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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
00:02 VanessaE *pant* *heave*
00:02 VanessaE ok, 3 games of bowling on the Wii and I'm wiped
00:02 VanessaE and this time Abe kicked my ass--on both cheeks yet.
00:02 VanessaE cy1: I already posted my fixes for all three :-)
00:03 VanessaE and nature pack doesn't provide any "growing" code that relies on anything in flowers.
00:03 VanessaE just some spawning stuff
00:05 VanessaE cy1: besides, flowers has to remain usable outside of nature pack :-)
00:07 sdzen left #minetest
00:15 cy1 VanessaE: only way to do the exact same thing without using the same thing is to duplicate code. :(
00:16 VanessaE no
00:16 VanessaE somehow or another, bushes and irontrees are able to call the functions in flowers.
00:16 VanessaE so one function definition somehow covers all three
00:16 * VanessaE shrugs
00:17 VanessaE it works is all I know :-_)
00:17 VanessaE :-)
00:19 sfan5 joined #minetest
00:25 marzin joined #minetest
00:26 marzin left #minetest
00:39 sfan5 joined #minetest
00:45 SegFault22 joined #minetest
00:45 SegFault22 hey, what's the item code for white bobblocks again?
00:45 cy1 VanessaE: but irontrees has to remain usable outside of flowers! :B
00:46 VanessaE irontrees never was :-)
00:46 VanessaE so nothing has changed :D
00:46 cy1 My point is
00:46 SegFault22 what is the item code for white bob-blocks?
00:46 cy1 That you make one thing that grows stuff.
00:46 VanessaE bobblocks:whiteblock
00:46 SegFault22 thank you
00:46 SegFault22 left #minetest
00:46 cy1 And bushes, irontrees, and flowers cannot remain usable without it.
00:47 VanessaE well I suppose I could split that function off, but either all mods that need such a function already must have it, or all such mods must depend on a a separate one to provide the function.
00:47 cy1 And neither can farming, or hydroponics, or cotton, or anything that grows stuff, because it makes sense to use the same function for everything.
00:47 cy1 It just makes me feel sad that you'd have to duplicate stuff that already exists just because you can't rely on others...
00:48 cy1 It's like throwing out the cake mix. People make cakes from scratch and that's awesome.
00:48 cy1 But kind of sad too...
00:49 cy1 Because if cake mix makers were trustworthy, you could just use that.
00:49 cy1 But they skimp on quality ingredients, so the best cakes are ignoring all that labor.
00:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest
00:50 NakedFury I think that as a community we need to create a series of Standard or Default mods
00:50 NakedFury so we dont end up with 60 different grow mods all doing the same thing
00:53 VanessaE well like I said, I could go ahead and write a separate little mod to do the job, but c55 is absent again, so getting it pushed to the default game mods would be impossible right now :(
00:54 VanessaE besides, my code isn't gonna be good enough, I still use random numbers for spawn probability instead of whatever feature an ABM is supposed to already have to control its probability
00:58 [JJ]Albert joined #minetest
00:59 sfan5 joined #minetest
01:00 [JJ]Albert Question: Where's minetest delta?
01:00 VanessaE a channel for discussing the changes, features, and future of minetest.
01:00 VanessaE whereas this channel is more for general chitchat
01:02 [JJ]Albert Hm?
01:05 NakedFury #minetest-delta
01:05 [JJ]Albert Oh.
01:05 [JJ]Albert I see.
01:06 NakedFury #minetest-mods
01:06 NakedFury #minetest-dev
01:06 [JJ]Albert I meant the actual minetest delta, as in the fork.
01:06 NakedFury never knew there was a fork called that
01:06 [JJ]Albert But, I'm happy to see it's gotten more support since I last played it.
01:06 NakedFury yes even if some devs left
01:07 NakedFury c55 has added many new features we wanted
01:07 [JJ]Albert
01:07 NakedFury that guy disappeared. 7 months last stuff
01:07 [JJ]Albert So I should just compile the latest source on the site?
01:08 NakedFury yes or download some precompiled files
01:08 [JJ]Albert Which are up to date now rather than old?
01:09 NakedFury I dont really know the numbers on the versions
01:09 NakedFury thats one things that sucks
01:09 NakedFury we are at 0.4.something 1 I think
01:09 [JJ]Albert Ah, kewl.
01:09 NakedFury but then there are more numbers 231456
01:09 [JJ]Albert Kewl.
01:14 [JJ]Albert Boy, it's really different from what it used to be.
01:14 [JJ]Albert It has sound now, for one thing. :D
01:15 NakedFury Sound, animated images, custom blocks(nodes), really big on modding now
01:18 [JJ]Albert What servers are available?
01:19 sfan5 joined #minetest
01:19 [JJ]Albert NVM, found a list
01:20 [JJ]Albert Kewl. :D
01:20 Keegan__ joined #minetest
01:20 [JJ]Albert Any music playback in there?
01:20 Keegan__ hello
01:21 [JJ]Albert The chat client is still kinda crud. :L
01:24 VanessaE no music in minetest, and thank G*d for that :-)
01:25 [JJ]Albert Lol
01:25 [JJ]Albert What, I think module music would work just great.
01:27 Keegan__ wonder why  cant connect to servers using 4.2
01:33 [JJ]Albert Hmm
01:33 [JJ]Albert It still loads the areas kinda funny though.
01:34 [JJ]Albert Though that's due to my poor connection.
01:34 [JJ]Albert I'm gonna try it out on my other laptop.
01:34 [JJ]Albert later
01:39 sfan5 joined #minetest
01:47 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
01:59 sfan5 joined #minetest
02:16 cornernote hey
02:16 VanessaE hey
02:17 cornernote i was talking to PlizAdam (i think thats his name, author of carts and MiniTest)
02:17 cornernote he asked me to test out latest carts... and oh, its so cool
02:17 VanessaE cool
02:17 cornernote couldnt find a fault, other than jittery when riding in it
02:18 cornernote it collects things, and drops them off
02:18 cornernote very smooth
02:18 cornernote goes up hills too, does a little jump at the top
02:19 sfan5 joined #minetest
02:19 Keegan__ wonder why  cant connect to servers using 4.2
02:20 cornernote you are using 4.2, or the server is ?
02:20 Keegan__ im using 4.2 but the server is sdzens 4.2
02:21 cornernote maybe a different build?
02:21 Keegan__ idk
02:23 cornernote VanessaE, and i put a mod on that makes all the nodes drop instead of being auto-collected, then when you walk near them it picks them up if the player who dig them is you
02:23 VanessaE cool
02:24 cornernote then made timber mod so all the leaves/apples/etc drop when you chop a tree
02:24 cornernote so you hit a tree, and it rains goodies
02:24 VanessaE Keegan__: I keep telling you, it is 0.4.2 (and the like)
02:24 VanessaE and it's because 0.4.2 is not compatible with 0.4.1 and prior.
02:25 Keegan__ its a 4.2 r2 server and i have that same client because sdzen gave it to me
02:25 VanessaE Keegan__: 0.4.2  <-- note the leading zero.
02:26 VanessaE and are you sure what he gave you is 0.4.2-rc1 and not a build of some previous version like github?
02:26 VanessaE and are you sure you are in fact running what he gave you?
02:26 Keegan__ yea
02:27 cornernote and are you sure the server is running 0.4.2-rc2, and not one he compiled from an earlier git
02:27 cornernote whats the ip ?
02:28 Keegan__
02:29 VanessaE sdzen's server.
02:29 VanessaE "Minetest Version 0.4.2-rc1"
02:29 Keegan__ yes
02:29 VanessaE hm
02:29 cornernote yep, thats what he said
02:29 VanessaE and the filename and link to the file he gave you?
02:29 Keegan__ yea
02:30 cornernote access denied - reason, your client's version is not supported
02:30 Keegan__ see
02:30 cornernote client's protocol is 10
02:30 cornernote servers is 12
02:30 cornernote can you build from source ?
02:31 Keegan__ build what
02:31 cornernote minetest
02:31 cornernote i can connect with my version
02:31 Keegan__ what version
02:31 cornernote which is built from a git clone of c55's about a week ago
02:31 cornernote try building the latest
02:31 Keegan__ i cant build
02:32 cornernote then you'll have to wait for 0.4.2 to be released
02:32 cornernote 0.4.2-rc1 is not 0.4.2
02:32 cornernote :(
02:32 Keegan__ you have it
02:33 cornernote i built it
02:33 VanessaE according to github the very latest git is still 0.4.2-rc1
02:33 VanessaE there is no 0.4.2-stable release yet.
02:33 Keegan__ ok
02:33 Keegan__ then whats sdzen running
02:33 cornernote i assume he did what i did, and built his own
02:34 Keegan__ can you give it to me
02:34 cornernote thats why his protocol version is higher
02:34 cornernote im not a fan of sharing exe files, its really not that hard to build
02:35 Keegan__ how then
02:35 cornernote
02:35 cornernote all the things that say HERE are not required if you dont want sound
02:36 cornernote i usually build without sound 1st cos its easier
02:36 OldCoder Keegan__, do you know anything yet regarding software or building it?
02:36 Keegan__ kinda
02:36 Keegan__ what now
02:36 OldCoder All right. Have fun.
02:36 cornernote follow the guide
02:36 Keegan__ yea
02:36 cornernote download all the things
02:36 OldCoder Is he building the Windows EXE? What does that usel; Visual Studio?
02:36 OldCoder *use
02:37 cornernote yea, or you can use some other thing
02:37 Keegan__ what do i need
02:37 OldCoder Keegan__, A 'C compiler'
02:37 Keegan__ ok
02:37 OldCoder Is there a free one that works?
02:37 Keegan__ cmake?
02:37 cornernote see the link i posted
02:37 OldCoder Ah
02:37 OldCoder Thanks
02:37 OldCoder Was curious
02:37 cornernote it says: "You need:"
02:38 * OldCoder laughs
02:38 OldCoder cornernote, I do understand how it feels when nobody reads the documentation
02:39 sfan5 joined #minetest
02:40 cornernote Keegan__, if you have a copy of ubuntu, you can compile minetest in like 10 mins (including download time), and 4 commands
02:40 Keegan__ too much work
02:40 cornernote instead of wafting through oddles of windows compile stuff
02:40 cornernote windows builds arent too hard, but you have to download a lot of things and put them into place... linux just does it automatically
02:41 NakedFury
02:41 NakedFury next time search the forums
02:41 cornernote nice
02:41 Keegan__ thats still too much work
02:41 cornernote Keegan__, just download
02:42 Keegan__ what one works
02:42 Keegan__ for it
02:42 VanessaE Keegan__: in the time you spent trying to get this working with an unknown/broken copy, you could have already compiled it.
02:42 Keegan__ oh shut up
02:43 cornernote the one that says latest
02:43 VanessaE I'm sorry, but if you're going to use a computer, learn how to USE it.
02:43 VanessaE like we did back in the 80's.
02:43 Keegan__ i do
02:43 cornernote no
02:43 Keegan__ theres three latest
02:43 cornernote NakedFury: the one at the top is the latest ?
02:44 cornernote whats the relevance of the date part of the filename? 20120408  ?
02:44 NakedFury dont know, I havent downloaded latest yet, I just posted that so keegan would shut up
02:44 Keegan__ you shut up
02:45 VanessaE Keegan__: don't get abusive.  We've been here just a little longer than you and know what we're doing.
02:45 cornernote i *think* the top one is the latest
02:46 Keegan__ you sure
02:48 Keegan__ what one works
02:48 Keegan__ for sdzens
02:48 cornernote try the top one
02:48 cornernote if that doesnt work then i dont know
02:49 Keegan__ dont work
02:49 Keegan__ gtg
02:49 Keegan__ bye
02:50 cornernote :(
02:50 cornernote then you are back to 2 options,  1) compile, or 2) wait for 0.4.2
02:50 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
02:50 NakedFury minetest-0.4.2-rc1-d38b465-win32.7z|Latest
02:50 Keegan__ ok bye
02:57 thomas joined #minetest
02:59 sfan5 joined #minetest
03:00 VanessaE darkrose: are you awake?
03:02 VanessaE guess not :-/
03:15 sdzen joined #minetest
03:19 sfan5 joined #minetest
03:22 khonkhortisan I left on an expedition and came back rich
03:24 khonkhortisan 99 cactus, desert stone, desert sand, 198 jungle grass, jungle tree, 82 papyrus, 1 waterlily - on gameboom
03:24 khonkhortisan and I found three rats in a chest, but didn't take them
03:26 cornernote u should have set them free
03:26 khonkhortisan they still move?
03:26 cornernote no, i dont think so
03:34 VanessaE gameboom has junglegrass?
03:34 VanessaE :)
03:34 khonkhortisan junglegrass, strawberry bushes, flowers, and cotton grow naturally
03:34 khonkhortisan there's also forest and very blocky terrain if you travel far enough
03:34 VanessaE jungle trees?  must be a mod that adds them
03:35 khonkhortisan no a real forest
03:36 VanessaE a "real" forest of jungletrees is impossible without some kind of mod, jungle bi....wait
03:36 GTRsdk strawberry bushes, can you pick the strawberries?
03:36 VanessaE gameboom uses an olllllllld map doesn't it?
03:36 VanessaE like pre 0.3.1
03:36 VanessaE so jungle trees would exist in that map then
03:37 VanessaE GTRsdk: dig the bushes and you get strawberries
03:37 GTRsdk Awesome!
03:37 khonkhortisan and the bush is destroyed forever
03:37 mauvebic joined #minetest
03:37 FreeFull It real world, when you take strawberies from a bush, the bush is still there
03:37 FreeFull And will grow more strawberries next time
03:38 VanessaE FreeFull: this is minetest, not the real world.  it's okay to violate the laws of physics once in a while ;-)
03:38 FreeFull I'm saying, it makes more sense for the bush to grow strawberries that you can harvest by clicking on the bush
03:38 VanessaE well they'll still respawn eventually :-)
03:39 FreeFull Like melons/pumpkins, it should just keep on giving
03:39 sfan5 joined #minetest
03:39 VanessaE yeah but if they did that, the game would be too easy
03:39 khonkhortisan there are many things that aren't logically possible in minetest
03:40 VanessaE sfan5: make up your mind :)
03:40 NakedFury not easy
03:40 VanessaE NakedFury: what isn't easy?
03:41 NakedFury the bush can still remain and need several more days for another harvest
03:41 cornernote FreeFull, that would be nice, but someone has to code it to make it work
03:41 cornernote i like the idea tho, bushes stay
03:41 cornernote unless you pick the bush
03:42 VanessaE that's easy enough to add.  just have the game re-add a non-fruited plant right after you dig it.
03:42 VanessaE what is it, after_dig or something?
03:42 VanessaE after_dig_node
03:43 cornernote that would work
03:44 khonkhortisan It takes 27 papyrus and 6 wood to make a bookshelf, so for a library 4 tall by 5 wide, it would take 540 papyrus and 120 wood. So my hopes of a two-story walls-filled-with-books library are gone.
03:45 FreeFull I imagine it would have to work like doors do
03:45 FreeFull Or maybe not
03:45 FreeFull Allow digging of bushes without strawberries
03:46 FreeFull And if they have strawberries, just pick the strawberries
03:46 cornernote khonkhortisan - perhaps you can trade for the papyrus ?
03:46 cornernote only 6 stacks, not that many
03:46 cornernote what server ?
03:47 khonkhortisan gameboom
03:48 cornernote was reading this - .. i like the ideas they have for NPCs
03:48 NakedFury millenaire is a good mod for mc
03:48 cornernote and there is starting to get some code floating around where you can make "helper pets" blocks
03:48 cornernote i'd like to code an npc
03:49 VanessaE cornernote: someone already did
03:49 cornernote use the money mod to allow them to trade
03:49 cornernote oh, who where when ?
03:49 VanessaE
03:49 cornernote yeah, extending that concept
03:50 cornernote but a lot more logic in the code to give them some more AI
03:50 cornernote that mod is coming along well
03:50 VanessaE heh, good luck writing a fast AI in lua.
03:50 cornernote whats Millénaire written in ?
03:51 VanessaE dunno
03:51 NakedFury java
03:53 cornernote k
03:53 cornernote so hows it hook into the MC engine ?
03:54 cornernote MC is java ?
03:54 NakedFury think so
03:54 NakedFury yes
03:59 sfan5 joined #minetest
04:19 sfan5 joined #minetest
04:24 tango_ joined #minetest
04:29 GTRsdk yes MC is Java
04:29 GTRsdk while Minetest is C++/Lua
04:29 leo_rockway hello again
04:30 cornernote hey
04:30 cornernote so core is faster than MC, but extensions are slower?
04:32 leo_rockway extensions can be made faster with luajit, but I don't know if that's portable.
04:32 khonkhortisan a mod can easily slow the server to a halt
04:32 khonkhortisan do a neighbor search of each node after generation
04:33 cornernote i was thinking of making an NPC that does some simple player things
04:33 cornernote like pick flowers, then trades/sells them
04:34 khonkhortisan how will I know it won't try to sell me my own flowers?
04:34 cornernote on Millénaire it seems the NPC's actually build the city
04:35 cornernote so kind of like worldedit loading in blocks...
04:36 cornernote but instead of loading them as fast as your cpu/disk can handle, it relies on an NPC to build them
04:36 leo_rockway cornernote: I'm taking your item_drop mod o.o
04:36 cornernote thank PlizAdam, it came from his MiniTest game
04:36 cornernote also try my timber mod with it
04:37 cornernote well, the timber mod i stole and then improved
04:37 leo_rockway cornernote: does your item_drop has popping sounds like blockplanet?
04:37 leo_rockway have*
04:37 cornernote i dont play with sound
04:37 cornernote it does have sound, but i dunno what it is
04:37 leo_rockway oh, okay
04:39 sfan5 joined #minetest
04:59 sfan5 joined #minetest
05:02 jin_xi joined #minetest
05:04 VanessaE hey jin
05:07 OldCoder VanessaE, don't you sleep?
05:08 VanessaE sporadically and irregularly
05:09 VanessaE (actually I do sleep fairly normally, I just don't get to bed at the same time every night :-) )
05:16 sfan5_ joined #minetest
05:43 VanessaE zzz
06:07 * VanessaE pokes sfan5
06:07 sfan5 hi
06:08 sfan5 *** You are permanently banned from Obsidian-IRC (Malicious IP Detected)
06:08 VanessaE you have serious network issues today :-)
06:08 sfan5 dafuck?
06:08 sfan5 yes
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 22:37] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 22:39] * sfan5 (~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5) has joined #minetest-delta
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 22:57] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 22:59] * sfan5 (~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5) has joined #minetest-delta
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:17] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:19] * sfan5 (~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5) has joined #minetest-delta
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:38] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:39] * sfan5 (~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5) has joined #minetest-delta
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:58] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE [07-30 23:59] * sfan5 (~sfan5@unaffiliated/sfan5) has joined #minetest-delta
06:08 VanessaE [07-31 00:18] * sfan5 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:08 VanessaE etc
06:08 sfan5 thats my router
06:09 VanessaE I think you better fix it. :-)
06:09 sfan5 [ironic]it has a new feature that the wlan restarts itself after 20 mins[/ironic]
06:10 VanessaE hah, some "feature" :-)
06:11 sfan5 i think the wlan card is broken
06:12 sfan5 i made a workaround so i don't need a new one
06:12 sfan5 my pc is connected via lan and creates a wlan network
06:12 leo_rockway cornernote: oh, your item drop is only for trees...
06:12 leo_rockway it looks good, though. It's like a tree explosion.
06:13 VanessaE leo_rockway, cornernote: is there a youtube video of this mod in action?  I'm curious :-)
06:13 VanessaE or I suppose I could just *gasp* download it ;-)
06:13 leo_rockway I could try to recordmydesktop
06:13 leo_rockway although I don't know what framerates I'll get :S
06:16 VanessaE downloaded it already
06:16 leo_rockway uploading video
06:17 VanessaE nice
06:17 VanessaE I *like*
06:18 VanessaE this would go good with that "magnetic pickup" mod someone else was doing
06:18 VanessaE (pick up by walking near)
06:19 leo_rockway get timber too.
06:19 VanessaE alreadt got timber
06:19 VanessaE I just played withit
06:19 VanessaE cornernote: you should add something to make blossoms drop also
06:19 VanessaE (that is, the white flowers added to trees by the nature pack mod)
06:20 leo_rockway VanessaE: timber + item_drop does the magnetic pickup
06:21 VanessaE right, item_drop
06:21 cy1 meh, blossom drops
06:21 * VanessaE looks for it
06:21 leo_rockway my video is almost done uploading
06:21 cy1 leo_rockway: will love to see it...
06:21 leo_rockway okay, one at a time:
06:22 leo_rockway and don't try to stream o.o
06:22 VanessaE ugh, item_drop requires patching the game source.  no-go.
06:22 leo_rockway VanessaE: no, it doesn't.
06:22 cy1 I always stream using wget
06:22 VanessaE
06:22 VanessaE this isn't it?
06:22 leo_rockway cy1: good.
06:23 leo_rockway VanessaE:
06:23 leo_rockway VanessaE: but it only works for items that were already dropped
06:23 leo_rockway ie: the trees in timber mod
06:23 leo_rockway or something you throw
06:23 leo_rockway it's not like blockplanet
06:24 VanessaE oh right
06:24 VanessaE I don't want drop-on-dig anyway
06:25 leo_rockway I kind of do
06:25 roboman2444 joined #minetest
06:25 leo_rockway or at least drop-on-dig-if-inventory-full
06:25 VanessaE +1
06:25 VanessaE that is needed.  badly.
06:26 leo_rockway yes, that's the only reason why I want drop on dip
06:26 leo_rockway dig*
06:26 VanessaE I think receive-in-dig is fine as it is, but yes it should switch to drop-on-dig when your inventory is full
06:28 VanessaE hm, item_drop doesn't work.
06:28 VanessaE (it does nothing at all, no errors either)
06:29 VanessaE oh eait, I see
06:29 VanessaE wait I see.
06:29 VanessaE it won't collect items that were already on the ground.
06:29 VanessaE just newly-dropped stuff
06:30 cy1 how do you collect them then?
06:30 VanessaE walk near them.
06:30 VanessaE (the rest, punch as usual)
06:30 cy1 but it won't collect items already on the ground
06:30 VanessaE so it appears.
06:31 VanessaE or maybe it's just that it won't collect certain objects.
06:33 leo_rockway yeah, it seems to only collect some objects
06:34 VanessaE odd, because the code doesn't seem to have anything that limits it
06:34 SegFault22 joined #minetest
06:34 leo_rockway not even the same objects...
06:34 SegFault22 :P
06:34 SegFault22 left #minetest
06:34 leo_rockway if you drop leaves, it won't pick them up
06:34 leo_rockway only if they were dropped by timber mod
06:34 SegFault22 joined #minetest
06:34 SegFault22 seems that ecube's server died...yet again...
06:35 leo_rockway this, perhaps: item:get_luaentity().dug_by
06:35 leo_rockway the items you drop are dropped_by perhaps
06:36 * VanessaE shrugs
06:36 SegFault22 why...
06:36 SegFault22 just why...
06:36 VanessaE I'm still learning lua, let along the game's API.
06:36 VanessaE alone*
06:36 SegFault22 my favorite server - shut down...
06:36 cy1 ecube's your favorite? o.O
06:36 SegFault22 I wonder what happened to Bcnjr5's server...
06:36 cy1 what do you like in a server?
06:36 VanessaE SegFault22: his computer died.
06:37 leo_rockway VanessaE: same. I only started yesterday.
06:37 SegFault22 yesh
06:37 VanessaE smashed by his brother or so, hard drive was unrecoverable.
06:37 cy1 wut
06:37 cy1 really
06:37 cy1 jerk >:(
06:37 SegFault22 no.
06:37 VanessaE I mean bcnjr's server.
06:37 SegFault22 ah
06:37 SegFault22 why?
06:37 cy1 SegFault22: what do you like in a server?
06:37 VanessaE don't remember.
06:37 cy1 like, what mods, how stable, etc
06:38 VanessaE he told me briefly some days ago.
06:38 SegFault22 What I like is - good people, inteligent administrators...
06:38 cy1 never experienced that
06:38 SegFault22 and lots of free, open land...
06:38 cy1 lol well except on my server ofc `-`
06:38 cy1 backed up hourly!
06:38 SegFault22 much unlike Menche's server
06:38 SegFault22 wait you have a server?
06:38 cy1 oh god menche xD
06:38 SegFault22 what's the IP?
06:39 cy1 yes SegFault22 at port 6989
06:39 SegFault22 k
06:39 SegFault22 thank you
06:39 cy1 momentai
06:39 SegFault22 I'll play there until ecube's is back online
06:39 cy1 nobody uses it so I haven't checked if it's good in a while
06:40 SegFault22 what version?
06:40 cy1 It's still on protocol 11. I can switch it to your client though if you want 12.
06:40 VanessaE Jun 29 2012 19:55:53 <bcnjr5>   My little brother logged in as me on ecube's ser
06:40 VanessaE ver and got me banned, then he smashed everything...
06:40 cy1 Not sure if good idea to run 11 and 12 at same time.
06:40 VanessaE Jun 29 2012 19:57:17 <bcnjr5>   I caught him and he destroyed the evidence. :)
06:41 SegFault22 ah
06:41 VanessaE Jun 29 2012 19:58:57 <bcnjr5>   Lol, I am literally using a pile of duct tape attached to a desktop!
06:41 leo_rockway any server with 12?
06:41 SegFault22 how many mods are installed? the media might fill up mah hard drive...
06:41 cy1 glomie's has 12, and so does darkrose (who caused 12 p. much)
06:41 darkrose :D
06:41 VanessaE leo_rockway: sdzen's supposedly
06:42 cy1 SegFault22: seasons, growing... technically hydroponics. It's uh...
06:42 leo_rockway url/port?
06:42 SegFault22 k
06:42 SegFault22 must be seasons then...
06:42 SegFault22 I'm too bored to play on any servers...
06:42 SegFault22 sorry
06:42 cy1 SegFault22: 21mb
06:42 cy1 lol np
06:42 SegFault22 O.O
06:43 SegFault22 tvventy one megabytes
06:43 leo_rockway darkrose: what's the url and port of your server?
06:44 SegFault22 -.-
06:44 cy1 oh damn
06:44 SegFault22 goodbye now,...
06:44 SegFault22 left #minetest
06:44 cy1 SegFault22: sorry, not counting darkrose's fort it's like
06:44 cy1 ...
06:44 SegFault22 joined #minetest
06:44 SegFault22 left #minetest
06:44 SegFault22 joined #minetest
06:44 SegFault22 left #minetest
06:44 SegFault22 joined #minetest
06:44 SegFault22 left #minetest
06:44 darkrose leo_rockway: 30000
06:44 leo_rockway thanks
06:49 leo_rockway my internet is too slow
06:49 leo_rockway I can't see what I'm even walking on :S
06:51 cy1 :/
06:52 cy1 ok actually my world is more like 4.9 megabytes
06:52 cy1 The extra 15 megabytes are all in .git directories ._.
06:52 VanessaE haha
06:52 cy1 s/world/game/
06:53 VanessaE I should probably re-zip my edition of nature pack to exclude those, now that you mention it :-)
06:53 cy1 Always found that DVCS stuff kind of dumb...
06:54 cy1 what is the "first" version of anything, and why do you need all versions back to that?
06:54 cy1 stop me before I get philosophical
06:54 * darkrose duct tapes cy1 to the ceiling
06:55 cy1 duct tape is like the force mmmmph
06:57 VanessaE
06:57 VanessaE there, sans *~ and *.git* files.
06:58 ecube joined #minetest
06:58 VanessaE hey ecube.
07:00 VanessaE cy1: forget the force - The Schwartz is better. :-)
07:01 VanessaE after all, it's available in a concentrated liquid form ;-)
07:04 VanessaE jeez.  tough crowd.
07:09 cornernote you taking over nature pack V ?
07:09 cy1 sorry was distracted mining
07:10 VanessaE I don't really intend to
07:10 VanessaE just putting my changes out there where people can get to them
07:10 cy1 she's just taking over growing.
07:10 cornernote what did you change ?
07:10 VanessaE I fixed flowers to do its job with faster and less code, and adapted bushes and irontrees to fit the changes.
07:10 cornernote i might grab a snapshot for my megapack
07:10 cornernote ok, nice
07:11 cy1 man fuck megapacks
07:11 VanessaE everything else is unchanged from Nature Pack Controlled.
07:11 cy1 it's all about interdependencies
07:11 cy1 not everyone wants the same thing
07:11 cornernote i dont want anyone to use my megapack
07:11 cornernote its mine
07:11 cornernote go make your own megapack
07:11 cornernote :)
07:11 VanessaE cy1: the megapack is more of a testing thing.  What can he do to make minetest break
07:11 VanessaE I should zip up a copy of my standard mod pack ;-)
07:11 cy1 cornernote: so it's your game then, that's fine
07:12 cornernote its my collection of mods that i ripped of from everyone else
07:12 cy1 I guess modpack makes more sense than games
07:12 cornernote to help me code, and to help me know i am running the latest versions
07:12 cornernote and i also use to to generate my wiki database
07:13 cornernote all my mods i wrote are also available outside the megapack
07:13 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~$ ls -m Minetest-Textures-and-mods/mods/my-standard-set/
07:13 VanessaE animatedtorches, blox, bobblocks, coloredwood, cotton, doorsplus, drippingwater,
07:13 VanessaE growing_trees, homedecor, item_drop, Jeija-minetest-mod-mesecons-04bcc45,
07:13 VanessaE locked_sign, maptools, moreblocks, moreores, nature_pack_controlled, particles,
07:13 VanessaE pipeworks, poisonivy, template, timber, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, vessels,
07:13 VanessaE worldedit
07:15 VanessaE (also have several in my "other" directory that I don't install by default, either because they don't work, or I can't really use them, or they do something that pisses me off :-) )
07:15 cornernote on some computers, night in the game is really dark
07:16 cornernote is there any way to adjust that ?
07:16 VanessaE dunno, driver-level gamma/contrast/brightness maybe?
07:31 TheLastProject joined #minetest
07:54 FreeFull joined #minetest
08:08 VanessaE bbl
08:12 Calinou joined #minetest
08:31 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
08:37 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:30 Calinou redcrab, what's the name of the mod you use to protect areas?
09:54 redcrab Calinou : node_ownership
09:54 Calinou link?
09:54 Calinou well I'll search that on the forums
09:55 Calinou found it
09:58 Calinou redcrab, is it a requirement to use cpp patches?
09:58 Calinou or are they included now
09:59 Jousway joined #minetest
10:01 q66 joined #minetest
10:01 redcrab Calinou : I use only the lua script nothing else
10:02 Calinou is the patch to builtin.lua still necessary?
10:02 redcrab no patch was applied ... no patch for builtin.lua nor cpp stuff
10:03 * redcrab afk
10:04 Calinou k
10:17 Calinou
10:17 Calinou created "how do I install maps" topic
10:17 Calinou :p
10:40 thexyz joined #minetest
10:50 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:31 Calinou joined #minetest
11:34 Calinou sfan5, away nicks are bad mkay?
11:34 sfan5 ok
11:34 MiJyn joined #minetest
11:35 Calinou hi MiJyn
11:41 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest
11:44 PilzAdam does anybody knows anything about a (good) bed mod?
11:48 Calinou no
11:49 PilzAdam i will write one
11:52 sfan5 good :D
12:03 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:05 sdzen joined #minetest
12:13 Fixer joined #minetest
12:13 * VanessaE wanders in
12:14 VanessaE good morning
12:17 PilzAdam it is midday
12:17 VanessaE 8:17am for me :-)
12:29 thexyz Calinou: do you play warsow?
12:30 Calinou yes I do
12:30 Calinou
12:30 Calinou ffa FTW
12:32 VanessaE Calinou:
12:32 VanessaE move to old mods and make a new topic for my version?
12:49 redcrab Woot ... by server topic reach 1000 replies ... Doh
12:53 VanessaE wow
12:54 VanessaE what can be said?  it's a popular server :-)
13:16 ttk2 joined #minetest
13:18 Calinou VanessaE, done
13:18 Calinou VanessaE, new topic for your version?
13:18 VanessaE I'm working on it now.
13:18 VanessaE be up in 10 mins or so.
13:19 Calinou k
13:22 mauvebic joined #minetest
13:28 VanessaE
13:28 VanessaE Calinou: ^^
13:38 VanessaE I should rewrite the flowers-in-pots definitions to use nodeboxes ;-)
13:42 mauvebic square pots?
13:42 VanessaE naw, if done right they can look sloped
13:43 VanessaE but I'll leave that for another day.
13:43 mauvebic slopes/round-faces in nodebox leads to major lag
13:43 VanessaE yeah I know, if they're over-used
13:43 mauvebic might look good on a local server, but guys like menche are rushing enough keeping things online :p
13:44 mauvebic trying to help tkerwel with his pine trees, his leaves are still causing crashes
13:45 mauvebic and i still havent found an efficient way to make railings for stairs
13:45 VanessaE still getting that out-of-indexes thing eh?
13:45 mauvebic too many vertices yeah :(
13:46 VanessaE there is a way but it probably won't look right
13:46 VanessaE nodeboxes for the verticals
13:46 VanessaE raillike for the diagonals
13:47 mauvebic can still use nodebox, just settle on blockier leaves
13:47 VanessaE but you'll have to design your own custom stairs too, otherwise the nodeboxes won't connect to them
13:47 mauvebic doesnt have to be a full nodes worth like ordinary trees
13:47 VanessaE I mean for your railings
13:47 mauvebic i already have stairs, its the railings im trying to fit to them (right now they only fit to normal height nodes)
13:48 VanessaE like I said :-)
13:48 mauvebic the railings would practically have to 2 nodes high to look proper
13:48 VanessaE either you use a shitload of really small nodeboxes to act like voxels, or use a few for the vertical parts, and raillike for the diagonal handrails
13:48 mauvebic raillike wont work
13:49 mauvebic im using nodebox for the collision detection
13:49 VanessaE I know, it has no thickness
13:49 VanessaE oh that too
13:49 mauvebic seen my catwalks?
13:49 VanessaE yeah
13:49 mauvebic they really work, i was surprised lol
13:49 VanessaE you should push the catwalks into their own mod with traditional textures
13:49 VanessaE they would be really *really* useful I think
13:49 mauvebic the player is about 0.8 of a nodebox in width lol
13:50 mauvebic yeah the whole staircase mod could use its own thread
13:50 VanessaE *nod*
13:50 mauvebic sometimes though i feel like im reposting stuff
13:50 mauvebic cuz of the cross-referencing
13:50 VanessaE but separate railings from stairs and call them "catwalks" explicitly
13:51 VanessaE you're not reposting, each mod has a distinct purpose
13:51 VanessaE it's just that you're always revising stuff, moving things from one mod to another ;-)
13:51 mauvebic railings, catwalks and stairs are all designed to "fit" together so you can walk from one to the other without jumping
13:51 VanessaE stabilize dammit ;-)
13:51 mauvebic madbricks and 4seasons are stabilized lol
13:52 mauvebic id like to see buckoff merged into buckets so i can drop it as a mod too
13:52 mauvebic its a simple chat command anyhow
13:52 VanessaE clone the minetest repos, tweak and upload buckoff into it, and issue a pull requect
13:52 VanessaE request*
13:52 mauvebic lollll
13:52 VanessaE c55 might actually like it,
13:53 mauvebic i tried using git yesterday
13:53 mauvebic after 3 hours i grew frustrated and closed my account
13:53 VanessaE git is easier to learn than it seems like, people just overcomplicate the instructions
13:53 mauvebic its the interface
13:53 VanessaE what interface?  use the command line :-)
13:53 mauvebic links everywhere and none of the terms are familiar. wheres the "upload" button?
13:53 mauvebic i couldnt upload through command line either
13:53 VanessaE upload:
13:53 VanessaE git add .
13:53 VanessaE git commit
13:53 mauvebic or through the thunar git plugin
13:54 VanessaE git push -u
13:54 mauvebic where do i run that command from? the mod folder or its parent?
13:54 mauvebic and why do i get this "not .git" error message?
13:54 VanessaE from the mod folder where you ran git init
13:54 VanessaE ah see, you didn't follow their setup guide :-)
13:54 mauvebic ok gimme a sec while the infos all there lol
13:55 VanessaE go back to github, re-open your account or whatever, go to your repository listings page ( or whatever), find the New Reopsitory button
13:55 VanessaE it'll guide you through the rest.  There are about half a dozen commands to run
13:56 VanessaE cloning is even easier - it's like one click and you're done, then you git pull <url> to download your clone to your machine
13:56 marienz left #minetest
13:56 VanessaE er, 'scuse me, 'git clone <url>' :-)
13:56 mauvebic okay so i created the repo
13:56 mauvebic how to upload?
13:57 mauvebic (we should probably post a howto to to the forums using chat logs after:P)
13:57 VanessaE wait wait
13:57 VanessaE are you going for a clone-patch-upload-pullrequest of c55's main branch, or are you just uploading a mod for the rest of the world to use/
13:57 VanessaE ?
13:57 mauvebic uploading
13:58 VanessaE ok
13:58 VanessaE did you follow the stuff where they to use git init, git add remote, etc?
13:58 mauvebic did see that in the links :/
13:59 VanessaE github always presents you with a brief instructions page after you create a new repo
13:59 VanessaE but briefly,
13:59 VanessaE cd yourfolder
13:59 VanessaE git init
13:59 VanessaE make a README file
13:59 VanessaE then,
13:59 VanessaE git add .
14:00 VanessaE git remote add origin <the url they give you at the top of the page>
14:00 VanessaE git commit -m "first commit"
14:00 mauvebic the url?
14:00 VanessaE git push -u origin master
14:00 mauvebic this url?
14:00 VanessaE yeah
14:00 VanessaE when it asks for username/passwd, use the ones you use to log into github.
14:01 VanessaE wait, no
14:01 VanessaE wait, no...  it'll be
14:01 VanessaE (note the '.git' part)
14:01 Calinou <VanessaE> git init
14:01 Calinou don't think I ever did git init for my repos
14:01 VanessaE Calinou: I just do what github says :-)
14:02 VanessaE Calinou: flowers thread is up if you didn't already see it
14:02 Calinou k
14:02 Calinou I think there should be flowers in the default game. :D
14:03 Calinou however, generation/growth of stuff really needs a speedup... see the dungeon mod by c55, it freezes in singleplayer when a dungeon is generated
14:03 Calinou "(above roughly 1/4 that of full daylight)" < imo, it should be like 75% of day light
14:04 Calinou light levels 10+
14:04 VanessaE I might consider it :-)
14:04 VanessaE let's see how it plays out first, if others like the current spawn rate
14:05 Calinou moved topic to mod release
14:05 Calinou (you could do it yourself anyway)
14:06 VanessaE I tried to model the, that was quick.... erall rates of the original flowers, I didn't want to stray too far from the norm.
14:06 Calinou O_o your mod is 2.3mb
14:06 VanessaE eh?
14:06 VanessaE odd, there's only a few K of code
14:06 Calinou don't put screenshots in the zipball
14:06 Calinou :/
14:07 Calinou and remove gitignore
14:07 VanessaE oh that's right, screenshots :-)
14:07 Calinou you should make a separate "stable" download, then upload to omploader or such
14:07 * Calinou should add cotton texture in misa pack
14:07 VanessaE no way, if I do that I'll get confused :-)
14:07 Calinou well, remove screenshots
14:07 VanessaE I'll move the screenshots
14:07 Calinou the mod is about 12kb without screenshots
14:08 Calinou "local DEBUG = 1"' < should be 0 by default ;)
14:09 VanessaE wait wait, one at a time :-)
14:09 VanessaE I still nee dto deal with a shitload of screens :-)
14:09 Calinou disabled it in my local copies of junglegrass and flowers
14:17 * VanessaE grumbles
14:18 VanessaE is there a way to tell git to just use "the current state"?
14:18 VanessaE instead of having to remove every damn file?
14:18 VanessaE prune?
14:21 VanessaE git gc --aggressive
14:21 VanessaE that works.
14:21 VanessaE no it don't.
14:25 VanessaE git commit -a -m "blah blah"
14:25 VanessaE shoulda figured.
14:28 VanessaE ok, all screenshots deleted from all mods.
14:28 VanessaE I'll deal with the debug settings later.
14:28 VanessaE I left them all at '1' because I wasn't convinced that everything was exactly right.
14:28 VanessaE (spawn rates, node names, etc)
14:40 Keegan_ joined #minetest
14:48 VanessaE there.  All screenshots and crafting guides have been deleted from all of my mods, and moved to my personal web space.  All related forum topics have been updated accordingly.
14:55 [JJ]Albert joined #minetest
15:08 PilzAdam Ive just release my bed mod:
15:09 PilzAdam could a moderator please move it to mod releases?
15:11 BartoCH joined #minetest
15:15 thexyz PilzAdam: moved
15:15 PilzAdam thanks
15:21 VanessaE aren't there already two or three other bed mods?
15:22 PilzAdam they dont work
15:22 VanessaE oh ok :-)
15:22 PilzAdam i asked here before
15:22 thexyz damn that shit
15:22 thexyz > print("[Flowers] Loaded!")
15:22 thexyz whyyyy?
15:23 PilzAdam i think jeija or someone startet this and everyone copied it
15:23 thexyz that's awful
15:23 VanessaE so that there's something on the controlling terminal that shows the mod was in fact loaded correctly?
15:24 sdzen left #minetest
15:24 thexyz if mod was not loaded correctly game will crash
15:24 thexyz otherwise it won't
15:24 thexyz simple, yeah?
15:24 VanessaE nonono
15:24 VanessaE it shows the mod was loaded, as in the thing is present to begin with :-)
15:25 Calinou joined #minetest
15:25 Calinou joined #minetest
15:25 thexyz lol
15:25 VanessaE it's for the idiots out there who can't find a file manager with both hands and a HOWTO :-)
15:25 thexyz "unaffiliated"
15:25 VanessaE (since I assume the game runs from a console in windows)
15:25 thexyz windows?
15:26 thexyz but, anyway, i think i shouldn't care
15:26 VanessaE of course; in linux it's assumed there's a controlling terminal available :-)
15:26 VanessaE but indeed, who cares anyway, it's not like the game's sitting there dumping the same line out constantly :-)
15:27 Calinou <thexyz> "unaffiliated"
15:27 Calinou the troll cloak since 2010(R)
15:27 VanessaE * Calinou ( has joined #minetest
15:27 VanessaE some troll cloak :-)
15:27 thexyz yes, yes, troll
15:27 Calinou (pretty much every guy who is banned on a channel with a cloak has "unaffiliated")
15:27 thexyz (07:25:04 PM) Calinou [] entered the room.
15:27 thexyz (07:25:06 PM) Calinou left the room (quit: Changing host).
15:27 thexyz (07:25:06 PM) Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] entered the room.
15:27 Calinou blame xchat for not logging in properly
15:27 Calinou fully aware of this
15:28 * Calinou needs to find a way to hide joins/parts/quits in xchat
15:29 Calinou -JeBot- Please reconfigure your client to use your NickServ password as your server password to avoid spamming when you join. See
15:29 Calinou O_o
15:29 * VanessaE doesn't hide behind silly cloaks/tor/proxies/etc
15:29 VanessaE I fear no hacker :-)
15:31 Calinou I like my troll cloak. :P
15:31 * Calinou just joined #minecraft due to that claok bug
15:31 Calinou cloak*
15:31 Calinou but can't talk
15:34 VanessaE Calinou: so junglegrass and flowers are okay as they are?
15:34 Calinou creating a new world...
15:35 Calinou no flowers/jungle grass...
15:35 VanessaE it takes a while for them to show up.
15:35 Calinou k
15:37 * VanessaE disables all debug settings by default.
15:45 VanessaE there.
15:45 [JJ]Albert I really enjoy how far minetest has gone.
15:45 [JJ]Albert With the sound now.
15:45 [JJ]Albert And it looks a little better now than it did. But the characters are still a little basic.
15:46 VanessaE characters?
15:46 VanessaE you mean the green thing? :-)
15:46 [JJ]Albert The player models.
15:46 [JJ]Albert Yeh
15:46 [JJ]Albert :p
15:46 VanessaE heh
15:46 [JJ]Albert I'd like to customize that.
15:46 VanessaE well there are lots of alternate skins out there
15:46 [JJ]Albert Ala doom sprites.
15:46 VanessaE misa's pack has a nice one
15:46 [JJ]Albert Oh, cool. I missed the rush. :D
15:46 VanessaE cy1's server uses a rabbit
15:47 [JJ]Albert Where can I find the alt. skins.
15:47 VanessaE uses a squat little german-looking guy in a hat
15:47 VanessaE most come as part of some texture pack
15:47 [JJ]Albert Ah, kk.
15:47 [JJ]Albert I've been gone for quite a while then. :p
15:48 VanessaE it's also easy to make your own
15:48 [JJ]Albert yeh.
15:48 VanessaE just draw an image of whatever size, name it player.png and (I think) player_back.png for the back size
15:48 VanessaE back side*
15:48 [JJ]Albert Sounds like a plan.
15:49 VanessaE then drop them in <minetestfolder>/textures/all
15:49 VanessaE or add them to whatever texture pack you like :-)
15:50 [JJ]Albert Buuut, It'll be cool to see a multi-player system someday. Where the server loads up a single player's custom player texture, so you have more than one character design on a server.
15:50 VanessaE I still need to come up with a nice photorealistic player graphic for my texture pack.
15:50 VanessaE (and preferably something that's generic/unisex)
15:51 [JJ]Albert Lol, yeh.
15:51 [JJ]Albert I do enjoy having minetest around.
15:51 [JJ]Albert Especially since Minecraft is such a POS.
15:51 VanessaE a lot of people have asked for that, actually.  near as anyone can figure, the only safe way to do it is to supply a bunch of player models on the server side and push them to all clients as needed.
15:51 [JJ]Albert It won't run on ANY of my computers. :-\
15:52 VanessaE (otherwise, it would be the client pushing an image to the server, which could lead to security risks)
15:53 [JJ]Albert I wonder just when minetest is supposed to diverge, though. :p
15:53 GTRsdk Minecraft is expensive (would cost ~110 to get 4 players and then server costs for a private server...)
15:53 [JJ]Albert From the minecraft formula.
15:56 sdzen joined #minetest
15:56 [JJ]Albert Also, neat site there, VanessaE. I've got more old C64s than I know what to use.
15:56 VanessaE thanks :-)
15:57 [JJ]Albert I totally wanna set mine up for audio production... Or stick the SID on one of those sid cards for PC.
15:58 [JJ]Albert Also, that might be the best way to handle multi-player models.
15:58 [JJ]Albert The #1 thing that needs a bit of improvement, in my opinion, would be how the chunks load on the server.
15:59 [JJ]Albert I was falling into this really long chasm that I went too fast for the server, and I kept returning to a certain point way up in the chasm...
15:59 [JJ]Albert And so it seemed never-ending.
15:59 VanessaE yup, stupid anti-cheat system
15:59 VanessaE lots of people hate that
16:00 VanessaE was the server, by chance, ?
16:00 [JJ]Albert I finally died when I placed down a block on the wall.
16:00 [JJ]Albert Nope.
16:00 VanessaE oh ok
16:00 [JJ]Albert My connection is too shite for that.
16:00 VanessaE There's such a shaft there called Hell's Jump, goes down 7000m :-)
16:00 [JJ]Albert I really need to get a long strand of ethernet cable for my computer.
16:01 [JJ]Albert Woah.
16:01 VanessaE ends with a ladder stop and no way back up except to jump into a really active lava flow and let the game respawn you :-)
16:01 [JJ]Albert Lol
16:01 [JJ]Albert Also, are water physics nonexistent?
16:01 VanessaE well water slows you down and you sink if you don't keep swimming
16:02 [JJ]Albert I mean, water moving.
16:02 VanessaE but it won't drown you or wash you down river
16:02 [JJ]Albert Water flowing, yeh. :p
16:05 [JJ]Albert Er... My connection is so slow. I'm gonna go back to my crappier laptop.
16:05 [JJ]Albert brb
16:06 Keegan_ on my other laptop is works for 4.2 r1 and when i test it on the one that dont work still doesnt
16:06 VanessaE Keegan_: it is 0.4.2
16:06 Keegan_ i downloaded it from the same place
16:06 VanessaE please note the leading zero.
16:07 VanessaE but still doesn't work, with what again?
16:07 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:07 Keegan_ im on a different laptop and it works
16:07 VanessaE then you're not actually using what you thought on the "non working" machine :-)
16:08 Keegan_ tsure
16:08 VanessaE if it works on one machine but not on another, then one of the two is not what you thought it was - maybe you have more than one version installed, maybe what you put in is corrupt
16:09 Keegan_ i have three different versions in the same place
16:09 VanessaE that may be the problem
16:10 VanessaE you click on a launch icon thinking it goes to one version, but it goes to another instead.
16:10 Keegan_ so put them in a different place
16:10 VanessaE I can't say what's best, I don't use Windows.
16:10 VanessaE on Linux, it's easy - I have a system-wide install of 0.4.1, and I also have a copy of 0.4.2-rc1 installed in a run-in-place fashion, so the two don't conflict
16:11 [JJ]Albert joined #minetest
16:11 [JJ]Albert So is there anyplace where custom texture packs are hosted?
16:12 VanessaE [JJ]Albert: there's the texture packs section of the minetest forums
16:12 VanessaE but each author chooses his or her own place to host the actual datafiles
16:13 [JJ]Albert ah, kk
16:15 [JJ]Albert Er, where do I place the custom textures?
16:15 [JJ]Albert In nix?
16:16 VanessaE I manage my files locally and host them on github, others use sites like ompldr or dropbox
16:16 VanessaE one guy uses google docs of all places.
16:16 [JJ]Albert Kewl. Yeh.
16:16 [JJ]Albert So where do I place custom textures?
16:16 VanessaE in linux, are you using a run-in-place build or a regular system-wide build?
16:16 [JJ]Albert the latter.
16:16 VanessaE ok
16:16 VanessaE ~/.minetest/textures/all
16:16 VanessaE or,
16:17 VanessaE just put the folder somewhere in your homedir, and edit ~/.minetest/minetest.conf to point to it
16:17 [JJ]Albert Oh, kk.
16:17 VanessaE texture_path = /home/yourname/path/to/textures
16:17 VanessaE (that's how I do it)
16:17 [JJ]Albert If /textures/all doesnt exist, can I make it?
16:17 VanessaE yes
16:18 darkrose hmm, should really switch to xdg directories
16:18 VanessaE I prefer to point minetest.conf at the desired directory, that way I can just comment-out the texture_path line when I need to switch to defaults
16:20 VanessaE (well, that and delete my animatedtorches mod from ~/.minetest/mods/minetest if that is also needed)
16:20 Keegan_ didnt work
16:21 [JJ]Albert Yeh, is more ram important for larger chunk loading?
16:21 VanessaE Keegan_: uninstall all copies of minetest from the "not working" machine and try again from an official build.
16:21 VanessaE and I mean *all* copies
16:21 [JJ]Albert Chunks are loading all slow on the laptop of mine. W/ 512MB
16:21 [JJ]Albert RAM
16:21 VanessaE even those you don't (think you) use anymore
16:21 [JJ]Albert But, I g2g
16:21 VanessaE [JJ]Albert: I'm not sure, but I do know the game IS ram-hungry
16:22 Keegan_ i did remove all copies and download 0.4.2 on it
16:22 VanessaE Keegan_: what server?
16:22 Keegan_ sdzens
16:22 VanessaE what is the address?  I don't remember it
16:23 Keegan_
16:24 VanessaE Keegan_: works for me (0.4.2-rc1 from github)
16:24 Keegan_ how many versions do you have on your computer
16:25 VanessaE I already told you.
16:25 VanessaE two.
16:25 VanessaE 0.4.1 installed system-wide, and 0.4.2-rc1 as a run-in-place build, which is what I'm using now.  No doubt you saw me join just a minute ago
16:26 Keegan_ whats system wide and run-in-place
16:26 VanessaE run-in-place means you can copy the the game to any directory you want and it will take all of its configuration information, textures, mods with it and run from there
16:27 VanessaE system-wide means it is installed in one place and expects to find its configs/textures/mods somewhere else, and when you move it, the configs/textures/mods don't movde.
16:27 VanessaE move*
16:28 jin_xi joined #minetest
16:31 VanessaE hey jin.
16:34 VanessaE ok, time to go lie down for a bit
16:34 VanessaE bbl
16:34 Keegan_ bye'
16:36 Keegan_ left #minetest
16:41 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
16:53 sdzen left #minetest
16:56 Calinou HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINETEST 0.2_20110731!
16:56 Calinou :D
16:59 PilzAdam HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:59 afkael joined #minetest
17:19 Keegan joined #minetest
17:19 Keegan hello
17:19 OldCoder Keegan, hello back
17:20 OldCoder PilzAdam, Minetest is older than a year, isn't it?
17:20 OldCoder That is one heck of a signoff
17:20 PilzAdam Calinou wrote: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINETEST 0.2_20110731!"
17:21 OldCoder All right
17:21 OldCoder Just curious
17:23 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
17:27 thexyz joined #minetest
17:37 thexyz joined #minetest
17:38 thexyz cloaks are for noobz :P
17:38 Calinou you have a cloak... :p
17:39 thexyz no, i don't
17:39 thexyz or it's default one
17:40 Calinou (
17:40 Calinou >cloak
17:40 Calinou >irc over ssh
17:40 Calinou inb4 root
17:42 thexyz wat?
17:42 thexyz are you saying stupid things again?)
17:46 Weedy joined #minetest
17:46 Weedy joined #minetest
17:46 thexyz joined #minetest
17:47 thexyz joined #minetest
18:19 Weedy joined #minetest
18:21 MilanFIN joined #minetest
18:22 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
18:25 NakedFury joined #minetest
18:57 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:03 SpeedProg joined #minetest
19:08 saschaheylik joined #minetest
19:08 saschaheylik minetest should be like this, don't you agree?;feature=related
19:10 thexyz no it shouldn't
19:17 Weedy joined #minetest
19:22 NakedFury I like the lightning in the video
19:40 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
19:57 exe_ joined #minetest
20:15 sdzen joined #minetest
20:15 saschaheylik_ joined #minetest
20:20 leo_rockway snow biome looks really good
20:20 leo_rockway and walking light, or whatever it's called sounds good, but it's buggy for now
20:39 ttk2 joined #minetest
20:43 cisoun joined #minetest
20:56 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
21:17 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
21:23 Keegan joined #minetest
21:23 Keegan hello
21:42 GTRsdk Gonig to have a super powerful public server up in a little bit
21:43 SegFault22 joined #minetest
21:45 SegFault22 ah, I see, so ''SFan5'' uses the name ''sfan5'' to con fuse people to think it's ''stan5'' and make the person saying the name ''stan5'' look retarded...another common mistake among newbies that get granted moderator privileges...
21:45 SegFault22 confuse***
21:45 SegFault22 damned keyboard
21:45 SegFault22 left #minetest
21:46 SegFault22 joined #minetest
21:46 SegFault22 left #minetest
21:46 SegFault22 joined #minetest
21:46 SegFault22 meh...
21:46 SegFault22 left #minetest
22:06 MiJyn joined #minetest
22:15 Taoki[laptop] joined #minetest
22:25 mauvebic joined #minetest
22:26 Fixer left #minetest
22:27 mauvebic sup
22:27 sdzen sup
22:28 mauvebic its happy hour here
22:28 sdzen is it? I almost fell asleep for a moment.
22:29 mauvebic slow news on day on IRC :p
22:29 mauvebic *slow news day
22:29 mauvebic lol
22:29 [JJ]Albert slow
22:29 mauvebic what version ur server run? 0.4.1/2/3?
22:30 mauvebic the only one i can connect to is menche and u need a password before even visiting lol
22:30 mauvebic though im sure by now landmine and segfault are making griefer babies elsewhere
22:32 GTRsdk I'm about to have a URL for my 0.4.1 server
22:32 GTRsdk but if you'd like to try it just using its IP... port 30000
22:33 mauvebic i cant connect *right* now still got 2 peeps on my rivenserver
22:33 GTRsdk (No one is on yet, I just created it.... will have to restart the server for adding in admins though)
22:33 GTRsdk okay
22:33 mauvebic then when its quiet i like to visit other servers for ideas
22:33 mauvebic *though when
22:34 GTRsdk okay
22:34 GTRsdk how much RAM does your server have?
22:34 mauvebic 2 gigs
22:34 mauvebic but a p4
22:37 mauvebic im looking to patch the client for performance on old rigs like mine lol
22:51 [JJ]Albert What server is good ATM?
22:52 GTRsdk Mine is vanilla, so it wouldn't be good for ideas much... but it shoudl be online with a super fat pipe && lots of space (Intel Core i3 + 16 GB DDR3 + 2 TB hdd)
22:53 * VanessaE looks around
22:54 [JJ]Albert :p
22:55 VanessaE mauvebic: you can start by moving the texture extrude process to an on-demand setup, and extruding only tools and craft items  :-)
22:55 [JJ]Albert whats a good server right now? 0.4.1
22:55 VanessaE that'll chop down the startup time
22:55 VanessaE [JJ]Albert: 30401 (ask for privs in the forum topic for that server)
22:55 * khonkhortisan learned to not dig around the base of a lavafall
22:56 VanessaE others like (uid/pw from your gameboom account)
22:56 VanessaE port 30000 I think on that one
22:57 VanessaE port 30001 ("ol' laggy" as some have come to call it ;-) ) is fun to play on also.
22:57 [JJ]Albert whats the pass to that one
22:57 VanessaE create one :-)
22:58 [JJ]Albert oh. :p
22:58 VanessaE (I think you can sign on sans password)
23:07 GTRsdk
23:12 sdzen left #minetest
23:23 VanessaE zzz

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