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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 VanessaE *shakes head*
00:07 VanessaE I suppose, in theory, one could use that new bones mod, whatever it was called, as a source for said bonemeal
00:07 VanessaE but it just feels...weird
00:07 VanessaE too ancient
00:07 VanessaE IMHO, minetest should aim for a more modern feel, as in something a bit more recent than the 15th century ;-)
00:07 VanessaE (which is why my homedecor mod allows for stuff like brass, plastic, home electronics, etc)
00:09 NakedFury dung
00:09 NakedFury use animal dung as fertilizar
00:09 VanessaE and said dung comes from...where?
00:09 NakedFury animals in time and for now the player :D
00:09 VanessaE heh
00:10 VanessaE well if that's the case, people like Landmine can supply enough for the entire community ;-)
00:16 dizzyone joined #minetest
00:28 LandMine joined #minetest
00:29 LandMine tell me what yall think
00:29 LandMine
00:29 LandMine this should make some fun gameplay lol
00:34 cy1 LandMine: hey, do your bombs make those flame objects?
00:34 cy1 I tried a TNT mod once, and removing the flames p. much eliminated server slowdown.
00:34 cy1 looked stupid, but it still cleared out the blocks!
00:40 VanessaE zzz
01:16 dizzyone joined #minetest
01:23 Weedy joined #minetest
01:23 Weedy joined #minetest
01:28 Guest17447 joined #minetest
02:13 thole joined #minetest
02:26 VanessaE there.
02:26 VanessaE texture packs updated for new version of unifieddyes and for junglegrass.
02:34 Weedy joined #minetest
03:04 thole lol anyone else tried the pulser yet?
03:04 thole
03:04 VanessaE nope
03:04 thole its fun lol
03:04 VanessaE no real interest in mods of that type
03:04 thole lol
03:04 thole k
03:05 thole so what mods do you like?
03:05 VanessaE I'm more of the decorative sort
03:05 thole really. im more the destroying kind
03:06 VanessaE animatedtorches and homedecor are two of the ones I wrote
03:06 thole yeah i have seen them
03:06 VanessaE taken together, they are basically what I like in a mod.
03:08 VanessaE if he were really adventurous, he'd do a tornado mod like one I saw once (in a youtube video) for minecraft
03:09 thole if who was adventurous?
03:09 VanessaE whoever writes mods like that uranium one (Landmine in this case I guess)
03:10 thole ahhhh
03:14 thole wow ecube was on
03:14 thole heh his server is down :(
03:15 VanessaE is down also :(
03:15 thole yup most of them are
03:15 thole griefing i guess
03:15 VanessaE well I and a couple others take care of the griefing on 30001 easily enough
03:16 thole thats good
03:17 ecube joined #minetest
03:29 cy1 I like
03:29 cy1 chain reactions
03:38 thole ecube your server is down :(
03:40 cy1 thole: how about mine
03:43 thole whats yours?
04:16 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
04:21 Tukeke joined #minetest
04:31 ecube joined #minetest
04:31 ecube joined #minetest
04:39 cy1 ...dammit
04:41 marktraceur cy1: What happen?
04:51 cy1 marktraceur: someone asked me where my server was and I idled right then to watch some youtube video of some chick's reaction to Rubyquest.
04:51 marktraceur Pfff
04:51 marktraceur Hilarious
04:51 cy1 and so one less beneficiary of my esteemed server
04:51 marktraceur cy1: Its the noob's fault for logging out
04:52 cy1 marktraceur: I didn't see the question for an hour
04:52 cy1 he totally highlighted my name too
04:52 marktraceur IRC: Not synchronous communication.
04:53 cy1 certainly hard to IRC someone who logged off
04:53 marktraceur cy1: Exactly.
04:53 cy1 ah well he was trying to blow shit up anyway
04:54 cy1 one reason I wanted PGP authentication
04:54 cy1 is so that people could recognize each other even after logging off
04:54 cy1 even on different servers
04:55 cy1 so you don't just sit there going "this guy sounds familiar. did he have a different name or something?"
04:55 cy1 PGP is just convenient because it isolates all private key access and use to a separate process, so minetest client doesn't have to be unhackable
04:56 cy1 as opposed to a password you just put in a text file somewhere
04:58 cy1 but meh
04:58 cy1 I was the last person to logon to my server
04:58 cy1 like yesterday
04:58 ecube what server?
05:00 cy1 6989
05:02 cy1 it's sort of experimental atm. enabled pgp login, but the old should work
05:02 cy1 I just ain't got anybody to test it.
05:05 Japa_werk joined #minetest
05:07 cy1 also not sure the port is forwarded right. you can't test UDP port forwarding to see if the ISP's router fucks it up even though you said yes
05:07 cy1 people have logged on before though
05:08 cy1 currently getting like 1/100 of my allowable bandwidth too, so no latency problems
05:32 cy1 plus I built something neat on it and...
06:18 darkrose marktraceur: I seem to have a sudden need to mow my lawn o.o
06:19 marktraceur darkrose: I know....
06:19 marktraceur Something's wrong with ABMs
06:22 cy1 fire is the answer
06:22 marktraceur Probably
06:23 marktraceur Or lava
06:23 cy1 hold that thought
06:23 darkrose then I'd lose my forest :(
06:24 marktraceur darkrose: Time for some serious logging? :P
06:26 cy1 time for some serious server downtime
06:27 marktraceur cy1: darkrose is not having trouble, it's something on your side methinks
06:27 cy1 yeah
06:27 darkrose I log it regularly, that's why it's getting so thick
06:39 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
06:41 cy1 marktraceur: MARK
06:41 cy1 marktraceur: YOU HAVE FIRE ENABLED
06:41 cy1 marktraceur: HOW OFTEN DO YOU BACK UP YOUR SERVER
06:42 cy1 I logged out so it won't be spreading if it doesn't hit darkrose
06:46 cy1 welp, not logging back in any time soon
06:49 marktraceur cy1: I hardly ever back up
06:49 marktraceur darkrose: Note that cy1 may have started immense fires
06:50 darkrose yeah, I can tell by the lag
06:53 emspri joined #minetest
06:58 emspri hi
07:02 marktraceur emspri: Hi!
07:02 Japa_werk_ joined #minetest
07:04 cy1 marktraceur: I uh... I sort of made a lava pool
07:04 cy1 to get lava from
07:04 cy1 and it may have accidentallyignitedthewholeforestogod
07:05 cy1 I wonder if crops are burnable
07:15 Tukeke joined #minetest
07:23 HaltingState joined #minetest
07:23 HaltingState joined #minetest
07:31 roboman2444 joined #minetest
07:41 Japa_werk_ joined #minetest
08:21 Calinou joined #minetest
08:41 emspri hi marktraceur
08:49 brobostigon good morning everyone.
08:49 emspri good morning
08:50 brobostigon good morning emspri
08:52 emspri how late is it by you ??
08:54 brobostigon 09:54am.
08:54 emspri by me 10:54
08:54 emspri in netherland
08:54 brobostigon an hour ahead of me, yes.
08:57 emspri do u have a minetest server ??
08:57 brobostigon yes.
08:58 emspri is it online ?? if yes wats the name of the server ??
09:00 brobostigon emspri:
09:01 emspri ok
09:04 Calinou
09:04 * Calinou facepalms
09:05 Calinou hi
09:05 Calinou 11:05 in france, emspri
09:05 Calinou we're in the same timezone :D
09:05 emspri can i have privs ?? to keep griefers away and heal damage made by greefers
09:05 emspri hi Calinou
09:05 emspri do u live in belgium ??
09:06 brobostigon emspri: i can give you privs, until, you connect, and only then, if you agree, and understand my rules.
09:06 brobostigon cant*
09:07 emspri so your server is or
09:07 brobostigon the latter
09:07 emspri ok im now connecting
09:15 q66[mac] joined #minetest
09:16 q66 joined #minetest
09:17 Calinou emspri, no, france
09:20 redcrab Hi there .. :)
09:26 brobostigon Calinou: i have given emspri basic privs.
09:28 Calinou k
09:33 Calinou brobostigon, if you want to easily clone the git repo:
09:34 Calinou - clone anywhere (it will be named minetest_mods by default)
09:34 Calinou copy the "mods" folder inside minetest mods into minetest's installation folder
09:34 Calinou - done
09:34 Calinou you could also use symlinks if you want
09:34 * Calinou doesn't know how to use symlinks though
09:39 brobostigon Calinou: ah, yes, i see i think. i will try it.
09:39 Calinou moreblocks got a quite big update recently
09:39 brobostigon :)
09:39 Calinou aliases: you can do /giveme stonebricks or /giveme stonebrick instead of /giveme moreblocks:stonebrick, if you want
09:40 Calinou more recipes: dry shrubs can be crafted into sticks, grass blocks can be crafted with dirt & junglegrass or dirt & mese
09:40 * Calinou should also add mossy cobble recipe, yes
09:40 brobostigon cool
09:40 cornernote joined #minetest
09:40 cornernote hiyas
09:42 Calinou hi
09:47 SpeedProg joined #minetest
09:51 Japa_werk joined #minetest
09:55 aspiremint joined #minetest
09:56 mibbitman joined #minetest
09:57 aspiremint_ joined #minetest
09:57 mibbitman sup guys, am trying to install a mod. is there anything i need to do besides moving the mod folder into mods/minetest with the latest git and run in place?
09:58 Calinou mibbitman, no
09:58 Calinou if you're currently playing, log off to main menu, and join again the game
09:58 Calinou to reload mods
09:59 mibbitman ok, will try again thanks
09:59 Calinou also, don't forget: you have to install the minetest_game repository
09:59 Calinou
09:59 Calinou else mods will be read from mods/minimal instead
09:59 Calinou and minimal mod is not for playing
09:59 mibbitman oh, i see
09:59 Calinou put the "minetest_game" folder in "games"
09:59 Calinou you can git clone there directly
10:01 mibbitman ok will try thanks
10:04 * Calinou 's quit/part message is now "Excess Flood"
10:05 Jousway joined #minetest
10:05 Calinou :}
10:05 mibbitman aww yeah, now it works, thanks
10:05 mibbitman do you use git submodules for that?
10:06 Calinou no? what's that?
10:15 Calinou joined #minetest
10:18 mibbitman its a way to tell git to pull multiple repos in one command
10:18 mibbitman but nevermind... im off trying all the mods now
10:19 Calinou k
10:19 Calinou mibbitman, if you want to test my mods, I also have a git repo :P
10:19 Calinou
10:19 Calinou git pull, and do symlinks, or copy the folders inside; do whatever you want
10:19 mibbitman nice will have a look
10:20 mibbitman im mainly interested in nodeboxes and randomness in mods
10:23 VanessaE joined #minetest
11:17 emspri hi van
11:26 aspiremint joined #minetest
11:28 aspiremint hi redcrab, are you here?
11:28 emspri brobostigon are you here ?? my sis want interact frivs on ur server
11:30 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:30 brobostigon emspri: i have a busy afternoon here, i wont have the space, untill later this afternoon, sorry.
11:31 emspri ok do u know where calinou is ??
11:55 aspiremint redcrab are you here?
11:57 Calinou joined #minetest
11:57 emspri calinou can u give my sis interact privs ??
11:58 emspri she is now comming online
11:59 emspri ???
12:07 emspri ok we are ofline
12:08 TForsman joined #minetest
12:10 brobostigon ok, back up now.
12:12 emspri can we go online now?
12:12 brobostigon yes.
12:13 emspri ok
12:13 brobostigon emspri: as i said, i will notify here, when back up.
12:14 emspri ok , can u give my sis interackt so she can build a house and etc ??
12:14 emspri she knows the rules
12:27 noone joined #minetest
12:29 noone joined #minetest
12:35 noone joined #minetest
12:35 17SABLOQ0 joined #minetest
12:50 emspri brobostigon can i pleeeeaaaasssseeeee have 999 tree cuz i was making something wit lava and then all my wood in my house got burned XD
12:51 emspri and cutting wood takes so much time
12:55 Calinou no
12:55 Calinou just cut wood and making legit; plus, it's more fun
12:55 Calinou if you want to use /giveme then play singleplayer
12:55 Calinou or find a creative-mode server
12:56 cisoun joined #minetest
12:59 cisoun damn I just dreamed that celeron made some new games and I had to test them with some friends... wtf
13:00 Calinou let's mine the test until the test mines us, let's test the mine until the mine tests us!
13:01 emspri Calinou are you sure that the moreblocks mod is installed ??
13:03 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
13:03 redcrab ....was afk... sorry  ... aspiremint ... what is your question ?
13:04 Calinou emspri, from what I've heard, it was removed
13:10 klaxa joined #minetest
13:16 17SABLOQ0 left #minetest
13:56 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:15 VanessaE is there a way to find out of a given node was placed by the player vs. spawned by the game?
14:15 marktraceur VanessaE: Noooope
14:15 VanessaE damn it.
14:16 Tukeke joined #minetest
14:16 marktraceur (see six months ago, w/r/t leaf decay)
14:18 VanessaE
14:18 VanessaE now with grass decay ;-_)
14:18 VanessaE ;-)
14:21 marktraceur VanessaE: Two things
14:21 VanessaE (I was hoping I could add something that would prevent player-placed grass from changing, but alas I guess not)
14:21 VanessaE hm?
14:22 marktraceur 1. You're still randomizing inside of an ABM, which is fine, but I'd say suboptimal,
14:23 marktraceur 2. Why would you call an ABM on grass in order to grow, e.g., shortgrass into tallgrass? Again, you skip the randomization and get exactly the node you want
14:23 marktraceur s/on grass/on dirt_with_grass/
14:24 VanessaE 1.  because I am not well-versed in how ABMs actually work.
14:24 VanessaE 2. blame ironzorg for his coding style, which I basically followed here. :-)
14:25 marktraceur *nod* K
14:25 marktraceur VanessaE: Number 1 would be fixed by my fork ( but it may have diverged
14:25 marktraceur I can try to merge tonight
14:25 VanessaE yeah, you may wish to redownload and merge it
14:26 Calinou marktraceur forks every single mod or what O_o
14:26 marktraceur And probably by "merge" I mean "meehhhhhh do it over again"
14:26 VanessaE bahahaha
14:26 Calinou VanessaE, thank you for adding spawning surfaces =)
14:26 marktraceur Calinou: Only ones that A) I want to use myself and B) I think could benefit from it
14:26 Calinou VanessaE, jungle grass on cacti should be pretty common
14:27 Calinou like 25% or so
14:27 VanessaE naw, not all cacti grow grass on top, though after enough time I suppose all cacti in the game will end up that way :-)
14:27 VanessaE perhaps I should allow the grass thereon to die off as well :-)
14:30 marktraceur darkrose: cy1: If you're still having grass woes, note that a hoe will ease the process *and* give you seeds when you harvest it
14:30 marktraceur Probably should have explained that some time ago
14:31 cisoun joined #minetest
14:31 VanessaE what's the name of the node used for the tilled ground?  I should add that too, so the jungle grass acts like weeds ;-)
14:32 NakedFury tilled_dirt?
14:32 marktraceur VanessaE: farming:plowed
14:32 marktraceur Though I'm not sure you want to depend ond farming
14:32 VanessaE I won't depend
14:33 VanessaE the way this is written, adding those nodes to the list should "just work" whether farming is present or not
14:34 VanessaE the big question really is, should I do it? ;-)
14:35 VanessaE maybe add that function to poisonivy instead, turn it into a general "annoying weeds" mod ;-)
14:36 q66 joined #minetest
14:36 VanessaE h
14:37 VanessaE hm, should digging the smaller sizes result in a normal junglegrass item?  or should they just be dug up as-is?
14:37 VanessaE (presently any of the four sizes yields a normal junglegrass item when gathered)
14:42 VanessaE I should add a radius check to the
14:42 VanessaE part where it spawns in the desert, to limit the density
14:49 BartoCH joined #minetest
15:00 marktraceur VanessaE: I'm thinking all of the growing needs to put that back in
15:00 VanessaE ok
15:00 VanessaE just gotta figure out how to use the find_node_near() function
15:01 marktraceur There is such a function?
15:01 VanessaE *nod*(
15:01 marktraceur *gasp* makes things so much easier
15:01 VanessaE find_node_near(pos, radius, {list, of, nodes})
15:01 marktraceur So you'll want to do
15:01 VanessaE I guess it returns {list, of, positions} (or nil if none are found)
15:02 marktraceur VanessaE: Since the function says "node" and not "nodes", I'd assume it returns the first it finds
15:02 marktraceur Which may or may not be the closest one
15:02 VanessaE ah
15:03 VanessaE - find_node_near(pos, radius, nodenames) -> pos or nil
15:03 VanessaE ^ nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
15:03 VanessaE from the travesty that is the API doc.
15:03 marktraceur So nodenames, the last argument, can be a list or a string
15:03 VanessaE - find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames) -> list of positions
15:03 VanessaE ^ nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
15:03 VanessaE right below that one
15:03 marktraceur Oh
15:03 marktraceur Two helpful functions!?
15:04 VanessaE yup
15:04 marktraceur celeron outdid himself
15:08 VanessaE so maybe this:
15:09 VanessaE if (MAX_RATIO - surface.chance < rnd) and ( == "air") and (is_node_loaded(grownames, p_top) == true) and find_node_near(p_top, 10, GRASSES) then
15:09 VanessaE where GRASSES is a table at the top of the file listing the four items.
15:09 VanessaE (which I just added, hence you don't have it)
15:10 marktraceur VanessaE: Shouldn't grownames already have the necessary things to check?
15:10 VanessaE no, because I also want to check for a few things nearby
15:10 VanessaE such as additional dry shrubs, trees, etc.
15:10 marktraceur Mmmkay
15:11 VanessaE cactus is a snag - I want to grow on them, but not near them.
15:11 VanessaE (and perhaps 10 is not dense enough... maybe radius = 4 or so)
15:12 VanessaE need a tilde in front of find_node_near
15:12 VanessaE (I want to check for the absence of those items, not their presence)
15:16 VanessaE if (MAX_RATIO - surface.chance < rnd) and ( == "air") and (is_node_loaded(grownames, p_top) == true) then
15:16 VanessaE if ((~find_node_near(p_top, 4, GRASSES)) || ( == "default:cactus"))
15:16 VanessaE how about that?
15:16 marktraceur Mightdo
15:22 bas080 joined #minetest
15:25 VanessaE bas080: new unified dyes is up, 77 colors supported.
15:25 bas080 :D that's good news.
15:26 bas080 will check out now
15:32 bas080 now that's nice. I'm atm working on a roots mod so trees have roots. The cotton mod requires me to make allot of textures which is quite repetetive work. Will do when i find the motivation. Will make sure the dye colors are similar to the cotton textures.
15:33 marktraceur Maybe it would be helpful to allow modification of RGBA colors in textures....
15:34 VanessaE bas080:the faster you get 77 colors of cotton done, the faster we can abandon wool ;-)
15:40 bas080 really noob question but, how do you set the time to day in the game? what should I typ in the chat box?
15:41 marktraceur bas080: /time <time>
15:41 marktraceur 5800 is daybreak
15:41 bas080 ty
15:47 VanessaE there.  new update posted.
15:51 Calinou joined #minetest
15:57 VanessaE Calinou: new update get :-0
15:57 VanessaE :-)
15:57 Calinou :}
15:58 Calinou <dpkg> If you want to laugh, use heh or hah or bwahahaha. lol doesn't sound like laughter at all and makes you look like an AOL user.
15:58 Calinou ~dpkg when doing /msg dpkg lol
15:58 VanessaE hah
16:24 dundundun joined #minetest
16:29 cisoun joined #minetest
16:29 MilanFIN joined #minetest
16:37 Ririshi joined #minetest
16:39 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
16:46 Ririshi Hey
16:47 brobostigon hi Ririshi
16:48 Calinou hi
16:48 brobostigon hi Calinou
16:48 Calinou did you install my git repo? :P
16:49 brobostigon Calinou: i have had a busy afternoon, just got home from my doctors, it is next on list after i have had my evening meal.
16:49 Calinou k :)
16:49 brobostigon :)
16:51 Ririshi hey brobostigon!
17:06 triplei joined #minetest
17:21 MilanFIN joined #minetest
17:23 * marktraceur hates people sometimes
17:23 marktraceur Tech recruiter has emailed me three times asking for my resume, identical emails
17:23 marktraceur My current assumption is that he has no idea how email forwarding works, and has only whitelisted my incoming email address ( and my outgoing email is getting trapped in a spam filter.
17:24 marktraceur The next email will be met with torrential and inventive vulgarities
17:24 marktraceur I may enlist help in this channel
17:25 VanessaE hha
17:25 VanessaE haha
17:26 * marktraceur could use the release anyway
17:26 VanessaE naw
17:26 marktraceur I'm also starting to think that sleep deprivation is setting in
17:27 marktraceur Though it doesn't make a lot of sense, since I sleep pretty well
17:27 VanessaE Steven Hopkins pretty much settled that already:  "Dear Sir, You are without any doubt a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice double damn no good son of a bitch."
17:29 Calinou TIL steven hopkins is linus torvalds with nvidia
17:30 Calinou <marktraceur> I may enlist help in this channel
17:30 VanessaE (Representative from Rhode Island; it's a quote from the movie "1776", whether that's something he actually wrote, I'm not sure)
17:30 * Calinou wants to contribute.
17:30 marktraceur Calinou: Noted, I'll highlight you when the time comes
17:31 marktraceur VanessaE: I think I might go with something written by a judge, hold while I find the text
17:33 cornernote joined #minetest
17:35 marktraceur Augh, cannot find
17:35 marktraceur Con law professor has read so much, he has beaten the Internet at finding awesome quotes
17:35 marktraceur I mean, this was *epic*
17:36 Calinou next generation of lawyers: defending people using quotes and memes.
17:36 VanessaE heh
17:36 marktraceur Handing down a death sentence, the judge goes on and on about how "It will be summer soon, but you will not be here. The birds will sing, and the children will play, but you will not see it."
17:37 marktraceur Calinou: I can only hope none of our future lawyers ever used 4chan
17:38 marktraceur Though I must say, defending oneself against totally invertebrate debating opponents is good preparation for that life
17:38 * marktraceur searches for mock trial clubs in the area
17:39 marktraceur Sigh, only for young'uns
17:44 VanessaE my google-fu is weak today - I can't find anything relevant either.
17:46 Tukeke joined #minetest
17:52 cy1 so uh, movestones are really really broken
17:52 marktraceur cy1: Yes, yes they are
17:52 cy1 when I activate one, the server just goes into an infinite loop of "Report the stone has moved. Report the stone has moved." etc until it hits an exception once the stone gets too far away from the player.
17:53 cy1 So you can't use those to construct gates.
17:53 cy1 Be awfully convenient if you could.
17:53 marktraceur cy1: Pistons, I suppose, might work better
17:53 cy1 When I activate pistons (and I still don't know how the heck to get them to face upward) they also seem ...broken for lack of a better word.
17:54 marktraceur *nod* K
17:54 Calinou you can't make them face upward/downward iirc
17:54 cy1 The piston pushes forward, but the changes don't cascade. It just destroys the block next to it, or overlaps it.
17:54 marktraceur Odd
17:54 cy1 ah, that would explain a lot Calinou......
17:54 cy1 plus you can walk through "extended" pistons.
17:55 cy1 I don't really see how the changes could cascade actually. Picture a row of 7000 stone, and a piston pushes it to the right.
17:55 VanessaE the whole of mesecons just cries out for a rewrite to use nodeboxes
17:55 VanessaE especially said pistons
17:55 cy1 sure would be nice to have tail recursion!
17:55 cy1 VanessaE: what are nodeboxes anyway? '-'
17:55 VanessaE (just as long as the textures included therein still work so I don't have to redesign them :-)  )
17:56 VanessaE cy1: small box-like objects that can be defined instead of stuff like plantlike
17:56 VanessaE look at my pipeworks mod or jeija's "irregular" mod for examples
17:56 cy1 oh, so like the telepooper
17:57 VanessaE allows nodes to be virtually any shape as long as you can construct that shape out of multiple cubes/boxes (however numerous and small they might be)
17:57 VanessaE telepooper??
17:57 VanessaE oh
17:57 VanessaE the teleporting toilet from 3dforniture?
17:57 NakedFury if pistons are made they should have a limit to how much they can push
17:57 VanessaE yeah, it uses nodeboxes.
17:58 Calinou <cy1> VanessaE: what are nodeboxes anyway? '-'
17:58 Calinou doc/lua_api.txt
17:58 NakedFury but nodeboxes need nodetexturing
17:58 Calinou <NakedFury> if pistons are made they should have a limit to how much they can push
17:58 Calinou please no
17:58 NakedFury please yes
17:58 Calinou only an hard, technical limit would be fine (loaded terrain only)
17:58 VanessaE actually don't rewrite mesecons to use them use
17:58 VanessaE yet.
17:58 Calinou limtations suck
17:58 Calinou see minecraft
17:58 Calinou you can't put floating torches/etc
17:58 Calinou floating torches in MT can be used to make amazing stuff
17:58 VanessaE nodebox textures don't rotate properly with the facedir paremeter.
17:58 NakedFury if we dont have limitation a piston could move thousands of blocks
17:58 VanessaE parameter*
17:58 cy1 VanessaE: but seriously all nodeboxes are is type = "fixed" nodes?
17:59 VanessaE cy1: go look at the mod.
17:59 NakedFury and limitations can open up different type of pistons based on strength
17:59 cy1 Calinou: On the other hand it'd be a good argument for max's high voltage mod idea.
18:00 cy1 oh, there's also a node_box parameter. Go figure.
18:01 cy1 VanessaE: What mesecons really need are the ability to not leave a huge space above them like sandwich them between blocks or something
18:02 VanessaE I doubt it'll ever happen, that requires multiple nodes within the same space.
18:02 cy1 Calinou: treating unloaded terrain as immovable walls seems like a good hard limit or pistons. I dunno if it needs to be fancier than that.
18:02 VanessaE (or every possible combination of mesecons wires for however many you want to combine into a node; using nodeboxes then)
18:02 cy1 VanessaE: yeah ;_;
18:03 NakedFury a mesecon circuit should create a small hole in blocks when a block is placed on top of it. that way we dont need huge structures just to have a couple of doors automated
18:03 cy1 no, just the one wire.
18:03 cy1 and by huge NakedFury means deep
18:03 cy1 we also need transistors
18:04 cy1 aka power powered switches
18:04 NakedFury if blocks sort of carved themselves to allow a little tunnel for the mesecon circuit it would be awesome and unique
18:04 cy1 how to store in the db though NakedFury :/
18:05 cy1 I've had a vague concept of "overlays" but never really gone into it too much.
18:05 cy1 rain for instance. water in general.
18:05 marktraceur cy1: Could have a node that allows multiple signals to pass through it
18:05 cy1 currently water is basically a goo that grows downward
18:06 cy1 but with an overlay it might be possible...
18:06 marktraceur Then nodes that help funnel things in
18:06 cy1 to have water and dirt in the same spot
18:06 cy1 aka wet dirt
18:06 cy1 or water and air
18:06 cy1 aka wet air
18:06 marktraceur e.g., have a node that takes in three signals, then passes out the three signals from its fourth face on that axis
18:06 marktraceur er, plane
18:06 cy1 in fact every node could have an amount of water in it.
18:07 marktraceur Then have extender nodes for that three-signals system
18:07 cy1 if there's enough water, it's waterlike. if not, it's like whatever it is supposed to be.
18:07 marktraceur You could additionally have three-to-nine converters
18:07 marktraceur And then nine-extenders
18:07 cy1 be impossible to make all the texturesfor that though
18:08 jk_ joined #minetest
18:08 cy1 marktraceur: I was thinking just a T-shaped meseconstruct
18:08 cy1 marktraceur: power goes in the bottom of the T, circuit is complete with the top two. power goes out, circuit is broken.
18:09 cy1 or power makes the circuit broken, and lack of power makes it complete
18:09 marktraceur cy1: How do you mean? NakedFury appears to want node + mesecons in the same node
18:09 cy1 not sure which one is right for a transistor
18:09 cy1 or both!
18:09 marktraceur Well, this should roughly allow it
18:09 marktraceur You could build walls out of this material, almost certainly
18:10 cy1 uh, I guess... so stone that looks like stone,but acts like some sort of repeater?
18:11 cy1 NakedFury's problem is because every node is stored by xyz in the database, and there can only be one xyz key for each x, y, z. thus, no mesecons going through blocks.
18:12 cy1 my proposed solution is overlays, i.e. multiple xyz databases, but I am not sure the specifics
18:13 cy1 or if even feasible
18:14 cy1 "please wait while the server to draw world 13 times"
18:14 marktraceur Yeah, that sucks
18:15 marktraceur I haven't looked at the mesecons implementation yet
18:15 marktraceur But I feel like it's possible
18:15 cy1 minetest:env:get_overlay("mesecons"):get_node(x,y,z)
18:15 marktraceur Is that how it works?
18:16 cy1 for overlay in minetest.env:list_overlays() do draw it end
18:16 cy1 marktraceur: In my imagination? Heck yeah!
18:16 marktraceur Ha
18:16 marktraceur If only
18:16 VanessaE bbiab
18:16 marktraceur I'd need to define 9 signals per node, though, so....some form of custom data would be necessary
18:17 marktraceur Perhaps metadata?
18:17 cy1 overlayed water could have some interesting effects though
18:17 cy1 yeah, metadata is pretty flexible, if slow
18:17 cy1 wet dirt could "drip" water for instance.
18:17 marktraceur Hm. Hopefully not all that slow
18:17 cy1 and water could move downward through solid stuff, except "waterproof" stuff
18:17 marktraceur Ha, not a bad idea
18:18 cy1 could also be accomplished just by making a wet dirt node type...
18:18 marktraceur *nod*
18:18 marktraceur And wet wood, maybe
18:18 cy1 abm for dirt: if water above, eliminate water, change me to wet dirt.
18:18 marktraceur Not a bad idea
18:19 Bad_Command joined #minetest
18:19 NakedFury wet wood cannot burn but becomes normal wood with fire contact, wet grass and wet dirt
18:19 cy1 abm for wet dirt: if air below me, make water_flowing. if dirt below me, make wet dirt below.  If not wet above, make me dry dirt.
18:20 cy1 wet dirt_with_grass heh
18:20 cy1 could ignore unwalkable stuff when searching up for water.
18:20 cy1 except air
18:20 cy1 so you don't have to make a water version of every placed item
18:20 cy1 *wet version
18:21 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:21 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:22 Calinou WET AIR
18:22 cy1 and a "rain" block which falls down
18:22 cy1 aka wet air
18:22 Calinou rain in 100% lua? just no
18:22 marktraceur Yeah, I can't see that working
18:22 cy1 when it lands on waterproof, turn it into water_flowing
18:22 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:22 Calinou > sky color needs to be changed
18:22 cy1 when it lands on dirt, turn dirt to mud
18:22 Calinou > clouds less visible or hidden
18:23 Calinou > less light
18:23 Calinou all these require C++
18:23 NakedFury c++ to allow lua to modify them
18:23 marktraceur ABM for CONTENT_AIR and CONTENT_IGNORE: chance 30000 that I'll turn into a cloud, then spread, then start raining
18:23 cy1 there's already C++ to adjust the light levels
18:23 Calinou why content_ignore?
18:23 Calinou marktraceur, will it be very slow, then?
18:24 marktraceur Calinou: I think CONTENT_IGNORE gets used for some air
18:24 marktraceur I could be wrong
18:24 Calinou marktraceur, then rain will fall in buildings, no?
18:24 cy1 content_ignore gets used for unloaded blocks
18:24 marktraceur Calinou: I don't know if it will be slow
18:24 Calinou probablyh :P
18:24 Calinou -h
18:24 marktraceur And you could check for access to the sky
18:24 cy1 haha indoor rain
18:24 Calinou anyway: this shouldn't be done in lua, at all
18:24 cy1 just have rain generate at y=100
18:24 Calinou just as a test
18:24 marktraceur cy1: My spaceship will be flooded!!!!
18:24 cy1 but C++ sucks :(
18:24 Calinou FTW
18:25 cy1 marktraceur: shouldn't have built it right at the cloud layer then!!
18:25 marktraceur Fuck the what indeed.
18:25 Calinou people are too lazy today; see animals mod
18:25 * cy1 makes a meanie face and sits in your base punching you when you try to walk by
18:25 * cy1 is now the animals mod in a nutshell
18:27 marktraceur cy1: No, you also have to walk on four legs and stand in a corner pretending to eat the cobblestone
18:27 cy1 lol
18:31 cy1 jesus christ I forgot about the fire
18:31 cy1 marktraceur: the land is like bare
18:32 marktraceur cy1: Haha, which part of the map was it?
18:33 cy1 -79,17.5,-313
18:34 marktraceur Hm
18:35 cy1 -153,-,-300 now
18:35 marktraceur Do not know that
18:35 marktraceur I don't remember where I've been in coordinates
18:35 cy1 know what?
18:35 marktraceur What's it near?
18:35 cy1 oh
18:35 cy1 near me!
18:35 marktraceur Oh, your platform?
18:35 cy1 also press f5 ;p
18:35 marktraceur Your stand of trees?
18:35 marktraceur (I know, but I'm not on the server)
18:36 cy1 no me
18:36 cy1 I'm following the fire
18:36 marktraceur I don't know where you are. I am not on the server.
18:36 cy1 you're missing a great show!
18:36 marktraceur Has anyone built near where the fire is, and if so, who is it?
18:36 cy1 it started by my thing
18:36 marktraceur Is it so difficult to understand what I'm asking? Where is it in relation to human-recognizable landmarks?
18:37 marktraceur OK, so the continent with darkrose's building
18:37 cy1 ...yes
18:37 cy1 with the wood floors T_T
18:37 marktraceur cy1: Has it affected her building, then?
18:37 cy1 I haven't found it yet.
18:37 marktraceur And if not, can you effect a rescue with water and/or stone?
18:38 cy1 fire spreads way too fast
18:38 cy1 by the time I found it it'd already have burned
18:38 marktraceur cy1: for future reference
18:38 cy1 but I have a copy of that dumb fort anyway
18:38 marktraceur I'm generating a new one
18:39 cy1 yeah, darkrose's fort is probably toast
18:39 cy1 that peninsula across from my tree farm
18:40 * marktraceur now notes that the peninsula is actually connected to the rest of the world
18:41 marktraceur Uhhh
18:41 marktraceur cy1: Can you retreat, backtrack, and enter the southern continent with the fire from the north, by land? If you could build a wall of some sort to stop the fire it would be helpful
18:42 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:43 cy1 I'm in the southern continent now
18:43 marktraceur cy1: Right
18:43 cy1 so I can't enter it
18:43 marktraceur If you walk back to your place, walk further north, then walk east to where the two continents meet, you might be able to build a wall to stop the fire
18:44 cy1 'k
18:44 marktraceur I'm anxious to see how the map looks now :P
18:45 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:46 marktraceur darkrose: It appears your house has not yet been affected by this. You can build preventative measures, I hope.
18:46 cy1 if it's actually got walls now it should be fine
18:46 cy1 marktraceur: how's your cpu load
18:47 marktraceur cy1: It says mt is taking 6% or so right now
18:47 marktraceur But nobody is on
18:47 marktraceur Now 100%
18:48 marktraceur But don't worry about it, just keep going unless it's too slow
18:48 cy1 yea I've just been having to reconnect
18:48 * darkrose couldn't connect a couple of minutes ago
18:48 Mad joined #minetest
18:49 Mad ello
18:49 darkrose also, fire jumps through walls, up to 4 or so blocks
18:49 Mad hey look <- i'm mad today, odd
18:49 marktraceur Mad: Hi!
18:49 Mad ohhaimark.ogg  >.>
18:49 Tukeke joined #minetest
18:49 Mad just gonna lurk, ignore me
18:50 marktraceur Mad: Absolutely not! Tell us everything.
18:50 Mad lmfao, nothing to say, been messing with nodeboxes
18:50 Mad using guesses to figure what of the 6 values is what
18:50 Mad i know 2 is bottom face. 5 is top face. so on
18:51 Mad made sideways halfsteps that have facedir :D
18:51 darkrose the lua doc explains it
18:51 Mad ^that i wish i had known the last 3 days
18:52 Mad now to find that lua doc
18:52 Calinou doc/lua_api.txt
18:52 Calinou hi Mad
18:53 Mad ello
18:53 Calinou <Mad> made sideways halfsteps that have facedir :D
18:53 Calinou beat you to it
18:53 Calinou
18:53 Mad haha, well i have 1/4 steps
18:53 Mad and 1/8 steps :D
18:54 Calinou meh, not really useful
18:54 Calinou 1/2 stairs/slabs/panels are enough
18:54 Calinou panels: "quarter blocks", see my mod
18:54 Mad and i'm trying to make a complex nodebox with one animated face and its gonna play video on it O.o
18:54 Mad i need the middle 90% of one face sunk in
18:54 Mad so one box thats .4 in every direction
18:54 Mad and more boxes to surround it in
18:55 Mad problem is idk if one face only can be animated?
18:56 Calinou all faces can be animated; see the 3D torches mod
18:56 Mad okay
18:56 Mad was worried that it would animate all like liquids
18:57 Calinou joined #minetest
18:57 Mad x1 = front face when facedir right?
18:58 NakedFury an animating node would need c++? something like a rotating gear
18:58 Mad i mean animated as in texture frame by frame swapping
18:58 Mad see-> how lava works
18:58 Mad but sped up
18:58 cy1 ok operation water wall is go
19:00 Mad cal you did upsidedown stairs?
19:00 Calinou yes
19:00 Calinou too late
19:01 Mad i know :P i just am making one big mod for me and friends while i learn, i have them but yeah >.>
19:01 Mad no easy way to use one node for both is there?
19:01 Mad i endedup needing two
19:01 NakedFury what is operation water wall?
19:01 Calinou that's what she said
19:03 Mad also cal can a block be made thats flat at bottom? could use it to hide stuff?
19:04 Calinou flat blocks are possible, yes
19:04 Mad like. a perfectly level with ground below it block?
19:04 Calinou _almost_ flat is probably better to avoid z-fight issues
19:04 Mad -.5,-.6,-.5,.5,-.5,.5   ?
19:04 Calinou too thick :P
19:05 Calinou -.5,-.55,-.5,.5,-.5,.5
19:05 Mad :D
19:05 Calinou better (can cause zfight when placed at high coordinates)
19:05 Mad i see
19:06 Mad i'm just thinking as long as y1 < -.5 and y2 = -.5 all will work?
19:08 Mad anyone know where to find a almost relivent animation for my tv project?
19:08 marktraceur Mad: Define "relivent"
19:09 Mad in the games theme
19:09 marktraceur An animation in the theme of "games"?
19:09 cy1 on nick jr
19:09 Mad i'll x plain
19:09 marktraceur Mad: Parlez-vous anglais?
19:10 Mad would there be a video, that would be easily made into frames, of say an island in MT as a day passes
19:10 marktraceur It's possible, I suppose
19:10 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
19:10 Mad marktraceur: Mad has spoken english for not all my life
19:11 marktraceur Mad: That seems to be, so let me help:
19:11 marktraceur "Relevant", "explain", "in the game's theme"
19:11 Mad danke
19:12 Mad sorry for my poor spelling, i always feel that if i can be understood not to worry, maybe i was worse then i thought
19:12 Mad than* (maybe?)
19:12 marktraceur Mad: Yes
19:13 Mad anyways
19:13 marktraceur Mad: You can be understood, but it's never a bad idea to be *better* understood.
19:13 Mad indeed
19:14 Mad anyways, i will return to just monitoring this channel, i have a little work on servers and then i am going away for the day
19:14 marktraceur Righto. Sorry I don't know any such videos, but I'm sure there's something you could find and download
19:14 Mad thanks again :D
19:22 marktraceur Stupid BS of the day: player.get_player_name doesn't work, player:get_player_name does. No documentation in lua_api.txt.
19:37 * marktraceur checks Mark's todo list for recreating "Deadliest Catch" in Minetest
19:37 marktraceur Hm, no progress
19:37 marktraceur Damn!
19:37 marktraceur Must work on that tonight.
19:38 marktraceur I believe the list was "traps, boats, cigarettes"
19:38 marktraceur We'll ignore the last one for now, but boats is currently undoable
19:38 marktraceur So trapping shall be happening tonight!
19:38 marktraceur ....hopefully
19:38 Mad why no boats?
19:39 Mad 3d entitys not doable?
19:40 marktraceur Mad: Doable, but riding in them wouldn't be
19:40 marktraceur At least, I can't think of a way
19:40 Mad xD whats useless then
19:40 marktraceur Ezzackly.
19:40 Mad can't have it when a player rightclicks to place them they are moved to the boat and there y value locked?
19:41 Mad then have the boat a thing that is always there position, and up max movement speed?
19:41 Mad idk if possible, just asking?
19:42 marktraceur Mad: "their"
19:42 Mad yes :)
19:42 Mad their*
19:42 marktraceur Mad: It's perhaps possible, but maybe a bit difficult....I guess that can be next
19:43 marktraceur I'll look into it
19:43 marktraceur But trapping is more universally interesting, i.e., applies to the entire Minetest universe
19:43 Mad just a suggestion, i am good at thinking ways of doing things, but bad at implimentation
19:43 marktraceur In any case, I really wanted to implement boats as being extensible
19:43 marktraceur i.e., you can build on them
19:43 marktraceur But maybe that's not possible
19:44 Mad OH! then you would need to impliment something gross like how that MC mod did it, check all attached blocks untill water, and make them an entity
19:44 marktraceur Eugh
19:44 marktraceur Nasty
19:44 Mad yepps
19:45 marktraceur Maybe I could implement some form of "boat builder" mechanism
19:45 marktraceur Arrange nodes inside of some area, then hit a button, out pops a boat entity
19:45 * marktraceur sighs
19:45 Mad you could have a boat building thing that all your boats where premade but the player had to place each part?
19:45 marktraceur This is all very hypothetical, and should not be taken seriously
19:45 marktraceur Mad: I would essentially do that anyway
19:45 MilanFIN joined #minetest
19:46 marktraceur But the other part of this is, entities would have to support the weight of a player
19:46 marktraceur Rather than letting them fall through
19:46 marktraceur Else it clearly wouldn't work
19:46 Mad hmm
19:46 Mad can entitys be solid?
19:46 marktraceur I don't believe so, or at least, not right now
19:46 marktraceur Does anyone else have anything to say about that possibility?
19:47 marktraceur Then again, I could just add in an invisible node that is always at the level of the ship's deck
19:47 marktraceur It wouldn't be particularly mobile, but it would work
19:48 Mad indeed, and to save on code for your boats "player built" aspect could you make a new group?
19:49 cy1 alright
19:49 marktraceur Mad: I wish. I don't think that's possible
19:49 Mad like how there is 'cracky' and those "tree=1,snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=1,flammable=2"  make a few more
19:49 cy1 operation water wall is complete
19:49 marktraceur cy1: Woo! Thanks!
19:49 cy1 there is no way in hell fire is going to get past that
19:49 marktraceur darkrose: Be advised that the fire is now entirely your problem :P
19:49 marktraceur cy1: Do you have any ideas re: boats?
19:49 marktraceur Or rather, ships
19:50 ttk2 joined #minetest
19:50 cy1 marktraceur: stuff already floats. just make movestone work again and cascade to other blocks
19:51 marktraceur cy1: Mrrr, don't really want to depend on mesecons, it's pretty buggy
19:51 cy1 with the additional benefit that you can mar the landscape by crashing into shit
19:51 marktraceur cy1: I guess the difficult part would be moving the boat from one place to another, and keeping the player moving with it
19:52 marktraceur Since there's currently no concept of friction in the game
19:52 marktraceur And really, except in this particular case, that's a really good thing
19:54 darkrose marktraceur: my dodgy raft mod :)
19:55 NakedFury adding transportation would need c++ code?
19:55 marktraceur darkrose: Dodgy indeed, being on github :P
19:55 * marktraceur jests
19:56 cy1 thank you for clarifying that
19:56 marktraceur I like it
19:56 marktraceur darkrose: I'm thinking this needs to be on the server :)
19:56 marktraceur ....I may also make bigger ones
20:00 marktraceur cy1: Ha, I love the wall
20:01 cy1 ok darkrose's fort is safe
20:01 cy1 maybe not orchard but oh well
20:01 marktraceur cy1: Great!
20:01 cy1 sandstone walls do not burn
20:01 cy1 wood is safely far enough away
20:01 cy1 unless this ladder catches eh...
20:01 marktraceur May as well let the fire run its course, then, and get rid of it
20:02 darkrose also, fire jumps through walls, up to 4 or so blocks
20:02 darkrose happened to me on gameboom
20:02 cy1 eh...
20:02 cy1 thought it checked for air even when far jumping
20:04 darkrose this: became this:
20:05 darkrose there was stone and glass between the wood and the lava
20:08 cy1 shit here comes the fire
20:08 cy1 brb dumping water everywhere
20:09 marktraceur darkrose: Nice screenshots, I like it
20:09 darkrose ta :)
20:23 jk_ joined #minetest
20:23 cy1 ok the fire seems to have moved on
20:24 cy1 it got one corner of the orchard but I soaked the rest
20:24 marktraceur Noice
20:28 marktraceur cy1: So I has a question.
20:28 marktraceur Clearly backups are a desirable thing
20:28 marktraceur But I have been lazy thus far
20:29 cy1 mine backs up hourly
20:29 cy1 was easy
20:29 VanessaE joined #minetest
20:29 marktraceur When I get around to it, should it require server restarts?
20:29 cy1 no just use rdiff-backup
20:29 marktraceur rdiff-backup
20:29 marktraceur K
20:30 cy1 also give me a shell so I can back up mine remotely on yours
20:31 marktraceur cy1: Not a chance, there are sadly not many bytes remaining on my server
20:31 marktraceur OK, that's a lie, but backups will start to take some space
20:32 cy1 it's like 40mb
20:32 cy1 but yeah no problem
20:32 marktraceur cy1: Shouldn't be too hard to find a remote place to back up....
20:33 VanessaE 1TB disk in a USB enclosure, rsync to make incrementals.  problem solved. :-)
20:34 cy1 I don't have any friends who'll give me a shell sorry :(
20:34 cy1 except this guy named coyo but he doesn't have dyndns
20:35 cy1 and those cost like $200 VanessaE 8/
20:35 VanessaE $200?
20:35 VanessaE um, no
20:35 VanessaE try $70ish
20:36 cy1 since when?
20:36 cy1 including the enclosure??
20:36 VanessaE mine was 86 and that was a couple of years ago
20:36 cy1 rdiff-backup is better for incrementals btw
20:38 cy1 Epica is 49mb at the moment.
20:38 cy1 backup directory is 38 8/
20:38 VanessaE;Click=46406
20:38 VanessaE (found via pricewatch)
20:40 VanessaE it isn't the one I'm using, but it's similar, and only $80.
20:40 VanessaE free shipping too, and this company is decent to deal with, I've bought from them before.
20:41 cy1 huh
20:41 cy1 VanessaE: think I might buy that
20:42 cy1 but
20:42 cy1 it's still not offsite backups :/
20:42 VanessaE no, but an external disk is good enough.
20:42 cy1 keep in mind I just stood in the middle of a forest fire
20:42 cy1 with buckets of water
20:42 VanessaE offsite = bandwidth hogging service that depends on someone else's idea of uptime.
20:42 cy1 and stopped it :|
20:43 marktraceur minetest: enabling you to do stupid shit since 2011.
20:43 cy1 how about I backup stuff from my one internal hard drive, to my other internal hard drive?
20:43 marktraceur cy1: Nothing could possibly go wrong!
20:43 VanessaE because you can't unplug the internal drive and put it in the closet when it isn't in use?
20:43 VanessaE (at least, it isn't meant to be that way)
20:44 cy1 so I have to plug it in every hour to make a backup? :/
20:44 VanessaE I didn't see the bit about "every hour" :-)
20:44 Taoki joined #minetest
20:44 cy1 well, hourly backups is just common sense `-`
20:44 VanessaE still, external is better than internal.  if nothing else, you can isolate it from your main machine much more reapidly in the event of some catastrophe
20:45 cy1 ah, hm
20:45 cy1 and I already got thinking
20:45 VanessaE rapidly too
20:45 cy1 can backup hourly somewhere on the same disk
20:45 cy1 and plug in the external one weekly
20:45 VanessaE granted the argument could be made that you could just take the whole machine with you
20:45 cy1 keep it in a faraday cage otherwise
20:46 VanessaE a Faraday cage?  er, that's overkill, I think :-)
20:46 cy1 yeah, the network plug is the first to go
20:46 cy1 xD
20:47 cy1 wish you could power stuff inside a faraday cage from outside one. then we could save our computers from the coming solar storms
20:47 VanessaE lasers. :)
20:48 cy1 you make a compelling argument for lasers
20:49 VanessaE though I doubt a Faraday cage will do much against a solar storm, seeing as how it blocks radio frequencies, rather than a mostly-DC stream like a solar flare would produce
20:51 cy1 DC doesn't burn out antennas
20:51 VanessaE true
20:52 VanessaE but it can set up oscillating currents in a circuit, if the DC is not 100% constant
20:52 VanessaE (to me, it's DC if it never changes polarity - it's rippled if it varies a lot)
20:52 cy1 oh, huh...
20:52 cy1 dunno then
20:52 cy1 I'm not very well schooled in electronics.
20:53 VanessaE neither am I, I just know just enough to get into trouble ;-)
20:53 cy1 So how does one protect sensitive electronics from solar flares?
20:54 cy1 just curious
20:54 VanessaE a lead-lined safe WITH a Faraday cage around it, and only ultraviolet lasers for power and comms? :-)? ;-)
20:54 marktraceur cy1: Don't live near the sun
20:54 marktraceur A few light years oughta do it
20:55 VanessaE (UV = whichever band in particular is blocked by the atmosphere)
20:56 marktraceur I gotta say, a Pluto datacenter is sounding cooler and cooler
20:57 VanessaE heh
20:57 cy1 <3
20:57 cy1 but bandwidth would be killer
20:57 VanessaE if you don't mind a tenuous methane atmosphere
20:57 cy1 *latency
20:57 VanessaE oh bandwidth isn't the problem - latency is :-)
20:58 cy1 bandwidth is a problem, considering how much fidelity you'd lose even in a laser that far
20:58 VanessaE it's what, 8 light-hours between here and pluto?
20:58 cy1 but not as big as latency
20:59 tapo joined #minetest
20:59 VanessaE hey tapo
21:00 emspri joined #minetest
21:00 VanessaE hey emspri
21:00 emspri hi van
21:00 VanessaE still down :'(
21:00 emspri yeah but im playing on brobostigon's server
21:01 brobostigon emspri: is it working ok, i havent checked it since earlier.
21:01 emspri your server is working great :D
21:01 emspri van his server has buckets
21:01 brobostigon emspri: good to hear, i liked the lava fountain, :)
21:02 VanessaE better keep Landmine out then ;-)
21:02 brobostigon emspri: please put those back where you found them, they are mine.
21:02 brobostigon emspri: the buckets.
21:02 VanessaE brobostigon: what mods?
21:02 emspri ok but can you tel me how to make them ??
21:02 brobostigon VanessaE: none yet.
21:02 tapo hi
21:02 VanessaE no? :(
21:02 VanessaE - - -
21:02 brobostigon emspri: calinou helped me.
21:03 VanessaE S - S
21:03 VanessaE - S -
21:03 VanessaE = bucket.
21:03 VanessaE (S = steel)
21:03 brobostigon VanessaE: i will be adding calinou's.
21:03 emspri ok
21:03 emspri tapo there is a server if you are borred
21:03 tapo :)
21:03 VanessaE brobostigon: don't forget my mods - homedecor, unifieddyes, animatedtorches, junglegrass ;-)
21:03 emspri
21:03 VanessaE (you'll also want flowers and wool)
21:04 tapo emspri: port?
21:04 emspri 3000
21:04 brobostigon VanessaE: i will test them locally, for longer periods, to ensure i am happy it wont compromise.
21:04 tapo emspri: version of client?
21:04 VanessaE ok
21:04 emspri i think the same as
21:05 emspri but you have to ask interact privs first
21:05 tapo waa :)
21:08 tapo emspri: I just wanted to try out a tiny tiny little thing of... (scroll down)
21:09 tapo is that incredible or ill? :)
21:09 VanessaE that's INSANE.
21:12 emspri il look at it now
21:17 emspri tapo are you comming to the server ??
21:19 emspri VanessaE are you comming too ??
21:19 VanessaE I dunno
21:19 VanessaE maybe later
21:19 tapo same for me
21:19 tapo surfing science websites at the moment
21:21 emspri who made those buildings ??
21:21 emspri or kingdomes
21:25 Crisco joined #minetest
21:25 Ririshi Hey
21:26 marktraceur Ririshi: Hi!
21:26 Ririshi How are you mark?
21:26 marktraceur Ririshi: Awesome, gonna lay some knowledge down, hold on
21:26 emspri brobostigon can i pleeeeaaaasssse have some tree cuz this was the third timy all the wood in my house got burned and cutting wood takes so much time <:(
21:26 Ririshi marktraceur: eh okay?
21:27 marktraceur emspri: "I'll" "coming" "kingdoms" "'cause" "time"
21:27 marktraceur Those are correct spellings, please use them
21:27 marktraceur Ririshi: So yes, how are you?
21:27 brobostigon emspri: the rest of us, had to do it that way, and sorry, but, it is only fair for you to do the same.
21:27 emspri can i do something for it ??
21:29 Ririshi I´m not really active. cya :p
21:29 VanessaE brobostigon: well I'm there on your server.  feel free to assign privileges as you see fit :-)
21:30 brobostigon VanessaE: one moment.
21:32 CanauckTux joined #minetest
21:34 marktraceur CanauckTux: Howdy!
21:34 CanauckTux hi
21:36 CanauckTux it's great that minetest works on linux
21:36 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
21:36 CanauckTux and that they have it in the Ubuntu Repo's
21:37 marktraceur CanauckTux: And how.
21:37 CanauckTux ?
21:37 marktraceur Though really, that's the origin of the game, so it makes sense that it works on GNU/Linux :)
21:38 CanauckTux Yeah, most Open Source Software gets ported to linux at some time or another
21:38 CanauckTux or starts here
21:38 marktraceur Heh, I'd say a huge portion of it is written specifically for GNU/Linux
21:38 Ririshi|AFK left #minetest
21:39 marktraceur It's hard to build a bridge when you can't see either side of the river....
21:40 marktraceur (because hey, it's never bad to have more analogies)
21:41 marktraceur CanauckTux: Have you been around this channel before? I feel I haven't seen you around.
21:41 marktraceur Awesome
21:47 Tukeke joined #minetest
21:48 Ririshi|AFK joined #minetest
21:48 Ririshi|AFK Help!
21:49 VanessaE hm?
21:49 Ririshi|AFK LandMine is terrorizing the gameboom server!
21:49 VanessaE that's Bad_Command's domain ..
21:50 Ririshi|AFK Is Bad_Command here?
21:50 VanessaE he's not at the computer it would appear
21:50 Ririshi|AFK sigh.
21:50 VanessaE (I think he comes on late, ~5 hours from now or so)
21:52 Ririshi|AFK NOOOOO.
21:52 Ririshi|AFK Everyone will have lost their stuff...
21:52 VanessaE he has backups I think
21:53 Ririshi|AFK VanessaE: where do you play?
21:53 jk_ hey vanessa, to use unifieddyes in my mod, do i need to supply colored textures?
21:57 Ririshi|AFK left #minetest
21:58 Jousway joined #minetest
22:02 tapo gn8 cu
22:02 tapo left #minetest
22:03 VanessaE jk: for whatever mod you are creating, yeah
22:04 VanessaE unifieddyes just supplies the colors (mainly as little flasks of colored liquid), but you still have to create something that uses them
22:04 jk_ i need plain colors, so i recreate all of its textures as single pixel textures?
22:05 VanessaE plain colors?
22:05 VanessaE you mean like straight single-colored blocks?
22:05 jk_ yes, one nodebox, one single color
22:05 VanessaE I guess yeah, a single pixel of the desired color is sufficient.
22:05 VanessaE or, if you're adventurous, you could use imagemagick to crop a single pixel from the middle of each flask and save it to a new image
22:06 VanessaE then you can be sure your colors are identical to the dyes ;-)
22:06 jk_ yes, gonna do something of the like.
22:06 emspri i wont mese with lava again
22:06 jk_ do you or anybody else know if it is possible to scale an object in the inventory and hud? i wanna make a thing thats larger than a block
22:06 VanessaE lava is too dangerous, emspri :-)
22:07 VanessaE which is why people use it so often to grief with
22:07 VanessaE jk: in the inventory/hud I dunno.  in the world, the visual_scale = xx.xx parameter will do the job
22:07 VanessaE (where 1.0 = normal size, 2.0 = double size, 0.5 = half size, etc)
22:07 jk_ yes, world works fine, but it doesn't look nice in inventory...
22:08 brobostigon ok, that is unacceptable, my server almost diedm fior lack of ram.
22:08 VanessaE in the inventory, I recommend making a texture specific to that purpose
22:08 brobostigon anyway, it is restarted.
22:08 jk_ good idea. any other programs apart from minetest to render it?
22:10 jk_ ah well, turns out im just stupid. nevermind my last question
22:15 VanessaE jk: if you wait, however, bas080 is doing a cotton mod similar to wool, which will use unifieddyes
22:17 brobostigon good night everyone, sleep well.
22:17 VanessaE night brobostigon
22:17 brobostigon good night VanessaE o/
22:20 CanauckTux joined #minetest
22:20 marktraceur CanauckTux: Welcome back
22:20 CanauckTux hi
22:27 jk_ i just started to make my first mod, trying to come up with a proof of concept.
22:27 jk_ I wanna make a loom.
22:27 VanessaE cool
22:31 * marktraceur wonders why there's no unary operator for "assign not this"
22:32 VanessaE node-name pattern matching would be useful in certain cases, too..
22:32 marktraceur Would be super-useful for toggling
22:32 marktraceur var toggle = false; toggle!!; //toggle is now true
22:33 marktraceur Even more better, !!toggle
22:33 VanessaE toggle = 1-toggle
22:33 VanessaE :-)
22:33 VanessaE old trick from the 8-bit era.
22:33 VanessaE (assumes toggle is normally 1 or 0)
22:33 marktraceur VanessaE: That's not only *not* unary, it's two binary operators!
22:33 VanessaE heh
22:33 VanessaE yeah I know, but for lack of a proper unary NOT operator, this works. :-)
22:33 marktraceur I at least have a binary with a unary: toggle = !toggle;
22:34 marktraceur But it's imperfect
22:34 marktraceur And then for a number, I need to add in a nasty third operator
22:34 VanessaE jeez, picky picky :-)
22:35 VanessaE back in MY day we didn't have unary operators at all :-)
22:36 marktraceur VanessaE: You're in the wrong room for that :P
22:36 cy1 (++toggle)%2==0
22:36 VanessaE that's getting a little Rube Goldberg-esque :-)
22:36 cy1 seriously though unary assignment operators are fucked up
22:36 marktraceur cy1: So your solution to my woes about having to use two binary operators and a unary one is to give me the exact same thing? :P
22:37 marktraceur Let me just say, if the JavaScript assignment operator didn't evaluate as an expression, I would be *so* pissed
22:37 cy1 marktraceur: no my solution to your woes about using two binary operators ias to use two binary operators and one unary
22:38 marktraceur cy1: That's my current solution
22:38 marktraceur (switchoff = !switchoff) * 1
22:38 cy1 oh well just go switchoff = !switchoff then
22:38 cy1 no * 1 needed
22:38 marktraceur cy1: I want the number, so
22:39 cy1 if(switchoff) number = 1 else number = 0 end
22:39 VanessaE haha
22:39 marktraceur we're into using CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS?
22:39 marktraceur Has the imagination gone from the world!?
22:40 VanessaE back in the day, mark, that was how you did it, before people started using X=1-X
22:40 marktraceur OOH
22:40 cy1 using assignments as expressions, that way lies badness
22:40 VanessaE badness, or bad-ass-ness ;-)
22:40 marktraceur Wait
22:40 marktraceur Hm.
22:40 marktraceur Damn it, operators
22:41 cy1 crappy badness
22:41 marktraceur OK, I should stop fucking around
22:42 VanessaE LDA variable: EOR #01: STA variable
22:42 VanessaE there, just to get the low-level languages out of the way
22:44 mrdragons joined #minetest
22:45 marktraceur See, exclusive or would really be the best way to do it
22:46 marktraceur Aha!
22:46 marktraceur toggle = toggle ^ 1
22:46 marktraceur Two binary operators is probably my best bet
22:46 VanessaE didn't I say something like that earlier? :-)
22:46 marktraceur Uhhh
22:47 marktraceur Oh, you did have the 1-toggle
22:47 * marktraceur is a sucker for bitwise operators
22:47 VanessaE 1-N is the same as N XOR 1 as long as N is only ever 1 or 0
22:47 marktraceur VanessaE: Aha, but see, I don't trust myself not to break things
22:47 marktraceur XOR it shall be
22:47 VanessaE heh
22:47 VanessaE but!
22:48 VanessaE you'll need to AND-mask the rest of the bits if you don't truly trust yourself ;-)
22:48 VanessaE toggle = (toggle ^ 1) & 254   (or 65534 or whatever)
22:48 marktraceur I trust myself to always have 1 be 1, so no need for anything like that
22:49 * marktraceur considers how hard it would be to have a ClintonScript that changed the meaning of 1 every once in a while to be 2
22:50 VanessaE hah
22:50 marktraceur Haha! Step back 12 years in the past!
22:50 VanessaE "There we 1's and 0's everywhere!  And I even think I saw a 2."
22:51 * marktraceur is straining to remember the source of that quote.
22:51 VanessaE Good News Everyone! (tm)
22:52 marktraceur Ah, yes
22:52 VanessaE aw come on.  it's a staple of the geek diet :-)
22:52 VanessaE (though I suppose I botched the quote slightly.  oh well)
22:52 marktraceur I have seen that episode maybe once, but I haven't watched the entire series
22:53 VanessaE I've seen everything up to that one dealing with Mom and everyone getting an EyePhone or whatever it was called.
22:53 VanessaE though I'll be damned if I can remember if that was a "movie" or a regular episode
22:54 marktraceur Noted
22:54 marktraceur OK, let's see if all of that brain gymnastics was of any use
22:54 marktraceur Oh, no, one more thing
22:54 marktraceur :P
22:54 VanessaE "A Head in the Polls" was the 1's/0's reference.
22:55 marktraceur Mmkay
22:58 marktraceur Ha, none of that worked at all
22:59 VanessaE guess it's back to 1-toggle ;-)
22:59 marktraceur No, the toggling thing worked
22:59 marktraceur I'm trying to center the bastard now
23:00 VanessaE oh
23:18 FreeFull marktraceur: toggle = toggle?0:toggle;
23:18 VanessaE verilog syntax?
23:19 FreeFull C
23:19 VanessaE eh, same diff.
23:21 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
23:21 marktraceur FreeFull: So rather than binary operators, now we're using TERNARY?
23:23 khonkhortisan I used ternary once, it was difficult
23:25 VanessaE damn it
23:26 noob joined #minetest
23:26 VanessaE can someone try this test track?
23:26 VanessaE
23:26 VanessaE is it broken for you guys as it is for me?  (I designed it!)
23:26 VanessaE Bad_Command isn't around right now.
23:27 noob o no
23:27 noob we are having to run from him hes killing us all and trapping all tele pads
23:27 noob vannesa is up?
23:27 VanessaE when I last tried a couple hours ago, no
23:27 noob gah
23:28 noob do you know when bad_commands guna be on?
23:28 marktraceur noob: Please be patient, he'll be on eventually.
23:28 VanessaE I would expect 4 or so hours from now.
23:28 noob dang so like 12am again
23:28 VanessaE yeah thereabouts.
23:28 noob landmine just said hes griefing my castle
23:29 marktraceur noob: Better tell his mom, then. Or you could wait for Bad_Command like an adult.
23:29 marktraceur Or you could ask one of us nicely to talk to Bad_Command for you
23:30 marktraceur Of course, he's been pinged several times by now, but in case he hasn't gotten the message
23:30 noob please could u please do that for me
23:30 noob i see him hes griefing my house
23:30 marktraceur noob: If I see him, I'll do my best to tell Bad_Command about LandMine griefing
23:30 noob i went on my fake account and hes almost taken down a wall
23:30 noob ok ty
23:30 marktraceur But like we've said, it will be some time
23:31 noob k :/
23:31 noob oh well
23:31 noob this just majorly sucks
23:31 noob could one of u get on my fake account?
23:31 noob its called noobs wiht no pass
23:31 noob i wana make him wonder which one im on
23:31 marktraceur noob: What? What purpose would that serve?
23:32 noob cuz then he cant kill both accounts
23:32 marktraceur noob: Your name is very apt.
23:32 noob first u get on noobs and run with him chasing u
23:32 noob meh
23:32 NakedFury you should go very far from spawn and forget about him
23:32 marktraceur *nod*
23:32 marktraceur Or go to a more different server
23:32 NakedFury landmine is an ass
23:32 marktraceur Or hey, here's a plan: Single player!
23:33 NakedFury and he will keep being an ass until a way to block asses forever appears
23:33 noob yah :/
23:33 noob he knows wat ima do
23:33 noob mark shutup
23:33 noob i dont wana get on a dif server as none ae up
23:33 noob and landmines ruining this one
23:34 marktraceur noob: Mine is; though I doubt you'd want to be on it, I talk on it very often. Ah well.
23:35 noob k wats ur server called and hes destroyed 1 floor of my house
23:35 noob gah that bitch
23:36 marktraceur noob: It really doesn't matter what my server is called, as I'm so distasteful to you. Really is a shame, though, I've heard I have pretty good bandwidth and all
23:38 noob gah mark ur just an asshole
23:38 noob wait
23:38 noob you landmine
23:38 VanessaE nope, Landmine actually signs on here as such
23:38 noob gah
23:39 noob mark ive done nothing to you no need to be an ass
23:39 marktraceur You're really helping your case, noob
23:39 marktraceur Keep calling me an ass, that'll help your case
23:39 marktraceur 'cause really, in my entire life, that's all I've wanted: For people to call me an ass
23:39 khonkhortisan that almost sounds like an insult calling noob a noob :)
23:40 marktraceur (in case there are people in here who don't get it yet, this is a prime example of _sarcasm_)
23:41 VanessaE now wtf is this error supposed to mean?
23:41 VanessaE 19:38:59: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error running function 'on_step': .../local/bin/../share/minetest/builtin/item_entity.lua:75: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
23:41 khonkhortisan sounds familiar
23:42 marktraceur VanessaE: Code?
23:42 VanessaE mark: just trying to load my texture pack test track.
23:42 khonkhortisan it wouldn't be that difficult to make a speed limit on changing blocks created by other players
23:42 marktraceur Oh, hm
23:42 VanessaE note the filename is one of minetest's game files.
23:42 marktraceur That does sound familiar
23:43 VanessaE
23:43 VanessaE loading this world, in particular
23:43 VanessaE (one I developed just a matter of days ago, suddenly no longer works)
23:44 marktraceur Hm
23:45 marktraceur VanessaE: Have you registered a node, created some, and then unloaded the mod that registered the node?
23:45 VanessaE yes, in fact.
23:45 VanessaE unifieddyes was updated, junglegrass was added, blox was removed.
23:45 ttk2 joined #minetest
23:46 VanessaE (this test track does have nodes from blox in it, but at the worst, they should be rendering as "unknown node"
23:47 marktraceur Should, I suppose
23:47 * VanessaE sighs
23:47 marktraceur Maybe a bug in core, I don't know
23:48 VanessaE why did c55 have to choose NOW to go on a break?  the game is so broken now in places.
23:50 marktraceur Ha, VanessaE, perhaps related to the fact that we all feel motivated to fill the gaps he's left, and are overusing the codebase in ways we wouldn't normall
23:50 marktraceur y
23:50 VanessaE I suppose so
23:50 VanessaE it's just - we're all trying our best to expand the game, add new content, and some people are actively fixing bugs - but c55 isn't around to make commits
23:52 khonkhortisan does anyone else have commit access?
23:52 VanessaE apparently not - and here c55 was just asking a while back for others to take over managing the project.
23:52 marktraceur khonkhortisan: Not on core, not that I recall
23:55 VanessaE ok, if I put blox back in, it works.
23:56 VanessaE (but that means leaving something else out - stairsplus in this case - because I'm at some kind of obscure number-of-item-definitions limit)
23:58 marktraceur I can see how that might get frustrating
23:58 VanessaE beyond frustrating.  that's a critical bug.
23:58 marktraceur Well, yeah
23:58 VanessaE or at least, an important one.
23:59 VanessaE I'd almost go so far as to mark it a blocker, because it results in data loss if you can't apply some kind of workaround.

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