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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-04-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:11 rdococ Has anyone built a really good house? I'm bored and want to experiment with mesecons in one
00:12 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
00:27 rdococ Easter is cancelled as it was revealed to be an April Fools jokeâ„¢
00:55 Sires joined #minetest
00:55 Sires Hello
01:14 lumberJ joined #minetest
02:10 cal joined #minetest
02:22 srifqi joined #minetest
02:28 BakerPrime joined #minetest
02:40 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
02:56 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
03:00 cal joined #minetest
03:05 reductum joined #minetest
03:32 viper121 joined #minetest
03:32 srifqi joined #minetest
03:32 viper121 joined #minetest
03:35 viper121 Hi guys im hosting a server on version 0.4.16 and people keep logging in and are not able to move. I was thinking it may be related to them running a outdated client. Does this sound right
03:35 blaise can I try?
03:35 blaise XD
03:36 viper121 sure its named viper's alpha server
03:36 blaise viper121: awesome
03:37 blaise logginging ininin
03:38 blaise woooo, sooo much media
03:38 viper121 you should have seen it before i cut the media down by 5x =)
03:46 srifqi left #minetest
03:52 Hawk777 joined #minetest
03:55 Lone-Star joined #minetest
03:59 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
04:04 ungali joined #minetest
04:21 lumberJ joined #minetest
04:37 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
04:56 Hawk777 joined #minetest
05:17 imr joined #minetest
05:17 imr joined #minetest
05:28 cal joined #minetest
05:43 elinor joined #minetest
05:48 cal joined #minetest
05:50 qbi397 joined #minetest
05:50 qbi397 03,08â–„02,02â–„07,12â–„13,07â–„10,12â–„02,04â–„05,05â–„09,05â–„03,04â–„06,02â–„04,04â–„13,02â–„04,09â–„06,05â–„11 HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  jxljitkpn: loggingbot_ MineCityBot Elon_Satoshi[m] 10,09â–„06,02â–„12,12â–„03,04â–„07,03â–„09,13â–„06,08â–„12,07â–„10,07â–„07,09â–„09,07â–„04,10â–„11,10â–„08,04â–„10,03â–„09,03â–„06,05
05:50 qbi397 11,08â–„02,10â–„03,08â–„10,08â–„12,10â–„04,03â–„04,10â–„12,08â–„13,03â–„06,07â–„06,09â–„10,13â–„06,03â–„10,07â–„11,03â–„04,09â–„04,07â–„09,08â–„05,03â–„04 HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  liiqfyf: reductum xSmurf pozzoni 11,12â–„05,04â–„04,06â–„09,09â–„11,12â–„13,10â–„06,04â–„07,12â–„09,08â–„10,12â–„11,12â–„07,07â–„03,05â–„10,
05:55 blaise wow
06:07 IcyDiamond happy fake news day
06:16 cal joined #minetest
06:24 shangul joined #minetest
06:25 shangul Hello. How to change the daynight cycle in the way that night is longer than day?
06:28 ckeltz joined #minetest
06:41 proller joined #minetest
06:52 sofar shangul: time_speed
06:52 blaise IcyDiamond: fake news day? what is that?
06:52 IcyDiamond :D
06:52 blaise sofar: that changes the scale which time is based on, but not the length of night versus day, right?
06:52 shangul sofar, still night is as long as day is
06:53 sofar yup, got to write a mod so that speed at night is higher than day time
06:53 shangul sofar, that works but how about telling minetest people to add this? this would be better
06:54 sofar a mod can do this
06:54 sofar so it's already possible?
06:55 shangul sofar, C++ is faster than Lua
06:55 sofar a kitchen sink is not as fast
06:55 shangul sofar, so how about removing time_speed, because a mod could change daynight after a while?
06:56 IcyDiamond <@sofar> a kitchen sink is not as fast
06:56 IcyDiamond WOO
07:07 paramat joined #minetest
07:13 IcyDiamond Hello paramat
07:19 Akberid joined #minetest
07:21 aristotle_IRC joined #minetest
07:33 proller joined #minetest
07:37 sofar shangul: there you go
07:37 shangul sofar, thanks, but I think they should add it to the engine
07:38 sofar aint gonna happen
07:38 shangul why?
07:38 sofar already explained it to you
07:39 shangul and read what I've said
07:39 sofar removing time_speed without adding a better solution isn't going to happen
07:42 sofar I don't disagree time_speed is a kludge being computer wide and not per world
07:42 sofar only fixing time_speed wouldn't make sense, either
07:43 sofar and fixing that wouldn't make what you want anyway
07:43 sofar;t=19901
07:48 shangul not much idea
08:08 proller joined #minetest
08:08 paramat there's already an issue on github requesting the feature
08:09 paramat i'm thinking about a cube rotating in space, and if an axial tilt would actually make day and night different lengths, not sure because earth is a sphere
08:10 paramat ideally time speed should remain constant, because you wouldn't want the sky to rotate faster during the day
08:10 paramat it's tricky and low priority so don't expect it to happen soon, or ever :)
08:23 AntumD joined #minetest
08:28 twoelk joined #minetest
08:41 nowhere_man joined #minetest
08:43 paramat hmm as far as i can tell a cube will always have equal night and day lengths whatever the orientation of its axis to the sun, even though the sun can appear lower in the sky
08:44 Telesight joined #minetest
08:46 Krock joined #minetest
08:48 ensonic joined #minetest
08:50 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
08:54 proller joined #minetest
09:00 proller joined #minetest
09:26 proller joined #minetest
09:28 The_Loko joined #minetest
09:36 jluc joined #minetest
09:37 red-001 joined #minetest
09:38 IcyDiamond Cubecraft
09:54 proller joined #minetest
10:07 kcorK IcyDiamond, ‮what's up with Cubecraft? :)
10:08 IcyDiamond wait thats a thing?
10:08 IcyDiamond lol
10:08 kcorK ‮no, I wonder what itis
10:08 kcorK ‮*it is
10:10 IcyDiamond whats the function that is fired when you right click a node
10:11 kcorK ‮on_rightclick
10:11 sfan5 on_use (on the item you're rightclicking with)
10:11 kcorK ‮no, on_use is left-click / punch
10:11 IcyDiamond kcorK: somehow i missed that, thanks
10:13 sfan5 oh nvm
10:17 troller joined #minetest
10:21 paramat joined #minetest
10:31 IcyDiamond is there any node function that is fired after swap_node?
10:31 IcyDiamond i tried after_place_node
10:32 Stace joined #minetest
10:33 Stace hi, what mover mode should I use if I want to plant? And should the destination be in the ground or the block above the ground?
10:35 kcorK ‮‮ IcyDiamond, no. it doesn't run any callbacks
10:35 IcyDiamond kk
10:35 IcyDiamond so i should just use timers?
10:36 IcyDiamond i want to update param2 after its meta and stuff changes
10:36 kcorK ‮depends on what you want to do. you can also use set_node, which runs the callbacks
10:37 kcorK ‮you can also run the callbacks manually: minetset.registered_nodes[name].after_place_node
10:37 kcorK ‮but beware, I think the function can also be nil if it's not specified
10:40 fwhcat joined #minetest
10:41 IcyDiamond do i have to swap node to set param2?
10:42 kcorK ‮yes, swap_node is perfectly suited for param2 changes
10:43 proller joined #minetest
10:49 IcyDiamond woo my water tank works
10:49 IcyDiamond :D
10:49 IcyDiamond actually it can hold any type of fluid in the game
10:52 Raven262 joined #minetest
10:54 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
11:01 rud0lf what about lava?
11:02 IcyDiamond ye
11:05 IcyDiamond
11:07 proller joined #minetest
11:19 Fixer joined #minetest
11:19 rud0lf IcyDiamond: cool
11:20 rud0lf plot twist: you can have fishes in it
11:22 IcyDiamond Lol
11:26 Taoki joined #minetest
11:26 rud0lf wouldn't it be cool to have an aquarium?
11:28 IcyDiamond :P
11:28 IcyDiamond i dont suppose you can save metadata onto the drop when you break the block
11:28 IcyDiamond can you
11:28 proller joined #minetest
11:29 sfan5 you can
11:31 IcyDiamond preserve_metadata doesnt seem to get fired
11:32 IcyDiamond unless it doesnt in creative?
11:32 sfan5 are you using 0.5.0-dev?
11:33 IcyDiamond no
11:33 sfan5 i'm pretty sure that functionality is new
11:33 IcyDiamond oh
11:33 IcyDiamond what else can i use
11:39 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
11:54 IcyDiamond there doesnt seem to be any other function to set itemstack on drop
11:58 rubenwardy pretty sure you just pass it in?
11:59 IcyDiamond i need to save metadata
11:59 cx384 joined #minetest
12:05 IcyDiamond ah screw it ill just drop an empty tank on break
12:13 rohju joined #minetest
12:16 kcorK joined #minetest
12:29 proller joined #minetest
12:34 Edgy1 joined #minetest
12:39 proller joined #minetest
12:43 proller joined #minetest
12:45 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
12:45 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
12:48 lumberJ joined #minetest
13:06 IcyDiamond What's up?
13:08 proller joined #minetest
13:10 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
13:15 soloojos joined #minetest
13:16 CWz joined #minetest
13:17 sooojos joined #minetest
13:33 tpe joined #minetest
13:37 IcyDiamond hmm, i cant seem to be able to register a bucket
13:37 IcyDiamond with the bucket mod in minetest game
13:38 IcyDiamond oh wait
13:38 IcyDiamond nvm
13:51 ccravm joined #minetest
13:52 ccravm 05,04â–„05,04â–„05,05â–„11,11â–„02,10â–„08,13â–„11,04â–„03,04â–„03,05â–„09,07â–„11,13â–„06,13â–„06,07â–„11,13â–„13,08â–„03,02â–„08,04â–„08,02â–„11 HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  jphukijutk: Teckla AntumD fireglow 06,07â–„08,11â–„11,07â–„11,10â–„05,07â–„06,03â–„11,08â–„07,03â–„11,07â–„09,11â–„08,03â–„06,10â–„08,05â–„11,11â–„0
13:52 ccravm 11,12â–„05,08â–„12,11â–„02,08â–„09,11â–„09,07â–„02,07â–„03,04â–„12,10â–„05,08â–„03,12â–„11,09â–„10,09â–„10,11â–„02,09â–„11,06â–„08,03â–„11,05â–„02,13â–„13 HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  wlxxt: Preuk ShadowNinja georgeowell 12,11â–„06,02â–„02,05â–„09,12â–„05,06â–„13,03â–„06,07â–„11,02â–„08,10â–„02,13â–„03,07â–„12,02â–„05,12â–„
13:52 ccravm was kicked by rubenwardy: Kindergarten is elsewhere!
13:52 rud0lf aww that's so cute
13:52 IcyDiamond interesting bug
13:52 Teckla That looks pretty cool  :)
13:53 Teckla rubenwardy: Oh man, I thought what ccravm was cool, heh
13:53 Teckla It gave me nostalgic flashbacks of my Commodore 64
13:55 rdococ Yay april fools
13:57 IcyDiamond supernets is the irc network for internet tough guys
13:57 IcyDiamond and they like to spam every single other network
13:57 IcyDiamond i even had them come to mine
14:06 bas080 joined #minetest
14:08 xerox123_ joined #minetest
14:09 Beton joined #minetest
14:09 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:24 rdococ April yay
14:24 rud0lf if something is good it doesn't need advertising
14:24 paramat joined #minetest
14:24 rud0lf so why do they advertise coca-cola or mcdonald's
14:24 rud0lf ?
14:25 Jousway joined #minetest
14:27 IcyDiamond I got molten metals!
14:33 rdococ what mod is that?
14:33 IcyDiamond my own mod
14:33 rdococ is it on github?
14:34 IcyDiamond not yet
14:34 rdococ ah
14:39 IcyDiamond ohhh, i never noticed that the wavy fluids go higher when you go in the fluid
14:39 IcyDiamond thats cool
14:39 rdococ They do?
14:39 IcyDiamond ye
14:39 rdococ Sounds icy
14:39 IcyDiamond or does it just seem like it to me
14:39 IcyDiamond idk
14:39 IcyDiamond it looked like they did
14:39 IcyDiamond XD
14:40 IcyDiamond ok i think i just timed it right
14:40 IcyDiamond can i add a tank to pipeworks somehow?
14:41 IcyDiamond or does pipeworks only do water
14:41 rdococ well, I haven't been able to put lava in pipes
14:42 IcyDiamond kk
14:42 nore yeah fluid handling is not really implemented in pipeworks
14:42 nore it works-ish for water, but does not preserve volume
14:43 Taoki joined #minetest
14:44 IcyDiamond ok
14:48 proller joined #minetest
14:51 rdococ I miss finite water
14:52 IcyDiamond xD
14:52 rubenwardy !mod [waterplus]
14:52 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Finite / Realistic Water [outdated] [waterplus] by rubenwardy -
14:52 rdococ Key word is [outdated]
14:52 rdococ !mod dynamic_liquids
14:52 rdococ !mod dynamic_liquid
14:53 rdococ
15:01 rdococ I might create a mod to go along with dynamic_liquid that randomly removes naturally occuring water source nodes that are below air
15:02 rubenwardy that's false, actually
15:02 rubenwardy oh nvm
15:03 rdococ I would also like to see a fog effect applied to water (as in, water should appear more opaque the deeper the pool is,)
15:10 srifqi joined #minetest
15:20 EmmaO joined #minetest
15:28 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
15:33 paramat oh crumbs, finite water, a disaster we luckily removed along with many proll features
15:33 rubenwardy it was majorly buggy
15:34 paramat related to that, i've looked through the mapgen code in freeminer and there isn't a single thing worth porting, it's all horrible
15:35 paramat :)
15:35 paramat hmmmm was right to reject it for MT
15:37 paramat oh, apart from having a fractal mapgen, but we have our own now
15:38 srifqi Is it different fractal shape?
15:40 troller joined #minetest
15:44 paramat it has a few that are the same, some are different
15:44 paramat ours has 18 fractal types
15:45 paramat although many are similar
15:46 Sokomine joined #minetest
15:49 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
15:49 troller joined #minetest
15:54 troller for making finite water not buggy and fast need to refrite half engine
15:54 troller also in sreeminer its not buggy
16:02 troller joined #minetest
16:06 FreeFull Minetest is far faster than the Java Minecraft, but that might be a low bar
16:07 FreeFull And it feels like Minecraft will never get a proper modding API, while Minetest makes modding super easy and integrated
16:13 rubenwardy oh hi FreeFull
16:13 srifqi I haven't ever modding for MC, so, I can't compare.
16:13 rubenwardy FreeFull: you offered me iron ingots on my first day of playing Minetest
16:14 rubenwardy early 2012 on RedCrab
16:14 rubenwardy pretty sure it was you
16:16 IcyDiamond I have modded minecraft
16:16 IcyDiamond It's horrible
16:17 IcyDiamond Never released any mods cuz they sucked
16:23 FreeFull Hi rubenwardy
16:24 FreeFull I haven't really been playing much Minetest in a long while
16:24 FreeFull IcyDiamond: I'm actually playing a Minecraft mod pack right now
16:24 longerstaff13 thanks to whoever approved my MT forum topic :)
16:24 FreeFull Minecraft + mods is a big RAM hog
16:24 IcyDiamond indeed
16:24 IcyDiamond i used to play modded mc a lot
16:24 IcyDiamond but now i mod minetest myself
16:24 IcyDiamond :P
16:25 kcorK ‮4 GiB of RAM ought to be enough for everybody
16:32 rdococ <FreeFull> Minetest is far faster than the Java Minecraft, but that might be a low bar
16:32 rdococ True... I wonder how it compares to Bedrock Edition?
16:34 rdococ kcorK: I wish.
16:34 rdococ s/I wish./.hsiw I
16:35 Edgy1 joined #minetest
16:38 IcyDiamond tfw random segfault
16:38 IcyDiamond gotta love those
16:38 FreeFull Bedrock might be faster, but they have weird restrictions, like terrain never generating above y=128
16:39 srifqi joined #minetest
16:47 IcyDiamond ok, the game segfaults when a lua error occurs in timer
16:49 IcyDiamond can i have lowpart formspec thing behind the texture?
16:59 IcyDiamond how do i add tooltip to formspec
16:59 IcyDiamond tooltip[<gui_element_name>;<tooltip_text>;<bgcolor>;<fontcolor>]
16:59 IcyDiamond whats a gui_element_name
17:00 rubenwardy a button name
17:00 rubenwardy or whatever
17:00 IcyDiamond oh, its only for buttons?
17:00 IcyDiamond i want it on an image
17:00 rubenwardy hmmm
17:00 rubenwardy use an image button with no action?
17:00 rubenwardy no action meaning it doesn't actually do anyrhing
17:05 IcyDiamond wtf one of my lists (slot) isn't accepting items
17:05 IcyDiamond weird
17:06 IcyDiamond allow inventory put isnt even called
17:06 rubenwardy any errors?
17:06 IcyDiamond hmmm
17:06 rubenwardy sure it's in bounds?
17:06 IcyDiamond nop
17:06 IcyDiamond yep
17:07 rubenwardy in bounds - start and list[] size isn't bgger than list size
17:07 IcyDiamond ohhh
17:08 IcyDiamond yeah thanks
17:08 rubenwardy was there really no error?
17:08 IcyDiamond nope
17:09 rubenwardy F u formspecs
17:09 IcyDiamond ikr
17:09 rubenwardy funny thing is out of the current devs, I've done the most with them
17:09 IcyDiamond XD
17:09 rubenwardy wait, I'll check that
17:11 IcyDiamond "image[0.08,0.05;1.4,2.8;melter_gui_barbg.png^[lowpart:"..
17:11 IcyDiamond (lava_percent)..":melter_lava.png]"..
17:11 IcyDiamond could i use default_lava.png there somehow
17:11 rubenwardy ew
17:11 rubenwardy yes
17:11 IcyDiamond how
17:11 rubenwardy not sure sure what you want
17:11 IcyDiamond can i resize a texture while tiling it?
17:12 rubenwardy do you want the lava to be progress bar thing?
17:12 IcyDiamond yes
17:12 rubenwardy does it need to be masked?
17:12 IcyDiamond masked?
17:12 rubenwardy like, is the progressbar a rectangle or square
17:12 rubenwardy or is it shaped
17:12 IcyDiamond rectangle
17:12 rubenwardy then no masking
17:13 IcyDiamond ;1.4,2.8
17:13 IcyDiamond clearly a rect
17:13 rubenwardy need to resize then
17:13 rubenwardy well no
17:13 rubenwardy melter_gui_barbg could be an arrow
17:13 rubenwardy like in a furnace
17:14 IcyDiamond
17:15 IcyDiamond i want to do the same for my metal buffer
17:15 IcyDiamond but i dont want to make each of them a texture for the gui
17:16 IcyDiamond so resize is the only sensible option
17:16 IcyDiamond if its possible
17:16 IcyDiamond the bar is 64x128 but liquid texture is 16x16
17:16 IcyDiamond you get me?
17:18 IcyDiamond can i use image[ formspec for lowpart?
17:18 rubenwardy lowpart is a texture modifiier, and they can be used anywhere
17:18 rubenwardy and I forget how to resize, will have to read the docs
17:19 rubenwardy texture modifiers are kinda disgusting
17:19 IcyDiamond or maybe i can use image[ itself for a progress thing?
17:19 IcyDiamond i'd just have to take a percentage of the height
17:20 rubenwardy that's what I usually do
17:20 rubenwardy eg: see awards
17:20 IcyDiamond ok cool
17:32 IcyDiamond ok i suck at maths
17:32 IcyDiamond dammit
17:32 IcyDiamond why does anything i do never work
17:35 IcyDiamond in theory it should work but it doesnt
17:35 IcyDiamond goddamn
17:57 ensonic joined #minetest
18:07 paramat joined #minetest
18:08 proller__ joined #minetest
18:16 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
18:19 reductum joined #minetest
18:20 Raven262 joined #minetest
18:24 IcyDiamond formspec sucks
18:24 IcyDiamond why cant we have a coordinate system that makes sense
18:24 rubenwardy agreed
18:25 rubenwardy there's an issue for it
18:25 rubenwardy I suspect there will be a replacement in a year or so
18:25 rubenwardy 0.5.2
18:25 rubenwardy \xo/
18:25 IcyDiamond cool
18:25 rubenwardy there's some real conversation at least
18:25 rubenwardy but meh
18:31 proller__ joined #minetest
18:39 Cornelia joined #minetest
18:40 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
18:50 troller joined #minetest
18:55 Fixer when I first tried to look into some formspecs - I was horrified and decided not to
18:59 IcyDiamond my metal melter
18:59 IcyDiamond melts metals using lava
18:59 IcyDiamond :)
19:03 IcyDiamond i'll also add a casting block
19:03 IcyDiamond but thats for another day
19:07 IcyDiamond maybe i should try turning this into a multiblock
19:07 IcyDiamond makes it less cheaty
19:07 IcyDiamond dunno
19:08 IcyDiamond can you even do multiblocks in minetest
19:11 kcorK what's a multiblock
19:11 IcyDiamond a machine that only works when it has certain blocks around it, i guess
19:11 kcorK ‮that's a nice formspec btw :)
19:12 IcyDiamond i tried my best
19:12 IcyDiamond :P
19:12 kcorK ‮oh, those blocks. in-game blocks
19:15 troller joined #minetest
19:17 Wuzzy joined #minetest
19:18 troller joined #minetest
19:20 IcyDiamond I'd say my day of minetest modding was pretty successful
19:20 IcyDiamond I added molten metals, tanks for every fluid and a metal melter
19:26 troller joined #minetest
19:38 BakerPrime joined #minetest
19:44 troller joined #minetest
19:54 passant joined #minetest
19:59 Wuzzy joined #minetest
20:01 cal joined #minetest
20:04 ensonic joined #minetest
20:09 passant_ joined #minetest
20:14 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
20:21 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
20:24 Taoki joined #minetest
20:34 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
20:35 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
20:38 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest
20:38 blackGen joined #minetest
20:39 blackGen Hey, what's the maximum value for glow parameter of particle definitions?
20:39 blackGen Can't seem to find it anywhere
20:41 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
20:41 rdococ hmm
20:45 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
20:45 paramat probably 14, like node light levels
20:46 paramat but yes should be documented, and isn't
20:46 rdococ Is there a way for the mod to determine what biome a certain position is in?
20:46 paramat yes in 0.5.0dev
20:47 ^arcade_droid joined #minetest
20:47 rdococ Oh, cool.
20:47 blackGen Ok thanks
20:47 rdococ paramat: do you know what function I should use?
20:49 rdococ Found it
20:50 paramat yes looking at code glow is max 14
20:50 paramat ok
20:58 IcyDiamond I love how helpful the people in this community are
20:58 IcyDiamond I love y'all
20:59 Bukki joined #minetest
21:00 IcyDiamond The devs are great people. If it were in my power, I'd give all of you financial support
21:00 IcyDiamond This is not april fools joke
21:00 kcorK <3 ♡ ♥ ❤ 🎔
21:02 SwampTurtle left #minetest
21:05 TC01 joined #minetest
21:06 rdococ > minetest.get_heat(pos)
21:06 rdococ What range is the heat in?
21:07 Krock 0 and 100 as in the biome def I guess
21:07 Shara from what I understand, it might be outside that though
21:07 Shara but that's the normal range
21:08 rdococ k.
21:09 paramat mostly 0 to 100 but do exceed, extremes are -37.5 and 137.5
21:09 paramat same for humidity
21:10 Edgy1 joined #minetest
21:10 paramat Icy thanks for your appreciation, makes a nice change ;]
21:10 BakerPrime joined #minetest
21:10 rdococ I'm thinking of creating a system (either ABM or VoxelManip) where dirt_with_grass that generates in cold biomes is recolored to have more blush grass, hot more yellowish, etc. like Minecraft's grass color variation
21:11 Shara Depending on what you're attempting, isn't it simpler to just set the correct thing for the correct biome to begin with?
21:12 rdococ true, but I don't think there's any way to modify a biome
21:12 Shara Check register_decoration if you are thinking about at mapgen
21:12 rdococ as in, I want to apply this to existing biomes instead of creating new ones
21:12 Shara You specify the biomes you want a thing to appear in
21:13 Shara Well, unless you are working with v6 mapgen, in which case you can cry instead :(
21:13 Shara For everything else, you just need to check for the correct biome name and include it
21:14 paramat there's a mod in the forum that does this, called 'luscious' i think
21:14 paramat it uses hardware colouring
21:14 rdococ paramat: found it
21:14 Shara Yup, depending on the goal, that would be my next recomendation
21:15 IcyDiamond paramat: you're very welcome my dude
21:16 paramat it uses voxelmanip to place nodes at the stored 'heightmap' y values
21:18 rdococ I once tried creating a volcano biome
21:18 rdococ I don't think it ever appeared though
21:19 Shara You need to make sure it's not using the same heat/humidity as an existing biome as well
21:19 cimbakahn joined #minetest
21:20 paramat yes
21:21 paramat biome point needs to be spaced nicely inbetween existing biome points
21:23 rdococ the volcano biome had a warm temperature of ~75
21:28 passant_ joined #minetest
21:28 rdococ interesting, biomes can now have x and z limits instead of just y limits?
21:29 rdococ I could combine that with my timezones mod (which requires a time-offset fork made by someone whose name I forgot)
21:32 rdococ hm, does "node_river_water = "default:lava_source"," work?
21:32 rdococ not sure whether to put the _source
21:36 rubenwardy rdococ: limits have hard lines
21:36 paramat yes lava in rivers works
21:37 paramat but 'river water' is only found in mgvalleys, it is specifically the water of sloping rivers, y > 1
21:37 paramat mgv7 rivers contain 'node water' normal water
21:38 paramat since they are at sea level
21:41 troller joined #minetest
21:43 rdococ Huh, I found a valley that switches from regular water to river water
21:43 BakerPrime joined #minetest
21:53 rdococ I can't seem to find the biome
21:54 rdococ currently, heat is 100 and humidity is 0
21:58 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: LINT: add clang-tidy step (#6295) d88c4e1 (2018-04-01T21:57:55Z)
21:58 Shara rdococ: those are both values at the extreme ends of the scale, so no, you won't find them easily
21:59 Shara Try more central values that are not exactly the same as something else
22:05 rdococ Shara: the problem is that as it's a volcano, it's meant to be super hot and dry
22:07 Shara yes, but for testing purposes, it's good if you can find it easily
22:08 Shara And even then, you might wat to do something like 80 heat and 20 humitity
22:08 Shara humidity*
22:08 Shara Otherwise it might be so rare players never find it
22:08 Shara But do check no other biome is using the same values you set
22:12 paramat;t=15939 current biome system
22:20 Taoki joined #minetest
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22:26 rdococ I used //lua to run a script that constantly teleports me until I end up in a volcano biome
22:26 rdococ I'm still teleporting
22:43 rdococ heat_point = 53.35,humidity_point = 45.54,
22:43 rdococ My script still doesn't find any volcanoes.
22:49 Shara rdococ: why not a whole number?
22:49 rdococ I wonder if fractional numbers break it or something
22:50 Shara No idea. Never tried
22:51 rdococ I changed to 53, 47
22:51 rdococ I cannot find it
22:52 rdococ I'm using valleys mapgen
22:53 Shara I'm not sure what else to suggest for you. Try deregistering all other biomes first to check you haven't got something other than the heat/humidity messed up?
22:54 Shara Check ethereal if you need an example of how
22:54 Shara I'm away for a while, but can try help some other time if you are really stuck
22:58 rdococ Shara: I added minetest.clear_registered_biomes() to the top of the file, but that doesn't seem to have done anything.
22:59 rdococ Nevermind, I added an optional dependency and newly generated chunks are volcano biome.
23:00 rdococ (that dependency being 'default?')
23:03 reductum joined #minetest
23:10 troller joined #minetest
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