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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-07-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:14 TheWolf joined #minetest
00:37 ehlodex joined #minetest
00:48 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
00:57 epony joined #minetest
01:02 paramat joined #minetest
01:10 Cornelia joined #minetest
01:11 lumberJ joined #minetest
01:19 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
01:38 TheWolf joined #minetest
02:07 ANAND joined #minetest
02:17 TheWolf joined #minetest
02:42 ManElevation joined #minetest
02:51 swift110 joined #minetest
03:34 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
03:41 paramat joined #minetest
04:07 nowhere_man joined #minetest
04:08 TheWolf joined #minetest
04:16 epony joined #minetest
04:19 prrpx joined #minetest
04:50 TheWolf joined #minetest
04:55 johann2 joined #minetest
04:55 johann2 hello
04:56 whitephoenix joined #minetest
05:11 ehlodex joined #minetest
05:15 ssieb joined #minetest
05:20 ehlodex joined #minetest
05:31 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
05:32 TheWolf joined #minetest
05:46 ehlodex_ joined #minetest
05:48 comrad joined #minetest
05:55 sonicpp joined #minetest
06:08 sonicpp joined #minetest
06:18 aheinecke joined #minetest
06:26 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
06:37 swift110 joined #minetest
06:49 nowhere_man joined #minetest
06:55 Alexand{er|ra} I'm really liking this coloured node feature. It's tough figuring out how to make an evenly-distributed palette for the 5- and 8-bit colour spaces though. ^ or 9 would be easy, but 5 and 8 are odd numbers when you're working with three colour channels.
06:55 Alexand{er|ra} I guess part of the problem is that I'm trying to squeeze everything I can into each palette.
06:56 Alexand{er|ra} If I used 5 and 40 "dead" pixels, the 5- and 8-bit palettes would be done by now.
06:58 freddy joined #minetest
07:04 ssieb joined #minetest
07:08 twoelk joined #minetest
08:05 ensonic joined #minetest
08:11 Fulgen joined #minetest
08:23 jluc joined #minetest
08:39 RichardTheTurd joined #minetest
09:09 Wuzzy joined #minetest
09:26 Fixer joined #minetest
09:32 ehlodex joined #minetest
09:32 illwieckz joined #minetest
09:40 CWz joined #minetest
09:44 ManElevation joined #minetest
10:00 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
10:09 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:10 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
10:16 AntumD joined #minetest
10:16 Krock joined #minetest
10:38 ManElevation joined #minetest
10:49 proller joined #minetest
10:51 TheWolf joined #minetest
10:54 Krock joined #minetest
11:02 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
11:11 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
11:29 proller joined #minetest
11:34 calculon joined #minetest
11:35 Fulgen joined #minetest
11:37 proller joined #minetest
11:43 ehlodex joined #minetest
11:52 progysm joined #minetest
11:53 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
12:03 lumberJ joined #minetest
12:19 entuland joined #minetest
12:23 ehlodex joined #minetest
12:29 ManElevation joined #minetest
12:31 calculon joined #minetest
12:38 TheWolf joined #minetest
13:02 TheWolf joined #minetest
13:04 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
13:20 proller joined #minetest
13:52 rafalcpp joined #minetest
13:56 proller joined #minetest
14:03 DanPete joined #minetest
14:07 DanPete_ joined #minetest
14:10 DanPete_ Hi, I just found out about the greatness of minetest, but I am a little overwhelmed by all the choices of games, anyone have a suggestion where to start? Minetest, MineClone2, rpgtest?
14:10 progysm Minetest is the best.
14:10 Krock hello. vanilla minetest_game, then throw some mods in
14:11 DanPete_ Perfect, thanks! Is MineClone2 a branch off of minetest?
14:11 Krock whereas "in" = into the minetest-wide mods directory and not /games/minetest_game/mods whatsoever
14:11 Krock no, that's independent
14:12 DanPete_ Great! Also, any good servers or list of servers if I would like to play with others?
14:12 Krock all of them
14:12 Krock click your way through. it's sometimes not easy to find a new, exciting server
14:13 Krock especially when you've seen all mods at least three times on different servers
14:13 DanPete_ And how do I search for servers? Can I do that in the minetest?
14:13 Krock uhm.. multiplayer tab?
14:14 Krock or "Play online" or "Join game" or however it's called right now
14:14 DanPete_ Oh, hmm don't seem to have that on my minetest
14:14 Krock did you compile it yourself?
14:14 DanPete_ Got a .deb pack for ubuntu 16.04
14:15 Krock okay, that one should actually have curl enabled. It's a black box in the mainmenu tab, where you get a list of servers
14:15 Krock based on
14:17 nowhere_man joined #minetest
14:19 DanPete_ Oh, I think I accidentally got 0.4.13
14:19 DanPete_ Opps :)
14:20 DanPete_ Perfect, 0.4.17, and I now have play online. Thanks!
14:23 Krock ancient piece of packet
14:24 DanPete_ Ya, not sure how that happened
14:25 Krock it seems to be the newest package in the xenial repository:
14:26 ANAND Yes, sadly
14:27 ANAND But 18.04 provides 0.4.16 IIRC
14:27 Krock even that is already outdated by more than a year
14:27 ANAND True tho
14:27 DanPete_ Oh, ya I should update to 18.04 but... :)
14:28 DanPete_ What is the latest version?
14:28 ANAND MT?
14:28 DanPete_ Sorry, yes of MT
14:28 ANAND
14:29 Krock 5.0.0-dev
14:29 DanPete_ Oh okay, ya I think I have that now on 16.04
14:37 ManElevation heayaii! i want my players namestags to hide when they are behind blocks, how can i do so?
14:40 ANAND ManElevation: This mod aims to do just that
14:40 ANAND
14:42 rafalcpp joined #minetest
14:43 proller joined #minetest
14:44 Lupercus joined #minetest
14:44 rubenwardy Originally by ircSparky
14:44 rubenwardy !mod [players]
14:44 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Could not find anything.
14:44 rubenwardy Arh
14:44 rubenwardy !mod [playertag]
14:44 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Could not find anything.
14:44 rubenwardy Heh
14:48 Krock !mod player tag
14:48 MinetestBot Krock: Playertags[playertags] by LMD -
14:48 TheWolf joined #minetest
14:48 rubenwardy Wrong
14:48 ANAND uh oh... :P
14:48 ircSparky
14:49 rubenwardy Lol
14:49 rubenwardy Was about to post
14:49 rubenwardy !title
14:49 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Entity based nametags [playertag] - Minetest Forums
14:50 Krock ah, wrongly formatted title
14:50 rubenwardy As a general rule, avoid mods from  [LKGMD]{3}
14:52 ANAND lol
14:53 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
14:53 ManElevation thx guys
14:55 ircSparky ill fix it
14:55 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
14:55 ircSparky at least i think i can
14:56 ircSparky !mod [playertag]
14:56 MinetestBot ircSparky: Could not find anything.
14:56 ircSparky hm
14:56 ircSparky !mod playertag
14:56 MinetestBot ircSparky: Playertags[playertags] by LMD -
14:56 ircSparky oh well
14:57 ANAND Noooo!
15:00 lumberJ joined #minetest
15:00 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
15:07 epony joined #minetest
15:09 Lupercus joined #minetest
15:11 Darcidride joined #minetest
15:14 ehlodex_ joined #minetest
15:17 Akberid joined #minetest
15:23 Krock ircSparky: 1) the title is still wrong. 2) the mod search engine fetch bot runs roughly once the week
15:25 ircSparky how about now?
15:25 ircSparky (about #1)
15:25 Krock good
15:27 Corvus_ joined #minetest
15:30 TheWolf joined #minetest
15:34 proller joined #minetest
15:41 antims joined #minetest
15:42 entuland joined #minetest
15:47 thefatcar joined #minetest
15:47 thefatcar oops
15:48 Krock OOPSIE WHOOPSIE owwo sooewthing went wrong
15:48 thefatcat joined #minetest
15:48 thefatcat what where you saying xerox
16:07 TheWolf joined #minetest
16:13 proller joined #minetest
16:21 stormchaser30001 joined #minetest
16:21 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
16:27 LMD joined #minetest
16:28 ehlodex joined #minetest
16:33 ehlodex joined #minetest
16:34 garywhite joined #minetest
16:35 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
16:42 epony joined #minetest
16:48 ManElevation joined #minetest
16:57 sonicpp joined #minetest
17:01 proller joined #minetest
17:05 nowhere_man joined #minetest
17:16 calculon joined #minetest
17:17 ehlodex joined #minetest
17:31 illwieckz joined #minetest
17:35 ssieb joined #minetest
17:36 DanPete_ joined #minetest
17:48 Fritigern joined #minetest
17:50 whitephoenix joined #minetest
17:59 Fixer_ joined #minetest
18:00 ehlodex joined #minetest
18:07 Foz joined #minetest
18:09 ehlodex joined #minetest
18:10 Foz1 joined #minetest
18:12 Foz joined #minetest
18:18 Fulgen joined #minetest
18:21 Amaz joined #minetest
18:30 Guest25750 joined #minetest
18:32 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:32 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:33 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:33 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
18:35 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
18:41 TheWolf joined #minetest
18:55 ensonic joined #minetest
18:56 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
19:09 bas080 joined #minetest
19:24 nowhere_man joined #minetest
19:55 paramat joined #minetest
20:18 TheWolf joined #minetest
20:33 ManElevation joined #minetest
20:40 entuland joined #minetest
20:51 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
21:06 Lupercus joined #minetest
21:17 illwieckz joined #minetest
21:21 ehlodex joined #minetest
21:23 Scotty_Trees joined #minetest
21:28 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
21:58 ManElevation joined #minetest
22:01 paramat joined #minetest
22:16 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
22:17 Ruslan1 joined #minetest
22:21 proller joined #minetest
22:27 Alexand{er|ra} joined #minetest
22:45 ANAND joined #minetest
22:54 TheWolf joined #minetest
23:00 ehlodex joined #minetest
23:03 illwieckz_ joined #minetest
23:05 whitephoenix joined #minetest
23:10 Player-2 joined #minetest
23:16 ManElevation a texture on GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE can i use it without credit them?
23:16 ANAND joined #minetest
23:27 wilkgr joined #minetest
23:32 rubenwardy no lol, ManElevation
23:32 rubenwardy you also must license any other textures as GPL
23:32 rubenwardy and probably code too
23:32 rubenwardy GPL is contageous
23:32 ManElevation so i cant use them without asking them? or i just need to credit tehm and licence it?
23:33 rubenwardy you need to credit them, keep the same license, and also license your mod as the same license
23:33 rubenwardy so you can only use GPL'd code if your mod is GPL
23:33 rubenwardy LGPL is slightly less strict
23:34 sfan5 rubenwardy: i don't think using textures in some sort of abstract "collection" counts as linking
23:34 sfan5 licensing textures in gpl is still stupid
23:34 sfan5 s/still //
23:34 rubenwardy yeah, ^
23:34 rubenwardy ok, maybe just the texture needs to be GPL then
23:34 rubenwardy it's not a media license but a code one
23:34 ManElevation and what about MIT?
23:35 ManElevation MIT code
23:35 rubenwardy MIT is fine.   Keep the license text and credit the author
23:35 ManElevation alright thx just what i needed

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