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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Taoki joined #minetest
00:07 ttk2 joined #minetest
00:11 workflow you can try it here:
00:12 workflow am interested in feedback for this idea...
00:12 FreeFull It'd be cool if mods could create gui elements
00:13 workflow well, this one does, sort of. it creates a pixel paint app for minetest...
00:17 workflow these grids can work for many things. for example a chess table?
00:23 workflow previous version: current:
00:31 NakedFury that is amazing
00:31 workflow well, minetest will erase your pictures once in a while...
00:32 workflow yeah, but i think its quite neat myself...
00:43 * VanessaE wanders back in
01:25 workflow ok, i've posted it on the forum
01:26 workflow but how to embed image
01:26 workflow ?
01:26 VanessaE [img][/img]
01:27 workflow hmm...
01:27 VanessaE [img][/img]   that is
01:27 workflow its imgur, and i see just the link
01:27 VanessaE you have to host your image somewhere, e.g. imgur, flickr, ompldr, whatever
01:28 VanessaE ok
01:28 VanessaE right click the image maybe?
01:28 workflow look at the post, maybe its just my forum settings.
01:28 VanessaE there should be a link somewhere on the imgur page
01:29 workflow oh, i just took the url
01:30 VanessaE yeah, it doesn't show the image - you need to link directly to the raw jpg
01:30 VanessaE
01:30 VanessaE (or png in this case)
01:32 workflow this is the url, i cant seem to get it to work
01:33 workflow aww, fuck this shit
01:34 VanessaE look up:
01:34 VanessaE  <-- your image
01:34 VanessaE link to that.
01:34 workflow HOW???
01:34 workflow did you get that  i mean
01:35 VanessaE [img][/img]
01:35 workflow thanks
01:36 VanessaE no prob
01:36 workflow no, i mean how did you get that url from imgur?
01:36 VanessaE oh
01:36 VanessaE right click -> Vide Image
01:36 VanessaE er
01:36 VanessaE right click -> View Image
01:36 VanessaE then copy&paste the URL
01:37 workflow thanks again... so simple.
01:37 VanessaE no prob
01:38 VanessaE Occam's Razor:  The simplest explanation (or process) is often the most correct one.
01:38 VanessaE :-)
01:38 workflow v0.2 of painting will have all colors rebased on unifieddyes, i supply my own textures for now
01:38 VanessaE oh ok
01:38 workflow for the swatches and pixel colors that is.
01:39 VanessaE I was about to say, you should indicate the dependency thereof
01:39 workflow its in depends.txt, but good point
01:40 VanessaE did you find the template and script to be of any use?
01:40 workflow and done
01:41 workflow did not take a look yet. but i plan to use gentextures to get all colors
01:41 workflow its still only base colors for now
01:43 VanessaE ok
01:43 VanessaE if you use the two together, you should be able to get 90% of your code into place in a few minutes' time
01:44 VanessaE just use that #FF0000 red swatch as the "base" texture the script calls for, and plug in the appropriate values into the template
01:44 workflow did you use template to do defaultdyes itself?
01:44 VanessaE no, actually I developed it afterward
01:44 workflow i think you could do that, it has a lot of repetition
01:45 VanessaE I have considered it actually
01:45 workflow so many things to do...
01:45 workflow i will try a loom next, to make carpets when wool is ready
01:45 VanessaE but first I need some feedback on the template itself - does it work properly, is it useful, is it missing anything, etc.
01:45 workflow and add frames to pictures
01:46 VanessaE it won't be wool, it'll be cotton actually.
01:46 workflow oh, ok.
01:46 workflow but carpets it is. like flat paintings...
01:47 workflow but i still need to create better textures for the palette and the default painting
01:47 workflow or better yet, get someone who is good at that to do it...
01:48 VanessaE you make the carpets and I can remove those horrendous-looking ones from Homedecor ;-)
01:48 workflow well, they can complement each other.
01:49 workflow also there is some hard limits on things minetest will let you draw from lua.
01:49 workflow so there won't be too many carpets and paintings at once
01:49 workflow which means its good to have texture based ones
01:49 VanessaE yeah, you can't get more than 1400-1700 items into the game, depending on how many registered crafts and nodeboxes you're using also
01:51 VanessaE no really, did you see the area rug in homedecor?
01:51 * workflow checks
01:51 NakedFury could it be possible to make a wool crafting mod similar to the painting mod in that you craft wool stuff? carpet finely made however you want it, tapestries
01:51 VanessaE it looks like it was weaved by a blind person while riding a horse and working through a pair of oven mitts. :-)
01:52 VanessaE NakedFury: that's kinda what that paintings mod does, at least for wall objects
01:52 workflow i plan on doing a loom to make carpets later on
01:52 NakedFury yes for paintings
01:53 NakedFury I meant using all your wool and colored wools for wool things
01:53 Tukeke left #minetest
01:53 VanessaE hm, you want something with little fabric swatches instead of colored "pixels"?
01:53 workflow oh wow, thats a good idea.
01:54 NakedFury when you finish a painting is it done with a frame to indicate its a painting?
01:54 workflow you craft it, then it appears in the menu. then you drag it off the menu and let go
01:55 workflow it is added to your inventory and you can build it like a sign.
01:55 NakedFury will they have frames?
01:56 workflow i plan on adding frames. it will be a crafted thing, made from a painting and sticks i guess
01:56 VanessaE painting in the middle and a stick at each suide
01:56 VanessaE side
01:56 workflow will then use a different nodebox and texture to make frame. but thats for v0.2
01:56 VanessaE (but not in the corners)
01:56 VanessaE like this seems right:
01:56 VanessaE - S -
01:56 VanessaE S P S
01:57 VanessaE - S -
01:57 NakedFury paintings can only be placed on walls?
01:57 workflow they can stand alone and look ok from all sides, but not floor or ceiling
01:57 NakedFury ok, leave floors for the loom/wool stuff
01:58 workflow exactly
01:58 NakedFury castles are gonna look so cool now
01:58 workflow well, there is a limit to how many of those the game will let you use.
01:59 NakedFury for now
01:59 workflow it is not very high
01:59 NakedFury an error occurs?
02:00 workflow no, painting pixels get deleted
02:04 NakedFury because of the mods coding or something in the game itself?
02:05 workflow the mod uses lua entities to draw the pixels. its one per pixel, 64 per image. the minetest engine has a limit to those and there is no way around it.
02:13 * workflow goes to sleep
02:33 * VanessaE argues with git
03:02 cy1 making helldrops is fun
03:02 cy1 time consuming though
03:05 VanessaE cy1: sorry about the poison ivy, word has it your house on menche's server got....contaminated ;-)
03:07 cy1 VanessaE: it's ok I only live in the desert now >:(
03:07 VanessaE er, ok
03:07 VanessaE were there a lot of plants?
03:07 VanessaE do I need to revise the program?
03:08 cy1 yes, by deleting it
03:08 cy1 and forgetting it ever existed
03:09 VanessaE heh
03:09 cy1 :T
03:09 VanessaE I'll update it tomorrow - density limits and making them die off over time
03:10 VanessaE it was my first mod, it was bound to be a little buggy ;-)
03:27 NakedFury what is the give command?
03:29 nonporous joined #minetest
03:30 VanessaE why, /give of course ;-)
03:33 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
04:07 HaltingState joined #minetest
04:07 HaltingState joined #minetest
04:08 cornernote joined #minetest
04:23 cornernote hi all
04:25 NakedFury hi
04:25 cornernote i made a turret.we.. 4 turrets and a floor make a castle  (castle.we) .. also made a tower.we (larger than a turret)... and i put it in the middle of the castle, and surrounded in lava to make a fortress.we
04:25 cornernote i'll share on the forum soon
04:25 NakedFury with what version?
04:25 cornernote latest nightly zip
04:25 NakedFury worldedit right?
04:25 cornernote yep
04:26 cornernote let me ask something...
04:26 NakedFury sfan5's version or Temperest's new version?
04:26 cornernote why cant we host files in the forum ?
04:26 NakedFury that I dont know
04:26 cornernote;O=A -
04:27 cornernote i cant build my own yet
04:27 cornernote well, i havet tried yet
04:27 NakedFury well temperest modified worldedit
04:27 NakedFury he also included some new commands and cleaned up the code a little
04:27 cornernote thats cool
04:27 cornernote if load/save have changed (which i assume they didnt)
04:28 cornernote then i'll do this...
04:28 cornernote load a world with old we mod, load the *.we, quit, update to new worldedit, save the objects again
04:28 NakedFury yeah
04:29 cornernote world edit + g15 keyboard macros = awesome fast building
04:29 NakedFury you know, its actually a good idea to start a repository of schematics
04:29 NakedFury YES! god yes to the g15
04:29 cornernote i REALLY want to have a bunch of schems to make a city
04:29 NakedFury I have the g1-g6 keys version
04:29 cornernote and adventure map
04:30 cornernote the only good one in forums atm is shouse.we
04:30 cornernote do you have any ?
04:31 NakedFury not yet
04:31 NakedFury but after I see your castle stuff
04:31 NakedFury I can try to help increase it by using a similar style
04:32 NakedFury finish a set then start with another project or style
04:32 NakedFury that would be a good idea right?
04:33 cornernote yes, that would be awesome!
04:34 NakedFury do you know if git can be used to store the schematics?
04:34 VanessaE git can store anything you want :-)
04:34 VanessaE I use it for managing my mods and my texture packs
04:34 NakedFury ok then we use it as marktraceur once suggested
04:34 VanessaE almost a dozen file formats scattered throughout I'd guess
04:35 NakedFury that will be the library for schematics
04:35 VanessaE it's more a matter of the policies of the server/service you use e.g. github, gitorious, etc
04:35 cornernote heres a ss -
04:36 VanessaE a lava moat? heh
04:36 cornernote it comes with a hole
04:36 cornernote you have to put the lava/water in
04:41 NakedFury show link when you post them so I can see them and work on some
04:44 cornernote
04:44 cornernote im not doing a lot, can i join your server and watch you work ?
04:46 NakedFury well cant right now, 12:46 am
04:46 NakedFury really sleepy
04:46 cornernote ok =)
04:46 NakedFury and now I go to sleep, I downloaded the .we files gonna check them later
04:46 NakedFury bye all
04:48 cornernote later
04:49 VanessaE nigth NF
04:49 VanessaE night, too.
05:00 cornernote now i should paste 4 fortress in a square, then build mega walls connecting them
05:00 cornernote then it can be a city
05:00 VanessaE have fun.  I prefer to build houses rather than castles :-)
05:00 cornernote yeah, castles are easier
05:00 cornernote and im noob =)
05:01 cornernote once you have a city, you can put houses into it
05:01 cornernote u should share some of your houses V
05:01 cornernote the only house there is a really big one
05:01 cornernote i'd love some *.we of smaller houses
05:01 VanessaE I can't share mine
05:01 cornernote too many mods ?
05:02 VanessaE worldedit can't copy them
05:02 cornernote why not ?
05:02 VanessaE it can't handle the locked chests.
05:02 blkdrmz joined #minetest
05:02 cornernote ahh, i dont put them in mine until after i start using the model
05:02 cornernote i put chests, but not locked
05:02 VanessaE usually when I build a house, I'll end up with half a dozen or more locked chests in the kitchen/workroom chock full of minerals, fuel, various materials, etc.
05:03 cornernote i put them out the back until after i copy it
05:03 VanessaE or more to the point:  worldedit can't handle *reloading* the saved .we file from such a house.
05:03 cornernote any chance you can move them, then copy?  ;)
05:03 cornernote i can hand-edit the .we
05:03 cornernote its just cos the item has an invalid player
05:04 VanessaE
05:04 VanessaE that's one of my favorite designs
05:04 cornernote thanks!
05:04 VanessaE (and the only one thus far that I've ever thought to save out)
05:04 VanessaE that file will NOT reload without first removing the chests.
05:04 VanessaE (and whatever else needs done to it)
05:04 VanessaE do me a favor?  if you get it to a point where it reloads reliably, send me the edited .we file?
05:05 cornernote yep, for sure
05:05 VanessaE if I remember right, this one was saved with a ~40m observation tower near it
05:05 cornernote oh, how large is it ?
05:05 cornernote like the whole map type thing ?
05:05 VanessaE naw
05:06 cornernote 17mb lol
05:06 VanessaE that file is something like 20,000 blocks I think
05:06 VanessaE (or perhaps a lot more, I forget)
05:06 cornernote ok, let me have a crack at loading it
05:06 VanessaE it'll crash your game
05:08 VanessaE if loaded properly, you should get THIS:
05:09 VanessaE
05:10 VanessaE I *think* this house is built entirely from stock objects, from before I started moddin
05:10 VanessaE modding
05:10 VanessaE the world file the .we came from no longer exists
05:11 cornernote you captured a HUGE part of the world
05:11 cornernote it doesnt crash the game
05:11 cornernote but it doesnt load either
05:11 cornernote it just says the syntax is incorrect
05:12 cornernote i searched the file for chest, no matches
05:12 VanessaE try one of the other .we files in that directory
05:12 VanessaE
05:12 cornernote kk
05:12 VanessaE there are 5 of them
05:12 VanessaE the might also have that house
05:13 cornernote ok, cool
05:13 VanessaE s'cuse me, there are 6 'home' files in there.
05:14 cornernote thats ok, i'll take a look at them all =)
05:14 VanessaE feel free to browse around that folder; the other stuff there is just bits and pieces I've shared over the last few months.  some useful stuff, some not so much :-)
05:15 VanessaE
05:15 VanessaE this one should have a decent house also
05:15 VanessaE (unzip and copy the world folder out of it)
05:15 Weedy VanessaE: oh god, 1995 html
05:15 Weedy my eyes
05:16 VanessaE weedy: not html.
05:16 VanessaE that's a flat directory listing.
05:16 cornernote loaded it from the world map  .. cool
05:16 VanessaE whatever the webserver generates when no index.html is present
05:16 cornernote it has the observatory
05:16 Weedy
05:16 VanessaE cornernote: excellent
05:16 cornernote and a few mods i dont have
05:16 cornernote blossom
05:16 cornernote particles
05:16 VanessaE Weedy: yes, 1990's-era HTML.  sue me. :-)
05:17 cornernote wool
05:17 cornernote etc
05:17 cornernote indoor pool, nice =)
05:17 Weedy VanessaE: i will find a way
05:17 cornernote or is that a bath ?
05:18 VanessaE it's a pool
05:18 VanessaE cornernote: is that one the house in this picture:
05:18 VanessaE
05:18 VanessaE or the one I built later with the homedecor mod
05:20 VanessaE
05:21 VanessaE
05:22 VanessaE there's the exterior...couldn't find it for a bit there.
05:22 VanessaE which one of those is that one?
05:23 VanessaE Weedy: it comes from being unwilling to use a web page builder because I don't want to create something even worse than what you saw :-)
05:24 Weedy VanessaE: i would have left that coil heat sink vertical instead of twisting it
05:24 VanessaE you're looking at the C128 tower pages?
05:25 VanessaE heh
05:25 VanessaE didn't think anyone cared about that project anymore :-)
05:25 Weedy i don't, but mods are always cool
05:26 * VanessaE pokes cornernote
05:28 VanessaE Weedy: I eventually tore that tower apart and returned everything back to their cases, generally.  The disk drive to which that heat-sinked controller belongs got rebuilt a bit and put into a nice polished wooden case
05:28 VanessaE nearly the same size as the original metal one (which has long since been lost).  Even drew up a nice label for the front, painted it all in high-gloss black, etc.
05:29 Weedy so uhh
05:29 Weedy what is the point
05:29 VanessaE of...?
05:29 Weedy building a better commodore
05:30 VanessaE oh, just tinkering.
05:30 VanessaE it's an old hobby
05:30 VanessaE same reason people collect stamps I guess - it's something enjoyable
05:31 VanessaE though I started that tower project originally because I wanted something all-in-one-enough that I could just carry it, a keyboard, a monitor, and a few cables whenever I took the system somewhere such as one of the C64 cons
05:31 cornernote i got it to load!
05:31 VanessaE I no longer go to those, and the machine doesn't perform as well in the all-in-one design as it did as separate components, so I decided to tear it all apart.
05:32 cornernote just the house at the moment
05:32 VanessaE cornernote: the .we file??
05:32 VanessaE excellent!
05:32 cornernote i made a new we file from the map
05:32 VanessaE cornernote: so which house is it?
05:32 cornernote do you want the water under it as part of the .we ?
05:32 VanessaE this one?
05:32 VanessaE
05:32 VanessaE or this one?
05:32 VanessaE
05:33 cornernote 1st one
05:33 VanessaE ah good, that one is my favorite :-)
05:33 VanessaE the water under the house doesn't need to be part of the .we, but that IS how it was originally saved
05:33 cornernote i was gunna make 2 we files
05:33 cornernote 1 for the house, and another for the observatory
05:33 VanessaE perfect :-)
05:34 cornernote then ingame the player can join things like that
05:34 cornernote i other thing
05:34 cornernote it was buit on a hill
05:34 cornernote meaning one door is upstairs
05:34 VanessaE tyes
05:34 cornernote should i remove doors?
05:34 VanessaE yes
05:34 VanessaE no
05:34 cornernote ok, i'll just clear away the hill
05:35 cornernote the player can make stairs
05:35 VanessaE leave the doors, just add a short walkway and a few "end of the road" torches
05:35 VanessaE lesse if I can get a usable capture of my current house
05:36 cornernote whats that material thats like cobble but darker ?
05:39 VanessaE where?
05:39 VanessaE in the screenshot?
05:39 VanessaE that's gravel
05:39 VanessaE at least, that's what I recall using around the house for the walkways and stuff
05:42 VanessaE still working on getting that other house ready for capture.
05:42 VanessaE (stupid stairsplus mod replaced all my stairs with the ones in the mod instead of the game's defaults)
05:49 cornernote i have home.we - 337kb .. what do you want me to do with it ?
05:50 VanessaE stand by...
05:53 VanessaE
05:54 VanessaE there's the other one.  Note that this one makes extensive use of homedecor and bobblocks.
05:54 VanessaE as for the one you made... um... DCC? :-)
05:56 cornernote ok, sending
05:56 cornernote i'll need the world file to extract the house
05:56 VanessaE hm, doesn't want to connect.  oh well, just email it or put it on ompldr or so
05:56 cornernote those .we files didnt load
05:56 VanessaE ok, I'll upload a ZIP of it
05:58 cornernote
05:58 cornernote no signup required
05:58 VanessaE
05:59 cornernote can u zip the world mods you used too ?
05:59 cornernote so i can just drop them in
05:59 VanessaE sure.
05:59 VanessaE stand by 1.
06:00 cornernote can each world have its own mod folder (in windows) ?
06:00 VanessaE dunno, in linux they can
06:00 cornernote that would make my life easy
06:00 cornernote where do u put them in linux ?
06:00 cornernote under worlds/myworld/mods/minetest/mymod/init.lua ?
06:01 VanessaE
06:01 VanessaE in ~/.minetest/mods/minetest
06:01 cornernote but thats for all worlds
06:03 VanessaE yeah
06:03 VanessaE that's how I've always done it
06:03 VanessaE however your path might be right also
06:03 VanessaE I've never tried doing per-world mods
06:15 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
06:24 cy1 whee, Globis's minetest server is fun
06:24 cy1
06:24 blkdrmz joined #minetest
06:25 cornernote VanessaE, i got home2
06:25 blkdrmz joined #minetest
06:26 cornernote it spits out a bunch of errors when you load it
06:26 cornernote but it seems to load
06:27 cornernote
06:27 cornernote u should share them back onto the forums for others to play with
06:27 cornernote they are really good
06:34 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
06:52 VanessaE joined #minetest
06:53 VanessaE I reiterate from earlier:  my ISP hates me.
06:53 cornernote doesn anyone have a copy of this mod: (bed)
06:54 tango_ joined #minetest
06:55 VanessaE
06:55 VanessaE I was able to retrieve it from the filedropper link in the 4th post.
06:58 cornernote thanks
06:58 VanessaE also in the 35th post, a modded version by Ragnarok:
07:03 VanessaE were you able to extract that second house?
07:06 Calinou joined #minetest
07:10 cornernote yep, i posted the link, sec
07:11 cornernote
07:11 cornernote it spits out a bunch of errors when you load it but it seems to load
07:12 cornernote u should share them back onto the forums for others to play with, they are really good
07:13 VanessaE I will
07:13 cornernote some mods are causing textures in other mods to break, do you know why that could be ?
07:13 VanessaE not sure, unless some are out of date maybe
07:14 VanessaE vanessa-home-1.we does not load
07:14 VanessaE 03:13:44: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...e/vanessa/.minetest/mods/minetest/worldedit/init.lua:383: attempt to get length of global 'data' (a nil value)
07:14 VanessaE same error for the second one.
07:14 cornernote let me try again in a new world
07:15 cornernote latest worldedit ?
07:15 VanessaE not sure what version of worldedit this is
07:15 VanessaE lemme see if there's an update
07:15 cornernote mine is 0.4.5
07:15 cornernote there is a file VERSION in the mod folde
07:15 VanessaE mine's out of date.
07:16 VanessaE I have 0.4
07:16 cornernote ok, see if the new one works or not
07:16 cornernote if not i'll try in a test world
07:19 * VanessaE grumbles
07:19 VanessaE now it just says it "can't load" the file.
07:19 VanessaE oh hell
07:19 VanessaE typo
07:19 Calinou hi
07:20 VanessaE hahaha
07:20 VanessaE it loads......  . right into the side of a hill ;-)
07:20 * VanessaE now has a house full of dirt
07:21 cornernote lol
07:21 cornernote well, start cleaning up!
07:22 VanessaE the floor is...mossy cobble?
07:22 VanessaE it's supposed to be wood and cobble I think :-)
07:24 VanessaE there we go.  worldedit to clear out some land and the house loads fine, save for the mossy cobble floor
07:24 cornernote sorry, i had to do a replace on it
07:25 cornernote i based it on what was on the ourside barrier
07:25 VanessaE ahh,
07:25 cornernote because it was all a mix of dirt and whatever
07:25 cornernote water
07:25 cornernote etc
07:25 VanessaE yeah the outside landing was mossy because of a mod I have installed :-)
07:25 cornernote i like that mossy texture
07:25 VanessaE change the inside flooring to wood :-)
07:25 cornernote howd u make those blocks ?
07:25 VanessaE which blocks?
07:25 cornernote mossycobble
07:26 cornernote those would look good on my castle
07:26 VanessaE oh, that's just something the game has
07:26 Calinou mossycobble: found in dungeons (ONLY in old maps)
07:26 VanessaE you have to hunt around for them, they're not very common
07:26 cornernote ahh, thats why i never seen it =)
07:26 Calinou or use more blocks mod. craft 1 cobble with 1 junglegrass (only generated in older maps or with vanessae's mod) or 1 mese
07:26 VanessaE only in old maps or if you have the mod that turns cobble into mossy
07:26 Calinou mese as a fertilizer FTW
07:26 Calinou in newer maps, they do not spawn at all
07:27 cornernote bobblocks causes my textures to break
07:28 VanessaE break how?
07:28 cornernote maybe because i have a custom texture pack ?
07:28 cornernote i'll ss
07:31 cornernote silver and mithril =
07:32 cornernote remove bobblocks and they are fine
07:33 cornernote i assume its cos i have custom textures that are larger than 32x32 ?
07:33 Calinou ##disable_your_texture_atlas
07:33 Calinou minetest.conf
07:33 Calinou add a line:
07:33 cornernote i have
07:33 Calinou enable_texture_atlas = false
07:33 Calinou do it REALLY with a REAL fucking text editor that isn't MSnotepad
07:34 cornernote notepad++
07:34 Calinou it should be fine
07:34 cornernote sec
07:34 Calinou then, this problem is due to the pack... because the "overlay" textures are too small
07:34 cornernote ok, works
07:35 cornernote step1 exit game, step2 modidy the file  =)
07:38 VanessaE cornernote:
07:39 VanessaE can you load this?
07:39 VanessaE (edited version of what you saved out, corrected it in-world, from memory)
07:40 Calinou <microsoft> we'd like to buy the .we format because we want to use it as a standard for ms office.
07:40 Calinou ^ how I feel with "custom" file formats, sometimes
07:40 Calinou that are actually text files
07:42 cornernote i'll try
07:45 cornernote yep, works!  =)
07:45 VanessaE excellent
07:45 cornernote thats a great one to share, cos it has standard blocks (i think)
07:46 cornernote the home2 has dependancies
07:48 VanessaE I'll share both, just having some trouble preparing a nice place to put them for screenshots
07:48 cornernote ?
07:48 cornernote thats what i used
07:48 cornernote no account needed
07:49 cornernote just fill in their captcha
07:53 VanessaE nono I'm working on a spot in a world to put the houses so I can take nice screenshots
07:55 VanessaE now how do I fix the lighting?
07:55 VanessaE there are large areas of the newly-created land that are in shadow for no apparent reason
07:59 cornernote fill it with lava
07:59 cornernote =)
08:00 Bad_Command try planting a tree, those can cause lighting to be reevaluated
08:00 Bad_Command from what I've found anyways
08:00 cornernote how do you plant a tree ?
08:00 cornernote just throw it on the ground ?
08:00 cornernote a sapling
08:00 Bad_Command plant saplings
08:01 cornernote please define plant
08:01 Bad_Command saplings come from decaying leaves on trees without trunks
08:01 Bad_Command place a sapling
08:01 cornernote i have saplings
08:01 cornernote ok
08:01 cornernote and over time it will turn to a tree ?
08:01 Bad_Command it will grow after a random period of time
08:01 cornernote ok
08:01 cornernote nice =)
08:01 Bad_Command Nah, just suddenly explodes in to a tree
08:02 cornernote i have never seen one change, i guess its kind of not super quick
08:03 Bad_Command takes a few minutes at the very least
08:03 cornernote also apples never (really rarely) grow in my world
08:04 Bad_Command Not sure about the probabilities of getting apples.  Maybe 1 in 5 planted trees have apples?
08:09 cornernote vanessae, you run pushable block in your world ?
08:10 VanessaE no, it's just a mod I have installed for testing
08:10 cornernote ok, damn
08:10 aditya_ joined #minetest
08:17 roboman2444 joined #minetest
08:26 cornernote im trying to register a craftitem but not having much luck
08:27 cornernote here is my rule
08:27 cornernote minetest.register_craftitem("mesegun:mese_ignot", {description = "Mese ingot",inventory_image = "MESE_builder_kit_gold_ingot.png"})
08:28 cornernote but when i /giveme mesegun:mese_ignot .. it tells me it cannot give an unknown item
08:28 cornernote no, dont worry... im an idiot
08:28 cornernote =)
08:28 cornernote wrong folder
08:45 workflow joined #minetest
08:50 cornernote ok, i seem to have quite a lot of mods loaded now, and it loads ok... but any more and it will bomb
08:58 cornernote tried to make a nuke:hardcore_mese_tnt .. crashed my game  lol
08:58 TForsman joined #minetest
09:00 darkrose joined #minetest
09:00 darkrose joined #minetest
09:00 cornernote ha, it leveled a 3 story house when the tnt was on the roof
09:00 VanessaE there.
09:00 VanessaE posted.
09:00 VanessaE
09:01 cornernote house vs tnt
09:01 cornernote
09:02 VanessaE eek!
09:02 cornernote very cool post !
09:02 VanessaE I know my designs need a little remodeling, but DAMN :-)
09:02 cornernote its really good to have a few models on the forum
09:03 cornernote i think it will encourage others to try sharing them
09:03 cornernote which means we can get an opensource city of types
09:03 cornernote city is the wrong word.. world areas
09:03 Calinou minecraft session servers are down; "end of the world" ~average minecrafter
09:03 cornernote once we have small structures like these, we can connect them making awesome worlds
09:12 brobostigon good morning everyone.
09:13 Calinou hi
09:13 brobostigon hi Calinou
09:17 jordach joined #minetest
09:20 jordach morning all
09:20 workflow morning miners
09:23 VanessaE morning workflow
09:24 jordach workflow, challange for you: make a 64px easel
09:26 workflow well i doubt minetest would be happy about 4k cubes to draw in a node...
09:28 workflow also it would not fit on my screen.
09:28 jordach well, you could make them THE WHOLE THICKNESS, and not individual
09:29 jordach workflow, minetest might re-size the ui, idk that YET
09:29 * workflow checks
09:30 jordach still, 64 px art work, PIXEL ART FTW
09:30 * jordach loves pixel art
09:30 VanessaE is there any way to have the lua code construct a custom texture file and use that for the actual object?
09:30 VanessaE (obviously constructing custom nodes is easy enough)
09:32 jordach VanessaE, check his code out
09:32 jordach explains it all
09:32 workflow ItemStack& InventoryList::getItem(irr::u32): Assertion 'i < m_size' failed.
09:32 workflow
09:32 TForsman joined #minetest
09:32 VanessaE heh, I'm too tired to look at code right now
09:33 workflow png is not trivial to write to because of compression
09:33 VanessaE in fact, I'm off to bed.
09:33 VanessaE jordach: let me know if that template works out for you.  It should cover 80-90 percent of the needs of your cotton mod.
09:33 jordach alright
09:33 VanessaE night all.
09:33 jordach ngiht
09:33 cornernote night V
09:34 jordach see you in a few hours
09:34 workflow but i might look into joining 3x3 pics into a big one
09:34 jordach :)
09:34 workflow good night vanessa
09:34 cornernote hey jordach
09:34 cornernote whats different in cotton vs wool ?
09:35 jordach cotton uses unified dyes mod, wool uses 32 colours, plus default mod nodes as dyes, like applying them directly in the crafting grid
09:35 jordach cornernote, its far quicker to use unified dyes mod
09:35 cornernote yeah, i bet
09:36 cornernote i saw the template vanessae made
09:36 cornernote but the hard part is the textures
09:36 jordach not really, see
09:36 cornernote oh no, theres a script for that too i think
09:36 cornernote yeah
09:36 jordach not really, see
09:37 jordach because a 16px takes seconds to make
09:37 cornernote so all you have to do is have a base texture, then make all your colors
09:37 jordach also, it needs imagemagick
09:37 cornernote cool
09:37 cornernote yep
09:37 jordach but the master colour is in red
09:37 jordach deep red
09:37 jordach bright red
09:37 jordach brighter than this red
09:38 workflow oh, my bad 64x64 menu actually works... but its biiig
09:38 * workflow goes to read api doc
09:38 jordach but not pink
09:39 jordach workflow, did it resize?
09:39 cornernote only problem with unified dies and mods that use it... makes for a lot of ingame items which causes it to bomb out
09:39 jordach oh yeah
09:40 jordach 64^64 images possible
09:41 workflow no, did not resize. am grepping the source now to check what can be done
09:42 workflow if i can resize them prepare for arcade games in minetest
09:43 cornernote what are we talking about ?
09:43 cornernote 64x64 menu ?
09:43 jordach yes
09:43 jordach thats what i though
09:43 jordach t*
09:43 cornernote menu is accessed via (for example) punching a block ?
09:44 cornernote got a ss ?
09:44 jordach ???
09:45 workflow ss?
09:46 workflow screenshot? oh f12 does not work with menu open, but gimme a sec
09:48 workflow imgur under heavy load...
09:51 workflow
09:52 cornernote ahh, ok thats what i thought was called an inventory
09:52 jordach imgur is always under heavy load
09:52 cornernote i would LOVE to have buttons on that page
09:52 jordach cornernote, use them creative inventory
09:53 cornernote eg, see my crafting guide mod - .. i need next/prev .. and other buttons too
09:53 cornernote yeah, i copied the next/prev idea from creative_inventory
09:53 cornernote also, would be great if i can put text on that page
09:54 workflow mod api mentions buttons, but says not implemented. someone make a patch maybe?
09:55 jordach workflow, no idewa
10:01 darkrose joined #minetest
10:01 darkrose joined #minetest
10:03 jordach hey darkrose: 77 cotton colours
10:07 q66 joined #minetest
10:15 cornernote there are so many forks of MT, why don't people contribute to core instead of forking ?
10:17 cornernote is that because pre 0.4 there was no mod support ?
10:17 workflow idk. would love to contribute but this is way out of my league
10:18 darkrose we fork, make changes, then celeron merges the changes back
10:18 cy1 cornernote: there is no core there is only zuul
10:18 cornernote the "core" as such doesnt seem to need a lot... it needs that item limit fixed... from there lua can do a lot in terms of in-game things
10:19 cornernote darkrose, ok i see... but there are forks that seem to not be intended to be merged back
10:19 cy1 like whose
10:19 cornernote if that limit of items was fixed, i think i'd try to compile myself =)
10:20 cy1 limit of items?
10:20 cy1 you mean the 99 in a stack?
10:20 cornernote no, like mods
10:20 cornernote hoy many ingame items can be defined
10:20 cy1 well, it is a lot to download...
10:21 cornernote what is ?
10:25 jordach cornernote, using windows or linux
10:26 cornernote windows
10:27 cy1 a lot of ingame items
10:27 cy1 with textures for all
10:27 cornernote i just play local
10:28 cornernote fast pcs
10:28 cornernote fast network
10:28 cy1 irrlicht can reuse textures, if a lot of things look the same
10:28 cy1 but if nothing does, then it's a lot more memory...
10:29 cornernote anyone have this?  ATM mod
10:29 Calinou <cornernote> there are so many forks of MT, why don't people contribute to core instead of forking ?
10:29 Calinou because you can't
10:31 jordach cornernote, you make the changes, pust to git, ill compile
10:31 jordach since buildbot is simple
10:31 Calinou compiling on windows is a PITA :P
10:31 cy1 what's buildbot?
10:31 jordach Calinou, so, youve stopped ignoring me then :P
10:32 jordach cy1, buildbot is a cross-compiling script for linux
10:32 cy1 ooh, want
10:33 jordach and its in minetest/util i think#
10:33 cornernote jordach, i wish i knew what to change to remove the limit
10:33 cy1 ugh, but then have to install irrlicht for windows etc
10:33 cy1 my laptop hd is full :(
10:33 jordach cy1, you wont
10:33 cy1 jordach: I'll take a look at it.
10:33 jordach buildbot IS LINUX KERNELS ONLY
10:33 jordach unless you have cugwin sitting about
10:34 cy1 yes, but you need all the windoze compiled libraries which are separate from your regular .sos
10:35 cornernote no core changes in over a month on c55s github :(
10:35 cy1 cornernote: yes he's been in absentia
10:35 Calinou jordach, yes I did
10:35 cy1 I don't know that there's a hard limit to how many kinds of nodes there can be though.
10:35 Calinou <cy1> my laptop hd is full :(
10:35 Calinou LOL
10:35 cy1 It's just a lot.
10:35 Calinou jordach, he's on #minetest-dev
10:35 Calinou some new channel
10:36 cy1 Calinou: :'(
10:36 Calinou go in that channel and ask "How's it going?"
10:36 jordach NO.
10:36 jordach Calinou, not trolling me this time
10:36 Calinou YES.
10:36 jordach nope.avi
10:36 Calinou gtg
10:36 jordach alright
10:37 jordach LOL The Minetest elite development no-bullshit channel.
10:37 darkrose will probably get moved again due to invasion by randoms
10:38 jordach hmm
10:38 jordach i added celeron55 and celeron55_ to my friends list: seems like hes still around
10:46 workflow in environment.cpp on line 1557 there is this: bool large_amount = (block->m_static_objects.m_stored.size() > 49);
10:46 workflow
10:50 cornernote i dont think that relates to the limit of defined items
10:52 workflow i got there grepping the source for the message i got: suspiciously large amount of objects detected, forcing delete or something like that
10:52 workflow that happens with painting mod
10:52 cornernote game.cpp - catch(SerializationError &e) - line:2831
10:52 cornernote thats the error that is triggered
10:54 ttk2 joined #minetest
10:54 jordach weird
10:54 * jordach is listening to chipmusic webradio
10:54 workflow stormlord!!!
10:56 darkrose joined #minetest
10:56 darkrose joined #minetest
10:56 jordach workflow, ?
10:57 workflow its a tune i like from a c64 game
10:58 cornernote it's this issue:
10:59 workflow we are talking about different things: the issue 144 deals with a limit to nodeboxes.
10:59 jordach VanessaE,
10:59 workflow my issue is with lua entities
10:59 workflow its another limit
11:00 cornernote just saw cotton is on the forums, nice
11:00 cornernote but that is soooo many colors =)
11:00 cornernote and many are similar
11:00 jordach cornernote, wool is mine as well
11:01 cornernote yeah i know
11:01 cornernote nice
11:01 cornernote dont you think there are too many colours ?
11:01 jordach i changed the name, because i still want people to make use of wool, even if they dont want their world to die from the new changes
11:01 jordach thats why i went to cotton and not wool
11:01 cornernote ahh, i see
11:01 jordach it would break pixel art worlds
11:02 jordach im also writing a mod for wool -> cotton blocks
11:02 cornernote the colours are quite similar... i thought the same about the dyes mod.. there are just a few too many items
11:02 jordach so they can safely remove wool
11:02 cornernote ok, so wool will not be used (eventually)
11:03 jordach yes
11:03 cornernote i doubt i can run your mod, cos the item limit
11:03 jordach yep
11:07 cornernote would love to see a bobblocks style with dyes
11:07 cornernote glowing blocks, etc
11:08 jordach cornernote, its not hard
11:08 jordach not with the code i used
11:24 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:02 Calinou joined #minetest
13:06 jordach Calinou, SPAM
13:10 Calinou not moderator :P
13:11 jordach lol
13:11 jordach inb4 moderator removes it
13:12 Calinou seriously, I hate the forums sometimes.
13:12 jordach ikr
13:12 Calinou lots of immature people (namely Keegan, greywolf)
13:12 jordach i agree
13:12 Calinou TheLoLMan too
13:12 jordach thats why i left for 5 days
13:13 Calinou
13:13 Calinou facepalm
13:14 jordach OMFG
13:33 bas080 joined #minetest
13:35 jordach hello bas080
13:36 bas080 hey Jordach. sup?
13:36 jordach not much, beat you to the cotton mod >:D
13:36 jordach
13:36 jordach there it is
13:37 bas080 respect
13:38 jordach bas080, i used VanessaE's template mod for the crafting and the nodes
13:38 jordach and xubuntu's launch bar is annoying me
13:38 bas080 Could you chare the sh you wrote to make the different hue's sprites
13:39 jordach yeah sure
13:39 jordach its for my MOD ONLY
13:39 jordach since it always writes cotton_red and such
13:40 bas080 awww... :S
13:40 jordach kekekekekeke
13:40 bas080 Ok. cool. I'm not planning on making an exact copy mod. which it would be if i made the colored cotton
13:40 jordach or you could go with wool
13:41 * jordach raises eyebrows
13:41 jordach bas080, i can release a mod in mins if i wanted
13:42 bas080 That's no problem... will do. but! it would be really cool to make the different colored stuff more easy to make :P Think of all the colors!
13:45 jordach i know
13:45 bas080 or is the .png color hueing already in vanessa's mod? I haven't checked.
13:45 jordach no
13:45 jordach the sh makes all the 77 textures
13:47 bas080 So what other mods could really use the coloring atm? The home decor mod...
13:49 jordach bas080, i think bobblocks would like an update
13:49 jordach since those could simply work with VanessaE's dyes
13:53 bas080 I was checking bobblocks. It also has spikes?!
13:53 bas080 I was working on that but now i'll stop doing that.
13:55 jordach bas080, spikes and the health pack can be left as is
13:57 bas080 I noticed no one has tackled the problem of making automatic connecting pipes.
13:57 bas080 3 dimensionally that is.
14:00 jordach bas080, theres something you can do
14:01 Calinou joined #minetest
14:03 jordach Calinou, TheLoLMan did a MEGA FAIL
14:04 Calinou what mega fail?
14:04 jordach 0.3.1
14:04 jordach
14:04 jordach i spnt about 10 mins laughing
14:05 jordach Calinou, can you move topics?
14:05 Calinou no
14:05 Calinou only view reports & ban people
14:05 jordach damn
14:05 jordach i was hoping you
14:05 jordach could*
14:05 jordach because my cotton mod is done
14:05 jordach people have also forgotten about a bed using nodeboes
14:08 jordach just use a chestlike / nodebox drawtype, so you get the side, and the top: voila! a bed
14:08 jordach or do it like a grass block
14:13 jordach Calinou, how did you find about #minetest-dev
14:13 Calinou #minetest-delta topic
14:14 Calinou chestlike = not a drawtype :P
14:14 * jordach facepalm
14:14 jordach thats weird, have not seen spambots lately
14:14 Calinou one
14:14 jordach this month
14:14 jordach thats not normal
14:15 jordach last month, did we get any?
14:16 jordach Calinou, im thinking of a new mod to counter-act landmine
14:16 Calinou antiLandMine, bans landmine and his alts?
14:16 Calinou :3
14:17 jordach you can be helpful at times, what i mean is, something like a /command that kills a player from anywhere
14:17 jordach and blocks that cant be broken, on;y with a godaxe, via giveme of course
14:18 Calinou > maptools does that
14:33 jordach Calinou, maptools is UNDER USED
14:33 Calinou why?
14:34 jordach because it is
14:34 jordach i have never seen any admin use them
14:34 bas080 maybe should be easier to use
14:35 jordach ^ yep
14:35 * Calinou should add aliases for /giveme yes
14:36 Calinou <jordach> i have never seen any admin use them
14:36 Calinou lazy admins :P
14:36 Calinou they can also be used in adventure maps
14:36 jordach ikr
14:36 jordach unless you are redcrab, you *should* use maptools
14:37 jordach maptools should be in the stable
14:37 jordach so server admins can protect themselves from the mine
14:37 jordach hello mineturtle
14:37 darkrose joined #minetest
14:37 darkrose joined #minetest
14:44 bas080 jordach... is it me or latest cotton mod won't work
14:44 jordach yeah
14:44 jordach i noticed that#
14:44 bas080 failes to load and run
14:44 jordach weird
14:44 jordach worked for me
14:44 jordach on the latest git
14:45 bas080 i have no windows and i have version ...606
14:46 jordach what commit
14:46 jordach and mods
14:46 jordach because cotton REQUIRES UNIFIED DYES + FLOWERS
14:46 bas080 lot's... when was your latest mod update?
14:47 jordach using the minimal build
14:47 workflow yo bas080: you can actually paint in my paintings mod... i have updated the forum post
14:47 MilanFIN joined #minetest
14:48 jordach bas080,
14:48 jordach thats the latest
14:48 jordach i did not install default_game because im lazy
14:48 jordach (and the fact the animated nodes lag)
14:49 bas080 workflow: will check it
14:51 bas080 workflow: You can paint ingame? Like pixels?
14:51 jordach yes
14:51 jordach it works like a chest
14:51 Jousway joined #minetest
14:54 Calinou <jordach> so server admins can protect themselves from the mine
14:54 Calinou that's what she said
14:54 workflow yep you paint 8x8 pixel graphics. it does work but there is room for improvement...
15:00 jordach workflow, wasnt it 16by 16?
15:01 workflow i might have typed this by mistake but it is 8x8
15:01 workflow this fits barely on the standard window
15:02 workflow but you can make more pics and put them up next to each other
15:03 MilanFIN that paint thing is a mod?
15:05 jordach yep
15:05 jordach its awesome
15:06 bas080 jordach: tried it in minimal environment. I'm still not getting it up and running. Maybe someone can test it too. Did you use functions that require the latest latest LATEST minetest commit? Becouse i use the repository thing
15:07 jordach bas080, here, this might fix your error:
15:07 jordach use the mods im using in A CLEAN BUILD
15:07 jordach thats why i compile myself
15:12 NakedFury joined #minetest
15:13 bas080 It won't work... I don't know how to compile(cmake i guess).. :S so maybe another day it will work... when the repository thing is updated
15:13 jordach bas080, what is your operating system
15:14 bas080 Xubuntu
15:14 jordach right
15:14 bas080 No it was Kubuntu
15:14 jordach open your terminal
15:14 bas080 k
15:14 jordach no scrap that
15:14 bas080 k
15:16 cisoun joined #minetest
15:17 bas080 VanessaE: Really like your modtemplate. Tried and works like a charm. Was thinking about an image overlay. Colorizes and then draws the image that does not colorize over it. Just like you did with the unifieddyes white bottles
15:18 VanessaE morning all
15:18 VanessaE bas080: I've b een thinking about doing exactly that
15:18 jordach bas080,  no scrap that
15:19 jordach use this
15:24 bas080 is performing the make -j2 commad
15:25 jordach does it work so far?
15:26 bas080 yes
15:26 jordach those are the instructions i use
15:27 bas080 then cd to the bin and ./minetest
15:27 jordach cisoun, how does one compile on arch
15:27 bas080 ./minetest runs the program i assume
15:27 jordach yes after cd bin
15:28 jordach huh
15:28 jordach i made cisoun ping
15:28 cisoun joined #minetest
15:28 jordach wow chip music is awesome
15:30 jordach wtf
15:30 jordach audacious + equalizer = force close
15:32 jordach wth
15:32 jordach gmusicbrowser is up the skids as well
15:34 jordach bas080,
15:34 jordach is it working?
15:35 MiJyn joined #minetest
15:42 VanessaE bbrb
15:42 VanessaE brb
15:43 jordach k
15:45 bas080 yes it is working on the latest build. But most likely becouse one of the mods i have installed in the simple mods package is glitchy... But hey! it works good
15:45 jordach seen any flowers
15:45 jordach OH SHIT
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:45 jordach FUCK
15:46 VanessaE ?
15:46 * jordach noticed that neko259 has flowers mod updated for newest client
15:46 jordach oops
15:46 jordach imma gonna package that in my mod + unified dyes
15:50 bas080 Bye, see ya later.
15:50 jordach bye
15:58 jordach VanessaE, your template crafts dont seem to work
15:59 jordach anyone know why the flowers mod dont work anymore?
16:00 jordach otherwise, ill re modify poison ivy#
16:00 MilanFIN I had it and after update, I couldnt pick the flowers off
16:08 jordach MilanFIN, even the one from the flowers mod wont appear
16:08 jordach even nature, which keeps it updated has no spawning
16:19 jordach VanessaE, somethngs up with your crafting
16:19 VanessaE what's wrong?
16:20 jordach colour crafting such as blue wont work
16:20 jordach however, black and the greys will
16:20 VanessaE *sigh*
16:20 VanessaE I'll check it in a bit.  I'm working on the gentextures script
16:21 jordach
16:23 jordach ^ broken
16:23 jordach
16:23 jordach ^working
16:23 VanessaE ah
16:23 VanessaE must be a typo.  I'll work on it later.
16:28 CanauckTux joined #minetest
16:28 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
17:07 SpeedProg joined #minetest
17:17 VanessaE ok, looking at the template now.
17:18 VanessaE new version of the gentextures script is up, contains the overlay stuff as well as lots of sanity checking and usage info.
17:20 VanessaE hm, you're right, the craft didn't work.
17:20 VanessaE checking
17:24 VanessaE fixed.
17:24 VanessaE grab it from github.
17:24 VanessaE jordach: ^^^^^^^
17:25 jordach alright
17:25 jordach inb4 BUG REPORT
17:38 jordach huh
17:38 jordach strange
17:38 jordach mauvebic has not been around
17:38 jordach supporting madblocks
17:58 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:17 jordach sigh
18:17 VanessaE ?
18:18 jordach waiting for my minetest installer dvd to burn, with mods, textures, everything
18:18 VanessaE oh
18:20 jordach ah, thanking my brother
18:20 jordach he gave me his spare copy if now thats what i call reggae 3cd
18:20 VanessaE heh
18:21 VanessaE ookay
18:21 VanessaE I'll stick to the old stuff. :-)
18:21 VanessaE (mostly pre-1985)
18:22 jordach VanessaE, i like chiptunes
18:22 jordach (c64, nes, amiga, intellivision?)
18:23 VanessaE haven't seen/heard intellivision stuff in years
18:23 VanessaE (I used to own one)
18:26 jordach digitally imported has a channel, just as long you have a audacious installed
18:26 jordach or xmms
18:27 workflow joined #minetest
18:35 cisoun joined #minetest
18:36 jordach cisoun, i adapted your wool texture to fit cotton:
18:37 cisoun nice :)
18:37 cisoun there's a lot of tons I see
18:37 cisoun *tones
18:37 jordach actually.
18:37 cisoun that must be hard to craft
18:37 jordach i cheated a little
18:38 jordach i used imagemagick to generate the tones, provided by VanessaE
18:39 VanessaE he used mt gentextures script and modding template :-)
18:39 VanessaE my*
18:40 cisoun what kind of script is that ?
18:40 cisoun python ?
18:40 jordach .sh
18:41 cisoun oh cool!
18:41 jordach my version is a beta release
18:41 jordach however, the current one has sanity checks
18:44 VanessaE BASH script
18:44 VanessaE and of course lua for the templqate
18:44 VanessaE template
18:57 jordach joined #minetest
18:57 jordach|2 joined #minetest
18:59 jordach alt + f4, Y U FUCK MEH WINDOS UP?
19:21 jordach WTF
19:23 jordach AGAIN
19:24 cy1 working on that jordach
19:24 cy1 it only happens when you chat is long
19:24 cy1 except when I'm testing
19:24 cy1 then there's no error
19:24 jordach was not a f10
19:24 cy1 t or f10 it's just the length of what you type
19:24 cy1 buffer overflow somewhere
19:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest
20:06 jordach Notify: celeron55 is online (FreeNode). well thats good to know
20:06 jordach ngiht
20:06 jordach night
20:16 NakedFury making new ores
20:17 NakedFury linuxium
20:18 MiJyn :D
20:20 NakedFury linuxium gives linuxite, nvidium/nvidium
20:20 NakedFury was thinking about an ati ore
20:20 NakedFury no appropiate name
20:20 NakedFury xubuntite crystals
20:24 workflow atiamonds
20:25 NakedFury that sounds cool
20:26 NakedFury I have so many ores now, 27
20:27 Guest53891 joined #minetest
20:27 NakedFury and I havent added bronze yet or stainless steel
20:27 Guest53891 are mods run in secure sandbox? can they delete files etc?
20:28 NakedFury what do you mean?
20:30 workflow idk
20:30 NakedFury mods dont delete files
20:31 NakedFury were do we place worldedit schematics?
20:40 Guest53891 i mean, can LUA scripts call os.remove() and other harmful functions?
20:40 Guest53891 that interact with operating system, not just game
20:43 NakedFury ohh... dont know, hope not
20:46 Bad_Command Guest53891: yup
20:47 NakedFury they can? atleast we can always see the code
20:47 NakedFury and who would come and do that to us!
20:49 cy1 NakedFury: absolutely
20:49 cy1 servers can totally pwn clients
20:50 cy1 would definitely need lua sandboxed before that could be safe
20:50 cy1 plus then, clients could upload scripts...
20:50 NakedFury what would minetest need to do to be safe from that?
20:55 rummik joined #minetest
21:02 wowiamdiamonds joined #minetest
21:09 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
21:09 jordach|tablet fuck
21:09 jordach|tablet we need celeron NOW
21:10 cy1 NakedFury: lua's pretty safe I think... no compiled code evaluation, so just override the dangerous namespaces like os.
21:10 jordach|tablet and he aint in dev either, fuck
21:11 jordach|tablet this is bad
21:11 jordach|tablet very bad
21:11 NakedFury im trying to find an example of lua code to load other lua files. I want to separate the stuff in the mod into their own lua files so init remains clean and only has the loading commands
21:12 jordach|tablet we need some moderators stat
21:12 NakedFury yes celeron is mia
21:14 jordach|tablet fury, sfan is mia, thexyZ is mia, cisoun cant right now, and worse, the forums have gone to Shit
21:18 jordach|tablet celeron appeared in minetestdev, thank god
21:18 cy1 NakedFury: see builtin/require.lua
21:18 NakedFury found an exampleon the web
21:20 NakedFury function dofile(filename) local f = assert(loadfile(filename)) return f() end
21:21 jordach|tablet nakedfury, my wool mod in mod releaSes has one
21:21 Bad_Command NakedFury:
21:22 NakedFury ok question
21:22 NakedFury dofile(minetest.get_modpath("bones").."/config.lua")
21:22 NakedFury the first part after dofile is for what?
21:22 Bad_Command dofile runs the specified lua file
21:23 Bad_Command minetest.get_modpath("bones") gets the path for the mod
21:23 Bad_Command mod is called bones
21:23 Bad_Command .."/config.lua" concatenates the file name to the path
21:23 NakedFury so you are telling it to look in a folder called bones and inside bones find config.lua
21:23 NakedFury ?
21:24 Bad_Command no
21:24 Bad_Command it is asking for the mod's path from the server
21:24 Bad_Command Then looking inside that path for config.lua
21:25 cy1 Bad_Command: pleeeeease see builtin/require.lua
21:25 Bad_Command later
21:25 cy1 w/ev
21:25 NakedFury cy1 I dont have that one
21:26 cy1 but dofile(etc.."/somtehing.lua") is p. terrible
21:26 cy1 NakedFury: do you prefer gitorious or github?
21:26 NakedFury my builtin has auth, builtin, chatcommands, deprecated, item, item_entity, misc, misc helpers, misc register, priviledges, serialize, and static spawn
21:27 NakedFury well I think I have an account on both
21:27 cy1 I wrote require.lua
21:27 NakedFury ohh link?
21:27 cy1 sure it's
21:27 cy1
21:28 NakedFury is it preferred to explain the license of the m od or use the initials?
21:29 cy1 initials?
21:29 NakedFury GNU or the WTLP something
21:29 NakedFury or copy paste : This library is free softw...blahblahblah
21:30 Bad_Command I recommend looking up the licence you intend to use.  some of them have recommendations on how to use it in source files.
21:31 Bad_Command For example, for the GPL licenses:
21:31 cy1 I'll take licenses seriously once you can find a legal system that's worth obeying.
21:31 cy1 w/out being forced to
21:31 jordach|tablet cy, yep
21:32 jordach|tablet and thats why our economy is bad
21:32 cy1 but for fun, I like just using the initials. especially cc
21:33 cy1 not that software licenses have really gotten much attention from teh judges
21:34 cy1 but lawyers don't care they just imagine judges then argue w/ them
21:34 cy1 about as relevant as the encyclopedia brittanica
21:34 cy1
21:41 cy1 jordach|tablet: our economy is bad because there's only one central bank :|
21:41 jordach|tablet lemme see my physical library of music and games..
21:41 Taoki joined #minetest
21:47 tango_ joined #minetest
21:57 NakedFury mintest.require should be added to the game
21:58 jordach|tablet depends.txt does thiz
21:59 NakedFury no, that require eliminates the dofile stuff
21:59 NakedFury less to write
22:02 CanauckTux joined #minetest
22:02 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
22:03 brobostigon good night everyone, sleep well.
22:04 jordach|tablet alright bro.
22:05 brobostigon o/
22:13 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
22:26 stephdanedw joined #minetest
22:49 jordach|tablet night
23:00 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest
23:09 cy1 NakedFury: yeah I think so too <3
23:09 cy1 less to write, and it doesn't load modules multiple times.
23:09 cy1 Unless you tell it to.
23:11 NakedFury when generating ore if I write 1/20/20/20 will it make it rarer?
23:11 NakedFury the higher that number is the rarer the material?
23:11 cy1 uh, hold on
23:12 NakedFury ohh and replacing the 1 with a 2 will make it rarer or no?
23:12 cy1 the generate_ore function in mapgen.lua is kind of confusing :/
23:12 cy1 plus it doesn't increase the frequency of ore the lower you go
23:12 cy1 we should be having mese caves at -1000 :/
23:13 NakedFury generate_ore("metallurgy:ores_linuxium", "default:stone", minp, maxp, get_next_seed(), 1/20/20/20, 2 -31000, -125)
23:13 NakedFury 1 20/20/20 means to generate 2 ores every 20x20x20 chunk?
23:13 cy1 coal is 1/8/8/8 (aka 1/(8*8*8)) and mese is 1/16/16/16
23:14 cy1 no it's an actual fraction
23:14 cy1 like 1 out of every 8*8*8 ...thingies will be coal, and only one out of every 16*16*16 thingies.
23:14 NakedFury can the 1 be changed for something else?
23:14 cy1 so yeah, about 1 (2 ores) every 20x20x20 blocks
23:15 cy1 sure it's just a fraction
23:15 cy1 2/20/20/20 == 1/10/20/20
23:15 NakedFury and I can use different numbers: 1/20/40/20 ?
23:15 cy1 the closer it is to zero, the less likely ore is to sprout. The closer to one the more likely.
23:16 NakedFury ok. and I guess the numbers represent x y z, in that order?
23:16 cy1 not ordered.
23:17 cy1 the chance of an event happening at least once within N blocks is 1 - P^N where P is the probability of the event happening exactly once to a single block
23:18 cy1 so for P=1/8/8/8 and N=8*8*8, you would have 1-(1/512)^512 = ...1
23:19 cy1 0.9999999999.... probability
23:20 NakedFury ok
23:20 cy1 for P=1/16/16/16 the probability is more like
23:21 cy1 wait I'm calculating this wrong
23:21 cy1 meh
23:21 wowiamdiamonds could it be something like 1/8/8?
23:21 cy1 yeah
23:23 cy1 so at least once is 1 minus P for exactly 0 times.
23:23 cy1 aka P^N
23:23 cy1 the more blocks, the lower P^N is, the less chance of having exactly zero blocks in the area.
23:23 cy1 The more chance of having at least one.
23:26 cy1 OH
23:26 cy1 the chance of it happening exactly 0 times is (1 - P)^N, where P is the chance of it happening exactly once one time. Not P^N, (1 - P)^N
23:27 cy1 so it's 1- (1 - 1/512)^512 = ...
23:27 cy1 0.632!
23:27 cy1 So a 63.2% chance that at least one block in an 8x8x8 cube will be coal.
23:28 cy1 1- (1 - 1/16/16/16)^512 = 0.118
23:28 cy1 so an 11.8% chance at least one block will be mese.
23:29 cy1 then it has like, a parameter for how many other blocks it tacks on in addition.
23:30 cy1 For coal it's 8, so you get around 8 coal 63% of the time, all around each other.
23:30 cy1 for mese it's 3
23:31 cy1 I dunno what chunk_size means.
23:33 cy1 It generates coal twice though, so the first time 63% blocks of 8, the second time uh... 3.7% of the time, but with about 27 blocks in a bunch.
23:35 cy1 oh also mese gets generated twice. 11% of the time in blocks of 3 between -64 and -127, and then 50% of the time in blocks of 5 below -128.
23:36 cy1 and it SHOULD get more likely the lower you go, but it doesn't, except for that manual specification of difference from -64 to -127 and -128 to -31K
23:36 cy1 which tricks ppl into thinking it gets more common, so they dig deeper and delude selves
23:36 cy1 and some remember the old algorithms and the caverns of mese
23:36 cy1 oh c55 you dastard
23:47 cy1 question, if I changed it, would it be better to be exponential or logistic?
23:48 cy1 logistic = exponential then peaks out staying constant at lower depths
23:48 cy1 exponential = caves of mese
23:48 cy1 hmph...
23:49 wowiamdiamonds how do you mean change it?
23:49 cy1 exponential would still have to be capped at a 1.0 chance though
23:49 cy1 wowiamdiamonds: you remember how there used to be whole caverns completely made of mese at low depths?
23:49 wowiamdiamonds :P i'm new to this, but I can imagine how it looks
23:49 cy1 Then it changed, and now mese is in blocks of 5 down from -128 to forever
23:50 cy1 ore is generated by letting the C++ generate stone and then overriding the stone with whatever ore it is, with a certain probability.
23:50 cy1 kinda eh, but eh.
23:50 wowiamdiamonds is there an option in worldgen that lets you choose between logistic or exponential, or do you mean rewrite how it is read?
23:50 cy1 I mean rewrite it.
23:51 wowiamdiamonds i would personally like the option to choose between the two, but it's cooler if it is exponential
23:52 wowiamdiamonds and exponential is probably more universally useful
23:52 cy1 I think logistic might work actually, just if you cap it at 1 then you end up with 100% not stone, and if you cap it at 0.5 teh most you get is 50% not stone.
23:52 cy1 so the option would be how far to go
23:52 cy1 logistic is the answer to everything ._.
23:52 wowiamdiamonds that is an important factor
23:53 Taoki joined #minetest

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