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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 leo_rockway I want to gettime and settime
00:00 VanessaE API:
00:00 leo_rockway thank you
00:00 VanessaE np.
00:01 VanessaE also, just put some better textures up for unifieddyes and vessels in case you care ;-)
00:01 leo_rockway - set_timeofday(val): val: 0...1; 0 = midnight, 0.5 = midday
00:02 leo_rockway - get_timeofday()
00:02 leo_rockway great =]
00:02 leo_rockway VanessaE: awesome. I'm going to try unifieddyes next.
00:04 VanessaE ok
00:05 Keegan is herobrine real??
00:10 afkael joined #minetest
00:10 VanessaE no
00:10 VanessaE and it doesn't exist in minetest either.
00:13 Keegan so hes fake
00:14 VanessaE he's some sort of myth in minecraft, but this channel is not for that game.
00:15 Keegan ok
00:16 Keegan vanessae do you play on servers??
00:16 VanessaE sometimes. generally redcrab 30401.
00:18 Keegan would you go on any other server
00:19 VanessaE not usually, but sometimes.
00:20 Keegan when does redcrab come on
00:20 VanessaE dunno.  rarely
00:21 Keegan is .4.2 for download?
00:21 BoldCoder joined #minetest
00:21 VanessaE 0.4.2-rc1 is on c55's blog.
00:22 leo_rockway and some mobs that do nothing yet.
00:23 BoldCoder milleja46, you're here?
00:23 Keegan whats so special about it
00:23 * BoldCoder laughs
00:23 BoldCoder That is not the right way to introduce yourself
00:23 BoldCoder Keegan, ask whatever you wanted to ask
00:25 Keegan whats so special about 4.2
00:26 leo_rockway what do you mean special?
00:26 Keegan whats better
00:26 Keegan about it
00:28 BoldCoder Maybe a better way to ask is, what changes are in 4.2
00:28 Keegan what better changes is there n 4.2
00:28 milleja46 BoldCoder: wait....are you oldcoder from e10?
00:29 BoldCoder milleja46, Yes. Keegan here wandered into a channel looking for MC/MT so we sent him here.
00:29 milleja46 ahh
00:29 VanessaE ah, I was wondering where you came from, BoldCoder  :-)
00:29 VanessaE didn't recognize the nick.
00:29 BoldCoder VanessaE, Hi. I will explain. I am apparently the "Old School" games person for Gameboom
00:30 milleja46 well I can't play anyhow it's easier to play with 2 hands :P
00:30 VanessaE No need to explain, I'm just easily confused is all :D
00:30 khonkhortisan sandstone is a loss of materials
00:30 BoldCoder I was chatting with somebody there about a FOSS game when Keegan came in
00:30 BoldCoder VanessaE, I am sure you are fine
00:30 khonkhortisan you lose 3 sand
00:30 Keegan what changes is in 4.2
00:30 VanessaE khonkhortisan: sand->sandstone should be changed to give 2 sandstone I think.  However, think of it as 'compressed' sand.
00:30 BoldCoder Keegan, perhaps there is a changelog
00:31 khonkhortisan it doesn't uncompress
00:31 VanessaE Keegan: The majority of the changes from 0.4.1 -> 0.4.2 is background stuff
00:31 Keegan wheres the change log
00:31 khonkhortisan 4 sand -> 1 sandstone -> 1 sand
00:31 VanessaE engine changes, behind-the-scenes stuff
00:31 BoldCoder Keegan, In the code. I will look.
00:31 VanessaE most of what has changed won't be immediately visible to the average user
00:31 Keegan ok
00:31 BoldCoder Keegan, it is clean-up. Making the program more stable.
00:32 BoldCoder It will run a little better
00:32 VanessaE some stuff is though, like 16-bit node IDs (more mods can be loaded)
00:32 BoldCoder It was 8-bits before?
00:32 VanessaE a little bit of additional default content, like wool
00:32 Keegan people should change there skin
00:32 VanessaE BoldCoder: 11 bits I think
00:32 BoldCoder Ah
00:32 milleja46 brb
00:32 khonkhortisan I could have a custom texture to put on my character
00:32 Keegan so there not all on same green thing
00:33 VanessaE Keegan: the player is skinnable, but only on the server side.
00:33 BoldCoder As long as I am here; a friend has asked me if there is a MT server that is all right for children. I will be trying MT again soon but I don't know the servers. milleja46 has a friend who runs a MC server; I've asked him about that.
00:33 VanessaE on redcrab for example it's this squat-looking little guy in a hat
00:33 BoldCoder To explain that milleja46 and I have a friend in common. IRC is smaller than I had realized.
00:33 VanessaE cy1's server uses a little rabbit or some creature of that size
00:33 khonkhortisan there was one with rabbit people
00:34 VanessaE BoldCoder: mmm...  good question
00:34 VanessaE maybe a pixel art server
00:34 BoldCoder I work on games; I haven't played the online worlds very much
00:34 Keegan lke people have different skin each person anbd the owner can customize it so everyone wont look the same
00:35 VanessaE Keegan: can't do that yet.
00:35 BoldCoder Keegan, maybe you can contribute artwork for that
00:35 BoldCoder in the future
00:35 Keegan too much work
00:35 * BoldCoder laughs again
00:35 Keegan and dont know how to do that
00:35 BoldCoder Well, at least you are honest :-)
00:35 khonkhortisan are we having any progress on nodebox lighting?
00:35 Keegan yep
00:36 VanessaE BoldCoder:  children-friendly is kind of questionable, only from the standpoint that you can't really control the actions and language of other players, but if that's not an issue, is good
00:36 VanessaE (I never have any problems there anyway)
00:36 VanessaE (but then, I'm 38.. hardly a child :-)  )
00:36 BoldCoder I'll pass it on. She says she'd prefer not to buy MC and I suggested MT as an option
00:36 BoldCoder And you are a spring chicken :p
00:36 BoldCoder To explain
00:36 BoldCoder my usual handle is:
00:37 Keegan how do you change names
00:37 OldCoder Like this:
00:37 khonkhortisan the same way you select your name
00:37 OldCoder /nick KeeganAsksQuestions
00:37 OldCoder But no space at the start
00:37 OldCoder Ha
00:39 VanessaE heh
00:39 jin_xi huh?
00:39 * VanessaE tosses a dead battery in the trash
00:39 VanessaE (mouse battery just died)
00:39 VanessaE hey jin
00:40 Keeganiscool then i want a pet mod do like dogs cats and fishes
00:40 khonkhortisan there are rules for battery trash - I don't like wireless mice, they're by definition undependable
00:40 VanessaE khonkhortisan: it's a dry cell. :-)
00:40 khonkhortisan complete with leashes?
00:41 OldCoder And pet food too! :-)
00:41 khonkhortisan remember to put gross stuff in the put food recipe
00:41 VanessaE "SuperVolt" is what abe and I call them, so named for an Energizer or Duracell TV commercial that used to use that name for generic dry cells
00:41 OldCoder Mouse batteries aren't lithium?
00:41 OldCoder Excuse the question; interested
00:42 VanessaE OldCoder: not in this case - just ordinary AA's.
00:42 VanessaE that and I'm too cheap to buy lithium AA's ;-)
00:42 OldCoder Wireless; I forgot. I actually used serial port until recently.
00:42 leo_rockway I can't find it in the API. Is there a function to empty the inventory?
00:42 * VanessaE stuck a NiMH in its place
00:42 OldCoder Presently USB; should be no need for batteries there.
00:43 VanessaE I got tired of arguing with the cord :-)
00:50 OldCoder Oh, I see Calinou is here too. So I know about 5 people here from elsewhere. MT is relatively popular.
00:50 Keeganiscool yea because m here
00:51 OldCoder Of course
00:51 Keeganiscool yep
00:52 khonkhortisan clouds -> water_raining -> water_flowing. My house is not rain-proof
00:56 milleja46 OldCoder: why don't you make your own mt server :P you could find ways ti make it family friendly by experimenting :P
00:57 OldCoder milleja46, because I have no special reason to run a server; the question is a favor for a friend. I will *write* a game server instead if you like.
00:57 OldCoder That is to say, a new game
00:57 * OldCoder is sure redcrab is fine
00:58 khonkhortisan aw man I'm expanding the basement level of my house and I run into a cave
00:59 OldCoder milleja46, I should add that I am literal. More so than most people. I don't understand the :P as your suggestion seems sensible and not tongue in cheek.
00:59 VanessaE khonkhortisan: that'll be a good use for all the cobble you no doubt have now ;-)
00:59 OldCoder milleja46, to put it another way I am not quite like Dan but we have something in common.
00:59 milleja46 I'm just trying to to make a site right then try to get to learning c++ once the cast/splint comes off -_-
01:00 OldCoder Does it need to be C++ ?
01:00 * OldCoder has never been enthusiastic about the language
01:00 OldCoder khonkhortisan, is a cave bad? Can you use it?
01:01 milleja46 I'm not either but I need to learn something other than python since py won't land me a job near me last I checked...
01:01 Keeganiscool what server
01:01 OldCoder milleja46, what are the options
01:01 khonkhortisan I could use it, but it's not where I would want a door to a cave
01:01 OldCoder Keeganiscool, milleja46 suggested I make a new server but I think he or she was joking
01:02 OldCoder khonkhortisan, I see
01:02 Keeganiscool why
01:02 OldCoder Keeganiscool, why do I think that? Because of the :P which indicates tongue sticking out
01:02 khonkhortisan my mine shaft door is on the other side of my house
01:02 OldCoder khonkhortisan, I assume you are not allowed to use explosives to fill in the cave
01:02 Keeganiscool is redcrab onlne
01:03 OldCoder Keeganiscool, probably. Try it.
01:03 khonkhortisan nope, can't even fill it with buckets
01:03 NakedFury you need c++ for source and lua for mods
01:03 Keeganiscool well im ban on there
01:03 OldCoder khonkhortisan, People are apparently creative. Somebody was shouting last week because somebody else burned down his forest with lava.
01:03 NakedFury what do you mean kid friendly server?
01:03 OldCoder Keeganiscool, sorry to hear it. How did that happen?
01:03 VanessaE Keeganiscool: what makes you think you're banned?
01:03 milleja46 OldCoder: well I already know python, but most companies I've looked at do c++ or java and I'd perfer to do one as a hobby for now and keep it as a way to program at home and do personal projects( or foss ones that I work on with others)
01:04 khonkhortisan maybe there's a way to only ban lava buckets but allow water buckets
01:04 OldCoder NakedFury, you would know better than I; I am not familiar with these servers. A mother wishes to know if there are servers that might be all right.
01:04 OldCoder milleja46, I have done Java recruiting. I wouldn't bother going that route.
01:05 milleja46 I'm not a fan of java anyways :P
01:05 VanessaE khonkhortisan: should be a simple matter of tweaking bucket/init.lua
01:05 OldCoder They want 21-year olds who have done Hibernate and J2EE for 12 years. Apparently these people start at age 9 :P
01:05 OldCoder Not kidding; there are inconsistent requirements
01:06 NakedFury like a 9 year old will want to learn java instead of playing pokemon or something
01:06 * OldCoder shrugs
01:06 OldCoder NakedFury, Actually...
01:06 milleja46 looked at it and was always confused five minutes after learning what I did in java
01:06 Max_001 joined #minetest
01:06 OldCoder NakedFury, I recognize some of the Nicks here. They are from a channel where people often *did* start at age 9.
01:06 Max_001 is stan5 here?
01:06 OldCoder Some of your friends here have been coding since childhood
01:07 OldCoder milleja46, confused by what? Excuse loss of context
01:07 VanessaE Max_001: did you mean sfan5?  No he isn't here right now
01:07 Max_001 ah.
01:07 Max_001 Well, I do not understand why I was banned. AGAIN.
01:08 milleja46 OldCoder: anything java really
01:08 Keeganiscool for agruing for no reason
01:08 Max_001 ''flamewar'' is not stated as against server rules, in the rules, so it is *not* an offense of any kind...
01:08 OldCoder milleja46, Java is quite difficult to get to compile. After that everything is likely to work. Strict language. I prefer Perl.
01:08 Max_001 and you can't just state in rules ''act like you would at other forums'' becuase some forums don't even have rules...
01:08 OldCoder Keeganiscool, you and Max_001 have met?
01:09 Keeganiscool yes
01:09 OldCoder I see
01:09 Keeganiscool well not anymore
01:09 Max_001 keegan...
01:09 OldCoder Remember that this is neutral territory
01:09 Keeganiscool what
01:09 Max_001 define ''this''
01:09 milleja46 python is easy too but I don't see anyone wanting that for professional reasons... >_>
01:09 OldCoder milleja46, Actually some people prefer Python to PHP for web frameworks
01:09 Keeganiscool this?
01:10 OldCoder This as in an IRC channel
01:10 Max_001 no ''this'' as in life, the forum, the IRC channel, or whatever?
01:10 * OldCoder steps out of the way
01:10 Max_001 which one?
01:10 Keeganiscool forum
01:10 Max_001 then why do people spam it and start ''flamewars''?
01:10 Max_001 it is not a ''forum''
01:11 VanessaE all of the above
01:11 milleja46 OldCoder: well I want to be a desktop/game coder and web design as a fallback if the former fails....
01:11 VanessaE "By registering, you agree to act suitably"  <-- From the minetest forum rules page.
01:11 OldCoder milleja46, I recommend learning several languages at once. It is much easier than you might imagine.
01:11 VanessaE which I presume means "act like your parents taught you to act".
01:11 OldCoder milleja46, Some of them have syntax that is quite similar.
01:11 khonkhortisan only about as complicated as learning a single language
01:12 Max_001 sutably for WHAT exactly?
01:12 OldCoder khonkhortisan, Slightly more. But it is worth the effort.
01:12 Keeganiscool max  why did you dislike Madchickens addvertisment
01:12 OldCoder The fight started over an ad?
01:12 VanessaE Max_001: suitably as in "be nice, son't be an asshole", etc.
01:12 Keeganiscool yes
01:12 Max_001 it's nothing more than a copy of Minetest
01:12 VanessaE don't*
01:12 Max_001 son't?
01:12 VanessaE typo.
01:12 Max_001 yeah.
01:13 Keeganiscool he fighted about alwayscraft
01:13 Max_001 typing so fast to make me seem like ''pure evil'' that you hit the wrong keys...common among new moderators...
01:13 Max_001 wellp, I have to go sort some stuff out, so bye all
01:13 VanessaE heh
01:13 Max_001 left #minetest
01:13 VanessaE well in my case my finge...
01:13 VanessaE don't behave as I order them to.
01:13 VanessaE *sigh*
01:14 milleja46 OldCoder: well I want to go the c++ route but think it might easier to learn with both hands...
01:15 OldCoder milleja46, I missed part of that. Have you injured a hand? I have difficulties with one as well.
01:15 milleja46 OldCoder: fell skating and broke my left wrist...
01:15 OldCoder milleja46, So; a few weeks. Sorry to hear this but it will be fine in the Fall.
01:16 milleja46 I'm not coordinated on skates
01:16 Keeganiscool who knows of alwayscraft
01:16 milleja46 OldCoder: yea but communityn college starts the 9th >_>
01:17 OldCoder milleja46, Of August? Or September?
01:17 milleja46 aug
01:17 OldCoder milleja46, This will be awkward.
01:18 jin_xi might help developing a habit of thinking more before typing :)
01:19 milleja46 first year of college and I start it with a broken wrist....not a good first impression to have on tachers >_<
01:22 KeeganisTHEBoss can you turn the server back on if your not the owner
01:22 khonkhortisan how would you have access to it if it wasn't on?
01:22 KeeganisTHEBoss idk
01:23 milleja46 KeeganisTHEBoss: probably not....
01:25 * khonkhortisan just fell completely through his spiral staircase
01:25 khonkhortisan nodeboxes don't collide right
01:26 KeeganisTHEBoss what server ^^
01:26 khonkhortisan
01:26 KeeganisTHEBoss ok
01:27 KeeganisTHEBoss is badcommand on there
01:27 khonkhortisan no
01:27 VanessaE khonkhortisan: collide as in you can collide with them>
01:27 VanessaE ?
01:27 VanessaE sure they do.  you can climb on them, etc.
01:27 khonkhortisan collide as in I'm halfway through them, go into a wood node, and fall through that
01:28 VanessaE ohh..odd
01:28 VanessaE well the new collision system is known to be a little glitchy :-)
01:30 leo_rockway milleja46: I know people who make money with Django...
01:32 milleja46 leo_rockway: I don't plan on being a python programmer for life >_> I planned to use it as a stepping stone to make c++ easier which it has done so to some extent
01:33 khonkhortisan a**b = a^b
01:33 leo_rockway I'm just pointing out that you could get a job right now doing that. It would give you some experience to put in your résumé, even if it isn't C++.
01:33 Staples joined #minetest
01:34 leo_rockway although I'm not too fond on web programming...
01:34 milleja46 leo_rockway: neither am i really
01:41 vicscandl joined #minetest
01:41 vicscandl left #minetest
01:41 vicscandl joined #minetest
02:06 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
02:08 KeeganisTHEBoss is badcommand on???
02:09 OldCoder KeeganisTHEBoss, he has not been seen for a while
02:10 KeeganisTHEBoss omg this s takng too long
02:10 OldCoder KeeganisTHEBoss, what are you waiting for?
02:10 KeeganisTHEBoss badcommand so i can talk to him
02:15 VanessaE joined #minetest
02:15 OldCoder VanessaE, welcome back. Cycled connection?
02:16 VanessaE no, cycled keyboard shortcuts ;-)
02:16 KeeganisTHEBoss have badcommand come on lately
02:17 OldCoder KeeganisTHEBoss, No
02:17 OldCoder KeeganisTHEBoss, It appears that Bad_Command left about a week ago
02:19 khonkhortisan someone threw a bag of popcorn on my keyboard and now minetest says CM: animated meshes CM: blocks drawn CM: solid: collecting blocks for drawing, what button do I press to get rid of that?
02:19 VanessaE probably F5 or F6
02:19 VanessaE F6.
02:19 khonkhortisan okay it was F6
02:25 KeeganisTHEBoss bye
02:26 wowiamdiamonds is it possible to define your own craftdefinitions from lua?
02:26 VanessaE craft definitions?
02:26 VanessaE I don't understand
02:26 wowiamdiamonds shapeless, fuel, cooking, etc.
02:26 khonkhortisan yes you can make your own crafting recipes, inventory items, world nodes, tools, and smelting
02:27 VanessaE OH
02:27 VanessaE um
02:27 VanessaE I think so; I'v seen one mod that defined a custom sort of furnace-like object
02:27 wowiamdiamonds for example, i want to create a new type of furnace entirely separate from furnaces - oh cool
02:27 VanessaE took 6 inputs, produced 3 outputs
02:27 VanessaE some sort of chemistry mods
02:28 VanessaE mod.
02:28 khonkhortisan a furnace would be complicated - coming from someone who is trying to turn a chest into a drawer
02:29 NakedFury how much space do you want to give the drawer?
02:29 VanessaE I'
02:29 VanessaE I'd love to re-implement the "nightstand" objects in Home Decor to act as small chests
02:30 khonkhortisan one node for the box, one no-collision node for the drawer
02:30 VanessaE (maybe hold 4 stacks each)
02:30 khonkhortisan combined into one nodebox node
02:30 VanessaE (make that 8 stacks)
02:30 khonkhortisan where you have to keep opening it until it gives you the type of item you want, then when you take it it gives you a stack
02:35 wowiamdiamonds does luafurnace still exist?
02:36 VanessaE dunno
02:39 VanessaE I do know that c55 wanted to rewrite furnaces and chests to be LUA, which he has since done
02:39 VanessaE (obviously)
02:39 wowiamdiamonds oh. durr
02:39 VanessaE but any old mod by that name? dunno
02:39 OldCoder luafurnace apparently had problems circa January. May have been repaired in March.
02:39 OldCoder If it is the same luafurnace
02:56 khonkhortisan why is there a stack limit?
03:00 VanessaE is there?
03:00 VanessaE I've stacked stuff up to 9999 before
03:01 VanessaE afaik it can go further, but with that much in a stack, who needs mode?
03:01 VanessaE more*
03:01 khonkhortisan with /giveme, but just putting something on something else?
03:01 VanessaE oh, well probably c55 didn't want to get 'stupid' with the stacking of gathered items
03:01 khonkhortisan I get up to 99 and no further without /giveme
03:12 VanessaE dunno, but it makes sense enough
03:13 GTRsdk Is it possible to remove the stack limit quickly?
03:13 GTRsdk or to change it to like 999?
03:13 VanessaE again I am shrugging :-)
03:14 khonkhortisan there wouldn't be a point to removing the stack limit, either you're on someone else's server or you have access to /giveme
03:14 VanessaE pretty much yeah
03:14 khonkhortisan You enjoy speaking in second-person.
03:15 VanessaE I do? :-)
03:16 OldCoder Wouldn't she say, "She does?"
03:16 OldCoder :-)
03:16 khonkhortisan no that's third-person
03:16 OldCoder Ah
03:17 * VanessaE doesn't speak in the second person.  Much,.
03:17 VanessaE ;-)
03:17 khonkhortisan when I went to school they taught my first and third and left out second for a long time
03:17 khonkhortisan *taught me
03:18 * khonkhortisan would never talk in the third person, ever!
03:20 khonkhortisan slabs should be placed like signs so they can be used on the ceiling. My spiral staircase is more blocky on the bottom.
03:20 VanessaE khonkhortisan: get calinou's stairs+ mod.
03:22 khonkhortisan why is there a separate recipe for floor panels than wall panels? Can't it detect the face of the node it was placed on?
03:22 VanessaE dunno
03:25 khonkhortisan (without installing a mod) what do I make with cotton, a pillow?
03:25 VanessaE dunno.
03:25 VanessaE I think Jordach's cotton mod uses that material as its source
03:25 VanessaE but beyond, good question
03:27 NakedFury right now most mods fall in few categories
03:27 khonkhortisan I can't even burn my cotton
03:27 VanessaE you sure your flowers mod is up-to-date?
03:27 NakedFury then it wasnt given the burn option
03:28 khonkhortisan no, I'm using a server and am at the mercy of their mods
03:29 VanessaE ok is *their* flowers mod up-to-date then :-)
03:33 leo_rockway you can't really do anything with cotton, I think.
03:33 leo_rockway other than dye it, of course
03:34 cornernote does anyone maintain flowers ?
03:34 khonkhortisan I know, I'll just craft cotton on top of junglegrass and get the cotton flower back. Yeah, that'll work!
03:34 VanessaE yeah, the guy who's doing Nature Pack Controlled is probably the best bet now
03:35 cornernote forgive my question, is that just a repack or is the person able/willing to code it ?
03:35 cornernote eg, continue development
03:36 VanessaE it is mostly just a repack, but the version there is newer than the separate one.
03:36 cornernote ok cool
03:36 cornernote many things have been built with flowers as a dependancy
03:36 cornernote but there was no "official" flowers thread that was up to date for a long while
03:36 VanessaE I guess neko259 fixed it first, but now Nubelite seems to be the one to ask.
03:37 cornernote good that someone is taking it over
03:37 VanessaE I wish I knew what I was doing, I'd rewrite flowers and take over maintenance of it
03:37 cornernote what the ?
03:38 cornernote u coded unifieddyes
03:38 VanessaE meh
03:38 VanessaE that was simple compared to other stuff
03:38 cornernote how can u not know how flowers works, its way simpler
03:38 VanessaE no way, flowers is actually more complicated than unifieddyes
03:38 cornernote sec...
03:38 VanessaE or I should say, complex
03:38 VanessaE but then again,
03:39 VanessaE flowers served as the basis for junglegrass and poisonivy
03:40 cornernote
03:40 VanessaE gevalt
03:40 cornernote the only thing i dont understand is why they have a function called flowers_add_sprite_flower(), but they never call it
03:40 VanessaE I forgot it still uses a dog-slow version of the radius test
03:40 cornernote its for other mods to add flowers?
03:41 VanessaE end
03:41 VanessaE local is_node_in_cube = function(nodenames, node_pos, radius)
03:41 VanessaE --> if ((minetest.env:find_node_near(p_top, RADIUS, GRASSES) == nil )
03:41 cornernote yeah, was reading that
03:41 VanessaE the game has a built-in function for the purpose now
03:41 VanessaE junglegrass uses it
03:41 cornernote oh, native c++
03:41 cornernote way better!
03:41 VanessaE so maybe I'll rewrite flowers at some point
03:43 cornernote its ~200 lines of code, but mods is just the simple stuff... only ~10 lines that you have to read to understand
03:43 cornernote UD is way more complex =)
03:43 VanessaE 223 lines in junglegrass
03:43 cornernote you might not think so because it fell out of your head! lol
03:44 VanessaE 552 lines in unifieddyes
03:44 VanessaE 3055 lines in homedecor :-)
03:44 cornernote but for me, both these codes were written by non-me people, UD was much harder to parse in my brain
03:44 cornernote lol
03:44 VanessaE (lots of it is copy&pasted)
03:44 cornernote yeah, and non-code code
03:44 cornernote eg, register_node, register_craft, etc
03:44 VanessaE heh, if my code is hard to parse, it means I musta did it right
03:46 VanessaE criminy, 100k of source in homedecor?  I need to learn to code a little leaner. :-)
03:47 khonkhortisan I just fell through the stairs again
03:47 cornernote just find common code and wrap it in a function... but you do that a lot in UD already
03:47 khonkhortisan it happens when I least expect it
03:48 VanessaE you must be hitting some weird collision bug, khonkhortisan.
03:48 cornernote khonkhortisan, can you take a SS so we can see where you fell ?
03:50 leo_rockway VanessaE: wait, I'm just using find_node_near. Is that better than is_node_in_cube?
03:51 VanessaE way better.
03:51 leo_rockway \o/
03:51 VanessaE is_node_in_cube is a brute-force search routine in flowers.
03:51 leo_rockway I'm basically checking if there are any mobs around...
03:51 leo_rockway I'm making my bed as closest as MC as I can, since that's quite sensible...
03:51 khonkhortisan imgtmp is better than pastebin it's right about where I dropped the dirt
03:52 cornernote mauvebic Yesterday 22:54:33 - Your title is misleading :( i was expecting klingon bird-of-preys, romulan warbirds, or perhaps just a shuttlepod to start with.... :P haha
03:52 VanessaE that does it.  I'm rewriting flowers.
03:52 leo_rockway so, in MC, you can't sleep if there's a mob around. Although I can't check if the mob is evil o.o
03:52 cornernote lol, yeah i was expecting a raft when i 1st saw it
03:52 leo_rockway VanessaE: huzzah!
03:52 khonkhortisan there is a raft
03:52 VanessaE what moron wrote this?
03:52 VanessaE oh wait, ironzorg did ;-)
03:52 khonkhortisan and it works, it just needs textures, and to move more smoothly
03:53 khonkhortisan that's my special spiral staircase
03:53 leo_rockway if we can somehow get thirst included... that would be neat
03:53 leo_rockway distiller, fruit juices...
03:53 cornernote "and to move more smoothly" <-- yeah, i dont know if any type of mount will work in 0.4.X
03:53 khonkhortisan and you get a chill so you drink some lava
03:53 leo_rockway haha
03:53 leo_rockway there's the seasons mod
03:53 leo_rockway so it can get cold
03:54 khonkhortisan did my link get lost in the conversation? :)
03:54 leo_rockway I'd like to see rain
03:54 khonkhortisan yeah then my house will flood
03:54 leo_rockway khonkhortisan: I saw it. I don't know what's going on in there.
03:54 leo_rockway I see the dirt on the ground
03:54 leo_rockway what about it?
03:54 khonkhortisan somewhere around there I fell through
03:55 leo_rockway why? there's a slab
03:55 leo_rockway bug?
03:55 khonkhortisan the collisions are slightly off
03:55 khonkhortisan yes a bug
03:56 cornernote is there any way to redefine player image in lua ?
03:58 leo_rockway I don't think so... I'm not certain, though
04:00 khonkhortisan leave should be compressed into something
04:00 leo_rockway VanessaE: do you know what's wrong with this? minetest.env:find_node_near(player:getpos(), 10, "mobs:dm_fireball")
04:00 khonkhortisan is a fireball a node or an entity?
04:00 leo_rockway it was working when I used "default:dirt"
04:01 leo_rockway oh!
04:01 VanessaE depends on how you're using it, plus I don't know about detecting a particular mob, let alone a DM
04:01 leo_rockway khonkhortisan: that's a good point...
04:01 leo_rockway can I detect entities?
04:01 VanessaE I doubt it
04:01 leo_rockway :S
04:01 VanessaE since it checks for nodes :-)
04:01 khonkhortisan falling sand is an entity, I found that out because it got stuck on my drawer that extends two nodes
04:02 leo_rockway so there's no way to detect if a mean creature is around... :S
04:02 VanessaE there probably is, but I dunno what it is
04:03 leo_rockway I was thinking it would be fun to make some kind of mob alert. Something like the sword of Bilbo in The Hobbit...
04:05 leo_rockway well, I can always write a mese detector...
04:05 leo_rockway you put it on the ground and it will show one texture if there's mese nearby...
04:06 leo_rockway then you can mine it, move to another part of the cave, then set it on the ground once again...
04:06 khonkhortisan I'm thinking of making a torch that sits on your head so you don't go through torches like crazy while mining
04:06 leo_rockway a mining hat!
04:06 leo_rockway that would be great
04:07 cornernote khonkhortisan, i think that would be really slow to update all the lighting as you move
04:07 cornernote not sure tho, maybe worth a shot
04:07 khonkhortisan on_globalstep should be fast enough
04:08 cornernote then it will be jumpy tho, right ?
04:08 khonkhortisan try placing and removing a torch really fast, it should blink fast enough
04:08 khonkhortisan yes as jumpy as the raft
04:08 cornernote im thinking of making mounts
04:08 cornernote eg, car, helecopter
04:09 cornernote but instead of placing the node on the ground and getting in, you activate it in your inventory
04:09 cornernote and it grants you one or both of fast/fly for a given period of time
04:09 cornernote until the mount wears out
04:09 cornernote player images would make that really cool
04:09 khonkhortisan sounds like it could be exploited
04:10 cornernote in what way ?
04:10 khonkhortisan like a different player removes your car and the mod removes the second player's fly
04:10 leo_rockway well, a node detector would be quite doable. You feed it whatever node you want and it tells you if there's any around.
04:10 cornernote differnt player cant remove your car... its not a node
04:10 leo_rockway how does that sound?
04:11 cornernote well, its a node in an inventory slot
04:11 khonkhortisan as a prompt?
04:11 khonkhortisan it could even tell you the exact location
04:11 cornernote leo_rockway - there is already one
04:11 leo_rockway cornernote: phoo, there goes my idea.
04:11 cornernote
04:12 cornernote it works nice too
04:12 cornernote it scans 4 block from its pos
04:12 cornernote then you hit it, and it scans 5
04:12 cornernote then you hit it, it scans 6, etc.. upto 12
04:12 cornernote so you can put a few around and triangulate the mese
04:12 khonkhortisan nice, requiring hit doesn't slow stuff down
04:16 cornernote think i got enough mods in my collection ?
04:16 cornernote i can load MT with them all, but it takes a loooong time
04:16 cornernote and im sure some have broken bits in them
04:17 cornernote here is raft -
04:17 khonkhortisan yuck the mese house is ugly with the bright yellow texture
04:17 cornernote urg, it uses an abm to move
04:18 cornernote i think grant fast/fly would be really easy... then just redefine the player inventory with a mount slot
04:19 cornernote and use groups .. mount=1 - fast mount, mount=2 - normal fly, mount=3 - fast fly
04:19 cornernote building my castle would be a lot easier if i could fly
04:19 cornernote well, i can, but without cheating =)
04:19 khonkhortisan sneak?
04:20 cornernote would be fun on a server too
04:20 cornernote to fly for a period, using a mese helecopter or something
04:20 khonkhortisan just give it a double wall so you can add scaffolding inside the wall
04:20 cornernote ahh, good idea
04:20 cy1 glomie's on protocol 12. His server got griefed recently, but is still pretty spiff.
04:22 cy1 As is darkrose's!
04:22 cy1 Dunno any others though.
04:23 cornernote grefer is a term invented by mt-style games ?
04:23 cy1 cornernote: by second life, but w/ev
04:23 cornernote i never heard it before coming here, just googled it and it comes up with lots of mt-style games =)
04:24 cy1 Search for "second life griefing" it's actually pretty hilarious.
04:24 khonkhortisan I picked it up quickly
04:27 cornernote is there ingame voice chat in MT ?
04:27 cy1 ha
04:28 leo_rockway VanessaE: even on the minetest menu, without anything rendering, minetest takes up 25% CPU o.0
04:28 cy1 leo_rockway: Even with my pause patch?
04:28 leo_rockway cy1: I don't know about your patch...
04:28 leo_rockway link?
04:29 khonkhortisan trees are the best building material, I almost never have to mine
04:30 cy1 leo_rockway:
04:30 cy1 khonkhortisan: lolololol
04:32 OWNSuAll joined #minetest
04:33 leo_rockway cy1: oh, I meant the start menu, not the pause menu...
04:33 leo_rockway but I'm checking your patch
04:37 cornernote i cant wait for 3d characters and mobs
04:38 leo_rockway I can't wait for any kind of mobs
04:38 leo_rockway that actually pose a challenge
04:39 cornernote some mobs in animals killed me, but i couldnt kill them
04:39 khonkhortisan did you have a sword?
04:40 cornernote probably not
04:40 khonkhortisan you need apples too
04:41 khonkhortisan it helps going to a really fancy place, it makes me design better virtual houses
04:41 cornernote i never seen an apple
04:41 cornernote other players in my worlds get them, but i never do
04:41 khonkhortisan chop down a tree, grow it back, chop it, grow it, eventually you'll get an apple tree
04:42 khonkhortisan you can also make an apple tree forest
04:43 cornernote just dont chop the apple trees ?
04:43 khonkhortisan yeah
04:44 khonkhortisan the rules I go by for trees are 1) if I take anything, I have to chop it all down. 2) If I chop it down I have to replant it, and optionally, 3) if it's an apple tree, replant an apple tree
04:45 cornernote the 3d mobs in this game look awesome -
04:45 cornernote it looks like it would be a lot of fun
04:46 cornernote build/harvest by day... and fight the zombies at night
04:46 khonkhortisan I heard c55 doesn't like the blocky mobs
04:47 cornernote check these:
04:47 cornernote seems we have a lot of people who can make really cool models
04:49 cornernote if not blocky mobs, then what will it be ?
04:50 khonkhortisan I didn't get the whole conversation
05:00 leo_rockway it seems that c55 is against things that make MT get closer to MC
05:00 cornernote fair enough
05:00 cornernote perhaps more like this then:
05:00 cornernote last post on the page
05:01 khonkhortisan I can't even make a node out of a mesh
05:01 cornernote yeah, stuck with the nodeboxes at the moment :(
05:01 cornernote someone made a nodebox mob
05:02 cornernote
05:02 leo_rockway cornernote: either looks fine to me. That one of the pig looks really good...
05:02 cornernote yeah, but thats a lot more texture than the MC looking ones
05:03 leo_rockway mhm
05:25 leo_rockway does anybody know how to empty the inventory using the API?
05:31 cornernote player or node ?
05:31 cornernote something like this - local inv = meta:get_inventory()
05:31 cornernote for var=0,inv:get_size("build"),1 do
05:31 cornernote inv:set_stack("build", var, nil)
05:31 cornernote end
05:31 cornernote where "build" is the name of the inventory field
05:33 VanessaE ok, having some trouble understanding how to to multi-dimensional tables *grumble*
05:33 VanessaE if I do this:
05:33 VanessaE something = {
05:33 VanessaE { "a", "b" }
05:33 VanessaE {"c", "d"}
05:33 VanessaE }
05:34 VanessaE (well fill in the missing comma)
05:34 cornernote yep
05:34 VanessaE how exactly do I index that?
05:34 cornernote print(something[1][1])  -- i think this will print a
05:34 VanessaE something[1][1] would be "a", [2].........
05:34 VanessaE right, that's what I thought.
05:34 OldCoder Not zero based?
05:34 cornernote lua is 1 based (grumbles to self)
05:35 OldCoder OK
05:35 leo_rockway yes, Lua is 1 based :S
05:35 leo_rockway do-not-like
05:36 OldCoder God intended arrays to lean against zero
05:36 leo_rockway > something = {{ "a", "b" }, {"c", "d"}}
05:36 leo_rockway > print(something[1][1])
05:36 leo_rockway a
05:36 leo_rockway >
05:36 leo_rockway I also don't like that for uses do and then ends in end instead of done.
05:37 cornernote Lua is descended from Sol, a language designed for petroleum engineers with no formal training in computer programming.   -->
05:37 VanessaE ditto :-/
05:37 leo_rockway and I keep forgetting the "then"s after the ifs... but I do have all the indentations done properly xD
05:37 leo_rockway I keep thinking in Python
05:37 cornernote think back many years... didn't you think it was strange to start at 0 ?
05:38 leo_rockway I don't remember o.o
05:39 VanessaE you know what, fuck the ipairs() function.  I'm doing this the old-fucking-fashioned way.
05:41 cornernote VanessaE - i found a function called print_r()  -- similar to phps function of the same name ..   it prints out the table with the key and value
05:41 cornernote perhaps that will help yoy get the index you need ?
05:42 cornernote, go down to "alt version, abuse to"
05:42 VanessaE Oh I'm just trying to do this the way I'm used to and having trouble is all
05:42 VanessaE I'll figure it out
05:43 leo_rockway > print_r(something)
05:43 leo_rockway stdin:1: attempt to call global 'print_r' (a nil value)
05:43 leo_rockway stack traceback:
05:43 leo_rockway stdin:1: in main chunk
05:43 leo_rockway [C]: ?
05:43 leo_rockway cornernote: ^
05:43 leo_rockway how does it work?
05:44 cornernote just put it at the top of your init.lua
05:44 leo_rockway oh, I'm on the interactive prompt...
05:45 leo_rockway oh, it's not an actual function from Lua
05:45 leo_rockway I see
05:45 leo_rockway
05:45 cornernote no, its a copy of php's print_r, ported to lua code
05:45 leo_rockway d'oh, you posted that
05:46 leo_rockway I'm using this: for k,v in pairs(something) do print(k,v) end
05:47 leo_rockway although in a list of lists that's not very helpful
05:47 leo_rockway > for k,v in pairs(something) do print(k,v) end
05:47 leo_rockway 1       table: 0x2522be0
05:47 leo_rockway 2       table: 0x2522c60
05:49 cornernote you have to do it recursively
05:49 leo_rockway mhm
05:50 cornernote for k,v in pairs(something[1]) do print(k,v)
05:50 cornernote for k,v in pairs(something[2]) do print(k,v)
05:50 leo_rockway but what if you don't know in advance that something is a list of lists?
05:50 VanessaE ok got that figured out.  Now to go after the next bug. :-)
05:50 leo_rockway I've been trying to empty the inventory on death
05:51 cornernote if type(something[1])=="table"
05:51 leo_rockway so far, unsuccessful
05:51 cornernote leo, theres a mod that does it
05:51 cornernote bones
05:51 cornernote VanessaE highly recommends running bones
05:51 VanessaE NNO
05:51 leo_rockway oh, right!
05:51 VanessaE DO NOT WANT.
05:51 cornernote lol
05:52 cornernote
05:52 leo_rockway bones like in nethack, mhm
05:52 leo_rockway I remember seeing the mod
05:53 leo_rockway cornernote: I didn't know how type worked in Lua. In python type(something) automatically prints the type...
05:54 leo_rockway >>> something = [[ "a", "b" ], ["c", "d"]]
05:54 leo_rockway >>> type(something[1])
05:54 cornernote check line 105 here:
05:54 leo_rockway <class 'list'>
05:54 khonkhortisan semi-appearing bones are bad enough
05:57 cornernote minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player,pos) for i=1,32 do player_inv:set_stack("main", i, nil) end end)
05:58 cornernote or something
05:59 leo_rockway if anybody wants it:
05:59 leo_rockway
05:59 leo_rockway cornernote: mhm. Thanks.
05:59 leo_rockway I had figured it out with the bones.lua file already =]
05:59 cornernote why check if its empty ?
05:59 cornernote just set it to empty
06:00 leo_rockway eh, true
06:03 * leo_rockway is not a programmer o.o
06:03 leo_rockway thanks for your help, cornernote
06:03 jin_xi joined #minetest
06:04 cornernote no worries
06:04 khonkhortisan be happy
06:04 cornernote do do do do do do do do do do do
06:05 OldCoder for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { &do(); }
06:06 khonkhortisan if I knew the song better I would count how many do's you put in
06:06 khonkhortisan that doesn't look like lua
06:07 khonkhortisan so that function returns a pointer to a string?
06:07 khonkhortisan or is it a pointer to a function that returns a string?
06:08 cornernote do*11
06:08 cornernote which function ?
06:08 cornernote register_on_dieplayer ?
06:09 khonkhortisan &do()
06:09 cornernote in php ?
06:10 khonkhortisan whatever that language was. It looks like c/c++ to me
06:11 OldCoder Perl
06:11 OldCoder The language of the Gods :-)
06:12 leo_rockway Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: not Ruby, not Perl...
06:12 OldCoder
06:12 OldCoder Explains it
06:12 OldCoder Other languages are considered more elegant
06:12 OldCoder Perl is the language you go to when you need things done
06:12 OldCoder :-)
06:13 leo_rockway
06:13 leo_rockway I like the PERL! sign there.
06:13 cornernote minetest.create_detached_inventory -- is this in the 0.4.1 release ?
06:13 OldCoder leo_rockway, Oh yes; I love that one
06:13 cornernote the built-in creative inventory
06:13 OldCoder I actually carry my distro on my keychain hoping for a scene like that
06:14 leo_rockway OldCoder: but what about the alt-text of this one?
06:15 leo_rockway cornernote: well, at least it is in 4.2rc1
06:15 OldCoder alt-text says Python? But I like this one too
06:15 cornernote damn, cos i released a mod that needs it
06:15 OldCoder People who say xkcd is overrated are mistaken
06:15 leo_rockway OldCoder: "Perl, I'm leaving you."
06:15 cornernote for 0.4.1 =(
06:15 OldCoder Ah
06:15 leo_rockway cornernote: I don't have 0.4.1 around
06:16 OldCoder I see it now
06:16 leo_rockway if you do, check in /usr/share/minetest/builtin/detached_inventory.lua
06:16 leo_rockway or wherever your OS puts those files.
06:16 leo_rockway or look into the commits of that file
06:18 leo_rockway VanessaE: are you hacking on the nature mod or just the flowers?
06:18 cornernote yep, not there... dang
06:19 cornernote was really worth updating craft_guide to the new api stuff
06:19 leo_rockway cornernote: what mod is it?
06:19 cornernote its so much faster now... and each sign has its own "space"
06:19 cornernote craft_guide -
06:19 khonkhortisan "the purity of quantified conception" = "the computer does what I want it to do, not what I tell it to do"
06:27 VanessaE just flowers.
06:27 VanessaE almost done with it.
06:28 leo_rockway alright, cool
06:28 leo_rockway cornernote: the crafting guide is awesome...
06:32 VanessaE ok, flowers are spawning properly
06:32 VanessaE need to work in the last bits of what the cotton extension did
06:32 leo_rockway I have >9k blooms. Is that part of flowers?
06:32 VanessaE you mean blossoms, like on trees?
06:32 leo_rockway er... that
06:33 leo_rockway yes, thank you.
06:33 VanessaE (and how'd you get OVER 9000!? ;-) )
06:33 VanessaE those are part of nature, not flowers.
06:33 leo_rockway dunno, they used to not spawn at all
06:33 leo_rockway now they are everywhere
06:35 VanessaE now I'm just tuning the spawn rates.
06:38 Calinou joined #minetest
06:47 cornernote still here leo_rockway ?
06:47 leo_rockway yes
06:47 leo_rockway for a little bit longer
06:47 cornernote i just tripped over this...
06:47 leo_rockway VanessaE: how do you get dye powder?
06:47 VanessaE smelt a flower.
06:47 cornernote some code that drops your items when you die
06:47 cornernote
06:47 leo_rockway oh, thank you
06:48 VanessaE how do I check that a node is receiving light?
06:48 cornernote he itterates in a different way
06:48 cornernote VanessaE, i think something in hydroponics does that
06:48 VanessaE these flowers should not attempt to spawn without a light source nearby
06:48 Calinou shitstorm on forums
06:49 Calinou
06:49 cornernote typical
06:49 Calinou VanessaE, lock/delete?
06:49 leo_rockway VanessaE: get_node_light? dunno.
06:49 VanessaE checkjing
06:49 cornernote personally i was wondering the same thing... not really nice to ask in forums tho
06:49 VanessaE this is a shitstorm? :-)
06:49 VanessaE still, delete it
06:50 cornernote he just asked what everyone else was thinking
06:50 cornernote yep
06:50 Calinou done
06:50 leo_rockway I don't know who SegFault22 is...
06:50 cornernote i seen some of his code, but i havent been here long
06:50 cornernote dont know him
06:51 leo_rockway I saw one guy saying that minetest was dying, so I thought it was as good a time to introduce myself. I don't want minetest to die.
06:51 cornernote im sure whatever happend did because it could not have happened another way
06:51 VanessaE get_node_light(pos, timeofday)
06:51 VanessaE er, why should I need to reference the time of day?
06:51 cornernote wasnt that jordach ?
06:51 leo_rockway cornernote: yes.
06:52 cornernote VanessaE, the suns not up at night
06:52 VanessaE well of course, but what if I want to always reference the current time of day?
06:52 VanessaE do I need to stack two functions for that?
06:52 cornernote i think jordach must have had a bad day, cos i have seen him active since then
06:53 VanessaE get_node_light(pos, gettimeofday())
06:53 VanessaE seems like it should work
06:53 VanessaE er
06:53 VanessaE get_node_light(pos, get_timeofday())
06:53 leo_rockway VanessaE: then use get_timeofday()
06:53 cornernote minetest.env:get_node_light(pos, nil)
06:53 leo_rockway lag!
06:54 leo_rockway :S
06:54 cornernote i think nil works
06:54 VanessaE OH
06:54 VanessaE says it right there in the API
06:54 * VanessaE <-- stupid
06:54 cornernote as seen in the magic lantern mod:
06:54 cornernote i love my github =)
06:55 VanessaE ok, now
06:55 VanessaE how much light should a flower need to grow?
06:55 cornernote why did i bother with google docs when i 1st shared stuff ?? !!
06:55 VanessaE just any at all?
06:55 cornernote depends on the flower
06:55 VanessaE or should I aim for a particular amount
06:55 cornernote maybe some flowers like dark and some like light ?
06:56 VanessaE I don't want to get *that* fancy :-)
06:56 cornernote not dark dark, just less light
06:56 leo_rockway *cough*maybe VanessaE could work on the farming mod too*cough*
06:56 cornernote oh, damg :(
06:56 VanessaE leo_rockway: someone else is working on that :-)
06:56 VanessaE mark I think.
06:56 leo_rockway VanessaE: it's broken atm.
06:56 leo_rockway I couldn't harvest
06:57 leo_rockway and the things lack tool tips. I was trying to fix that today.
06:57 VanessaE how about get_node_light() > 4
06:58 VanessaE 1/4 of full daylight
07:02 cornernote thats just to spawn them right?
07:02 VanessaE yeah
07:02 cornernote not to keep them alive or anything fancy
07:02 VanessaE it doesn't make sense for them to spawn at night
07:02 VanessaE at least, not in pitch black :-)
07:02 cornernote yeah, thats good -- 1/4 light
07:03 cornernote can the chance increase as its brighter ?
07:03 cornernote or u think thats silly ?
07:03 VanessaE mmm
07:04 VanessaE I could probably do that, but I don't think it's really needed
07:04 cornernote yeah, probably wouldnt be noticed
07:08 cornernote is there any way you can pick up items when you walk over/near them ?
07:09 VanessaE dunno
07:09 VanessaE never tried, but the blockplanet guys did something like that
07:09 jin_xi i think so
07:09 VanessaE I don't know if it needs a C++ patch or just straight luia
07:09 VanessaE lua
07:09 jin_xi also more recently PilzAdam has done it for MiniTest
07:10 jin_xi there is get_objects_inside_radius() in lua api
07:11 VanessaE
07:11 VanessaE w00t!
07:11 VanessaE oh waoit
07:11 VanessaE no, don't wait - that should do.
07:11 VanessaE download it.  play with it.  see if it breaks :-)
07:12 leo_rockway downloaded it
07:12 leo_rockway and I'm going to sleep
07:12 leo_rockway I'll test it tomorrow
07:12 VanessaE oooooooo
07:12 VanessaE nooooooo
07:12 cornernote added to my modpack
07:12 cornernote repack
07:12 VanessaE nooo
07:12 cornernote lol
07:12 cornernote too late
07:12 VanessaE don't add it to anything yet
07:12 VanessaE it's still experimental
07:13 leo_rockway this is what I have right now
07:13 leo_rockway (flood) o.o
07:13 VanessaE I don't know if I'm using the groups thing right in the radius check
07:13 cornernote all the code in my repack is exp
07:13 leo_rockway animatedtorches/
07:13 leo_rockway commands/
07:13 leo_rockway craft_guide/
07:13 leo_rockway drippingwater/
07:13 leo_rockway falling_items/
07:13 leo_rockway mobs/
07:13 leo_rockway Nature_Pack_Controlled/
07:13 leo_rockway particles/
07:13 leo_rockway timber/
07:13 leo_rockway unifieddyes/
07:13 leo_rockway vessels/
07:13 leo_rockway vines/
07:13 cornernote plz use pastebin
07:13 leo_rockway commands is my own stuff
07:15 VanessaE actually the API says I did do the groups thing right.  yay!
07:15 VanessaE any item that registers as groups = {flowers=1} will be caught by the ABM and avoided within the grow radius of one of these flowers.
07:30 Linxxen joined #minetest
07:31 Linxxen hello
07:32 VanessaE hi
07:35 Linxxen been a while :D
07:46 VanessaE well off to bed for me.  night all
07:46 VanessaE feedback welcome re: the rewritten flowers mod.
07:46 VanessaE I tried to make it behave about the same as before, but with the flowers spawning a bit more often than they used to.
07:46 VanessaE night.
07:52 cornernote get_objects_inside_radius <--- does not seem to return the player object
07:55 cornernote no, it does
07:55 cornernote my bad :)
07:58 Jousway joined #minetest
07:59 cornernote oh baby, thats super cool
08:00 cornernote particles, plus when you break a node it falls on the ground instead of inventory, plus they go into inventory when you walk near them
08:41 cornernote oh NICE...
08:42 cornernote i hacked the timber mod to also find nearby leaves (upto 4 nodes away from the top of the tree)
08:42 cornernote now you chop a tree, and its like an explosion, all these little blocks go everywhere, and then you move near them to collect them
08:42 cornernote sooooo cool!!!
08:45 sfan5 joined #minetest
08:49 cornernote im going to have to ficure out how to do a screencase
08:49 cornernote screencast
09:10 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
09:15 Calinou joined #minetest
09:15 thexyz joined #minetest
09:51 BartoCH joined #minetest
10:04 q66 joined #minetest
10:09 SpeedProg joined #minetest
10:16 sfan5 joined #minetest
10:26 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:42 cornernote how do you eat an apple ?
10:43 PilzAdam leftclick
10:44 cornernote hey
10:44 cornernote =)
10:44 cornernote perhaps the mc-drop mods are making it so i cant eat it ?
10:45 PilzAdam with my mod it works
10:45 cornernote should it be a nodeblock looking thing, or an item looking thing to eat ?
10:45 PilzAdam but you cant dig if you hold an apple
10:45 cornernote ioh, it dissapeared when i tried to dig
10:46 PilzAdam if you wielded the apple you can eat it.
10:46 cornernote leftclick just picks it up for me =(
10:47 PilzAdam if you have it in your inventory wield it and then eat it with leftclick
10:47 cornernote oh, i see that did work
10:48 cornernote it eats it even if u dont need it
10:48 cornernote is there a way to do tool repair ?
10:49 PilzAdam for apples or other tools?
10:49 cornernote other tools
10:49 cornernote like how your axe wears out
10:50 cornernote maybe radius 2.5
10:50 cornernote for the drop collection thing
10:50 PilzAdam put 2 tools of the same type in the crafting grid
10:50 thexyz minetest mapgen is so random
10:50 cornernote dunno, 3 seems nice.. considering without the mod you would collect from 4 away
10:50 cornernote howd u make that image ?
10:51 cornernote nemo08's mapper ?
10:51 thexyz yes
10:51 thexyz
10:51 thexyz check it here
10:51 cornernote thats so cool
10:52 cornernote how longs it take to generate ?
10:52 PilzAdam 2.5 is good
10:53 thexyz for that map it took about 600 seconds
10:53 thexyz using core i7
10:53 cornernote thats fast
10:53 thexyz but it'll be able to regenerate only modified parts of image
10:54 cornernote i loaded all mods into my game, then extracted the json (took about 5 minutes to load the game with all the mods) .. then it took about 2 hours for php to load them all into the sqlite3 db
10:54 cornernote
10:55 ttk2 joined #minetest
10:55 thexyz lol
10:55 thexyz that can be either php or wrong design
10:55 cornernote its the time it takes sqlite.. i dont think theres a faster way
10:56 cornernote also hacked minetest to extract the 3d images
10:56 thexyz no, that can't be so slow
10:56 cornernote nodebox images, etc
10:57 cornernote welcome to point out what i am doing wrong to make it so slow:
10:58 cornernote theres nothing fancy, its pretty basic php
10:58 PilzAdam cornerote: what do you think is better to do minecraft like drop/pickup: my mod or changing builtin files.
10:58 cornernote your mod
10:58 cornernote i dont like changing builtin files
10:59 PilzAdam me too
10:59 cornernote u dont use timber mod ?
10:59 PilzAdam nope
10:59 cornernote i dont like floating trees
11:00 PilzAdam if you use my mod and timber mod it is to easy to get wood
11:01 cornernote i extended timber, now it drops all the leaves too
11:01 PilzAdam i know
11:01 cornernote and apples, etc, works with conifers too
11:01 cornernote with your mod its really fun
11:01 cornernote and leaves work as a fuel
11:01 cornernote but too slow when you have to chop each one
11:02 PilzAdam maybe you can make that one tree drops one wood
11:02 PilzAdam so its not too easy to get wood
11:03 cornernote it so easy to get cobble
11:03 cornernote so i tend to build castles instead of houses
11:03 thexyz cornernote: using php/sqlite may also be part of "wrong design"
11:03 cornernote thexyz, perhaps.. but the end performance is well worth it.. once sqlite doesnt have to write to the db
11:04 PilzAdam cornernote: maybe increase tool wearout of axes
11:05 cornernote pilzadam, if not limiting the wood, yeah at least increasing the wear
11:05 cornernote speaking of wear... so back to tool repair... is there a way to do that ?
11:06 PilzAdam i wrote it above: put 2 tools of the same type in the crafting grif
11:06 cornernote oh, ok...
11:06 cornernote and that repairs both ?
11:07 cornernote thanks, sorry i didnt see it b4
11:07 cornernote testing..
11:07 PilzAdam can you increase tool wearout without changing the defintion of the tool?
11:08 cornernote ahh, i see... you can craft 2 worn tools to 1 non-worn one
11:09 cornernote i was more looking to repair a mese tool without it costing mese
11:09 PilzAdam you have to put there 2 tools of the same type
11:10 PilzAdam and its not non-worn it just repairs a bit
11:10 cornernote ok, i put 2 there, and i got 1 back
11:11 PilzAdam the non-wear of the two tools a added and increased a bit
11:12 PilzAdam so if the two tools are nearly destroyed you dont get a completly new tool
11:12 cornernote yep, i see
11:12 cornernote i wore them out, then try, and i get a slightly worn tool back
11:13 cornernote ok, so in theory i can make a recipe to repair tools
11:13 cornernote just copy how that works
11:13 PilzAdam nope
11:14 cornernote eg, mese axe + 10 cobble = mese axe with 10% less wear than old mese axe
11:14 PilzAdam see init.lua of default mod in line 451
11:14 cornernote or mese axe + 1 mese = new mese axe
11:14 cornernote k, ta
11:16 cornernote ok, so i cant change the wear with a recipe
11:16 PilzAdam but you can do this in different way: if you want a completly new mese axe just register a recepie that has mese axe as a result
11:16 cornernote but i can give a new item.. with the mese example
11:16 PilzAdam yes
11:16 cornernote yeah
11:16 cornernote :)
11:17 PilzAdam but not decrease the wear to another value
11:18 PilzAdam did you try my carts mod?
11:19 cornernote i tried at version 18, i'll give it a go now
11:19 cornernote in the api, there is -- ItemStack:add_wear(amount)
11:20 cornernote amount = negative number
11:20 cornernote so you could repair onpunch of a "tool sharpener" node
11:20 cornernote in theiry
11:20 cornernote theory even
11:21 PilzAdam but you can not do this as a result of a crafting
11:21 PilzAdam you can make a "tool-repair" node
11:21 cornernote yeah
11:21 cornernote but then thats kind of cheating
11:21 cornernote unless u make it really expensive to build
11:22 cornernote so hard thinking about gameplay
11:22 PilzAdam not if you maybe save in metadata the number of punches
11:22 cornernote the repair node has wear
11:22 cornernote lol
11:22 PilzAdam and after 10 punches it will destroy
11:22 cornernote unless you repair it
11:22 cornernote with a repair tool
11:22 cornernote lol
11:23 cornernote which also takes wear
11:23 PilzAdam and you can repair the repair tool with the stone
11:23 cornernote yeah, it doesnt destroy... it just needs new stone
11:23 cornernote that would be cool
11:23 PilzAdam but CHEATING!!!
11:24 cornernote not if you get the costings right
11:25 PilzAdam maybe the repair node is made with 9 steel blocks
11:25 PilzAdam another idea
11:26 cornernote you need a file in your mod
11:26 cornernote depends.txt i think it is
11:26 cornernote and put mesicon in it
11:26 cornernote sec...
11:26 PilzAdam make the repair node like a chest and it takes 1 steel ingot each time you repair a tool
11:26 cornernote im on crack
11:26 cornernote nevermind
11:27 cornernote no im not
11:27 cornernote u have the file, but it doesnt say mesicon in it
11:27 PilzAdam in wich mod?
11:27 cornernote 20:55:36: ERROR[main]: C:\minetest\build\minetest\bin\..\games\cornernote_game\mods\_extra\carts\init.lua:
11:27 cornernote 20:55:36: ERROR[main]:\cornernote_game\mods\_extra\carts/mesecons.lua:2: attempt to index global 'mesecon' (a nil value)
11:27 PilzAdam see README.txt
11:28 cornernote it could be possible that you can fix the bug by adding "mesecons" in a new line in depends.txt. << -- didnt help
11:29 PilzAdam i will try to fix it in a future version without adding mesecons to depends.txt
11:29 cornernote i'll remove it for now
11:29 cornernote no, it did fix it
11:29 cornernote i oonly put mesecon (without the "s")
11:29 cornernote works with "mesecons"
11:30 PilzAdam you need to load mesecons before the carts mod
11:30 cornernote yep
11:30 PilzAdam if you add it to depends.txt it will do
11:31 PilzAdam but i maybe have a solution without depends.txt
11:33 cornernote lol, so many mods i cant find the cart
11:34 cornernote i got 4 kinds of rails tho
11:34 cornernote found it
11:34 cornernote =)
11:35 thexyz joined #minetest
11:35 cornernote wow, thats really nice compared to the older versions
11:35 cornernote it even goes up a hill
11:36 cornernote if there was a hill, then a corner, it would probably derail
11:36 cornernote gotta try lol =)
11:36 PilzAdam be carefull with "complex" structures of rails
11:37 cornernote its a test world, i'll try to break it before i use it anywhere
11:37 cornernote wow, really nice
11:38 cornernote it bounces at the top, but then stops there
11:38 cornernote how do you control the direction ?
11:39 PilzAdam when driving?
11:39 cornernote wow, you can ride it and its actually not as rough as i thought
11:39 cornernote u cant look around tho
11:40 PilzAdam could you please try this version without adding mesecons to depends.txt?
11:40 cornernote no, like when you punch to start
11:40 cornernote which way does it go ?
11:40 PilzAdam in the players view direction
11:41 cornernote ok, reloading now
11:41 cornernote no error
11:41 PilzAdam great!!
11:42 cornernote does it work with any rails?  or just the default and mese ones ?
11:42 PilzAdam i call the mesecon: function now after the other mods are loaded.
11:42 PilzAdam you can add your own rails to the RAILS table at the top of init.lua
11:43 PilzAdam i will update the version in the forum now.
11:44 cornernote with your item_drop mod, can you throw an item with Q ?
11:44 cornernote maybe my range is too far, and thats causing an issue
11:45 PilzAdam no with my mod you cant
11:45 cornernote oh, crap =(
11:45 cornernote sec, lemme think about it
11:46 cornernote its because when you throw it, it starts close to you, and you collect it again
11:46 cornernote it needs a timer thingy that wont let you pick it up for 1 second
11:47 Calinou joined #minetest
11:47 PilzAdam yes but how can you make this without changing bultin files?
11:47 PilzAdam i will be adk for about 1 hour.
11:47 cornernote is the cart supposed to pick up things in front of it ?
11:47 Calinou cornernote, yes
11:48 cornernote hrm, it doesnt seem to be collecting leaves
11:48 cornernote anyway, will let you go
11:48 cornernote thanks for the mods, the cart is looking really good
12:01 NakedFury joined #minetest
12:01 PilzAdam im back (this was a realy short hour)
12:03 PilzAdam cornernote:"is the cart supposed to pick up things in front of it ?" no
12:04 PilzAdam it only picks up items when it starts to drive or from the pickup plate
12:09 cornernote ok, i see the pickup plate now
12:09 cornernote can you set a custom attribute for a player ?
12:09 cornernote like set_string() on a node
12:10 cornernote ahh, perhaps .. set_properties()
12:10 PilzAdam this could work
12:13 cornernote ok, i suck at lua, perhaps you can help... but here is the idea to allow you to throw items...
12:14 cornernote minetest.register_on_placenode(function(p, node, placer)placer.autopickup = nil    end)
12:14 cornernote minetest.register_on_dignode(function(p, node, placer)placer.autopickup = true   end)
12:14 cornernote then you just put an if in the auto-collection code
12:14 cornernote but i cant set that as a property
12:15 cornernote then in next code, put a timer in, so build a node and then for 10 seconds (or until you dig) you can throw things down
12:16 PilzAdam register_on_placenode/dignode are deprecated
12:16 cornernote i know, but it works atm =)
12:16 cornernote do you have any other ideas ?
12:17 cornernote why are global (useful) functions being depricated, and being replaced by local functions ?
12:17 PilzAdam i dont know?
12:18 cornernote basically we need something to hook into to tell it "dont collect"
12:18 cornernote
12:20 PilzAdam is there any method that is called when you pess Q?
12:20 cornernote minetest.register_on_punchnode(func(pos, node, puncher))
12:20 cornernote i dont think so :(
12:20 cornernote punch is not depricated
12:21 cornernote but i dont think it will work either
12:21 PilzAdam maybe add a new object that is droped when blocks are destroyed?
12:21 cornernote chat command
12:21 PilzAdam not the one in the builtin
12:22 cornernote like /stoppickup
12:22 cornernote ugly solution
12:23 PilzAdam create a new item and only the item is picked up when walking over it
12:23 cornernote sounds like a lot to code
12:23 PilzAdam so the builtin items work
12:23 PilzAdam not that much code
12:23 cornernote oh, i got an idea...
12:23 PilzAdam tell me
12:24 cornernote set an attribute in the dropped items.. when they are created
12:24 cornernote and ignore others
12:24 cornernote groups = {autopickup:1}
12:24 cornernote or something ?
12:24 PilzAdam good!
12:25 cornernote still a hack to core, but its the same hack we already have
12:25 PilzAdam ill try it
12:30 sdzen joined #minetest
12:31 cornernote i still cant seem to set custom properties
12:31 cornernote can u dump a little of your code ?
12:32 PilzAdam got it
12:32 PilzAdam !!
12:34 Calinou joined #minetest
12:35 cornernote plz share !!
12:35 cornernote =)
12:36 PilzAdam updated MiniTest in Forum
12:37 PilzAdam you can create new varibale just by calling item:get_luaentity().[variable_name] = [value]
12:37 PilzAdam and read the value by item:get_luaentity().[variable_name]
12:37 cornernote thats what i tried
12:37 cornernote dropped_item:get_luaentity().auto_pickup = true
12:37 PilzAdam yes
12:37 cornernote inside function minetest.node_dig(pos, node, digger)
12:38 cornernote item.lua:290: attempt to call method 'get_luaentity' (a nil value)
12:39 PilzAdam item:get_luaentity()
12:39 cornernote i see in your code:  item:get_luaentity().collect
12:40 cornernote i got that part, its the item.lua in builtin
12:40 PilzAdam whats that error?
12:41 TheLastProject joined #minetest
12:41 cornernote the variable is dropped_item
12:41 cornernote not item
12:41 PilzAdam in my code its item
12:41 PilzAdam you have to use the object ref
12:42 cornernote can i see your code where you set the variable ?
12:42 cornernote i can only see in the mod where you read it.. which code sets it ?
12:42 PilzAdam item_drop mod init.lua line 10
12:43 cornernote and what calls item_drop() ?
12:43 cornernote custom in your items
12:43 cornernote i mean in your mods
12:43 cornernote you changed each mod to call that ?
12:43 PilzAdam yes
12:43 PilzAdam in every register_node
12:44 cornernote you are missing something important
12:44 cornernote when you chop leaves, it doesnt just drop leaves... there is a 1/20 you will get a sapling
12:44 cornernote you need to do this..
12:44 PilzAdam the sapling will appear directly in you inventory
12:45 cornernote minetest.get_node_drops(, wielded:get_name())
12:45 PilzAdam this is the only bug in my MiniTest game
12:45 cornernote that returns the sapling, 1/20 of the time
12:45 cornernote instead of just using the node that was dug, call this and use what it returns
12:46 PilzAdam lua-api.txt: "Note: This will be removed or modified in a future version."
12:47 PilzAdam it means minetest.get_node_drops()
12:48 cornernote lol
12:49 cornernote but, its AWESOME!
12:49 cornernote you can make it drop rare items
12:49 cornernote why would they remove that ?
12:49 * cornernote shakes head
12:49 PilzAdam i dont know
12:50 PilzAdam but my game still works
12:51 cornernote print(dump(node)) [as in the thing i dug]  print(dump(dropped_item)) [as in the response from get_node_drops()]
12:51 PilzAdam the only thing is that the saplings appear directly in your inventory if you destroy leaves by hand
12:52 PilzAdam but i can live with that
12:52 cornernote one is an array thing, and one is a <userdata>
12:52 cornernote whats a userdata ?
12:52 ttk2 joined #minetest
12:53 PilzAdam i think userdatas are the representation of objects in the world
12:54 cornernote oh, i see
12:54 cornernote local item = minetest.env:add_item(pos, oldnode)
12:54 cornernote item: is AFTER its placed
12:54 PilzAdam item is a reference to the object
12:55 PilzAdam and get_luantity() gives the implmentation table from lua
12:56 PilzAdam so you can call item:get_luaentity():get_object():get_luaentity():get_object():get_luaentity():get_object():get_luaentity():get_object():get_luaentity():get_object() and you will get item as the result
13:00 cornernote woot!
13:05 cornernote another idea...
13:05 cornernote can make it so that it only goes to the player who dig it
13:05 cornernote eg collect = player:get_name()
13:07 PilzAdam do you know how it is in minecraft?
13:11 PilzAdam i have changed my code that droped items are collectable by the player after 1 sec.
13:14 PilzAdam any other ideas?
13:24 Calinou more blocks update!
13:24 Calinou now with better textures
13:27 arda7an joined #minetest
13:28 arda7an hello
13:32 PilzAdam hi
13:37 arda7an how can i install minetest on ubuntu?
13:37 arda7an :S ppa i mean
13:38 roboman2444 joined #minetest
13:39 arda7an any1?
13:39 arda7an :S
13:39 PilzAdam go here:
13:40 arda7an its daily :S
13:41 PilzAdam yes
13:41 PilzAdam i have it too
13:44 blaze joined #minetest
13:46 arda7an and after update its sudo apt-get install minetestc55?
13:47 arda7an there is also one available in Software Center
13:47 TheLastProject joined #minetest
13:47 arda7an its version 3
13:47 arda7an i mean no problem with that right?
13:48 PilzAdam "and after update its sudo apt-get install minetestc55?" yes
13:48 arda7an kk ty
13:49 PilzAdam the version of the ppa should be 0.4.2 rc1
13:51 arda7an kk
14:09 sdzen left #minetest
14:17 Fixer joined #minetest
14:19 Calinou protip: compile yourself
14:19 Calinou much better
14:21 PilzAdam if you have ubuntu a ppa is much easier
14:22 PilzAdam i have the ppa and a self compiled run_in_place version
14:26 sdzen joined #minetest
14:28 Calinou self compiled > any and all packaged games
14:28 Calinou - not packaged by newbie ubuntians (ppa: "probably packaged by amateur")
14:28 Calinou - safer
14:28 Calinou - updated
14:37 thexyz lol, another non-so-smart decision made by Calinou
14:39 PilzAdam :)
14:58 SpeedProg joined #minetest
15:04 sdzen Zer0123
15:04 sdzen ignore that :)
15:04 sdzen wrong chat
15:14 sdzen left #minetest
15:18 GTRsdk joined #minetest
15:41 TheLastProject joined #minetest
15:57 afkael joined #minetest
15:57 Keegan_ joined #minetest
15:57 Calinou joined #minetest
16:02 GTRsdk is it possible to use gcc 4.0.1 for compiling minetest?
16:02 Calinou dunno.
16:02 Calinou I use "the latest" that comes up with debian testing and it works
16:03 GTRsdk gcc 4.6?
16:03 Jousway joined #minetest
16:04 GTRsdk just to be on the safe side, I'll compile and install 4.6 then...
16:04 Fixer what the problem with 4.0.1?
16:04 GTRsdk I was just wondering if it worked to compile minetest or not
16:05 GTRsdk haven't tried it yet
16:05 GTRsdk but I'll have to pretty much compile all dependencies for minetest
16:05 thexyz GTRsdk: what distro are you using?
16:06 GTRsdk Dawrin/Mac OS X 10.5
16:06 GTRsdk *Darwin/Mac OS X 10.5
16:06 thexyz aww
16:09 * OldCoder recommends gcc 4.6.3. gcc 4.0 is old and 4.7 is a bit risky.
16:10 GTRsdk okay
16:19 Calinou O_o
16:19 Calinou are you trying to make mac builds?
16:19 Calinou good luck
16:19 * Calinou doesn't even know what version of GCC he uses
16:20 Calinou I presume 4.6.3
16:22 GTRsdk mac builds, but I think I'll have to do it the Linux way, instead of OS X way (if that is possible).
16:23 darkrose there were some patches put in before 0.4.0 so it'd build with xcode, I think
16:26 GTRsdk I'm hoping I can just use gcc and end up with a binary that can be copied to other systems without needing to install anything more than vanilla OS X 10.5 (powerpc)
16:26 Calinou O_o ppc
16:26 Calinou pretty much everyone is on intel today
16:26 Calinou you're out of luck
16:27 GTRsdk I'm hoping it works on OS X so I can use the graphics card drivers.
16:28 GTRsdk On Linux I only got 12 FPS, which I assume is because it couldn't use the graphics card for much
16:35 Fixer initial 4.0 was probably more buggy
16:36 OldCoder GTRsdk, no OpenGL? What was your card or chipset?
16:39 GTRsdk OldCoder: Radeon 9600
16:39 OldCoder Which drivers did you use? ATI proprietary?
16:39 GTRsdk I uses the Free ones
16:39 OldCoder Also, and excuse questions, how long ago was this?
16:39 GTRsdk *used
16:40 OldCoder More than one year?
16:40 GTRsdk like a day or two ago
16:40 OldCoder I see
16:40 OldCoder Hold on a moment
16:41 GTRsdk I just started minetesst 0.4.1 on it again, and now I'm at 2 FPS :-/
16:42 OldCoder GTRsdk, there is a new type of driver under development. A group that includes the Nouveau drivers. These drivers are experimental but will probably solve the problem. Switch to another platform now but your card should work in the future.
16:42 OldCoder Alternatively you can use the Catalyst drivers now
16:42 OldCoder I.e. the proprietary ones
16:42 OldCoder But they are a pain to deal with
16:43 OldCoder I used proprietary for NVidia and Radeon for years
16:43 OldCoder Got sick of it last Fall
16:43 GTRsdk I can't install the proprietary ones due to not compiling for my architecture
16:43 OldCoder Yuck
16:43 OldCoder Yes
16:43 OldCoder I figure your chipset will be O.K. in six months to a year
16:43 OldCoder Might be O.K. now if you fiddle with it
16:44 OldCoder To make Nouveau work...
16:44 OldCoder I needed to update the kernel, XOrg, pretty much everything
16:44 OldCoder But it works great now. Even runs Celestia which is demanding.
16:44 GTRsdk isn't Nouveau for Nvidia cards?
16:44 OldCoder Yes
16:44 OldCoder But there seems to be a framework being assembled
16:44 OldCoder There is some Radeon support involved
16:44 OldCoder Hold on
16:45 darkrose gallium
16:45 GTRsdk ah okay
16:45 OldCoder Yes
16:45 OldCoder That was it; darkrose am I thinking of Gallium drivers and Kernel Mode Setting etc. ?
16:45 darkrose sounds like it
16:45 OldCoder GTRsdk, your distro simply hasn't made the leap yet
16:46 OldCoder It will be O.K. eventually and you won't need to deal with Catalyst again
16:46 darkrose free(ish) ati + gallium on a 4350 gives me around 40fps on minetest at near-HD resolution
16:46 GTRsdk I use Debian Wheezy/testing
16:46 OldCoder I use my own distro so I actually need to get all of this to compile
16:46 OldCoder Finally did it though; I just couldn't continue to maintain about six sets of proprietary drivers
16:47 OldCoder ^ NVidia routinely deletes support for old chipsets
16:48 OldCoder GTRsdk, Gallium will work on that distro but you may simply wish to wait. It is not a trivial process.
16:48 FreeFull AMD deletes support for old chipsets too
16:48 OldCoder Yes
16:49 OldCoder FOSS has a better perspective on this; old hardware is often supported up to a point
16:50 Keegan_ joined #minetest
16:50 Calinou <GTRsdk> I uses the Free ones
16:50 Calinou free drivers on mac?
16:50 Calinou tell me your secret.
16:50 OldCoder I think he meant for the Linux test
16:50 Calinou <OldCoder> But they are a pain to deal with
16:50 Calinou this is why we invented debian/ubuntu
16:50 FreeFull Sometimes you end up with a separate driver for the old hardware
16:50 OldCoder "We"
16:50 OldCoder Are you with Debian?
16:50 Calinou no
16:50 Calinou I'm not abrotman :p
16:50 Keegan_ hello
16:50 Calinou hi Keegan_
16:50 OldCoder All right
16:51 OldCoder Keegan_, Hello again
16:51 Calinou <GTRsdk> I use Debian Wheezy/testing
16:51 Calinou ALL THE WAY
16:51 * Calinou high fives GTRsdk
16:51 Calinou and xfce :)
16:51 OldCoder Calinou, a Debian fan to be sure
16:51 Calinou used to be an ubuntu fan
16:51 OldCoder Calinou, have you met Bonsai Kitten in other channels?
16:51 Calinou but, ubuntu is too hot... no need to be a fan.
16:51 Calinou nor an air conditioner
16:51 Calinou OldCoder, no?
16:51 OldCoder He is Gentoo
16:51 Calinou gentoo sucks
16:52 OldCoder He is not too fond of Red Hat :-)
16:52 * OldCoder shrugs
16:52 darkrose gentoo is awesome
16:52 * Calinou shrubs
16:52 * OldCoder laughs
16:52 Calinou darkrose, reasons?
16:52 OldCoder as he imagines Calinou sprouting branches during the shrubbing process
16:53 BloodyFire joined #minetest
16:54 darkrose Calinou: unparalleled ability to customize, while still having a decent package manager that doesn't whine when you have custom binaries installed
16:54 OldCoder darkrose, you should talk to Bonsai Kitten
16:54 Calinou every single linux distro can be customized
16:54 OldCoder I am copying your remark to him now
16:54 OldCoder Calinou, to different extents
16:54 Calinou decent package manager === apt is pretty much the only one. it is also simple to use
16:54 darkrose portage even tells me when I need to update my own code
16:55 GTRsdk huh... benchmarking the GPU using glxgears (OpenGL 2.1 Mesa 8.0.3) gives me around 100 FPS
16:56 OldCoder glxgears is not a benchmark
16:56 OldCoder They have even added a command-line switch I think
16:56 Calinou glxgears is not a benchmark
16:56 Calinou play a real game
16:56 OldCoder "--I-understand-this-is-not-a-benchmark" :-)
16:56 darkrose apt is fine if you want to install everything twice, have bloated binaries, and are ok with it breaking if you update a library from external source
16:57 SmugLeaf glxgears is a "good, DRI is actually working"
16:57 SmugLeaf that's about it
16:57 GTRsdk I read the page, but using glxgears as a benchmark to compare against other results can't possibly be the worst thing in the world, can it?
16:57 VanessaE afternoon all
16:57 SmugLeaf GTRsdk: yeah it is
16:58 GTRsdk all games I play get horrible FPS rates
16:58 * darkrose waves to VanessaE
16:58 SmugLeaf then your card is horrible
17:01 GTRsdk wow... supertux is at first at 50 FPS
17:01 GTRsdk switch to OpenGL, and it drops to 5
17:01 SmugLeaf w
17:02 darkrose "switch to OpenGL" ???
17:02 GTRsdk *switched
17:03 GTRsdk because at first it uses something else for the graphics, then I check the opengl option
17:03 GTRsdk looks like sdl
17:12 thexyz joined #minetest
17:22 GTRsdk Is there a reason as to why Minetest might not be getting text I try to input?
17:22 khonkhortisan mine crashes when I press enter when trying to talk, it might be your irrlicht
17:23 khonkhortisan or it lost mouse focus
17:23 GTRsdk it still had the mouse locked
17:24 TForsman joined #minetest
17:33 jin_xi crash here everytime i hit §
17:33 jin_xi its right under esc. sigh
17:35 afkael joined #minetest
17:35 VanessaE reminds me of an old terminal program I used to use.  One of the early versions would crash whenever a Æ’ would come across the line
17:36 VanessaE (if that renders wrong, it's the lowercase 'f' with a hook on bottom, from the old DOS character set)
17:38 PilzAdam jin_xi: my game crachs too
17:38 PilzAdam its a fast way to shut down minetest
17:40 jin_xi its a looong wait for me when i do it
17:41 jin_xi whole computer goes unresponsive. Cool to have you on the channel, too!
17:41 PilzAdam when i press § the window closes nearly instantly
17:43 PilzAdam i have only 1/2 sec. or so to wait
17:50 tango_ joined #minetest
18:12 leo_rockway greetings.
18:13 Fixer left #minetest
18:13 OldCoder leo_rockway, greetings back
18:13 VanessaE zzz
18:13 Fixer joined #minetest
18:13 OldCoder VanessaE, zzz is good
18:13 VanessaE zzz = "It's too quiet in here.  I'm bored.  ENTERTAIN ME!!" ;-)
18:14 Keegan_ no kddng
18:15 leo_rockway I want to see cornernote's drop to ground mod.
18:17 OldCoder VanessaE, All right. One moment.
18:17 OldCoder
18:18 OldCoder Bunnies. Now you are entertained.
18:18 VanessaE awwwwww
18:18 Keegan_ aww so ugly
18:18 OldCoder Ugly Bunnies?
18:18 * OldCoder considers
18:18 OldCoder Perhaps they would not see you as a Bunny Beauty by their standards
18:19 Keegan_ yep
18:28 * OldCoder will return in a bit
18:38 Keegan_ bye
18:42 khonkhortisan I can't put two signs on the inside of a corner
18:42 khonkhortisan I can only cover the outside of a cube, not the inside
18:43 VanessaE that would require putting two nodes in the same space.
18:44 GTRsdk OldCoder: Where do I find the free driver you were  talking about?
18:44 VanessaE a sign technically takes up the whole 1m cube in which it sits.
18:44 VanessaE if signs were done as entities instead of nodes, it would be possible
18:49 roboman2444 joined #minetest
19:01 OldCoder Back
19:01 OldCoder GTRsdk, Hi
19:01 OldCoder I was away
19:02 OldCoder Hmm
19:03 OldCoder That's an interesting signoff
19:05 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:12 NakedFury joined #minetest
19:26 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:26 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
19:31 Keegan___ joined #minetest
19:33 leo_rockway joined #minetest
19:33 khonkhortisan I'm collecting plants, flowers, and I dig this bush and get strawberries
19:40 cy1 cornernote: ooh, particles sounds fun.
19:41 cy1 I was working on something to collect CAOs by moving near them, but it wasn't nearly as impressive.
19:45 leo_rockway cornernote: do you have that in your github?
19:45 leo_rockway khonkhortisan: make a pie!
19:52 khonkhortisan papyrus is very very hard to find on gameboom
19:52 cy1 I've got a ton of it
19:52 cy1 but
19:52 cy1 I'm like waaaay far out xD
19:52 cy1 so can't give it to people
19:52 cy1 catch-22 there
19:52 khonkhortisan papyrus and strawberry bushes should be farmable like trees
19:52 cy1 There's a mod for that!
19:53 cy1 gameboom does no use :(
19:53 khonkhortisan how much sense does it make to take the strawberry bush with the strawberries?
19:53 cy1 Eh, that too...
19:53 cy1 Harvesting a strawberry bush should put strawberries in your inventory and leave a bare strawberry bush.
19:53 cy1 Strawberries are kind of left field anyway.
19:54 khonkhortisan and there should be a different button/way to take the bush
19:54 cy1 I hesitate to add buttons... my mouse only has two.
19:54 khonkhortisan or just take strawberries first click, bush second
19:54 cy1 You harvest a bare bush to take the bush. Harvest a strawberryfull bush twice.
19:54 cy1 yeah
19:54 cy1 well, first "grass crack duration thingy"
19:56 cy1 There's also the fact that gameboom recently moved to protocol 11.
19:56 cy1 And a few days after the client moved to protocol 12
19:56 cy1 x_x
19:56 leo_rockway is there a server that runs nightly?
19:56 cy1 leo_rockway: darkrose's and glomie's are on protocol 12
19:57 khonkhortisan bobblocks' trap spike major turns into a trap spike minor after use
19:57 cy1 ostensibly runs nightly, but it hasn't updated in a long time.
19:57 khonkhortisan gameboom is always up
19:57 cy1 gameboom doesn't run nightly
19:57 khonkhortisan unless you're talking about the version
19:58 leo_rockway version, yes.
19:58 leo_rockway I build minetest every time there's a git commit.
19:58 cy1 There's a number that are always up!
19:58 cy1 leo_rockway: a git commit by whom? :p
19:59 leo_rockway well, I follow c55's branch.
19:59 cy1 ah, yeah that'd be protocol 12 then
19:59 leo_rockway I use the AUR PKGBUILD from Arch.
19:59 cy1 he just took a ton of darkrose's and committed his stuff too.
19:59 cy1 and ignored all mine :(
19:59 leo_rockway :S
19:59 cy1 It's ok I'm a hack so w/ev
19:59 leo_rockway I like the changes in blockplanet
20:00 cy1 Still, having to type the password every time is xp
20:00 cy1 So I wish he'd pull that.
20:00 cy1 Or do it himself.
20:00 khonkhortisan yeah it should have a remember me checkbox
20:00 leo_rockway yeah, c55's branch seems to goslow.
20:00 leo_rockway go slow*
20:00 cy1 c55 took a break recently.
20:00 leo_rockway mhm. for a few months I thought he had abandoned minetest.
20:01 cy1 well, you know what puts an ass between u and me
20:02 leo_rockway I really look forward to official mobs that attack and kill
20:03 cy1 yeah that would totally be so fun :/
20:04 cy1 if you're a huge fag
20:05 khonkhortisan mobs shouldn't cause property damage
20:05 cy1 oh but that wouldn't be challenging enough!
20:05 leo_rockway they should do property damage unless you have anti-mob spray!
20:05 leo_rockway o.o
20:06 NakedFury property damage but we can have some way to keep them away
20:06 cy1 They only hurt you and your stuff if you "/set hugetool = true"
20:08 leo_rockway there's no fun in survival mode if they can't attack you
20:08 leo_rockway creative mode wouldn't have mobs
20:08 NakedFury its called survival for a reason
20:08 cy1 You can't pick up stuff in creative mode.
20:09 leo_rockway cy1: you already have everything.
20:09 cy1 Can't craft either.
20:09 leo_rockway really?
20:09 leo_rockway huh
20:10 cy1 Well, where would you put your crafted material? In your non-functional inventory?
20:10 cy1 Or how about in a chest you can't place?
20:10 darkrose don't need to craft, inventory already contains every node and item type
20:10 leo_rockway then creative mode needs to be modified
20:11 cy1 :p
20:11 leo_rockway darkrose: oh, that's what I was saying then.
20:11 cy1 Survival pits you against the other players. No need for death mobs and poison ivy.
20:11 NakedFury multiplayer survival not single player
20:11 leo_rockway I play single player
20:11 leo_rockway because I hate everyone (?)
20:11 cy1 That's dumb. You're dumb.
20:12 khonkhortisan I play multiplayer and am now stuck on the server because of my house
20:12 cy1 But no you can already put mobs in singleplayer.
20:12 cy1 They're kind of sucky, but eh
20:12 leo_rockway cy1: yup, they don't do anything.
20:13 cy1 no, the mean ones punch you.
20:13 leo_rockway they have vaults, with loot
20:13 leo_rockway oh, you mean animalsmod?
20:13 cy1 leo_rockway:
20:13 cy1 yeah
20:16 leo_rockway I don't like that mod too much. The animals look out of place with the way they look...
20:16 leo_rockway I might only enable the evil mobs...
20:17 sdzen joined #minetest
20:18 * VanessaE looks around
20:18 VanessaE there are people here now?
20:18 VanessaE :)
20:18 sdzen yes
20:19 sdzen well theres always a possibility im not real though
20:19 VanessaE heh
20:19 khonkhortisan what would you be then?
20:19 VanessaE he's a bot
20:19 sdzen a hallucination
20:20 sdzen some unkown force may be controling your mind
20:21 sdzen now Vanessae do you have some sort of question or were you just curious if people were on?
20:22 VanessaE nope, just trying to be funny :-)
20:24 sfan5- joined #minetest
20:25 VanessaE hey sfan.
20:25 sfan5 hi
20:25 leo_rockway VanessaE: your flowers breaks the rest of the nature pack. IDK if anybody gave you feedback.
20:25 leo_rockway you renamed a function
20:26 leo_rockway I don't have the name of the function around, but it used to be something like grow_on_cubes_sides...
20:26 leo_rockway and you named it spawn_on_sides or something like that
20:27 leo_rockway so minetest fails to start because it never finds the function.
20:27 leo_rockway also, the flowers seemed to be showing up alright, but I didn't test much.
20:28 jin_xi put 'missing_function = new_function' somewhere if their signatures are the same if you want it to start up
20:29 leo_rockway yup, I fixed it locally.
20:29 VanessaE breaks it how?
20:29 VanessaE oh
20:29 leo_rockway VanessaE: it looks for a function that was in flowers that doesn't exist anymore because it got renamed.
20:30 leo_rockway bushes, irontrees and vines.
20:30 VanessaE I'll look into it; that function should not be used IMHO, it's obsolete
20:30 VanessaE nature pack should be rewritten to use the spawn_on* function instead
20:31 VanessaE the spawn_on* function takes more parameters than the old grow_on* function
20:31 leo_rockway that's how I modified my local nature pack, but I haven't tested it further.
20:31 VanessaE doing it that way allowed me to cut the total amount of code in half.
20:31 leo_rockway oh, then my "fix" won't work.
20:32 leo_rockway I simply called your function from the other mods.
20:32 leo_rockway but I'll be missing arguments
20:32 leo_rockway I didn't check if it work, just that minetest ran.
20:32 leo_rockway if it worked*
20:32 leo_rockway flowers were working fine, though.
20:32 VanessaE all you really need to do is add radius and chance arguments
20:32 VanessaE spawn_on_surfaces = function(spawndelay, spawnflower, spawnradius, spawnchance, spawnsurface)
20:33 jin_xi or give them defaults in your function
20:33 VanessaE the old function used global variables before
20:33 jin_xi like: local radius = radius or 1
20:33 cy1 btw
20:34 VanessaE hm, defaults...such as what?
20:34 jin_xi ^^
20:34 leo_rockway like he said before
20:34 VanessaE I've never looked into nature pack to see what it actually assumed
20:34 leo_rockway he means your function. You can give it a default value to the parameters
20:34 leo_rockway in case it gets called without proper parameters
20:35 leo_rockway instead of not working, it would work with your default values
20:35 VanessaE ok that would be for the radius, what about he others?
20:35 VanessaE the*
20:35 * VanessaE looks at the old code again
20:35 OldCoder joined #minetest
20:36 VanessaE it used to be grow_blocks_on_surfaces = function(growdelay, grownames, surfaces)
20:36 leo_rockway I don't have the code around
20:36 VanessaE so there needs to be a default for the chance setting
20:36 leo_rockway I'm at work, on my work computer.
20:37 VanessaE I don't think this function will work with the old nature pack.
20:37 cy1 so, where's the new code? I'll pull it.
20:37 VanessaE the old function iterated through the whole damn flowers table on every call and chose a flower to spawn randomly.  Mine uses one ABM per flower and spawns them all separately.
20:38 VanessaE (faster, less CPU)
20:38 VanessaE
20:38 jin_xi you could use something like math.random(foo, bar) for some defaults to keep it interesting
20:38 VanessaE the only way to use the old function would be to provide an abridged version of the old flowers mod that bascially doesn't spawn anything by itself.
20:39 * jin_xi hopes to make df style random mobs one day
20:39 cy1 jin_xi: it's all about the perlin
20:39 cy1 VanessaE: You mean you're having flowers... reproduce each other? Otherwise having an ABM for a flower wouldn't do anything to empty dirt.
20:39 jin_xi perlin is for when you want your random to be in sync with map seed
20:39 cy1 No it's for when you want your stuff to grow in patterns.
20:39 VanessaE cy1: each flower spawns by random chance, I just use one abm per flower type is all.
20:40 cy1 VanessaE: How does it spawn? If there's no ABM picking a random flower, then there's no flowers!
20:40 VanessaE cy1: look at the code :-)
20:40 leo_rockway what's ABM?
20:40 jin_xi well, the ABM takes care of placement anyway, my suggestion is to use randomized defaults for some of the missing parameters
20:40 VanessaE ABM = active Block Modifier
20:40 cy1 will do
20:41 cy1 jin_xi: have you ever connected to my world? That's what perlin does if you use it for selection.
20:42 jin_xi no i have not. you could roll your own (slow) perlin. if you use mt's intern one your randomized thing is going to look the same everytime in the same world.
20:43 * jin_xi wonders why simplex noise is not more popular
20:44 leo_rockway VanessaE: thank you.
20:49 BloodyFire joined #minetest
20:52 Keegan__ joined #minetest
20:53 Keegan__ hello
20:57 VanessaE cy1: when you've got nature pack working right, can you post on the nature pack thread to let folks know about it?  Also, are you working off of Nature Pack Controller or the original one?
21:06 khonkhortisan wah I lose 3 sand by making sandstone and digging it
21:06 khonkhortisan where does the sand go? in little peices as I walk?
21:06 VanessaE oh horrors :-)
21:06 VanessaE when you dig a sandstone block it should give it back to you whole
21:07 khonkhortisan I happen to like reverse crafting, as long as nothing is lost
21:07 VanessaE should be simple enough to make a mod to let you recycle sandstone back into sand
21:11 BartoCH joined #minetest
21:12 VanessaE cy1: bushes mod doesn't need to spawn jungle grass anymore - my jungle grass mod is already included in Nature Pack Controlled.
21:13 VanessaE looks like only bushes and irontrees need to be patched.
21:16 * VanessaE pokes at cy1 for signs of life
21:16 dizzyone joined #minetest
21:29 Fixer left #minetest
21:29 Fixer joined #minetest
21:31 VanessaE cy1: I think I've fixed it.  Can you try the changes?
21:31 VanessaE
21:31 Fixer left #minetest
21:31 Fixer joined #minetest
21:32 sfan5 joined #minetest
21:34 Fixer left #minetest
21:34 Fixer joined #minetest
21:35 OldCoder Hi. Does anybody present use and if so do you have a link to the current matching Windows client??
21:35 OldCoder s/??/?/
21:35 VanessaE
21:35 VanessaE that should work with gameboom
21:36 VanessaE afaik they just updated to 1.4.1
21:36 OldCoder Thanks. I'll try it right now. I think they updated recently.
21:36 OldCoder Yes
21:36 leo_rockway VanessaE: vines too, IIRC.
21:36 OldCoder I don't have Windows but it works under Wine
21:36 leo_rockway needs patching, that is.
21:36 SmugLeaf OldCoder: fffffffffffffffu
21:37 OldCoder ?
21:37 SmugLeaf y u no compile your own
21:37 SmugLeaf if your not on windows
21:37 OldCoder SmugLeaf, Ha
21:37 VanessaE leo_rockway: nope, vines doesn't use that function.  At least not in Nature Pack Controlled.
21:37 OldCoder SmugLeaf, I maintain my own distro with 1,800 programs. So, yes, I do compile things :-)
21:37 OldCoder SmugLeaf, This is the *Windows* client
21:37 SmugLeaf > your own distro
21:37 leo_rockway VanessaE: then I don't remember correctly, hehe.
21:37 OldCoder For somebody running Windows. I am just testing it.
21:38 VanessaE leo_rockway: I posted what I think are fixed versions, on the Nature Pack thread.
21:38 OldCoder <SmugLeaf> OldCoder: fffffffffffffffu
21:38 SmugLeaf OldCoder: y u no rebadge gentoo
21:38 VanessaE
21:38 OldCoder Your grammar leaves something to be desired
21:38 OldCoder Rebadge?
21:38 OldCoder Go on
21:38 SmugLeaf 22 thousand programs
21:38 OldCoder Not familiar with the term
21:38 SmugLeaf oh
21:38 leo_rockway VanessaE: great! I'll fetch it when I get home in about 4 hours.
21:38 SmugLeaf like funtoo or uhh
21:38 SmugLeaf sabayon
21:38 OldCoder No
21:38 ttk2 joined #minetest
21:38 sfan5_ joined #minetest
21:38 BloodyFire joined #minetest
21:38 OldCoder SmugLeaf, If you are actually interested I will link the history of my distro
21:38 SmugLeaf LFS gets boring after a while
21:38 OldCoder Ha
21:38 Keegan_ joined #minetest
21:38 OldCoder Mine is not LFS
21:39 leo_rockway OldCoder: what distro is it?
21:39 OldCoder Keegan_, I am testing now
21:39 OldCoder leo_rockway, My own distro. Not LFS.
21:39 OldCoder I built every piece over 15 years.
21:39 OldCoder Worked full time on it since Christmas 2004.
21:39 leo_rockway it's from scratch, but not LFS
21:39 OldCoder Yes
21:39 leo_rockway gotcha
21:39 OldCoder I'll link the history in a minute
21:39 OldCoder Testing Windows MT client first
21:39 leo_rockway that should be very time consuming...
21:40 leo_rockway you have to follow all the upstreams
21:40 Keegan_ im on the 4.0 server
21:40 Keegan_ on gameboom
21:40 OldCoder Keegan_, the new 0.4.1 client seems to work
21:40 OldCoder
21:40 OldCoder Try that version with
21:40 OldCoder leo_rockway, SmugLeaf regarding my distro
21:40 OldCoder Screenshots in a moment
21:40 OldCoder
21:41 OldCoder
21:41 OldCoder There's a few games. Nothing special but I like them.
21:41 OldCoder
21:42 OldCoder
21:42 OldCoder A few multimedia programs
21:42 OldCoder
21:42 OldCoder
21:42 OldCoder That is a short article on my distro
21:42 OldCoder It was written for somebody whose startup you might know
21:43 OldCoder And for Bonsai Kitten who is Gentoo
21:43 OldCoder
21:43 OldCoder He feels I should just use Gentoo
21:43 OldCoder Debian people say just use Debian
21:43 OldCoder But my distro is me and I'm quite satisfied with it
21:43 OldCoder
21:44 Keegan_ the 4.0 connects to the server
21:48 SmugLeaf > None of the alternative base distros that I'd looked at provided the ease of use and functionality I'd come to expect from Slackware. They seemed to be directed primarily at former Windows users.
21:49 SmugLeaf > high opinion of slackware
21:49 SmugLeaf OldCoder: nigga, you best be trollan
21:49 VanessaE oh PLEASE don't use that sort of dialect.
21:49 VanessaE it does NOT work.
21:49 OldCoder ?
21:49 OldCoder Sorry, I don't quite follow
21:50 OldCoder I was not making fun of Windows users if that is what you mean
21:50 OldCoder I was a CLI engineer. They need something more like Solaris than Windows.
21:50 SmugLeaf well 2004 was like all *buntu all the time so I can under stand that
21:50 SmugLeaf but "high opinion of slackware"
21:51 SmugLeaf really now?
21:51 OldCoder Answering an actual question about MySQL elsewhere; I'll answer here soon
21:52 SmugLeaf i almost hate slackware more then redhat/centos
21:53 OldCoder Oh? Go on
21:53 OldCoder What happened?
21:54 SmugLeaf I work with systems primarily that need to do more with less
21:54 OldCoder And if you're reading the article you probably understand more than you're indicating. We had UNIX systems and UNIX was dying.
21:54 SmugLeaf ie: shit gets on reddit/slashdot and all hell brakes loose
21:54 OldCoder Go on about that; interested
21:55 SmugLeaf and the only thing that hates updated packages more then slackware is rpm based shit
21:55 SmugLeaf but yeah, trying to get more performant versions of software into base distros is hell
21:55 Keegan_ left #minetest
21:55 OldCoder RPM is death
21:55 SmugLeaf which is why i settled with gentoo
21:55 SmugLeaf yes is bloody is
21:55 OldCoder SmugLeaf, Bonsai Kitten would like you :-)
21:56 OldCoder He is Gentoo as I said
21:56 SmugLeaf we are bros
21:56 SmugLeaf all of MY servers are gentoo
21:56 SmugLeaf I try to convert customers where possible
21:56 SmugLeaf but really i have like 7 or 8 distro trees for LAMP stacks
21:57 OldCoder That is a specific application
21:57 SmugLeaf because some people can't let go of cpanel
21:57 OldCoder Yes
21:57 SmugLeaf > cpanel
21:57 OldCoder But I work at a completely different level
21:57 OldCoder CLI
21:57 OldCoder I don't really like GUI layers on top of layers
21:57 SmugLeaf > on a 50k hit an hour box
21:57 OldCoder I need actual UNIX
21:57 OldCoder That is where Slackware came in
21:57 OldCoder But I outgrew it
21:58 OldCoder And there were no distros that were a match for me
21:58 OldCoder So I made one
21:58 OldCoder
21:58 SmugLeaf I see why you progressed to here
21:58 SmugLeaf and I kinda see why you continue
21:58 sfan5 joined #minetest
21:58 SmugLeaf still weird
22:00 MiJyn joined #minetest
22:01 OldCoder
22:01 * OldCoder shrugs
22:02 OldCoder It was done because I needed it; not to please you
22:02 OldCoder Worked out O.K.
22:02 OldCoder It is an interesting toy
22:02 OldCoder I carry a thumbdrive on a keychain
22:02 OldCoder And the thumbdrive has
22:02 OldCoder room for everything in the software world that I care about
22:02 OldCoder The size of a pack of gum
22:03 OldCoder And I can have 1000s of programs, books, songs, databases
22:03 OldCoder No need to install anything
22:03 OldCoder Runs from the pack of gum
22:03 OldCoder Or from a cellphone or camera
22:03 OldCoder Try *that* with Windows
22:03 OldCoder
22:03 OldCoder Or with Ubuntu etc.
22:03 OldCoder It's the best LiveDistro in the country
22:03 OldCoder
22:03 SmugLeaf i'm guessing the nokia is the cell phone
22:03 SmugLeaf or openmoko
22:04 MiJyn hi
22:04 MiJyn everyone missed me... right? RIGHT??? dang :/
22:04 SmugLeaf lol
22:05 sdzen i missed you :)
22:06 MiJyn xD
22:07 GTRsdk joined #minetest
22:12 MiJyn hi GTR
22:16 GTRsdk Hi MiJyn
22:16 VanessaE thre.
22:17 VanessaE flowers, bushes, irontrees updated.
22:18 GTRsdk irontrees!?
22:18 VanessaE
22:18 VanessaE it's part of Nature Pack.
22:18 sfan5 joined #minetest
22:20 GTRsdk Cool
22:21 VanessaE I just updated it and bushes to work with my updated flowers mod.
22:34 VanessaE aw screw it.  Here's the whole modpack in one go:
22:34 VanessaE
22:37 mauvebic joined #minetest
22:38 VanessaE hey mauvebic
22:38 sfan5 joined #minetest
22:39 mauvebic hey hows it going?
22:39 VanessaE pretty good
22:41 mauvebic quiet on the western front :p
22:43 VanessaE heh
22:48 mauvebic should final versions go in Old mods?
22:49 VanessaE no
22:49 VanessaE old mods is for stuff that no longer works or can be expected to quit working soon.
22:49 mauvebic allright, though i think this one can go in maps? :
22:50 VanessaE ("won't be maintained" but that's a bit too broad I think)
22:50 mauvebic well im not updatind madbricks or 4seasons anymore
22:50 VanessaE nope, that one belongs in mods because it isn't just a downloadable world file or worldedit schematic :-)
22:50 mauvebic theyll stop working when the API changes enough :p
22:51 VanessaE it'll get moved when it quits working ;-)
22:51 mauvebic loll okay
22:51 mauvebic except maybe fireplaces
22:51 mauvebic ill find a way to keep those working lol
22:58 sfan5 joined #minetest
22:59 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
23:06 VanessaE you know what, forget that last zip link.  Use this one.
23:06 VanessaE
23:07 VanessaE mauvebic: regarding madbricks, does that include the various custom/fancy bricks?
23:07 VanessaE (like "odd brick" and so on)
23:07 mauvebic i kept all the stonebricks and the fireplace, got rid of the rest
23:07 VanessaE ok
23:08 VanessaE unifiedbricks will cover the rest.  Perhaps an ABM is in order to translate one to the other?
23:08 VanessaE ah, in fact the man to speak to about that just showed up (10 minutes ago) :-)
23:08 wowiamdiamonds :D
23:08 mauvebic someone had an abm for that last time i was on but i dont remember who
23:09 VanessaE og ok
23:09 VanessaE oh ok
23:09 mauvebic vortex i think?
23:09 VanessaE don't remember
23:18 sfan5 joined #minetest
23:23 VanessaE bbl
23:29 Fixer left #minetest
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23:48 cy1 VanessaE: Shouldn't "spawn_on_surfaces" be something for nature, not just flowers? Nature is pretty much growing, which is that plus growth stages. Plus seasons maybe.
23:51 cy1 My vision was that nature would have mostly just functions for growing and stages and seasons. Flowers would define flowers (textures etc) and use nature to grow them. Farming would define crops and use nature to grow them.
23:52 cy1 It'd be redundant to have flowers have their own growing separate from the rest of nature!
23:59 sfan5 joined #minetest

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