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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-02-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 draco_kun joined #minetest
00:02 Copenhagen_Bram joined #minetest
01:05 turtleman joined #minetest
01:11 MrBlueEyes joined #minetest
01:11 MrBlueEyes Hey Shara u here?
01:12 Shara Hmm?
01:13 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
01:13 MrBlueEyes Hey, you the same Shara from DarkLands?
01:13 Shara Why do you ask?
01:14 MrBlueEyes I have a question
01:14 Shara Well, you could have asked there, but what's the question?
01:15 MrBlueEyes It's for a player, Tommy he revoked her shout privs I was wondering if she could have them back
01:15 Shara Pretty sure there was a reason if he revoked privs. Either way, he'd be the one to ask about it.
01:16 MrBlueEyes I tried to get his attention to ask
01:16 Shara If you leave a message, he'll see it when he's there.
01:17 MrBlueEyes She hasn't had her shout privs for a few days I'm sure she learned her lesson she was complaining about something.  So I thought I'd try
01:17 Shara But I'm not reversing decisions made by the moderators there when I don't know the circumstances.
01:17 Shara Please leave him a message.
01:17 MrBlueEyes I post it before u sent that.
01:17 Shara I need to get some sleep so can't look into this right now sorry.
01:18 Shara Okay, thank you
01:18 MrBlueEyes Okay I'll let you sleep im.sorry
01:18 Shara Make sure you spell his name right though
01:18 Shara Or he won't notice
01:19 MrBlueEyes I know,  I was thinking about spamming his name but I'm not getting banners
01:57 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
02:10 mineshoe joined #minetest
02:10 mineshoe was kicked by MinetestBot: mineshoe
02:17 Foz joined #minetest
02:26 mineglue joined #minetest
02:26 mineglue The +j mode and minebot kludges illustrate a point. To prevent me from responding to the defamation forum, they'll need to lock down both the forums *and* IRC to the point where the project will suffocate. And even that won't work because I'll be able to use IRC PM, email, and real-life snail-mail. Including snail-mail to churches and neighbors. Honestly, it's pointless. BTW I like to f*ck attorneys, send me more to play with: http://leonardduboff.com
02:26 MinetestBot NameError: name 'host' is not defined (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/ap.py", line 1063, in note)
02:26 mineglue Andrew Ward, Auke Kok, Nathanael Courant, Perttu Asshola, and others will need to face up to the fact that the facts won't go away. All that I expect is that the facts will be acknowledged and that what these cowards have taken, in their blind hatred of the different, is to be restored. But that isn't likely to happen, so we're going to be dealing with this for years. Do you have any idea what we could have done with the year that is lost already?
02:26 MinetestBot NameError: name 'host' is not defined (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/ap.py", line 1063, in note)
02:26 mineglue BTW I can and do talk to employers and church groups IRL when they can be identified. See http://haggishell.com (and http://aukekok.com while you're at it)
02:26 MinetestBot NameError: name 'host' is not defined (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/ap.py", line 1063, in note)
02:27 mineglue And honestly... I am already in other channels by other means...
02:27 mineglue Do you suppose you can keep me out with a silly bot if I decide to join?
02:27 mineglue He's got a trap at line 1063 BTW
02:39 mineglue Hmm. Everybody is asleep, assuming that I'm actually voiced.
02:39 mineglue But might as well mention to Christian Loosli who is here that he is not forgotten
02:39 mineglue and will be featured on http://haggishell.com/
02:39 MinetestBot NameError: name 'host' is not defined (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/ap.py", line 1063, in note)
02:40 mineglue Ninja Kitten, fix that trap... So, you do a host lookup?
02:40 mineglue And kick based on matches? But what if it's not just a VPN
02:40 mineglue But a rotating set of VPNs? Match that and there is another solution
02:41 mineglue For those who have not seen http://forum.minetest.org/ (not .net) you are invited
02:41 MinetestBot NameError: name 'host' is not defined (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/ap.py", line 1063, in note)
02:41 mineglue Seriously, that bug is irritating. And the sleepyheads should have woken up by now.
02:41 mineglue So, let me guess... this is a honeypot session?
02:41 mineglue But they aren't that bright
02:41 mineglue I have a list of current channel members, at any rate
02:42 mineglue I can use IRC PM to /query those who don't block it
02:42 mineglue As though I expected anything unreasonable.
02:43 mineglue The last year has been filled with death threats by some of these people, defamation, stalking, DDoS, the child abuse coverup by Christian Loosli here...
02:43 mineglue The child pornography issue in the Fall. Which Andrew Ward here *admitted*
02:43 MinetestBot ...
02:43 mineglue on New Years Eve had occurred.
02:43 mineglue It isn't going to go away, folks. I'll be talking for legitimate and reasonable purposes that are protected under US laws to some of you in real life
02:43 mineglue And I'll be delighted to talk to your attorneys
02:44 mineglue And to mention the words "child pornography" to them
02:44 MinetestBot ...
02:44 mineglue I want the truth acknowledged. And that which was taken improperly by Perttu Asshola to be restored.
02:44 mineglue That is all.
02:44 mineglue Is that unreasonable? To a normal, yes.
02:44 mineglue But I gather that this is a honeypot; what I am typing is not being transmitted, is it?
02:45 mineglue So, what did Ninja Kitten filter on this time?
02:50 mineglue Huh. It's not a honeypot. One of the people here has confirmed that what I am typing is visible.
02:50 mineglue And I've been here for about 15 minutes.
02:50 mineglue So, the trolls didn't work out a deal to shunt me to a fork of the channel.
02:50 mineglue Is the channel, therefore, totally dead, or what? Seriously.
02:51 mineglue Anyway, the point is that I can talk to people by email, telephone, and snailmail. Legitimate and reasonable communication can't be prevented.
02:51 mineglue Not by technical or legal means.
02:51 mineglue And in fact no matter the extent to which IRC and the forums are locked down
02:51 mineglue I can respond to defamation there
02:52 mineglue So, what is the point? You aren't standing up for what's right. It's for what's wrong.
02:52 mineglue What was done last year was wrong. I'd just walk away regardless, but I've invested 6 years now.
02:52 mineglue If this isn't settled, I'm going to need to simply take the whole thing.
02:53 mineglue I don't see Auke Kok here. I assume that he's waiting for my response to his attorney.
02:54 mineglue My response will be, to be clear, scorched earth. Feel free to read it at http://aukekok.com/ when it is ready.
02:56 mineglue There is a lot more to be said. But it's pointless to address those here who are animals. And I'll talk to the real people individually in due course.
02:57 epoch I dunno if anyone else had the same problem, and it isn't really minetest related, but I did an apt-get upgrade to my laptop the other day and GL stuff stopped wanting to run.
02:57 epoch with an error like this: OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0'
03:15 nowhere_man joined #minetest
03:32 dagreatnate joined #minetest
03:41 raymoo[m] epoch: You should probably ask the Debian or Ubuntu IRC channels, depending on which one you use
03:42 raymoo[m] sounds like Debian testing or something though if things change enough to break
03:43 epoch it is
03:43 epoch I'll actually put effort into looking at it instead of asking somewhere else.
03:50 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
04:20 Lunatrius joined #minetest
04:33 MoNTE48_ joined #minetest
04:33 MoNTE48_ was kicked by MinetestBot: MoNTE48_
04:47 epoch if anyone else had the same problem it is probably the driver selected in xorg.conf
04:59 epoch joined #minetest
05:17 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
05:17 DMackey joined #minetest
05:17 Lunatrius joined #minetest
05:18 Darcidride joined #minetest
05:31 wilkgr joined #minetest
06:13 sfan5 oh whoops
06:13 epoch whoops what?
06:18 Cornelia Um..
06:18 Cornelia VanessaE:
06:18 VanessaE ?
06:18 Cornelia Do you recognize: AbeEzekowitz
06:18 Cornelia That user?
06:18 VanessaE that's my late husband's name.
06:19 VanessaE most likely oldcoder trolling again
06:19 Cornelia Who is currently messaging me about things a certain person we spoke of yesterday is conspiracy-theorying on.
06:19 Cornelia I figured..
06:20 Cornelia Are my options simply an /ignore?
06:20 VanessaE /umode +R
06:20 VanessaE will stop him most of the timee
06:20 Cornelia I have no idea what that means. XD
06:21 VanessaE otherwise, just close the query.  don't ignore, rather, let your logs record it.
06:21 VanessaE +R prevents non-registered users from messaging you.
06:21 Cornelia Ooh..
06:23 Cornelia I think I set it? :P
06:23 Cornelia I've used IRC quite a bit.. but never really fiddled with anything more complex than NickServ. :P
06:24 VanessaE be sure you add it to your irc client's on-connect commandss
06:24 Cornelia Yep.
06:24 VanessaE it's not persistent across connections.
06:25 Cornelia So.. my client doesn't know umode.. I have to mode <nick>
06:25 VanessaE whatever works
06:59 epoch joined #minetest
07:00 jluc_ joined #minetest
07:06 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:23 epoch joined #minetest
07:40 popey Ugh. I too received a horrible wall of text VanessaE . Some loon with a grudge? :(
07:40 VanessaE it's oldcoder
07:40 VanessaE he's been attacking a number of us,
07:44 popey :(
07:58 bwarden joined #minetest
07:58 CWz joined #minetest
08:02 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest
08:13 red-001 left #minetest
08:18 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
08:18 ssieb joined #minetest
08:22 Travankor joined #minetest
08:49 PolySaken joined #minetest
08:56 blaise oh?
08:56 blaise thats weird
08:56 celeron55_ flags #minetest Calinou +AO
08:56 celeron55_ oops
08:56 celeron55_ :D
08:57 blaise =)
09:00 VanessaE morning, c55.
09:02 Sketch2 morn'
09:02 VanessaE morning, Sketch2
09:02 Sketch2 oh man.  It was raining hard for like 5 seconds there
09:03 * celeron55_ empties a bag of banhammers on the floor
09:03 VanessaE haha
09:03 Sketch2 how's life been treatin' ya
09:03 VanessaE celeron55: did you remember to order more?  the shelf only had the one bag when I last looked :)
09:04 VanessaE speaking of hammers, where did my printed Mjölnir disappear to.......
09:05 Queensuzu joined #minetest
09:05 Sketch2 would regular bans have a different effect than a bot kick?
09:06 Sketch2 Normally, I'd think so, but it looks like he masked his host
09:06 VanessaE afaik a bot kick does nothing but an ordinary kick
09:08 Sketch2 I mean, do they target a similar way, would it be bypassed as well
09:09 VanessaE I never really took notice
09:33 wilkgr Unfortunately, the hammers have a pretty short shelf life I think, making it unfeasible to keep a lot at a time
09:33 wilkgr and shipping takes forever
09:44 sy wilkgr: really?
09:44 wilkgr ?
09:44 sy hammers
09:45 wilkgr I was continuing the joke from about 30 minutes earlier :)
09:45 AntumD joined #minetest
09:46 sy oh
09:46 sy i see
10:18 Sketch2 I wish the Vice C64 emu let you mute SID channels
10:20 Sketch2 it would make recording sound effects from old games easier
10:31 Sketch2 Asking in their IRC channel, but I'm not expecting much
10:32 VanessaE try #c64friends also.
10:32 Sketch2 Might look into the rust64 emulator, and see about tweaking a few lines of code to accomplish it
10:33 Sketch2 k, ty
10:33 VanessaE I'm sure there are VICE devs in there
10:43 blaise hrmm
10:43 Wuzzy joined #minetest
10:52 Sketch2 rust64 doesn't appear to be robust enough to handle Paradroid
10:54 Sketch2 Game's 'prolly using unconventional methods for speed
11:01 Sketch2 joined #minetest
11:17 draco_kun joined #minetest
11:20 blaise so, is there a mass item storage system?
11:20 blaise maybe some mod or something?
11:22 Fixer joined #minetest
11:29 VanessaE how would it differ from, say, technic gold chests?
11:33 blaise I suppose I was thinking of some kind of item storage network
11:33 blaise where terminals attached to chests can summon things to be dispatched to the current location?
11:34 blaise I don't know..
11:34 blaise I'm running in to serious problems trying to store cobble
11:35 blaise I'm actually thinking of creating a teleporting tube and just eject the cobble into an active volcano or something
11:36 blaise I've already compressed the cobble but I just don't think I can keep creating cobble storage facilities like this
11:36 blaise it's really getting out of control
11:37 blaise VanessaE: also, on a much more important note..
11:38 blaise is this in 0.4.16 stable release? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f2f9a923515386d787a245fac52f78e815b3a839
11:38 blaise I don't think it is but thought I would ask to make sure
11:38 VanessaE don't use 0.4.16
11:38 VanessaE get 0.4.17-dev
11:38 rubenwardy left #minetest
11:39 rubenwardy joined #minetest
11:39 CWz_ joined #minetest
11:39 VanessaE that is, clone the source and `git checkout backports-0.4`
11:39 blaise hrmm
11:40 blaise VanessaE: so I should not use 0.4.16 on a production server?
11:40 VanessaE no
11:40 VanessaE it has bugs
11:40 blaise :o
11:41 Raven262 joined #minetest
11:41 jluc_ joined #minetest
11:42 blaise I'm not sure how I feel about using -dev ....
11:42 VanessaE it's ok.
11:42 blaise I'll have to write a custom ebuild for funtoo portage to clone the repo..
11:43 rubenwardy it's not really dev
11:43 rubenwardy it's backports
11:43 rubenwardy no new features
11:44 lumberJ joined #minetest
11:45 blaise rubenwardy: so, does that mean 0.4.17 is due for release soon?
11:45 rubenwardy no
11:45 rubenwardy 0.4.17 should probably be called
11:45 rubenwardy it's bug fixes only
11:45 blaise lol
11:45 VanessaE there are still a couple of milestones to fix anyway
11:46 blaise is https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f2f9a923515386d787a245fac52f78e815b3a839 part of those backports ?
11:46 blaise or is that a seperate fork?
11:46 VanessaE rubenwardy: I'm pretty sure the intent is to call it 0.4.17 anyway.
11:46 rubenwardy yes, because our build system doesn't support a fourth number
11:46 Viper hi
11:46 Viper anyone know who is GentleKnifeSlice?
11:46 rubenwardy blaise: that's part of 0.4.16
11:47 VanessaE rubenwardy: it's just as well, we wanted to move to semver anyway right?
11:47 blaise so that is part of the stable release?
11:47 blaise or "stable" release? lol
11:47 rubenwardy VanessaE: I want to, it seems unpopular though
11:48 blaise I'm kinda used to seeing even as stable and odd as feature releases
11:48 VanessaE rubenwardy: well under that scheme, x.y.z -> x.y.z+1 would still fit for just bugfixes
11:48 VanessaE this ain't the linux kernel, blaise  :P
11:48 blaise no, and they stopped doing that  a long time ago
11:49 blaise now it's a free for all
11:49 blaise but for decades, with any source tree.. evens were stable releases and odds were feature releases
11:50 blaise with all your -r1 and so on being incremental steps.. (bug fixes or features introduced)
11:51 blaise that predated the linux kernel by quite a bit of time
11:58 blaise so, https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git is straight out minetest-0.4.17-dev ?
11:58 VanessaE as long as you're on backports-0.4
11:58 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
11:59 fireglow is it currently save to upgrade from 0.4.16 to -dev?
11:59 fireglow safe
11:59 VanessaE yes
11:59 fireglow \o/
11:59 fireglow onwards, to the compilers!
12:07 blaise VanessaE: error: pathspec 'backports-0.4' did not match any file(s) known to git.
12:07 blaise =(
12:10 VanessaE oopd
12:10 VanessaE backport-0.4
12:10 VanessaE no s
12:10 blaise ah
12:23 Sketch2 didn't get any info from the VICE dev's, but I figured out how to tweak the SID source code to do it
12:23 pozzoni joined #minetest
12:24 Sketch2 just had to comment out the write-to-mem-location commands for the voices I didn't need
12:26 behalebabo joined #minetest
12:29 fireglow hmm, I'm a git noob, is there a way to get "0.4.16" (or whatever the last release was) in the working directory?
12:29 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
12:32 fireglow I think `git describe` is what I want
12:37 blaise VanessaE: https://github.com/octacian/microexpansion
12:37 blaise looks promising...
12:39 Sketch2 I think it's 'git checkout'  but I don't recall the specifics
12:48 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
12:48 lisac joined #minetest
12:52 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
12:55 lumberJ joined #minetest
12:58 fireglow does gettext have any effect with -DBUILD_SERVER=1?
13:00 blaise wtf
13:01 Sketch2 I think this'll do-   git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git --branch stable-0.4
13:03 Void7 joined #minetest
13:03 nowhere_man joined #minetest
13:07 blaise whelp
13:07 blaise I got 0.4.17-dev running
13:07 blaise lets see how well it goes
13:07 blaise lol
13:08 Sketch2 joined #minetest
13:10 Markow joined #minetest
13:19 Sketch2 this is 'prolly a better git command-   git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git --branch backport-0.4 && cd minetest/games && git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git --branch backport-0.4 && cd ..
13:19 paramat joined #minetest
13:19 Sketch2 'cuz it gets the backport branch, and the minetest subgame
13:19 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
13:21 paramat fireglow don't upgrade to master, it's only safe to upgarde from 0.4.16 to 'backport-0.4' https://github.com/minetest/minetest/tree/backport-0.4
13:21 paramat that branch is essentially '0.4.17'
13:22 paramat *upgrade
13:22 fireglow paramat: ok! thank you!!
13:23 paramat master branch is '0.5-dev' which breaks some stuff
13:23 fireglow I see, phew. close one
13:24 paramat yeah i saw logs and had to warn you
13:24 remix2000 joined #minetest
13:25 paramat 'backport-0.4' is 0.4.16 with bugfixes
13:25 Sketch2 I take my bugs to the vet to get fixed
13:28 jluc_ joined #minetest
13:28 remix2000 Hi! I'm wondering if it's possible to disable damage in certain area of server.
13:30 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=18759
13:30 rubenwardy !title
13:30 MinetestBot rubenwardy: [Mod] No PVP Zone [nopvpzone] - Minetest Forums
13:30 fireglow paramat: another question, is gettext required on the server? Probably not, right?
13:32 Sketch2 nope
13:34 fireglow cool, cheers
13:35 CWz joined #minetest
13:36 blaise i did the backport-0.4 thing
13:36 blaise didn't really see a difference
13:36 blaise oh well
13:36 blaise it's running,
13:36 blaise and apparently happy as a pig in, well.. you know
13:36 paramat bugfixes aren't very visible, but it will run better
13:37 Hirato so how long has oldCoder been at it?
13:37 Sketch2 how long?  years
13:37 blaise some guy with the nick LoveIsGod messaged me stuff about several ops in here
13:38 Sketch2 ignore it
13:38 rubenwardy /umode +R
13:38 Sketch2 yeah, that
13:39 fireglow what a sad little man
13:39 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
13:40 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
13:43 blaise there was a url in the message
13:43 blaise the individual is claming to be a woman
13:43 Sketch2 'prolly to his server.  I'd stay away
13:43 blaise lol
13:43 Sketch2 or at least use a script-block before going
13:43 Hirato go via an archiver if you do go
13:44 Sketch2 'cuz I wouldn't trust it
13:44 blaise I sandbox and chroot the holy crap out of my web browser
13:44 blaise lmao
13:44 blaise I don't trust anything
13:44 Sketch2 right on
13:45 Hirato I'm suggesting the archiver more so he doesn't log your access
13:45 Sketch2 good call
13:45 blaise not only is it a sandboxed chrooted account, it's a vm
13:45 blaise and I'm vpn'ed seven ways from sunday
13:46 Hirato look at this leet hacker, behind at least 20 proxies :^)
13:46 Sketch2 lols, oh that reminds of that game
13:46 ThomasMonroe best way to go to his websites anyways
13:46 Sketch2 what was the name of it?
13:46 Sketch2 started with U
13:46 Hirato uplink?
13:46 Sketch2 Unlink
13:46 Sketch2 yea yea
13:46 Sketch2 good game
13:47 blaise haggishell.com
13:47 blaise pure oddness
13:47 blaise throwing big names around too
13:48 blaise apparently has something to do with red
13:48 * blaise shrugs
13:48 Beton joined #minetest
13:49 blaise oh well, none of my buisness
13:50 Hirato it looks like he's been at it for a while - can't say I particularly care to look into it unless someone aggregates it on ED or something
13:50 Hirato oh well, back to indefinite lurking I suppose
13:52 corvus__ joined #minetest
13:56 Raven262 joined #minetest
13:56 rubenwardy please don't post any links
13:57 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
13:57 lisac joined #minetest
14:00 paramat don't visit his links for security reasons
14:02 JMatZNC joined #minetest
14:05 Teckla Ah... did anyone else get some weird/bizarre PM from "GentleKnifeSlice"?
14:07 shivajiva yea I know others who received it
14:07 Sketch2 it's been going 'round, but he keeps using all kindsa made up names
14:10 clavi he's suffering from severe psychic issues for sure
14:17 BakerPrime Yeah.
14:20 VanessaE bahahaahha!   I'm watching Wreck-it Ralph, just spotted an easter egg.  7:40ish in, as the bad guys are arriving at Game Central Station, to the right of the entryway "All your base are belong to us" spray painted on the wall, graffiti style
14:20 VanessaE (to the left, something I can't read)
14:20 BakerPrime Haha
14:21 BakerPrime Haven't seen that movie in a long time, I will have to look next time. :P
14:21 VanessaE ("Aerith Umes" or something)
14:21 BakerPrime Also, Hello VanessaE
14:21 VanessaE hi
14:25 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
14:27 BakerPrime VanessaE: So, How's VE-Survival been running since you fixed it?
14:27 VanessaE fine
14:27 BakerPrime Nice.
14:28 BakerPrime I tried it last night, and it seemed MUCH better. (Lag wise, etc)
14:29 VanessaE that's encouraging at least
14:35 lumberJ joined #minetest
14:41 BakerPrime VanessaE: I think the way to make VE-Servers more popular, might just be to publicize it more. (On the forums, on IRC (Where it's allowed) on websites.... etc) Also.
14:42 Gael-de-Sailly Hi all. Is there a way to use schematic attributes like place_center_x when placing a schematic on vmanip?
14:43 VanessaE my servers have forum topics already
14:43 VanessaE as for publicizing elsewhere, I'll let others do that, as in "word of mouth"
14:45 Gael-de-Sailly VanessaE: I think servers popularity is more a matter of chance than anything else
14:45 VanessaE probably
14:45 Gael-de-Sailly do you remember the huge player peak on VE-Basic 2 years ago?
14:45 VanessaE yeah
14:46 Gael-de-Sailly but there was nothing in particuar that brought players on this one
14:46 paramat Gael-de-Sailly erm ..
14:47 fireglow !mod fake_fire
14:47 MinetestBot fireglow: No more, burning down houses! [fake_fire] by Semmett9 - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=10011
14:48 paramat you can use the 'rotation' and 'place centre' flags only
14:49 paramat Gael-de-Sailly are you happy with core mgvalleys or do you want to tune the params?
14:50 Gael-de-Sailly hm... I'll look at this, but I think they are fine
14:50 Gael-de-Sailly maybe make rivers a bit wider
14:50 Gael-de-Sailly I'll see
14:51 paramat i'm neutral, people seem to like it as it is
14:52 Peppy joined #minetest
14:52 fireglow btw, I tried to update to backports, but the server crashed on the first join, Lua OOM on builtin
14:53 paramat but yes the small scale of river patterns bothers me a little
14:53 fireglow I probably need to use an older minetest_game
14:53 paramat using LuaJIT?
14:53 paramat use MTG 0.4.16
14:53 Gael-de-Sailly yeah I noticed you like to make things big ;)
14:55 fireglow paramat: yes, LuaJIT. ok I'll do that, cheers
14:56 paramat well LuaJIT is what often causes OOM
14:56 TMcSquared joined #minetest
14:56 VanessaE recompile your luajit with gc64 support
14:56 VanessaE then recompile MT against
14:57 VanessaE it
14:57 paramat yes
14:57 VanessaE that'll solve the OOM problem
14:57 Gael-de-Sailly and about shcematics: how do I specify the flags? I can't find it on lua_api.txt
14:58 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/63bcd3303622d52770fc54a4cbff07206f77d8cf/doc/lua_api.txt#L3290
14:58 paramat hm flags is missing from docs
14:59 fireglow VanessaE: aah hmm
14:59 fireglow I'll see if I can manage that
14:59 fireglow paramat: is completely disabling LuaJIT a viable option?
14:59 paramat yes
14:59 paramat i've never used it
15:00 VanessaE not a viable option for some mods though
15:02 fireglow hmm
15:02 paramat ok 'place schem on vmanip' API doesn't read flags, but you can use rotation as a param
15:02 paramat however you don't need 'place centre' because you can do that manually
15:03 paramat well, mods run slower yes but still work
15:03 Gael-de-Sailly paramat: the problem is that my code is not supposed to know the size of my schematic
15:03 Gael-de-Sailly I can't place on center manually
15:04 paramat is gc64 available for linux too? thought it was windows only
15:06 red-001 joined #minetest
15:07 TMcSquared joined #minetest
15:07 paramat the code can work with flags but the API does not yet accept them, that's possibly a TODO
15:07 paramat ugh
15:07 red-001 nice I see there are more OPs now
15:08 red-001 hopefully this will help deal with this mess
15:09 paramat aha nice
15:14 paramat made an issue for it
15:23 xerox123_ How do I increase entity limit? getting this error: 2018-02-21 15:23:09: WARNING[Server]: ServerEnv: Trying to store id = 41433 statically but block (-2,1,7) already contains 5079 objects. Forcing delete.
15:25 TMcSquared hmm I've had that error as well
15:25 TMcSquared not sure how to fix it though
15:26 xerox123_ It seemed to no do much when i = like 60, but now it's lagging the server
15:27 xerox123_ And very spammy, few times a second it spits that error
15:31 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
15:31 rubenwardy you have a buggy mod which is creating a ton of entities
15:32 Gael-de-Sailly thanks paramat
15:32 Gael-de-Sailly for the github issue
15:33 Gael-de-Sailly sorry for the constant deco-reco, I'm in the train and the connection quality is just random
15:35 blaise hrmmmmmmm
15:38 BillyS joined #minetest
15:38 BillyS joined #minetest
15:39 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
15:39 xerox123_ Thanks, will look into it later
15:42 garywhite joined #minetest
15:45 red-001 hi garywhite
15:57 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Find nodes in area (under air): Raise volume limit and document it 673f719 https://git.io/vAuvO (2018-02-21T15:54:06Z)
15:57 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Settingtypes.txt: Fix valleys dungeon ymax error 5652ede https://git.io/vAuv3 (2018-02-21T15:53:32Z)
16:50 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:02 Alcyone joined #minetest
17:10 TMcSquared joined #minetest
17:17 TMcSquared joined #minetest
17:22 Markow joined #minetest
17:27 Sokomine blaise: oh yes, disposing of cobble is a major problem. sometimes one gets lucky and there's a player who actually *wants* it. with grinders it can sometimes be turned into more useful material like glass. but in the end there will be chests upon chests with nothing but cobble in. can't be avoided
17:28 red-001 yeah cobble is kinda useless
17:28 paramat joined #minetest
17:28 red-001 which is pretty dumb considering most of the world is made from it
17:28 ThomasMonroe lol
17:29 ThomasMonroe it should hold something like the secret to extra dimensions :P
17:30 Krock joined #minetest
17:32 paramat i would like to have cobble crafted from stone, and stone drops stone like most nodes drop themselves, but other devs disapprove
17:33 Krock digging should really be required
17:33 Krock (for the stone -> cobble conversion)
17:34 Sokomine stone looks slightly less ugly than cobble. it won't solve the problem of the material gathering in chests. there'd still be a lot of it
17:35 Krock respectively it's good to drop cobble as it requires some additional effort to get nice looking stone again
17:36 Out`Of`Control If you can't craft fancy block from cobble, minetest is not for you
17:37 lumberJ joined #minetest
17:37 Sokomine my machine in plasterwork is partly a way around the cobble problem. it does turn several blocks of cobble into one decoratively colored plasterwork block
17:50 Telesight joined #minetest
18:01 Alcyone joined #minetest
18:05 Out`Of`Control Is it possible now to delete user, without restarting server?
18:05 rubenwardy yes
18:05 rubenwardy minetest.delete_player
18:05 rubenwardy for player data, not auth (password, privs)
18:06 paramat well my approach is due to consistency, stone and cobble are inconsstent with many other nodes and are only this way to copy MC
18:06 Out`Of`Control oh not auth.
18:06 paramat *inconsistent
18:07 rubenwardy that sounds like a terrible idea
18:07 rubenwardy consistency isn't good if it's wrong
18:07 Out`Of`Control paramat: what happen when you dig stone? you get stone
18:07 Out`Of`Control paramat:  stone powder
18:07 paramat what is 'wrong' though?
18:08 paramat most of our nodes do not change to another form when dug
18:08 rubenwardy most wouldn't make sense to
18:08 Shara paramat: stone dropping cobble has always somewhat annoyed me as well. But then so has bricks turning into individual bricks, and other similar things most people seem to like
18:08 Out`Of`Control ores  stone + desert stone, as far i know
18:09 Shara I also figure I'm biased as I favour creative
18:09 rubenwardy for example, when you chop a tree you get a trunk not splinters
18:09 Out`Of`Control same goes for leaves
18:09 Shara Someone recently suggested to me that tree trunks should all use the same texture on each face, and only be the chopped version once cut... to avoid exposing the "cut" face in actual trees
18:11 paramat most our our nodes would 'make sense' to break into another form when dug, but don't because it would be irritating
18:11 Out`Of`Control paramat: what is your idea?
18:12 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
18:13 paramat i once proposed trunk nodes have 6 faces of bark and drop logs, to hide the exposed faces on branches, luckily i gave up on the idea for simplicity
18:15 paramat anyway i've given up hope on the stone/cobble thing =)
18:17 * lumberJ imagines gameplay without cobble
18:18 lumberJ doesn't really add much, does it?
18:18 lumberJ :D
18:18 Out`Of`Control i can't imagine
18:18 lumberJ just a lot of smelting it to get stone, in my experience
18:19 whitephoenix joined #minetest
18:23 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
18:29 * LBPHacker joins #minetest so he can silently follow the project and see where it goes
18:29 * LBPHacker gets spammed by some random AbeEzekowitz logged in thru webchat
18:29 LBPHacker what even
18:29 rubenwardy LBPHacker: just a spammer, do     /umode +R   to stop unregistered users from PMing you
18:30 LBPHacker yeah I figured. idk when I -R'd myself but apparently I have
18:30 adfeno joined #minetest
18:39 CWz joined #minetest
18:39 Open_Future joined #minetest
18:40 Open_Future Server crashed with this error:  ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'skinsdb' in callback on_joinplaye
18:41 Open_Future any ideas?
18:42 Out`Of`Control does minetest.delete_player delete locked items owned by player  too?
18:42 paramat post the whole error message somewhere (not here)
18:44 sfan5 Out`Of`Control: it only deletes what's in the player file
18:44 sfan5 that is: position data, inventory, player attributes
18:45 sfan5 it does not touch the world or auth data
18:45 Krock Open_Future, what version are you using? (most recent git commit)?
18:45 Krock also, what Minetest version are you using and where's the full error message? -> pastebin.copm
18:47 Out`Of`Control sfan5: i see. thanks
18:48 Open_Future 0.4.16
18:48 Open_Future do you think its a mod security issue....this happens from time to time since I added the character_creator and skinsdb mods
18:48 Open_Future I read somewhere about disabling mod security to see if that ends the crashes
18:49 Sketch2 Open_Future, have you used it successfully before, or is this your first time using it?
18:50 rubenwardy Open_Future, you're not actually giving us the lua error
18:50 Open_Future Minetest 0.4.16 has been working fine.  I then added the two mods mentioned...and they have worked fine for the most part except for two times it has crashed the server.  Error message is above.
18:50 rubenwardy please pastebin the backtrace and actual Lua error
18:50 Open_Future ok hang on will look at logs
18:51 Sketch2 two mods?  I only saw !mod skinsdb
18:51 Open_Future ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'skinsdb' in callback on_joinplayer(): /home/mark/.minetest/mods/character_creator/init.lua:163: attempt to index local 'indexes' (a nil value)
18:52 Open_Future Thats the error
18:52 Krock !mod character_creator
18:52 MinetestBot Krock: Character Creator [character_creator] by Rui - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=13138
18:53 Krock apparently one of the recent skinsdb updates broke the support
18:54 CWz_ joined #minetest
18:54 Krock never mind. character_creator doesn't even check whether the player's skin exists
18:55 RobbieF joined #minetest
18:56 RobbieF left #minetest
18:56 Open_Future so maybe just run skinsdb and forget character creator for now?
18:57 TMcSquared joined #minetest
18:58 Krock Open_Future, did you check whether both are the newest version?
18:58 Sketch2 possibly.  are you using the git version?
18:58 Open_Future well i thought i did and dowloaded the latest...will check again
18:58 Krock "git clone" is what you need
18:59 Open_Future might have used skinsdb that already populated with skins...maybe thats not latest
18:59 Open_Future thanks for suggestions
19:01 TMcSquared joined #minetest
19:03 xerox123 is there a way to see what mod is causing all these entities? ServerEnv: Trying to store id = 60176 statically but block (-2,1,7) already contains 649 objects. Forcing delete.
19:04 Krock code injection and recompile.
19:04 Krock pipeworks can be causing that or a tree cutting mod
19:05 xerox123 hm, ok
19:05 swift110 joined #minetest
19:11 xerox123 it's not pipeworks, tried unloading and reloading
19:11 xerox123 with a restart inbetween
19:27 dimbago joined #minetest
19:27 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
19:30 ssieb joined #minetest
19:34 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
19:41 MrXtreme joined #minetest
19:47 Unit193 joined #minetest
19:53 Fritigern joined #minetest
19:53 nowhere_man joined #minetest
20:00 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
20:00 Sokomine bricks turning into individual bricks and clay into lumps is more annoying than useful, yes
20:08 Unit193 joined #minetest
20:08 Beton joined #minetest
20:16 Fixer Sokomine: are you referring about default game?
20:30 clavi is there a maximum length of Minetest books?
20:33 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
20:35 meldrian joined #minetest
20:46 redblade7 joined #minetest
20:56 Sketch2 books are likely limited by the amount of metadata a node can possess
21:04 Fixer joined #minetest
21:08 CoderForTheBette joined #minetest
21:09 CoderForTheBette joined #minetest
21:09 CoderForTheBette Hey @paramat, you there?
21:15 BillyS https://xkcd.com/1416/
21:17 Out`Of`Control there is no end
21:18 BillyS So it seems
21:19 red-001 the text for the visually impaired is interesting
21:20 CoderForTheBette Paramat, if you see this will you take a look at this: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5725#issuecomment-367471036
21:20 swift110 joined #minetest
21:20 red-001 !title
21:20 MinetestBot red-001: 3D biome limits and definable biome 'air' nodes · Issue #5725 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
21:24 paramat replied
21:25 CoderForTheBette Thanks.
21:37 Alcyone joined #minetest
21:44 wilkgr joined #minetest
21:44 antims joined #minetest
21:47 nowhere_man joined #minetest
21:54 paramat i intend to code that quite soon
22:02 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
22:04 Hijiri joined #minetest
22:09 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
22:20 remix2000 joined #minetest
22:23 TMcSquared joined #minetest
22:29 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
22:33 lumberJ joined #minetest
22:35 TMcSquared joined #minetest
22:48 Peppy mmm, for no apparent reason IRC mod started acting weird today
22:48 CarbineMorpho joined #minetest
22:50 Peppy the irc_msg command doesn't work anymore (but says "message sent !" ingame)
22:51 Peppy no command would give complete output in the bot window
22:52 Peppy any idea ?
22:52 red-001 well I think the IRC mod can break without crashing everything since it uses pcall
22:52 red-001 not sure if it tries to restart that part of it
22:52 Peppy i did restart the server with no effect
22:52 red-001 but I don't think the bot would show up on irc then
22:53 Peppy it shows and (almost) works
22:54 Taoki joined #minetest
22:54 Peppy the only thing that changed today is the block_vps that was enabled.
22:55 Peppy i disabled it and restarted just in case, no effect
22:56 * Peppy tried restart in verbose mode
22:56 red-001 so irc_msg doesn't work but normal irc works?
22:56 Peppy yep
22:57 red-001 Peppy, eh maybe it's usermode?
22:57 red-001 you have +R set?
22:57 Peppy of course x)
22:57 red-001 is the bot logged in?
22:57 Peppy thanks ! I did change that
22:57 Peppy I have +R set
22:58 red-001 you can request a bot cloak in #freenode if its this network
22:59 Peppy ok, solved thanks to you, I'll try and request a cloack
22:59 red-001 https://werewolf.chat/Freenode:IRC_cloaks
22:59 red-001 so it will be Peppy/bot/minetest_irc or something like that
22:59 progysm joined #minetest
23:05 red-001 ah looks like you are suppose to register a new account for the bot
23:09 Peppy yes, I guess
23:10 CarbineMorpho is there any people here into their graphics
23:11 Hijiri do you mean like someone who enjoys graphics programming
23:11 Sketch2 yea
23:12 Hijiri I think graphics programming is fun, but I haven't really done it except for some courses
23:14 CarbineMorpho just having perlin noise diffilculties
23:15 CarbineMorpho https://my.mixtape.moe/eeulna.jpg
23:16 CarbineMorpho trying to recreate that jackets print
23:16 Sketch2 in what language?
23:16 CarbineMorpho just a bit of gnu image manipulation program
23:18 CarbineMorpho i have hand painted it easily enough
23:19 CarbineMorpho just want to digitalised version
23:19 Sketch2 good choice.  I'd have to think about it for a while
23:19 CarbineMorpho for a laugh
23:19 Hijiri I don't know that much about using noise, sorry
23:19 paramat joined #minetest
23:22 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
23:23 CarbineMorpho need a way to manipulate the gradient
23:23 CarbineMorpho if thats what its called. I need quite steep peeks and big valley
23:27 Sketch2 Filters > Render > Clouds > Plasma   - then -   Filters > Artistic > Obama Hope
23:27 Sketch2 You'd need to modify the hope filter so it doesn't do the stripy texture
23:28 Sketch2 if you don't have the hope filter, I think it's in this pack of scripts - http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/download-gimp-28-script-fus-pack-more.html
23:28 Sketch2 just make sure to select the colors in the image you selected, and turn the border down to 0
23:30 CarbineMorpho ah so you gone plasma?
23:30 CarbineMorpho I have been posterising solid noise then hand colouring
23:31 CarbineMorpho download link not working :(
23:35 Sketch2 http://ubuntuportal.com/2012/05/download-more-than-100-script-fus-pack-for-gimp-2-8.html
23:38 Sketch2 https://i.imgur.com/Ka2wEAt.png    --   https://i.imgur.com/ZUWgl2i.png
23:39 Sketch2 It's close.  you might need to play with settings.  maybe blur before ya 'hope it
23:47 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
23:50 CarbineMorpho cheers man
23:50 Sketch2 yep yep
23:54 CarbineMorpho the hope filter is not there man
23:54 CarbineMorpho is it supposed to be at script-fu > artistic > *
23:54 Sketch2 uh.  hmm, lemme think
23:55 Sketch2 no.  maybe it was a python-fu
23:55 Sketch2 they've got 2 different scripting languages in gimp.  the old one and the new one
23:57 CarbineMorpho they are both compatible in recent versions right?
23:57 Sketch2 yeah
23:58 Sketch2 the old one uses Scheme, but it confused a lotta folks, so they use python now, 'cuz it's easier to read

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