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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-08-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 * VanessaE offers all some "polar ice" sugar free gum
00:00 * NekoGloop refuses
00:02 NekoGloop_ joined #minetest
00:02 NekoGloop_ >.>
00:02 NekoGloop_ damn you webchat
00:05 NekoGloop_ FINALLY
00:12 * OldCoder accepts sugar free virtual gump
00:13 OldCoder Ha
00:13 OldCoder gump gum gimp
00:13 * OldCoder want sugar free GIMP
00:15 VanessaE OldCoder: well technically there are two sugar-free gimps in this house :-)
00:15 VanessaE (going by the definition that gimp = disabled)
00:15 OldCoder Ha
00:15 OldCoder VanessaE, I got it :-)
00:15 OldCoder VanessaE, I have spent type in similar circumstances
00:15 OldCoder *time
00:15 OldCoder Weird typos
00:16 NekoGloop joined #minetest
00:16 NekoGloop Anyone here? :P
00:16 VanessaE no :-)
00:16 VanessaE NekoGloop: I think it's time for you to find a new IRC client :-)
00:17 NekoGloop Why?
00:17 VanessaE because you're always losing your connection? :-)
00:17 NekoGloop I went to my ipad
00:17 VanessaE oh ok
00:17 NekoGloop Am on ipad nows
00:17 NekoGloop Now*
00:17 * OldCoder read that as ipad snow
00:17 OldCoder An interesting concept
00:18 NekoGloop Lol
00:28 NakedFury joined #minetest
00:29 * JamieWill AFFK
00:29 * JamieWill AFK
00:30 JamieWill Befor i go my post has had 500 views yay me :)
00:30 OldCoder Hooray
00:30 NekoGloop Kewl
00:30 JamieWill first time really on the forums
00:31 JamieWill apart from on other
00:31 ttk2 joined #minetest
00:40 NekoGloop Meow~?
00:42 OldCoder Yes?
00:42 * NekoGloop wants to be petted :3
00:45 ttk2 joined #minetest
00:45 * OldCoder pets NekoGloop very carefully
00:46 * NekoGloop purrs slightly :3
00:52 NekoGloop Someone needs to make a mesecons computer that uses like 5 chunks :3
00:52 VanessaE someone will I'm sure
00:53 VanessaE with those microcontrollers it won't take much
00:53 VanessaE especially if you can cram enough code into them :-)
00:53 keegan hey m making my first mod!! :)))
01:04 OldCoder keegan, Oh?
01:05 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
01:05 NekoGloop Mind sharing some more information?
01:05 _2cool4me4_ Guess what guys!?!?!
01:06 _2cool4me4_ Anyone?
01:06 NakedFury what
01:06 _2cool4me4_ I made a very primitive ALU
01:07 NakedFury with mese?
01:07 _2cool4me4_ Yup
01:07 NekoGloop Kewl
01:07 _2cool4me4_ 2 bit, 1 function, ~3 second clock speed. :/
01:07 NekoGloop Make a vid and share with the world
01:08 _2cool4me4_ I can't make a video right now
01:08 NekoGloop Then share your map
01:08 _2cool4me4_ DCC?
01:09 NakedFury what can it do in game?
01:09 NekoGloop Zip it and upload it to some file sharing site
01:09 _2cool4me4_ It's a 0.4.2 rc1 map
01:10 NekoGloop ... And?
01:10 Madchicken13 joined #minetest
01:10 _2cool4me4_ Jus' saying
01:10 Madchicken13 hello?
01:10 NekoGloop Latest version of mesecons requires 0.4.2-rc1, right?
01:11 _2cool4me4_ Yep
01:11 Madchicken13 can you still download mesecons for minetest 0.4.1?
01:11 NekoGloop Nope
01:11 Madchicken13 ok
01:11 NekoGloop I could upload the one that works, if i really wanted to
01:11 Madchicken13 and can someone help me?
01:11 NekoGloop But i dont, and i'm kinda on my ipad
01:12 Madchicken13 can you code neko
01:13 Madchicken13 hello?
01:13 _2cool4me4_
01:13 NekoGloop Sort of
01:13 _2cool4me4_ Mesecons World
01:13 Madchicken13 can you help me?
01:13 NekoGloop I'm on my ipad and multitasking with youtube.
01:13 NekoGloop Oh, sure, why not?
01:15 _2cool4me4_ lol
01:15 Madchicken13 ok well im just wondering if its possible to code my mod to where you can set the warps with a command instead of intering the coordantes into the init.lua of the mod
01:16 _2cool4me4_ That's an interesting though
01:16 NekoGloop I cannot help with that but maybe you could reference the default teleporting procedures?
01:17 Madchicken13 what is the name aof that mod?
01:17 _2cool4me4_ If the clock speed of my thing is 3 seconds, think of the clock of a 32 bit full computer!
01:18 NekoGloop I have no idea
01:18 NakedFury what do you do in game with the ALU?
01:18 NekoGloop Just know that on the server you griefed there was teleporting
01:18 _2cool4me4_ You click on a button to set it to on, or 1
01:18 Madchicken13 o you mean the teleporting mod?
01:18 _2cool4me4_ *actually it's a switch*
01:19 Madchicken13 ok ill work with trail and error
01:19 _2cool4me4_ That's always a good way.
01:22 _2cool4me4_ So do you like my ALU?
01:22 NekoGloop I'm on my ipad, cant download
01:22 _2cool4me4_ ugh
01:23 _2cool4me4_ Wish I could figure out how to compile the C++ code for Android
01:23 NekoGloop Lolni
01:24 NekoGloop Still would need to be both for an ipad, and me jailbreaking this thing.
01:24 _2cool4me4_ yup
01:29 NakedFury you havent done that to the ipad already?
01:31 NekoGloop Nope
01:34 NekoGloop Meow~
01:35 _2cool4me4_ :-S
01:35 * NekoGloop wants to be petted :3
01:36 * _2cool4me4_ runs again
01:36 * NekoGloop pouts :(
01:37 * vicscandl runs out for beer and smokes...
01:37 * NekoGloop is still pouting because noone will pet me :(
01:38 * _2cool4me4_ shows this face:
01:40 NekoGloop Uh lol put a space between the link and the colon
01:40 _2cool4me4_ IceChat always does that :/
01:40 NekoGloop Then fix it?
01:40 _2cool4me4_ oh wait, sorry
01:40 * _2cool4me4_ shows this face: -s328x328-303070-535.jpg
01:41 NekoGloop Now you broke the link in parts
01:42 _2cool4me4_ Stupid client
01:42 * _2cool4me4_ shows this face: shows this face:
01:42 _2cool4me4_ FFFF
01:42 NekoGloop Get on the webchat
01:43 _2cool4me4_ a21y_328_Post_Your_Pets-s328x328-303070-535.jpg
01:43 VanessaE you suck :-)
01:43 NekoGloop DUD
01:43 NekoGloop DUDE*
01:43 _2cool4me4_ 3070-535.jpg
01:43 _2cool4me4_ ugh
01:43 _2cool4me4_ NEVAR
01:43 _2cool4me4_
01:43 NekoGloop
01:43 _2cool4me4_ YESH
01:44 _2cool4me4_ I GOTS IT
01:44 NekoGloop And now it's so freakin late i forgot what we were talking about.
01:44 _2cool4me4_ NOUUOUUUUU
01:44 * khonkhortisan is back: VACATION
01:44 khonkhortisan and you're still here
01:45 _2cool4me4_ I Am going to go get my tablet on here
01:45 * NekoGloop is back: CREEPYPASTA
01:45 * _2cool4me4_ is scared
01:45 khonkhortisan I missed the mesecon nodebox commit
01:45 NekoGloop NEW MOD IDEA: HEROBRINE!!!!!!
01:45 NakedFury no
01:46 khonkhortisan so you'll have a green mob running around?
01:46 NekoGloop Lolno
01:46 NakedFury complete crap idea
01:46 NekoGloop No, depends on how far you take it
01:46 NakedFury go back to the drawing board with that idea
01:46 _2cool4me4_ I have 5 minutes to wait until this upload is finnish
01:47 NekoGloop One 'mob' with the ability to dig tunnels, kill the player, and intelligently mobilize?
01:47 _2cool4me4_ noes
01:47 NakedFury like that yes, called herobrine no
01:47 NakedFury BUT
01:47 NakedFury it can't know where the player is
01:48 _2cool4me4_
01:48 NakedFury we cant have homing missile type mobs
01:48 khonkhortisan no fun if there were
01:48 NekoGloop I dont even know how to make an entity that destroys itself instantly
01:48 _2cool4me4_ *beep beep beep BEEPBEEPBEEP*
01:48 _2cool4me4_ OH *
01:49 khonkhortisan look at particles, I used it to sort of make rain
01:49 _2cool4me4_ can anyone actually access Minetest right now?
01:49 NakedFury that was an example. what I meant to say is not make a monster that knows where you are and instatly goes towards you like a missile
01:49 khonkhortisan it has to see you first
01:49 NekoGloop Or see something you made, and take it for its own
01:50 NekoGloop Give it its own inventory, allow it to build
01:50 _2cool4me4_ Are you kidding?
01:50 NekoGloop Nopw
01:50 NakedFury "<khonkhortisan> it has to see you first" BUT it would need a limit to how far it can see. we dont want it to see 1k meters
01:51 NakedFury neko scrap that unless you want to spend months making AI that can build
01:51 _2cool4me4_ If the land isn't loaded over there, you have no worries
01:51 NakedFury be happy with it mining 2x2 tunnels
01:51 NakedFury 1x2 tunnels
01:51 VanessaE NakedFury: "Workers" mod -> AI that can build.
01:51 VanessaE dunno how it works, but there you go.
01:51 NekoGloop I cant make an entity destroy itself >.>
01:52 _2cool4me4_ google
01:52 NekoGloop Bing
01:52 _2cool4me4_ NUUU GOOGLE
01:53 NekoGloop Nuuu bing
01:53 NakedFury omg I just noticed all damn topics in Texture pack have the fucking word Texture pack in it!
01:53 NakedFury isnt it obvious its a texture pack?
01:53 _2cool4me4_ no
01:53 NekoGloop Lol
01:53 khonkhortisan that mesecons map doesn't do much
01:54 _2cool4me4_ It's a 2 bit 1 function apu
01:54 _2cool4me4_ First one made
01:54 NekoGloop You probably have to go hunt for the comouter
01:54 NekoGloop Computer*
01:54 _2cool4me4_ Not if you're Singleplayer
01:54 NakedFury what does it do?
01:54 _2cool4me4_ It adds ones
01:55 khonkhortisan two buttons, 3 digit binary output
01:55 NakedFury how could that help me survive?
01:55 _2cool4me4_ Who the crap cares
01:55 khonkhortisan how many mobs are outside my door? 1, 2, more than 2
01:55 NakedFury exactly? who the crap cares if it server no purpose at all to the game
01:55 _2cool4me4_ It's the first one ever made in minetest, okay?
01:56 khonkhortisan so I can program minetest without lua
01:56 NekoGloop Lol
01:56 _2cool4me4_ *palmface*
01:56 NekoGloop You can do that with microcontrollers
01:57 sdzen joined #minetest
01:58 _2cool4me4_ Are you actually at the ALU yet?
01:58 _2cool4me4_ It's at 29.4, 2.5, 132.1
02:00 _2cool4me4_ And the part marked "main bus" is actually the output bus
02:03 * VanessaE looks at the ALU
02:03 _2cool4me4_ cool
02:04 VanessaE "Fancy-ish" mesecons?  :P
02:04 _2cool4me4_ Yep
02:04 VanessaE they're "FANCY!!" mesecons damn it :-)
02:04 _2cool4me4_ I see how it is
02:04 _2cool4me4_ But there's only the 5 microcontrollers
02:05 VanessaE looks good
02:05 _2cool4me4_ Thanks
02:05 _2cool4me4_ What's your clock speed from it?
02:05 VanessaE see, I knew these nodebox-based mesecons wires would work out well
02:06 _2cool4me4_ huh
02:06 NekoGloop The changes are still only visual
02:06 _2cool4me4_ but how long does it take to give a result
02:06 VanessaE _2cool4me4_: a fraction of a second.
02:06 _2cool4me4_ really?
02:06 VanessaE *nod*
02:06 _2cool4me4_ how fast is your pc?
02:07 NekoGloop Need to have working vertical mesecons ;)
02:07 VanessaE well sometimes it's a fraction of a second, sometimes not
02:07 VanessaE (sometimes a second or so)
02:07 _2cool4me4_ yup, there are some messy wires in the back
02:07 VanessaE NekoGloop: already talked to jeija about it.  it's possible, but non-trivial.
02:07 _2cool4me4_ THe main bus is rather messy
02:07 _2cool4me4_ er, output bus
02:08 NekoGloop Cant you just check for a signal on ALL the sides of the wire?
02:08 _2cool4me4_ That's the problem
02:08 NekoGloop Save visualising the change for later
02:09 VanessaE hm.  I think I need to brighten up the "on" mesecons a bit.
02:09 _2cool4me4_ I have to put the data lines quite a ways away from each other
02:09 _2cool4me4_ BUt this is just the beginning.
02:09 NekoGloop I'm pretty sure, that were i on my computer atm i'd be able to whip up some vertical mesecons code
02:09 VanessaE _2cool4me4_: you only have to keep them one block apart.
02:09 VanessaE W_W_W_W  where _ is an empty space
02:10 VanessaE (what you have now is normal)
02:10 _2cool4me4_ If I can get the real workings of a computer down, I may be able to make a minetest computer!
02:10 khonkhortisan W_W
02:10 khonkhortisan ___
02:10 khonkhortisan W_W
02:10 _2cool4me4_ I'll be right back
02:10 * NekoGloop pushes the red button
02:10 NekoGloop Couldnt resist
02:10 khonkhortisan curiosity killed the cat
02:10 BackupCoder joined #minetest
02:11 NekoGloop And i'm the cat :3
02:11 VanessaE Not the WED ONE!  DON'T EVER PUSH THE WED ONE!
02:11 VanessaE (WED -> RED in elmer fudd voice)
02:11 khonkhortisan hehehehehehehehehe
02:11 * NekoGloop places a finger on vanessae's forehead and pushes as if there were a button there
02:11 khonkhortisan you have fingers!
02:11 VanessaE heh
02:11 NekoGloop Of course i do
02:12 NekoGloop I'm a neko
02:12 NekoGloop At least i had my claws retracted :3
02:12 VanessaE NekoGloop: I would suggest though, to move the output lights to the left if you can, maybe just above the input switches
02:12 NekoGloop Uhm... What?
02:12 VanessaE (btw you can use wall levers for a more fancy look)
02:12 VanessaE ER, not neko
02:12 NekoGloop Uh.., not my alu lol
02:12 VanessaE shit
02:13 VanessaE 2cool left
02:13 NekoGloop He left lol
02:13 BackupCoder who left?
02:13 NekoGloop You did
02:13 BackupCoder no
02:13 VanessaE _2cool4me4_
02:13 BackupCoder crash
02:13 NekoGloop Yeah, you did :3
02:13 VanessaE OH
02:13 BackupCoder bbs
02:13 BackupCoder this is laptop #2
02:13 NekoGloop OldCoder left the room. (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
02:14 BackupCoder i am his ghost
02:14 BackupCoder boo
02:14 NekoGloop Lol
02:14 * NekoGloop hides
02:14 NekoGloop G-g-g-ghost?
02:14 khonkhortisan you're the fail-over
02:15 BackupCoder y
02:15 BackupCoder never be w/o bckups
02:15 afkael joined #minetest
02:15 sdzen agreed
02:15 * khonkhortisan hasn't learned that yet
02:15 sdzen I just did
02:15 NekoGloop Lol
02:16 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:16 NekoGloop Double accounting is a bannable offense. ;) (not really)
02:16 OldCoder Back!
02:16 OldCoder BackupCoder, Thank you for helping
02:16 NekoGloop Lol
02:16 BackupCoder ur welcome
02:17 khonkhortisan okay that's just weird
02:17 NekoGloop I do that sometimes
02:17 BackupCoder im glad to be f service
02:19 NekoGloop Is it normal for only the creepy songs to disappear from my youtube viewing history
02:20 VanessaE hm, I should also remove the junction bumps from where wires band X<->Z
02:20 NekoGloop No, that looks fine
02:20 VanessaE it's inconsistent with the behavior of a normal schematic :-)
02:20 khonkhortisan woohoo! on_timer doesn't use block position anymore!
02:21 SpeedProg joined #minetest
02:23 * NekoGloop kicks khonkhortisan randomly
02:26 BackupCoder cat is violent
02:27 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
02:27 * VanessaE tweaks some mesecons a bit.
02:27 BackupCoder how does a cat kick neway
02:27 _2cool4me4_ I'm back!
02:27 NekoGloop Neko. Neko == catboy/girl
02:27 VanessaE _2cool4me4_: you should move the output lights to the left so they can be seen easily from where the control switches are.
02:27 VanessaE also use wall levers instead of switches. they look cooler :-)
02:28 NekoGloop And vanessae tryed to give me credit for it when i've not even seen ot yet.
02:28 NekoGloop It*
02:28 khonkhortisan is there some kind of move_node that I can use instead of add_node and remove_node?
02:28 BackupCoder nekoboy or nekogirl ok
02:28 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
02:28 NekoGloop Meow~ :3
02:28 _2cool4me4_ Stupid tab
02:29 VanessaE yeah yeah I got mixed up :-)
02:31 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
02:31 _2cool4me4_ Sorry guys
02:32 NekoGloop ...
02:33 NekoGloop If he's sorry wouldnt he just leave?
02:33 OldCoder NekoGloop, logic is not clear
02:34 VanessaE there, slimmed down the junction bumps, and no more junction bumps on simple X/Z bends now.
02:34 NekoGloop local logic = 0
02:34 VanessaE (if anyone wants, pull from )
02:35 VanessaE or for neko, s/pull/download the ZIPball/
02:35 NekoGloop Or i can just download it later, since i have a shitload of github pages bookmarked on my computer
02:36 VanessaE ok :-)
02:36 VanessaE the wires look less "fat" now without all the excess junction bumps :-)
02:36 NekoGloop But i like the fat wires
02:37 VanessaE so comment out line 90 in mesecons/wires.lua
02:37 VanessaE :-)
02:37 NekoGloop Lol
02:38 VanessaE well, no.  just change it to "nobump=4" :-)
02:38 keegan is anyone good with mods?
02:38 NekoGloop Anyone else seen the enderman attack in real life video? Anyone else not jump at the end?
02:38 muadtralk joined #minetest
02:39 keegan can someone help me with my mod
02:39 VanessaE what mod, what help?
02:39 keegan ruby i made iit
02:39 keegan my first mod
02:39 VanessaE ruby?  minetest mods are written only in lua
02:40 keegan yes
02:40 VanessaE or you mean the gem I guess :-)
02:40 NekoGloop He probably means ruby ores
02:40 keegan yes
02:41 keegan but it doesnt create the image ingame
02:41 VanessaE keegan: does your ore texture file have a transparency ?
02:41 VanessaE ("alpha channel" it's called)
02:41 keegan yes
02:42 VanessaE so it doesn't create the image - you mean the new ore doesn't spawn?
02:42 VanessaE or it spawns but looks like stone?
02:42 NekoGloop Look at the generate_ore code
02:42 keegan it cant run the mod
02:43 NekoGloop Ok... Did you remember to put commas where they belong?
02:43 keegan lke the picture dont match up
02:43 VanessaE ok, pastebin the errors
02:44 VanessaE go here:    and copy the error text from your terminal where you start minetest from, paste it on the web site, and submit it, then give us the address of the page that comes back
02:44 NekoGloop You cant copy from a cmd window
02:44 VanessaE I think he runs linux.
02:45 VanessaE and besides, you can load debux.txt into wordpad or so and copy&paste from that :-)
02:45 NekoGloop I dont think so
02:45 NekoGloop debug.txt*
02:47 VanessaE [08-12 09:42] <keegan> my server laptop never had win7 it was a trail so i unistall win 7 and installed ubuntu
02:47 OldCoder About that...
02:48 OldCoder He found somebody a day or two back; one of the mod writers here. That person helped him install Ubuntu.
02:48 OldCoder But my understanding is that the install didn't work.
02:48 OldCoder They may have tried again.
02:49 VanessaE *shrug*
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_axe.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_block.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_in_ground.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_pick.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_ruby.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "rubies_sword.png"
02:50 NekoGloop Wutevah
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_in_ground.png" while building texture
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_in_ground.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_block.png" while building texture
02:50 VanessaE NOT HERE!!!
02:50 keegan 22:49:45: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_block.png"
02:50 keegan Unsupported texture format
02:50 NekoGloop OH GOD NOW
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_axe.png" while building texture
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_axe.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_pick.png" while building texture
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_pick.png"
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_ruby.png" while building texture
02:50 VanessaE STOP!
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_ruby.png"
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Could not load image "rubies_sword.png" while building texture
02:50 keegan 22:49:48: ERROR[main]: generate_image(): Creating a dummy image for "rubies_sword.png"
02:50 keegan Loaded texture: C:/Users/Joyce/Documents/
02:50 keegan opp
02:50 keegan opps
02:50 keegan wrong thing
02:51 VanessaE keegan I said paste on
02:51 keegan have it open and i paste t in the wrong thing
02:51 VanessaE well too late now
02:51 VanessaE but the issue is obvious:  your textures aren't where the game can find them
02:51 VanessaE they should be in yourmod/textures
02:52 VanessaE so like ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/yourmod/textures/rubies_ruby.png
02:52 keegan they are
02:52 VanessaE or celeron55-minetest-blahblah/mods/minetest/yourmod/textures/rubies_ruby.png   if you're using the run-in-place version
02:53 VanessaE keegan: they probably aren't or they'd be loaded - are the filenames correct?
02:53 keegan yes im pretty sure
02:53 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
02:53 VanessaE ok,
02:54 VanessaE in a terminal, and ONLY IN A TERMINAL :-)  type this:   find ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/yourmod
02:54 VanessaE (yourmod = rubies or whatever)
02:54 VanessaE copy the results.
02:54 NekoGloop Your modname needs to be the first thing in the name of the image
02:54 VanessaE then ON PASTEBIN :-)   paste the text
02:54 VanessaE NekoGloop: actually no, but that is the convention.
02:55 NekoGloop Actually yes
02:55 NekoGloop I've tried
02:55 VanessaE so have I :-)
02:55 NekoGloop At least in windows protocols
02:55 keegan i still have the mod on my windows laptop
02:55 VanessaE keegan: ok, upload it somewhere
02:56 VanessaE so one of us can download it and poke around
02:56 NekoGloop sendshare
02:56 VanessaE dropbox, ompldr, etc.
02:56 keegan mediafire?
02:56 VanessaE anywhere that doesn't make you sign up, use a capthca, etc.
02:56 NekoGloop Or even github, if you dont care about people being able to change it.
02:57 VanessaE doesn't mediafire require you to wait several seconds to download?
02:57 keegan idk
02:57 VanessaE ok
02:57 NekoGloop It requires you repair your download 7-14 times before you can download
02:57 VanessaE NekoGloop: "repair"?
02:57 NekoGloop Yup
02:58 NekoGloop Since that's not actually possible, mediafire just makes you wait.
02:58 VanessaE oh
02:58 VanessaE that's where _2cool uploaded his world file
02:58 VanessaE I was able to download that in one try
02:58 NekoGloop Well i can never get so lucky
02:58 VanessaE NekoGloop: stop using IE :-)
02:59 NekoGloop Neverrrrrr
02:59 VanessaE firefox + adblockplus = the web is sane again
02:59 * NekoGloop kicks vanessae
02:59 NekoGloop Neverrrrrr
03:00 VanessaE heh
03:00 keegan
03:00 VanessaE NekoGloop: honest question:  how much more will you put up with from IE before you give up on it?
03:00 NekoGloop I will never give up
03:00 VanessaE keegan: got it
03:00 VanessaE (again, in one try)
03:01 NekoGloop My friend has chrome. I hate having to use his computer
03:01 keegan why
03:02 VanessaE keegan: first note:  tile_images =  is obsolete.  use tiles=
03:02 keegan ok
03:03 VanessaE besides that, this actually looks okay
03:03 VanessaE are you sure you're copying the folder as a whole into ~/.minetest/mods/minetest  ?
03:04 keegan yes
03:04 VanessaE wait,
03:04 VanessaE you only have inventory_image for your tools
03:04 VanessaE don't you also need wield_image for that?
03:05 NekoGloop I dont use it... I dont think...
03:05 HaltingState joined #minetest
03:05 VanessaE also,
03:05 VanessaE are
03:05 VanessaE oops
03:06 VanessaE AH!
03:06 VanessaE these are NOT png images
03:06 VanessaE they are GIMP XCF images with the wrong filename extension
03:06 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~$ file  work/rubies/textures/rubies_in_ground.png
03:06 VanessaE work/rubies/textures/rubies_in_ground.png: GIMP XCF image data, version 0, 16 x 16, RGB Color
03:06 VanessaE that's your problem
03:06 NekoGloop Lol
03:07 VanessaE You must be using GIMP 2.8.  you need to EXPORT them, not Save.
03:07 keegan ok
03:07 tripod yay wicked@linux
03:07 VanessaE you must be -> it looks like you are using.
03:07 VanessaE (2.8 is not a requirement, sorry for the bad wording)
03:07 keegan ok
03:09 keegan so export them?
03:10 VanessaE yes
03:10 VanessaE just overwrite the original .png file and it will really be a PNG this time
03:10 NekoGloop G'night
03:10 VanessaE do that for all the images
03:10 VanessaE night NekoGloop
03:10 * VanessaE scritches NekoGloop's ears
03:10 * NekoGloop purrs :3
03:11 VanessaE keegan: you're not the first to get bit by that change - it's gotta be one of the most braindead things an open source team can do.
03:12 keegan how do i overwrite them?
03:12 VanessaE just save over them with the same filename.png
03:12 VanessaE it'll ask if you meant to overwrite
03:12 VanessaE just say ok
03:13 vicscandl ok
03:15 VanessaE hey vicscandl.
03:15 vicscandl VanessaE: its been that way for the GIF format for years... i beleive the export vs save is a licencing issue... save being internal code, export being pushed thru an external lib for output.
03:16 vicscandl would not supprise me to see other formats go that way, but save/export... wtf you asshats
03:16 sdzen1 joined #minetest
03:16 VanessaE vicscandl: no, it's because the GIMP team wants to make GIMP to default ot saving files as if they're projects instead of images.
03:16 VanessaE so "export" for *all* image formats.
03:16 sdzen1 left #minetest
03:16 sdzen1 joined #minetest
03:16 VanessaE besides, GIF patents have long since expired.
03:17 vicscandl VanessaE: must be a windows thing... double checking my ver
03:17 VanessaE no it does it on linux too, and only since 2.8
03:17 VanessaE and only gimp seems to have gone that route
03:17 VanessaE it's a moronic, confusing decision that costs the artist precious time
03:18 vicscandl VanessaE: well i'm still pushing 2.6 on this box...
03:18 vicscandl VanessaE: just means i gotta update my hotkeys.. :)
03:18 VanessaE I should be able to hit a key, "export" and it should just fucking export over what I loaded without fucking asking me questions.
03:19 VanessaE just like "save" used to.
03:19 vicscandl VanessaE: wrote a phatch action set that will take all my xcf/pcx files and run out a full conversion dropping 20% in size each loop
03:19 VanessaE none of this "export acts like the old  save-as the first time you use it, and acts like the old save after that"
03:20 vicscandl so i've been saving in defaul format for like 2 years now and export my needs....
03:20 keegan now my other mod that i change from someones mod to see f t works
03:20 keegan t loads errors
03:20 VanessaE paste them ON PASTEBIN :-)
03:20 vicscandl VanessaE: $10 says he don't know pastebin
03:21 keegan anything else than pastebin
03:21 * vicscandl is waiting for channel codeflood from keeg
03:21 NakedFury keegan use to paste over those huge ass error files
03:21 VanessaE he better, I told him 40 minutyes ago :-)
03:21 VanessaE -y
03:21 vicscandl s/yes/es/
03:22 vicscandl off to update gimpy to 2.8
03:22 VanessaE don't
03:22 VanessaE you'll hate it.
03:22 khonkhortisan you have to export everything, save saves as xcf
03:22 VanessaE another utterly moronic change they made:
03:23 keegan paste it in here
03:23 VanessaE NO!
03:23 keegan jk
03:23 khonkhortisan I like the single window mode, but it breaks the close button. I want to close gimp, not the image
03:23 VanessaE the text tool now types onto the canvas instead of a separate editor window, but there's this shitty popup that you can't get rid of over the text.
03:23 vicscandl wonder if you can override the keyset in 2.8 like you can from prev versions...
03:23 VanessaE yeah, keyboard shortcuts work fine in 2.8
03:23 vicscandl VanessaE: ug,
03:23 keegan
03:24 vicscandl VanessaE: i hate tghe gimpo textool already
03:24 khonkhortisan I've gotten CONTENT_IGNORE before, but it's been too long, I forgot the cause
03:24 VanessaE keegan: you are either trying to place the object in parts of the map that are not yet loaded, or you're trying to place an item but the name you used is badly formatted, is nil, etc.
03:25 VanessaE vicscandl: it's braindead.
03:25 keegan ok how do i fix it
03:25 khonkhortisan is your mod in mods/lavamese/init.lua?
03:25 VanessaE keegan: I don't know - that depends entirely on your code.  This is where normal debugging techniques come into play
03:25 VanessaE look for errors in your code
03:26 khonkhortisan on_timer moving a node is much slower than a luaentity with an acceleration
03:27 keegan at first minute when i first test it and it work and second time it shows the errors
03:28 VanessaE keegan: you probably need minetest.env:get_node_or_nil(position) calls before each item you're spawning.  if the function returns nil or "ignore", don't try to place.
03:29 keegan ok
03:29 VanessaE where position is the coordinates of the node you're about to place
03:29 VanessaE (fill in the blank)
03:32 vicscandl
03:32 vicscandl :P
03:32 khonkhortisan rain: still working on it
03:32 VanessaE yet another in a long line of mods that do little more than duplicate the /teleport command.
03:32 vicscandl VanessaE: no, i like how you have to HARD CODE your teleport spots; thats like fucking hawt
03:33 VanessaE khonkhortisan: what is this?
03:33 VanessaE new rain mod?
03:33 khonkhortisan yes, still haven't gotten it to fall right
03:33 vicscandl from forum: "PS: Dont add The Mod To Your Mods Folder Intel Your Coordinates are set /,\"
03:33 VanessaE khonkhortisan: how did you get around the entity limit issue?
03:33 khonkhortisan I'm trying a node with on_timer
03:33 VanessaE ahh
03:34 khonkhortisan bad_command's teleporter mod has you type it into the teleporter like a sign
03:34 tripod joined #minetest
03:34 vicscandl khonkhortisan: this is codemockery...
03:35 khonkhortisan on_timer only has a resolution of seconds
03:35 VanessaE why not use on_globalstep or whatever it was called?
03:35 VanessaE that has a resolution of 0.05s
03:36 keegan so you want to look at my other mod
03:36 khonkhortisan I'm using that for generating the rain, I'll try that now
03:37 keegan VanessaE you want to look at my other mod?
03:37 VanessaE I'll have to pass on that, keegam
03:37 VanessaE keegan *
03:37 keegan ok
03:38 keegan you lke the rubies?
03:38 VanessaE I'm getting kinda tired, so I'm not in a good state of mind to do any real coding or debugging
03:38 VanessaE I didn't try the mod, just examined the files.  Nice idea, but are you sure someone else hasn't already done a mod like this?
03:38 Basstard` VanessaE: Do some unreal coding or debugging.
03:38 * vicscandl passes VanessaE a large plate of bacon...
03:38 keegan i dont think anyone did this mod
03:39 VanessaE vicscandl: too late, I just ate meatlovers pizza :-)
03:39 vicscandl keegan: what mod is that?
03:39 VanessaE keegan:
03:39 vicscandl VanessaE: i made a bbq chicken pizza today. :)
03:39 VanessaE contains rubies, ruby blocks, ruby tools
03:39 vicscandl oooooooooooooooo lemme go look now!
03:39 VanessaE it's an old mod, may not be any good anymore, but there you go.
03:40 keegan shoot shouldve look first
03:40 keegan :(
03:40 VanessaE keegan: it's ok, just change your mod to make some other kind of gem/ore/etc/
03:40 VanessaE there's always room for another new ore, but forget about making tools
03:41 VanessaE we have enough variants of picks/swords/etc.
03:41 VanessaE make something entirely new
03:41 keegan last edited 2-1-12
03:41 Basstard` 2112
03:41 vicscandl mmmmmmm rush
03:41 khonkhortisan make a car that is lethal when you crash
03:41 * VanessaE hums Tom Sawyer
03:41 vicscandl going to the LA show in nov. have seats in front of the soundboard! woot!
03:41 keegan what mod should i do?
03:42 khonkhortisan don't go deaf
03:42 Basstard` Do a Rush mod.
03:42 VanessaE keegan: try to think of something uniqur
03:42 VanessaE unique*
03:42 vicscandl i'm with Basstard`, total rush mod
03:42 NakedFury ill dig it
03:43 keegan a gameboy
03:45 Basstard` Periodic table.
03:46 keegan or a compass
03:47 Basstard` You'll probably do a cumpass instead.
03:48 keegan vicscandl testing my 0.3.1 server
03:48 keegan nm my 0.4.1
03:48 VanessaE keegan: I have to say this, and please don't take it wrong - 0.3.1 is dead.
03:48 VanessaE don't use it
03:48 VanessaE :-)
03:48 keegan theres some people
03:49 VanessaE 0.3.1 is considered obsolete by the author and is a dead project.
03:49 VanessaE all development happens in 0.4.x only
03:49 Basstard` All development happens tomorrow.
03:49 keegan i know what to make a fridge
03:50 VanessaE good idea
03:50 keegan is there a fridge mod if not itMINE
03:50 VanessaE I am not aware of such
03:50 keegan yay
03:50 khonkhortisan you'll have to depend on some kind of extra food mod
03:50 VanessaE but you would need to create foods to put into it
03:50 keegan yea
03:50 VanessaE something that will "spoil" if just stored unrefridgerated
03:51 khonkhortisan moldy stuff can remove health
03:51 VanessaE (i.e. if stored in a chest or held in inventory more than a few game days)
03:51 VanessaE khonkhortisan: unless it's *just* the right kind of mold, then it can improve health :-)
03:51 VanessaE (read: penicillin)
03:52 keegan gonna do a microwave  too
03:52 khonkhortisan It can have a random chance of moulding a different way
03:52 VanessaE a microwave might be kinda pointless honestky
03:52 VanessaE honestly*
03:52 keegan yea
03:52 khonkhortisan like a tree compared to an apple tree, a bad moldy apple compared to a good moldy apple
03:53 VanessaE we already have a furnace, and at least an electric furnace coming soon
03:53 keegan gas
03:53 VanessaE NakedFury still needs to take RealBadAngel's wires code and apply it to my pipeworks so he can make his natural gas mod
03:53 * VanessaE pokes at NakedFury
03:54 * VanessaE pokes at RealBadAngel
03:54 VanessaE RBA's wire placement algorithm + Nakedfury's coding ideas + sfan5's oil mod + my pipeworks + my vessels = natural gas mod  :-)
03:54 * Basstard` pokes VanessaE's natural gas
03:55 keegan mini flags
03:55 * VanessaE farts in Basstard`'s general direction.
03:55 VanessaE son of a windowasher.
03:55 khonkhortisan the hampster smells like elderberries
03:55 vicscandl aw fuck, here comes the montyfuness!
03:55 keegan flags and flag posts
03:56 VanessaE khonkhortisan: NONONO!  his mother is a hamster and his father smells of elderberries
03:56 VanessaE keegan: already been done
03:56 keegan damn
03:56 vicscandl do we *dare* discuss swallow flight speeds?
03:56 khonkhortisan I knew that
03:56 khonkhortisan are they tied together?
03:56 VanessaE vicscandl: laden or unladen?
03:56 * vicscandl rummages around for his damed coconuts.....
03:56 khonkhortisan african or european?
03:56 vicscandl .... but if the swallow was *tied* to the coconut....
03:57 khonkhortisan and coconuts are tropical.
03:57 vicscandl keegan: hook me up with some interact on your server?
03:57 keegan palm trees!! with cocnuts
03:57 VanessaE keegan: already been done.
03:57 khonkhortisan yes!!!
03:57 khonkhortisan aw
03:57 keegan damn'
03:57 VanessaE palm trees have anyway
03:57 keegan slow down people
03:57 VanessaE (I don't think they bear coconuts)
03:58 vicscandl i'm so going to make a coconut mod that sounds like a horse when you walk with a split one.
03:58 sdzen haha
03:58 khonkhortisan how do you split one?
03:58 sdzen please only if you have some killer rabbits
03:58 khonkhortisan craft it?
03:58 VanessaE khonkhortisan: step one, get a sledgehammer.  step 2, forget splitting it, just smash the fucking thing :-)
03:58 khonkhortisan you need two halves
03:58 vicscandl sdzen: you think i would leave ANYTHING out?
03:59 khonkhortisan monty python mod +1
03:59 sdzen joined #minetest
03:59 Basstard` Do we allow a swallow to wallow?
03:59 keegan vicscandl granted
04:00 keegan a desk!!
04:00 VanessaE keegan: already been done.
04:00 keegan damn!
04:00 VanessaE (see Homedecor :-) )
04:00 VanessaE (and also 3dforniture)
04:01 vicscandl keegan: hahahha i forgot my password (was random anyway) can you purge my account
04:02 keegan how do i do that
04:02 khonkhortisan delete
04:02 vicscandl keegan: delete me from the player directory
04:02 keegan ok
04:02 keegan did
04:03 vicscandl dang, nope
04:03 keegan now
04:03 vicscandl bummer, oh well, i should be writing code anyways..
04:03 keegan no it should work
04:04 vicscandl keegan: nopoe, invalid pass
04:04 vicscandl :)
04:04 vicscandl i fubared it real good!
04:04 keegan what delete everything of yours
04:05 vicscandl keegan: nm, thanks anyways
04:06 keegan ok i thinking for mods anyway'
04:06 keegan chocolate chip cookies
04:07 keegan candle
04:07 keegan cash register
04:08 vicscandl keegan: grant me (asdf) interact?
04:08 keegan ok
04:08 vicscandl thx
04:08 VanessaE candle:  dunno, but there are already a few torch mods
04:08 VanessaE chocolate chip cookes:  nice idea.
04:08 VanessaE cash register:  already been done, to a degree.
04:09 sdzen left #minetest
04:14 keegan joined #minetest
04:15 keegan got to go to bed
04:15 keegan good night
04:16 VanessaE night
04:16 keegan ill think of mods
04:18 VanessaE search the forums too
04:18 VanessaE you'll be surpised what does and doesn't exist there
04:18 Basstard` Surpissed.
04:21 neko259 joined #minetest
04:40 vicscandl hrm... on keeg's server, i can't get three furnaces to run at the same time...
04:40 vicscandl {{ note, first time on someone other than my own servers }}
04:42 OldCoder vicscandl, You PM'd me the other day IIRC. I'll be awake about 15 minutes now if there's any open business.
04:43 OldCoder VanessaE, I grow tired these days at this time of the day. It is more difficult to communicate in a linear manner.
04:43 VanessaE OldCoder: it's oka
04:43 vicscandl OldCoder: outside of some ircbashing of newbs, not much today... sunday is for housechores for me
04:43 VanessaE oy, I must be getting tired
04:44 VanessaE my typing is going to hell :-/
04:44 OldCoder VanessaE, is your typing usually perfect?
04:44 vicscandl i've got to get back to work tomorrow; business partner comes back from holiday.
04:44 OldCoder vicscandl, housechores are Zen
04:44 VanessaE no, but it ain't usually this bad :-)
04:44 vicscandl OldCoder: manual real-space hacking...
04:44 OldCoder VanessaE, It will happen more in the coming years. But I don't see that many errors presently.
04:44 OldCoder vicscandl, Hmm
04:45 vicscandl the older i get, the more typonese creeps in on me.
04:45 OldCoder vicscandl, Reversal of entropy
04:45 VanessaE OldCoder: that's because I spend half as much time correcting my typos as actually typing
04:45 OldCoder vicscandl, that goes into the cool phrases file
04:45 VanessaE (that's part of why I'm sometimes slow to answer)
04:45 OldCoder VanessaE, A sensible thing to do
04:45 OldCoder typonese
04:45 OldCoder Hmm
04:46 OldCoder VanessaE, your typing is good enough probably. So you have...
04:46 OldCoder *drum roll*
04:46 OldCoder typochrondria
04:46 OldCoder Ba-DUM!
04:46 OldCoder
04:46 VanessaE so you're saying I'm a typochondriac? :-)
04:46 OldCoder Indeed
04:46 * OldCoder loves words
04:47 VanessaE my gravestone will read, when I die, "See, I told you can't type."
04:47 OldCoder Fair nuff
04:49 vicscandl joined #minetest
04:49 * VanessaE waits patiently for Jeija to show up
04:49 vicscandl apparently this laptop does not have its battery status registerd in the status... no battery low warning on that one
04:49 VanessaE (should be along just about any time now)
04:49 vicscandl fux
04:50 VanessaE vic: no on-battery charge indicator?
04:56 tripod what bold things you be coding?
04:56 tripod kk
04:57 BoldCoder tripod, Tweets
04:57 tripod oh
04:57 BoldCoder Twits
04:57 BoldCoder Whatever those things are called
04:57 BoldCoder :-)
04:57 tripod the bird
04:57 tripod or that stupid 120 character restrict social blogging tool
04:57 BoldCoder Yes, the little bird who loves to Flit and Twit
04:57 tripod kk
04:57 BoldCoder 140 actually; all the room in the world
04:58 tripod oh my mistake
04:58 tripod 20 characters to write 20 characters.
04:58 VanessaE so you use those 140 chars to point to a multi-page blog post :-)
04:59 BoldCoder But of course
04:59 * BoldCoder is all modern 'n' stuff
05:00 vicscandl VanessaE: ususally it tells me.. for some reason it did not.
05:00 VanessaE odd
05:01 vicscandl perhaps actually playing minetest on someone else's server had me bedazzled
05:01 vicscandl perhaps its the beer
05:01 VanessaE one of my other friends used to say, "I hate computers."
05:01 VanessaE and she was a geek
05:01 vicscandl perhaps its my california-alternate-medication
05:01 vicscandl VanessaE: i mutter that daily, shessh...
05:01 VanessaE bahaha
05:20 VanessaE zzz
05:26 RealBadAngel hi
05:26 RealBadAngel a question:
05:26 RealBadAngel srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
05:26 RealBadAngel i do have a tool here
05:26 VanessaE there he is!
05:26 VanessaE RealBadAngel: /msg
05:26 VanessaE you have a file waiting.
05:26 RealBadAngel how to access its "wear" variable?
05:27 RealBadAngel @VanessaE: thx :)
05:27 VanessaE - get_wear(): returns tool wear (0-65535), 0 for non-tools
05:27 RealBadAngel that works
05:27 VanessaE I presume the tool ID goes inside the parens
05:27 RealBadAngel add_wear(value) doesnt work
05:28 VanessaE huh.
05:28 RealBadAngel im tryin to accces that variable directly
05:28 RealBadAngel api says so:
05:28 RealBadAngel eg. {name="default:pick_wood", count=1, wear=21323, metadata=""}
05:28 RealBadAngel ^ a wooden pick about 1/3 weared out
05:28 RealBadAngel so tryin set_float, pointing it
05:29 RealBadAngel nothing works
05:29 VanessaE maybe it needs a straight integer?
05:29 RealBadAngel tried set_float("wear",value)
05:30 RealBadAngel is there set_int or something?
05:30 vicscandl RealBadAngel: yes
05:30 vicscandl RealBadAngel: yes, set_int/get_int exists
05:30 vicscandl for some reason, people seem to use floats
05:33 RealBadAngel srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
05:33 RealBadAngel srcstack.set_int("wear",10000)
05:33 RealBadAngel
05:33 RealBadAngel tried that
05:33 RealBadAngel no go
05:33 RealBadAngel checkin first of course if it is a tool
05:34 RealBadAngel get_wear() returns correct value
05:35 khonkhortisan someone asked me to join their server and gave me their lan ip :)
05:35 RealBadAngel lol
05:35 jin_xi joined #minetest
05:39 RealBadAngel it keep sayin that "wear" filed doesnt exist at all
05:40 RealBadAngel *field
05:43 RealBadAngel eg. {name="default:pick_wood", count=1, wear=21323, metadata=""}
05:43 RealBadAngel damn, how to index that field???
05:54 RealBadAngel i think i found solution
05:54 RealBadAngel srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
05:55 RealBadAngel temp=srcstack:to_table()
05:55 RealBadAngel print (temp["wear"])
05:55 RealBadAngel returns correct wear value
05:56 BoldCoder RealBadAngel, Didn't hear back from you. But you're welcome to go through your music this week.
05:56 RealBadAngel i will, yesterday i just forgot bout it because of coding :)
05:57 BoldCoder Oh I know the feeling
05:57 RealBadAngel woke up today and finally found a solution i think
05:57 RealBadAngel now just set the vaule in table
05:58 RealBadAngel rewrite srcstack from_table
05:58 RealBadAngel and should work like a charm
05:58 RealBadAngel but as far as i know lua behaviour it gonna kick me in the ass propably lol
06:05 RealBadAngel yeah it did
06:05 RealBadAngel hehehehe
06:05 tripod joined #minetest
06:09 RealBadAngel damn, lua is pain in the ass, really :)
06:09 Bad_Command joined #minetest
06:11 Calinou joined #minetest
06:11 jin_xi i kinda like lua ;)
06:12 RealBadAngel hehehe
06:12 RealBadAngel tell me
06:12 jin_xi but then i'm a lisp man at heart
06:12 RealBadAngel i do have table in temp
06:12 RealBadAngel how to write it back to srcstack ?
06:13 jin_xi that table from above?
06:13 tripod joined #minetest
06:13 RealBadAngel yeah
06:13 RealBadAngel <RealBadAngel> srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
06:13 RealBadAngel <RealBadAngel> temp=srcstack:to_table()
06:14 RealBadAngel i can modify values inside temp
06:14 RealBadAngel and would like to do reverse now
06:14 jin_xi there is from_table, right? but its just a guess
06:14 RealBadAngel there is
06:14 RealBadAngel question is how the fuck it works...
06:15 RealBadAngel cannot find any example
06:15 jin_xi meta:from_table({ srcstack = temp }) or so?
06:15 jin_xi idk
06:15 RealBadAngel lets try
06:16 Calinou misa pack was updated for MC :o
06:16 VanessaE guess you have to re-port :-)
06:17 Calinou none of the "basic" blocks have been changed though...
06:17 BoldCoder Zzz
06:17 Calinou lol
06:17 RealBadAngel crashes the game nicely ;)
06:18 jin_xi cool
06:18 Calinou what the fu-
06:18 VanessaE you're gonna have a jolly load of fun texturing mesecons by the time Jeija and I are through with it :D
06:18 Calinou I am downloading at 277kb/sec
06:18 RealBadAngel calinou, maybe you know?
06:18 Calinou :D
06:19 keegn1 joined #minetest
06:20 jin_xi did you try inv:set_stack("src", 1, temp) ?
06:21 VanessaE Calinou: that's quite some bandnarrowth there ;-)
06:26 RealBadAngel @jin_xi: woooooohooo
06:26 RealBadAngel youre great man
06:27 RealBadAngel worked finally :)
06:27 jin_xi example found via ack (its like grep) 'ack srcstack'
06:27 jin_xi in minetest folder
06:28 RealBadAngel but its not logical
06:28 RealBadAngel when used to_table
06:28 RealBadAngel should be able to use from_table
06:28 jin_xi idk, maybe we're both thinking something wrong of that from/to table stuff ;)
06:28 Calinou new steel block texture in misa's pack... changed it in the minetest version
06:29 RealBadAngel propably. lua is full of suprises
06:29 jin_xi those are minetest defined functions
06:30 jin_xi i thought so too at first, but after reading pil i changed assumptions
06:30 jin_xi did not have to read it all
06:30 RealBadAngel hmm maybe youre right
06:31 jin_xi just about tables, indexing functions and reverse tables idiom was verrry good to know
06:31 Calinou
06:31 Calinou VanessaE, O_o
06:31 Calinou I play OA too :D
06:31 RealBadAngel anyway this single line solved many many things for me
06:31 sfan5 joined #minetest
06:31 RealBadAngel thx for finding it
06:31 jin_xi oops, i mean indexing, functions nod indexing functions ;)
06:31 jin_xi glad to help
06:32 VanessaE Calinou: I'm just not a hardcore gamer :-)
06:32 RealBadAngel good that i left the name srcstack and havent changed it to anythig lol
06:32 VanessaE (ironic considering my PC's rather well-outfitted for the purpose)
06:34 RealBadAngel now with this single line solution im able to repair tools using power
06:34 RealBadAngel and load/unload portable batteries
06:34 jin_xi cool
06:35 RealBadAngel and with portable batteries i can make tools that use power
06:39 RealBadAngel wonder anyway why "wear" is 16 bits
06:39 RealBadAngel 0, non tool, 1 not used, 65535 will break on next use
06:40 RealBadAngel for every tool
06:40 jin_xi no idea
06:41 RealSexyDevil 010
06:41 RealBadAngel strange solution, shall be rather like straight numeber of possible uses
06:41 RealSexyDevil RealBadAngel: I concur!
06:42 Calinou RealSexyDevil, yeah, minecraft's example of doing things is surely good
06:43 RealSexyDevil ~obit Calinou
06:43 RealSexyDevil DAMNIT
06:43 Calinou you know 16-bit wear allows more stuff? such as "dynamically" changing the damage breaking a block does?
06:43 Calinou ~stfu RealSexyDevil
06:43 RealSexyDevil ~infect Calinou
06:43 Calinou ~sex RealSexyDevil
06:43 RealSexyDevil ~family Calinou
06:43 RealBadAngel hmmm
06:43 Calinou ~shesaid
06:43 tripod Calinou: need more quinbot
06:44 RealBadAngel whatever, most important is i can now control it :)
06:44 tripod RealBadAngel: congrats!
06:44 tripod Calinou: lets minetest
06:45 tripod i have a 0.3X server
06:45 tripod will my shiz go straight over if im hosting 0.4
06:45 Calinou it will convert, yes
06:45 Calinou backup your map
06:45 RealBadAngel btw calinou: i played lately with one nasty stuff
06:45 RealBadAngel try to loop one abm, dont let it end once its called
06:46 RealBadAngel you can have then own thread in game
06:47 RealBadAngel with no callbacks needed
06:50 RealBadAngel to make it workin nice, you shall call other abms manually
06:50 RealBadAngel but could be possible
06:50 RealBadAngel inside such thread anythin can be done
06:51 Calinou cool story bro
06:51 RealBadAngel example:
06:52 RealBadAngel make emulation of a processor
06:52 RealBadAngel write OS for it
06:52 RealBadAngel and make terminal window
06:52 jin_xi then play nethack
06:53 RealBadAngel it dont have to be speedy gonzales
06:53 RealBadAngel but can make a computer inside of a computer game
06:54 RealBadAngel and that would be cool :)
06:55 RealBadAngel make a node look like a terminal
06:55 RealBadAngel click on it to actually run command line
06:55 RealBadAngel and run programs
06:57 RealBadAngel and when theyre runnin you can still play the game
07:00 RealBadAngel with interfaces to mesecons it could control logic outside
07:00 Japa_werk joined #minetest
07:00 RealBadAngel way more powerfull than the microcontroller
07:10 Japa_werk joined #minetest
07:33 vicscandl joined #minetest
07:52 Japa_werk joined #minetest
09:21 Jeija joined #minetest
09:21 Jeija left #minetest
09:28 q66 joined #minetest
09:29 TheLastProject joined #minetest
09:50 Fixer joined #minetest
10:27 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:27 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
10:33 jin_xi morning adam
10:47 saschaheylik joined #minetest
10:47 ttk2 joined #minetest
10:57 MilanFIN joined #minetest
11:03 vals_ joined #minetest
11:03 Fixer left #minetest
11:07 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:09 cisoun joined #minetest
11:16 RealBadAngel hi
11:16 RealBadAngel its actually funny, for some1 its mornin, some are sleepin
11:16 RealBadAngel here its 1pm
11:16 PilzAdam 1pm
11:17 RealBadAngel @jin_xi:
11:17 RealBadAngel thanks to your help
11:17 RealBadAngel :)
11:18 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, do you think this mod is usefull ?
11:19 RealBadAngel what do you mean by "old blocks"?
11:19 PilzAdam unkown blocks
11:19 RealBadAngel then yes, usefull
11:20 RealBadAngel but such thing should be built-in
11:21 RealBadAngel what r u doin with "old" ones?
11:21 RealBadAngel replacin them with air?
11:21 PilzAdam yes
11:21 PilzAdam and entities despawn
11:22 RealBadAngel some shall implement time-to-live for entities lyin around
11:22 RealBadAngel like several minutes and gone
11:24 BoldCoder joined #minetest
11:24 RealBadAngel when started with it, you can do that
11:33 Calinou joined #minetest
11:41 tripod so
11:41 tripod why arnt we all playing mc
11:41 tripod ?
11:41 tripod instead of mt
11:41 tripod i dont know which is better
11:41 tripod (only play minetest)
11:43 PilzAdam mt is free
11:43 PilzAdam mt has a good modding api
11:43 jin_xi RealBadAngel: looks great
11:45 tripod does minetest have carts
11:45 tripod or w/e
11:45 tripod that looks cool RealBadAngel
11:45 PilzAdam i made cart mod
11:45 tripod so will also this stay as mods, or eventually some stuff go into mt itself?
11:45 tripod i should download a tonne of mods
11:46 PilzAdam there is no "mt itself"
11:46 PilzAdam MT is just the engine
11:46 tripod oh okay
11:46 PilzAdam everything else are mods
11:46 tripod oh okay
11:46 PilzAdam even the default game consists of mods
11:46 RealBadAngel i played mc for almost a year
11:46 tripod i need to grab some mods for my server
11:46 RealBadAngel came here so i can play and code too
11:47 tripod well, does minecraft have anything better than mt
11:47 tripod apart from userbase
11:47 RealBadAngel it does, mt is like mc 1 or 1,5 year ago
11:48 RealBadAngel but it gets better way faster as mc did
11:48 PilzAdam in 1 year mt wil be better than mc
11:48 tripod oh okay
11:48 tripod really
11:48 OldCoder joined #minetest
11:48 tripod ive been following for awhile
11:48 tripod looks awesome
11:48 tripod as well as the building restrictions in MC
11:48 RealBadAngel given a little more time
11:48 tripod is that due to JAVA
11:48 tripod because mt is C
11:48 tripod i forget.
11:48 tripod english is poor :(
11:48 RealBadAngel mc will be way better than mc
11:49 PilzAdam ?
11:49 RealBadAngel mt i mean
11:49 PilzAdam so wich will be better?
11:49 RealBadAngel mt
11:49 PilzAdam right answer
11:49 RealBadAngel for me it already is
11:49 tripod um
11:50 tripod could someone just tell me the names of some decent mods for MT
11:50 tripod that i can chuck on my server
11:50 jin_xi for me modding is more fun than playing ;)
11:50 PilzAdam jin_xi, +1
11:50 RealBadAngel i do like both
11:50 PilzAdam tripod, carts, beds, mesecons, more ores
11:50 jin_xi and i like this early stage explorative mod development style
11:50 RealBadAngel when combined? thats coool
11:51 PilzAdam tripod, flowers, growing
11:51 RealBadAngel technic too ;)
11:51 tripod i saw that link
11:51 tripod in your sig
11:51 * jin_xi always disables signatures
11:52 tripod thanks guys.
11:52 tripod Calinou: NOU
11:52 Calinou CALI
11:52 RealBadAngel it actually started to work. i mean my mod
11:52 tripod I HAZ CANDY
11:52 Calinou MT is 1.75 year old btw
11:52 Calinou MC 3 years old
11:52 tripod i played infi
11:52 jin_xi what is that in ingame years?
11:52 tripod but i know nothing
11:53 Calinou jin_xi, real life years <_<
11:53 tripod of mt/mc
11:53 tripod Calinou: atomic time bitch
11:53 Calinou NO U
11:53 Calinou LEAP YEARS
11:53 jin_xi light years ahead...
11:53 RealBadAngel one thing mt has that mc can sit and cry
11:53 RealBadAngel modding API
11:54 RealBadAngel modding minecraft is pain in the ass
11:54 OldCoder Oh? MT is easier than MC ?
11:54 RealBadAngel theres no api for mc
11:55 PilzAdam jin_xi, its 0 in in-game years if you hold on the time
11:55 RealBadAngel each game update modders have to almost rewrite mods
11:56 RealBadAngel so it ends like for complex mod it is released like a month or more after game updates
11:56 RealBadAngel and they update game again
11:56 RealBadAngel even before modder was ready for previous one
11:56 RealBadAngel sick^2
11:56 Calinou minetest isn't complete at all, though
11:57 Calinou ^ that's the only thing that prevents MT from being popular
11:57 RealBadAngel and minecraft is?
11:57 Calinou no mobs, no 3D players, sound is basic, lacks game elements such as sprinting/etc
11:57 RealBadAngel laggy buggy as hell
11:57 Calinou minecraft is extremely popular because it's mature
11:57 Calinou it's not laggy; get a real fucking computer
11:57 RealBadAngel it IS
11:57 Calinou it's faster than MT on fast computers
11:57 Calinou it does use a lot of bandwidth and /lags/ but isn't /slow/ as in performance
11:58 Calinou also it works on OS X out of the box
11:58 RealBadAngel so what
11:58 RealBadAngel to play it on normal pc i had to buy more memory
11:59 RealBadAngel to configure it i fought for weeks
11:59 Calinou 2GB runs MC playably; 90% of computers sold after 2009 have that amount of RAM
11:59 RealBadAngel mojang's folks are not able to write optimizn stuff like OptiFine
12:00 Calinou mojang doesn't know the word "workaround" unfortunately
12:00 Calinou their game runs at 20TPS which is overkill
12:00 Calinou it'd work if it ran at 10TPS, with 50% reduced CPU usage
12:00 RealBadAngel they wanted to buy optifine but offered to few
12:00 RealBadAngel and author said fuck off
12:00 Calinou lol I got +q'd on #debian
12:00 Calinou * themill points towards #debian-offtopic
12:00 Calinou * Calinou is banned from #debian-offtopic
12:00 Calinou <Calinou> try harder
12:01 Calinou then themill +q'd me
12:01 RealBadAngel notch is no longer involved in minecraft
12:01 RealBadAngel jeb is main coder now
12:01 Calinou yeah, and dinnerbone
12:02 RealBadAngel yes, dinnerbone is makin api
12:02 Calinou shit API yeah
12:02 RealBadAngel and jeb is actually adding new kind of stairs and slabs to the game
12:03 Calinou he already did; still no nether brick slabs though :(
12:03 RealBadAngel and couloured wood
12:03 RealBadAngel awesome
12:03 Calinou also I beat him to panels (he didn't add panels to the game yet)
12:03 Calinou there is colored wood in moreblocks; jungle trees make jungle planks, sticks and fences
12:03 * Calinou still wants colored pressure plates, fences, sticks
12:03 RealBadAngel that modders should do
12:03 RealBadAngel not game developers lol
12:03 Calinou non-default: "not much people use it"
12:04 Calinou that's the problem of non-default settings/stuff
12:04 RealBadAngel wait two months and u will get new stairs ingame
12:04 RealBadAngel fuck it
12:04 Calinou new stairs have been added already
12:04 RealBadAngel talkin bout mc all the time
12:04 Calinou yes in MC, colored wood stairs/slabs
12:05 RealBadAngel nvm. mt is open source. i can code. i can play
12:05 RealBadAngel fuck mc
12:05 RealBadAngel period
12:06 OldCoder Not exactly the FOSS manifest but some of the same principles apply
12:06 OldCoder FOSS is Freedom
12:06 OldCoder :-)
12:06 tripod should I grab 0.4.1
12:06 tripod or the git\
12:07 tripod or delta-git
12:07 tripod so many choice!
12:07 RealBadAngel 0.4.2 rc1
12:08 tripod will have to manually compile it
12:08 tripod AUR/arch doesnt have 4.2
12:08 tripod brb
12:08 RealBadAngel wait a sec
12:08 tripod mk
12:08 RealBadAngel
12:09 RealBadAngel here u have the link
12:09 tripod ty
12:11 RealBadAngel and Calinou: one thing
12:11 RealBadAngel naked mc is still shit
12:11 RealBadAngel modders make it great
12:15 vicscandl meh, !<3 work
12:16 vicscandl not today at least...
12:18 OldCoder !<3 is valid?
12:18 * OldCoder is learning the intricacies of modern emoticons
12:18 OldCoder In my day we had :-) and :-(
12:18 RealBadAngel lol
12:18 RealBadAngel i also havent quite understood that one
12:18 * Calinou facepalms
12:18 Calinou #debian op quiets me
12:19 Calinou 10 minutes later bans me for "you should know better"
12:19 Calinou this is the second time I get banned for this reason
12:19 OldCoder Hmm
12:19 * OldCoder prefers specific disputes
12:19 vicscandl OldCoder: i not(<3) work is how it *should* have read.. :)
12:19 OldCoder Ah
12:20 OldCoder But !<3 is understandable. It simply opens an interesting door. What of log(<3) or D:**10 ?
12:20 vicscandl Calinou: it's ok, you can troliolio here....
12:20 Calinou no u
12:21 Calinou <OldCoder> FOSS is Freedom
12:21 OldCoder Yes
12:21 OldCoder Ghostshell is conflicted about that
12:21 Calinou no, for debian, FOSS is "fucking ostensible stripes of shadows"
12:22 Calinou :}
12:22 OldCoder All right
12:22 RealBadAngel hehehe
12:22 Calinou you don't say "all right", you should say "alright"
12:22 * OldCoder does not use Debian Ubuntu MINT Because he prefers his own
12:22 Calinou inb4 harshlinux
12:22 OldCoder Harshlinux?
12:22 * OldCoder googles
12:23 OldCoder I see no Harshlinux
12:23 vicscandl archlinux
12:23 Calinou yeah :}
12:24 Jeija joined #minetest
12:26 NekoGloop joined #minetest
12:26 NekoGloop Hello again, people of #minetest!
12:29 PilzAdam Hi NekoGloop
12:29 NekoGloop :3
12:31 OldCoder Meow
12:31 NekoGloop Mrowr!
12:39 iqualfragile joined #minetest
12:39 NekoGloop So how is everyone today?
12:41 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:47 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
12:51 RealBadAngel @calinou:
12:51 RealBadAngel partially answer why mt is great.
12:53 RealBadAngel everythin other goes same way. mc too
12:54 sdzen joined #minetest
12:55 NekoGloop What's that?
12:56 PilzAdam Quake
12:58 sfan5 joined #minetest
13:03 tripod RealBadAngel: good vid
13:03 tripod esp the speedrun at the end
13:03 Fixer joined #minetest
13:04 Calinou <PilzAdam> Quake
13:04 Calinou what does this have to do with quake?
13:04 Calinou there is no strafejumping in MT/MC
13:04 Calinou *cries*
13:05 RealBadAngel its the ways games goin today
13:05 PilzAdam Calinou, RealBadAngel postet a link  to a Quake vid
13:05 tripod RealBadAngel: yup.
13:05 PilzAdam and NekoGloop asked what this is
13:05 RealBadAngel i liked DLC's
13:05 RealBadAngel if you havent noticed
13:06 RealBadAngel like "Purple weapons pack"
13:06 RealBadAngel rotfl
13:07 Calinou it's not a DLC, it's a mod
13:08 RealBadAngel "purple weapons skins" exactly
13:11 thexyz
13:15 sdzen left #minetest
13:21 sdzen joined #minetest
13:22 Cornernote joined #minetest
13:22 Cornernote Hey
13:22 PilzAdam Hi
13:22 Cornernote New mesecon node box wire is awesome
13:22 PilzAdam yes
13:23 Cornernote Just looking how many new mods there are since I joined minetest... So amazing
13:24 Cornernote Used my first micro controller today to replace some old Xor gates
13:25 Cornernote Hey plizadam.. With the item drop mod, if u don't pick stuff up does it make the world slower
13:26 PilzAdam is that a question?
13:27 Cornernote I Thought maybe they could have a timer that deletes them after 30 seconds... U reckon there is any point?
13:28 tripod tab completition is win too btw
13:28 PilzAdam i can implement it
13:29 Cornernote If it makes it faster would be good
13:29 Cornernote Do u use github?
13:30 PilzAdam nope
13:32 Cornernote I like reading code on iPad.. Github makes it easy
13:39 JamieWill joined #minetest
13:40 JamieWill Yeah I have added to the teleporters reloaded mod by adding a /sethome1 and /sethome2
13:40 JamieWill same with the mine and town commands
14:00 tripod Calinou: love your post
14:01 Calinou no u
14:05 tripod fug u
14:17 OldCoder Back
14:18 OldCoder GitHub is useful
14:18 PilzAdam Ive created a mod that adds simple aliases for many mods:
14:18 PilzAdam Tell me if you want me to add more mods
14:20 Calinou moreblocks has some aliases for default mod btw :p
14:22 PilzAdam Calinou, but my mod supports more mods than moreblocks
14:27 Calinou yeah
14:38 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:43 xy joined #minetest
14:44 idoru joined #minetest
14:44 jin_xi joined #minetest
14:44 milleja46 joined #minetest
14:51 PilzAdam anyone knows a good farming mod?
14:52 Calinou marktraceur had an updated version of the farming mod; don't remember where it is
14:52 Calinou google?
14:52 Calinou (it's on gitorious)
14:57 PilzAdam Calinou, dont find it
14:57 PilzAdam the only one i know is
14:57 PilzAdam but its not finished
14:58 Calinou :/
14:58 PilzAdam ill make my own
14:59 * PilzAdam goes coding
14:59 Calinou lol yeah
15:07 keegan joined #minetest
15:08 keegan hello
15:08 Calinou hi
15:08 keegan who have the money mod??
15:08 Calinou not me
15:08 Calinou gtg bye
15:09 keegan bye
15:09 keegan who os tje owner of money mod??
15:16 keegan there is a bug with money mod
15:18 saschaheylik joined #minetest
15:29 Calinou joined #minetest
15:32 PilzAdam when i call a method of ItemStack that changes something on the Itemstack it has no effect
15:32 PilzAdam Only the inventory methods work
15:42 iqualfragile joined #minetest
15:56 NekoGloop joined #minetest
15:57 NekoGloop If I make a challenge map, how many people would play?
15:58 PilzAdam If its good i will play it
15:59 NekoGloop It'll be part of my MESEcons paradise, since it'll use a lot of mesecon puzzles within it
16:02 NekoGloop Er... scratch that
16:03 iqualfragile uhm… are there ops in this cannel? because i have not seen any
16:03 NekoGloop gonna copy the minetest over, regenerate a vanilla world with just mesecons and stairsplus etc. in place
16:03 saschaheylik celeron is in -dev
16:04 NekoGloop but celeron is not currently doing anything with minetest.
16:04 saschaheylik but hes op...
16:04 NekoGloop so?
16:04 saschaheylik that was the question
16:04 saschaheylik <iqualfragile> uhm… are there ops in this cannel? because i have not seen any
16:05 NekoGloop -this- channel
16:05 saschaheylik im sure he would come over to kick people
16:05 * NekoGloop kicks saschaheylik
16:05 saschaheylik except you dont
16:07 NekoGloop Meow~ :3
16:14 Calinou joined #minetest
16:16 NekoGloop Ohai Calinou :3
16:16 Calinou hi
16:16 keegan hey
16:18 keegan my computer s dumb
16:19 NekoGloop_ joined #minetest
16:19 NekoGloop_
16:19 * Calinou kicks NekoGloop_ to ##fix_your_connection
16:19 NekoGloop_ whatever
16:20 NekoGloop_ Obai NekoGloop :3
16:20 Calinou everwhat
16:21 keegan why is my laptop having cpu heart attacks?
16:21 NekoGloop_ because you're using it
16:21 keegan i just turn it on
16:22 NekoGloop_ because you're using it
16:22 Calinou don't use noobuntu :3
16:22 keegan its on my windows laptop
16:22 NekoGloop_ >windows
16:23 NekoGloop_ >laptop
16:23 NekoGloop_ umad bro
16:23 NekoGloop_ windows is for PCs, not laptops
16:23 blaze joined #minetest
16:23 Calinou winblows is for nothing
16:23 Calinou FTFY
16:23 servvs joined #minetest
16:24 NekoGloop_ To make mods world-exclusive, I put them in ~/worlds/world/worldmods, correct?
16:24 Calinou yes
16:24 Calinou /worlds/my_world_name/worldmods/moreblocks/init.lua
16:24 NekoGloop_ ok thanks
16:24 Calinou example structure ^
16:24 NekoGloop_ I'm making a challenge map, wanted to know
16:26 NekoGloop_ I need worldedit, stairsplus, and mesecons.
16:27 NekoGloop_ w
16:27 NekoGloop_ ...
16:27 NekoGloop_ which reminds me, I need to re-pull from github
16:29 triplei joined #minetest
16:35 NekoGloop_;feature=related
16:40 NekoGloop_ How do I call the meta of another node and set it as the meta of another?
16:42 thexyz i think you should know fields' names you want to copy from one to another
16:42 NekoGloop_ uh... so how do I do that?
16:42 NekoGloop_ the node I want to call is "special:irremovable"
16:42 thexyz oh, it seems i'm wrong
16:43 thexyz just use to_table/from_table
16:43 thexyz so local from = meta1:to_table()
16:43 thexyz meta2:from_table(from)
16:43 NekoGloop_ er...
16:43 NekoGloop_ I'll try to use that how I understood it
16:44 NekoGloop_ oh never mind, that wouldnt work anyway
16:45 neko259 joined #minetest
16:45 NekoGloop_ Ohai neko259 :3
16:45 sudoman joined #minetest
16:46 neko259 Hi.
16:47 NekoGloop_ Another neko, eh? lol
16:51 NekoGloop_ I really shouldnt apply 20 different effects to the same image and expect it to not look like shit
17:06 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:10 NekoGloop_ How do I make a node not drop anything when it is destroyed?
17:11 PilzAdam drop = "",
17:11 NekoGloop_ ok
17:11 NekoGloop_ that's what I thought but I couldnt be sure
17:22 iqualfragile joined #minetest
17:25 OldCoder NekoGloop_, the other neko has been around but I haven't seen him or her talk until now
17:25 NekoGloop_ i know
17:25 OldCoder Yes, I guess you'd notice nekos
17:26 NekoGloop_ :3
17:26 NekoGloop_ how does toolrepair work?
17:27 NekoGloop_ (I'm making a gamemode :P)
17:28 cisoun joined #minetest
17:28 PilzAdam NekoGloop_, jsut put 2 tools of the same type in the crafting grid
17:28 NekoGloop_ ah
17:28 NekoGloop_ and that does what?
17:29 PilzAdam adds the two wears of the tools plus a bonus
17:29 NekoGloop_ ah, i see
17:29 NekoGloop_ so in an adventurecraft-esque mode, leave it or keep it?
17:30 PilzAdam nobody use toolrepair so its not important
17:31 PilzAdam nobody even knows what toolreapair is
17:31 NekoGloop_ lol ok
17:31 NekoGloop_ so remove it so that the few people who do know dont try to use it?
17:31 PilzAdam no
17:31 PilzAdam leave it in
17:32 PilzAdam so the people wich play minetest long get a bonus
17:32 NekoGloop_ lolno
17:32 NekoGloop_ bye-bye toolrepair ;)
17:33 iqualfragile oh, hey, there is toolrepair?
17:33 iqualfragile awsome :D
17:33 NekoGloop_ ... lol
17:33 PilzAdam as is said
17:37 NekoGloop_ ok, so now no ores generate ;)
17:38 NekoGloop_ Let's go comment out ores node registering so that those arent there...
17:40 NekoGloop_ Wow, this is confusing >.>
17:40 hmmmm joined #minetest
17:40 NekoGloop_ oh great, hmmmm...
17:40 hmmmm ...yes?
17:40 NekoGloop_ :D
17:40 hmmmm ...
17:41 NekoGloop_ I'm bored :D
17:41 PilzAdam arent you coding?
17:41 NekoGloop_ sorta
17:41 PilzAdam can you make bread texture?
17:41 NekoGloop_ I'm really just f*cking with the default mod.
17:42 NekoGloop_ Isnt there already bread in nature mod?
17:45 Calinou <PilzAdam> NekoGloop_, jsut put 2 tools of the same type in the crafting grid
17:45 Calinou the bonus is very small by default: 2%
17:45 NekoGloop_ i know
17:45 Calinou moreblocks extends it to 15% though :3
17:45 NekoGloop_ i know that too
17:52 summonermw2 joined #minetest
17:56 NekoGloop_ how do I make a tool have infinite uses?
17:57 PilzAdam in the groupcaps uses=0 i think
17:58 NekoGloop_ thank you
17:58 PilzAdam im not sure about that
17:58 NekoGloop_ ok
18:16 NekoGloop_ yup
18:16 PilzAdam Someone want to test my farming mod: ?
18:16 NekoGloop_ you were right
18:17 NekoGloop_ And I hate f*cking with default
18:18 NekoGloop_ sand is being retarded
18:19 NekoGloop_ I can comment out all the code that has anything to do with falling nodes, and it's still being retarded as f*ck
18:21 TheLastProject joined #minetest
18:22 NekoGloop_ Now, my adventurecraft gamemode disallows breaking of nodes with anything but an edit stick, which is only available via creative inventory or /giveme
18:22 NakedFury joined #minetest
18:24 Jeija joined #minetest
18:25 NekoGloop_ Ohai Jeija
18:25 Jeija Hi NekoGloop_
18:25 NekoGloop_ Damn, I still have the underscore lol
18:25 NekoGloop Better :3
18:26 NekoGloop Well, adventuretest is coming nicelt
18:26 NekoGloop nicely*
18:30 saschaheylik_ joined #minetest
18:33 NekoGloop How would I make an abm work for a group?
18:33 NekoGloop example an abm for all nodes with group {trap=1}
18:34 PilzAdam nodenames = {"group:trap"},
18:34 NekoGloop ok, thank you
18:37 NekoGloop how do i check for a certain level?
18:38 NekoGloop i.e. {trap=1} does something different than {trap=2}
18:38 PilzAdam if node.groups.trap == 1 then
18:38 NekoGloop than you
18:38 NekoGloop thank*
18:39 PilzAdam use the node and not the name
18:39 NekoGloop ?
18:39 PilzAdam dont use "modname:nodename".groups
18:39 PilzAdam this wont worl
18:39 PilzAdam *work
18:39 PilzAdam use mine
18:39 NekoGloop so that line exactly?
18:39 PilzAdam use minetest.env:get_node(pos).groups
18:40 NekoGloop ... ok
18:43 NekoGloop;feature=relmfu ding dong...
18:45 NekoGloop We need a /clearworld function :P
18:45 cisoun joined #minetest
18:46 NekoGloop is there a mod I can use to allow a /clearworld?
18:46 PilzAdam delete the map.sqlite
18:46 NekoGloop lol
18:46 NekoGloop (seriously?)
18:46 PilzAdam yes
18:46 NekoGloop 0.0
18:47 PilzAdam only the blocks will be deletet
18:47 PilzAdam inventory and position will be safe
18:47 NekoGloop lol @ map.sqlite in notepad++
18:47 NekoGloop it must be a compressed filetype, correct?
18:48 PilzAdam its a sqlite database
18:56 NekoGloop buckets... go or no go for adventuretest?
18:57 PilzAdam i dont know what is the goal of adventuretest
18:58 NekoGloop adventurecraft-esque playing enviroment
18:58 NekoGloop I incorporated bobblocks's method of damaging the player when they hit traps...
18:59 NekoGloop As well as an edit-stick that is the only tool that can break anything...
18:59 NekoGloop But should buckets be in?
19:00 PilzAdam you "destroy" water when taking it with bucket
19:00 PilzAdam so: no
19:00 NekoGloop ok
19:01 NekoGloop Now let's hope that minetest doesnt crash after all this editing :D
19:01 NekoGloop lol
19:01 NekoGloop yup, it crashed >.>
19:02 whirm joined #minetest
19:02 NekoGloop Hm, it also has less processor load lol
19:02 NekoGloop (i got it to load :P)
19:03 NekoGloop Hm... I wonder if mesecons still works...
19:03 NekoGloop oh wow, they do
19:03 NekoGloop wasnt expecting that :P
19:04 NekoGloop Hm... How do I make time stop?
19:05 PilzAdam time_speed = 0 in minetest.conf
19:06 NekoGloop_ joined #minetest
19:06 NekoGloop_ Repeat that please
19:06 PilzAdam time_speed = 0 in minetest.conf
19:06 PilzAdam or minetest.setting_set(time_speed, 0)
19:06 NekoGloop_ ok
19:07 NekoGloop_ Wouldnt that affect all maps though?
19:07 PilzAdam im not sure
19:07 PilzAdam im feeling like writing 90% of your code :)
19:07 NekoGloop_ ok
19:07 _2cool4me4_ joined #minetest
19:08 NekoGloop_ lol
19:08 NekoGloop_ I have the ideas, you have the code ;)
19:08 PilzAdam i have ideas too
19:08 _2cool4me4_ I made a video for my ALU
19:09 NekoGloop_ oh look I left
19:09 NekoGlooop ... too many O's
19:09 _2cool4me4_
19:09 _2cool4me4_ Lotsa mitsakes
19:09 NekoGloop _2cool4me4_: Link it?
19:09 NekoGloop dammit ninja'd
19:09 _2cool4me4_ lol
19:10 NekoGloop btw: may-say-cons is not correct
19:11 _2cool4me4_ So what is it?
19:11 NekoGloop me-se-cons, exactly how you see it, is correct
19:11 NekoGloop dont put emphasis on the "s" btw
19:11 _2cool4me4_ well sorry, it's my first voiceover
19:11 NekoGloop ok ok just making sure you know
19:12 NekoGloop incase you decide to do another one
19:12 PilzAdam farming with my farming mod is fun:
19:12 _2cool4me4_ that wasn't random at all
19:12 _2cool4me4_ wat
19:12 NekoGloop you have 9897 microcontrollers in the vid ;)
19:12 _2cool4me4_ Oh, yeah
19:13 _2cool4me4_ It's my mesecons fun world, I mess with them a lot
19:13 NekoGloop lol
19:13 _2cool4me4_ This is my first useful thing
19:13 NekoGloop i have one of those
19:13 _2cool4me4_ And it features much of the same features of minecraft!
19:14 PilzAdam :)
19:14 NekoGloop isnt the thing you're showing just a really complicated multi-logic gate?
19:14 _2cool4me4_ where
19:14 NekoGloop the whole thing
19:14 _2cool4me4_ yep
19:15 NekoGloop basically a couple OR gates and an AND gate, maybe a single NOR gate?
19:15 _2cool4me4_ no, a single XOR
19:15 PilzAdam i made this a few months ago without microcontrollers
19:15 _2cool4me4_ so it's (me) se with a "short" e?
19:15 PilzAdam but with 4 bit each number
19:16 _2cool4me4_ It's my first time with anything near computing
19:16 PilzAdam was 20*20*30
19:16 PilzAdam with microconrollers it would be 5*5*1
19:17 _2cool4me4_ See, that's how progress works
19:17 PilzAdam i made a keybord with microcontrollers that converts the input into ascii
19:17 _2cool4me4_ GAH
19:17 * _2cool4me4_ runs
19:17 PilzAdam it needs about 45sec. for 1 character :)
19:17 _2cool4me4_ oh
19:18 NekoGloop "long" e
19:18 PilzAdam 28 microcontrollers
19:18 _2cool4me4_ Me-See-cons?
19:18 NekoGloop Me-s-cons
19:19 NekoGloop or if you prefer, Mes-cons
19:19 _2cool4me4_ oohkay
19:19 NekoGloop the last one is probably correct
19:19 PilzAdam every of the 28 Microcontrollers with about 550 chars of code
19:20 NekoGloop lol
19:20 _2cool4me4_ wat
19:20 PilzAdam heres code for the "A"
19:20 PilzAdam if(!D) off(A) off(B) sbi(10, 1); if(C) sbi(11, 1); if(D&#8) if(#10) off(A) sbi(8,0) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#7) if(#10) on(A) sbi(7,0) sbi(8,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#6) if(#10) off(A) sbi(6,0) sbi(7,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#5) if(#10) off(A) sbi(5,0) sbi(6,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#4) if(#10) off(A) sbi(4,0) sbi(5,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#3) if(#10) off(A) sbi(3,0) sbi(4,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#2) if(#10) off(A) sbi(2,0) sbi(3,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#1) if(#
19:20 PilzAdam 10) on(A) sbi(1,0) sbi(2,1) sbi(10, 0);; if(D&#11) if(#10) on(A) sbi(11,0) sbi(1,1) sbi(10, 0);;
19:20 NekoGloop holy sh*t
19:20 _2cool4me4_ That would take a while
19:22 NakedFury    type mesecons and hear how they pronounce it
19:22 PilzAdam in C comes the signal from keaboard; D is the tact; A is output of ascii
19:22 NekoGloop that thing is stupid
19:23 PilzAdam NakedFury, type "PilzAdam"
19:23 PilzAdam :)
19:23 _2cool4me4_ wierd
19:23 NekoGloop sounds like plucking a bow string xD
19:23 NakedFury nice
19:23 NakedFury the voice is a little weird
19:23 NekoGloop try female
19:23 _2cool4me4_ Type nekogloop
19:23 NekoGloop i did that
19:24 NekoGloop Neck-Gloop is not how you say it ;)
19:24 _2cool4me4_ It is in the computer world
19:24 NekoGloop lol female voice says Necka-Galoop
19:24 PilzAdam lol type only Gloop
19:25 _2cool4me4_ Don't type 2cool4me4
19:25 NekoGloop female for that is how I say it
19:26 NekoGloop LOL _2cool4me4_
19:26 NekoGloop type lol ;)
19:26 _2cool4me4_ That's right
19:27 iqualfragile joined #minetest
19:27 NekoGloop type some romanji, get some freaky sh*t
19:28 NekoGloop Example: "Anata yo watashite"
19:29 NekoGloop supposed to be A-na-ta yo wa-ta-shi-te
19:29 NekoGloop Anyways, back to coding
19:30 PilzAdam who wants to try the beta of my farming mod?
19:30 PilzAdam
19:30 PilzAdam
19:32 NekoGloop not me
19:32 PilzAdam :(
19:33 _2cool4me4_ Is there a program like MCEdit for Minetest
19:33 PilzAdam what is MCEdit?
19:34 _2cool4me4_ It lets you change the terrain in a minecraft world
19:34 _2cool4me4_ Like make the whole thing flat
19:34 NakedFury I think mcedit could be made to work with minetest
19:34 NakedFury its opensource
19:34 NekoGloop isnt there a thing in the forums?
19:34 PilzAdam WorldEdit
19:34 NekoGloop not what he means
19:35 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
19:35 tinoesroho joined #minetest
19:36 _2cool4me4_ looks like it could work
19:36 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
19:38 NakedFury world edit is coming along nicely
19:39 NakedFury I think it just had a major overhaul
19:39 _2cool4me4_ I just wiped 8680 blocks! (6)
19:39 NekoGloop lol
19:42 _2cool4me4_ I'm clear cutting the world!
19:43 tinoesroho Heya.
19:43 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
19:43 NakedFury hey
19:44 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
19:44 _2cool4me4_ NO SAPLINGS
19:45 NekoGloop lol
19:46 NekoGloop How hard would a mob spawner block be, and then the code for the mob itself? (mob would mimic MC zombies, to keep it simple)
19:46 TLP|AFK joined #minetest
19:46 PilzAdam mobspawner = easy
19:46 PilzAdam mob = very hard
19:47 NekoGloop ok :3
19:47 * NekoGloop puts on sunglasses
19:47 NekoGloop Challenge accepted.
19:47 PilzAdam I will be your wingman!
19:47 NekoGloop lol ok
19:47 NekoGloop then talk to me in PM
19:48 _2cool4me4_ how do you turn up the minimum viewing range?!?!?
19:48 ray8888 joined #minetest
19:48 khonkhortisan r
19:48 _2cool4me4_ no
19:48 NekoGloop i think he means without making lagtastic spikes
19:49 _2cool4me4_ lol
19:49 PilzAdam viewing_range_nodes_max = 160 and viewing_range_nodes_min = 35
19:49 _2cool4me4_ I turned it down but can't turn it back up!
19:50 ray8888 left #minetest
19:50 _2cool4me4_ There, it's working again
19:50 NekoGloop wb Jeija :3
19:50 _2cool4me4_ yay jeija!
19:51 NekoGloop overviewing animals code now
19:51 NekoGloop hoping to be able to make it somewhat less... laggy
19:52 jin_xi look at c55 mobs mod maybe
19:52 NekoGloop tried that, it's just confusing ;)
19:52 tinoesroho Neko, I`ve already done it.
19:53 tinoesroho
19:53 NekoGloop I'm trying to make an adventuretest mode
19:53 NekoGloop similar to adventurecraft ;)
19:54 tinoesroho Then simply remove all the other animalmods, leaving the vombies and animals intact.
19:54 NekoGloop need mobs of some kind
19:54 NekoGloop ... how about I just f*ck with it myself, eh?
19:54 NekoGloop Or me and PilzAdam, i guess ;)
19:54 tinoesroho Don`t reinvent the wheel, Neko. My advice is to play around with the Vombies code and see what else you can do.
19:54 tinoesroho The animals engine is really flexible.
19:55 PilzAdam tinoesroho, i agrre with you.... sorry NekoGloop
19:55 NekoGloop I'm gonna reinvent the wheel to be round ;)
19:55 _2cool4me4_ wat
19:55 NekoGloop Mesecons compatibility, anyone?
19:55 Jeija You were talking about mesecons pronounciation: According to celeron it should be meh-seh-cons (just like they say here, I call it mees-cons
19:55 tinoesroho Hey Pilz.
19:55 NekoGloop I say it like Jeija lol
19:55 NekoGloop (I just didnt use that annotation)
19:55 tinoesroho It would be downright simple to change the abm to some sort of mesecon trigger.
19:56 _2cool4me4_ So did I do it right, oh mighty creator?
19:56 PilzAdam Jeija, i pronounce it german :)
19:56 tinoesroho *drools while droning on about various things*
19:57 Jeija PilzAdam: Although I'm also german, I pronounce it english; sounds kinda stupid in german
19:57 PilzAdam I know
19:57 tinoesroho Eh. Meese (rhymes with geese) cons, I say myself.
19:57 tinoesroho It sounds so meh seh other wise.
19:58 NekoGloop That's what I say, and probably how jeija says it to, tinoesroho
19:58 tinoesroho Damned input switched to french layout. Blasted bilingualism.
19:58 Jeija That's exactly how I pronouce it
19:58 tinoesroho It could be worse, it could be Punjabi input.
19:58 Jeija (let it pronounce the german of course)
19:58 NekoGloop OH MY GOD TOO LOUD
19:59 schumaml left #minetest
19:59 _2cool4me4_ Okay
20:00 NekoGloop @Jeija: I say it that way too, despite I'm american of course ;)
20:00 NekoGloop That one just makes the most sense imo
20:01 _2cool4me4_ THAT's how you burn things in Minetest
20:01 NekoGloop //set fire:fire
20:01 _2cool4me4_ No, lava sources
20:01 _2cool4me4_ nuff said
20:01 NekoGloop use creative mode, you can put fire in your inventory ;)
20:02 _2cool4me4_ Really?
20:02 tinoesroho Oh man. My brother torched my entire city with just a single bucket of lava.
20:02 _2cool4me4_ Build it out of stone next time
20:03 OldCoder tinoesroho, were you allowed to use buckets of water to stop it?
20:03 tinoesroho It didn`t work on 0.4.0.
20:03 tinoesroho Punching the flames works.
20:03 tinoesroho Somewhat.
20:03 tinoesroho I`ve removed the buckets altogether - much too griefing friendly.
20:04 _2cool4me4_ Now there's huge glitch shadows
20:05 _2cool4me4_ okay, that'll be burning for a while
20:05 cy1 tinoesroho: you should just set lava to not burn stuff. :T
20:05 tinoesroho Disable the fire mod, ehÉ
20:05 cy1 That too.
20:05 _2cool4me4_ lol
20:05 cy1 Fire is pretty and amazingly realistic but
20:05 cy1 it kills servers
20:05 tinoesroho Eh yup.
20:06 leo_rockway there's probably not a legit usage for lava in a server...
20:06 cy1 My server has a modified fire mod that works OK.
20:06 leo_rockway since we don't do obsidian.
20:06 cy1 leo_rockway: orly
20:06 cy1 lava is useful for killing people #1, and for pretty glass enclosed structures #2
20:07 cy1 w/out lava what is the temple of Satan supposed to use for a sacrificial pit? Falling damage? Lame!
20:07 tinoesroho Only if you cap it. My brother mad a chandilier and forgot to cap it. Fire in the hole! Out of the hole! Fire everywhere!
20:07 tinoesroho Maptools killblocks!
20:07 cy1 "shit I still have half a heart left. Hold on I'll build a ladder up so I can sacrifice myself again."
20:07 tinoesroho That works every time!
20:08 tinoesroho But lava is so much cooler looking.
20:08 tinoesroho -.-
20:08 cy1 yeah
20:08 cy1 especially since someone animated it
20:09 tinoesroho Hey, anybody interested in running a Nazi Zombies server(Question mark) I`d do so, but I`m not at home(period)
20:09 sdzen joined #minetest
20:10 cy1 I only do minetest servers.
20:10 PilzAdam tinoesroho, not nazis
20:10 NakedFury why cant they be Jew Zombies?
20:10 NakedFury its always nazis
20:11 NekoGloop I put lava on a server to make a challenge room, chest at the end for the victor ;)
20:11 _2cool4me4_ lol
20:11 _2cool4me4_ what did the chest have in it
20:11 NekoGloop mithril
20:12 _2cool4me4_ oh
20:12 NekoGloop moreores was in effect
20:12 NekoGloop ;)
20:12 tinoesroho ... Apple zombies much(question mark)
20:12 NakedFury it had a chained mithril vest
20:12 PilzAdam running a cotton plantage is hard work:
20:12 _2cool4me4_ I would have made it empty :evil:
20:12 NekoGloop well everyone after the first person comes to an empty chest, so... >:3
20:12 tinoesroho Scratch that. 3D MC-player-like zombies. Ha!
20:12 _2cool4me4_ what's your os pilz?
20:13 cy1 PilzAdam: does farming stuff grow that far away from water?
20:13 PilzAdam _2cool4me4_, Kubuntu 11.10
20:13 _2cool4me4_ Ohh, I thought it looked something like Ubuntu.
20:13 PilzAdam cy1, in radius of 4
20:13 cy1 ooh thought it had to be like right next to it.
20:14 PilzAdam _2cool4me4_, KDE is better than Unity so i use Kubuntu and not ubuntu
20:14 sdzen joined #minetest
20:14 PilzAdam but everything else is same
20:14 cy1 PilzAdam: Lubuntu is where it's at :B
20:14 leo_rockway KDE <3
20:14 NakedFury too many ubuntus
20:15 _2cool4me4_ But what about nubuntu for the newbies?
20:15 NekoGloop not enough windows ;P
20:15 leo_rockway PilzAdam: which mod is that with the cotton?
20:15 PilzAdam My farming mod (not released yet)
20:15 iqualfragile pilzadam: is there a repos for your farming-mod? im curently using hydroculture but its too inbalanced
20:15 PilzAdam you get free beta access:
20:15 cy1 NakedFury:
20:16 cy1 PilzAdam: orly
20:16 NakedFury get the fuck out
20:16 PilzAdam cy1, lol
20:16 NakedFury thats a joke right?
20:16 PilzAdam i hope so
20:16 _2cool4me4_ I hope so
20:16 hmmmmmm joined #minetest
20:16 _2cool4me4_ There's an echo in here
20:16 leo_rockway PilzAdam: I'm at work :S I'll fetch it once I get home.
20:16 _2cool4me4_ can you say virus?
20:17 leo_rockway virus
20:17 NekoGloop Oh god it's too many m's
20:17 NakedFury man if linux devs stopped making more crap distros and got together for 1 version linux would rule the world
20:17 * PilzAdam says "VIrus"
20:17 _2cool4me4_ WRONG
20:17 leo_rockway NakedFury: nonsense.
20:17 PilzAdam NakedFury, absolutly wron
20:17 PilzAdam wrong*
20:17 NakedFury really?
20:17 leo_rockway Irish potato famine is my answer to that.
20:17 cy1 PilzAdam:
20:18 cy1 NakedFury: distros are just pretty packaging on the same damn programs, so don't worry about it.
20:18 leo_rockway you rely on one thing, find a weakness to that thing and *poof* you're gone.
20:18 cy1 It's the Qt/Gtk split that really gets my jimmies rustled.
20:18 PilzAdam cy1, Is that hydroculture?
20:18 leo_rockway Qt <3
20:18 NakedFury ok thought distros were some sort of forks of a version
20:19 leo_rockway not really
20:19 cy1 "Trolltech: hey let's fix GTK oh no wait we can fag everything up by splitting the UI community in half forever lolololololol"
20:19 cy1 PilzAdam: It's a farming mod. Yours I guess. Your textures at least.
20:19 tinoesroho And don`t mention KDE. I hate installing KDElibs
20:19 leo_rockway cy1: GTK wasn't a general purpose graphical tolkit.
20:19 leo_rockway the G meant GIMP at the time.
20:19 _2cool4me4_ this is jewbuntu:
20:19 tinoesroho And Nokià has now dumped QT on another company. -.-
20:19 leo_rockway Digia
20:19 tinoesroho Myself, I use Linux Mint. No issues.
20:20 leo_rockway Nokia sucks, so hopefully things o well.
20:20 leo_rockway go*
20:20 NakedFury nokia do suck, I agree
20:20 cy1 leo_rockway: neh, well Trolltech could have done that. They didn't so instead people still use C++ out of inertia.
20:20 tinoesroho Heck. Linux Mint is now number four on the OS charts. -.- Yey!
20:20 leo_rockway I think GTK is horrible.
20:20 jin_xi try GNUstep
20:20 cy1 GTK is better than Qt. That's not hard to do though. Both are pretty horrible. :p
20:20 leo_rockway I have.
20:21 leo_rockway I love Qt
20:21 leo_rockway the E libraries are nice too.
20:21 PilzAdam NakedFury, wrong (again)
20:21 PilzAdam Linux is just the kernel
20:21 PilzAdam everything else depends on the distro
20:21 PilzAdam they can be absolutly different
20:21 PilzAdam some distros have package repos, in other you have to compile the source
20:21 PilzAdam there are different GUI like gnome, KDE, unity
20:21 PilzAdam *GUIs
20:21 * PilzAdam stops the long monolog
20:21 NekoGloop Isnt C++ enough letters?
20:21 jin_xi qt features are ok, MOC sucks
20:21 cy1 PilzAdam: They can be, but they usually aren't.
20:21 tinoesroho `Hey! I can do this better than you can! FORK YOU!` And then somebody thinks, hey I can do this better than you and here we go again.
20:22 leo_rockway tinoesroho: what's the problem in that?
20:22 cy1 tinoesroho: and people who are wrong get lost in obscurity. yay!
20:22 cy1 This is why I like git.
20:22 cy1 Everyone forks everyone else.
20:22 tinoesroho Because now we`ve got 1120 forking distros and not enough devs to maintain em all. Myself, I like Debian and Fedora. Period.
20:22 cy1 minetest-c55 is literally c55's personal opinion as to what minetest should be.
20:23 leo_rockway tinoesroho: then they die o.0
20:23 leo_rockway again, what's the problem there?
20:23 cy1 tinoesroho: I dunno, there sure seem to be a lot of people involved with Ubuntu...
20:23 leo_rockway survival of the fittest.
20:23 leo_rockway if a distro offers something others don't, then that one will not die.
20:23 tinoesroho Try converting your relatives to Linux. They get lost darned quick. Linux Mint, not so much, but any other distro and they go boom.
20:23 leo_rockway my sister uses Arch
20:24 leo_rockway o.0
20:24 cy1 Besides that Kubuntu/Lubuntu/Xubuntu/Ubuntu have been streamlined down to compilation settings pretty much.
20:24 tinoesroho (```Why so many versions(question mark) Why can`t they all just work together like Microsoft(question mark) How come I can`t install MSN smileys(questionmark)```)
20:24 cy1 tinoesroho: I would if I could convince em to even try it...
20:24 cy1 "work together like Microsoft" lol
20:24 leo_rockway tinoesroho: don't they ask you questions about Windows too?
20:25 NekoGloop Microsoft needs to focus on Windows, not Xcrap
20:25 NekoGloop Excuse me, Xbox.
20:25 cy1 oh no, Windows is beyond questioning. If it doesn't work it's just your original sin that caused it.
20:25 tinoesroho Heck yes. I`m the go-to guy around my place.
20:25 leo_rockway my answer to Windows questions is "I don't know, I haven't used Windows since XP SP2"
20:25 NekoGloop I have said windows, leo_rockway ;)
20:25 NekoGloop On this very computer
20:25 * vicscandl has been redmond free for over 5 years now...
20:26 tinoesroho I still have 98 installed on an old box for training purposes. Borked my 7 install. Tried 8, borked that too.
20:26 cy1 I haven't used Windows since 98 :B
20:26 leo_rockway vicscandl: pretty much the same for me.
20:26 leo_rockway cy1: I had Slackware 7 at the time, but then my hard drive died...
20:26 leo_rockway I didn't have my own comp, and had to share with my family.
20:26 tinoesroho I did train my very computer-averse father to use Linux Mint. He`s found bajillions of features I never knew existed.
20:26 leo_rockway they all use GNU/Linux now, luckily
20:26 NekoGloop cy1: Is that the year, '98 or windows 98?
20:26 cy1 NekoGloop: yes
20:26 NekoGloop ...?
20:26 tinoesroho And this coming from the guy who converted in `08
20:26 NekoGloop Both?
20:26 saschaheylik_ tinoesroho: i wish my father was that smart
20:27 cy1 either or, or both!
20:27 cy1 But both.
20:27 NekoGloop ... ok then...
20:27 NekoGloop POLICE!
20:27 leo_rockway I taught my mom how to use a computer. I told her to take the mouse in her hand and to point up...
20:27 NekoGloop POLICE!
20:27 leo_rockway she literally raised the mouse up
20:27 NekoGloop MADMAN ON THE LOOSE!!
20:27 * cy1 uses inclusive or in everyday conversation `-`
20:27 leo_rockway that's how much she knew about computers.
20:27 tinoesroho I don`t. When he gets on the computer, I can rest assured I won`t be using it until the next day. He loooooves playing on it.
20:28 leo_rockway she can play games on GNU/Linux without a problema now.
20:28 tinoesroho My grandparents learned to play cards on Ubuntu back in 09. Wow.
20:28 NekoGloop lol my family is extremely computer-oriented
20:28 tinoesroho It was pretty cool showing them how I could grab all 208 games in a single command. Sadly, I am now haunted by Solitaire.
20:29 _2cool4me4_ I wonder what would happen if my dad turned on this computer to linux one day...
20:29 tinoesroho Not Ubuntu, is itÉ Save him the horrors of Unity!
20:29 NekoGloop @_scool4me4_: In case of that, remove your hentai background ;)
20:29 cy1 A few days ago I suggested to the person I live with "I still think you should give Linux a try. I could keep it working well and there'd be no problem!" and they were like "What I need is an up to date Windows version."
20:29 tinoesroho sudo apt-get install sabayon
20:30 leo_rockway tinoesroho: a friend of mine absolutely loves Unity.
20:30 NekoGloop cy1: That sounds like me
20:30 cy1 I bring it up every few months or so... same response.
20:30 leo_rockway I've tried it... I'm not impressed.
20:30 tinoesroho And configure a Guest acount and they can never screw it up.
20:30 tinoesroho All changes wiped when you set Sabayon up properly. Yes!
20:30 tinoesroho "Some swear by Unity. Most swear AT it."
20:30 NekoGloop lol
20:30 * NekoGloop is not most or some
20:30 leo_rockway cy1: well, it's funny to hear "I've tried Linux, it sucks" and then they tell you they tried it in 1999 o.0
20:30 * NekoGloop is the one
20:31 cy1 Unity is OK I suppose. I prefer XFCE.
20:31 leo_rockway I'm yet to try Gnome3
20:31 * tinoesroho always loads a liveCD into library computers
20:31 cy1 leo_rockway: haha yeah that's pretty crazy
20:31 tinoesroho They still haven`t noticed. Grin.
20:31 cy1 tinoesroho: hacker! POLICE! SOMEBODY HELP!
20:31 leo_rockway Newsflash: Linux did suck in 1999!
20:31 cy1 Newsflash: everything sucked in 1999
20:31 cy1 and still sucks
20:32 tinoesroho I remember the day I dropped xPUD into the slot. Most people were like, LOLWUT, and then clicked on the Firefox icon.
20:32 NekoGloop Newsflash: the world didnt exist in 1999
20:32 PilzAdam lets build a time machine and travel to 1999!
20:32 leo_rockway installing GNU/Linux you had to set up your monitor refresh rate manually...
20:32 leo_rockway it was insane
20:32 * PilzAdam starts building
20:32 NekoGloop You will need some mese for that, PilzAdam.
20:32 leo_rockway PilzAdam: give us the craft recipe.
20:32 cy1 PilzAdam: what server are you on?
20:32 PilzAdam localhost
20:33 cy1 ._.
20:33 NekoGloop He's on
20:33 cy1 can't share that
20:33 NekoGloop :D
20:33 leo_rockway > work in IT
20:33 * PilzAdam finished the machine
20:33 NekoGloop would be funny if that's an actual server
20:33 leo_rockway > input in browser
20:33 cy1 PilzAdam: I can has shell acct? c:
20:33 leo_rockway > co-worker (who works in IT) asks "what IP is that?"
20:33 * leo_rockway facepalms
20:33 tinoesroho Haha.
20:34 tinoesroho I spent a summer at a helpdesk. It was hilarious.
20:34 PilzAdam ohhh i made a mistake
20:34 cy1 "It's"
20:34 PilzAdam i build a machine that travels only in the future and not the past
20:34 cy1 He meant to ask what is that IP address for, which he should have known.
20:34 * PilzAdam destroys the time machine
20:34 leo_rockway PilzAdam: one second per second, right?
20:34 NekoGloop I spent a week in my friend's house. I had more computer problems to solve than an IT technician has in a year
20:34 cy1 leo_rockway: depending on your reference frame!
20:35 tinoesroho Why didn`t ya just install Linux on his PCÉ
20:35 NekoGloop Because Linux causes more errors
20:35 leo_rockway I have a friend who offers people with Windows problems to install Ubuntu on their comps. He charges 5 bucks for that and offers lifetime support for free.
20:35 leo_rockway he rarely gets support calls.
20:36 PilzAdam NekoGloop, linux only causes problems at the beginnig
20:36 tinoesroho Ha. Smart.
20:36 PilzAdam and windows all the time
20:36 NekoGloop Linux causes more errors in that short amount of time than a windows comp does in our lifetimes
20:36 leo_rockway most people trying to install GNU/Linux complain it's hard... but they have never even tried to install Windows.
20:37 tinoesroho "The problem is an I/O error. Ignorant Operator."
20:37 leo_rockway and installing GNU/Linux these days is a walk in a park for the mots part.
20:37 leo_rockway most*
20:37 NekoGloop I had to install windows on a comp before
20:37 NekoGloop that was not at all hard
20:37 tinoesroho Just pop in a LiveCD, click install, select option ("Share hard drive!"), and go.
20:37 leo_rockway you can even browse the web while it installs
20:37 tinoesroho Windows freaking 98 on 486. Problems ahoy.
20:38 tinoesroho Or Win 98 on a freaking P4.
20:38 tinoesroho God.
20:38 PilzAdam tomorow i will realease my farming mod
20:38 tinoesroho It couldn`t use more than a gig of ram.
20:38 PilzAdam ggt
20:38 PilzAdam bye
20:38 tinoesroho AND IT FREAKING COULD`USE ONLY 100 GB of HDD!
20:38 tinoesroho See ya
20:40 theTroy joined #minetest
20:40 tinoesroho Hey theTroy
20:40 NekoGloop I read that as "destroy"
20:40 leo_rockway Detrot
20:40 leo_rockway Detroit*
20:41 NekoGloop lolwat
20:41 iqualfragile im in the right channel
20:42 iqualfragile milions of linux-users bashing (pun) the few windows-fanboys
20:42 * leo_rockway doesn't use BASH o.o
20:43 * NekoGloop bashes iqualfragile's head in
20:43 tinoesroho I use SH myself.
20:43 iqualfragile zsh
20:44 leo_rockway zsh <3
20:44 iqualfragile nah, i dont even use a shel, i talk directly to the kernel using 2 copperwires
20:44 leo_rockway zsh is really neat.
20:45 NekoGloop can anyone point me to a decent documentation on the minetest api?
20:46 RealBadAngel oh, there is such thing?
20:46 NekoGloop nvm
20:46 theTroy I use MacOS
20:46 NekoGloop found it in lua_api.txt in the default folder
20:46 theTroy screw linux and windows
20:46 RealBadAngel same is in the forums neko
20:47 NekoGloop ok whatever
20:47 leo_rockway MacOS? As in MacOS 9?
20:48 tinoesroho don`t knock it.
20:48 tinoesroho OSX really sucks in comparison.
20:48 * tinoesroho grins runs and ducks
20:48 leo_rockway I have only used cheetah for a very short time...
20:48 leo_rockway I'm not a fan of the walled garden
20:48 NekoGloop ikr
20:48 theTroy walled gardens are awesome
20:49 theTroy you are spoon-fed what you must think and buy
20:49 theTroy isnt that just brilliance in complete ignorance?
20:49 leo_rockway theTroy: you'd be perfect as president of my country...
20:49 theTroy I'll pass if your country isnt a world :P
20:49 NekoGloop leo_rockway: Would that be the USA? ;)
20:50 leo_rockway Argentina
20:50 * tinoesroho Points at Mitt Romney. theTroy would make a good replacement
20:50 * tinoesroho runs away back to Chile.
20:50 leo_rockway I personally think that both Romney and Obama suck...
20:50 leo_rockway it would be complicated for me to vote there
20:50 tinoesroho So do I. I hope that Romney loses, otherwise us Canadians are in for a world of trouble.
20:51 * tinoesroho finally gets his Chilean Citizenship
20:51 theTroy But seriously guys, if we talk politics. Most countries are bound in ill minded populace that is being scared by one wolf or the other, making them completely ignore that they are running around like morons, barely get anything to eat, and are being skinnned alive in the process
20:51 tinoesroho True.
20:51 tinoesroho No matter what dictator you vote for, the wizard remains behind the controls.
20:52 theTroy and you have a choice between corporate america, or soviet china
20:52 theTroy >.>
20:52 NekoGloop lol "OUCH!!!"
20:52 * tinoesroho points to
20:53 * tinoesroho liked Socialist Allende`s Chile
20:53 * NekoGloop points to idiot central
20:53 leo_rockway tinoesroho: and how did that end? =[
20:54 tinoesroho Assassination from commie, I mean cappy, USA.
20:54 leo_rockway tinoesroho: exactly.
20:54 leo_rockway it's not only necessary to have a good leader
20:54 leo_rockway but to have the rest of the countrymen accept the leader
20:54 * tinoesroho points to Killing Hope by William Blum
20:54 leo_rockway when your own people sabotage their country it's impossible to go anywhere
20:54 tinoesroho Damned Catholics and capitalists. ("He`s a godless commie!")
20:55 tinoesroho Mind you, most were bankrolled by the CIA. Case in point: Truckers Union.
20:55 tinoesroho ("Where did you get those steaks, while the rest are eating poorlyÉ" "The CIA (laugh)")
20:56 tinoesroho God, are we ever screwed.
20:56 tinoesroho All the sheeple are blundering around bleating over who`s the better butcher, when we are all ignoring the wolf in our midst.
20:56 tinoesroho I`m no marxist, but Capitalism is truly a parasite.
20:57 theTroy Can you come up with a better system?
20:57 theTroy Capitalism or anything else is not a parasite
20:57 NekoGloop ... One built out of mesecons
20:57 theTroy its just an imperfect economical model
20:57 * NekoGloop grins and runs
20:58 theTroy Everything that is exploitable will be exploited
20:58 leo_rockway NekoGloop: that system would be a Mess(e).
20:58 tinoesroho Oy.
20:58 leo_rockway NekoGloop: and people would try to mine it to extinction
20:58 NekoGloop lol
20:59 tinoesroho It`s tough to shift from an economy of scarcity to one of plenty.
21:01 theTroy well, history is full of different attempts at economical and political models
21:01 theTroy you have a different range between people, efficiency and exploitability
21:01 NekoGloop;feature=related BAD APPLE BITCHEZ
21:01 theTroy what everything slams into is education and attention level of the populace
21:01 NekoGloop Alright, I've f*cked with default for enough today
21:02 ray8888 joined #minetest
21:02 theTroy we would not have democracy in ancient times
21:02 theTroy because its simply infeasible
21:02 tinoesroho Inefficient.
21:03 tinoesroho Real democracy wouldn`t consist of voting for dicators, but direct voting from every member of the population.
21:03 tinoesroho And it`s now only feasible today - google Liquid Democracy
21:03 NekoGloop print("In "..goverment.." you get free cake")
21:04 theTroy there are issues with those
21:04 NekoGloop er...
21:04 NekoGloop print("In "..government.." you get free cake")
21:04 theTroy the idea of democracy is not simply getting "what most want"
21:04 theTroy protection of minorities will vanish in pure democracy
21:04 theTroy and you might end up with horrible discrimination
21:06 tinoesroho And we don`t have that todayÉ
21:06 NekoGloop OH GOD YES
21:06 theTroy not to an extend that would happen with pure and decentralised democracy
21:07 tinoesroho Civil rights only really came to be in the 70s. And that`s with a democracy for hundreds of years.
21:07 theTroy extent*
21:07 theTroy yeah, but in this case you would end up with neighbours voting out a guy because he looks weird
21:07 tinoesroho A more limited democracy - where the constitution would be over all (and 99% support required for any amendment) would work well.
21:08 theTroy or based on some other nonsensical reasons
21:08 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:08 tinoesroho "Let`s revoke voting for all Apple users!"
21:08 NekoGloop lol
21:08 ray8888 left #minetest
21:09 iqualfragile thats a great idea
21:09 tinoesroho Doesn`t seem like a bad idea with all these young hipsters supporting Ron Paul.
21:09 * tinoesroho cues joke
21:09 iqualfragile steins gate
21:09 theTroy On a serious note, what do you recon of having a minimum education level raised so that 75% of population can't actually vote? ^,^
21:09 theTroy that would eliminate most of the apple users AND windows users
21:09 NekoGloop Agreed, theTroy
21:10 NekoGloop Except not me ;)
21:10 tinoesroho Only about 20% of our citizens are literate.
21:10 tinoesroho Less than 1 in 5 reads news.
21:10 theTroy thats not true
21:10 theTroy over the world, maybe
21:10 tinoesroho More than 50% watch FOX.
21:10 NekoGloop I dont read the news because it's just too depressing ;)
21:10 tinoesroho And this in Canada.
21:10 theTroy but 1st world countires have about 70% literacy
21:10 theTroy if not more
21:10 sfan5|OFF joined #minetest
21:10 tinoesroho In GB, over a third of the population is functionally illiterate. This, with mandatory schooling.
21:11 tinoesroho To put it mildly, we`re screwed.
21:11 iqualfragile while this would be a great idea, because the decicions would be wiser there are two problems:
21:11 jin_xi one third? i find that hard to believe
21:11 iqualfragile first: it would not be a democracy anymore
21:11 NekoGloop That is to say, the human race is stupid
21:11 iqualfragile wich has some serious philosophical implications
21:12 tinoesroho We`ve put control of the nation into the hands of uneducated masses that vote by religion or whatever their favorite newscaster says.
21:12 tinoesroho We should at least force voters to pass a current events quiz before voting.
21:12 NekoGloop lol
21:12 tinoesroho And maybe our "house of representatives"
21:12 iqualfragile sec: 75 percen? 50 ? 25? 5? wich would you choose?
21:13 NekoGloop can you imagine how long that would take?
21:13 tinoesroho God.
21:13 tinoesroho The world would be better off because of it.
21:13 tinoesroho Then again, in Canada, voting takes FOREVER.
21:13 iqualfragile that on the other hand would be a good idea, giveng out a quizz
21:13 tinoesroho Totally.
21:13 theTroy The thing is that we cling on democrazy as "best of the worst" and "for the people"
21:13 theTroy either educate and make the whole population care
21:13 tinoesroho This with only a 50% turnout.
21:13 theTroy or do not use democracy
21:14 iqualfragile oh, you are living in america, righ? how is life without democracy?
21:14 tinoesroho In canada, only 60% of eligible people showed up to polls. And most - in my area - are cranky old white guys who don`t read the news.
21:14 * vicscandl lives in his own little world...but it's ok, they know me here.
21:15 roboman2444 joined #minetest
21:15 tinoesroho I`
21:15 iqualfragile there are many non-voters here, too
21:15 tinoesroho I would move to Estonia, but the situation will be just as bad in twenty years.
21:15 tinoesroho The problem with "Representative democracy" is that it only represents the rich or powerful (usually 2-in-1).
21:17 * tinoesroho goes to
21:17 tinoesroho Good book, wish our citizens all had a copy.
21:19 NekoGloop
21:23 tinoesroho G2G
21:24 saschaheylik_ iqualfragile: appereantly tons of prisons, tanks on trains and military police to sum it up...
21:25 iqualfragile awsome! so what are you going to do about it?
21:25 saschaheylik_ im not american
21:25 ray8888 joined #minetest
21:26 saschaheylik_ im just aware that what is happening there right now is the unfolding of a global agenda and therefore my concern too
21:26 ray8888 left #minetest
21:26 saschaheylik_ all i can do is think about how to prepare for this stuff expanding
21:27 iqualfragile da du aus östereich zu stammen scheinst können wir uns auch (um den ganzen restlichen channel zu trollen) auf deutsch unterhalten ^^
21:28 NekoGloop wtf?
21:28 iqualfragile german
21:28 sfan5 ja klar, ich versteg deutsch aucg
21:28 sfan5 -g +h
21:28 iqualfragile na los, kommt raus! wer schließt sich mit an?
21:29 sfan5 niemand...
21:29 saschaheylik_ wir können.
21:29 NekoGloop ANGLASH
21:30 sfan5 NekoGloop: HSALGNA
21:30 saschaheylik_ du meschugge?
21:30 saschaheylik_ (u mad?)
21:30 NekoGloop lolwat
21:30 iqualfragile ich bilde jetzt einen sinnfreien satz mit nekogloop drinnen, damit er denkt wir würden über ihn lästern wäre es nett wenn ihr mit gelächter antworten würdet
21:30 saschaheylik_ idk german is weird
21:30 sfan5 NekoGloop: tawlol
21:30 NekoGloop d'aww...
21:30 saschaheylik_ hahahaha
21:30 NekoGloop :3
21:31 * NekoGloop has no idea what iqualfragile said :3
21:31 iqualfragile vielen dank
21:31 saschaheylik_ extremely ignenious
21:31 sfan5 NekoGloop: ...wwa'd 3:
21:31 saschaheylik_ NekoGloop: no shit?
21:32 sfan5 NekoGloop: 3: dias eligarflauqi tahw aedi on sah
21:32 NekoGloop SHUT UP
21:32 saschaheylik_ iqualfragile: u better not tell him about google translate
21:32 NekoGloop I know about google translate.
21:32 saschaheylik_ oh right youre just lazy then
21:33 iqualfragile no way, why would i, besides: he cant use it, you are using it allready
21:33 sfan5 NekoGloop: PU THUS
21:33 NekoGloop I dont want to wait 10+ minutes to get a translation
21:33 saschaheylik_ NekoGloop: lol?
21:33 iqualfragile tor?
21:33 saschaheylik_ so?
21:33 saschaheylik_ its not nearly THAT slow
21:33 sfan5 NekoGloop:  .etalsnart tuoba wonk I
21:35 sfan5 NekoGloop: noitalsnart a teg ot setunim +01 tiaw ot tnaw tnod I
21:36 iqualfragile sfan5: wonderfull idea
21:37 sfan5 iqualfragile: aedi llufrednow :5nafs
21:38 afkael joined #minetest
21:41 NekoGloop sfan5: sfan5: wonderful idea :eligarflauqi
21:46 NekoGloop He's OFF
21:48 Jeija left #minetest
21:55 NekoGloop Chat died xD
21:59 servvs joined #minetest
22:05 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
22:10 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
22:45 saddy joined #minetest
22:52 servvs joined #minetest
22:53 RealBadAngel updated technic mod if any1 wanna check
22:54 NekoGloop OH
22:54 NekoGloop MY
22:54 NekoGloop GOD
22:54 NekoGloop THE
22:54 NekoGloop CHAT
22:54 NekoGloop LIVES
22:54 NekoGloop ;)
22:54 RealBadAngel lol
22:54 RealBadAngel i think i made cool stuff with my battery boxes
22:55 NekoGloop ok
22:55 NekoGloop whatever
22:55 Fixer left #minetest
22:56 JamieWill joined #minetest
22:56 JamieWill Im looking to buy a new PC reasonably cheap byt with good specs mainly for gaming any recommendations?
22:57 leo_rockway > cheap pc
22:57 leo_rockway > for gaming
22:57 FreeFull Psh, buying
22:57 FreeFull Real men build their own
22:57 leo_rockway new games require nothing short of your own nuclear substation to run.
22:57 JamieWill LoL ^
22:57 JamieWill Basic games tho
22:57 thexyz why do you need new games?
22:57 thexyz they're almost all shit
22:58 leo_rockway I'd like to play Max Payne 3
22:58 JamieWill I know its a new PC im wanting!
22:58 * JamieWill thinks you didnt read it right
22:58 FreeFull My laptop plays Minetest and Warsow just fine
22:58 thexyz what's your current specs?
22:59 JamieWill Yes but I want a PC with decent CPU
22:59 RealBadAngel
22:59 JamieWill Well ill keep that to my self
22:59 JamieWill mainly cuz i cba hecking
23:00 NekoGloop Only "new" game that isnt shit: Minetest
23:00 JamieWill lol ^
23:00 * JamieWill thinks NekoGloop is correct!
23:01 sdzen joined #minetest
23:03 Bobby joined #minetest
23:03 JamieWill Processor: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N455 @1.66GHz 1.67GHz
23:03 thexyz i was talking about AAA games, of course
23:03 JamieWill Installed memory (RAM): 1.00 GB
23:04 JamieWill System type: 32-bit
23:04 JamieWill Now do u see why i want a PC that is new?
23:06 JamieWill Its a load of SHIT!
23:06 thexyz lol
23:07 thexyz now VanessaE should suddenly appear
23:07 thexyz and tell you something about spectrums/etc
23:07 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: That seems neat.
23:09 JamieWill lol
23:09 * JamieWill thinks VanessaE is AFK
23:10 thexyz btw, what games do you want to play?
23:12 NakedFury planetside 2
23:16 NakedFury actually I wish more games were open source
23:18 * VanessaE suddenly appears
23:19 VanessaE (however I have nothing of particular importance to say :D  )
23:19 NakedFury start a new conversation?
23:21 saddy1 joined #minetest
23:26 VanessaE NakedFury: I was referring to thexyz's comment about spectrum/etc
23:30 NekoGloop lol
23:33 leo_rockway C64!
23:33 VanessaE C64, of course yes.
23:33 NekoGloop N64!
23:33 leo_rockway NakedFury: Doom3 was freed.
23:33 VanessaE Spectrum indeed.  blasphemer. :-)
23:33 leo_rockway well, engine...
23:35 NakedFury I saw that leo
23:40 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
23:41 leo_rockway and there's always Minetest
23:41 VanessaE of course.
23:42 leo_rockway I want proper mobs! D:
23:42 leo_rockway I'll give a hug to whoever codes proper mobs o.o
23:43 NekoGloop I get enough hugs, thank you ;)
23:54 leo_rockway mobs and lower CPU usage. Who wants a hug?
23:55 leo_rockway anyway, time to go home
23:55 Madchicken13 joined #minetest
23:56 Madchicken13 Hello?
23:56 Madchicken13 Anyone here?
23:59 NakedFury hi

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