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IRC log for #minetest, 2018-02-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 LazyJ joined #minetest
00:14 pauloue joined #minetest
00:17 Cornelia joined #minetest
00:24 twoelk|2 joined #minetest
00:24 Teckla joined #minetest
00:24 backnforth joined #minetest
00:25 backnforth Hi, can someone tell me why I can't connect to the minetest server for the raspberry pi while using a raspberry pi
00:28 whitephoenix joined #minetest
00:39 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
00:49 pauloue backnforth, I don't think you can connect to a server on the same computer
01:04 backnforth joined #minetest
01:33 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
01:34 blaise ???? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ? ????? ?????....
01:34 blaise =(
01:35 blaise pauloue: yeah you can actually
01:35 blaise it's called single player
01:35 Flitzpiepe 47 A5 15 5... ?
01:35 blaise Flitzpiepe: nien.
01:36 Flitzpiepe I tried to translate you questionmark-code into Hex
01:40 blaise it's Ukranian
01:40 blaise there were only a few possibilities
01:46 * Shara didn't think ukrainians typed in question marks
01:46 Shara But what do I know
01:50 blaise they don't
01:50 blaise or they use the upside down one
02:17 backnforth joined #minetest
02:58 lumberJ joined #minetest
03:17 swift110 joined #minetest
03:57 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
04:09 HighTechGamer joined #minetest
04:48 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
06:06 Fritigern_ joined #minetest
06:06 Fritigern__ joined #minetest
06:09 Hirato joined #minetest
06:12 Unit193 joined #minetest
06:17 FreeFull joined #minetest
06:19 bubblesnek joined #minetest
06:21 bubblesnek There's a file that allows you to remove certain items from the creative inventory. Does anyone know where that file is located on Debian GNU/Linux?
06:25 bubblesnek Or at least some typical directory information or file names?
06:33 Fritigern joined #minetest
06:54 lumberJ joined #minetest
06:58 swift110 joined #minetest
07:04 bubblesnek Nevermind. I figured it out.
07:26 Sketch2 brb
07:34 Alcyone joined #minetest
07:36 Sketch2 joined #minetest
07:51 Sketch2 is there a way to make a formspec show up if you right-click on another player?
07:51 CWz joined #minetest
07:52 Sketch2 I might be able to do it with mobs, but if you can't do it to other players, then it would be limited to singleplayer mode
07:55 lumberJ maybe player:right_click(clicker)
07:55 lumberJ haven't used that before though
07:56 Sketch2 and that would do, regardless of what you're wielding, or would it need to be tied into some object?
07:57 lumberJ my guess is it should matter. seems to only depend on a player being right clicked
07:57 lumberJ but i've never experiemented with that method before
07:58 lumberJ shouldn't matter*
07:58 Sketch2 ty, sounds good.  I'll try it
07:59 lumberJ yep, let me know how it goes
08:12 Sketch2 I don't get what 'clicker' is.  clicker — another ObjectRef
08:12 Sketch2 that's what you're wielding?
08:12 VanessaE it's you.
08:13 VanessaE clicker, placer, etc always point to you or whoever.
08:13 Sketch2 but isn't that already piped in by using  player:
08:14 VanessaE perhaps. :)
08:14 VanessaE just answering the question
08:14 Sketch2 local clicker = player:get_wielded_item()   player:right_click(clicker)
08:15 Sketch2 I'm prolly wrong there, but that's what my thought process was
08:15 Sketch2 but how would you use it to bring up a formspec?
08:15 VanessaE no idea.
08:16 Sketch2 if it really is the player, it seems unusable code
08:16 Sketch2 self-referential loop
08:18 Sketch2 I don't need the clicker, I need the clickee
08:19 VanessaE oh, I see how it works.
08:19 VanessaE that's for SAO
08:19 VanessaE so it'd be some_entity:right_click(clicker)
08:20 VanessaE I think.
08:20 Sketch2 ok, I get the part about   some_entity:right_click(clicker)   but what's SAO?
08:21 VanessaE serveractiveobject
08:21 VanessaE anything that moves, I guess
08:23 Sketch2 right on.  but I don't see a   player:get_pointed_at()   or anything like that
08:24 VanessaE what should it do?
08:24 lumberJ the clicker is the one you want to receive the formspec, right Sketch2?
08:24 Sketch2 when you right-click another player, it pops up a formspec for both players
08:25 Sketch2 then they battle it out by clicking buttons in that formspec
08:25 lumberJ so player will also receive formspec
08:25 Sketch2 yup
08:26 nowhere_man joined #minetest
08:36 Sketch2 oh wait, maybe it's a wiki typo.  I'm seeing here   on_rightclick(self, clicker)
08:37 Sketch2
08:38 lumberJ what is a wiki typo
08:39 lumberJ on_rightclick is a lua entity property
08:39 lumberJ :right_click(clicker) is method you can append to the player or entity object
08:39 Sketch2 it 'prolly isn't.  I'm just trying to wrap my head around the 'clicker' thing
08:40 Sketch2 so can I register the   on_rightclick(self, clicker)   in the   minetest.register_on_joinplayer()
08:42 vuthego_ joined #minetest
08:42 vuthego_ left #minetest
09:03 sonicpp joined #minetest
09:07 Sketch2 When it says  " The following properties are treated specially by the engine if included: "  that makes me think I have to define it myself
09:07 Sketch2 or maybe it comes with a default, and it can just be redefined
09:08 Sketch2 That's true of pretty much everything in Lua tho
09:09 Sketch2 this'd be so much easier if I saw example code
09:09 Sketch2 Trying to think of any mod that might have something like it
09:09 Sketch2 maybe mobs...  I'll look there
09:12 lumberJ possibly mobs with taming or traders
09:14 Sketch2 that looks about right.  gonna caffeinate my brain so I can absorb this
09:15 Krock joined #minetest
09:42 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Flower spread: Only spread to the same surface node 495fa32 (2018-02-17T09:37:27Z)
09:42 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Boats: Prevent entering 'ignore' nodes 7754555 (2018-02-17T09:37:22Z)
09:54 Telesight joined #minetest
10:47 jluc_ joined #minetest
10:59 Sketch2 There's a chuckle.  "Note, this is not currently implemented and is apparently just a proposal."
11:01 Sketch2 How much of that page has any actual bearing on the game?
11:01 Sketch2 theoretical wiki entries could go on ad infinitum
11:04 AndroBuilder joined #minetest
11:10 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
11:20 Sketch2 in formspec, button:   W and H are the size of the button   what unit is that in, pixels, slots?
11:22 cx384 joined #minetest
11:26 Sketch2 looking at more_chests code, guessing it must be slots.
11:29 Sketch2 oh wait, formspec is a string, not a list?
11:34 Sketch2 That might complicate things, 'cuz I'll have to regenerate the string every time a button is clicked
11:43 Calinou joined #minetest
12:12 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
12:12 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.16 (2017-06-03) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
12:15 ensonic joined #minetest
12:23 Sketch2 it says I've got a missing closing parenthesis   init.lua:35: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 6) near 'end'
12:24 Sketch2 Can't imagine why.  need more coffee in me to find it
12:25 progysm will the extra comma works at 26?
12:26 Sketch2 oh, does Lua prefer you don't?  Was thinking in terms of Python
12:26 progysm I don't know..
12:26 progysm on_rightclick, does it need some function keyword?
12:27 Sketch2 possibly.  I was going by what I saw in mobs, when you try to feed sheep with wheat.
12:28 progysm yeah, but this is a property definition at 205
12:28 progysm at 30, you are calling a function on_rightclick
12:29 Sketch2 oh, ok.  lemme get coffee, and peruse it
12:30 Krock Sketch2, what do you try to do there? "self" is not defined there
12:30 Krock neither is "clicker" or on_rightlick
12:30 progysm it's copy-paste coding
12:31 progysm aka: it doesn't work
12:31 Krock indeed..
12:31 Sketch2 Well, the wiki was confusing
12:31 Krock progysm, it works when you copy it from StackOverflow :D
12:32 Krock you don't know why but it does
12:32 progysm only the solution with the most vote
12:32 Sketch2 heh, I get the notion of how to code it, but it's not always readily apparent what the structure is supposed to be
12:32 Sketch2 I get it once it's pointed out
12:33 Sketch2 but sometimes you gotta make your best guess, then ask for help
12:34 Sketch2 on_rightclick had 2 different ways to access is.  VanessaE pointed me out to that
12:34 Krock minetest.show_formspec needs a string for argument #1. That's the player to which it should be shown, here: player:get_player_name()
12:35 Sketch2 one is uh, a player function, and the other is all the movable objects
12:35 Krock afterwards: what would you like to rightclick? a node? entity?
12:35 Sketch2 a player or enemy mob
12:36 Sketch2 yeah, I get the formspec thing, that's what the table's doing
12:36 Sketch2 it's being concatenated into a string
12:36 Sketch2 the idea is:  rightclick an enemy, and the formspec pops up for both players
12:37 Krock minetest .register_on_joinplayer  is then the wrong place/callback for this
12:37 Sketch2 well, I can't put it into a node definition.  How else would I go about it?
12:38 progysm I guess you need to access the node definition to overwrite the property
12:39 Krock taking "enemy" as an entity: extend the callback on_rightclick in each entity definition to show the formspec
12:39 Krock but you can't specify that to happen for players too
12:39 Krock as rightclicking them does not trigger any callback
12:41 Krock however, punching has a callback -> minetest.register_on_punchplayer(func(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage))
12:41 Sketch2 can't be punch tho, 'cuz that'll be used for energy weapons
12:42 Sketch2 well, maybe.
12:42 Fixer joined #minetest
12:43 Sketch2 I mean, I could do it old-style, and if punch is held down
12:43 Sketch2 I don't think it lets you do that tho, 'cuz punches are cycled
12:44 progysm wow, so much typos in the documentation..
12:44 progysm "minetest.regsitered_entities"
12:46 Krock *so many
12:46 Sketch2 the wiki would be more usable if they had a few more examples
12:46 progysm so I guess it would be.... local mob_onrightclick = minetest.registered_entities["mobname"].on_rightclick
12:47 Krock Sketch2, if you have a special item to rightclick the entities/players, it would be possible too
12:47 Sketch2 it just seems like the examples are so limited.  they might show a line, but not it's use in context
12:47 progysm writing good documentation is hard
12:48 Sketch2 I agree.  programmer always knows what he's talking about
12:48 Sketch2 hard to communicate it to others sometimes
12:48 Raven262 joined #minetest
12:48 Sketch2 the item thing might be doable.
12:49 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
12:50 Sketch2 do they make items that aren't droppable?
12:50 Sketch2 oh, maybe some of the admin tools
12:51 Sketch2 it would need to be like that, 'cuz if you lost your item, then you wouldn't survive
12:52 progysm make it easily craftable
12:52 Krock local old_drop = minetest.item_drop  function minetest.item_drop(itemstack, dropper, pos) if itemstack:get_name() == "mymod:myitem" then return end old_drop(itemstack, dropper, pos) end
12:52 Krock ^ to prevent dropping an item
12:53 Sketch2 ahh
12:54 Sketch2 k, I'll tink around with it some more.  this coffee isn't doing anything for me.  gonna need like 3 more cups to wake up
12:57 progysm or going inside a cafeine-rehab center
12:58 Sketch2 I don't usually drink that much coffee; mostly tea.
12:58 Sketch2 Just have permanent low energy
12:59 progysm energy come from sugar
12:59 Sketch2 oh, guess that makes sense.  I don't add anything to it
13:06 ensonic joined #minetest
13:18 Jordach joined #minetest
13:18 jluc_ joined #minetest
13:40 Alcyone joined #minetest
13:41 Markow joined #minetest
13:49 Sketch2 heh.  So I'm looking at the wiki to figure out how to create the tool code
13:50 Sketch2 "This article is incomplete."    oh, boy
13:50 Sketch2 At least it gives an example.  But I have to wonder, what all am I missing
13:53 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
13:53 Sketch2 I'll look at the default tools code for now
13:55 cx384 You can find everything there:
13:56 Sketch2 is that 0.5 code tho?
13:59 cx384 oh yes this is 0.4.16:
14:00 Sketch2 cool
14:02 Sketch2 would simply setting   on_drop = nil   keep tool being dropped?
14:03 Sketch2 ...keep tool *from being dropped
14:04 cx384 I think so.
14:16 nowhere_man joined #minetest
14:19 LaCosa joined #minetest
14:23 ensonic joined #minetest
14:23 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
14:32 Sketch2 on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)   How do I determine if pointed_thing is a player or a mob?
14:33 Sketch2   it returns a string  "object"  or actual object data?  it's not clear
14:34 Sketch2 oh, maybe it's both.   {type="object", ref=ObjectRef}
14:37 Sketch2 I still don't see from   or   how you'd determine if it's a player or a mob tho.
14:37 lumberJ joined #minetest
14:41 Sketch2 maybe I could try  get_inventory()  'cuz mobs wouldn't have an inventory
14:46 Krock :is_player() or :get_player_name() ~= ""
14:47 Sketch2 ty.  that's much better
14:47 Krock and mobs can't have an inventory right now. You'd have to create a detached one
14:48 Sketch2 yea, I figured as much.  If there was an inv, player.  else, mob
15:03 Sketch2 huh, I thought wrapping a get_hp() in an assert() would safely determine if pointed_thing is SAO vs dead node    if assert(pointed_thing:get_hp()) then...
15:03 Sketch2 Is there another way to check, 'cuz that crashes
15:05 Sketch2 'cuz I don't want the formspec to pop up when just clicking random nodes 'round the screen
15:05 lapintosh joined #minetest
15:05 Sketch2 it only needs to pop-up if you click a player or a mob
15:07 Sketch2 Wonder why assert() doesn't catch nil   init.lua:30: attempt to call method 'get_hp' (a nil value)
15:11 Sketch2 dunno.  wrapped it in a pcall() instead.  That seems to do ok
15:28 Krock Sketch2, it does catch nil values
15:29 Krock or rather.. it throws an error when nil is passed
15:29 Krock did you intend to do this:  assert(obj.get_hp, "get_hp function is nil!")  ?
15:29 Sketch2 oh, then I needed an inverted assert
15:30 LazyJ joined #minetest
15:32 Sketch2 That might'a done it.  I knew it was something like that
15:34 Sketch2 its getting there.  What's the trick to spawn in mobs?
15:34 Sketch2 maybe just jump out to open lit grass
15:36 Sketch2 I thought there was a command to type in, like    spawn mobs:sheep
15:36 Sketch2 forget exact wording
15:38 Krock joined #minetest
15:41 backnforth joined #minetest
15:48 whitephoenix joined #minetest
15:52 Sketch2 made progress anyway.  I'll screw with it later.
15:54 pauloue joined #minetest
16:09 derixithy Has anoyone a mesh with rounded corners available for me or can point me to a mod that has one. I found a tree mod somewhere that had those but it did not have working download links anymore.
16:11 Sketch2 rounded cube, or cylinder?
16:11 derixithy rounded, but not to large
16:15 Sketch2 I'm looking here-
16:16 Sketch2 I think there is a circular-saw table that does it
16:19 Sketch2 what was the name of the tree mod?  mabe there's another copy of it around
16:20 Krock !mod meshnodes
16:20 MinetestBot Krock: Meshnodes [meshnode] by stu -
16:20 Krock !mod mesh
16:20 MinetestBot Krock: Meshnodes [meshnode] by stu -
16:21 Krock not that one. <-- Here are a few nodes
16:41 derixithy I could not find what i was looking fore, bu i think i will settle for nodebox type and setting the collisionbox to a fullblock to make it less ugly looking
16:45 Sketch2 I might end up making something similar in Blender in the next couple days, 'cuz I was gonna use rounded cubes in my subgame anyway
16:48 derixithy If you do, keep me posted, because setting the selectionbox to {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5} makes it unselectable, lol. I tried running blender but my pc did not agree with it at all
16:49 Sketch2 yeah, I'll see about doing it tonight.  just gimme a holler tomorrow
16:49 derixithy oh i can set it to full instead of fixed.
16:50 derixithy will do that, rounded is still better than the nodebox types
16:50 Sketch2 I agree
16:55 Sketch2 Making it is simple enough.  It's literally just a cube with a bevel modifier.
16:55 Sketch2 but then you gotta add the node definition
16:56 Sketch2 If you know how to, there's a rounded cube.  used .stl format 'cuz GitHub has a viewer for it, and I believe irrlicht engine can open them
17:03 backnforth joined #minetest
17:06 adfeno joined #minetest
17:09 derixithy sounds complicates
17:12 Sketch2 not really.  as I say, I'll do it tonight.  Brain is empty, otherwise I'd do it right now
17:13 derixithy learning lua and texture editing is hard enough, i'll stay far away from blender
17:13 Sketch2 I don't remember what formats it uses, and their website is conveniently down at the moment
17:14 Sketch2 so I made a guess, but 'prolly end up needing to use another format
17:14 Sketch2 I'll look at what others use
17:14 Sketch2 oh, yeah.  Blender's a beast
17:15 lapintosh left #minetest
17:15 Sketch2 there's parts of it I can do in 2 seconds 'uz I've played around in it a lot, but there's other parts I won't even attempt
17:17 derixithy when you pass 30 learning seems to be getting harder
17:17 Sketch2 heh, no joke
17:18 Krock derixithy, I'm pretty sure there's an emacs command to revert that
17:28 derixithy hahaha let me fire up my package manager then
17:34 Hawk777 joined #minetest
17:41 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:05 Wayward1 joined #minetest
18:25 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest: Remove legacy chat network code. (#6954) ae6aed1 (2018-02-17T18:23:21Z)
18:30 Sketch2 derixithy -   not sure about the texture tho, it looks a bit dark to me
18:31 Sketch2 s'posed to look like it does in the inventory, but who knows.
18:34 Tmanyo joined #minetest
18:37 riff-IRC joined #minetest
18:45 Sketch2 oh, had to UV unwrap it.  textures show up now
18:52 derixithy i was just going to say that
18:52 derixithy it was grey
18:53 Sketch2 I assumed minetest didn't need it, just applied basic cubic UV wrapping to every node
18:53 Sketch2 it 'prolly does that for nodeboxes, but I guess UV's are needed for meshes
18:54 derixithy i'll try again in a litle bit. do you also have one that i can use for trees with straight top and bottom?
18:55 Sketch2 oh, can do.  lemme get some liquid in me.
18:57 ensonic joined #minetest
18:59 nowhere_man joined #minetest
19:02 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
19:04 derixithy Still no textures for me
19:29 Lia joined #minetest
19:57 Sketch2 huh, I can try re-uploading
20:20 derixithy Tried it now, and works perfectly
20:24 ssieb joined #minetest
20:29 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
20:38 Sketch2 joined #minetest
20:41 Sketch2 k, added one that has a flat top & bottom, so it's like a cross between a cylinder and a cube
20:42 Sketch2 It looks ok, but I'm not certain how minetest expects the UV to be unwrapped, so I had to go with what blender did
20:43 Sketch2 the top texture isn't symmetrical, and I've no clue why.  I'd need to read a wiki, but I doubt one exists on that topic
20:44 NathanS21 Minetest doesn't expect the UV to be unwrapped in any way, it reads the UV from the model
20:44 NathanS21 You can unwrap your mesh however you'd like, and apply your textures for that uv mapping
20:48 Sketch2 but you still need to specify textures in your init file, right?
20:48 NathanS21 yes
20:48 NathanS21 tiles = {
20:48 NathanS21 {name = "tex1.png"},{name = "tex2.png"}
20:48 NathanS21 },
20:49 Sketch2 oh, you know it it is.  Y is up in Minetest, Z is up in Blender
20:49 Sketch2 that's prolly what was throwing me
20:50 NathanS21 ya, but you can change that in your obj export options.
20:50 Sketch2 I'll have to model the whole thing sideways
20:50 NathanS21 not at all, check out this image.
20:51 NathanS21 just change the up to 'Y up' in the export settings and your meshes will all be rotated properly.
20:52 paul_ joined #minetest
20:53 Sketch2 oh, ok.  I'll try that
21:20 Sketch2 It's still just using 1 texture, even if I specify 6, but at least they line up, so it looks better now.
21:23 NathanS21 oh, did you create six materials in Blender?
21:24 NathanS21 If the UV mapping uses multiple textures you need to create multiple materials in Blender, one for each image texture.
21:24 NathanS21 I actually recorded a video on how to use multiple materials on meshes in Minetest, it might be somewhat helpful. :)
21:24 NathanS21
21:25 Sketch2 Oh, ok.  Will it automatically know which is top,bottom, etc?
21:26 NathanS21 Will what? minetest?
21:28 Sketch2 yeah, I guess you have to UV unwrap in order for each material, huh?
21:28 Sketch2 however tiles puts 'em
21:28 Sketch2 top, bottom, left, right, back, front
21:28 NathanS21 ya, you UV unwrap the mesh and then create a material for each texture
21:29 NathanS21 I think you would want a UV map for each material
21:29 Sketch2 woo, they don't make it easy, do they
21:29 NathanS21 if you were doing all sides of the object you would need six materials and uv maps
21:29 NathanS21 though if the top and bottom were the same texture you can just use one material and UV map for both
21:29 NathanS21 same with the sides
21:34 lumberJ joined #minetest
21:42 derixithy joined #minetest
21:53 Sketch2 OK, cool.  looks 1000x better now.
21:54 Sketch2 You can swap out the textures if you want, but the geometry's there, and stuff lines up
21:55 NathanS21 That does look better.
22:02 Sketch2 I should 'prolly add     paramtype2  = 'facedir',   so they're rotational with a screwdriver
22:03 Hawk777 joined #minetest
22:12 nowhereman_ joined #minetest
22:32 rmbeer joined #minetest
22:32 rmbeer hello
22:33 rmbeer i have problem for craft the items of minetest...
22:33 rmbeer i use 3 dump of iron and 2 stick but nothing happened...
22:33 rmbeer [iii][.s.][.s.]
22:34 NathanS21 Do you get an error at all?
22:34 rmbeer no...
22:35 rmbeer nothing error appear...
22:35 NathanS21 Are you sure that the mod that provides this recipe is loaded?
22:36 rmbeer I do not know, it's the typical thing that I use, it should be by default...
22:36 NathanS21 Should you be using iron ingots, rather than lumps?
22:37 rmbeer NathanS21, how to build the ingots?
22:37 NathanS21 cook lumps in a furnace to get ingots
22:38 NathanS21 you need ingots and sticks to make a pickaxe, if that is what you are trying to craft
22:40 rmbeer thanks
22:40 NathanS21 no problem
22:49 swift110 joined #minetest
23:11 Peppy joined #minetest
23:19 rmbeer i have problem for load modules, where must report?
23:19 rmbeer the module is 'moreblocks'
23:21 rmbeer
23:24 NathanS21 you might need to update your copy of moreblocks
23:50 rmbeer NathanS21, yes, i updated all...
23:50 rmbeer also have a bunch of errors in other modules....
23:50 rmbeer i need a admin in the forum for activate account...

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