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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-03-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 blackGen joined #minetest
00:07 proller joined #minetest
00:11 proller joined #minetest
00:21 blackGen Is there a way to enable synchronous behavior for minetest.after?
00:22 blackGen I have an tool, in on_use function I need to wait for n time and only them return an itemstack
00:23 blackGen I mean, if using minetest.after it "forks", while main flow continues to execute, and it returns itemstack before minetest.after calls it's function
00:25 swift110 joined #minetest
00:25 blackGen I tried, but couldn't really figure, is it even possible to somehow define return of the main function (on_use) inside of function of minetest.after
00:26 blackGen Don't want to use busy sleep either (and, from what I've read from lua docs, this is the only way in "pure" lua"
00:31 sofar you can't block in lua
00:31 sofar that would entirely stop the minetest server thread
00:32 Tmanyo joined #minetest
00:35 sofar you could try a coroutine but it probably has side effects you won't like too
01:00 georgeowell joined #minetest
01:11 swift110 joined #minetest
01:29 nowhere_man joined #minetest
01:37 luk3yx joined #minetest
01:38 luk3yx I want to include the values of default.gui_bg, default.gui_bg_img, and default.gui_slots in my mod
01:38 luk3yx (For use with other subgames)
01:39 luk3yx Do I need to keep the LGPL license for the three (modified) lines?
01:39 luk3yx I assume I will
01:49 luk3yx Actually, I should leave them because 0.5 is changing
01:52 EmmaO joined #minetest
02:07 swift110 joined #minetest
02:15 luk3yx left #minetest
02:30 DMackey joined #minetest
02:42 garywhite joined #minetest
02:49 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
03:09 swift110-phone__ Hey all
03:31 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
03:33 Edgy1 joined #minetest
03:34 blaise howdy
03:43 jluc joined #minetest
04:08 proller joined #minetest
04:27 proller joined #minetest
04:29 jluc Hello people
04:29 jluc i see several mods are named with a "-redo" suffix
04:30 jluc what is the meaning of that "redo" suffix ?
04:30 jluc "mobs redo", "throwing redo", "Protector redo"
04:38 blaise clearly, they are a redo of an already existing mod that has either been abandoned, or the original mod author didn't want to merge the changes of the fork which became the new redone mod
04:44 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
04:46 jluc ok
04:49 jluc I just downloaded "protector redo" because it looks simple to use
04:50 jluc but i realize i dont know whether it's OK for minetest 0.5 or just for 0.4
04:50 jluc is there a way to know compatibilities before downloading and trying ?
04:58 blaise read the documentation?
05:00 proller joined #minetest
05:03 Sketch2 joined #minetest
05:03 jluc i didnt find related explanations for "protector redo" nor "animals modpack"
05:03 jluc but i couldnt read the 25 pages of forum for "animals modpack"
05:04 jluc oh not 25 but 63 pages
05:04 jluc lol it could be a sign that it"s a good mod though
05:04 jluc "mobs redo" only has 56
05:07 jluc Is there a place i could check in the source code  where the minimum and maximum compatible version of minetest is stated ?
05:08 jluc alternatively, is there a list of mods that are ok for minetest 0.5 ?
05:09 jluc entering mods world is a maze in itself
05:13 blaise I'm too chicken shit to try 0.5.x yet
05:14 blaise I'm using 0.4.17 with the fixups from backport-0.4
05:14 blaise on my public server anyway
05:16 blaise I would just use 0.4.16 as per the topic states is the current stable release but I was told by the developers to git clone 0.4.17 with backports 0.4 for the most stable server experience using currently maintained and developed mods
05:19 jluc hmm
05:19 jluc i was told most mods were ok with 0.5 - lets hope things go well for real
05:19 jluc 'o MarisaG
05:20 blaise yeah, I mean.. if it works for you, go for it
05:20 MarisaG hi jluc
05:23 blaise I'll never understand the obsession people have with not supplying a password
05:24 blaise some kind of sick dimented fetish
05:27 proller joined #minetest
05:42 troller joined #minetest
05:58 troller joined #minetest
06:13 jluc joined #minetest
06:22 cyberarm joined #minetest
06:22 ehlodex_ joined #minetest
06:25 behalebabo joined #minetest
06:37 CWz joined #minetest
06:43 jluc On the server, i launch mmc , choose 6) Edit world config, there i set creative_mode = true
06:43 jluc then 1) stop the server (required so as to reinit ?)
06:43 jluc then 3) restart
06:43 jluc but world isnt creative
06:44 jluc how should i do better ?
06:50 blaise I don't know what is mmc ?
06:52 jluc it's the Minetest Management Console
06:52 blaise never heard of it
06:54 jluc well anyway it launches a text editor to edit the config
06:54 blaise yes, the
06:54 blaise inside of the world directory
06:55 jluc yes this one
06:55 blaise maybe you have more than one instance of creative_mode = ?
06:56 jluc nope
06:56 blaise maybe you're not picking the correct world?
06:56 jluc it looks there is one only
06:57 blaise interesting..
06:58 jluc hihi i see the nicks of people that allready joined the world
06:59 blaise what world?
06:59 jluc the only world of
07:00 blaise you are living in the matrix..
07:01 jluc arent we ?
07:02 jluc you run a server blaise isnt ?
07:02 blaise no, I took the blue pill a long time ago..
07:02 blaise yes, I run a server.
07:04 jluc i rememebr i saw it on the list and probaly joined once
07:05 blaise just once?
07:05 blaise did you take a ride on my subway?
07:06 jluc a couple of time maybe
07:06 jluc you were adjusting things on the subway
07:06 blaise oh..
07:06 blaise I finished the first loop..
07:07 jluc yep
07:33 IcyDiamond hello guise
08:01 fwhcat joined #minetest
08:06 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
08:41 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
08:41 wilkgr joined #minetest
09:01 proller__ joined #minetest
09:01 Abdulla-zking- joined #minetest
09:02 Abdulla-zking- Hi
09:03 Abdulla-zking- left #minetest
09:04 Abcd joined #minetest
09:06 Krock joined #minetest
09:28 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
09:40 ensonic joined #minetest
09:45 troller joined #minetest
09:56 IcyDiamond Would it be a good idea for me to make a curseforge-like website for listing mods, texture packs and modpacks
09:57 IcyDiamond Since I'm a web developer, that'd be no challenge for me
09:57 IcyDiamond XD
10:03 troller joined #minetest
10:08 cal joined #minetest
10:08 Abdulla-zking- joined #minetest
10:11 jluc a good idea would be to list mods along with their technical properties
10:12 jluc available for minetest 0.4 or/and 0.5
10:12 jluc mods dependencies
10:12 jluc their state of dev (final, stable, dev, to test)
10:13 jluc their source repo url and zip url
10:13 IcyDiamond yes thats the idea
10:13 jluc a link to the documentation url
10:14 jluc a link to the forum page
10:14 jluc and possibly a way to update and improve these datas
10:20 rubenwardy IcyDiamond: no
10:20 rubenwardy I'm already doing that
10:20 IcyDiamond oh come on
10:20 rubenwardy And it's going to be in 0.5.0
10:21 IcyDiamond welp
10:21 IcyDiamond rm -rf
10:21 rubenwardy
10:21 rubenwardy I made the first one in 2012
10:22 rubenwardy There's been several other attempts since
10:22 rubenwardy All have failed for different reasons
10:22 IcyDiamond lol I was going to use python and django
10:23 IcyDiamond but ok lol
10:23 IcyDiamond guess i'll just go back to bed
10:30 jluc joined #minetest
10:34 illwieckz joined #minetest
10:34 IcyDiamond rubenwardy is a party pooper
10:34 rubenwardy :(
10:35 IcyDiamond XD
10:35 IcyDiamond Nah man you're alright
10:35 IcyDiamond Can I paypal you a dollar?
10:37 jluc maybe you could help with dev, debuging and testing ?
10:37 jluc great to discover that rubenwardy
10:37 jluc it'll improve discoverability
10:40 Fixer joined #minetest
10:48 Telesight joined #minetest
10:50 Akberid joined #minetest
10:54 IcyDiamond ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11:04 troller joined #minetest
11:16 blackGen joined #minetest
11:18 troller joined #minetest
11:28 IcyDiamond How do I create a new world with minetestserver?
11:28 IcyDiamond It keeps switching to the existing one
11:28 rubenwardy mkdir worlds/newworld
11:29 rubenwardy touch worlds.newworld/
11:29 rubenwardy because the command line interface sucks
11:29 IcyDiamond nope, still says not available
11:29 rdococ computers are complex
11:29 rubenwardy huh
11:29 rubenwardy what does      --world list     come up with?
11:30 rubenwardy is this 0.4.x or 0.5.0-dev?
11:30 rubenwardy if 0.5.0-dev do --worldlist  instead
11:30 IcyDiamond 4.16
11:30 IcyDiamond Available worlds:
11:30 IcyDiamond world          '/home/icynet/.minetest/worlds/world'
11:30 IcyDiamond thats it
11:30 IcyDiamond the mkdir'd one doesnt show up
11:30 rubenwardy did you do the mkdir and touch from   .minetest
11:30 IcyDiamond yes
11:30 rubenwardy ll  ~/.minetwst/worlds
11:30 rubenwardy huh
11:30 rdococ I might use microcontrollers if only to save some space
11:31 IcyDiamond [icynet@vps398964 .minetest]$ ls worlds/
11:31 IcyDiamond skyblock  world
11:31 rdococ not luacontrollers, though
11:32 IcyDiamond ok you must give it --world with the full path
11:33 IcyDiamond strange thing
11:33 IcyDiamond whatever
11:33 rdococ Yay blobs?
11:34 IcyDiamond uh, it still doesnt get put in the list when i do that
11:35 proller__ joined #minetest
11:36 IcyDiamond uhhh.. it doesnt even load the default mod
11:36 IcyDiamond what is happening here
11:36 rubenwardy are you using the right game?
11:36 IcyDiamond yep
11:36 rubenwardy \o/
11:36 rubenwardy what do you mean by load?
11:36 IcyDiamond i join the server and its a blank world
11:37 IcyDiamond GUI is also placeholder textures
11:37 IcyDiamond get "NodeResolver: failed to resolve node name 'mapgen_stone'." errors in console
11:38 IcyDiamond ok i deleted and started it again
11:38 IcyDiamond works now
11:38 IcyDiamond thanks for nothing i guess
11:38 IcyDiamond xD
11:44 rdococ Sincerely, ~yay
11:47 longerstaff13 lol
11:50 rdococ is stripmining effective in minetest?
11:52 Darcidride joined #minetest
11:56 rubenwardy I tend to build in a H pattern
11:56 rubenwardy although with ore clusters, you could probably build it wider
12:04 proller__ joined #minetest
12:10 rdococ I managed to build a T flip-flop in Minetest using mesecons only... it's pretty big
12:10 rdococ it uses pistons and a node detector
12:15 Krock T or D?
12:15 Krock oh.. toggle?
12:16 rdococ toggle, yes
12:16 troller joined #minetest
12:17 proller__ joined #minetest
12:18 rdococ if the pulse is too long it kinda breaks
12:18 rdococ so it isn't even a very good one
12:18 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
12:21 rdococ I was thinking of creating a wired version of the trigger mod
12:21 rdococ for survival mode, maybe
12:27 Krock maybe you could set up a long wire with two delayers and use gates to combine the middle-way wires to get a short spike
12:28 Krock but I'm not sure how mesecons updates the wires (intervals, count at once)
12:35 tpe joined #minetest
12:43 rdococ I have created a -cons mod before but the way it worked was recursive iirc
12:43 rdococ no infinite loops occurred as it kept track of what blocks it had already visited, though
12:43 rdococ but I think I've also done an iterative version
12:44 troller joined #minetest
12:47 rdococ Yay blobs
12:49 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
12:49 MinetestBot [git] HybridDog -> minetest/minetest: Allow changing the velocity of objects relatively (#3208) ddf44ab (2018-03-31T12:48:38Z)
12:49 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: event.h: Fix import GCC warning caused by ce87310 0a8ca59 (2018-03-31T12:33:54Z)
12:51 MinetestBot [git] HybridDog -> minetest/minetest: ObjectRef: Add add_velocity() (#3208) 93eb079 (2018-03-31T12:50:17Z)
12:54 Gael-de-Sailly does someone know how to use the bitmap fonts in minetest/fonts dir?
12:56 Krock they're for Android only AFAIK
12:56 sfan5 for ENABLE_FREETYPE=0 only
12:58 Krock sfan5, either that or "freetype = false" I guess
12:58 sfan5 oh you can disable FT at runtime?
12:58 * rdococ updates his minetest 0.5.0-dev build
12:59 Krock no, but on startup. However, the last time I tried this threw a couple of errors
13:00 sfan5 rdococ: what does "using mesecons only" mean?
13:00 sfan5 if that includes logic gates, a t-flipflop is much easier to build
13:00 rdococ sfan5: I found it rather hard to build... maybe I ignored an obvious solution though
13:09 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:09 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:14 troller joined #minetest
13:19 Krock relevant but not helpful:
13:22 proller__ joined #minetest
13:26 IcyDiamond lol
13:27 cal joined #minetest
13:27 proller__ joined #minetest
13:36 progysm joined #minetest
13:46 proller__ joined #minetest
13:48 proller__ joined #minetest
13:49 lumberJ joined #minetest
13:50 rdococ sfan5: would building a T flipflop require a delayer or something?
13:53 proller__ joined #minetest
13:56 Krock build a RS Flip-Flop and add gates around to detect the positive edge on your clock input :D
13:56 Krock and then you can make a T flipflop with a D flipflop. profit
13:57 VanessaE could just use a Luacontroller :P
13:58 rdococ VanessaE: luacontrollers aren't difficult enough to work with :P
13:58 VanessaE heh
13:59 VanessaE translation: "I wanna brag about my ability to build circuits from esoteric components" :)
14:00 VanessaE you really wanna get retro/stone age, do it with water flow. :)
14:00 rdococ ooh
14:00 sfan5 alternatively build a JK flipflop and connect both inputs to one signal, then you have a T flipflop
14:02 rdococ hm, how would I construct a not gate with water flow
14:02 Krock sticky piston with a hole to fill and open
14:03 Krock if water flows straight: piston is active, if it flows down: piston is not active
14:03 rdococ you'd need to power the sticky piston with mesecons though
14:03 VanessaE water turbine as a sensor, sticky piston to block the water flow downstream from it when it turns on.
14:03 VanessaE easy.
14:04 Krock then add some delayers to multiply that interval
14:04 VanessaE minetest doesn't have any purely mechanical elements to do the job.
14:04 jluc joined #minetest
14:05 proller__ joined #minetest
14:08 rdococ I wonder if there's a way to transport water upwards
14:11 Krock buckets 8)
14:12 rdococ without human intervention
14:12 progysm evaporation
14:12 rdococ in Minetest
14:12 Krock mods.
14:13 rdococ what mods?
14:13 VanessaE pipeworks ;)
14:14 proller__ joined #minetest
14:16 rdococ yay, it works
14:18 rdococ I've created a hydraulic NOR gate
14:20 jluc toward a hydraulic computer ?
14:21 jluc ... running minetest
14:21 Krock ..running a hydraulic computer
14:21 Krock ..running minetest
14:22 rdococ hmm
14:23 sfan5 rdococ: here's a (rising edge) JK-Flipflop
14:23 sfan5 if you set J=K=1 it will toggle every clock cycle
14:23 sfan5 there might be easier ways to do this but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14:24 rdococ that looks pretty cool
14:30 proller__ joined #minetest
14:32 rdococ sfan5: the simplest memory circuit I know of is a circuit with two NOT gates in it
14:32 sfan5 that's an SR latch
14:36 proller__ joined #minetest
14:40 rdococ I had a concept for a -cons mod where two wires matched to one bit - (1, 0) would represent false and (0, 1) would represent true
14:41 sfan5 why would you represent two states with 2 bit (instead of 1)?
14:43 rdococ the idea is that a NOT gate would be equivalent to simply swapping the two wires
14:45 sfan5 sounds like a waste of resourced for little gain
14:45 sfan5 resources*
14:46 rdococ nevertheless I think it would be an interesting thought experiment
14:54 proller__ joined #minetest
14:56 proller__ joined #minetest
15:03 proller__ joined #minetest
15:05 troller joined #minetest
15:10 Raven262 joined #minetest
15:13 Beton joined #minetest
15:14 rdococ Yay.
15:19 troller joined #minetest
15:21 rdococ sfan5: I was thinking of implementing wireworld cellular automata wires in Minetest
15:22 VanessaE it's been done.
15:23 Swampturtle joined #minetest
15:24 jluc rdococ, having (0,1) != (1,0) means the value is different whether the component faces left or right ?
15:24 jluc up  or down ?
15:24 jluc that doesnt seem good design
15:26 rdococ jluc: maybe
15:27 rdococ jluc: but I'm looking to create a -cons mod which is meant to be a challenge to use
15:27 rdococ not a fake challenge or anything, but... nvm
15:28 proller__ joined #minetest
15:35 troller joined #minetest
15:51 troller joined #minetest
15:52 rdococ Anyway, one other idea I had was cogs/gears
15:53 IcyDiamond cool
15:55 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
16:11 troller joined #minetest
16:14 IcyDiamond in a game with technic mod, lots of copper is a sign of wealth
16:14 IcyDiamond :P
16:15 rdococ lol
16:16 IcyDiamond i turned my server into a skyblock server
16:17 rdococ I'm working on a mod which adds molten iron
16:17 dagreatnate1 hey VanessaE !
16:17 IcyDiamond cool
16:18 IcyDiamond someone should make tinkers construct in minetst
16:18 IcyDiamond minetest
16:18 rdococ you'd get it by smelting iron, and then you could make casts out of sand or something to create tools
16:18 rubenwardy IcyDiamond: lol
16:18 IcyDiamond ?
16:19 rubenwardy There's a someone on the forums that keeps asking for someone to make them tinkers construct
16:19 rubenwardy Also asks about loads of other stuff
16:20 troller joined #minetest
16:21 IcyDiamond lmao
16:21 jluc beside MT and MC, my son loves Scrap Mechanic
16:21 VanessaE hi.
16:22 rubenwardy Hey  o/
16:23 rdococ I'm wondering if I should make molten iron melt any solid iron blocks neighboring it...
16:24 VanessaE rdococ: only if there's a heat source nearby, otherwise the opposite should happenb.
16:24 VanessaE -
16:24 VanessaE -b
16:28 rdococ doesn't molten iron count as a heat source?
16:28 rdococ nvm
16:28 rdococ (I know what you mean, I just brainfarted)
16:34 Fixer we need simple minecraft beta level automation in minetest game (or other shipped game)
16:35 rdococ I'm not familiar with how much redstone was in Minecraft beta
16:37 rdococ I don't think redstone comparators were in beta
16:43 Fixer beta missed hoppers and comparators i think, let me see
16:43 SwampTurtle joined #minetest
16:45 Fixer rdococ: here is the list of beta 1.7.3 blocks
16:45 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
16:46 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:47 IcyDiamond i personally dont think tinkers construct in minetest is really possible
16:47 IcyDiamond at least not the smeltery
16:47 IcyDiamond i cant imagine how you'd do the liquids with this engine
16:47 rdococ I think it might be possible
16:48 IcyDiamond you'd need access to gl itself
16:48 rdococ eh, I'm not that familiar with it
16:49 rdococ I play Minecraft on my tablet and on my Nintendo Switch but not on my computer
16:49 IcyDiamond lol
16:49 rdococ I have installed it for my computer before, but don't currently have it
16:49 rdococ and I used to play Pocket Edition before it merged into Bedrock Edition
16:50 rdococ I wonder if Minetest will ever get a Switch release
16:52 IcyDiamond meh, too proprietary
16:58 IcyDiamond and im pretty sure its impossible to render fluid tanks in minetest like you could in minecraft
16:59 IcyDiamond like, you'd have to make a thousand nodes to show different fluid levels for different fluids
16:59 rdococ what we really need is the ability to modify the definition of a node based on their positions, so that nodes can act and look different based on their state
16:59 rubenwardy IcyDiamond, Minetest supports fluid containers
17:00 rubenwardy Level stored as a param2
17:01 IcyDiamond ooh!
17:01 IcyDiamond paramtype2 == "glasslikeliquidlevel"
17:01 IcyDiamond this?
17:02 IcyDiamond but do you still need different nodes for each fluid?
17:02 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
17:04 rubenwardy no
17:04 rubenwardy paramtype2 means it's the type of the thing stored in param2
17:04 rubenwardy so liquid level is stored in param2
17:04 IcyDiamond so you can change it from smth like on_timer?
17:05 rubenwardy there's a news post by paramat about
17:05 rubenwardy yep
17:05 IcyDiamond hmm, interesting
17:05 IcyDiamond how about multiple layers
17:05 IcyDiamond xD
17:05 rubenwardy not sure what is meant about that
17:06 rubenwardy 8by
17:07 IcyDiamond 8by?
17:08 xerox123 what are the reasons for the mods suddenly being seen as missing?
17:08 xerox123 the mods are all there
17:08 progysm path or file rights problem?
17:09 xerox123 I literally restarted the server
17:09 sfan5 something must have changes
17:09 sfan5 changed*
17:10 xerox123 gameid = minetest_gamex
17:10 xerox123 think I found it
17:10 xerox123 yup...
17:10 progysm the only thing that doesn't change is that everything change
17:11 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: are there any glasslikeliquidlevel examples you know of?
17:11 rdococ I'm creating a casting mod
17:12 rdococ you would place liquid metal on a sand block with a tool carved in, and you would get a tool
17:14 Darcidride joined #minetest
17:28 troller joined #minetest
17:31 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
17:32 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
17:35 IcyDiamond rubenwardy: setting node.param2 from "on_punch" doesnt seem to do anything
17:35 IcyDiamond what am i doing wrong
17:36 rubenwardy minetest.get_node(pos)       node.param2 = 128        minetest.set_node(pos, node)
17:36 rubenwardy ?
17:36 rubenwardy make sure you have the set node
17:36 IcyDiamond oh ok
17:36 IcyDiamond yeah, thanks man
17:39 IcyDiamond cant seem to access special_tiles tho
17:39 IcyDiamond node.special_tiles is nil
17:39 sfan5 special_tiles is part of the nodedef
17:39 IcyDiamond meaning.. i cant change it?
17:41 Krock minetest.registered_nodes["foo:bar"].special_tiles  ... works?
17:41 IcyDiamond but i want to change it
17:41 IcyDiamond not just access
17:41 rubenwardy override it
17:41 Krock well then, minetset.override_item
17:41 rubenwardy minetest.override_item
17:41 Krock ninja'd with a typo
17:42 IcyDiamond but that overrides the node itself, not an instance of it?
17:42 IcyDiamond no?
17:42 rubenwardy it overrides the definition
17:43 IcyDiamond but thats not what i want
17:43 rubenwardy what are you trying to do?
17:43 IcyDiamond a tank with support for multiple liquids
17:43 rubenwardy use node replacing
17:43 rubenwardy only one liquid at a time though
17:43 rubenwardy mixing default liquids doesn't make sense at least :P
17:44 Krock it overrides all fields that you specify
17:44 IcyDiamond so i do need a different node def for each liquid i want to support?
17:45 rubenwardy yeah
17:45 IcyDiamond ...
17:45 rubenwardy for loop
17:45 rubenwardy easy peasy
17:45 IcyDiamond 20:02 <IcyDiamond> but do you still need different nodes for each fluid?
17:46 IcyDiamond 20:04 <@rubenwardy> no
17:46 Krock no = yes
17:46 rubenwardy sorry, read level
17:47 IcyDiamond Krock: tell that to your gf
17:47 IcyDiamond lol
17:47 IcyDiamond ok ok, for loop..
17:48 Krock IcyDiamond, sudo apt-get gf
17:48 Krock E: Invalid operation gf
17:48 IcyDiamond lol
17:48 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
17:48 IcyDiamond so.. how do i get a list of fluids
17:48 Krock for-loop and check for the drawtype?
17:48 rubenwardy yes
17:48 rubenwardy that
17:48 Krock and liquid properties
17:48 IcyDiamond oh god
17:48 Krock isn't it pretty? :D
17:49 Krock that's how you learn caching
17:49 IcyDiamond whyyy cant we just f-ing replace the special tiles
17:49 rubenwardy performance
17:49 IcyDiamond having thousands of nodes is better?
17:49 rubenwardy yes
17:49 rubenwardy actually
17:50 IcyDiamond fair enough
17:52 Hijiri except that the node definition limit is only thousands of nodes
17:52 rubenwardy 32,000
17:53 Krock 0x7FFFF
17:54 Krock that's one F too much but you get the idea from where the limit comes
17:55 sfan5 !c 0x7fff
17:55 MinetestBot 32767
17:55 Krock !cat
17:55 MinetestBot
17:55 sfan5 iirc there was a pr to raise it by allocating ids differently
17:55 sfan5 but it isn't merged yet
17:55 rubenwardy oh nice
17:56 rubenwardy my new IRC client allows previewing images by hovering over them
17:56 Krock neow
17:56 sfan5 !cat
17:56 MinetestBot
17:57 rubenwardy you basically either need to pay with speed or memory
17:57 Krock issue:
17:57 sfan5 !title
17:57 rubenwardy to get per-node definitions
17:57 MinetestBot sfan5: Do not use signed integer for registering nodes to allow more than 32768 registered nodes · Issue #6101 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
17:57 sfan5 yeah that one
17:57 progysm nice bird
17:57 Krock what bird. there's no bird
17:58 rubenwardy with a int map, you can get it slightly better than storing in metadata
17:58 progysm yeah yeah,, no spoon too
17:58 rubenwardy with the same IP
17:58 rubenwardy well, a lot better
17:58 rubenwardy but you'd still have to check for every single thing
17:59 rubenwardy heh
17:59 Bukki joined #minetest
18:00 rubenwardy Minetest already struggles a bit with map loading and rendering, would rather get a higher view range
18:02 rubenwardy heard somewhere you either get fast software or flexible software
18:02 rdococ I'm not familiar with pipeworks, how do I register a node with an inventory to work with it?
18:07 Krock rdococ, they need the groups: tubedevice=1, tubedevice_receiver=1
18:07 IcyDiamond haha yes my registration code works!
18:07 rdococ Krock: ty
18:07 IcyDiamond this is so cool
18:07 Krock then specify another node definition table named "tube" which contains something like this:
18:07 rdococ If a node with metadata falls, is it preserved?
18:07 IcyDiamond look at these pretties :3
18:11 sfan5 the automated bumpmaps look weird
18:11 IcyDiamond yeah
18:12 VanessaE you forgot to enable transparency filtering.
18:12 IcyDiamond ?
18:12 VanessaE I forget the name of the setting, but it *should* get rid of those dark edges.  I think.
18:14 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
18:15 IcyDiamond can i get rid of those weird liquid edges?
18:15 IcyDiamond backface culling doesnt seem to do it
18:15 VanessaE that's probably due to lack of Z sorting.
18:15 IcyDiamond backface culling reduces it though
18:16 IcyDiamond hm ok
18:16 rdococ Krock: it doesn't seem to work
18:19 IcyDiamond wait wtf
18:19 IcyDiamond that only happens at one direction
18:20 IcyDiamond if you look at it from the other side, there are no sides
18:21 IcyDiamond weirdness
18:21 cal joined #minetest
18:21 IcyDiamond seamless from the other side
18:22 rdococ Krock: nevermind, I got it to work
18:22 Krock rdococ,
18:22 Krock ok
18:22 IcyDiamond transparency is always a pain in games
18:22 IcyDiamond xD
18:24 IcyDiamond i guess im just gonna disable transparency on the fluid
18:25 Krock that'll make it worse, I guess
18:25 IcyDiamond
18:26 Krock try disabling the filtering/bumpmapping. the black sides should disappear afterwards
18:26 IcyDiamond yes they do
18:26 IcyDiamond i know
18:27 IcyDiamond i dont even know why i had that enabled
18:28 troller joined #minetest
18:35 blackGen hey guys, are get_metadata and set_metadata methods are deprecated in 0.5.0-dev?
18:36 Krock yes, they are are deprecated
18:37 Krock blackGen, use get_meta instead
18:37 blackGen There are no changes to technic yet? For dev branch. It uses these methods
18:37 Krock how "new" is that dev branch?
18:37 blackGen I can't even find it
18:37 blackGen I mean there is just one recent branch on github
18:38 Krock probably dead then
18:39 Krock many mods still make use of set/get_metadata, which still work as before
18:39 blackGen Ah well I assumed that these methods would be just removed
18:39 blackGen Are they compatible with new get_meta?
18:41 Krock no, it works different. old metadata has to be converted to the new method using custom code
18:41 Krock i.e. deserializing the data and feeding them back into get_meta correctly
18:41 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
18:43 swift110 joined #minetest
18:44 KrimZon_2 joined #minetest
18:45 rdococ I'm working on a casting mod. you would be able to craft sand molds, and then if you place liquid metal or lava on them they form tools
18:49 troller joined #minetest
18:52 IcyDiamond im making myself an api for everything to do with fluids
18:53 IcyDiamond adds tanks too
18:53 IcyDiamond :P
18:54 troller joined #minetest
19:16 swift110 joined #minetest
19:17 cal joined #minetest
19:24 pozzoni joined #minetest
19:29 rdococ Is there a way to remove crafting recipes that other mods have made?
19:30 rdococ s/made/registered
19:30 swift110 joined #minetest
19:30 pozzoni joined #minetest
19:30 rubenwardy rdococ, yes
19:30 rubenwardy clear_craft_recipe
19:30 rubenwardy or smth
19:36 pozzoni joined #minetest
19:42 pozzoni joined #minetest
19:51 troller joined #minetest
19:53 reductum joined #minetest
19:58 pozzoni joined #minetest
20:09 ianaca joined #minetest
20:11 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
20:21 IcyDiamond Blub
20:22 proller__ joined #minetest
20:56 c9999 joined #minetest
20:57 c9999 Hi guys! Is it okay to `git clone` mode repo to ~/.minetest/mods?
20:58 c9999 I mean it seems to work with mods I have just installed..
20:59 Krock if you have a global Minetest installation, then that's the right location
20:59 c9999 Krock: I mean, is it an OK way to do it with git?
21:00 Krock of course. git makes it much easier to update and keep track of changes
21:00 Krock use --depth 1 if it's a busy/large repo
21:01 Krock re-downloading everything as zip is just a pain *looks at the windows users*
21:01 c9999 Krock: Wow, yeah. I was so worried about installing mods (it is so often a hell). Nice I can do it nix way!
21:02 c9999 Krock: Soo, thanks (:
21:03 Krock don't forget to grab the git submodules too if there are. git doesn't download them by default
21:03 Krock !next
21:03 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
21:04 sfan5 !cat
21:04 MinetestBot
21:04 Telesight joined #minetest
21:06 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
21:13 IcyDiamond Yeah I also git clone my mods
21:14 rubenwardy I download each individual file using ctrl+s on my browser
21:14 rubenwardy what's a zip?
21:14 IcyDiamond :D
21:15 IcyDiamond Write a recursive curl script that downloads files off of github
21:15 IcyDiamond Cuz reinventing the wheel is great
21:16 Krock rubenwardy, and then manually remove the HTML garbage around
21:16 IcyDiamond Indeed
21:16 Krock what's a raw file?
21:16 IcyDiamond Uncooked file.
21:17 Krock
21:17 rubenwardy did I leave the channel then?
21:17 rubenwardy wth is happening
21:18 Krock rubenwardy, yes. you left this channel
21:18 rubenwardy odd
21:18 Krock lol no
21:19 rubenwardy this client is weird
21:19 Krock telnet is my IRC
21:22 proller joined #minetest
21:24 rdococ !previous
21:24 Fixer joined #minetest
21:38 proller joined #minetest
21:38 Cornelia joined #minetest
21:45 c9999 nah, this game is DIY
21:46 blaise byob
21:46 rdococ Is there a mod that combines the crafting and smelting systems?
21:47 rubenwardy ?
21:47 rdococ nvm
21:47 blaise lol
21:47 rubenwardy my mod, crafting, is a massive crafting overhaul
21:47 rubenwardy WIP
21:47 rubenwardy basically inspired by Terraria and ARK
21:48 rdococ interesting, I already have a mod called that
21:48 blaise was there ever any venture to introduce all the real world ores and minerals ?
21:49 rubenwardy lol
21:49 cal joined #minetest
21:49 rdococ > Any recipes must be designed such that any particular item can only be used as one of the ingredients.
21:49 rdococ Sounds rather restrictive, I have Qwertymine's crafting overhaul mod which doesn't have that restriction but also doesn't have unlockable recipes
21:50 rubenwardy it's a good name
21:50 rubenwardy well
21:50 rubenwardy that's a current limitation
21:50 rubenwardy the algorithm would need to be redesigned to copy and actually do the deduction
21:50 rubenwardy to count properly
21:50 rubenwardy and also, argh
21:50 rubenwardy what if A and B are in group C
21:50 rubenwardy and the recipe is   A and C
21:51 rubenwardy it would then deduct from A to get C for the recipe
21:51 rdococ then just take A and B?
21:51 rdococ or two A
21:51 rubenwardy then it needs to get an A but has non-left
21:51 rubenwardy *none-left
21:51 rubenwardy the right behaviour is to do the B for C, then the A
21:52 rdococ first deduct A, then check for items of group C, and take one of them
21:52 rdococ if it's 2C, then do each individually
21:52 rubenwardy how should it know to deduct A?
21:52 rdococ because the recipe has A in it
21:53 rubenwardy but why do A first?
21:53 rubenwardy say the recipe is actually  C,A
21:53 rdococ hmm
21:53 rdococ I see what you mean
21:53 rubenwardy this basically makes the algorithm a pain
21:53 rubenwardy since it needs to run on every recipe
21:53 rubenwardy you have unlocked
21:54 rubenwardy I'm thinking of just doing it on ones you mark as ambigious
21:54 rubenwardy maybe they're marked automatically by the code just after init-time
21:54 sfan5 rdococ: re. the (1,0) (0,1) thing, if you invest a system that makes e.g. NAND an operation of just swapping wires (if that's even possible), that might be more worth to pursue
21:54 rubenwardy but still, O(n!) isn't nice if you're bruteforcing
21:54 sfan5 s/invest/invent/
21:54 rubenwardy so you need a less naive algorithm than that
21:55 c9999 lol, beaten to death by yellow duck. too much of git cloning for today..
21:59 Krock invest into systems BUY BUY BUY
22:01 * rdococ clicks BUY
22:01 * rdococ pays £yay
22:02 sfan5 oh look it's 1st of april now
22:02 rubenwardy no it's not
22:02 rubenwardy it's the 31st of March
22:02 rdococ it's the 32nd of March for me
22:02 rubenwardy also, talking about buying
22:04 c9999 rubenwardy: nice store
22:04 rubenwardy thanks
22:04 rdococ hm
22:06 Krock rubenwardy, sfan5: what do you think of this new website layout?;at=0&amp;q=lessblocks
22:07 sfan5 not available in my country
22:07 sfan5 ;)
22:07 Krock rdococ, does it work for you?
22:07 rdococ whadya mean?
22:07 rdococ ...
22:08 Krock my link above.. apparently it's not available
22:08 sfan5 Krock: honestly your layout would look better if you threw some bootstrap css into it
22:08 rdococ yes, it works
22:08 Fixer use layout
22:08 Krock rdococ, glad to hear that :D
22:08 rdococ <rdococ@#ls-servers> Krock's website has a new layout, look:;at=0&amp;q=lessblocks
22:08 Krock Fixer, ok <-- does sfan5 approve?
22:09 xerox123 I need to stop clicking links
22:09 rdococ lol
22:09 Krock xerox123, AHAHAH
22:09 sfan5 lol
22:09 rubenwardy also, on an unrelated note
22:09 rubenwardy CTF has had an update
22:09 Krock sfan5, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it.. not sure whether it'll look good
22:09 rdococ an april fools update, rubenwardy?
22:09 Fixer patrick sells discs, so I guess .com is justified
22:10 rubenwardy err, no
22:10 rdococ aw
22:10 rubenwardy a very serious reimagining of the game
22:10 rubenwardy totally serious
22:10 rubenwardy and permanent
22:10 rdococ okay, so it IS an april fools update
22:10 xerox123 new mapâ„¢
22:10 Fixer REVITALIZE
22:12 Krock may the flood of requests for rick rise!
22:12 * sfan5 meows at rubenwardy
22:17 * rdococ turns into a kitten
22:17 Lone-Star joined #minetest
22:28 rohju joined #minetest
22:34 Fritigern joined #minetest
22:38 rdococ The note blocks in mesecons don't change instrument based on the node beneath them :c
22:40 rdococ or at least sand
22:40 rdococ looks like they do with stone
22:43 proller joined #minetest
22:53 DMackey joined #minetest
23:00 rdococ Now it's April Fools.
23:01 blaise just one?
23:04 Taoki joined #minetest
23:33 Taoki joined #minetest
23:44 proller joined #minetest

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