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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-10-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:06 red-001 joined #minetest
00:30 shamoanjac joined #minetest
00:47 swift110 joined #minetest
00:47 _Megaf !server Megaf
00:47 MinetestBot _Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 5/10, 0/6 | Version: 0.4.14-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 6ms
00:47 _Megaf party :D
01:06 ssieb joined #minetest
01:39 DMackey- joined #minetest
01:40 DMac-Garage joined #minetest
01:59 photon joined #minetest
02:09 aheinecke_ joined #minetest
02:11 photon Hello. I have a Minetest server with version 0.4.14-dev which has been working fine.  I decided to add in the inventory plus mod. Downloaded the latest version from git but once installed I get a core dump on the server. The error indicates a problem with pipeworks (also latest version) but, if I disable pipeworks, I get another error.  Both are shown here : . Anyone have a suggestion?
02:30 proller joined #minetest
02:36 garywhite Hello
02:37 Danek joined #minetest
02:37 Danek hey is someone experienced in world edit here?
02:39 torgdor joined #minetest
02:44 garywhite Danek: Why?
02:45 Danek i need to know 2 things , if there is a smoothen option and if it is possible to make spheres with a shortkey instead of chatcommand or menu
02:46 garywhite WorldEdit has no keyboard shortcuts to my knowledge.
02:46 garywhite And, are you trying to smoothen something to make a flat area of land?
02:47 Danek no i gave up to find a good place in a world i make a sky map right now and this would make it much easier
02:49 garywhite I'm not sure tbh
02:50 Danek or i need a pretty big island map :/
02:50 garywhite You could just WE off the area that is uneven to make it flat
02:50 Danek WE ?
02:51 garywhite WorldEdit
02:51 Danek but thats not my problem , my problem is the surrounding area , its nearly impossible to find a area which is from all sides good looking , i already disabled most biomes but no chance
02:51 Danek thats why i want an island
02:57 Tmanyo joined #minetest
03:18 basxto joined #minetest
03:24 twoelk|2 left #minetest
03:25 Hijiri photon: what is your minetest version?
03:25 Hijiri oh
03:25 Hijiri you already said
03:26 kaeza joined #minetest
03:35 photon Hijiri: yeah, 0.4.14-dev that I compiled.
03:37 kaeza hmm, I got that same error yesterday while using `crops` + UI
03:37 photon Even though no errors indicated, it seems the crops mod may not be the cause.
03:38 kaeza also, greetings
03:39 photon hi kaeza.  we typed that at the same time. I guess that's the issue. Those mods don't seem to play well together.
03:40 kaeza looking into that right now ;)
03:40 photon meant to say crops mod may be the cause.
03:42 kaeza hmm, not sure if drop={} is valid
03:42 kaeza sofar, ^
03:43 kaeza lua_api.txt says it must be a string, or a table with fields `items`, etc
03:45 kaeza yet `crops` uses empty tables:
03:46 kaeza UI should probably be fixed too, to at least fail gracefully
03:53 garywhite Megaf: I have to go for the night, bye
03:55 kaeza photon, can you test ?
03:56 photon sure
04:02 photon kaeza, looks like that worked!
04:02 kaeza good :)
04:02 kaeza merging with master then
04:03 kaeza thank you for reporting :)
04:03 photon thanks for that. Appreciate your help.
04:03 kaeza ideally, the crops developer should fix that too
04:03 kaeza but at least it doesn't barf anymore
04:04 kaeza so...
04:04 kaeza !next
04:04 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
04:23 primary11 joined #minetest
04:29 Markow joined #minetest
04:43 Calinou joined #minetest
05:07 garywhite Well I'm off for the night. Bye all
05:13 DMackey joined #minetest
05:33 photon left #minetest
06:16 CWz joined #minetest
06:41 aix joined #minetest
06:47 Hawk777 joined #minetest
06:55 lumidify joined #minetest
07:08 aix joined #minetest
07:16 thePalindrome joined #minetest
07:34 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
08:06 harrison joined #minetest
08:11 Krock joined #minetest
08:18 shivajiva joined #minetest
08:20 Szkodnix joined #minetest
08:25 redblade joined #minetest
08:51 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
08:56 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
09:11 agaran shivajiva: maybe easier to talk here?
09:12 shivajiva LOL
09:12 shivajiva yea
09:23 yusf[m] In the process of compiling spheretest for mac :)
09:28 Krock \o/
09:29 agaran hi Krock
09:30 Krock hi agaran :)
09:33 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:37 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Remove some unused attributes/class functions in server.cpp/h 09cefc3 (2016-10-08T11:36:28+02:00)
09:37 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Player/LocalPlayer/RemotePlayer inheritance cleanup (part 1 on X) 8bcd10b (2016-10-08T11:36:28+02:00)
09:48 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
10:05 yusf[m] I failed.
10:09 Telesight joined #minetest
10:19 AndDT joined #minetest
10:21 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
10:27 red-001 joined #minetest
10:36 FirePowi joined #minetest
10:36 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:40 HonoredGlory joined #minetest
10:42 aix joined #minetest
11:12 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
11:13 Samson1 joined #minetest
11:13 LNJ2GO1 joined #minetest
11:33 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Update colors.txt 3e2b327 (2016-10-08T13:31:03+02:00)
11:35 lumidify joined #minetest
11:37 Jeija joined #minetest
11:40 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Simplify color parsing code 173dd75 (2016-10-08T13:39:07+02:00)
12:06 Fixer joined #minetest
12:12 Jordach joined #minetest
12:21 STHGOM joined #minetest
12:27 rubenwardy joined #minetest
12:28 DMackey- joined #minetest
12:30 Szkodnix joined #minetest
12:42 MinetestBot [git] HybridDog -> minetest/minetest: VoxelArea: faster iter function (#4490) 9978d07 (2016-10-08T22:42:17+10:00)
12:52 MinetestBot [git] Foghrye4 -> minetest/minetest: Prevent attached models from disappearing during parent reload (#4128) ad163ee (2016-10-08T14:51:25+02:00)
13:06 MinetestBot [git] gregorycu -> minetest/minetest: Ensure std::unordered_ will be used on supported MSVC compilers 3de9ae4 (2016-10-08T15:05:36+02:00)
13:33 turtleman joined #minetest
13:38 Fixer joined #minetest
13:39 The_Loko joined #minetest
13:59 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Player/LocalPlayer/RemotePlayer inheritance cleanup (part 2 on X) 656faf7 (2016-10-08T15:57:50+02:00)
13:59 MinetestBot [git] gregorycu -> minetest/minetest: Speed up emerge thread by using unordered map in a few places. Lookin… 9393e4a (2016-10-08T15:57:36+02:00)
14:04 turtleman joined #minetest
14:16 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
14:23 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:25 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Ensure std::unordered_ be used on MSVC 2010 too (#4600) 0baea8c (2016-10-09T00:25:34+10:00)
14:30 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
14:41 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
14:43 behalebabo joined #minetest
14:51 jin_xi joined #minetest
14:53 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
15:13 Trustable joined #minetest
15:15 sonicpp joined #minetest
15:18 Matrix89 joined #minetest
15:30 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:34 KaadmY joined #minetest
15:46 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
15:56 basxto joined #minetest
16:01 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
16:15 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:21 Darcidride joined #minetest
16:33 aix1 joined #minetest
16:33 turtleman joined #minetest
16:34 pozzoni joined #minetest
16:38 Out`Of`Control joined #minetest
16:53 soloojos joined #minetest
16:59 MinetestBot [git] rubenwardy -> minetest/minetest: Fix backwards compatibility issue introduced by close_on_enter 067766e (2016-10-08T18:58:28+02:00)
17:00 LazyJ joined #minetest
17:03 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:05 Markow joined #minetest
17:15 lumidify joined #minetest
17:23 garywhite joined #minetest
17:24 Guest44927 joined #minetest
17:41 garywhite Hello
17:43 Krock hi
17:49 Hijiri right now the only way in formspecs to dispatch on which button was clicked is to check every clickable button, right?
17:49 Hijiri there's nothing in the formspec parameters that says "this is the button that was pressed"?
17:50 Erthome joined #minetest
18:17 swift110 joined #minetest
18:17 swift110 joined #minetest
18:27 julienth37_op_li joined #minetest
18:27 julienth37_op_li 'soir
18:28 julienth37_oplib On fait comment pour avoir un compte sur le wiki ?
18:33 Krock pose ca question dans #minetest-fr ou parle anglais ici stp
18:34 julienth37_oplib Krock: oups sorry ;)
18:35 julienth37_oplib left #minetest
18:35 Krock np
18:39 ppolp21 joined #minetest
18:39 ppolp21 Hi
18:42 MinetestBot [git] rubenwardy -> minetest/minetest_game: Creative: Use element instead of parameter to disable close on enter 53179b8 (2016-10-08T18:02:14+01:00)
18:47 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
18:55 Erthome_ joined #minetest
18:57 Krock hi ppolp21
19:13 lumidify joined #minetest
20:01 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Fix color parsing code (prev. commit) 0bf0d8e (2016-10-08T21:59:34+02:00)
20:03 garywhite This is an old creaky door. Tell me what you think (64x64)
20:04 MinetestBot [git] Nestorfish -> minetest/minetestmapper: DBSQLite3: Do not raise in destructor bcbfd00 (2016-10-08T22:02:36+02:00)
20:06 Krock garywhite, a regular door? I thought there's only one texture for the front - the back will be mirrored
20:06 Krock however, you should really use Paint.Net or Gimp to draw
20:06 garywhite It's supposed to be a double door, but I can make it a single in just a minute
20:07 Krock M$ paint is an integrated cancer software and is not a good tool
20:07 garywhite and my PC user is a standard user, so I can't install... I have to use Minetest 0.4.14 portable 64-bit build
20:07 Krock both painting programs can be run as portable too
20:08 Krock but about your question: I don't see anything cracky there.
20:08 garywhite Well, I'm downloading a slightly older version of GIMP and I'm gonna try to run it in my Windows 2000 virtual machine. Maybe it'll work there
20:09 Krock lol. W2k is nice but I doubt the programs will work there :/
20:09 Krock whatever, give it a try!
20:09 garywhite I'm on the page via Softonic & it says that it's compatible with W2K
20:10 Krock softonic is your first and last step to your grave. The official sites offer more downloads
20:10 garywhite I didn't use softonic download I went to GIMP website to find it, I just wanted to see what versions of Windows it'll run on
20:11 garywhite BRB
20:11 Krock ah good :)
20:11 DMackey joined #minetest
20:19 Vault joined #minetest
20:19 garywhite Couldn't get it to run, but I did make it a single door
20:19 Vault left #minetest
20:21 Krock All your error logs are belong to
20:22 Miner_48er joined #minetest
20:28 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Move RemotePlayer code to its own cpp/header 569b89b (2016-10-08T22:27:44+02:00)
20:28 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: RemotePlayer/LocalPlayer Player base class proper separation (code cl… 7bbd716 (2016-10-08T22:27:44+02:00)
20:28 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Optimize ClientIface::getPlayerNames(): return const ref instead a co… edba6e5 (2016-10-08T22:27:44+02:00)
20:28 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: More code cleanup (UNORDERED + RemotePlayer/LocalPlayer) fd5a130 (2016-10-08T22:27:44+02:00)
20:35 Yst joined #minetest
20:36 nrzkt joined #minetest
20:36 nrzkt test
20:37 sfan5 test
20:38 LazyJ joined #minetest
20:39 proller joined #minetest
20:39 Yst left #minetest
20:39 OldCoder joined #minetest
20:41 OldCoder Test
20:41 _Megaf OldCoder: we are trying to figure out what happened
20:41 OldCoder _Megaf, netsplit, I think
20:41 OldCoder I can talk now, trying op
20:41 OldCoder Yep
20:41 _Megaf Ok, nothing happened then
20:41 sfan5 ohh yes
20:41 sfan5 OldCoder: you weren't even here
20:42 sfan5 this happens with znc if you netsplit and then rejoin but are redirected
20:42 sfan5 znc won't tell your client that you left the channel
20:42 sfan5 so you think you are in
20:42 sfan5 but in reality you're not in there
20:42 OldCoder Ah; sfan5, so, znc plus netsplit?
20:42 OldCoder Thanks!
20:42 sfan5 plus being redirected yes
20:42 OldCoder Moment
20:43 OldCoder
20:43 OldCoder Halloween WIP from Shara ^
20:44 OldCoder sfan5, _Megaf ^ Halloween
20:44 sfan5 heh nice
20:44 OldCoder Better than just pumpkins
20:44 OldCoder Still weeks to go, I'll encourage her to continue
20:49 julienth37_oplib joined #minetest
20:49 julienth37_oplib left #minetest
20:50 soloojos joined #minetest
20:54 Player_2 joined #minetest
21:06 troller joined #minetest
21:11 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
21:17 Samson1 joined #minetest
21:23 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
21:25 STHGOM joined #minetest
21:34 kaeza joined #minetest
21:41 kaeza o/
21:44 PR4530 kaeza: \o
22:00 Szkodnix joined #minetest
22:22 Jordach joined #minetest
22:24 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
22:42 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
22:46 LNJ2GO left #minetest
22:53 _Megaf I wonder if Minetest will ever get to the same level of Minecraft
22:54 _Megaf like, if we will ever be able to have a farm, where animals can stay here
22:55 kaeza animals in Minecraft frequently clip through walls (particularly fences), so they don't "stay [there]" for long anyway :P
22:56 kaeza or even alive for that matter, what with that "requiring oxygen to live" thing
22:57 _Megaf in minetest server wipe them out every x minutes/seconds
22:57 _Megaf arrows have no effect on mobs
22:57 kaeza maybe cramming 1000 cows in a 5x5 pen is not a good idea...
22:57 sfan5 are you sure it's not the mod doing that?
22:57 _Megaf we need a proper subgame...
22:58 _Megaf that have few stuff, but stuff that works
22:58 _Megaf in Minecraft, they went step by step
22:58 _Megaf slowly, and only released new things when they had was working flawlesly
23:00 kaeza there's no such thing as flawless software
23:01 _Megaf You know what I mean...
23:02 kaeza if you want some bug fixed, you better hunt for it yourself
23:02 kaeza or wait
23:04 _Megaf that's the problem
23:05 _Megaf there is totally no will from the minetest core dev team to make the thing work
23:05 _Megaf nor it's community
23:05 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
23:05 PR4530 _Megaf: probably never, it was never intended to be similar to it
23:05 _Megaf it's just this stupid thing, want it fixed? fix it yourself
23:06 sfan5 congrats
23:07 sfan5 you've found the difference between FOSS projects and games backed by paid devs
23:09 _Megaf now, imagine if that was really how FOSS worked
23:09 _Megaf we would be screwed
23:10 * _Megaf about to drop out Minetest community
23:11 Jordach Minetest is full of people who think they know how to make an engine and turn out to be a crapshoot
23:11 Jordach :^)
23:11 * Jordach runs away
23:15 _Megaf things really need to change
23:15 _Megaf a lot
23:15 everamzah so change them
23:15 _Megaf are you with me if I do? If I fork and follow a totally different path?
23:16 everamzah fuck no
23:16 _Megaf so no
23:16 everamzah :)
23:16 everamzah "i got shit to do"
23:16 PR4530 please not another fork
23:17 everamzah having never played minecraft, i must say i tihnk minetest is perfect in every way
23:17 everamzah not to mention all the recent improvements, with more on the way
23:18 everamzah i mean, lots of people who are interesting and inclined are changing it now.
23:18 everamzah i'm constantly amazed how polished minetest really is.  as a platform, it's pretty complete, imo.
23:18 tokage the menu still looks like always :D
23:19 everamzah yes, there's always things to improve and better, so we can make small steps or big steps, depending.  who would want to undertake an overhaul of an issue where, it currently works, but not as well as one thinks it should
23:19 sfan5 there's actually some really easy improvements that can be made to the menus
23:21 kaeza Minetest's an excellent OS, it just needs a good voxel-based game
23:21 everamzah nice
23:21 PR4530 everamzah: minecraft is much more beefy and with optifine mod (which is installed pretty much everywhere) its performance is impressive
23:22 PR4530 kaeza: minetest/emacs
23:22 everamzah ok.  i dunno what optifine is.
23:22 PR4530 everamzah: mod that tweaks rendering, increases fps a lot
23:23 PR4530 everamzah: with it I got 100fps easily on big v_ranges
23:23 everamzah a mod that increases performance, now there's a foreign concept to me
23:23 PR4530 like 240 in minetest
23:23 PR4530 everamzah: it is java
23:23 PR4530 mods written in java i believe
23:23 PR4530 minecraft itself is in java
23:23 everamzah usually in minetest whenever i think of adding a mod i wonder how much it will impact performance
23:24 everamzah i hear the guy who ported doom to win95 wrote minecraft
23:24 PR4530 not sure about performance, but from what I heared you need a beefy setup to handle the server for some players
23:24 everamzah can't be all bad
23:25 PR4530 erm, why? you can run doom within win95, you will go into actual DOS shell
23:25 PR4530 not emulated one
23:25 PR4530 same for Win98 iirc
23:26 everamzah i dunno.  i just realized ur name is funny, is that a pr?
23:27 everamzah sss, are you fixer ?:D
23:27 _Megaf [00:16:51] <PR4530> please not another fork
23:28 _Megaf theres n other way man
23:28 _Megaf the community is just too stuborn and nothing is changing
23:28 sfan5 what do you want to do differently?
23:28 red-001 have you heard of /whois
23:28 _Megaf sfan5: basically, everything
23:28 everamzah i have but it ruins the surprise and allure
23:28 everamzah bb
23:28 sfan5 try being more specific
23:28 _Megaf sfan5: what for?
23:29 sfan5 'basically everything' is about the least specific answer you could have given
23:29 PR4530 _Megaf: learn to code @ make PR that fits @ push it for review @ remind devs few thousand times @ luck @ profit
23:29 _Megaf and the shorstest
23:29 PR4530 extreme biome blend, small apple forest inside of huuge jungles
23:30 _Megaf Im fucking forking this
23:30 _Megaf *language
23:30 PR3900 thats what you get when you use noise to generate terrain
23:30 tokage _Megaf: what will your first change be?
23:31 PR3900 so is PR4530 likly to be mereged soon?
23:32 sfan5 that pr is?
23:32 _Megaf tokage: enginewise, remove I think I find unecessary
23:32 PR4530 PR3900: depends on developers
23:32 sfan5 PR4530: do you have a better approach to generating terrain?
23:32 PR3900 no
23:33 PR4530 sfan5: it is just funny blend, not suggestion anything
23:33 _Megaf tokage: Will begin removing all database support and staying only with sqlite
23:33 PR3900 just pointing out it can cause strange biomes
23:33 PR4530 it is actually two biome blends
23:34 sfan5 _Megaf: sqlite is a database, checkmate.
23:34 _Megaf let me rephrase that
23:34 _Megaf tokage: Will begin removing all database engines but sqlite
23:34 PR4530 sfan5: apples+pines surrounded by jungle / this is quite rare occurance though
23:34 PR3900 why?
23:34 _Megaf tokage: second step, remove all mapgens but v6, or valleys, not sure the one I like the most
23:34 _Megaf maybe v7
23:35 PR3900 why?
23:35 sfan5 PR4530: that looks weird yes
23:35 tokage Tutorial D, pq, BigTable or plain old hierarchical filesystems are good sql alternatives.
23:35 PR3900 that is a fork right?
23:35 sfan5 _Megaf: removing stuff you don't use doesn't make minetest faster
23:35 _Megaf PR3900: engine is too bloated and complex, so I want to remove everything I can to simplify it and reduce code size
23:35 _Megaf intention is not making it faster
23:36 _Megaf and instead of adding new databases and mapgen in the future, we have to optiize the ones we have
23:36 PR3900 why are you making a fork anyway?
23:36 sfan5 lmao
23:36 sfan5 what do you want to optimize
23:36 sfan5 also removing leveldb, postgres & redis won't magically optimize sqlite
23:36 _Megaf PR3900: because Im fed up with the way things are going, going everywhere, with no direction
23:36 PR3900 what is your end goal?
23:37 _Megaf PR3900: having an engine shipped with a subgame, I will call that a... wait for it... A game!
23:37 _Megaf and the game will work
23:37 PR3900 ok
23:37 _Megaf at first it will be simple, very simple
23:37 sfan5 you're implying that minetest doesn't work
23:37 _Megaf yes I am
23:38 PR3900 will game still use lua?
23:38 _Megaf players models dont follow boats, and names dont follow player models
23:38 _Megaf to begin with
23:38 _Megaf carts are just a hack
23:38 sfan5 i like this thinking
23:38 _Megaf mobs are pathetic
23:38 sfan5 two minor bugs => the whole game is broken
23:39 _Megaf things in the game dont seem to be part of the same thing, everything is so unlinked, broken
23:39 _Megaf not part of the same thing
23:39 _Megaf the mix of cubes and elaborate blender models
23:39 _Megaf common
23:40 _Megaf and PR3900 and PR4530 have to change their name on IRC to get some attention for PRs
23:41 * PR3900 uses self-promotion
23:41 _Megaf [00:38:16] <PR3900> will game still use lua?
23:41 _Megaf problaby
23:43 tokage please remove 3d too
23:43 tokage I'd like to play minetest in the terminal.
23:43 PR3900 +1
23:45 PR3900 are you planning to change the network protocall?
23:46 _Megaf tokage: you know that's actually an awesome idea right?
23:46 _Megaf for antoher game
23:46 _Megaf There is actually a Minecraft like game in 2D
23:46 PR3900 nethack
23:47 PR3900 remove the second and third dimension
23:47 PR3900 leave just the first
23:49 swift110 joined #minetest
23:49 red-001 joined #minetest
23:52 kaeza_ joined #minetest

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