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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-12-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 paxcoder what do you regenerate
00:00 sema4 haha, this is all stuff we talkabout about 20 pages ago :)
00:00 paxcoder you either regenerate (deteriorate) everything, or nothing
00:00 paxcoder sema4, i wasn't here 20 pgs ago
00:00 sema4 no, i know, i just thought it was amusing
00:01 marktraceur paxcoder: Complicated stuff. I'm not sure what to tell you.
00:01 paxcoder sema4, if it was resolved, i'd like to hear about it
00:03 NakedFury check for stone, if its placed by player ignore, throw a "dice roll" for chance of turning into ore then throw another to check which ore. only do this if it is in very deep depths, 100 or more deeper.
00:03 klunk something chek node, from deeper limits, if there is nothing more than oven and torchs=this is mine or ground, so let's flush, realistic approach.
00:04 sema4 most interesting idea, was something uberi mentioned; a replicator block that costs a lot of commonrenewable material to make (trees and so on) and can transmute things into more exotic material, but dies after so many uses.
00:04 paxcoder NakedFury, awful
00:04 paxcoder klunk, suddenly, pick
00:04 mauvebic or convert matter to energy and energy back to different matter?
00:05 paxcoder sema4, runs on?
00:05 paxcoder slash costs?
00:05 marktraceur paxcoder: Actually, why would you need to distinguish? Physical reactions should occur no matter what....
00:05 paxcoder marktraceur, that's what i said
00:06 paxcoder nature's a griefer ;-)
00:06 marktraceur paxcoder: It's just a matter of making it happen over really long periods of time, so it won't noticeably modify the underground nature of mines, etc.
00:06 sema4 if you can expend the necessary time and resources to build a cyclotron, then you can make small amounts of mese no problem
00:06 marktraceur paxcoder: register_abm( { interval = 3000, chance = 1000000, ....
00:06 sstrandberg left #minetest
00:06 youlysses Any public server list any-where?
00:07 paxcoder marktraceur, not a minetest dev, i'm afraid. but yeah, something like that
00:08 sema4 paxcoder: sorry, i neglected to answer you - i don't know what it runs on :)
00:08 marktraceur youlysses:
00:08 paxcoder sema4, it's just trading with an inanimate object
00:09 youlysses marktraceur: Thanks!
00:09 sema4 yeah, seems so
00:11 paxcoder sema4, which then establishes a conversion rate
00:11 Octupus joined #minetest
00:11 paxcoder and picking, eg. mese, we can relatively rank all other materials
00:11 Octupus hi
00:11 paxcoder celeron55 left. we must all go home now. cya
00:11 celeron55 joined #minetest
00:11 paxcoder left #minetest
00:11 paxcoder joined #minetest
00:11 paxcoder oh nvm
00:12 Uberi heh
00:12 Octupus Im making a website WOOOOT
00:12 sema4 yeah, it doesn't really solve the problem of resource depletion, since it costs so much to run.  only helps with the problem of *exotic* resource depletion
00:12 sema4 oh except it was built with renewables
00:13 sema4 so there is a time factor involved in producing the exotic material.
00:14 Octupus i have a terrible BG color so ima put a bg picture
00:15 sema4 why not choose a non-terrible BG colour?
00:15 paxcoder sema4, i thought of an answer: for every MESE mined, spawn another block randomly
00:15 paxcoder also, exchange machine ;-)
00:16 Uberi|Away paxcoder: how would you explain the exchange machine? alchemy?
00:16 sema4 portal to another dimension
00:16 Uberi|Away neeeeaaaat
00:16 paxcoder XD nah, heck we can still trade with one another
00:16 paxcoder i have no idea what i just said
00:17 marktraceur It's not a bad idea to have theoretically infinite numbers of worlds connected via economy
00:17 paxcoder so yeah, let's go with alchemy
00:17 marktraceur I mean, it should cost a *lot* of resources to get that ability, but it could be nice.
00:17 NakedFury Transdimensional Trade Machine
00:17 sema4 if there was a way to bring inventory from one server to another
00:17 paxcoder marktraceur, how's that not a bad idea, considering we don't have unlimited real-life resources (memory)
00:18 paxcoder sema4, hehe. "loading nether" actually "connecting to another server"
00:18 marktraceur sema4: It's simple enough....just have a special node with inventory that transfers between worlds, and use that to funnel resources.
00:18 Uberi|Away sema4: what if you spawned a world full of MESE, like marktraceur suggested yesterday?
00:18 marktraceur Hmm, true.
00:18 sema4 via a cybertronian type of space bridge.
00:18 mauvebic you need a teleport that works with address and port #
00:19 marktraceur Uberi|Away: Presumably you would need to trust the administrators of any servers you connect to
00:19 paxcoder btw. if one was to mine spawn, and always spawn, the mese would randomly spawn elsewhere. unnatural selection
00:21 paxcoder all extra-world resources mean the world will become desolate
00:22 paxcoder all resources owuld be imported
00:22 paxcoder so i think reseeding is the only real soltion
00:22 mauvebic you could have naturally spawning resource asteroids high up
00:22 sema4 how would it become desolate?  maybe one big sprawling city.
00:22 paxcoder mauvebic, you only replaced "below X" with "above X"
00:23 NakedFury how high have you guys naturaly gone in minetest? walking up montains or terrain
00:23 sema4 moutnains don't get generated too high iirc
00:23 mauvebic well resources dont really "grow" underground over short periods
00:23 NakedFury the game needs to generate high altitude terrain so we dont have half the game world unused
00:23 mauvebic so space would be a good place to randomly find new resources
00:23 paxcoder sema4, if the world is limited, eventually it'd get depleted. you'd still build stuff, but not with what the world produces - except for renewables like trees - so we really need to make everything renewable
00:26 sema4 that's an interesting point NakedFury ... is the origin point 0,0,0 or is it 0,0,30,000 ?
00:26 sema4 ok i guess 0,30000,0
00:26 paxcoder sema4, just move the 0
00:26 paxcoder (in the middle)
00:27 paxcoder it is in the middle, isn't it?
00:27 sema4 x,y,z - y is vertical axis
00:27 NakedFury well in the end we can all agree on a -200 y deep random huge chance for ores to spawn over long intervals of time?
00:28 sema4 only if the world hasn't been excavated to that level yet
00:28 jin_xi the humble beginnings of a CAD mod for minetest:
00:29 paxcoder_ joined #minetest
00:29 paxcoder joined #minetest
00:31 telek Neat.
00:32 NakedFury a what?
00:32 NakedFury CAD as in autocad?
00:32 jin_xi yes
00:33 NakedFury im up for testing when needed!
00:33 jin_xi atm i'm just experimenting
00:33 Uberi wow that is impressive jin_xi
00:33 Uberi importing STL files?
00:33 jin_xi trying to come up with a nice workflow
00:33 NakedFury you HAVE to do the commands like they are in autocad
00:34 jin_xi i only used archicad
00:34 cy1 jin_xi: looks like worldedit...
00:34 jin_xi cy1: in a way yes
00:34 NakedFury well /l works the same in autocad as in archicad
00:34 jin_xi but i wanna make it more geometry oriented
00:34 cy1 sure
00:35 jin_xi as in: arc from 3 points or extrude, copy and rotate and such
00:35 NakedFury and mirror
00:35 jin_xi arbitrary angles of course
00:35 cy1 worldedit screws up rotation interestingly. like, big time. Found out when I tried to make a spiral staircase.
00:35 cy1 Hope no stairs are left embedded in stuff...
00:35 Uberi cy1: sorry, I fixed that today
00:35 sema4 cy1: yeah it's like 'explode' rather than 'rotate'
00:36 Uberi Smitje helped a lot with that
00:36 sema4 Uberi: worldedit is yours?
00:36 cy1 Uberi: :I I'm already done with the staircase.
00:36 Uberi but I can't get on the forums to thank him/her
00:36 cy1 thanks though
00:36 Uberi yeah sema4, along with sfan5's
00:36 jin_xi i hope to complement worldedit and wont redo its features
00:36 sema4 Uberi: well i have to say, that is the best mod out there, it has saved me months i would have spend hand-laying blocks :)
00:37 Uberi sema4: you'll want to thank sfan5 for the original idea :P
00:37 sema4 ok!
00:40 jin_xi so, does worldedit do lines as in my pic? maybe i just haven't figured out...
00:41 Uberi jin_xi: nope, no line functionality at the moment
00:41 cy1 jin_xi: be nice if worldedit also adjusted the param2 when rotating... like to make stairs continue to face a certain way.
00:41 Uberi cy1: I was thinking about adding that the other day, in fact :P
00:42 jin_xi definitely should do that
00:42 cy1 Uberi: see sonic screwdriver in technic for a great example of something that messes with param2
00:42 jin_xi if you use stairs+ for detail you can make crazy stuff
00:42 Uberi yep
00:44 cy1 you can make signs that hang out  from ya shop wall <3
00:44 cy1 regular screwdriver in technic does the same thing, just it's a regular tool instead of a technic power tool
00:44 Uberi hmm
00:45 Uberi I wonder if the site is back up
00:45 cy1 doesn't make a lot of difference, since technic has a regular tool recharger too.
00:45 Uberi darn, have to put the WorldEdit update post on my todo list
00:46 sema4 shouldn't take much to make worldedit do a line between pt 1 & 2
00:47 NakedFury no but then other people might say waste of time do //set material
00:47 Uberi yeah I already wrote bresenham in lua
00:47 Uberi NakedFury: that doesn't make oblique lines, though
00:47 M13_ joined #minetest
00:48 NakedFury I want a delete but then //set air does the same
00:48 NakedFury /drain but then //replace water blablah air
00:48 cy1 I want a delete that returns the world to how it was generated.
00:48 cy1 need celeron55's permission for that though :p
00:49 Uberi cy1: not quite, using lua sqlite it is possible to delete mapblocks in the server's map
00:49 Uberi but MT locks the DB while it's running, so it needs to be an external program
00:49 cy1 Uberi: you can get at the world's db in a mod?
00:49 cy1 oh, yeah
00:49 cy1 I just use the console level sqlite3 command :p
00:50 Uberi cy1: nope, not while MT is running
00:50 cy1 Resetting chunks risks screwing up stuff near what I want to annihilate though.
00:50 Uberi tried today, the DB is locked
00:50 NakedFury - //redo and undo.   //delete  //drain   //spray material size[radius of work area](works like a spraypaint just changing the top block to the selected material)
00:50 cy1 Uberi: actually it works fine... sometimes it says db file locked, but just keep resending the delete...
00:50 Uberi NakedFury: what does //spray do?
00:50 Uberi cy1: really? huh
00:51 Uberi also //redo and //undo would be nice, yes
00:51 cy1 //spray would set the blocks only in places where there is a block, and there is air (or water (or fire (or lava)))) above it.
00:51 jin_xi i want to figure out a good way to specify relative/absolute pos's in chatcommands
00:51 cy1 Uberi: I even watched the map reset piece-wise with a running client. c:
00:51 Uberi cy1: really? what did that look like?
00:51 cy1 And then eat a chunk out of my spiral staircase. :c
00:51 cy1 Like anticheat? Nothing special.
00:52 cy1 The server just sends chunk updates periodically or something.
00:52 Uberi hmm
00:52 cy1 (Luckily my world is backed up so I just restored the whole map pre-worldedit)
00:52 NakedFury well for spray we would need something like in Minecrafts WorldEdit Wand tool. //spray default:desert_sand 5 would change in a circle with a 5 radius or diameter the blocks on your sight with the wand to the desert sand
00:53 Uberi hmm, I was thinking about a worldedit_items mod to go with worldedit_commands and worldedit_gui
00:53 Uberi speaking of worldedit_gui, that needs unifiedinventory support
00:55 NakedFury speaking of commands we need a copy/paste function on the chat and ability to use arrow keys to go up past written lines. would make life easier
00:55 Uberi yeah, I'd love that
00:55 jin_xi readline
00:55 Uberi just need those Irrlicht guys to fix the multiline edit control
00:56 sema4 just learn to type fast, then it's quicker to type each command than copy paste
00:56 sema4 ;)
00:56 M13_ there cp paste
00:56 M13_ is*
00:57 Uberi sema4: not with some ridiculously long node names :P
00:57 sema4 oh yeah
00:57 Uberi this_is_a_mod:that_forgot_to_use_aliases_again_oh_no
00:57 NakedFury sema4: writting //set default:desert_sand or stone over and over sucks
00:58 sema4 that reminds me, i stopped being able to do //set desert_stone, now i have to do //set default:desert_stone.  it is baffling.
00:58 Uberi NakedFury: //set desert_sand works too :P
00:58 jin_xi in-game lua to just define an alias for yourself would be nice
00:58 Uberi sema4: that is strange, maybe the aliases weren't defined
00:58 NakedFury ./giveme crazy modname:again repeat crazy name and add_underscores 5
00:58 marktraceur NakedFury: Is that an executable?
00:58 marktraceur :)
00:59 NakedFury its a pain
00:59 marktraceur /say /giveme
00:59 Uberi /alias super_long_mod_name:super_long_node_name thingy
00:59 sema4 Uberi: genius!
01:00 marktraceur /part
01:00 NakedFury and yeah not being able to do desert_sand sucks too
01:01 sema4 oh you have that problem too?
01:01 NakedFury yes
01:01 sema4 i can set stone without prefixing default:
01:01 NakedFury desert sand and stone
01:01 NakedFury cant do them
01:01 sema4 interesting
01:01 NakedFury I can do stone, cobble fine
01:01 NakedFury dirt too
01:01 sema4 oh
01:01 sema4 so just desert_*
01:01 sema4 i will look in the lua tonight and see
01:02 sema4 i had never tried to actually place any desert_sand
01:02 NakedFury also wished that //replace water air or whatever worked for both water versions. didnt have to type water_source or _flowing
01:02 NakedFury be right back, got to cook food
01:04 sema4 bbl
01:16 Vohveli_ joined #minetest
01:24 MineTest joined #minetest
01:36 NakedFury ok eating done
01:36 Uberi me too :)
01:37 VanessaE 'bout damn time.
01:37 VanessaE :-)
01:38 Uberi o/ VanessaE
01:38 Uberi have you seen the latest WorldEdit? it fixes a critical bug in rotation
01:39 * Uberi must remember to post about it once the forums are back up
01:40 VanessaE I pulled from your git repo yesterday actually
01:40 Uberi ah, a day too early :P
01:41 VanessaE I'll bring it in now.
01:41 VanessaE done.
01:43 Uberi \o/
01:44 NakedFury uberi: is it possibly to have a //movecopy version command that works like Move but doesnt actually remove what you wanted to move but sort of copies and pastes it
01:45 Uberi NakedFury: try //copy
01:45 Uberi (same syntax as //move)
01:45 NakedFury all this time and it was copy
01:45 NakedFury dammit
01:45 NakedFury thanks
01:45 Uberi :P
01:45 Uberi no problem :)
01:46 NakedFury ohh I got one. list of all schematics saved or present in the folder for that world
01:47 Uberi hmm, lua doesn't have a way to do that I think
01:47 Uberi (list all files in a folder, I mean)
01:47 NakedFury but we can do /mods
01:47 NakedFury and it shows all that you use
01:48 NakedFury cant do something similar?
01:51 Uberi NakedFury: well lua doesn't have that because it only supports the ANSI C spec, which does not specify the file listing functionality
01:51 Uberi the only real way to do it is to parse the output of something like dir/ls, and that is a hack I don't want to think about :P
01:51 NakedFury ohh ok
01:53 cy1 Uberi: ? :3
01:54 Uberi heh, that library is way bigger than WorldEdit itself
01:54 NakedFury LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes.
01:54 NakedFury that is what we would need?
01:55 Uberi yeah, something like that
01:55 Uberi but I'm hesitant to include something that's twice as large as WorldEdit
01:55 NakedFury how big is the size?
01:55 Uberi tell you what, I'll give parsing dir/ls output a shot, and see how that goes
01:56 NakedFury do you play or have minecraft? if you do does your inspiration for this mod come from the same name mod in that game?
01:57 Uberi NakedFury: I play vanilla minecraft, yes
01:57 Uberi but the inspiration comes mostly from sfan5's original mod
01:57 Uberi the additions were just my own ideas and the community's
01:58 NakedFury something like that would be hard to do?
01:58 NakedFury long range editing with a tool. sort of point and click
01:58 NakedFury with shapes
01:59 Uberi NakedFury: oh yeah I was working on that too, I already wrote the raycasting implementation
01:59 NakedFury I have seen some pretty amazing land created with that
01:59 NakedFury and its so fast too
02:00 NakedFury I wonder why for this mods they dont take some time to create a nice ingame menu screen with all the commands. all this /commands learning ticks me off
02:01 mauvebic tools that make shapes?
02:01 NakedFury
02:01 NakedFury video^
02:01 NakedFury in actio
02:01 NakedFury n
02:01 Uberi NakedFury: worldedit GUI was supposed to do that
02:01 Uberi but man the code is so messy I have to rewrite it
02:02 mauvebic multinode has a GUI but no such tools to make shapes
02:02 NakedFury there is a chance to even make that GUI look like if you were using a vector or paint type program
02:02 Uberi mauvebic: really? that's awesome
02:02 NakedFury they have a smooth command too
02:02 mauvebic ok in the video, is he shooting bullets?
02:02 NakedFury no
02:02 mauvebic gimme a sec
02:03 NakedFury just pointing
02:03 NakedFury no actual shooting bullets or stuff
02:03 mauvebic (GUI snaps)
02:03 mauvebic it doesnt look like a paint program tho :/
02:03 mauvebic he's pointing but why isnt it forming in mid air then nakedfury?
02:03 Uberi so basically what I have is an infinite distance pointing
02:04 NakedFury it starts working on the cubes he points
02:04 NakedFury no midair stuff
02:04 mauvebic oooh
02:04 NakedFury that I know off
02:04 mauvebic we can't point from a great distance though
02:04 mauvebic it would be easier for me to tweak my guns
02:04 mauvebic one of them already makes spheres of air
02:04 mauvebic change that for sand, stone, wtv
02:05 NakedFury ok found the command Uberi. same video at time 4:10 he will start to paint or something the stone to dirt
02:05 Uberi mauvebic: nah I wrote a raycaster in Lua
02:05 mauvebic query, what is 'raycaster'? sounds like a DJ
02:05 Uberi mauvebic: it has perfect accuracy to within the float range
02:05 Uberi mauvebic: it's an algorithm that performs supercover over the voxel grid to find the first node a ray intersects
02:06 mauvebic aaahh
02:06 mauvebic and we have that in minetest?
02:06 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
02:06 Uberi well it's lua, here's the gist:
02:06 mauvebic hmm well i could also approximate the experience of the video by making the bullets invis and super fast
02:06 NakedFury    Sniping for Dummies
02:07 Uberi mauvebic: would that work if the server was lagging and the dtime was such that the entity was passing through nodes?
02:07 Uberi btw, nice GUI!
02:07 mauvebic thx its still missing a few things (and little room for it lol)
02:08 mauvebic well the bullets flying through nodes thing doesnt happen too often on my end
02:08 mauvebic 20 terminators in a cage couldn't get me lol
02:09 mauvebic that would be cool, a "terrain gun" lol
02:09 NakedFury this was the replace:
02:09 NakedFury mauvebic: the terraformer
02:09 NakedFury m15
02:09 mauvebic my 'blaster' rifle shoots spheres of air to simulate damage, all you need is a chat command to change the value of air to something else
02:10 mauvebic though if i could tie it into the GUI it would be better
02:10 mauvebic choose your node from there
02:10 Uberi yes!
02:11 mauvebic better still
02:11 NekoGloop joined #minetest
02:11 VanessaE evening neko.
02:11 mauvebic have it work like throwing, you place your node next to the gun, and it forms that
02:11 Uberi hey NekoGloop
02:11 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on VanessaE's head
02:11 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on Uberi's head
02:11 Uberi hey that's a neat idea, mauvebic
02:11 * VanessaE snuggles with the kitten
02:12 mauvebic yeah that could be cool to edit terrains super fast
02:12 * Uberi suddenly has a kitten on the head
02:12 Muadtralk oh noes kittens!
02:12 Muadtralk my one weakness
02:12 NekoGloop xD
02:12 * Muadtralk dies
02:12 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on sdzen's head
02:13 * VanessaE piles sleeping kittens around Muadtralk
02:13 * Muadtralk is already dead from being near kittens
02:13 * Uberi thinks NekoGloop made a kitten generator
02:13 Uberi Lava + Water + ??? = Kitten
02:13 Muadtralk ! thats it!
02:13 VanessaE Uberi: Lava + water + mese + junglegrass of course.
02:14 Uberi :O
02:14 Muadtralk thats what my lava and water should do!
02:14 Uberi /giveme default:nyancat
02:14 Muadtralk make nyancats!
02:14 NekoGloop minetest.register_recipe(output="nekogloop:kitten",recipe="default:dirt")
02:14 Uberi done!
02:14 NekoGloop =w=
02:15 VanessaE yay!  forums work again
02:15 Uberi woo
02:15 NekoGloop Minecraft forums were murdering my internet.
02:16 NekoGloop Literally. I'd visit the website, modem loses internet.
02:16 Uberi am I the only one who got logged out?
02:16 NakedFury so Uberi, mauvebic: verdict- sniping world editing could work? plus some shapes
02:17 Uberi yes, NakedFury
02:17 mauvebic well im gonna try it the gun/throwing method :-)
02:17 NakedFury +1 for minetest's future!
02:17 mauvebic though for things like toruses better off using the generator
02:17 Muadtralk +1 for a new gravity system
02:18 Muadtralk anyone?
02:18 Uberi gravity system?
02:18 NakedFury you did it or want it?
02:18 mauvebic what new system
02:18 mauvebic yeah lol
02:18 NakedFury if you did YAY if want it then kay, we too
02:19 Muadtralk want it
02:19 mauvebic hmm, simple, make all nodes falling nodes lol
02:19 NekoGloop No...
02:19 NekoGloop He means for players.
02:19 Muadtralk doesnt work out anyway
02:19 Uberi :O
02:19 NakedFury include physics for blocks? ambitious
02:19 Muadtralk falling lava messes up
02:19 Uberi yeah BlockPlanet already had physics for players
02:19 Uberi I wonder if the patch is still valid
02:20 mauvebic i dont like how liquids work period lol
02:20 kotolegokot joined #minetest
02:20 mauvebic so yeah might as well do the whole physics
02:20 mauvebic but technically a node with no physical means of support should fall
02:20 Muadtralk yes it should
02:20 Muadtralk no matter what it is
02:20 mauvebic you could then add a group antigrav for nodes that shouldn't fall
02:21 Uberi mauvebic: but then how will I make piston airships? :P
02:21 Uberi those things are awesome
02:21 NekoGloop With special blocks.
02:21 mauvebic antigrav nodes
02:21 Muadtralk and very complex support systems within it
02:21 mauvebic place them under your airship, then the nodes ontop are supported, even invisibly
02:22 mauvebic gravity is **** to setup though lol
02:22 mauvebic its about as tough as moving a large group of nodes
02:23 mauvebic water, at sea level should fill in all empty spaces
02:24 mauvebic when i blow up entire continents i endup with these cubic oceans :p
02:25 Muadtralk oh!!
02:26 Muadtralk and have the moon effect currents!
02:26 NekoGloop XD
02:26 Uberi :O
02:26 mauvebic water reflections?
02:26 Uberi and simulate individual air particles bouncing with each other!
02:26 NekoGloop this^
02:26 NakedFury tide?
02:26 NekoGloop The above.
02:26 Uberi and simulate a digestion system for the player!
02:26 Muadtralk also atomic structure under a vacuum!
02:26 Renoki joined #minetest
02:27 Uberi and a more realistic health system that gives you diabetes if you only eat cake all the time!
02:27 NekoGloop ...
02:27 mauvebic lol
02:27 NekoGloop wat is this i dun evern...
02:27 Muadtralk and AIDs if you interact to much with the NPC's
02:27 Uberi O_o
02:27 Uberi bwahahaha
02:27 Muadtralk or genital herpes
02:28 Muadtralk your choice
02:28 NekoGloop i'm going to go wash my screen off now.
02:28 Muadtralk how about instead of respawning there could be reincarnation
02:28 Muadtralk you come back as a newborn infant
02:29 Uberi perfect!
02:29 Muadtralk and brutally murder your parents
02:29 Uberi and all the keys are swapped around
02:29 Uberi and you have to learn how to control the player again
02:29 Muadtralk a new way to survive!
02:32 Muadtralk also when you get hit you break a bone or get wounded
02:33 Muadtralk which slows your movements
02:33 Uberi permanently
02:33 Muadtralk or slowly damages you
02:33 Muadtralk until you can seek medical assistance of a sort
02:34 cy1 wow I'm having so much fun with this genital herpes
02:34 cy1 can I catch it twice?
02:34 cy1 for double herpes?
02:35 Muadtralk possibly
02:35 * cy1 writes the diarrhea mod, and then upgrades it to superdiarrhea
02:37 Muadtralk actually it is possible to write a mod that drops a fecal entity after a certain amount of time next to the player
02:38 VanessaE
02:38 VanessaE \o/
02:39 Muadtralk am i being disgusting?
02:39 VanessaE yes.
02:39 Muadtralk ever so sorry
02:39 Uberi bodies are disgusting, yes
02:39 Muadtralk people are just as disgusting
02:39 Uberi yet we live in them every day
02:40 Uberi VanessaE: no command blocks?
02:40 VanessaE it ain't the body or its functions that are disgusting - it's what one does with them that is.
02:40 VanessaE Uberi: as I understand, they open up a huge security vulnerability
02:40 Uberi they do?
02:40 Muadtralk security?
02:40 Uberi I should fix them if that's the case
02:40 Muadtralk do we not have norton security?
02:40 Uberi what is the issue?
02:40 NekoGloop /set
02:41 telek Anybody play Dominions I think it was called by Illwinter Games?
02:41 NekoGloop /shutdown
02:41 mauvebic nakedfury
02:41 NekoGloop Etc.
02:41 VanessaE uberi: I am unsure, I just recall reading it somewhere on forums.
02:41 Uberi darn, time to go for the forum search then
02:41 telek It actually had persistent injuries for either all, or all hero units.
02:41 Uberi nice one, mauvebic
02:41 mauvebic except the mapgen kicked in on its own on top lol
02:42 mauvebic been doing that for awhile now whenever i add alot of nodes at once
02:42 NakedFury nice
02:44 NakedFury after doing that to make land masses and mountains we need
02:44 mauvebic ideally i need to expand abit and have the gun come with all sorts of presets for difeerent shapes
02:44 mauvebic randomization would be cool too (perlin nose?)
02:45 NakedFury and a smooth feature
02:45 NekoGloop Do the pandora's box mod.
02:45 Uberi darn can't find anything about the command block security issue
02:45 mauvebic brb gotta finish the dishes while water is tepid lol
03:00 mauvebic how would a smooth terrain function work?
03:02 NekoGloop Magic.
03:03 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on mauvebic's head
03:04 VanessaE well you could always make several nodes out of nodeboxes (hundreds thereof) and fake it
03:04 NakedFury
03:04 VanessaE like jeija's slopes mod but with less resolution
03:04 NakedFury its in that section
03:06 mauvebic hmm
03:06 mauvebic id have to hookup multinode to a spherical selection area
03:07 mauvebic it seems to work by performing tons of little operations like raising or lowering terrain by 1 node a tatime
03:07 NakedFury ohh and the Overlay/Topsoil brush is what I was saying about spraypainting: The Overlay Brush will "spray-paint" the top most blocks in its area to the blocktype set by your "/v" command. This can be used to easily clean up any exposed materials once you are done with the erosion brush, or to create new fill material two link two pieces of landscape together.
03:08 mauvebic like dumping a single layer of grass ontop of stone
03:08 NakedFury yes
03:08 mauvebic that would mean, for a spherical area, to check every non-air node to see if theres air on top
03:08 NakedFury dumping or replacin that top layer with the grass dirt
03:09 mauvebic the bigger the brush, the more lag though
03:09 NakedFury extremely necesary for teraforming
03:09 NakedFury was that picture you posted earlier laggy to make of did minetest process that fast>
03:09 NakedFury ?
03:09 mauvebic no that was fast
03:10 mauvebic it doesnt check nodes it just dumps spheres of them
03:10 mauvebic the complex actions would need more CPU power
03:10 NakedFury well nothing to do but test how fast it does them
03:10 mauvebic a terrain lower, terrain raise, and terrain flatten seem like the most obvious to start with?
03:11 mauvebic and then terrain dump for things like grass
03:13 NakedFury how would you do the commands? short as in letters like in voxelsniper /b cs 0 [example] or something like /smooth or complete words?
03:13 mauvebic maybe even a regenerate brush to refill stone with minerals
03:13 mauvebic i was thinking different color-coded guns for different tools
03:13 mauvebic as few chat commands as possible
03:13 mauvebic basically /brush (for size) and /terrain (for selection node)
03:14 NakedFury ohh different tools could work too
03:14 mauvebic and the two chat commands i could convert to a GUI attached to the inventory
03:14 NekoGloop Or we could finally get a damn rightclick hook
03:14 RealBadAngel i just ported matrix and vector library, some of you may find it useable
03:15 RealBadAngel
03:15 NakedFury matrix and vector library? what do they do?
03:15 RealBadAngel provide all the math functions for matrices
03:16 RealBadAngel i needed that for L-Systems plants generation
03:16 NakedFury if its a library the tag MOD should be replaced for Library.
03:17 NakedFury would be better
03:17 NekoGloop So, got the pipes working yet, rba?
03:17 RealBadAngel good point
03:18 NekoGloop You've been avoiding working on technic.
03:19 VanessaE ho ho ho
03:19 VanessaE he's been working his ass off on it :-)
03:19 RealBadAngel i was busy with other stuff
03:19 cy1 mauvebic: how about like in minecraft's worldedit, where you can submit a list of types/frequencies to /set? //set stone/10,mineral_silver/5,air/3 or something
03:19 cy1 pipes suck :p
03:19 * NekoGloop puts a kitten in a santa suit on VanessaE's head
03:19 cy1 teleporters would make more sense than pipes
03:19 RealBadAngel btw, ive updated technic today with some fixes and changes
03:19 RealBadAngel also UI got updated
03:20 * VanessaE tosses the santa suit aside, snuggles with the kitten, then hands it off to cy1
03:20 cy1 nya?
03:20 NekoGloop :<
03:20 RealBadAngel all alloy and grinding recipes are now viewable in crafting guide
03:20 cy1 sweet!
03:20 cy1 alloy/grinding had me confused, since you can alloy ingots or dust the same.
03:20 RealBadAngel you need to update both technic and UI for it to work
03:21 * NekoGloop puts another kitten in a santa suit on VanessaE's head
03:21 mauvebic cyl what do you mean?
03:21 cy1 mauvebic: like, 1 iron dust + 1 chromium dust = 1 stainless steel dust, but also 1 iron (steel) ingot + 1 chromium ingot = 1 stainless steel ingot.
03:21 cy1 It's great just confused  me at first.
03:22 RealBadAngel its logical
03:22 cy1 otherwise chromium ingots would be c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y useless
03:22 NakedFury cy1 that was for RBA not mauvebic I think
03:22 mauvebic is confused yeah lol
03:22 NekoGloop You should be able to grind ingots to dust.
03:23 RealBadAngel dust primary usage is to double the income
03:24 RealBadAngel and the recipes you mentioned are equal
03:24 RealBadAngel just another way to get the same
03:25 NekoGloop Should take a more IC2 approach with your wiring btw.
03:25 NekoGloop Make it work from all sides.
03:27 NakedFury or work from Back and bottom sides
03:27 NekoGloop Or just work from all sides god damn it.
03:27 cy1 yeah but then you don't have to figure out where the plug goes :c
03:28 NakedFury ew no would look atrocious
03:28 NakedFury pluggin a furnace from the front
03:28 NakedFury ew
03:28 NekoGloop How about from the side?
03:28 NekoGloop That's like 2 wires not wasted stupidly due to some idiot's enforced rules.
03:28 NakedFury could work if the side doesnt have fancy texture stuff
03:29 NakedFury wow you never fail to insult
03:29 NekoGloop I take inspiration from rba himself.
03:31 NekoGloop ^yet another time i didnt fail to insult the imbecile.
03:31 NekoGloop ^oh look, another
03:32 NekoGloop ain't i just excellent at that.
03:35 RealBadAngel bottom and shut up :P
03:35 RealBadAngel thx for your cooperation :)
03:35 VanessaE NekoGloop: btw, your gloopblocks are starting to find use on my server :-)
03:35 NekoGloop Just for the nyancats, i bet.
03:36 VanessaE heh, no I don't think it was that
03:40 VanessaE actually it was blocks and gloopores...  someone was collecting akalin and coal, someone else was building using obsidian
03:41 NekoGloop Oh right, i did make igneous rocks didnt i
03:41 VanessaE yup
03:41 VanessaE obsidian, pumice, basalt.
03:41 NekoGloop All three with ugly ass textures.
03:41 VanessaE actually, they look fine to me.
03:41 NekoGloop >ugly ass textures
03:42 NekoGloop How does a distorted version of eloramm's already crappy basalt look fine?!
03:42 VanessaE because it just...does?
03:42 VanessaE you can't exactly do that much in 16px you know :-)
03:42 Muadtralk yes you can
03:42 NekoGloop Oh yes you can
03:43 VanessaE ok, you can, but with a stone texture? difficult at best.
03:43 NekoGloop My texture pack was going to prove that until i found out i'm just plain shit at texturing.
03:43 VanessaE since you want stone to be more or less even and tileable, you have to keep your detail low.
03:43 Muadtralk or
03:43 Muadtralk your skill level over 9000
03:43 NakedFury mauvebic if you need testers tell me
03:45 * NekoGloop puts a kitten on NakedFury's head
03:45 NakedFury my dog would get jelous
03:45 NakedFury jelouse?
03:45 NekoGloop jealous*
03:45 NakedFury jealous
03:46 mauvebic nakedfury i could upload what i have
03:46 NakedFury can your version of worldedit work with uberi and sfans?
03:47 mauvebic shouldn't conflict
03:48 mauvebic all the chat commands are diferent, single slash, GUI's tied into the nodes, not the inventory
03:49 NakedFury better yet
03:49 youlysses So do mods go in ~/.minetest/Mods/ , or?
03:49 NakedFury yes
03:52 VanessaE heh.  Landmine just joined my server..
03:52 NekoGloop Pfft.
03:52 VanessaE youlysses: ~/.minetest/mods/minetest
03:53 NekoGloop Ban his IP here and on your server.
03:53 NekoGloop Can't hurt.
03:53 VanessaE no need, I just won't bother granting him interact :-)
03:53 NekoGloop His client ignores that.
03:54 VanessaE my server doesn't/
03:54 NekoGloop His client doesnt give a shit
03:56 VanessaE it's up to the server whether to allow building, and he's begging for interact, so I expect that problem has since been solved.
03:56 NekoGloop Ah.
03:57 NekoGloop Can't tell if he's trolling or just plain stupid? ;)
03:57 VanessaE heh
03:57 VanessaE 22:57:25: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <LandMine> can i have interact privs please!!!!
03:57 VanessaE 22:57:35: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <LandMine> ask oldcoder im good now :(
03:57 VanessaE oh ho ho ho
03:57 VanessaE OldCoder: care to comment on this?
03:57 * NekoGloop gives VanessaE a kitten to put on LandMine's head
03:58 VanessaE done. :-)
03:58 NekoGloop Did you tell him it was me? :3
03:59 VanessaE 22:58:49: ACTION[ServerThread]: CHAT: <LandMine> nekogloop is a depresed crazy person
03:59 VanessaE heh
03:59 NekoGloop He's not even talking directly to me and is still managing to be a snotnosed little brat.
03:59 VanessaE yup
04:00 VanessaE he doesn't know I'm relaying commentary between here and there :-)
04:00 NekoGloop Prolly not
04:00 * NekoGloop gives VanessaE the box of kittens. Pass it on ;)
04:02 cy1 huh was I on Calinou's server before...? says invalid password...
04:03 NekoGloop What did he say to the box of kittens? :3
04:03 VanessaE that WAS his response.
04:03 VanessaE then he left the server.
04:04 NekoGloop Oh.
04:04 NekoGloop Well then.
04:04 * NekoGloop puts the box of kittens in VanessaE's lap
04:04 * VanessaE sets the box aside
04:04 VanessaE no more kittens tonight
04:05 NekoGloop :<<<<<<
04:05 VanessaE don't get me wrong, they're cute but it's way past their bedtime :-)
04:05 VanessaE let the poor things sleep
04:05 NekoGloop They are sleeping :>
04:06 RBA_afk cya
04:06 mauvebic funtime
04:06 VanessaE night RBA.
04:06 RBA_afk what night, goin to work :)
04:06 VanessaE ok, have fun at work :-)
04:06 NekoGloop Now make them spawn naturally, mauvebic.
04:06 mauvebic well no im doing nakedfury's idea about the voxelthingies
04:07 NakedFury well its late and I must sleep, good night. gonna keep testing them for errors mauvebic
04:07 * NekoGloop too
04:07 NekoGloop Night night
04:07 NekoGloop left #minetest
04:07 mauvebic thx & nighty night
04:12 OldCoder VanessaE, PM
04:13 VanessaE ok
04:15 mrtux joined #minetest
04:16 mrtux_ joined #minetest
04:30 * OldCoder is on an errand
04:33 davidpace joined #minetest
04:33 davidpace Hi All.
04:34 davidpace celeron55: Do you happen to know why the forums went down?
04:47 mauvebic joined #minetest
04:50 Aqua joined #minetest
04:50 Aqua Hello
04:50 VanessaE hi Aqua
04:50 Aqua Can i have privalages for your servrer?
04:50 VanessaE oh sure, sec.
04:51 VanessaE done :-)
04:52 Aqua Can i protect an area?
04:52 VanessaE sure
04:52 VanessaE coords?
04:52 Aqua how large can it be?
04:53 VanessaE any size as long as you intend to use the area of course.
04:53 Aqua is this right?
04:53 Aqua
04:53 VanessaE you'll need to sign back on though so I can do that
04:53 VanessaE yes.
04:54 Aqua I'm trying
04:54 VanessaE you're there.
04:54 VanessaE just taking a while to load I guess :-)
04:54 Aqua im still on the definition screen
04:55 Aqua i got on before then i pressed f10 and it just forze
04:55 Aqua froze*
04:55 VanessaE F10 is buggy.  don't use it.
04:55 Aqua yep that happened in 0.4.1
04:56 Aqua in 0.4.3 it worked and now its borken again
04:56 VanessaE it's always been broken for me.
04:56 VanessaE celeron55 says the problem is somewhere in irrlicht.
04:56 Aqua It keeps not responding!
04:56 VanessaE there you are.
04:57 davidpace Uhh I have a suggestion
04:57 VanessaE hm?
04:57 Aqua oh hello
04:57 davidpace When Pressing F10 when it does freeze, all you need to do is hit escape
04:57 VanessaE Aqua: /msg me with the coords you want to protect
04:57 Aqua no the whole game freezes for some people
04:58 davidpace Yes I know it does for me too
04:58 davidpace But when you hit ecape it fixes and runs smooth again
04:58 davidpace It should work if you do that, It works for me at least
04:59 Aqua protect 500, -100,500 600,100,600 for now please
04:59 VanessaE davidpace: for many of us, F10 outright crashes the game and causes it to exit to the OS.
04:59 VanessaE (so Esc. would end up going to the desktop in that case :-) )
04:59 VanessaE Aqua: sure, etc.
04:59 VanessaE er..
04:59 VanessaE Aqua: sure, sec.
04:59 davidpace Uhhh Okay....
05:00 Aqua david
05:00 davidpace Ohh I see the problem then, You guys have OS and stuff, I have windows :-)
05:00 davidpace Yea Aqua?
05:00 Aqua ummm.....os is operating system windows is an os......
05:01 Aqua you should try making a mod
05:01 VanessaE davidpace: what that means is the game exits back to your operating system, whether it means windows or linux or whatever
05:02 davidpace Oh sorry, I was looking at something else atm,.Okay, My Noob mistake Aqua
05:02 davidpace Aqua, are you saying I should try making a mod?
05:03 Aqua Yes, why not?
05:03 davidpace Because I have no clue how to.
05:03 Aqua Just relized using my Aqua name again
05:03 VanessaE Aqua: done.
05:03 Aqua YAY
05:03 davidpace And I don't know any kind of language
05:03 Aqua lua is simple
05:04 Aqua check out jeija, infinityproject or my moddinghelper
05:04 Aqua Thanks
05:04 davidpace I've already tried looking at your moddinghelper
05:05 davidpace I didn't spend more then 3 minutes on it but it didn't help
05:05 Aqua Did you understand?
05:05 davidpace Not much no
05:05 Aqua why not?
05:06 davidpace I didn't take a lot of time on it
05:06 davidpace I also don't have a lot of time to work on mods. I can create decent textures, but not mods
05:09 Aqua Normally for me the textures take longer :-)
05:09 davidpace Okay...
05:09 Aqua Good Textures*
05:10 Aqua Can you make some textures for me
05:10 davidpace Like what?
05:11 Aqua Plastic ladders and fences
05:11 Aqua its simple just paint it a bit white and grey
05:11 Aqua Please
05:11 davidpace Plastic Ladders, And Plastic Fences?
05:11 Aqua yes
05:12 davidpace Hmph
05:12 Aqua I'll add you to the credits
05:12 davidpace I dunno how long it'd take me to do it
05:12 davidpace Umm, how soon do you need it done by?
05:12 davidpace Do you want me to make it realistic or pixelated?
05:12 Aqua Tomorow 6 aest
05:13 Aqua Realistic, jusst get the default textures in the minetest game and colour it white
05:13 davidpace Eastern Time?
05:13 Aqua and grey\
05:13 davidpace You're In Whales Australie right?
05:13 Aqua austrailian eastern standard time
05:13 Aqua ?
05:13 Aqua You mean New south wales?
05:14 davidpace ye
05:14 davidpace ss
05:14 davidpace Sorry
05:14 Aqua lol
05:14 Aqua If you can do it, that'll be great
05:14 davidpace Hmmm, okay I'll try to, hang on a minute though.
05:15 davidpace What time right now is it for you?
05:16 Aqua 4:15
05:16 Aqua pm
05:16 Aqua You?
05:16 davidpace Alright, So tomorrow right?
05:16 davidpace 11:16 PM
05:16 davidpace So around 1:30 AM for mew
05:16 davidpace *Me
05:17 davidpace I'll try.
05:17 davidpace How will I get the textures to you Aqua?
05:17 davidpace dropbox?
05:17 Aqua yeh anything
05:18 Aqua preferably omploader
05:18 davidpace You know how to use dropbox right?
05:18 davidpace Oh, idk how to use omploader
05:18 Aqua yeh ive got an account
05:19 davidpace Alright, In case I don't see you here tonight, I need your name on dropbox and email
05:19 Aqua jusst go on the website, click browse, select folder, and click ompload then copy and paste link. simple
05:19 Aqua
05:20 Aqua and Aqua
05:20 Aqua or maybe s
05:20 Aqua ShiftyCake
05:20 davidpace Alright, I think I will do omp
05:20 davidpace hold on though
05:21 davidpace Try this link, tell me what you see: [url=][img][/img][/url]
05:21 Aqua a dog
05:21 davidpace :) Yay
05:21 VanessaE ok, bbl.  I need sleep.
05:21 davidpace Alright it works
05:21 Aqua Cya
05:22 davidpace See ya VE
05:22 Aqua but just copy the http: part no need the things in the bracket
05:22 davidpace Aqua, thats all I need to do when I give you the link for the picture tomorrow?
05:22 davidpace ok
05:22 Aqua yep see the link is in there two times...
05:22 Aqua I have to go ttoo cya
05:23 davidpace Alright BYE
05:23 Aqua Bye
05:23 davidpace Cya
05:23 neko259 joined #minetest
05:24 davidpace Hi Neko
05:24 davidpace Bye Neko
05:42 anunakki joined #minetest
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06:11 rsiska joined #minetest
06:30 jin_xi joined #minetest
06:40 simion314 joined #minetest
07:01 TForsman joined #minetest
07:02 OldCoder VanessaE, thexyz, marktraceur, celeron55, mrtux My switch to 0.4.4 is in progress. I'll test everything using new worlds temporarily before updating the old ones.
07:02 OldCoder RBA_afk, see above
07:02 * VanessaE is back for a while.  can't sleep.
07:03 OldCoder VanessaE, may I have the latest vanessa_game and world then?
07:03 OldCoder For testing with 0.4.4
07:05 VanessaE sure, gimme a sec.
07:06 VanessaE
07:07 OldCoder Got it
07:07 OldCoder Is the world current?
07:07 VanessaE hold and I'll upload that too.
07:08 celeron55 06:57:31 < VanessaE> celeron55 says the problem is somewhere in irrlicht.
07:08 celeron55 i have never had any problems with the console
07:09 VanessaE when I last asked, you said that it was somewhere "deep inside" irrlicht.
07:09 celeron55 and i have said the problems with the chat input thing are probably in irrlicht
07:11 VanessaE OldCoder:
07:11 OldCoder R
07:11 OldCoder VanessaE, got it ty
07:12 VanessaE hm, looks like you were talking about the chat input box, not the console.  my bad.
07:13 VanessaE (had to dig through my logs)
07:13 VanessaE nevertheless, it's a bug and a lot of people have been bit by it :-)
07:17 OldCoder VanessaE:
07:17 OldCoder -minetest.register_craft( {
07:17 OldCoder -       output              = 'doors:door_wood',
07:17 OldCoder -       recipe = {
07:17 OldCoder -               { 'default:wood', 'default:wood' },
07:17 OldCoder -               { 'default:wood', 'default:wood' },
07:17 OldCoder -               { 'default:wood', 'default:wood' },
07:17 OldCoder That patch is no longer needed with 0.4.4 ?
07:17 VanessaE 0.4.4 got a rewrite of the doors mod, the recipe should still work though.
07:17 OldCoder Actually the patch removes that
07:17 VanessaE (I use xdoors2 though)
07:17 OldCoder This patch is needed  if and only if the  default  "doors" mod is used
07:17 OldCoder in conjunction with the "xdoors2" extension mod.
07:18 OldCoder Question is whether I need to update the patch for 0.4.4
07:18 VanessaE dunno
07:19 OldCoder ty
07:19 OldCoder Looks like patch is needed
07:49 neko259 joined #minetest
07:49 OldCoder congestion_control_aim_rtt = 0.2
07:49 OldCoder congestion_control_max_rate = 400
07:49 OldCoder congestion_control_min_rate = 10
07:49 OldCoder VanessaE, use these? ^
07:50 VanessaE those are the defaults.  I'm not convinced that they have any appreciable effect on the server
07:50 VanessaE but,
07:50 VanessaE I did set congestion_control_min_rate = 50
07:50 VanessaE and left the other two alone
07:50 OldCoder So the speed issue is not corrected?
07:51 VanessaE dunno.
07:51 OldCoder k
07:51 VanessaE I guess not really
07:51 OldCoder k
07:51 VanessaE between mapgen lagging from ore generation and lagging from trees springing up and the network code itself lagging, I'm not sure anymore.
07:52 VanessaE RealBadAngel is going to take a crack at a more efficient tree routine that can replace conifers and jungle trees (and add some new ones)
07:52 OldCoder k
07:52 VanessaE we'll see how that turns out.
07:54 cy1 OldCoder: my tree laying isn't hurting your world is it?
07:54 OldCoder Hmm?
07:54 cy1 I'm p. much tired of it anyway.
07:54 OldCoder I haven't heard any complaints
07:54 cy1 Oh I thought you were complaining about it just now.
07:54 OldCoder Might be fine
07:54 OldCoder No
07:54 OldCoder Network issue
07:54 cy1 I'm trying to recreate my "witch's woods" :3
07:54 OldCoder Have fun
07:58 Jousway joined #minetest
08:07 OldCoder VanessaE, care to try a 0.4.4 client with your world on port 30017 ?
08:08 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:08 VanessaE shortly.
08:12 OldCoder VanessaE, I will be falling asleep in about 90 seconds
08:12 OldCoder So hope it works
08:13 OldCoder Actually, I'd better back up the worlds
08:13 OldCoder Shutting down for that
08:13 VanessaE ok
08:17 OldCoder VanessaE, try if you wish
08:17 VanessaE I will check it out later
08:17 * OldCoder shrugs
08:17 Aqua joined #minetest
08:17 OldCoder Don't stay up too late
08:17 Aqua Hello
08:18 OldCoder Hi
08:18 * OldCoder is asleep
08:22 Dopium joined #minetest
08:22 VanessaE hi Dopium
08:25 Aqua Hello
08:25 Dopium ok i worked it out right infront of my face haha
08:25 Dopium hi Aqua
08:27 VanessaE haha
08:31 Dopium
08:34 Dopium
08:35 VanessaE ^^^ those were meant for me, btw.
08:36 VanessaE OldCoder: that world is meant to run in creative mode, fwiw.
08:53 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
08:55 simion314_ joined #minetest
09:00 * VanessaE is off to bed, again...
09:00 VanessaE night all.
09:01 thexyz joined #minetest
09:02 Aqua cya
09:24 devlab joined #minetest
09:25 Aqua Hello
09:25 devlab Sup?
09:33 Matsetes joined #minetest
10:06 whirm joined #minetest
10:24 * devlab wonders if an 'equivalent exchange' Minecraft mod exists for Minetest
10:26 cy1 devlab: yeah it's the edward_elric mod :B
10:27 devlab ...
10:35 devlab Is PilzAdam on?
11:03 Aqua joined #minetest
11:03 Aqua
11:03 Aqua
11:12 devlab huh?
11:19 Aqua Sorry
11:35 loggingbot joined #minetest
11:35 Topic for #minetest is now IRC: Be patient; get to know the rules | HOME: | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | STATUS:
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11:51 RagnarLaud hi ruskie
11:53 RagnarLaud left #minetest
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11:57 RagnarLaud hi
12:06 anunakki joined #minetest
12:07 RagnarLaud hey is anybody even here, who talks?
12:10 ruskie no
12:11 RagnarLaud oh hi ruskie
12:11 RagnarLaud :D
12:12 RagnarLaud hey name something that gets passed around
12:17 ruskie you?
12:23 RagnarLaud nope...
12:23 RagnarLaud A JOINT
12:23 RagnarLaud im making one :D
12:24 RagnarLaud i mean as a mod
12:24 RagnarLaud there will be Marijuana, Pot, Cocaine, Bongs, Joints, Brownies etc
12:25 swilde joined #minetest
12:26 pandaro joined #minetest
12:28 swilde hi *, is it known, that besides the "Weird attachment bug" there seems to be issues with dropped items in the 0.4.4 engine?  We (me and my friends/co-workers) experienced many stacks of items (stones etc.) suddenly appearing in the world, while others reported dropped items to disappear...
12:32 fortytwo joined #minetest
12:37 ttk2 joined #minetest
12:40 theTroy joined #minetest
13:00 RagnarLaud joined #minetest
13:00 RagnarLaud hi
13:02 kotolegokot joined #minetest
13:03 RagnarLaud hi yall!
13:04 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:09 q66 joined #minetest
13:35 markveidemanis joined #minetest
13:35 markveidemanis HI
13:43 iqualfragile joined #minetest
13:53 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:58 * NekoGloop sets down a plate of waffles
14:02 NekoGloop Noone wanna waffle :<?
14:07 markveidemanis wWwWwWwWwWwWwW
14:08 KikaRz joined #minetest
14:08 KikaRz Hi there pipolz :)
14:08 KikaRz VanessaE, did you yesterday finished the counter?
14:14 iqualfragile NekoGloop: you like blue waffle?
14:14 NekoGloop No.
14:20 KikaRz minetest randomly crashed
14:28 MilanFIN joined #minetest
14:34 RealBadAngel hi
14:36 Taoki joined #minetest
14:38 iqualfragile hi RealBadAngel
14:38 RealBadAngel hi hi
14:39 KikaRz RealBadAngel, i got problems when installing your unified inventory mod
14:39 KikaRz says that init.lua is missing in textures folder
14:39 NekoGloop;v=ui9AAvEqae0
14:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:51 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:51 MilanFIN joined #minetest
14:59 KikaRz !c 90+15
14:59 NekoGloop The bot is still ignoring you
15:00 thexyz well, Minetest-tan is not here
15:00 NekoGloop Ah.
15:00 Minetest-tan joined #minetest
15:00 NekoGloop Fuck having no userlist
15:00 RealBadAngel speakin of the devil ;)
15:01 NekoGloop Yes, speaking of the devil, here is the reincarnation of him known as RealBadAngel.
15:01 Minetest-tan GIT: PilzAdam (PilzAdam) commited to celeron55/minetest: Dont sneak while flying 9786202b08 2012-12-11T10:04:55-08:00
15:01 Minetest-tan GIT: dannydark (DannyDark) commited to celeron55/minetest_game: Fix glass step sound 4763fa635a 2012-12-10T09:43:12-08:00
15:02 RealBadAngel my nick speaks for itself :P
15:02 RealBadAngel meanwhile, lets get some java converted to LUA
15:02 NekoGloop gl hf
15:02 RealBadAngel MATRIX time
15:03 devlab what?
15:03 RealBadAngel im doing L-Systems plant generation
15:03 RealBadAngel it uses lotsa matrices and vector math
15:04 RealBadAngel not really, im workin on implemented one, but in java
15:04 VanessaE good morning all, just passing through.
15:04 VanessaE KikaRz: yes, I finished it.
15:05 RealBadAngel wb VanessaE
15:05 VanessaE heh
15:05 RealBadAngel like the Notch one?
15:13 paxcoder joined #minetest
15:14 SpeedProg joined #minetest
15:18 celeron55 joined #minetest
15:19 VanessaE aw shit, c55 is here. everyone hide!
15:22 RealBadAngel lol
15:22 RealBadAngel hi celeron55
15:24 RealBadAngel damn those trees, ive havent read so much math since studies lol
15:25 VanessaE haha
15:25 RealBadAngel im tryin to understand how it works in the first place
15:25 swilde hi *, is it known, that besides the "Weird attachment bug" there seems to be issues with dropped items in the 0.4.4 engine?  We (me and my friends/co-workers) experienced many stacks of items (stones etc.) suddenly appearing in the world, while others reported dropped items to disappear...
15:26 VanessaE swilde: not sure of that one, I can't say I've heard of it before
15:26 RealBadAngel i guess its Taoki
15:26 RealBadAngel she wanted attachments to be player wielded items
15:26 q66 joined #minetest
15:27 RealBadAngel so maybe she left there some code
15:27 VanessaE RealBadAngel: and for carts/boats
15:27 RealBadAngel that was side effect
15:27 Penguin joined #minetest
15:27 RealBadAngel which actually works
15:27 Penguin Hi
15:27 RealBadAngel primary was to show what player is holding
15:28 VanessaE RealBadAngel: right, but that part is as yet unimplemented.
15:28 RealBadAngel lookin at bug reports i BET some code is here
15:29 RealBadAngel it looks like a well implemented bug :)
15:30 RealBadAngel seen a picture of a player with button in chest already :)
15:30 VanessaE I was photographed wearing a cart some days ago :-)
15:30 VanessaE and I've been seeing those attached to signs a lot lately.
15:31 RealBadAngel if the code is here, which is 90%, it shall be finished
15:32 RealBadAngel also, movin head according to yaw
15:33 RealBadAngel it both sounds and looks funny indeed )
15:33 RealBadAngel :)
15:34 RealBadAngel rotfl
15:34 RealBadAngel but in fact thats nothin new for her
15:34 RealBadAngel she used to wear almost everythin already
15:36 RealBadAngel next shockin vid by gaga will be propably shes dancing with toilets painted red, for better contrast
15:37 RealBadAngel brown stufff will be blanked and non censored version will be played only after 10 pm
15:41 VanessaE he
15:41 VanessaE heh
15:41 RealBadAngel talkin of so called "lady" gaga i wonder if they are borders that stars wont cross
15:42 RealBadAngel *there
15:42 RealBadAngel propably not
15:43 VanessaE nope.  If there's money in it, they'll cross it
15:43 VanessaE short of murder maybe
15:43 RealBadAngel not quite sure
15:43 RealBadAngel some are gettin money writin books in jail
15:44 RealBadAngel or selling the rights to
15:45 VanessaE heh
15:45 RealBadAngel theres a never ending story here in poland now
15:45 RealBadAngel young mother killed her child
15:46 VanessaE we see those here as well, a lot moreso than should ever happen :-/
15:46 RealBadAngel first she (through TV) asked for help, she claimed that her child was kidnapped
15:46 RealBadAngel then after some time
15:46 RealBadAngel they found a body
15:47 RealBadAngel so she admitted she did that, and it was accident
15:47 RealBadAngel then police arrested her
15:47 RealBadAngel then they let her out, wait for trail
15:48 RealBadAngel then experts said it was not an accident
15:48 RealBadAngel so she got arrested again
15:48 VanessaE hey sfan5.
15:48 sfan5 hi :d
15:48 sfan5 *:D
15:48 RealBadAngel then another expert said they could be wrong
15:48 RealBadAngel so they let her out again
15:48 paxcoder RealBadAngel, lol
15:48 RealBadAngel so she hid in some village
15:49 sfan5 RealBadAngel: xD
15:49 paxcoder from?
15:49 RealBadAngel after next shift in opinions they were lookin for her again
15:49 RealBadAngel so shes now back in jail
15:50 RealBadAngel and last week i heard some folks want to make a movie bout her story
15:50 RealBadAngel and let her earn money for in fact death of her child
15:50 VanessaE ohh brother.
15:50 RealBadAngel imho shes guilty
15:51 devlab left #minetest
15:51 RealBadAngel of course i cannot be sure
15:51 paxcoder RealBadAngel, then we must let her go!
15:51 RealBadAngel and wont play a judge
15:51 paxcoder RealBadAngel, then we must arrest her again!
15:51 RealBadAngel but the story, whats goin on about it
15:51 paxcoder to the village!
15:51 RealBadAngel its just CIRCUS
15:53 RealBadAngel some are saying, we shall wonder what our premier has on mind, to let the public hear about that mother and child again
15:53 paxcoder *prime minister
15:54 RealBadAngel if he had again fucked up somethin and using this to force ppl lookin another way
15:54 RealBadAngel paxcoder, yes
15:54 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:55 RealBadAngel in another direction i shal say propably ;)
15:56 RealBadAngel most funny thing that women was fired from her job imadiately
15:56 RealBadAngel so she went to work as a go-go dancer
15:56 * paxcoder facepalms
15:57 RealBadAngel tabloids found her there
15:57 RealBadAngel and wrote about it
15:57 RealBadAngel she was fired again
15:57 paxcoder o.O
15:58 paxcoder anyway star trek > star wars
15:59 VanessaE agreed.
16:00 ruskie ++
16:07 Zeg9 joined #minetest
16:07 VanessaE greetz, Zeg9.
16:07 Zeg9 Hello
16:17 iqualfragile anybody using ipv6 here?
16:19 rsiska joined #minetest
16:23 anunakki joined #minetest
16:25 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:25 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:25 VanessaE hey PilzAdam
16:25 iqualfragile hello PilzAdam
16:26 moltenbot joined #minetest
16:29 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:34 Calinou joined #minetest
16:41 Jordach joined #minetest
16:43 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:43 rubenwardy hi all
16:43 Calinou hi rubenwardy
16:44 Zeg9 hi
16:44 PilzAdam Hello
16:45 VanessaE greetz, Calinou and rubenwardy
16:48 Jordach joined #minetest
16:49 Jordach joined #minetest
16:51 mauvebic joined #minetest
16:55 * Jordach looks for the GTK settings in hexchat
16:56 mauvebic mmmm coooffee
16:57 PilzAdam I think i can merge this:
16:57 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: Add sounds to stairs and slabs by PilzAdam ? Pull Request #62 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
16:57 youlysses joined #minetest
16:57 iqualfragile
16:57 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: RFC 1149 - Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers
16:59 iqualfragile i found an implementation of that rfc
16:59 mauvebic looks harmless enough
17:01 PilzAdam Minetest-tan missed a commit
17:01 Minetest-tan GIT: PilzAdam (PilzAdam) commited to celeron55/minetest_game: Add sounds to stairs and slabs c4f2bee9a6 2012-12-12T11:37:33-08:00
17:01 PilzAdam heh
17:02 sema4 joined #minetest
17:02 iqualfragile can "Provide a repository (git, hg)" be added to ? Calinou VanessaE sfan5 thexyz
17:02 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Forum information and guidelines (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
17:03 celeron55 joined #minetest
17:03 sema4 mornin' all.
17:03 iqualfragile good morning sema4
17:03 thexyz no
17:03 iqualfragile phunny phunny
17:04 iqualfragile thexyz: why not? it would be realy usefull
17:05 iqualfragile or at least: provide a link wich allways points to a zip/tgz/whateverz of the newest version of your mod
17:05 Zeg9 Do animations work without bones in 0.4.4 ?
17:06 PilzAdam I guess so
17:07 Zeg9 Ok
17:07 Zeg9 I'm currently trying to make a model for carts
17:07 Jordach brb
17:07 Zeg9 My first try with UVs...
17:08 PilzAdam Zeg9, just try to make the same carts like the nodebox ones
17:08 PilzAdam would be enough i guess
17:08 Zeg9 That's what I'm doing
17:08 iqualfragile PilzAdam: what do you think about merging in ?
17:08 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Make shovels and pickaxes able to deal damage; tweak damage caused by hand and weapons to be more consistent and balanced by Calinou ? Pull Request #59 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
17:09 ttk2 joined #minetest
17:09 PilzAdam iqualfragile, yea, i will merge it
17:09 PilzAdam anyone against it?
17:09 iqualfragile in general: there are some pull-requests wich seem to be worth merging in
17:10 iqualfragile PilzAdam: thankyou
17:10 PilzAdam Calinou, can you rebase this as one commit?
17:10 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: Make shovels and pickaxes able to deal damage; tweak damage caused by hand and weapons to be more consistent and balanced by Calinou ? Pull Request #59 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
17:12 Jordach joined #minetest
17:14 Jordach joined #minetest
17:15 VanessaE PilzAdam: merge pull request #60 so c55 will stop waffling over what to do with it :-)
17:15 PilzAdam NO!!!!
17:16 rubenwardy1 joined #minetest
17:17 Penguin joined #minetest
17:20 KikaRz back
17:20 KikaRz hi moltenbot
17:20 moltenbot hi KikaRz
17:20 Jordach yes, fuckyes
17:20 Jordach FUCK YES
17:20 KikaRz Ok, now its working . Thank you iqualfragile
17:21 Jordach VanessaE, another person to the mese ore bandwagon
17:25 VanessaE Jordach: put a comment on the github link then :-)
17:25 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
17:26 Jeija joined #minetest
17:27 KikaRz Hi Jeija
17:27 Jeija Hi everyone
17:28 VanessaE hey hey Jeija
17:28 PilzAdam sup Jeija
17:29 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
17:29 Jeija VanessaE: Do you want to help me make vertical mesecons (visual style)
17:29 Penguin hi
17:29 VanessaE Jeija: I can offer comments and suggestions but I'm not in too much of a modding frame of mind lately.
17:30 Penguin done any one no a server with industrial pack on or blockforge2 ?
17:30 Jordach VanessaE
17:30 moltenbot Jordach's link: Changed Mese object to be more consistent with other ores (see below). by VanessaE ? Pull Request #60 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
17:30 Calinou PilzAdam: is there any simple way to do this, other than deleting the repo then redoing all the changes
17:31 PilzAdam Calinou, branches
17:31 Calinou nvm
17:31 Calinou i'll do it the usual way(R), have to go soon :P
17:32 * KikaRz is making nodes for Minetest in Gimp 2.6
17:32 Jordach you cant code im gimp silly
17:32 thexyz Calinou: well, there is git rebase
17:32 PilzAdam Calinou, nice book here:
17:32 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: Git - Documentation
17:32 thexyz that's why he asks you to "rebase" it
17:32 KikaRz Jordach, DESIGN!
17:32 KikaRz NOT CODING
17:32 mauvebic lol
17:33 mauvebic my favorite IDE is also gimp :p
17:33 KikaRz Jordach, i said: is making (not coding / programming)
17:33 Calinou done the usual way(R)
17:33 Penguin done any one no a server with industrial pack on or blockforge2 ? please
17:34 TForsman joined #minetest
17:34 Calinou
17:34 moltenbot Calinou's link: Damage/punch time tweaks by Calinou ? Pull Request #63 ? celeron55/minetest_game ? GitHub
17:34 Calinou wtf
17:35 Calinou you'll have to redo some of the fixes though, see the diff
17:35 Calinou have to go now...
17:35 Calinou (the attached_node stuff and the footstep sound)
17:36 Penguin MarkTraceur
17:37 ttk2 joined #minetest
17:37 iqualfragile @ all the guys running minetest-servers
17:39 iqualfragile let me help you automatizing the update-process a bit
17:39 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: iqualfragile/minetest_scripts ? GitHub
17:40 iqualfragile pilzadam: can you change the default-branch of carts to carts_2.0 or attatchments?
17:40 marktraceur WTF
17:40 PilzAdam why?
17:41 marktraceur Ping a guy, then log off 3 seconds later.
17:41 marktraceur s/seconds/minutes/ but when I'm away the effect is the same
17:43 iqualfragile weil das was momentan im default-branch ist… naja, sagen wir mal kaum nutzbar ist
17:44 PilzAdam I dont see any benefit of this
17:45 KikaRz iqualfragile, just talk english
17:45 iqualfragile i would not need to cd carts && git checkout carts_2.0
17:45 marktraceur iqualfragile: Can you add a few useful options to it? Maybe a config file? Without that it's only good for servers that keep all mods in mods/minetest and want to run on latest master.
17:46 iqualfragile marktraceur: jup, thats just the first version, as you may be able to see i have commited it less than 20 minutes ago
17:46 Jordach joined #minetest
17:46 marktraceur iqualfragile: Noted, just suggesting some things
17:47 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:48 PilzAdam iqualfragile, done
17:48 iqualfragile PilzAdam: thanks
17:48 PilzAdam now give me some screenshots for the topic
17:49 iqualfragile meh?
17:49 Zeg9 PilzAdam, do you still need a mesh for carts?
17:50 PilzAdam sure
17:50 PilzAdam (to both)
17:50 Zeg9 Should frames be rotated around X or Z ?
17:50 Zeg9 Also, I can't find .x exporter in blender :/
17:51 KikaRz Guys, we can make fences by gimp?
17:51 iqualfragile allright, just setting up a new server, then i will make screenshots
17:51 iqualfragile
17:51 moltenbot iqualfragile's link: Compatibility with new 3D player thingy by sdzen ? Pull Request #1 ? PilzAdam/player_textures ? GitHub
17:53 celeron55
17:53 moltenbot celeron55's link: 7. Making things with Maths - YouTube
17:54 sema4 interesting, is push/pull specifically git terminology?  we use svn here and i have never heard that before (never used git)
17:54 marktraceur sema4: Not exclusively, mercurial uses the same terms
17:55 * sema4 nods
17:55 sema4 ok
17:55 marktraceur sema4: I guess it's a DVCS-exclusive term, though, unless some other VCS uses it
17:56 VanessaE ok, back
17:56 VanessaE contractor finally got started on our repairs today - driveway getting some treatment now.
17:56 Jordach VanessaE, in the UK you're lucky if the builder turns up at all
17:56 Jordach ;)
17:56 VanessaE it turns out the way I modeled our house on my server is almost exactly what he planned (he saw the model, thinks it is good)
17:57 VanessaE Jordach: it took five tries and almost two months to get someone over here :-)
17:57 marktraceur Weird. Penguin is a registered nick, but hasn't been seen for six months. But there he is, just logged in a few minutes ago
17:57 Zeg9 PilzAdam,
17:57 Jordach heh
17:58 VanessaE PilzAdam: mese should be an ore.  you suck :-)
17:58 PilzAdam Zeg9, i need this in the .x format
17:58 Zeg9 Ok, I'll try to find the exporter...
17:58 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:58 Zeg9 But it seems not to be included in my distro :(
17:58 thexyz VanessaE: no, it shouldn't
17:58 VanessaE Jordach: perhaps you down your post on the pull request just a tad :-)
17:58 Jordach VanessaE, the movie taken line modified
17:59 VanessaE what line is that?
17:59 VanessaE er movie
17:59 Jordach taken, you've never seen it?
17:59 VanessaE oh, no I have not.
17:59 Zeg9 My bad. It isn't enabled in the config
17:59 VanessaE (I didn't read "taken" as a title, but rather as a part of speech)
18:00 marktraceur Even considering "Taken" as a movie title, that sentence doesn't make sense.
18:00 VanessaE I/O error reading /dev/jordach:  parse error
18:00 Zeg9 PilzAdam, the .x one:
18:01 rubenwardy1 (5:53:21 PM) celeron55:
18:01 rubenwardy1 nice
18:01 moltenbot rubenwardy1's link: 7. Making things with Maths - YouTube
18:04 PilzAdam Zeg9, ehm... thats way too small
18:04 Zeg9 Huh?
18:04 Zeg9 omg
18:04 Zeg9 you're right, it shouldn't be like that
18:05 kaeza joined #minetest
18:05 kaeza hey!
18:05 Zeg9 Hello
18:06 kaeza what's up?
18:06 PilzAdam Zeg9, here is an branch for testing:
18:06 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: PilzAdam/carts at model ? GitHub
18:06 VanessaE PilzAdam: shall I pull this?
18:06 iqualfragile kaeza: not much
18:06 Zeg9 ok
18:07 PilzAdam VanessaE, no
18:07 kaeza PilzAdam: is that a new carts version?
18:07 KikaRz no
18:07 VanessaE PilzAdam: ok, I'll wait.
18:07 VanessaE hey hey kaeza.
18:07 kaeza hey hey V
18:08 kaeza VanessaE: have you updated the Deco Computers mod?
18:08 VanessaE kaeza: just did.
18:09 PilzAdam first post updated:
18:09 VanessaE what, no C64 in there? :-(
18:09 moltenbot PilzAdam's link: [Mod] Carts [carts] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
18:09 PilzAdam do i miss something?
18:09 kaeza VanessaE: just added the Speccy :P
18:09 kaeza C64 for next
18:09 VanessaE PilzAdam: looks okay to me,
18:09 kaeza I promise
18:09 VanessaE kaeza: and a C128 also plz.
18:10 PilzAdam VanessaE, you cant read that fast
18:10 kaeza k
18:10 VanessaE :-)
18:10 VanessaE PilzAdam: I skimmed :-)
18:10 VanessaE and I hit enter too quick anyway.
18:12 kaeza anyone know a good IRC server soft for python?
18:12 PilzAdam Zeg9, are you working on the model?
18:13 Zeg9 I am
18:13 PilzAdam good
18:14 PilzAdam Zeg9, what license?
18:14 Zeg9 WTFPL
18:15 Zeg9 If it works...
18:15 marktraceur kaeza:
18:15 PilzAdam If its WTFPL i can change it to anything i want, so... yes that works
18:15 PilzAdam 31%
18:15 kizeren joined #minetest
18:15 neko259 joined #minetest
18:15 PilzAdam oops
18:16 Zeg9 PilzAdam, I think I'm going to make a "meta texture" so the texture problems will be fixed
18:16 markveidemanis joined #minetest
18:16 kaeza marktraceur: I'm looking into it right now
18:16 kaeza and hi :)
18:17 marktraceur kaeza: Hello back
18:18 jordan4ibanez omg the mob is now semipeaceful and if you punch it it will own you in 1 second without a timer lol
18:19 kaeza jordan4ibanez: ?
18:19 kaeza hi!
18:22 Zeg9 ...It won't take my UV map
18:23 kaeza kay guys, gtg
18:24 kaeza see you later
18:24 VanessaE jeez,
18:24 VanessaE he didn't stay long..
18:25 Zeg9 PilzAdam, got it to work ! good size and textures... but no animations: I used .obj format
18:26 Zeg9 What about using different models for rotated carts?
18:26 jordan4ibanez pilzadam, you should use real collision detection for the carts
18:27 PilzAdam If you patch the engine... sure
18:27 jordan4ibanez I made rails, and i started to work on trains, but this mob thing is more important
18:27 jordan4ibanez No, you can do it without that
18:27 jordan4ibanez You need to attach the body of the cart to a bogie and it works
18:27 jordan4ibanez reverse that
18:28 jordan4ibanez actually never mind lol, the body is attached to a bogie
18:28 VanessaE a bogie?
18:28 jordan4ibanez here is the rails
18:28 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link:   minetest.register_node("trainz:rail", {  description = "rail",  paramtype =  -
18:29 jordan4ibanez it'd be much much less cpu intensive than the current carts
18:30 jordan4ibanez a bogie is the wheels of a train which keeps the train on the tracks
18:31 jordan4ibanez or in this case: another entity which is slightly smaller than the cart entity which will hold the cart to the rails
18:31 jordan4ibanez this is the collisionbox which fits in those tracks
18:31 jordan4ibanez collisionbox = {-0.29, -0.29, -0.29, 0.29, 0.29, 0.29},
18:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:33 Zeg9 PilzAdam, can you check that ?
18:33 Zeg9 It is working fine, just it doesn't have rotations
18:33 PilzAdam visual_size = 5 will make the player really big if attached to it
18:34 Zeg9 Oh...
18:34 PilzAdam also I would prefer .x
18:35 Zeg9 .x doesn't work with uv maps :/
18:35 rubenwardy;qid=53120
18:35 rubenwardy This should be a stick
18:35 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Post new reply - One-line script: installing/compiling Minetest git, Debian/Ubuntu/Mint - General Discussion - Minetest Forums
18:35 rubenwardy y
18:35 jordan4ibanez well could you start work with that?
18:35 Jordach HOLY SHIT
18:36 rubenwardy sorry, this:
18:37 frogcrush joined #minetest
18:37 moltenbot Jordach's link: update the mod ?  b8d7762 ? RealBadAngel/technic ? GitHub
18:37 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: One-line script: installing/compiling Minetest git, Debian/Ubuntu/Mint (Page 1) - General Discussion - Minetest Forums
18:39 KikaRz going to blow my pc up
18:39 KikaRz with auke.
18:39 KikaRz *a nuke
18:40 KikaRz Linux: 21,6 % of Compatibility with my PC.
18:42 KikaRz Guys, how i make fences?
18:42 VanessaE fences?
18:42 VanessaE which kind?
18:42 KikaRz yea
18:43 KikaRz diferent ones
18:43 KikaRz from that wood ones
18:43 VanessaE on my server there are about a dozen kinds in about 95 or so colors.
18:43 KikaRz not that
18:43 KikaRz Not like that. Very different ones.
18:43 VanessaE well it depends on the mod then
18:43 KikaRz RealBadAngel said me that i needed other program
18:43 KikaRz and not Gimp
18:44 VanessaE gimp will work just fine for drawing textures.
18:44 KikaRz i know
18:44 VanessaE but you also need to code a mod to use those textures.
18:44 KikaRz how?
18:44 Doc22 joined #minetest
18:44 Doc22 hey
18:44 VanessaE learn Lua, read through some other mods' code, and learn the Minetest API
18:44 KikaRz Hi Doc22
18:44 VanessaE that's how we all do it pretty much :-)
18:44 VanessaE hey Doc.
18:44 Doc22 been a while lol
18:44 KikaRz :'(
18:44 Zeg9 brb
18:44 Doc22 lol
18:45 KikaRz i missed you Doc22... (and VanessaE, im sad because i wanted to make that fences better)
18:45 Doc22 :')
18:45 Doc22 lol
18:45 Doc22 thought i had left minetest eh?
18:45 Doc22 nuh uh
18:45 VanessaE KikaRz: you'll have to make a mod to do it, that's the only way it works if someone else hasn't already done so.
18:45 RealBadAngel KikaRz, i told ya, tried to help ya, but it seems you wouldnt believe....
18:45 KikaRz no, nobody.
18:45 Doc22 there is XFences
18:46 KikaRz Doc22, DIFFERENT ONES!
18:46 Doc22 oh
18:46 KikaRz not like wood fences.
18:46 Doc22 you could copy the code
18:46 Jordach RealBadAngel, what was that huge commit for in technic
18:46 KikaRz boxes are not equal.
18:46 Doc22 cant you change them
18:47 KikaRz idk how
18:48 Doc22 and btw what should I add next
18:48 moltenbot Doc22's link: [Mod] Doc-Farming! [1.0][docfarming] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
18:49 Doc22 huh?
18:49 Doc22 oh new feature lol
18:49 rubenwardy Doc22:
18:49 Doc22 cool
18:49 Doc22 i can find lots of ideas
18:49 Doc22 ty
18:50 Doc22 now that you gave me that
18:50 Doc22 minetest needs hungerr
18:50 Doc22 hunger*
18:50 rubenwardy I will add support for your farming mod
18:50 rubenwardy in my food mod
18:50 Doc22 thanks
18:51 Doc22 ill make textures for whatever you add support for
18:51 Doc22 if you want
18:51 cisoun joined #minetest
18:51 Doc22 and ill put a link to your mod on my page
18:52 KikaRz What minetest needs? - Food bar / Hunger ; Health Regeneration ; Sprinting ; particles ; better animations ; skin system ; server master (server list) ; ...
18:52 Doc22 yes i agree
18:52 KikaRz ; beacon ; enchantment table ; better mobs ; better effects
18:52 Doc22 also it needs hard mobs
18:52 Doc22 like alligator
18:53 LandMine joined #minetest
18:53 Doc22 stuff that makes it a challenge
18:53 KikaRz and i never find new mobs
18:53 KikaRz LandMine is back! Watch out!
18:53 Doc22 lol
18:53 KikaRz Jordach!
18:53 LandMine Hmmm
18:53 Doc22 should i add tomatoes or cucumbers
18:53 Doc22 (hmm, how about both?)
18:53 KikaRz Hummm...
18:53 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Defence - LandMine
18:53 LandMine What can jordach do? He is my bitch
18:53 Doc22 lol i think both is good
18:54 Jordach go fuck yourself
18:54 LandMine Thank u
18:54 LandMine Ur so sweet
18:54 KikaRz Jordach, for simple languages... Masturbate.
18:54 Jordach /ignore ftw
18:54 KikaRz LandMine is now: IGNORED.
18:54 LandMine Hahhahahhah
18:54 LandMine Like I gave a damm
18:55 LandMine Hi doc22 what's new
18:55 Doc22 not much
18:55 Doc22 lol
18:55 LandMine I see I left in the middle of the discussion last time
18:55 LandMine It was heated
18:55 jordan4ibanez Now the mobs will attack you at night!
18:55 LandMine Tell ur face
18:56 KikaRz Not going to discuss with a homossexual.
18:56 Doc22 umm
18:56 Doc22 landmine?
18:56 Doc22 is homo?
18:56 LandMine Lol nah
18:56 Doc22 ok good
18:57 LandMine Kikarx get of my sack
18:57 Doc22 nvm...
18:57 Doc22 creepy..
18:57 LandMine Lol
18:57 KikaRz Shut up. I'm a women.
18:57 LandMine Lol stfu stink cunt
18:57 marktraceur KikaRz: You mean there are two of you!?
18:57 KikaRz no, woman *
18:57 marktraceur (at least!?)
18:57 marktraceur :)
18:58 LandMine Kikarz u stink cunt get of my sack
18:58 Doc22 time for everyone to do /clear...
18:58 Doc22 little brothers walking around D:
18:58 KikaRz LandMine, fuck you.
18:58 jordan4ibanez Lol i don't think landmine speaks very good english
18:59 LandMine Well its not my native language so I don't care tbh
18:59 jordan4ibanez s/very good/fluent
18:59 KikaRz LandMine: Rule of the rules: IRC: Be patient; get to know the rules
18:59 jordan4ibanez tell me landmine, why do you have to come in here to troll people?
18:59 marktraceur LandMine: Could you please take the foul language elsewhere? I mean, swearing is fine, but do it usefully.
18:59 marktraceur Like "Hey, did you see my new mod? It's fucking awesome!"
19:00 LandMine Kk mark just cause I like u and never had probles with u
19:00 LandMine Kikarx let me get tht numba hoe
19:00 KikaRz LandMine, you know what time is it?
19:01 marktraceur LandMine: I'm only here to help build a cool community and help software get made--part of that is having a comfortable environment for everyone.
19:01 LandMineMT Nope
19:01 Jordach another /ignore to the list
19:01 marktraceur LandMineMT: If you can't contribute to a comfortable environment, we *will* have a problem.
19:01 LandMineMT Jordach ur look like a corn flake u ugly fuck
19:01 Jordach how fun
19:01 KikaRz Jordach, (2)
19:02 LandMineOwnz Jordach u mad?
19:02 LandMineOwnz Hahaha
19:02 Jordach i can do this all day long
19:02 KikaRz Fuck you LandMine
19:02 KikaRz i had a better idea before. LandMine* added to ignore list.
19:02 jordan4ibanez Jordach doesn't know how to ignore isps
19:02 KikaRz so, all nicks with LandMine after, are ignored.
19:02 LandMineOwnz Jordach is ignorant
19:02 KikaRz i know jordan4ibanez
19:03 KikaRz LandMineOwnz, you're stupid.
19:03 jordan4ibanez You all should do the same, what is wrong with you peoples and persons
19:03 LandMineOwnz Kikarz stop flrtting with me hoe
19:03 VanessaE LandMineOwnz: enough.
19:03 VanessaE stop now.
19:03 KikaRz Vai te lixar cabrão.
19:03 LandMineOwnz Okok
19:03 LandMineOwnz I didn't start thoug
19:03 LandMineOwnz As u can see
19:03 KikaRz Yes you did.
19:03 rubenwardy
19:03 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Alert Icons (Page 1) - Feature Discussion - Minetest Forums
19:03 LandMineOwnz I was attacked
19:04 VanessaE [12-13 13:54] <LandMine> What can jordach do? He is my bitch
19:04 VanessaE your first comment.
19:04 LandMineOwnz Well he is but we ill stop
19:04 VanessaE and nothing between that and you joining that should have set you off.
19:04 KikaRz VanessaE, | can you add it to your server? *o*
19:04 Jordach #minetest, play the rock manuver
19:04 moltenbot KikaRz's link: [Mod] Fireworks [fireworks] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
19:04 LandMineOwnz Ofcourse there is
19:04 LandMineOwnz Read it over
19:05 LandMineOwnz But w/e
19:05 VanessaE KikaRz: nice idea but that uses a lot of entities as I recall, and as b0rk3d as those are it wouldn't be a good idea right now.
19:05 Jordach brb
19:05 Jordach left #minetest
19:06 KikaRz :(
19:06 KikaRz Remembering: New #minetest (optional) channels! #minetest-dk / #minetest-es / #minetest-fr (made by Calinou) / #minetest-it / #minetest-pt / and #minetest-ru
19:07 KikaRz Enter now into your language channels! :)
19:07 marktraceur LandMine: Understand that this is a place where we talk about serious things sometimes, and that it's the headquarters of a volunteer effort. If you can't help us be welcoming to volunteers, you will have to leave.
19:08 LandMine Stfu don't talk to me
19:08 KikaRz | we could make: for server timeout - a internet planet with a X in the middle or in the border
19:08 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Alert Icons (Page 1) - Feature Discussion - Minetest Forums
19:08 VanessaE I said KNOCK IT OFF.
19:08 KikaRz and to Inventory full: a chest with a FULL saying down.
19:09 VanessaE KikaRz: I thought about that one, but I don't think it'll have a lot of use in creative mode :-)
19:09 KikaRz not for that
19:09 KikaRz just for survival
19:09 KikaRz for when we are mining
19:09 VanessaE right
19:09 KikaRz and our inventory gets full
19:10 AndChat|338289 joined #minetest
19:10 Zeg9 PilzAdam, I got the working mesh now
19:11 KikaRz AndChat|338289 = LandMine
19:11 LandMine joined #minetest
19:13 rubenwardy (19:08:26) KikaRz: | we could make: for server timeout - a internet planet with a X in the middle or in the border
19:13 rubenwardy (19:08:41) KikaRz: and to Inventory full: a chest with a FULL saying down.
19:13 rubenwardy Yeah, exactly
19:13 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Alert Icons (Page 1) - Feature Discussion - Minetest Forums
19:13 LandMine Mmmmmmmmm
19:13 KikaRz thank you for accepting my idea rubenwardy
19:14 rubenwardy in my food mod, should it check for PilzAdam's mobs or mobf first?
19:14 rubenwardy the one that is checked first, is the one who's items are used
19:15 PilzAdam mobf, it has more items
19:15 KikaRz going to play sky...
19:15 KikaRz block
19:16 LandMine Vanessae are u upset with me?
19:16 VanessaE ...
19:16 LandMine Kikarz are u upset with me???
19:17 KikaRz ...
19:17 LandMine Vanessae I will ask god to forgive u both
19:17 LandMine For being so explosive
19:17 marktraceur LandMine: Careful now.
19:17 VanessaE ...
19:18 LandMine I will pray for both of u
19:18 LandMine So u can reach enligtment
19:18 RealBadAngel one question: why this griefer is not banned now?
19:18 Zeg9 PilzAdam, could you update the model branch ?
19:18 Zeg9
19:18 Zeg9 Now it works without visual_size
19:19 LandMine realbadangel there is nothing wrong with giving others advice
19:19 LandMine And showng them to road to god
19:20 rubenwardy is minetest.conf and "worlds" file no longer used?
19:20 Zeg9 I also added 2 frames: 0 is normal one, 1 is -45 and 2 is 45
19:20 RealBadAngel wtf youre talkin about
19:20 LandMine I care for vanessae so I will pray for her
19:20 RealBadAngel youre a virus
19:20 VanessaE Zeg9: nice.
19:20 marktraceur LandMine: In here, we don't convert people to any religion.
19:20 LandMine was kicked by VanessaE: do not pray for me.  I don't need it.
19:20 marktraceur Well that does it.
19:21 VanessaE rubenwardy: worlds file?
19:21 rubenwardy folder
19:21 VanessaE rubenwardy: of course, minetest.conf is used, as is the worlds folder
19:22 VanessaE in my case, for example, ~/.minetest/worlds/My_World_server    ~/.minetest/minetest-server.conf (I call for this via the command line)
19:22 LandMine joined #minetest
19:23 rubenwardy I just rebuilt Minetest, and moved my worlds into the worlds folder
19:23 rubenwardy when I load it, minetest.conf is not created, and the world list is blank
19:23 rubenwardy when i make a new world, it does not appear in the worlds folder
19:23 rubenwardy and finally, a search on my computer for minetest.conf and worlds return nothing
19:23 LandMine Hmmmm I don't appreciate that vanessae
19:23 rubenwardy but I can still load that world
19:24 VanessaE rubenwardy: strange - are you sure you moved them into the "right" folder?  I mean, run-in-place versus system-wide build versus multiple builds?
19:24 rubenwardy Ah, i used calinou's script for building
19:24 rubenwardy that must be it
19:24 VanessaE LandMine: and we don't appreciate the religious gibberish.  Leave it out of this channel.
19:24 VanessaE rubenwardy: yes, his is a run-in-place build
19:25 LandMine Ok if that makes u happy
19:25 KikaRz how i make a cobble gen, if there isn t a mod ? (well that one that makes lava something...
19:25 LandMine I don't want to make u mad
19:25 KikaRz going to dinnerl
19:25 VanessaE so you have to put your worlds into the right folder for that build.
19:25 rubenwardy i did
19:25 LandMine It might be bad for u and I don't want that
19:25 VanessaE (which I think is just ~/minetest without the dot)
19:25 rubenwardy the mods work
19:25 VanessaE KikaRz: there are a few mods that can make something out of lava + water
19:26 VanessaE gloopblocks, lava cooling, a couple more
19:26 LandMine Kikarz I love u even if u act rude
19:27 LandMine OldCoder are u there??
19:27 LandMine Guess not
19:28 LandMine So vanessae let me know smething
19:28 LandMine I can talk about god
19:28 rubenwardy VanessaE: i am rebuilding
19:29 LandMine But hmmm can send me pictures of his genetalia??
19:29 VanessaE rubenwardy: ok.  I don't recommend using his build method though, it doesn't work for some people because he leaves out the -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 setting from cmake.
19:29 rubenwardy that is annoyinh
19:29 rubenwardy g
19:29 VanessaE LandMine: what you and hmmmm and others do back and forth in private is none of the channel's business.
19:30 LandMine Got it
19:30 rubenwardy working
19:31 VanessaE rubenwardy: cool.
19:31 LandMine Vanessae can I have interact in ur server??
19:31 VanessaE LandMine: no.
19:31 OldCoder LandMine, I am here
19:31 LandMine Why?
19:32 OldCoder Or I will be in a few minutes
19:32 OldCoder I need to go buy juice
19:32 LandMine Kk
19:32 OldCoder LandMine, give VanessaE a bit of time
19:32 OldCoder VanessaE, indicate whether my 0.4.4 upgrade worked or not. I will build 0.4.4 clients for everybody today
19:32 LandMine Vanessae can u ban kikarz she called me fagg
19:32 VanessaE OldCoder: grab me one of those big jugs of orange juice plz? :-)
19:32 OldCoder LandMine, /ignore is recommended for people who do that
19:33 OldCoder VanessaE, I will pick up a virtual jug then for you
19:33 VanessaE OldCoder: oh, yes it worked fine except you need to run creative mode for that world.
19:33 LandMine She said I was a ball juggler that wasn't nice
19:33 OldCoder VanessaE, that is fine; so we are almost in business
19:33 OldCoder LandMine, It was not. I will speak with her.
19:33 VanessaE OldCoder: yup.
19:33 OldCoder If I may have a few minutes to go buy juice first. I slept very late and am thirsty.
19:33 LandMine Vanessae let me have privs I won't do anything bad
19:33 * OldCoder is en route to juice and cola. Peace on Earth.
19:34 VanessaE no.
19:34 OldCoder LandMine, give her a bit of time
19:34 LandMine I swear
19:34 VanessaE brb
19:34 OldCoder LandMine, here is a compromise...
19:34 OldCoder LandMine, If you wish to see her world you can interact on a copy that I have.
19:34 LandMine I already saw it
19:34 LandMine I was on yesterday
19:35 OldCoder wish interact?
19:35 LandMine But I can't built
19:35 PilzAdam Zeg9, Nice!
19:35 LandMine Yea
19:35 OldCoder But wait until I freeze that world
19:35 PilzAdam Zeg9, does it have the animation frames?
19:35 Zeg9 Yep
19:35 OldCoder Nobody but she and I interact yet. I will bring it online fully soon.
19:35 Zeg9 But I'm not sure it will work fine
19:35 Zeg9 I have to go sorry :(
19:35 Zeg9 I'll be here tomorrow
19:35 OldCoder Folks I will be back in a few minutes. Zeg9 nice to see you.
19:35 LandMine Kk
19:36 OldCoder LandMine, patience with people will lead to patience in return. I will speak with KikaRz
19:36 OldCoder
19:36 * OldCoder is out for real for a few minutes
19:36 LandMine Kk lol
19:37 LandMine Moltenbot u there??
19:37 LandMine Http://
19:40 jordan4ibanez I'm about to release a new update
19:40 jordan4ibanez Mobs will become super hostile at night, and they can open wooden doors, so you better have a metal one
19:40 LandMineMT Off what?
19:40 jordan4ibanez also the mobs will attack back if you punch them
19:41 jordan4ibanez I'm putting the final touches on the mobs smarts
19:41 rubenwardy PilzAdam:
19:41 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: support for pilzadams mob mod ?  bacbbc9 ? rubenwardy/food ? GitHub
19:42 Doc22 ok i added cucumber
19:43 LandMineMT Yay
19:43 rubenwardy github only works properly in the GUI
19:47 KikaRz back
19:48 KikaRz I don't want to spam this but...
19:48 KikaRz This is stupid.
19:48 KikaRz <LandMine> Wassup baby
19:48 KikaRz <LandMine> Let me get that numba
19:48 KikaRz <LandMine> ¿?
19:48 KikaRz <LandMine> Hmmmmmmmmmm
19:48 KikaRz <LandMineMT> Don't leave me I love u
19:48 KikaRz <LandMineMT> Why don't u loveme back!!!!!
19:48 celeron55 joined #minetest
19:48 LandMineMT Lololol
19:49 KikaRz LandMineMT, i changed. Peoples know. You can't make their turn around versus me.
19:50 PilzAdam gtg; bye
19:50 jordan4ibanez pilzadam noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
19:50 KikaRz noooooooooooooooooooooo
19:50 KikaRz :'(
19:50 VanessaE he never stays long...
19:51 KikaRz Yesterday he stayed
19:51 rubenwardy joined #minetest
19:51 KikaRz at 21:00 ill get into Windows.
19:51 VanessaE rubenwardy: get it all figured out?
19:51 KikaRz to make a Word thing
19:51 iqualfragile LandMineMT: stop trolling, stop bothering KikaRz and dont even get me started on religion
19:51 rubenwardy yes. I am using windows
19:51 KikaRz rubenwardy, i didn't talked about that
19:51 KikaRz o_o'
19:51 rubenwardy Minetest works on ubuntu now
19:51 rubenwardy but github does not
19:51 iqualfragile burn in the ethernal fires of hell
19:52 iqualfragile wtf?
19:52 KikaRz rubenwardy, it's working already.
19:52 iqualfragile github does not work on ubuntu?
19:52 KikaRz maybe you're on older versions
19:52 KikaRz or the latest.
19:52 rubenwardy nope, latest
19:52 rubenwardy it works, but retardedly
19:52 KikaRz so, it sucks
19:52 KikaRz get 12.04.1
19:52 rubenwardy No, it's github's fault
19:53 iqualfragile git pull?
19:53 KikaRz its not
19:53 iqualfragile does not work?
19:53 davidpace joined #minetest
19:53 iqualfragile (or git clone)?
19:53 KikaRz its working for me (and everyone)
19:53 KikaRz VanessaE, what did you updated now in your server?
19:53 VanessaE I just use github via the command line for most things, works fine for me for the usual stuff.
19:53 VanessaE KikaRz: computers mod, added another player texture
19:53 iqualfragile afk consuming food
19:53 * VanessaE offers iqualfragile some egg rolls
19:54 M13 joined #minetest
19:54 VanessaE hi M13.
19:55 KikaRz M13 :)
19:55 KikaRz gotta talk with you
19:55 rubenwardy Multiple corrupts, files created with~ after them despite following the tutorial all equals not working
19:55 M13 you have a Server Vanessa!
19:55 VanessaE yep.
19:55 KikaRz ... really?
19:56 rubenwardy see how much i had to correct when i went back to the windows GUI
19:56 rubenwardy
19:56 moltenbot rubenwardy's link: Corrected stupid ubuntu corruptions ?  d98243d ? rubenwardy/food ? GitHub
19:56 M13 lol, ubuntu is not stupid
19:57 M13 damn bots
19:57 marktraceur M13: Depends on your definition of stupid
19:57 KikaRz !define stupid
19:57 moltenbot http://ddg.dg: stupid definition: slow of mind.
19:57 KikaRz Yea.
19:57 KikaRz That's one of definitions
19:58 rubenwardy ubuntu is not stupid, the corruptions are
19:58 Doc22 ok i updated farming mod
19:58 moltenbot Doc22's link: [Mod] Doc-Farming! [1.0][docfarming] (Page 1) - Mod Releases - Minetest Forums
19:59 Doc22 rubenwardy will you have to make new textures if you make it compatible with my mod?
19:59 Doc22 I will make some if you want me to
19:59 rubenwardy no
19:59 Doc22 and I could make a bridge modpack
20:00 rubenwardy alias
20:00 Doc22 dang gtg
20:00 marktraceur Doc22: What, card table, bidding boxes, decks of cards? :)
20:00 rubenwardy Should I make a new topic for the food_modern food mod extension?
20:00 marktraceur It would be hard, but not impossible, given the formspec stuff
20:00 * marktraceur seriously considers writing card games into minetest
20:00 marktraceur Well, that was fun, I'm back to the sane world
20:01 Zeg9DS joined #minetest
20:01 STHGOM joined #minetest
20:03 KikaRz VanessaE, can you add Doc-Farming?
20:03 VanessaE no.  not right now
20:03 KikaRz whyy?
20:04 KikaRz restarted?
20:04 VanessaE yes
20:04 VanessaE not right now because I'm busy :-)
20:05 KikaRz farming_plus is in server?
20:05 VanessaE basic farming only
20:05 KikaRz :'(
20:05 VanessaE because I forgot to install _plus
20:06 milan_ joined #minetest
20:08 OldCoder Back
20:09 OldCoder KikaRz, PM
20:11 rubenwardy gtg soon
20:11 Jeija left #minetest
20:12 rubenwardy ---------!---------
20:12 VanessaE noooooo
20:12 rubenwardy The modern food extension of the food mod has been released!
20:13 VanessaE cool
20:13 davidpace VE here it is
20:13 moltenbot davidpace's link: Minecraft Skins | Batman
20:13 VanessaE NICE.
20:13 VanessaE installed, restarted.
20:14 davidpace Alright, thanks
20:14 VanessaE KikaRz: farming_plus installed.\
20:14 KikaRz you made my game bug _._
20:14 VanessaE well server restarts tend to do that :-)
20:15 davidpace I'll be on later, see ya guys/girls :-)
20:15 LandMineMT Hmm
20:15 VanessaE ciao.
20:16 rubenwardy bye all
20:16 rubenwardy left #minetest
20:16 mauvebic hey oldcoder, if you got time check this out, tell me what you think :-)
20:16 VanessaE ci...
20:16 VanessaE
20:16 KikaRz you going out?
20:17 VanessaE rubenwardy just did.
20:22 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:23 LandMine joined #minetest
20:26 OldCoder Hi
20:27 OldCoder mauvebic, reviewing now
20:27 mauvebic howdy
20:27 mauvebic ty :)
20:28 mauvebic my take on the MC 'Voxel Sniper"
20:34 LandMine joined #minetest
20:37 kizeren VanessaE....Your server creative or survival?
20:37 khonkhortisan creative
20:37 VanessaE creative.
20:39 celeron55 joined #minetest
20:40 OldCoder celeron55, wb
20:40 OldCoder VanessaE, I will restart 30017 with creative shortly
20:40 VanessaE ok
20:40 OldCoder VanessaE, so my 0.4.4 server seems to work?
20:40 OldCoder I will build clients now
20:40 OldCoder If the clients work I will commence shift of the other worlds
20:40 VanessaE yep, it works.
20:40 OldCoder Hmm. None of my 30004 friends seem to be here
20:41 OldCoder I wish to switch them next. It will be a good test.
20:41 simion314 joined #minetest
20:41 redcrab_ joined #minetest
20:41 jordan4ibanez_ joined #minetest
20:41 OldCoder redcrab, Hi!
20:42 OldCoder redcrab, I am switching to 0.4.4
20:42 Wuzzy joined #minetest
20:42 markveidemanis joined #minetest
20:47 jordan4ibanez_ joined #minetest
20:47 jordan4ibanez_ fuck
20:47 KikaRz what?
20:48 jordan4ibanez_ kick jordan4ibanez
20:48 KikaRz just /ns ghost
20:48 KikaRz /ns ghost jordan4ibanez PASSWORD
20:48 jordan4ibanez yay
20:48 VanessaE can't kick someone/something who ain't in the channel :-)
20:49 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:49 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:52 KikaRz VanessaE
20:52 VanessaE hm?
20:52 KikaRz can i try to build my favourite school of my city?
20:52 VanessaE surew.
20:52 VanessaE sure.
20:52 Vohveli joined #minetest
20:52 Zeg9 joined #minetest
20:53 OldCoder Zeg9, wb
20:53 KikaRz :'(
20:53 KikaRz VanessaE, you updated unified_inventory. Now i can't put day :(
20:53 VanessaE you can't...
20:53 jordan4ibanez whoa i just turned ubuntu 12.04 into 10.04 lol
20:53 VanessaE but I can :-)
20:54 KikaRz jordan4ibanez, hwo you did?
20:54 KikaRz i want too
20:54 VanessaE sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
20:54 VanessaE ;-)
20:54 KikaRz ...
20:54 OldCoder 08:36:11: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::deactivateFarObjects(): id=12 m_static_exists=true but static data doesn't actually exist in (-6,1,2)
20:54 OldCoder WARNING: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=12 not found
20:54 OldCoder VanessaE, that is 30017. Any comments?
20:54 OldCoder Minor or major issue?
20:55 VanessaE OldCoder: dunno, except it's not a fatal issue.  others get that on other worlds as well from time ot time.
20:55 VanessaE to*
20:55 OldCoder All right ty
20:55 OldCoder O.K. ty as well
20:55 OldCoder Appreciate the remarks
20:55 VanessaE whoia
20:55 VanessaE whoa..
20:55 Final joined #minetest
20:55 VanessaE I never noticed this before...
20:56 VanessaE when sprinting, players now have some inertia on turns?
20:56 VanessaE when was that added?
20:56 VanessaE am I just blind? :-)
20:57 davidpace joined #minetest
20:58 davidpace Hey VanessaE, would it be to much too add the /spawn?
20:58 davidpace On your server.
20:58 VanessaE davidpace: I plan to actually.
20:58 RealBadAngel +
20:58 davidpace Yay
20:59 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Hi! Switching to 0.4.4
20:59 VanessaE wakie wakie RealBadAngel  :-)
20:59 VanessaE lazy ass :D
21:00 jordan4ibanez celeron55, can you remove right click places items? It would be nice because it would open a range of things to do with right-click
21:01 KikaRz VanessaE, with World edit, it could be faster... but i cant...
21:01 KikaRz so... 1 month to finish it.
21:01 jordan4ibanez drawback bow, machine guns, filling up cars with gas, controlling airplanes, controlling parachutes, etc
21:01 KikaRz with world edit: 5 days
21:01 VanessaE no way, no one gets worldedit except me.  and it won't take you THAT long :-)
21:02 KikaRz Yes it will
21:03 KikaRz if you want, you can see this flat area.
21:03 khonkhortisan jordan4ibanez, formspec could still get in the way
21:03 jordan4ibanez no it wouldn't that still makes sense
21:03 celeron55 VanessaE: what you see is the limited acceleration speed of the player; and it has existed since earlier than the first version in the original mercurial repo
21:03 jordan4ibanez right click placing items causes issues with the mod i am creating greatly
21:04 KikaRz tomorrow: vacances :)
21:04 KikaRz can i burn these conifer trees?
21:04 Jordach joined #minetest
21:05 OldCoder U.S. worlds are going down to move to new storage
21:05 OldCoder Jordach, hi
21:05 mauvebic jordan4ibanez a temporary workaround might be to add stuff to player inv formspec
21:05 KikaRz VanessaE
21:05 Jordach Hey oldcoder, just using the iPad
21:05 jordach-iPad joined #minetest
21:06 jordach-iPad There
21:06 KikaRz made a conifer trees fire.
21:06 OldCoder mauvebic, is that MC or MT?
21:06 jordan4ibanez no, that is very ghetto
21:06 OldCoder
21:06 moltenbot OldCoder's link: mauvemods
21:06 RealBadAngel jordan4ibanez, simply on_right_click handler
21:07 jordan4ibanez why not remove it? there's really no use for it at all
21:07 mauvebic oldcoder what do you mean?
21:07 RealBadAngel jordan4ibanez, btw youre asked to talk PM
21:07 OldCoder mauvebic, which game is that for? You asked me to review it
21:07 mauvebic MT
21:07 mauvebic i dont have MC lol
21:07 OldCoder Really?
21:07 KikaRz
21:07 moltenbot KikaRz's link: Captura de ecr
21:07 OldCoder mauvebic, that is cool. Shall I run the 100MB world?
21:08 KikaRz VanessaE, thats the fire i had to do
21:08 mauvebic java makes me purge and im skinny enough
21:08 OldCoder Heh
21:08 VanessaE shit.  brb.
21:08 OldCoder Shall I run a copy of the 100MB world?
21:08 mauvebic any world, test world preferably
21:08 KikaRz sry, but i had to do it
21:08 VanessaE nono problem on my computer
21:08 OldCoder mauvebic, remind me in a day or too. I am switching to 0.4.4 first.
21:08 KikaRz oh
21:08 OldCoder mauvebic, But your demo world can go onto
21:08 KikaRz 5 thousand trees burning
21:08 OldCoder That is a lot of trees
21:09 KikaRz kidding
21:09 KikaRz just 10 conifer.
21:09 mauvebic coolness im still adding more guns anyhoo lol
21:09 OldCoder mauvebic, I will treat it as a demo for now
21:09 mauvebic i figured out erode but not sharpen :/ lol
21:09 OldCoder mauvebic, You will walk around and use Places mods to  make me a catalog. Is it a deal?
21:10 mauvebic on
21:10 OldCoder Yes
21:10 KikaRz how ill stop this fire now?
21:10 KikaRz water source ?
21:10 OldCoder KikaRz, can you create a lake?
21:10 KikaRz now: 25 trees (conifer) burning and 4 normals
21:11 KikaRz server crash?
21:11 KikaRz maybe.
21:11 KikaRz VanessaE, server crash=
21:11 KikaRz ?
21:11 KikaRz sory vanessaE :'(
21:11 mauvebic i cant see where im supposed to add an entry, forum link leads back to mt forum
21:12 KikaRz VanessaE?
21:13 KikaRz :'(
21:14 KikaRz <KikaRz> !joke
21:14 KikaRz <moltenbot> "Each hair in KikaRz \'s beard contributes to make the world\'s largest DDOS."
21:14 KikaRz '-'
21:15 KikaRz VanessaE!
21:15 RealBadAngel lol ;)
21:15 KikaRz OldCoder, call VanessaE by phone and ask her whats happening
21:15 KikaRz :(
21:15 OldCoder KikaRz, she will brb I am sure
21:15 RealBadAngel Hi OldCoder
21:16 OldCoder It was a ping timeout and not a quit
21:16 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Hey
21:16 KikaRz OldCoder, how you made that ? ~OldCoder@unaffiliated/oldcoder
21:16 RealBadAngel EU is running new one?
21:16 OldCoder KikaRz, It is a Freenode feature. Busy ATM. RealBadAngel It will soon.
21:16 RealBadAngel superb
21:16 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Building stuff today and tomorrow.
21:16 OldCoder I will stay current.
21:16 KikaRz how to enable t?
21:16 KikaRz *it
21:17 OldCoder KikaRz, I am busy ATM. But basically you apply to Freenode staff. Google these words please: freenode cloak
21:17 OldCoder That should show you
21:17 rsiska joined #minetest
21:19 KikaRz Why my server thing is telling me this: * WHO :This command could not be completed because it has been used recently, and is rate-limited.
21:19 KikaRz * * :End of /WHO list. ?
21:19 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
21:19 OldCoder You need to wait a few minutes to use it
21:19 khonkhortisan it's giving you the reason
21:20 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:20 KikaRz !up
21:20 moltenbot Minetest server UP
21:20 KikaRz Yay
21:23 KikaRz fire stills
21:23 KikaRz how i stop the fire?
21:23 OldCoder If you don't have worldedit I assume there is no way to make a lake
21:23 KikaRz not my problem
21:23 KikaRz VanessaE
21:23 OldCoder She is away
21:24 khonkhortisan a bucket is enough to make a lake
21:24 OldCoder khonkhortisan, explain briefly
21:24 VanessaE joined #minetest
21:24 jordan4ibanez new mobs
21:24 moltenbot jordan4ibanez's link: [1.5] 3D Animated NPC (Page 1) - Modding General - Minetest Forums
21:24 OldCoder VanessaE, wb
21:24 khonkhortisan water source spreads diagonally. If you place a line of water one direction, and another line of water perpendicular to that, it'll fill in the area.
21:25 OldCoder KikaRz, ^
21:25 VanessaE one of my hard disks had a hiccup.  Some moron left the door open, so it fell off the bus.  ;-)  Nothing serious.
21:25 KikaRz VanessaE
21:25 KikaRz extinguish the fire please.
21:26 * VanessaE looks...
21:26 jordach-iPad VanessaE, well that's bad luck.. :)
21:33 * VanessaE helps the bruised hard disk back up off the ground.
21:33 VanessaE :)
21:33 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
21:37 celeron55 joined #minetest
21:37 Muadtralk joined #minetest
21:40 OldCoder Muadtralk, hi
21:44 Muadtralk hello
21:45 cisoun joined #minetest
21:45 jordach-iPad joined #minetest
21:45 OldCoder jordach-iPad, hi
21:46 jordach-iPad iPad + YouTube + Irc = timeout
21:50 KikaRz Tomorrow: Starting of building (School by kIka)
21:50 KikaRz i hope world dont finishes
21:50 KikaRz but the sun will stop shining for 2/3 days...
21:50 KikaRz idk whats going on :(
21:51 KikaRz brb
21:54 VanessaE left #minetest
21:54 VanessaE joined #minetest
21:54 VanessaE oops.
21:54 VanessaE wrong window.
21:54 Doc22 joined #minetest
21:56 Doc22 oldcoder: what vps company do you use?
21:56 OldCoder Doc22, several
21:56 Doc22 I am looking for good vps hosters
21:57 Doc22 what do you reccomend
21:57 OldCoder Doc22, options include Linode and Amazon. Amazon is good because first tier is free.
21:57 OldCoder Good for learning and initial setup. But you need a credit card.
21:57 Doc22 I am looking for one that has good service, but is reasonably priced
21:57 Doc22 all right
21:57 OldCoder Free is reasonable price
21:57 Doc22 ill look at amazon
21:57 Doc22 lol
21:57 OldCoder AWS EC2
21:57 Doc22 agreed
21:57 Doc22 all right
21:57 khonkhortisan but it's not free to get a credit card
21:58 Doc22 but if you already have one...
21:59 Doc22 oh amazon aws is what minecraft uses
22:00 OldCoder Yes
22:01 Doc22 arrgh gtg again
22:09 Dracopta joined #minetest
22:09 Dracopta Rz
22:09 Dracopta fail
22:10 LandMine joined #minetest
22:10 KikaRz Joined Rizon, and not freenode
22:10 KikaRz Hi there LandMine
22:11 VanessaE wb KikaRz
22:11 KikaRz hi there
22:12 M13_ joined #minetest
22:14 KikaRz hi M13_
22:14 M13_ hiya
22:14 VanessaE M13, when you gonna get on my server and build? :-)
22:15 KikaRz Poor
22:15 STHGOM what happend to the Zegeton server?
22:15 KikaRz OldCoder, tell him
22:18 M13_ um, idk maybe later, is that ok, and can i have privs?
22:19 KikaRz in what server?
22:19 VanessaE sure.
22:19 KikaRz M13_, now i run Linux (and windows by business and educational problems)
22:21 Muadtralk what exactly are those business and educational problems?
22:21 M13_ nice awesome
22:22 KikaRz Job, University and ++.
22:22 KikaRz can't explain well
22:22 KikaRz i got the Desktop filled up with folders.
22:25 jordach-iPad joined #minetest
22:31 Uberi joined #minetest
22:33 VanessaE hey, Uberi.
22:34 Uberi o/
22:35 KikaRz gtg
22:35 VanessaE KikaRz: nooooo
22:35 STHGOM bye
22:35 KikaRz VanessaE, if someone build in my territory, ill kill him
22:36 KikaRz and destroy his buildings
22:36 VanessaE sign on dammit
22:36 KikaRz I CANT!
22:36 KikaRz GTG
22:36 KikaRz too late
22:36 VanessaE :(
22:36 KikaRz 00:36
22:36 KikaRz tomorrow gotta get up 7:30 AM
22:37 VanessaE jeez can't even spare 10 seconds so I can fix your ownership :-)
22:37 KikaRz sign on as me
22:37 KikaRz '-'
22:38 VanessaE (I wish someone would fix that damn mod so it doesn't need the user to be signed in)
22:38 KikaRz open 2 minetests
22:38 VanessaE how?  I don't know your password :-)
22:38 KikaRz by
22:40 Uberi VanessaE: seems to be an MD5 hash, unsalted
22:40 LandMine joined #minetest
22:40 VanessaE actually isn't is SHA1 or something?
22:41 Uberi might be
22:42 VanessaE no matter..
22:45 OldCoder STHGOM, I am updating to MT 0.4.4
22:45 OldCoder Probably finishing today
22:45 STHGOM ok
22:50 berome joined #minetest
22:53 klunk hello; OldCoder ?
22:53 davidpace joined #minetest
22:54 OldCoder klunk, hi!
22:54 klunk oh !!! wanderfull !
22:54 VanessaE hi klunk
22:55 klunk OldCoder you mystify me, I can explain it in other way ...
22:55 davidpace Hey VE what is the priv: noclip?
22:55 klunk hi :-)
22:55 VanessaE davidpace: when set, it means you can pass through walls
22:55 VanessaE when you're flying that is
22:55 OldCoder klunk, busy with MT 0.4.4 but ttys
22:55 davidpace Okay thanks
22:55 klunk I was trying connecting Zegatron but fail
22:55 OldCoder klunk, I am updating the worlds
22:55 klunk oh, ok, don't mind
22:55 OldCoder I need to focus on that
22:56 OldCoder 0.4.4 is coming now
22:56 klunk no problems, sorry to disturb, I will connect tomorrow, ;-)
22:57 OldCoder Sure
22:57 OldCoder May be just an hour or two
22:57 OldCoder Possibly longer
22:57 OldCoder Need to test things
22:58 klunk ok OldCoder, thanks for your work
22:59 AndChat|338289 joined #minetest
22:59 OldCoder klunk, o/
22:59 klunk yes ?
23:00 OldCoder That is a friendly wave :-)
23:00 OldCoder o/
23:00 OldCoder A response to what you said. But I'm focusing for a while now. c u folks.
23:00 klunk oooook,  ;-)
23:03 jordan4ibanez how do i make a .x thing in blender?
23:06 Octupus joined #minetest
23:06 Octupus Hola
23:06 klunk hola
23:12 OldCoder Octupus, aloha
23:14 Octupus :)
23:18 jordan4ibanez you guys are going to laugh at the next update lol
23:20 mauvebic you made a mob out of gunther levi?
23:20 mauvebic :p
23:22 mauvebic damn perlin
23:23 sema4 anyone know what alid range of light_source ?
23:23 sema4 alid->valid
23:24 mauvebic 1-14~15
23:24 VanessaE 1-14
23:24 sema4 thanks!
23:24 sema4 so 15 is brightest?
23:24 Uberi nah, it works like sunlight
23:24 VanessaE 14 is afaik.
23:24 Uberi 14, I mean
23:24 Uberi 13 is the brightest for normal lighting
23:25 Uberi you can just use LIGHT_MAX for that though
23:25 sema4 huh ok.
23:25 * sema4 tries it
23:26 VanessaE I usually use LIGHT_MAX - somevalue
23:26 VanessaE e.g. LIGHT_MAX - 1
23:27 VanessaE that way if the max brightness ever changes, I'm covered, mostly :-)
23:27 VanessaE though I suppose it should be LIGHT_MAX * decimalvalue e.g. LIGHT_MAX * 0.9
23:28 Uberi VanessaE: math.round(LIGHT_MAX * 0.9)!
23:28 sema4 no way to go brighter eh?
23:28 VanessaE heh
23:28 Uberi sema4: well you can always use the ^[brighten transform on the textures
23:28 Uberi but that's about it
23:28 sema4 ok i am not familiar with that
23:29 Uberi those don't seem to be documented anywhere :/
23:29 VanessaE I was just about to ask if they were documented...
23:29 Uberi if anyone knows about it, please add it to the wiki:
23:29 moltenbot Uberi's link: Home ? Uberi/MineTest-API Wiki ? GitHub
23:29 sema4 i'll see how it works out, maybe once i stuff in the correct number of light fixtures the total amount of light will look correct
23:29 Uberi (it's a full mirror of with a lot of new content by me)
23:30 Uberi sema4: light doesn't stack
23:30 Uberi two torches side by side will only increase lit area, not intensity
23:31 jordan4ibanez how do i find if a node is walkable?
23:31 Uberi minetest.registered_nodes[name].walkable
23:31 Uberi or better, minetest.registered_nodes[name].walkable or false
23:31 sema4 yeah, i was not expecting increase in intensity, so, more fixtures = more coverage, not more brightness
23:32 Uberi the "or false" means that it gives false even if the field is nil
23:35 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
23:38 STHGOM bye
23:51 anunakki joined #minetest
23:57 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest

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