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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-07-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 ronkat joined #minetest
00:17 DoyleChris joined #minetest
00:21 DoyleChris hello
00:23 DoyleChris any android users
00:29 FreeFull joined #minetest
00:29 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
00:34 nri joined #minetest
00:35 DoyleChris joined #minetest
00:42 nri joined #minetest
00:42 nri joined #minetest
00:59 ronkat joined #minetest
01:00 ronkat .ping
01:02 DoyleChris pong
01:02 ronkat huh...
01:03 DoyleChris you wouldnt have any idea of compiling android minetest
01:05 ronkat i cant compile...
01:05 atroxi joined #minetest
01:05 ronkat im not a coder just gamer
01:08 ronkat does the android port of minetest are based of the windows version?
01:12 DoyleChris no linux you compile them in linux
01:13 DoyleChris and only 2 people have made them Wayward_one and Stu5
01:13 DoyleChris i keep getting a SDK license error on the make
01:13 ronkat huh...
01:14 ronkat im not good at coding and computer-programming oriented things
01:15 DoyleChris nobody is posting to help
01:15 DoyleChris I posted in the forum also
01:56 Hirato joined #minetest
01:56 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
01:59 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
02:27 ronkat left #minetest
02:37 Cornelia joined #minetest
02:44 Nezrok Assuming I am willing to make the textures on my own, can anyone link me a good tutorial for creating my own object files for mobs? I cannot for the life of me wrap my brain around it :c Tried with like 5 different programs
02:53 atroxi joined #minetest
02:54 Fusl joined #minetest
02:56 NathanS21 Nezrok this might be what you're looking for.
02:56 NathanS21
02:56 NathanS21 !title
02:56 MinetestBot NathanS21: Creating Mobs with Blender | Nathan's Website
02:56 NathanS21
02:57 NathanS21 and
02:57 NathanS21
02:57 NathanS21 I have a handful more of videos on the process all listed on my site and on my youtube channel as well.
03:22 Nezrok Aha
03:22 Nezrok If those thumbnails are any indication, it's exactly what I need
03:22 Nezrok Thank you <3
03:22 Nezrok I will watch them all tomorrow
03:22 Nezrok And learn
03:23 Nezrok Since I have no other plans for my boring-ass life :D
03:23 ssieb joined #minetest
04:24 Cornelia joined #minetest
04:36 atroxi joined #minetest
06:00 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
06:08 atroxi joined #minetest
06:23 Dr_Frankenstone joined #minetest
06:25 CWz_ joined #minetest
06:30 Dr-Frankenstone joined #minetest
06:46 Krock joined #minetest
08:13 nowhere_man joined #minetest
09:01 ensonic joined #minetest
09:10 Norore joined #minetest
09:19 proller joined #minetest
09:22 orwell96_mt joined #minetest
09:29 Nezrok joined #minetest
09:59 nepugia joined #minetest
10:38 Wuzzy joined #minetest
10:53 nowhere_man joined #minetest
10:53 alas23 joined #minetest
10:54 alas23 left #minetest
10:56 fling Hello.
10:57 fling What are the best competitive servers?
10:57 nepugia I don't think minetest has much of a market value
11:07 fling What mod is for rain?
11:17 fruitsnack joined #minetest
11:18 VanessaE probably paramat's snowdrift, but I don't use that on my servers
11:21 Krock joined #minetest
11:28 Fixer joined #minetest
11:30 ensonic joined #minetest
11:53 orwell96_mt joined #minetest
11:54 turtleman joined #minetest
12:10 ensonic joined #minetest
12:15 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
12:23 atroxi joined #minetest
12:24 nowhere_man joined #minetest
12:39 DoyleChris joined #minetest
12:42 MinetestBot [git] pauloue -> minetest/minetest: Prefix RecipePriority elements with PRIORITY_ fe6c666 (2019-07-27T12:42:41Z)
12:42 MinetestBot [git] pauloue -> minetest/minetest: Initialize priority in CraftDefinition constructors 395b1b3 (2019-07-27T12:42:41Z)
12:42 MinetestBot [git] pauloue -> minetest/minetest: minimal: Move get_craft_result tests to test mod b994a35 (2019-07-27T12:42:41Z)
12:42 Beton joined #minetest
13:04 BuckarooBanzai For anyone interested: a graphical overview over the players and servers on the serverlist:;refresh=30s&amp;from=now-2d&amp;to=now
13:05 BuckarooBanzai I like how you see the "drops" when the multicraft servers go down :/
13:06 Krock nice stats
13:07 BuckarooBanzai scraping script is here: (should be public)
13:07 Krock (is public)
13:08 * BuckarooBanzai checks quickly if he put passwords in that repo...
13:17 DoyleChris17 joined #minetest
13:22 Player-2 joined #minetest
13:25 IRC-Source_17 joined #minetest
13:35 est31 joined #minetest
13:35 DS-minetest joined #minetest
13:42 FreeFull joined #minetest
14:18 Copenhagen_Bram hello
14:19 Copenhagen_Bram i heard there was at least 1 fork of minetest with a p2p server list, why hasn't something like been added?
14:20 sfan5 what exactly is a "p2p server list" and what would its advantages be?
14:24 ANAND Probably referring to OC's Final Minetest, which uses a P2P serverlist, IIRC
14:25 ANAND Basically, each server broadcasts to all other servers
14:25 ANAND Dunno how that works, exactly
14:25 sfan5 i'll tell you: it doesn't
14:25 sfan5 it's just an empty claim
14:25 ANAND heh
14:26 Copenhagen_Bram that's the minetest fork i'm referencing, don't ban me and feel free to PM me if you'd like to keep discussion about OC out of this main chat
14:26 Copenhagen_Bram an empty claim, eh?
14:27 ANAND None of us have any idea how stuff works in "Final Minetest", AFAIK. So you'd probably find no help here anyway.
14:27 sfan5 you're welcome not to believe me
14:27 sfan5 thought I'm still wondering what you think the advantage of a p2p server list would be
14:28 Copenhagen_Bram not arguing, tbh it sounds as if it just uses as the server list
14:28 Copenhagen_Bram which isn't p2p
14:28 ANAND The original objective was to prevent the commercialization of the serverlist server, IIRC :P
14:29 atroxi joined #minetest
14:30 Copenhagen_Bram And i was considering the claimed disadvantage that minetest server lists could control which servers it lists.
14:30 sfan5 well that's true
14:30 Copenhagen_Bram and now i'm wondering, are there any rules for which servers are shown by minetest's server list?
14:31 Copenhagen_Bram and how many other server lists are there, since i think minetest allows you to choose which server you download the list from?
14:31 sfan5 no formal rules, though we do try to keep the list family-friendly
14:32 Copenhagen_Bram hmm
14:33 Copenhagen_Bram it's hard to imagine a non family friendly minetest server
14:35 pauloue joined #minetest
14:36 sfan5 a very obvious example would be advertising pornographic content in the description or URL
14:38 Copenhagen_Bram ah
14:40 Hawk777 joined #minetest
14:52 DoyleChris17 can i get logs from the other day from here
14:54 sfan5 read the topic
15:20 DoyleChris any ideas about this ERROR[Main]: Invalid background element(5): '5,5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true;10'
15:21 DoyleChris it happened on my laptop fixed by updating to the latest build
15:21 Krock use a recent build then
15:22 DoyleChris THATS MY PROBLEM i cant compile a new android version
15:22 DoyleChris the last 3 days
15:24 DoyleChris i have posted in the forum and on here and in the dev room
15:31 pauloue removing the ;10 will fix the error. you could also downgrade your server version
15:31 DoyleChris i did
15:31 DoyleChris downgrade
15:32 sfan5 you also need to downgrade minetest_game
15:33 Cornelia joined #minetest
15:34 riff-IRC joined #minetest
15:39 DoyleChris use git clone -b stable-5 with minetest_game.git
15:43 cdde joined #minetest
15:54 Scarecrow joined #minetest
15:56 nowhereman joined #minetest
16:17 Copenhagen_Bram What happened to Menche?
16:18 Krock !seen Menche
16:18 MinetestBot Krock: menche was last seen at 2019-07-02 11:53:49 UTC on #minetest
16:19 Copenhagen_Bram huh
16:21 Cornelia joined #minetest
16:21 Andrey01 joined #minetest
16:23 Andrey01 hello, could anybody help me to fix a bug in my adv_vehicles mod?
16:24 Andrey01 if a car is going forward it will get stopped immediately
16:24 Copenhagen_Bram can I take a whack at it? I don't really know lua but maybe trying to fix your bug will help me learn
16:25 Andrey01 but backward it doesn`t happen
16:25 Andrey01 my code is very complex and messy
16:25 Copenhagen_Bram hmm
16:25 Andrey01 because it contains many other methods
16:26 Andrey01 post to pastebin?
16:26 Copenhagen_Bram how about a git repo?
16:27 Andrey01 here:
16:28 Copenhagen_Bram alright i'll test it out as soon as i'm done fixing breakfast
16:28 Andrey01 see api.txt
16:28 Andrey01 an error happens in adv_vehicles.vehicle_stop()
16:29 Andrey01 *vehicle_braking
16:29 Krock FYI: local function round_num(num) return math.floor(num * 10 + 0.5) / 10 end   <-- this is shorter
16:29 Andrey01 starting since 195 line
16:30 Krock > (math.abs(new_vel.x) and math.abs(new_vel.z))
16:30 Krock replace "and" with "+"
16:31 Krock or vector.length(new_vel) < 0.03
16:31 Krock a little bit shorter and takes the Y axis into account as well
16:32 Andrey01 let me to post to pastebin a content of that file, it`s a bit old already in the git repo
16:32 Krock just update the repo?
16:32 Andrey01  -- newest one
16:35 Andrey01 I`m not going to update the git repo because the changes that I plan to make are not ready yet
16:36 ANAND Then push to a different branch?
16:36 Andrey01 ok now
16:42 Andrey01 will push later, not now
16:42 Andrey01 afk
16:50 illwieckz joined #minetest
17:00 cg72 joined #minetest
17:01 cg72 VanessaE   oi hey you get here buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
17:01 VanessaE hey
17:01 VanessaE ltns
17:02 cg72 ltns?
17:02 VanessaE long time no see :P
17:02 VanessaE where the heck have you been?
17:02 cg72 bloody hell did you wipe the building server again lol
17:02 VanessaE nah, the spawn moved a while back
17:02 cg72 work, work, more work, crippling depression, work
17:03 cg72 lol well it said it was my first time logging in on all my old names lol so im a n00b ahhhh
17:03 VanessaE oh thast
17:03 VanessaE oh that*
17:03 VanessaE that was just a player files clean-up I did a while back
17:04 cg72 also im friggin lost af here
17:04 VanessaE one-time thing prior to migrating the player accounts to sqlite3.  that's when Bananaland went back online also.
17:04 cg72 wtf is bananaland?
17:04 VanessaE easy:  get on bulldog highway and fly west about 4 or 5km. :)
17:04 VanessaE Bananaland is another server I run.  used to belong to CWz, before that I don't rememeber
17:05 VanessaE it's one of the formerly very popular ones on the master list
17:05 cg72 id pm you but i cant without services?!?! and i forgot most of irc crap
17:05 Copenhagen_Bram oh hi VanessaE
17:05 VanessaE hi
17:06 VanessaE cg72: it's a defense against certain...undesirable people
17:06 cg72 me? XDDDDD
17:06 VanessaE nah :P
17:06 VanessaE there, that should allow it.
17:06 VanessaE I think.
17:09 Krock bananaland is where bananas come from
17:10 VanessaE yep
17:10 Krock exported to the rest of the world using the Great Canal (some also call it Channel) of UDP
17:10 VanessaE haha
17:11 Krock TCP (Transport Control Police) is sometimes involved too for dealing with big media deliveries
17:11 cg72 dude krock is still here?!?!?!?!
17:11 VanessaE yep.
17:11 Krock but you need a CURL (Calibrated User Request License) in order to receive TCP media
17:12 Krock apparently, cg72. apparently.
17:12 cg72 apparently????
17:12 Krock it was shittalk time again. UNLESS someone jumps on the wagon to carry on this topic
17:12 VanessaE yeah, he may be a figment of your imagination ;)
17:13 cg72 don't make me start a server to bad you for no reason :P
17:13 Krock cg72: is it real or just fantasy?
17:13 cg72 fantasy is when i get...... nvm
17:14 cg72 ok, how to get on ve mt shat? how to remember the services and nickserv bs i forgot....
17:14 VanessaE /ns help register
17:14 VanessaE /ns help identify
17:14 VanessaE that'll get you going
17:14 VanessaE then join #ve-minetest-servers and I can auto-voice you.
17:15 VanessaE you just have to configure hexchat to auto-login to nickserv on connect.
17:15 Krock no SASL?
17:15 VanessaE hexchat does SASL, too.
17:15 BuckarooBanzai o/
17:16 Krock o/ BuckarooBanzai
17:17 cg72 jfc its already registered.........
17:17 sodastab ?
17:17 cg72 new name again
17:18 * sodastab is Menche's alt
17:18 sodastab saw your MemoServ things Copenhagen_Bram
17:18 VanessaE cg72: you know, there IS such a thing as an account/password manager program :)
17:18 Copenhagen_Bram oh cool
17:18 VanessaE you used to sign on as lezzy
17:18 cg72 you know idfc XDDDDDDD
17:19 cg72 lol its been so long tbh i thought mt would have been dead
17:19 VanessaE heh
17:20 BuckarooBanzai mt never dies ;)
17:20 VanessaE MT is like old war generals.  it won't die, it'll just fade away :P
17:21 BuckarooBanzai :(
17:21 cg72 nickserv hates me or something F&#K irc XD
17:21 VanessaE heh
17:22 VanessaE keep trying
17:23 cg72 its reg'd and ident'd but cant send to channel ffs grr
17:24 VanessaE to what channel?
17:24 VanessaE you're not in my channel yet..
17:25 VanessaE ah, found you.
17:25 VanessaE try now.
17:26 cg72 hooray
17:27 VanessaE now pick a nick I can fucking remem.......
17:27 VanessaE ....ber
17:41 Cornelia joined #minetest
17:42 Preuk -_-'
18:33 awell joined #minetest
18:33 Cornelia joined #minetest
18:38 tpa joined #minetest
18:49 Persi joined #minetest
19:08 Cornelia joined #minetest
19:15 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Check for 'action' field in ABMs & LBMs 8efa1de (2019-07-27T19:13:47Z)
19:19 Markow joined #minetest
19:39 atroxi joined #minetest
19:43 turtleman joined #minetest
19:46 adfeno joined #minetest
19:47 adfeno Hi there, how to run Minetest through gdb?
19:47 Krock gdb minetest
19:47 Krock r
19:47 Krock bt  (on segfault)
19:48 adfeno But what if gdb complains about "(No debugging symbols found in minetest)"?
19:49 adfeno The release type I have is RelWithDebInfo
19:49 Cornelia joined #minetest
19:53 Krock what's the file size of your minetest binary?
19:54 Krock full debug is around 90 MiB, release without symbols is roughly 9.2 MiB (x64 system, dynamic linking)
19:55 Krock asking because it might have built the wrong target anyway
19:56 adfeno 6,9 MB
19:57 Krock that's very slim for debug symbols. if it's not in a separate file, you need to check your build setup again (i.e. re-run cmake generate)
19:58 Krock also check  the output of ./minetest --version
19:58 Krock BUILD_TYPE should be RelWithDebInfo, but is probably Release
19:59 adfeno Krock: It's RelWithDebInfo here.
19:59 adfeno I think I might have found a bug in the package recipe made by the distribution then.
19:59 adfeno Sorry, not the distribution, but the package manager I'm using.
20:00 Krock that or Minetest doesn't handle that target correctly to pass CXX, C the right compiler flags
20:01 Krock SemiDebug is also an option
20:10 Cornelia joined #minetest
20:49 Cornelia joined #minetest
20:57 Fixer joined #minetest
20:59 Wuzzy joined #minetest
21:02 Out`Of`Control hi
21:02 Out`Of`Control did minetest  move away from github?
21:03 VanessaE no
21:04 Out`Of`Control ok
21:04 VanessaE
21:04 VanessaE (and /minetest_game )
21:08 Cornelia joined #minetest
21:21 Cornelia joined #minetest
21:32 nepugia joined #minetest
21:40 GreenDimond joined #minetest
21:44 Cornelia joined #minetest
21:46 Nezrok joined #minetest
22:09 TheInformer joined #minetest
22:10 TheInformer where does Minetest go after installing it via brew on MacOs?
22:11 Calinou TheInformer: /usr/local/bin/minetest, I think ?
22:12 Calinou and data in /usr/local/share/minetest or /usr/local/share/games/minetest (not sure which)
22:12 nepugia macos has /usr?
22:12 Calinou of course :)
22:12 nepugia eh
22:14 TheInformer there is no minetest in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/share
22:16 TheInformer I think it didn't install right
22:16 Calinou could do a `find / -name "minetest"` maybe :P
22:18 Cornelia joined #minetest
22:18 TheInformer I have another hard drive with minetest already on it for windows so that wouldn't work, I found it though
22:19 TheInformer its in /usr/local/Cellar/minetest
22:19 TheInformer thanks though
22:19 TheInformer left #minetest
22:38 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
22:41 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
22:42 atroxi joined #minetest
22:43 Cornelia joined #minetest
22:47 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
22:56 fruitsnack joined #minetest
22:57 fruitsnack joined #minetest
22:58 rogueC joined #minetest
23:00 Fixer_ joined #minetest
23:07 vanta left #minetest
23:07 vanta joined #minetest
23:07 Cornelia joined #minetest
23:07 vanta hello, is there a way to get nodes in radius, something like get_objects_in_radius()?
23:07 vanta I found a few functions like find_nodes_near() and find_nodes_in_area()
23:08 vanta however, they all need a nodelist
23:08 vanta but I need to get any node (except for ignore or air)
23:09 rogueC you have to do a for loop or nested for loop to check all the pos you want to see
23:10 vanta ok thanks
23:11 rogueC if you need an example i can get you one
23:11 vanta no, I was just hoping there might be an easy way in lua api
23:11 rogueC as far as i know there isnt, but im a little befind on the newest version
23:21 turtleman joined #minetest
23:31 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
23:44 Cornelia joined #minetest
23:58 Wuzzy joined #minetest

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