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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-09-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 paramat actually mapgen carpathian doesn't have crazy 3D noise structures and has lots of flat areas to build on
00:00 paramat partly why it was added
00:00 paramat better than mgv6 for building stuff
00:00 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
00:00 Grandolf joined #minetest-hub
00:02 benrob0329 Megaf: gentoo probably could
00:03 benrob0329 And LFS, but thats not technically a distro
00:05 Megaf root@VZHost:~# free -m
00:05 Megaf total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
00:05 Megaf Mem:             49          21           1           0          26          24
00:06 Megaf Simply put, there's no reason somebody shoulnd't use Debian
00:06 Megaf and I can reduce a lot / if I begin to remove some modules
00:08 Calinou <Megaf> Simply put, there's no reason somebody shoulnd't use Debian
00:08 Calinou suddenly: Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch, Antergos, Manjaro… :D
00:08 Calinou there's no reason somebody should use Debian, I'd even say :P
00:09 Calinou (I just find Fedora/Arch-based distros much better, these days)
00:09 Megaf well, I used Fedora and Arch for many years
00:09 Calinou (I still use Ubuntu Server 16.04 on my server, but I don't like how the software begins to be quite outdated already)
00:10 rubenwardy Ooops "Your page has 3 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded."
00:15 Megaf /dev/sda1 1886 379 1492 21% /
00:15 Megaf 379 MB used
00:17 Calinou
00:17 Calinou I gotta do something… :|
00:18 Megaf Calinou, use Linux
00:18 Megaf it's a good start
00:19 Megaf Calinou, right click on the drive, propeties and the thing to clean disk
00:19 Calinou yeah, I know about that
00:20 Calinou just run it, it didn't really free anything
00:20 Calinou I'll just remove some stuff sitting in my Downloads folder :P
00:24 Megaf I decided to put my downloads folder in a ramdisk
00:25 Megaf it was always full...
00:33 Megaf root@VZHost:~# df -h /dev/sda1
00:33 Megaf Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
00:33 Megaf /dev/sda1       1.9G  371M  1.5G  20% /
00:33 Megaf o/
00:49 KaadmY Calinou: yeah I saw Zandronum 3.0 yesterday :P
01:15 Megaf-Haiku joined #minetest-hub
01:40 Megaf-Haiku joined #minetest-hub
01:41 Megaf-Haiku I can speak now
04:35 paramat joined #minetest-hub
06:01 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
06:09 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:24 Hijiri forum is broken
06:29 Hijiri oh, everybody knows
06:30 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:46 CWz Ahoy there seems the forum is broken again
06:54 sofar I've contacted the authorities :)
07:28 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
07:28 tenplus1 hi folks
07:29 rdococ
07:30 tenplus1 hi rdococ
07:30 tenplus1 anyone know what's up with forums ???
07:39 Raven262 Calinou, Finally, No more shuttering on my PC (in zandronum).
07:39 Raven262 Gzdoom works very nice though.
07:39 tenplus1 hi raven
07:39 Raven262 Hi tenplus1
07:40 celeron55_
07:40 celeron55_ /var wasn't happy
07:40 celeron55_ and, well, still isn't
07:40 tenplus1 o/ celeron
07:47 rdococ hi
07:58 rdococ Hunger now depletes your health if your bar is empty, but currently there is no way to get that to happen yet.
07:59 rdococ well, unless you eat red mushrooms, which now make you hungry :P
08:02 tenplus1 ???
08:05 rdococ oh, I'm rambling on about my in-dev subgame
08:06 tenplus1 oh, thought you were using stamina mod for that
08:06 rdococ nah, I'm creating it from scratch using code from my new health bar mod
08:06 tenplus1 ahh
08:07 rdococ it's probably going to be similar, though
08:07 tenplus1 :P
08:09 rdococ the game's probably different enough to cause some incompatibilities, e.g. in crafting recipes designed to use steel
08:10 rdococ but I plan to readd steel by crafting iron ingots with coal anyway
08:10 tenplus1 being a sub-game you gotta add what needs to be added and fix it :)
08:10 tenplus1 that'll work
08:11 rdococ iron lumps now smelt to form iron ingots, as opposed to steel ingots. at the moment, it uses the same textures as steel does, but that may change.
08:11 rdococ crafting 5 iron ingots with 4 diamonds nets you cast iron (forgot how many ingots, though).
08:12 rdococ cast iron replaces diamond in various aspects, and is usable as a stronger alternative to iron/steel as well in things like ladders
08:12 tenplus1 kewl
08:12 rdococ Plan: buckets mod will be modified to add iron buckets, and cast iron buckets. only cast iron buckets will be able to carry damaging liquids, such as lava.
08:16 tenplus1 cklay buckets you gotta fire before being usable ?
08:17 rdococ maybe
08:17 rdococ hm, I swear there was a mod which already had wrought and cast iron
08:17 rdococ I might add wrought iron, then mixing wrought with cast nets you steel
08:18 rdococ but nah
08:20 rdococ wait
08:20 lisac joined #minetest-hub
08:20 tenplus1 hi lisac
08:21 rdococ new plan: cast iron won't be used in making tools and stuff
08:21 rdococ instead, what are currently cast iron tools will be rebranded to steel tools. steel would be created by mixing wrought iron with cast iron.
08:21 rdococ wrought iron will appear slightly orangish, cast iron slightly bluish.
08:22 lisac hey tenplus1
08:22 lisac rdococ, just make a high furnace and smelt steel
08:22 lisac *iron
08:22 tenplus1 try not to over complicate things rdococ
08:22 lisac or add white, grey and cast iron
08:22 * lisac needs to re-read his textbook on machine materials
08:22 rdococ having multiple furnaces doesn't even make sense
08:23 lisac oh it does. High furnaces are how iron products are made
08:23 rdococ what the heck is a high furnace
08:23 rdococ did you give a furnace weed?
08:23 tenplus1 high temp furnace for smelting ores, normal furnace for food items
08:23 tenplus1 e.g.  Smelting Furnace
08:23 lisac apparently my translation sucks
08:24 lisac it's called 'Visoka Peć', literally 'High furnace' on Serbian
08:24 lisac anyways, pure iron is very very hard to get, and is basically useless
08:24 rdococ hmm
08:25 rdococ meh, idk now
08:25 lisac IIRC there are 3 main iron types
08:25 lisac the carbon one (dark), the white one, and the other one
08:25 lisac see, very descriptive
08:26 lisac ^ technical irons
08:26 rdococ are you talking about iron, wrought iron and cast iron?
08:26 lisac possibly
08:26 rdococ cast iron is probably the carbon one
08:26 rdococ wrought iron is likely to be the other one
08:26 rdococ well, or steel
08:27 lisac so, pig iron has a high carbon content
08:27 lisac too high
08:27 lisac you smelt it and add oxygen to reduce the carbon content
08:27 lisac and get steel
08:27 rdococ so...
08:27 lisac so maybe just smelting pig iron should give you steel
08:27 rdococ crude iron metal -> pig iron -> steel?
08:28 lisac *ore
08:28 lisac yes. And you can make it more complicated
08:28 rdococ lisac: but I want steel to be rarer
08:28 lisac Oh, simple. Require an expensive tech to convert iron to steel
08:28 lisac and maybe give 1 steel for 4 iron
08:28 rdococ I'm planning on using it to replace diamond tools...
08:29 lisac there never should've been iron tools
08:29 rdococ whadya mean?
08:29 lisac in MT, you can make tools out of iron and get steel tools
08:29 lisac right?
08:29 lisac well, iron tools would break really fast
08:29 rdococ in MT, iron lumps smelt into steel ingots
08:30 lisac yeah
08:30 rdococ hm, maybe I'm taking an incorrect approach
08:31 tenplus1
08:31 tenplus1 if it helps
08:32 rdococ meh, I'm not sure I want to add a new type of furnace
08:32 rdococ honestly, I think we need a furnace overhaul
08:33 tenplus1 yeah, 2 input slots for starters
08:33 lisac maybe add iron and steel furnaces
08:33 lisac so you've got stone, iron and steel one
08:33 lisac when we are at how other games do it:
08:34 rdococ I might add graphite, which would be used to create graphene/grapheme (spellcheck doesn't seem to recognize it) tools, which would be hard to craft but extremely strong
08:34 tenplus1 4x iron ingots + 1x coal lummp = 1x steel ingot
08:35 lisac tenplus1, poor players
08:35 rdococ perhaps
08:35 tenplus1 simple recipe to solve any confusion
08:35 rdococ but maybe iron ore -> pig iron first?
08:35 tenplus1 and since steel is a lot stronger than iron and bronze it'll last longer to compensate player
08:35 rdococ tenplus1: I was going to use steel to replace diamond tbh
08:35 lisac rdococ, smelting iron should give you two other types of iron
08:36 lisac not just one
08:36 rdococ hm
08:36 rdococ lisac: how would that work?
08:37 lisac simply output pig and cast iron ingot out
08:37 lisac most furnaces already have got 2 output slots, right?
08:37 rdococ if I'm reading the situation on pig and cast iron correctly, aren't pig and cast iron similar anyway? even then, what would cast iron be used for? I plan for pig iron to smelt into steel, but cast iron?
08:38 lisac cast iron has nice heat distribution properties
08:39 rdococ would that be useful in, say, a cast iron furnace?
08:39 lisac probably
08:39 rdococ or... or maybe not
08:39 rdococ idk
08:39 lisac 'The first cast-iron bridge was built during the 1770s by Abraham Darby III, and is known as The Iron Bridge.'
08:39 lisac it is also good for building, apparently.
08:40 tenplus1 also brings in a good idea for iron blocks to become rusted over time giving decorative block
08:40 tenplus1 samwe way copper block has it's copper patina alternative in moreblocks
08:41 lisac maybe differentiate different temperatures for materials in furnaces?
08:42 rdococ hm
08:42 rdococ in regular mt_game, steel is as strong as bronze
08:43 tenplus1 going up in strength it should be iron -> bronze -> steel
08:44 lisac and remove wood tools.
08:44 tenplus1 yes
08:45 lisac allow digging of stone by hand, but make it slow
08:45 lisac like, painfully slow
08:45 lisac 5 seconds per node slow.
08:45 rdococ how would you dig stone by hand
08:45 lisac you'd break off pieces
08:45 tenplus1 find stones among gravel, same with flint
08:45 lisac then make a primitive pickaxe using them
08:45 tenplus1 put stones together to make blocks
08:46 lisac tenplus1, isn't gravel a bit too rare to require player to find before being able to do anything?
08:46 rdococ have you two created a subgame yet?
08:46 tenplus1 I made an ethereal subgame ages ago, but gave up on it to simple have the mod itself
08:46 rdococ lisac: I already have gravel as a requirement for getting flint, to craft a "flint head" to chop trees, but I was gonna compensate by making gravel more common
08:47 lisac hmm
08:47 lisac I need to make a subgame
08:47 lisac tenplus1, interested in a nice tech-based subgame, like tehnic?
08:47 tenplus1 would be a good idea :) especially if it ran on servers more smoothly
08:48 lisac tracing lines is the reason some mods lag
08:48 lisac like mesecons
08:48 lisac what if we had fields, like factorio?
08:48 lisac you place a power pole, and everything in vicinity is connected
08:48 tenplus1 mesecon and technic needs a complete overhaul
08:49 rdococ mesecon's internals are weird, man
08:49 tenplus1 I'd remove the mesecon wires lighting up and have a simple abm in the background with some particles to show activity... less laggy
08:49 lisac tenplus1, remove wires completely
08:49 tenplus1 wires are necessary
08:49 tenplus1 for certain machines
08:49 rdococ not necessarily
08:49 lisac for example?
08:49 rdococ I don't think, anyway
08:50 lisac my power pole idea would be nice, I think
08:50 rdococ at least if you have a good replacement for it
08:50 tenplus1 go back to using mese dust and not the wires
08:50 lisac tenplus1, I heard tracing lines is expensive
08:50 rdococ say, being able to connect a receptor to an effector directly with a tool
08:50 tenplus1 it can be, yes
08:50 rdococ and wirelessly
08:51 tenplus1 wireless interaction is advanced level mesecons,,, we need wires to begin with
08:51 tenplus1 otherwise there's no progression
08:51 lisac tenplus1, maybe stronger machines require more power?
08:51 lisac therefore stronger power poles
08:51 tenplus1 technic has lv mv hv machines for that
08:52 lisac yes, but with line tracing
08:52 rdococ I have a mod similar to mesecons/digilines, but it's a wireless signalling system
08:52 rdococ what if, rather than connecting lines to connect blocks, you'd connect the blocks directly and a line would be drawn?
08:52 tenplus1 would be nice if placing a machine part would trace the line to the other side and only affect the machine nodes, leaving the wires out of it completely
08:53 tenplus1 that way a simple on place does the searching and the machine operation works only between the two
08:53 tenplus1 faster
08:53 lisac what if we just draw lines between two connected machines?
08:54 tenplus1 have formspec deal with input./output coords
08:54 tenplus1 to direct link machines ?
08:55 lisac hmm typing coords is painful
08:55 lisac that's how basic_machines does it
08:55 tenplus1 have a button to PUNCH output machine
08:55 tenplus1 like the basic_machines mod does... only easier
08:55 tenplus1 that one runs many times faster than technic
08:55 tenplus1 no wires
08:55 lisac hmm not a bad idea
08:56 tenplus1 what we need most is simplicity of use and progression (if possible)
08:56 lisac also add infotext, 'Connected to <other machine name> at <other machine coords>'
08:56 rdococ again, I have a wireless signalling system that allows you to connect two nodes by clicking on them with a tool
08:56 lisac have two connections, input and output
08:57 lisac input gives power and some data, output outputs data or power
08:57 rdococ although it was designed for creative and so doesn't have a power system
08:57 tenplus1 battery input for charging, output for powering...  grinder for input (items) output (storage) but needs power
08:58 lisac tenplus1, problem is if we've got generators that should be connected to multiple locations
08:58 lisac maybe have power dispenser
08:58 lisac that can be connected to 5 outputs
08:58 lisac and 1 input
08:58 tenplus1 there's a lot to think about when it comes to machines i minetest
08:58 lisac also have maxrange
08:58 lisac in order to prevent 2000 nodes generator distance
08:58 tenplus1 unless you go totally steam power and have a compressor that uses coal
08:59 lisac make player start with steam
08:59 tenplus1 or rope levels with no power requird :D
08:59 lisac lol
08:59 shivajiva Hi, what about punching the machines to connect them after issuing a command, with implied wiring underground that is not visible until you dig in the path?
08:59 tenplus1 eg, level at door, pull lever to connect to machine that opens doors only
09:00 lisac shivajiva, formspec is simpler for enduser
09:00 tenplus1 start with simple machines/pulleys and make them more complicated as/when needed :D
09:00 lisac not everyone will read a forum post on how to use it
09:00 tenplus1 hi shiva
09:00 lisac but everyone will get the idea to rightclick a node
09:00 lisac hey shivajiva
09:00 shivajiva adding coords in a formspec is not simpler than punching :P
09:00 tenplus1 back laters, shopping time :)))
09:00 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
09:01 lisac we'll have punching, but you'll press a button in formspec to active it
09:01 shivajiva like a master switch
09:04 lisac is there any way to drop items in MT?
09:04 lisac from a mod?
09:05 shivajiva drop as in spawn into the world
09:05 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
09:06 shivajiva or remove an inventory item and spawn into the world
09:07 rdococ uhm
09:08 lisac yes
09:08 lisac remove and spawn one
09:09 lisac then have a transport belt that just moves every item on it forward
09:09 lisac on the other side, have an inserter which picks up items from the node next to it and places it to the other side
09:11 shivajiva yea you can do that in code but it would be quite heavy moving items node to node like a conveyor me thinks
09:18 rdococ idea: copper wiring mechanism with copper ingots
09:22 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
09:23 rdococ hi DS-minetest
09:24 DS-minetest hi
09:26 rdococ heh
09:26 rdococ
09:36 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
09:36 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
09:43 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
09:51 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
09:51 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
09:58 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
10:04 rdococ does [resize use nearest neighbor when scaling up?
10:35 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:35 IhrFussel Are extended player attributes faster than global variables?
10:47 rdococ heh, I should add kale that depletes your hunger
10:54 lisac IhrFussel, I'd think they are slower
10:54 lisac they not only write into RAM, but also save inside a file on HDD
10:54 lisac right?
10:57 IhrFussel lisac, they are saved to file every 15 secs by default
10:57 lisac which would again make them slower then just using a variable.
10:57 IhrFussel But I rather wanted to know whether accessing them in RAM is faster than accessing a global Lua var
10:58 lisac variables are in RAM
10:58 lisac not sure if lua has concept of cache
10:58 lisac anyways, you could always test it
10:59 lisac have a for loop write a thousand variables, and another write a thousand player attributes, check time it takes it to finish
10:59 lisac do it a few times, get median value
10:59 IhrFussel How do I get milliseconds in Lua?
11:00 lisac
11:01 Krock joined #minetest-hub
11:01 lisac os.clock()
11:04 rdococ In my subgame, lava will kill you instantly (that is, 20 damage per second rather than 8. If you find a way to get more max HP, you could still survive for longer, though.)
11:05 lisac IhrFussel,
11:06 lisac that seems to do... something.
11:08 rdococ lisac: is there a way to create a solidifed liquid that doesn't flow? It'd be pretty cool to be able to solidify lava.
11:08 lisac um... what's the difference between a non-flowing liquid and an ordinary node?
11:09 rdococ a non-flowing liquid would be able to take on the shape of a flowing liquid, but would be unable to spread.
11:09 lisac oh
11:09 shivajiva like a solid then
11:10 rdococ like lava that has solidified instantly, remaining in the shape it was as a liquid but not flowing
11:10 lisac yes; aren't flowing liquids just models, anyways?
11:10 lisac register a node for every flowing shape
11:10 lisac then replace them in an ABM
11:11 rdococ what would happen if you set liquid viscosity to math.huge, though?
11:11 lisac you'd force the poor player to kill himself.
11:11 lisac once you touch it there is no escape
11:12 Krock there's also core.get_us_time() which gives you a microsecond precision
11:12 rdococ oh, ew
11:12 lisac
11:12 Krock lisac, /spawn
11:12 lisac ah it's the flow thing.
11:13 * lisac wonders what happens in this case
11:13 lisac does it flood itself?
11:13 lisac and disappear?
11:14 lisac or does it keep fading in and out?
11:14 lisac flooding and not flooding?
11:14 Krock huge lag, I suppose
11:15 rdococ a floodable liquid
11:15 rdococ I get the feeling that the liquid would flow into itself
11:15 rdococ but might be wrong
11:15 rdococ I feel the urge to test it
11:23 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
11:27 lisac joined #minetest-hub
11:27 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
11:32 rdococ hi DS-minetest
11:32 rdococ (again)
11:34 DS-minetest hi
11:36 Calinou Raven262: also, I installed this launcher for Doom,
11:36 Calinou hi :)
11:37 cx384 joined #minetest-hub
11:43 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
12:01 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
12:01 tenplus1 hi folks
12:02 rdococ hi
12:02 tenplus1 o/ rdococ
12:02 lisac joined #minetest-hub
12:02 tenplus1 hi lisac
12:02 Krock hi tenplus1
12:03 tenplus1 hey Krock :)
12:03 rdococ hi eleven
12:03 tenplus1 glad the forums are back up
12:03 rdococ my subgame currently has a thirst mod, but your thirst only depletes when you are in sunlight
12:03 tenplus1 should also deplete when you are moving/working
12:03 tenplus1 same as hunger
12:04 rdococ hunger depletes over time, but it depletes faster to heal you when you're damaged
12:04 rdococ currently moving and doing things doesn't change the speed at which they deplete
12:04 rdococ also, I'm probably using a bad method of timing depletions anyway
12:04 rdococ how do other mods do it?
12:04 tenplus1 check stamina mod, it'll show you how it depletes when moving/digging
12:06 rdococ odd how it modifies core.do_item_eat...
12:06 tenplus1 that's so it's compatible with every food item in every mod
12:06 rdococ my hunger mod currently adds an on_item_eat callback that returns the itemstack with an item removed
12:07 rdococ I thought all food items were standardized to use minetest.item_eat
12:07 rdococ or, at least, all food items in the more popular mods
12:08 tenplus1 they are... which is why code.do_item_eat is overriden by stamina to use it's own function and still eat food
12:08 tenplus1 stamina mod beats hud/hunger and hbhunger in this
12:08 tenplus1 and is very light on resources
12:08 Megaf Hi tenplus1, wb
12:08 tenplus1 hi Megaf
12:08 Raven262 Calinou, I'm used to running doom from console, but this launcher looks nice.
12:08 rdococ I'd use the stamina mod, but meh
12:09 tenplus1 lol, stamina mod also adds sprinting
12:09 Megaf Folks, I'm trying to build mt for windows here on linux, but I get this error. Can you please have a look?
12:10 Megaf This link for colourful text...
12:11 tenplus1 have you tried this Megaf
12:11 Megaf I will actually click, it must be fun
12:12 rdococ ugh, I'm thinking about adding the stamina mod but not sure
12:12 Megaf yep, very fun tenplus1
12:12 rdococ I know it's probably some flavor of open-source but I still don't like using mods from others
12:13 rdococ idk why, even though I'm basing my subgame off minetest_game
12:13 tenplus1 rdococ: sign onto Xanadu for a tick if you wanna see stamina mod in action
12:13 rdococ odd
12:14 rdococ "this conflicts with the builtin breath bar. To move the builtin breath bar, I basically have to entirely re-implement it in lua including timers to catch breath changes for each online player, which is all a waste of time, just to move a few pixels around."
12:14 rdococ ...I guess that was written before the "override builtin hud" function was implemented
12:14 lisac hey tenplus1
12:15 rdococ it honestly doesn't make that much sense as to why the breath bar is builtin anyway tbh
12:15 lisac tenplus1, still interested in that mod?
12:15 tenplus1 which mod lisac ?
12:16 lisac Light easy to use automation mod
12:16 lisac with electricity
12:17 lisac Raven262 can do the textures. He joined already. Right, raven?
12:17 Raven262 Yeaaaaaa
12:17 cx384 hi tenplus1
12:18 tenplus1 hi cx384
12:18 * rdococ gets to work on modifying stamina textures
12:18 tenplus1 I was thinking of a simple "Medeival Machines" mod that uses ropes to PULL mechanisms to open doors etc.
12:19 Shara Hello
12:19 tenplus1 hi shara :)
12:19 Shara Hi Ten :)
12:20 rdococ hm
12:20 tenplus1 if pathfinding would allow you to follow certain nodes it'd be great for mesecon stuff
12:21 rdococ should I replace the textures in the rdogame/mods/stamina folder, or override them in another mod?
12:21 tenplus1 but... from machine 1 to machine 2 we could use pathfinding to join them up with rope/wire to make sure it's connected and it's a LOT faster than mesecon checking
12:21 tenplus1 if you are replacing textures always do it within mod folder
12:22 lisac tenplus1, problem with checking if it's in sight is that it needs to be checked every use
12:22 lisac what if player puts a node over the 'cable'?
12:22 tenplus1 no no, when connecting two machines it checks once only and writes inside meta the coords for each machine location
12:23 tenplus1 that way machine works, uses coords and doesnt have to constantly check connection
12:24 lisac yeah that's more-less the original idea
12:24 lisac just have a button inside a node formspec to connect output to the other nodes input
12:24 lisac like output of the generator to furnace input
12:24 lisac and furnace output to some sort of an inserter to take stuff out when it's baked
12:25 rdococ Yay, I got the stamina mod to look like my old hunger mod
12:25 tenplus1 and we could have a spool or wire or rope that uses pathfinding to connect machines and remove X amount of wire/rope from the bundle when connected
12:26 rdococ ...???
12:26 lisac not very easy to use, ten
12:26 rdococ is the stamina mod increasing my HP to 21?
12:26 lisac players might not figure out how to connect machines
12:26 rdococ I keep getting an extra half-heart
12:27 tenplus1 once the initial workings has been sorted then messages/mouseovers can be used
12:27 rdococ tenplus1: in the stamina mod, can my saturation exceed 20 (by default)?
12:28 cx384 water mills and wind mills would be nice to create mechanical energy.
12:28 tenplus1 it has settings to increase saturation max
12:28 rdococ cx384: I had the idea of a cog mod
12:28 tenplus1 heh, cogs are what minecraft would have originally added instead of redstone :P
12:29 rdococ true :P
12:29 rdococ a cog would check the rotational speed of its neighbors. if all of them were equal, it would set its rotational speed to the negation of that.
12:30 rdococ hm
12:30 rdococ well, if all of them had the same sign or were 0
12:30 cx384 I want to build this in minetest :D
12:31 tenplus1 heh
12:31 rdococ tenplus1: what do you think about a simple copper wiring system?
12:32 rdococ you'd have to build circuits, otherwise the electricity wouldn't flow
12:32 tenplus1 sounds good
12:32 tenplus1 and give copper a good use
12:32 rdococ circuits would be detected recursively (maybe?)
12:32 lisac tenplus1, make crafting need chopper wire
12:32 lisac for the max range of the node connecting
12:32 lisac like 10 if 10 nodes is the max distance
12:32 lisac make 1 ingot give 2 wires
12:33 tenplus1 yeh... and when connecting wires use pathfind to remove and place needed wires and write meta
12:33 rdococ lisac: I also had the idea of a survival-mode connection tool for my trigger mod, which would store the number of wires it was fed with and deplete it by the distance between two nodes when it is used to connect them
12:34 lisac tenplus1, more like show no sign of connection but infotext.
12:34 lisac else it becomes a bit laggy. Placing nodes.
12:34 lisac rdococ, problem is then a player with 500 chopper could move electricity 1000 nodes away
12:35 lisac you know, extremely long distances
12:36 rdococ lisac: yeah, but unless we want the wires to actually show then no pathfinding is needed
12:36 lisac I'd much rather force players to build some sort of repeaters inbetween for longer distances
12:37 rdococ true
12:37 tenplus1 we do need a sort of wire setup if possible, but something nowhere as laggy as mesecons
12:37 rdococ you could simply set a maximum range for that, though
12:38 lisac tenplus1, I don't see why
12:38 cx384 this is a minecraft mod cable but I think this is not possible with minetest
12:39 lisac it forces a very strange design because you can't place wires inside walls
12:39 lisac without making 3 node walls
12:39 rdococ that's true
12:39 lisac cx384, that looks great
12:39 lisac awesome, actually. We need it
12:39 tenplus1 if only we could do that sorta thing in mt
12:39 rdococ we def. need that
12:40 lisac tenplus1, maybe objects?
12:40 lisac for the wires
12:40 lisac downward lines are harder, tho
12:40 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
12:40 tenplus1 hi srifqi
12:41 srifqi hi tenplus1
12:43 srifqi Anybody knows what will I get when I do minetest.settings:get("mgv5_np_ground") ? Will it be a table? How to store it?
12:44 lisac use print(dump())
12:44 lisac it will give you the contents of it
12:44 srifqi Let me try.
12:44 tenplus1 local var = minetest.settings:get("mgv5_np_ground") ; print ("--- type:", type(var))
12:45 tenplus1 will tell you exactly what it is
12:45 srifqi Okay, let's try both of them.
12:45 * srifqi is wondering why GIMP loads longer after Windows Creator Update.
12:45 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
12:46 rdococ creator update?
12:46 tenplus1 *shudders* at windows 10 updates
12:48 srifqi Do you think, what happens when GIMP stuck on Font loading?
12:48 tenplus1 prolly remaking fonts list for windows
12:48 srifqi Oh, it requires administrator now.
12:48 lisac srifqi, easy to fix. Download a pirated version with spy stuff turned off. It also turns of the updates.
12:49 Fixer it is still bad
12:49 Fixer here is why
12:49 Fixer actually no
12:49 Fixer download pirated ltsb version and you should be fine
12:49 srifqi ltsb?
12:49 Fixer install security only updates
12:50 Fixer anyway I'm staying on Win7
12:50 rdococ lisac: sounds like an awful lot of trouble when you could get linux
12:51 Fixer completely disabling updates is not good
12:51 tenplus1 hi Fixer and totally agree, Win7 is the better choice
12:51 srifqi "2017-09-09 19:51:13: ERROR[Main]: Setting [mgv5_np_ground] is a group."
12:51 Fixer beauty of previous Windowses was ability to choose what to update, now you have no choice, you suck it up, or you suck without updates
12:52 Fixer is not W10 updates are cumulative?
12:52 tenplus1 microsoft could have easily re-written windows from the ground UP and fixed many of it's problems along the way
12:52 Fixer so you can't really skip anything
12:52 srifqi So, we can't use minetest.settings:get() to get a group?
12:53 srifqi Back to on topic, please. :(
12:53 Fixer what topic?
12:53 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
12:53 srifqi So, we can't use minetest.settings:get() to get a group?
12:54 lisac Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "zesty" 17.04 • CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G (1.40GHz) • Memory: Physical: 6.6 GiB Total (4.6 GiB Free) Swap: 7.9 GiB Total (7.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 644.6 GB / 1.1 TB (445.0 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h • Uptime: 54m 7s
12:54 lisac I'm on Linux
12:54 lisac but Skyrim doesn't work well here
12:54 lisac especially on this GPU
12:56 tenplus1 hi nrz
12:56 rdococ hi nrz
12:56 srifqi hi nerzhul
12:57 Fixer hi
12:57 rdococ hi
12:58 rdococ is it normal for stamina mod to give me 21 HP?
12:58 nerzhul lisac, what command did you use for that ?
12:58 nerzhul hi all
12:58 Raven262 Hi nerzhul
12:58 tenplus1 o/
12:58 lisac /sysinfo
12:58 lisac it's a hexchat plugin
12:58 nerzhul installed by default ?
12:58 rdococ HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 ** Distro: Debian 8.6 ** CPU: 4 x AMD A4-6210 APU with AMD Radeon R3 Graphics     (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.20GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.3GiB, 53.8% free ** Disk: Total: 913.4GiB, 89.5% free ** VGA: 1002:9850 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic1: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic ** Ethernet: 10ec:8136 ** Uptime: 2d 7h 26m 43s **
12:58 lisac hey nerzhul
12:59 Raven262 Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (x64) • CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G   (3.10GHz) • Memory: 5.9 GiB Total (2.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 301.4 GiB / 611.0 GiB (309.6 GiB Free) • VGA: AMD Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics • Uptime: 3h 1m 17s
12:59 lisac I think so
12:59 rdococ depends
12:59 nerzhul Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (1,40GHz) • Memory: 23,0 Gio Total (20,5 Gio Free) • Storage: 847,5 Go / 1,3 To (463,9 Go Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Tahiti XT [Radeon HD 7970/8970 OEM / R9 280X] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RD9x0/RX980 Host Bridge • Uptime: 7m 16s
12:59 rdococ heh, I'm still using an old ver :P
12:59 nerzhul i see :p
12:59 lisac :P
12:59 rdococ I tend to get stuck in the past :P
12:59 rdococ not when it comes to minetest 0.5.0, though, I hope :P
13:00 nerzhul why does it said 1.4Ghz my processor can run at 4.2 GHZ :p
13:00 nerzhul i think it's because it's not used :p
13:00 lisac Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "zesty" 17.04 • CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G (1.90GHz) • Memory: Physical: 6.6 GiB Total (4.5 GiB Free) Swap: 7.9 GiB Total (7.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 644.6 GB / 1.1 TB (445.0 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h • Uptime: 1h 0m 9s
13:00 Fixer AMD users o_O
13:00 lisac youtube must take a lot of CPU then
13:01 lisac Fixer, AMD>Intel
13:01 lisac can you cook soup on intel CPUs? No?
13:01 Krock ^
13:01 lisac or create baked goods?
13:01 Fixer you can cook on any CPU
13:01 Krock you can cook soup and eggs on a Riva TNT graphics card or P3/P4
13:01 lisac or heat your room during winter?
13:01 nerzhul Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: ArchLinux • CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (4,00GHz) • Memory: 23,0 Gio Total (20,2 Gio Free) • Storage: 847,4 Go / 1,3 To (464,0 Go Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Tahiti XT [Radeon HD 7970/8970 OEM / R9 280X] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RD9x0/RX980 Host Bridge • Uptime: 9m 43s
13:01 nerzhul ah it's better when i compile MT :D
13:01 nerzhul 4.0 ghz :p
13:02 srifqi "sysinfo :Unknown command"
13:02 tenplus1 brb
13:02 srifqi see you
13:03 lisac hey can you try this nerzhul? while true; do make clean && make -j ; done
13:03 srifqi XD
13:04 * DS-minetest found out something interesting
13:04 nerzhul it's already a make -j 8
13:04 nerzhul i have 8 cores :)
13:05 cx384 I have only 2.
13:05 srifqi DS-minetest, what is it?
13:05 Krock DS-minetest, was it this?
13:06 rdococ lol
13:06 DS-minetest Krock: the right or the left one? X3
13:07 DS-minetest you know, that if you walk on the edge of a node, there are no footsteps. if you eg. throw an item on the edge it will glide
13:07 tenplus1 hi DS
13:07 DS-minetest hi
13:08 Krock DS-minetest, long known features
13:09 * DS-minetest didn't try it before >_<
13:09 cx384 :}
13:17 cx384 The minetest coral texture is really ugly compared with this
13:21 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
13:22 tenplus1 wb amaz
13:23 Amaz ty :)
13:26 rdococ cx384: lol
13:37 rdococ hi tenplus1
13:37 tenplus1 o/
13:37 rdococ should I bother creating a copper wiring system, then?
13:38 tenplus1 am trying to think of the best way to handle it which would be easy to use and give progression
13:40 rdococ components could either put themselves in the "conductive" group, or have an "is_conductive" function (to enable for nodes whose conductivity varies, without using set/swap_node, or for nodes whose conductivity can only be determined when the node is checked). nodes could also have an on_conduct function, which is called when the node becomes powered, or loses power.
13:41 tenplus1 sounds like a plan, but what differs from basic_machines and current mesecons ?
13:41 rdococ nodes would manipulate electrical signals not through emitting or sending them, but purely through allowing a signal through or not.
13:41 rdococ tenplus1: wires must form a circuit
13:42 rdococ idk yet whether the wires themselves should turn on or off, or just whether wires should dictate how to trace the current
13:43 rdococ sorta like silicons, but the wires aren't bundled for you
13:43 tenplus1 they should only dictate current.. .changing wires on conductivity is what slows down mesecons too much
13:44 rdococ agreed
13:44 rdococ hm, what should I call the mod? circuits?
13:44 tenplus1 machines should do their work without changing nodes around it for look alone... if anything a mouseover comment.text is ok
13:44 rdococ true
13:47 rdococ when a switch is flipped from on to off or vice versa, it should trace to find a battery in front of it - if it does, then it should see if the battery can trace to form a complete circuit
13:50 tenplus1 but tracing each and every time is a pain and slowdown... am thinking of placement in general updating circuit check once and once only on place/remove
13:52 tenplus1 am wondering how minecraft does it so smoothly with redstone, if I could remember the sourcecode site I used for mc I'd check it out
13:53 rdococ you have to account for the fact that redstone has a finite signal strength, too
13:53 rdococ s/strength/rnnge/
13:53 rdococ s/rnnge/range/
13:54 srifqi I was using, how to make it not reconfigure so that I don't have to compile ALL of them.
13:54 tenplus1 that's fine, if I can figure HOW they do it so fast then it'll help in porting it across to minetest minuns signal strength if needed
13:54 srifqi I mean, I was using "make -j2" inside _build.
13:54 rdococ it is weird how redstone isn't laggy in minecraft
13:54 rdococ I mean, it even uses java
13:55 tenplus1 that's why I think it uses check_circuit_on_place instead of each and every iteration by machine
13:56 rdococ hm
13:57 rdococ unrelated idea: admin-customizable privilege groups, so "/grant tenplus1 mod" would add kick, ban, etc. but not server or worldedit
13:57 tenplus1 ? explain
13:58 tenplus1 minecraft decompiled code... checking for redstone now
14:00 rdococ tenplus1: You would be able to define "privilege groups". When a group is granted, every priv that is part of it is granted. When it is revoked, every priv that is part of it is revoked.
14:00 tenplus1 I think granting specific privs is a lot easier than setting up groups
14:00 rdococ you think?
14:01 tenplus1 to me anywat
14:01 tenplus1 *anyway
14:01 rdococ I find it kind of difficult that I can't have a set list of privs for "moderators", a set list of privs for "admins", etc.
14:01 rdococ meh, I might create it myself as a lua mod.
14:02 tenplus1 I grant privs depending on player ability/trust
14:02 rdococ hm
14:02 Shara Same as Ten, but TPS servers do have groups like that
14:02 Shara DEspite being an admin there, I've never used the groups though
14:03 srifqi Oh, I can run "make minetest/fast".
14:03 Shara I really prefer to grant based on the individual player and which things I think they are good at handling
14:03 tenplus1 hrm, I just confused myself looking at redstone wire code:
14:07 tenplus1 from what I gather redstone components use an internal timer to check for nearby power to turn things on or off
14:07 tenplus1 it's all in server ticks though
14:07 tenplus1 e.g. redstonelamps check themselves every 4 ticks to turn itself on or off depending on touching nodes
14:07 IhrFussel MC ticks are 0.05 secs maybe that's what makes it look so fluent
14:08 tenplus1 hi fussel
14:08 tenplus1 can you imagine minetest checking every 0.05 * 4 seconds for neighbouring power to turn a lamp on or off... it'd lag like nuts
14:10 rdococ how the hell does MC pathfind that quickly?
14:10 tenplus1 this is a redstone torch that provides power
14:11 Krock pro code:
14:11 Krock almost readable
14:11 tenplus1 it does a sort of nodeupdate_single when placed for touching redstone components and runs their version of applied physics (on place) again
14:13 nerzhul Krock, java powa xD
14:13 nerzhul and function is called m
14:13 tenplus1 lol
14:14 tenplus1 seems each redstone component (or mc block in general) has a DoPhysics function that can be called when something changes around it
14:14 rdococ oh yeah, the block updates
14:14 rdococ why didn't I think of those?
14:15 tenplus1 and only if something changes it'll pass onto the next block and run it's DoPhysics etc.etc
14:15 tenplus1 so redstone lights up, doors open, machines work etc et
14:15 rdococ hm, does minetest have that?
14:16 tenplus1 it doesnt have to constantly check the whole circuit
14:16 rdococ wait, mesecons constantly checks the whole circuit?
14:16 tenplus1 cause it eventually whittles down from A (power) to B (machine)
14:16 rdococ why would it do that?
14:16 rdococ ah, it's gradual
14:16 tenplus1 hrm, I understand why redstone works much smoother
14:16 rdococ it sounds like we need a queue
14:17 tenplus1 the DoPhysics is only called around the 6 faces of the block, never the diagonals, so saves 8 additional checks that way too
14:22 rdococ hm
14:22 rdococ do block updates happen sequentially, or in one server step? I can't imagine the latter
14:22 tenplus1 each block has it's own internal timers doing it's own thing
14:23 rdococ oh, wow, nodetimers
14:23 tenplus1 so if redstone torch is placed its timers check around it once only and update the next lot of nodes which start their own timers etc to cehck for power or not
14:23 tenplus1 it radiates outward until nothing else needs to be checked
14:24 tenplus1 checking level code
14:24 rdococ meh, that could still be made more efficient but that's nuts
14:24 tenplus1 it saves checking a whole line of components and wires, it only updates what needs to be updated this way
14:26 rdococ to be honest, it sounds like mesecons and digilines, not only technic, were designed pretty badly
14:26 tenplus1 we could speed it up by getting a find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, {"group:redstone_component"}) and running through a for loop to initiate each one's DoPhysics function
14:26 rdococ hm, does minecraft use the equivalent of nodetimers, then?
14:27 tenplus1 yeah, when you plaec a block it has the ability to set internal timers
14:27 tenplus1 from what I see here
14:27 rdococ ah, so I guess we should do that?
14:28 tenplus1 tht way if player is out of range nothing happens, and when in range it contionues the timer
14:28 rdococ now we just need someone willing to redesign technic :P
14:28 tenplus1
14:29 tenplus1 that function onPlace (redstone torch) starts applyPhysics of each block around it, and each block does it's own thing...
14:29 rdococ ah
14:29 tenplus1 rdococ: start with mesecons and simple machinery, once that works well we can add machine by machine and get ppl involved :D
14:29 DS-minetest actually mesecons isn't laggy…
14:30 tenplus1 I have an intel atom, I FEEL the lag
14:30 tenplus1 :P
14:30 rdococ and you don't feel the lag with redstone? :P
14:30 tenplus1 I tinkered with it once and gave jeia some changes, he no like :P ahah
14:30 DS-minetest what changes?
14:30 tenplus1 redstone works in a different way, but it seems smoother
14:30 tenplus1 DS-minetest: was a few swap_node instead of set_node changes that sped things up a lot
14:31 DS-minetest aha
14:31 tenplus1 so long as no node-meta exists then swap_nodes are perfect... that's why I use it for Fire Redo mod
14:31 rdococ tenplus1: why does he no like then?
14:31 tenplus1 wish I knew...
14:32 cx384 IMO mesecons is laggy.
14:32 rdococ hm
14:32 tenplus1 what spec is your pc cx ? and have tyou used it in a server environment ?
14:32 DS-minetest afaik mesecons can only cause lag when something happens
14:33 rdococ tenplus1: wait, does it check EVERY 4 server ticks?
14:33 tenplus1 heh, when in use and changing things it can lag... but on it's own sitting doing nothing it's non-laggy :D
14:33 DS-minetest yeah, because nothing happens…
14:33 tenplus1 lol
14:34 rdococ meh, nodetimers
14:35 DS-minetest poor mesecons devs, there are still 11 PRs from me open
14:35 rdococ lol
14:35 cx384 o.O
14:35 DS-minetest some of them non trivial
14:36 rdococ lol
14:37 cx384 tenplus1, giant mesecon structures are laggy.(for example a calculator)
14:37 Fixer rdococ: automation in default mtg
14:37 tenplus1 I had a server of Robbie's where they used a blinky plant to turn on/off 10 lights... it lagged that whole area to hell and back
14:38 tenplus1 using swap_node in the lights helped a lot, but still bad
14:38 tenplus1 checking mesecon actionqueue.lua to see how it operates now
14:40 DS-minetest well, placing light nodes lags in minetest
14:41 tenplus1 since particles have glow feature, would be nice if we could do same with nodes... have them full brightness but without affecting light around them... just so they are SEEN in the dark
14:41 rdococ ^
14:42 tenplus1 e.g.  light_source = -10  -- light up node at level 10 light all the time but without affecting nearby nodes
14:42 DS-minetest do you know if minetest.get_objects_inside_radius radius is limited?
14:42 tenplus1 to hoe many objects ? or radius ?
14:42 tenplus1 *how
14:42 DS-minetest no the radius
14:43 tenplus1 could make a test scenario and check :)
14:43 tenplus1 1 to 1000 radius ;D
14:43 DS-minetest or i look into code
14:43 tenplus1 :P
14:43 rdococ my subgame has unlit torches which you have to light with flint and steel, but they don't burn out unless you dig them again
14:44 tenplus1 rdococ: Real Torch mod handles this
14:44 rdococ tenplus1: but I said /don't/ burn out
14:44 tenplus1 ah, so you find them, light them and they stay on... forever!!!!!!!!
14:44 tenplus1 :P
14:45 rdococ yes
14:45 rdococ lol
14:46 rdococ you just need the ignition to start the exothermic reaction which enables our two face-adorning watery sacks to determine the rough geometry of the areas near the torch
14:46 tenplus1 hah, love it :P
14:47 tenplus1 I made real torch so you could light with gunpowder to re-ignite the embers... but if torch already lit you get hurt in the explosion :D hah
14:47 rdococ tbh it'd be a pain to have to relight the torch constantly, even with lighters that never run out
14:47 rdococ heh
14:48 tenplus1 giving them a life is a bit of realism... I should make the burnt out torches give 1 light only so you can at leasdt see them in the dark to relight
14:49 rdococ unlit torches in my mod give out 4 light, I believe
14:49 rdococ they are also 3d
14:49 tenplus1 can someone explain this please:
14:49 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
14:49 tenplus1 before blinkyplants had 3 nodes (on, off, inactive)... now it's 1 mode with 3x different changes... how's that work ?
14:49 tenplus1 wb Megaf
14:50 tenplus1 did I miss a note update or something ?
14:50 Megaf not happy
14:50 rdococ tenplus1: uh, I think mesecon.register_node is just a way to register multiple nodes at once easier
14:50 rdococ note the "not_in_creative_inventory=1" group in the "on" state
14:50 tenplus1 a crap, didnt even see the mesecon. part at the start... ahahahahaa, custom function
14:50 rdococ lol
14:51 tenplus1 false alarm, thought we had new features for a sec :d
14:51 rdococ stuff like that is one of the reasons I love lua
14:51 tenplus1 been tinkering with LUA outwith minetest, it's pretty nifty at other stuff, even gui programs
14:52 rdococ I once jokingly suggested a lua api for an irc bot written in python :P
14:52 tenplus1 hah
14:52 tenplus1 from what I'm reading, lua is better and smaller than python in most cases
14:52 rdococ yeah
14:52 tenplus1 am surprised users dont convert existing code across and see if it runs any better
14:53 DS-minetest looks like it's not limited
14:54 rdococ does minetest.get_objects_inside_radius check each object to see if it falls inside the radius?
14:54 rdococ (I hope so, otherwise the universe is broken :P)
14:55 tenplus1 lol it should
14:55 nerzhul for those who are interested, i tested and succeed to create automated debian repository using gitlab pages :D
14:55 nerzhul
14:55 DS-minetest yes, it checks the distance of each active object to the position if it's bigger than radius
14:55 nerzhul i build / download two packages, and create a repository, publish on gitlab pages and it works heh
14:55 nerzhul maybe sfan5 we should add a step to have debian/ubuntu repository ? :D
14:56 nerzhul daily snapshot build + repo :p without hands
14:57 rdococ hm
14:57 tenplus1
14:57 rdococ I should modify my hearts bar mod (a part of my subgame that changes the health bar) to support >10 hearts
15:00 rdococ and maybe add a system for displaying status effects like poison
15:00 rdococ btw, have you seen my status effects mod yet?
15:00 rdococ it's pretty extendable
15:02 rdococ can't wait til 0.6.0, though
15:02 tenplus1 :P lol
15:03 rdococ I'm trying out 0.6.0-dev from a time travelling friend of mine
15:03 tenplus1 ah kewl... do i still rule the world in 2023 ?
15:04 rdococ lemme ask him
15:04 rdococ back
15:04 rdococ and he says you die on Friday 8th September 2017.....wait... that was YESTERDAY!
15:04 tenplus1 seem IUP is the better gui front-end for LUA:
15:04 rdococ brb, gonna ask him about the temporal inconsistency
15:04 tenplus1 o.O <-- sudden realisation!!!  zombie me :P
15:05 rdococ huh, apparently you died yesterday, but then was revived
15:05 rdococ I'm gonna ask him why he couldn't give me 0.6.0-stable to try out.
15:07 rdococ ahhh. he says it's because an asteroid will impact Earth on the 3rd of March, 1972...wait...
15:16 Megaf old console geeks might like this video
15:17 Megaf megadrives more precisely
15:19 tenplus1 you ever seen the Armiga yet ?
15:19 tenplus1
15:20 Megaf not really
15:20 Megaf but there are AmigaOS OSes for PC
15:20 tenplus1 this is a tiny console device with build in floppy that'll let you read your original amiga floppies and store them on internal sd card to play :D
15:21 Megaf tenplus1, it looks too small for me...
15:21 rdococ dammit, I wish I could hop on xanadu
15:22 Megaf Why cant you?
15:22 tenplus1 dont you have a bootable flash drive ?
15:24 Megaf Im still watching the megadrive video, he plugged into a commodore CRT, oh boy, amazing image
15:25 tenplus1 yeah, the old Commodore 1084S monitors were amazing (had one)
15:33 rdococ Megaf: "Sorry, no new players being admitted at this time!"
15:33 tenplus1 ooh, lemmie open border :)
15:34 tenplus1 done
15:35 rdococ YAY
15:42 Calinou did you build a wall to keep new players out? ;)
15:43 tenplus1 lol, we have a border to stop offenders entering server
15:43 benrob0329 Only mobile players ;-)
15:43 nerzhul rdococ, what do you mean ? which feature do you need in core ?
15:44 nerzhul (status effect, 0.6.0, etc)
15:51 tenplus1 lol dude
15:52 tenplus1 swear filter got you :)
15:56 rdococ nerzhul: it was a joke :
15:56 rdococ P
15:57 nerzhul oh
15:57 benrob0329 Ugg, 10 hours+ of rendering later, and I still have a couple things to fix
15:58 tenplus1 long rendering time ... movie or still ?
15:58 benrob0329 Doctor Who fan intro :P
15:58 benrob0329 Maybe even the first in blender :D
15:58 Fixer tenplus1: costs too much
15:59 tenplus1 :P
16:00 rdococ lol
16:00 tenplus1 did you actually swear in german ?
16:00 Fixer tenplus1: costs as much as original one for sale
16:00 rdococ tenplus1: yes
16:00 tenplus1 true but better than original in a sense
16:02 benrob0329 Aw dang, this guy beat me to it:
16:03 benrob0329 And this...thing:
16:03 tenplus1 oh man, this one is really good:
16:06 benrob0329 Lol, this one actually is really good:
16:07 tenplus1 in 360 VR if you have it
16:08 benrob0329 Hmm...his tardis is animated better XD
16:10 benrob0329 *animation
16:11 Fixer tenplus1: you can install emulator and use already digitized diskette files, 0 usd
16:12 tenplus1 true
16:12 tenplus1 UAE is pretty good
16:12 Fixer hack, you can buy PI3 and emulate _everything_
16:14 benrob0329 Fixer: nice markdown
16:15 tenplus1 pi3 is pretty good...
16:16 rdococ hack
16:22 rdococ lol
16:25 * rdococ hugs tenplus1
16:25 tenplus1 lol
16:26 Megaf speaking of pi3
16:26 rdococ lol
16:26 Megaf I wonder if I could stick a pi zero on my keyboard
16:26 rdococ my trigger mod is so hacky it redefined minetest.register_node
16:26 Megaf in my keyboard I mean
16:26 rdococ s/ed/es/
16:27 Megaf I have a very nice 8 Euro USB keyboard, and it looks quite old school
16:27 Megaf it'd be nice if I could it plug it to a TV
16:27 rdococ although to be fair it handles it kinda well
16:32 benrob0329 rdococ: why would you do that...thats going to potentially break everything
16:36 rdococ benrob0329: ik
16:36 rdococ :P
16:37 rdococ benrob0329: to be honest, though, it runs "old_register_node(...);" first, then does its stuff afterwards
16:37 rdococ although, if it errors, the error's going to pop up there instead of where minetest.register_node was called
16:55 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
16:55 Natechip joined #minetest-hub
16:55 tenplus1 hi Natechip
16:55 Natechip hi tenplus1
16:55 garywhite morning all
16:55 tenplus1 hi gary
16:55 tenplus1 o/
16:55 garywhite o/
16:56 Natechip guess my PC shutdown somehow O_O
16:56 tenplus1 o-
16:56 Natechip welp now my uptime is gone XD
16:56 tenplus1 uptime; 0.2 seconds now... clean slate :D
16:56 kaeza joined #minetest-hub
16:56 tenplus1 hi kaeza
16:57 kaeza hi tenplus1
16:57 tenplus1 :P
16:58 Natechip meh
16:58 Natechip it was at 5 weeks
16:58 Natechip ._.
17:00 tenplus1 record time
17:08 rdococ lol
17:15 srifqi Anybody knows why some elements in dialog just ignored? ... or have I done something wrong?
17:15 tenplus1 how you mean ?
17:20 srifqi I mean, when a dialog only consist of 2 checkboxes and 2 buttons, it works well. But, when there are 9 textboxes, 6 checkboxes, and 2 buttons, the checkboxes ignored.
17:20 tenplus1 hrm, weird bug
17:22 tenplus1 add an issue if it persists
17:23 paramat joined #minetest-hub
17:23 tenplus1 hi paramat
17:28 srifqi hi paramat
17:30 paramat wow, reading logs, this channel has been on-topic today, amazing
17:30 tenplus1 :P
17:34 srifqi tenplus1, nvm, I forgot to modify an if statement. :P
17:34 tenplus1 lol
17:34 rubenwardy paramat, lol
17:34 tenplus1 o/ ruben
17:34 rubenwardy o/
17:35 rubenwardy how's everyone?
17:35 srifqi paramat, I'm still working on the noise params with flags setting.
17:35 srifqi rubenwardy, I'm fine.
17:36 tenplus1 For anyone using them, MObs Redo API and Lucky Blocks has been updated
17:36 kaeza srifqi, I'd guess you have some syntax error in your form making the parser ignore the rest
17:36 kaeza srifqi, can you `print` your form and pastebin it?
17:36 tenplus1 also... yay! :) we need 'dis
17:37 srifqi Probably. But seems like for my case, it just my algorithm, not Minetest's.
17:40 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
17:40 tenplus1 wb raven
17:41 Megaf Anyone here with a Skylake CPU and windows to try my build when it finishes building?
17:41 Megaf build of minetest
17:42 srifqi Have Windows 10, but what is Skylake?
17:42 tenplus1 intel cpu
17:43 paramat srifqi i really appreciate it, and i'm so sorry about disapproving your long running PR
17:43 rubenwardy tenplus1 :D
17:44 srifqi paramat, nvm, that's two years ago. This one is better. :)
17:44 tenplus1 ?
17:44 Megaf It has to be an intel Skylake because I optimized it for Skylake, I dont know if it will run on other CPUs
17:44 Megaf These are Intel Skylake CPUs
17:45 * tenplus1 currently has THIS bad boy;
17:46 rubenwardy lol
17:46 tenplus1 .. and this running on a separate desktop where I gotta fix a cscale issue with the processor to get it working:
17:47 Megaf my badboyâ„¢-R2-Graphics/94
17:47 kaeza rubenwardy, req: add which node (pos?) caused death to `node_damage`
17:47 rubenwardy kaeza, that's hard
17:47 rubenwardy well
17:47 rubenwardy not that hard
17:47 Megaf tenplus1, I have the AMD version of your CPU, but with half the threads
17:47 rubenwardy the code sums the node_damage of all the nodes around it
17:47 kaeza ah
17:48 tenplus1 if the engine checks the node and issues damaage it'll know the name to pass as cuase
17:48 rubenwardy you could put the most damaging node I guess
17:48 tenplus1 I may get an AMD processor next time around, they seem to have less issues than intel right now
17:48 kaeza anything works
17:48 rubenwardy I thought about this, but decided that   player:get_pos() was close enough
17:48 kaeza the idea is being able to distinguish between e.g. acid/lava/etc
17:49 kaeza well, true
17:49 rubenwardy true
17:49 tenplus1 is this for that pull request, or a mod in general ?
17:49 rubenwardy hmmm
17:49 rubenwardy it makes for a nicer API, so I'll look into it
17:50 Megaf tenplus1, my CPU beats your,
17:50 kaeza override_node("air", { damage_per_second=1 })
17:50 Megaf clearly Intel paid for 3D mark to win tho
17:50 tenplus1 lol, but I have nvidia ion v2 gfx... muhahahaha
17:51 rubenwardy kaeza, this is the code btw:
17:51 DS-minetest joined #minetest-hub
17:51 rubenwardy it's not even a for loop, which would be nice
17:51 tenplus1 hi DS
17:52 DS-minetest hi
17:52 Megaf tenplus1, both of our CPUs suck
17:52 tenplus1 ehehe but they work
17:52 Megaf srifqi, what CPU do you have?
17:52 kaeza uh, it also doesn't respect player collision box? (was that added?)
17:53 Megaf N2840
17:53 srifqi Megaf, Intel
17:53 rubenwardy kaeza, doesn't seem like it does
17:53 Megaf srifqi, you have an Intel Celeron N2840 at 2.16 GHz
17:53 kaeza >v3s16 p3 = floatToInt(m_base_position + v3f(0, BS*1.6, 0), BS);
17:53 Megaf running windows 10 Home
17:53 srifqi Megaf, srifqi Intel
17:53 kaeza nope, hardcoded 1.6
17:54 srifqi ^^ sorry, wrong message.
17:54 Megaf It's a Bay Trail, not Skylake =/
17:54 tenplus1 bay trail running win10... do you notice any freezes or lock ups ?
17:55 * rubenwardy has an i5 @ 2.6GHz  5200U
17:56 Megaf rubenwardy, that's a Broadwell
17:56 rubenwardy yeah
17:57 Megaf I wonder if my build would run on Broadwell and Bay Trails
17:57 Megaf Almost sure it wouldn't on an Atom
17:57 * tenplus1 chooses processors based on 65watts or below system use
17:59 srifqi Skylake has 12 cores? o_0
17:59 Megaf some, maybe
18:00 srifqi "make -j12" .-.
18:00 Megaf 22, becuase 22 threads
18:00 tenplus1 'd love to try one of the ARM boards
18:00 lisac joined #minetest-hub
18:00 tenplus1 hi lisac
18:01 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
18:01 lisac hey ten
18:01 Megaf I want to try this puppy
18:02 Megaf 16 cores, 32 threads, up to 4 GHz
18:02 tenplus1 ooh I've seen the youtube videos on that one... amazing specs... even Alienware has a gaming rigg using it
18:02 tenplus1 kicks intel core i9's outta the water
18:03 Megaf 4 memory channels man
18:03 Megaf it's Athlon 64 vs Pentium 4 all over again
18:03 Megaf Intel stuck in time with overpriced product and AMD inovating
18:04 tenplus1 that's the problem, intel ask too much for the cpu's instead of setting a good price and relying more on bulk sales
18:05 * DS-minetest has a Pentium 4 Intel with 3.2 GHz
18:05 rdococ ugh
18:05 rdococ why internet, why
18:05 rubenwardy > £741
18:06 rdococ why intel why
18:06 tenplus1 lol
18:06 srifqi DS-minetest, how could? My computer uses Pentium 4 but not reaching 3 GHz.
18:07 DS-minetest umm, idk
18:07 srifqi overclocking? (o_O)
18:08 DS-minetest Family, model, stepping is 15, 6, 4
18:08 Megaf DS-minetest, does Minetest runs well there?
18:09 Megaf are you running windows?
18:09 DS-minetest no, linux
18:09 Megaf I can make a build of Minetest for your CPU,
18:09 DS-minetest i can
18:09 DS-minetest but it takes long…
18:10 Megaf what distro do you use?
18:10 DS-minetest lubuntu zesty
18:10 tenplus1 nice
18:13 srifqi lol, same as mine, lubuntu, too. But one RAM died, so only one 256 MB RAM. It still can run.
18:13 tenplus1 that's a little light on resources
18:13 srifqi It even can still play games. .-. But not 3D, because of the video driver.
18:14 paramat remember don't let this offtopic go on too long please, there is a channel for long offtopic discussions
18:14 srifqi 3D games play so laggy.
18:14 srifqi Which channel?
18:16 Megaf #Minetest-Chat and #Minetest-OffTopic
18:16 Megaf both dead
18:16 Megaf I prefer #Minetest-Chat because it was created by me
18:16 Megaf paramat, man, hub is offtopic
18:17 Megaf paramat, official is #Minetest ///
18:19 Megaf well, I said, both channel dead
18:19 Megaf because people off topic here,
18:19 Megaf because official is #Minetest
18:19 Megaf IMHO
18:19 DS-minetest i think, this may be my processor:
18:20 tenplus1 not bad
18:20 Megaf and you are on 32 bit :S
18:23 tenplus1
18:24 Megaf we are talking about Raspberry Pi at #RaspberryPi Yes, really!
18:25 paramat hub isn't an offtopic channel, restrained offtopic is allowed though. #minetest is for chit-chat, offtopic and mindless spamming
18:25 paramat hub rules
18:26 paramat we're very lenient about offtopic though, but the amount has become a problem recently
18:26 tenplus1 it opens the room to ideas and eventually ideas about minetest :)
18:28 paramat doughnut talk is allowed here
18:29 tenplus1 I would bloody well hope so :P
18:29 paramat nah, long computer-geek conversations should not be here
18:30 * Megaf could /ban paramat and everyone who doesnt like this channel the way it is
18:31 * Megaf hides
18:31 RoaryTiger I'm safe now
18:32 kaeza potato
18:32 srifqi joined #minetest-hub
18:33 paramat important dev information is often posted here so huge amounts of casual offtopic is a problem when reading logs, the reason #minetest is for chit-chat is so we don't waste 10mins a day scrolling through offtopic when scanning logs for important information
18:34 Krock how about not posting important information here?
18:34 Krock for something we have -dev
18:35 rubenwardy I read the logs as there are sometimes interesting suggestions in here
18:35 rubenwardy and mentions project
18:35 rubenwardy *of projects
18:35 paramat importantly though, it's a request for relaxed discussion with a little restraint, instead of no restraint, we're not strict here
18:38 kaeza chat suddenly died
18:39 Krock until kaeza appeared to revive it
18:39 kaeza it's a zombie now?
18:39 Krock well, technically.. nah.
18:40 paramat Krock important MT discussion that is not strictly dev happens here a lot. it makes no sense to suggest MT talk should move out of this channel instead of suggesting offtopic is restrained
18:41 paramat but please don't get all uptight, relax, just please have a little restraint
18:41 tenplus1 the whole point of -hub is a laid back channel where ideas form among normal talk
18:42 paramat tenplus it's focus is MT
18:42 paramat see info page
18:42 tenplus1 o.O
18:43 Krock that's not exactly what I meant. If there's important dev information to share, then is the dev channel definitely a better option. However, it may be a parallel discussion - with the difference that we've got more player feedbacks here
18:43 DS-minetest hm, it looks like overriding nodes after load destroys the ability to connect with connected nodeboxes
18:43 tenplus1 the room does what it says on the tin
18:43 paramat "Please keep offtopic discussions short (under 50 lines)." we don't even enforce that, it's just to stop excessive offtopic
18:44 Krock DS-minetest, overriding nodes after loading is not intended and won't work in almost all cases
18:45 DS-minetest is rawsetting something in minetest.registered_nodes after load bad?
18:45 paramat important MT discussion can often be unsuitable for dev channel, and some find that channel too strict
18:46 DS-minetest rawsetting a custom field
18:47 Krock DS-minetest, it won't be synced with the core anymore. Changing the drawtype, for example, won't do anything. But you can still override Lua functions or groups, that aren't used by the client
18:47 DS-minetest ah, thanks
18:47 Krock !next
18:47 ShadowBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
18:55 paramat it's possible to be relaxed but also have a little restraint, i don't know why people find that difficult. i talk offtopic here too but always feel i should not go on too long :]
19:00 kaeza left #minetest-hub
19:02 rubenwardy;t=18434
19:02 rubenwardy "Can I use a part of my github pages domain to host [a Minetest server]?"
19:02 rubenwardy -.-
19:03 KaadmY Wat no
19:04 rubenwardy well, Minetest's protocol sucks
19:04 rubenwardy we should have gone with a TCP one
19:04 rubenwardy even better, HTTP
19:04 rubenwardy then you could use github pages to host a server
19:04 IhrFussel People who don't even understand how setting up a server works shouldn't even attempt it IMO
19:04 rubenwardy ^
19:04 rubenwardy well, meh
19:05 rubenwardy it's good for anyone to be able to make a server
19:05 rubenwardy but the sorts that don't understand/don't bother to won't make very stable or long term ones
19:05 IhrFussel If his idea would work most people would've exploited it by now
19:07 IhrFussel rubenwardy, inexperienced people only harm themselves when they set up a public server
19:07 tenplus1 many players want a server to be admin, in control... and they they make one and figure out it's a lot harder than it looks
19:16 tenplus1 nite folks
19:16 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
19:25 RoaryTiger My built of Minetest 0.4.17 for Skylake CPUs if you want to test.
19:25 Megaf It's the very same code of Minetest, nothing was changed at all
19:25 rubenwardy nice
19:25 rubenwardy > tag 0.4.17
19:27 Megaf I am very interested in knowing if it runs at all in any non Skylake CPU
19:27 Megaf and how well it runs comparing to lets say, sfan5's build
19:27 rubenwardy are there any objects to using stable-0.4 as a 0.4.17-dev branch?
19:28 rubenwardy it'll have bug fixes backported, and no new features
19:28 rubenwardy the alternative is dev-0.4
19:28 rubenwardy which I prefer, but nerzhul is against
19:28 Megaf I have no idea why my build is 0.4.17 actually
19:28 sfan5 Megaf: depends on whether gcc decided to use skylake-exclusive features, also it probably runs similarily as all the libraries are still compiled for "generic"
19:28 sfan5 rubenwardy: what kind of development is there to do for 0.4.17?
19:28 Megaf This is sfan's build by the way
19:29 rubenwardy back porting bug fixes
19:29 rubenwardy traditionally stable-0.4 has pointed to the last 0.4 release
19:29 Megaf sfan5, my next step if this build runs is rebuilding the libs too
19:29 lisac joined #minetest-hub
19:29 rubenwardy tbh, I don't mind it being used for 0.4.17-dev that much
19:29 Megaf at least irrlicht
19:29 Megaf lua is already built for Skylake
19:30 sfan5 rubenwardy: well those can be collected in a list, backported at once and then pushed
19:30 sfan5 you don't use luajit, Megaf?
19:30 rubenwardy sfan5, stable-0.4 is already broken btw
19:30 sfan5 i know
19:31 rubenwardy so should we revert the bump to 0.4.17 or fix it so it says 0.4.17-dev?
19:31 rubenwardy and if it's reverted, should there be a dev-0.4
19:31 sfan5 idk keep it
19:32 rubenwardy ok, I'll just fix it then as it'll be less controversial
19:32 Krock just set the DEVELOPMENT_BUILD variable to true?
19:32 rubenwardy yup
19:34 Calinou Megaf: I have a Skylake CPU, so I could run that build :D
19:34 Megaf sfan5, Not in this build, since I wanted Lua to be compiled for Skylake too
19:34 Megaf and test the normal Lua
19:34 Megaf Calinou, so please :)
19:35 Megaf It has no LevelDB, LuaJIT nor Gettext by the way
19:36 Calinou also, my mother is finally going to use a "new" PC starting from tomorrow
19:36 Calinou my blood pressure will lower a lot while I have to perform maintenance tasks on it
19:36 Calinou she's going from a low-end dual-core AMD CPU from 2010 or so, 4 GB of RAM, a GeForce 9200 GT and a very noisy PC
19:37 Calinou to an i7-2600K, 8 GB of RAM, a 256 GB Samsung 840 PRO SSD, a very quiet PC
19:37 Calinou there's no dedicated GPU, but the IGP is enough to drive a 1920×1080 desktop (she only does office work/web browsing)
19:37 Calinou also, Windows 7 to Windows 10 :P
19:37 Calinou my dad is going to switch PCs soon, too
19:37 Calinou (he's on a 2008 iMac right now, it's extremely slow)
19:38 Megaf Calinou, That's great news
19:38 Megaf now test my build, will ya?
19:40 Calinou it works :)
19:40 Calinou created a world
19:41 Megaf Oh my
19:42 Megaf Calinou, any difference in FPS compared to other builds?
19:43 Calinou is it a MSVC or MinGW build?
19:43 rubenwardy rdococ,
19:44 Calinou Megaf: I think it performs the same
19:44 Calinou as the official 0.4.16 build I have
19:44 Megaf Calinou, MinGW
19:45 nerzhul rubenwardy, i'm okay for backporting fixed to stable-0.4, just open PR
19:46 behalebabo joined #minetest-hub
19:54 Calinou
19:55 Calinou player movement on my server, with 15 Hz server step
19:55 Calinou looks quite good, although I wish we had yaw interpolation, and a way to display pitch :(
19:57 Megaf Calinou, define 15Hz server step
19:57 Krock 1/15s
19:57 Calinou `dedicated_server_step = 0.0667` in minetest.conf
19:57 Megaf ah
19:57 Megaf my server was 0.05 for around 3 years
19:57 Krock tried 0.01 yet?
19:57 Megaf and at times I used 0.02
19:58 Calinou ah, yeah, I remember a guy running 0.02
19:58 Megaf just in the last 10 monts I put in 0.1 because a bug in bees mod
19:58 Calinou it wasn't you, though
19:58 Calinou Krock: heh
19:58 sfan5 tfw minetest servers have less "ticks" than cs demos
19:58 Calinou Megaf: I can try 0.05
19:58 Calinou sfan5: even Minecraft has 20 Hz :(
19:58 Calinou id Tech 3 games usually are 20 Hz
19:58 Calinou although Quake Live and Unvanquished are 40 Hz
19:58 Megaf and at the time I didnt know 1/5 I know today a bout optimizng things
19:58 Calinou (40 Hz should be a sane default for modern games)
19:58 Calinou (or 30 Hz, in the worst case, eg. Xonotic)
19:59 sfan5 but muh 128 tick
19:59 sfan5 what does cube 2 have tho?
19:59 Calinou 25 Hz, IIRC
20:00 Calinou hmm, I'll try 30 Hz on Minetest just for fun
20:00 Calinou I don't run mob mods anyway
20:02 Megaf ok, my server is not runnign with 0.02
20:02 Calinou 30 Hz looks awesome, however player movement isn't very "immediate" due to the SmoothTranslator
20:02 Calinou which is too slow for 30 Hz
20:02 Calinou (it's hardcoded, so you need to recompile your client to change it)
20:05 sfan5 couldn't it be made a setting?
20:06 Calinou it could be :)
20:06 Calinou I can send a PR if you want
20:06 Calinou my server holds up well with 30 Hz, but I only tested with 2 players :P
20:23 IhrFussel My server runs at 5 Hz and it's enough...most humans can't react in under 200 ms
20:24 IhrFussel I understand why high precision games (like shooters) need more Hz though...Minetest isn't "high precision"
20:27 Calinou >most humans can't react in under 200 ms
20:28 Calinou they very much can
20:28 Calinou try using a 2nd client (put two windows side-by-side) and move one of the clients around
20:28 Calinou you will easily notice the difference between 5 and 10 Hz
20:28 Calinou or even 10 Hz and 20 Hz
20:28 Calinou or sometimes 20 Hz and 30 Hz
20:28 Calinou also, PvP requires accuracy :P
20:31 rdococ hi
20:34 Calinou nice:
20:39 IhrFussel Calinou, PvP in minetest is a joke and no most humans cannot react in under 200 ms...I'm talking about reaction time when you press a button for example
20:40 rubenwardy Calinou, installed
20:40 Calinou IhrFussel: Minetest CTF :P
20:40 rubenwardy IhrFussel, human reaction time is 10MS, iirc
20:41 sfan5 > most humans cannot react in under 200 ms
20:41 sfan5 nice meme
20:41 rubenwardy oh wait no
20:41 rubenwardy "The average reaction time for humans is 0.25 seconds to a visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a touch stimulus."
20:41 rubenwardy he's right
20:42 Calinou latency should be decreased as much as possible, really
20:42 rubenwardy well, the unreliable first result says he is
20:42 Calinou and increasing player update rate decreases the perceived latency
20:42 rubenwardy but you will be able to notice finer details
20:42 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
20:42 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
20:44 IhrFussel "Humans see an image in just 13 milliseconds." << seeing an image doesn't allow to react to it right away
20:46 IhrFussel I played a reaction game on my phone and I NEVER got below 250 ms ... there may be humans who react a little faster but those aren't the average joe
20:47 sfan5 you only have average people playing on your servers?
20:47 rubenwardy basically everyone is average
20:47 IhrFussel When I'm at a traffic light and it turns green nobody is able to walk right away
20:47 Calinou I can :P
20:48 rubenwardy I can
20:48 rubenwardy because the lights go amber first
20:48 Calinou lucky you :D
20:48 Calinou oh, people might be interested by this, by the way:
20:48 Calinou it's a web load testing tool, using Node.js
20:48 Calinou it works on Windows natively, unlike wrk
20:48 Calinou seems to work quite well, even installed on my VPS
20:51 IhrFussel Test your reaction here
20:52 lisac rubenwardy, I found... a thing:
20:53 rubenwardy old news
20:54 sfan5 IhrFussel: my average is 248ms what now?
20:54 lisac new news for me
20:54 lisac hey fuck that guy
20:54 Krock 269 average
20:57 IhrFussel 254 see... so the 0.25 s is correct
20:58 sfan5 are you serious
21:01 IhrFussel Yes I wanted to prove that you "cannot" react much faster than 200 ms ... so the only reason why shooters need higher Hz is because otherwise shots may miss on one screen while they hit on another
21:02 sfan5 you can't prove anything with a sample size of 1
21:02 Calinou
21:02 Calinou hmm, I'm not that good
21:02 Calinou 67% percentile
21:03 Calinou hey, the number in milliseconds is a power of 2, at least :D
21:03 IhrFussel Of course you can prove something if several people confirm it
21:04 sfan5 how much is several?
21:05 IhrFussel Quora posts, Wikipedia, other forum posts/articles + you guys who did the test
21:05 sfan5 well you should have said so from the beginning
21:06 IhrFussel But doesn't matter now, MT simply doesn't *need* < 0.1 s ticks
21:06 Calinou not bad, I did the number memory test
21:06 Calinou 13 digits, 94% percentile
21:06 Calinou IhrFussel: any game does
21:06 Calinou player movement, even in slower games, looks just horrible in 10 Hz
21:06 Calinou play Quake 2 and you'll see why
21:06 Calinou it also means the perceived latency of most actions will increase
21:09 Calinou Verbal Memory, 101 points (96% percentile) :D
21:11 Calinou and the last one, Visual Memory, 21016 points (79% percentile), although I kind of rushed it
21:12 Calinou redid reaction test, 238 ms (80%)
21:12 Calinou not sure how to get lower… I put the window on my TN monitor (which has lower input lag)
21:12 Calinou but still, it's not that good :P
21:22 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
21:22 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
21:29 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
21:30 Megaf_ joined #minetest-hub
21:31 Megaf_ Calinou, sfan5, a friend just tried to run my build but her computer complained about this missing dlls, libwinthread-1.dll, ibwinpthread-1, libgcc_s_seh-1.dll, libstdc++-6.dll
21:31 sfan5 you need to copy those from the toolchain folder
21:32 Calinou I have a MSYS2 installation already, that's probably why it worked out of the box on my PC
21:32 Calinou and it's in my PATH :P
21:32 Calinou Megaf_: + = ♥
21:32 Calinou I used it for building my Sauerbraten mod, it works just fine (with copying DLLs manually, not using the generated installer)
21:32 Calinou in 64-bit :)
21:33 Megaf_ but but but
21:33 Megaf_ I dont use windows
21:33 IhrFussel Is there any other server that displays the nametag as green while healing and red while taking damage + remaining HP?
21:34 Calinou Megaf_: if you want to perform proper Windows testing and distribution, you gotta run Windows at some point :P
21:34 Calinou IhrFussel: that would be nice
21:34 Calinou there's the "gauges" mod for displaying other player health/breath (only visible at close distances)
21:35 Megaf Calinou, negative, I get my users addicted to my software then force then to use Linux
21:36 Megaf_ and Im joking
21:36 IhrFussel Calinou, I already implemented that on my server + custom HP system ... I was just curious if my server was unique with that feature
21:38 Calinou IhrFussel: mind putting the mod on GitHub? :)
21:48 IhrFussel The mods I code aren't standalone, they depend on each other in a big "network"
22:03 Calinou aw :(
22:11 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
22:41 rubenwardy > The mods I code aren't standalone, they depend on each other in a big "network"
22:41 rubenwardy sounds like spaghetti
22:51 paramat joined #minetest-hub
22:54 paramat erm, reaction time to a visual stimulus is irrelevant to server step as step affects so many aspects. but if it helps your potato that's ok :]
22:56 * rdococ eats some spaghetti code
22:56 Calinou yeah, exactly
22:56 Calinou I'm not sure if my server would hold 20 players in 30 Hz though :P
22:56 Calinou 15 Hz, probably
22:56 Calinou but 30 Hz looks so smooth… :o
22:57 Calinou this is a VPS, not a dedicated server, but still
22:57 rdococ lol
23:05 Fixer
23:05 rdococ one day, someone should create a chaotic Minetest server named "Discord", to throw people off :P
23:09 Fixer *,...,*
23:10 Fixer Calinou: nice, I'm not alone on msys2/mingw64
23:12 Calinou rdococ: would it have memes at spawn?
23:13 rubenwardy argh
23:14 rubenwardy advtrains is buggy
23:14 Fixer rubenwardy: breaking
23:14 rubenwardy he also includes the in the git repo
23:16 Fixer [rare] My original and final just test (0.4.12) inventory:
23:20 Fixer U P D A T I N G  M I N E T E S T
23:22 Calinou P
23:22 Calinou D
23:22 Calinou A
23:22 Calinou …okay, let's stop here
23:26 Fixer Calinou: DELL
23:26 rdococ U P D A T I N G
23:27 Fixer my PDA is older than octacian *probably
23:28 rubenwardy man, advtrains has messy code
23:28 Fixer Calinou: F E E L  I T
23:28 rubenwardy so many publicly defined variabes
23:28 rubenwardy also, some variable names: str, stra, t, a, return1, return2, return3
23:29 Fixer rubenwardy: fuckyou1, fuckyou2, fuckyou3, variable1, variable2, cat1, cat2
23:30 Fixer Calinou: can you feel it?
23:30 Megaf_ my next build will be built with -O2 -mfpmath=both -march=nocona -mtune=generic
23:30 Fixer notice cleaned up spawn by TNT, TNT easily destroy chests, but this seems to be a bug that was fixed few days ago o_O
23:31 Megaf_ this should make it compatible with any cpu newer than any 64 bit intel and amd cpus
23:31 Calinou Fixer: "What will Minetest look like in 10 years from now?"
23:31 Calinou ;)
23:31 Megaf_ and should produce a pretty stable code
23:31 Fixer Calinou: I'M LIVING IN 3017
23:31 Fixer Megaf_: have you benchmarked it?
23:31 Megaf_ I dont have windows
23:33 Fixer Calinou: notice my tall building is right in center behind this protector tower, i miracoulously found a spot for just 1 protector right near spawn
23:33 Fixer and grew to a big house
23:33 Megaf_ This builds Im building are for windows only Fixer
23:34 Fixer I even had tree farm on top of the house
23:34 Fixer also, living at spawn on jt is actually annoying
23:34 Fixer because of those noclip assholes
23:36 Megaf_ and I dont have windows computer
23:37 Calinou Personal Computer = PC, Windows Computer = WC
23:37 Calinou :D
23:37 Fixer Calinou: i hate protectors tbh... not mod itself, but hanging blocks everywhere... When I did heavy WE test on GC64 build, just removing protectors makes a big diff
23:37 Fixer Calinou: true
23:37 Calinou Fixer: yeah, I much prefer areas
23:37 Calinou most Minecraft protection mods use an areas-like system
23:37 Calinou and players tend to prefer them
23:37 Fixer yeah
23:37 Fixer golden shovel
23:37 Calinou (an exception is PreciousStones, where gold blocks protect a 25×25×25 area)
23:38 Fixer or towny
23:38 Fixer i'm playing on beta 1.7.3 mp server with towny
23:38 Fixer that is V I N T A G E
23:38 Fixer towny is quite amazing for its time
23:38 Fixer 2011 version
23:38 Fixer or little addons like /top is very handy
23:39 Calinou I know a server with a Beta 1.6 map
23:39 Calinou still online today
23:39 Fixer mt does not have this
23:39 Megaf_ I need a nice lightweight OpenSource IDE....
23:39 Calinou I took screenshots last week
23:39 Fixer Calinou: there is Alpha server online
23:39 Megaf_ with git integration
23:39 Calinou it still has my house (but it has been "overridden" with roads, so I can't enter it anymore)
23:39 Calinou it still has the pixel arts I remember from August 2011
23:39 Calinou Megaf_: not sure if that exists :/
23:39 Fixer Calinou: what is the name of it?
23:39 Calinou Geany doesn't have Git integration, IIRC
23:39 Calinou Fixer: it's a private server
23:39 Fixer ok
23:39 Calinou if you're interested anyway, ##shadowempire
23:39 Fixer i don't know this one
23:40 Calinou note, nobody really plays on it anymore :P
23:40 Fixer I prefer beta 1.7.3, it has some similarities to MT, very simple, people play on it, yes
23:40 Megaf_ geany-plugin-git-changebar - git change bar plugin for Geany
23:41 Megaf_ apt install geany geany-plugin-addons geany-plugin-ctags geany-plugin-debugger geany-plugin-devhelp geany-plugin-doc geany-plugin-git-changebar geany-plugin-lua geany-plugin-markdown geany-plugins
23:41 Megaf_ this should give me a nice GEany
23:44 Calinou
23:44 Calinou this is what my Logitech G710+ keyboard registers when I put my entire arm on it :P
23:44 Calinou (
23:45 Megaf_ lol
23:45 Megaf_ its fake, because its USB
23:45 Calinou it supports partial key rollover, as you can see
23:45 Calinou it's USB, but it's not too bad
23:45 Calinou you can crouch-move diagonally, for example
23:45 Calinou which isn't possible with low-end USB keyboards
23:46 Calinou and it's good enough by far, in practice :P
23:46 Megaf_ yep
23:46 Megaf_ more than good enough
23:47 Megaf_ by the way, is NetBeans and Eclipse still active?
23:47 Calinou not really (iIRC)
23:47 rubenwardy jesus
23:47 rubenwardy so many global variables
23:48 Megaf_ hm, I could use XCode...
23:48 Calinou just did a "casual" typing test
23:48 Calinou
23:48 Calinou 3 wrong words :'(
23:48 Calinou but still, not a bad result :)
23:49 rubenwardy I use either Atom or a form of IntelliJ (Android Studio, CLion, IntelliJ ultimate)
23:49 Megaf_ Calinou, man, I'm quite happy with my 8 Euro keyboard from Argos
23:49 rubenwardy the latter isn't FOSS though
23:49 * Megaf_ clicks
23:49 Calinou I should be at the 7th of the daily top 20 of the advanced typing test, soon :)
23:49 Calinou 7th place*
23:50 Megaf_ I kinda want to try NetBeans again after maybe 10 years without using it
23:50 Calinou I used NetBeans back in 2011
23:50 Calinou it was ok, but not great, but I didn't know much about tooling back then
23:50 Calinou (I was 13 :P)
23:51 Megaf_ Calinou, you 19 now?
23:52 Megaf_ My fingers told me you are 19
23:53 red-001 that might be the strangest expression I heard in a while
23:53 Megaf_ oh, hey red-001
23:53 Megaf_ I have to agree on that one

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