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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-07-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 VanessaE damn it, what's with my connection today?
00:00 VanessaE come on people, I've got some serious mining to do! ;-)
00:01 marktraceur Ha!
00:02 marktraceur should be up soon
00:02 * VanessaE grumbles at her connection
00:04 * marktraceur turns up the Pinback
00:18 marktraceur Geany is super-useful for cleaning up code
00:19 marktraceur Indentation functions, strip trailing whitespace, uniform indentation conversion, insert function headers and file headers
00:19 marktraceur Beautiful stuff
00:19 NakedFury downloaded it
00:19 NakedFury can you use Execute with lua?
00:21 marktraceur NakedFury: Probably not useful for minetest mods
00:21 marktraceur If you were writing a script in lua, probably
00:46 captainfap joined #minetest
00:48 captainfap joined #minetest
01:02 * marktraceur is getting a little bleary-eyed from the farming mod
01:06 marktraceur Perhaps time for more noms
01:14 * VanessaE offers marktraceur a hamburger :-)
01:14 VanessaE protein is good for ya :)
01:17 marktraceur Hm
01:17 marktraceur Good point
01:17 marktraceur Maybe not hamburger....maybe fried rice
01:18 marktraceur Or tacos....well, but I'd have to make it
01:18 marktraceur No, fried rice it shall be
01:18 marktraceur BBL
01:22 VanessaE mmmm fried rice...
01:34 Riddle joined #minetest
01:34 Riddle ello
01:34 VanessaE hi
01:34 MiJyn yo Riddle
01:36 Riddle any idea whats broken in this world gen file?
01:36 Riddle trying to use it to add my ores, can't see whats wrong :(
01:38 Riddle does "generate_ore("mitchsmod:stone_with_gold", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+7, 1/24/24/24, 6,7, -31000,  64)"  need a , after it? it doesn't in defaults gen
01:40 MiJyn it doesnt
01:40 MiJyn *doesn't
01:40 Riddle hmm, minetest crashes entirly when i run a new map with this
01:40 Riddle and idk >.< debug says nothing of value
01:40 Riddle no error
01:41 Riddle well, no good error
01:41 Riddle just
01:41 Riddle 22:36:45: ERROR[EmergeThread]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: LuaError: error: ...2\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\default/mapgen.lua:199: attempt to call field 'make_papyrus' (a nil value)
01:42 Riddle and that can't be me?
01:42 Riddle anything i do conflict with that?
01:43 marktraceur Riddle: Nope, doesn't seem like it
01:43 marktraceur Riddle: Have you modified the default mapgen.lua?
01:43 Riddle >.> not at all
01:43 Riddle i can redownload it and put it back incase?
01:43 Riddle only copy pasted i thought
01:43 Riddle needed the oregen part
01:44 marktraceur Nope, not necessary
01:44 Riddle hmm
01:44 Riddle any idea?
01:44 marktraceur I'm thinking
01:45 marktraceur Riddle: Can you remove the first two aliases (for stone and air) and see what that does? From what I see, they're totally unnecessary.
01:45 Riddle i thought i needed stone for the replacing but okay
01:46 marktraceur Doesn't look like it
01:46 marktraceur But if it breaks more, then we'll know you do
01:46 marktraceur And just to remove variables, if you could do a git pull on minetest_game, that would be pretty awesome
01:47 Riddle 1stttstill crashed, but did take longer
01:47 Riddle so what do you want me to do?
01:47 marktraceur Same error?
01:47 marktraceur Oh, you probably have a Windows build, no git
01:47 Riddle 22:46:33: ERROR[EmergeThread]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: LuaError: error: ...2\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\default/mapgen.lua:232: attempt to call field 'make_cactus' (a nil value)
01:48 marktraceur OK, so a more different error, anyway
01:48 Riddle yeah. cacti now >.>
01:48 marktraceur Well, that might just be because in that map, cactus was the first thing it tried to generate
01:48 marktraceur Can I ask, the file you posted to pastebin, where is that in your filesystem?
01:48 Riddle huh, should my gen include the cacti shit?
01:49 marktraceur Probably not, but answer the question
01:49 Riddle in mods
01:49 Riddle in my mod folder
01:49 marktraceur So path/to/minetest/mods/mapgen.lua?
01:50 marktraceur Seriously, tell me the full path
01:50 Riddle K:\\mods\minetest\MYMOD\mapgen.lua
01:50 marktraceur Mmkay
01:50 Riddle \MYMOD\ is actually my mod name but no matter
01:50 marktraceur Can you post the code of init.lua as well?
01:51 Riddle no reason not to
01:51 marktraceur My thinking exactly
01:52 Riddle
01:52 marktraceur (ideally, you could have this on a git repository somewhere, and I could just have it, but meh)
01:52 Riddle little bit of white space, but yeah
01:52 Riddle i am still giting(lol) used to github
01:53 marktraceur "See README.txt for stuff and other information." <-- very helpful
01:53 marktraceur Riddle: You might be interested in
01:55 Riddle hmm
01:55 Riddle also my readme just says i has no license copyright on anything inthere
01:55 marktraceur Riddle: You're overriding functions in default
01:55 Riddle what one?
01:55 marktraceur The sound functions
01:55 Riddle oh?
01:55 marktraceur default.node_sound_stone_defaults() and all
01:56 marktraceur And default.spawn_falling_node
01:56 Riddle i thought i was using them >.> are you talking on my ore blocks?
01:56 marktraceur Yeah
01:56 Riddle they are using the sound are they not? i didn't think i was righting anything?
01:56 marktraceur Line 426 of the init.lua
01:57 marktraceur That's a function definition
01:57 marktraceur Delete the bits that say "function default.<whatever>" until the end of those functions, you shouldn't need those
01:58 Riddle indeed, was editing default and cutting what wasn't mine, missed some stoof O.o
01:58 marktraceur Yuuup
01:58 marktraceur So now I have to ask: Is your pastebin the entire mapgen.lua, or is there more?
01:59 Riddle it is all of it.
01:59 Riddle all i wanted was the new ores to generate
01:59 marktraceur OK, next question: What's in your depends.txt
01:59 Riddle default
01:59 marktraceur Hm.
01:59 marktraceur This is all very strange.
02:00 Riddle untill the mapgen problem it all worked
02:00 Riddle the init was fine
02:00 Riddle i just had crafting for the ores from cobble >.>
02:01 marktraceur Riddle: Do you have the entire mod hosted somewhere? I feel like if I had it I could debug faster
02:02 marktraceur (and thanks for the nice break from the farming mod, I was starting to go a little stir-crazy)
02:02 Riddle those two files are it
02:02 Riddle and the pictures for textures
02:02 Riddle i can try to make a git repos for it
02:02 marktraceur That would be best
02:02 marktraceur Because otherwise it would be too piecemeal
02:03 Riddle on it
02:04 Riddle never bothered with downloading githubs thingy, just had an account, for somereason
02:05 marktraceur Downloading?
02:05 marktraceur If you have a git client it shouldn't need anything else
02:05 Riddle thats what i not has setup, only the website
02:06 marktraceur Ah, so you should download a git client. Do you need help with that?
02:07 Riddle i have it half done. forgot my git password >.<
02:07 marktraceur Riddle:
02:07 marktraceur Just FYI
02:08 Riddle cool
02:09 marktraceur That will enable you to do things a lot more quickly, I think
02:10 Riddle maybe, or take time setting up :P
02:10 * marktraceur spends at least 50% of his time in a text editor or command prompt
02:10 marktraceur Probably more like 75%, though I do spend a lot of time testing in the browser
02:10 marktraceur I guess it depends mostly on what I'm hacking on
02:11 Riddle cool stoof
02:11 Tukeke joined #minetest
02:11 marktraceur In any case, I'd suggest spending ~10 minutes following that tutorial, it will enable you to contribute to projects a lot more quickly
02:11 marktraceur I can wait until you have your repo set up, I'm not in a huge rush
02:13 Riddle riddle is having brain problems setting up this git.
02:13 marktraceur That's OK
02:13 marktraceur Don't rush, take your time
02:13 Riddle indeed
02:13 marktraceur If you need help with a specific step, I'm here, or you can join #openhatch if you want a second opinion
02:14 Riddle my problem is i have a git repo, but i can't seem to put my folder in it.
02:14 Riddle derpin
02:14 marktraceur Huh
02:15 marktraceur What commands are you running?
02:15 Riddle i'm in that git client thingy, and i am trying  to find where it made a folder that is to sync with git ?
02:17 Riddle got it
02:17 Riddle i think
02:17 marktraceur Um
02:17 marktraceur "In the git client" <-- how did you get to the "git client"?
02:17 Riddle
02:17 Riddle thats the git. done
02:17 Riddle :D
02:18 Riddle it was a downloaded client from github
02:18 marktraceur Ugh
02:18 marktraceur Please look through the mission I linked
02:18 Riddle k
02:18 marktraceur It'll be a lot faster and more universally helpful
02:19 Riddle anyways, i got that thing online, doing my apparent mission >.>
02:21 marktraceur I do not get an error
02:21 Riddle rly?
02:21 Riddle weird
02:21 marktraceur Yarly.
02:21 Riddle very weird
02:21 Riddle i wonder if my default init is corrupt
02:21 marktraceur It would be best for you to pull the latest git of minetest, or get the latest build you can, to confirm that it doesn't work
02:22 Riddle gonna do that.
02:23 Riddle 0606 is latest dev is it?
02:24 marktraceur Noooo
02:24 marktraceur That's rather old
02:24 Riddle O.o site shows it at top, i must be in retarded land
02:24 marktraceur Let me try to find a new dev build for you
02:24 marktraceur sfan5: Didn't you make a 20120627 windows build?
02:25 marktraceur Riddle: Because celeron55 has been AWOL for at least a week
02:25 marktraceur Maybe two? I dunno
02:25 Riddle okay
02:25 Riddle i see
02:25 marktraceur Anyway, your mod works, it generates properly, so be proud :)
02:26 Riddle so :D
02:26 Riddle now to wonder why it doesn't here
02:26 marktraceur Oh
02:26 marktraceur Damn it
02:26 Riddle maybe canadian PC's are retarded
02:26 marktraceur Maybe not
02:26 marktraceur Hold on
02:26 Riddle crashed?
02:27 marktraceur Yeah
02:27 Riddle fk
02:27 marktraceur I don't know how to put mods in the right place, evidently
02:27 Riddle lol ?
02:27 Riddle if it cheers you up. my first mod was IN the default folder. i added a include and mashed in new blocks.
02:28 Riddle didn't work well.
02:28 marktraceur Ew
02:28 marktraceur Yeah, I can imagine
02:28 Riddle would have been great for SP, but some guys i play games with wanted to try my mod, and it was like... EW
02:30 marktraceur AHA
02:30 marktraceur THERE'S THE DEVIL
02:30 Riddle ? O.o
02:30 obo425_ joined #minetest
02:35 Riddle wow
02:35 Riddle the game just ran fine for like 2 mins in my new copy
02:35 Riddle then flat out canceled the whole window
02:45 marktraceur Raaauuuuggghhhhh
02:45 marktraceur Display manager crashed
02:45 marktraceur That was fun
02:45 Riddle O.o
02:46 Riddle i bet it was
02:46 marktraceur OK
02:46 marktraceur So at the beginning of your init.lua file, there's a line that reads "default = {}"
02:46 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
02:46 marktraceur You are TOTALLY DELETING everything in the default init.lua
02:46 marktraceur So don't do that
02:46 marktraceur And then it should run
02:47 marktraceur I can't vouch for the accurate generation of the ores, but I can say that it will at least load after that
02:48 Riddle should that default = {} be my mod = {} ? or just nil it
02:48 marktraceur No
02:48 marktraceur Delete that line
02:48 Riddle done
02:48 marktraceur You could also delete the definitions of default.whatever
02:48 marktraceur Those might not work very well
02:49 Riddle yet to crash :D
02:50 marktraceur Hm?
02:50 marktraceur It still crashes?
02:50 Riddle nope
02:50 Riddle yet to
02:50 marktraceur Ah
02:50 Riddle you fixed it :D
02:51 Riddle now to tunnel around for those ores
02:51 marktraceur Woot!
02:51 Riddle make sure they exist
02:54 Riddle is there a screen shot button? its not f2
02:54 VanessaE F12
02:54 VanessaE tor use your OS's screenshot key (e.g. printscreen)
02:54 Riddle my screen = 3200 by 900
02:55 Riddle where do they go?
02:55 VanessaE whatever your current working directory is
02:56 Riddle thanks
02:56 Riddle   lookie
02:56 VanessaE what are they?
02:56 Riddle gold and obsidian
02:56 Riddle :D
02:56 VanessaE (and what's this on the upper left?)
02:56 VanessaE gold?  part of moreores.
02:57 VanessaE pick a different ore :-)
02:57 marktraceur Riddle: Noice.
02:57 Riddle gold = part of my own ores, i made mine, all i have for mods is the default and mine
02:57 Riddle upper left = mumbles game overylay
02:57 VanessaE still, it looks good
02:57 marktraceur Ooh, cool
02:57 * marktraceur forgets that he has mumble running
02:58 Riddle the obsidian i mades gives of light amounts of light :D
02:58 Riddle somewhere i will find uranium, it gives off whatever maxlight = at the time
02:59 marktraceur Oh wow
02:59 Riddle they all worked, just wanted them in world gen :D
03:00 Riddle gtg. thanks bye
03:00 marktraceur Eeeuuuughhhh, farming is so bad
03:00 Riddle add llamas, they will calm you :)
03:01 marktraceur For example
03:01 marktraceur "if randomval < value[5] then"
03:01 marktraceur What is value?
03:01 marktraceur Randomval is clear, but wtf is value[5]?
03:01 marktraceur "if randomval < crop.junglegrass_seed_chance then" <-- my version is much clearer
03:01 marktraceur (of course, I don't know yet whether it runs)
03:33 * marktraceur is about ready to hit sapier for making this mod the way it was made
03:35 NakedFury is that part of your Farm Mod?
03:37 marktraceur NakedFury: Yes, I'm rewriting the farming mod
03:37 marktraceur Because it's's bad
03:37 marktraceur I'll be glad when it's over, let's say that much
03:38 marktraceur He used entities for almost everything, it was awful
03:40 NakedFury I thought you were starting from zero
03:41 marktraceur NakedFury: Nope
03:42 marktraceur This works out fine, it has a lot of helpful things in it
03:56 marktraceur Wasn't there a way to specify that an ABM should occur if a specified node is *not* adjacent to the node being tested?
04:14 roboman2444 joined #minetest
04:27 marktraceur All right, farming mod is almost done
04:30 sfan5 :D
04:30 sfan5 marktraceur: i made no minetest build recently
04:31 marktraceur Oh
04:31 marktraceur Hm, thought you had
04:31 marktraceur Somebody did.....
04:31 marktraceur thexyz, maybe
04:35 Calinou joined #minetest
04:35 marktraceur Calinou: Huh, now I'm getting the mouse-moving-up error, too
04:36 marktraceur Must be an upgraded package
04:36 HaltingState joined #minetest
04:36 HaltingState joined #minetest
04:37 Calinou since when devs randomly put bugs in their packages? :|
04:39 darkrose marktraceur: re slowness, don't remember the time, but it was really crawling at one point
04:41 marktraceur OK
05:02 marktraceur I gotta say, I'm really happy that Lua worked the way I expected it to
05:04 marktraceur Lol, the water lilies really pile up
05:11 obo425 joined #minetest
05:23 aditya1423 joined #minetest
05:25 Calinou <marktraceur> I gotta say, I'm really happy that Lua worked the way I expected it to
05:25 Calinou for what?
05:33 marktraceur Calinou: Closures
05:33 marktraceur Almost identical to JavaScript
05:42 roboman2444 joined #minetest
06:12 noob joined #minetest
06:13 noob is anyone on I have a queation
06:14 marktraceur noob: Don't ask to ask, just ask!
06:14 Calinou yes?
06:16 noob hi calinou would you try to get on on port 30001
06:17 Calinou why?
06:17 noob I cant seem to get on and im wondering if its a client prob or just server
06:18 marktraceur noob: Appears to be down
06:18 Calinou can't
06:18 noob dang
06:18 noob how could it possibly go down?
06:18 Calinou because griefing
06:18 marktraceur noob: It's not like it's some infallible server, stuff happens
06:19 noob oh
06:19 Calinou minetest being free makes it much easier to grief
06:19 noob and not grifing
06:19 noob no griefers on at the time i was
06:19 Calinou there's no real way to protect it; other than using protection mods and graylists
06:19 noob protection mods?
06:19 noob grey lists?
06:20 Calinou graylist: prevent guests from editing the world
06:20 Calinou protection mods: prevent everyone from editing certain parts of the world
06:20 noob oh
06:20 noob graylist good
06:20 noob prtection good
06:20 noob why arent those there?
06:21 Calinou because laziness to check & add people
06:21 Calinou and to handle protection requests
06:21 noob dang
06:21 noob how do i contact xyz?
06:21 marktraceur noob: He might join here at some point, please be patient.
06:21 Calinou he's not on IRC right now
06:21 Calinou don't know
06:22 noob i have not seen him on....
06:22 noob i have been on a lot yet he hasnt been on...
06:22 marktraceur noob: Because you haven't been patient
06:22 noob yes patients has a lot he will come on moment im patient...
06:22 noob i still dont see him im patient now...
06:23 Calinou 15 seconds != patient
06:23 marktraceur noob: See, that's the opposite of patience
06:23 noob ......
06:24 marktraceur Wow, a whole five minutes
06:24 marktraceur The ADHD generation triumphs once more
06:25 Calinou ADHD?
06:25 Calinou anyway, lol.
06:25 marktraceur Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
06:25 Calinou is this a real acronym?
06:25 marktraceur Yep
06:25 marktraceur Means "No ability to focus, does many different things in sequence"
06:26 marktraceur
06:26 rummik joined #minetest
06:29 * Calinou just installed chromium on debian.
06:35 HaltingState joined #minetest
06:35 HaltingState joined #minetest
06:48 emspri joined #minetest
07:05 marktraceur All right, new versions of flowers and farming now ready for general consumption
07:06 emspri joined #minetest
07:06 marktraceur Now loaded into
07:07 emspri thexyz has not been online for 4 days
07:07 marktraceur emspri: That sucks
07:07 marktraceur There are other people around to chat with, though
07:07 * marktraceur waves and smiles enthusiastically
07:08 emspri *test 123
07:08 emspri * test 123
07:08 * emspri test 123
07:09 marktraceur Been fun!
07:10 cornernote joined #minetest
07:10 cornernote hi everyone
07:10 marktraceur Hi!
07:11 cornernote i am running the latest nightly build, and i cant seem to make a book from 3 paper
07:11 cornernote do you think it could be because of one of the mods i have ?    i might try with no mods
07:12 marktraceur *nods* could be
07:12 marktraceur 3 in a row, vertically?
07:15 cornernote yeah
07:15 cornernote on any row, none work
07:15 cornernote horizontally
07:15 marktraceur Not horizontally, vertically
07:16 cornernote oh
07:16 cornernote wiki is wrong then -
07:19 * marktraceur reads Lua, no need for wiki
07:23 HaltingState joined #minetest
07:24 * Calinou codes in binary, no need for a programming language
07:24 Calinou cornernote, heh, going to update the crafting template :P
07:26 Calinou cornernote, done - refresh to see ;)
07:27 marktraceur I appear to have failed at rewriting the flowers mod
07:30 Calinou rewrite of flowers mod... cool
07:30 Calinou we need a way to farm flowers :P
07:32 marktraceur Well, install my mod and you'll have more than you can handle!
07:32 marktraceur Seriously, it's broken, there are too many
07:33 marktraceur I think I need to write in a death rule
07:33 marktraceur Some chance that a plant will die
07:34 emspri joined #minetest
07:44 Ririshi joined #minetest
07:44 Ririshi Hey guys!
07:46 marktraceur Ririshi: Hi
07:46 marktraceur !
07:46 Ririshi How are you?
07:47 marktraceur Oh, pretty good
07:47 marktraceur Got out two rewrites, only one of them exploded, counting it as a win
07:50 Ririshi hah.
07:50 Ririshi I got on and I see my house was partly griefed >:
07:51 marktraceur Aw, that sucks
07:53 emspri on wat server do u play
07:54 marktraceur emspri: Who?
07:54 Calinou marktraceur, plants should only regrow near a craftable "plant seed" then
07:54 Calinou a plant seed would require several kinds of flowers and some dirt to be crafted.
07:55 marktraceur Calinou: Hm, maybe not
07:55 emspri Ririshi
07:55 marktraceur Plants should grow wild, but they should also die
07:56 emspri brb
07:56 marktraceur I like the way it is right now
07:56 Ririshi haha.
07:56 Calinou flower death should be rare
07:56 Ririshi emspri: I play on gameboom.
07:56 Ririshi some idiot were saying ¨tonight will be the time blabla¨
07:57 Ririshi the time has come..
07:57 marktraceur Ririshi: The state of #minetest, sadly, is "ask a question, leave a minute later"
07:57 Ririshi oh lawl.
07:57 Ririshi didn see.
07:57 Ririshi not used to my client XD
08:07 Ririshi Why does the moreores mod use unknblock textures for the non-mined ores?
08:08 marktraceur Ririshi: What version, and what do you mean by non-mined?
08:09 Ririshi if its still as a stone
08:10 marktraceur OK
08:10 Ririshi as a mineral in a cave for example
08:10 marktraceur Where did you get the mod?
08:10 Ririshi official site..
08:10 Ririshi or.. the topic
08:10 marktraceur Link?
08:11 Ririshi from here
08:11 Ririshi and then moreores
08:12 marktraceur Ririshi: should fix it
08:13 marktraceur I guess Calinou didn't pull in my fixes
08:14 Ririshi how can I download that?
08:18 Calinou <Ririshi> Why does the moreores mod use unknblock textures for the non-mined ores?
08:18 Calinou the latest version works just fine with textures afaik
08:19 Ririshi I dont have the latest then?
08:20 Calinou get the latest from the all-mod package or the more ores thread
08:22 TForsman joined #minetest
08:22 Ririshi I already have the newest -.-
08:22 Ririshi 130627
08:23 Ririshi 120627*
08:25 marktraceur Calinou: And your license statement on the forum post is incorrect, FYI
08:27 Calinou erm, yes
08:27 Calinou going to change it
08:27 Calinou done
08:27 marktraceur Thanks!
08:28 Ririshi sigh
08:29 Ririshi marktraceur: what should I do to download/get that fix?
08:29 marktraceur Ririshi: Calinou appears to indicate that the fix was already uploaded
08:29 marktraceur But you should be able to use git to grab my changes
08:30 Ririshi what is git? o.o
08:30 Ririshi I´m a noob.
08:30 marktraceur Ririshi: Ah, don't be so down on yourself, you're new to a community that's very difficult to enter :)
08:30 marktraceur Ririshi:
08:30 Calinou as a windowsian, I am proud to provide you... the TARBALL!
08:31 Calinou
08:31 Calinou > download master as .tar.gz
08:31 marktraceur Ririshi: Also, if you're using Windows,
08:31 Calinou you have to use 7-zip to extract it
08:32 Ririshi seems like I can use winrar for it?
08:35 Calinou segfault22 is banned from the forum...
08:35 Calinou Ririshi, don't
08:35 Calinou winrar is da hell
08:35 Calinou it works but it sucks :P
08:35 Ririshi why?
08:40 Ririshi fuu.
08:40 Ririshi I downloaded the fix.. still having the same problem..
08:42 Calinou did you put it in the correct folder?
08:42 Ririshi mods/minetest
08:43 Calinou did you put it so that it _replaces_ the init.lua in moreores?
08:44 Ririshi eh.
08:44 Ririshi I just copied the whole folder.
08:53 Ririshi I _replaced_ it now.
08:53 Ririshi still unknblock >:
08:59 cornernote Calinou, the paper on the wiki is the same
09:01 cornernote i installed mesecons, but i have never seen a mese block...  any tips on where to find them ?
09:01 Ririshi very deep :p
09:01 marktraceur cornernote: They don't spawn above -67 in the Y direction
09:02 Ririshi just do /teleport 0,-30975,0
09:02 Ririshi you´ll find loads of mese there
09:02 Ririshi or was it.. -30795
09:02 Ririshi lawl
09:03 cornernote im in space
09:04 Ririshi just mine around and place a torch
09:04 cornernote no, i mean i was up
09:05 cornernote i can see other ppls names below me
09:05 Calinou cornernote,
09:05 Calinou > crafting template now in use
09:05 Calinou and minor edits
09:05 Calinou <marktraceur> cornernote: They don't spawn above -67 in the Y direction
09:05 Calinou -64
09:05 cornernote ahh, ok, i was looking at the crafting guide
09:05 Calinou and there is more mese starting from -128
09:07 Ririshi Calinou: I used the old_init.lua and it works now.
09:07 Calinou :o
09:07 Calinou well, it's the old, "improper" code
09:07 Ririshi the proper one didnt work lawl.
09:08 Ririshi It didnt take the right pics or sth?
09:08 Ririshi idk
09:08 marktraceur Ririshi: If you could give us a copy of the debug log, and/or do some more detective work, it would be helpful
09:10 Ririshi marktraceur: okay
09:12 Jousway joined #minetest
09:13 cornernote i went to 0,-1000,0  ... whats the chances i will see mese after digging out a 5 minute cave ?
09:16 marktraceur cornernote: I'd say 90%
09:17 cornernote after adding the mod, do i have to regenerate the world ?
09:17 cornernote or will they just start to appear ?
09:18 Ririshi quite big..
09:18 Ririshi Or.. I dont know.
09:21 Ririshi calinou: was the mese generating chopped down?
09:21 Ririshi I´m at -25K and still found 1 mese in about 3 minutes
09:21 Ririshi marktraceur: even at -30K, I dont see mese?
09:24 Calinou joined #minetest
09:29 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
09:36 cornernote yay, i found 2x mese =)
09:38 Ririshi ;D
09:38 Ririshi :D
09:39 Calinou I have 200 mese on redcrab's
09:39 Calinou 900 on gameboom
09:39 Calinou pwnt
09:39 Ririshi lawl.
09:39 Ririshi Calinou: why is there WAY more mese in Gameboom than in the server I just played *offline*
09:40 Calinou because it's a 0.3 map
09:40 Calinou and there was more mese deep underground
09:40 Ririshi oh
09:40 Ririshi so mese doesn´t get spawned as much anymore?
09:40 Calinou well most of it is 0.2 actually
09:40 Calinou yes
09:40 Ririshi aww
09:40 Calinou still too much imo
09:41 Ririshi where are the textures stored in 20120606?
09:41 Ririshi oh found em
09:42 dundundun joined #minetest
09:42 cornernote whats the key to see info (eg, position, etc) ?
09:43 Calinou F5
09:44 Calinou top-left of screen, see the 3 numbers between parenthesis
09:44 Calinou X,Y,Z - Y being altitude over sea level
09:45 Ririshi Calinou?
09:45 Calinou ?
09:46 Calinou textures: games/minetest_game/mods/default/textures
09:46 Ririshi I´m making a *super-pickaxe*
09:46 Calinou beat you to it
09:46 Ririshi and then for tool_capabilities
09:46 Calinou
09:46 Ririshi how to make it be *superlonglasting*
09:46 Ririshi I dont want the whole pack lawl
09:46 Calinou beat you to it
09:46 Calinou
09:46 Calinou it's not a pack
09:46 Ririshi i mean.
09:46 Ririshi all stuff from that mod
09:47 Calinou you're not forced to use all the mod
09:47 Calinou you might use the admin pick only
09:47 q66[mac] joined #minetest
09:49 Ririshi ok ok :p
09:50 q66 joined #minetest
09:51 Ririshi lawl I changed 100K blocks with 2 commands XD
09:51 brobostigon good morning everyone.
09:52 Ririshi hey brobostigon!
09:53 brobostigon hey Ririshi
09:53 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest
09:53 Ririshi Hello Bad_Command!
09:55 xy joined #minetest
09:58 Ririshi why don´t we have animated water?
10:04 marktraceur Ririshi: 'cause nobody's added it yet
10:05 marktraceur Or maybe, someone has and it was t3h slow
10:22 cornernote how do you get lava in the bucket ?
10:23 cornernote i got it =)
10:30 cornernote the lava bucket does not seem to power the furnace
10:36 jordach joined #minetest
10:38 Calinou <27marktraceur> Or maybe, someone has and it was t3h slow
10:38 Calinou tried it; it glitches
10:38 Calinou cornernote, left click water/lava source
10:38 Calinou using a lava bucket as fuel would be inefficient, as the bucket would be lost
10:38 Calinou use coal instead or wooden planks or cacti or leaves
10:39 jordach calinou, make a mod
10:40 cornernote then what do you use a lava bucket for ?
10:41 Calinou decoration, burning stuff (creates fire when flammable stuff is nearby)
10:41 Calinou :P
10:41 Calinou and hurting people when pvp is disabled
10:42 cornernote i see, it can store the lava in it, then you tip it out later
10:42 cornernote where do i get a plant for a power plant ?
10:42 cornernote also, thanks for your help... makes the game a lot more fun when there is people to help
10:43 cornernote =)
10:45 cornernote if you put your water bucket in the top floor, it aparently floods the house :(
10:45 cornernote *tip your water bucket
10:46 cornernote it becomes a water source ?
10:46 Calinou infinite sources can be created, yes
10:50 cornernote i see, u can fix it with a bucket... just take the source away
10:54 ttk2 joined #minetest
11:05 cornernote there is no jungle grass in 0.4 ?
11:44 loerwyn joined #minetest
11:45 loerwyn Hey. Having a major stress issue with Minetest :(
11:46 loerwyn I seem to be unable to switch my hotkey items, and I honestly cannot work out how to do it.
11:47 emspri joined #minetest
11:48 Calinou joined #minetest
11:51 emspri joined #minetest
11:55 cornernote loerwyn, just click an item, then click the slot where you want it to go
11:55 loerwyn That doesn't work, it just drops it on the floor.
11:56 cornernote im not sure then, sorry im new... could be a bug cos it works for me
11:56 cornernote oh, sec...
11:56 cornernote press I
11:56 emspri hi
11:56 cornernote does that help ?
11:56 emspri need help ??
11:57 emspri pres q if u wanna drop something
11:57 cornernote he wants to swap the slot of an item, so it can be accessed with a hotkey
11:58 loerwyn Yes. I want to get wood blocks from my inventory into, say, hotkey slot 4.
11:58 cornernote yeah, press I
11:58 loerwyn Creative mode if that helps, but I couldn't do it in the other mode either.
11:59 emspri just drag wood from your inventory to the 4th slot of the upper line
11:59 cornernote os there no jungle grass in 0.4 ?
11:59 cornernote os=is
11:59 emspri sorry im not good at engllidh
11:59 jordach cornernote, these has not been for a while
11:59 emspri english
12:00 cornernote you can only /giveme to get it ?
12:00 jordach pretty much
12:00 emspri there is no jungle grass
12:00 cornernote thats not good :(
12:00 Calinou no jungles in 0.4
12:00 loerwyn That doesn't work, empsri. As I said, it drops it.
12:00 cornernote i need it to make power plants
12:00 jordach /giveme junglegrass
12:00 cornernote this game will be so good when its more complete... its soo good now!!
12:01 emspri does somebody know if is online ,,
12:01 emspri ??
12:01 emspri cuz i cant connect to the server
12:02 Calinou it's down yes
12:02 Calinou reason unknown, probably resource usage/griefng
12:02 emspri o cuz i was woried about griefers
12:02 Calinou griefing is easy on minetest
12:03 Calinou :/
12:03 Calinou grief-free servers are usually empty
12:03 emspri it was easyer if you could kill them cuz then they go to the spawn
12:04 Calinou > lava buckets, but buckets disabled
12:05 emspri just make a house 2000 high like i did XD
12:06 loerwyn So we don't know how to switch items in the inventory, then? Oy :( No wood floor for me :(
12:06 emspri there should be something that only allows the placer to delete the block
12:08 emspri or a cam mod that records every player so we can watch them to find out who the griefer is
12:09 emspri brb
12:11 SpeedProg joined #minetest
12:12 emspri Calinou do u know where thexyz is ??
12:14 emspri he hasnt been online for 4 days
12:15 VanessaE joined #minetest
12:18 emspri hi van
12:18 emspri can you connect to the server ???
12:19 cornernote loerwyn, press I, then you can click an item and change its pos in your inventory
12:20 VanessaE good morning
12:20 VanessaE emspri: I haven't tried, I just got up
12:20 emspri how late is it by you ??
12:20 VanessaE 8:20am
12:21 emspri by me 14:20
12:21 VanessaE also, nope the server doesn't connect for me either.
12:21 jordach emspri, living near latvia?
12:21 emspri are you in amerika ??
12:21 VanessaE western North Carolina, US.
12:21 emspri jordach i live in netherland
12:21 jordach damn
12:21 VanessaE Nederlander eh.  cool.
12:22 emspri do they say nederlander in english ??
12:22 VanessaE not usually, no.
12:22 emspri o ok in dutch the say that
12:23 VanessaE I may not speak/write in Dutch, but I've had plenty of exposure to that and other languages over the last 16 years by way of another chat I hang out on.
12:25 emspri do somebody know why somepeople wana be a teacher ??
12:25 emspri i still dont get that
12:25 VanessaE it used to be to help people learn - it was a good thing.
12:26 VanessaE these days many just do it for money.
12:26 jordach VanessaE, thats the world for you
12:26 emspri youre rid of scool and then you wanna come back
12:26 VanessaE emspri: the difference is, when you teach you also have control over what goes on in the classroom, at least to a point.
12:27 VanessaE you're no longer subject to someone else's rules, outside of whatever your employer sets forth, of course.
12:28 VanessaE once you've been in school long enough, you start to see where things could be improved.  That is often the inspiration for people to come back and teach - to fix what they saw as "wrong" when they were there as students.
12:28 emspri il hate scool for ever XD
12:28 VanessaE naw, eventually you'll hate it less.
12:28 VanessaE all kids hate school though
12:29 emspri when i was going to the higher scool stuf thing i was soo happy , then 2 monts later it sucked so hard
12:29 emspri XD
12:30 VanessaE part of what makes school suck so much is teachers who, themselves, are terrible.  Either they don't maintain proper discipline in the classroom, or they're too much so, or they just suck when it comes to actually teaching their core subject.
12:31 VanessaE I have always said that if you can't learn something, assuming you have the interest in it, it's because your teacher sucks.
12:31 emspri you know wath priv i wana have ???
12:31 VanessaE hm?
12:31 emspri worldedit !!
12:31 VanessaE hah!
12:32 VanessaE good luck with that
12:32 emspri XD il never get it
12:32 VanessaE besides, 30001 doesn't have worldedit installed.
12:32 emspri i know cuz its a mod
12:33 VanessaE yup
12:33 VanessaE brb
12:33 emspri brb im going to get a snack
12:37 emspri and im back
12:39 VanessaE back
12:42 emspri could it be that the prooftime of xyz is over
12:42 VanessaE the server stress test was over after only a few days.  Now I just wish xyz would move the world to a stable (read:  no lag) server
12:43 emspri the prooftime of mirc
12:43 VanessaE oh, screw mirc
12:43 VanessaE I use xchat
12:43 VanessaE he probably uses pidgin or irssi or something
12:43 VanessaE there are lots of truly free irc clients out there
12:43 emspri ow
12:44 VanessaE s/ow/oh/
12:44 * emspri test123
12:44 VanessaE yes, /me works here too :-)
12:44 VanessaE (this is where it originated)
12:45 emspri brb
12:45 emspri o no brb yet
12:45 emspri could i use ban too XD
12:46 VanessaE no :-)
12:46 VanessaE in fact I don't think anyone here can - no operators.
12:48 emspri who has vacation ??
12:48 VanessaE ?
12:48 emspri summer vacation
12:49 VanessaE no, the channel itself is messed up.  no one thought to register themselves or the channel to ensure that there would always be at least one operator.
12:49 VanessaE so now it's stuck with none.
12:49 TForsman joined #minetest
12:51 emspri joined #minetest
13:21 VanessaE there. now my desk is clean
13:30 NakedFury joined #minetest
13:35 VanessaE heyNF
13:35 NakedFury hey
13:38 cornernote what would be required to fix junglegrass ?
13:39 cornernote im reading some other lua mods, and they seem to be able to change the drop ratio of blocks
13:39 VanessaE just spawn it randomly like one does with flowers and what-not,.
13:39 cornernote perhaps i can change the drop ratio of weeds to sometimes give it ?
13:40 VanessaE no
13:40 cornernote in the junglewood, they do it like this
13:40 cornernote material = minetest.digprop_woodlike(0.3),
13:40 cornernote minetest.register_node("junglemod:junglewood", { .... material = minetest.digprop_woodlike(0.3), })
13:40 VanessaE jungle grass should be a separate node, though I don't see any reason why it needs to be associated with jungles
13:40 cornernote i dont care where it spawns =)
13:41 cornernote but i dont know how to get the node to spawn
13:41 VanessaE one ABM to spawn it randomly (use my poisonivy mod as a basis maybe), and a second ABM to make it spawn as the top node on a stack of papyrus occasionally.
13:41 jordach VanessaE, my wool mod has an algorithm for that
13:41 cornernote whats an ABM ?  (sorry to be a noob)
13:41 VanessaE jordach: as does my poisonivy mod :-)
13:41 VanessaE ABm = Active Block Modifier
13:42 VanessaE basically a randomly-triggered event where you do something to effect a change
13:42 VanessaE such as spawning a new node somewhere.
13:42 cornernote are there API docs?  or we just read the source and other mods for ideas/examples?
13:42 VanessaE reading someone else's source is easier to understand than that travesty that is the minetest API.
13:43 VanessaE re: junglegrass:  I would suggest at least 4 or 5 sizes of grass, all of which drop a single junglegrass item when digged.
13:43 cornernote most mods seem remarkably simple, which is really good
13:43 VanessaE (multiple sizes = more variety in appearance.
13:44 cornernote cant wait until some of the more complex ones are working, like vehicles =)
13:45 VanessaE heh
13:45 cornernote anyway, off to bed now... thanks for all the help and for all the time you guys take sharing your work!
13:45 VanessaE maybe I'll make a junglegrass mod :-)
13:45 cornernote its just that you need it for the mesecon mod
13:45 cornernote and you need that for other mods
13:45 VanessaE my homedecor mod needs it too.
13:45 VanessaE as does unifieddyes,.
13:46 cornernote yep
13:46 cornernote also, wanted to ask about something else...
13:46 cornernote instances
13:46 VanessaE instances?
13:46 cornernote i never played minecraft, but i played wow
13:47 VanessaE never playes WoW.
13:47 VanessaE played*
13:47 VanessaE nor MC.
13:47 cornernote instance is like... you get teleorted to another world
13:47 VanessaE oh
13:47 cornernote and in that world you play it like a fighting level
13:47 VanessaE well there is a teleporter mod, and the world is certainly big enough to create multiple sub-worlds.
13:47 VanessaE (think nyanland)
13:47 VanessaE (or nether)
13:48 cornernote nether looked awesome
13:48 cornernote if i am far enough away, will other players see my name tag ?
13:49 cornernote i guess it could be like the schems *.me files too.... you load your world, then you //pos1, then insert the dungeon
13:49 cornernote maybe in the sky or somewhere that nobody can get to
13:50 cornernote there is non-deletable blocks mod, so i could surround the region so that nobody can get in
13:50 cornernote then we can do things like mob drops
13:51 cornernote vendors
13:51 cornernote oh, and another aspect that may be really interesting... leveling, and items that can only be used by a given level
13:51 cornernote and if crafts can only be done at a given level
13:52 cornernote anyway, off to bed before i sit here and start coding instead of sleep!
13:52 VanessaE joined #minetest
13:53 emspri joined #minetest
13:54 emspri hi
14:05 emspri im so borred
14:05 VanessaE bored, you mean :-)
14:05 emspri bye
14:06 * emspri disconected
14:06 VanessaE er, bye...
14:06 VanessaE hah
14:06 emspri o no thats normaly blue
14:06 emspri XD
14:07 VanessaE nice try, nevermind your spelling sucks ;-)
14:07 emspri im not so good at englis XD
14:07 VanessaE heh
14:07 emspri english
14:07 emspri in the past i wrote inglesh
14:08 emspri i still dont know wats the good one
14:08 Calinou moreblocks update get!
14:08 Calinou :]
14:09 * VanessaE is testing an update for junglegrass
14:09 VanessaE woohoo, it works
14:09 VanessaE now I just have to tune the spawn rate :-)
14:10 emspri is there jungle grass ??
14:10 VanessaE there will be when I'm done.
14:12 * emspri plays nyan cat lost in space
14:13 VanessaE the correct spelling, by the way, is "English" (with a capital E)
14:15 emspri The correct spelling, by the way, is "The" (with a capital T).
14:15 emspri XD
14:17 emspri do u have teamvieuwer ?? if yes can you download and set a texture pack for me if u want for 1 stack of mese ??
14:17 VanessaE no I don't.
14:17 emspri ow ok
14:17 VanessaE installing a texture pack is dead easy though
14:18 VanessaE (well it is in Linux anyway)
14:18 emspri what is linux and lua
14:18 VanessaE Linux is an operating system.
14:18 emspri can u learn me to mod if u want ??
14:18 VanessaE lua is a programming language, and is used to program mods for minetest.
14:18 emspri i want to make my own mods
14:19 VanessaE no, I couldn't teach you that - I'm still learning as it is.
14:19 emspri ok
14:20 emspri let me gues , now its 10:20 by you
14:21 VanessaE yes
14:21 emspri and i wrote gues wrong
14:24 VanessaE brb
14:25 BartoCH joined #minetest
14:27 emspri redcrab are u online ??
14:31 emspri london bridge is falling down falling down falling down,london bridge is falling down my hot baby
14:32 VanessaE hot baby?
14:32 VanessaE a modern twist on 'fair lady'?
14:33 emspri i didnt know it was fair lady XD
14:33 VanessaE yup.
14:33 VanessaE No clue if there are any further versus to that rhyme, though.
14:33 VanessaE it's been years since I last heard anyone sing it. :-)
14:33 emspri brb
14:43 VanessaE should I allow jungle grass to spawn on sand too?
14:48 VanessaE mmm, maybe not,.
14:49 emspri brb longer cuz i have to clean up my room
14:59 VanessaE
14:59 VanessaE new mod get!
15:01 Calinou joined #minetest
15:01 VanessaE Calinou: new mod get!
15:01 VanessaE
15:03 marktraceur joined #minetest
15:03 VanessaE
15:03 VanessaE there.  posted for all to scoff at ;-)
15:07 emspri back
15:07 emspri how can i copy these sites ??
15:07 VanessaE you should be able to just click on it to browse to it
15:07 emspri o i figured it out already
15:09 Calinou hi
15:09 * Calinou is commiting moreblocks updates using git
15:09 * Calinou edited his /etc/apt/sources.list to point to testing rather than wheezy
15:14 emspri hi
15:16 VanessaE what's changing in moreblocks?
15:17 emspri what is moreblock
15:18 Tukeke joined #minetest
15:18 VanessaE one of Calinou's mods.
15:18 VanessaE :-)
15:18 emspri what does it do ??
15:18 VanessaE it adds various mostly-decorative blocks to the game
15:18 Calinou and new crafting recipes, and new name aliases
15:18 VanessaE like ironstone, coal glass, etc.
15:19 Calinou finally no more "unknown" item when going /giveme stonepick
15:19 Calinou :]
15:19 Calinou doing*
15:19 VanessaE shouldn't it be pick_stone?
15:19 emspri im asking a lot of questions dont i ??
15:19 VanessaE nothing wrong with asking questions, emspri, as long as you learn from the answers :-)
15:19 Calinou VanessaE, meh, I might add more aliases later
15:20 Calinou that'll do
15:20 emspri where can i find that moreblocks thing
15:20 Calinou people will often try /giveme woodpick, or woodensword, or such
15:20 VanessaE right
15:20 Calinou
15:20 Calinou left
15:20 VanessaE Calinou: ok ok enough with your mods, go download mine! ;-)
15:21 Calinou no, sorry :}
15:21 emspri calinou can you teach me how to mod ??
15:22 Calinou it's not easy; you should have basic scripting/programming knowledge
15:22 Calinou if you know how to use a note pad and have basic programming skills, you can make basic mods
15:23 emspri the only thing i can make is a matrix
15:23 emspri XD
15:27 emspri ...
15:27 emspri ..
15:27 emspri .
15:27 emspri ....
15:27 emspri ...
15:27 emspri ..
15:27 emspri .
15:27 emspri ....
15:27 emspri ...
15:27 Calinou stop with the periods
15:27 emspri ..
15:27 emspri ...
15:27 emspri ..
15:27 Calinou -.-
15:27 emspri .
15:27 emspri ....
15:28 emspri ..
15:28 emspri ........................................................................................................................................
15:28 emspri im borred XD
15:28 Calinou 12 year old spotted
15:29 emspri im 13
15:29 emspri .............
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 Calinou -.-
15:31 marienz joined #minetest
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 Calinou lol, someone called staff
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 emspri .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
15:31 NakedFury stop that
15:31 VanessaE knock it off emspri.
15:31 Calinou emspri, this is why you shouldn't spam
15:31 Calinou now, we have a staff
15:31 Calinou he's gonna yell about single #
15:32 marienz Calinou: someone being idoru
15:32 Calinou and he'll rename the channel ###################minetest
15:32 emspri ok sorry im just borred
15:34 emspri i didnt spam
15:34 Calinou lol
15:34 marienz Calinou: probably no need to worry about that unless your website's inaccurate
15:34 VanessaE I do wish someone would fix the lack-of-ops issue here
15:36 Jousway joined #minetest
15:41 SpeedProg joined #minetest
15:49 ttk21 joined #minetest
15:49 Calinou erlehmann is inactive, yes :/
15:50 Calinou as you can't really prove your identity on irc, op privilege can't be passed by staff to c55
15:51 VanessaE well it can be, it's more a matter of trust than proof.  that said, I couldn't even begin to guess who should be the recipient of that privilege.
15:53 marienz left #minetest
16:09 Calinou c55 obviously, he made the game ._.
16:22 psychon joined #minetest
16:22 psychon joined #minetest
16:25 VanessaE well yeah, but fat lotta good that does if he isn't here. :-)
16:34 * Calinou got quieted from #debian
16:34 Calinou this is pretty useless as I can /msg every single guy
16:34 Calinou distro ops tend to be advanced morons with lowercase names
16:38 jordach true
16:38 emspri joined #minetest
16:39 emspri NakedFury do u know why thexyz has not been online for a while ??
16:42 sdzen joined #minetest
16:42 sdzen left #minetest
16:48 Calinou noone knows
16:49 jordach emspri, he may have things todo you know
16:57 ttk2 joined #minetest
17:05 Ririshi Hey guys
17:08 NakedFury no emspri
17:10 marktrac1ur joined #minetest
17:19 marktraceur I saw what happened with emspri last night, that was pretty awful
17:19 VanessaE what happened?  what'd I miss?
17:19 marktraceur VanessaE: He spammed the channel, marienz (freenode staff) came in and fixed it
17:19 Ririshi marktraceur: what happened?
17:19 Ririshi oh lawl.
17:19 VanessaE oh that
17:20 marktraceur "I'm bored" <thousands of periods>
17:20 VanessaE that was just a little bit ago
17:20 jordach aha
17:20 marktraceur Oh! Well, I was asleep anyway
17:20 jordach seen in my logs
17:20 marktraceur "Last night" == "during the last time I was unconscious"
17:20 VanessaE hahaha
17:21 jordach marktraceur, lawl
17:21 jordach really funny
17:21 VanessaE mark, junglegrass.  get it. :-)
17:21 marktraceur I know, I know
17:21 VanessaE </spam>
17:21 marktraceur It's somewhere in the nature mod, I just missed it
17:21 VanessaE no,
17:21 VanessaE it's new.  I just wrote it today.
17:21 marktraceur Oh!
17:22 VanessaE
17:22 marktraceur Links?
17:22 jordach VanessaE, i can write a even better one#
17:22 jordach that is inextricably linked to my wool
17:22 VanessaE pfft.  wool, bleah.
17:22 jordach VanessaE, dont annoy the wool
17:22 jordach otherwise itll be 256 textures for you
17:22 * VanessaE taunts the happy fun wool, just for spite ;-)
17:23 jordach VanessaE, 256 wool colours?
17:23 VanessaE overkill. :-)
17:23 jordach my next version will have that, plus coca cola red
17:23 Ririshi go for 16million wool colours.
17:23 marktraceur VanessaE: Why you randomize inside of ABM?
17:23 jordach Ririshi, (node metadata can do this)
17:24 VanessaE it's how flowers was done, I didn't see much reason to change it
17:24 marktraceur Not my flowers
17:24 VanessaE ironzorg's.
17:24 marktraceur (though really, mine is still broken)
17:24 VanessaE junglegrass was derived from poisonivy, which was derived from flowers before you rewrote it.
17:25 marktraceur OK, I'll pull yours, modify it, let you know what I did, and fix my flowers to be more like your junglegrass
17:25 marktraceur Basically, there's no need to call randomness functions in an ABM, because the chance parameter already deals with that
17:25 VanessaE ahh
17:26 marktraceur (and I don't wonder that you should save some memory in the process)
17:27 marktraceur BBL
17:34 emspri joined #minetest
17:35 emspri im so borred without minetest :(
17:36 emspri can someone teach me how to make a server ???
17:36 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
17:37 Bad_Command joined #minetest
17:38 marktraceur emspri: When you play single player, you create a server
17:38 marktraceur Congratulations!
17:38 marktraceur (on an unrelated note, has anyone gotten ops privileges yet?)
17:39 marktraceur emspri: If you've built minetest, there should be a binary called "minetestserver" next to your "minetest" binary
17:40 emspri whats a binary ?? do u mean the bin folder ??
17:43 marktraceur emspri: In basic terms, a binary file is a file that can be passed directly into your computer's CPU. Sometimes, through an intermediary.
17:43 emspri ow ok
17:43 marktraceur The "bin" _directory_ is where the minetest build process puts its results
17:44 emspri no i dont have minetestserver
17:45 emspri and i have privileges
17:46 emspri oh the server is back
17:46 emspri o no it did not
17:46 marktraceur What?
17:47 marktraceur You didn't have a server binary, but then did again, but suddenly it re-disappeared?
17:47 emspri no i was talking about
17:48 marktraceur Oh
17:48 marktraceur Well, focus, please
17:48 marktraceur So you don't have the proper binary, well, that's fine
17:48 marktraceur We can build it or find you a build
17:48 marktraceur emspri: Am I correct in assuming that you're using NT?
17:49 emspri what is that ??
17:49 marktraceur The NT kernel?
17:50 emspri i think im using winrar
17:50 marktraceur The NT kernel is usually found at the heart of a Windows operating system, so if you're using Windows, you're using NT
17:50 emspri o then im usinh it
17:50 emspri using i mean
17:50 marktraceur OK
17:51 marktraceur There are build instructions in README.txt, in the minetest source. You should read them, but take heed of the warnings at the top.
17:51 marktraceur emspri:
17:51 marktraceur Scroll to where it says "compiling on windows"
17:52 marktraceur And do those things
17:53 emspri do i have to download all this stuf ??
17:54 marktraceur emspri: Yes, they're the build dependencies. If you don't download them, it won't work.
17:56 jordach marktraceur, compiling in windows is blokkecks
17:56 marktraceur jordach: I don't know what that means
17:56 jordach i meant to type bollocks
17:57 marktraceur jordach: I agree, I'd much rather have him try it on GNU/Linux, but I assume that he'd say something like "wats that" and I would then be forced to visit violence upon him
17:57 marktraceur (not for ignorance, but for lack of proper grammar; I'm dangerously close to leaving as we speak)
17:58 jordach marktraceur, im a true dev - i use windows 7
17:58 marktraceur jordach: That's cute, carry on
17:59 jordach >_>
17:59 jordach marktraceur, just go to -mods
17:59 marktraceur VanessaE: What license is used for your textures?
17:59 jordach wtfpl and cc-by-sa on marked textures
17:59 marktraceur jordach: I am in #minetest-mods
17:59 marktraceur cc-by-sa it shall be
18:00 jordach marktraceur, thats why i left the minetest bit out
18:00 jordach emps has no idea
18:00 VanessaE if I made them entirely by myself, I'll have specified WTFPL.
18:00 VanessaE those which I derived from the ones included in minetest are GPL
18:01 jordach VanessaE, the minetest textures went cc-by-sa long ago
18:01 VanessaE minetest is all GPL unless someone has specified otherwise.
18:01 Jousway joined #minetest
18:01 VanessaE still, I actually don't care what becomes of them :-)
18:01 VanessaE use them as you want, I'm just trying to comply with the game's primary license.
18:02 marktraceur This == why there should be explicit copyright information in every software release
18:02 jordach VanessaE,
18:02 marktraceur Aye, it's cc-by-sa
18:04 VanessaE ok, I'll make the necessary adjustments later.
18:04 marktraceur VanessaE: I've added license texts to the junglegrass mod where appropriate
18:04 VanessaE thanks.
18:05 marktraceur I also took out some debug information, but it should be easy to throw back in
18:07 marktraceur VanessaE:
18:08 VanessaE remind me later, I'm kinda occupied :-)
18:08 jordach VanessaE, two 6 inch subs from subway?
18:08 VanessaE no
18:08 VanessaE coding.
18:08 jordach what
18:08 jordach id like to be like that
18:08 jordach mmmmmmmm subway
18:09 * jordach now wants to order one, but the nearest one is miles away
18:09 jordach OH GOD I MISS MY BEARD
18:13 emspri buy one
18:13 jordach emspri, dont make me call the irc cops
18:14 emspri i almost have a small beard
18:15 jordach mine was shaggy
18:15 jordach long and shaggy
18:15 emspri i love beards later im never gonne cut it
18:15 marktraceur OK, so apparently there's a bug in the way I generate stuff.....maybe a bug in core, do not know
18:16 emspri and later il mary a woman with a beard XD
18:24 emspri brb
18:24 Ririshi LAWL
18:28 SpeedProg joined #minetest
18:33 HaltingState joined #minetest
18:39 Ririshi hey guys.
18:39 marktraceur Ririshi: Hi!
18:41 Ririshi imma take a shower
18:41 Ririshi cya after that
18:42 emspri joined #minetest
18:42 marktraceur emspri: Any luck with the build?
18:43 emspri nope but im gonne stop wit it cuz its too hard for me
18:43 VanessaE DAMN IT.
18:44 VanessaE why does minetest have to give such meaningless error messages?
18:44 marktraceur VanessaE: What is it?
18:44 VanessaE 14:43:50: ERROR[main]: A serialization error occurred:
18:44 VanessaE 14:43:50: ERROR[main]: deSerializeString: size not read
18:44 VanessaE 14:43:50: ERROR[main]: The server is probably  running a different version of Minetest.
18:44 VanessaE in *single player* mode.
18:44 VanessaE (I'm working on an update to one of my mods)
18:44 marktraceur emspri: Sorry to hear that. If you were on a GNU/Linux install, I'd be more helpful, certainly
18:45 marktraceur VanessaE: I think a lot of people have been getting that sort of error.
18:45 emspri i get it everytime when i begin single playae
18:45 VanessaE what does it mean in English?
18:45 marktraceur Well, I'm off to the store, good luck! :)
18:45 marktraceur Oh, fine
18:46 marktraceur Serialization is how the server and client send messages to each other
18:46 VanessaE right
18:46 marktraceur So deSerializeString is trying to read a message sent over the network
18:46 marktraceur But apparently, the size doesn't exist, so whatever message was being sent had an indeterminate size or some such
18:46 marktraceur That would be my guess
18:46 * marktraceur is out
18:49 LandMine joined #minetest
18:52 saschaheylik joined #minetest
18:55 saschaheylik this is BAD
18:56 VanessaE wtf?
18:56 saschaheylik o.O
18:56 LandMine lol
18:57 VanessaE and OF COURSE I can't log in to revert that change (how the hell did the bot do it?)
18:59 LandMine IM SUPER BORED!!!!!!!!
19:01 NakedFury play a game
19:01 saschaheylik make a game
19:01 LandMine well playing mt isnt very fun anymore lol i already grief all known servers
19:03 VanessaE there.  fixed.
19:03 VanessaE which is why you are bored.
19:03 Crisco joined #minetest
19:03 VanessaE learn to actually build and play normally and it's far more fun.
19:05 marktraceur LandMine: Agreed, actually playing the game is awesome
19:06 LandMine go to ecube and gamebbom...i can build :) pretty good at that
19:06 LandMine brb taking abath
19:07 jordach the damn mine = emspr.i ?
19:13 VanessaE joined #minetest
19:15 MineTest joined #minetest
19:16 BloodyFire joined #minetest
19:22 emspri ??
19:23 * VanessaE sighs
19:23 LandMine lol
19:54 cisoun joined #minetest
19:57 VanessaE great, it's another one of these fucking out-of-item-slots errors.
19:57 VanessaE remove *any* mod from my current install, even completely unrelated ones, and the error goes away
20:00 VanessaE (there are 1261 items being registered, without the mod I removed.  There are 1479 registered items including it.)
20:00 VanessaE I thought the game was supposed to allow up to 2048 registered items? (and even then, c55 said he'll probably expand that)
20:03 emspri are there 1261 items in minetest ??
20:03 VanessaE there are in my install.  by default though, there are only a hundred or so I think.
20:04 emspri ow ok
20:04 emspri jordach wats with emspri ??
20:04 jordach ???
20:05 emspri you said "the damn mine = emspr.i
20:05 emspri "
20:08 VanessaE 1353 and it still works.
20:08 VanessaE (I'm moving mods in and out of my install, trying to find the limit)
20:09 emspri that must be boring
20:09 emspri ??
20:09 VanessaE coding can be at times, yes.
20:15 VanessaE 1399 items works, 1411 items breaks.
20:15 VanessaE the limit must be an even 1400.
20:16 emspri ok
20:16 VanessaE 1399 works, 1405 breaks.
20:17 emspri 1400 works 1401 breaks
20:17 VanessaE there must be more than what I'm counting, like recipes or something.
20:18 VanessaE 1400 is just too strange of a limit.
20:19 marktraceur VanessaE: Are any of them using legacy_ options? Are there aliases?
20:19 emspri do u know why some people have 124 or more blocks in one slot ??
20:19 VanessaE oh there are plenty of aliases, not sure how many are using legacy_*
20:19 VanessaE emspri: /giveme dirt 9999
20:19 marktraceur emspri: /giveme command
20:20 emspri oo ok
20:22 VanessaE 1399 registered items, 1740 matches for just "ItemDefManager:"
20:22 VanessaE (in a single run of the debug.txt)
20:22 VanessaE it works with that, if I go over (1405 registered items as above), it dies with that deSerialization error
20:22 VanessaE so it ain't my code
20:23 VanessaE ever since he introduced these nodeboxes, the number of available slots for items seems to have just plummeted.
20:24 VanessaE (and I'm not even *using* them in the mod I'm working on)
20:27 VanessaE why in G*d name did c55 choose NOW to go on his little break?
20:27 Bad_Command he has a life
20:28 VanessaE I mean, couldn't these last couple of releases have waited until after he could expect to have to to debug them>
20:28 VanessaE IOW don't release if you can't be there to debug.
20:28 Bad_Command it wasn't released
20:28 VanessaE well you know what I mean
20:28 VanessaE last few commits then
20:29 VanessaE everyone's always being encouraged to "use the latest git" or similar wording.
20:30 Bad_Command Yeah, gameboom stays with releases:  20120606
20:30 VanessaE 20120606 is outdated.
20:30 VanessaE :)
20:31 marktraceur And it's even a *dev* release
20:31 BartoCH Bad_Command, yeah, I cannot join since the protocol from the git is 11 and gameboom is 10 >:(
20:31 Bad_Command BartoCH: just run two copies
20:31 BartoCH i can wait for an upgrade of your side
20:31 marktraceur BartoCH: You could whip up a shell script to checkout a specific commit and then start the game
20:32 marktraceur Checkout, build, start
20:33 BartoCH i know, but i'm enough a dickhead to be determined to run at the latest commit :-p
20:33 jordach BartoCH, self laughing is good
20:33 BartoCH jordach, sure
20:34 VanessaE so I reiterate:
20:34 BartoCH please, continue
20:34 VanessaE don't commit and push, and then tell people to use that (or fail to tell people not to) and then just disappear.
20:34 VanessaE either wait until after you're back to make that "this is gonna break things" commit, or wait to go on your break.
20:35 VanessaE (I'd opt for the former, to allow for as long and early a break as needed)
20:38 VanessaE </rant>
20:39 jordach night! but ill be gone until tuesday; in on a 2 day school trip to a theme park
20:39 VanessaE hell of a field trip
20:39 Ririshi|AFK left #minetest
20:50 jordach|tablet joined #minetest
20:50 jordach|tablet havin trouble with landmine?
20:51 jordach|tablet i have A clever solution
20:52 marktraceur jordach|tablet: What is it?
20:52 jordach|tablet send illegal files within the server, then the copS find em, bam, no more Mines
20:52 jordach|tablet ever
20:53 marktraceur jordach|tablet: The problem is that we'd need to have those files in order to send them
20:53 jordach|tablet youre looking at him
20:54 jordach|tablet all we need is a modifid server module
20:55 jordach|tablet i also know a freecam beater
20:56 jordach|tablet server checks what chunks the entity is in, and if hes say over so many blockS, ip ban
20:57 jordach|tablet so the general chunk distance is 16*5 which is normal chunk viewing
20:57 jordach|tablet taadaa
20:59 jordach|tablet hmm.
21:00 jordach|tablet sounds about right, minetest should havs a player entity / camera
21:00 jordach|tablet if the camera is too faraway from the player, should indicate a hacker
21:01 marktraceur jordach|tablet: That doesn't make any sense
21:01 jordach|tablet ill give details tuesday, im afk All day tomorrow, eg, 2 day trip
21:01 marktraceur Oh boy
21:02 marktraceur OK, have fun
21:03 jordach|tablet ijr
21:03 jordach|tablet ikr
21:07 jordach|tablet Marktraceur, why not give him the dns changer malware, He will get cut off from the internet forever
21:09 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Because it's illegal
21:10 jordach|tablet depends
21:10 marktraceur jordach|tablet: On what?
21:10 jordach|tablet if the server was infected in minetestserver without knowing, then, in class, bada boom dns changer
21:11 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Causing changes on someone else's computer without their permission is illegal.
21:11 jordach|tablet see utoret
21:11 jordach|tablet utorrent help
21:12 jordach|tablet you can get iNfected without even knowing
21:12 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Someone has to intend that the infection happen
21:12 marktraceur And that person would be breaking the law
21:13 jordach|tablet well, since im going to switch to freebsd soon win 7 looks like a goodtest bed
21:13 jordach|tablet hmm.
21:13 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Are we even having the same conversation?
21:13 jordach|tablet loophole time.
21:14 marktraceur If you intend to change the operation of another person's computer without their authorization, you are intending to break the law.
21:16 jordach|tablet well. small print is awesome.
21:16 marktraceur jordach|tablet: No. No small print, no loophole, no exception. It's _illegal_.
21:17 jordach|tablet humans will try to beat others, even if it means death
21:18 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Maybe some humans will, but this isn't the place to discuss it.
21:19 jordach|tablet mark, humans want war over everything else. its genetic from the Neanderthal times
21:19 marktraceur jordach|tablet: Intelligent people realize the need to contain genetic impulses, hence, laws.
21:20 jordach|tablet in time, all turns to dust, see the universe in 100 Billion years time
21:21 jordach|tablet death is mandatory
21:22 jordach|tablet times the one thing ive got
21:23 jordach|tablet intelligene > brawn
21:24 dizzyone joined #minetest
21:27 marktraceur jordach|tablet: You realize, of course, that you're typing like a moron.
21:27 jordach|tablet tablet keyboards sux
21:27 dizzyone herp derp, hi
21:29 MiJyn yo dizzy
21:30 marktraceur dizzyone: Hi!
21:32 dizzyone (:
21:36 jordach|tablet okay, google put me in the weird bit again
21:36 MiJyn yay!
21:39 jordach|tablet2 joined #minetest
21:39 jordach|tablet2 frigin wifi
21:39 MiJyn lol
21:40 jordach|tablet2 my wpa went wrong
22:15 LandMine joined #minetest
22:15 LandMine sfan you there?
22:20 marktraceur sfan5: ^
22:20 marktraceur LandMine: If you say his entire name, he gets highlighted
22:21 VanessaE
22:21 VanessaE BAM!!
22:21 LandMine says i cant see it
22:21 marktraceur VanessaE: Private message?
22:21 LandMine ohhh ok mark
22:22 VanessaE
22:22 VanessaE oops, copied the wrong link
22:22 VanessaE there it is.
22:22 LandMine mark do you know anyway to make it so the nuke mod by sfan doesnt destroy certain blocks?
22:22 marktraceur VanessaE: Nice
22:22 marktraceur LandMine: Not off the top of my head
22:23 marktraceur LandMine: Can you link to the code?
22:23 emspri joined #minetest
22:23 LandMine there
22:23 LandMine
22:24 LandMine i was guessing the key was in line 125
22:24 LandMine if ~= "air" then
22:24 marktraceur Yes
22:24 LandMine just add "or ="dirt"
22:24 LandMine but that didnt work
22:24 marktraceur Exactly
22:25 marktraceur Can you post the new contents of that line here?
22:25 LandMine how i have it?
22:25 marktraceur Oh wait
22:25 marktraceur Not or, and
22:25 LandMine ok let me test it
22:25 marktraceur in ~= "air" and ~= "dirt"
22:26 LandMine didnt work
22:28 LandMine hmm anyone else have an ida?
22:28 LandMine idea***
22:28 marktraceur LandMine: Post the new code, please
22:28 LandMine
22:29 LandMine shorter version
22:29 LandMine what im making
22:29 LandMine i added if ~= "air" and ~= "dirt" then
22:29 LandMine line 88
22:29 marktraceur Maybe it should be "default:dirt" instead
22:29 marktraceur I don't know if that's necessary
22:29 marktraceur Also, "default:dirt_with_grass"
22:29 marktraceur Or something
22:30 LandMine let me see
22:32 LandMine it doesnt need doesnt destroy dirt but does destroy the one with grass
22:32 LandMine lol
22:32 marktraceur Ah.
22:32 LandMine but i see the fix was and instead of or
22:32 LandMine thank you
22:32 marktraceur Yup
22:33 LandMine i love you <3
22:36 emspri ???
22:36 marktraceur emspri: Good question!
22:37 emspri are you guys gay ??
22:37 marktraceur Wow.
22:37 marktraceur Any ops? Jordach-tablet, don't you have op privilege?
22:37 emspri whats op
22:38 marktraceur emspri: Operator, it means they have privileges on this channel
22:39 marktraceur emspri: In other words, please take your presumptions and homophobia elsewhere
22:41 LandMine lol
22:41 LandMine btw mark that didnt work
22:41 LandMine just made it make giant holes
22:41 marktraceur LandMine: What didn't?
22:41 marktraceur Oh
22:42 marktraceur Well, that's the purpose of it, right?
22:43 LandMine no
22:43 LandMine the reason why i dont want it to destroy certain blocks
22:43 marktraceur LandMine: What should be happening, but isn't?
22:43 marktraceur It's not destroying dirt, is it?
22:43 LandMine is cause i want it to make that block to send another nuke flying
22:43 LandMine they only way to do that is with an explosiuon
22:44 marktraceur What?
22:44 LandMine but i dont want it to destroy anything
22:44 LandMine just send the nuke flying
22:44 marktraceur So for dirt, it should spawn a new nuke, but not kill it
22:45 LandMine no for example x is launcher and z is nuck
22:45 LandMine nuck
22:45 LandMine nuck***
22:45 LandMine so basically they would be together liek this
22:45 LandMine xz
22:45 LandMine when x explodes
22:45 LandMine it sends z flying
22:45 LandMine .......................................................z
22:46 marktraceur Hm
22:46 LandMine but i dont want x to destroy anything when it explodes
22:46 marktraceur I don't know, it would need some serious changes
22:47 LandMine i dont think so....just need to add  a if conditional
22:47 LandMine so if node name= something
22:47 LandMine dont remoce
22:47 LandMine remove
22:54 Weedy joined #minetest
22:55 LandMine ok marktraceur got it working like i want
22:55 LandMine now another favor can you look at this again
22:55 LandMine
22:56 LandMine and tell me how i can edit the first lines so the nuke doesnt fall right away but goes up instead then falls?
22:56 LandMine cause it doesnt go very far
22:59 LandMine hahahahaha this is so COOL!!!!!
22:59 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest
23:02 Jordach-tablet hey greifer
23:02 LandMine hi
23:02 LandMine :)
23:02 marktraceur LandMine: Look for setvelocity in the lua docs
23:02 Jordach-tablet my server is a house of fun
23:03 marktraceur The return value of add_entity should be a LuaEntitySAO
23:03 LandMine thats mark will look into it
23:03 LandMine right now i found out the higher it is the farther it goes
23:04 LandMine lol its so fun
23:06 Jordach-tablet i have a nice prototype server, (anti-xray, enforces server textures, anti-freecam, identifies loaded chunks reqested by players which are faraway and broadcasts to all players, anti-mesepick, converts nodes into unbreakable (regenerating)
23:07 LandMine cool story brah
23:07 VanessaE "enforces server textures" = I will never use it
23:07 VanessaE (I like my texture pack, tyvm)
23:07 Jordach-tablet landmine, i found sometHing hiding in minetestserver, And in the renderer
23:07 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
23:07 VanessaE hey grog
23:08 thefamilygrog66 howdy vanessa
23:08 thefamilygrog66 server been down for awhile?
23:08 VanessaE yeah
23:08 thefamilygrog66 drag
23:08 VanessaE yeah
23:08 VanessaE inthe meantime, I've been modding again :-)
23:09 VanessaE
23:09 VanessaE
23:09 thefamilygrog66 cool - I've been checking out some other servers today
23:09 LandMine ok?
23:12 thefamilygrog66 whoa, that's a lot of colours!
23:12 VanessaE yup
23:13 dizzyone red-violet, what dreams are made of
23:13 thefamilygrog66 nice
23:13 thefamilygrog66 both those mods work with the latest release?
23:13 Jordach-tablet btw, 77 wool colours if you dont mind
23:13 VanessaE it was a toss-up whether to call that fuchsia or red-violet.  settled on the latter because I couldn't figure out how to spell fuchsia ;-)
23:14 VanessaE grog: yes, written with that in mind.
23:14 dizzyone I vote for manly-violet
23:14 Jordach-tablet correct spelling vanessa
23:14 Jordach-tablet VanessaE: 77 shades of wool?
23:15 VanessaE yeah, correct spelling now, *after* I released it :)
23:15 thefamilygrog66 I'm going to install both of those and check them out - thanks v
23:15 Jordach-tablet wow, derpy
23:15 dizzyone technically though VanessaE
23:15 dizzyone if I may say
23:15 thefamilygrog66 see you on the server when it's back up
23:15 VanessaE wool?  bleah.  no more updates until you get your head out of your ass ;-)
23:15 dizzyone your violet is actually closer to indigo
23:15 dizzyone and red-violet is closer to violet
23:15 VanessaE dizzy: yeah I know, but to my eyes it's a nice shade thereof.
23:15 dizzyone but that's just a detail
23:16 Jordach-tablet head out my ass, no wonder why i hear so much shit :D
23:16 dizzyone and you spelled fuchsia correctly too :D
23:16 * Jordach-tablet pointed that out first dizzyone
23:18 dizzyone oh ):
23:20 dizzyone
23:20 dizzyone tickle me pink :')
23:21 jdach-tblt-webbr joined #minetest
23:22 jdach-tblt-webbr hehe, tablet browser likes webirc
23:29 dizzyone so you cook stone and you get titanium dioxide?
23:32 VanessaE yup
23:32 Taoki joined #minetest
23:32 VanessaE it was the only way I could think of that made any sense at all :-)
23:32 dizzyone there goes my stone soup mod
23:32 VanessaE haha
23:34 dizzyone maybe there should be a chemistry mod
23:34 dizzyone let you extract all kinds of rare earth
23:35 VanessaE hmmm...
23:35 VanessaE I dunno
23:35 VanessaE if someone writes it, I'll try to work in support for it but I ain't gonna be the one to do it ;-)
23:38 VanessaE hopefully c55 returns soon..  he said he was going to add a bunch of "content" to the game, one of which is some kind of dye system (hence my mod; my official offering to that end)
23:39 dizzyone I haven't played minecraft in ages
23:39 dizzyone so I kinda forgot how dyes are made
23:39 VanessaE no clue
23:40 dizzyone but yours is much better for having so many colors
23:40 VanessaE thanks :-)
23:40 VanessaE I was kinda going for slight overkill :-)
23:41 dizzyone you can never have enough shades of pink >:|
23:42 VanessaE heh
23:42 VanessaE well i think there's about half a dozen or so in this mod, depending on how wide your definition of "shades of pink" is :-)
23:45 dizzyone the alpha and the omega
23:45 dizzyone minecraft uses bonemeal
23:45 VanessaE bone meal!?
23:45 dizzyone to make lighter shades of colors
23:45 VanessaE gevalt
23:45 dizzyone yes, from skeletons
23:46 VanessaE I think deriving from stone is a little less macabre. :)
23:47 dizzyone well I don't know what kind of stone that is, but the internet tells me titanium is made from ilmunite
23:48 dizzyone

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