.
23:21 OldCoder Indicate old mods to delete when plantlife is added. Also link to be safe to latest release.
23:21 VanessaE (just delete the folder containing it)
23:21 OldCoder VanessaE, explain; please
23:22 VanessaE ok, when you return we'll discuss it
23:22 OldCoder k
23:22 VanessaE I gotta clena up this mess
23:22 OldCoder bbiab
23:23 jordan4ibanez see what i said about blocks being placed inside yourself?
23:23 jordan4ibanez that is the main issue everyone is talking about
23:26 mauvebic i think my server crashed lol
23:26 cy1 yeep
23:26 mauvebic floor gen lol
23:27 mauvebic bookcases everywhere lol
23:27 cy1 your stuff has weird item IDs :/
23:27 cy1 oh god I'm sorry
23:27 mauvebic lol its a test server
23:27 cy1 I was like "wtf this isn't doing anything"
23:27 mauvebic you should see the damage i do with nukes lol
23:27 mauvebic turn a sea into an ocean
23:27 cy1 Sounds like a good way to get rid of bookcases
23:28 mauvebic you mean about the number IDs?
23:28 mauvebic yeah i couldn't come up with 60 nodenames if i tried lol
23:29 cy1 for my next trick I will set this on fire
23:29 mauvebic *83 nodenames actually lol
23:30 cy1 eeeeee green flame
23:30 mauvebic burns more than wood
23:31 marktraceur OldCoder: I'm still not convinced that you're building a package manager so much as a build system
23:32 marktraceur OldCoder: Both are great, but a package manager would be far more helpful for, say, end users
23:32 cy1 think I killed it again
23:32 mauvebic how many nukes? lol
23:32 cy1 not the nukes, the fire
23:33 cy1 fire's a huge hog, and forkbombs any server
23:33 cy1 you should see my fire mod
23:33 cy1 lets you shut off fire propogation :B
23:33 mauvebic my fire only has one abm at interval 10
23:33 mauvebic its the shapes in the mushroom cloud that lags things abit
23:33 mauvebic spheroid + hyperboloid + torus.....=shitton of math
23:33 cy1 hm...
23:34 cy1 math. not even once.
23:35 mauvebic in essence i should shrink both nukes abit so the small one is the big one
23:35 cy1 OldCoder: sorry I'm out of time I gotta go.
23:38 mauvebic *uploading (13%)*
23:39 jordan4ibanez celeron55, when i make a hostile mob with an api, can it please be put into the default game?
23:39 jordan4ibanez = survival elements
23:40 mauvebic +1
23:40 OldCoder cy1, c u
23:41 * OldCoder proceeds with work
23:41 mauvebic ttyl cyl
23:42 OldCoder mauvebic, indicate link
23:42 OldCoder Can PM if you wish
23:42 OldCoder VanessaE, indicate plantlife link and mesecons change plus list of mods to remove for plantlife
23:43 mauvebic will do (30%)
23:44 VanessaE
23:44 moltenbot VanessaE's link: [Mod] Plantlife [20121130] [plantlife] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
23:44 VanessaE remove flowers, junglegrass, poisonivy, then install that ^^^^^
23:45 mauvebic one of these days ill write a new hydro from scratch lol my old textures were so bleh
23:45 mauvebic looks bad when everything else is 64
23:45 VanessaE mauvebic: you ever see the textures I made for your original OCD and powerlines mods? they were kickass
23:46 mauvebic with the computers i had last year 64px wasnt really viable :/
23:46 OldCoder VanessaE, ty and what is the mesecons change?
23:46 mauvebic i had crap FPS with defaults lol
23:46 VanessaE delete command block
23:46 mauvebic (46%)
23:47 OldCoder VanessaE, can you explain?
23:47 VanessaE it's a security vulnerability when I last heard.
23:47 OldCoder I mean...
23:47 OldCoder How to make the change
23:48 OldCoder Context of lines to delete
23:49 VanessaE just delete the folder containing it.
23:49 VanessaE mesecons is a modpack
23:49 VanessaE so just delete the mesecons_commandblock folder.
23:49 OldCoder Ah
23:49 OldCoder Simple
23:49 OldCoder VanessaE, is your world updated?
23:50 VanessaE no
23:50 OldCoder k
23:50 OldCoder Indicate when
23:50 VanessaE I'm cleaning up from a forest fire.
23:50 OldCoder k
23:50 VanessaE some poured lava near a big grove of trees, now I'm cleaning it up.
23:50 VanessaE some nitwit*
23:51 telek Can modpacks be nested?
23:51 VanessaE dunno
23:51 VanessaE probably not
23:52 mauvebic doesnt your node protection stop people form pouring lava above y = 0?
23:53 sema4 joined #minetest
23:54 mauvebic register on placenode(pos,node) if lavasource and pos.y > 0 then remove node
23:55 OldCoder mauvebic, I have a mod for that
23:56 OldCoder Hmm
23:56 OldCoder Not sure it is in my standard set yet
23:57 mauvebic i have a mod that makes water expand at y<= 0
23:57 mauvebic otherwise when i remove continents the oceans stand there looking square and daft lol
23:59 mauvebic though when we hit an underground river when building our 1st underground city the whole cavern flooded lol

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