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IRC log for #minetest, 2023-03-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 kamdard joined #minetest
00:34 Verticen joined #minetest
00:48 Noisytoot joined #minetest
00:58 Trifton joined #minetest
01:04 Guest54 joined #minetest
01:05 smk joined #minetest
01:34 Guest54 joined #minetest
01:48 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
04:04 peterz joined #minetest
04:15 est31 joined #minetest
04:37 lemonzest joined #minetest
04:54 Verticen joined #minetest
04:56 peterz joined #minetest
05:03 calcul0n joined #minetest
05:25 peterz joined #minetest
05:53 Leopold_ joined #minetest
06:46 fling joined #minetest
07:39 bwarden_ joined #minetest
07:41 search_s1cial joined #minetest
07:41 Pexin_ joined #minetest
07:44 jojje_ joined #minetest
08:14 proller joined #minetest
08:53 theamazing0[m]1 joined #minetest
08:53 Oksanaa joined #minetest
08:53 rubenwardy joined #minetest
08:53 Izaya joined #minetest
08:53 Chis27 joined #minetest
08:53 Tuxilio[m] joined #minetest
09:09 Tuxilio[m] joined #minetest
09:12 olive[m] joined #minetest
09:14 TristanCottam[m] joined #minetest
09:15 dash joined #minetest
09:16 Dirkfried[m] joined #minetest
09:20 wsor4035 joined #minetest
09:23 lebruhgamer[m] joined #minetest
09:25 giov4[m] joined #minetest
09:25 potatoxel[m] joined #minetest
09:28 Maverick2797[m] joined #minetest
09:30 Jon[m]1 joined #minetest
09:30 Blockhead256[m] joined #minetest
09:39 Kimapr joined #minetest
09:53 programmerjake joined #minetest
09:53 Parnikkapore_m joined #minetest
09:53 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
09:53 Goobax[m] joined #minetest
09:53 dash joined #minetest
09:53 fgaz joined #minetest
09:53 wsor4035 joined #minetest
09:53 nutcracker500[m] joined #minetest
09:53 eldritchcookie[m joined #minetest
09:53 Dirkfried[m] joined #minetest
09:53 TristanCottam[m] joined #minetest
09:53 theamazing0[m] joined #minetest
09:53 bitblit1 joined #minetest
09:53 lebruhgamer[m] joined #minetest
09:53 potatoxel[m] joined #minetest
09:53 Tuxilio[m] joined #minetest
09:53 vintprox[m]1 joined #minetest
09:53 MisterE[m] joined #minetest
09:53 olive[m] joined #minetest
09:53 Jon[m] joined #minetest
09:53 giov4[m] joined #minetest
09:53 Blockhead256[m] joined #minetest
09:53 Maverick2797[m] joined #minetest
09:55 qur joined #minetest
09:55 peterz joined #minetest
10:18 pounce joined #minetest
10:20 Goobax[m] joined #minetest
10:20 bitblit1 joined #minetest
10:21 dash joined #minetest
10:22 fgaz joined #minetest
10:29 programmerjake joined #minetest
10:32 vintprox[m]1 joined #minetest
10:33 theamazing0[m] joined #minetest
10:34 eldritchcookie[m joined #minetest
10:35 fluxionary_ joined #minetest
10:38 Jon[m] joined #minetest
10:38 olive[m] joined #minetest
10:41 potatoxel[m] joined #minetest
10:41 Tuxilio[m] joined #minetest
10:41 gemmaro joined #minetest
10:42 TristanCottam[m] joined #minetest
10:44 Parnikkapore_m joined #minetest
10:44 MisterE[m] joined #minetest
10:48 giov4[m] joined #minetest
10:49 Blockhead256[m] joined #minetest
10:54 Dirkfried[m] joined #minetest
10:55 nutcracker500[m] joined #minetest
11:02 lebruhgamer[m] joined #minetest
11:02 Maverick2797[m] joined #minetest
11:04 wsor4035 joined #minetest
11:05 Kimapr joined #minetest
11:08 Noclip[m] joined #minetest
11:21 hmmmm joined #minetest
11:22 TomTom joined #minetest
11:38 definitelya joined #minetest
11:47 Guest54 joined #minetest
11:55 kilbith joined #minetest
12:17 erstazi_ joined #minetest
12:42 Desour joined #minetest
12:46 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> how is the release looking? i see 2 blockers for process related stuff. are we quite close to release, or is there other stuff that needs to be addressed?
12:49 rubenwardy yeah, we're quite close - I think it's more available time than blockers popping up
12:50 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> good to know 🙂
12:51 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> i'm quite excited. don't want this to be taken as nagging or anything. we are basing our release off 5.7, so it is good to understand when that is
12:51 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> between performance fixes on our end, and the faster 5.7 mapblock loads, it could be pretty awesome for players
13:10 Guest54 “basing our release off 5.7”*
13:10 Guest54 like wdym
13:10 Guest54 new features?
13:12 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> no, as in, with every engine release, there comes risk, and we'd like to iron out any issues we missed prior to release, rather than releasing, and releasing again
13:12 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> we support last 2 versions, so we won't add anything from 5.7 that 5.6.1 cannot support
13:15 rubenwardy yeah, feature freeze is a good time for game and mod devs to run their stuff against the upcoming version
13:18 gemmaro joined #minetest
13:24 proller joined #minetest
13:24 Verticen joined #minetest
13:46 calcul0n joined #minetest
13:49 Guest54 AncientMariner maintainer tip: when you review stuff involving textures, you should make sure people actually know what they are doing. having a 5Ă—12 PNG that is 1851 bytes is total bollocks. (spoiler: _0.png)
13:50 Guest54 you can fit so much metadata in this big boi lol
13:52 Guest54 also since minetest is not following PNG specs on some things (a lot of non-browser software does not), gamma and background color of PNG textures won't do you any good
13:54 Guest54 (for the record, 5Ă—12 = 60 pixels)
14:14 rubenwardy also, Android does not support textures that have non-power of two (NPoT) resolutions. Minetest will upscale to PoT, but it's best to use PoT where possible
14:26 proller joined #minetest
14:47 proller joined #minetest
14:48 Guest54 rubenwardy what kind of rendering issues does this cause? blur?
15:24 sfan5 rubenwardy: android sure does, we just don't because we are still on opengl es 1
15:24 sfan5 well not anymore
15:24 rubenwardy sure, I meant our Android port
15:24 rubenwardy is NPoT support a requirement of GLES 2?
15:25 appguru joined #minetest
15:27 Oblomov so I'm getting a steamdeck, how're the input system improvements going on? 8-D
15:27 rubenwardy looks like it is, I've learned not to assume too much about Android devices
15:27 rubenwardy Oblomov: not made any progress, already plays perfectly fine though with steam input
15:28 Oblomov what's steam input
15:28 rubenwardy Steam Deck comes with Steam Input - it allows you to rebind your controls without the application supporting it
15:28 rubenwardy this is also present on desktop steam
15:28 Oblomov interesting
15:28 rubenwardy With Steam Input, you can bind the Deck controllers to simulate key presses and mouse movement
15:28 rubenwardy
15:28 sfan5 rubenwardy: i couldn't easily find out but going by what numzero has said, yes
15:32 TheCoffeMaker joined #minetest
15:34 Oblomov rubenwardy: thanks
15:38 Oblomov is there anything I could do (assuming I had time I don't actually have) to help with better native support for controllers?
15:40 rubenwardy you could work on fixing SDL issues in the engine
15:40 rubenwardy
15:41 rubenwardy I've got a branch with SDL gamepad support, works quite well
15:41 rubenwardy when we have SDL and that branch, we then need GUI support, rebinding, and showing input icons
15:41 rubenwardy GUI support will be a huge pain, I started working on a proof of concept but doing it cleanly might need redesigning the event system surrounding formspecs
15:44 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
15:46 rubenwardy Here's my branch:
16:36 Desour_ joined #minetest
16:53 Talkless joined #minetest
17:29 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> so assuming you use PoT rather than NPoT, what is the expected size?
17:29 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> (i'm absolutely pretending to know what i'm on about, and i very much don't) 🙂
17:30 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> graphics isn't my strong point, but i'm open to learning
17:31 proller joined #minetest
17:31 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> oh, and Guest54, at the time that was originally merged, I was a lowly dev. i probably didn't even have dev status or may have just got it then
17:32 MTDiscord <AncientMariner> so i couldn't really have a say in that one
17:40 MisterE123 joined #minetest
17:41 wsor joined #minetest
17:48 fizi joined #minetest
19:14 sparky4 joined #minetest
19:38 proller joined #minetest
19:44 diceLibrarian joined #minetest
19:47 Sven_vB joined #minetest
20:10 Guest54 joined #minetest
20:11 Guest54 AncientMariner i am not blaming you for past evils, i am telling you that some contributors put their entire life story in the exif data in the png
20:40 kilbith joined #minetest
20:53 lemonzest joined #minetest
21:28 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Game & mod devs should probably be running automated image optimizers on everything, which should include throwing away metadata that's not needed in-game.  If you want to keep the metadata somewhere, that's what asset source files and .gitattributes export-ignore are good for.
21:49 fluxionary_ is there a way to see why a server isn't getting added to the server announce list? it's accessible from the outside, `server_name`, `server_description`, `server_address`, and `server_announce` are all set.
21:50 fluxionary_ wait, let me check that i poked a hole in the firewall for ipv6...
21:51 MTDiscord <Warr1024> If server_address is IPv6 or a name that resolves to IPv6 then yeah, you'll need that.  MT also doesn't like to listen on 2 address families at the same time, it seems, so if you want to support both v4 and v6 clients it seems like you might need a firewall redirect for that.
21:52 fluxionary_ yup, wish i'd thought that before i'd asked, that's almost certainly what the issue was
21:52 fluxionary_ oh interesting
22:00 Sven_vB joined #minetest
22:02 sparky4 joined #minetest
22:02 kilbith_ joined #minetest
22:10 Boingo joined #minetest
22:15 fluxionary_ hm that's not it, looks like the IPv6 hostname never even registered properly...
22:16 fluxionary_ or wait, yes it did, it was just hiding on "page 2"...
22:17 fluxionary_ guess i'm waiting a few days for the DNS records to sort themselves out then
22:40 sparky4 joined #minetest
22:42 proller joined #minetest
22:52 Guest1151 joined #minetest
22:52 Guest1151 joined #minetest
23:29 sparky4 joined #minetest
23:39 Kilroy joined #minetest
23:39 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest

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