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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 cy1 VanessaE: just use my fork :D
00:05 cy1 lol
00:05 VanessaE why?
00:05 cy1 b/c I'm not in absentia
00:06 VanessaE too many forks, I get confused as to whose does what
00:06 cy1 and git is awesome about forks
00:06 cy1 they're all the same thing just different people's versions of it
00:06 cy1 anyway I can make fixes maybe and c55 can pull them later
00:06 cy1 and throw away all my hard earned PGP stuff too
00:07 cy1 the question is not which fork is official. the question is which fork is some masochist compiling to work in windows
00:08 marktraceur cy1: PGP is nice, but probably not for hop-on-hop-off-style games
00:09 VanessaE
00:09 VanessaE there.
00:12 cy1 VanessaE: fixed
00:12 cy1 xD
00:12 VanessaE fixed?
00:12 marktraceur WHOOSH
00:13 VanessaE heh
00:13 marktraceur Look, over there! It's some guy coding! No, it's some other guy coding! NOPE, IT'S CY1!
00:13 marktraceur ....that's really not very suspenseful.
00:13 * marktraceur goes back to human coding
00:14 VanessaE damn you're quick.
00:16 VanessaE +   if purging == true then
00:16 VanessaE 10
00:16 VanessaE +      error("stupid programmer wants the last spot in line.")
00:16 VanessaE 11
00:16 VanessaE +   end
00:16 VanessaE haha
00:19 * marktraceur nods solemnly
00:19 VanessaE think you can fix the other current bugs? :-)
00:20 CanauckTux_ joined #minetest
00:20 Fury joined #minetest
00:21 khonkhortisan I don't think I can make a sundial
00:22 VanessaE you can, but the shadows won't follow the sun I don't think :-)
00:24 ttk2 joined #minetest
00:24 VanessaE besides, there's no inclination to the sun's path through the sky, so a sundial would have to be built kinda weird (with an elevated, horizontal element to cast the shadow)
00:24 khonkhortisan just build it on the edge of the world
00:24 VanessaE (or if you prefer, it has an inclination of 0 degrees :-)  )
00:25 khonkhortisan as compared to null, nil, nan, inf...
00:25 khonkhortisan or rad
00:25 cisoun joined #minetest
00:25 VanessaE greetz, cisoun.
00:26 cisoun sup
00:27 VanessaE cy1: *poke*
00:28 khonkhortisan error: unknown problem with network: Your poke was not delivered. Possible loss of finger(s) in-transit.
00:29 VanessaE haha
00:29 cisoun lol
00:30 cy1 so pistons can only push one block... so how to make a movable door two blocks wide...
00:31 cy1 if only they could pull
00:31 cy1 sticky pistons?
00:31 khonkhortisan sticky piston on both sides
00:31 khonkhortisan mesecons
00:31 khonkhortisan 4 junglegrass = glue
00:31 khonkhortisan be careful with pistons pushing pistons
00:34 VanessaE cy1:  feel like attacking this one?
00:34 VanessaE
00:34 VanessaE the workaround for this causes the bug you just fixed ;-)
00:37 marktraceur Alllll righty then
00:37 marktraceur Trapping mod
00:37 VanessaE ?
00:37 marktraceur VanessaE: Kill me some rabbits for me dinner
00:38 VanessaE heh
00:38 marktraceur Big ol' spiky traps an' all
00:38 marktraceur But first, a test run of the rafting mod
00:38 VanessaE bobblocks has something like that
00:39 marktraceur VanessaE: Nope, darkrose was kind enough to link me to hers
00:39 VanessaE dunno if they'll activate in the presence of a mob (e.g. animals) but they will harm/kill the player.
00:52 NakedFury so is the raft moving smoothly?
00:52 NakedFury as if it was another player?
00:52 marktraceur Not even close
00:52 khonkhortisan is this it?
00:53 marktraceur Yes
00:53 marktraceur It's one node at a time
00:53 khonkhortisan took me a while to find it
00:53 marktraceur Which isn't perfect, but meh
00:53 NakedFury it needs new code into the source to move smoothly
00:54 NakedFury doing it lua would be like this:
00:55 NakedFury sry
00:57 VanessaE does anyone have the patch that fixes the (ridiculously small) font size for player names?
00:58 cy1 yeaaaaah sticky pistons
01:01 marktraceur NakedFury: I would be happy with that
01:01 marktraceur This is only one node, as far as I've tested
01:02 marktraceur Yeah, one node
01:02 marktraceur Needs some work, but it's a good start
01:03 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
01:03 VanessaE nevermind, I found it.
01:05 cornernote joined #minetest
01:05 NakedFury so do you think it will ever come to a point of smooth super smooth navigating?
01:05 marktraceur NakedFury: Currently, there's a trade-off to be made: Customizable boats, or smooth navigation
01:05 marktraceur I want to carry chests and shit on my boat
01:06 marktraceur So smoothness loses if I make the mod
01:08 NakedFury so a train to use with rails could work well?
01:09 NakedFury when I say smooth I use minecraft boats and minecarts as comparisons
01:16 marktraceur NakedFury: Right now, that's impossible, unless I misunderstand something in the code
01:20 VanessaE looks like gameboom is down :(
01:21 VanessaE (maybe someone shut it down to stop the griefing from getting any worse)
01:22 khonkhortisan how do I use the raft?
01:22 khonkhortisan oh. My mod is slowing it down
01:24 khonkhortisan the raft needs some artwork
01:24 VanessaE ahaha had the address wrong, but it still doesn't work - their server version is too old :-)
01:33 Tukeke joined #minetest
01:36 NakedFury could this be possible in the future? its for mesecons
01:36 VanessaE what?
01:36 NakedFury
01:36 NakedFury sry forgot link
01:36 VanessaE not a chance.
01:36 VanessaE well
01:36 VanessaE actually maybe
01:37 VanessaE but the total number of defined objects would increase geometrically.
01:37 NakedFury the mini tunnels would be created when the block is placed on top of the mesecon
01:38 VanessaE first you'd need one mesecon wire for every possible orientation.  That would require 10 nodes (see my pipeworks mod).  Then you'd need one copy of each for each type of node you want them to go "through"
01:38 VanessaE (where the node being passed through is just another nodebox as part of the mesecon wire node)
01:39 VanessaE so you'd probably need somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 or so total objects
01:39 VanessaE (10 plain, and 10 each passing through dirt, stone, glass, and maybe wood)
01:40 NakedFury would have been nice for a type = option that "cuts" the holes automaticly when placed on the object with this property
01:40 VanessaE that won't work
01:40 VanessaE it would require two nodes in the same node space.
01:41 VanessaE so the only way to do it is with nodeboxes and a shitload of textures that mimic the effect
01:41 VanessaE I mention my pipeworks mod because it contains enough nodes that, when combined with facedir, can connect any number of directions together, from any orientation to any other, including verticalds.
01:42 VanessaE verticals.
01:43 MiJyn joined #minetest
01:43 VanessaE the same method, by the way, would allow for the appearance of two different slabs in the same node space, by using specially-prepated textures on normal full 1x1x1 blocks, drawn to look like two different types of materials
01:44 NakedFury ok so for now it is very hard to do so
01:44 NakedFury an "easy" way would require extensive source code editing
01:45 VanessaE but that would require 3 textures for each combination, and there would be something like 12 or so combinations using just the materials that can currently be used for slabs
01:46 VanessaE (wood on stone, stone on wood, wood on cobble, cobble on wood, cobble on stone, stone on cobble, and continuing with brick, sandstone, and whatever else one wants to add)
01:47 NakedFury why so many textures?
01:48 VanessaE because you have N^2 possible combinations of N unique materials
01:48 VanessaE and you have to account for one material on the top half and one on the bottom half, and the inverse as well
01:49 VanessaE that means drawing a side texture for each possible combination (you could use the existing whole-node textures for top/bottom)
01:50 NakedFury
01:50 VanessaE nodeboxes can achieve that effect ^^
01:51 VanessaE but again, you need lots of different nodes to account for every possible connection that could be made with 2 or more wires and every possible material that those wires should appear to pass through.
01:51 NakedFury that would need 5 different versions of each possible block
01:51 VanessaE 5?
01:52 VanessaE you need to be able to connect from any axis, any direction, to any other axis/axes, any direction(s).
01:52 VanessaE That needs 10 nodes just for the wires passing through air.
01:53 VanessaE facedir can be used to rotate them around as needed to cover all possible combinations of directions (my pipeworks does this)
01:53 NakedFury 7 not 5
01:53 VanessaE so 10 nodes passing through air, then you need 10 more that pass through say stone, another 10 for dirt, another 10 passing through glass, and so on for as many materials as you want the wires to pass through.
01:58 VanessaE 10.   2 straight sections:  horizontal (X or Z) and vertical (Y).  3 bends:  X/Z -> Y up, X/Z -> Y down, X -> Z.   3 T-junctions:  X/Z to the middle of Y, and any two horizontals to a third  two four-way junctions:  X <-> Z, X/Z <-> Y.  One 6-way junction (all three axes connected together)
01:59 VanessaE facedir to rotate them means any connection can be made from any number of any of the 6 directions to any others.
01:59 triplei joined #minetest
02:00 VanessaE mesecons would need the same thing, plus four more:  the sloping ones.
02:01 VanessaE so that's 14 wire forms, multiplied by the total number of material types you want to give the appearance of passing through.
02:02 NakedFury first set of 7. remembered that I need for going up mesecons.
02:02 NakedFury
02:02 VanessaE where are your T-junctions?
02:03 NakedFury yes missing some
02:03 NakedFury 8 with t and adding a going up to each one
02:03 VanessaE if you didn't have to account for verticals, you could do all this with just the usual 4, times however many materials you want to pass throguh.
02:04 VanessaE (remember, mesecons rotates them already, so one "curved" object covers those upper four corner objects you pictured)
02:04 VanessaE (one 3-way t-junction does the same, one vertical wire can also become horizontal, and a 4-way crossing of course doesn't need to rotate)
02:05 VanessaE s/vertical/north-south/; s/horizontal/east-west/
02:08 VanessaE can you tell I already did all this before? ;-)
02:13 VanessaE I just realized, it would take more than 10 - you have to account for all four vertical sides for each object that can connect vertically.  So that could expand to a hundred or more unique bjects
02:14 VanessaE objects*
02:14 VanessaE that is, unless you make the wires always enter/exit from the center of a face.
02:14 VanessaE like...wait for it......
02:14 VanessaE .......
02:14 VanessaE pipeworks mod ;-)
02:17 * VanessaE pokes at NakedFury for signs of life
02:19 VanessaE then there's the secondary issue of how do decide whether two vertically-adjacent layers should electrically connect in the first place.
02:19 VanessaE (in other words, when to draw in the vertical Y wire that connects them and to treat them as such)
02:28 VanessaE in a schematic editor, this is usually done by explicitly ending a wire right in the middle of another and then starting a new one and continuing on from there
02:28 VanessaE (just drawing one wire, and then a second wire crossing over it, but not stopping on the other wire, usually results in the two not connecting)
02:30 NakedFury sry tv series Perception started today and got drawn in
02:33 NakedFury
02:34 VanessaE no, you need one object for each combination of vertical legs
02:34 VanessaE as there are 4 verticals, that object needs 16 variations.
02:36 VanessaE (N/S/E/W, each could be vertical or not.  4 bits = 16 possibilities)
02:37 VanessaE a 3-way T junction would need 8 possibilities, a regular horizontal wire would need 4.
02:39 VanessaE plus you'd need 16 more for the little bits that can connect a top horizontal surface with an adjacent vertical (again, four faces to connect to = 16 possibilities)
02:40 VanessaE so that's 44 objects, and that's without making them pass through some solid material like dirt.
02:40 marktraceur VanessaE: I can see why you get errors alla time
02:40 VanessaE mark?
02:40 marktraceur You define a lot of things :)
02:41 VanessaE because I push the game to the design limits? ;-)
02:41 VanessaE OH,
02:42 VanessaE and you need 2 variants of each node, for powered and not-powered.
02:42 VanessaE so that's 88 objects just to run up/down/around solid nodes, without passing through the,
02:42 VanessaE them*
02:43 * marktraceur starts to wonder how much of this stuff could be handled by storing data per node
02:43 VanessaE dunno
02:43 marktraceur Binary switch for each node? Nah, let's just define double the amount of nodes.
02:44 VanessaE heh
02:44 VanessaE well minecraft does it by using greyscale textures and just colorizing them to indicate their power level.
02:44 VanessaE (I just read up on the subject)
02:44 marktraceur Like, "hey, how much storage do you need? 0? OK, awesome, no storage for you. 1 bit? Easy peasy. 4 bits? Have an integer."
02:45 VanessaE good luck getting c55 to accept the necessary patches - it won't be "interesting" ;-)
02:45 marktraceur What's the extra storage? Well, none of the default mod stuff will use it
02:45 marktraceur Dirt, stone, ores, all of that can be static
02:45 marktraceur Only crafted items will need this
02:46 marktraceur *maybe* cy1 decides to use it for wet dirt
02:46 marktraceur But even that isn't all that big
02:46 VanessaE I can think of one item the game should have for an added bit of realism: torches that eventually burn out and have to be collected and re-crafted with a new piece of coal to re-light them.
02:46 marktraceur Might be
02:46 VanessaE that would probably need the data storage you're talkign about
02:47 marktraceur But again, that's crafted
02:47 VanessaE yes
02:47 marktraceur So it would be relatively small
02:47 marktraceur Not like, ALL THE BLOCKS MUST NOW BE ONE BYTE LARGER
02:47 marktraceur No
02:47 marktraceur That would suck
02:47 marktraceur But let's think about this
02:47 VanessaE oh horrors.  one byte larger ;-)
02:47 marktraceur You go to the absolute limite
02:47 marktraceur limits*
02:48 * marktraceur pull out a python prompt
02:49 marktraceur If all of the nodes had one extra byte, they would need 1906 extra terabytes
02:50 VanessaE yeah but how much space do they take now? :-)
02:50 marktraceur But of course that will never happen--someone doing 31000 in all directions
02:50 marktraceur So let's take my server, just as an example
02:50 marktraceur I'm at roughly -790, so let's make a safe call of 800 in all directions
02:51 marktraceur 32 extra gigabytes to give _all the nodes_ one extra byte
02:51 marktraceur And that was a liberal estimate
02:52 marktraceur Especially since most of those (over half) would be air, at least 75% of the remainder would be dirt or stone.
02:52 VanessaE well sure, but I'm guessing the game doesn't store every single node generated in the area
02:52 VanessaE (I would think it would only store the changes)
02:55 VanessaE "However, if the block on which the Redstone wire is placed becomes powered in any way, so does the Redstone wire. "
02:55 VanessaE ok, if we want to stick to redstone-style circuits, any mesecons wires that are adjacent in any direction must be treated as an electrical junction
02:56 VanessaE so vertical wires have to be drawn in that case
02:56 VanessaE (which is how they work now of course)
02:56 VanessaE (minus the vertical interconnects)
02:58 VanessaE wait, no..
02:59 VanessaE "Redstone wire and signal strength
02:59 VanessaE Whether a block is weakly or normally (strongly) powered affects how Redstone wires interact with it. Blocks are strongly powered by Redstone power sources; torches (from below), repeaters, levers, pressure plates etc. If a block is powered only by Redstone wire then it is weakly powered. Redstone wire which is adjacent to, on top of, or below a block that is strongly powered will become active. It will not become active if tha
02:59 VanessaE t block is weakly powered. "
02:59 VanessaE mesecons presently act as if everything is "strongly" powered, right?
03:00 marktraceur Yeah, I believe so
03:00 VanessaE ok
03:01 VanessaE so if we ignore the strong/weak designation, then vertical wires must always be drawn between vertically-adjacent mesecons wires.
03:03 VanessaE personally I like the idea of having weak/strong levels, since it would allow for vertically-stacked wires that carry different signals, but then no vertical wires would be possible between vertically-adjacent nodes
03:04 VanessaE but it does mean denser circuits are possible.
03:08 VanessaE it's a trade-off I guess - more work to adapt the behavior of the mode means a generally better mod, but it would break existing circuits.
03:08 VanessaE s/mode/mod/
03:10 VanessaE maybe it's better to deprecate all existing mesecons and just write a whole new mod from scratch, with new mod and node names.
03:10 NakedFury circuits could use a new setting option and not use rail like
03:11 VanessaE they wouldn't use raillike anymore - they'd have to use nodeboxes
03:11 NakedFury too much to draw and the code would be huge
03:11 VanessaE yup.
03:12 NakedFury and they still need a way to be used without needing too much space
03:12 VanessaE that's where one would have to implement strong/weak power
03:12 VanessaE this is all better suited for a new mod
03:13 VanessaE new crafting recipes, the whole bit (that way old mesecons could still be used alongside)
03:14 NakedFury;feature=related
03:14 NakedFury that video shows a keycode door for minecraft using redstone
03:14 NakedFury at the middle he starts showing how he made it
03:15 NakedFury that cant be used in the game because it takes a stupid huge amount of space
03:15 NakedFury there has to be a way to create that with maybe half or less the space it uses
03:18 NakedFury there are many cool things that can be made with mesecons/redstone but the space needed for them makes them sort of useless in multiplayer. secret base with secret door? hard since the door would take a lot of space making it easier for landmine types to find it
03:18 VanessaE part of the problem is the guy's using decimal to set the code instead of octal
03:18 NakedFury same deal, huge contraption
03:19 VanessaE yeah but with octal, it could just be made with a shitload of AND gates.
03:21 NakedFury;feature=player_embedded
03:22 NakedFury shows a super amazing secret base where alamost everything is automated with redstones
03:24 NakedFury if you made that in minetest you would need a huge amount of game world protected
03:27 VanessaE indeed it would be huge
03:28 NakedFury even making something simple as 2 normal doors opening with a button push takes space
03:29 NakedFury mostly possible basement space directly below normal floor
03:29 VanessaE naw, it's simpler than you think
03:29 VanessaE button wire
03:29 VanessaE piston piston
03:29 NakedFury;feature=related
03:29 VanessaE (assuming the pistons point toward the bottom of the screen in this case)
03:30 NakedFury I meant double doors like when you go to shopping mall the open as you approach
03:30 VanessaE right
03:30 VanessaE doors aren't mesecons-activated at all in minetest are they?
03:31 NakedFury dont know
03:58 VanessaE doors are not responsive to mesecons signals.
04:04 VanessaE also just checked, mesecons try to connect vertical layers together when placed, they just lack straight vertical wires
04:05 VanessaE (so they are electrically connected, they're just a little vague about it)
04:06 VanessaE I figured that was the case, just had to check it.
04:22 khonkhortisan how do I craft/use the furnace without losing my infinite supplies?
04:22 NakedFury you dont, if the suplies are infinite then you dont lose them
04:25 VanessaE since you're in creative mode, just /giveme default:furnace or whatever :-)
04:28 khonkhortisan I guess I have to actually chase out the Segmentation fault then
04:41 VanessaE night all
04:44 khonkhortisan I dropped some of that rotating wood and it slid away
04:47 TForsman joined #minetest
04:56 ecube joined #minetest
05:06 emspri joined #minetest
05:12 khonkhortisan the bow mod is cool
05:21 khonkhortisan newbie question: what server should I join?
05:21 marktraceur khonkhortisan: All the servers!
05:22 marktraceur khonkhortisan: What are you looking for in a server?
05:22 khonkhortisan other people
05:23 khonkhortisan I haven't found anyone online yet, but I've seen impressive maps
05:23 marktraceur thexyz has a big server, port 30001
05:23 marktraceur Gameboom is also pretty populated, join #gameboom for that
05:31 Japa_werk joined #minetest
05:34 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
05:43 Ririshi joined #minetest
05:43 Ririshi Hey guys
05:43 emspri joined #minetest
05:45 marktraceur Ririshi: Hi! How goes?
05:46 ecube_ joined #minetest
05:48 mrdragons joined #minetest
06:16 Japa_werk_ joined #minetest
07:18 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
07:18 T_A_N_K blokkeren
07:18 T_A_N_K ooops
07:42 Japa_werk__ joined #minetest
07:43 Ririshi left #minetest
07:55 q66[mac] joined #minetest
07:56 q66 joined #minetest
08:56 Calinou joined #minetest
09:11 emspri joined #minetest
09:12 emspri brobostigon is homedecore installed ??
09:12 Calinou no
09:15 Japa_werk joined #minetest
09:25 jk_ joined #minetest
09:32 brobostigon good morning everyone.
09:35 Taoki joined #minetest
09:42 ChatHeure joined #minetest
09:43 ChatHeure Hi !
09:43 Calinou hi
09:43 Calinou frenchie :P
09:44 ChatHeure moi aussi ^^
09:45 ChatHeure Le wiki n'a pas de module de traduction comme sur le wiki d'OpenStreetMap, c'est dommage...
09:45 Calinou le wiki officiel
09:45 Calinou non, pas d'interwiki/etc pour le moment
09:46 Calinou le problème, c'est qu'il faut du monde pour traduire le wiki
09:46 Calinou pour le moment, la seule personne intéressée serait moi ^^
09:46 Calinou en plus je travaille déjà sur une traduction de la doc de l'API lua pour les mods
09:46 Calinou (j'en suis à 40%)
09:48 ChatHeure Ah ok, moi j'aimerai participer, mais ce serait ponctuellement malheureusement...
09:48 ChatHeure Mais je pense que ce serait plus engageant si tout était en place !
09:48 Calinou on pourrait faire un système similaire à celui du wiki de debian:
09:49 Calinou sur la page d'accueil du wiki on peut choisir une langue.
09:49 Calinou et les liens pointent vers des versions françaises, qui serait nommés par exemple: Cobblestone/fr
09:49 Calinou et on mettrait une catégorie "français"
09:49 Jousway joined #minetest
09:50 ChatHeure Oui, je ne me souviens plus du Wiki de Debian, mais apparemment, c'est comme celui D'OSM
09:50 ChatHeure Peut-être plus pratique celui de Debian
09:51 * Calinou utilise debian testing dans une machine virtuelle
09:51 Calinou en remerciant windows 7 pour l'UEFI
09:51 ChatHeure Sur OSM on démarre forcément sur une page EN, je crois
09:51 Calinou :c
09:51 Calinou oui, mais après les gens sont pas (si) bêtes; ils vont voir qu'il y a un lien pour aller sur la page en français
09:51 ChatHeure l'UEFI ? c'est l'EFIBIOS ?
09:52 Calinou UEFI = "unified" extensible firmware interface
09:52 ChatHeure Calinou: oui, on s'y fait vite :) En plus, on bascule assez facilement de l'un à l'autre pour vérifier les traduction
09:52 ChatHeure s
09:52 Calinou en gros, un truc de microsoft pour améliorer leur satanisme
09:52 oerkii joined #minetest
09:53 oerkii hello
09:53 ChatHeure unified ? :D
09:53 Calinou j'ai rien contre une machine virtuelle, j'ai un bon ordi...
09:53 Calinou oerkii, hi monster
09:53 Calinou :P
09:53 ChatHeure Ah, ben oui, avant il y avait différent bios ^^
09:53 Calinou it's oerkki not oerkii
09:53 oerkii :D
09:53 ChatHeure lu oerkii
09:53 oerkii i'm having problems with MineTest
09:54 Calinou what problems?
09:54 oerkii the default textures aren't loading correctly
09:55 oerkii i checked in the .conf file to see what's happening and tried to change some lines but didn't work
09:55 Calinou enable_texture_atlas = false
09:55 Calinou (uncomment the line first)
09:56 oerkii i'll do that and i'll tell you
09:56 ChatHeure C'est moi ou le wiki a méchament évolué en quelques jours !!? (O_o)
09:56 ChatHeure Je suis en train de me demander si je regardais le bon wiki avant...
09:57 Calinou ChatHeure, oui
09:57 Calinou nouveau template de crafting
09:57 Calinou je suis co-admin sur le wiki au fait ^^
09:57 ChatHeure ah ok ^^
09:57 Calinou
09:57 Calinou todo: traductions, plus de documentation sur les mods
09:57 ChatHeure super :)
09:58 ChatHeure et le nyancat, il est par défaut dans la 0.3 ?
09:58 ChatHeure je ne l'ai jamais vu encore... (je joue en local)
09:59 emspri Calinou do you know how to make mossy cobble stone
09:59 emspri ??
09:59 Calinou no, you can't
09:59 emspri ow ok
09:59 Calinou however, the more blocks mod lets you craft mossy cobble
10:00 Calinou ChatHeure,
10:00 Calinou ^ structure prévue pour la doc des mods
10:00 Calinou ChatHeure, oui, il y a des nyancats très très rares dans la 0.3 et la 0.4
10:01 oerkii hey, didn't work
10:02 ChatHeure ah ok, j'ai pas beaucoup joué pour l'instant, c'est pour ça...
10:02 emspri is the moreblocks installed now ??
10:02 ChatHeure Tout le monde parle de Minecraft et je ne connaissais pas, donc j'ai installé Minetest pour me donner une idée :D
10:03 Calinou emspri, no
10:03 Calinou not on brobostigon's server
10:03 Calinou ChatHeure, je joue à minecraft et à minetest ^^
10:03 Calinou au fait tu peux essayer la dernière 0.4; plus de fonctionnalités
10:03 Calinou (git/nightly)
10:03 ChatHeure Je voulais voir (Terrasology?), mais il n'est pas présent dans les dépôt Ubuntu, alors j'ai pris Minetest
10:04 brobostigon emspri: ok, put a page on my wiki, and add a list of things i need to do, please. things are busy, and need some planning, please.
10:05 ChatHeure Calinou: oui, j'ai vu que  pour jouer en ligne, tout le monde prend la 0.4
10:05 emspri ok
10:06 ChatHeure Calinou: et tu répond sur #minetest-fr aussi ?
10:06 ChatHeure *s
10:07 ChatHeure Ah ben non, il n'y a personne ^^
10:08 Calinou personne
10:08 Calinou j'ai enregistré le channel mais y a personne
10:08 Calinou minetest n'est pas assez populaire ^^
10:08 brobostigon emspri: then send me a link to it, please.
10:08 ChatHeure ^^
10:09 Calinou ChatHeure> Je voulais voir (Terrasology?), mais il n'est pas présent dans les dépôt Ubuntu, alors j'ai pris Minetest
10:09 ChatHeure Et toi qui joue au 2, tu préfères quoi dans chacun ?
10:09 Calinou lol, ubuntu :P
10:09 Calinou au fait: mieux vaut compiler soi même
10:09 Calinou les dépots sont souvent pas à jour, ou encore pire
10:09 Calinou minecraft: plus "fini", mobs, etc
10:09 Calinou minetest: modding, plus léger :D
10:09 ChatHeure Calinou: oui, mais je ne suis sur Linux et kfreebsd que depuis peu...
10:10 Calinou freebsd, pheh
10:10 ChatHeure Ubuntu, je l'ai installé pour ma copine, et moi je teste Squeeze en kfreebsd
10:10 Calinou linux > n'importe quel autre unix
10:11 ChatHeure donc compiler les sources, je serais forcé d'y passer ^^
10:11 ChatHeure troll :P
10:11 Calinou :P
10:11 ChatHeure ^^
10:11 Calinou ubuntu ça pue depuis la 11.10... c'est pour ça, j'ai switché vers debian testing
10:12 Calinou testing a l'avantage d'être en rolling-release (si tu édites /etc/apt/sources.list en remplaçant "wheezy" par "testing" évidemment)
10:12 Calinou et les paquets sont mis à jour
10:12 ChatHeure Calinou: je l'ai installé en natty, puis je suis passé en Oneiric et enfin en Precise
10:13 Calinou natty = ok, oneiric = unity, precise = wifi buggé
10:13 ChatHeure ah ok, faudra que je me penche sur ça
10:13 ChatHeure precise = wifi buggé ???
10:13 Calinou j'ai installé testing directement perso... avec le netinst amd64
10:14 Calinou oui, beaucoup de gens se plaignent que le wifi se déconnecte de façon intempestive
10:14 ChatHeure Calinou: Ah ok, pas eu ce problème et je suis en wifi avec une carte Asus un peu pérave pourtant...
10:16 ChatHeure Sur Debian, je me suis mis IceWeasel car il conserve la fonctionnalité pour les moteur de recherche, mais il est très en retard... je me demande si il est toujours mis à jour....
10:16 Calinou lol sur le wiki:
10:16 Calinou (diff | hist) . . Stone‎; 13:48 . . (+777) . . Calinou (Talk | contribs | block)‎ (Undo revision 2009 by (talk)) [rollback]
10:16 ChatHeure il est au niveau de Firefox 3.5
10:16 Calinou 777
10:16 Calinou chromium > chrome > firefox > IE
10:17 ChatHeure peut-être mais je suis fidèle à Gecko :P
10:18 ChatHeure Tu as eu le jackpot ? ^^
10:19 ChatHeure oups, déjà + de midi ! je file !
10:19 Calinou ++ bon app
10:19 ChatHeure Bye, à bientôt certainement ;)
10:19 ChatHeure merci, toi aussi
10:19 ChatHeure left #minetest
10:34 splash joined #minetest
10:48 splash left #minetest
10:48 BartoCH joined #minetest
10:51 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:09 SpeedProg joined #minetest
11:15 Calinou joined #minetest
11:17 BartoCH joined #minetest
11:45 art joined #minetest
11:48 Crisco joined #minetest
12:24 cornernote joined #minetest
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12:42 marktraceur joined #minetest
12:50 cisoun joined #minetest
13:23 Tukeke joined #minetest
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13:34 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:37 jk_ joined #minetest
14:02 marktraceur joined #minetest
14:02 marktraceur joined #minetest
14:27 VanessaE joined #minetest
15:03 marktraceur joined #minetest
15:03 marktraceur joined #minetest
15:46 marktraceur joined #minetest
15:48 marktraceur Protip: Circles are hard. Spheres are even harder.
15:52 NakedFury are you making a circle structure in game?
15:52 marktraceur NakedFury: A sphere structure, actually
15:52 marktraceur In a few minutes I'll have a map
15:56 FreeFull Disks are easy, circle outlines are harder
15:56 FreeFull discs*
15:57 marktraceur Well, it's definitely an outline
15:57 marktraceur
15:57 marktraceur There's a cross shape on the left, with some outline of circle
15:59 * darkrose notices a circular fountain :p
16:00 marktraceur darkrose: It is pretty awesome! :)
16:00 marktraceur Spheres are t3h hard, though, is my point
16:02 * darkrose would probably start with 3 circles, then fill it in till pissed off... do something else... try again
16:02 marktraceur darkrose: Basically, yes.
16:05 NakedFury marktraceur: use this links for your circle related projects:
16:07 opticlove joined #minetest
16:07 opticlove joined #minetest
16:08 Calinou nice
16:08 darkrose build a dirt cube, detonate tnt in the middle, fill with cobble, remove dirt = sphere
16:09 marktraceur NakedFury: Not helpful for sphere
16:09 marktraceur darkrose: Do not has TNT
16:09 Calinou or use gimp
16:09 NakedFury lies!
16:09 Calinou worldedit has a /sphere tool, no?
16:09 NakedFury the first link works perfect
16:09 NakedFury
16:09 marktraceur Calinou: Yeah, if you wanted to cheat....
16:10 marktraceur NakedFury: Oh, sorry, forgot there were two
16:10 marktraceur NakedFury: Flash.
16:10 NakedFury that link is interactive
16:10 marktraceur I'll just do the math
16:10 NakedFury linux cant have flash?
16:11 marktraceur NakedFury: It can, but I try to avoid supporting stupid, outdated formats
16:11 marktraceur Forget non-free, this is a question of it being totally useless in comparison with others
16:12 NakedFury what diameter you need?
16:12 marktraceur NakedFury: That's not how it works
16:17 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
16:20 Calinou flash is stupid, +1
16:20 Calinou (and non-free, yes)
16:42 marktraceur NakedFury: Maybe tonight I will whip up a free shape-plotter for minetest
17:17 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
17:20 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
17:26 Tukeke joined #minetest
17:47 Calinou joined #minetest
17:50 NakedFury gonna play some minetest
17:50 CanauckTux__ joined #minetest
17:51 Calinou :D
17:54 marktraceur NakedFury: Good plan!
17:54 Calinou what server?
17:55 NakedFury well I have cy server since I lost my file with the others
17:55 Calinou "lost my file" ???
17:55 NakedFury I had a txt with marks server and a few others
17:57 triplei joined #minetest
17:57 marktraceur NakedFury: port 30000
17:58 NakedFury thanks will enter once I set up my controller
17:58 marktraceur *nod* K
18:02 Zettbou joined #minetest
18:04 Jousway joined #minetest
18:12 NakedFury controller working
18:12 NakedFury playing now
18:12 marktraceur Welcome!
18:12 NakedFury ok I need to ask why is there so much shrubs?
18:12 marktraceur NakedFury: Bug in the code
18:13 marktraceur I have to fix that tonight
18:13 marktraceur er....
18:13 marktraceur Maybe tomorrow
18:14 NakedFury you might want to add to the jungle grass the option to not build from it
18:15 marktraceur NakedFury: You mean not allowing place-on-junglegrass?
18:15 NakedFury yeah
18:15 NakedFury I can do that now
18:15 marktraceur OK
18:17 VanessaE joined #minetest
18:19 jordach joined #minetest
18:20 jordach hello PEOPLE, IM BACK
18:20 NakedFury hi
18:21 * jordach feels out of place already
18:21 * Calinou is still banned
18:22 NakedFury from where?
18:23 Calinou mark's server
18:23 Calinou c55
18:23 Calinou Y U NO ADD BAN REASONS?
18:23 Calinou :< I feel like I got an iptables ban, because I stay stuck at "connecting to server"
18:24 marktraceur Calinou: You just got a normal ban
18:24 marktraceur Reason: You've been a dick to me far too often
18:25 jordach marktraceur, thanks, i pointed this out long ago
18:26 marktraceur *nod* this is not to say that he's beyond redemption, I firmly believe in second chances, but he hasn't taken it just yet
18:26 VanessaE jeez, did I walk into a hornet's nest or something?
18:26 Calinou hi VanessaE
18:27 VanessaE hi all
18:27 jordach VanessaE, im back from my 2 days on a theme park trip
18:27 VanessaE cool, jordach
18:28 Anelisa joined #minetest
18:28 Anelisa salut ! :)
18:28 marktraceur Anelisa: Salut! How goes? :)
18:28 VanessaE jeez
18:28 VanessaE you're a postin' fool :-)
18:29 Calinou hi Anelisa
18:29 VanessaE hi Anelisa
18:29 Anelisa ^^
18:29 Anelisa marktraceur, i'm fine.
18:29 marktraceur Anelisa: Good to hear. Are you new hereabouts?
18:30 Anelisa Just a little bit, i have join the community of Minetest 1 week ! ^^'
18:31 Anelisa sorry for my verry bad english but i try to write the best i can, beceause i'm french... ;o;
18:31 VanessaE seems readable to me :-)
18:31 Calinou rule 0 of the internet: never say you're french or russian
18:31 Calinou both lead to carnage
18:31 marktraceur Oh, I dunno
18:32 jordach Calinou, no,
18:32 Anelisa why never saying ?
18:32 marktraceur Anelisa: Your English is rather good
18:32 Anelisa thanks
18:32 marktraceur Anelisa: Rule 0 of this IRC, coincidentally, is "Calinou lies a lot, don't listen to him"
18:32 Anelisa But you can see, may be you don't understand... x)
18:32 * Calinou is french, and he has a better english than Anelisa
18:33 Anelisa lol
18:33 marktraceur Calinou: Here's a cookie
18:33 Calinou no, I want a cake.
18:33 Anelisa OKay, take the cake
18:33 Anelisa xDD
18:33 marktraceur Calinou: You didn't do anything to merit even a cookie!
18:34 Anelisa *in the head of Calinou it's the cake*
18:34 VanessaE oh he takes the cake all right.
18:34 VanessaE ;)
18:34 Anelisa lol
18:34 Anelisa We have a lovely server ? I cherch one.
18:35 VanessaE cherch -> am searching for
18:35 Anelisa thanks, and not grief ! ;)
18:35 NakedFury port 30000
18:35 marktraceur Hmm
18:36 Anelisa okay i try
18:36 marktraceur I'd need to hop on and give build privileges
18:36 NakedFury what is the flourecent green shrubs that grow in the server? they dont have names
18:36 marktraceur NakedFury: tallgrass
18:36 Anelisa don't work...
18:36 marktraceur I'll add names....sometime
18:36 marktraceur Anelisa: You need to set a password
18:37 darkrose tallgrass, also known as 'annoying plant #2'
18:37 Anelisa A minute...
18:37 Calinou lol darkrose
18:37 Calinou what's #1
18:37 VanessaE ok I'll bite...
18:37 Anelisa I have write my password !!
18:37 * Calinou bites VanessaE
18:37 marktraceur Calinou: Junglesgrass
18:37 darkrose jungle grass is #1
18:37 VanessaE looks like junglegrass to me
18:38 Calinou it isn't generated in 0.4
18:38 marktraceur VanessaE: It basically is.
18:38 Calinou except due to VanessaE's mod :P
18:38 VanessaE looks like MY mod in fact
18:38 * Anelisa understand nothing now ! >__<
18:38 Calinou in moreblocks, junglegrass lets you craft grass blocks or mossy cobble
18:38 Calinou (or you can use mese as a remplacement)
18:38 VanessaE holy crap
18:38 Calinou replacement*
18:38 VanessaE mark, your copy is out of date :-)
18:38 marktraceur VanessaE: I know....I've been lazy for a day, and it will go on until at least tonight
18:38 VanessaE I already added the radius limit to keep the density under control ;-)
18:38 Anelisa   it's taht's marktracteur ??
18:39 Anelisa sorry, that's
18:39 VanessaE how long did you leave this running? :-)
18:39 NakedFury weird. if I look towards vanessas name in the game my FPS lowers to 10
18:39 Calinou > lots of terrain to draw, it isn't VanessaE's fault
18:40 marktraceur Anelisa:
18:40 Anelisa oh, okay
18:40 BartoCH joined #minetest
18:40 VanessaE no, see?  I'm just that important  - the server dedicates more resources to rendering my name ;-)
18:40 marktraceur Anelisa: "traceur", c'est francais!
18:40 Calinou :}
18:41 Anelisa beceause tracteur it's a french word ! lol
18:41 Calinou traceur = "parkourer" iirc
18:41 marktraceur Calinou: Well, in very crude terms
18:41 Calinou crudism FTW
18:41 marktraceur You would say that
18:41 Calinou "you don't say?"
18:41 VanessaE *looks around the landscape*
18:42 VanessaE damn, I never knew my mod would dump so much grass all over :-)
18:42 marktraceur VanessaE: Yeah.
18:42 marktraceur I'll fix it, not to worry
18:42 jordach VanessaE, my wool flower has the same bug, abms suck for spawning
18:42 marktraceur Also, cy1's fire solved a large portion of the problem
18:43 * marktraceur is considering setting huge fires
18:43 darkrose NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo!
18:43 marktraceur Anelisa: You don't have build privs
18:43 marktraceur darkrose: I'm on another continent!
18:43 Calinou marktraceur, btw, with your more ores improvements, people said their ores turned into unknown nodes
18:43 Calinou this has not happened to me.
18:43 marktraceur Calinou: I've seen
18:43 Anelisa oh can i have, marktraceur ?
18:43 darkrose oh, well sure, set fire to other continents!
18:43 marktraceur Anelisa:
18:43 marktraceur Yes
18:43 VanessaE jordach: there's a built-in function that you can use to check the surroundings of a given node - check for more of the same in say a radius of 10 or 15.
18:43 Anelisa thanks !!
18:43 Calinou I included and pushed your latest moreores improvements btw
18:43 VanessaE if found, don't spawn.
18:44 VanessaE if not found, spawn
18:44 VanessaE whether found or not, allow the plants to grow too.
18:44 VanessaE that's how the current version of junglegrass works.
18:44 VanessaE what what what what what what>
18:45 jordach okay, i just made a checkerboard texture pack for 0.3
18:45 Calinou
18:45 Calinou -_-
18:45 Calinou THIS IS NOT A SERVER
18:45 Calinou reporting
18:45 VanessaE 0.3?  bleah
18:46 jordach oh, btw: mod on the way bridging 0.4 abd 0.3 for etxture alliance
18:47 VanessaE symlinks ftw ;-)
18:48 Anelisa ...
18:48 marktraceur Anelisa: You cannot fly because fly is disabled on this server
18:48 jordach hm
18:49 Anelisa marktraceur, oh... okay. ;o;
18:49 Calinou marktraceur, hacks FTW
18:49 Calinou there is no anticheat about flying, only about going too fast :D
18:49 Calinou (plus, you can go very fast downwards)
18:50 marktraceur Calinou: And if I find out someone uses that unduly, I will ban them. *That* is my anticheat.
18:50 jordach Calinou, found a way to detect freecam
18:50 Calinou :} yeah
18:51 Calinou cheaters are very rare on minetest
18:51 jordach [land][mine]
18:51 Anelisa Calinou, comment je fait pour mettre des mods en singleplayer ?
18:52 emspri VanessaE are you brave enough to test my labyrint ?? :D
18:52 VanessaE odd, I just saw some of that neon green grass...
18:52 VanessaE then it disappeared.
18:52 emspri brobostigon my sis wants to build a swiming pool somewhere (dont know the name of it)
18:53 VanessaE I'll pass, emspri :-)
18:53 emspri VanessaE : my labyrint is in my piramide
18:53 Calinou Anelisa, tu mets les dossiers des mods dans mods/minetest
18:54 Calinou
18:54 Calinou (structure)
18:55 Anelisa je trouve pas le dossier...
18:55 emspri bro are you here ??
18:59 VanessaE I see moreores is installed on this server.  good.   homedecor would benefit from it ;-)
19:00 marktraceur Oh my gods, can we please learn to highlight? brobostigon, emspri wants you
19:00 marktraceur emspri: You have been on and off here for far too long to not know how to look up whether someone is online, and _much_ too long to still expect immediate responses.
19:01 marktraceur emspri: Please use /whois to find someone's state, /msg for private messaging, and don't ask to ask a question.
19:01 emspri ok
19:01 MiJyn marktraceur, can I please ask to ask a question?
19:01 MiJyn :P
19:01 * marktraceur sighs
19:01 marktraceur Advice, not taken
19:01 MiJyn nope xD
19:04 VanessaE could be worse, mark.....
19:04 VanessaE it could be noob you're dealing with
19:04 VanessaE :)
19:05 marktraceur I don't mind talking to people
19:05 marktraceur I mind it when people don't listen
19:05 Anelisa i cherch a another server.
19:05 VanessaE even when they spew insults at you and warn you to shut up? ;-)
19:06 marktraceur Anelisa: #gameboom is also a good spot for finding a server
19:06 marktraceur VanessaE: At least he was honest; I can deal with that
19:06 VanessaE gameboom's server is outdated - doesn't work with clients using the latest git
19:06 marktraceur My intent later in that conversation was to get him to be contrite; it didn't work
19:06 Anelisa marktraceur, and he's say what ? in the canal.
19:07 VanessaE marktraceur: so what IS this neon green stuff for anyway? :-)
19:10 marktraceur VanessaE: It's like junglegrass, I suppose. Farming uses it.
19:10 marktraceur If you harvest junglegrass, or tallgrass, it gives you seeds
19:10 VanessaE ahhh
19:11 VanessaE obviously acquiring seeds in this present state is...  well covered. ;-)
19:11 Anelisa .
19:12 marktraceur Yuuup
19:12 marktraceur I've definitely fulfilled that need
19:12 VanessaE hehhe
19:12 marktraceur Though I can see a future where I need more
19:12 marktraceur I suppose I'll figure that out when I come to it
19:12 xy joined #minetest
19:12 marktraceur (I say that a lot these days)
19:13 jordach marktraceur, that must be a lot of thoughts
19:13 marktraceur jordach: Sort of, yeah
19:13 jordach then get evernote and write them down
19:14 marktraceur Evernote?
19:14 * marktraceur stops caring
19:15 marktraceur TiddlyWiki for the win
19:15 VanessaE I read that as "tiddly winkie" for some reason
19:15 jordach VanessaE, you need glasses. period.
19:15 Anelisa I have to go, bye guys ! :)
19:16 VanessaE jordach: oh no, the eyes see fine - I need a new sight -> word translation plugin for my brain :-)
19:17 marktraceur Hm. Lunch. But what form?
19:17 marktraceur Oh right
19:17 marktraceur I'm at home
19:17 VanessaE subway.
19:17 marktraceur Pizza Rolls
19:17 jordach VanessaE, KFC
19:17 VanessaE thin or thick?
19:17 jordach HOT ZINGER BOX
19:21 VanessaE guess he didn't get the reference. :-)
19:21 VanessaE (the correct answer, "Chicago.")
19:24 marktraceur VanessaE: Ha! Not New York?
19:24 VanessaE nope.
19:24 VanessaE Ghostbusters II reference. :-)
19:24 * marktraceur loves the duality in this: Skinny pizza in New York, fat pizza in the Midwest
19:25 VanessaE actually I prefer thin crust :-)
19:25 VanessaE (better toppings:carbs ratio :-) )
19:25 marktraceur Ha, ha! Self-fulfilling prophecy.
19:26 marktraceur Or rather
19:26 marktraceur Ha, ha! Cookies on dowels.
19:26 VanessaE wha?
19:26 marktraceur Harvey Birdman reference!
19:26 marktraceur I had to fire back, you stumped me
19:26 VanessaE hah!
19:27 VanessaE never liked those Birdman and Space Ghost mashups :-)
19:27 VanessaE I used to watch the originals before they were....bastardized. :-)
19:27 marktraceur That, I haven't seen
19:27 marktraceur But Birdman is awesome.
19:27 VanessaE Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law is one
19:27 VanessaE Space Ghost, Coast to Coast is the other
19:28 marktraceur Oh, that's a bastardization? I'm a bad person.
19:28 VanessaE *nod*
19:28 VanessaE those are most definitely NOT the original cartoons :-)
19:28 marktraceur But...but...Colbert!
19:28 VanessaE haha
19:28 marktraceur And Dr. Spaceman! (Chris Parnell)
19:28 marktraceur I think he was in that
19:28 marktraceur ....
19:29 marktraceur Maybe I'm imagining things
19:29 VanessaE heh
19:29 marktraceur Yep, imagining things, totally
19:30 marktraceur Though he was in some form of animated series, I don't remember which one
19:30 * marktraceur stops being off-topic
19:30 jordach marktraceur, VanessaE, id say get a room, know
19:32 marktraceur jordach: I think we've been over this, her husband might have something to say about it
19:32 jordach thats the joke
19:32 VanessaE I plead the 5th, your honor. :)
19:33 marktraceur Well, considering that was, to my recollection, *one* conversation some weeks ago, I reiterated
19:33 jordach marktraceur, dont re-gurgitate works
19:33 marktraceur jordach: I didn't re-gurgitate because of the joke, but rather because of your face
19:33 marktraceur Oh, yes. Immolation.
19:34 jordach hey marktraceur, want me to tell landmine of your server?
19:34 marktraceur Haha, go ahead! Privs are turned off by default, shouldn't be an issue
19:34 jordach lol
19:34 marktraceur Of course, you'd get banned in the process, though I'm not sure you care
19:34 jordach im joking
19:35 jordach i like to piss around
19:35 marktraceur jordach: Try using a toilet, much cleaner :P
19:35 jordach no
19:35 marktraceur (now we enter the "potty humour" portion of the evening)
19:36 VanessaE eh, he'll find it on his own eventually anyway\
19:36 marktraceur VanessaE: Here's hoping *not*
19:36 marktraceur Though again, it probably won't matter
19:36 VanessaE amen to that\
19:38 * marktraceur is being stupid
19:39 * jordach finally reset my twitter pass
19:40 marktraceur HA
19:40 marktraceur YES
19:40 marktraceur BITCH
19:40 marktraceur I hate programming sometimes
19:40 marktraceur But it's worth it for those moments
19:41 marktraceur Wow, someone explored more
19:42 VanessaE why now?
19:42 marktraceur VanessaE: Why now what?
19:42 VanessaE "I hate programming sometimes"
19:43 marktraceur I spent the last ~4 hours working on a problem
19:43 marktraceur And maybe 3 hours yesterday
19:43 marktraceur (maybe not the best use of my time, in retrospect)
19:43 marktraceur Finally solved it
19:44 VanessaE ah, I know how that is
19:44 VanessaE especially when it turns out to be some dinky little one-line change, or worse, one word.
19:45 marktraceur Yeah
19:45 marktraceur Exactly
19:45 jk__ joined #minetest
19:45 marktraceur For example
19:45 marktraceur This problem was, I kept getting gaps in between "groups" of things inside of a 2D array
19:45 marktraceur And I finally realized that it was because my offset variables always were at least 1 space away
19:46 marktraceur So just manually throwing in an extra element fixed it
19:47 VanessaE sounds like a kludge but if it works, so be it
19:50 marktraceur And it did work, that's the great thing :P
19:50 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:51 marktraceur ....maybe
19:51 marktraceur OK, no, I screwed up
19:51 nonporous joined #minetest
19:51 VanessaE ha!
19:51 marktraceur It fixed the immediate problem, but the chart's still represented wrong
19:53 nonporous i'm really interested in contributing to minetest through mods or core code, but I have limited programming experience (that of a physicist). can anyone point me in the right direction in terms of learning to navigate the code?
19:54 * VanessaE watches her ISP drop packets like mad
19:54 VanessaE (storms in the region)
19:54 nonporous in particular i'm looking for whatever references would be useful to understanding either the code, or how to write mods
19:54 nonporous (the developer wiki is still quite limited)
19:55 marktraceur nonporous: is what we have
19:55 marktraceur nonporous: I'd suggest hanging around here, #minetest-delta, and #minetest-mods
19:55 marktraceur All are pretty awesome for helping
19:55 tapo joined #minetest
19:55 tapo hi
19:56 nonporous ok thanks marktraceur, I will check out those other channels too
20:08 nonporous_ joined #minetest
20:09 marktraceur Hm, nonporous_, you appear to have switched
20:09 marktraceur Oh, I see what happened
20:09 marktraceur You preserved the nonporous_ with underscore
20:10 nonporous_ marktraceur yes i'm not too familiar with irc
20:11 marktraceur nonporous_: /nick nonporous
20:11 nonporous thanks
20:12 marktraceur nonporous: And you've figured out /join
20:12 marktraceur nonporous: /me says something
20:13 marktraceur For example
20:13 * marktraceur is enjoying this intractable problem he's working on
20:13 marktraceur nonporous: Also, /whois <nickname> will give you information about that person
20:14 marktraceur nonporous: /whois marktraceur should tell you my real name, my hostname, and some other stuff
20:14 * nonporous appreciates the advice
20:14 marktraceur nonporous: Everyone has to learn somehow :) and nice use of /me!
20:20 tapo left #minetest
20:26 Tukeke joined #minetest
20:27 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
20:28 tapo joined #minetest
20:28 tapo there's still no automaticly updated server list?
20:30 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
20:32 marktraceur tapo: Why would there be? Anyone can run a server.
20:34 jordach tapo: id make something like that, but im too figgin lazy
20:36 VanessaE thexyz already has one, though it only tracks servers he knows about
20:36 marktraceur tapo: Probably the best way is to make a standalone system that does it, and a nice script wrapper that not only informs the central list, but also makes the minetest server easier to manage (backup, restart, map commands to start)
20:38 tapo hm hm
20:42 nonporous joined #minetest
20:44 emspri joined #minetest
20:44 nonporous joined #minetest
20:44 jordach night all: see ya tomorrow
20:44 emspri tapo are you comming to brobostigon's server ??
20:45 MiJyn I think jordach /asmg'd that :P
20:46 marktraceur MiJyn: He does, frequently
20:46 marktraceur emspri: Please use /msg for private messages
20:46 emspri ok sorry -,-
20:47 marktraceur Not to worry, but you should get in the habit
20:47 jahmke joined #minetest
20:47 jahmke hey vanessa did you find an other server??
20:48 VanessaE I didn't look for any
20:48 tapo emspri: what was address/port?
20:48 jahmke oh oke
20:48 emspri
20:49 emspri ask brobostigon for interact privs
21:01 tapo no, I won't
21:01 emspri ok
21:01 tapo rm -rf minetest.
21:02 VanessaE better a server should require that first
21:02 tapo what meand nothing. I always can checkput and compile again
21:02 VanessaE much easier to control griefing that way
21:02 tapo ,-)
21:02 tapo p/o
21:03 jahmke hey people who play minetest you have to come to this server:!!! plz
21:04 marktraceur jahmke: No, we don't
21:04 marktraceur And it is, in fact, spelled "please"
21:05 marktraceur Seriously, if you want us to believe your courtesy, why would you cut corners in expressing it?
21:12 jahmke ok sory mark
21:13 jahmke wiseguy
21:13 tapo +r :-)
21:14 triplei joined #minetest
21:14 tapo left #minetest
21:14 marktraceur jahmke: Somehow your apology seems a bit insincere, but I accept it nonetheless
21:14 jk__ jolly snobby there
21:14 jahmke wat is your problem wiseguy
21:15 marktraceur jahmke: You are. You, and your pathetic attempts at caveman English. You dilute and ultimately negate the intelligence of any channel you join by your total lack of interest in proper communication.
21:16 emspri ???
21:16 marktraceur emspri: Good question!
21:16 emspri what question ???
21:17 marktraceur emspri: Exactly
21:17 jk__ status: still communicating
21:18 emspri what is caveman english ???
21:18 jahmke hey thats not trua wiseguy
21:18 VanessaE jeez mark, don't sugar-coat it.  say what you *really* mean ;-)
21:18 marktraceur emspri: English which appears to have been spoken by a caveman.
21:19 emspri so im a caveman too ??
21:19 emspri now thats fair :)
21:19 marktraceur emspri: No, but your English could be classified as being "caveman English"
21:19 marktraceur emspri: I'd say you're often a little more original, though
21:19 marktraceur jahmke: Could you perhaps come up with a new moniker for me, at least?
21:19 emspri jahmke is my sis ya know XD
21:20 jk_ joined #minetest
21:20 marktraceur emspri: I didn't, no
21:20 emspri and we dont speack so good english cuz we are dutch
21:20 jk_ lol the gemmination of punctuation would suggest so i'm afraid
21:20 jahmke but i am not english, I am Dutch, and I would like to see how you would do in a language that is not your mothers'
21:20 emspri i mean speak
21:20 VanessaE GOALD!!!!!
21:21 emspri XD
21:21 marktraceur I agree; I have very little success even with French. However, not abbreviating is not a question of grammar or vocabulary, you have to actively choose it.
21:21 VanessaE Interjection /in' tuhr jek'' shun/  (n.)  1. a sudden statement or outburst meant to signify surprise, horror, pain, or some other emotion.
21:21 jahmke withoutbraaging I think I'm doning quite allright
21:21 VanessaE (in this case, digging around on mark's server ;-)  )
21:22 marktraceur VanessaE: Gratz!
21:22 marktraceur Ha, hypocrisy.
21:24 jahmke concerning abbreviating: that's something the youth nowadays do, especially on a forum where the lines fly by at a high rate
21:24 marktraceur jahmke: Typing full words makes you type faster; it's good training :)
21:24 marktraceur And reinforces your English, which is already quite good apart from the abbreviating
21:24 jahmke hey i am just a kid so shut up
21:25 emspri why are you worrieing about spelling foults :( thats weird
21:25 marktraceur jahmke: You're absolutely right, how *dare* I try to help you type faster!
21:25 jk_ stfu is a good one
21:25 marktraceur I'm going to go turn myself in now, the police will be very interested in my misdeeds
21:25 marktraceur "Community service? Cultural exchange? Helping people improve skills? Twenty years for you!"
21:26 jahmke typing faster is a good idea, but I lack the vocabulary to do so
21:26 jahmke however, my typing speed is quite allright, better than my father anyway
21:27 emspri XD
21:27 jk_
21:28 jahmke well, good night at the police station mark
21:29 emspri is it possible that someone can make a server for me ?? i mean with that that someone makes a server and gives me all privs there are ??
21:33 NakedFury join an existing server, more fun
21:34 cisoun joined #minetest
21:34 VanessaE marktraceur: btw, if you just upgrade to the newer version of junglegrass, all of that which has been spawned will slowly die off.  you don't need to do anything to clean it up
21:35 emspri NakedFury: but it is more fun if you have all privs :D like /giveme
21:35 NakedFury play single player then
21:38 emspri brb
21:44 emspri does someone knows a popular server ??
21:44 NakedFury port 30000
21:44 emspri ok
21:45 emspri are there many people on ??
21:45 emspri and what mods are installed are there buckets ??
21:46 VanessaE there are two people online
21:46 emspri ok
21:46 emspri more than
21:46 VanessaE make that 4. :-)
21:48 emspri mark can i have interact privs ?? im no griefer and i dont mes with others stuf
21:50 marktraceur emspri: Meh. I grant to people I trust and like. You have met neither qualification so far.
21:50 emspri i was not rude to you but my sis <:(
21:51 marktraceur True, but absence of rudeness is not enough for me to trust and like you
21:51 emspri ok
21:51 jahmke hey mark you have a nice server
21:52 emspri he wont trust you
21:52 emspri you better dont try cuz its hopeles
21:53 VanessaE I can voice for emspri on one count:  he's trustworthy.
21:53 VanessaE can't say I approve of your style of artwork - minecraft characters and all
21:53 emspri are there other servers with many people on it ??
21:53 VanessaE but that aside.... :-)
21:53 VanessaE voice?  vouch.
21:54 marktraceur emspri: Hanging around here will do a lot in your favor, same with jahmke
21:54 emspri servers where you dont have to ask interact privs ??
21:54 jahmke why mark??
21:55 VanessaE as far as I'm concerned, all servers should be that way, with the proviso that the person tasked with assigning said privileges is easy to reach (obviously the case here)
21:55 marktraceur jahmke: It's good to have community, positive community, that lasts and doesn't log out when they get bored or frustrated *cough* c55
21:55 VanessaE haha
21:56 jahmke okay :)
21:56 VanessaE got a little something caught in your throat there mark? ;-)
21:56 jahmke i think that you are verry smart, are you?
21:57 VanessaE Well, I know I like to think so.
21:57 emspri joined #minetest
21:58 emspri van do u know if i am banned from cuz im not allowed to log in ??
21:58 VanessaE is down for me
21:58 VanessaE or was last time I tried it
21:58 VanessaE (earlier today)
22:00 emspri does anyone have a server where i can have some privs ?? im not a griefer i promise
22:00 VanessaE nope, it's still down for me.
22:03 Bad_Command 30000
22:04 VanessaE Bad_Command: did you fix Landmine's vandalism?
22:04 Bad_Command landmine doesn't really vandalize on mt1
22:04 VanessaE yesterday, word has it be did a real number on the map.
22:04 Bad_Command He didn't do anything
22:04 Bad_Command He just slaughtered everyone
22:04 Bad_Command Anything to the map, that is
22:04 Bad_Command You know, bones mod, etc.
22:04 VanessaE hm
22:06 emspri Bad_Command can i have privs there ???
22:06 Bad_Command emspri, yes, you just have to register on (accounts are linked to minetest)
22:06 Bad_Command Then I can swear you in
22:07 jahmke can i come 2
22:07 jahmke ??
22:07 Bad_Command sure jahmke
22:07 emspri brb i have to sleap
22:07 jahmke i have to go
22:07 emspri i mean sleep
22:08 marktraceur In one ear, etc.
22:10 nonporous joined #minetest
22:16 emspri joined #minetest
22:16 emspri Bad_Command im now making an account on gameboom , il add my wii code later
22:18 Bad_Command ok, not sure what the wii code stuff is
22:32 jk_ joined #minetest
22:52 jk_ joined #minetest
22:55 CanauckTux joined #minetest
23:10 CanauckTux joined #minetest
23:21 marktraceur Hm. I seem to have miscalculated my sphere.
23:21 VanessaE is that bad? ;-)
23:21 marktraceur It's an off-by-one error
23:21 marktraceur I'll just live with it
23:32 marktraceur Yeah, messed it all the way up
23:32 marktraceur Freakin' spheres
23:47 XavierCR84 joined #minetest
23:48 NakedFury ok just noticed why it was dropping in FPS when I looked at player names. I had pressed R in game to toggle viewing all loaded chunks and in that direction it rendered  them all
23:48 VanessaE I figured that's what happened.
23:48 marktraceur Gorram it, sphere is all wrong
23:48 * marktraceur starts removing all his work
23:49 marktraceur
23:51 VanessaE damn, no sethome mod eh :-)
23:51 NakedFury that link crashed when I typed 320 as radius
23:51 marktraceur NakedFury: Doctor, it hurts when I do this
23:51 * marktraceur slaps self
23:55 marktraceur Oh, god damn it
23:55 marktraceur It won't do odd numbers
23:55 NakedFury which number?
23:56 marktraceur My current sphere has radius of 15.5 nodes
23:56 marktraceur Sooooo gotta start all over again
23:57 VanessaE damn :(
23:57 NakedFury radius is from center to side or border right?
23:57 marktraceur Yes

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