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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-05-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Beauregard43 joined #minetest
00:15 wsor4035 joined #minetest
00:15 MisterE123 joined #minetest
00:15 thelounge656 joined #minetest
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00:24 ShadowBot joined #minetest
00:30 amfl2 joined #minetest
00:38 Beauregard42 joined #minetest
00:49 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
00:51 Izaya left #minetest
01:10 sometalgoo joined #minetest
01:19 Beauregard42 joined #minetest
01:41 Izaya joined #minetest
01:45 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
02:21 seasharp joined #minetest
02:37 cheapie Hmm... I think the drive API in celevator is decent enough now that I could make an "overlay" that can go in place of the normal drive, to adapt it to digilines and let me run old movestone elevators with a new controller...
02:37 cheapie And better yet, do cross-dispatching between those and newer cars during modernizations :P
02:55 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
02:57 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
03:13 Blockhead256 joined #minetest
03:14 Blockhead256 cheapie: wow, you really have mastered the niche of 'detailed implementations of mundane technology from real life in Minetest' (that's a compliment)
03:15 Blockhead256 what's next, programmable logic controllers? Laundromats? Maybe escalators?
03:15 Blockhead256 I'm sure we could do better than walkway mod
03:16 cheapie Blockhead256: I'd like to redo my old fire alarm mod sometime to get it up to the same sort of standards, not sure if that one would be next or not.
03:16 cheapie ltc4000e (the traffic light controller one) could use some love too.
03:17 cheapie (speaking of detailed, did you see the manual for celevator? it's 61 pages: https://cheapiesystems.com/git/celevator/plain/docs/celevator_controller_manual.pdf )
03:17 Blockhead256 yeah maintenance and improvements are good. Quality over quantity. It's just there's quite a few mods on your git site (cgit?)
03:18 cheapie There are a lot there, yeah, but a lot of those are either temporary copies of something from elsewhere, one-offs, or abandoned.
03:20 Blockhead256 True. Once you contribute to a few mods you tend to accumulate copies of them. 72 repos on my GitHub doesn't mean much when most are small/tiny Lua mods
03:21 Blockhead256 Very impressed with the celevator manual. The mod looks so detailed you could commit acts of sabotage that are hard to troubleshoot xD
03:22 cheapie You probably can, you can screw with the floor table in such a way that all of the floors work fine except for one that stops off level and traps whoever is inside :P
03:23 MTDiscord <redundantcc> I am summoned?
03:23 Blockhead256 I'm wondering about restricted access. Could the mesecons integration + a player detector provide a level that can't be selected/door won't open unless you're on a list?
03:25 cheapie Yes, the mesecons input modules can be configured to lock/unlock car calls, although even without that you can set individual floors to require a protection check in order to be selected (which in most cases means that access to the floors follows whatever protector mods are in effect at the COP)
03:25 Blockhead256 oh nope, I didn't even read enough of the manual, there's a feature for car call security...
03:26 cheapie The hall call buttons aren't lockable, on the other hand, but you can also just not install one and instead have a mesecons contraption that checks whatever and then registers a call through an input module if it's happy.
03:26 cheapie Or digilines, if you prefer.
03:27 Blockhead256 well this is all thoroughly thought out, well done
03:28 cheapie I can't remember if I've mentioned it here before or not, but for anything in MT that also exists in real life there seems to be a spectrum with realism on one end and in-game practicality on the other, then mods show up implementing the thing and all landing somewhere along that spectrum.
03:30 cheapie In the case of elevators, travelnet went all the way for the "practicality" side, televator almost as far, and the shacknetisp Realtime Elevators one somewhere in the middle. The idea with celevator was to make one as far towards the "realism" side as I could, screw practicality :P
03:30 Blockhead256 Yep, definitely accurate. Yours seem to err on the realistic side. Advtrains errs more towards practicality just because you don't need to actually power the trains and all the signals are "wireless"
03:30 Blockhead256 the travelnet elevators suck. Realtime elevators is fun until you lag and it throws you to your death. I've seen your videos and it seems like a good audiovisual experience to ride
03:31 cheapie There are a /few/ concessions it makes to make things more practical, like it does use "wireless" signals for things.
03:32 cheapie Heh, the audio part of that is the one thing holding them back from an initial ContentDB release, I don't /technically/ have the rights to use the motor and brake sounds. The other sounds are all fine by now, I just need to find a replacement for those few.
03:32 cheapie The other sounds are all either recorded+edited by me or edited from CC0 sources, and I drew all of the textures myself.
03:34 cheapie I'm tempted to just email a few RL elevator companies and see if any of them can get me a recording I can use of a geared traction elevator with a 12-pulse DC drive (which is the sort the current sounds are from), running about 200-350 FPM
03:34 Blockhead256 https://cheapiesystems.com/git/firealarm/tree/firealarm_smokedetector/init.lua#n102
03:34 Blockhead256 looks like you could just use minetest.find_nodes_in_area
03:34 cheapie Probably. That's a really old mod I haven't touched in forever.
03:35 Blockhead256 right, as you were saying it could use some updates
03:35 cheapie The line that might confuse more people is 106 :P
03:37 Blockhead256 yeah that's a bit hard to follow. The alarm gets more aggressive over time if you don't reset it?
03:37 cheapie Nope :D
03:38 Blockhead256 or is that flipping state so it plays sounds? I'm thinking like the streetsmod railway crossing boom gate
03:39 cheapie It's an easter egg - the old bees mod (before the fork, the original one from bas080 or whatever) had a "smoker" tool for smoking the beehives before opening them. It worked by setting the "agressive" (spelled wrong in that mod, so it had to be spelled wrong here too) metadata field of the hive to 0, regardless of what it was before.
03:39 cheapie Thing is, it never checked that the pointed node was a beehive.
03:40 cheapie So if you had a metadata field called "agressive" set to anything other than 0, you could check it every so often, and if it became 0, someone had used the smoker on your node. In the case of the smoke detector here, doing that then triggered the alarm.
03:40 Blockhead256 haha it makes complete sense that using a smoker on the alarm would set it off
03:41 Blockhead256 "fpm".. feet per minute??
03:41 * cheapie nods
03:41 Blockhead256 I sure hope this is only an American thing and elevators in the rest of the world use m/s
03:42 cheapie I'm in the US, elevators here are typically measured in those units. Most of the rest of the world does indeed use m/s, so does the celevator mod itself.
03:42 cheapie Me being in the US is also why celevator approximately follows US elevator codes (ASME A17.1, no particular year, currently closest to 2000)
03:48 Beauregard42 joined #minetest
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
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09:38 kgdrenefort joined #minetest
09:52 f_ joined #minetest
10:02 kgdrenefort Hello, I tried to run a 5.8.0 on my workstation, while I was playing with minetest client and having another player with me. Twice I got a super-heavy charge on ram. minetestserver was trying to eat… 43Gb of ram, while I have 16Gb and a swapfile of 16Gb. I have between 20-30 mods enabled. I guess one of them is responsible for the mess. I don't know how I could find out the responsible
10:02 kgdrenefort here. I runned the server 15m ago and I'll let it be today to try to found if it does that again, without players for now at least. This behavior seems to appear after one or two hours. Any ideas ? Thanks. The system host is an up-to-date hardened Gentoo, the minetest client and server was compiled from the source into the Gentoo's repository.
10:02 kgdrenefort to run a 5.8.0 server on my workstation*
10:03 kgdrenefort Of course everything, as the system, was very slow, got about 80% of my swap used, had to kill the process (ctrl^c was too slow to act).
10:03 kgdrenefort (my swappiness is set to 1)
10:12 f_ joined #minetest
10:12 f_ joined #minetest
10:14 f_ joined #minetest
10:25 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
10:45 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
10:45 PoochInquisitor kgdrenefort: Epic name dude
10:49 kgdrenefort ?
10:50 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> 43 giga beans of ram eh?
10:51 kgdrenefort yop
10:51 Desour joined #minetest
10:51 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> You playing with a vanilla server? What kind of mods do you have?
10:51 kgdrenefort kind of a lot, yeah :)
10:51 kgdrenefort playing on minetest game, will send you the mod list.
10:52 kgdrenefort https://bpa.st/T6RA
10:52 kgdrenefort some are disabled.
10:53 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I am scurred to click that link so perhaps you could use past.of or something like that?
10:53 kgdrenefort oh, it's a good link, used a lot by gentoo. Will use past.of if you prefer.
10:53 kgdrenefort past.of isn't a site, goofy me
10:54 kgdrenefort nonetheless it's a very good pasting service.
10:54 kgdrenefort no worries !
10:54 kgdrenefort :D
10:54 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> can you really get hacked by clicking a link in 2024?
10:54 kgdrenefort yop
10:54 kgdrenefort yep*
10:54 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Of course
10:54 kgdrenefort but bpa.st *is* reliable :)
10:54 kgdrenefort gentoo.org use it **all the time**.
10:54 kgdrenefort it's bundled into the wgetpaste utility
10:55 kgdrenefort https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Wgetpaste#Service_selection
10:57 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> not sure how you can get hacked with a single click unless there's a bug in the browser, i heard that such exploits did exist and probably still do somewhere but they are most likely used in targeted attacks since just posting one in the open would get it patched quickly
10:57 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> js is sandboxed and doesn't have many apis that could do damage and modern browsers take security seriously
10:58 kgdrenefort Really, it's fine, just check the gentoo's wiki page, if you can't think it's reliable well any other pastebin service won't.
10:58 kgdrenefort :)
10:58 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> I know that it's fine, I opened it
10:58 kgdrenefort *hacks h4ndfu10ffr0gz*
10:58 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> I'm just always confused by people who are afraid of clicking unknown links
10:58 kgdrenefort it's ok.
10:59 kgdrenefort but if browser is up to date as system, it's mostly fine.
10:59 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> If you look at the code that's sandboxing the js, you will quickly learn that even ads on websites can sneak around with a little js payload, you can't patch all holes, no ship has no flaws but it still floats fine
11:00 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> When you learn about the sandbox, how apis rise and fall, the buffer window between a find and a patch and a release, then you getting that release, it is caution incarnate
11:01 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> I never heard of ads on websites executing js on your system, maybe you mean installing a web worker?
11:01 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> okay, well you most likely know more than me on that topic
11:01 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I only learned about this through the FBI announcing to use adblockers lmao
11:02 kgdrenefort any though on my file ?
11:03 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
11:03 PoochInquisitor HandfulOfFrogs: How is shaft?
11:04 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> what?
11:04 kgdrenefort looks like a bot honnestly.
11:05 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> They are just questioning your dog, nothing to see here
11:06 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> kgdrenefort: you can try the old method that works in practially any game - disable half the mods and see if the problem is there, then disable half of that until you find one mod
11:07 kgdrenefort not stupid at all !
11:07 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Binary search, I like it
11:07 kgdrenefort good idea, a pain to test, but hey…
11:07 kgdrenefort I'll made a list of less desired mods, and pickup what has to be tested, but the pain is: it comes after more than 1 hours of playing :).
11:07 kgdrenefort But I'll have to figure that out.
11:08 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> you don't have -that- many mods, shouldn't take too many tries
11:08 kgdrenefort I added some tweaking in the minetest.conf of the server, hopping it'll helps me to reduce the loading: https://bpa.st/STUQ
11:09 kgdrenefort but I merely get what they does by reading comment, that could be goofy choices I made.
11:09 kgdrenefort these settings were NOT tested, otherwise by running an empty server since this morning.
11:09 kgdrenefort but that should be a mod doing that, I guess.
11:09 kgdrenefort at least it's the higher probability.
11:10 kgdrenefort Thanks for the slicing idea, so basics but I did not thinked about it.
11:10 kgdrenefort that would even maybe lead to a bug report to the mod author, who knoms.
11:10 kgdrenefort sounds like a memory leak.
11:10 kgdrenefort once it starts, it's fast.
11:11 kgdrenefort Gb eaten in less than a minutes.
11:11 kgdrenefort and we were doing nothing intensive, she was doing bed, me sorting stuff in chests.
11:11 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> I had that issue with an infinite loop while I was making a mod
11:12 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Are you still stuck in it?
11:12 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> thankfully not
11:12 MTDiscord <h4ndfu10ffr0gz> it just oomed
11:30 s20 joined #minetest
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17:57 MinetestBot [git] appgurueu -> minetest/minetest: Fix some clang compiler warnings (#14654) 5c18736 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/5c187363b2bfe9f50a793129102092b036846475 (2024-05-15T17:56:25Z)
17:57 MinetestBot [git] rollerozxa -> minetest/minetest: Don't bundle Development Test on macOS 5625be7 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/5625be70fa748b6176010a81569239cbf392fb87 (2024-05-15T17:56:41Z)
17:57 MinetestBot [git] AFCMS -> minetest/minetest: Fixes to Docker GitHub Actions workflow b230428 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/b23042839b849562afecf83f337197764a9485bc (2024-05-15T17:56:50Z)
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23:46 cheapie Riding elevators on independent service never gets old, even in MT :P
23:52 beanbrain joined #minetest
23:58 cheapie Speaking of which, there's a user called 56independent on ContentDB... this keeps reminding me of them: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/screenshot_20240515_185613.webp
23:59 illwieckz joined #minetest

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