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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2019-03-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:07 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
00:17 paramat merging #8418
00:17 ShadowBot -- Require 'waving = 3' in nodedefs to enable liquid waving shader by paramat
00:17 paramat ugh
00:47 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
01:06 IcyDiamond I wish rivers actually decreased in altitude instead of carving out valleys
01:21 Miner_48er joined #minetest-hub
01:40 paramat valleys mapgen or V7 mapgen?
01:42 paramat mgvalleys rivers do change altitude, and mgv7 rivers can't decrease altitude because they'd be below sea level
02:35 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
03:06 paramat joined #minetest-hub
03:25 Ganome joined #minetest-hub
03:30 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
03:30 diemartin joined #minetest-hub
04:03 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
04:34 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:08 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
05:35 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
06:02 paramat joined #minetest-hub
06:38 ANAND Is it possible to throw a runtime error from within a mod?
06:39 ANAND Not the scary red text type of error, but the type that shuts down the server.
06:40 ANAND I know it's possible by using asserts, but is it possible without asserts?
07:40 CWz joined #minetest-hub
07:49 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
09:32 IcyDiamond how do i make an entity persist its custom properties
09:32 IcyDiamond i have a custom visual = "item" entity
09:32 IcyDiamond its "texture" gets reset when i reload the world
09:36 IcyDiamond
10:15 Amaz IcyDiamond: I might be on completely the wrong track, but do you need to reset the textures in the on_activate function?
10:15 Amaz I seem to remember having to do that when I was doing something with entities...
11:02 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
12:24 Megaf Hi all, braces yourselves Megaf will be returning
12:39 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
12:45 IcyDiamond Amaz: do I need to write info into metadata somehow?
13:10 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
13:11 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
13:16 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
13:39 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:56 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
14:52 behalebabo ANAND: if you're still on it, you can raise errors with: error("some description or date here")
14:52 behalebabo s/date/data/
15:17 fluxflux joined #minetest-hub
15:21 ANAND behalebabo: Thanks. For some reason, I was thinking that error() only spawns the scary red text saying ERROR[MAIN].
15:22 ANAND Just tested it out, and works like a charm. :)
15:22 ANAND Not sure what made me think that way in the first place, lol
15:56 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
16:04 fluxflux joined #minetest-hub
16:43 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
16:43 tenplus1 hi folks :)
16:45 benrob0329 Hi ten
16:45 tenplus1 hey benrob :) how's you ?
16:46 benrob0329 Good, making my way through some C++ tutorials as of late
16:46 tenplus1 kewl, having fun ?
16:46 benrob0329 Yeah, and making descend headway
16:47 tenplus1 glad to hear :) learning C is fun
16:47 tenplus1 I think something is wrong with youtube lately
16:48 benrob0329 Something is always wrong with YouTube :P
16:49 tenplus1 hah yeah...  videos are stuttering when they start to play sometimes, also search is broken for time order
16:55 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
16:55 tenplus1 hi gary
16:55 garywhite hey ten
16:56 tenplus1 everytime I say that I imagine doing it in a spongebob voice :P
16:56 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
16:56 tenplus1 hi Darcidride :P
17:05 tenplus1 nice addition with the waving=3 for water :D
17:08 _Xenon joined #minetest-hub
17:08 tenplus1 o/ xenon
17:09 _Xenon Hi tenplus1! :)
17:16 tenplus1 did we ever find the issue with constant meta writing ?
17:18 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
17:27 Fixer that PR picked up by Krock i think
17:30 tenplus1 kewl, also hi :)
17:30 tenplus1 so far no real issues with running 5.0 on server. I dont feel any additional lag
17:38 tenplus1 am still wondering about the tundra biome though
17:41 calcul0n pandorabox is very laggy since 5.0, it seems to be related to that
17:41 tenplus1 hi calcul0n, does it have any meta intensive mods running ?
17:43 calcul0n hi, and i guess yes it has tons of big mods
17:43 calcul0n like technic, mesecons, advtrains, spaceships
17:44 tenplus1 ouch, lotta updates going on there
17:45 calcul0n yep
17:48 tenplus1 gotta find a way to lessen the meta writes to every piece of mesecon/technic hardware and cable, linking devices directly like basic_machines does
17:49 tenplus1 if pathfind would work through specific node lists instead of just air, we could check for connected nodes and link directly instead of working through every cabole
17:49 tenplus1 *cable
17:51 CWz So i need to know, is article 13 dangerous for minetest?
17:51 tenplus1 hi CWz, not unless we post news, video links or memes
17:52 CWz but what if we aren't from the EU
17:52 tenplus1 they wanna regulate reposts and who does them by making them pay
17:52 tenplus1 if you arent from EU then it's fine, wont matter
17:52 CWz sounds like badly written revenge story
17:52 tenplus1 but this nonsense will make more people use VPN's to connect
17:53 tenplus1 hell, even Hollywood backed out and wanted them to drop articles 11+13 cause they'd lose out on a lot of cash
17:53 CWz i hope the EU plan fails
17:53 tenplus1 they're up to something and it's gonna mess up the internet and their credibility both
17:53 CWz Dark days ahead
17:55 tenplus1 it's funny, people are hand-drawing memes so they dont have to ask for original authors permission... hah
17:55 CWz i think EU want more moneys
17:57 tenplus1 moneys and control over something they shouldnt have control over
17:57 Fixer Caataclysm: Dark Days Ahead 0.D have been released
17:58 tenplus1 lol
18:01 tenplus1 in it's current form, the EU is in shambles... k, I stop talking or I'll get booted
18:02 * Fixer boots tenplus1 into sofar's linux
18:02 tenplus1 ClearLinux ?
18:05 sofar yay!
18:05 tenplus1 o/ sofar :)
18:06 tenplus1 would clear linux run mt 5.0 well enough to null out the meta lag ?
18:06 sofar meta lag?
18:06 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:06 sofar idk I'd have to measure
18:06 tenplus1 technic/mesecon mods causing lag/slowdown in 5.0 servers
18:07 IhrFussel Hello guys... I just received a spam mail that contains my FULL name ... this is scary
18:07 tenplus1 I know clear runs smoother/faster than most distros... may help being an official server Os
18:07 tenplus1 hi fussel
18:07 sofar IhrFussel: mt related or just random?
18:07 IhrFussel Nothing about MT sorry should've said that as [off] :P
18:16 * tenplus1 checks email just-in-case
18:16 tenplus1 yup, he who shall not be named... 5 of them... dammit
18:18 Amaz [off
18:19 tenplus1 o/ amaz
18:19 Amaz Hi ten
18:19 Amaz :)
18:24 benrob0329 Somehow
18:25 tenplus1 wow pwned 11 times... that aint right
18:26 rubenwardy make sure to sign up for email updates
18:27 rubenwardy the #1 way that an account is breached is not through brute force or hacking, it's by bad security practices on other sites
18:27 ShadowBot -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome
18:27 rubenwardy which is why people say that you should use different passwords on each site
18:27 rubenwardy and a password manager
18:28 Calinou this, along with 2FA when possible ^
18:29 * benrob0329 needs to make a password notebook and custom passwords for everything
18:29 sofar I follow Bruce
18:29 * tenplus1 uses password hashed from web address :D
18:29 sofar Schneier all the things!!!
18:30 benrob0329 See, if you use paper you can easily burn all your logins :P
18:31 tenplus1 who would you guys say does the best/safest email web accounts ?
18:32 Amaz benrob0329: Nah, use a wax tablet & stylus :P
18:32 benrob0329 tenplus1: mail in a box :P
18:32 tenplus1 lol
18:32 Calinou I use the email from my Gandi domain name
18:32 Calinou if you have a domain name, it doesn't cost you any more money
18:32 tenplus1 tried protonmail, was a pain to sign in
18:33 tenplus1 and yahoo/google dont inspire trust
18:33 benrob0329 Calinou: is gandi a good Domain provider?
18:34 Calinou sure, albeit a bit expensive
18:34 tenplus1 ah paid account
18:35 tenplus1 was really good at one point, then they removed the free accounts :D
18:36 calcul0n i had no problem with protonmail
18:36 tenplus1 tried signing in and on the odd occasion wouldnt accept my password, even though it was correct
18:37 tenplus1 feels flakey to me
18:37 calcul0n hmm
18:40 rubenwardy I use fastmail with a custom domain
18:41 tenplus1 that was my best email :) worked really well
18:44 tenplus1 btw, quite a few players are happy with 5.0 android :) say it's much better now
18:45 Fixer nice
18:46 tenplus1 yeah, I like seeing happy players :)  hopefully 5.01 will bring a smile as well
18:48 tenplus1 brb
18:54 IhrFussel btw #8420 was merged/closed without it being added/referenced in the 5.0.1 backport issue... I hope it won't be missing
18:54 ShadowBot -- Prevent multi-line chat messages server-side by rubenwardy
18:54 rubenwardy IhrFussel: it won't
18:55 rubenwardy commits are backported in the next backporting session
18:55 IhrFussel How do you make sure that you don't miss an already merged commit? Taking notes somewhere?
18:57 tenplus1 post-it note on the side of someone's screen :D
18:57 rubenwardy looking at the commit log
18:58 rubenwardy worth commenting it anyway
19:02 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
19:02 tenplus1 hi Gael-de-Sailly
19:08 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
19:17 tenplus1 laters o/
19:17 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:23 kaeza !tell benrob0329
19:23 MinetestBot kaeza: yeah, yeah
19:26 kaeza </3 MinetestBot
19:36 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
19:40 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
19:43 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
19:44 Megaf Hi all
19:46 sofar Megaf: heya
20:17 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
20:20 IcyDiamond Megaf: I recommend against it
20:21 IcyDiamond That looks like the generic shitty Chinese soldering iron, I had it, it's crappy
20:21 sofar wenger
20:22 sofar sorry weller
20:22 sofar wes51 if you can affoard it :)
20:23 Megaf IcyDiamond, just bought it :) Its a 60 watts soldering iron... I can replace the tip for something better later, and is adjustable, I dont need precision, is just for dirty quick jobs, like replacing a broken USB conector and stuff like that
20:23 Megaf and I get a multimeter with that, that I will use mostly for continuity testing...
20:24 sofar 60$ for the kit isn't bad, it's very cheap actually
20:24 IcyDiamond For me that soldering iron wasn't any good for simple jobs either
20:24 IcyDiamond XD
20:24 sofar great for those things you need once every 3 years
20:25 IcyDiamond Also the power cable isn't fastened so you could in theory pull it out and shock yourself
20:26 IcyDiamond :D
20:26 Calinou I've never used a soldering iron here
20:27 IcyDiamond I bought some robust German made soldering iron, I don't remember the specifics but it's great
20:27 Megaf sofar, precisely, will use one for the first time in the last 5 years...
20:28 Megaf 60 USD?
20:28 IcyDiamond If I remember correctly it was 40 watts
20:28 Megaf I paid 25,53 Euro
20:28 Megaf maybe I pasted the wrong item
20:28 Megaf hold on
20:29 Megaf That's the kit;psc=1
20:29 Megaf same item...
20:30 Megaf I really think it's a great kit
20:30 Megaf for the money
20:52 Megaf IcyDiamond, one day I want to buy something like this
20:52 IcyDiamond Yeah me too
20:52 Megaf with a hot air gun
20:52 Megaf to do some BGA soldering
20:57 Megaf gotta go, cya
21:04 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
21:05 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
21:11 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
21:19 benrob0329 joined #minetest-hub
21:22 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
21:22 Sokomine sofar: a friend of mine who knows way more about electronics and soldering also recommended a weller station to me. i bought a used one
21:24 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
21:27 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
21:33 IcyDiamond I use a local registrar they don't reveal anything about domain owner
22:03 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
22:09 Ganome317 joined #minetest-hub
22:17 BillyS Who runs the liberty land server?
22:49 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
23:13 Fixer there is forum topic about that server, try asking there, what happened?
23:24 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
23:45 Megaf joined #minetest-hub

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