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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-12-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Peppy joined #minetest-hub
00:05 jordach_ you can now use the skycolor from skybox and plain as fog for regular skyboxes
00:38 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
00:56 sys4_ joined #minetest-hub
01:20 sys4_ joined #minetest-hub
02:05 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
03:07 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest-hub
03:57 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
03:57 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
04:22 paramat joined #minetest-hub
04:26 paramat !tell tumeninodes please restrain offtopic on -hub
04:26 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when tumeninodes is around
04:27 paramat !tell tenplus1 please restrain offtopic on -hub. you've had many warnings and kicks but repeatedly and conciously break the rules, i'll move to temp bans soon
04:27 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when tenplus1 is around
04:28 paramat !tell benrob0329 please restrain offtopic on -hub
04:28 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when benrob0329 is around
04:28 sofar I'm so fedup with your policing of this channel
04:28 sofar left #minetest-hub
04:51 sofar joined #minetest-hub
04:57 paramat sofar i'm just applying the channel rules, and am quite lenient. ask Shara (channel admin), she has given me her support for how i uphold the rules
05:09 sofar you're not here. You show up hours after the fact issuing warnings to people who are afk or offline, and you're achieving nothing except looking like you're just here to issue warnings
05:09 sofar and then you log off again
05:10 sofar either be a part of this channel, or read the logs
05:18 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
05:18 paramat i couldn't be here at the time because i was asleep. there's no problem with sending warnings afterwards, it's that or nothing. i'm not here to just issue warnings, you know i participate fully in the channel (when my sleep pattern isn't messed up), and do so more than you do. if i log off again it's for a reason (afk long time, suspending computer). you're being irrational
05:31 paramat hmm i guess i could wait until i see the person in-channel, but that requires a lot of time and waiting, and making note of who to talk to, quite a lot of hassle. if someone breaks the rules then i don't think they can complain about the lack of in-person warning, they're in the wrong, although i understand a sent message isn't quite as nice as in-person. so i take your point
05:33 paramat a bigger problem is those moderators who break the rules or speak against them, one moderator is the worst offender. maybe you should also direct your criticism to these people too
05:34 paramat anyway, i'll talk to shara about it
05:54 paramat hm yesterday you were present during that very long offtopic and didn't mention the rules, whos the better moderator? ;)
06:02 sofar the one who was present
06:14 VanessaE paramat, or if you can't be here to intervene live, you could just.... you know... not say anythong about it.
06:14 sofar if you want to build a community, you need to let people be people and let them build cohesion and relationships, and those can and will be diverse and different
06:15 sofar otherwise you get a vacuous chat that is unattractive and undesired
06:16 sofar if it disturbs ontopic discussions in a structural way, sure, but people who are attempting to be positive influences and help out should be embraced, even if it does mean the occasional offtopic discussion is permitted
06:17 VanessaE and if thd rules are being bent, so what? if noone is bothered by....
06:17 VanessaE yeah ^
06:19 nore +1
06:28 VanessaE besides, as long as you're singling him out, I've never seen tenplus1 do anythinb especially egregious in here
06:28 VanessaE ...
06:29 VanessaE paramat, get a bouncer already.  znc, quassel, weechat... SOMEthing......
06:31 VanessaE meanwhile, minetestbot needs a "forget message
06:31 VanessaE " command.
07:07 paramat joined #minetest-hub
07:10 paramat i suggest you argue that the rules are changed, instead of attacking the only person who is applyng them. don't attack the police because you don't like the law
07:11 paramat VanessaE please stop telling me i can't chat here, it's extremely rude
07:12 VanessaE um...
07:12 VanessaE i never said ypu
07:12 paramat i don't mind if the rules are changed, so do that, i'm only applying them, with the full support of the channel admin, Shara
07:12 VanessaE ...
07:12 VanessaE i never said you cant chat here
07:13 paramat oh hang on, "you could just.... you know... not say anythong about it." sorry
07:13 paramat you mean let the chat be, ok
07:13 VanessaE and, you are NOT "the police"
07:13 paramat it's a metaphor
07:13 VanessaE and yeah, jusy let it be
07:14 paramat sorry i misunderstood you
07:14 VanessaE ok.
07:15 paramat sofar what you wrote last is reasonable, but that is an argument for changing the rules, that has nothing to do with a mod being a good mod and enforcing them, when most other mods (you) are not
07:15 VanessaE bottom line: dont enforce what youre not here to experience unless, someone complains of course
07:15 paramat no
07:15 paramat i can't be here 24hrs, so applying rules after the fact is the only way
07:15 sofar honestly, paramat, that attitude shows little flexibility and that is perhaps why I don't like it
07:15 paramat or i mean, is fine
07:16 paramat and if my time on IRC doesn't coincide with those who break the rules, moderating by message is the only way and is also fine
07:16 VanessaE paramat then let someone else handle it if youre away.
07:17 paramat rules can't be flexible, otherwise they're pointless
07:17 paramat why should i be present to apply rules, makes no sense
07:18 VanessaE inflexible rules are useless and do not encourage a good experience.
07:18 sofar honestly I'm somewhat shocked you're saying that
07:18 paramat the offtopic makes reading logs and keeping up with MT discussion irritating
07:18 sofar and with that, I'm going to bed
07:18 VanessaE i'm saying stop acting like youre the only person who can enfprce tiles
07:18 VanessaE er
07:19 VanessaE enforce rules
07:19 paramat ok ... what do you mean by flexible in this context? i don't couint lines, i only make a fuss when it goes on for pages
07:19 VanessaE i mean basically sometimes *who cares*
07:20 sofar perhaps we should just stop logging then
07:20 paramat VanessaE i am not acting like i'mthe only person who can enforce rules, any mod can, i have never given that impression, that's insulting
07:20 VanessaE if the channel is otherwise idle, who gives a shit if someone goes off topic
07:20 paramat the channel wasn't otherwise idle yesterday
07:21 VanessaE you ARE
07:21 VanessaE damn this phone
07:21 paramat you're talking rubbish again and are very rude
07:21 VanessaE i give up.
07:21 paramat like i said, change the rules and i'll be fine with that, go talk to Shara about it
07:22 VanessaE wny bother? im rude.  so fuck it.
07:23 paramat if the channel is 90% offtopic like it used to be, it's a pain for those who are here to chat about MT *which is the purpose of the channel*
07:24 paramat Shara is also fed up with tenplus1 acting like this is his personal chat channel
07:25 paramat i'm the only mod here who applies the rules, and i get insults and attacks, whereas the others break the rules and that's ok
07:27 VanessaE you get "attacks" because you come back in *hours later* to conplain.
07:27 VanessaE NO ONE likes that.
07:28 VanessaE and then, its over what you saw in the logs, not even scrollback
07:29 paramat there's nothing wrong with moderating afterwards, i was asleep
07:29 VanessaE AND you dont stick around for your target's response
07:29 paramat i read logs
07:30 paramat i see the responses
07:30 VanessaE not even the same
07:30 VanessaE a rebuttal requires a two-way exchange
07:31 VanessaE logs + minetestbot is NOT equivalent
07:32 paramat ok ... lets ask Shara, let her decide. if decided i will only moderate when i'm in channel
07:32 paramat as i said, if the rules are changed i'm ok with that
07:34 paramat however, this will mean a return to 90% offtopic, the channel is primarily for discussing MT, we have another channel for offtopic chat
07:35 BuckarooBanzai (me trying to change the subject) so i saw that lately: is that even efficient? i'm calculating around 2M iterations with active block range 1 and 20 players with this... :P
07:35 nerzhul for the userbase problem, 7000 active installation will goes to 0.5.0. The better thing is the android userbase moving and the regular too, with a good communication before releasing, at least starting when feature freeze starts
07:36 nerzhul this will permit userbase & server owners to move together
07:36 paramat and i'm sorry that others are offended by moderation afterwards and by message, i only consider that very slightly impolite
07:39 paramat !tell Shara see onwards
07:39 MinetestBot paramat: yeah, yeah
07:39 VanessaE where i come from, its highly impolite, to put it mildly.
07:40 paramat well it's down to IRC culture, not country
07:40 VanessaE it happens in real life too, you know...
07:41 paramat perhaps i'm moderating too efficiently :)
07:41 paramat there's no real life analogy
07:42 VanessaE "government which governs least, governs best", or some words to that effect
07:43 VanessaE pretty sure that's a quote, if mangled, from one of the US's founders
07:43 paramat nope, that's right wing, it's a balance
07:44 VanessaE so yeah, real life equiv.
07:44 paramat it's also a very weak analogy
07:44 VanessaE doesnt matter.  just "butt-out" :P
07:46 paramat anyway, it's not worth it even though i think it's ok, so i'll stop moderating unless i'm here from now on
07:49 VanessaE +1
07:50 paramat *sigh*
07:50 paramat this is where i post a charlie brown image
07:52 paramat
08:34 paramat joined #minetest-hub
08:39 paramat !tell sofar i was wrong to generalise and say inflexible rules are pointless, that was meant to be specific and in context, sorry
08:39 MinetestBot paramat: I'll pass that on when sofar is around
08:42 nerzhul docker server image now works properly
08:42 nerzhul
08:42 nerzhul just pulled it on my laptop at works and it works fine heh
08:43 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:59 BuckarooBanzai nerzhul: there are official docker images? :O
09:24 jluc joined #minetest-hub
09:54 nerzhul now yes, but let me polishing them and the doc
09:54 nerzhul but yes
09:55 nerzhul Because we need to document the persistent volumes and how to manage the configuration, else nothing is persistent
09:55 nerzhul but yes it's nice to scale your servers easily :p
10:02 BuckarooBanzai uhm, i don't think scaling will be possible just with a docker image, you can't deploy multiple containers to speed up your server, or am i missing something? :/
10:16 nerzhul no you can't but if you have multiple instances on multiple servers you can do easier deployment of mt server and the commit you want
10:19 BuckarooBanzai yeah, thats pretty useful, i rolled my own back when i started with the server stuff:
10:26 BuckarooBanzai working on a webmail mod (extension of cheapie's mail mod) for minetest:
10:29 nerzhul BuckarooBanzi: docker pull
10:38 BuckarooBanzai nerzhul: only x86 i assume :) what about arm and consorts?
10:51 nerzhul no gitlab runner for arm64 sorry
10:51 nerzhul you can take the docker file and use arm64v8/debian:stretch it should work as intended
11:03 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
11:13 Unarelith joined #minetest-hub
12:20 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
12:31 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:45 CWz anyone know good alternatives to
12:52 nerzhul wow openssh server will be on windows server 2019, next step windows server 2019 without windows
13:00 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
13:11 calcul0n joined #minetest-hub
13:12 Fixer nerzhul: microsoft linux
13:47 IcyDiamond elepower supports basic_materials now
13:55 IcyDiamond the road to less duplicated items!
13:58 * rubenwardy vomits
13:59 rubenwardy :)
13:59 IcyDiamond ?
13:59 rubenwardy I don't like basic_materials
13:59 rubenwardy I wonder if there's a way to make basic_materials only add items when they're needed
13:59 IcyDiamond elepower doesnt hard depend on it
14:00 rubenwardy my 2 issues for it are:
14:00 rubenwardy - adds loads of content which may never be used
14:00 rubenwardy - tons of unrelated content in the same mod
14:00 IcyDiamond
14:00 rubenwardy it's less bad if acts as an intermediary to resolve item dependencies
14:00 Fixer yeah, one more external dependancy :}
14:00 rubenwardy and if it doesn't add crafts for things that aren't used
14:00 rubenwardy I don't mind dependencies
14:01 rubenwardy I think mods should have more dependencies
14:01 rubenwardy also, IcyDiamond:
14:01 Fixer minecraft uses dictionaries for that, you can use as much gears as you want, dude, you can replace them in crafting grid, yet they will still work
14:02 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: nice!
14:02 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: i might use that in elepower :)
14:02 rubenwardy but, ideally basic_materials would allow you to have plastic without caring where it comes from - whether that be technic, or homedecor, or oil, or w/e
14:02 rubenwardy oil optionally depends on basic_materials to replace some things
14:03 rubenwardy I'm hoping to add a distillation machine, but don't know of any good finite pipe mods
14:03 rubenwardy basically, I want it to be like this:       InputTank(s) >-- Distiller --< OutputTanks
14:04 rubenwardy pipeworks doesn't handle finite amounts of liquid
14:04 rubenwardy Unarelith: no, good fluid pipes
14:04 IcyDiamond fluid_lib is just an interface for my mods to use node_io
14:05 Unarelith btw, rubenwardy, does smartfs have 100% formspec feature coverage?
14:05 IcyDiamond node_io is the "standard" im supporting
14:06 IcyDiamond fluid_lib also has a bucket modification that allows the insertion and extraction of fluids from node_io supported nodes
14:06 rubenwardy no lol
14:06 rubenwardy I don't maintain smartfs any more
14:06 rubenwardy it has good coverage though
14:06 IcyDiamond elepower_fapi has fluid ducts
14:07 IcyDiamond also uses node_io callbacks
14:08 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: please use node_io, dont reinvent the wheel again
14:08 rubenwardy sounds good
14:08 rubenwardy !mod node_io
14:08 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Node-IO API [node_io] WIP by auouymous -
14:08 rubenwardy Does elepower/fluids/etc provide anything that may reach my needs?
14:09 rubenwardy I just want a temporary solution really
14:09 rubenwardy before something like this is implemented:
14:09 IcyDiamond what do you mean by reach your needs?
14:09 Unarelith rubenwardy, elepower has a fluidpipe
14:09 Unarelith and tanks
14:10 rubenwardy I want users to place buckets into one or more input tanks to fill them
14:10 rubenwardy Pipes should drain these tanks based on demand from the distiller
14:10 rubenwardy The distiller then produces different liquids, and sends them out of more pipes
14:10 rubenwardy These pipes are then go to more tanks
14:10 rubenwardy And it should be finite - no way to create more liquid than you start with
14:10 rubenwardy Pipework's tanks are decorational
14:10 IcyDiamond just implement node_io callbacks and you already support elepower
14:10 Unarelith You can do all this with fluid_lib/elepower
14:10 IcyDiamond xD
14:11 rubenwardy <Unarelith> You can do all this with fluid_lib/elepower\
14:11 rubenwardy This is what I wanted to know :D
14:11 IcyDiamond Unarelith: do not advocate fluid_lib
14:11 Unarelith btw, rubenwardy, I was wondering, why not introduce a full-featured smartfs in builtin for 5.0.0?
14:11 IcyDiamond fluid_lib is merely a convenience interface for node_io
14:11 IcyDiamond easy way to register fluid buffers
14:12 rubenwardy so, to summarise: as a modder, I'll be using node_io to define an interface for my distiller.  Elepower and Co will then be installed to implement that liquid flowing which provides tanks and pipes etc
14:12 rubenwardy so my mods will use node_io, but I'll also include elepower to implement it
14:12 rubenwardy node_io is nice, but I also like it working :)
14:12 IcyDiamond yeah, or any future node_io supported mod
14:12 IcyDiamond elepower_fapi is the mod that does fluid transfer
14:13 IcyDiamond elepower_dynamics registers a duct and extractor
14:13 IcyDiamond xD
14:13 rubenwardy sweet :D
14:14 rubenwardy Unarelith: because it doesn't solve the main problems with formspecs (inconsistent co-ordinates), and I'd rather spend my time elsewhere
14:15 Unarelith rubenwardy, adding this solves other problems though, and it doesn't have to be you
14:16 Unarelith a Lua API would help starting formspec deprecation, for sure
14:16 IcyDiamond #minetest.get_node_drops(nodename, toolname)
14:16 IcyDiamond Returns list of item names.
14:16 IcyDiamond Note: This will be removed or modified in a future version.
14:16 IcyDiamond why is it goiung to be removed
14:16 IcyDiamond i have used this function many many times
14:16 rubenwardy there's an alternative
14:16 rubenwardy I think
14:17 rubenwardy maybe get_item_drops
14:18 IcyDiamond no such thing
14:18 Unarelith you can get drops with minetest.registered_nodes[nodename].drops
14:18 IcyDiamond yeah but i dont feel like calculating the rarities and whatever myself
14:19 Unarelith yep
14:19 IcyDiamond in every mod i need to get drops from nodes
14:20 IcyDiamond im working on a magic mod right now
14:20 Unarelith IcyDiamond, based on which Minecraft mod(s) ? :p
14:20 IcyDiamond older thaumcraft
14:21 Unarelith Niceee *-*
14:21 IcyDiamond at least some inspiration drawn from there
14:21 Unarelith I was planning to work on something like Botania
14:21 IcyDiamond do it
14:21 IcyDiamond should be doable
14:21 IcyDiamond for the most part
14:21 Unarelith don't worry I will, I just need to finish fromscratch and quest_lib
14:22 Unarelith quest_lib is the main problem though, formspecs are a pain
14:22 IcyDiamond i generally dont like working on the same thing for a long time in a row
14:22 IcyDiamond so i create other mods in the meantime
14:22 Unarelith me neither, but these mods are not enough structured to let them go now :p
14:24 IcyDiamond XD
14:24 Unarelith formspec API is a bit sketchy:
14:24 Unarelith s/formspec/fromscratch
14:25 IcyDiamond
14:26 rubenwardy I actually quite like formspecs
14:27 rubenwardy sometimes
14:27 IcyDiamond formspec animations when
14:27 rubenwardy mostly nostalgia
14:27 rubenwardy <Jordach> hold my beer
14:28 rubenwardy I don't see it being worth introducing another API for formspecs
14:28 rubenwardy The easiest approach is to implement a new GUI system with a totally different API
14:28 rubenwardy and keep formspecs alongside
14:29 rubenwardy and then eventually remove formspecs and have a compatibility layer with some bugs
14:29 IcyDiamond +1
14:32 Unarelith rubenwardy, what would be the exact requirements of this new GUI system?
14:32 rubenwardy see the issue
14:33 rubenwardy but I'd like there to be a container system with Stacks/Frames/Grids
14:33 rubenwardy and consistent co-ordinates
14:33 rubenwardy and theming
14:33 IcyDiamond yes pls
14:34 rubenwardy although, game GUIs are different from program GUIs
14:34 rubenwardy maybe such a container system doesn't make sense
14:35 Unarelith I already read that issue, that's exactly what I think about it
14:35 rubenwardy but some parent-child thing would be nice, so you could add arbitrary elements to tables, for example
14:35 Unarelith using a full-featured GUI is useless, we could just write our own thing and make things easier
14:35 rubenwardy also, some split between layout and data would be nice
14:36 rubenwardy currently I find myself having to update the layout, which results in fields being reset
14:37 Unarelith well, what I have in mind is something between smartfs and Qt
14:38 Unarelith but if I ever decide to work on something like this, we'll need to discuss what GUI elements are required
14:39 IcyDiamond i wonder how i could do magic attacks
14:39 IcyDiamond since particles dont have collision callbacks
14:39 rubenwardy entities?
14:39 Unarelith IcyDiamond, then just throw an entity
14:39 IcyDiamond some sort of raycasting solution could work
14:39 IcyDiamond oh
14:39 IcyDiamond hmm
14:39 Amaz An invisible entity with a particle spawner attached?
14:40 rubenwardy hey Amaz
14:40 Amaz Hello :)
14:41 ANAND Qt might be overkill for an in-game GUI
14:42 Unarelith ANAND, between smartfs and Qt*
14:42 Unarelith Qt is obviously overkill
14:42 ANAND Right
14:47 rubenwardy I'm glad to see so much work being done for electronics and such recently
14:47 IcyDiamond Tk
14:47 rubenwardy mesecons needs some competitors
14:47 IcyDiamond
14:50 ANAND Tk seems to have a lot of builtin elements while not being bloated
14:51 nerzhul cef3 and that's all :D
14:55 IcyDiamond NO
14:55 IcyDiamond absolutely not
14:56 IcyDiamond cef is literal bloatware
14:56 IcyDiamond xD
14:56 ANAND
14:56 ANAND *Very* lightweight
14:57 IcyDiamond ooh
14:57 IcyDiamond thats neat
14:57 IcyDiamond i +1 that
14:57 rubenwardy to avoid a bikeshedding, it's probably best to discuss the requirements and draft an API first
14:59 Unarelith +1 rubenwardy
14:59 ANAND Agreed, sounds good.
15:02 Jordach rubenwardy, what was that ping for
15:02 rubenwardy it was a quote of something you said a while back
15:04 rubenwardy
15:04 rubenwardy thought it was regarding set_sky though
15:17 Jordach you mean what atmos does right now ;D
15:18 rubenwardy if it was set_sky, then I'd have been holding your beer for over a year
15:21 Jordach may've been me fixing the hard transitions
15:21 Jordach which i've done since
15:22 * Jordach rebases the almost fully polished set_sky
15:22 Jordach 59 files changed, 91791 insertions(+), 44507 deletions(-) upstream pls
15:24 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
15:25 IhrFussel nerzhul, does this comment help with the Android 4/5 issues?
15:27 rubenwardy looks like the issue is due to the changed targert version?#
15:28 rubenwardy do we build gmp ourselves? Could we just add a patch to remove all references to err?
15:28 Unarelith rubenwardy, what's the actual issues with Irrlicht built-in GUI? I checked a bit and it seems quite extensible and themable (wouldn't have thought of that)
15:29 rubenwardy well, the devs themselves don't recommend using it
15:29 Unarelith oh really :')
15:29 rubenwardy they claim it's for prototyping
15:30 * rubenwardy needs to get around to adding more formspec theming
15:35 rubenwardy part of the problem with formspecs is how terrible the code is for them
15:35 rubenwardy there's no OOP
15:35 rubenwardy ideally, you'd have a very skinny base class with a factory dispatcher
15:36 rubenwardy ie,   "button[a,b;c]"   would cause it to look up "button"  and call    Button({ "a,b", "c" })
15:36 rubenwardy then you could share co-ordinate systems and such better
15:37 rubenwardy with either inheritence or components
15:37 rubenwardy (this is refering to gui/formspec.cpp)
15:38 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-hub
15:38 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-hub
15:43 Jordach "claim"
15:43 Unarelith rubenwardy, can I do a code architecture rework on formspecs before 5.0.0 or should I wait for that too?
15:44 rubenwardy I'd wait until afwards
15:47 jas_ joined #minetest-hub
15:47 Unarelith that's sad
15:49 IcyDiamond how do i determine if an entity has collided with a node
15:55 rubenwardy a common approach is to check for unexpected changes in velocity
15:56 rubenwardy bit hacky
15:56 rubenwardy I hate everything
15:56 rubenwardy Minetest sucks
15:56 rubenwardy :d
15:56 IcyDiamond XD
16:01 jas_ this is how i do it :'(
16:01 jas_ (copied from mobs_redo arrow code)
16:04 IcyDiamond yeah i got a solution as well
16:04 jas_ what do you do?  unexpected changes in velocity?
16:04 IcyDiamond no
16:04 IcyDiamond just not a physical entity
16:04 IcyDiamond and get_node
16:05 IcyDiamond oh yeah and i use get_objects_inside_radius for damaging
16:06 jas_ fun, fun
16:07 IcyDiamond how do i make it invisible
16:08 jas_ what's that?  the entity?
16:08 IcyDiamond yea
16:08 jas_ textures = {"[combine:16x16"} ?
16:08 jas_ or empty.png
16:09 jas_ (same thing, i found out.)
16:09 jas_ not sure about any side effects, but thought it was interesting
16:10 jas_ and for nametag on players, it shows their name if nametag name is "", so i did "\n" and that worked
16:23 IhrFussel jas_, player:set_nametag_attributes({color=0x00000000})
16:23 jas_ oh i didn't do it like that
16:24 jas_ i just did player:set_nametag_attributes({name = "\n"})
16:24 IhrFussel It preserves the name if you need it later
16:24 jas_ oh huh, didn't think of that
16:24 jas_ but this is for player objects
16:24 jas_ so i think it's preserved
16:24 jas_ good point tho, and thanks for the tip
16:26 IhrFussel My call only sets the alpha and doesn't touch the name itself so I think it's the prefered method
16:26 jas_ yep, and then you just change the opacity back when you want
16:26 jas_ good call
16:26 IhrFussel Some core dev once told me about it
16:27 jas_ this was the first i tried, i was pleasantly surprised.  i was afraid i'd have had to resort to player_transfer_distance
16:27 jas_ which isn't per-player anyway
16:28 IhrFussel I have a /hide on my server which uses exactly that call above and it works flawlessly... and since the name tag also includes the player level I need to preserve the name itself
16:29 jas_ mm the nametag is where you store the player level?  mm heheh, good one tho and on mine it's a node.
16:29 jas_ there's a new feature stujones11 told me about on a gh issue i opened up, visual = "item" it's a blast
16:29 jas_ so i hide as a node with \n as my nametag
16:29 IhrFussel The name tag looks like [L.XX] NAME yep
16:30 jas_ nice
16:30 jas_ well makes sense to use the alpha then
16:30 jas_ i am personally glad MT offers so many ways to do stuff
16:30 jas_ even if it's funky sometimes
16:32 jas_ so you have XP and levels and stuff?  classes?  i wondered about story mode lmao at least NPCs that dialog
16:32 jas_ probably you have an enchantment table or something?
16:34 jas_ i wanna add mana for the mage class on there but don't want to add another statbar.  formspecs in nodemeta do {$var} to insert text dynamically.  it'd be nice if player formspecs could too, now that there's player:get_meta()
16:34 IhrFussel Levels, EXP, damage based on level, custom HP system (players have level*10 HP) and classes
16:34 jas_ the thing i really like about mt5 is the thing that broke compat most (i think), which is the collisionbox changes
16:35 jas_ so this node class, it's the size of a node, and fits through small holes
16:35 IhrFussel Enchantment table exists though and it boosts attributes of tools yes
16:35 jas_ i imagine one could use different models here, and make interesting environments with custom player/npc models
16:36 jas_ yes that's good
16:36 jas_ and armor right?
16:36 jas_ do you use the physics modifiers in 3d_armor?
16:36 IhrFussel In 5.0.0 changing max player HP is pretty much 1 line while my current hacky callback takes up ~ 20 lines
16:36 jas_ ohhh that's right you don't have that feature in 0.4
16:37 jas_ well i look forward to physics modifiers, i guess, where multiple mods can work in conjunction -- like potions mod with armor mod
16:37 IhrFussel I think some good armor makes you walk a little faster and jump higher...not 100% sure
16:37 jas_ i guess they already do with monoids or support mods, that's nice
16:39 IhrFussel I also have a party system (up to 5 players) which boosts each group member's EXP gain and together with shared monster kill EXP it is no longer a "only killer gets rewarded"
16:39 jas_ ow wow!
16:39 jas_ nice one
16:39 IcyDiamond nice
16:40 IhrFussel You can tame pets (on many servers) and level them up ... some pet types act as companion and help you fight and gain EXP per mob kill too
16:41 IcyDiamond can i set an entity on fire?
16:41 IcyDiamond XD
16:41 jas_ i don't see why not
16:41 jas_ don't forget the smoke particles
16:42 IhrFussel I think there is a texture_mod() call... for entities
16:42 jas_ yeah just put a bunch of flames on your character and smoke particles if fire is immediately around hehe, good idea
16:42 IhrFussel Yep it only works on entities not players =/ ent:set_texture_mod(mod)
16:43 jas_ oh well.  i'm sure there's another way to make it look like the player is enflamed(?) and at least spawn smoke particles
16:43 jas_ and then que the screams, and enhance velocity
16:44 jas_ ever play this game called Blood?
16:46 jas_ oh i guess they made a remake.  the original was funny with a tnt stick and zombies running screaming engulfed in flames.  i guess that's not very nice, but yeah i think it's possible to set the player on fire.
16:46 jas_ probably just spawn entities around
16:46 jas_ give 'em that new 'item' visual type ha
16:57 jas_ i have a mage class that shoots fireballs (which drains hp, because there's no mp (yet)) with a cool down time, but i wanna add a staff that shoulds something like hitscan
16:57 jas_ i wonder how it is in other games..  i played ctf once or twice it was fun with the gun
16:58 IhrFussel Maybe 5.0.0 will have a way to modify player textures... the docs I have are from
16:58 jas_ oh i dunno, good point.  they're being updated too, by um, paulone?  i forget the name exactly.  he put up a good website let me check
16:58 jas_
16:58 jas_ that's the name, whoops
16:59 jas_ it's good to see different sites put up MT info too
16:59 jas_ there seems to be a lot of resources between the book by rubenwardy, the forum and github.. and irc i guess
16:59 rubenwardy there already is?
17:00 rubenwardy IhrFussel: you can already set textures to players?
17:00 rubenwardy do you mean dynamically?
17:00 jas_ maybe more videos.  i do enjoy the ones there are anyway
17:00 rubenwardy jas_: I think I may just link to from MMB
17:00 jas_ it's just visually.. so pretty lol
17:01 rubenwardy yeah
17:01 IhrFussel rubenwardy, we are talking about a texture modifier yes ... it works dynamically on entities right?
17:01 rubenwardy oh right
17:01 rubenwardy I thought it worked on players, guess not
17:01 rubenwardy no, it must work because players have damage flashes too
17:02 IcyDiamond can i spawn a flowing liquid node somehow that will disappear on its own
17:02 jas_ plus i think he's revised the docs a lot, so it's great all around
17:02 IcyDiamond like water without a source
17:02 jas_ i don't think so icy
17:02 IcyDiamond aww
17:02 jas_ but maybe.  there's also leveled nodes, which water are not
17:02 IhrFussel The docs say "##### LuaEntitySAO-only (no-op for other objects)"
17:03 rubenwardy oh lol
17:03 IhrFussel I guess the texture mod is hardcoded then for players
17:03 rubenwardy the docs may be wrong, have you tried it?
17:03 jas_ is that different than like ^[colorize and so on
17:03 jas_ and is the doc for 0.4 or 5.0 ?
17:04 IhrFussel
17:04 IhrFussel Still the same
17:05 jas_ i never tried set_texture_mod(mod)
17:05 jas_ is that like, ^[colorize and so on?
17:05 IhrFussel I think I already tried it with a "burn effect" caused by Lava Flans ... the player didn't change at all visually
17:05 jas_ same as for node def textures?
17:07 jas_ IcyDiamond: i seem to recall trying to do just that in the past and being disappointed that it didn't work.  iirc it did require the source to be registered?  but there may have been changes since, and is worth testing i think
17:07 jas_ my favorite thing to do is put a check on <liquid>_source nodes for air below, and lower their pos if so
17:08 jas_ but it's probably intensive, at least with an abm.  maybe just a low frequency would do
17:08 jas_ check for air or flowing or some buildable_to
17:08 IhrFussel I just tried /giveme default:water_flowing and placed did disappear after 1 sec
17:08 jas_ well i mean, i don't think you can even register just the flowing node
17:09 jas_ i think it there was something about that, but it was maybe two years ago i tried
17:09 jas_ and i never try finite water.  isn't that still a setting?
17:29 Fixer actual troll finally confirmed for the first time
17:36 jluc joined #minetest-hub
17:45 shivajiva ‎IcyDiamond‎: you could create a water source node that removes itself after a set time to create that effect
17:45 jas_ ohh good one
17:45 shivajiva use on_timer
17:46 jas_ or even after_place_node + minetest.after
17:46 shivajiva eww
17:46 jas_ no?
17:46 shivajiva leverage the api :P
17:47 jas_ i just thought it'd be easier
17:47 jas_ but what do i know? lol
17:47 shivajiva I thought on_timer was added to make it easier tbh
17:48 jas_ i just envisions more lines
17:48 jas_ but maybe not, either way perhaps is OK
17:48 jas_ let us measure
18:03 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
18:05 rubenwardy IcyDiamond: do I want anything else other than this?
18:06 rubenwardy can't see any pipes
18:07 rubenwardy ahhh,elepower is needed
18:12 rubenwardy welp, looks like I'll need to delete everything
18:12 rubenwardy or maybe I should just make my own pipe/tank lib based on fluid_lib and node_io
18:14 IcyDiamond huh?
18:14 IcyDiamond you dont need fluid_lib at all either
18:15 IcyDiamond just add node_io callbacks to your nodes
18:15 IcyDiamond
18:17 rubenwardy node_io doesn't add pipes though?
18:17 IcyDiamond neither does fluid_lib
18:17 rubenwardy what adds pipes?
18:17 rubenwardy I'm making a game, not a mod
18:18 rubenwardy so I need to include these things
18:18 IcyDiamond elepower does, but you know, you're welcome to make your own transfer system using the node_io api
18:18 rubenwardy heh
18:18 rubenwardy I may just forget about this, and wait until I implement my own mechanics system
18:19 rubenwardy or maybe I should just use elepower and delete all of its craft recipes
18:19 IcyDiamond
18:20 IcyDiamond maybe i should just move everything transfer related to fluid_lib as well
18:21 IcyDiamond hmm
18:21 rubenwardy that would be awesome
18:22 rubenwardy node_io = interface for node io (lol)
18:22 rubenwardy fluid_lib = implementation of node io for liquids, with pipes and tanks
18:22 rubenwardy elepower = massive set of machines using the above
18:22 rubenwardy the my mods can use node_io, and I can include fluid_lib as an impl
19:11 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: i have done it
19:11 rubenwardy yessss
19:11 rubenwardy I saw
19:11 rubenwardy thanks :)
19:11 IcyDiamond will create release on content db
19:15 Krock joined #minetest-hub
19:15 Krock hi tenplus1 who's off again
19:20 IcyDiamond lol
19:21 rubenwardy tanks don't appear to show liquid in them?
19:21 IcyDiamond hm?
19:22 IcyDiamond its probably because the tanks are registered for each fluid node available before fluid_lib loaded
19:22 IcyDiamond i.e. default fluids
19:22 rubenwardy oh right
19:22 rubenwardy well, water also doesn't work
19:22 rubenwardy
19:22 rubenwardy left is water
19:22 rubenwardy ah
19:22 rubenwardy there may be a missing dep
19:22 IcyDiamond hm
19:23 IcyDiamond maybe its your render settings?
19:23 IcyDiamond glasslike fluidlevel might not render or smth?
19:24 IcyDiamond yeah
19:24 IcyDiamond connected glass needs to be enabled for it to render
19:24 IcyDiamond how odd
19:25 IcyDiamond also, you can register the tanks again after you add your own fluids
19:25 IcyDiamond fluid_tanks.register_tank(":fluid_tanks:tank", { ... })
19:25 IcyDiamond i use this solution in elepower
19:26 IcyDiamond thats called after bucket.register_liquid
19:26 IcyDiamond cuz it takes fluids from bucket
19:27 IcyDiamond it will accept fluids even if a tank for it is not registered but there will be no texture on the fluidlevel
19:28 IcyDiamond just the limitations i have to work with
19:28 IcyDiamond :P
19:28 rubenwardy ahhh, connected glass is disabled
19:28 IcyDiamond wouldn't be a problem if glasslike_fluidlevel had metadata-specified textures
19:28 IcyDiamond :P
19:29 IcyDiamond or perhaps a param
19:29 IcyDiamond that could work as well
19:31 IcyDiamond elepower has this awesome glass that doesnt let light pass
19:32 IcyDiamond
19:34 Fixer o_0
19:34 Unarelith IcyDiamond, omg yes <3
19:34 IcyDiamond it's called hardened obsidian glass
19:35 IcyDiamond its made using obsidian glass and 4 lead ingots in alloy furnace
19:35 Unarelith this block is really cool to make a window on mob spawners and still keep them dark
19:37 Krock IcyDiamond: now use global textures
19:37 Krock (a texture per mapblock for each node type)
19:37 Krock I can promise you that it will look way better :D
19:41 IcyDiamond Unarelith: elepower_farming adds a node that spawns mobs
19:41 IcyDiamond from mobs_redo
19:41 IcyDiamond takes an egg and power
19:42 Unarelith I know, it's only for the looks :p
19:42 IcyDiamond i cannot for the life of me remember the mods name where i got this idea from
19:42 IcyDiamond minecraft mod that is
19:43 IcyDiamond mine factory reloaded
19:44 IcyDiamond elepower_farming is a mfr clone
19:44 IcyDiamond :P
19:44 rubenwardy IcyDiamond: do you have any plans for fluid pressure?
19:44 rubenwardy I don't need it, just wondering
19:44 IcyDiamond not really
19:45 rubenwardy just to clarify:   The ability to use gravity instead of a pump to drain a tank, and also the ability for 2 tanks like this to become equal:    T--T
19:45 rubenwardy also, I found the pump placement unintuitive
19:45 rubenwardy I'd expect to rightclick on the tank, and the pump end appear that way
19:45 IcyDiamond haha
19:45 rubenwardy the concept of pumps and which way to place them is intuitive though
19:46 IcyDiamond you can use screwdriver too
19:46 IcyDiamond they work in vertical configuration as well
19:46 rubenwardy ahh right
19:46 rubenwardy I tried doing them vertically, but couldn't place them that way
19:46 IcyDiamond yeah
19:46 IcyDiamond i might figure it out one day
19:46 IcyDiamond :P
19:50 rubenwardy placing 2 tanks like this makes it look like they're one tank due to connected glass:
19:50 rubenwardy I guess that's hard to fix though
19:52 IcyDiamond Unfortunately yeah
19:52 rubenwardy ohh interesting
19:52 rubenwardy
19:53 IcyDiamond Yeah that does look cool
19:53 IcyDiamond It would be nice if I could stabilize the fluid level in neighbouring tanks
19:53 IcyDiamond That's pretty resource intensive
19:53 IcyDiamond Tho
19:54 IcyDiamond s/in/with/
19:54 rubenwardy argh, there's no nice layout for this
19:54 IcyDiamond I know that feel
19:59 rubenwardy
19:59 rubenwardy needs insulated pipes
20:00 rubenwardy wait
20:00 rubenwardy I have an idea
20:02 IcyDiamond Easy to say
20:02 IcyDiamond XD
20:02 IcyDiamond Basically impossible
20:02 IcyDiamond Well, not impossible
20:02 IcyDiamond Just tedious
20:10 rubenwardy :'(
20:13 sys4_ joined #minetest-hub
20:17 IcyDiamond Code is hard, kids
20:19 rubenwardy what group should I use for a machine that accepts fluid?
20:21 rubenwardy crash on unkown node:
20:25 rubenwardy
20:28 IcyDiamond fixed it
20:28 IcyDiamond i think
20:29 rubenwardy :D
20:30 Fixer WIN
20:35 rubenwardy well, I'm using   group:fluid_container    for now
20:36 IcyDiamond
20:52 Unarelith IcyDiamond, I can't punch holostorage blocks with latest commit
20:52 IcyDiamond holostorage?? oh jesus i completely forgot that thing even exists
20:52 IcyDiamond XD
20:53 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-hub
20:53 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:54 IcyDiamond Unarelith: it's a 5.0-dev mod
20:54 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
20:54 Unarelith I'm using 5.0-dev
20:54 IcyDiamond well then i dont know
20:54 Unarelith :/
20:54 IcyDiamond cloned it real quick and it works like it always has
20:55 Unarelith hmm
20:55 Unarelith once blocks are placed i can't break them
20:55 * rubenwardy wonders if node_io sides take facedir into account
20:55 Unarelith unless I'm in creative mode though
21:00 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-hub
21:04 Unarelith IcyDiamond, ok so the blocks are impossible to mine without at least an Iron Pickaxe
21:04 IcyDiamond xD
21:05 IcyDiamond you can probably tell i dont really maintain that mod anymore
21:05 Unarelith yup, why btw?
21:06 rubenwardy grr
21:06 IcyDiamond idk im not really happy with it
21:06 rubenwardy fluid lib always calls node_io_can_put_liquid with a side of ""
21:06 IcyDiamond yes
21:06 IcyDiamond thats a todo
21:06 IcyDiamond xD
21:07 IcyDiamond elepower doesnt need sided sht so i decided not to put in the effort
21:10 sys4_ joined #minetest-hub
21:11 IcyDiamond
21:12 Jordach IcyDiamond, put the numerics first so that the text lines up neatly afterwards
21:13 IcyDiamond how
21:13 IcyDiamond its not monospace
21:13 IcyDiamond they will never line up
21:16 IcyDiamond Jordach:
21:16 IcyDiamond i guess i could add a zero
21:17 Jordach indeed
21:17 rubenwardy is there anything I need to do to make fluidlib detect my node?
21:17 Jordach looks far neater now
21:17 rubenwardy
21:18 rubenwardy talking about oil:burner_on in particular
21:18 rubenwardy *burner_active
21:19 IcyDiamond what do you mean detect?
21:19 IcyDiamond you cant take from it?
21:19 rubenwardy if doesn't put into it
21:20 rubenwardy I'm expecting a tank to empty into the burner
21:20 IcyDiamond weird
21:26 bobr joined #minetest-hub
21:26 bobr joined #minetest-hub
21:28 IcyDiamond I can't really tell why that wouldn't work
21:29 jas_ joined #minetest-hub
21:35 rubenwardy well, pushed the stuff to
21:36 rubenwardy fluid_lib.refresh_node() doesn't help :(
21:37 rubenwardy which just called update neighbors apparently
21:40 rubenwardy it does call can_put a few times
21:40 rubenwardy just doesn't put at all
21:43 IcyDiamond i dont know
21:53 rubenwardy there was a mistake in the liquid name
21:54 rubenwardy also
21:54 rubenwardy shouldn't     if not #pp then pp = nil end    be     if #pp == 0 then pp = nil end
22:01 rubenwardy `not #pp` is always false, because 0 is truthy
22:11 IcyDiamond Wtf
22:11 IcyDiamond Lua is weird
22:11 IcyDiamond 0 == false in other languages
22:12 rubenwardy only in C
22:12 IhrFussel I never heard of 0 being false
22:12 IcyDiamond I'm a lifetime JavaScript programmer
22:12 rubenwardy oh, apparently not
22:12 IcyDiamond XD
22:12 rubenwardy the only things which are false are false and nil
22:12 IcyDiamond So weird
22:12 IcyDiamond I can fix that tho
22:12 rubenwardy it makes more sense than 0 being false to mee
22:13 rubenwardy it doesn't actually effect anything
22:13 IcyDiamond i know
22:13 IcyDiamond but still
22:14 IcyDiamond my new pc is so quiet its hard for me to tell if it booted or not
22:14 IcyDiamond XD
22:14 rud0lf maybe the fan is broken?
22:14 rud0lf ;p
22:15 IcyDiamond nah they're all ok
22:15 IcyDiamond XD
22:17 FrostRanger joined #minetest-hub
22:18 IcyDiamond XD
22:31 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-hub
22:31 Topic for #minetest-hub is now Offtopic welcome if brief, otherwise use #minetest-chat | Info/Rules: | Logs:
22:31 IcyDiamond actually disregard the last message
22:32 rubenwardy "XD"?
22:32 IcyDiamond one before that
22:32 IcyDiamond its easier than you'd think
22:32 IcyDiamond you just need a web server and have a mod ping it
22:33 IcyDiamond i had something similar in my minecraft server for donations
22:34 IcyDiamond buut i dont think releasing such a mod to the wild is a good idea
22:34 IcyDiamond minecraft has an EULA for this purpose
22:35 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
22:36 IcyDiamond btw elepower supports TechPack for item transfer
22:36 IcyDiamond i saw someone mention something about elepower and tp
22:37 IcyDiamond tp is a very bad abbreviation to have
22:39 IcyDiamond there arent many servers running for 5.0 huh
22:39 IcyDiamond at least not announcing ones
22:56 Fixer for the severs
22:56 Fixer severs
22:56 Fixer severs
22:56 Fixer severs
22:56 IcyDiamond :D
22:59 rubenwardy how I can inject liquids into a duct without a tank?
23:00 IcyDiamond ?
23:00 IcyDiamond duct connects to pump on the back
23:01 rubenwardy I want my machine to output fluid into a pipe
23:01 rubenwardy will I need pumps?
23:01 IcyDiamond yeah
23:01 Unarelith hey IcyDiamond you have a message on your server (not from me)
23:01 IcyDiamond huh?
23:06 IcyDiamond xD
23:07 IcyDiamond craft_guide really needs an API
23:07 Unarelith yep :')
23:07 IcyDiamond anyone up to fork it?
23:07 * IcyDiamond shoves a fork in it
23:07 IcyDiamond the book has holes in it now
23:09 IcyDiamond who maintains it
23:09 IcyDiamond !mod [craftguide]
23:09 MinetestBot IcyDiamond: Crafting Guide [craftguide] by jp -
23:10 IcyDiamond oh wow its actually actively maintained
23:10 IcyDiamond nice
23:11 rubenwardy neither pumps not ducts support node_io
23:11 pauloue joined #minetest-hub
23:12 IcyDiamond ?
23:13 rubenwardy I guess need to implement take_liquid in the columns themselves?
23:15 IcyDiamond the node where you're taking from yeah
23:15 IcyDiamond lol
23:15 IcyDiamond it's 1 am but i have school at 2pm so its no big deal
23:15 IcyDiamond xD
23:16 Unarelith IcyDiamond,
23:16 Unarelith we definitely NEED an API :p
23:17 IcyDiamond unified_inventory has an api for other mods to register craft types
23:17 IcyDiamond but i dont like that mod
23:17 IcyDiamond XD
23:17 VanessaE Unified inventory ftw :)
23:18 IcyDiamond no u
23:18 IcyDiamond *puke*
23:18 VanessaE Heretic. :P
23:18 rubenwardy bloat
23:19 IcyDiamond the ui is super ugly
23:19 Unarelith agreed
23:19 VanessaE Put it in lite mode then
23:19 Unarelith but it's the closest we can make to NEI :'(
23:19 IcyDiamond wot is ze lite mode
23:20 VanessaE Smaller UI formspec, less features
23:20 IcyDiamond pics or didnt happen
23:20 VanessaE Google image search: P
23:20 VanessaE :P
23:21 IcyDiamond i love craftguide and sfinv
23:21 IcyDiamond craftguide just needs a register_craft_type
23:21 IcyDiamond :P
23:22 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: <3 sfinv
23:22 VanessaE sting barrios
23:23 VanessaE wtf
23:23 IcyDiamond wat
23:23 Jordach wtf
23:23 Jordach has VanessaE finally found my LSD stash
23:23 IcyDiamond oops
23:23 VanessaE Damn you autocorrect
23:23 VanessaE sfinv barfola *
23:24 VanessaE Ugly as shit
23:24 IcyDiamond no u >:(
23:24 IcyDiamond sfinv is as minetest as you can get
23:24 rubenwardy sfinv has consistent spacing and icons
23:24 VanessaE Hard to use compared to UI
23:25 IcyDiamond unified_inventory is just barf of low and high resolution graphics and bad color scheme
23:25 Unarelith +1
23:25 IcyDiamond its not fitting for a block game
23:25 IcyDiamond :P
23:25 VanessaE Anyway, set `unified_inventory_lite = true` in minetest.conference
23:26 IcyDiamond minetest.conference
23:26 VanessaE Dammit
23:26 IcyDiamond i want to attend
23:26 VanessaE Fuck you autocorrect
23:26 VanessaE :P
23:26 IcyDiamond turn it off ffs
23:27 VanessaE I need it.  Just keep forgetting to double check before I hit send
23:27 IcyDiamond dont hate on things you depend on
23:28 IcyDiamond XD
23:28 VanessaE It may sometimes screw up but I can type 10x faster with its help
23:28 VanessaE So yeah....
23:28 IcyDiamond same tho
23:29 VanessaE Anyway, can't find a pic in image search, set `unified_inventory_lite = true` in minetest.conf
23:29 VanessaE And see for yourself
23:30 IcyDiamond >tfw have to clone UI
23:30 VanessaE 0h horrors
23:30 IcyDiamond /)(o.o)(\
23:31 VanessaE Or visit my "basic" server, its in lite mode there by default
23:32 IcyDiamond squished vomit
23:33 VanessaE ...
23:33 Jordach i'd rather peel of all my skin, invert my entire muscle and skeletal structure, all while conscious, than use UI
23:33 IcyDiamond :D
23:33 VanessaE :(
23:33 Jordach too many things it does
23:34 Jordach i'd rather just the inventory MC style, one singular page
23:34 VanessaE you're one to talk: P
23:35 IcyDiamond YES
23:35 IcyDiamond sexy <3
23:35 rubenwardy :D
23:35 VanessaE puke
23:35 rubenwardy I'm using that in capitalism game
23:35 VanessaE sorry.
23:35 Jordach at some point i'm just going to entirely nuke ZCG and write my own full fat JEI-like engine
23:36 IcyDiamond now im going to hope that we get a register_craft_type feature
23:36 IcyDiamond if not im going to have to do a bunch of ugly modifications
23:36 IcyDiamond :D
23:36 rubenwardy do I need to do something to notify the pump that there's liquid?
23:37 IcyDiamond punch the pump
23:37 IcyDiamond wait hmm
23:38 IcyDiamond should implement node_io_on_neighbor_update
23:39 rubenwardy punching doesn't help
23:39 IcyDiamond then something else is wrong
23:40 rubenwardy yeah :D
23:44 rubenwardy cool, it's working now
23:59 Fixer IcyDiamond: 48 pages to scroll...

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