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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-08-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:10 DMackey joined #minetest
00:23 STHGOM1 joined #minetest
00:29 Anonyma Hijiri, Thanks, I'll definitely look into it. I'm heading off to bed now
00:39 Tmanyo joined #minetest
00:40 Volkj joined #minetest
01:18 STHGOM joined #minetest
01:19 STHGOM I wonder if I put "NO RULES!!!" in my server title, ill get more players...
01:31 theTroy joined #minetest
03:01 nolsen my supply converter is reporting "No network" but obviously, it does, any ideas why?
03:02 nolsen 0 HV -> 0 HV, now it's not working.
03:06 LazyJ joined #minetest
03:06 nolsen Channel died apparently.
03:08 Freejack joined #minetest
03:09 nolsen Hello?
03:18 nolsen Why does this channel become dead at the strangest times ._.
03:23 Void7 joined #minetest
03:43 Tmanyo joined #minetest
03:58 Miner_48er joined #minetest
04:13 Tmanyo joined #minetest
04:15 segfault22 joined #minetest
04:15 segfault22 Hello everyone
04:16 segfault22 I need an archived copy of the 0gb_us Land Claim mod, the version independent of 0gb.us_game - the integrated landclaim_0gb_us in 0gb.us_game depends on the points_0gb_us mod, which may interfere with my resources-mod or cause it to be difficult to use (it overrides defined ores)
04:16 segfault22 does anyone have it?
04:23 lordfingle joined #minetest
04:24 segfault22 the ling to website is dead, so we can't download the mod from there
04:26 segfault22 domain is for sale
04:26 segfault22 where did go?
04:26 swift110-phone joined #minetest
04:26 segfault22 welcome back
04:29 lordfingle_ joined #minetest
04:29 segfault22 does anyone have the latest version of the 0gb_us land claim mod independent of 0gb.us_game?
04:31 swift110-phone nope
04:31 segfault22 I really need it
04:33 alkotob__ joined #minetest
04:34 segfault22 I can't use the version in 0gb.us_game also because it replaces the claim block with a chat command
04:34 swift110-phone oh
04:35 segfault22 It is not better than the old version, because it depends on points_0gb_us which messes up my resources-mod and it isn't reasonable to modify the landclaim_0gb_us integrated mod to work without it
04:36 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
04:36 segfault22 Surely there is someone who downloaded the independent version of 0gb_us Land Claim and could upload it to 4shared or something
04:39 segfault22 too bad is gone...
04:40 segfault22 I'm glad there are so many new servers
04:40 segfault22 but it's too bad is gone, because I could have went there and asked for the old mod...
04:41 segfault22 chances are dude probably deleted all of those old files with the server itself, and completely abandoned minetest forever. Oh well.
04:41 segfault22 I guess I'll just have to postpone making my server until I can find the mod
04:42 segfault22 maybe I should make a topic on the forum asking if anyone has it
04:44 swift110-phone oh how long you been playing the game?
04:47 segfault22 a few years
04:48 segfault22 What are the chances that someone would have a copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod?
04:49 segfault22 !server
04:49 MinetestBot segfault22: No results
04:52 segfault22 Maybe I should go visit random servers and ask the people if anyone has a copy of 0gb_us Land Claim
04:54 DI3HARD139 found it
04:54 DI3HARD139
04:55 DI3HARD139 @segfault22^
04:55 segfault22 sorry, depends.txt:points_0gb_us - this is the one I would have to modify in order to use it... but it is very close
04:55 * DI3HARD139 continues digging for old archives of the game
04:55 segfault22 thank you
04:58 segfault22 All of the versions on github depend on points_0gb_us even from the initial commit
05:00 DI3HARD139 Is it the points_0gb_us thats missing or is an updated version thats required?
05:03 segfault22 I can not use points_0gb_us because it interferes with my resources-mod (it overrides all registered ores), and I would have to heavily modify it in order for it to work as I need it to. It would be easier to just use a copy of the original 0gb_us mod, which was on the site which no longer exists...
05:03 segfault22 er, I wouldn't modify points_0gb_us at all, I would modify landclaim_0gb_us to be independent and use a land claim block instead of a chat command, or make it work with a currency mod instead of the points mod
05:04 segfault22 either way it would have to be modified, and that would be more difficult and time consuming than downloading an archived copy of the original mod, if any exists at all...
05:05 segfault22 should have realized the work on that mod was important, because no other mod implements a claim system perfectly aligned with the world chunk system on all 6 sides (perfect 16^3 cubes)
05:07 lumidify joined #minetest
05:12 swift110-phone thats cool
05:15 segfault22 I'm running out of options for finding if anyone has a copy of the mod,.. so I'm going to go ask on the servers with people online, and see if anyone has a copy. Since this is not likely to be effective at all, I have refrained from doing this until now.
05:16 segfault22 If someone on this IRC is searching for the mod, thank you, and please don't stop yet because I probably won't get anything from the people on servers
05:20 segfault22 I just tried to visit the server @test@ and it crashed
05:20 segfault22 !server
05:20 MinetestBot segfault22: No results
05:20 segfault22 !
05:21 segfault22 !server just test
05:21 MinetestBot segfault22: No results
05:21 segfault22 it's crashing my client...
05:21 segfault22 the server is still up
05:23 DI3HARD139 Question. How long has the main website been down. Anyone know?
05:24 DI3HARD139 Or was it more a reservation for the domain use only?
05:28 segfault22 probably a reservation
05:32 DI3HARD139 def not in his/her gitorious repo
05:35 DI3HARD139 that or they didn't mirror all the files
05:40 segfault22 I'm sorry, you don't have to search if you don't want to... maybe it's better to just modify landclaim_0gb_us to what I need...
05:41 segfault22 I'm probably the only person with this abnormal request anyways, who else would need a true chunk protection mod
05:42 Telesight joined #minetest
05:42 DI3HARD139 I have spotted a few posts involving "just test". Are they related in any way?
05:45 segfault22 I'm not sure
05:58 burli joined #minetest
06:05 segfault22 I am finding some copies of the pages on archive sites, but none of them have copies of any separate files at the website
06:05 segfault22 they only store the pages
06:05 DI3HARD139 yep. Im waiting for Windows to finish searching for any files tied to
06:06 DI3HARD139 Maybe I have a hidden file somewhere
06:06 segfault22 Thank you
06:08 segfault22 none of the server-kiddies (in the game) respond when I ask anything, much less if it's about some mod that isn't on the internet any more
06:09 segfault22 they say "once you put it up on the internet it's there forever" but that is not true.
06:09 segfault22 they, as in the people who say don't put your personal files on the internet.
06:09 swift110-phone lol
06:10 DI3HARD139 Would you happen to have the ip address to the server?
06:10 segfault22 no, I don't...
06:11 segfault22 I regret downloading it when it was available in the past, but I didn't know about it
06:11 segfault22 regret not
06:11 DI3HARD139 damn. That would've made things easy. assuming the webserver portion is still active
06:16 segfault22 Too bad the IP address sites on the internet don't record the actual IP address of websites, and just get the IP address of the domain name host
06:16 DI3HARD139 ikr
06:20 DI3HARD139 tbh I like the original MT layout better
06:21 DI3HARD139 for the forums anyways
06:24 DI3HARD139 The only thing I see being viable is porting over the dependencies to the other mods u were gonna use.
06:24 namach_ joined #minetest
06:26 Trustable joined #minetest
06:28 segfault22 I will probably just have to modify the landclaim_0gb_us mod anyways, which would be better in the end because I can customize it more and it is more updated (there may be less problems in the "nitty-gritty" part of the code) and I can make it work with a currency mod or whatever other method of costing the player some resource in order to claim areas...
06:38 basxto joined #minetest
06:42 namach_ joined #minetest
06:42 DI3HARD139 heading off for the night. cya
06:59 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
07:03 Hawk777 joined #minetest
07:10 Darcidride joined #minetest
07:22 lumidify joined #minetest
07:26 CWz joined #minetest
07:29 davisonio joined #minetest
07:30 Markow joined #minetest
07:31 est31 joined #minetest
07:39 swift110-phone ok
07:43 davisonio joined #minetest
07:43 Nosrick joined #minetest
07:49 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:00 namach morning all :)
08:00 namach is minetest as a software product limited to how much system resources it can use?
08:01 theTroy joined #minetest
08:05 sfan5 namach: obviously yes
08:06 namach sfan5: so if i have a minetest server hosted on a machine with 16 Gb RAM, the game will not utilize them all?
08:07 sfan5 oh i took your question the other way
08:07 sfan5 minetest will use as much as it needs
08:07 sfan5 but it doesn't need 16 GB of ram
08:08 shamoanjac joined #minetest
08:11 namach sfan5: it was just an example. So if i use the most powerfull machine ever build the minetest server will support 9999999 quarries running at the same time and bunch of other complex game functions with no lag and issues
08:11 namach and wit 999999 players online? :)
08:12 sfan5 theoretically yes
08:13 Hijiri minetest is webscale
08:15 shamoanjac does it support running on a cluster tho
08:15 shamoanjac distributed minetest
08:15 namach what does it mean "webscale" (sorry for the noob Q) :)
08:16 shamoanjac it scales upppppppppppppp!
08:16 namach i can interpret this in million ways
08:17 namach my issue was that a guy (a moderator in a server) just told me "minetest software architecture has a limit on the system resource it can use", therefor it is impossible to create a server with bunch of mods and users without lag
08:18 sfan5 namach: what he probably meant is that minetest does not utilize multi-threading well
08:21 namach i guess this means performing multiple tasks at the same time?
08:22 namach (sorry, i am not into programming, but i am mega curious)
08:22 shamoanjac multiple threads, yes
08:23 namach what he told me makes a lot of sense now :) thank you both :)
08:36 Szkodnix joined #minetest
08:37 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:46 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:47 Ronsor joined #minetest
08:49 JamesTait Good morning all!  Happy Wednesday, and happy Pluto Demoted Day! 😃 ♇
09:13 Megaf joined #minetest
09:13 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:14 Dolus joined #minetest
09:23 Dolus joined #minetest
09:25 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
09:32 Jordach joined #minetest
09:42 alkotob joined #minetest
09:44 swift110-phone lol
10:00 Twirlimp joined #minetest
10:01 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
10:17 Samson1 joined #minetest
10:17 couchakrobat joined #minetest
10:17 couchakrobat left #minetest
10:17 Fixer joined #minetest
10:18 Megaf This is cool
10:18 Megaf Calinou: ^
10:20 couchakrobat joined #minetest
10:21 Megaf oh, cool, I can just drag and drop a color from the pallete to the object I wat to color on Inkscape
10:21 Megaf that's cool
10:26 lumidify joined #minetest
10:30 FirePowi joined #minetest
10:35 Calinou this is great
10:57 prrmypx joined #minetest
11:06 namach joined #minetest
11:08 Samson1 joined #minetest
11:09 couchakrobat joined #minetest
11:11 couchakrobat left #minetest
11:12 couchakrobat joined #minetest
11:19 nosrick joined #minetest
11:32 Jordach Megaf, neat
11:38 Megaf :)
11:38 Megaf Just made my custom Debian wallpaper with the palette
11:40 Jordach Megaf, meanwhile i've just dealt with life
11:41 Jordach and VE is going to drive me mad with curves in a cube game
11:48 Megaf Jordach: My life sycks at the moment, in real life I am streesed, disolated and terrified. I rather isolate myself in some art, internet and minetest
11:48 Megaf life sucks
11:48 Jordach Megaf, at least your not as angry as i am when it comes to blender's cycles
11:49 Megaf lol
11:49 Megaf At the moment I'm angry at license stuff
11:49 Megaf I want to publish some photographic work. Not sure if I use this or this
11:50 Jordach nc, you might thank me later when someone nicks it
11:50 Jordach i've seen it way too many times now
11:51 Jordach Megaf, this is the noise issue specifically related to Polaris;
11:51 Megaf Gonna use this
11:51 * Megaf now opens Jordachs link
11:52 Megaf Jordach: that GPU is supposed to work great on Linux
11:52 Jordach Megaf, ikr, it's a launch day card
11:52 Jordach i literally got the last one
11:54 Jordach it also killed my old mobo
11:54 Jordach pci-e socket was already fried from a 770
11:56 Jordach Megaf, :D
11:56 Megaf I wonder if I can change the background color of a layer on inkscape
11:56 Megaf beautiful card man
11:57 Jordach it's the 8GB model
11:57 Jordach rendering won't run out of memory ever :D
11:57 Megaf heh, it might
11:57 Megaf just add too many threads
11:57 Jordach in like 6 years
11:57 Jordach most apps still don't need more than 4g
11:58 Calinou <Megaf> I want to publish some photographic work. Not sure if I use this or this
11:58 Calinou use neither
11:58 Calinou use CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA
11:59 Calinou CC-NC/ND don't deserve any users
11:59 Calinou (even Creative Commons is starting to think so)
11:59 Jordach Megaf, i need 32^2 samples just to remove said noise;
12:00 Megaf Calinou: I will use this
12:00 Calinou I saw, but well
12:00 Calinou it's a stupid choice IMO
12:00 Megaf why?
12:00 Calinou we don't need more proprietary culture, we need more free culture :)
12:00 Megaf can you give me the link to a good choice?
12:01 Megaf ok, hold on
12:01 Jordach Calinou, seen way too many companies stealing art without proper credit and or licensing
12:01 Calinou
12:01 Calinou something like that
12:01 Jordach even with CC-BY
12:01 Calinou Jordach: CC BY-SA prevents exactly that
12:01 Calinou if they don't give attribution, you can take legal action
12:01 Megaf Calinou:
12:01 Megaf this?
12:01 Calinou no, it has the same problem as the BY-NC license
12:05 PseudoNoob joined #minetest
12:27 Markow I see you! 👀
12:29 alkotob_ joined #minetest
12:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest
12:36 Jordach emojis in IRC
12:36 Jordach get out
12:37 rubenwardy 😂
12:39 Jordach no
12:39 Jordach just, no
12:40 * Megaf can't see emojis, thankfully
12:40 rubenwardy the font is really ugly
12:40 Markow ;)
12:40 Jordach
12:41 Markow I think they're pretty cool for IRC
12:41 Jordach NO
12:42 rubenwardy my IRC has quite a small line height, which makes it nice and compact
12:42 rubenwardy unicode emojis don't look good :(
12:47 Calinou 😂_😂
12:47 Calinou happy glasses
12:47 Jordach >has windows 10 pro
12:47 Jordach >can see emoji anywhere
12:47 Calinou >doesn't have Windows 10 Enterprise
12:47 Jordach >TFW not AU due to blacklisting at the asus router
12:48 Jordach plus some crazy level brain removal
12:49 Jordach cortana has 0 function at ths point;
12:53 Megaf Windows problems..
12:53 Megaf And Ubuntu too
12:53 Megaf both are the same thing
12:54 Jordach i've even gone as far as to almost nuke all default apps
12:55 Megaf It would be great if Linus was just as intuitive to use as Windows, wouldnt t?
12:55 Megaf With a control panel like the windows has
12:55 Jordach the issue i've seen so far is, that choice stalls user adoption
12:55 Jordach "which DE", "which distro"
12:57 Jordach if i had the choice of any unix-like system, i'd end up with a mac on one rule; it has software support from primary developers
12:57 Chinchou left #minetest
12:58 Calinou Megaf: that's called KDE I think :P
12:58 Megaf nope
12:59 e1z0 joined #minetest
12:59 Calinou Jordach: MacBook Pros are obscenely priced here, they start at €2,250
12:59 Megaf you can't partition your disks, add uses, change deep system settings on KDE
12:59 Calinou for a system that has no dedicated graphics :p
12:59 Dolus The different desktops don't really make much difference though. They can all run the same applications.
13:00 Jordach Calinou, i was potentially referring to either VM based or hackintosh
13:00 Megaf Calinou: wrong.
13:00 Megaf 1449
13:00 Megaf same price for Ireland
13:01 Calinou talking about 15" obviously
13:01 Calinou forgot to mention it
13:01 Calinou the 13" is much more decently priced, still high
13:01 Megaf and for dedicated graphics is 2 799,00 €
13:01 Jordach even an air would suffice for me
13:01 Megaf same macbook pro is €2,849.00   in IReland
13:01 Megaf be happy Calinou
13:02 Megaf you are less fucked than the Irish
13:02 Calinou anyway my next laptop might be a ThinkPad or something
13:02 Calinou some kind of enterprise-grade laptop
13:02 Calinou so, no dedicated graphics anyway
13:03 rubenwardy Windows? Intuitive? No
13:03 rubenwardy I hate the windows control panel, especially on windows 10
13:04 rubenwardy What Linux needs is a clippy
13:04 rubenwardy to act as tech support
13:04 Megaf Why the heck would anyone buy an Apple when we have this for almost half the price!?
13:04 Megaf Calinou: Jordach ^
13:05 Megaf Calinou: Jordach: that's what we need
13:05 Jordach Megaf, the thing is, apple only uses chips that literally are identical, no binned ones or similar
13:05 Megaf Memory
13:05 Megaf 4 SODIMM Slots, 64 GB Max., 2133 MHz
13:05 Jordach i wouldn't say repair is easy, but if it was serviceable
13:05 Jordach it might be alright
13:05 Calinou the T460s is not available in France
13:05 Calinou it's the best business notebook according to Notebookcheck
13:05 Jordach Megaf, superfish
13:05 Jordach end of :)
13:06 Jordach rubenwardy, i don't think so
13:06 Jordach
13:06 Calinou "€5,749.99" lol
13:06 rubenwardy I used W10 for a few months, was awful, so many problems
13:07 Jordach rubenwardy, this is why i'm not using AU i like my OS with my GPO
13:08 rubenwardy AU? GPO?
13:08 rubenwardy !g gpo
13:08 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Problem getting data from Google.
13:08 rubenwardy !b gpo
13:08 Jordach Anniversary Update removes Group Policy Editor from chrome
13:08 Jordach s/chrome/W10 Pro
13:08 Jordach blegh
13:08 sfan5 rubenwardy: please fix the google module for me :>
13:08 namach joined #minetest
13:08 rubenwardy sounds like pain
13:09 Jordach the GPO turns off all of the telemetry data
13:09 Calinou
13:09 Calinou there's this, but only 8 GB of RAM
13:09 Calinou which will surely be limiting in the long term
13:09 sfan5 can't you upgrade ram?
13:10 Calinou apparently no, but not sure
13:10 Calinou if it's DDR3 and only 1 slot, no
13:10 Calinou (or only in a very expensive manner)
13:10 Calinou DDR3 16 GB sticks don't exist really
13:10 Darcidride joined #minetest
13:19 alkotob_ Anyone interested in brainstorming?
13:20 alkotob_ I'm trying to plan a mod feature
13:20 alkotob_ specifically,
13:20 alkotob_ I want to make nature aggressive
13:20 alkotob_ so occasionally you have to fix your broken walls
13:21 alkotob_ after storms
13:21 alkotob_ and if a plot isn't maintained for a while,
13:21 alkotob_ it could be leveled to the ground
13:23 alkotob_ But how can I detect which blocks are natural?
13:23 sfan5 someone needs to manually work that out
13:23 alkotob_ I'm thinking check the biome or something
13:24 Volkj joined #minetest
13:24 sfan5 what would that help with?
13:24 alkotob_ yeah you're right
13:24 alkotob_ Anyway I think this can help immensely on servers,
13:24 alkotob_ since there won't be any ghost towns
13:25 alkotob_ Nature just reclaims land when players leave
13:25 alkotob_ and the civilized world shrinks
13:25 alkotob_ So it feels cozy again
13:25 segfault22 joined #minetest
13:26 alkotob_ What do you think?
13:26 segfault22 I still couldn't find a copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod,.. is it just gone forever? :'C` ` `
13:27 alkotob_ Isn't Areas + Markers enough?
13:27 segfault22 they say "derp once you put it on the internet its there forever derp" but that's apparently a lie.
13:27 Not_a_Robot joined #minetest
13:28 alkotob_ Wait I've seen the Land Claim one recently
13:28 segfault22 any areas mod is not enough. For my purposes, I need all areas to be exact 16^3 cbes aligned with the world chunk system
13:28 alkotob_ You get a wan right?
13:28 alkotob_ wand*
13:28 segfault22 that's a different one - the original 0gb_us mod uses claim-blocks
13:28 alkotob_ Ah sorry then
13:28 segfault22 it's okay
13:29 alkotob_ Anyway what do you think of an aggressive nature mod?
13:29 alkotob_ Reclaiming plots back to nature
13:29 alkotob_ Slowly
13:30 alkotob_ Or there could be a small monthly rent, and the house collapses if someone abandons it
13:30 alkotob_ The problem is how to make it collapse :P
13:31 segfault22 It would be nice as long as there is some way for the player to maintain their plot ownership without having to specifically visit each one; like a power-level system where the plot is "charged up" to a non-zero level, which is degraded over time, and you increase the level by converting matter to energy in some sinful ritual-machine
13:31 alkotob_ Sure sure
13:31 alkotob_ I was thinking a mere monetary fee using a money mod
13:32 segfault22 That would be effective
13:32 alkotob_ Claimed nodes are grouped into Plots so each would have separate rent
13:32 alkotob_ I think that could be done with areas
13:33 alkotob_ Actually I believe it has rent now
13:33 alkotob_ If I can convert ownership into a "Contract" item then it'll be tradeable
13:33 alkotob_ So it can be used with the Exchange Box mod
13:33 segfault22 it can, most areas mods have an API allowing other mods to claim/remove/modify areas without players executing a command or placing a block or whacking the ground with a magic stick
13:34 alkotob_ So yeah all I need at this point is a tradeable Contrac
13:34 alkotob_ and
13:34 alkotob_ a mod to flatten plots when abandoned
13:34 alkotob_ I think it'll just replace everything with air
13:34 alkotob_ maybe fill big holes with biome-friendly nodes
13:35 alkotob_ i.e. dirt or sand
13:35 alkotob_ or whatever
13:35 Jordach alternatively replace the air with "decay air"
13:35 alkotob_ ?
13:35 Jordach any nodes that are manufactured beside it slowly decay through an abm
13:35 alkotob_ abm?
13:35 Jordach active block modifier
13:36 Jordach once you've claimed an area, the "decay air" allows you to fine tune block decay over time
13:36 alkotob_ *All* air?
13:37 alkotob_ Or just air inside claimed areas
13:37 Jordach all the air inside claimed areas
13:37 Jordach that way, nobody notices the change
13:37 segfault22 Maybe there could be a chat-command the owner uses, when in their plot, that gives them a "deed" item, and they can give it to another player, who can then use it in the plot to transfer ownership. The item would need a metadata field for "expiration date", so if the player never claims the plot with the deed, the old one becomes invalid and the original owner can make another one
13:37 Jordach however, i think people would just abuse the fact that not using a claim to save time
13:37 alkotob_ What if someone claims the land after building the house?
13:37 Jordach and their build
13:37 alkotob_ Ah nvm I see
13:38 alkotob_ Very nice
13:38 alkotob_ It'll be a slow collapse
13:38 alkotob_ but still the end result would be an empty cube
13:38 nosrick joined #minetest
13:39 alkotob_ I think after all the plot becomes decayed air
13:39 alkotob_ The decayed air will turn to the blocks nearest to it
13:39 alkotob_ So the top becomes normal air again
13:39 alkotob_ And the ones near the ground will become stone/sand/dirt
13:39 alkotob_ It'll fill up beautifully to look like wilderness
13:40 FirePowi joined #minetest
13:41 alkotob_ When there's no more decayed air, the plot ownership is revoked, maybe.
13:42 alkotob_ Perhaps any placed block would turn air around it to decay
13:42 alkotob_ Regardless of ownership
13:43 alkotob_ Ownership just sets the boundary quicker
13:44 rubenwardy !title
13:44 MinetestBot rubenwardy: [WIP] Add state machine support by rubenwardy · Pull Request #3 · stujones11/minetest-npcf · GitHub
13:44 segfault22 maybe you could use some method to determine what nodes should be in the plot area at the moment it was created by worldgen, and slowly convert it back to that. For a more cool decay effect, blocks could turn into a "decaying" variant, growing moss and degrading into weaker blocks, until the last node in the decay-chain (sand or dirt, depending on if the node is stone-like or organic/wood) turns into air
13:45 segfault22 only problem is, the worldgen-trees would have to be excluded or replaced with saplings, because otherwise they would be regenerated randomly and it would look weird (floating leaves/trunk-blocks slowly filling up the shape of a tree at random)
13:46 alkotob_ Yeah that could be done through checking the biomes
13:46 segfault22 Also, ores would have to be excluded so that it doesn't become a source of infinite ores
13:46 alkotob_ Sure
13:46 alkotob_ It doesn't have to become perfect again
13:46 segfault22 right
13:46 alkotob_ I just dont want a big gaping hole
13:46 segfault22 of course
13:46 alkotob_ So all dirt/sand/whatever should be fine
13:47 alkotob_ I think I'll start with replacing air with Decay Air around all placed blocks
13:47 alkotob_ inb4 performance drops
13:47 segfault22 so would the area decay while it is owned by a player, or would it decay after ownership expires?
13:48 alkotob_ Well if he's paying rent I don't think it'll decay
13:48 alkotob_ It'll be annoying for really big creation
13:49 alkotob_ This just for abandoned houses
13:49 alkotob_ maybe for factions, too.
13:49 alkotob_ i.e. If they claim land it'll still decay if they don't pay rent.
13:50 alkotob_ Even if enemies can't steal it from them.
13:50 alkotob_ The point of this mod is basically:
13:50 alkotob_ I don't want servers to have ghost towns.
13:50 alkotob_ If you can avoid ghost towns,
13:51 alkotob_ servers can survive any amount of player loss.
13:51 segfault22 That's an interesting concept
13:51 nosrick Hello all!
13:52 alkotob_ Aloha
13:52 segfault22 welcome :D
13:52 segfault22 I have built towns on many servers, and regrettably got bored with the game and left to go work on a "revolutionary new mod" or some other project which usually doesn't get finished...
13:53 segfault22 I know most of the players either also don't come to the server, or they don't appreciate what I have done and they left my town; either way, I would not feel right trying to go back there now, as I let-down everyone..
13:54 alkotob_ Well games are about change
13:54 alkotob_ They're not graveyards
13:54 alkotob_ It should always be about who wants to play NOW
13:54 alkotob_ Especially since I believe servers should have a small central NPC town around spawn
13:55 alkotob_ So the plots around it would Claimed land
13:55 alkotob_ and if players leave it'll shrink to a small town again
13:56 STHGOM joined #minetest
13:57 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:58 lumidify Hi, is there any way to update the infotext of an entity? If I change the infotext of an entity later on, it doesn't get updated, but I can't find any function to call to update it.
13:58 alkotob_ I think the entities are registered at worldgen
13:58 alkotob_ I could be mistaken
13:58 alkotob_ Have you tried creating a new world?
13:59 lumidify Let me see...
14:03 lumidify I tried it in many worlds, and my custom infotext won't update. The hp in the F5 debug info also won't update, so I have absolutely no idea what's wrong. I'm playing the Lord of the Test subgame.
14:06 lumidify Hmm, the problem seems to only be in LOTT, but I don't see what could be causing it.
14:07 alkotob_ Maybe LOTT overrides this entity?
14:08 lumidify It's with all entities, including the LOTT ones, I even asked Amaz (a developer of LOTT), and s/he doesn't seem to know either :(
14:08 segfault22 Would it be reasonable to reserve certain keys to be given a function, where if the key is pressed and a weapon used, it is sed in adifferent attack mode? like one key when using a sword causes it to be swung from up to down (dealing more impact "type" damage), another causes it to be used in stabbing mode to deal piercing damage
14:08 segfault22 used
14:08 segfault22 my U key is failing'
14:09 alkotob_ Yes segfault is should be possible
14:09 alkotob_ it*
14:10 alkotob_ I'll look at the API and see if there's a "on_press" function
14:11 alkotob_ At that point it's a simple toggle code: if(pressed): mode = bla bla; if(releeased): mode = bla bla;
14:14 whitephoenix joined #minetest
14:14 segfault22 cool
14:17 lumidify Actually, I just realized that it doesn't work wherever mobs redo is used, so there must be something in there that's preventing updating the infotext.
14:17 segfault22 I figure the Z and X keys could be used, as long as they aren't already bound to some other function; they are near the WASD keys, which makes it easier to press them quickly than if they are halfway across the keyboard from the WASD keys. However, since some people use the arrow keys, this would be more difficult and possibly requiring the keys to be remapped to other ones that are near the arrow keys, or get a special mini-keyboard with just the o
14:17 segfault22 nes you need placed in an ergonomic orientation around the arrow keys
14:17 * lumidify goes to read api.lua from mobs redo
14:19 agaran good afternoon
14:25 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:33 KaadmY joined #minetest
14:36 rubenwardy Fuck you lua
14:36 rubenwardy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
14:37 rubenwardy why do you have to be so hipster
14:37 rubenwardy After coming from ES6, I'm finding Lua painful
14:38 Void7 joined #minetest
14:40 segfault22 what did it do
14:41 nolsen Heh, nobody even responded to my messages last night.
14:44 Digit left #minetest
14:46 IhrFussel joined #minetest
14:47 Jordach rubenwardy, roasted :D
14:49 segfault22 Windows pulls itself up by its own bootstraps. MacOS pulls itself up by sniffing glue and getting high. Linux pulls itself up with reactionless antigravity ether-drive
14:49 segfault22 so linux is faster on anything
14:50 segfault22 (the term "booting" comes from a phrase "to pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps")
14:51 Jordach segfault22, W10 hasn't been bad for me yet
14:51 segfault22 Yeah but it's got a builtin NSA backdoor, who really wants that
14:52 Jordach and? so does every website, web service etc
14:52 Jordach i enjoy having privacy yes, but when eyes are covered from surface the surface
14:53 Jordach you can't avoid it
14:53 Jordach and remember, signal to noise
14:53 Jordach 4 billion machines create too much to sort through, increasing in size
14:53 IhrFussel Can someone tell me how to read the new profiler results? Should I look at average times and the highest there is likely a problem?
14:54 Nosrick_ joined #minetest
14:54 agaran rubenwardy: ES6?
14:55 rubenwardy It's a version of javascript
14:55 segfault22 You can use quantum computing to sort through much more information than that, effectively and quickly. We only get to know about new technology being "in development" once the government already had been using it for a while, that way it isn't a threat to them.
14:55 rubenwardy adds nicer syntaxes like classes and inheritence
14:56 agaran rubenwardy: heh.. knowing -our- webdevs... I'd better like if they stay on html3.0..
14:56 agaran but thats unfortunatelly not possible..
14:56 rubenwardy Javascript isn't just a web thing
14:56 agaran well I know harm it does for web stuff..
14:56 rubenwardy that's mostly due to namespacing
14:56 agaran cant design it properly, toss more .js crufts to fix it..
14:57 agaran rinse&repeat
14:57 segfault22 it's not that people are kept from developing new technology and releasing it to the public as soon as it is ready; they just don't know about the idea before it is already being implemented in secret
14:57 rubenwardy people will do things badly no matter what language or technology you use
14:57 agaran rubenwardy: yep.. but JS is quite well visible with that.. but I agree lua could be better
14:59 PsychoVision joined #minetest
15:01 rubenwardy my point is that it's not the language that causes problems
15:01 rubenwardy but how it's implemented and how it's used
15:01 IhrFussel How high must an average value be in profiler results to be considered "too long" ? I have one function that takes 247,044
15:02 rubenwardy implemented: no namespaces by default in browsers
15:02 rubenwardy used: badly, including megabytes of a library to animate a logo
15:03 segfault22 Is there any way t get around the ~31,000 node limit? I read that some C++ number values are limited to a fixed-width space, but surely there's a way to get around that by like using two or more spaces and glue-ing them together at the ends to make a higher number?
15:03 agaran rubenwardy: believe me -I-know-it-badly... I work as QA..
15:04 agaran segfault22: well, knowing that you have 3 dimensional space 2^15^3 is quite PLENTY of brick space
15:05 agaran but computers have very little problems with numbers, just you will run out of ram..
15:06 IhrFussel agaran, seems like the highest value is a on_joinplayer() function
15:06 agaran hmm so all initialization..
15:07 shamoanjac segfault22, past 500,000 blocks, inaccuracy in floats start to have noticeable effects in Minecraft, so I guess it'd be the same in Minetest
15:08 IhrFussel agaran, 2nd highest is /add_owner o.o
15:09 segfault22 I thought node coordinate numbers were stored as integers
15:09 rubenwardy what mod are you using? Protection mods are slow if they don't use area stores
15:10 IhrFussel rubenwardy, me? I use areas mod
15:10 rubenwardy as you'd have to iterate through a massive list of area bounds to find one that collides
15:10 rubenwardy !mod areas
15:10 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Advanced area protection [areas] by ShadowNinja -
15:10 segfault22 !mod 0gb_us
15:10 MinetestBot segfault22: More Chests [chests_0gb_us] by -
15:10 rubenwardy looks like it does use area store, IhrFussel, providing you have the latest version
15:11 segfault22 no no no I was talking about Land Claim 0gb_us
15:11 rubenwardy if you are running a server, then you should compile it was a faster area store, such as libspatial
15:11 segfault22 !mod landclaim_0gb_us
15:11 MinetestBot segfault22: Could not find anything.
15:11 segfault22 (wrong because it's part of 0gb.usgame, but close)
15:11 rubenwardy;at=0&amp;q=0gb_us
15:12 rubenwardy segfault22 ^
15:12 rubenwardy
15:12 IhrFussel is µs micro seconds? so 247,000 is 247 ms?
15:12 segfault22 The files are gone, though
15:12 segfault22 it's just a useless list entry if we can't download the mod
15:13 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest
15:13 Jordach
15:13 Jordach still there
15:13 shamoanjac just use factions :^)
15:13 shamoanjac no custom areas though
15:13 shamoanjac only parcels
15:13 segfault22 That one is not Land Claim [0.7.1] [0gb_us] because 1. it is a different name and 2. it depends on points_0gb_us
15:14 segfault22 "still there" like
15:14 IhrFussel so my on_joinplayer() function takes 247 ms to finish..WHAT THE....
15:15 segfault22 "Buy This Domain", "Related Links", "Search Ads", no 0gb_us 0.7.1
15:15 Jordach GOOD NEWS
15:15 Jordach*/*
15:15 Jordach well, it should work
15:17 segfault22 I clicked the link and it says "Hrm. Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived."
15:17 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
15:18 Jordach died sometime between 2013-14
15:18 segfault22 Even if it did, the people who develop wayback-machine neglected to design it such that it would download files that are not webpages (except images and other stuff that can be embedded int a webpage; you can't really embed a .zip file)
15:18 segfault22 thank you for trying to help, though; most people just ignore my rants and requests
15:20 segfault22 I hope someone downloaded the mod before, and has a copy that can be uploaded to 4shared or something
15:21 segfault22 that would be nice
15:21 sfan5 >4shared
15:21 sfan5 i-is it still 2009?
15:22 segfault22 okay 2shared then
15:22 sfan5 that applies to both
15:22 segfault22 or mediafire, or googledrive, or <insert preferred file sharing service here>
15:22 segfault22 "file-sharing websites are 2009" right
15:23 rubenwardy I'm so glad that 4shared and mediafire are no longer used very often, at least in the MT community
15:23 rubenwardy I've blocked mods using both from my moddb:
15:24 segfault22 why have you blocked github addresses?
15:24 segfault22 and is there a file-sharing service which you prefer?
15:24 rubenwardy no longer works, and the others are incorrect
15:24 rubenwardy github, bitbucket or gitlab :P
15:25 rubenwardy anyway, gtg. May read logs
15:26 Miner_48er joined #minetest
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15:28 shamoanjac how do I set path_user?
15:28 shamoanjac I got a fresh minetest and yet I still get a wrong one
15:29 shamoanjac pointing to /usr/local/bin/..
15:29 segfault22 Does anyone have a backup copy of 0gb_us mod "Land Claim" the original that does not depend on points-0gb_us and is not part of a 0gb.us_game subgame?
15:31 segfault22 I am not getting any replies on the forum about the mod in a post I made asking if anyone has an archived copy they can upload somewhere
15:32 segfault22 Either people are just ignoring me, and clicking on the post just to make the "views" number look like it's going up without actually having anything to contribute, or nobody who still uses minetest has a copy of it...
15:32 segfault22 probably both
15:34 shamoanjac hello darkness my old friend
15:34 shamoanjac I've come to talk with you again
15:34 Jordach this is why i compile locally
15:34 Jordach eg, runs from it's own folder
15:34 sfan5 shamoanjac: have you made sure to compile with -DRUN_IN_PLACE=0 ?
15:36 segfault22 it's a lie that anything you put on the internet is "up there forever"; it's only kept if it's pr0n or hacked credit-card number list "dumps"
15:36 namach joined #minetest
15:39 segfault22 I really need that mod...
15:49 shamoanjac ah uhm thanks sfan5
15:51 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
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16:12 STHGOM joined #minetest
16:13 lumidify Hmm, is the on_step function of entities only called when there's a player near the entity?
16:16 nosrick joined #minetest
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16:28 kaen lumidify, yep
16:28 kaen there's an active block radius in the conf, 2 I think by default
16:29 kaen if you need persistent simulation you'll have to move it to a domain object of some sort
16:29 kaen also good fucking luck getting an entity to reliably activate if you spawn it where there are no players.
16:30 kaen I switched to a different engine for my game because of the inflexibility of entities
16:33 alkotob__ joined #minetest
16:43 Telesight joined #minetest
16:52 alkotob__ joined #minetest
16:56 lumidify Sorry, I was afk for a while, what different engine did you switch to?
17:05 rubenwardy kaen, I admit entities suck
17:05 rubenwardy although, would you be able to list what in particular?
17:07 lumidify See, I was just working on making some NPCs (with mobs redo) have hunger, so once in a while they need food, but it only works while a player is near them.
17:08 STHGOM lemme guess, the hunger timer resets when they are unloaded
17:09 lumidify I'm not sure about the timer, but their "food level" just stays the same.
17:11 kaen ^ this is the main thing
17:11 kaen you can't attach alway-on logic to an entity
17:11 kaen then, if you move alway-on logic to a domain class and update it in the global step
17:11 kaen you want to attach the entity to a position when it materializes
17:11 kaen but
17:11 lumidify The timer doesn't reset, it just doesn't update.
17:12 lumidify I'm assuming that adding it to global step would introduce massive lag if there were many NPC guards
17:12 kaen if you spawned that entity in a block where there's no player, it gets immediately static'd and then does not reactivate
17:12 kaen that's a faulty assumption, no more lag than if on_update worked the way you (and I) thought it did
17:13 kaen I worked around this btw
17:13 kaen somewhat reliably
17:13 kaen by making my own bitfield for tracking which blocks are (probably) active
17:13 kaen and only spawning the entity once a player is nearby
17:14 lumidify All I'm trying to do is add hunger to the guards in Lord of the Test, and these guards are always spawned by a player, so there'd always be a player there anyways.
17:15 kaen lucky you
17:15 kaen then just do what I said, add the hunger tracking to a lua object you write and update yourself
17:15 lumidify Okay, thanks, I'll see what I can do :)
17:19 kaen lumidify, also I jumped to terasology. The modules are incredibly difficult to write compared to minetest, which has a very noob-friendly api. But if you're competent and ambitious then the mods are much more powerful, so it's better suited to "total conversion" type of things like I'm doing
17:19 kaen imo, at least
17:20 basxto joined #minetest
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17:20 kaen whereas minetest is good for nyan cats
17:20 newbee joined #minetest
17:20 lumidify I've tried terasology, but lags like crazy for me, even when I turn off all the graphics settings. Maybe I should try it again.
17:21 kaen yeah it's also super resource intensive
17:21 lumidify And I hate Java, but that's just me :D
17:21 kaen hah so do I tbh
17:22 kaen but I spent the last day or so digging around the tera api, it's about as good as java code can get. I'm not having any trouble with it despite not writing java in almost a decade
17:22 lumidify Good to know :)
17:23 Arcelmi joined #minetest
17:24 newbee Hi everyone
17:24 davisonio joined #minetest
17:24 newbee I'm looking for a way to make a plan  (topdownview) from my map and update it automatically?
17:25 newbee Does anyone know a mod or a trick?
17:25 agaran there is tool that does map.. in png
17:25 agaran but does not make map (afaik) of underground slices..
17:26 newbee a topdownview is enough
17:26 lumidify kaen: do you think it would make sense to store the guard hunger in a completely different table that just stores the names of each player's guards?
17:27 newbee do you know the name off the tool or how i can get it>?
17:27 kaen sure, that makes sense for a first pass
17:28 lumidify Every guard should have a unique (for the player) name anyways, so then it would be independent of the actual objects.
17:28 kaen yep, that's exactly the way to do it
17:28 lumidify Okay :)
17:29 kaen keep in mind that data stored like that won't automatically get saved with the map
17:29 kaen so you'll have to save/load it somehow yourself
17:29 lumidify Yeah, I'll just serialize/deserialize it
17:29 kaen perfect
17:30 newbee agaran, could tell something more about that trick of mods?
17:30 agaran it is not mod, it is minetest-mapper tool
17:31 agaran on debian it came along minetest in package..
17:31 newbee ok, it is buildin in minetest?
17:31 newbee i use ubuntu 14.04
17:31 agaran I'd say it acompanies it, so try if you have minetest-mapper
17:32 newbee acompanies?
17:32 agaran is included in package, I think it is part of minetest indeed
17:32 newbee sounds good
17:33 agaran I used it few times.. nice thing..
17:33 newbee i could not found a mapper by the search engine in ubuntu
17:33 newbee how can i use it?
17:33 agaran it is python script actually..
17:34 agaran it is located /usr/games/minetest-mapper in my case
17:36 newbee how do you use it?
17:36 agaran /usr/games/minetest-mapper -i ~/.minetest/worlds/test3/
17:36 newbee as in how can i start the script for the map/game of my choise?
17:36 agaran Result image (w=1712 h=992) will be written to map.png
17:37 agaran yes, you point it to world, you get worldmap in return
17:37 newbee the image will not be a square?
17:37 agaran in my case not, because 'known' part of world it is not..
17:37 agaran it maps parts that got generated..
17:38 newbee pointing to the world do i with the part after -i?
17:38 newbee aah ok
17:38 agaran yes path to world directory
17:38 newbee thanks
17:38 newbee i gonna give it a try
17:45 newbee that works, thank you very much
17:45 agaran yw
17:51 lumidify kaen: sadly I realized the guard hunger won't work properly that way, because I have no way to take health from the NPC when there's no food left, since I don't have a reference to the object. The only way I can think of changing this is to add all the guards to a table in the on_activate callbacks. Do you think that would work?
18:03 Nosrick_ lumidify, why not make a guardManager class, that activates on a server on_step, stores the guards, and deals with them when it's activated?
18:06 Nemin joined #minetest
18:06 Nemin Hello, is this the right place to ask for modding help?
18:06 lumidify Well, my idea was to have the guards add themselves to a table through the on_activate function, so that a function that runs every server step (through minetest.register_globalstep) can loop through them and update the hunger. That way, I could add only the actual guards to that table.
18:07 Nemin How could i get an entity's position? 'getpos()' seems to be undefined...
18:08 lumidify Are you doing getpos on the luaentity or the objectref?
18:08 Nemin luaentity
18:08 lumidify I think you need to do it on the objectref
18:09 Nemin like this on_step = function(self, dtime)  (newline) local position = self.getpos()
18:09 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
18:09 kaen is it self.object:getpos() from there?
18:10 kaen honestly can't remember
18:10 lumidify I think so
18:10 kaen either way you want :getpos()
18:10 Nemin let me check
18:10 lumidify Yeah, I think that's it
18:12 kaen yeah really not sure about storing a reference to the object ref, I have no idea if that's valid when it reactivates
18:12 Nemin Yes it's self.object, thank you very much
18:12 lumidify kaen: According to on_activate(self, staticdata) — Callback method called by the engine when a new entity is instantiated (spawned) using minetest.add_entity(...) or re-instantiated after the object is deactivated.
18:13 kaen right
18:13 lumidify Wait, does deactivated also mean when there isn't any player near it anymore?
18:13 kaen yes
18:14 lumidify Because then I'd need a way to remove the deactivated objects from the table
18:14 kaen I believe so as well
18:14 kaen and you don't get that exactly, although get_staticdata does happen to be called when that happens
18:14 kaen but it's also called immediately after you add_entity
18:15 kaen to initialize and save the static data
18:15 kaen this is the song and dance I was trying to do before I jumped ship
18:16 lumidify Hmm, probably my table would need to be indexed by the guard names and the actual timer, etc. would need to be stored independently of the object, as I wanted to do before, and then the object needs to be updated when it is activated.
18:16 kaen at any rate, in your case the solution is simply
18:16 kaen store the hunger in your own table
18:16 kaen decrement it in your own update
18:16 kaen in the entity's on update
18:16 kaen you read from hunger, decrement health according to that
18:16 kaen then this magic trick
18:17 kaen you store a timestamp of the last time you decremented health in on_activate
18:17 kaen then, in your on_activate call you decrement health based on the time since that timestamp
18:17 kaen then update timestamp again
18:18 kaen essentially this accounts for the time the entities were not updating (and also stabilizes your code against tick time variation on laggy servers)
18:18 kaen hopefully that was clear
18:18 lumidify Wow, thanks for all your help! I'll try to implement that now :)
18:18 kaen sure thing, hope it does help
18:26 Darcidride joined #minetest
18:27 segfault22 I wish someone had a copy of that mod 0gb_us Land Claim (the original version, not the subgame version)
18:27 segfault22 it's looking a lot more like I'm going to have to modify the subgame version to do what the original version did, and do away with the dependency on points_0gb_us because I don't want to use it.
18:29 segfault22 oh well...
18:38 Jordach joined #minetest
18:48 lumidify Does anyone know if it is possible to track when an entity is deactivated?
19:03 Jordach not really, you properly get on_death and on_creation
19:03 Jordach (iirc those aren't the names)
19:03 Ronsor joined #minetest
19:09 Nemin Can i have another question please? How do implement a "wait"? My problem is i have a function which i want to call three times with a second wait between them.
19:10 Void7 minetest.after()
19:11 Nemin oh
19:11 Nemin thanks
19:13 Void7 np :)
19:14 lumidify joined #minetest
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19:29 Megaf joined #minetest
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19:44 Megaf !server Megaf
19:44 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 1/24, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.14-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 8ms
19:44 APNG so like let's talk about terms,
19:45 APNG is a "block" a type, and a "node" a position and associated data (including type)?
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20:32 nm0i Hi
20:45 shamoanjac his palms are sweaty
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22:20 sabino hi guys! how can I use rollback server command for a user actions?
22:20 nm0i /rollback <player name> [<seconds>] | :<actor> [<seconds>]: revert actions of a player; default for <seconds> is 60
22:22 shamoanjac any way to use downloaded maps for minetestmapper?
22:22 shamoanjac it looks for "" in the world's folder but this folder only contains an sqlite db for downloaded maps
22:27 sabino what is actor?
22:31 sabino Minetes says rollback are disabled. How can I able this?
22:31 Jordach enable_rollback = 1
22:31 Jordach in the conf
22:32 Jordach usually
22:32 Jordach enable_rollback_recording = true; is needed
22:32 Jordach enable_rollback_recording = true
22:32 Jordach just on it's own, that's it
22:33 Jordach sabino, ^
22:37 sabino joined #minetest
22:37 sabino thanks /Jordach
22:37 Jordach anytime
22:39 sabino I can't reverse the actions before this configuration. A user pick Lava and destroyed any constructions
22:41 sabino Is there any way to delete lava and fire blocks?
22:41 sabino by server commands
22:43 Jordach worldedit?
22:45 sabino yes, I have worldedit. But the fire reached the some constructions
22:45 Jordach you can also delete the bucket mod
22:45 Jordach which means liquids cannot be hand moved
22:46 Jordach (all mods are run server side, the clients don't need identical mods!)
22:46 Jordach (in fact they dont even need a game installed)
22:48 sabino good, how can I do this?
22:48 Jordach go to the server's games directory, then into mods, then delete bucket
22:48 Jordach before the mods folder it's usually minetest_game or similar
22:50 sabino oh, sorry now understood. this suggestions for future actions, but I ask for how can I fixed the lava and fire spreaded in my constructions
22:52 Jordach fire's spread can be disabled
22:52 Jordach apparently not
22:53 Jordach liquid spread can be disabled
22:53 sabino by commands?
22:54 Jordach >#    Liquid update interval in seconds.
22:54 Jordach ># liquid_update = 1.0
22:54 Jordach set that to like 60 seconds or higher
22:54 Jordach liquids will still flow
22:54 Jordach just extremely slowly
23:00 Sokomine joined #minetest
23:25 hisforever joined #minetest
23:27 hisforever Hi I know how to make the yellow glow blocks , now how do I get pure white glow blocks?
23:28 hisforever I'm on a server that has no mods for blocks
23:32 Void7 joined #minetest
23:39 Liban joined #minetest
23:45 nolsen "Supply converter has no network" THERE IS A NETWORK
23:47 nolsen Looks like a bug in technic.
23:47 Jordach there's always a bug in technic
23:48 betterthanyou711 joined #minetest
23:51 PsychoVision joined #minetest
23:57 Tmanyo joined #minetest

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