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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-11-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 RoaryTiger <ChocolateMann> 24 immortal manics killing each other over a box canyon in the desert and every so often dancing in a conga line...
00:00 Mr_Pardison busy doing stuff on RC.
00:00 RoaryTiger that's a whole new level of manics
00:00 Mr_Pardison could I answer your quetions?
00:00 RoaryTiger immortal and getting killed and killing other immortals
00:00 RoaryTiger maniac
00:00 Mr_Pardison just wait until you see r4.
00:00 Raven262 Wait, they CAN die
00:00 * Jordach starts playing the TF2 theme
00:01 RoaryTiger meh
00:01 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
00:01 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
00:01 RoaryTiger Minetest much betta®
00:01 Mr_Pardison one mo' time: mo' betta!
00:02 RoaryTiger Minetest much bettaâ„¢
00:02 * RoaryTiger writes in English accent
00:02 Raven262 It might be better, but it doesn't have pyroland! I seem to have found myself a job, eh?
00:02 Calinou RoaryTiger: 24 immortal spies*
00:02 Calinou a good team is 12 spies, if not more!
00:02 Calinou or 12 snipers
00:02 Mr_Pardison cagey snipers.
00:02 Calinou hi Raven262 :)
00:03 Raven262 And medics pocketing snipers...
00:03 RoaryTiger my old nick used to be =IML=Megaf=Sniper=
00:03 Calinou heh
00:03 Raven262 Hi Calinou :)
00:03 Calinou I sometimes pocket Scouts with the Quick-Fix
00:03 Calinou it works well if the Scout plays well and you do as well
00:03 Calinou (in some cases)
00:03 Calinou the speed bonus makes it much easier
00:03 Raven262 But snipers are a whole new level.
00:03 Mr_Pardison games I play, we consider them to be useless campers unless they actually know how to cover your 12 (or your 6 if you are taking the flag in a CTF match)
00:03 Calinou I rarely play sniper, but I do love the SMG and Classical :D
00:03 Calinou </troll weapon party>
00:04 Calinou always fun to see people rage when they get killed
00:04 Raven262 Well, there are bad snipers, good snipers... and there is that guy in CTF Turbine who stands in front of your team killing everyone :P
00:04 Calinou I've had my share of Heavies killed using only the MG
00:04 Mr_Pardison fraggers/mults.
00:04 Calinou or Soldiers/Pyros
00:04 Mr_Pardison grrrrr
00:04 Raven262 Random crits on flamethrower FTW
00:04 Calinou I also main the Force-a-Nature as Scout
00:05 Calinou and I wear a gibus on all classes for added effect
00:05 Raven262 F2P
00:05 Raven262 xD
00:05 Calinou (I have a party hat too, but it's not nearly as efficient, if you know what I mean)
00:05 Mr_Pardison gibbon?
00:05 Calinou the black top hat with a small skeleton thing emerging from it
00:05 Raven262 I had my gibus painted pink, and i scrapped it.
00:05 Raven262 I now regret that.
00:10 SG9kb3I left #minetest-hub
00:19 RoaryTiger cya
00:44 garywhite in 0.5.0-dev, why are almost all the servers greyed except for the 4 or 5 that are on 0.5.0?
00:45 benrob0329 garywhite: incompatibilities?
00:45 garywhite idk
00:46 garywhite It says protocol version mismatch
00:46 garywhite Server supports protocol versions between 24 & 34. We only support version 36.
00:47 benrob0329 Makes sense
00:48 garywhite Only downside is now you can't connect to any servers running lower than 0.5.0 with a 0.5.0 client
00:49 garywhite is that a bug or is that just something that we'll have to deal with?
00:51 Jordach bug
00:55 garywhite Does that mean I have to report it as an issue?
01:28 sofar compat with 0.4.16 will take extra work. you can file an issue if it's not already filed
01:33 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
01:33 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
01:34 paramat joined #minetest-hub
01:35 * garywhite hopes there is an issue already filed cause he hates filing issues
01:39 Grandolf_ joined #minetest-hub
01:43 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
02:15 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
02:27 Roger9 Apparently 0.5.0 will drop support for LozeXP?
03:04 paramat what is LozeXP?
04:34 paramat joined #minetest-hub
05:55 xerox123 joined #minetest-hub
06:26 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
07:12 benrob0329 Krock, garywhite, RobbieF: redid TARDIS models and textures, should look much better now
07:21 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:41 CWz joined #minetest-hub
09:03 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:07 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
09:07 tenplus1 hi folks
09:09 greeter joined #minetest-hub
09:09 tenplus1 wb greeter
10:22 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:22 tenplus1 wb nrz
11:39 shivajiva Hi tenplus1
11:39 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
11:39 tenplus1 hi shiva, wb sniper
11:40 shivajiva what's new tenlus?
11:40 tenplus1 xanadu updated with latest simple skins, /setskin works fine again :D
11:41 tenplus1 0.4.16 compliant and uses player attributes for skins now
11:41 shivajiva what's changed?
11:41 shivajiva ah
11:42 tenplus1 still loads player skins for backwards compatibility tho :) but wont save
11:42 shivajiva better than a file holding all the player skin choices for sure
11:42 tenplus1 definitely... only issue is that player MUST be online for me to set skin using /setskin command
11:42 tenplus1 or any player attributs
11:43 CWz i have idea on how mt could supass mc
11:43 tenplus1 hi CWz, how's that ?
11:43 shivajiva hi Cwz
11:43 CWz with figitspinners
11:43 tenplus1 lolol
11:43 Raven262 No.
11:43 Raven262 Just no.
11:44 shivajiva lol
11:44 tenplus1 hi raven
11:44 Raven262 Hi tenplus1
11:44 Raven262 Hi shivajiva, CWz
11:44 shivajiva hi Raven :)
11:45 shivajiva what's the deal with the player needing to be online?
11:45 CWz Also having minetest youtubers  would also help
11:46 tenplus1 agree'd... we need more minetest lets play and games/adventures on youtube
11:46 CWz We need masscot that appeals to wide variety if people like Steve does for minecraft
11:46 tenplus1 the Bald Nerd hasn't been up for some time, but I did like his shows
11:46 CWz never heard of him
11:47 tenplus1 heh
11:47 CWz Anyway, we need to make "Sam" hip with the crowd
11:47 tenplus1
11:47 tenplus1 check that one dude
11:47 CWz Green flannelshirt and bluepants won't cut it
11:48 tenplus1 we dont need a character but a host... someone ppl will watch that's exciting
11:48 CWz Office Guy doesn't appeal to many people
11:48 CWz that too
11:49 tenplus1 I did ask Yogscast, PopularMMO's and Bajan Canadian to do an mt vid at one point, no answer :(
11:49 Raven262 I have managed to recreate a few textures that i have lost this summer. Its somewhat hard to recreate them from screenshots though.
11:49 tenplus1 robbie's cat5tv did one and I liked that :D was funny (link above)
11:49 tenplus1 ouch
11:51 CWz but Steve for example; he appeals to a lot of minecrafters because they feel a connection with someone like him. either a deadbeat dad, someone who works a minimum wage job; which pretty much everyone nowadays, a older jock brother, the guy who works at an auto repair shop, and much more
11:51 CWz who does sam appeal too.
11:52 shivajiva does xanadu use player db?
11:52 tenplus1 this is why we have skin mods :P so players can change the initial sam... same way they change the initial steve in mc
11:52 tenplus1 shiva, how you mean player db?
11:52 CWz still those both sam and steve are the default skin, and the mascot of their own games
11:53 shivajiva optional sqlite db for player data
11:53 tenplus1 sam is fine :)
11:53 CWz It's like if SEGA used one of their office guys as mascot
11:53 tenplus1 nah shiva, too many mods patched into ip_for_names for me to switch
11:54 shivajiva ah okay, I was going to suggest you access the db and write the skin for offline players
11:54 CWz sadly, fine isn't good enough nowadays, people want hip, people want pazzazz, people want- a forget it.
11:55 CWz Sam just doesn't have the same swag as steve
11:55 tenplus1 I dont like steve, but think sam is ok
11:55 tenplus1 steve looks like he has a tumor on his face
11:55 CWz then sam appeals to you more.
11:55 tenplus1 yet my skin texture is a goblin :P
11:56 CWz I never said steve was a good skin, it just appeals to more people it seems
11:56 CWz just like how catch(click) the clown appeals to the game maker community noobs
11:56 tenplus1 ?
11:57 CWz i was referring to gamemaker studio and the noobs from it's community
11:57 tenplus1 ohh
11:59 CWz anyway on another subject i wonder who'd win in fight to the death; Steve or Sam
12:00 tenplus1 Sam
12:00 CWz how come?
12:00 tenplus1 cause steve is such a noob
12:01 CWz at the end of the day both steve and sam look like they do drugs, i blame the low rez
12:01 tenplus1 if someone creates a higher res skin then maybe it would get in :D
12:01 CWz there's still the issue with greenshit+bluepants
12:02 tenplus1 looks fine...
12:02 tenplus1 who has issue ?
12:04 CWz we should either make sam cuter, like kawaii cute, or make him more cooler. then everyone will see ours mascot is better then minecraft's and then will will over take their sales
12:05 CWz Hahaha!
12:06 CWz anyway, that just a theory
12:06 tenplus1 look how suave this guy is:
12:07 shivajiva that's quite a good image
12:07 CWz yes, but that not how sam looks in game
12:08 tenplus1 lol, how about a smiley system where chat changes the facial expression of your character
12:08 CWz That could work
12:08 tenplus1 then you could add character to the character :)
12:08 CWz genius
12:09 CWz I vote you for head of department of mascot affairs.
12:09 Raven262 That is gonna look creepy.
12:09 tenplus1 lol, sam winky face while digging
12:10 CWz Next, we need better animation for sam. robot walking is so 80s
12:10 CWz we need something more upbeats and cheerful
12:11 Raven262 The movement is not in sync with player's input.
12:11 Raven262 There is lag
12:25 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:26 tenplus1 o/ fixer
12:27 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:28 tenplus1 hi Jordach
12:29 Fixer hello
12:32 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:32 tenplus1 hey lisac
12:38 lisac hey tenplus1
12:38 tenplus1 o/
12:38 lisac tenplus1,
12:39 tenplus1 ooh, thanks dude :)
12:40 tenplus1 we were talking about more youtube personalities playing minetest, would be a good way to promote game:
13:16 Jordach >sets reddit flair to that solar plains dude
13:16 tenplus1 :P
13:30 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:31 jas_ hi
13:31 tenplus1 hi jas
13:31 jas_ hi tenplus1 you marvelous individual you!  how are things?
13:31 tenplus1 quiet today but okie :) you ?
13:32 jas_ oh not quite as good as that
13:32 jas_ turns out the dig animation is on player:get_player_controls().RMB
13:32 jas_ i gotta comment on this bindable mouse buttons PR, dunno what can be done.
13:32 jas_ but also want to try to get it to stop spamming on activate (right clicking air)
13:33 jas_
13:33 tenplus1 sometimes you want animation to happen when in air...
13:33 jas_ i can't go back to spacebar for jumping, man
13:34 jas_ i may argue that since it's an engine, mtg doesn't apply here
13:35 jas_ but it's not fair, there's not a way to determine whether jumping or placing or sneaking buttons are clicked without doing the command itself?
13:35 jas_ /:D/
13:35 jas_ thanks for asking.
13:36 tenplus1 hrmmm
13:36 jas_ again with this!?
13:37 jas_ can't be a coincidence.  odd to see it suddenly twice in as many days.  i don't get a lot of connects..
13:38 tenplus1 I feel that on join all nicks should be saved to database as lowercase so that case doesnt matter
13:40 jas_ i haven't looked or tested, but i think that may be a new bug
13:40 jas_ fresh
13:41 tenplus1 we already have a check so that   Connor and connor are same on server...
13:41 tenplus1 that's what brings up the error you see
13:42 jas_ it must error with a 0.4.16 client before the mismatched message i guess
13:42 jas_ i never seen it before yesterday
14:04 jas_ testing showing coords and direction when wielding walkie:talkie.  gonna make it (eventually) show last place of death as waypoint mm
14:04 jas_
14:05 jas_ wanna make a image elem type that changes to the 8 positions heh, is it 8?  hrm
14:05 jas_ i just did math.round(player:get_look_horizontal()) and that seemed to work
14:05 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
14:06 tenplus1 hi thomas
14:06 ThomasMonroe hi tenplus1
14:09 benrob0329 CWz: whats wrong with flannel? Its comfy and cozy
14:10 tenplus1 soft
14:11 benrob0329 tenplus1: redid the tardis models and textures last night
14:11 * CWz wishes presidents will stop doing the 100 miles stare
14:12 tenplus1 ooh, tardis mod is kewl :D
14:12 CWz Yay for tardis
14:13 * CWz chants the doctor who theme
14:13 benrob0329 Also fixed it so that you don't get teleported into the door
14:14 tenplus1 glitch fest :) fix em all :D
14:14 CWz too bad we could have made an episode out of that
14:15 tenplus1 the doctor needs wd-40 to solve his problem that a sonic screwdriver couldnt fix
14:15 benrob0329 I think most of the bugs are fixed, its just lacking features
14:15 tenplus1 itll happen :P
14:16 benrob0329 Need to redo the demat lever model, its a bit bland
14:17 benrob0329 But I'm pretty happy with now the new exterior model looks, much better than that converted model thing
14:17 benrob0329 *how
14:19 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:20 Megaf ChocolateMann, lol
14:20 Megaf Hi tenplus1
14:20 Megaf ^ owned
14:20 tenplus1 hi Megaf :P
14:21 benrob0329 Hi Megaf
14:21 Megaf Man, I will stop trolling, I give up. People simply wont ban me from IRC channels for some reason.
14:21 tenplus1 ehehe
14:21 Megaf Look how I behaved yesterday here
14:21 benrob0329 Lol
14:22 Megaf I do not believe I was right in the way I was acting
14:22 Megaf was I right yesterday sofar? I don't think so
14:22 benrob0329 We all say stuff we regret
14:23 benrob0329 Its realizing and apologizing that counts
14:24 Megaf I don't regret... Don't think it was right wither
14:24 Megaf either*
14:27 shivajiva hi RoaryT,
14:27 Megaf I find this video hilarious. I hope I'm not the only one.
14:27 tenplus1 lol
14:28 Megaf If you dont understand the gif, here is an explanation
14:29 Megaf Thats the guy in space
14:29 tenplus1 it's ok, I get it :P
14:30 shivajiva guess he forgot he wasn't in the zero-g plane???
14:33 Megaf lol
14:34 shivajiva I love the way the doors open outwards for a craft in a negative atmosphere and they put wiring on the outside in a micro meteor daft am I supposed to be...
14:35 shivajiva I think the asparagus eating vid is the best example of the editing they use to splice this crap together
14:36 shivajiva watch the scissors top right for the edits if you are interested
14:37 Megaf Jordach, watched already?
14:43 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
14:43 tenplus1 hi caleb
14:44 CalebDavis hi ten
14:46 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
14:49 tenplus1 hi twoelk
14:49 twoelk o/
14:55 CWz I wonder did MegaF ever finish that bottle
14:56 * twoelk gets thirsty at the thought of an unfinished bottle of wine
14:56 Raven262 Or did it finish HIM...
14:58 * benrob0329 ponders making a forum post about the tardis mod
14:58 tenplus1 you should
14:59 benrob0329 Testing And Relative Dimensions In (3D) Space
15:00 Wayward_One hi all :)
15:00 tenplus1 hey wayward
15:00 benrob0329 Hi Wayward_One
15:01 Raven262 Hi Wayward_One
15:03 Megaf CWz, I did :)
15:03 twoelk benrob0329: a new tardis mod?  do list all the other Dr.Who themed threads, there should be quite a few by now
15:03 Megaf Now I'm having a pint of coffee
15:05 * twoelk raises his pot of coffee in greeting
15:10 Megaf same here
15:10 Megaf twoelk, what kind you having? espresso? latte? Mocca?
15:11 Megaf I'm having a latte made from espresso
15:11 twoelk lungo
15:13 twoelk we got this stupid machine, so to fill the pot I make two lungo ad some hot water and finish with some milk
15:13 Megaf hah
15:13 Megaf that's alright
15:13 twoelk I must confess I'm no fan of these machines you usually find in offices nowadays
15:14 Megaf from the machine I used to take mocachino
15:16 twoelk somehow I miss the freshly hand roasted coffee's of arabia - always different - exciting - and often an adventure
15:19 twoelk some needed full concentration to smile and not offend the host - but even so after a while with the tastebuds aligned for the new sensations they left you craving for more
15:20 twoelk technically I guess those coffees would be sortet as mocca
15:20 Megaf I only drink fresh coffee
15:20 twoelk define fresh :-)
15:21 Megaf buy the ground coffee in vacuum and make it fresh myself
15:21 Megaf But I rather by roasted coffee beans and grind them myself
15:21 Megaf just before brewing
15:22 twoelk well, I used to watch the host roast the beans, grind them and then make the coffee, on a little open fire in the sitting room
15:25 tenplus1 back laters :D
15:25 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
15:27 Megaf Whos 4w?
15:30 benrob0329 twoelk: same tardis mod as before, I just haven't posted yet as it wasn't the least bit stable when I started
15:30 Megaf !tell paramat Hi paramat, I do not agree with my behavior myself and agree with you that it was incorrect. However, I think it is not necessary to bring that to GitHub and I would greatly appreciate if you removed that
15:30 ShadowBot Megaf: O.K.
15:32 Megaf (memoserv limits messages to 300 characters)
15:33 Megaf Need to buy more wine
15:41 CWz well look no further then crossover
15:42 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
15:43 Megaf I need some love
15:46 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
15:47 Megaf welcome back oOChainLynxOo
15:48 oOChainLynxOo hello Megaf :)
15:48 benrob0329 Wb oOChainLynxOo
15:53 Megaf ok, here we go again, building SQLite, LuaJIT, IRRLicht and Minetest
15:54 Megaf setting lua thing to legacy hides the flood of messages indeed, at least that allows me to work on the server
15:54 jas_ i just use the libs in debian stable
15:54 Megaf I used to do that too, but I got some nice performance gains compiling myself
15:54 jas_ in irrlicht?
15:55 Megaf the major performance gains seem to have come from sqlite regarding world generation and access
15:55 Megaf I havent tested about luajit and irrlicht yet
15:55 Megaf since I tested only single player without mods
15:55 jas_ stable releases of those libs?
15:55 Megaf yep
15:56 jas_ huh cool
15:56 Megaf I made a script to build everything if you want to try
15:56 jas_ someday, i don't worry too much about performance yet
15:56 Megaf hah
15:56 Megaf that's ok
15:56 jas_ i actually had fps capped at 30 :O
15:57 jas_ have*
15:58 Megaf ok, the build script failed for some reason
16:01 Megaf not, script did not fail :)
16:01 Megaf s/not/nope
16:09 Megaf Oh boy "Your Amazing Molecular Machines"
16:18 Megaf Yay! -- *** Will build version 0.4.16 ***
16:18 Megaf tag name on GitHub is fixed
16:18 Megaf sfan5, ^
16:19 Megaf I used stable-0.4 tho. Should I really change to backport?
16:20 CalebDavis joined #minetest-hub
16:22 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
16:30 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
16:40 Megaf If you ever wandered how is a Minetest world without a subgame wonder no further and see 30003
16:40 Megaf no mods at all
16:41 Megaf (just areas)
16:41 Megaf it's a world of unknown blocks
16:42 Sokomine yes, i've seen those before. it does look strange at first
16:46 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
16:47 Megaf ok, server crashed
16:47 Raven262 I see
16:48 Megaf not Minetest faults
16:48 Megaf I ran out of space in the HD
16:48 Raven262 lol
16:48 Megaf interesting experience regardless
16:49 Megaf will be back much later
16:49 Megaf cya
18:00 Fixer *,,,,,*
18:02 Krock joined #minetest-hub
18:18 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
18:19 CWz This just in, uber extremists attack a taxidriver preserve
18:20 CWz heh
18:25 Fixer five stars
18:26 CWz ?
18:34 Fixer that was a meme
18:34 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
18:34 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
18:35 IhrFussel Hi guys
18:40 Fixer IhrFussel: hi, minetest is doing
18:47 Raven262 Hi IhrFussel
19:21 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
19:24 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
19:49 benrob0329 RobbieF, tenplus1:
19:51 * benrob0329 uploaded an image: screenshot_20171121_140738.png (331KB) <>
19:51 RobbieF hi benrob0329
19:51 RobbieF Oooh, nice TARDIS  :)
19:51 RobbieF how's that coming?
19:52 benrob0329 RobbieF: slowly, but its should be stable as is
19:53 Krock Doctor!
19:55 benrob0329 Krock: little better than the last model? :P
19:56 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
19:56 Krock "Are you alright?" ".. can't with the TARDIS from the time corridor. Hold on." "What is it?" "A Duck!"
19:57 Krock benrob0329, looks good already. however, the texture needs reworking
19:58 benrob0329 Most likely, I might try to add some shading to it tonight
19:59 Jordach i wonder what this is used for
19:59 Jordach
20:00 benrob0329 Jordach: clearly, the the thing out of  a 70s SciFi series :^)
20:01 Jordach the blend name is the biggest clue
20:01 Fixer *,,,,,,*
20:02 Jordach except, it's not a model
20:02 Jordach it's nodebox refenrece
20:02 Jordach reference*
20:07 benrob0329 I like how no one but me noticed that I didn't do the windows correctly
20:15 RobbieF good to hear benrob0329! Can't wait to be "back in Minetest mode" and can try it out!
20:22 benrob0329 I wonder if I can manage to make the scanner..
20:22 benrob0329 What ways do we have of displaying a map?
20:23 RoaryTiger joined #minetest-hub
20:26 benrob0329 Ohh, I could set the player's camera straight down, and have them move above the ground (being made invisible ofc)
20:27 Jordach_ joined #minetest-hub
20:27 benrob0329 Can you replace the hand on a per-player level?
20:28 RoaryTiger and where is Megaf connected from now? Oo
20:28 RoaryTiger it must be my toshiba laptop
20:28 RoaryTiger oh well
20:29 Calinou RoaryTiger: which distro do you use? and which graphics card model?
20:30 RoaryTiger welcome back Jordach_
20:30 Calinou it's easy on pretty much any distro today
20:30 Calinou *but* on Arch Linux derivatives, you need to make sure to use a DKMS driver, so that it doesn't break when the kernel updates
20:30 Calinou (it may not always default to a DKMS one)
20:30 RoaryTiger It's not difficult actually, but it does involves downloading a number of backages, compiling modules and rebooting
20:30 RoaryTiger whereas Radeon just works
20:31 Calinou it does everything for you
20:31 Calinou yes, you need to reboot, except on Manjaro where the live media has it :)
20:31 Calinou Antergos can also install it from the live media (where it'll be immediately effective on the installed system)
20:31 Calinou (except on laptops with hybrid graphics)
20:31 RoaryTiger brb, reboot
20:42 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
20:45 Fixer mmmm, hybrid graphics
20:50 benrob0329 Are there any mods which override the hand per player, so that I can see an example?
21:08 Fixer i suspect there is
21:27 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
21:34 Jordach_
21:48 Megaf Calinou, I'm still trying to get this to work
21:48 Megaf it seems to be working, but when X comes up the display backlight is turned off
21:54 Megaf With Debian Stretch nouveau works great but b43 keeps crashing. With Debian Buster b43 works great but nouveau keeps crashing
21:54 Megaf you cant win with Linux
21:56 Megaf I will give a last chance to Debian, will try Sid
21:58 RoaryTiger joined #minetest-hub
21:59 RoaryTiger lol, I try again too boot Debian, this time after starting mac and shuttting it down again. And it works
22:01 Calinou Megaf: I may switch to Linux again, but I'm not sure…
22:01 Calinou I never keep my OS installs more than 6 months, lol
22:01 Calinou though I may also stay on Windows for now
22:01 RoaryTiger neither do I
22:01 rubenwardy <Calinou> I never keep my OS installs more than 6 months, lol
22:01 RoaryTiger just on servers...
22:01 rubenwardy sounds like Linux would be good for you
22:02 rubenwardy I haven't used Windows in about 2 years
22:02 rubenwardy before then I used it for 3 months due to new laptop, and before then it was 2 years again
22:02 RoaryTiger rubenwardy, I quite windows in 2003 :)
22:02 RoaryTiger quit*
22:02 rubenwardy congrats :D
22:02 Calinou thing is, Windows works really well for me
22:02 Calinou so it wouldn't be for practical reasons
22:03 Calinou I have (almost) no technical issues with it
22:03 rubenwardy Windows sucked and was incredibly unstable when I had used it last
22:03 Calinou I'm on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
22:03 rubenwardy plus it sucks for C++ development
22:03 Calinou note: the WSL breaks over if you manually upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 17.10
22:03 rubenwardy and Minetest
22:03 Calinou this is apparently fixed in the Insider builds
22:03 Calinou but I don't want to use Insider builds, with mandatory Full telemetry and feedback dialogs :(
22:03 rubenwardy plus I prefer my operating systems to be free of spyware and candy crush
22:04 Calinou same
22:07 benrob0329 Calinou: enter the Void (linux)
22:08 benrob0329 We have stupidly fast boot times :^)
22:10 benrob0329 Thanks Jordach_
22:13 RoaryTiger can confirm fast boot times
22:13 RoaryTiger and the crazy thing, Linux can do a full regular cold boot quicker than a windows fast hot boot
22:14 RoaryTiger My unknown blocks server is back
22:14 RoaryTiger
22:14 RoaryTiger 30003
22:15 ImNotHere joined #minetest-hub
22:20 Megaf running clearobjects
22:29 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
22:31 benrob0329 RoaryTiger: I meant Void Linux specifically
22:32 Megaf benrob0329, Iḿ here. Tiger is sleeping :P
22:32 benrob0329 Megaf: ah, so RoaryTiger is an alt name?
22:34 Megaf its a nick I use when I'm feeling playful or when Megaf nick is busy in another computer
22:34 Megaf benrob0329, These are my nicks -> Megaf Megaf_ Megaf__ }[-_-]{ LittleRoaryTiger RoaryTiger ImNotHere ImNotThere Megaf[College]
22:36 Megaf benrob0329, and about void, it is cool and all But I've been planing my own OS for years already
22:36 Megaf and doing some research
22:39 Fixer my win 7 boot time is abysmall
22:40 Fixer win xp boots much faster under VM under said win7
22:40 Fixer io trashing is usual
22:41 benrob0329 Megaf: good luck, hope it uses Runit :PP
22:42 Megaf benrob0329, I dont really want to use any init system
22:42 Megaf just a very clean and small shell script to load what has to be loaded
22:42 Megaf I need a tiny shell too
22:43 Megaf I was thinking using kernels builtin busybox as shell
22:43 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
22:43 benrob0329 Megaf: so you want to create what people have been trying to move away from for years?
22:44 Mr_Pardison the horror.
22:44 benrob0329 Shell scripts and everything-in-a-kernel
22:44 Megaf benrob0329, I want the tiniest thing possible yet as fast as possible
22:45 Megaf benrob0329, but I will read about runit
22:45 benrob0329 To be honest, some kind of init is necessary nowadays to keep daemons running
22:45 benrob0329 Please do, its very small and very simple
22:45 Megaf benrob0329, my OS is for a very specific and dedicated use case ;)
22:46 Megaf It's a firmware actually
22:56 Fixer_ joined #minetest-hub
23:12 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
23:23 Jordach joined #minetest-hub

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