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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-11-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 VanessaE yeah, they are.
00:01 VanessaE when it works right, it'll get rid of anything that moves, pretty much :-)
00:01 VanessaE so it's the smart bomb of Minetest :D
00:02 VanessaE ouch.
00:02 VanessaE wonder what he did :-)
00:03 kaeza "Smart Bomb" LOL
00:03 kaeza gonna try it later. I believe your Flowers are nodes right?
00:03 VanessaE yes.
00:03 paxcoder left #minetest
00:03 VanessaE not that I'm too happy with the CPU usage of the flowers mod (I need some feedback on that)
00:04 VanessaE but it'll survive a /clearobjects
00:04 kaeza I like the flowers, but yes. Could make them appear less often when not from mapgen
00:05 kaeza do you use abm?
00:05 VanessaE they use an ABM because I want them to re-grow over time.
00:05 VanessaE I don't know how to link agains the map generator, and besides, the original Ironzorg flowers did the same.
00:05 VanessaE I just improved on it :-0
00:05 VanessaE :-)
00:06 kaeza I want to make a suggestion. Maybe make the flowers need sunlight to grow?
00:06 kaeza Is it possible?
00:06 VanessaE I did however, tone down the CPU usage in the last release, stopped making them spawn on dirt (but rather, only on grass).
00:06 VanessaE it is possible, yes.  the seaweed needs a certain level of sunlight to grow, for example.
00:07 jin_xi there are no moon phases in mt, right?
00:07 VanessaE no
00:07 VanessaE of course, there's no moon at all either, just a big, white square :-)
00:08 VanessaE (I really REALLY wish someone would implement texturable sun and moon!)
00:13 T_A_N_K I can
00:13 T_A_N_K It's easy
00:13 kaeza About the seaweed, I didn't notice that. But I don't like this so much:
00:13 T_A_N_K Just photoshop the sun into the image
00:13 VanessaE T_A_N_K: um...what image?
00:14 VanessaE the sun/moon are generated algorithmically
00:14 T_A_N_K It was a joke god flapchack damnit
00:14 VanessaE heh
00:15 VanessaE kaeza: good point.  I'll add something in the next release, but how much light should they need?
00:16 kaeza Hmmm... don't know how MT finds the light level of a node
00:16 VanessaE minetest.env:get_node_light(pos, nil)
00:17 T_A_N_K someone please come help me test this server
00:17 VanessaE wait a sec, the flowers already require some light to spawn
00:17 VanessaE namely light > 4.
00:17 VanessaE shall I raise it?
00:18 kaeza What's the level of direct sunlight?
00:18 VanessaE 14.
00:18 VanessaE that's the max.
00:18 VanessaE what's the level at say 5:30am?
00:18 kaeza maybe half that one?
00:18 * VanessaE checkds
00:18 VanessaE checks*
00:19 VanessaE looks like 12.  Three steps below max anyway
00:20 VanessaE so how about light > 10 ?
00:20 kaeza that seems good
00:20 VanessaE that'll be close to 5:00am game time
00:22 VanessaE one sec, testing my change.
00:22 VanessaE yup, right at about 5am or 7pm.
00:22 kaeza could you post update here?
00:23 kaeza link I mean
00:23 VanessaE updated.
00:23 VanessaE pull it from my main repo.
00:23 VanessaE shit, forums are down.
00:23 VanessaE
00:23 kaeza duh
00:23 VanessaE I forgot :)
00:23 kaeza J/K :P
00:24 VanessaE :P
00:24 kaeza OK now DL'ing
00:25 VanessaE can I get you to do me a favor?
00:26 kaeza yeah sure. what do you need?
00:27 VanessaE I could use some feedback on how that mod affects the average player's install.  Does it cause a lot of lag?  a little?  none?  Lots of CPU time?  Does it spawn dogs and cats? Do they live together in a state of mass hysteria? ;)
00:28 VanessaE my machine may not be state-of-the-art, but it's a fast sucker, too much so for me to be able to tell if a more average machine does okay with it.
00:29 OldCoder For world 30004 people: I am *still* working on that world
00:30 T_A_N_K Vanessae, make your flowers spawn on chunk generate, and make flower seeds
00:30 kaeza I have a 3.1 GHz Intel Dual Core w/ 4GB of RAM. But i'll give it a try.
00:30 kaeza now testing
00:31 VanessaE T_A_N_K: no way.  Do not want.
00:31 T_A_N_K Then have fun with your abms lagging servers lol
00:31 VanessaE they should grow wild, with the ABM the way they do now.
00:32 VanessaE ABMs only lag servers if they're code-heavy
00:32 T_A_N_K Hence, flowers
00:32 VanessaE OldCoder: you use flowers on some of your servers.  How does it behave there?
00:34 T_A_N_K If you have a block of grass (which is everywhere) everytime it loads and checks it lags just make it load on chunk, i mean, i already wrote the code for you, so stop being a republican and try it lol
00:35 OldCoder VanessaE, I haven't noticed huge CPU spikes or crashes
00:35 VanessaE loading via mapgen still means it has to hit every node in the chunk for every chunk generated, it also means the flowers won't re-grow over time.
00:35 OldCoder That are attributed to flowers
00:35 VanessaE OldCoder: ok
00:35 VanessaE thanks
00:35 kaeza neither do I
00:35 T_A_N_K Flowers have seeds, your mod does not, so even if you are going for realism, without seeds, flowers are null
00:35 kaeza It runs as always
00:36 kaeza BTW your High Res texture packs are awesome!
00:36 VanessaE kaeza: thanks :-)
00:36 kaeza T_A_N_K: quit bitching about seeds
00:37 VanessaE Oh, that reminds me:  even my piddly little Mobility Radeon 9600 on my laptop can handle 64px ;)
00:37 T_A_N_K I'm not motherfucker, I'm trying to make a mod better
00:37 VanessaE I don't dare hit it with the 512px size though, it'll explode :D
00:37 T_A_N_K 512x runs quite nicely
00:37 kaeza I'm currently using 128px on an Intel Series 4 (something 4000 I think)
00:38 edwtjo joined #minetest
00:39 VanessaE T_A_N_K: now if I could just make a realistic, SHARP 16px variant and get it pushed to master. :-)
00:39 kaeza On that topic, some suggestions: Add PilzAdam's farming and farming_plus, plus the streets mod.
00:39 VanessaE kaeza: I need textures for those, and I've been too lazy :D
00:39 T_A_N_K Vaneesae i kinda give up on talking to you lol
00:39 VanessaE I still haven't updated it for the latest Home Decor
00:39 VanessaE T_A_N_K: after all this time, surely you know how opinionated I am :D
00:40 T_A_N_K is always down, there are spammers, noobs, the community doesn't get along with eachother, idk why i play minecraft or minetest
00:40 kaeza T_A_N_K: If we wanted a realistic game, we wouldn't play any games after all.
00:40 kaeza oh gone :(
00:41 VanessaE we'd go out in the world with a shovel and pick and start digging up the ground :-)
00:41 VanessaE wonder how deep I have to go to find Mese though.......
00:41 VanessaE :D
00:41 kaeza LOL Let's cut down the tree on my backyard with my bare hands :)
00:41 VanessaE lol
00:43 kaeza the flowers mod runs as fast as always. Maybe you could add more flowers ;)
00:43 VanessaE I might consider it :-()
00:43 VanessaE :-)
00:43 OldCoder VanessaE, we still look forward to seeing the new house as a schem; perhaps in one of my worlds
00:43 VanessaE I already added geraniums and seaweed to the original set
00:44 kaeza Maybe sunflower
00:44 VanessaE OldCoder: coming soon
00:44 kaeza looks pretty
00:44 OldCoder VanessaE, Turn on Full Range before copy
00:44 VanessaE kaeza: sda97's more flowers mod has those.
00:44 VanessaE OldCoder: of course.
00:44 kaeza oh didn't know about that one
00:44 kaeza silly me
00:44 VanessaE kaeza: but I consider that mod to be too much duplication of effort.
00:45 kaeza Anyone has DL link for testing?
00:45 VanessaE not handy, sorry
00:45 kaeza oh I see
00:45 kaeza VanessaE: oh I see
00:46 VanessaE the only thing that bugs me about his is that he took the concept of my/ironzorg's mod and extended it *after* I released my updated one, duplicating most of the existing flowers AND naming it the same initially.
00:46 kaeza I've been in the forums not for a long time, but I see there is a massive duplication of effort
00:46 VanessaE instead of just making a mod - with my code if he wanted to - that *only* had new stuff.
00:47 kaeza I mean, we have 213618763 mods that add mobs (of which none works flawlessly). If all those coders got in a concentrated effort together, maybe we could get a good one
00:48 kaeza but that's OPEN source I guess
00:48 VanessaE the closest to "flawless" that I've seen is Jeija's "slimes" mod.
00:49 VanessaE of course I'm a little biased, I made the textures for it :D
00:49 kaeza :)
00:50 kaeza I tried MOBF but lags as hell (NOTE TO SELF: does hell lag?). Also tried Simple Mobs but didn't work. Gotta try the slimes :)
00:50 VanessaE it's my understanding that hell lags quite severely, or at least the Nether mod does :D
00:51 kaeza lol
00:51 VanessaE (stole that from NekoGloop)
00:51 VanessaE Taoki|away: wait.
00:51 Taoki|away ?
00:51 Taoki|away It's late, need to go in a minute
00:51 VanessaE Taoki|away: how's 3d players coming along?
00:52 Taoki|away Waiting for RBA's lua keys patch to get merget to master, then I am continuing
00:52 VanessaE cool
00:52 Taoki|away **merged
00:52 VanessaE good night then :-)
00:52 Taoki|away yeah :)
00:52 Taoki|away night
00:56 kaeza I've been just thinking... are you a pro or you do it for a hobby? Because your textures look really good, and as you said in the HD tex pack, it was made by you from your and your husband's photographies.
00:56 VanessaE purely a hobby.
00:56 kaeza :O
00:56 VanessaE some of it came from my photography, some from Abe's, some was rendered, but most came from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, and a couple other free sites.
00:56 edwtjo joined #minetest
00:57 kaeza That makes me feel bad. I'm sort of in the business and I only made this crappy image:
00:57 VanessaE if you strip out the repeat-but-recolored stuff (like all but one of the wool, cotton, bricks, etc textures), it's probably about 1/3 my/abe's work.
00:58 jin_xi is that a lambda on his chest?
00:58 kaeza yeah... supposed to be
00:58 VanessaE heh
00:58 jin_xi and you wield a parenthese?
00:58 VanessaE that's clearly a slash. :-)
00:59 kaeza Nah, it's a sheared block meant to represent the trademark "Crowbar"
00:59 kaeza does it look so bad?
00:59 kaeza :(
01:00 VanessaE heh
01:00 VanessaE it needs work, but you'll get there.
01:03 kaeza :)
01:03 kaeza I have some other project going on, but it's currently on hold. What do you think of these images? done by me also:
01:07 Doc22 joined #minetest
01:09 Doc22 oldcoder are you too busy to play
01:10 OldCoder Yep
01:11 OldCoder I am repairing 30004
01:11 OldCoder All day actually
01:11 OldCoder Not personally
01:11 OldCoder But trying different things
01:11 OldCoder Maybe in an hour
01:11 kaeza buh MT forums still down :(
01:12 Doc22 ok
01:28 kaeza LOL seems I'm not the only one that thinks this way:
01:28 VanessaE lol
01:36 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
01:38 Dogzilla131 is the forum down
01:38 VanessaE yup
01:41 kaeza joined #minetest
01:42 VanessaE bbiab
01:42 kaeza OK
01:48 M13 joined #minetest
01:53 NakedFury joined #minetest
01:54 NakedFury hello
02:00 M13 hello
02:00 M13 I like puppy linux
02:04 * marktraceur greets the channel a bit more formally
02:04 marktraceur I'm actually trying this:
02:05 marktraceur Crowd-funding for part-time development of Minetest mods, priorities voted on by contributors, rewards for various contributions (stickers, posters, t-shirts)
02:06 marktraceur I welcome support, but perhaps more importantly, I welcome criticism. If you think something doesn't seem right, tell me!
02:27 babyface1031 joined #minetest
02:27 babyface1031 hi everyone
02:32 babyface1031 joined #minetest
02:37 babyface1031 hi everyone how is everyone
02:37 dzho marktraceur: a bit of a peeve I inherited from a pedant friend:  something is either unique, or it is not unique.  There are not degrees of uniqueness such that something can be very unique.
02:39 dzho so, that's offered in the spirit of feedback.  I recognize that "very unique" has some currency, so wouldn't be put off by your just ignoring me on this point.
02:50 Doc22 babyface farming by pilzadam is wtfpl right
02:50 Doc22 or whoever can answer that question
02:50 Doc22 the forums are down...
02:53 Kacey joined #minetest
02:53 Doc22 'ello
02:53 Kacey hello all
02:54 Kacey left #minetest
02:56 kaeza joined #minetest
02:56 babyface1031 hi Doc22
02:57 kaeza hi again guys
02:57 babyface1031 i can look
02:57 OldCoder babyface1031, Hi
02:57 babyface1031 hi @OldCoder
02:58 Doc22 hey
02:59 OldCoder babyface1031, Doc22 I may need to let something I'm doing with 30004 run overnight
03:00 babyface1031 ok thats fine :)
03:00 babyface1031 i have had a rough night so
03:00 Doc22 ok
03:00 OldCoder How so?
03:00 Doc22 lol
03:00 Doc22 yeah
03:00 Doc22 how
03:00 OldCoder babyface1031, How is it going?
03:00 Doc22 probs with the kids?
03:01 babyface1031 yes is was my son he is sick
03:01 Doc22 oh yeah you said that last night to me
03:02 Doc22 i hope he gets better
03:02 babyface1031 ty i hope too
03:03 babyface1031 and i looked Doc22 the farming by pilzadam is a wtfpl
03:03 Doc22 ok
03:03 Doc22 thanks
03:04 babyface1031 np
03:05 Kacey joined #minetest
03:05 Kacey hello
03:05 Doc22 hello
03:06 babyface1031 hi Kacey
03:06 Kacey my mod is coming alonng nicely
03:09 Doc22 nice
03:10 NakedFury I know the perfect add on for technic mod: a mole machine. place it looking todars a block, right click to bring up its menu, tell it how many blocks to eat and click start
03:10 Kacey well program it
03:11 Doc22 that would be cool
03:11 RealBadAngel seen something like this
03:11 Doc22 btw nakedfury would you add support for my campfire mod to your texture pack
03:11 telek1 VanessaE: Nevermind multiple suns/moons :D And maybe once a year/decade where the moon comes too close to the planet and you can fly up and land on it and mine it for moon-cheese :)
03:11 Doc22 yay
03:11 Doc22 i like cheese
03:11 Kacey i have always wanted to go to the moon
03:11 RealBadAngel with simple code, dig x digs x nodes, turn left or right
03:12 RealBadAngel move x nodes
03:12 babyface1031 that sounds neat have it eat and trash some items but other items keep
03:12 Doc22 yeha
03:12 Doc22 you could make an area where you tell it what to trash
03:12 Doc22 and everything else is kept
03:13 Kacey what is code for any tool?
03:13 RealBadAngel could be fun with taoki 3d, make it on wheels
03:13 telek1 VanessaE: Even with other stuff running a sub 2ghz Core2 chip is fast enough to run a decently sized minetest world.
03:13 Doc22 yeah but dont make it look stupid lol
03:14 mayly joined #minetest
03:14 Kacey rba do you know because you made the tool workshop
03:14 Doc22 so far you have made cool stuff... dont ruin that record
03:14 mayly hoi, has anyone an idea how to change the sky color?
03:15 Kacey easy
03:15 RealBadAngel what about tool workshop?
03:16 Doc22 that looks cool
03:16 Kacey what did you put in the code for any tool?
03:17 RealBadAngel
03:18 Kacey i think i get it
03:18 Kacey got*
03:20 Doc22 got to go
03:23 Kacey ok how does toolrepair type of craffting work?
03:24 RealBadAngel i dont cheack it
03:24 RealBadAngel just the "wear"
03:24 Kacey but i mean there is a crafting recipe for this and i cannot figure it out
03:27 Kacey got it
03:27 Kacey forgot a comma
03:27 marktraceur dzho: Thanks, you're right, I changed the word :)
03:28 Kacey ok now what is the code for anytool
03:30 Kacey rba i do not see the code for anytool in the code
03:33 Kacey wouldnt it just be any:tool?
03:34 babyface1031 well i am getting off for the night be on tomorrow when i can
03:35 Kacey k
03:35 Kacey I NEED SOME HELP!!!!!
03:35 RealBadAngel if it has "wear" its a tool
03:36 Kacey what do i put in the code
03:36 Kacey it is just a crafting recipe
03:37 RealBadAngel what kind of recipe?
03:38 Kacey in the crafting grid
03:38 Kacey or do i have to make a new tab
03:38 RealBadAngel what do you want to get?
03:38 * telek1 hands Kacey a card for a psychiatrist.
03:39 * Kacey no longer needs a psychiatrist but a hostage negotiator
03:39 Kacey to sharpen (repair) tools with an ingot of the sharpening ore
03:41 kaeza Guys, tell me what do you think about this one:
03:42 Kacey i like that city
03:44 kaeza In the city, everything was done by hand. But then the worldedit nation attacked!!
03:44 Kacey lol
03:44 Kacey do you have hamachi?
03:45 kaeza what is that
03:45 kaeza ?
03:45 Kacey so that i may build in your city
03:47 kaeza oh not currently. The problem is my broadband plan. I have a monthly bandwidth of 4GB (crap!), so I can't currently provide a public server, sorry :( That would be cool though. And thanks for trying to join :)
03:48 Kacey hamachi doesnt make it a public server
03:48 telek1 kaeza: No kidding.
03:48 Kacey more of a private server
03:49 telek1 I've got a nice fiber setup, but it's a 40 gig cap, and the 'unlimited' commercial version is only 1 megabit upstream, which calculated out as only 40 gigs a month anyhow :D
03:49 kaeza being public or private doesn't actually matter much. The problem is how much bandwidth does MT consume?
03:49 Kacey idk
03:49 telek1 kaeza: Quite a lot if the clients aren't caching everything.
03:49 Kacey OldCoder would know
03:50 telek1 What's an average chunk size?
03:50 OldCoder Hi
03:50 telek1 Because ATM my full map, which is maybe 1000ish cells cubed (partial, not completely filled) is like a few hundred megs.
03:51 Kacey oldcoder i am stuck
03:51 telek1 Even assuming a player only hits a few dozen to hundred of those a session, depending on how they reload that could add up fast.
03:51 OldCoder Where?
03:51 OldCoder Kacey, ^
03:51 Kacey with my newest mod
03:52 VanessaE ok, back.
03:52 Kacey wb
03:52 VanessaE thanks
03:52 kaeza__ joined #minetest
03:52 VanessaE telek1: I dunno, that might be slightly overkill :D
03:52 VanessaE (re: multiple suns/moons)
03:52 kaeza__ being public or private doesn't actually matter much. The problem is how much bandwidth does MT consume?
03:53 telek1 VanessaE: Yeah, but it'd allow a lot more variety :)
03:53 VanessaE kaeza: a few 10's of kB/sec at most.
03:54 telek1 VanessaE: Per player?
03:55 Kacey ooh i have a creative server anyone want to join?
03:55 kaeza :(
03:56 VanessaE telek1: well, as measured from the client end, I'm getting a max of ~11kB/sec letting the map around me load up on redcrab's server
03:56 * telek1 nods.
03:56 VanessaE seems to float around 4 kB/sec average at idle
03:56 telek1 Almost low enough to play over dialup.
03:56 VanessaE less now, under 2kB/sec
03:57 VanessaE run to a new area, bandwidth raises to about 20 kB/sec
03:57 kaeza Is that so? It may be even lower than playing let's say Counter-Strike.
03:57 VanessaE oh, brief spike at 60 there.
03:57 VanessaE mostly not even enough to register on my bandwidth meter
03:57 kaeza I'm missing a lot of fun :(
03:58 telek1 Problem is while it may seem small on the client end, you add up 10-20 players and it's enough to go over your cap.
03:58 VanessaE true that
03:58 VanessaE hm someone over north of the spawn has been doing some serious logging and not replanting >:-(
03:59 telek1 Bummer.
03:59 telek1 Anybody done work on 'vehicle blocking'
03:59 kaeza 60KB is actually impressive considering the lot of data you have to transfer (nodes, ents, etc).
03:59 telek1 IE for building things larger than a ship and having the blocks stay together?
04:00 VanessaE kaeza: most of the bulk of that kinda of data is transferred at login time actuallty
04:00 VanessaE -y
04:00 kaeza telek1: also looking for that. Did you see the subway on my city?
04:00 VanessaE -t+y
04:00 telek1 kaeza: Depends on how much metadata is sent to the client, but yeah.
04:00 Kacey port 30000 if you want to join
04:00 telek1 kaeza: Nope, only been on one public server. Otherwise I was mostly hanging out on my own.
04:01 * telek1 may pop on in a bit, has a lot of stuff going on in other windows ATM.
04:01 kaeza It's not actually a server. Look at
04:02 Kacey alright kaeza do you want to build a city with me?
04:02 NakedFury my 151 long 32 high oval shaped tunnel entrance to the future underground kingdom is done
04:03 Kacey nothing is more fun than setting a whole forest on fire
04:03 telek1 kaeza: That's a mod idea.
04:03 kaeza Kacey: Gonna try for a couple of minutes. To see how it works (on my end; my wireless modem can download almost a bit per hour :P)
04:03 Kacey ok
04:03 NakedFury 151 long, 32 high, 177 wide
04:04 telek1 Generate maps with old <blah>city 2k style maps (ie macro-sized features compared to the current mapgen) then have a ton of predeveloped randomized buildings that can be placed on them from a 'gods eye' view.
04:05 kaeza now connecting...
04:05 Kacey k
04:06 Kacey you are on
04:06 kaeza almost done :)
04:06 kaeza ok
04:06 NakedFury how many blocks fit in a 100 high 1000 wide/long circle?
04:07 telek1 Nakedfury: Look up an oblong sphere formula?
04:07 telek1 Or maybe 'egg'?
04:08 NakedFury I made the circle using windows paint so I have the shape ready
04:08 NakedFury mining it from rock is gonna be a pain
04:08 telek1 Less than 100 million?
04:09 NakedFury well not all parts will be 100 high
04:09 VanessaE NakedFury: if hollow, I'd say something on the order of 50,000 or so.
04:09 NakedFury im gonna make it in steps. first floor about 30 or so high, then 20 under next floor, then less and less until 8 high last floor
04:10 NakedFury then im gonna think of a cool name for such hard work
04:10 VanessaE calculate 50 time the circumference of that circle, add 10%, should get you close/.
04:10 VanessaE if solid, calculate the volume of a sphere (pi * radius cubed), divide by 2.
04:10 VanessaE should get you reasonably close anyway.
04:10 NakedFury thats incredibly pain indusing VanessaaE
04:11 VanessaE well lesse here..
04:11 NakedFury I will just say it took 30 millions tons of cubes to hollow it
04:11 NakedFury people will believe it
04:11 VanessaE pi * diameter * 50 = 3.1415 * 1000 * 50 = 157075
04:11 VanessaE so maybe half that amount in practice.
04:12 NakedFury pi * 1000 * 50 =?
04:12 VanessaE pi * radius³ = 3.1415 * 50³ = 3.1415 * 125000 = 392687.  Probably half that number in practice also.
04:12 NakedFury 157,079.63267948966192313216916398
04:13 VanessaE wait, that's wrong.
04:13 VanessaE it's 4/3 pi R cubed isn't it?
04:13 NakedFury the diameter is 1000
04:14 VanessaE so, pi * radius³ = 3.1415 * 50³ * 4/3 = 3.1415 * 125000 * 1.33333 =~ 523583
04:15 VanessaE so in other words, a metric fuckload of material.
04:15 NakedFury do you know this from memory?
04:15 VanessaE basic math from school yeah
04:15 NakedFury basic my butt
04:15 VanessaE volume of a sphere = pi * radius ^ cubed * 4/3
04:15 VanessaE circumference of a circle = pi * diameter
04:16 VanessaE I don't remember the volume or surface area calculations for an oblate spheroid though, which is what you want.
04:16 VanessaE so I'm guesstimating
04:17 VanessaE ah
04:17 Kacey kaeza get back on in a sec
04:17 kaeza k
04:17 VanessaE volume of oblate spheroid:  pi * long radius ^ cubed * short radius * 4/3
04:17 Kacey k go ahead and get on
04:18 kaeza connecting...
04:19 VanessaE so for your 1000-diameter 100-high spheroid, the volume would be about 52,359,878 nodes.
04:19 VanessaE I was off a tiny bit :D
04:20 VanessaE long radius squared btw, not cubed.
04:20 VanessaE (I still calculated it right anyway)
04:20 VanessaE lesse...
04:20 NakedFury lots of blocks
04:21 NakedFury a bit sad we dont have npcs to populate it
04:21 NakedFury gnomes
04:22 VanessaE 2 * pi * long radius squared * (1 + (1 - e squared) / e * tanh(e) ^ -1), where e = 1 - (short radius squared) / (long radius squared) = not worth the effort to calculate it out :D
04:22 NakedFury this game needs a better light source
04:22 VanessaE ^^^ surface area = hollow spheroid.
04:22 NakedFury torches just dont cover enough
04:22 VanessaE NakedFury: get Home Decor and More Blocks.  those add nice lights.
04:23 telek1 kaeza: That is an awesome city btw.
04:24 VanessaE 1000-diameter 100-high speroid = 1,634,412 nodes for the surface area.
04:25 VanessaE add about 10% to that figure to account for the blockiness of the surface.
04:25 VanessaE NakedFury: there's your figures.
04:25 VanessaE roughly 52,359,878 nodes for a solid one, 1,634,412 for a hollow one.
04:25 VanessaE jeesh
04:26 VanessaE (I cheated and used an online calculator for the hollow one)
04:26 Kacey how do i recall a worldedit save?
04:26 VanessaE Kacey: //load
04:27 Kacey ooh ok
04:27 OldCoder Wait
04:27 OldCoder //metasave and //metaload
04:27 OldCoder Work better BUT
04:27 OldCoder You should turn on full range first
04:27 OldCoder and use the latest git version
04:27 OldCoder
04:28 * VanessaE tries to garner up the energy to sign on and start building her house.
04:28 telek1 NakedFury: Better light sources means more computation, which c55 was originally trying to avoid.
04:28 NakedFury ohh
04:28 VanessaE NakedFury: get Home Decor and use the lights therein.  they're quite bright.
04:28 NakedFury well I said that because a torch just works for like 2 spaces
04:29 telek1 Yeah longer distance, more calculations per source.
04:29 NakedFury im using lots of lights right now
04:31 VanessaE saw an interesting use of one of my lighting panels just a bit ago - a leaf block sitting on top of a large white "ceiling" panel (but embedded into the ground).
04:31 NakedFury ohh well good night
04:32 kaeza Kacey are you here?
04:32 Kacey yes
04:33 Kacey you timed out
04:42 VanessaE hah!  slashdot just took a shit
04:42 VanessaE (at least, the science., tech., news., and hardware. domains anyway)
04:42 VanessaE there it goes
04:43 telek1 Interesting
04:43 mayly left #minetest
04:44 OldCoder I am aslee...
04:44 OldCoder Zzz
04:45 * telek1 waves @ OC.
04:45 VanessaE OldCoder: it's too early to go to bed
04:46 VanessaE (I say as I yawn)
04:46 OldCoder got a possible job offer from Finland coming at 5:00am
04:46 OldCoder Zzz
04:46 OldCoder snore
04:46 VanessaE wow
04:46 OldCoder sleep
04:46 OldCoder etc.
04:48 telek1 OC: Remote, or worth the relocation?
04:55 VanessaE probably remotely, OC is in the US somewhere.
04:55 VanessaE that'd be one hell of a relocation ;)
04:57 telek1 VanessaE: I know other people who have, hence my inquiry :D
04:58 VanessaE fair enough :-)
04:58 milleja46 joined #minetest
05:02 milleja46 joined #minetest
05:19 milleja46 joined #minetest
05:25 telek1 That's interesting.
05:27 VanessaE ?
05:28 telek1 My minetest server hung. Appears to be creating and destroying threads.
05:29 telek1 Endlessly.
05:29 VanessaE odd.
05:30 telek1 Also: Jolt+Coffee=Rootbeerish foam.
05:30 VanessaE heh
05:30 VanessaE perhaps you should stick to just one form of caffeine
05:31 VanessaE you start mixing jolt + coffee you're going to run a risk of upsetting the very fabric of spacetime itself :)
05:31 telek1 Usually I do, but the water hadn't finished filtering to dilute my coffee :D
05:31 VanessaE lol
05:32 marktraceur Run Jolt through a Brita, then use it to brew coffee
05:32 neko259 joined #minetest
05:32 * telek1 grins @ mark :D
05:32 marktraceur Result: Jolt-flavored coffee without that pesky heart attack
05:33 telek1 Sadly it's not real jolt. It's got HFCS in it, and not even the 'maybe, depending on run' :D
05:33 marktraceur (I've heard that vodka + Brita is good fun, if not particularly alcoholic)
05:33 VanessaE ew.
05:33 VanessaE that shit is evil.
05:33 telek1 HFCS, or Vodka? :D
05:33 marktraceur Or Brita?
05:33 VanessaE HFCS of course :)
05:33 marktraceur High Flying Circus Seals
05:33 * telek1 ponders selling carbonated Vodka with HFCS as the second ingredient behind water :D
05:33 VanessaE as for water filters, we use a PÅ«r. :-)
05:34 marktraceur I'd buy tickets
05:34 VanessaE carbonated vodka sweetened with HFCS?  *erk*
05:34 telek1 Mmmmm those seal they rhyme with veal.
05:34 telek1 Vodka+Red Bull: The liquid equivalent of a speedball? :D
05:35 VanessaE lol
05:35 telek1 Well it's probably killed as many people, it's just cheaper to make :D
05:35 telek1 Anybody here play Xevil?
05:50 kaeza hmm... try aspirine and soda
05:50 telek1 kaeza: Why's that?
05:50 VanessaE not familiar with it.
05:51 Kacey joined #minetest
05:51 Kacey hello
05:52 kaeza two aspirines and a full big glass of soda (preferably cola) keeps you awake for about a  month or so
05:52 VanessaE wb Kacey
05:52 kaeza hello again
05:52 Kacey or just one mountain dew and some nyquil
05:52 VanessaE aspirine?  you don't mean aspirin do you?
05:52 kaeza yeah sorry for typo. not native speaker
05:53 VanessaE heh, that' ok
05:53 VanessaE that's*
05:53 VanessaE wasn't sure if you meant aspirin or some other chemical with a similar name.
05:53 Kacey vanessa you should see the towers we built
05:53 kaeza lol at least I write englisch proprly
05:53 VanessaE (at least you didn't acetylsalisilic acid ;) )
05:54 VanessaE (not sure if I spelled that right.  it's the chemical name for aspirin :-) )
05:54 kaeza yeah, for me it's better said ""ácido acetil salisílico"
05:54 VanessaE it's amazing what you can learn from old movies :D
05:54 kaeza what they normally call aspirin
05:55 Kacey what is your native language
05:55 VanessaE looks like spanish
05:55 kaeza yeah I learned english from videogames
05:55 VanessaE or whatever that related one is they speak in some countries
05:55 kaeza english class at highschool is crap
05:56 Kacey lol the name on the google site should have given me a hint
05:56 kaeza yeah spanish, I'm from Uruguay
05:56 Kacey nice
05:56 VanessaE Uruguay, wow
05:56 VanessaE that's a new one on me, haven't met anyone from there
05:56 Kacey im from nomansland colorado off the united states
05:57 Kacey of*
05:57 telek1 kaeza: And you'd probably qualify better than many native speakers, at least here in the US :D
05:57 VanessaE West Carolina here (or that's what we'd call it if we secede from North Carolina some day)
05:57 kaeza cause I'm sort of a grammar nazi :)
05:57 * Kacey is dying because that statement was true
05:57 telek1 VanessaE: You'd need more than texas to secede to get them to agree to that :D
05:58 Kacey just send in clolorado and we are good lol
05:58 Kacey everything is bigger in texas but everything is MASSIVE in colorado
05:58 VanessaE telek1: nonono, I mean just from the state, not from the US :-()
05:58 VanessaE :-)
05:58 VanessaE fuck texas sideways :)
05:58 telek1 Kacey: Hah, I knew somebody from out that way :D
05:58 kaeza lol maybe just carolina is bigger than our entire country
05:58 telek1 Only been as far as the southernmost tip of Colorado, and possibly whatever bit of it hits 80 if any.
05:58 telek1 kaeza: Just means you've got less room for idiots to breed in :D
05:59 telek1 VanessaE: I know, I meant in order for there to be room for them to let you :D
05:59 VanessaE telek1: see, we over here on the west end of the state tend to have a different point of view from the rest of North Carolina, enough so that we probably should be our own state instead.
05:59 kaeza VanessaE: Look up Uruguay in Wikipedia. Unfortunately I suck at our country's history :)
05:59 VanessaE oh heh
05:59 telek1 You'll notice they've been too lazy to work on a flag with more than 50 stars, so the only way any of us states will get subdivision is if another state is annexed or expunged first :D
06:00 VanessaE kaeza: from memory, that's part of South America, northern part adjacent to the carribbean wasn't it?
06:00 VanessaE (I suck at Geography :D )
06:00 * telek1 notes there's been that discussion regarding norcal and socal, parts of oregon, washington, and elsewhere as well.
06:00 VanessaE *looks at map*
06:00 VanessaE BZZT, I'm wrong
06:00 VanessaE South America, a bit below Brazil :-)
06:00 Kacey i am pretty good at geography and it is in south america
06:00 kaeza telek1: well, if you don't count that stupid "plancha" bunch (internal thing maybe), you get like 1% smart people in here
06:00 VanessaE as I said, I suck at geography :D
06:01 telek1 kaeza: Oh so you're on par with the developed world for stupidity :D
06:01 kaeza lol
06:02 Kacey ha here in colorado we r 99% idiots that will do anything and 1% idiots that sit and watch and laugh
06:02 telek1 ::)
06:02 kaeza Yeah South America! And if you saw Submerged (from Steven Seagal), I'm afraid we haven't goats
06:02 kaeza Kacey: lol
06:02 Kacey im both lol
06:02 VanessaE telek1: the politics in your continent seem to be on the mend compared to the US.  lot of socialist stuff in place there, green energy, etc.  yes?
06:03 VanessaE Kacey: yeah but now those 99% idiots can smoke all the weed they want, so you'll never have to see them again except when they go out for chips or pizza :D
06:04 Kacey lol obama won colorado because of that
06:04 VanessaE heh
06:04 VanessaE this country needs more presidents like Obama in the future.
06:04 telek1 Kacey: Funny given how during his term he was hard on it :D
06:04 VanessaE time to start leaning a bit to the left for a change
06:04 Kacey but it s even funnier now because people are falling down randomly
06:05 telek1 We had pot dispensaries pop up all over Cali until the feds or dea or whoever came in and hit a few of them, then they all folded up shop and went back to selling under the table.
06:05 kaeza VanessaE: just a bit, don't do it like here. We are almost a new Cuba
06:05 VanessaE heh
06:05 VanessaE understood.
06:06 telek1 kaeza: New Cuba? You make lots of cigars and drive cars that look like they're from 'Leave it to Beaver'? :D
06:06 VanessaE still, the US could learn a lot from those evil soshulissts. :-)
06:06 VanessaE lol
06:06 * Kacey just landed on his face from laughing at the stoner bird that hit the window
06:07 telek1 In the middle of the night? :D
06:07 telek1 Owl? Bat?
06:07 kaeza no what I mean is the people can hardly survive while the government makes lots of money. BTW i'm surprised they didn't put a tax for breathing.
06:07 VanessaE fuck, I hate when I do that.  that "politics on the mend" was directed at kaeza, of course, not telek1.
06:07 Kacey nope it was a bird
06:07 VanessaE kaeza: sounds like here :-/
06:07 telek1 kaeza: Well that sounds like here, only the government is going bankrupt while pretending it's all ok :D
06:07 Kacey robin to be exact
06:08 VanessaE a robin flying around in the middle of the night!?
06:08 VanessaE that's more than a little odd.
06:08 telek1 The only thing that's guaranteed bipartisan: selling out :)
06:08 Kacey yep
06:08 VanessaE Kacey: not yet, just all the Wal-marts. :-)
06:08 telek1 Kacey: Minority shareholder :D
06:08 telek1 They're working on the real-estate angle though, and not just in the US from what I've heard.
06:09 Kacey lol i have an idea SAY NO TO CHINA!!!!! and then BOMB THEM!!!!! only if they get mad
06:09 kaeza Kacey: try looking at the back of the world. I may say "Made in Taiwan"
06:09 kaeza It*
06:09 Kacey hm my pants are made in guess where
06:09 telek1 kaeza: Nah, it'd have fallen apart by now. I'm thinking more 'made in Russia' :D
06:09 VanessaE Kacey: would never work.  China can out-produce us in every way possible - they've got like 1.5 billion people there or something, versus 350 million here.
06:09 kaeza lol
06:09 telek1 American world would've jammed by now :D
06:09 Kacey yes the world is made in russia
06:09 VanessaE haha
06:10 VanessaE nonono, see you've got it all wrong.
06:10 Kacey my pants are made in blank? woah
06:10 VanessaE all the parts are made in China, but assembled in Mexico. :-)
06:10 telek1 Maybe some parts German made.
06:10 telek1 But since it's got some drift it's obviously not german engineered :D
06:10 kaeza Yeah, but I doubt you can compare the quality of the NorthTech phones with the iPho... nevermind
06:10 VanessaE using materials mined from Russia, and techn support outsourced to India :-)
06:11 telek1 Low cost accents, or high class 'american themed' accents? :D
06:11 * Kacey tried to callhis mom and got somewhere in india
06:11 kaeza I see it coming... In soviet russia...
06:11 telek1 Kacey: She outsourced her parenting duties? :D
06:11 telek1 Wow. That's the most awesome idea ever.
06:11 telek1 I should start a parenting outsourcing agency! :D
06:11 VanessaE In soviet russia, world builds you? :-)
06:12 kaeza lol
06:12 kaeza build*
06:12 Kacey no her phone is forwarding calls to india now for some reason
06:12 telek1 Kacey: Weird.
06:12 Kacey ya
06:12 Kacey ha nokias break when they see my phone
06:12 kaeza Kacey: Impossibru!
06:13 telek1 P4 era laptop with a celeron: ~50W
06:13 VanessaE I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one left with a "dumb" cell in not a smartphone
06:13 telek1 That's semi-loaded.
06:13 Kacey my phone is an alcatel which is gibberish for chuck norris
06:13 kaeza I believe if the world was flat, it would be supported by pillars of nokia phones
06:13 Kacey no alcatel phones
06:13 Kacey i have a dumb phone
06:13 telek1 Kacey: Nokia. There's WAY MORE OF THEM
06:14 Kacey no actually
06:14 telek1 They used to be the de-facto cheap phone.
06:14 Kacey alcatel did the math
06:14 VanessaE Kacey: that's all you need anyway.  Need to make a phone call?  just have chuck norris pound the words into the nearest piece of stone and lob it at your other party :)
06:14 Kacey 2 to 1 ratio of alcatels to nokias
06:14 Kacey lol vanessa
06:14 * telek1 groans @ VanessaE
06:14 VanessaE lol
06:15 kaeza VanessaE: Chuck norris need not do that. He just stares the stone and it runs away to deliver the message.
06:15 telek1 I thought he was too busy singlehandedly fighting the Pandarians while singing the lyrics to 'Everybody was Kung Fu fighting.'
06:15 VanessaE telek1: eh, to be fair that whole chuck norris thing was starting to get tired anyway ;-)
06:15 VanessaE lol kaeza
06:15 Kacey hhow about the epic tales of Kacey?
06:16 telek1 Also is it me or should Blizzard totally be getting sued for false advertising given that gameplay is nothing like the ads they're running?
06:16 telek1 VanessaE: Agreed, hence my groan :D
06:17 Kacey thanks telek1 you got that song stuck in my head...
06:17 kaeza telek: very true. Though I can't afford WoW right now, I played WC3. It's good, but still crap for what the ads show you.
06:17 VanessaE telek1: haven't played a blizzard game in...forever
06:17 VanessaE I don't remember what it was, or when.
06:18 kaeza I don't really see a fine woman like VanessaE going "Imma Zerg all o' you mofos!"
06:18 VanessaE lol!
06:18 Kacey telek1 want to join my server and build?
06:18 telek1 Kacey: *grins*
06:19 VanessaE kaeza: maybe not, but it wasn't long ago that I'd be happy to nail a bot in the back of the head with a railgun ;-)
06:19 VanessaE so, blizzard it may not be,
06:19 telek1 kaeza VanessaE: Yep. I stopped playing them during the bnetd trial.
06:19 VanessaE but I'll stikk kick some ass in games now and then. :-)
06:19 telek1 So Diablo 2 era.
06:19 kaeza :O
06:19 VanessaE still*
06:19 telek1 Kacey: Would, but I've already got my own server I'm neglecting :l
06:20 Kacey mine is a little lag but it isnt bad
06:20 telek1 Wonder how hard it'd be to add inter-server portals.
06:20 kaeza maybe we can join for a CS game someday :)
06:20 * ruskie thinks there's nothing wrong with dumb phones... they tend to work better than the so called "smart" phones anyway
06:21 Kacey when pigs fl.... nvm there went one
06:21 telek1 ruskie: Dumb, smart, all the phones are powerful enough to spy on you nowadays :D
06:21 VanessaE ruskie: problem is, "dumb" phones always seem to be crammed full of the world's slowest electronics and stupidest UI design...
06:21 telek1 'Dumb phones' today are like reissue TI-83s: There's way more under the hood than what you think from the UI :D
06:21 ruskie VanessaE, hehe
06:22 kaeza I have yet to see a GOOD motorola phone
06:22 VanessaE no, I'm serious - some stuff on my old phone, I swear my C64 would be faster at. :-)
06:22 kaeza or for that matter, any piece of equipment
06:22 ruskie telek1, true... that's why I still have a nokia 5110 from 13+ years ago in my drawer that when I stopped using was 6 years old and could still hold a charge of a week
06:23 Kacey ha my brother had a motorolla razor and he hated it
06:24 kaeza they use crappy materials, crappy electronics, and worse yet, most carriers (at least here) don't provide direct support for Motorola phones
06:24 ruskie you need a carrier to provide support?
06:24 Kacey lol
06:24 Kacey hey ruskie want to join my server?
06:24 ruskie only thing I need from a cellco is that they give me a sim card I plug in and it works
06:25 telek1 ruskie: Yeppers. Here in the US, cell phone companies own you.
06:25 ruskie Kacey, I just got into work
06:25 Kacey ooh ok
06:25 ruskie telek1, yeah I'm familiar with that crap
06:25 kaeza I mean, if something is wrong with the phone, you have to go to the HQ (is that the term) of Motorola to get it replaced
06:26 ruskie kaeza, I'd say qualified repair shop
06:26 telek1 Idealogically: In Russia people own companies. In America companies own people. In Reality: Rich people own poor people.
06:26 telek1 s/Idea/Ideo/
06:26 ruskie kaeza, frankly I don't buy my devices from cellcos anymore but direct... so any service always goes direct to their repair centers
06:26 kaeza ok you get the point I guess
06:27 * VanessaE starts to fade away from tiredness
06:27 telek1 kaeza: Service Center of Motorola
06:27 ruskie avoids the crud sw cellcos tend to push on the devices
06:27 kaeza I mean, you but from Verizon, then take it to verizon and they take care of it
06:27 telek1 Which may or may not be a Motorola company.
06:27 telek1 VanessaE: Have a good night :)
06:27 kaeza telek: thanks, that's the one
06:28 Kacey night vanessa
06:28 kaeza good night Vanessa!
06:28 VanessaE well jeez
06:28 VanessaE you guys wanna get rid of me that bad huh?
06:28 telek1 kaeza: Yeah trying to figure out which word is appropriate is tiring.
06:28 VanessaE I ain't asleep yet :-)
06:28 kaeza what time is it there?
06:28 kaeza just asking
06:28 VanessaE 1:28am
06:28 telek1 Most of the reason I don't know a bunch of foreign languages. The other one being that all bilingual people would rather be lazy and talk in english rather than help you learn around here :D
06:29 kaeza am I a freak if I say it's 4:26 here?
06:29 Kacey kaeza i made the pool die!!!!!!
06:29 VanessaE kaeza: no :-)
06:29 kaeza NOOOOOOO!!!
06:29 kaeza j/k how?
06:29 Kacey dive*
06:29 telek1 o.O
06:29 VanessaE I've pulled more all-nighters than I can count over the years, so 4:26am is nothing new :-)
06:29 kaeza oh
06:29 VanessaE but I try not to do that too much anymore.
06:30 telek1 OHHH
06:30 kaeza a letter can change everything: die -> diVe
06:30 telek1 You guys are carribean-ish timezone, huh?
06:30 Kacey it is 11:30 here
06:30 VanessaE US eastern, here.
06:30 kaeza GMT -3:00
06:30 ruskie telek1, most bilingual people tend to not be lazy but are aware that it's hard to learn another language if you're not predisposed to it
06:30 ruskie 07:30 here
06:30 * telek1 always forgets just how big a diff the geography of SA is compared to NA, timezone-wise.
06:30 VanessaE I think we're at -0400 now aren't we?
06:31 VanessaE (damn Ben Franklin and his idiotic concept of daylight savings :-)
06:31 Kacey lol
06:31 ruskie telek1, also teaching someone is a lot harder than it sounds with some things
06:31 kaeza lol
06:31 ruskie DST needs to die
06:31 VanessaE ruskie: here here.
06:31 telek1 ruskie: Agreed on both :D
06:31 VanessaE it needs to die in a fire.
06:32 ruskie well atleast russia abolished it already
06:32 telek1 They should've killed it when they changed the schedule.
06:32 ruskie now europe needs to do it...
06:32 telek1 Ever wonder how many pieces of software broke as a result of that 1 monthish change?
06:32 kaeza let me teach you a few words, and you'll see how hard it is in spanish to properly remember them:
06:32 VanessaE an indian guy said it best - "Only a white man could think that cutting a fot off one end of a blanket and sewing it onto the other end somehow yields a larger blanket."
06:32 ruskie VanessaE, hehehe
06:32 VanessaE foot*
06:32 Kacey port 30000
06:32 telek1 True that.
06:33 Kacey lol i did that once
06:33 * telek1 goes by day/night now anyways.
06:33 kaeza hear -> "oír" | heart -> "corazón"
06:33 telek1 Chickens don't care what the clock says, only if it's time to cockadoodledoo :D
06:33 VanessaE haha
06:33 kaeza lol
06:33 Kacey lol
06:33 Kacey that is true i have 170 chickens
06:34 Kacey 4 am wake up call
06:34 VanessaE that must make one hell of a racket every morn.
06:34 kaeza my chickens must be broke. they cockadoodledoo at 7:00PM
06:34 VanessaE lol
06:34 kaeza broken*
06:34 telek1 The time change is a PITA for getting out just in time to put them away for the night before it's dark enough to require a flashlight. And we've got a ton of noturnal predators out here. Racoons, possums, cats, etc.
06:34 VanessaE kaeza: where we used to live (for about a year and a half, ending a little over a month ago), those bastards would crow at all hours of the day, and once or twice we heard them in the middle of th enight too.
06:35 Kacey lol my ducks come and lay on us if we arent awake by 5 am
06:35 VanessaE heh
06:35 kaeza_ joined #minetest
06:35 VanessaE <VanessaE> kaeza: where we used to live (for about a year and a half, ending a little over a month ago), those bastards would crow at all hours of the day, and once or twice we heard them in the middle of th enight too.
06:36 kaeza_ modem got disconnected :(
06:36 VanessaE well next time tell your mom not to pick up the handset when you're on the line :D
06:36 kaeza_ yeah same here
06:36 VanessaE (sorry, yet another tired old joke)
06:36 kaeza_ handset? what is that? :P
06:37 VanessaE lol
06:37 VanessaE G*d it's been that long hasn't it?
06:38 ruskie hehe
06:38 VanessaE I remember when I used to bitch out my sister or get irritated at mom, as needed, for picking up the phone and knocking me off my favorite BBS :-)
06:38 Kacey kaeza i am halfway done with the roof
06:38 kaeza_ not that long. ten years ago we had handsets. today we have computers the size of a nail
06:39 VanessaE now I bitch at my ISP for having idiots working for them that seem to do the same thing from time to time, or used to anyway at the old place :-)
06:39 VanessaE (or at least, the cable modem equivalent, whatever that might be)
06:39 kaeza_ BBS? LOL so old-school (says a man that is chatting on IRC)
06:39 VanessaE kaeza_: the 300-buad modem days. :-)
06:40 VanessaE on a C64.  With a single floppy drive and television for a monitor.
06:40 VanessaE THAT is oldskool :-)
06:40 kaeza_ I grew up with the Speccy
06:40 ruskie <-- good for her
06:40 Kacey i grew up with windows xp
06:40 VanessaE ruskie: yeah, saw a blurb about that on slashdot earlier.  Didn't read into it yet.
06:41 VanessaE Kacey: get yourself an old 8-bit computer - spectrum, C64, apple, atari, whatever.  Set it up and play around with it.  prepare to be amazed :-)
06:41 Kacey we had old apples in elementary school but they died quickly after i bit them all
06:42 * ruskie is already amazed that his p133 of 6 years was faster at running the software at the time than most modern kit is
06:42 kaeza_ Kacey lol you play Playstation 2. Do you know what the "2" is right?
06:42 Kacey no what is it?
06:43 VanessaE Kacey: if it wasn't an "Apple ][", it wasn't "an old apple" :-)
06:43 telek1 Hrmm guess those 'PlaceBo(tm)' brand flea pills are working.
06:43 VanessaE telek1: heh
06:43 Kacey lol ikr i use them all the time
06:43 kaeza_ 8|
06:43 kaeza_ what about Jet Set Willy?
06:44 VanessaE ok guys, time to call it a night.
06:44 telek1 Nah seriously our dog just had it put on like 3-4 days ago and I was just petting her and she had little round black things crawling on her.
06:44 telek1 Night VE :)
06:44 Kacey is it the level you have to be to defeat them?
06:44 kaeza_ good night Vanessa!
06:44 Kacey night vanessa
06:44 telek1 You know that'd be a awesome minetest addition.
06:44 Kacey what
06:45 telek1 A 'metalevel' inside your minetest world taking place on an animal mob.
06:45 Kacey ?
06:45 telek1 You have to run around on the mob killing fleas in minaturized form :D
06:45 Kacey ooh lol ya
06:45 kaeza_ telek: cool thing
06:45 telek1 Maybe fashioning items out of hair, dead skin and living tissue.
06:46 Kacey lol
06:46 telek1 'Flea bone helmet' FTW :D
06:46 kaeza_ ruskie: cool article
06:46 kaeza_ sorry for the late reply
06:46 Kacey what does ftw mean again?
06:46 kaeza_ For The Win!!
06:46 Kacey ooh ok
06:47 telek1 I bet Vanessa woulda schooled you on that if she wasn't sleeping :D
06:47 kaeza_ lol
06:47 kaeza_ so true
06:47 Kacey lol ya but im not afraid of her
06:47 telek1 It spawned out of the FPS community of the late 90s early '00s
06:47 kaeza_ Doom?
06:48 kaeza_ Duke Nukem?
06:48 telek1 Maybe, or Quake.
06:48 kaeza_ That's modern for the timespan
06:48 Kacey NUKEM!!!!!!!
06:48 telek1 Duke while popular didn't seem to have the sort of social cult that id games had.
06:48 kaeza_ yeah
06:48 telek1 Probably in part because id made the move of having quakeworld as an official convention
06:49 kaeza_ They killed it with the third installment (Doom I mean)
06:49 telek1 Yep.
06:49 telek1 I was still able to buy doom1/2+all quake games up until around or after doom3 came out.
06:49 telek1 But I *NEVER* saw doom3 on store shelves after it's initial run ran out.
06:49 kaeza_ heh remember the first time my brother-in-law brought Doom for the SNES...
06:49 telek1 Ugh :D
06:50 telek1 That's like buying Morrowind or Skyrim for the 360/PS3 :D
06:50 Kacey i gtghave a happy thanksgiving
06:50 * telek1 waves!
06:50 kaeza_ that's also like playing GTA2 on the PSX. Yuck!
06:50 telek1 Lol :D
06:50 telek1 GTA2 you didn't really lose much control-wise though right?
06:51 telek1 GTA3 would've been more of a loss.
06:51 kaeza_ after playing GTA2 for PC, you say "OMG this game SUXXX"
06:51 kaeza_ I agree. Prolly the best GTA games on PS2 are VC and SA
06:52 kaeza_ I don't like SA very much though
06:53 telek1 Yeah
06:53 telek1 Well SA was better than 4 :D
06:53 telek1 More stuff to do.
06:53 telek1 And better camera angles than VC
06:53 kaeza_ Can't play F***ing 4 on my comp. Crappy gfx card.
06:54 kaeza_ Is it that bad?
06:54 kaeza_ Yeah SA had a lot (maybe a TON) of openness, but IDK. VC had more "oldschoolness" to me.
06:55 kaeza_ "All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!"
06:59 kaeza_ versus "You took fifteen years from me Sonny... And now I'm gonna make you pay!"
07:05 Zeg9 joined #minetest
07:06 ruskie telek1, as I only have a PS3 for playing such games(skyrim) I do buy them for that system
07:07 telek1 ruskie: Ouch.
07:07 ruskie telek1, well I'm not willing to purchase a windows license or dedicate any siginficant funds towards a "gaming PC" it works for me
07:08 ruskie also I must say I like playing on a gamepad
07:08 telek1 ruskie: Can understand that. Honestly though a nocd crack and wine usually solves that.
07:08 telek1 Biggest thing though is the loss of mods
07:09 ruskie telek1, I don't use cracked sw and wine doesn't work on 64bit
07:09 telek1 Most of those games I wouldn't play if it wasn't for modding.
07:09 telek1 o.O
07:09 telek1 wine should work on 64 bit.
07:09 ruskie only for 64bit sw
07:09 ruskie last I checked
07:09 Zeg9 joined #minetest
07:09 Zeg9 left #minetest
07:09 ruskie it didn't have a 32-on-64bit compat layer
07:10 ruskie and yeah... CD... hahahaha... I don't have an optical reader in any of my computers at all
07:11 ruskie anyway I generally play something for the story
07:11 ruskie the mods wouldn't give me much extra benefit
07:11 telek1 ruskie: Wow guess you're right.
07:12 telek1 I'm exactly opposite.
07:12 telek1 Also if it wasn't for nocds I probably wouldn't still be gaming.
07:13 * telek1 has like two towers worth of stamps CDs/DVDs of games, but only 1 working dvd player for all his comps.
07:13 ruskie not to mention my skyrim game atm is some 60h in and I haven't touched anything about the main storyline other than the first one or two things
07:13 telek1 Erm stamped (IE original)
07:13 ruskie telek1, I'm waiting to see what steam 4 linux will bring
07:13 telek1 Eww
07:13 telek1 I'm not.
07:13 ruskie I might buy some games for that
07:13 telek1 I don't like digital distribution
07:13 ruskie hehe
07:13 telek1 If it's not on physical media I won't buy it.
07:13 ruskie I prefer physical media as well
07:14 ruskie hence why I prefer a console
07:14 ruskie pop in the disc and it works
07:14 telek1 I'd be up for USB high-capacity ROMs though.
07:14 ruskie no nocd and other crap
07:14 telek1 ruskie: Except all the new generation console games are apparently moving towards online activation too.
07:14 ruskie telek1, only for multiplayer
07:14 ruskie "online pass" and similar
07:15 telek1 I don't remember what game but I've heard there's some new ones that are doing it single as well.
07:15 ruskie doesn't prevent you from playing the single player game
07:15 ruskie telek1, a lot of it are people over-reacting
07:15 telek1 Regardless other than some racing games there's nothing on the consoles that particularly grabs my attention.
07:16 ruskie I don't have that many console exclusives
07:16 ruskie most of the stuff is multiplat
07:17 ruskie wrt to steam4linux I'm hoping that it will provide game makers an incentive to start publishing on linux and thus might even provide physical media releases
07:17 ruskie but frankly I'm happy with the humble bundle games and open source games
07:18 celeron55 oh lovely; the server is unreachable again
07:27 roboman2444 joined #minetest
07:33 telek1 celeron55: Yeppers, has been most of the day :/
08:06 celeron55 marktraceur: <- i think people would be much more ready to pay for engine features
08:22 M13 joined #minetest
08:23 M13 is the minetest site down???
08:44 telek1 Yep
08:44 telek1 C55 knows about it, not sure when a resolution will happen however.
08:46 thexyz_ joined #minetest
08:55 M13 ok thnx
08:56 M13 is Puppy Linux good for Minetest????
09:08 telek1 M13: Isn't Puppy Linux one of the ultra-small distros?
09:24 ruskie he left
09:24 ruskie but it shouldn't matter
09:25 telek1 ruskie: It might if it's running tinyX instead of real X (and thus no opengl acceleration.)
09:26 ruskie I don't think they are
09:26 ruskie I run saluki on my eeepc701 and I tried it on another box as well worked fine for FTL
09:27 telek1 Ahh, cool then.
09:28 ruskie the only issue might be finding a ready made package for it
09:29 opticlove joined #minetest
09:29 telek1 That's true with most distros though.
09:31 celeron55 the site's up again... hoping now that the hosting provider got some useful data of the crash
09:32 * ruskie has his build for slackware64
09:35 telek1 celeron55: It crashed this time? Man you've been having bad luck with it the past few days, huh?
09:54 whirm joined #minetest
09:58 whirm1 joined #minetest
10:01 opticlove joined #minetest
10:39 Jousway joined #minetest
10:40 Taoki <celeron55> marktraceur: <- i think people would be much more ready to pay for engine features
10:40 Taoki That's a pretty interesting idea. Always wondered about a system to encourage new features in FOSS games by donating as well. Sadly, 1500$ in 40 days seems completely impossible. Most I could donate at my current financial state is 5$ (10$ at most), and I doubt a lot of people can do more
10:41 Taoki And even so my mom would be upset when I tell her :P But for MineTest I'd do it... just not sure what happens if the goal isn't achieved, since I surely can't afford wasting any money
10:44 ruskie Taoki, you get it back
10:45 ruskie funding projects oly get the money if he goal is reached
10:45 Taoki Hmm... ok. Let's hope that website is safe to use via PayPal, I never really used it before and am cauitious with money online
10:45 Taoki Though it would be sad if the whole thing is cancelled because it gets eg: 1400$ instead of 1500$
10:50 ruskie How Refunds Work
10:50 ruskie Contributions are nonrefundable. We may refund your contribution if your contribution was accidentally made twice or if the campaign has not raised enough money by its deadline to cover the cost of disbursement. We also refund any contributions made to a Fixed Funding campaign that has not met its
10:50 ruskie goal by its deadline.
10:50 ruskie and that is a fixed funding campaign
10:53 saschaheylik joined #minetest
10:59 Taoki I chipped in a bit... hope I won't need to be refunded and instead this will help MineTest :)
11:00 Taoki That would make me cry lol
11:02 Taoki Please at least post more about it. Perhaps you could put that link in the channel topic OldCoder . I assume someone made a forum post already
11:04 * Taoki wishes someone made a more possible goal though. Like  or  to be on the safe side. That campaign asks for a lot
11:04 Taoki * $1000 or $500
11:05 Taoki haha, my IRC client saw the $ symbol as a command in /me :P
11:09 jin_xi joined #minetest
11:13 ruskie broken client ;)
11:14 opticlove joined #minetest
11:15 cosarara97 joined #minetest
11:17 cosarara97 joined #minetest
11:19 Taoki nah, it's a good client. This is a feature, you need to set the input field to "friendly mode". But it's hard to default it
11:19 Taoki I use KVIrc. Primary reason why I got it years ago is that it's the only IRC client with avatar support
11:19 cosarara97 joined #minetest
11:22 ruskie considering it's the only irc client that actually has such an idea hehe
11:22 * ruskie enjoys irssi
11:23 Taoki Yeah, I wish more did
11:33 Taoki marktraceur: When you are back, I'd like to hear more about what you have in mind for MineTest. I chipped in for that campaign a bit although it is difficult to do for me at this moment, since I'm very interested in MineTest. Will you be giving part of it to other developers as well? Is it for engine features also (it's ok if not since mods are also important and will be the main thing)
12:06 Mika_R joined #minetest
12:11 Mika_R joined #minetest
12:12 steampunkey joined #minetest
12:12 steampunkey what's with
12:20 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
12:20 * VanessaE peeks in for a few.
12:20 VanessaE good morning.
12:20 VanessaE insomnia sucks, sleep is overrated, etc. ;)
12:29 ruskie aww
12:29 ruskie only 90 min or left before end of work for me
12:30 VanessaE cool
12:30 VanessaE time to go home and P-A-R-T..why?  because you gotta. :-)
12:37 Ragnar_ joined #minetest
12:37 Ragnar_ hi
12:37 jin_xi hi Ragnar_
12:37 jin_xi hi ruskie
12:37 Ragnar_ :D
12:37 jin_xi hi VanessaE
12:37 Ragnar_ ruskie?
12:37 Ragnar_ xD
12:37 ruskie heh
12:37 ruskie some people have a delay apparently
12:38 Ragnar_ ow...i thought that ruskie as in somebody from russia
12:38 Ragnar_ :D
12:39 Ragnar_ hey is PilzAdam here?
12:40 VanessaE hey jin, ruskie.
12:40 VanessaE Ragnar_: no, not at present
12:40 Ragnar_ ok... :D
12:40 Ragnar_ hey VanessaE...
12:40 Ragnar_ is it possible to make classes in minetest?
12:40 Ragnar_ like players have diffrent skins
12:42 Ragnar_ Vanessa?
12:44 VanessaE there, finally I'm figuring out how to use branches properly in git.
12:44 VanessaE well
12:45 VanessaE actually it IS possible, and in fact I think it was pilzadam who wrote a mod to do that.
12:45 Ragnar_ really?
12:45 Ragnar_ yay :D
12:45 VanessaE gives each player their own skin, by player name = partial filename
12:45 Ragnar_ ow :D
12:45 VanessaE at least it works for 2D skins, but not the new 3D stuff (yet)
12:46 VanessaE (3D stuff has not been merged, but looks to happen soon if celeron55 isn't too stubborn :-) )
12:46 Ragnar_ so like my name is Ragnar (online) and so Ragnar = Ragnar.jpeg
12:46 Ragnar_ ?
12:46 VanessaE similar yeah
12:46 Ragnar_ xD
12:46 VanessaE player_ragnar.png, player_ragnar_back.png
12:46 VanessaE (but jpg can be used too, as well as several others)
12:46 Ragnar_ ow :d
12:46 Ragnar_ nice :D
12:46 Ragnar_ thanks alot!
12:46 VanessaE no  prob,
12:46 VanessaE one sec..
12:46 VanessaE lemme find it.
12:47 Ragnar_ ok
12:47 VanessaE
12:47 VanessaE there, the new branches are pull-requested.
12:48 VanessaE that should make PilzAdam happy (this is not related to player skins) ;)
12:48 Ragnar_ it kinda is xD
12:51 VanessaE no I meant my pull requests, they're for something completely different.
12:52 Ragnar_ it kinda is xD
12:54 Ragnar_ have you seen "Rules of Engagment" ?
12:54 VanessaE no
12:54 Ragnar_ its from there
12:54 Ragnar_ the "It Kinda Is"
12:56 Ragnar_ VanessaE
12:56 Ragnar_ are you playing right now?
12:56 Ragnar_ could you make a screenshot of some landscape or something?
12:56 Ragnar_ without anybody in it...
12:56 Ragnar_ i need it for my website banner :d
13:00 Ragnar_ hey can somebody help me?
13:00 VanessaE you can probably use the one from the main website
13:00 VanessaE images there are cc-by-sa I think
13:03 Ragnar_ ow ok
13:03 Ragnar_ ill check that...
13:03 Ragnar_ where?
13:03 VanessaE
13:04 Ragnar_ yeah i know...but whres the cc-by-sa?
13:04 Ragnar_ or what is it...
13:04 VanessaE creative commons license
13:04 VanessaE "creative commons - author attribution - share alike"
13:04 VanessaE in that order.
13:04 Xenux joined #minetest
13:05 Ragnar_ ow...
13:05 Ragnar_ ok
13:05 VanessaE it means download and share all you want, just be sure you say who and where you got it from and don't pass it off as your own.
13:05 VanessaE make changes to it too if you like, just make a note of where the original image came from.
13:05 VanessaE it's a good license for images.
13:06 q66 joined #minetest
13:10 Ragnar_ ok
13:24 MilanFIN joined #minetest
13:25 Fixer joined #minetest
13:31 VanessaE bbl
13:39 cisoun1 joined #minetest
13:49 Ragnar_ hey does somebody know, that does minetest have a World of Minetest server/mod?
13:49 Ragnar_ like in minecraft has World of Minecraft...
13:51 Ragnar_ 'cause im making a World of Minetest server+homepage+classes :d
13:51 Ragnar_ nice eh? xD
13:56 Matsetes joined #minetest
13:56 Matsetes Hi! How can I open the inventory plus?
14:04 Taoki joined #minetest
14:17 Mika_r joined #minetest
14:19 Ragnar_ joined #minetest
14:19 Ragnar_ hi
14:20 Ragnar_ VanessaE hey, is it possible, that if you kill somebody, you earn money and maybe an item... the item is a 1/99 chance...
14:20 Ragnar_ is it possible?
14:31 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
14:55 mauvebic joined #minetest
14:55 mauvebic What happenned to gloopmaster? he pulled all his topics
14:59 Penguin joined #minetest
14:59 redcrab hi there ... I ve notified yesterday about error that sometime occurs ... {      impix[x - minx * 16 + border, h - 1 - (z - minz * 16) + border] = (r, g, b)
14:59 redcrab TypeError: an integer is required }   ... I guess that x is sometime Long and sometime Integer ... due to Z par value of the "pos" attribute on "blocks" sqlite table definition .. the python "def getIntegerAsBlock(i):" have sometime a "i" as Long and sometime with with a Integer and the transformation start with "x" , y and z are always downcasted into integer with "int(...)" function  x is not ... so sometime long sometime Int
14:59 redcrab eger ... Then I ve updated the python script to find out if this the cause origin , I will keep you in touch .... meanwhile you may see the current result by visiting my minetest megamap generation of the 30401 server on with this 8640x8640 generated map
15:01 Penguin hi
15:02 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
15:05 Penguin joined #minetest
15:05 Penguin hi
15:05 OldCoder Hey
15:05 OldCoder Penguin, hello
15:06 Penguin hey is server up
15:06 OldCoder 30004 ? No. Sorry; trying to decide what to do with the world.
15:06 OldCoder Penguin, ^
15:06 OldCoder Taoki can you elaborate regarding forum topic?
15:06 OldCoder Penguin, Give me a little while longer to decide
15:06 Penguin okay carnt connect to any server
15:07 Taoki OldCoder: Marktraceur is trying to raise money for minetest. If he doesn't get $1500 in 40 days though, it just gets refunded and doesn't help. So I as thinking of spreading the word about it
15:07 OldCoder Penguin, Yes
15:07 OldCoder Taoki, all right
15:07 OldCoder Penguin, I have a problem. Looks like 30004 took down my entire VPS.
15:07 OldCoder I am researching this now
15:08 Penguin okay
15:08 mauvebic 1500$ for what ?
15:08 Penguin restarting my pc brb
15:08 mauvebic 1500$... should offer bounties for specific features instead :p
15:09 OldCoder Taoki, Indicate what you'd like to add to topic
15:10 Taoki OldCoder:
15:10 OldCoder Taoki, No...
15:10 OldCoder Taoki, Indicate exact wording you'd like to add to topic
15:10 Taoki c55 posted the link, I chipped in a bit already
15:10 Taoki ah, ok
15:10 OldCoder Others: I'm attempting to reboot my VPS
15:11 Taoki Anything about it... it's a fund to raise money for MineTest
15:11 Taoki I'm ont good with words :p
15:11 Taoki **not
15:11 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:11 OldCoder Taoki, Feel free to ask others to suggest a wording then
15:11 OldCoder If there is consensus then certainly we could link
15:11 Taoki Sure. If anyone here has an idea please mention it
15:13 Penguin joined #minetest
15:13 Penguin Back
15:13 OldCoder Penguin, My VPS is apparently destroyed :-(
15:13 OldCoder I have a business meeting in a few meetings. Then I will spend time today trying to rebuild things.
15:14 Penguin Oh okay is 30015 up
15:15 Penguin i carnt connect to any server
15:15 OldCoder Penguin, That is what I am trying to explain
15:15 OldCoder My VPS is destroyed
15:15 Penguin so no servers are open ?
15:15 OldCoder Penguin...
15:16 OldCoder Death. Oblivion.
15:16 OldCoder Poof!
15:16 OldCoder Gone!
15:16 OldCoder Evaporated
15:16 OldCoder Is this clearer :-)
15:16 OldCoder My VPS is destroyed
15:16 Penguin oh :(
15:16 OldCoder I will try to rebuild things today
15:16 OldCoder It appears that work on 30004 took up all the system memory
15:16 OldCoder That is bad
15:17 OldCoder I have a business meeting in a few meetings
15:17 OldCoder That I will put the pieces back together
15:25 Matsetes joined #minetest
15:25 Kacey joined #minetest
15:25 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:25 OldCoder Kacey, Hi
15:26 Kacey hello  and happy thanksgiving
15:35 babyface1031 joined #minetest
15:36 babyface1031 hi everyone
15:37 ruskie OldCoder, might want to put the issue somewhere in the topic or something
15:37 OldCoder ruskie, Yes
15:39 Topic for #minetest is now STATUS: OldCoder VPS down; he's working on it today | IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME PAGE: | FOR CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev
15:40 OldCoder Taoki, I'll add the donation link when there is consensus
15:40 babyface1031 30004 still causeing problems @OldCoder
15:40 OldCoder babyface1031, it sort of wrecked my VPS
15:40 Taoki ok
15:40 OldCoder The whole thing is down
15:40 OldCoder Fried
15:40 OldCoder I may need to rebuild the VPS from scratch
15:40 OldCoder That is a heck of a world :-)
15:41 babyface1031 oh wow did 3000
15:41 OldCoder Ah
15:41 babyface1031 did 3004 do it to the vps
15:41 OldCoder Looks like I'm back in. The disks were probably corrupted.
15:42 OldCoder We'll be down part of the day but I probably have everything
15:42 OldCoder babyface1031, I think I ran out of RAM due to work on 30004. That tends to hose things.
15:42 babyface1031 ahh ok thats fine you take your time i am in no hurry
15:42 babyface1031 oh
15:43 OldCoder I may upgrade my VPS farther but I'll need to check the costs
15:43 OldCoder I have everything; 30004 will revert to no farther back than the 17th
15:44 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:45 babyface1031 thats fine if 30004 is the problem that did this maybe we need to get rid of it and play on one of the other ones or start a new map and hope it not the map
15:45 OldCoder Nah
15:45 OldCoder It will be fine
15:45 OldCoder But may be time for me to reorganize
15:45 OldCoder And possibly upgrade the VPS
15:46 babyface1031 ok
15:49 Jordach joined #minetest
15:52 Taoki Oh nice... there's also a shorter link which is good for the topic.
15:58 Kacey iriririririririririr
16:00 Kacey i feel like modding but i am not good at much with it just registering basic things
16:01 RealBadAngel 1500$ nice money, my 3 month earnings :P
16:01 uzver hmm
16:02 uzver RealBadAngel: where did you read about 1500? can't find in the chat, probably broken? o.O
16:02 RealBadAngel click the link above
16:02 uzver ah ok
16:03 Jordach
16:04 RealBadAngel for this money i could quit the job and live from modding
16:04 RealBadAngel lol
16:04 Kacey lol
16:04 Jordach anyone?
16:04 Kacey ?
16:04 ruskie ugh
16:06 celeron55 marktraceur lives in an expensive country 8)
16:06 RealBadAngel hehe
16:06 celeron55 we should fund some polish guy so it'd be way cheaper 8D
16:07 Kacey or some chinese 6 year old
16:07 ruskie hmm that's roughly a months pay for me
16:07 celeron55 in here $1500 is like 40-80% of a month's pay
16:08 Kacey in the us that is quite a bit right now
16:08 RealBadAngel i get 350usd per month, workin 5 days a week, 8hrs
16:08 thexyz celeron55: any idea on what to do with gloopmaster's topics?
16:08 Kacey i get $50 a day for sitting in a combine
16:09 celeron55 thexyz: does anyone care about the mods?
16:09 celeron55 like, in practice
16:09 Kacey celeron55: why does keep going down?
16:09 thexyz i've already reuploaded all his mods here
16:09 celeron55 Kacey: i don't know (yet)
16:09 Kacey ooh ok
16:10 thexyz but too lazy to recover his topics
16:10 RealBadAngel i do, gloopores will be used in magic branch of technic
16:10 celeron55 thexyz: maybe they should be just deleted and a sticky added to mod releases which'd be disabled for comments by random people and random lost mods like that would be posted there by moderators
16:10 celeron55 or something
16:10 celeron55 it'd be easier to maintain
16:11 celeron55 but harder to search for
16:11 RealBadAngel celeron55, ive posted patch with changes, have you seen it? taoki waits for it
16:11 iqualfragile it would be great to have a real mod-database
16:11 iqualfragile not just forum-posts
16:12 RealBadAngel some1 should take care of it
16:12 iqualfragile someone already did some work on that but im unshure who was
16:12 iqualfragile celeron55: would you host such an database?
16:12 celeron55 i'm pretty sure i or thexyz could host it
16:13 SpeedProg joined #minetest
16:14 paxcoder joined #minetest
16:14 Taoki Yeah, still waiting for that patch to go in master
16:14 celeron55 and yes, there already exists kind of a barebones mod database, but i don't remember the nick of the one who've made it... it's on the forum somewhere
16:15 Kacey ha epic mega mod idea!!!!
16:15 thexyz celeron55: rubenwardy,
16:15 celeron55 Taoki, RealBadAngel: are you aware that there are four people who can both technically and authoritatively merge stuff upstream?
16:15 iqualfragile found it:
16:16 Jordach HOLY SHIT A mc texture pack with this license
16:16 Taoki I don't remember everyone, just thexyz and PitzAdam
16:16 iqualfragile it seems like im 30 secs to late
16:16 celeron55 darkrose is the third one, and me the fourth
16:17 paxcoder Jordach, NC = non-free
16:18 Jordach paxcoder - but these textures are
16:18 paxcoder Jordach, are what?
16:18 Jordach the tp i linked
16:18 celeron55 RealBadAngel: i still don't like it that you store the bits too
16:19 celeron55 i guess i'll have to let that through because you insist
16:19 thexyz Jordach: not as in free beer
16:19 paxcoder thexyz, what?
16:19 paxcoder why do you all sound like you don't know the first thing about free culture?
16:20 thexyz paxcoder: he obviously doesn't know what does "free" mean
16:20 paxcoder thexyz, the back is free as in beer. it's not free as in speech.
16:20 paxcoder *pack
16:20 thexyz yes, i noticed that
16:20 celeron55 i always hate "non-commercial" licenses, they are so vague
16:21 paxcoder <thexyz> Jordach: not as in free beer
16:21 paxcoder yes as in free beer
16:21 paxcoder no as in free speech
16:21 thexyz (20:16:53) Jordach: paxcoder - but these textures are
16:21 thexyz well, whatever
16:21 * Taoki hates licenses because any software should be free :P
16:21 paxcoder thexyz, :-/
16:21 thexyz seems that we've just misunderstood each other
16:22 paxcoder Taoki, copyleft protects your wishes
16:22 Taoki yup
16:22 paxcoder PD and permissive don't
16:22 Kacey oldcoder how do you reset a world by a couple minutes?
16:22 Taoki thexyz: Did you look at RBA's patch for lua keys? I'm waiting for it in master before I can continue the models
16:24 Taoki brb however, going away for an hour or two
16:24 thexyz Taoki: why do you need to have it in master?
16:25 paxcoder celeron55, does github auto-create the zips you link to, or can you specify which version to make em from?
16:25 Calinou joined #minetest
16:25 Taoki thexyz: Because my script for player animations needs the new functions\
16:25 thexyz paxcoder:
16:25 thexyz Taoki: well, the just merge his changes into your branch
16:26 Taoki I can do that, but I'd rather wait for them to get in master first since he pull requested it. Feels safer
16:26 Taoki Anyway BRB
16:26 paxcoder theDrumm, oh. so it's auto-generates it from the hash i take it? cool, thanks
16:26 thexyz i'd prefer to change protocol version one time instead of two
16:27 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:27 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:27 Kacey hello
16:27 Calinou hi
16:27 PilzAdam VanessaE, youre here?
16:28 Calinou youre > you're
16:28 paxcoder theDrumm, too bad the name can't be generic though
16:28 Calinou you're here? > are you here?
16:28 Calinou :D
16:28 Taoki RealBadAngel: Till I'm back, please make a diff of your changes if possible and send it to me.
16:28 paxcoder Calinou, the second, yeah
16:28 Taoki ill get it when im back
16:29 paxcoder thexyz, ^ not theDrumm
16:29 * paxcoder angrily joins #xchat
16:29 celeron55 Taoki:
16:30 Calinou xchat ftw
16:30 thexyz Taoki: you can also add his repo as remote and merge his branch with yours
16:30 celeron55 git apply should add that cleanly
16:30 celeron55 with the proper author and so
16:30 celeron55 i usually use remote repos though
16:31 Kacey PilzAdam is towntest your mod?
16:32 Penguin joined #minetest
16:32 Penguin hey
16:33 Kacey sup!!!
16:33 PilzAdam Kacey, i made the NPC
16:33 Kacey ooh ok what is the orange player thing?
16:34 PilzAdam that is the NPC
16:34 Penguin Hi Babyface1031
16:36 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, *ping*
16:36 roboman2444 joined #minetest
16:38 Penguin kacey what server you on
16:39 babyface1031 hey penguin
16:40 Penguin hi babyface what server are you on
16:42 Penguin ???
16:48 RealBadAngel celeron55, i store bits because im using them
16:49 RealBadAngel thx to it i can check if the certain keys were pressed with single check
16:49 RealBadAngel for example if player moved
16:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:50 RealBadAngel nobody is forced tables or bits, there are two separate functions to get the controls
16:51 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, how are the textures doing?
16:51 RealBadAngel still havent finished them :(
16:51 ruskie wtf... just found a nyan cat block and a nyan cat rainbow block
16:53 rubenwardy singular rainbow block?
16:53 ruskie nyan cat rainbow
16:54 rubenwardy singular = only one
16:54 ruskie yup
16:54 OldCoder Hi
16:54 OldCoder Somebody rang?
17:08 MiJyn I'm trying to make a game in pure OpenGL and X11, and I'm wondering if anyone here would have pointers (since this game uses Irrlicht)
17:09 Jordach if you're looking for pointers: 0xDEADBEEF 0x0002
17:10 milleja46 joined #minetest
17:11 Zeg9 joined #minetest
17:16 rubenwardy how do i enter [ ] in a forum post?
17:17 Zeg9 Does \[ \] work ?
17:19 rubenwardy nm
17:19 rubenwardy [   ] works
17:22 Penguin joined #minetest
17:23 Penguin Hey Babyface1031 OldCoder And everyone
17:24 KikaRz joined #minetest
17:24 KikaRz Hi ther e:)
17:26 Penguin What Server You Peoples On
17:26 PilzAdam localhost :-p
17:26 Penguin ?
17:27 marktraceur Taoki: FYI, the campaign is largely an attempt to spread the word, more than the features.
17:27 rubenwardy he means singleplayer
17:27 Penguin oh
17:27 Penguin Anyone on multi player
17:27 marktraceur celeron55: I don't have the skills to offer engine features at the moment, but I might be able to in the future--hopefully some of my time during this period would go towards exploring that
17:28 marktraceur Taoki: I tried to make it clear that I'd either have a huge success and move towards doing this again, possibly more full-time, or have moderate success and donate half the proceeds to other free game developers (c55 probably included on the list)
17:31 OldCoder Penguin, Hi!
17:31 Penguin Hi
17:31 Penguin How was meeting
17:33 KikaRz ny server.
17:33 marktraceur celeron55: And yes, San Francisco is expensive, and software developers in San Francisco are even more expensive :) hopefully this drives some competition, I'd like to see others do it better than I do.
17:33 KikaRz *my
17:34 KikaRz 30 seconds poll: Do you like Minetest mods?
17:34 KikaRz Y
17:34 KikaRz 20 seconds
17:34 KikaRz 10
17:34 PilzAdam +1
17:34 KikaRz 2
17:34 KikaRz 1
17:34 KikaRz Y: 2 | N: 0
17:35 KikaRz OldCoder
17:35 OldCoder KikaRz, yes?
17:35 MilanFIN joined #minetest
17:35 OldCoder Of course I like mods
17:35 KikaRz Change HOME PAGE: to
17:35 OldCoder Mods are great
17:35 KikaRz then itll be easier
17:35 OldCoder Very well
17:35 KikaRz just clicking it
17:35 Topic for #minetest is now STATUS: OldCoder VPS down; he's working on it today | IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME: | FOR CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev
17:35 KikaRz that
17:36 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:36 Jordach good evening FreeFull
17:38 KikaRz or: Afternoon
17:38 FreeFull Hi Jordach
17:38 KikaRz 17:38 GMT +0
17:41 hmmmm
17:41 john_minetest joined #minetest
17:41 hmmmm It's over, PC gaming is finished.
17:42 Lumpio- why
17:42 OldCoder john_minetest, Hi
17:43 Calinou joined #minetest
17:45 PilzAdam playing Minetest with a uncommon size has some strange effects:
17:45 KikaRz yea
17:45 KikaRz in inventory
17:45 PilzAdam the tree at the right is actually realy far away
17:45 KikaRz and if you minimize it
17:45 KikaRz its the problem
17:46 PilzAdam IIRC all the things depend on the vertical size of the window
17:47 Kacey joined #minetest
17:47 Kacey hello
17:47 Kacey is c55 still on?
17:47 Calinou why ask? just ask your question..
17:48 Kacey it is about something i cannot figure out
17:48 Calinou ask away
17:48 Calinou someone will answer when they know the answer
17:49 Kacey is it possible to make a player mod that has random AI players that will chat and build as they want?
17:49 Calinou somehow
17:49 thexyz yes
17:49 PilzAdam yea
17:49 Calinou edit your minetest.conf, add random_input = true
17:49 Calinou start game, connect to a server
17:49 Calinou you move randomly and mine/build stuff randomly
17:50 PilzAdam thats not a mod
17:50 Calinou you can even attack other players this way :D
17:50 Calinou but you still need to use a client
17:50 Calinou and no chat
17:50 Kacey but in singleplayer and there is random other players
17:50 PilzAdam you can do it with a mod
17:51 Calinou you can connect other players to your SP world
17:51 Calinou start up a local server with the "advanced" menu, by putting no address in the address field
17:51 Calinou connect other clients with IP
17:51 Calinou (NOT an empty address, else you can say good bye to your world)
17:52 Kacey no without other real players and without other clients but AI players
17:52 PilzAdam its a lot of work, but possible
17:52 Kacey well we should work on it
17:53 PilzAdam we!?! no, you
17:53 Kacey i can barely make a block
17:55 Kacey random in put is funny
17:59 Kacey does anyone want to join my server?
18:00 marktraceur Kacey: What mods do you has?
18:01 Kacey towntest, mailbox, nuke, weegee, and crafting
18:01 Kacey the last two i made
18:01 marktraceur Kacey: 'crafting'?
18:01 Kacey a way to make mese and nyancat
18:01 Kacey but it is in creative mode
18:03 marktraceur Oh, right
18:03 marktraceur Pass
18:04 Kacey ok
18:04 OldCoder Dogzilla131 wishes to run a Windows MT server
18:04 OldCoder I am not able to build one ATM. Is there a standard copy he should download?
18:05 brandon_ joined #minetest
18:05 bulletrulz hi
18:06 KikaRz and me too OldCoder
18:06 KikaRz mr Dogzilla131, enter to the github
18:06 KikaRz wait
18:07 KikaRz
18:08 KikaRz download the latest
18:08 Dogzilla131 nut i already have a one
18:09 Dogzilla131 *but
18:10 bulletrulz i GOT WIFI AGIAN
18:10 KikaRz (but that is not 0.4.3)
18:10 KikaRz wlel
18:10 KikaRz 0.4.3 final
18:10 OldCoder KikaRz, tank you
18:10 OldCoder Dogzilla131, do you see this?
18:11 OldCoder Can use p7zip to unpack that
18:11 KikaRz yep
18:11 KikaRz i guess
18:11 KikaRz 7zip or WinRAR
18:11 OldCoder I was commenting to him; I am pretty sure several programs will work
18:11 Kacey uum towntest failed a little
18:12 OldCoder When?
18:12 OldCoder Hmm?
18:12 OldCoder Kacey, I mean unpacker programs
18:12 Kacey nvm it was building weird
18:13 Kacey i was talking about a mod
18:13 OldCoder k
18:14 Calinou bulletrulz: this is a debian/trisquel user's catchphrase...
18:14 Calinou :D
18:15 bulletrulz :D
18:15 KikaRz '-'
18:15 KikaRz sfan5
18:15 sfan5 whatß
18:15 KikaRz can you compile a minetest win32 server?
18:15 sfan5 *?
18:16 KikaRz like that one ?
18:16 KikaRz i need and Dogzilla131 too
18:16 sfan5 every build contains minetestserver.exe
18:16 sfan5 it should
18:16 KikaRz >Nope
18:16 KikaRz the latest doesnt
18:16 sfan5 if it does not use minetest.exe --server
18:16 Calinou shift + right click in bin folder (empty space), "open command line here"
18:16 Calinou minetest.exe --server --worldname <world_name>
18:17 Calinou worldname is needed if your world is not named "world"
18:17 sfan5 KikaRz: are you blind?
18:17 KikaRz ...
18:17 KikaRz Calinou
18:17 ecube or if there are multiple worlds?
18:17 sfan5 the latest build contains minetestserver.exe
18:17 Calinou ecube: that too
18:17 Calinou KikaRz: what :P
18:17 Calinou KikaRz: that way of running a server worked just fine for me..
18:18 rubenwardy there is no "open command line here" in Windows 7
18:18 rubenwardy not sure about XP
18:18 rubenwardy the way i do it is with shortcuts
18:18 KikaRz things: Irrlicht.dll ; libogg, libvorbis. libvorbisfile, minetest.exe,mingvm10, OpenAL32, zlibwapi.dll
18:18 Calinou there is
18:18 Calinou if you shift+right click
18:18 KikaRz Nope
18:18 KikaRz XP doesnt
18:19 Calinou well then
18:19 KikaRz just put:
18:19 Kacey just open command prompt and cd to the bin folder
18:19 rubenwardy ah
18:19 Calinou open command line with "cmd" in Run menu
18:19 KikaRz right button in minetest.exe
18:19 KikaRz copy
18:19 Calinou cd C:\<path to minetest folder...>
18:19 KikaRz create shotcur
18:19 Calinou you can tab complete :)
18:19 KikaRz *shortcut
18:19 Calinou or yes, do a shortcut
18:19 KikaRz Right button, Properties (in shotcut)
18:19 Calinou or even better, get a real OS
18:19 KikaRz then...
18:19 Calinou XP is terrible
18:19 KikaRz minetestfolder > bin > minetest.exe" --server
18:19 ecube windows is terrible
18:19 KikaRz NO IT ISNT
18:19 Kacey i needto make the switch to linux
18:20 Calinou no u
18:20 ecube Kacey: I suggest ubuntu (which is for linux noobs), but if you're pretty good with linux by now, try arch
18:20 KikaRz i can't change to linux
18:20 Calinou KikaRz: insecure, unsafe, closed source
18:20 Calinou ecube: lol, harshlinux
18:20 ecube why not?
18:20 Calinou xubuntu FTW
18:20 KikaRz Ubuntu sucks
18:20 Calinou ubuntu without the downsides
18:20 Kacey i use xubuntu if anything
18:20 ecube It does, but ubuntu is for noobs
18:20 KikaRz Ubuntu lags.
18:20 KikaRz -.-
18:20 ecube true
18:20 KikaRz For old computers, Ubuntu lags a lot
18:20 rubenwardy can anybody think of anything that this is missing:
18:21 KikaRz with that thing of Unity
18:21 Calinou lighter DE/WM (lets you disable desktop effects, good for games), no amazon :p
18:21 ecube but its easy for people who don't know linux
18:21 Calinou KikaRz: then use an ubuntu derivative
18:21 KikaRz ...
18:21 Calinou xubuntu is pretty easy to use, polished, fast
18:21 Calinou it does not lag
18:21 Calinou even on my netbook
18:21 Kacey hhow about turbolinux
18:21 Calinou it only has 1GB ram
18:21 ecube hehe
18:21 KikaRz I hate taht ubuntu derivative.
18:21 Calinou reason?
18:21 ecube i don't even know how to install xubuntu
18:21 KikaRz ... Calinou, i got 405
18:21 KikaRz RAM
18:21 KikaRz MB
18:21 ecube lol
18:21 KikaRz in this pc
18:21 ecube 512mb V_V
18:21 Calinou download ISO, burn to DVD/usb drive (using unetbootin), put USB key, reboot, install
18:21 Calinou it's not hard
18:21 ecube lol
18:21 Calinou it's like any other *buntu or mint
18:21 ecube i can only find ubuntu
18:21 Calinou KikaRz: get more ram.
18:22 PilzAdam rubenwardy, sometimes it helps to restart Minetest completly (closing window) to get the inventory items texture bug fixed
18:22 Calinou you can put more ram if it is a desktop, however it must be compatible...
18:22 Calinou almost all ram sold today is ddr3
18:22 ecube well, mint is ok, but it's infected with the ubuntu tangled dependency disease
18:22 KikaRz Calinou, better: give me a new computer :)
18:22 Calinou go to your local store
18:22 ecube i can't do anything, almost, unless i uninstall most critical aspects of ubuntu
18:22 KikaRz ...
18:22 Calinou there are a lot of decent computers for a not-so-expensive price
18:22 KikaRz Away.
18:22 Calinou ecube: you mean, X? :P
18:23 ecube yep
18:23 Calinou ubuntu has a lot of upsides: fairly up to date packages, stability, large community... noone forces you to use unity though
18:23 ecube for some reason, my system made X dependant on pulseaudio and some random shit like that
18:23 ecube unity
18:23 thexyz gentoo
18:23 ecube I ended up going to arch
18:23 Jordach <Calinou> ubuntu has a lot of upsides: fairly up to date packages, stability, large community... noone forces you to use unity though - because unity is SHIT
18:23 ecube lol
18:23 ecube true
18:24 PilzAdam Kubuntu
18:24 ecube archlinux
18:24 Jordach Windows XP 32-Bit Home
18:24 Calinou Jordach: it's not shit, problems are: slow, no way to disable compositing, too many effects, amazon
18:24 Calinou i'm not against amazon "ads" but amazon itself
18:24 Jordach +5
18:24 ecube Calinou: yes it is shit
18:24 Calinou it has done very evil things these days
18:24 ecube cuz they force you to have it
18:24 ecube and they force you to use pulse
18:24 Taoki back
18:24 Calinou such as deleting ebooks remotely -- not acceptable
18:24 Calinou pulse is good
18:24 Calinou get a CPU
18:25 ecube i have a 2 core CPU
18:25 Taoki marktraceur: Thanks for clearing me up on that. I hope it will be a success :)
18:25 ecube does that count?
18:25 Calinou yes
18:25 Kacey joined #minetest
18:25 Calinou xubuntu here
18:25 Calinou (for the poll)
18:25 rubenwardy Windows 7 64-Bit Home
18:25 Calinou lol
18:25 Calinou windows user, FLAME
18:25 * Jordach high fives rubenwardy
18:25 Taoki celeron55: Thanks for that link. I will try to apply his patch to my GIT and see how that works. Hopefully we'll have an animated player within the next days :D
18:25 Kacey windows xp
18:25 Calinou lol
18:25 rubenwardy I use Ubuntu as well
18:25 marktraceur Debian GNU/Linux
18:25 thexyz Calinou: Hello, this is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce PulseAudio as Pu.psh.sAddia...u..psh..
18:25 ecube It's not the resource-usage that pulse does, it's the unfriendlyness for the API
18:25 Calinou harshlinux isn't any faster than ubuntu btw
18:25 ecube it used to be as simple as writing /dev/dsp
18:25 ecube Calinou: It is for me :P
18:26 Kacey how do i fixed mixed up inventorie images?
18:26 Calinou ecube: you're doing it wrong if you do stuff "directly" (eg. making a game)
18:26 Calinou it's like using GLX -- wrong
18:26 KikaRz-Awaytempl Windows XP = DA BEST
18:26 Calinou use SDL. have no issues with "upcoming" stuff
18:26 Calinou such as wayland, pulseaudio
18:26 ecube lol I do
18:26 KikaRz-Awaytempl preffer windows XP than windows 7 and 8.
18:26 KikaRz-Awaytempl -.-
18:26 ecube but pulse's API is retarded
18:26 Calinou GLX is like using assembler to make a game
18:26 thexyz ecube: every binary distro forces you to use something
18:26 thexyz this is called "dependencies"
18:26 ecube I know, but ubuntu has so many of them
18:26 Calinou it's not because something looks "made for harshlinux" users it is better
18:26 Calinou see systemd
18:26 rubenwardy I love how in C++, one line of wrong code can cause 24 compile errors
18:26 rubenwardy OldCoder ^^
18:26 Calinou a lot of people complain about it :)
18:27 OldCoder Hi!
18:27 Calinou windows 8 is laughable at
18:27 OldCoder Oh yes
18:27 Calinou but you're still forced to buy it if you want a decent priced pc
18:27 OldCoder rubenwardy, my VPS is trashed but I am rebuilding it
18:27 Calinou OS-less computers are too expensive
18:27 ecube I saw a screenshot at windows 8 and thought, what the hell is this, an ad?
18:27 Calinou manufacturers make money off linux users
18:27 Calinou you can just remove it, FOR THE 500TH TIME SECURE BOOT CAN BE DISABLED ON X86.
18:27 thexyz
18:27 Calinou ecube: no, "this is the future", says the ad's music :)
18:27 Calinou lol
18:28 ecube btw, i am going to buy an iphone 20
18:28 Kacey how may i fix the mixed inventory images?
18:28 Calinou ecube: why an iphone when you can have android?
18:28 thexyz Kacey: disable texture atlas
18:28 ecube cuz i'm a jedi
18:28 Kacey how?
18:28 Calinou Kacey: try using opengl instead of direct3d too
18:28 Calinou enable_texture_atlas = false in minetest.conf
18:28 Kacey i use opengl
18:28 Calinou and for opengl: video_driver = opengl
18:28 ecube
18:29 thexyz Kacey:
18:29 Calinou oh
18:30 rubenwardy Windows 7 areo snap is my favourite thing about Windows 7
18:30 rubenwardy (it is how windows snap to the side of the screen and to each other)
18:30 thexyz rubenwardy: you should also add this to faq
18:30 ecube i don't know how that works
18:30 FreeFull Calinou: What about ARM
18:31 Calinou ARM are patent trolls :p
18:31 Calinou why would you run a regular linux distro on a tablet anyway...
18:31 Calinou i have yet to see a desktop computer using ARM anyway, or even big laptops
18:31 cisoun joined #minetest
18:32 ecube I like the window decorations for windows 7, and that's about it for windows
18:33 rubenwardy (6:30:16 PM) thexyz: rubenwardy: you should also add this to faq
18:33 rubenwardy i dont know what that is
18:35 Kacey nope inventory images still messed up
18:35 Calinou ecube: it's compositing == eats your GPU
18:36 ecube I'm not on windows
18:36 thexyz rubenwardy: his CPU probably doesn't support SSE2 (or even SSE), the solution is to use other build (without sse/sse2 instructions)
18:36 thexyz and now it's time to find such a build
18:38 KikaRz-Awaytempl i use direct3d
18:38 Jordach D3D9 is BUGGY WITH irrlicht#
18:38 KikaRz-Awaytempl no it isnt
18:38 Calinou direct3D sucks, period
18:38 KikaRz-Awaytempl just when you maximize or minimize windows
18:38 Calinou proprietary APIs need to die
18:38 KikaRz-Awaytempl shut up calinou
18:38 KikaRz-Awaytempl buy me a fucking good graphics card
18:39 Calinou opengl is as fast on modern (2007+) GPUs
18:39 Calinou and works on nearly any platform, thus has less bugs.
18:39 Calinou and it's an open standard, we need to support open standards
18:39 marktraceur KikaRz-Awaytempl: Telling someone to shut up is a *great* way to make your point, good job
18:39 KikaRz-Awaytempl calinou is making me sad.
18:40 marktraceur KikaRz: What is he saying to make you sad?
18:40 KikaRz He wants me to buy a VERY GOOD GAMING COMPUTER
18:40 Calinou KikaRz: a nvidia 9800GT costs like 50 euros and will run most games more than playably :p
18:40 KikaRz or to enhance my computer at 100%
18:40 Calinou (it's PCI of course, you're out of luck if you only have AGP)
18:41 marktraceur KikaRz: His suggestion for hardware makes you sad?
18:41 KikaRz yep
18:41 sstrandberg joined #minetest
18:41 KikaRz because i dont have money to enhance my computer
18:41 marktraceur KikaRz: So if I suggested that, if you have crooked teeth, orthodontry would help, you would also be sad?
18:41 KikaRz ? o-o?
18:41 KikaRz dafuq?
18:41 marktraceur KikaRz: Let me suggest either being less vocal about your irrational sadness or calling a qualified therapist.
18:42 KikaRz first: got family problems
18:42 KikaRz second: money only for energy, water and food
18:42 KikaRz third: got much time for computer, but dont have money to enhance it
18:42 KikaRz fourth: my life is only 49,1% good
18:42 KikaRz now, going to dinner
18:43 Calinou me too, bye
18:44 rubenwardy New channel idea: #rant
18:45 doserj joined #minetest
18:49 ruskie OldCoder, something wrong with europe?
18:50 Mika_R joined #minetest
18:50 Mika_R hi all
18:50 OldCoder Hi!
18:50 OldCoder ruskie, I will check now
18:51 OldCoder Looks O.K. Hold on
18:51 OldCoder artur99 is there
18:52 ruskie hmm I was there then suddenly everything stopped loading
18:52 Mika_R OldCoder, which one is better for an old pc Lubuntu or Xubuntu?
18:52 ruskie and now I can't connect
18:52 OldCoder Mika_R, hold on
18:52 OldCoder ruskie, Possible lockup
18:52 OldCoder But I see no problem
18:52 OldCoder I will SIGINT it
18:52 ruskie also I notice that whenever artur99 connects I get insane lag
18:52 OldCoder Hmm
18:52 OldCoder Insane??
18:52 OldCoder odd
18:52 OldCoder hold on
18:52 Mika_R ruskie what server?
18:53 ruskie yeah can't do anything... I lay down 30 blocks maybe thi first and the last will take hold
18:53 OldCoder This is consistent?
18:53 ruskie everything else just disapears
18:53 babyface1031 oh i didnt know europe was up i would of went there
18:53 ruskie only when he's connecting
18:53 OldCoder That is very odd
18:53 ruskie when he's on it seems ok
18:53 OldCoder Why would a connect from Romania do this?
18:53 OldCoder john_minetest, my VPS got trashed
18:53 OldCoder I am rebuilding things today
18:53 ruskie OldCoder, could be due to dialup maybe?
18:53 OldCoder I may upgrade the server
18:53 OldCoder ruskie, that would slow him down
18:54 OldCoder Why would it affect the server?
18:54 OldCoder ruskie, Restarting
18:54 OldCoder ruskie, try now
18:54 OldCoder But I don't know what happened
18:54 OldCoder Mika_R, One moment
18:54 ruskie now I'm connected
18:55 OldCoder Mika_R, Lubuntu is lighter
18:55 Mika_R ok, tried 32bit ubuntu today but it was a bit laggy
18:55 OldCoder
18:55 OldCoder Mika_R, ^
18:55 Mika_R thx
18:55 OldCoder It will run with 256MB RAM
18:55 OldCoder But that is pushing it
18:56 Mika_R it has 512mb ram and a single core 1ghz cpu
18:56 KikaRz Ups
18:57 ruskie john_minetest, try saluki or slax works fine ;)
18:57 KikaRz bug
18:57 OldCoder ruskie, artur just rejoined
18:57 OldCoder Watch for patterns please
18:58 ruskie I already lagged out immediatly after join
18:58 ruskie just put some sand in the furnace and that was all that I could do
18:58 Mika_R ruskie,
18:58 ruskie I don't get it... my line is idle
18:59 ruskie Mika_R, yes
18:59 Mika_R seems like i can't get in on that one
18:59 ruskie hmm my ping to the server is ~60
18:59 Mika_R how did you find that?
18:59 ruskie just pinged it
18:59 ruskie hehe
19:00 ruskie and now I can't connect again weird
19:02 OldCoder That IS odd
19:02 OldCoder No problems I can see
19:02 OldCoder 20:02:08: VERBOSE[Connection]: con(4/1): RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=723
19:02 OldCoder I'm getting that
19:02 ruskie that's not my ip
19:02 OldCoder Yes
19:02 OldCoder I'm getting that for multiple IPs
19:03 ruskie but that one is romanian
19:03 OldCoder 20:01:00: VERBOSE[Connection]: con(4/1): RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to 77.105.1
19:03 OldCoder 03.201:35075(t/o=3): from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=65530
19:03 OldCoder That too
19:03 ruskie finland
19:03 OldCoder Hmm
19:03 Mika_R problably me
19:03 OldCoder Are timeouts for Mika and Artur slowing down the server?
19:04 OldCoder Should not affect overall but maybe
19:04 OldCoder I regret I can't build and add debug code presently
19:04 Mika_R oldcoder, i played on the server a month back without bigger problems
19:04 OldCoder Yes
19:04 OldCoder Right now this seems to be mostly Artur
19:05 ruskie I was on there today all afternoon
19:05 OldCoder Could one of you ask him to leave temporarily?
19:05 ruskie I can't connect
19:05 Mika_R me neither
19:05 OldCoder Hold on
19:05 OldCoder I think I'll block his IP
19:05 OldCoder at the firewall level
19:05 OldCoder Let's see what happens
19:05 Mika_R i think i got all media loaded a while back but when changing window it crashed
19:06 OldCoder Hate to do this
19:06 ruskie yeah
19:06 OldCoder But I see little choice
19:06 Mika_R how could he get it so slow
19:07 OldCoder One step at a time
19:07 OldCoder First we test
19:09 OldCoder
19:09 OldCoder Where is that one?
19:09 ruskie that's me
19:09 ruskie slovenia
19:09 OldCoder What is port 54079?
19:09 OldCoder Oh
19:09 OldCoder nvm
19:10 OldCoder ruskie, Mika are you able to access at present?
19:10 ruskie trying to connect
19:10 OldCoder I'm starting to think I'll need to set up a different VPS and I don't have funds
19:10 OldCoder I have one in Germany
19:10 OldCoder How might Germany work for you?
19:10 ruskie nope I can't connect :(
19:11 OldCoder ruskie, Wait
19:11 * VanessaE peeks in
19:11 VanessaE hi
19:11 OldCoder VanessaE, hi
19:11 Jordach hey VanessaE
19:11 KikaRz Hi VanessaE
19:11 OldCoder ruskie, restarting again
19:11 KikaRz How are you ?
19:11 ruskie ahh
19:11 VanessaE PilzAdam: pull requests available for your review.
19:11 OldCoder ruskie, Mika_R I may try one in Germany next week
19:11 VanessaE I figured out the branches thing.
19:12 ruskie OldCoder, I have no prob with them in most places
19:13 jet47pilot joined #minetest
19:13 PilzAdam VanessaE,
19:14 PilzAdam and good to see seperated pull requests ;-)
19:15 ruskie still can't connect
19:15 sokomine hi everyone :-)
19:15 PilzAdam lol'd:
19:15 VanessaE PilzAdam: fixing.  stand by.
19:15 sokomine one in germany? server?
19:16 OldCoder sokomine, Not yet. I think I can set up one there.
19:16 OldCoder Current VPS is suddenly not working.
19:16 sokomine oh
19:16 mrtux joined #minetest
19:16 OldCoder MrSparkle, Hi!
19:16 Mika_R Oldcoder, what is the average price for a VPS?
19:16 OldCoder ruskie, what about now?
19:17 OldCoder Mika_R, ranges from free to $100 USD per month
19:17 sokomine well...the kingarthur server ought to be in germany afaik. the owner's german as are many players
19:17 ruskie hmm
19:17 OldCoder Mika_R, I am about to upgrade my EC2 for MT so I can't afford to buy a Europe one
19:17 MrSparkle O:
19:17 OldCoder MrSparkle, hi
19:17 ruskie still stuck with Connecting to server
19:17 OldCoder Sorry
19:17 OldCoder MrSparkle, I meant mrtux initially
19:17 MrSparkle :(
19:18 OldCoder MrSparkle, hello to you as well
19:18 MrSparkle :D
19:18 OldCoder ruskie, You cannot connect?
19:18 ruskie no
19:18 ruskie can't
19:18 OldCoder MrSparkle, I hope your turkey is tasty if you have some
19:18 OldCoder ruskie, I guess I will need a new VPS then
19:18 OldCoder Can anybody else connect to:
19:18 OldCoder port 30000 ?
19:18 babyface1031 i can try
19:19 Mika_R oldcoder, no
19:19 * mrtux didn't get turkey
19:19 MrSparkle I hope so too, cause I'll be eating a lot fo it
19:19 * VanessaE sighs
19:19 BartoCH joined #minetest
19:19 babyface1031 nope :( sorry @OldCoder
19:19 rubenwardy you know sites like and
19:19 rubenwardy we should get a similar version of that, but for minetest. It would make answering problems easier
19:19 OldCoder Odd
19:19 OldCoder I am going to reboot the VPS
19:20 OldCoder Rebooting
19:20 OldCoder Attention: Europe is rebooting. And I guess I must somehow find a new Europe VPS for MT.
19:20 OldCoder Got to be clear: My funds are limited.
19:21 OldCoder Europe will come back in 15 minutes. We will try again then.
19:21 OldCoder Need to verify that server is still *in* Europe.
19:21 sokomine there is no need to apologize. you run that many servers already and give a home to servers whose owners no longer can run them. thank you for that!
19:21 Mika_R oldcoder, what's the minimum ram and storage?
19:22 ruskie OldCoder, well according to geoip it's still Ireland
19:22 PilzAdam bye
19:22 mrtux I'm probably able to run my minetest server again now, but I can't play Minetest much anymore
19:22 VanessaE ARGH!!!!!!!
19:22 mrtux makes my pc slow
19:22 mrtux could just be windows
19:22 Jordach VanessaE ARGH!?!
19:23 telek1 mrtux: Could be worse, mine keeps hanging or crashing :D
19:23 OldCoder Mika_R, I think I'll aim for 1.0GB RAM preferably 1.5GB and 4GB of hard disk preferably 8GB.
19:23 VanessaE Jordach: I HATE when people do that
19:23 mrtux telek1, same
19:23 Jordach i know
19:23 mrtux but it is worse
19:23 Jordach but i struggle to find time now :(
19:23 mrtux uses up all my limited memory
19:23 mrtux but
19:23 mrtux could be windows
19:23 mrtux being a piece of junk
19:23 sokomine what did he do?
19:24 Jordach mrtux - i think there is a memory limiter
19:24 mrtux Oh?
19:24 mrtux Ever since 0
19:24 mrtux *
19:24 KikaRz Skype
19:24 mrtux ever since 0.4.3 minetest has been bad with memory
19:24 KikaRz MSN
19:24 KikaRz etc got memory used
19:25 Mika_R oldcoder, OS?
19:25 mrtux I don't have programs like msn or skype running at all times
19:25 sokomine hm. how are the requirements of a minetest server compared to a minecraft one? (classic version i can't play anyway?)
19:25 mrtux just hexchat irc client
19:25 OldCoder Mika_R, Debian or Ubuntu
19:25 OldCoder Generic Debian works quite well
19:25 mrtux Sokomine, my minecraft server runs fine on 1GB RAM
19:25 telek1 mrtux: I think it was prior to that, and actually memory usage now is great. Problem is it has a client leak every time you disconnect, and there appears to be issues with either a race or runaway memory condition, possibly caused by mods, possibly internal to the scripting engine.
19:25 OldCoder 64 bit is best
19:25 sokomine ok. 1 gb is not much
19:26 mrtux My vps is 64bit
19:26 telek1 OC: If you have >4gigs yeah, but what benefit below that?
19:26 mrtux 8 cores (intel xeons)
19:26 ruskie telek1, on linux even 4gb+ is beneficial
19:27 ruskie it just limits the max ram that an app can be
19:27 mrtux Also sokomine, Minecraft uses about 700MB of ram on my vps
19:27 telek1 Ruskie: I was saying above 4 gig 64 bit support is good, but what use is it below that?
19:27 mrtux isn't bad
19:27 rubenwardy everyone:
19:28 Mika_R OldCoder, in netherlands it would be 54 dollars for a 1,5gb ram and 80GB disc, or 64 dollars for a 4gb ram and 10 000gb disc
19:28 rubenwardy ^ My website design for minetest
19:28 rubenwardy can anyone watch the video?
19:28 rubenwardy it does not work for me
19:28 OldCoder Mika_R, that sounds consistent
19:29 [JJ]Albert_ joined #minetest
19:29 OldCoder Mika_R, disk could be much smaller
19:29 OldCoder Bad news. I can't reboot Europe.
19:29 ruskie :(
19:29 OldCoder I don't suppose anybody knows how to reach Anunakki
19:29 Mika_R i found some site that offers pretty cheap
19:30 ruskie might be something from that time something went wrong?
19:30 OldCoder Mika_R, I have no $$$ at all for Europe
19:30 OldCoder ruskie, I have some theories
19:30 Mika_R ok
19:30 OldCoder But right now the VPS is gone
19:30 mrtux There is a site that offers free vps'
19:30 ruskie OldCoder, he should come around sometime... if I see him I'll push him into your direction
19:30 mrtux isn't a good service though
19:30 OldCoder Not for Europe and it won't work for multiplayer
19:30 OldCoder ruskie, Please do thanks
19:30 OldCoder Otherwise I will try a VPS I have access to in Germany
19:30 sokomine mika: per month? that sounds expensive
19:31 babyface1031 @OldCoder you not haveing a good day i hope it gets better
19:31 VanessaE Jordach: I mean, I HATE when people say "bye" and then click quit before anyone can even respond
19:31 Jordach aye
19:32 Mika_R sokomine, i don't know anything about that, just the cheapest a comparison site gave me that were located in europe
19:32 OldCoder babyface1031, ty
19:33 ruskie OldCoder, hmm you can't restart it or it's not coming back up? because it is responding to pings?
19:33 sokomine vanessa: ah. people do that a lot :-) in another game it became a challenge to try to wave someone goodby because that player disconnected so fast. nobody ever managed :-(
19:33 OldCoder ruskie, Mika_R I've messaged the head of the VPS firm for Europe
19:33 OldCoder ruskie, I will explain
19:33 rubenwardy left #minetest
19:33 OldCoder ruskie, I am not sure but I think I locked myself out by enabling ufw; a firewall. I didn't think it would be disable all access by default but it may be.
19:33 neko259 joined #minetest
19:33 OldCoder Not sure why pings work though
19:33 ruskie ahh
19:34 OldCoder Not consistent
19:34 sokomine hm, i heared about a simple v-server (only 0.5 gb ram guaranteed) for 7.50 euro/month
19:34 ruskie no remote console access?
19:34 VanessaE sokomine: where??
19:34 OldCoder Anunakki would be the only one who would know
19:34 ruskie ahh
19:34 sokomine strato
19:34 Penguin joined #minetest
19:34 OldCoder ruskie, that is just a guess. Why is ping working when ssh does not?
19:34 OldCoder Not consistent
19:34 Penguin Hi
19:34 ruskie maybe the default ruleset doesn't block ICMP
19:35 OldCoder Hmm
19:35 OldCoder Odd?!
19:35 ruskie expected
19:35 OldCoder If anybody sees Anunakki send him my way
19:35 ruskie will do
19:35 OldCoder ty
19:35 VanessaE sokomine: actually it's 1GB RAM and it's about 12.26 euros/mo
19:35 VanessaE (just looked it up)
19:36 VanessaE still, that's easily competitive with regular shared hosting plans
19:36 sokomine there are several offers
19:37 babyface1031 hi Penguin
19:37 VanessaE may be a difference in price depending on region from which the web page request originates/.
19:37 Mika_R sokomine, what do you think about
19:37 sokomine  lists it
19:37 VanessaE I'm looking at their offers, cheapest is £9.90
19:38 VanessaE ah yes, that's why, I had the english page open :-)
19:38 sokomine never heared of that, but i havn't looked that detailed into hosting recently
19:38 * Jordach could pay for that
19:38 bulletrulz joined #minetest
19:38 sokomine strange
19:38 Jordach woah IPV6
19:38 VanessaE damn it I need to brush up on my German :-)
19:39 sokomine don't forget to read the small print though. in germany many things (mobile phone contracts, hosting services etc.) are offered for 0 or 1 euro and the details hidden in very small print
19:40 sokomine do you really think it's cheaper here than in the us? that would be strange
19:40 VanessaE very much so.
19:41 VanessaE a good VPA in the states seems to be around US $30.
19:41 VanessaE VPS*
19:41 Jordach VanessaE - hmm, im looking for a decent host in the UK
19:41 VanessaE anyway, gotta run.  Time to start cooking thanksgiving dinner :-)
19:41 Jordach sweet
19:41 rubenwardy joined #minetest
19:42 telek1 Wish you could get decent symmetric connections to the home.
19:42 telek1 Cheapest I've seen is T1 speeds for 400+ a month.
19:42 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:43 Jordach telek1 - if i had some form of access to my uncles 100mb fibre server
19:43 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
19:43 Jordach (which is endless btw)
19:43 Jordach i could easily setup a mt server
19:46 Doc22 joined #minetest
19:46 sokomine hm. what exactly is "vpa"?
19:46 Doc22 hello
19:46 Doc22 who is a good modder
19:46 babyface1031 Hi Doc22
19:46 Doc22 I am trying to use PseuduRandom
19:47 Doc22 local obj = PseudoRandom(seed)
19:47 Doc22 is this correct?
19:47 Doc22 It throws an error
19:47 Doc22 saying that PseudoRandom is a nill value
19:47 Jordach okay, im somewhat awesome: i got a private beta entry for soundcloud!
19:47 sokomine well, what kind of error? and obj seems to be a strange name for a variable that most likely will hold a number
19:47 Doc22 and hi babyface1031
19:47 Doc22 yeah
19:48 Doc22 I just gave that as example
19:48 Doc22 the real name is num
19:48 Doc22 it says "cant find global PseudoRandom (a nil value)"
19:48 Doc22 err
19:48 Doc22 attempt to call global Pseu...
19:49 sokomine did you include that code that adds this function somehow?
19:49 Doc22 no it says in the api that it can be called
19:49 john_minetest joined #minetest
19:49 sokomine well, maybe math.Pseudorandom or something like that
19:49 Doc22 line 1181
19:49 Doc22 idk what it would be
19:50 Doc22 I am using this for a plant that grows randomly
19:50 Doc22 it would be if < max then
19:51 Doc22 grow -x
19:51 Doc22 if < max then
19:51 Doc22 grow -z
19:51 sokomine ah, ok, so it's something minetest-specific
19:51 Doc22 the y axis
19:51 Doc22 yes
19:51 Doc22 it just goes down to dirt
19:52 Doc22 I need this to make it grow randomly
19:52 KikaRz hey
19:52 KikaRz who knows an external mapping too?
19:52 KikaRz *tool
19:52 sokomine ah, ok. have a look at moreores. that seems to use it as well
19:52 Jordach there is not one as of yet
19:53 Doc22 ok I will
19:53 KikaRz ARQW$)R"/(=#YR$%
19:53 KikaRz i want a external mapper :(
19:53 sokomine external mapping tool? one that draws a map of the map? search for minetestmapper or the mod map
19:53 Jordach sokomine - not like that
19:54 Jordach actual editing like gimp 2.x
19:54 sokomine aah
19:54 sokomine's done ingame? :-)
19:55 Doc22 hmm'
19:55 Doc22 they init it the same way
19:55 Doc22 local pr = PseudoRandom(seed)
19:55 KikaRz no
19:55 KikaRz sokomine, a editor.
19:56 KikaRz not a mapper that draws a map of the map .
19:56 Doc22 oh :P
19:56 Doc22 typo
19:56 Doc22 I HATE TYPOS
19:57 sokomine hm. what do you intend to edit? what shall it do?
19:58 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:58 Doc22 now it is saying that I need to supply userdata to the .next function
19:59 KikaRz ... sokomine, its to edit a map
19:59 KikaRz like... making it flat...
19:59 KikaRz etc
20:00 Doc22 simple script
20:00 Doc22 for x < map.max
20:00 Doc22 for y < map.maxy
20:00 sokomine doc: guess it wants a range? something like pr:next( range_start, range_end )
20:00 Doc22 err replace z with y
20:00 Doc22 I tried that.
20:00 Doc22 OHHH
20:00 Doc22 i was doing
20:00 Doc22 and then you go down the z axis
20:00 sokomine kika: ah. hm. for making it flat there are some mods. but they are rather slow. or worldedit for smaller regions
20:00 Doc22 until you hit a block
20:01 KikaRz ...
20:01 Doc22 then put a color down for it
20:01 KikaRz sokomine, ...
20:01 sokomine well...a good way to do something on the database level would be nice, yes
20:01 KikaRz when will someone create a map editor ? (shut up sokomine please)
20:02 Doc22 hmmmm
20:02 Doc22 you could take the map
20:02 Doc22 and put it into layers
20:02 KikaRz Like mcedit
20:02 Doc22 then edit it in gimp
20:02 Doc22 something that inputs a .png as the map
20:02 Doc22 for the chunks
20:02 Mika_R KikaRz why not mine it down?
20:02 KikaRz ...
20:03 KikaRz Mika_R, not that
20:03 Doc22 that would require a 3rd party program for something like mcedit i think
20:03 Doc22 ohhhhhhh
20:03 KikaRz ---|''''|___---|-||___|'''|
20:03 KikaRz thati s not flat
20:03 KikaRz ________________ <- That is flat
20:03 KikaRz '-'
20:03 Doc22 you could make a mod that does this when you place a certain block
20:03 Mika_R yes, you select a good area and start digging, eventually you're going to be on the level you want
20:05 * ruskie did just that today for his pyramid
20:05 telek1 We just need NPCs and a worldedit style mod to do it :D
20:05 telek1 Select X Y Z endpoints, tell your NPCs to clear the area :D
20:05 KikaRz ...
20:05 KikaRz Mika
20:05 KikaRz if my computer were goot
20:05 KikaRz *good
20:06 KikaRz i was doing that
20:06 KikaRz i can use WorldEdit, but idk.
20:06 KikaRz idk what to do
20:07 MiJyn joined #minetest
20:07 MiJyn joined #minetest
20:07 KikaRz i know
20:07 KikaRz -.-
20:07 KikaRz but too laggy
20:08 KikaRz celeron55, got a idea for you
20:08 KikaRz try to make a flat world option
20:08 KikaRz then itll generate a world with 4 nodes of height
20:08 KikaRz |
20:08 KikaRz |
20:08 KikaRz |
20:09 telek1 KikaRz: there's already a mod to do that.
20:09 Mika_R A map that would be flat about 1000 blocks each direction from the center would be nice on a server, would give possibilities to nice capitals
20:09 KikaRz What mod?
20:09 KikaRz Mika_r...
20:10 telek1 Look it up, it's in the mod release forum.
20:10 KikaRz (why people are too ... UGHREUHRFWE/)RY#
20:10 ruskie KikaRz, I believe it's called flatlands or something
20:10 ruskie would be nice to have: mountainous, hilly, flat, lowlands, canyon options when creating a world and set what you want
20:11 rubenwardy
20:11 rubenwardy bye all
20:11 rubenwardy (8:09:41 PM) Mika_R: A map that would be flat about 1000 blocks each direction from the center would be nice on a server, would give possibilities to nice capitals
20:11 rubenwardy Use world edit command //dig to make it flat
20:11 rubenwardy left #minetest
20:12 KikaRz ...
20:12 KikaRz no
20:12 KikaRz Rubenwardy
20:12 KikaRz itll make everything go done back.
20:12 KikaRz going try to use worldedit
20:12 KikaRz it lags my computer
20:13 KikaRz telek1, you got steam, skype, msn , something?
20:14 LAD joined #minetest
20:15 Jordach hmm, somewhat more close to a final mc pack
20:15 Jordach (yes, my permission is FULLY granted for mt usage)
20:16 OldCoder Jordach, ruskie, Mika_R I will try to create a German VPS before the end of the month
20:16 OldCoder Again if anybody sees Anunakki send him to me
20:18 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
20:19 sokomine hm. a world that would be flat by default - without having to edit it - would be helpful sometimes. especially for building projects
20:20 ruskie sokomine, wouldn't a no-content world be better then?
20:20 sokomine i think the database- or codelevel might be better suited for that than mods. mods are really slow...
20:20 KikaRz
20:21 Mika_R sokomine, need some caves and stuff like that but the steep should be limited so there wouldn't be walls 10-20 blocks high
20:21 sokomine not necessarily. the world i find most comftable for building is one which is flat with dirt with grass on top, dirt beneath and streets already part of the map
20:21 Mika_R OldCoder, you busy?
20:22 * ruskie prefers building underground in tune with the lay of the land and above ground same mostly
20:22 OldCoder Mika_R, Pretty much but go ahead
20:22 Mika_R ill PM
20:22 sokomine the caves are a problem in themselves. looks bad if you import a minecraft map and half the building's griefed away by a mapgen-cave (looks like those mapgen-cave-holes on redcrabs server)
20:22 telek1 KikaRz: IRC or bust.
20:23 KikaRz what?
20:23 ruskie OldCoder, it shouldn't be impossible for them to disable ufw or give some sort of remote access I'd think
20:23 KikaRz ...
20:23 telek1 KikaRz: IRC and that's it.
20:23 KikaRz omg
20:23 sokomine mapgen might start further away...say, at a depth of 100. i wouldn't mind it there. the additional benefit would be that mapgen might be much faster because all those hills and coasts and stuff and even trees would not have to be generated
20:23 KikaRz Can you guys please stop blipping me?
20:24 KikaRz I've got sound in minetest *-*
20:25 KikaRz may i delete all mods and just keep worldedit?
20:25 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
20:25 sokomine yes. any nodes from mods you had installed previously will then appear strange ("unknown block") ingame. but that doesn't matter much. just ignore them
20:26 paxcoder joined #minetest
20:26 KikaRz sokomine, shut the hell up.
20:26 KikaRz im tired of hearing you saying robotic things
20:26 KikaRz thats annoying
20:26 paxcoder if both kray's and gameboom's server are dead, then minetest is - at least for some of us - dead
20:26 Jordach paxcoder - try redcrabs server
20:27 khonkhortisan Robotic sentences are helpful. Robotic sentences are help and no fun. Robotic sentences are all work and no help. Robotic...
20:27 Dogzilla131 does sombody know how to forward a port in a netgar USB
20:27 paxcoder Jordach, i have. i don't remember which one that is though
20:27 Jordach 0.4.3
20:27 paxcoder khonkhortisan, ?
20:27 * telek1 waves and afks for turkey day.
20:27 Jordach yeah, have a good thanksgiving
20:27 sokomine i've forgotten how igno works :-( does anyone remember? might help kikarz and me to ignore each other in the future
20:27 khonkhortisan - with reference to what KikiRz said about sokomine's sentences
20:27 paxcoder Doc22, did you try dsldevice.lan or 193* to get the webui?
20:28 OldCoder Hi
20:28 khonkhortisan and the all work and no play screensaver I have
20:28 Doc22 try what?
20:28 Doc22 webui?
20:28 paxcoder Doc22, dude
20:28 OldCoder ruskie, I have messaged the head of that host
20:28 Doc22 i dont remember things as well when im concentrating on something lol
20:28 OldCoder ruskie, But even aside from the lockout you were having troubles connecting
20:28 OldCoder ruskie, I may need to set up a "real" VPS
20:28 OldCoder in Europe
20:28 paxcoder Doc22, O.O
20:28 telek1 Thanks Jordach.
20:29 Doc22 lol
20:29 khonkhortisan Has anyone heard of codecademy? If it's any good, I might use it to teach someone else.
20:29 ruskie OldCoder, we will see... if nothing else getting the world off of it would help
20:29 Doc22 wait you were trying to play wiht me
20:29 Doc22 right
20:29 OldCoder ruskie, so: (1) I need to speak with Anunakki (2) I will look into a German VPS I have access to (3) If others will volunteer VPS that will be good
20:29 Doc22 and i was trying to fix it right
20:29 paxcoder khonkhortisan, they aren't free as in beer (or freedom)
20:29 OldCoder yes Code Academy is good
20:29 khonkhortisan oh
20:29 OldCoder Dogzilla131, Need to know if there is a router in the house
20:30 paxcoder khonkhortisan, what do you want to teach that other person?
20:30 paxcoder or rather what do you want him/her to learn?
20:30 khonkhortisan basic coding stuff (as much as their patience will permit)
20:30 paxcoder khonkhortisan, see
20:30 paxcoder they have beginner courses
20:30 paxcoder also
20:30 paxcoder they have 101 CS classes
20:30 Doc22 im sorry lol
20:31 Doc22 i just have trouble remembering when i am trying to figure something out
20:31 khonkhortisan cool
20:31 paxcoder Doc22, you have trouble trolling. you're not very good
20:31 Doc22 srsly
20:31 Doc22 im not trolling
20:31 paxcoder ys
20:31 Doc22 i forgot
20:32 paxcoder did you remember?
20:32 khonkhortisan so an experienced troller could troll people by annoying everyone by how bad of a troller they are
20:32 Doc22 no
20:32 Doc22 lol
20:32 Doc22 im not trying to troll
20:32 Doc22 i just cant remember cuz im focused on something
20:32 paxcoder khonkhortisan, trolls can do their thing a lot of ways
20:32 paxcoder all equally pointless and dumb
20:33 paxcoder Doc22, you remind me of a comedy dub i once watched of enterprise (the lame one, not TOS nor TNG). "I can't hear when I'm walking".
20:33 Doc22 ughh
20:33 Doc22 if you want my conversation
20:33 Doc22 spark my memory
20:34 TForsman joined #minetest
20:34 * paxcoder takes a defibrillator
20:34 Doc22 :/
20:35 khonkhortisan Thanks xyzz!
20:35 KikaRz now
20:36 KikaRz after cleaning of that nodes that i was wanting flat....
20:36 KikaRz my computer dont answers.
20:36 KikaRz (minetest.)
20:36 KikaRz removing mods.
20:37 KikaRz going to make...
20:37 KikaRz a parkour map ?
20:37 KikaRz no.
20:37 KikaRz a thing map
20:39 khonkhortisan They stole my picture from gravatar and didn't tell me where they got it from
20:40 KikaRz joined #minetest
20:40 KikaRz Back :D
20:40 KikaRz now in XChat
20:40 marktraceur KikaRz: Clan!
20:40 marktraceur ER
20:40 KikaRz Clan?
20:40 KikaRz o_o'
20:41 marktraceur KikaRz: Gratz!
20:41 * khonkhortisan <- Type of variable has changed to user due to reading a message
20:41 KikaRz * khonkhortisan <- Type of variable has changed to user due to reading a message
20:41 KikaRz like, dafuq?
20:41 khonkhortisan you should know
20:41 khonkhortisan * KikaRz has quit (Quit: Did you know that... if you are reading this message, you are a user?)
20:41 KikaRz lol
20:41 * KikaRz is so awesome, that the new users fall into my joke.
20:42 * KikaRz is so awesome, that the new users fall into her joke.
20:42 KikaRz fail
20:42 khonkhortisan ^ new user
20:42 khonkhortisan hehe
20:42 KikaRz Nope
20:42 telek1 KikaRz is teh fail :D
20:42 KikaRz im in IRC at 6 years ago
20:42 telek1 KikaRz: Talk to you prolly tomorrow.
20:42 khonkhortisan than I'm newer
20:42 * telek1 reAFKs
20:42 KikaRz ok, kisses
20:43 KikaRz "test"
20:43 KikaRz *test*
20:43 KikaRz ok
20:51 Doc22 hrmmm
20:51 Doc22 if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name=="air" works
20:52 Doc22 and so does if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name=="farming:plowed"
20:52 Doc22 but not if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name=="dirt"
20:52 Doc22 or if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name=="default:dirt"
20:52 Doc22 anything wrong with my code?
20:53 Doc22 what does minetes.env:get_node(pos).name return if it is dirt
20:53 khonkhortisan dirt_with_grass
20:53 thexyz poor US;
20:53 KikaRz dirt_with_grass
20:53 Doc22 yeah i tried that
20:53 KikaRz om
20:53 KikaRz omg
20:53 KikaRz LOL
20:53 khonkhortisan you need to allow both dirt and dirt_with_grass, depending on what you're doing
20:53 Doc22 if minetest.env:get_node(pos).name=="dirt_with_grass" then
20:53 Doc22 i also have that with dirt
20:54 khonkhortisan don't even need to click the link to get the story
20:54 Doc22 lol
20:54 KikaRz hey
20:54 john_minetest joined #minetest
20:54 KikaRz whats water id?
20:54 Doc22 khonkortisan what is wrong with my code
20:54 Doc22 default:water_source
20:54 khonkhortisan name = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name   if name=="dirt" or name=="dirt_with_grass" then
20:54 KikaRz i tried default:water and water (only).
20:54 thexyz KikaRz: default:water_source or default:water_flowing
20:54 thexyz depends on what do you need
20:54 Doc22 ok
20:55 khonkhortisan what is it supposed to do?
20:55 Doc22 check if a block is either dirt or grassk
20:55 Doc22 grass
20:55 khonkhortisan yeah that should work
20:56 Doc22 hmmm
20:56 Doc22 ill try it
21:00 KikaRz hate my computer
21:02 KikaRz it lags a lot
21:02 KikaRz to process a block
21:02 KikaRz it takes 2 minutes
21:02 KikaRz to break a block and appear in console
21:02 KikaRz it takes 3 minutes
21:03 KikaRz to process a command
21:03 KikaRz it takes 6 minutes
21:03 KikaRz hate this lag
21:03 KikaRz No
21:03 KikaRz Single player
21:03 Mika_R KikaRz seems to work here at least
21:04 OldCoder
21:04 OldCoder Attention
21:04 OldCoder U.S. worlds are up except for 30004 Octuteam
21:04 OldCoder Please play and report damage
21:04 OldCoder Europe remains down until I can speak with Anunakki
21:04 OldCoder
21:06 Doc22 khonkhortisan it somehow sets off for every node type
21:08 Jordach night all
21:08 OldCoder Night
21:11 Mika_R brb
21:18 KikaRz so, when will launch 3D player mod?
21:23 Doc22 next update
21:23 Doc22 idk when that is
21:24 Doc22 khonkhortisan whenever I try the comparisan with dirt_with_grass it counts any other block also
21:24 Doc22 for instance, air
21:24 Doc22 it will return true
21:24 Doc22 but not if I leave out the dirt_with_grass comparison
21:24 Doc22 what could cause this
21:32 Doc22 ahhh
21:32 Doc22 nvm
21:33 KikaRz '-'
21:34 Taoki KikaRz: The code for 3D players is ready, just some scripting left to do
21:34 Taoki I actually need help with something rioght now, if anyone knows lua and is willing
21:34 KikaRz yea
21:35 KikaRz its going to be a PNG?
21:35 Taoki yeah
21:35 KikaRz or blender? (I CANT INSTALL BLENDER)
21:35 KikaRz Skin from Minecraft?
21:35 Taoki Mesh is done in blender, texture is png
21:35 KikaRz i got my skin created
21:35 Taoki Feel free to test it on the minecraft model, it's compatible
21:35 KikaRz :)
21:35 KikaRz my skin is so cool
21:35 Taoki lol
21:38 marktraceur KikaRz: Hypothermia? :P
21:38 marktraceur (taking things out of context: funny 100% of the time)
21:38 KikaRz ??
21:38 KikaRz that is?
21:38 marktraceur KikaRz: "my skin is so cool" sounds like you may have hypothermia
21:39 KikaRz if i was saying cold
21:39 KikaRz that is hypothermia
21:39 KikaRz cold, not coal
21:39 Taoki :D
21:39 KikaRz *cool
21:40 sokomine taoki: that sounds great!
21:42 sokomine what is your problem with the lua part? maybe you could just ask and hope for someone to be able to help
21:44 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
21:54 paxcoder why doesn't john_minetest /join #minetest again?
21:54 paxcoder geddit geddit?
21:54 paxcoder left #minetest
22:15 KikaRz People
22:15 KikaRz are you there?
22:16 Dogzilla131 yes
22:22 KikaRz well
22:22 KikaRz tomorrow: 3D Skin *-*
22:22 KikaRz well
22:22 KikaRz People
22:22 KikaRz marktraceur
22:23 KikaRz does the 3D skin mod let us use the minecraft one?
22:32 OldCoder World 30004 Octuteam is back online and healthy
22:37 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
22:38 Uberi joined #minetest
22:39 Uberi so how's everyone doing this lovely fine day?
22:41 jin_xi hi there
22:45 cisoun1 joined #minetest
22:52 OldCoder Uberi, Hi!
22:52 Uberi hey OldCoder
23:27 Taoki sokomine: I got my previous problem solved. Will liik into the rest tomorrow
23:27 Taoki *look
23:28 Taoki I estimate that by tomorrow player animations will be complete, and the entire player patch for now
23:28 Uberi wow
23:31 Muadtralk joined #minetest
23:32 OldCoder Muadtralk, Hi
23:33 Topic for #minetest is now STATUS: OldCoder U.S. worlds are up; Europe down for now | IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME: | FOR CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev
23:53 OldCoder IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME: | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev
23:53 Topic for #minetest is now IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME: | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev
23:56 Topic for #minetest is now IRC: Be patient in general; get to know the rules | HOME: | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | STATUS:
23:56 Topic for #minetest is now IRC: Be patient; get to know the rules | HOME: | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | STATUS:

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