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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-11-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 swift110 joined #minetest
00:16 rtjure joined #minetest
00:29 GreenDimond tysm rubenwardy :D
00:30 rubenwardy yw :D
00:38 wilkgr joined #minetest
00:42 greeter welcome back wilkgr
00:42 RKINGLEGEND joined #minetest
00:52 troller joined #minetest
00:59 AlexYst joined #minetest
01:00 est31 joined #minetest
01:08 Thomas-S joined #minetest
01:24 swift110 joined #minetest
01:26 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
01:29 guru joined #minetest
01:34 troller joined #minetest
01:39 lumberJ joined #minetest
01:50 AlexYst joined #minetest
01:59 wilkgr Awe thanks greeter :)
02:00 greeter you're welcome
02:07 AlexYst joined #minetest
02:46 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
03:06 AlexYst joined #minetest
03:51 edisonbulb joined #minetest
03:58 ssieb joined #minetest
04:04 guru joined #minetest
05:13 wilkgr joined #minetest
05:26 torgdor joined #minetest
05:32 AlexYst joined #minetest
05:37 Billre left #minetest
05:44 Hawk777 joined #minetest
05:48 frostsnow joined #minetest
06:21 lumidify joined #minetest
06:40 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
07:11 gorilla joined #minetest
07:37 xerox123 joined #minetest
08:11 jas_
08:11 jas_ !title
08:11 MinetestBot jas_: Lonnie Donegan - My Dixie Darling - YouTube
08:19 Darcidride joined #minetest
08:20 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
08:30 ensonic joined #minetest
08:38 nac joined #minetest
08:53 Natechip joined #minetest
09:15 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
09:29 ensonic joined #minetest
09:39 asl97 joined #minetest
09:58 troller joined #minetest
10:22 rtjure joined #minetest
10:46 Raven262 joined #minetest
10:59 Raven262 joined #minetest
11:06 The_Loko joined #minetest
11:21 Naughtmare[m] left #minetest
11:31 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
11:40 deltasquared joined #minetest
11:58 CalebDavis joined #minetest
12:12 NathanS21 joined #minetest
12:46 ensonic joined #minetest
12:53 RobbieF joined #minetest
12:53 RobbieF left #minetest
13:02 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
13:04 AntumD joined #minetest
13:09 Jordach joined #minetest
13:19 rtjure joined #minetest
13:20 nowhere_man joined #minetest
13:26 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
13:29 Billre joined #minetest
13:34 nac joined #minetest
13:37 antims joined #minetest
13:38 Exagone313 joined #minetest
13:52 nac joined #minetest
14:00 deltasquared joined #minetest
14:48 proller joined #minetest
15:16 proller joined #minetest
15:19 proller joined #minetest
15:19 draco_kun joined #minetest
15:23 illwieckz joined #minetest
15:26 dogetest joined #minetest
15:34 AlexYst joined #minetest
15:50 proller joined #minetest
15:51 CWz joined #minetest
16:11 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:15 paramat joined #minetest
16:20 Krock joined #minetest
16:20 proller joined #minetest
16:22 Wuzzy celeron55: why did you call this thing "Minetest-c55" initially? it sure is a strange name. ;)
16:22 Calinou celeron55 = c55
16:23 Calinou simple as that :P
16:23 Wuzzy obviously
16:23 Wuzzy I was more getting at the "Minetest" path of the name
16:23 Wuzzy part*
16:23 rubenwardy Minetest - a test as to whether he could make a Minecraft game
16:23 Wuzzy how do you know?
16:23 rubenwardy was mentioned a long time ago
16:24 Wuzzy ;-)
16:27 rubenwardy terrible name
16:27 rubenwardy "Sounds like a test suite for Minecraft" - someone
16:28 Enricoo joined #minetest
16:35 Krock "the world is flat" - someone
16:44 Enricoo joined #minetest
16:45 benrob0329 rubenwardy: wasn't mentioned that long ago actually
16:46 rubenwardy my source is a while ago
16:46 paramat joined #minetest
16:46 rubenwardy I mentioned it a few days ago though
16:46 benrob0329 He also said the entirety of Minetest was supposed to be a joke, but we seem to have lost some of that humor :-(
16:46 rubenwardy in -hub
16:47 bwarden joined #minetest
16:53 frostsnow benrob0329: IDK if you got the memo, but Minetest is a serious competitive game.
16:54 benrob0329 frostsnow: I believe youre thinking of CS:GO ;-)
16:55 nowhere_man joined #minetest
17:00 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:03 bwarden joined #minetest
17:07 Wuzzy hello
17:07 greeter greetings
17:07 Wuzzy I'm currently trying to think of a better sentence to put on (the very homepage)
17:08 Wuzzy . because the current description is just horrible. :D
17:08 greeter hmm should probably see what the current sentence is
17:08 Wuzzy
17:08 Calinou <frostsnow> benrob0329: IDK if you got the memo, but Minetest is a serious competitive game.
17:08 Calinou rush cave
17:08 Calinou drop mesepickaxe
17:08 Calinou stonesword noob
17:08 Enricoo joined #minetest
17:08 greeter Minetest is the best game you've never played, unless you've played it :-P
17:08 Calinou :P
17:08 Wuzzy awesom.
17:09 Wuzzy "Minetest is a thing."
17:09 greeter i like that one
17:09 Wuzzy "Play a mine tester, the most dangerous job in the world!"
17:10 Wuzzy ok but for real. we *need* a non-horrible description xd
17:10 Wuzzy my first idea is:
17:10 Wuzzy "With Minetest you can play various games which are set in strange worlds made entirely out of blocks."
17:10 Wuzzy rubenwardy didn't really like it
17:11 Wuzzy "way too verbose"... wtf
17:11 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:12 greeter eh i'm just looking for ideas. after years of playing MT i'm finally starting to run out lol
17:14 Calinou "Come see Minetest - we have blocks, items and tools"
17:14 paramat 'near infinite world' is ridiculous and no better than 'infinite world' =D
17:14 Wuzzy pfff
17:14 greeter "Find your inner child, play with blocks again."
17:15 Wuzzy hmmm the idaa is that everyone can understand whta minetets is *really* about
17:15 greeter to be honest i'm not sure i really understand what it's about
17:16 Wuzzy I think I do.
17:16 paramat apparently infinity is a little over 62000
17:16 greeter 62000^3 which is a large number of blocks. course half of them are air nodes and there's no direct interaction with those anyway
17:16 Wuzzy paramat: i am referring to the very first sentence
17:17 Wuzzy "A free, open source voxel game engine and game. Fully extendable. You are in control."
17:17 Wuzzy ^ this horrible abonimation
17:17 Wuzzy it doesnt make MT interesting, and doesn't really *explain* anyting
17:19 paramat oh
17:19 paramat sets a suitably serious tone for MT
17:19 Wuzzy "You find yourselves in a strange world in which everything is a cube. Welcome to the world of Minetest."
17:20 paramat i find 'meet minetest' cheesy :]
17:21 Wuzzy yeah, me too. TOO cheesy
17:21 Wuzzy it doesn't even make sense
17:23 Wuzzy "Huge random worlds. Dig. Craft. Build. Survive."
17:23 Wuzzy meh, i dont like that one, really
17:23 greeter "Huge pseudo random worlds. Dig. Craft. Build. Do stuff." :-P
17:24 Wuzzy "Do stuff." pretty much summarizes the gameplay xD
17:24 Wuzzy I think what the description deefinitely must emphasize is that Minetest supports multiple subgames
17:24 Wuzzy this is THE most crucial feature in MT in my opinion
17:25 greeter Many games in one. Explore different worlds.
17:25 Wuzzy nah
17:25 greeter actually that sounds more like nethack than minetest
17:25 Wuzzy MT is not a game
17:25 Wuzzy Nethack lol
17:26 Wuzzy Maybe MT should have been called "Minehack" xD
17:26 Wuzzy Or Netcraft? XXXXD
17:26 greeter netcraft sounds cooler
17:29 celeron55 "A hate and doubt generating tool quite much in the shape of minecraft. A bit like a sausage."
17:29 Wuzzy o_O
17:30 Wuzzy wow. thats... creative. XD
17:30 sonicpp joined #minetest
17:30 celeron55 i'm going with this
17:31 paramat hehe
17:31 celeron55 "Get on board imagining ways to say minecraft without saying it!"
17:34 Shara :D
17:34 Wuzzy "If the world would be a cube … Explore and survive in random worlds, dig deep mines, build what you can imagine."
17:34 celeron55 i'm wondering when they day might come when people actually realize there's no sane way to seriously describe minetest
17:34 celeron55 the*
17:34 Wuzzy i'm sure there is
17:34 Wuzzy i just think you don't take anything serious anymore. :D
17:35 celeron55 the thing is, we could make a term for what it is, probably
17:35 celeron55 because it's really not like anything on the market
17:35 Wuzzy you mean, for the genre?
17:35 bwarden joined #minetest
17:35 Wuzzy well the term for tht would be "Minetest"
17:35 Wuzzy "Minetest. Enough said."
17:36 celeron55 in the simplest form you end up saying "it's not really a game and not really an engine, but you do play it"
17:36 Wuzzy how is it not *really* an engine?
17:36 celeron55 well it's *an* engine, but not such a one that people have seen
17:37 celeron55 "kind of like a web browser, but for block games"
17:37 Wuzzy shame that MT is not Lord of the Rings themed
17:38 Wuzzy "One voxel engine to rule them all!"
17:38 Wuzzy well initially i tried " Minetest is a program on which you can play many games which are set in a world entirely made out of blocks."
17:38 celeron55 "made like it ruled the world, but it's just not there yet and won't be for a long time, but trust us!"
17:39 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
17:39 Wuzzy "You have entered the realm of chaos. Expect nothing. Be surprised. Have fun anyway.
17:40 celeron55 "This is not the software you were looking for. Enjoy!"
17:41 Wuzzy "Well, at least we tried."
17:41 Wuzzy "Did you mean “Minecraft”? No, you didn't!"
17:41 CalebDavis "Unamed"
17:41 celeron55 we can just make a list of these and make the site pick a random one
17:41 Wuzzy lol
17:41 celeron55 then google can decide which one it puts in its search results
17:41 deltasquared joined #minetest
17:41 Wuzzy hhhhahahahah
17:42 Wuzzy "Because hackers want to play with blocks, too."
17:42 celeron55 that was a serious suggestion, by the way
17:43 Wuzzy but most of the sentences so far were not serious. ;)
17:43 celeron55 also i think the best screenshot gallery would be one which just takes the newest screenshots from the forum
17:43 celeron55 would be quite lively
17:43 Wuzzy there will be  a lot of garbage
17:43 celeron55 who cares
17:43 Wuzzy but current screenshot gallery is crap anyway, it cant get much worse XD
17:44 deltasquared I was trying to take a good one of caverealms earlier with full viewing range enabled, but my machine nearly OOM'd from keeping all the chunks cached
17:44 Wuzzy "Build with blocks. Enough said!"
17:44 deltasquared heh, does MT need quirky startup screen text like MC does
17:45 Wuzzy no
17:45 deltasquared aww.
17:45 Enricoo joined #minetest
17:45 Wuzzy We are looking for a better text on the homepage
17:45 celeron55 "A cult of block-worshipping penguins"
17:45 Wuzzy but we're not being serious so far XD
17:45 Wuzzy "Join the order of Mese."
17:46 deltasquared "redstone infidels will be converted"?
17:46 celeron55 the good thing is, i own the domain and can swiftly replace the website with anything
17:46 celeron55 just need to be, like, not lazy
17:46 Wuzzy if you can get rid of the JS bullcrap, you will forever be my hero
17:46 deltasquared there's JS? I hadn't noticed
17:47 deltasquared though that's partly because I don't load CSS by default either
17:47 celeron55 lol that's hardcore
17:47 Wuzzy ok not loading JS makes sense but not loading CSS? wow
17:47 deltasquared celeron55: it makes many sites suprisingly readable once you get over the eyesaw of the default look
17:47 paramat hm latest screenshots from the screenshots thread would be good, maybe alongside a few fixed ones
17:47 deltasquared given than I primarily use the web for reading...
17:47 Wuzzy ahhh
17:48 Wuzzy yeah, sadly almost everyone sucks at webdesign
17:48 deltasquared but yeah most people would look at my setup and think "what the hell have you done to firefox"
17:48 Wuzzy too much visual distractions, i agree
17:48 deltasquared I have a separate profile which is left at defaults and loads everything
17:48 deltasquared for "web app" stuff
17:48 Wuzzy but this is mainly a failure of the Web itself
17:48 Wuzzy because every website wants to look different.
17:48 Calinou celeron55: welcome to open source :P
17:48 deltasquared whereas I can have a consistent look and feel! win!
17:49 Calinou where a majority of the users have non-standard use cases
17:49 Calinou (for some reason)
17:49 deltasquared Calinou: open source is driven by people fixing their own itches
17:49 deltasquared (if not by money)
17:49 celeron55 i wish could just be a browser version of minetest with link blocks to the wiki and forum
17:49 Calinou true, this doesn't mean you have to cater to everyone's use cases, because that's impossible
17:49 bwarden joined #minetest
17:49 deltasquared Calinou: oh for sure. my attitude is "show me the code"
17:50 paramat wow the 6 gallery screenshots are dull
17:50 celeron55 "show me the license"
17:50 Shara I was thinking about the screenshots there while we prepared the #live leaflets. They really are dull.
17:50 celeron55 (that's what it usually feels like when searching for open source software)
17:50 paramat the page doesn't express how easy modding is, that's important
17:51 deltasquared Calinou: oh yeah btw, how pedantic do you want me to be with the CC-BY-SA license requirements if I make a derivative of one of the default ore textures that are authored by yourself? I can show you what I have so far
17:51 deltasquared (it's based on the copper ore overlay)
17:51 celeron55 the website is like it was made as part of the USSR give year plan
17:51 celeron55 five year plan*
17:51 Wuzzy paramat: good point, but it goes to the lower section. not to the very top
17:51 celeron55 (ok i'm half asleep apparently)
17:51 Calinou deltasquared: you don't have to care :P
17:51 Calinou just follow the original Minetest texture license requirements
17:51 Wuzzy the upper part should be pointed to players who dont know anything =)
17:51 Calinou (i.e. you don't have to attribute me specifically)
17:52 deltasquared Calinou: ... oh. the readme here shows what I have thus far
17:52 Wuzzy "Explore various games set in a blocky world."
17:52 deltasquared I suspect I'd get yelled at by mojang^W microsoft sooner
17:52 Calinou Shara: the screenshots are dull because I didn't look into making better ones that didn't scream "patchwork of 100 mods"
17:52 Calinou (i.e. most servers out there)
17:52 Wuzzy deltasquared: ... you make a redstone mod?!
17:52 deltasquared Wuzzy: I intend to
17:53 deltasquared it's just an item/node right now
17:53 deltasquared *but*
17:53 Shara Calinou: even just MTG can look nice if you take some time over it.
17:53 Calinou the redstone is probably a trademark of Mojang by now
17:53 Wuzzy deltasquared: you should know about MineClone 2 then
17:53 Calinou (maybe it's registered, not sure)
17:53 Wuzzy Calinou: proof it!
17:53 deltasquared Calinou: I considered making it a parody if it became a problem, aka greenstone :P
17:53 Calinou Shara: yeah, but I haven't found nice "vanilla" buildings I could take screenshots of
17:53 Calinou and I am not a good builder myself
17:53 Shara Even just landscapes would be fine
17:53 Calinou Wuzzy: not all trademarks are registered
17:54 Wuzzy Calinou: if redstone is not a a trademark, let's register it and troll Microsoft? :D
17:54 deltasquared Wuzzy: prior art
17:54 Krock joined #minetest
17:54 Wuzzy i dont know if this is even possible but  XD
17:54 deltasquared I wouldn't test it
17:54 Wuzzy i think "prior art" refers to patents
17:54 deltasquared ... right
17:54 Enricoo hey
17:54 deltasquared Wuzzy: I'm writing a mod library to do connected node networks for pipeworks, but it should be general enough for other mods, I figured redstone would be a simple test of determining which nodes were connected
17:54 Calinou prior art also is a thing in trademarks
17:55 Calinou and no, you can't register it yourself in the same domain
17:55 Calinou due to prior art
17:55 Wuzzy daaaamn
17:55 Wuzzy would be most epic troll ever
17:56 Wuzzy deltasquared: so you do not wish to collaborate at all?
17:56 Wuzzy *sad face*
17:56 sofar the "prior art" term is called "non-enforced trademark" in trademark law
17:56 deltasquared Wuzzy: ... oh, I didn't say that
17:56 deltasquared it's just that it's a little tangled to my head atm, I'll think about it
17:57 sofar I wouldn't use "prior art" for trademarks, since terminology is vastly different and people confuse trademark and patent law everywhere
17:57 deltasquared sofar: or just smear it as "intellectual property infringement"
17:57 Wuzzy well if MS would have taken "redstone" as trademark we would probably know at this point so far
17:57 sofar that would cover both patent law and trademark law
17:57 Wuzzy MCL2 is certaily not the only game with Redstone in it
17:57 sofar easy enough to do a search
17:57 deltasquared "red stone" (with a space) is registered a couple of time in the UK's db, not sure about everywhere else
17:58 deltasquared though, none by companies I would think would call it "confusingly similar"
17:58 Wuzzy deltasquared: i doubt its in the "video game" domain, however
17:58 Calinou sofar: yes, it's not called "prior art" per se
17:58 sofar 101 trademark records found for "redstone"
17:58 deltasquared Wuzzy: no, these look like masonry type places
17:58 Calinou Wuzzy: trademarks are not necessarily declared as such
17:58 Calinou (some companies are overzealous about it, some underzealous :P)
17:59 deltasquared if I was really worried about this I would ask someone in my uni's school of law before going onto a real lawyer
17:59 Calinou funny thing is, Windows developer builds are called Redstone sometimes
17:59 Wuzzy well there are millions of trademark, i am not stopping to use a word because there *might possibly* a trademark
17:59 Calinou they didn't do so before the Mojang purchase
17:59 deltasquared Wuzzy: yep, that's my thought on it too
17:59 Calinou Wuzzy: if it's in the same domain (and might confuse users), it is illegal, like it or not
17:59 sofar I'm 100% sure they did search
18:00 sofar standard legal procedure for corporate purchases
18:00 bwarden joined #minetest
18:00 sofar know all legal angles of what you're buying
18:00 Calinou yeah, gotta keep the legal departments busy :)
18:00 Wuzzy Calinou: it is impossible to know every trademark. so not using any particular word is insainity
18:01 deltasquared crap like this is why I always public domain everything I do, I can't be bothering with this kind of thing (I know that doesn't affect trademark issues)
18:01 sofar you don't spend 5bln without asking your lawyer "could we get sued"
18:01 Calinou trademarks do not prevent you from using a word in casual conversation
18:01 Calinou hey, Word is a registered trademark :^)
18:01 sofar deltasquared: public domain may not shield you from liability
18:01 Calinou yes, don't use "public domain" as-is
18:01 sofar deltasquared: you should prefer a license with an explicit no warranty clause
18:01 Calinou use CC0 or the Unlicense
18:01 deltasquared sofar: oh, I use the unlicense, that's what I meant
18:01 Calinou (note that the CC0 isn't OSI-approved)
18:02 Wuzzy besides. I do not use "Redstone" to name a particular product
18:02 deltasquared yeah I unlicense everything I do, with the express exception of that one texture I derived from Calinou's texture
18:02 Wuzzy just because a word is trademarked does NOT mean you're not allowed to use this word, ever.
18:02 Wuzzy otherwise we would get sued each time we say "Microsoft". XD
18:03 deltasquared Wuzzy: ... or they'd sue us every time we said something bad about them :P
18:03 Wuzzy long story short. Redstone is not going away from MCL2. Period.
18:03 deltasquared Wuzzy: well I for sure ain't going to rename my mod any time soon
18:03 deltasquared unless I get an angry cease and desist
18:04 Calinou Wuzzy: well, MineClone is a "dissident" project anyway :P
18:04 Calinou deltasquared: thankfully, it is unlikely you get a C&D for thgis
18:04 Calinou (but possible)
18:04 Calinou this*
18:04 Wuzzy possible?!
18:04 sofar Wuzzy is a dissident
18:04 Wuzzy how?
18:04 Calinou nothing's impossible :)
18:05 Wuzzy on what legal basis?
18:05 Wuzzy none
18:05 Calinou it would result in good publicity for you, and bad publicity for them
18:05 Calinou so they won't do it anyway
18:05 Wuzzy again: on what legal basis?
18:05 sofar depends on the cost/benefits
18:05 Wuzzy AGAIN: on what legal basis?
18:05 sofar if some analyst convinces them that suing could get them more sales,...
18:05 Calinou yeah, I doubt it :P
18:06 Calinou Wuzzy: I don't know, some lawyers are trick masters
18:06 Wuzzy well this sounds quite constructed
18:06 Wuzzy i mean that analyst thing
18:06 Wuzzy MS is not dumb
18:09 lumberJ joined #minetest
18:09 rubenwardy minetest being a block bas
18:10 Wuzzy Blockbuster?
18:10 rubenwardy minetest veing a block based isnt the interesting part, other games have that
18:10 Wuzzy "Minetest: The literal blockbuster game."
18:11 rubenwardy the interestinf part is that the gameay is pushed to lua mods
18:11 rubenwardy this remote desktop app truly sucks, jesus christ
18:12 dogetest free and open voxel platform
18:12 Calinou rubenwardy: Waiting for Good Open Source Remote Desktopâ„¢
18:12 dogetest too serious
18:12 rubenwardy this one is proprietary and still sucks
18:13 paramat the easy modding was half the reason i chose MT (other was world height)
18:13 rubenwardy serious is fine. platform is vague
18:13 dogetest MT is vague
18:13 fwhcat joined #minetest
18:13 Wuzzy hhaha right. MC still has a tiny world height
18:13 Wuzzy I think the MT community is still not laughing HARD ENOUGH at MC for that. :)
18:14 Wuzzy "Minetest is a test to test if we can convert you from Minecaft."
18:14 fwhcat Even easier with your awesome MineClone2 Wuzzy :D
18:14 Wuzzy "Welcome, test subject number 43590345 …"
18:14 rubenwardy at the conference someone tried digging down to find the bottom of the world
18:14 Calinou HAHA
18:14 Calinou -caps
18:15 Wuzzy lol how far did they go
18:15 rubenwardy about a minute until i felt like telling them
18:15 Wuzzy and at which point did they get bored when they realized that nothing new happened? :D
18:15 rubenwardy i was talking to someone else at the time so had an excuse
18:15 rubenwardy but waa laughing slightly
18:16 deltasquared did they not think to look at the co-ords and notice they were negative? :>
18:16 deltasquared well, the Y at least
18:16 deltasquared "we had cubic chunks before it was cool"
18:16 Wuzzy that wouldnt actually tell them how big the world is
18:16 Wuzzy it just means the origin is different
18:17 deltasquared ... hmm, though I thought the fact that it was a negative Y would be enough of a hint to ask
18:17 deltasquared that their assumption was incorrect
18:17 Wuzzy not really
18:17 deltasquared ... darn
18:17 Wuzzy because the MT world migh tas well stop at Y=-62
18:17 Wuzzy thats about how deep you can get in MC
18:18 deltasquared Wuzzy: so uh, how good is your grasp of abstract graph theory?
18:18 deltasquared re: the redstone thing
18:19 Wuzzy kinda
18:19 Wuzzy do you want to completely replace the mesecons code?
18:19 Wuzzy i.e. "complete rewrite"?
18:19 deltasquared Wuzzy: nah, I don't intend to depose mesecons
18:19 Wuzzy okay
18:19 deltasquared not unless it exceeds my wildest expectations
18:19 Wuzzy I'm not a fan of complete rewrites, you know? :)
18:20 deltasquared Wuzzy: bah, if anything it would just be an alternate vs a re-write
18:20 Wuzzy deltasquared: note that MCL2 already has some redstone thingies working ... poorly. XD
18:20 Wuzzy its still mostly mesecons-like
18:21 Wuzzy deltasquared: the most important change compared to mesecons is the limited power
18:21 Wuzzy e.g. in mesecons there are no power levels. everything is powered inifnitely
18:21 Wuzzy in redsone, power drops to 0 after about 15 blocks
18:21 deltasquared Wuzzy: actually, given the nature of the network code I'm writing for pipeworks, I wouldn't be perfectly emulating redstone there either
18:21 Wuzzy thats why you need repeaters
18:21 Wuzzy oh
18:21 deltasquared it'd be more akin to redpower 2/project:red
18:22 AlexYst joined #minetest
18:23 Wuzzy And I think i will soon return to be active in MCL2 again. took me long enough XD
18:23 Wuzzy daaamn. we still have nno real slogan for MT :(
18:24 deltasquared voxels want to be free too?
18:24 deltasquared anyway, I gotta go, dinner's ready
18:24 Wuzzy Play various games. Explore random worlds, dig deep mines, build tall skyscapers
18:24 Wuzzy lol @ quit message
18:24 o11c get irritated by horrible mountain generation
18:25 Wuzzy o11c: where?
18:25 freelikegnu Minetest: It's not a game
18:25 o11c Wuzzy: v7 is notorious for weird mountains
18:25 Wuzzy Minetest: “game” as in “engine”, not as in “beer”
18:25 o11c flat + hills + lakes is a much saner generator
18:26 freelikegnu I like that Wuzzy
18:26 Wuzzy the terrain generators in MT are pretty strong, but its a pain to set up a world with weird mapgen config
18:26 freelikegnu maybe it should of been called Minengine
18:26 Wuzzy noooooo
18:26 Wuzzy not another "lets rename minetest" discussion again :(
18:27 freelikegnu hey that was past tense
18:27 Wuzzy "Minetest: It's not a test. We're actually being serious! No kidding!"
18:27 o11c well, the default is weird
18:27 sfan5 i propose a rename to みねテスト
18:27 sfan5 nobody will be able to read it
18:28 sfan5 problem easily solved
18:28 Wuzzy o11c: i think you should talk to paramat :)
18:28 o11c I tried adjusting the scales in config for a while, but I couldn't find anything I was happy with
18:28 Wuzzy sfan5: how do you pronounce it? :/
18:28 Wuzzy is this even a word or just a random sequence of characters? :D
18:28 sfan5 it reads as "minetest" (yes, really)
18:28 o11c yeah, I google-translated that immediately
18:29 freelikegnu みねテストwould be a great name for a BladeRunner subgame
18:30 Wuzzy "Minetest: The test that never ends."
18:30 ssieb joined #minetest
18:30 o11c anyway, one thing that I think minetest *loses* in comparison to Dwarf Fortress is the ability to *choose* where in the world you start
18:31 o11c I've been imagining a mapgen that creates a rough minimap in the sky
18:31 Wuzzy well, spawning in MT is very crappy anyway
18:31 o11c the current "biomes are totally random" wouldn't play very nicely with that
18:32 freelikegnu get ready for incoming Allwinner/mali400 board users
18:33 o11c incidentally
18:33 o11c one irritating bug I've hit is that if you have multiple modpacks containing the same mod, there's no way to choose which one gets loaded
18:33 o11c my solution is to download all modpacks *out* of the mods/ directory, then symlink everything into a modpack of my own
18:36 freelikegnu I guess that would work if they all use the same version of the same mods?
18:38 o11c mod->mod version dependencies are relatively rare, or at least easily fixable if you upgrade to the latest version of things
18:38 o11c mod->engine dependencies are the real bitch
18:41 Krock joined #minetest
18:42 Telesight joined #minetest
18:44 bas080 joined #minetest
18:57 swift110 joined #minetest
19:07 bwarden joined #minetest
19:08 Dargod How can I remove the disappearance of blocks on a large ping?
19:09 sfan5 you mean when placing?
19:11 Dargod yes
19:12 deltasquared joined #minetest
19:12 deltasquared ach, my puir wee head
19:13 twoelk joined #minetest
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19:17 sfan5 Dargod: i don't think there's anything you can do
19:18 Dargod sfan5, that is, it does not solve on the server side?
19:18 sfan5 placing prediction is entirely client-side
19:18 nowhere_man joined #minetest
19:18 sfan5 you can't influence it server-side (except for disabling which would make it even worse)
19:18 o11c I'm not convinced placing prediction is a good thing at all
19:19 rubenwardy as long as there's no node protection and no players near you, latency shouldn't cause blocks to disappear
19:19 rubenwardy I guess this may be a side effect of only full mapblocks being sent
19:20 rubenwardy shouldn't, meaning it ideally shouldn't. In practice the engine may work differently
19:21 o11c crops are the only time I notice it
19:22 asl97 o11c: without it, you be waiting at least half a second to 5 seconds or more per block placement
19:23 bwarden joined #minetest
19:25 o11c ... why?
19:28 asl97 fall into a hole and want to climb up?  painfully slow block placement,  want to build a bridge? another painfully slow block placement.
19:28 asl97 you can't place a block on a block which hasn't been placed yet, the prediction allows that.
19:29 Dargod but what if the information about the placed block does not reach the server and it returns a void?
19:30 asl97 then the block disappear and you fall to your death
19:30 asl97 xD
19:31 Dargod but I'm interested in the reason itself. Feature UDP protocol?
19:31 asl97 the predicting ain't perfect, but it could still be improve with a little more client side scripting.
19:34 asl97 afaik, placed block rarely get lost, it's more likely for a server mod to forbit or override the placement.
19:36 basicer joined #minetest
19:37 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:38 Wuzzy how do I hunt down Lua OOM bugs?
19:39 twoelk didn#
19:39 twoelk didn't fixer have a nice testbed
19:39 xerox123 joined #minetest
19:46 behalebabo joined #minetest
19:51 paramat joined #minetest
19:51 Enricoo joined #minetest
19:57 paramat o11c "I've been imagining a mapgen that creates a rough minimap in the sky" watershed has a companion 3D map mod for it;t=8609
19:57 Fixer joined #minetest
20:01 paramat i would like to add a way for players to be spawned scattered over the world, creates a very interesting multiplayer dynamic
20:04 Fixer +1
20:05 troller joined #minetest
20:09 swift110 joined #minetest
20:10 Fixer joined #minetest
20:11 Calinou paramat: can be done via a mod easily
20:11 Calinou or just increase the random spawn radius
20:11 Calinou (which happens when static_spawnpoint isn't set)
20:16 o11c paramat: I'd like something like the way trading and diplomacy works in DF
20:18 guru joined #minetest
20:21 rafalcpp joined #minetest
20:28 swift110 joined #minetest
20:31 paramat a mod can't access the 'terrain level at point' function for each mapgen (yet) that are needed to spawn a player at the correct y. and the idea is so good i'd like to have it in the engine
20:31 guru joined #minetest
20:34 dogetest can MT open a browser from a mod?
20:34 rubenwardy no
20:36 Krock but we have an issue for that :P
20:37 rubenwardy we have plenty of issues
20:38 soloojos joined #minetest
20:38 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
20:39 dogetest I want to add ads
20:39 rubenwardy lol
20:40 rubenwardy just install this mod:
20:40 dogetest thats cool
20:41 dogetest but I want real ads
20:42 dogetest dropbox...
20:44 rubenwardy that's not something we're ever going to add support for - opening ads
20:44 dogetest ?
20:45 rubenwardy at most we'd allow clicking of links or a button to open a link with a warning dialog
20:45 dogetest is it possible already?
20:45 rubenwardy sense you're joking though
20:45 rubenwardy hopefully
20:46 dogetest im not
20:46 rubenwardy Minetest isn't the game for you
20:46 rubenwardy if you want to make money, you'll have better luck at that other game
20:46 dogetest I doing for the fun
20:46 sofar if you're not giving the money to minetest...
20:47 dogetest my idea is of a mod, similar to advertising, but with real ads, so as to monetize servers
20:50 benrob0329 dogetest: oh hell naw
20:51 benrob0329 Ads are bad enough on Gmod servers, we don't need them on Minetest too
20:51 deltasquared to be fair we can't stop server owners from doing that
20:51 deltasquared though I would not condone creating the facility to allow it
20:51 sofar I'd have no issue with server owners doing that
20:51 dogetest and its actually good for them
20:52 sofar well, what is good for them isn't necessarily good for players
20:52 deltasquared web related stuff has security issues in any case
20:52 sonicpp joined #minetest
20:52 dogetest Im not talking about pervasive ads
20:52 paramat good grief =/
20:52 sofar the server owner shooting up coke from ad money isn't necessarily good for players
20:52 benrob0329 It would need to not impact performance, and not be intrusive
20:52 Shara A server owner can do what they like on their server... But would I play on a server, or even be willing to help a server, that did that?
20:53 deltasquared dogetest: I think sofar is *categorically* saying ads are bad, regardless of "level"
20:53 nore +1 Shara
20:53 dogetest Shara: what if this server would be acting like a bitcoin faucet?
20:53 rubenwardy any server that did that likely wouldn't get players anyway
20:53 Shara It would have to be a placeable node players could choose to include in their build.
20:53 sofar deltasquared: no, that's not what I'm saying
20:53 deltasquared sofar: ok fine then, I stand corrected
20:53 deltasquared in this context perhaps, but eh
20:53 Shara And I can't see a way to really make it work that would be non-intrusive even then
20:54 deltasquared I would be for voluntary clicking links with a confirm dialog, it'd be handy for in-chat pastebins etc.
20:54 Shara dogetest: As much as I sometimes wish people would pay me to run servers, the playability of my servers will always come before profit
20:54 deltasquared inb4 server owners make you click a link to an ad-infested page to get a sign-in token
20:55 deltasquared needless to say you wouldn't win any favours for something like that
20:56 benrob0329 Adblock for Minetest, when?
20:56 dogetest lol
20:56 deltasquared benrob0329: lel hopefully it won't come to that
20:56 paramat we won't do anything that is specifically for supporting ads :]
20:57 deltasquared +1 paramat
20:57 deltasquared amen as it were
20:57 rubenwardy we also won't do anything that will allow opening a window without the user realising that's what it does
20:59 deltasquared rubenwardy: so, big fat "EXTERNAL LINK WARNING" type thing?
20:59 deltasquared something built into the engine that can't be spoofed
20:59 rubenwardy essentially
21:00 rubenwardy this feature isn't a priority as such, however
21:00 deltasquared clickable links in chat would be nice though. I seem to be unable to select text in the chat log so getting URLs is a tad difficult
21:02 deltasquared benrob0329: could be worse, TF2 has full HTML MOTDs which will open iframes and such
21:03 deltasquared I just turn them off.
21:03 benrob0329 deltasquared: Gmod can do that
21:03 benrob0329 Gmod has full HTML UI
21:04 deltasquared hmm.
21:04 deltasquared it's been a while for me with GMod so I wouldn't know
21:05 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
21:10 sofar just fix copy+paste and be done with it
21:14 paramat ^ yes
21:16 deltasquared that'd work too I guess :P
21:27 troller joined #minetest
21:38 DMackey- joined #minetest
21:39 paramat left #minetest
21:43 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
21:55 AlexYst joined #minetest
21:59 Freejack joined #minetest
22:16 swift110 joined #minetest
22:24 AlexYst joined #minetest
22:34 X704 joined #minetest
23:03 orbea anyone mind taking a look at this crash triggered by the meshnode mod? It kind of looks like a crash in the engine?
23:04 rubenwardy very odd
23:05 orbea yea, it seems to be puzzling the mod's creator too...
23:05 rubenwardy definitely an engine issue in one way or another
23:05 AlexYst joined #minetest
23:05 orbea maybe I should make an issue for minetest itself?
23:06 rubenwardy it would be good to make a minimal piece of code that can replicate the problem
23:07 orbea That does sound good, but I dont think im up for the task. I'll try to ask the mod's creator about that when he notices his repo's activity :)
23:12 rubenwardy commented
23:14 orbea thanks
23:17 Tazy joined #minetest
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23:23 Freejack joined #minetest
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23:37 sovetskiy joined #minetest
23:39 sovetskiy Hello everybody. How can I get registered recipe for any item I can craft? Is there table like minetest.registered_recipes ?
23:39 orbea sovetskiy: try the craftguide mode
23:39 orbea *mod
23:39 orbea lets you craft a book or sign with all the recipes listed
23:40 sovetskiy no mods, only default game
23:40 orbea ah
23:40 sovetskiy is that table here?
23:41 shymega joined #minetest
23:41 sovetskiy The table minetest.registered_craftitems does not contain recipe, only description if craftable item
23:42 turtleman joined #minetest
23:44 o11c sovetskiy: minetest is seriously unplayable without mods
23:45 o11c sovetskiy: I recommend unified_inventory and the doc mod as a minimum
23:45 rubenwardy ew
23:45 sovetskiy is that a problem to obtain recipe without any f*cking mod?
23:46 rubenwardy Minetest is about the mods :P
23:46 o11c sovetskiy: minetest is *designed* to use mods - too much so IMO
23:46 rubenwardy you can get recipes here though:
23:46 o11c sovetskiy: the default game is literally just a collection of mods
23:46 rubenwardy just search what you want
23:46 sovetskiy hello ruben. it is BANNED Sergey :-P
23:46 rubenwardy I know
23:47 sovetskiy so what table I should use?
23:48 tiwake joined #minetest
23:49 sovetskiy I want to get smth like { { "group:stone", "group:stone", "group:stone" }, { "", "group:stick", "" }, { "", "group:stick", "" } } for stone pickaxe
23:49 troller joined #minetest
23:49 sovetskiy I want it programmatically inside my mod
23:49 rubenwardy
23:49 o11c why exactly are you reimplementing unified_inventory?
23:50 rubenwardy is good
23:50 rubenwardy UI is a mess
23:50 o11c craftguide is clunking compared to UI
23:50 sovetskiy I don't know anything about unified_inventory or any other mod
23:51 sovetskiy except worldedit
23:51 sovetskiy and mapfix
23:51 sovetskiy the rest I program by myself
23:52 sovetskiy the question is simple. Can I obtain recipe of e.g. stone pickaxe inside my mod without using third mods?
23:52 rubenwardy ...look at the link I gave you
23:54 sovetskiy it is mod!
23:54 rubenwardy no, it's a link to API documentation
23:54 rubenwardy !rtfd
23:54 rubenwardy !rtfm
23:54 MinetestBot Someone thinks you should read the manual. The development wiki is at, the regular wiki is at
23:54 rubenwardy that's a helpful link
23:55 sovetskiy You gave me this
23:55 rubenwardy <rubenwardy>
23:55 sovetskiy it is mod.
23:56 rubenwardy the first link (lua_api) was to you
23:56 rubenwardy the other link (craftguide) was mainly to o11c
23:57 sovetskiy ok. I see minetest.get_craft_recipe(output) function

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