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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-03-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 Hijiri I've patched the thing and deleted that player's orders
00:14 Fixer how exactly you patched it?
00:29 rubenwardy what mod is that, Hijiri
00:43 ynong123 joined #minetest
00:47 turd joined #minetest
00:48 turd Can anyone tell me how to keep inventory when a player dies on a server? Do I just delete /mods/bones?
00:49 sofar disable bones, yes
00:49 turd ok thanks
00:50 Fixer maike?
00:57 Void7 joined #minetest
01:01 Hijiri rubenwardy: global_exchange
01:02 cat5e joined #minetest
01:02 redblade hi
01:02 redblade i'm having some issues with my new server
01:02 redblade i shut down the one running on the same vps
01:03 redblade lag is <1 memory is fine
01:03 redblade but people are timing out anyway
01:03 redblade can someone come over and take a look please?
01:03 redblade i'm not having any problems but everyone else is
01:03 redblade creative gardens
01:04 redblade server memory use i mean
01:04 redblade not using swap at all
01:05 redblade i'm really getting tired of this
01:05 redblade i've done everything i can
01:05 redblade people still time out
01:05 redblade upgraded my vps plan
01:05 redblade started a new server without technic, experimental mapgen, and others
01:06 redblade can as many people as possible join, walk around and do something, and let me know what the problem is?
01:07 redblade what's weird is that the lag is <1 now with the other server gone
01:07 redblade but people are still timing out
01:15 Fixer unfortunately it is too late for me, going to sleep, but maybe someone will help, try asking help in 10 hours or so
01:16 Void7 joined #minetest
01:18 redblade ok
01:19 redblade anyone here can join i just want to know what's the cause because i have no problems and i got the lag and memory use down
01:20 Tuxfuk ip?
01:21 dzho and domain name?
01:21 Tuxfuk yep
01:26 redblade bbl
01:26 redblade "the creative gardens"
01:26 redblade
01:26 redblade i gotta go bbl tell me here for when i get back
01:27 redblade lag currently 0.1
01:31 Tuxfuk what's the problem?
01:31 Tuxfuk spawn gets laggy as fuck
01:34 rubenwardy If you have a lot of interactive things, then you could be subject to the meta data problem
01:34 rubenwardy where meta data is excessively resent
01:34 rubenwardy interactive things such as mesecons or technic
01:40 redblade back
01:40 redblade there's mesecons
01:40 redblade how is it laggy at spawn regardless of what it tells me?
01:40 Tuxfuk i'm at your house
01:40 rubenwardy By lag do you mean low latency or low fps?
01:41 Tuxfuk fps
01:41 rubenwardy sorry, high latency
01:41 Tuxfuk in the 20s
01:41 rubenwardy What version of Minetest does your client and your server use
01:41 redblade i got 0.5
01:41 redblade here in the hotel
01:41 redblade 0.4.13
01:41 redblade dev
01:41 Tuxfuk my client is 0.4.1
01:41 Tuxfuk compiled grom source
01:42 rubenwardy there is no 0.5 client. And I'd discourage using 0.4.1 XD
01:42 rubenwardy if that wasn't a typo
01:42 Tuxfuk why?
01:42 rubenwardy The latest dev has quite a few improvements
01:42 Tuxfuk it's already been update?
01:42 XeonSquared how do I load mods on a dedicated server?
01:42 rubenwardy It's old and won't work with many servers
01:42 Tuxfuk ah
01:43 rubenwardy XeonSquared, in the wolrd folder
01:43 rubenwardy load_mod_<modname> = true
01:43 Tuxfuk i dont recall if i compiled from github or portage
01:43 Tuxfuk i'll go ahead and update
01:43 XeonSquared rubenwardy: ohok, thanks :D
01:43 Tuxfuk thanks for the pointer. also, can we increase the max framerate?
01:44 rubenwardy max_fps = 0 will unlimit the framerate
01:44 rubenwardy in minetest.conf
01:44 rubenwardy or fps_max
01:44 Tuxfuk sweet thanks
01:44 rubenwardy not sure
01:46 ssieb joined #minetest
01:47 Tuxfuk is it necessary to restart minetest after modifying that?
01:48 rubenwardy yes
01:49 Tuxfuk thanks
01:52 Tuxfuk hmmm
01:52 Tuxfuk neither of those worked
01:53 rubenwardy it's fps_max
01:54 rubenwardy it may not be in 0.4.1, if you haven't updated yet
01:54 Tuxfuk oh
01:54 Tuxfuk possibly
01:54 rubenwardy 0.4.1 is like four years old
01:55 Tuxfuk spaces on the sides of =?
01:55 Tuxfuk seriously? lol
01:55 rubenwardy spaces are not needed
01:55 Tuxfuk lol yeah i installed it via portage
01:55 Tuxfuk witheut unmasking all of the new ones
01:58 Tuxfuk see you guys later
02:01 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
02:02 XeonSquared Can't decide whether the server machine is overpowered or Minetest is just a light server
02:02 XeonSquared Sitting happily at 1% CPU
02:02 Void7 joined #minetest
02:03 theTroy joined #minetest
02:04 XeonSquared
02:06 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
02:08 rubenwardy how many players though?
02:31 lubuntu_ joined #minetest
02:44 yang2003 joined #minetest
02:57 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:24 est31 joined #minetest
03:32 redblade hi est you there?
03:35 est31 yes
03:35 est31 whats the issue
03:35 est31 hello
03:36 redblade hi
03:37 redblade having issues with users on my new server timing out, despite the fact that server memory is good, i shut down the other server on the vps, lag is <1, etc
03:37 redblade I asked Tuxfuk and he said it was slow for him even though the lag was <1
03:37 redblade could you please head over there and check it out for me?
03:38 redblade i'm not logged on, have to go soon
03:38 redblade just let me know here
03:38 redblade "the creative gardens"
03:38 redblade
03:40 est31 well idk
03:41 est31 lag can have multiple reasons
03:41 est31 most times its the mods
03:41 redblade it's like every user, and yesterday someone complained about "processing errors"
03:42 redblade when i set up this server, i didn't add the mods that were crashing on the old server, like technic and mg
03:42 redblade so i thought it would be good
03:42 redblade but there seems to be more timeouts than quits which is not a good sign
03:42 redblade but you're not having any problems?
03:43 redblade inventory lite is a lot less pages
03:44 redblade i dont have a chance to ask everyone if they're mobile or not because they timeout within a minute
03:44 redblade and the guy yesterday had a 4 GB refurbished desktop he said
03:45 redblade with win7
04:08 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Documentation: Auto-update conf.example and settings_translation_file.cpp 20312fd (2016-03-12T04:03:43Z)
04:49 redblade back
05:31 everamzah;t=14186 <-- SuperPick behold its power!
05:41 Yst joined #minetest
07:11 Hirato joined #minetest
07:13 Cryterion joined #minetest
07:49 Krock joined #minetest
07:56 nrzkt joined #minetest
07:57 Amaz joined #minetest
08:00 srifqi joined #minetest
08:10 srifqi joined #minetest
08:21 Telesight joined #minetest
08:28 Yst joined #minetest
08:35 Thomas-S joined #minetest
08:37 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:55 redsPL joined #minetest
09:01 Cryterion joined #minetest
09:06 alket joined #minetest
09:11 cyberviking joined #minetest
09:14 Obani joined #minetest
09:18 LazyJ joined #minetest
09:26 ud1_ joined #minetest
09:43 Cryterion joined #minetest
09:47 DevBox joined #minetest
09:55 cyberviking joined #minetest
10:00 VargaD_ joined #minetest
10:19 Calinou joined #minetest
10:26 linkedinyou joined #minetest
10:27 redsPL joined #minetest
10:28 pumpkin joined #minetest
10:46 edakiri joined #minetest
11:14 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:40 Fixer joined #minetest
11:44 edgrey joined #minetest
11:51 Telesight joined #minetest
12:10 Pest joined #minetest
12:12 everamzah (compared to maptools when used on a node with on_punch defined)
12:23 sfan5 !title
12:23 MinetestBot sfan5: SuperPick Comparison - YouTube
12:40 Sockbat joined #minetest
12:42 numZero joined #minetest
12:53 numZero joined #minetest
12:56 Chasis joined #minetest
13:01 Pest joined #minetest
13:02 Chasis joined #minetest
13:05 Fixer joined #minetest
13:06 alket joined #minetest
13:08 Chasis left #minetest
13:08 turtleman joined #minetest
13:26 proller joined #minetest
13:34 Fixer Warning: Windows 7 computers are being reported as automatically starting the Windows 10 upgrade without permission. (
13:34 Fixer lol
13:39 XeonSquared sometimes I'm really glad that Windows Update is broken on the Windows 7 boxen I have
13:52 Megaf joined #minetest
13:53 grimelle joined #minetest
13:57 Megaf !server Megaf
13:57 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 0/6, 0/3 | Version: 0.4.13-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 8ms
13:58 alket joined #minetest
13:59 Pest joined #minetest
14:04 sfan5 !server players:most
14:04 MinetestBot sfan5: just test | | Clients: 31/78, 21/33 | Version: 0.4.12-dev / minetest | Ping: 37ms
14:08 Megaf just test runs a server version even older than mine
14:09 Megaf I wonder if it still maintained?
14:09 Megaf sfan5, how to check the servers uptime with !server?
14:09 Megaf !server uptime:most
14:09 MinetestBot Megaf: No results
14:09 Megaf !server uptime:larger
14:09 MinetestBot Megaf: No results
14:10 * Megaf opens up
14:10 Megaf no uptime
14:14 sfan5 no uptimec
14:14 sfan5 correct
14:16 redsPL joined #minetest
14:17 Pest joined #minetest
14:18 Player_2 joined #minetest
14:20 Megaf So I just applied for a job, and this is the application pages banner.
14:21 Megaf I think I might need a slightly larger aeroplane
14:22 Krock I wonder what the guys will do in 2099 when a new version of C(++) is released
14:26 rubenwardy joined #minetest
14:31 Dragonop joined #minetest
14:50 Yst joined #minetest
14:51 Pest joined #minetest
14:52 SaKeLWorld joined #minetest
14:58 kaadmy joined #minetest
15:30 sofar_ joined #minetest
15:30 Etzos joined #minetest
15:34 fling joined #minetest
15:35 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest
15:35 thatgraemeguy joined #minetest
15:37 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:40 Void7 joined #minetest
15:43 srifqi joined #minetest
15:43 ssieb joined #minetest
15:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:52 lambda-11235 joined #minetest
16:05 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:07 alt joined #minetest
16:11 Robby_ joined #minetest
16:11 misprint_ joined #minetest
16:12 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:12 Calinou joined #minetest
16:13 book` joined #minetest
16:13 Calinou which libre, self-hostable password manager would you recommend?
16:13 Calinou needs to be able to sync across devices
16:14 Calinou and cross-platform client, with Android support ideally
16:21 Obani joined #minetest
16:33 nm0i I used to use keepass (on android) + kpcli (*nix/windows side) + syncthing for passfile syncing.
16:54 sofar joined #minetest
17:00 Pest joined #minetest
17:02 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
17:05 MinetestBot [git] ShadowNinja -> minetest/minetest: Fix chat console not opening after formspec opened over it 8c951ca (2016-03-12T12:01:40-05:00)
17:07 Obani joined #minetest
17:08 Cryterion joined #minetest
17:25 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:30 nanovad joined #minetest
17:32 Megaf joined #minetest
17:33 kaadmy on the new liberty land server i got the "WARNING: Invalid Listener" problem
17:34 kaadmy and since then i can't connect, it just initializes nodes and does nothing with only the sky and clouds and finally times out after a few minutes
17:42 alket joined #minetest
17:49 alket_ joined #minetest
17:54 alket__ joined #minetest
18:06 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
18:16 Cryterion joined #minetest
18:19 Fixer interesting.png
18:19 MinetestBot [git] sofar -> minetest/minetest: Allow nodes to specify which sides to connect to. 37b4f0d (2016-03-12T12:08:17-05:00)
18:19 MinetestBot [git] sofar -> minetest/minetest: Nodebox: Allow nodeboxes to "connect" e737b1c (2016-03-12T12:08:17-05:00)
18:19 Fixer kaadmy, client version?
18:19 Megaf <ACTION> 2016-03-12 17:45:56: [Server] chocolate [] joins game.
18:19 Megaf Dat IP
18:19 Megaf and Dat Taste
18:19 Fixer nice ip
18:21 Fixer kaadmy, connected fine, no errors, latest git week old with few PRs included
18:23 kaadmy Fixer: only after i the the invalid listener problem
18:23 kaadmy worked fine before that
18:23 alket_ joined #minetest
18:24 Yst I don't get it. What's so special about that IP address?
18:25 Megaf nerd stuff
18:25 Megaf you no nerd
18:25 sofar random numbers whooo
18:27 redsPL joined #minetest
18:36 Yst Megaf: Each number is greater than the one before it. Is that it?
18:36 Yst sofar: Ha ha.
18:36 Megaf Yst, that too
18:37 sfan5 well the thing i would find remarkable about that ip is the small first octet
18:37 Megaf but in my opinion the nicest thing about that IP is that the first number is single digit
18:37 sfan5 dont see those often
18:37 Megaf ^ :)
18:37 Yst Ah, I see.
18:37 Megaf So, it is an awesome IP indeed
18:37 Yst I wonder why not.
18:37 sfan5 because of allocations
18:38 sfan5 lost of first-small-octet spaces were allocated in the beginning
18:38 sfan5 and are used by companies
18:38 sfan5 not DSL subscribers
18:38 sfan5 s/lost/lots/
18:38 Megaf TalkTalk Telecom Plus Dynamic Range
18:38 Yst That explains why Google has at least a couple short IP addresses.
18:38 sfan5 not really
18:39 Megaf TalkTalk Communications Limited
18:39 sfan5 iirc they are "borrowing" from level3
18:39 Megaf That's who owns that IP
18:39 Yst Ah, I see.
18:39 Megaf I rather use :D
18:39 sfan5 !py __import__("os").popen("whois").read()
18:39 MinetestBot ''
18:39 Megaf and is for the weak
18:40 sfan5 !py __import__("os").popen("echo '' | nc 43").read()
18:40 MinetestBot '% This is the RIPE Database query service.\n% The objects are in RPSL format.\n%\n% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.\n% See\n\n% Note: this output has been filtered.\n%       To receive output for a database update, use the "-B" flag.\n\n% Information related to \' -\'\n\n% No abuse contact registered for -\n\
18:40 Megaf sfan5, Level 3 Communications, Inc. (LVLT)
18:40 sfan5 !py ' '.join(e if e[0] != '%' else "" for e in __import__("os").popen("echo '' | nc 43").read().split("\n"))
18:40 MinetestBot IndexError: string index out of range (file "/home/sfan5/mtbot/modules/", line 78, in py)
18:40 Megaf you are correct, Goggle is "borrowing" the IP
18:41 sfan5 !py ' '.join(e if len(e) > 0 and e[0] != '%' else "" for e in __import__("os").popen("echo '' | nc 43").read().split("\n"))
18:41 MinetestBot '             inetnum: - netname:        NON-RIPE-NCC-MANAGED-ADDRESS-BLOCK descr:          IPv4 address block not managed by the RIPE NCC remarks:        ------------------------------------------------------ remarks: remarks:        You can find the whois server to query, or the remarks:        IANA registry to query on this web page: remarks:
18:41 Megaf Parent:         LVLT-ORG-8-8 (NET-8-0-0-0-1)
18:41 Megaf NetType:        Reallocated
18:41 Yst Megaf: Do those IP addresses actually lead to the same place as the short ones?
18:41 sfan5 maybe i should just open a terminal
18:41 sfan5 Yst: no they dont
18:41 Megaf Yst, is the BEST and SAFEST DNS server in the planet
18:41 sfan5 i prefer my isps dns
18:41 Megaf theres a whole community arround it
18:41 sfan5 better latency
18:42 Megaf !google OpenDNS
18:42 Megaf !g OpenDNS
18:42 MinetestBot Megaf:
18:42 Megaf !title
18:42 MinetestBot Megaf: Cloud Delivered Enterprise Security by OpenDNS
18:42 Megaf There
18:42 Megaf Organization:   OpenDNS, LLC (OPEND-2)
18:42 Megaf NetType:        Direct Assignment
18:42 Yst My ISP removes NXDOMAIN responses and replaces them with records pointing to their own ad server. I'd rather not use my ISP's DNS servers.
18:42 Megaf and their IP actually belongs to them
18:43 sfan5 % ping -6Ac 8 2003:180:2:2000::53|tail -1
18:43 sfan5 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.589/26.909/62.298/21.259 ms, ipg/ewma 200.696/22.915 ms
18:43 sfan5 most likely way better then opendns
18:43 Megaf
18:44 Megaf rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 51.219/66.685/89.510/12.463 ms
18:44 Yst Megaf: WHat makes OpenDNS better, aside from not being run by the evil Google corporation?
18:44 Megaf
18:44 Megaf rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 40.729/64.343/80.085/13.457 ms
18:44 sfan5 Yst: you can most likely get that disabled by your isp
18:44 sfan5 Megaf: your isps dns will be much closer than any other dns
18:45 sfan5 % ping -Ac 8|tail -1
18:45 sfan5 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 98.725/102.344/116.284/5.691 ms, ipg/ewma 200.563/102.332 ms
18:45 sfan5 horrible ping
18:45 Megaf Yst, control, you can actually control everything related to your internet if you create and account with OpenDNS
18:45 sfan5 i would never use opends
18:45 sfan5 +n
18:45 Yst I'm not the account holder. But I do control the router, so I set that to point to my own DNS server and set my DNS server to ask Google's DNS server.
18:45 Megaf but I use them because I found them the quickest to update DNS records
18:45 sfan5 umm
18:45 Megaf sfan5, latency is high here because 3G
18:45 sfan5 that depends on the TTL
18:45 Megaf 3G > Wifi There > laptop
18:45 Yst Megaf: Control how?
18:45 Megaf tether
18:45 sfan5 Megaf: your ISPs server i still going to be closer
18:46 sfan5 Yst: why add the additonal dns server?
18:46 sfan5 your router most likely already runs one
18:46 Megaf sfan5, often I just use my own DNS server...
18:46 Megaf it gets stuff from the master and caches here
18:46 Megaf bind, named, that is
18:47 Megaf s/master/root
18:47 Yst sfan5: So I can intercept requests to the "test." TLD. IANA alocated the "test." TLD for that purpose. <>
18:47 sfan5 my router also runs a caching dns server
18:47 sfan5 Yst: 1) why? 2) your router should be able to do that
18:47 * Megaf will run tests
18:48 Yst For example, when I need to send files to someone on my network for example, I can put the files at <https://files.text/>. I didn't see an option to do that in the router, but I'll look again.
18:48 sfan5 can't be bothered to type adresses?
18:49 Yst Also, I've been learning how to set up reverse DNS using the "" name space.
18:49 sfan5 openwrt does that automatically for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18:49 Yst I host multiple sites locally with different servers. Each needs a name.,
18:49 Yst Yeah, well, any router that can run OpenWRT is better than my router.
18:49 sfan5 % host raspberry.lan|head -1;host
18:49 sfan5 raspberry.lan has address
18:49 sfan5 domain name pointer raspberry.lan.
18:50 sofar I have a full on server as router
18:50 alket joined #minetest
18:50 Yst If I had a full OS on my router, I'd force all TCP trafic through Tor. It'd be wonderful.
18:50 Megaf by the way, if you could help me with this windows issue I will be glad
18:51 sofar even hosts things like my bouncer, httpd, sql, openvpn, several game servers
18:51 Megaf we have this Samsung laptop, the HD was formated and we would like to reinstall Windows on it, since we have it's original Key. Question is, where can I get a windows installer for it? I'm almost sure it came with Windows 7 Pro OEM.
18:51 Megaf I was thinking about getting the ISO from Torrent, but the chance of it having crap bundled is big, so, any suggestions
18:52 sfan5 Yst: it would be horrible
18:52 Yst Sorry, I have no idea where to get Windows installation media. Maybe the OEM would help?
18:52 sfan5 constant captchas
18:52 sfan5 man in the middle
18:52 Yst sfan5: I already deal with that as my Web browser is set to use TOr.
18:52 sfan5 no udp
18:52 Yst Like I said, I'd have it do it only to TCP, not UDP.
18:52 sfan5 online banking will most likely not work
18:52 Yst So Minetest would still be playable over UDP.
18:53 sfan5 what do you accomplish then?
18:53 Yst I've used online banking over Tor for years.
18:53 Yst I'd make sure that there were no leaks.
18:53 sfan5 i doubt my bank would be fine with me using online banking over tor
18:53 sfan5 you can't
18:53 Yst I'd also not have to set all my applications to use Tor because my router would do it for me.
18:53 sfan5 if you leave udp enabled a program can just send some udp pkts somewhere
18:53 Megaf
18:53 Megaf ;; Query time: 2 msec
18:53 Megaf ;; SERVER:
18:54 sfan5 also you can't connect to freenode over tor
18:54 Yst I'm connected to freenode over Tor right now.
18:54 Megaf
18:54 Megaf ;; Query time: 166 msec
18:54 Megaf ;; SERVER:
18:54 sfan5 ;; Query time: 0 msec
18:54 sfan5 ;; SERVER:
18:54 Yst It takes hours to connect usually, but it works.
18:54 sfan5 problem Megaf?
18:54 Krock uuh, someone got it working
18:54 Megaf
18:54 Megaf ;; Query time: 184 msec
18:54 Megaf ;; SERVER:
18:54 Fixer Megaf, you can get official Windows 7 iso from microsoft servers, legally
18:55 sfan5 Yst: you are connecting over a PIA vpn
18:55 Megaf Fixer, it asks for key, it will not accept my OEM key
18:55 Megaf ;
18:55 Megaf ;; Query time: 0 msec
18:55 Megaf ;; SERVER:
18:55 Yst sfan5: A PIA VPN that must be running an exit node, as I'm only configured to use Tor.
18:55 Megaf sfan5, ^
18:55 Krock
18:55 Krock ;; Query time: -1 msec
18:55 Krock ;; SERVER:
18:55 sfan5 Megaf: just download windows loader and stop worrying?
18:56 Krock what's up with all that text?
18:56 Krock pastebni broken?
18:56 sfan5 Megaf: yeah but my router is as fast as your localhost :D
18:56 Krock *pastebin
18:56 Megaf sfan5, lol
18:56 sfan5 Yst: it's
18:56 Megaf sfan5, now, windows loader? What's that?
18:56 sfan5 Yst: what you're doing is hoping that someone runs an exit node with an ip whitelisted on fn
18:56 sfan5 which is not a guarantee
18:57 sfan5 Megaf: tl;dr crack for windows
18:57 Yst I didn't know that they were whitelisted, I figured freenode had failed to blacklist them.
18:57 sfan5 nah PIA is whitelisted
18:57 sfan5 they also sponsor some freenode servers
18:57 Fixer Megaf,
18:57 Yst But yeah, no guarantee. It takes hours to cycle to a node that isn't blocked.
18:58 Megaf "<Megaf> Fixer, it asks for key, it will not accept my OEM key"
18:58 sfan5 you call that acceptable?
18:58 Yst Ah, they sponsor servers. Good to know.
18:58 sfan5 i couldn't work with that kind of "internet"
18:58 Megaf Fixer, if you can get me a key that works just to download that I will be glad, you can send me via IM here
18:59 Megaf interest so much faster with local DNS server
18:59 sfan5 Megaf: why are you insisting on doing it the legal way
18:59 Yst sfan5: No, I don't call freenode acceptable, but certain communities are here and don't feel like moving to a friendlier network. I can either deal with freenode's garbage or I can kiss this community (and a couple others) goodbye.
18:59 sfan5 also your router also has a dns
18:59 Fixer Megaf, what edition?
19:00 Megaf Fixer, I think it doesnt matter on the website, does it? Its 7 Professional anyways
19:00 sfan5 Yst: actually you used to use to be able to connect over an onion service
19:00 Fixer Megaf, 64 bit?
19:00 Yst sfan5: I know, right? I wish that that was back.
19:00 Megaf sfan5, to be 100% sure there will be no crap on it, I mean, not more than windows already is
19:00 Megaf Fixer, Yes please
19:00 sfan5 Megaf: just find a trustworthy torrent
19:00 sfan5 waay easier
19:01 Yst Although, you still needed to find a whitelisted node in order to register an account, as you couldn't use the onion addresses without already having an accoult with NickServ.
19:01 sfan5 also if you want a german ISO for home premium i can give you an original one
19:01 Megaf tried, millions of torrents for windows xp and 10
19:01 sfan5 >win 10
19:01 sfan5 wat
19:01 sfan5 you can download win10 from ms
19:01 Fixer Megaf,
19:01 sfan5 without a product key
19:01 Megaf I know, I want Windows 7 Pro 64 bit En
19:01 sfan5 i'm aware
19:01 Megaf Fixer, what's that?
19:01 sfan5 but you shouldn't be having problems getting windows 10
19:02 Fixer Megaf, mirror of official microsoft ISO
19:02 Megaf sfan5, I have windows 10 already, in a flash drive
19:02 Megaf I want 7
19:02 Megaf I mean, my ex girlfriend wants 7
19:02 Megaf because I made her want 7
19:02 Megaf well, not the point now
19:03 Calinou this "Windows 7 is the best" trend has to stop
19:03 sfan5 but it's true
19:03 Calinou I don't want to have to support it in 2025 or so, as a software developer
19:03 Calinou (when it'll be… 16 years old)
19:04 Fixer it is best
19:04 Megaf Calinou, I think is a piece of shite, but better than 10. The problem is, 10 will be sending crap and info over the interwebs all the time
19:04 Megaf eating our data plan
19:04 Fixer people are tired of endless and mindless updating
19:04 Megaf and invanding privacy
19:04 Calinou there's many techniques to limit data leaks
19:04 Calinou but it's Windows… even 7 phones home on boot
19:04 sfan5 that's not the point
19:05 sfan5 the point is that it does that by default
19:05 Calinou Windows 7 also phones home by default
19:05 sfan5 just because you can disable it doesn't mean that it'S good
19:05 Yst If people are concerned about privacy, they shouldn't be using Windows in my opinion.
19:05 Calinou it is just less known
19:05 sfan5 i'm aware
19:05 Fixer their move to metro down everyones throat started it all
19:05 sfan5 windows 10 phones home with way more data
19:05 Megaf even if you disable everything on 10 it will still sends lots of stuff, eating your data
19:05 Fixer their don't care about users but about profits, it is not my problem if their profits are low
19:06 Megaf Yst, I agree, but the problem is, my ex is an architect, and he needs a software, very expensive one, that only works on Windows
19:06 sfan5 what is the problem even
19:06 sfan5 you got a link to an iso
19:06 Yst It's sad to be trapped.
19:07 Fixer from official distributor, it was taken down but mirror is available at webarchive
19:07 Megaf sfan5, I'm downloading it
19:07 Megaf thanks Fixer, downloading
19:07 Megaf about 50 minutes to finish
19:07 Calinou uni forces everyone to use Windows or OS X here
19:07 Fixer Calinou, long support is actually cool, running 20 year old games is impressive, i like that
19:08 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:08 Calinou an OS ≠ a random program
19:08 Calinou supporting Windows XP, for example, requires you to use quite arcane APIs in many areas
19:08 Calinou Blender is dropping Windows XP support
19:09 Fixer again, microsoft has problem with profits, forces mindless OS redesigns down my throat, I'm perfectly fine with 7, it works well
19:09 kaadmy Calinou: yay
19:09 Fixer at least do good backward compatibility
19:09 sfan5 >windows xp
19:09 sfan5 is outdated
19:09 sfan5 windows 7 is not
19:09 Calinou not yet
19:09 Calinou but in 2025?
19:10 sfan5 maybe more
19:10 Calinou (Windows 10 will be EOL in 2025, normally)
19:10 sfan5 but the difference between xp and 7 will be bigger than 7 and 10
19:10 sfan5 s/will/is definitely/
19:10 Fixer i see no point in updating when OS is been dumbed down
19:10 Ronsor joined #minetest
19:10 Fixer and software
19:10 Calinou Windows 10 is not really dumbed down in comparison to 7
19:11 Calinou it has a start menu, it has a desktop, it has a file explorer
19:11 Calinou the Windows 8/8.1 era is over :)
19:11 Fixer I use some outdated versions of software because of usual reasons: bullshit down my throat, stupid hipster-UI and feature removal, same with OS
19:11 Fixer or even malware included
19:11 Calinou you don't particularly deserve support when doing t hat
19:12 Fixer Calinou, over? lol, it is win 7 era really
19:12 Calinou this issue reminds me a lot of the few people who insist on using Opera 12.10 :p
19:12 Fixer it was last good opera, yes
19:12 Fixer and they remade it into piece of shit
19:12 Fixer another mindless clone
19:12 Fixer of chrome
19:13 Yst Ew, Chrome.
19:14 Fixer nice browser turned into piece of shit, nice work opera
19:14 Calinou :)
19:14 Fixer and first release does not even have a bookmarks, Carl!
19:14 Fixer f-ing bookmarks
19:15 Fixer you don't need bookmarks, because you are brainless idiot, deal with it
19:17 Fixer looking forward to steam machines
19:17 kaadmy someone should tell the people that set up the mods on liberty land that trapdoors are uncraftable
19:18 Fixer kaadmy, >>>>> Out`Of`Control
19:19 kaadmy ok
19:20 Fixer btw, mozilla is going on slippery road too
19:20 Fixer if not worse
19:20 Fixer with that firefox os debucle and stuff
19:20 Calinou we need a true community-based browser
19:20 Calinou based on WebKit, Gecko, Electron, whatever…
19:21 Calinou it has not been made yet
19:21 Fixer Calinou, links2 :trollface:
19:22 Calinou it'd be nice if that community browser had privacy built-in, possibly ad blocking
19:23 Soni joined #minetest
19:23 Yst That would be great. All current Web browsers that I know about suck.
19:23 Fixer Calinou, btw, 1 year ago on small enterprise I know, there was Win98SE workstation with usual Office + specialised software, it was moved to newer refurbished PC after hardware failure
19:23 Fixer it was not connected to a network
19:24 Fixer still, perfectly usable, and iirc usb was available
19:24 Krock good old systems where newer virus are incompatible
19:25 Fixer and some places use DOS
19:26 Fixer looking at that dumbing down of OS/software a lot of people with each year will refuse to upgrade endlessly without big reason, there is no point, and it will get a ransomware virus anyway
19:27 Fixer it is the user that matters
19:31 turtleman joined #minetest
19:34 Ronsor_ joined #minetest
19:47 Void7 joined #minetest
20:12 Megaf <Calinou> based on WebKit, Gecko, Electron, whatever…
20:12 Megaf Otter?
20:12 Megaf Otter doesnt care about the rendering engine you use
20:12 Megaf and it is just as nerd/geek as the good ol Opera < 12.x
20:18 Calinou is it cross-platform? works on Android?
20:18 Calinou does it support most HTML5 features?
20:18 Megaf Yes, not yet, yes
20:19 Calinou there was Breach but it died off :|
20:19 Megaf
20:19 Calinou the developer tried to switch to Electron, then we stopped hearing from it
20:20 Megaf
20:20 Calinou they use SourceForge :|
20:20 Megaf Otter is just as great as Opera used to, with Torrent client and email client
20:20 Megaf Calinou, I just put here their Github ;)
20:21 Void7 joined #minetest
20:21 kaeza joined #minetest
20:21 sofar
20:22 kaeza o/
20:22 Calinou torrent client integrated into browser is a great idea
20:22 Megaf and also, they have an IRC channel and the founder of the project is here. /whois Emdek
20:22 Calinou this is what I liked the most in old Opera
20:22 Megaf Otter even support the good old great Opera skins for heavens sake!
20:22 Calinou does Otter support heavy web apps? WebGL?
20:23 Megaf It is desgined to be web rendering engine agnostic
20:23 kaeza sofar, nice
20:23 Megaf so if you want webkit you can use it, gecko, ok
20:23 Megaf whatever you want
20:23 Calinou no support for WebGL kind of kills it for me :| hence me requesting something based on Blink or Electron
20:23 Calinou (if that's the case)
20:23 Megaf at the moment it uses WebKit and supports what WebKit does
20:23 Megaf Calinou,
20:25 Megaf Calinou, also #Otter-Browser
20:26 Megaf the are very friendly and helpful, and you can talk to the main developer there very easily
20:26 Calinou they seriously need a website redesign though :P
20:26 Megaf so there you have it, modern, community driven web browser with terrible web pasge
20:26 Megaf page*
20:29 sfan5 !title
20:29 MinetestBot sfan5: Minetest Moving Heads - sideways movement with playeranim mod - YouTube
20:29 alket joined #minetest
20:31 rubenwardy joined #minetest
20:42 Tuxfuk hey guys
20:43 Tux[Qyou] hi
20:43 Tux[Qyou] fuk yourself
20:43 Megaf joined #minetest
20:44 Tuxfuk ah
20:44 Tuxfuk another linux buddy
20:44 Tux[Qyou] :V
20:44 Tuxfuk hello Tu
20:44 Tuxfuk Tux[Qyou]:
20:44 Tux[Qyou] hi Tuxfuk
20:45 Sokomine has a good editor for creating .mts files come up in the meantime? one that can make use of the probabilities and display their effect?
20:45 Tuxfuk what distro are you running?
20:45 Tux[Qyou] i'm not
20:45 Tux[Qyou] rip
20:45 Tuxfuk bro-
20:45 Tuxfuk join us with Gentoo and load up i3
20:46 Tuxfuk Tux[Qyou]: this is my current setup
20:46 Tux[Qyou] Greeting fellow gentleman. Do you have a while to talk about Linux?
20:46 Tuxfuk s/gentleman/Gentooman
20:46 Tuxfuk oh
20:46 Tuxfuk wrong bot
20:47 Tux[Qyou] rip
20:47 Tuxfuk join us lol
20:47 Tux[Qyou] join the disease
20:47 Tuxfuk D;
20:47 sfan5 i see someone is not using arch
20:48 Tuxfuk compiling for the win
20:48 sfan5 i would prefer not compiling chromium, thx
20:48 Tuxfuk best part: 40+ chrome tabs open-only 3.4 gb of ram used
20:49 Tuxfuk it was a pain :( took the whole night
20:50 nm0i "3.4 gb of ram" versus "i just want to read some stuff"
20:50 Tuxfuk lol
20:50 Tux[Qyou] i usually have opened 80 tabs
20:51 sfan5 i usually have 2-5 tabs open
20:51 Tuxfuk lol sfan5
20:51 sfan5 (no, not 25)
20:51 Tuxfuk 2-5
20:51 nm0i over 100, but i have addon that unloads tabs after 7 days from memory.
20:52 Tuxfuk nm0i: that's kind of cool. Do you know what it's called?
20:52 Tux[Qyou] -3 tabs?
20:52 sfan5 yes
20:52 nm0i Not on chrome, sorry.
20:52 nm0i Unload tabs
20:57 Tuxfuk ah darn. I assume firefox, then?
20:57 Tuxfuk i wish firefox had a nice looking UI
20:58 Sokomine i wish there would be a usable mobile browser :/
20:58 sonicpp joined #minetest
20:58 Sokomine and, on the desktop, mt alone has more than 100 opened tabs
20:58 Tuxfuk Sokomine: i wish there was Chromium on the play store
20:59 Tuxfuk i dont want to set it up so that I con compile it from home
21:05 Sokomine not sure if chromium can be turned into something useful. minimum requirements for me would be strict whitelisting for javascript, requesting content from other sites, and (due to expensive traffic) no loading of images by default. and, of course, strict whitelists for cookies
21:05 thunderscore joined #minetest
21:06 sfan5 i'm pretty sure you can do that with extensions
21:06 thunderscore left #minetest
21:06 Megaf Opera could do that
21:06 Megaf per site settings
21:06 Sokomine that umatrix plugin for firefox looks promising. just couldn't find it for the mobile version
21:07 Out`Of`Control Sokomine:  i use lightning works fine
21:07 Megaf on chrome you do settings per site
21:07 Megaf I mean, on chrome you go to settings > cookies and change sites
21:07 Megaf on Opera you just open a settings for that specific site and change anything you want
21:07 Megaf Opera < 12.x
21:07 Megaf It is just beautiful the amount of control it gave to you
21:08 Out`Of`Control i got it from f-droid no play store here
21:08 Sokomine < 12? so newer versions are less good?
21:08 Sokomine ooc: same here :-)
21:08 Megaf newer versions are based on Chromium
21:09 Sokomine ah
21:09 Megaf
21:09 Megaf !title
21:09 MinetestBot Megaf: Opera 15 and a good and lightweight alternative to it | Megaf Info
21:09 Megaf an article I wrote when Opera switched
21:10 Megaf "article"
21:10 Megaf more like, lots of screenshots comparing Opera
21:10 Dragonop sfan5, take,
21:10 sfan5 !cat
21:10 MinetestBot
21:11 Megaf and dont worry if you dont understand the text, I dont either and it was written by me
21:11 Dragonop Thanks :3
21:23 Calinou for those wanting it, I've uploaded my copy of a Kenney donation pack from 2014 to GitHub (I got it from GitHub too, but the uploader deleted their repository):
21:29 Megaf What's that?
21:30 Calinou a CC0 asset pack, made for 2D games mostly
21:30 Calinou also contains fonts, and sounds
21:31 germanuel24 joined #minetest
21:33 germanuel24 I'm trying to use a new chat command that temporarily bans the player for 6 hours... registering works as expected and i see help message and so on but when i execute it with an existing player i get "bad argument #1 to 'write' (string expected, got function)"
21:35 kaeza germanuel24, os.time is a function. you need to CALL that function
21:35 kaeza line 16 in your paste
21:36 germanuel24 How do i call it so it writes timestamp to file?
21:36 germanuel24 Oh i forgot ()?
21:37 kaeza yep
21:37 kaeza this isn't BASIC :P
21:37 germanuel24 Thanks xD and when i compare the timestamps can i do "if os.time()-21600 <= ots then"
21:38 germanuel24 ots is the file's timestamp
21:38 kaeza also, just in case:
21:39 kaeza yep
21:39 germanuel24 Okay thanks again
21:40 kaeza uh, actually, os.time()+21600
21:43 germanuel24 init.lua:9: attempt to compare number with string
21:43 kahrl germanuel24: btw, I think your code will break when the server is on windows and the client has an ipv6 address
21:43 kahrl : isn't an allowed characters in filenames in windows
21:43 kahrl character*
21:44 germanuel24 Server is Ubuntu
21:44 kahrl ah, I thought it was for a mod to be published
21:45 germanuel24 No just a little command for my server^^ How to convert string to time?
21:45 germanuel24 Or number
21:46 kaeza tonumber?
21:46 kaeza !pil germanuel24
21:46 MinetestBot germanuel24, Someone thinks you need to brush up on or learn Lua, please go to:
21:47 kaeza MinetestBot <3
21:48 germanuel24 How can i do a newline in return message?
21:48 germanuel24 \n ?
21:49 Ronsor joined #minetest
21:49 TC01 joined #minetest
21:50 germanuel24 Or the better question is the return syntax lua or c++?
21:50 everamzah that is answered in this section of Programming in Lua:
21:50 everamzah that is a much better question
21:50 * everamzah scratches head
21:51 germanuel24 So it's all lua
21:53 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
21:55 alket joined #minetest
21:57 LazyJ joined #minetest
22:06 Megaf joined #minetest
22:06 Megaf Fixer, Are you there?
22:08 Fixer yes
22:08 Megaf that ISO, it didnt ask for a key, not yet at least
22:08 Megaf installation is not complete yet tho
22:08 Fixer key is stored in your bios
22:08 Fixer iirc
22:08 Megaf I'm installing it in VirtualBox first to test it
22:09 Megaf well, it's been so long since I installed Windows 7 for the last time...
22:09 Megaf maybe it will ask soon
22:10 Yst joined #minetest
22:11 Megaf du -hs Windows\ 7\ Professional.vdi
22:11 Megaf 7.2G    Windows 7 Professional.vdi
22:11 Megaf I've never fully understood why the basic windows install size is so large
22:11 Megaf it doesn't bundle almost any software, no language packs, no updates
22:15 MinetestBot [git] kaeza -> minetest/minetest: Add options for screenshot format and quality 2c72f6d (2016-03-12T17:12:43-05:00)
22:17 Megaf $ du -m Windows\ 7\ Professional.vdi
22:17 Megaf 11462   Windows 7 Professional.vdi
22:17 Megaf It still growing in "Completing Installation"
22:17 Megaf How can windows users use windows!?
22:19 Megaf That must be swap tho
22:23 Fixer Megaf, windows 7 folder with recent updates is pretty fat: 32 gb
22:23 Fixer yes, 32gb
22:26 Megaf that if you dont remove it's backups
22:28 Tuxfuk yo guys, do you think that this would be a nice chair for college?
22:29 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
22:31 est31 joined #minetest
22:38 Fixer Megaf, it is not backups, it is winsxs system usually
23:01 Fixer what time is it? it is compile time. soon
23:09 MinetestBot [git] Jeija -> minetest/minetest: Resend blocks when modified while sending to client 089f9bb (2016-03-12T23:59:44+01:00)
23:11 Fixer COMPILE TIME
23:15 Fixer_ joined #minetest
23:19 Hirato joined #minetest
23:20 swift110 joined #minetest
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23:37 yang2003 joined #minetest
23:38 rubenwardy joined #minetest
23:47 everamzah oh, i have to have a recent client even if strict_protocol_version_checking is false?  hrmm
23:47 everamzah COMPILE TIME
23:47 TC01 joined #minetest

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