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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-11-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:14 STHGOM joined #minetest
00:23 cloweling joined #minetest
00:50 theTroy joined #minetest
00:50 Hirato joined #minetest
00:58 greenman_ joined #minetest
00:59 SaphirePhenux joined #minetest
01:16 paramat joined #minetest
01:19 paramat Sokomine the biome api places decorations on the seabed, but use a schematic decoration with 'force place = true' to replace the water. mgv7 jungletrees in swamps are done this way
01:22 paramat now there's also a flag for optionally placing a decoration on the liquid surface
01:26 SaphirePhenux_ joined #minetest
01:32 paramat for a boat on the surface use 'flags = "place_center_x, place_center_y, place_center_z, force_placement",' so that the schematic's centre is at the surface
01:39 paramat oops that should be 'flags = "liquid_surface, place_center_x, place_center_y, place_center_z, force_placement",'
01:53 Player2 joined #minetest
02:13 Wuzzy joined #minetest
02:36 paramat left #minetest
02:42 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
02:45 JohnnyComeL8ly joined #minetest
03:02 Supertan1er2 joined #minetest
03:15 Shackra joined #minetest
03:18 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
03:46 Jousway joined #minetest
04:03 sloantothebone joined #minetest
04:04 fling I want to be able to convert the whole minecraft world to a minetest world database somehow
04:04 fling A standalone tool is needed.
04:05 ShadowNinja joined #minetest
04:06 Guest56314 joined #minetest
04:07 Sinai_Rosendo joined #minetest
04:07 Sinai_Rosendo hola
04:07 Sinai_Rosendo hello
04:08 Sinai_Rosendo left #minetest
04:12 Hirato joined #minetest
05:38 Viper168_ joined #minetest
05:45 Viper168_ joined #minetest
05:48 JohnnyComeL8ly joined #minetest
05:52 Viper168_ joined #minetest
06:02 Jousway joined #minetest
06:07 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
06:22 Jousway joined #minetest
06:31 Jousway joined #minetest
06:49 DFeniks joined #minetest
06:58 DMackey- joined #minetest
06:59 JohnnyComeL8ly left #minetest
07:08 swift110-phone joined #minetest
07:09 Jousway joined #minetest
07:09 swift110-phone joined #minetest
07:28 fusion44 joined #minetest
07:36 Elench joined #minetest
07:37 Guest82068 joined #minetest
07:42 reber joined #minetest
07:42 reber hi all
07:43 Jousway joined #minetest
07:53 Telesight joined #minetest
07:54 Fusl joined #minetest
07:54 CWz joined #minetest
07:56 Emperor_Genshin hello reber
08:00 srijay joined #minetest
08:11 Jousway joined #minetest
08:16 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
08:19 nrzkt joined #minetest
08:20 sloantothebone joined #minetest
08:29 Jousway joined #minetest
08:31 Fusl joined #minetest
08:35 srijay joined #minetest
08:36 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
08:40 Jousway joined #minetest
08:46 eeew joined #minetest
09:00 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
09:00 Krock joined #minetest
09:01 Krock Hello everybody!
09:09 Emperor_Genshin Hello Krock
09:11 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:29 Megaf_ joined #minetest
09:30 Ataron joined #minetest
09:34 alket joined #minetest
09:38 greenman_ joined #minetest
09:39 Calinou joined #minetest
09:44 Achilles_ joined #minetest
09:45 Achilles_ left #minetest
10:06 AndDT joined #minetest
10:18 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:19 FR^2 joined #minetest
10:23 rubberduck1 joined #minetest
10:25 rbduck hi i am back, it was so late yesterday, so i went to bed, sorry
10:26 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:39 Ingar so did I, but I got better
10:53 Hunterz joined #minetest
10:54 Hunterz hi, how i can get rid ---- <WARNING> 2015-11-07 11:54:22: [Server] Not saving map, saving disabled. ----   from the server console?
10:55 Hunterz looks like something missing in my old config
10:55 rbduck left #minetest
10:58 deltib joined #minetest
11:06 Telesight joined #minetest
11:10 srijay joined #minetest
11:10 phantombeta joined #minetest
11:14 Obani joined #minetest
11:22 Fusl joined #minetest
11:34 zupoman joined #minetest
11:34 zupoman joined #minetest
11:41 Fusl joined #minetest
11:43 srijay joined #minetest
11:43 sloantothebone joined #minetest
12:02 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
12:28 Jousway joined #minetest
12:33 sloantothebone_ joined #minetest
12:35 Darcidride_ joined #minetest
12:40 alket joined #minetest
12:40 sloantothebone_ joined #minetest
12:47 sloantothebone_ joined #minetest
13:01 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
13:03 Xack Hunterz: did you fix it or do you still need help
13:03 Xack ?
13:10 Hunterz I was set bigger value to server_map_save_interval
13:23 cloweling joined #minetest
13:41 o_O joined #minetest
13:43 Fixer joined #minetest
13:49 Viper168 joined #minetest
13:51 fling Xack: how to reduce server lag?
13:58 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
14:06 Xack fling: what's the specs of your server?
14:10 Krock i386, 16 MiB ram... ^^
14:19 Out`Of`Control 512KiB
14:20 Calinou 640K ought to be enough for anybody.
14:22 jin_xi joined #minetest
14:22 MinetestBot [git] BlockMen -> minetest/minetest: Add support for audio feedback if placing node failed 2a12579 (2015-11-07T13:23:38+01:00)
14:22 Krock Yup. Crazy people should use their 250 KB floppy disk as virtual ram
14:24 zat joined #minetest
14:24 bj_990 joined #minetest
14:26 Jousway joined #minetest
14:33 cloweling joined #minetest
14:33 cloweling joined #minetest
14:34 kaeza joined #minetest
14:44 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:48 Calinou DOS ReadyBoost!
14:49 kaeza o/
14:49 Krock rofl
14:49 Krock \o
14:55 Obani \o\
14:55 Krock Obani, dancing?
14:56 Obani Ok :p
14:56 Obani /o
14:56 Obani o\
14:56 Obani \o/
14:56 Krock >.<
14:56 Obani :D
14:58 theTroy joined #minetest
15:11 kaeza \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
15:15 Megaf_ Raid 0 do work, cool
15:15 Megaf_ I've been running MT from a Raid 0 SSD thingy, it loads faster
15:15 Megaf_ lol
15:16 Megaf_ hdparm -Tt --direct
15:16 Megaf_ /dev/sdb1:
15:16 Megaf_ Timing O_DIRECT cached reads:    42 MB in  2.04 seconds =  20.61 MB/sec
15:16 Megaf_ /dev/sdc1:
15:16 Megaf_ Timing O_DIRECT cached reads:    42 MB in  2.08 seconds =  20.24 MB/sec
15:16 Megaf_ /dev/md1:
15:16 Megaf_ Timing O_DIRECT cached reads:    74 MB in  2.05 seconds =  36.07 MB/sec
15:16 Megaf_ :)
15:16 Krock Megaf_, what's apstebin?
15:16 Krock p << | a >>
15:17 Megaf_ Krock: not worth it.
15:18 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:19 fling Xack: e350m1 8G ram
15:19 Megaf_ I wonder if LVM striped would be any faster
15:19 Megaf_ fling: how come you have lag with such a machine?
15:20 Megaf_ !server Megaf
15:20 MinetestBot Megaf_: No results
15:20 Megaf_ fling: 256 MB of ram on my server
15:20 Megaf_ !up 30003
15:20 MinetestBot seems to be down
15:20 Megaf_ what?
15:20 Taoki joined #minetest
15:20 Megaf_ I think est31 curses thingy is breaking things, lets see
15:21 fling Megaf_: idk, try it
15:21 Megaf_ yep, it is using more memory than it used to use
15:22 Megaf_ fling: Im compiling minetest
15:22 fling Ok ;>
15:24 Krock !tell est31 That error message was probably caused by a MinGW pre-compiled library conflict with MSVC
15:24 MinetestBot Krock: I'll pass that on when est31 is around
15:24 Krock !next
15:24 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
15:27 Megaf_ emergequeue_limit_total =
15:28 Megaf_ is that MB, nodes, blocks, stones, euros or what?
15:28 kaeza probably C++ ABI incompatibility
15:28 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
15:28 kaeza in general, distributing (binary) C++ libs is a mess; you're better just compiling yourself
15:29 kaeza plain C libs have no probs, tho'
15:30 Krock kaeza, that's PITA when there's neither a CMakeLists.txt nor a MSVC project file
15:31 kaeza then you better find a pre-compiled binary specifically for MSVC
15:31 Krock Tried to create the CMake stuff myself but stopped when I saw how many defines should be relpaced
15:31 kaeza if that's not possible, find a better product ;)
15:31 Krock kaeza, what's better than ncurse?
15:38 nrzkt !server AppleTree
15:38 MinetestBot nrzkt: AppleTree - Survival PvE & Build | | Clients: 7/50, 7/16 | Version: 1.0.0-alpha13-dev / epixel | Ping: 12ms
15:38 rubenwardy Megaf_, blocks probably
15:38 rubenwardy Or MapChunks (8x8x8 MapBlocks)
15:39 rubenwardy blocks
15:39 kaeza Krock, porting a Makefile to CMakeLists.txt is quite trivial most of the time.
15:39 rubenwardy
15:40 Krock kaeza, there are sh scripts that can't be executed by a MSVC application :/
15:41 kaeza well, :/ then
15:51 Calinou Timing cached reads:   26250 MB in  2.00 seconds = 13138.82 MB/sec
15:51 Calinou Timing buffered disk reads: 1548 MB in  3.00 seconds = 515.83 MB/sec
15:51 Calinou same performance as if it was brand new
15:51 Wuzzy joined #minetest
15:54 est31 joined #minetest
16:00 PilzAdam Ingar, more work for you
16:01 Megaf_ !server Megaf
16:01 MinetestBot Megaf_: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 1/20, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.13-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 7ms
16:02 Megaf_ lol Calinou
16:03 Megaf_ Calinou: SSD?
16:04 Megaf_ 10485760000 bytes (10 GB) copied, 4.5718 s, 2.3 GB/s
16:04 Calinou Megaf_, yes, Samsung 840 Pro
16:04 Calinou 256 GB
16:04 Calinou Ingar, what is the audio recording hardware you bought? how much did it cost?
16:05 Ingar Calinou, Tascam DR-7, it's a few years old though
16:05 Ingar afaik it was in the 100-200 eur range
16:05 Megaf_ !g test
16:05 MinetestBot Megaf_:
16:05 Megaf_ !g weather Dublin
16:05 MinetestBot Megaf_:
16:06 Calinou Ingar, how good is it (noise, clicks...)?
16:08 Ingar Calinou: you need to put it on a tripod, handling noises are terribly
16:08 Ingar it also picks up noise if you put the gain on anything put low
16:09 Ingar it works fine for a quick recording of a life performance
16:09 Ingar and it has line in
16:14 nrzkt !g lol
16:14 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:14 nrzkt !g mdr
16:14 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:14 Calinou lol
16:14 nrzkt !g xptdr
16:14 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:14 nrzkt :p
16:18 nrzkt !g Calinou
16:18 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:18 nrzkt good :p
16:19 Calinou 45 followers
16:19 Calinou and 1.3k starred
16:19 nrzkt !g MinetestBot
16:19 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:19 nrzkt !g ShadowBot
16:19 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:19 nrzkt !title
16:19 MinetestBot nrzkt: ShadowBot - YouTube
16:21 kaeza
16:22 Jousway joined #minetest
16:22 swift110 joined #minetest
16:22 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:24 nrzkt !g wtf
16:24 MinetestBot nrzkt:
16:26 behalebabo joined #minetest
16:26 swift110 joined #minetest
16:26 Fixer joined #minetest
16:37 swift110 hey all
17:02 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Improve LuaVoxelManip documentation f9e394a (2015-11-07T11:59:24-05:00)
17:08 Jousway joined #minetest
17:12 DFeniks joined #minetest
17:23 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:30 Fusl joined #minetest
17:36 Jousway joined #minetest
17:37 theTroy joined #minetest
17:44 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:48 Ingar is cobblestone turning mossy near water in git now ?
17:49 ElectronLibre Yes it is.
17:49 Krock \o/
17:49 ElectronLibre I think so, the PR was merged.
17:49 ElectronLibre Let me check.
17:50 ElectronLibre Yes it is :
17:56 Ingar I just updated ;)
17:56 Ingar seems to work
18:08 freelikegnu joined #minetest
18:09 swift110-phone joined #minetest
18:11 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:12 rubenwardy I was just testing the complexity of my binary search algorithm. I accidentally allocated an array larger than the memory on my computer, causing it to swap the data and freeze everything. So I went into terminal-only mode and killed the program, then shutdown the computer :'(
18:12 A_noob joined #minetest
18:20 theTroy1 joined #minetest
18:30 technics joined #minetest
18:36 Pulec joined #minetest
18:46 rubberduck1 joined #minetest
18:52 rbduck VanessaE, we need you, there is a griefer on Ve-Building that needs to be banned, everyone is complaing about him, i think it is MasonJ
18:59 Jousway joined #minetest
19:02 rbduck Cheapie, VanessaE or ShadowNinja , or any other admin / moderator there is a griefer at VE-Building, everyone is complaining about him.
19:05 Obani rbduck, please wait, they might be afk. If everyone is complaining about him, so it might have been acting for a long time. You can wait some minutes, hours or days, there's no death.
19:05 Shackra joined #minetest
19:05 rbduck but he is destroying stuff, placing random blocks
19:06 rbduck they tell him to STOP
19:06 Obani rbduck : so don't place block for some time and tell the others to do same
19:06 Obani there is something called rollback that admins are allowed to do
19:08 Jousway joined #minetest
19:14 Fixer celeron tryes farmesh again... guess I need i7 now
19:14 Fixer and ssd
19:15 swift110-phone joined #minetest
19:23 rbduck OMG griefer-alarm on VE-Building!
19:25 cloweling joined #minetest
19:32 Jousway joined #minetest
19:38 rbduck VanessaE , there is a griefer now for hours on VE-Building!!!!!
19:39 Megaf_ folks, missing alias here <ERROR> 2015-11-07 14:37:16: [Server] Item "moretrees:stair_acacia_planks_alt" not defined
19:39 rbduck he is destroying random stuff
19:39 Fixer rbduck: don't worry, vanessa will fix it
19:39 rbduck we really need rollback
19:39 Megaf_ <ACTION> 2015-11-07 14:39:28: [Server] Megaf digs moretrees:stair_acacia_planks_alt at (-1376,7,805)
19:39 Out`Of`Control I get zillion lines INFO[Server]: Server::ProcessData(): Canceling: peer 876 not found
19:40 Out`Of`Control how to get rid of it? cause lag
19:43 Out`Of`Control Megaf_:  its now default:acacia
19:46 Megaf_ I know, they need to fix that on Minetest Game
19:47 Obani rbduck, try to make pressure on this grieffer :p
19:47 Obani (if he understands english)
19:48 Elench joined #minetest
19:48 rbduck we are doing it all, we try to trap him into an area, that he can't get out
19:48 Ingar ignore griefers doesnt work
19:48 Ingar kickban works
19:48 Ingar anything else is academic
19:48 Obani rbduck, I mean : telling him he is stupid to annoy someone that knows the admin
19:49 Obani that can kick him,...
19:49 Obani telling things like this :)
19:49 Obani I already did it on someone who was annnoying everybody when tha admin was away
19:49 Obani It worked ^^
19:49 Obani If you keep calm and add smilies to what you tell, it can work :p
19:49 Guest77662 joined #minetest
19:50 Out`Of`Control Megaf_:  i add alias myself, you can copy
19:51 ElectronLibre Ingar: Kickban works, when you're an admin. Here the problem is that none of the person connected has any sort of kick/ban privilege.
19:51 Megaf_ Minetest still full of memory leaks =/
19:51 Megaf_ just got a Killed on the client
19:51 Megaf_ and ealier on got a killed on my server
19:52 Ingar ElectronLibre: I only play servers where I can get admin ^^ (for most games(
19:53 ElectronLibre Well, admins are not present at any hour of any day.
19:53 Ingar the trick is to sneak into IRC, do some random dev stuff, get a name, and get admin ;)
19:53 * ElectronLibre thinks he read that too fast
19:54 ElectronLibre Oh. Well now it won't work here anymore.
19:54 rbduck VanessaE, Cheapie, ShadowNinja, help a griefer on VE_Building destroying everything!!!
19:55 rbduck MasonJ
19:55 ElectronLibre I think you have more chance to have them responding on InchraNet rather than here.
19:58 nrzkt rbduck, how can this be possible ? there are no areas ?
19:59 rbduck yes there are, but there are unprotected "areas", he is building nonsense, placing random blocks
20:00 Jousway joined #minetest
20:00 swift110-phone joined #minetest
20:01 ElectronLibre Yes that's usually how grieffing is done.
20:01 kattsmisk joined #minetest
20:02 ElectronLibre For the moment if you can trap this player somewhere they won't be able to grieff/get out of, that would be a good way to stop them.
20:02 ElectronLibre s/can/could
20:11 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
20:13 rbduck left #minetest
20:24 Shackra joined #minetest
20:29 Animetrom joined #minetest
20:47 Out`Of`Control anyone know what means Server::ProcessData(): Cancleing peer xxx not found ?
20:47 Out`Of`Control or what can cause this
20:47 Out`Of`Control running 4.13-dev
20:52 hoodedice joined #minetest
20:56 DFeniks joined #minetest
20:57 Jousway joined #minetest
20:59 kaeza joined #minetest
20:59 kaeza asdf
20:59 hoodedice jkl;
21:07 Trustable joined #minetest
21:08 DMackey- joined #minetest
21:14 Megaf_ fgh
21:14 Megaf_ Viper: no idea
21:15 kaeza hoodedice, I have "jklñ" :(
21:15 hoodedice ;;;;;;;;;;
21:15 hoodedice ;_;
21:15 kaeza ';' is Shift + ','
21:15 PilzAdam jklö
21:16 hoodedice löl
21:16 Obani kaeza, not on my keyboard
21:16 Obani ; is ";"
21:16 hoodedice ^filthy Merican detected
21:16 hoodedice =D
21:17 kaeza Obani is fr (?)
21:17 hoodedice je nes pas parles francais, desu
21:17 kaeza es_ES layout here, because es_UY sucks ass
21:17 Viper Megaf_:  ok
21:17 hoodedice no hablo espanol either =P
21:18 Obani hablo un poco espanol :p
21:18 Obani hablo frances
21:18 Obani y ingles
21:18 Obani :p
21:18 kaeza seriously... '@' is AltGr+Q ? WTH
21:18 kaeza Obani, e ingles* :P
21:18 Obani ??
21:18 Obani @ is AltGr + à
21:18 Obani p
21:18 hoodedice Shift + 2 =P
21:18 Obani "Who am I ?"
21:19 hoodedice for @
21:19 kaeza when the next word begins in 'i' or 'y', 'y' (as in "and") is spelt as 'e'.
21:19 kaeza spanish is a weird language, OK?
21:20 kaeza "español e ingles", or "ingles y español"
21:20 hoodedice si
21:20 Obani kaeza, it's not weird
21:20 Obani It's all about feeling
21:20 ElectronLibre AltGR+0 -> @, easy for me.
21:20 hoodedice feels, desu
21:20 Obani Try to tell ingles e español
21:21 hoodedice sfan5 not here =(
21:21 Obani Try to tell español y ingles
21:21 Obani It's logic ;)
21:21 ElectronLibre Obani: No it's a pain to pronounce.
21:21 Obani ElectronLibre, read logs...
21:22 ElectronLibre That's what I'm doing since 3 minutes.
21:22 Obani so understand them xD
21:22 ElectronLibre A "i" sound is just too difficult/long to pronounce twice in a row in a rapid conversation.
21:23 Obani That's why it's logic
21:23 kaeza "español y ingles" forces you to make a pause when you pronounce "y" and the 'i' (same with e-e)
21:23 Obani And that's why you didn't understand (if I understood you well)
21:23 ElectronLibre What, you were defending that fact?
21:23 kaeza "español e ingles" just rolls out naturally
21:23 ElectronLibre kaeza: Yes that was my point.
21:24 Obani And mine too
21:24 Obani <kaeza> spanish is a weird language, OK?
21:24 kaeza are we agreeing to agree? good, I agree
21:24 Obani Obani> kaeza, it's not weird <Obani> It's all about feeling
21:24 Obani I agree the agreeing
21:24 Obani agreed ?
21:25 ElectronLibre I agree that spanish is weird.
21:25 ElectronLibre Just take a look at the conjugation.
21:25 Obani I do not agree with that point
21:25 ElectronLibre But then all languages are weird for those who do not understand them.
21:25 Obani Every language was built on it's logic, and on it's philosophy
21:26 kaeza conjugation? what's weird about that? it's pretty consistent
21:26 hoodedice if any language is weird
21:26 hoodedice then any language is weird
21:26 ElectronLibre hoodedice: Indeed.
21:26 Obani exactly ^^
21:27 kaeza contrary to the "iregular verbs" in english (that's how they teach us thais stuff here)
21:27 kaeza +r
21:27 Megaf_ are we talking about what exactly?
21:27 ElectronLibre Megaf_: Spanish.
21:27 Megaf_ Espanol? Por que? Yo no hablo espanol...
21:27 Megaf_ no me gusta espanol, lol
21:27 ElectronLibre Well, weirdly, the irregular verbs were very easy for me to learn, but I'm not even able to memorize all the exceptions in any of the spanish tenses.
21:28 hoodedice no me gusta espanol, desu
21:28 kaeza eu não falha português either
21:28 Megaf_ kaeza: falo*
21:28 kaeza <_ <
21:28 kaeza ah :P
21:28 Obani hoodedice, is decu japanese ?
21:28 Megaf_ ElectronLibre: every language is crazy
21:28 kaeza see? conjugation sucks
21:28 Obani desu*
21:28 ElectronLibre Megaf_: Binary is not.
21:28 Megaf_ kaeza: eu falo, tu falas, ele fala, nos falamos, vos faleis, eles falam
21:28 Megaf_ ElectronLibre: binary is beautiful
21:29 Jousway joined #minetest
21:29 ElectronLibre Well binary is not really a "language". Let's pick C as a not so crazy language.
21:29 kaeza ElectronLibre, don't add ++ to that or things get hairy :P
21:29 Obani 0000000000000010110000000110011001010010001010001101110100001
21:29 ElectronLibre Thanks Obani.
21:30 * ElectronLibre takes his ASCII table to decode
21:30 Obani You're welcome
21:30 Obani This might look like ;^$ejd(8
21:30 Obani gtg
21:31 kaeza hey, at least we understand each other
21:31 kaeza (spanish, french, portuguese, ain't that different)
21:31 kaeza maybe should learn interlingua or something
21:31 Obani esperanto !
21:32 Obani bb
21:32 hoodedice Obani
21:32 hoodedice oh shi
21:32 kaeza t
21:32 hoodedice thanks kaeza
21:32 hoodedice you
21:32 hoodedice you are amazing, desu
21:32 ElectronLibre That didn't mean anything, he just wrote random bits.
21:32 ElectronLibre And now he's gone. Oh well.
21:33 Megaf_ ElectronLibre: no need to decode that to see that
21:33 kaeza the eight leading zeros should have been obvious
21:33 Megaf_ I think
21:33 ElectronLibre Megaf_: I thought that having \0 at the beginning wasn't that common in fact.
21:33 Megaf_ well, you know, there 10 type of people...
21:34 ElectronLibre Those who understand binary and those who do not.
21:34 Megaf_ how do we represent the base?
21:34 Megaf_ 10/10? 10/16?
21:34 ElectronLibre Also, encoding characters on 61 bits it very inconvenient.
21:34 Megaf_ I want to write 10 and say that is in base 8
21:34 hoodedice there are 0x10 kinds of people
21:35 ElectronLibre There are in fact about 0o64116703000 of people.
21:36 Megaf_ meh
21:36 ElectronLibre s/of people/kinds of people
21:36 Megaf_ dont go too deep, you might never return
21:36 Megaf_ not sure if we can go deepper than binary tho
21:37 ElectronLibre I would fall into an hexadecimal abyss?
21:37 Megaf_ maybe some specific assembly for ARM, MIPS or even Pic!
21:37 Megaf_ I remember making a PIC microntroller blink a LED in assembly
21:37 Megaf_ crazy stuff
21:38 JohannesG joined #minetest
21:44 DMackey joined #minetest
21:45 ElectronLibre left #minetest
21:48 Ingar PilzAdam: default_place_failed works ;)
21:50 Pest joined #minetest
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21:55 kaeza can somebody recommend a good (preferably open source) RTS?
21:56 PilzAdam kaeza, real-time strategy or shooter?
21:56 kaeza PilzAdam, former
21:57 PilzAdam 0 A.D.
21:58 PilzAdam there is also the Zero modification for Total Annihilation, but you need the original Total Annihilation game for that (which is non-free)
21:58 kaeza hmm... the screenshots look quite good
21:59 Megaf_ TOTALA is the best RTS ever made
22:00 Megaf_ PilzAdam: ^
22:00 PilzAdam kaeza, also, if you want a free brute war-ish game, try
22:00 Fixer joined #minetest
22:00 PilzAdam it's good for quick games (~10 mins.) with your friends
22:00 Viper168 joined #minetest
22:01 PilzAdam Megaf_, try
22:01 kaeza PilzAdam, I'm mostly looking for something that is playable offline. I grew quite bored of Warcraft 3 :(
22:01 Megaf_ I have the original game :)
22:01 Megaf_ two CDs, epic soundtrack
22:02 PilzAdam kaeza, there is also supreme commander FAF, but that's quite different from warcraft
22:03 Megaf_ PilzAdam: Zero is not for Linux, is it?
22:04 PilzAdam Megaf_, I got it to work under wine, even for LAN games
22:04 PilzAdam just run the installer under windows, and then copy the whole installation folder over to Linux
22:04 Megaf_ I used to have a Windows 98 SE VirtualBox VM to play Total Annihilation :)
22:04 Megaf_ PilzAdam: I don't have windows here
22:09 kaeza doesn't the installer work under WINE?
22:09 Megaf_ wine messes up Debian stuff like default programs
22:09 kaeza BTW, TC FAF looks quite nice
22:10 kaeza eh SC
22:10 PilzAdam the installer does not work under wine
22:10 Megaf_ SC FAF?
22:10 kaeza supreme commander
22:10 kaeza quite like what I'm looking for in theme at least
22:11 kaeza I miss my KKND2 PSX CD :(
22:12 kaeza also, Warzone 2100
22:13 kaeza aaaaanyways, I gotta go for now. thank you PA
22:13 Megaf_ warzone is a nice one
22:13 Megaf_ I will install it here asap
22:15 Megaf_ its almost 2100
22:26 Jousway joined #minetest
22:43 Fixer warzone is soo hardcore
22:43 Fixer super geeky
22:45 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
22:48 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
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23:44 Fixer if you like challenging AI, go with warzone 2100
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