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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-03-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 VanessaE Fixer: d64 is an actual direct image of the disk data, rather than loose files.  that's why it seems to be too large, and why you have to download them to something bigger, like a 1571, 1581, FD2000, FD4000, hard drive, or flash of some sort.
00:01 Fixer ok, ty very much for info, i go sleep
00:01 VanessaE sofar: ok good. :)
00:01 VanessaE see you, fixer.
00:01 Fixer i've read more about it
00:01 Fixer i will*
00:01 sloantothebone Lets make an API for movement, so we can write in mods blocks that move the player (like water), and arrows and weapons that push the player, and blocks that slow down the player when walking on top
00:01 VanessaE Fixer: ok.  once you read into it a bit, it will become more clear.
00:01 VanessaE also:
00:01 VanessaE look for Zipcode 4-pack (NOT 6-pack).  you can downloa...
00:01 VanessaE damn it.
00:03 VanessaE sloantothebone: ask about that stuff in #minetest-dev
00:03 swift110 joined #minetest
00:03 VanessaE if there's anyone around, you're more likely to get a satisfactory answer there.
00:07 CWz joined #minetest
00:12 pozzoni joined #minetest
00:28 swift110-phone joined #minetest
00:40 devorch joined #minetest
00:58 Hirato joined #minetest
00:59 FatalNIX joined #minetest
01:02 nanovad joined #minetest
01:12 bilowan_ joined #minetest
01:57 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
02:05 Etzos joined #minetest
02:10 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:13 Open_Future joined #minetest
02:14 Open_Future Hi All, I added Streets Mod to my server but cant seem to figure out how to make ashphalt.  Is the streets mod dependent on something else for ashphalt?
02:18 Taoki joined #minetest
02:28 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:30 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
02:58 ssieb joined #minetest
03:37 nanovad joined #minetest
04:12 Hirato joined #minetest
05:28 Yst joined #minetest
06:34 Decalin joined #minetest
07:08 swift110-phone joined #minetest
07:15 fling joined #minetest
07:45 nrzkt joined #minetest
07:45 LazyJ joined #minetest
07:53 Decalin joined #minetest
08:13 Krock joined #minetest
08:21 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
08:21 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.13 (2015-08-20) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
08:35 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
08:54 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
09:01 Bro666 joined #minetest
09:06 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:29 Cryterion joined #minetest
09:35 Obani joined #minetest
09:36 Telesight joined #minetest
09:57 Calinou joined #minetest
10:19 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:28 redsPL joined #minetest
10:31 Fixer joined #minetest
10:59 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:24 CWz_ joined #minetest
11:25 iangp joined #minetest
11:37 CWz_ joined #minetest
11:37 CWz_ dang whats worng with my internet
11:39 Cryterion joined #minetest
11:39 Cryterion joined #minetest
11:44 sloantothebone joined #minetest
11:52 Obani joined #minetest
12:04 Toover joined #minetest
12:05 Toover hello?
12:06 Toover I am looking for amhi's admin
12:06 Toover my password does not work anymore =/
12:09 Fixer Toover, just wait here a little bit, he comes here from time to time, or go here
12:14 Fixer Calinou, minetest+mtg: 656 issues - 6209 commits, CDDA: 1188 issues - 40252 commits
12:15 Fixer just crude comparison
12:29 germanuel24 joined #minetest
12:30 germanuel24 *** Error in `minetest': free(): invalid pointer: 0x09d93f94 *** ???
12:31 germanuel24 This just happened and it does not give me a debug stack just this single line
12:34 germanuel24 I'm guessing something went wrong with memory management?
12:35 hoodedice joined #minetest
12:35 hoodedice yo, wassup
12:36 hoodedice paramat's commenting on 1 year old issue logs brought me here :d
12:36 hoodedice :D
12:36 Calinou hi hoodedice
12:36 Calinou yes, he deterred tons of my issues as well
12:37 hoodedice it is not a bad thing to follow up on old stuff, but some of those are soooo old I even forgot half of what I was thinking when I commented on those XD
12:38 Calinou me too
12:38 hoodedice I don't mind his intentions, I just wanted to ask why he thinks preserving velocity on hitting unloaded blocks is unfixable
12:41 hoodedice
12:44 hoodedice !tell paramat hoodedice said hi and is asking why velocity cannot be preserved on unloaded block #1442
12:44 MinetestBot hoodedice: I'll pass that on when paramat is around
12:44 hoodedice thank you, MinetestBot
12:45 cx384 joined #minetest
12:51 hoodedice
12:51 hoodedice !title
12:52 MinetestBot hoodedice: Add Cool iPhone 6 Effects With Steam Iron! - YouTube
12:56 STHGOM joined #minetest
12:56 Hirato joined #minetest
13:16 redsPL joined #minetest
13:23 redsPL joined #minetest
13:24 iangp joined #minetest
13:42 nrzkt joined #minetest
13:58 aix joined #minetest
13:58 aix hi everyone!
14:07 kaadmy joined #minetest
14:21 Darcidride joined #minetest
14:25 germanuel24 joined #minetest
14:25 STHGOM hi
14:26 germanuel24 Can someone tell me if the admintools mod by JBBgameich respects protected areas or ignores them?
14:27 LNJ2GO joined #minetest
14:32 lambda-11235 joined #minetest
14:46 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
14:51 XeonSquared joined #minetest
15:01 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:14 poignardazur joined #minetest
15:26 raymondillo joined #minetest
15:28 Trustable joined #minetest
15:31 nanovad joined #minetest
15:35 Samson1 joined #minetest
15:38 Cryterion joined #minetest
15:55 Darcidride joined #minetest
16:12 alt19662 joined #minetest
16:21 Krock joined #minetest
16:25 Trustable joined #minetest
16:31 Player_2 joined #minetest
16:41 germanuel24 joined #minetest
16:41 germanuel24 Does someone know why this happened? minetest: /build/minetest-0vDMSO/minetest-0.4.13/src/util/serialize.h:265: void writeF1000(irr::u8*, irr::f32): Zusicherung »i >= ((float)(s32)((-0x7FFFFFFF - 1) / 1000.0f)) && i <= ((float)(s32)((0x7FFFFFFF) / 1000.0f))« nicht erfüllt.
16:43 CWz joined #minetest
16:44 grimelle joined #minetest
16:46 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:48 Krock germanuel24, is it the most recent git version?
16:49 Krock *version from git
16:49 germanuel24 No, latest ppa stable this will be fixed in 0.4.14?
16:50 Krock oh, if this happened while playing, then perhaps yes
16:50 Krock a ot changed since the last stable release
16:50 Krock *lot
16:50 germanuel24 Yup happened while starting another process on the server as minetest ran
16:50 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:52 air joined #minetest
16:54 air anyone have ideas why 0.4.12 and below run fine but 0.4.13 and current git only load the world 5% of the time when connecting to servers?
17:03 Krock air, so it loads faster?
17:05 air what?
17:05 Krock "load the world 5% of the time"
17:05 air I connect to server, see chat, but am floating in the sky and cant move
17:05 Krock or do you mean the loading bar that gets stuck on 5%?
17:06 air just skybox, no world
17:06 Krock when you wait a minute, still no change?
17:06 air but 1 out 20 or so attemtps it will randomly work
17:06 air can wait forever, no change
17:07 Krock and that happens with all servers?
17:07 air yes
17:07 Krock enough free RAM?
17:07 air plenty
17:08 Krock strange
17:12 Zelenavoda joined #minetest
17:16 Zelenavoda Hello, I'd like to report spambot topics on mtforums...;t=14312 & viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14313 & viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14314 & viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14315
17:18 CWz joined #minetest
17:28 Krock just click on the report icon
17:30 aix so who wants to start a server with me
17:30 aix you get to choose the modpack
17:30 air can passwords be saved?
17:30 aix hell you can even have a shell, i just got a spare box
17:30 aix any takers?
17:30 aix air: not currently
17:32 aix really, nobody wants a free server?
17:33 air I cant even connect to servers
17:33 aix our nicks are so similar :3
17:33 air :)
17:33 Calinou there is no way to save passwords in client currently :'(
17:42 rubenwardy|phone joined #minetest
17:44 rubenwardy|phone Hi all
17:45 rubenwardy|phone I was wondering if anyone know of any mods that allow you to make coinhabbitors
17:45 rubenwardy|phone People that life in your home and consume food and do simple jobs like harvesting food
17:45 Calinou hi rubenwardy|phone
17:46 Calinou nope :/
17:46 Calinou personally I'd like to get back in Minetest modding and write a mobs mod that kicks ass
17:46 Calinou with consistent graphics, good balance and gameplay
17:46 Calinou not based on anything else
17:46 rubenwardy|phone Yeah
17:46 rubenwardy|phone Well, one problem of the mobs is the competing standards
17:51 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:52 rubenwardy but heh. I'd like to see such a mod
17:52 rubenwardy I have too many projects though
17:52 rubenwardy and too much work to do
17:52 rubenwardy rubenwardy|phone should not be here, I logged out on the client
17:52 rubenwardy I think it's bouncing
18:13 sofar Calinou: I feel the same. I'd first review all the APIs though and pick the best one, but most of the model's I've seen violate basic mechanics
18:13 sofar e.g. feet don't walk the same speed as the ground moves
18:14 Calinou I probably won't remake models at first
18:25 STHGOM joined #minetest
18:27 turd joined #minetest
18:28 turd Help pls. I need ubuntu server to run minetest/bin/.mintestserver after reboot, I cant get crontab right.Also I need the server to auto reboot every 4 hours.
18:29 turd Or if anyone can tell me best way to run the server automatically
18:29 air you are starting it from cron?
18:29 turd Hi air, I tried but failed. Im noob
18:30 turd i currently run it by ssh and use nohup
18:30 air is there an /etc/init.d folder/
18:30 air ?
18:30 turd i believe so
18:31 sofar I thought ubuntu switched to systemd?
18:31 air do you see a minetest file in it?
18:31 sofar or, old version of ubuntu?
18:31 turd ive never used startup scripts, i thought they went into rc.local
18:31 turd this is amazon vps
18:31 turd ubuntu 64 , propbably fairly current
18:32 air sofar: do you know how to use systemd?
18:32 sofar I wrote parts of it
18:32 turd nope, i can copy and paste (:
18:32 air how would he find the service for systemd?
18:33 sofar systemctl
18:33 Wuzzy joined #minetest
18:33 sofar run that - does it exist? does it output a long list?
18:33 Calinou Ubuntu 14.04 is still on Upstart
18:33 turd i cant log into it atm, but i believe that is there
18:33 Calinou Ubuntu 15.10 is on systemd
18:33 Calinou so will be 16.04
18:34 sofar all depends on the version he has, but my bet is 14
18:34 turd i believe its ubunto 15 later
18:34 Calinou most servers run Ubuntu 14.04 because it's LTS
18:35 turd ok so i need to figure out my version because the process will differ?
18:35 Calinou yes
18:35 Calinou you can use "lsb_release -a" to know your version
18:36 turd how can i see the version when i ssh in?
18:36 turd ahh thanks read my mind
18:36 turd ok ill do that and check back with guys, thansk
18:36 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
18:39 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:42 turd joined #minetest
18:42 turd Hi
18:42 turd Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-74-generic x86_64)
18:42 turd yep
18:43 Krock k
18:43 air look in /etc/init.d for something called minetest
18:44 turd Im not currently logged in
18:44 turd but i  will copy paste info
18:44 air yu cant login while on irc?
18:45 turd im noob but i know nano and basic linux commands
18:45 turd i use a free vpn on irc
18:45 sythe joined #minetest
18:45 turd so i have to logoff to do other stuff
18:47 air
18:49 air it might use something like "update-rc.d minetest-server enable" to make the server always run at boot
18:49 turd ok
18:50 air and "service minetest-server start" to start it, change start to stop to stop it
18:50 turd page loading slow, vpn sucks
18:50 air adding the service to run at boot wont automatically start it
18:50 turd ok
18:53 aix hi everyone
18:53 air hi
18:53 aix oh no i bought a spare server whatever will i do with it
18:54 turd host my server
18:54 air :)
18:54 aix turd: okay
18:54 aix that works
18:55 aix what's your server hosted on currently?
18:55 turd mine always full, only 22 player max
18:55 aix what specs
18:55 turd TARDS
18:55 turd its only 1 gb ram, free amazon vps
18:55 aix I got a 24 core 1GB RAM 13G SSD, Gigabit uplink with IPv6
18:55 aix Yeah I win
18:55 aix kinda
18:56 turd im poor :(
18:56 aix can i visit ?
18:56 turd so free is awesome
18:56 air amazon has free servers that run minetest?
18:56 aix y'see online, poor almost always means young
18:56 turd yes
18:56 aix air: just free servers
18:56 aix for 6 months
18:57 turd yes ec2
18:57 aix ya
18:57 turd I think its a year actually
18:57 aix oh yeah sorry it is
18:57 air unlimited bandwidth?
18:57 aix okay gimme the current address
18:57 aix air: close
18:57 aix 42 something
18:57 turd i dunno
18:57 aix 42 TB
18:57 air 42TB/mo?
18:57 aix i think they flipped a coin on that number
18:57 aix yeah
18:57 aix dunno why
18:58 air wow
18:58 aix all the other plans are reasonable
18:58 aix !server terd
18:58 MinetestBot aix: No results
18:58 aix !server turd
18:58 MinetestBot aix: No results
18:58 aix !server tard
18:58 MinetestBot aix: TARDS | | Clients: 20/23, 21/23 | Version: 0.4.13-dev / minetest | Ping: 104ms
18:58 aix oh
18:58 aix okay
18:58 turd
18:58 aix woah thats popular
18:58 aix I'd host that
18:59 turd yes i surprised
18:59 aix It's your lucky day turd
18:59 aix You seem trustworthy so
18:59 aix You run linux at home?
18:59 aix If you send me a public key I'll send you a user and an address :)
18:59 turd haha, i guess, i just made out of boredom and it became popular
19:00 aix Oh jeez too many users
19:00 aix yeah
19:00 aix I guess I can do 50, depending on the mods you have
19:00 turd yes im using ubuntu, and im kinda a linux noob
19:00 aix okay so you log in via ssh right
19:00 turd only 35 mods on TARDS
19:00 aix oh wow
19:00 turd yes
19:00 aix 100 users it is
19:00 aix mind if i err
19:00 air anyone who uses linux is less a noob than someone who uses windows ;)
19:00 aix add some of my own
19:00 aix air: true
19:01 aix okay do you have anything in ~/.ssh ?
19:01 aix if not, run ssh-keygen, if you do, is the public key, i need that part
19:01 turd I think the popularity comes form simplicity , less is more. you know some are in 3rd world on a phone haha
19:01 aix woah much offtopic
19:02 turd ok
19:02 aix turd: i'll just add mods which don't add items
19:02 turd you host you do what you want
19:03 turd yes i know a little about ssh and making keys
19:03 air aix: and then you can watch your logs when I connect and tell me why I cant connect to servers :)
19:03 turd i just youtube what i need to learn, then copy commands from txt file
19:04 aix air: sure
19:04 aix fair enough
19:04 aix so
19:04 aix send over
19:04 aix it's public but just paste it in a PM
19:05 turd it may take me a few to get this key thing right
19:05 turd i sent my email
19:06 aix your email?
19:06 air you sent email to me
19:06 turd yes i will make my pubkey and send
19:06 aix okay
19:06 davisonio joined #minetest
19:07 aix it's one command
19:07 turd if you write me the return address
19:07 aix ssh-keygen
19:07 aix hm?
19:07 aix just pastebin it or something
19:07 turd ok how do i export that pub to txrt?
19:07 aix just cat it
19:07 aix cat ~/.ssh/
19:07 aix it's one line
19:07 aix it may wrap to look like more
19:07 turd k got it ill do now
19:07 aix awesome
19:08 turd and i dont have pub key haha
19:10 aix turd: I'll be back in 45
19:10 aix Can you prepare a zip or tar of everything?
19:10 turd ok just mail me i messed up
19:11 aix mail you?
19:11 turd im gonna try to fix this current server to run on boot
19:11 aix uh
19:11 aix shouldn't reboot so much
19:11 turd Or a new server?
19:12 aix if you can give me a tar with all of your server's data i'll go ahead and optimize some stuff and have it up in about 10
19:12 turd Well theres a crash from a mod, and afk players cleaning. so reboot should help
19:12 aix right now though, i have to go for 45 minutes
19:12 turd ok ill try to be back, if not mail me and ill see what i can get together
19:12 turd i gtg too so bye and thanks
19:18 nanovad joined #minetest
19:41 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
19:41 tpe joined #minetest
20:12 sonicpp joined #minetest
20:26 newuser_ joined #minetest
20:44 davisonio joined #minetest
20:48 STHGOM joined #minetest
20:51 est31 joined #minetest
21:16 DFeniks joined #minetest
21:20 sonicpp joined #minetest
22:01 Jordach joined #minetest
22:03 rubenwardy joined #minetest
22:17 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
22:17 LNJ2GO left #minetest
22:28 iangp joined #minetest
22:34 Player_2 joined #minetest
22:34 Hirato joined #minetest
22:45 swift110 joined #minetest
22:47 swift110 joined #minetest
23:31 Dragonop joined #minetest
23:33 STHGOM is there a way to search the entire minetest code for a certain word??
23:34 Dragonop I guess you could use github to do that
23:34 Dragonop
23:35 Dragonop on the top left corner you can search in that repo
23:36 rubenwardy github search sucks
23:36 rubenwardy the best way is git clone; cd minetest/src; grep -nr "term" *
23:36 kaadmy +1 for rubenwardy
23:37 rubenwardy ShadowBot, karma rubenwardy
23:37 ShadowBot rubenwardy: rubenwardy has neutral karma.
23:37 rubenwardy ShadowBot, karma Dragonop
23:37 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Dragonop has neutral karma.
23:40 STHGOM k
23:41 Dragonop Karma?
23:44 rubenwardy Dragonop++
23:44 rubenwardy ShadowBot, karma Dragonop
23:44 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Karma for "Dragonop" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
23:44 Dragonop Hmm, I see, interesting, thanks
23:45 STHGOM Dragonop--
23:45 STHGOM ShadowBot, karma Dragonop
23:45 ShadowBot STHGOM: Karma for "Dragonop" has been increased 1 time and decreased 1 time for a total karma of 0.
23:45 STHGOM aw haw haw
23:45 Dragonop Hahaha
23:45 Dragonop STHGOM++
23:46 Dragonop ShadowBot, karma STHGOM
23:46 ShadowBot Dragonop: Karma for "STHGOM" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
23:46 STHGOM Dragonop++
23:46 STHGOM ShadowBot, karma Dragonop
23:46 ShadowBot STHGOM: Karma for "Dragonop" has been increased 2 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of 1.
23:46 Dragonop ShadowBot++
23:46 Dragonop ShadowBot, karma ShadowBot
23:46 ShadowBot Dragonop: Karma for "ShadowBot" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
23:46 Fixer o_0
23:46 Dragonop Interesting, yes
23:47 nm0i *--
23:47 Dragonop ShadowBot, karma *
23:47 ShadowBot Dragonop: Karma for "*" has been increased 0 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of -1.
23:48 STHGOM Karma++
23:48 nm0i ShadowBot: DROP TABLE
23:48 STHGOM ShadowBot, karma Karma
23:48 ShadowBot STHGOM: Highest karma: "c" (4), "<luke4378> " (1), and "So love has put out an xml file with autocomplete for Notepad" (1).  Lowest karma: "<JadenWolf> --." (-6), "<GreenDimond> --does not compute" (-2), and "<Lexiiboo25> --_" (-2).  You (STHGOM) are ranked 2 out of 204.
23:48 rubenwardy WHAT HAVE I DONE
23:49 nm0i You forced irssi users to put ignore on ShadowBot
23:49 nm0i :3
23:50 Dragonop rubenwardy++
23:50 Dragonop Bahaha
23:51 rubenwardy anyhow
23:51 rubenwardy I worked out why my app wasn't sending a request to my server correctly. Now it's time for sleep o/
23:51 Dragonop nm0i, I don't use irssi btw
23:51 Dragonop Good night rubenwardy
23:52 Dragonop is it good, nm0i?
23:53 nm0i Ask people @ #irssi
23:53 Dragonop Lol, I might do that some day
23:53 Dragonop sticking with HexChat anyways
23:54 Fixer ShadowBot, DROP TABLE
23:58 kaadmy kaadmy++
23:58 ShadowBot kaadmy: Error: You're not allowed to adjust your own karma.
23:58 kaadmy darn
23:59 kaadmy kaadmy--
23:59 ShadowBot kaadmy: Error: You're not allowed to adjust your own karma.
23:59 kaadmy :|
23:59 STHGOM I've been looking in minetest's source files for a few hours now, looking for a place to keep the server from sending players' nametag data, but keep sending other player stuff, like locations/models, so you can still see the actual players, but no tags. (unlike player_transfer_distance) can anyone help me?

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