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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 ecube joined #minetest
00:08 NakedFury it would be interesting to have a mix of boths
00:09 cy1 calculating the derivative of the generalied logistic is hard ;_;
00:10 NakedFury well having the rare mese or ore cave at deep places would be better than having them 90% of the time
00:11 cy1 I wonder if you could use u-substitution for derivatives...
00:15 Nickname12512 joined #minetest
00:20 cy1 well that helped it's still frikkin not nice though
00:20 NakedFury you were coding it?
00:22 cy1 I can figure the derivative of this function u(x) easy. But now I need q(x)/dx where q(x) = pow(u(x),-1/v)
00:23 NakedFury question: if I wanted to add many new blocksthat were crafted from the same item and the crafted involved just placing the item alone, just like wood, could there be a drop down list to choose the item I wanted crafted? like placing stone or cobble and I can choose between 5 alternatives. all for good looking purposes
00:23 cy1 q(x)/dx = ( u(x)^(-1/v) ) / dx
00:23 cy1 so a division outside an exponentiation, pretty much unsolvable afaik...
00:24 Bad_Command_ just plug it in to wolfram alpha
00:24 cy1 That would be difficult NakedFury
00:24 Bad_command joined #minetest
00:25 Bad_command ...
00:26 NakedFury well the idea was to have cobble or stone and you could craft it and choose between a variety of new versions
00:26 NakedFury so you could have stone with lines or stone with a mayan face or stone with something
00:28 cy1 lol saw a great article on just how awful wolfram alpha is, but can't find it
00:29 cy1 NakedFury: just have stone combined with something else to make the stone types
00:29 NakedFury what is that? sounds so familiar and makes me remember the tv series Angel
00:29 Bad_command
00:29 Bad_command It is an interesting search engine artificial intelligence thing
00:29 NakedFury yeah im gonna have to add stone masonry tools
00:30 NakedFury
00:34 cy1 NakedFury: good try... it's not u * x though it's u(x)
00:34 cy1 I'll figure something out.
00:42 frogger_ joined #minetest
00:43 NakedFury say I have carving tools and place it in the craft squares with stone to make some kind of carved stone, is there a way in the game to take 1 durability point from the tool and not loose it as an ingredient?
00:44 cy1 <3
00:45 cy1 NakedFury: Shouldn't be hard to do that.
00:45 NakedFury that still leaves problems of havng to make the recipe in different ways for different rocks
01:50 FreeFull joined #minetest
01:53 saschaheylik joined #minetest
02:05 HaltingState2 joined #minetest
02:30 CanauckTux joined #minetest
02:30 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
02:50 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
03:37 noob joined #minetest
03:38 noob is anyone here on gameboom server
03:38 noob ?
03:38 noob some ass placed lava and burned down a huge area and i need to replant trees
03:38 noob no one is on on gameboom irc
03:55 triplei joined #minetest
04:00 noob left #minetest
04:28 cy1 gameboom is protocol 1 still :<
04:28 cy1 10
04:39 opticlove joined #minetest
05:08 HaltingState joined #minetest
05:08 HaltingState joined #minetest
05:56 saschaheylik joined #minetest
06:14 Japa_werk joined #minetest
06:16 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
06:25 _iKlsR joined #minetest
06:28 workflow joined #minetest
06:41 _iKlsR any servers up and can hold another player?
07:04 Bad_Command joined #minetest
07:04 Bad_Command joined #minetest
07:26 Calinou joined #minetest
08:10 cy1 _iKlsR: glomie's is doing well
08:11 cy1 _iKlsR: 30000
08:42 q66 joined #minetest
09:15 brobostigon good morning everyone.
09:21 workflow morning
09:21 brobostigon morning workflow
09:40 cisoun joined #minetest
10:26 Taoki Um... is MineTest still under development? The GIT (both for the code and minetest_game) is dead for a month
10:27 brobostigon toabi: it is still under development yes.
10:28 brobostigon Taoki: it is still under development yes.
10:28 brobostigon sorry toabi
10:39 Calinou joined #minetest
10:45 ttk2 joined #minetest
10:56 cornernote joined #minetest
10:56 cornernote hi
10:56 Calinou hi
10:57 cornernote i was thinking about making a mod for unified dyes
10:57 cornernote seems to be the fad these days =)
10:58 cornernote i really like bobblocks, how they glow
11:06 cornernote that deserialize bug when too many items is driving me crazy :(
11:16 cornernote hey i have a better idea
11:16 cornernote - can i help add in the mods ?
11:17 Calinou feel free - convert the textures then send me a .zip file (please name the files correctly!)
11:17 Calinou and I'll add your name in the thread ;)
11:17 cornernote thats the themepack i use
11:17 cornernote so that would be cool to have more mods in it
11:17 cornernote i'll have a play
11:20 Calinou be sure to convert the textures from the latest soartex fanver pack!
11:20 Calinou :P
11:26 cisoun1 joined #minetest
11:32 Japa_werk joined #minetest
11:37 cornernote i assume minetest does not support sprites, we need to use individual png images ?
11:41 Calinou :o
11:42 Calinou I am moderator on MT forum
11:42 Calinou cornernote, individual pngs for blocks/items yes
11:42 darkrose other than animated ones
11:42 cornernote damn
11:44 Japa_werk joined #minetest
11:44 opticlove joined #minetest
11:44 Taoki joined #minetest
11:44 mrdragons joined #minetest
11:44 Bobby joined #minetest
11:49 cornernote im looking at all these cool items in this mod, and i am wondering why i am playing a game where there is some crazy low limit of items
12:00 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:13 beardy left #minetest
12:49 * VanessaE wanders in and flops down on a channel easy chair
12:49 VanessaE (I'd sit on the sofa but Jordach is sleeping there. :-)
12:51 CanauckTux joined #minetest
12:52 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
13:10 VanessaE woo!  c55 made me a moderator in the forums.  <cartman>  Respect my authoritah! </cartman> ;-)
13:19 opticlove joined #minetest
13:25 Calinou me too :D
13:26 Calinou <troll>YAY</troll>
13:26 VanessaE heh
13:26 Calinou gtg
13:38 BartoCH joined #minetest
13:44 cornernote i have an official mod =)
13:44 cornernote thanks VanessaE
13:44 VanessaE yw. :-)
13:44 VanessaE figure I should do my job :-)
13:58 cornernote is there any way worlds can share player databases?
13:59 VanessaE good question
13:59 VanessaE isn't that more of a server-level issue rather than world-specific?
14:00 cornernote oh cool, the data is in plain text in worlds/myworld/players/myname
14:01 cornernote i really want to have instances
14:01 VanessaE I guess it isn't then (and seems like it's easy to merge those databases)
14:01 VanessaE instances
14:01 VanessaE ?
14:01 cornernote like run 2 servers on 2 different ports
14:01 cornernote one is a home world
14:01 VanessaE ah
14:01 VanessaE redcrab does that
14:01 cornernote and another is nether or something
14:02 cornernote oh, really ?
14:02 cornernote i'll check out his server
14:02 VanessaE oy...if nether is involved, perhaps you should give that one its own machine ;-)
14:02 cornernote its not for public
14:02 VanessaE I've heard the authors thereof describe it as slow
14:04 VanessaE right
14:05 VanessaE oh, Jordach, workflow, you, and whoever else...are gonna kill me btw :-)
14:06 VanessaE I'm going to add another set of colors to Unified Dyes - pastel tints (that is, the regular full-saturation, full-brightness colors turned up lighter, e.g. red becomes pink, green becomes light green, etc)
14:07 VanessaE they'll lose some saturation by lightening them, but only because the saturation is already maxed out :-)
14:08 Jousway joined #minetest
14:10 VanessaE opinions?
14:11 CanauckTux joined #minetest
14:11 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
14:12 cornernote VanessaE, i think thats awesome, and when the item limit is fixed will allow for a multitude of new items and recipies
14:12 VanessaE yes exactly.
14:12 cornernote however... can you also release a 'lite' version ?
14:12 cornernote =)
14:12 VanessaE why? :-)
14:12 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:12 VanessaE just use only the colors you want :-)
14:13 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
14:13 CanauckTux__ joined #minetest
14:13 cornernote ok, so dyes wont be used to create anything except other colored items ?
14:13 VanessaE correct.
14:14 VanessaE it's sole purpose is to provide a stable, predictable color palette against which other mods can rely.
14:14 cornernote many colours seem similar, eg too many shades
14:14 cornernote but you're right, just use the ones you want
14:16 VanessaE the idea there is that there should be so many shades that the modder doesn't have to worry about the "right" one just not being there.
14:18 Ririshi joined #minetest
14:21 nyuszika7h
14:22 nyuszika7h Oops, wrong channel
14:27 cornernote was redcrabs world all built without admin tools ?
14:27 cornernote its pretty cool, not fast to load tho =(
14:28 MilanFIN joined #minetest
14:28 VanessaE I dunno how much used admin tools versus standard build techniques
14:29 VanessaE except I do know my house was build by hand, thanks to about 8 metric assloads of bricks emspri gave me :-)
14:29 VanessaE (to save me the effort of trying to find enough clay)
14:29 cornernote its sending me like 3kb/s  ... taking so long for the world to load
14:29 neena joined #minetest
14:31 * VanessaE tests the changes to unifieddyes
14:32 * darkrose makes some api changes solely to break unifieddyes :p
14:33 VanessaE btw the textures in this upcoming version were autogenerated using my script. :-)
14:34 VanessaE hah!
14:34 neena joined #minetest
14:35 darkrose btw VanessaE, there was something about a bug I was meant to remind you of >.>
14:35 VanessaE hues couldn't be crafted?
14:35 darkrose api related
14:36 darkrose oh, you were gonna give me a sample of your instant segfault mod
14:36 VanessaE OH
14:36 VanessaE I haven't had a chance to whittle that paste down to just the part that breaks, been kinda busy :-)
14:37 darkrose s'ok, si have I
14:37 darkrose s/si/so/
14:38 workflow hey so i am trying to make painting even more spectacular
14:38 workflow but i fail...
14:39 workflow is there a way to set custom members of an entity after creation?
14:39 VanessaE workflow: hold on further development, I'm working on an update to unfieddyes (see above)
14:41 workflow this problem is not related to dyes.
14:41 cornernote painting looks awesome
14:41 cornernote i wonder...
14:41 workflow i am working on painting on canvas directly
14:42 workflow no need for inv menu
14:42 workflow 64x64 and so on...
14:42 cornernote you could use a 10x10 grid ingame to make nodeblocks
14:42 workflow but i'm stuck...
14:42 cornernote oh, how do you do that ?
14:43 workflow well, i have thought to utilize lua entities for the pixel
14:43 cornernote player can define their canvas size ?
14:43 workflow initialize them with their position
14:43 cornernote but how does the player "paint" ?
14:44 workflow wield brush point on canvas (in future version that is)
14:44 workflow atm you right click easel and craft painting from colors
14:44 cornernote and that pops up a menu ?
14:44 workflow try it...
14:44 cornernote no, in the future one
14:45 cornernote im trying to picture how you replace the inventory popup
14:45 workflow well i dont. i lose it entirely
14:45 cornernote yes, then how do you "aim" the paint ?
14:45 workflow make the canvas front surface consist of sprites which are lua entities
14:45 workflow you aim with the mouse
14:46 cornernote and use a "paintbrush" or something ?
14:46 cornernote or just use the dye directly ?
14:46 workflow i wrote exactly that above. do you read this stuff?
14:46 cornernote ok, i just wasnt sure =)
14:47 cornernote seems like it would be really hard to aim and paint
14:47 cornernote the 16x16 is really nice
14:47 workflow idk we'll see
14:47 workflow its 8x8 now
14:47 cornernote ok, 8x8 .. im not good at counting
14:47 cornernote or spelling
14:48 cornernote but i can ocasionally code something useful
14:49 workflow yeah, your mod is great
14:49 cornernote thx
14:50 cornernote just learning, and it made the game a lot more usable for my kids
14:52 cornernote is sim_paint your mod too ?
14:52 workflow no painting is my first one so far
14:56 VanessaE unifieddyes is ready...
14:58 roboman2444 joined #minetest
14:58 VanessaE 89 colors supported now.
14:59 VanessaE As long as there are no bugs in the template, in unifieddyes itself, or in my gentextures script, unifieddyes is complete.
15:00 cornernote workflow, just looked over the code of painting... looks amazing
15:01 cornernote its a great example of how to use inventory to make something really different
15:02 NakedFury cornernote were you able to have a scrolling bar on your recipe ingame viewer?
15:02 cornernote eg, you can use inventory to somewhat replicate an oven to make a special kind of oven... but you made a painting, not just another oven!  =)
15:02 NakedFury yeah the painting mod is incredible
15:02 cornernote NakedFury: no, the best i can do is a next/prev slot
15:02 cornernote you drag an item there and it loads the next page
15:03 NakedFury we need a scrolling bar damn
15:03 cornernote not ideal, but seems to work
15:03 cornernote we need buttons
15:03 cornernote eg, onclick (not just on_move)
15:03 cornernote then i can define an item... craft_guide:next_page .. put that in the slot...  and shebang!
15:04 NakedFury such a bad time for celeron to go on hidding. bunch of new guys working on awesome projects come and he isnt here
15:04 darkrose hmm, I just did formspec, could add buttons to it
15:04 cornernote when is he expected back ?
15:04 cornernote darkrose, oh yes please !
15:05 cornernote i would compile for that
15:05 NakedFury buttons, a drop down list, scroll bar
15:05 cornernote then i can use the built in craft registry too
15:05 NakedFury all 3 would be appreciated
15:05 cornernote i just want buttons and text
15:06 NakedFury the others are for creative inventory
15:06 cornernote so i can make the page look like the screenshot -
15:07 VanessaE there, photorealistic texture packs updated accordingly.
15:08 VanessaE please update your mods (if you want the additional colors)
15:17 cornernote workflow, if i put the easel on the ground, i cant pick it up again (not diggable)
15:18 cornernote sorry, i mean the canvas
15:18 VanessaE raillike?
15:19 VanessaE oh wait, it's based on nodeboxes
15:19 workflow is it a pic you painted?
15:19 VanessaE (but is the white canvas also a nodebox?)
15:19 cornernote no, blank canvas
15:21 workflow you built it?
15:21 cornernote no.. i used creative invetory
15:22 workflow oh, in the mod its nod digable, but not buildable too.
15:23 workflow you can only put it on canvas or remove it from there via taking from easel inventory, so it should not be possible to build it this way.
15:24 saschaheylik joined #minetest
15:24 mrdragons joined #minetest
15:24 workflow anyway if you want to dig it just change the can_dig function for canvasnode to return true...
15:27 GridCube joined #minetest
15:28 VanessaE G*d I so need a nap right now :-S
15:28 cornernote i see, so you make the pallet out of any paint.. then you throw it at the easel+canvas
15:29 Calinou joined #minetest
15:29 NakedFury were can I find the commands for the game? like fly, set time of day, etc
15:29 cornernote how do you get the canvas back with your painting on it ?
15:30 cornernote
15:30 Calinou the dev wiki is no longer used for game-related stuff :P
15:30 cornernote is there a better list?
15:30 cornernote other than reading the lua =)
15:32 workflow cornernote: when you place all pixels, an icon for you finished pic appears next to the palette. drag that off the menu and let go
15:32 workflow it is added to your inventory
15:32 cornernote ahh, place all pixels..
15:33 cornernote we need text in inventory boxes
15:33 khonkhortisanafk joined #minetest
15:33 VanessaE it's too bad you can't implement proper buttons in the UI - I'd have suggested an "Add Painting to Inventory" button.
15:33 darkrose can't implement them yet!
15:33 cornernote >> hit canvas with palette for random image (gives plain red image atm)
15:34 cornernote i cant, it ate my palette
15:34 VanessaE ok, ...yet... :-_)
15:34 VanessaE :-)
15:36 cornernote woot, i made a pic!
15:38 VanessaE \o.
15:38 VanessaE \o/ even
15:38 workflow you can hit the canvas with the palette when its on the easel
15:38 workflow it gives you a plain red pic atm. i wanna make that random...
15:39 VanessaE try for artistic rather than random
15:39 VanessaE art deco for example
15:39 cornernote yeah, modern art
15:39 cornernote or a tree =)
15:39 VanessaE heh
15:39 workflow yeah, when you hit the easel with the palette it will be lost...
15:39 cornernote or flower
15:40 workflow idk how to do that...
15:40 workflow ui wise i mean
15:40 cornernote if you dont put your canvas on the easel 1st it kinda breaks
15:40 VanessaE maybe have a small library, say 20 images already prepared for use by your mod, that the code could select and modify
15:40 * workflow checks
15:41 VanessaE you know, like to add one of those John Lennon-esque effects
15:41 workflow what breaks?
15:41 Calinou
15:41 cornernote VanessaE, i think thats the plan... there is some existing ones in sim_paint mod .. but i'm sure a few people will submit some "starter" ones too
15:42 VanessaE cool
15:42 VanessaE great minds think alike :-)
15:42 cornernote Calinou, any way to get a redirect from the old page?  it ranks higher in google
15:42 Calinou why do you use google for this?
15:42 Calinou use the wiki's internal search
15:43 cornernote wiki+forum+etc, too much... google knows (well, usually)
15:43 cornernote i just type it in my address bar
15:43 cornernote dont gotta find a search link
15:44 cornernote redirect would be ideal, avoid duplicate content
15:44 cornernote im not the only one who asks google about such things ;)
15:46 cornernote workflow: its not to do with the ordering
15:46 cornernote i cant get a canvas onto the easel
15:46 cornernote i did it once
15:49 idoru joined #minetest
15:49 cornernote workflow: anyway, really cool mod... if you move to a free painting concept please keep this one too
15:49 cornernote maybe call the new one free_painting, or painting_tool, or something
15:52 workflow well, i think it will come down to the canvas. ill do mosaic and canvas, on the same easel... we'll see
15:55 cornernote would be nice if i can replace the color on the painting
15:56 cornernote not replace, but move it
15:58 cornernote when i pick up the picture, its still there on the wall, and also in my inventory
15:59 cornernote lighting changes look slow, i think a constant light near them will prevent lags
15:59 workflow yeah, there is still some left to do.
15:59 cornernote but so cool =) =)
15:59 workflow atm the pixels are not removed when the picture node is dug
16:00 cornernote ahh that explains it
16:00 workflow which is why they stay, and you still get the picture back
16:01 workflow i wanted to store the pic in the craftitem somehow, so you could craft individual pictures
16:01 workflow but atm its a global list and you can only use the last pic.
16:01 cornernote store it on disk ?
16:01 workflow which has its advantages, you can place many of the same pic.
16:01 cornernote in an ini file
16:02 VanessaE ini??  >:-(
16:02 cornernote or an array or whatever
16:02 VanessaE I wonder if the format worldedit uses is suitable?
16:02 workflow i thought i let minetest take care of the storing, but i have not figured out how to initalize a custom member of an entity...
16:03 workflow idk if im too stupid, its too obvious or not possible
16:04 cornernote im reading lua now (im now expert but maybe we can nut it out)
16:04 cornernote i see this...  if wielded ~= 'painting:palette' then return end
16:05 cornernote how do you put the canvas there ?
16:05 VanessaE I doubt "too stupid" is appropriate - it's probably either not possible or it's something you're overlooking
16:06 workflow problem is this: search for 'whatever' in lua api doc. you'll find register_entity and so on
16:06 workflow there is myvariable=whatever
16:06 workflow see?
16:07 workflow i'd like to have the pic a member called picture and set it to the list of pixels
16:07 workflow but how eludes me
16:08 cornernote can u paste link to api txt?  i cant locate it
16:08 workflow one sec
16:08 cornernote found it
16:08 workflow ah well
16:08 workflow you got it already :)
16:10 VanessaE ok, time to go lie down for a bit before I fall asleep sitting up.
16:11 VanessaE can you guys download the latest unifieddyes and modding template and give them a spin?
16:11 VanessaE thanks in advance ;-)
16:11 cornernote workflow, just add it to the 2nd argument.. like this
16:11 cornernote night V
16:11 Angs7 joined #minetest
16:13 * workflow waits impatiently
16:13 cornernote sorry
16:13 cornernote hrmm, which entity do you want to add it to?
16:14 cornernote you have a few calls to register_entity in a loop, one entity per colour .. but i assume thats not the place where you are doing it
16:15 cornernote you want to do it in this section... minetest.register_node("painting:pic", {  .... is that right ?
16:16 workflow ok if there was a member in pixel (line 39, that def), like whatever=0
16:16 workflow when i create a pixel with minetest.env:add_entity it returns an object ref
16:16 workflow object ref has set_properties
16:17 workflow but it does not seem to work for custom members
16:17 cornernote cant you set it directly ?
16:18 cornernote like... you want to use object.set_properties('whatever',0) .. or something... cant you just do object.whatever=0  ?
16:19 workflow well, no, i'd have to register an entity for every pixel position in addition to the ones for every color...
16:19 workflow so i want to do it on or after creation.
16:19 cornernote see in the lua you have LASTPIC
16:20 workflow this is the global list which holds a list of pictures. everytime you take one picture from easel menu a new list with the last pic is inserted in there. this is kludge.
16:21 workflow it would be nice to store the list of pixels of a pic in the pic itself.
16:21 workflow same problem.
16:21 cornernote cant you use that to paint the canvas on_construct based on some other history file ?
16:22 cornernote eg, an ini file
16:22 cornernote yeah, i see what you would like, to save the data in the object itself
16:23 cornernote and then when you pick it up, it copies that property to the new item in your inventory.. so it stays with it
16:24 workflow yes, make them non stackable.
16:24 workflow then add a press to allow copying of multiple pics
16:24 workflow or so...
16:24 cornernote nice
16:25 cornernote well, i think you can do it just as easy without storing to the object itself
16:25 cornernote maybe not as pretty code, but still, its a way
16:28 workflow its my first lua program, really need to read on some basics i think...
16:28 cornernote really?  its way better than mine
16:29 cornernote in terms of what the lua does, and in terms of an original concept for minetest
16:29 NakedFury it is amazing
16:30 NakedFury and man first lua program? you couldnt start with a more easy stuff could you, you went straight for the hard stuff too
16:31 workflow i did some other stuff in other languages
16:31 NakedFury ok atleast you have experience
16:31 workflow but that does not always help :)
16:31 cornernote in lua, whats the diff between . and :  ?
16:31 workflow . calls the function
16:32 workflow : calls the function with self as first argument
16:32 cornernote ok
16:33 cornernote so,, player:get_wielded_item() == player.get_wielded_item(player) ?
16:34 workflow i think so. i had code like that before i read about . and :
16:35 NakedFury 3 more hours for unreal tournament 3 to finish downloading
16:35 NakedFury and the schematics you gave me dont work
16:38 NakedFury damn worldedit save not working
16:38 cornernote workflow, instead of set_properties, how about using get_inventory and storing the node info in an inventory ?
16:38 cornernote or set_string/get_string .. and storing them in a serialized object
16:39 cornernote NakedFury - works for me
16:39 workflow yes, will have to look into that
16:39 cornernote kill off any chests with contents
16:40 NakedFury keep saying save 0 nodes
16:40 cornernote or random custom items
16:40 * cornernote has to sleep now
16:40 cornernote night all
16:41 workflow good night
16:41 CanauckTux joined #minetest
16:41 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
16:59 triplei joined #minetest
17:00 MilanFIN joined #minetest
17:07 Tukeke joined #minetest
17:49 workflow joined #minetest
18:12 * Calinou is going to moderate the forums
18:12 Calinou (finally)
18:15 Tukeke left #minetest
18:28 MilanFIN joined #minetest
18:48 jordach joined #minetest
18:48 jordach|2 joined #minetest
19:12 nick123 joined #minetest
19:17 workflow joined #minetest
20:01 fortytwo joined #minetest
20:07 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
20:11 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
20:24 GTRsdk joined #minetest
20:25 GTRsdk Hi
20:25 GTRsdk Can 0.3 clients work with 0.4 servers and vice versa?
20:26 darkrose no
20:28 GTRsdk So if I want the latest & greatestcode for compiling, where would I find that?
20:29 GTRsdk Is the correct one, or is minetest_game the one?
20:30 FreeFull joined #minetest
20:30 workflow both
20:31 workflow clone and buil minetest first
20:31 workflow then clone minetest games
20:31 workflow *minetest_game
20:32 GTRsdk so I need both for it to work?
20:32 workflow yes
20:36 darkrose minetest is the engine, minetest_game is the game
20:59 GTRsdk so can I skip out parts if I only want to connect to a server & play?
21:03 HaltingState joined #minetest
21:03 HaltingState joined #minetest
21:07 cisoun joined #minetest
21:30 iKlsR joined #minetest
21:34 VanessaE there.
21:35 VanessaE Now the unifieddyes post has a proper palette/swatch image (colors generated with the latest script and assembled into a palette with GIMP)
21:36 CanauckTux joined #minetest
21:36 Uberi joined #minetest
21:36 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
21:36 Uberi anyone want to help me test my alpha FPS mod?
21:36 Uberi the rifle still shoots nyancat rainbows
21:36 VanessaE heh
21:37 Uberi
21:37 VanessaE I'll pass :-)
21:37 VanessaE minetest shouldn't be a fps :-)
21:37 VanessaE screenshots?  forum post?
21:37 Uberi I agree, but it's fun all the same :)
21:37 Uberi not released yet, still in heavy development
21:43 workflow looks cool but crashes when i target into the air
21:43 Uberi workflow: thanks, I'll look into that
21:44 Uberi btw here's an example of voxel raycasting I took out of this mod:
21:45 Uberi workflow: can't seem to reproduce, do you happen to have the error available?
21:45 Uberi oh wait never mind it crashed :P
21:47 workflow rifle.lua:90: attempt to index local 'target' (a nil value)
21:47 workflow
21:47 Uberi thanks, I got the same thing
21:53 brobostigon good night everyone, sleep well.
21:53 Uberi bye
21:53 VanessaE er, night brobo
21:53 VanessaE (didn't know you were up :-) )
21:55 brobostigon night VanessaE o/
22:19 Fury joined #minetest
22:19 VanessaE wb NF
22:19 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
22:29 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
22:39 jordach|tablet night
23:03 15SACB1Q1 joined #minetest
23:03 31NABRSLS joined #minetest
23:21 workflow ROLL CALL
23:21 VanessaE present.
23:21 VanessaE ;-)
23:22 Uberi o/
23:23 GTRsdk GTRsdk == here
23:24 * cisoun reporting in.
23:32 ttk2 joined #minetest
23:58 vicscandl joined #minetest
23:59 vicscandl meep

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