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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2019-03-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:28 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
01:33 nore joined #minetest-hub
01:34 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
01:37 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
01:48 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
02:26 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
02:36 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
03:20 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
03:59 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
04:20 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
06:22 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
06:27 Ganome i am just learning how to GitHub, so nothing i have done was branched and i apologize.  I put a blanket MIT license on it, becaue i read it was for the people.  I can switch the license if need be.  I have updated tons of deprecated calls in plugins such as "nssm, unified inventory, removed the farming hoe from tool ranks (circular dependency), 'tnt_max_height =' in minetest.conf thanks jsnake, xdecor, builtin_item,thelongroad(?)
06:27 Ganome ,among others" - REPO available at
06:28 Ganome ps  there is no skyblock plugin in my skyblock modpack yet
06:32 Ganome there might still be some depracated methods in the code, i have fixed everything that has popped up in my console in the past few days
07:28 bigfoot548 joined #minetest-hub
07:43 TommyTreasure joined #minetest-hub
08:07 DI3HARD139-m joined #minetest-hub
08:08 DI3HARD139-m joined #minetest-hub
08:14 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
08:39 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
08:42 CWz joined #minetest-hub
09:37 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
09:58 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
10:32 greeter joined #minetest-hub
10:40 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
10:44 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:59 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
11:02 twoelk|2 left #minetest-hub
11:04 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
12:14 luk3yx joined #minetest-hub
12:39 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
12:39 IhrFussel nerzhul,
12:40 IhrFussel The PR is marked HIGH PRIORITY and was added as 5.0.1 milestone...don't only look at 'Blocker' label
12:41 IhrFussel You should probably think about a dev-internal list for important PRs to backport so that you don't miss any ... cause once a PR is already merged to master it is extremely easy to just forget about it when it has not been added to the 5.0.1 issue yet
12:42 sfan5 stop mentioning it every 5 minutes
12:42 sfan5 geez
12:43 IhrFussel Tell that to nerzhul who claimed that no PRs are left for the bugfix release!
12:43 IhrFussel Didn't even read the previous day in the IRC log probably
12:46 IhrFussel By now I already know that the server owners are NOT the #1 priority to some core devs (not name calling here) when it comes to things to include into bugfix releases
12:46 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
12:46 sfan5 i'm not sure what you are referring to here
12:47 atorian37 o/ I am looking for a mod to save the spawn place against mining in a server and when the player tries to mine anyway, he will loose health. Does anyone know a mod for that?
12:47 IhrFussel That certain core devs or engine contributors (cause not all of the people I remember are actually core devs) would rather release a rushed experience than a safe-to-use-on-servers one
12:49 IhrFussel And when server owners complain about bugfix release X not containing something important to fight cheating for example then they are told 'wait for the next bugfix release to upgrade'
12:49 IhrFussel or upgrade*
12:51 IhrFussel I'm not trying to start an argument here... I simply learned to rather remember the devs multiples times on something important than to just be patient and having stuff missing later
12:53 IhrFussel I sounded probably a bit aggressive up there...but that is cause I felt like he ignored my messages in -dev from last night and was like 'no PRs left to backport, let's release finally!'
12:59 IhrFussel My server turns 3 YEARS in a little over 1 month and I simply care for my players... I put a lot of effort, time and power into managing and improving my server... so I urgently need a stable and secure gameplay ... not more and not less
13:02 IhrFussel And although I still run my server on right now I DO plan to upgrade to 5.X in the near future... and I would love to have a really good version to upgrade to
13:04 IhrFussel When the mobile apps decide to upgrade cheating will also be possible on 5.X servers just like now ... preventing that would require moving client stuff entirely server side which will cost time and (likely) server performance
13:06 IhrFussel And pretty much every PR that attempted to move player physics to the server side were deemed unusable
13:17 nerzhul i claim the bugfix release is okay we can do more bugfixes later
13:33 IhrFussel So you think it is OKAY to release a 'bugfix' release that contains a bug which allows an exploit that can fake any log entries??
13:34 CWz_ joined #minetest-hub
13:53 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
13:55 craigger joined #minetest-hub
14:01 nerzhul is this a regression in stable-5 (5.0.1 staged commits) ? or is that present in 5.0.0 too ?
14:01 nerzhul if it's a regression in our 5.0.1 branch, it needs to be fixed, if it's present in 5.0.0 it's not blocking the release, it's not the only bug we must fix
14:02 nerzhul we must stop to wait for a bug which is not fixed in 3 weeks and release what is ready in a bugfix branch
14:02 IhrFussel rubenwardy and sfan5 confirmed it to be backported
14:02 IhrFussel It was added to 5.0.1 milestone so talk to the dev who added it to it
14:03 IhrFussel Is your goal actually to create a SAFE environment for servers and players? You only seem to care mostly about code quality and SP
14:04 nerzhul my goal is to publish ready fixes asap
14:04 nerzhul sp ?
14:04 IhrFussel Singleplayer
14:04 nerzhul i don't look at singleplayer, for me mt is multiplayer :)
14:05 IhrFussel Nobody knows when 5.0.2 will release... if you keep this bug in 5.0.1 more people will learn about it possibly abuse it on servers... that is irresponsible if you ask me
14:06 IhrFussel and possibly abuse it*
14:26 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
14:28 olliy joined #minetest-hub
14:53 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
15:25 _Xenon joined #minetest-hub
15:26 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
15:32 Fixer why people even spam in irc these days...
15:47 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
15:52 craigger joined #minetest-hub
16:40 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
16:47 BillyS IhrFussel: By the way, there is already a bug that allows creating fake log entries.  Another exploit is annoying, but it's not a critical issue as it's already there.  Furthermore, it's FOSS.  Pay the devs if you want to tell them what they need to do.
16:52 IhrFussel I already explained why the 'pay us' line is old and inaprropriate...when they decided to become core devs they most likely knew that they need to put their available work time into MT dev for free...there was no contract that told them otherwise
16:52 IhrFussel And either you do something with passion or you don't do it at all...that's how I see it
16:53 IhrFussel I also didn't say that they need to do 'what i say' but the most logical way for development in this case would be to ensure stability AND security on all levels
16:54 IhrFussel So fixing a long known exploit should be very high on the list of priorities when discussing bugfix releases which are supposed to fix exactly those exploits
16:57 IhrFussel If the PR didn't already exist now things would be different... but this is just a question about 'what do we need to backport from master'
16:58 BillyS Ah, okay.
16:59 twoelk so a coder comes along and says I know about x and would have joy helpping there and in jumps IhrFussel and yells stop and rather do what is important and if you don't know that part of code then better learn it and serve and maybe if you are effective enough you might return to that part of unimportant code that lured you into minetest in the first place   :D (take with lots of grains of salt)
16:59 IhrFussel And as you can see some core devs would rather 'rush' out those releases without thinking about delaying for some more important fixes ... and server owners then are the stupid ones who have to deal with those exploits
17:01 sfan5 there is no "waiting" for fixes
17:01 sfan5 the fixes are already there
17:02 IhrFussel Just going by logic it makes absolutely no sense to run a public MT server if you already KNOW since release that the version you run contains one or more well-known exploits people can use to ruin gameplay
17:02 sfan5 if we had enough coredevs with free time yesterday, 5.0.1 would already be release *including* that fix
17:18 BillyS Really if you see an issue with the game you could always submit a PR
17:20 twoelk there probably are enough PR but not enough devs to review them fast enough for live servers problems
17:20 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
17:20 tenplus1 hi folks :)
17:20 twoelk o/
17:21 tenplus1 o/ twoelk :)
17:21 tenplus1 updated carts fork with latest changes :)
17:29 * twoelk is tired from writing lots of technical text today
17:29 tenplus1 ouch, what did you write about ?
17:31 twoelk heat and smoke extraction systems for industrial plants :-P
17:31 twoelk exiting stuff if your into such, otherwise probably deadly boring
17:33 tenplus1 wow, technical documentation indeed :P
17:33 * twoelk for some wierd reason enjoys the math to it though
17:34 tenplus1 gets ya thinking :D
17:34 tenplus1 wuzzy is asking for 'creative' priv per player in github, had that in my creative fork for over a year already
17:40 * twoelk waves o/ and drives home
17:40 twoelk left #minetest-hub
17:58 * sofar imagines twoelk writing lyrical about a big, very big, the biggest, fan
17:58 tenplus1 heh
18:00 sofar "It'll blow you away"
18:03 tenplus1 brb, testing summit
18:03 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
18:29 Ganome i dont know if this is mod related, or where to report it??
18:31 Ganome 2019-03-28 02:14:52: WARNING[Server]: ScriptApiBase::objectrefGetOrCreate(): Pushing ObjectRef to removed/deactivated object, this is probably a bug.
18:31 Ganome 2019-03-28 02:14:52: WARNING[Server]: ScriptApiBase::objectrefGetOrCreate(): Pushing ObjectRef to removed/deactivated object, this is probably a bug.
18:32 Ganome sorry for double post - thats also the second time that has popped up in my logs
18:44 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
18:44 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
19:03 Sokomine tenplus1: doesn't creative priv work anyway? my handle_schematics mod uses it. it worked pretty well in wuzzys mcl2 with the creative priv
19:13 rubenwardy the creative priv sucks
19:13 rubenwardy because it changes state too
19:13 rubenwardy ie: makes you dig faster, limits things to 1
19:17 Sokomine oh, does it? since when? hmpf!
19:18 Sokomine then we need to rename it (the useful priv i mean - the one used in ui, my mod and perhaps other mods)
19:19 Sokomine some things in my tests worlds where indeed strange. might be that creative priv now working diffrently :-( whoever maintains ui (vanessae?): we need a new name for the priv then
19:23 VanessaE not me.
19:45 Sokomine ah, but you introduced me to it. so you're responsible :)
19:58 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
20:18 DI3HARD139 @sfan5 can you try pinging again?
20:25 sfan5 DI3HARD139: ping works, minetest doesn't; as before
20:26 DI3HARD139 Ok. so we are getting somewhere. Flushed iptables and reset ufw. There isn't a MT server at that address. One moment
20:32 DI3HARD139 Can you try joining port 48000
20:32 DI3HARD139 or port 48999
20:33 rubenwardy !up 48000
20:34 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:35 DI3HARD139 *changes dns servers*
20:35 sfan5 !up 48000
20:35 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:35 sfan5 you are wasting your time changing dns servers
20:36 DI3HARD139 Reinstall it is!
20:38 sfan5 one thing: how many ethernet ports does your server have?
20:39 DI3HARD139 I believe 1. lemme double check that
20:42 DI3HARD139 1 1Gbe (I210)
20:43 sfan5 right, can't be an issue with that then
20:54 DI3HARD139 !up
20:54 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:54 DI3HARD139 !up
20:54 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:54 DI3HARD139 *checks the network map*
20:58 DI3HARD139 !up
20:58 MinetestBot seems to be down
20:58 DI3HARD139 Thats it I give.
21:00 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
21:43 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
22:28 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
22:34 p_gimeno joined #minetest-hub
22:49 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
22:54 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
23:12 p_gimeno left #minetest-hub
23:23 DI3HARD139-m joined #minetest-hub
23:37 IhrFussel How many times do I have to tell my players that this weird map stalling issue is NOT server lag??
23:37 IhrFussel I already tell them that REAL server lag halts everything and not just the map
23:40 calcul0n well, big  boys never read the rules and never listen to admins :p
23:40 calcul0n seems to be a common rule on minetest
23:41 IhrFussel I guess they automtically call everything 'lag' when it stops working for some reason
23:41 calcul0n yep, probably
23:42 IhrFussel All I know is that certain app users make the map load slower and slower... and at some point (like when 20 or 25 app users are connected) the map just stalls UNTIL an app user leaves
23:42 IhrFussel As soon as an app user leaves the map loads again
23:43 IhrFussel So some mobile clients are likely very badly coded and manage to ruin the gameplay for the others
23:43 calcul0n hu, that's weird
23:44 IhrFussel I already made quite a few videos showcasing sec
23:45 IhrFussel Here
23:45 IhrFussel You clearly see that the chat and mobs work
23:47 calcul0n yes, i've seen that many times on other servers
23:47 IhrFussel Here a shorter clip (watch the chat)
23:47 IhrFussel As soon as the random name leaves map is back to normal
23:49 calcul0n i see
23:50 calcul0n iirc some servers just forbid names ending with 3 digits because of these crappy apps
23:50 IhrFussel 3rd proof

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