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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-09-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 xfceKris and just leave out the collision and selection box part of the code?
00:01 Lunatrius joined #minetest
00:01 xfceKris Also, how do I keep it from showing up in mods like unified inventory?
00:07 T4im either by leaving the description blank, or adding it to the group not_in_creative_inventory
00:08 T4im well pointable = false just deals with the selection box, for collision to not occur it walkable=false
00:08 T4im and then you don't need to pass the nodeboxes for collision or selection either, indeed
00:14 xfceKris I did walkable, diggable, and pointable all false. and I'll just leave the description out to keep from inventory, as this node will only occur when another specific node is placed.
00:15 waressearcher2 xfceKris: it looks like you are trying to solve that problem for the last two days allready
00:16 xfceKris Yeah, but i'm learning lua in the process. If I had background in lua already, I'd probably be done by now.
00:16 waressearcher2 xfceKris: but imagine when you find a solution you will realise how easy it was or on the other hands you can just find out that it wasn't worth it at all
00:17 T4im "programming in lua" is a pretty nice introduction
00:17 xfceKris I'm sure it's annoying to see me in here asking "dumb" questions all the time, but bear with me. I'll be done soon enough.
00:17 T4im not annoyed by quesitons
00:17 xfceKris I'm actually working my way through it now T4im.
00:17 T4im great! :)
00:18 xfceKris Got the e-book on my phone and read about half an hour each night.
00:24 ringst joined #minetest
00:27 waressearcher2 xfceKris: how about sounds will you be doing sounds ?
00:28 xfceKris From my tests so far, the sounds are there without me adding them. I haven't read enough into sounds yet to find out why though.
00:29 xfceKris If I do have to do sounds, I'll just be using the sound that is used for punching wood.
00:30 asl97 joined #minetest
00:33 T4im you could try "sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults()"
00:34 xfceKris I'll get to that after I have everything else in place, because right now, the sounds seem to be handled already
00:35 xfceKris Now, why does the game throw an error after I add pointable = false?
00:36 xfceKris also the same with walkable = false, and diggable = false
00:36 xfceKris won't even load the world.
00:37 xfceKris debug.txt pastebin
00:38 xfceKris What it's telling me it's expecting, is there.
00:39 asl97 paste the code
00:41 xfceKris
00:42 T4im probably a missing comma ;)
00:42 asl97 missing , at the closing bracket of tiles
00:43 xfceKris jeez. thanks. I've been at this to long. I usually catch those missing comma's
00:44 xfceKris Time to stop coding for today...If I can't even catch a missing comma.
00:44 xfceKris Kids need to go to bed anyway. :D
00:44 xfceKris brb
00:44 RicePancake joined #minetest
00:45 RicePancake Hello, I have installed minetest-server using apt-get, what is the command to start the server? Thanks in advance
00:46 asl97 it should be minetestserver
00:46 asl97 if that doesn't work, try minetest --server
00:48 waressearcher2 they should add buttons "run now" and "cancel" to packet managers as it is in android installers
00:48 waressearcher2 or even windows installers
00:49 xfceKris if installing via apt-get in linux, just ctrl-c during the process will interrupt it (and remove anything that's been downloaded so far, I think)
00:49 asl97 waressearcher2: don't you mean "run now" and "finish"/"close"?
00:51 waressearcher2 asl97: can be that
00:51 RicePancake thanks for the help!
00:57 Shackra joined #minetest
01:04 Teckla xfceKris: ctrl-c doesn't risk any data corruption on disk?
01:05 DI3HARD139 no
01:05 DI3HARD139 wait. isnt ctrl+c Copy?
01:13 Viper168 joined #minetest
01:17 asl97 there was no talk about #3196 ?
01:18 asl97
01:19 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:25 xfceKris Teckla. Never done it for me.
01:26 xfceKris I've been able to ctrl-c out of installation, then come back later and install without problems
01:26 xfceKris matter of fact, I did it with vlc last week.
01:26 xfceKris DI3HARD139: Not in linux terminal.
01:27 xfceKris ctrl-c = cancel. ctrl-shift-c = copy
01:33 asl97 xfceKris: doesn't it depend on where/when you use ctrl-c?,  if it is still downloading it, it should be fine,  however if it is installing (ie: setting up), wouldn't ctrl-c mess things up?
01:34 xfceKris I'm not certain. I haven't paid that much attention to it.
01:44 * DI3HARD139 wonders why doing ctrl+c in Ubuntu terminal causes it to auto execute
01:46 M_Angel joined #minetest
01:48 jojoa1997|PC joined #minetest
02:21 maxela_ joined #minetest
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02:58 xfceKris joined #minetest
03:01 LazyJ joined #minetest
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04:18 FreeFull joined #minetest
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06:31 CWz joined #minetest
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07:04 kaeza Greetings
07:14 Viper168 joined #minetest
07:17 Darcidride joined #minetest
07:31 Trustable joined #minetest
07:36 micechal_ joined #minetest
07:36 ac_minetest joined #minetest
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07:55 Vargos joined #minetest
08:00 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:16 nm0i Any idea how to debug cpu usage?..
08:16 asl97 use a profiler
08:18 nm0i Which one?
08:18 asl97 any
08:23 nm0i Any good one that won't require reading asm code and doing line-by-line execution in order to profile minetest and bunch of luajit code?
08:41 asl97 joined #minetest
08:48 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:50 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy Restless Legs Awareness Day! ☺
08:53 oleastre joined #minetest
08:59 H-H-H joined #minetest
09:02 Krock joined #minetest
09:04 Krock Another successful mining trip:
09:04 Krock eh no:
09:06 The_Loko joined #minetest
09:45 rubenwardy joined #minetest
09:49 alket joined #minetest
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10:04 T4im joined #minetest
10:07 Krock joined #minetest
10:18 younishd joined #minetest
10:30 asie joined #minetest
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11:22 Krock joined #minetest
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11:41 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:54 Krock joined #minetest
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12:10 Pest joined #minetest
12:10 asl joined #minetest
12:13 xfceKris joined #minetest
12:15 Elinvention joined #minetest
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12:22 xfceKris can I call on_construct twice in the same register_node?
12:22 T4im you shouldn't call it at all
12:22 xfceKris It would only be for organizational purposes
12:22 xfceKris Why not?
12:23 T4im it's been called already by e.g. set_node
12:23 xfceKris there is no set_node in my code
12:23 T4im the only time you should call it yourself, that I can come up with, is if you use VoxelManip and set the content ids yourself
12:23 T4im in yours there might not, but in other mods there might
12:24 T4im if you just need a callback, to call youself, just invent one :D
12:24 xfceKris the default chest calls on_construct for some of it's metadata
12:24 T4im indeed, when it is being set (as by its on_place)
12:24 Jousway joined #minetest
12:25 T4im it has the default on_place, which calls set_node, which calls on_construct
12:25 xfceKris What I actually need is for node 1 to place node 2 directly beside it when the player places node 1
12:26 T4im do you have a custom on_place? if not, you can just use after_place of node1 and use a set_node to place node 2, on_construct would be automatically called for both of them
12:26 T4im after_place_node I mean*
12:27 T4im you could perhaps also do that from on_construct, but hmm.. you perhaps want to abort placement alltogether
12:27 T4im so you might end up having to write your own on_place :/
12:28 xfceKris
12:28 xfceKris Everything I'm reading there says to use on_construct instead of after_place_node or on_place, whenever possible
12:29 T4im you're confusing the registry with the callback
12:29 T4im <-- callback
12:29 T4im <-- registry
12:30 T4im the registry states to use one of the callbacks :)
12:30 T4im if possible
12:30 T4im either way: setting such a callback function != calling it
12:30 T4im you were talking about calling it
12:31 T4im on_construct is guaranteed by the api to be called by whatever is setting the node in the mapblock (with exception of schematics, they break that contract :P)
12:31 T4im constructors/destructors both I mean
12:32 T4im multi-node placement can be an icky business, if you want it to be a "all or nothing" placement
12:33 xfceKris so my code would look something like after_place_node { set_node = "awesome:nodename" }, ??
12:33 xfceKris syntax may be wrong here.
12:33 T4im it depends, by what rules you want the second node placed
12:34 T4im what would you have it do if the second node _cannot_ be placed?
12:34 xfceKris directly to the right of the first node
12:34 xfceKris don't place either node
12:35 proller joined #minetest
12:37 T4im alright, then the good news is, I have done that a few times now :P the bad is, its necessarily icky to implement
12:37 T4im you need your own on_place function of the "main node" to place
12:37 T4im that one checks pointed_thing.under first to 1. be defined 2. be buildable_to and if its not buildable to or not defined takes pointed_thing.above instead
12:38 T4im where it checks the very same thing
12:38 T4im it also needs to check pointed_thing under to have a on_right_click function and call that one instead if it does
12:39 T4im afterward, the first of those two, that is buildable_to (and thus can be replaced) needs then to be checked for is_protected
12:39 unclemarc joined #minetest
12:40 T4im if that works, you also check buildable_to, definition and protection for the second node
12:40 T4im only if all works out, you place it
12:40 T4im then call the placement registry and after_place_node callback
12:40 T4im make sure to always return the itemstack
12:40 T4im and when doing that definition check use get_node_or_nil, to make sure to handle content_ignore as well
12:41 xfceKris The looks....messy
12:41 T4im it is :D
12:42 xfceKris so what you're saying is. I should just learn to use blender, at least enough to get my node completed using a mesh
12:42 T4im in which case you have the same mess :>
12:42 xfceKris with a mesh?
12:42 T4im yea
12:43 T4im you still have to check that second node to be buildable_to
12:43 xfceKris How so? Look at homedecor refrigerators, not messy at all imo
12:43 T4im and set_node air there, or you'll place the mesh into a flower or tree or whatnot
12:44 xfceKris Yeah, I get that part. but that would have to happen no matter how it's built.
12:44 T4im indeed
12:44 T4im and you have no idea how much work went into those refrigerators behaving :P
12:44 T4im they even now place airlike nodes as placeholders
12:44 T4im so nothing can build into the mesh
12:45 T4im the code is in here btw:
12:46 xfceKris I wouldn't need those air node placeholders when placing a second node instead of using a mesh would I?
12:47 xfceKris dear lord...what did I get myself into?
12:47 T4im those placeholders are only needed for meshnodes, yea
12:47 T4im with second node you have the node be that placeholder itself
12:48 T4im its really just to tell any other node "already occupied!"
12:48 xfceKris So, I'm still going to go with the second node method then. Seems like it would be a more...logical, mess
12:49 xfceKris I wish nodeboxes played nicely with textures
12:49 T4im meshnodes can afaik be easier on the clients
12:52 xfceKris How so?
12:53 T4im nodeboxes don't seem to do proper occlusion culling, if I'm not mistaken
12:53 T4im at least the more complex ones dont
12:53 xfceKris I'll have to look up the occlusion culling and see how that works
12:55 T4im basically it draws more vertices, than it would have to
13:00 T4im s/vertex/face/
13:07 Elinvention joined #minetest
13:09 xfceKris It draws the two faces that are facing one another and will never be seen
13:09 xfceKris If I'm understanding that correctly.
13:24 T4im it looked that way to me in game, yea
13:25 Viper168 joined #minetest
13:25 T4im easy to see if you put slabs on to a wall and then noclip through that wall, you'll be seing the slabs hidden surface as well, not any of the regular nodes though
13:27 T4im but I might be talking cobble here :P not deep into rendering stuff
13:32 STHGOM joined #minetest
13:51 October21 joined #minetest
13:51 Krock joined #minetest
13:51 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:00 ensonic_ joined #minetest
14:02 alket joined #minetest
14:08 Xenoth joined #minetest
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15:06 cheapie joined #minetest
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15:20 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
15:26 est31 joined #minetest
15:33 eugd joined #minetest
15:34 eugd where in code is singleplayer spawn coordinates determined?
15:34 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
15:35 eugd anyone know where in the code the singleplayer spawn is figured?
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15:41 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:41 Amaz joined #minetest
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15:43 October21 joined #minetest
15:43 Amaz joined #minetest
15:46 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
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15:58 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
16:00 waressearcher2 its not a player spawn in the world its a world spawn around the player
16:00 waressearcher2 minetest is a player centric game
16:00 Telesight joined #minetest
16:14 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
16:14 arsdragonfly !server arsdragonfly
16:14 MinetestBot arsdragonfly: Arsdragonfly's testing Minetest server | | Clients: 2/15, 1/3 | Version: 0.4.13-dev / minetest | Ping: 454ms
16:14 nerzhul_ joined #minetest
16:18 xfceKris waressearcher2: then how do servers set a specific spawn point?
16:18 xfceKris the world doesn't respawn every time a new player joins?
16:19 xfceKris On initial spawn of the first player in the world, yes, I'm sure the world spawns around the player. After that, it's the opposite.
16:20 waressearcher2 right
16:20 nerzhul_ joined #minetest
16:21 xfceKris Once the world is established, player spawn points are based on last location, unless it's a new player. In which case the player spawns based on what is specified in the server code.
16:21 waressearcher2 exactly
16:22 nerzhul_ joined #minetest
16:24 waressearcher2 xfceKris: whey I asked about sounds I meant you also should learn some audio software, why not audacity
16:25 xfceKris ah, i see. I played with fruityloops (is that the name?) a few years ago, but otherwise have no experience with audio editing.
16:26 waressearcher2 go opensource
16:29 STHGOM !up
16:29 MinetestBot seems to be down
16:29 DFeniks joined #minetest
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16:30 xfceKris like I said, it was years ago. I was still a teenager. I was ignorant in the ways of the open source technique.
16:30 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
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16:44 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
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16:59 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:00 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
17:01 Calinou joined #minetest
17:03 Evalyn joined #minetest
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17:05 barrydk joined #minetest
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17:22 waressearcher2 "pencil in microwave" never heard of that
17:22 waressearcher2 I saw videos of cell phones or soap in microwave or even fireworks and lightbulbs but no pensils
17:23 waressearcher2 is it so descructive ?
17:23 waressearcher2 I presume the ink just explodes
17:23 waressearcher2 like an egg
17:23 T4im half cut grapes in microwaves are truly amazing
17:23 Krock I guess the plastic would melt earlier
17:24 ElectronLibre A pencil doesn't have ink, but one way or another it would explode or melt.
17:24 Krock Hey guys, you can charge your mobile phone by inserting into the microwave
17:24 waressearcher2 hour ago I took 2 bananas from fridge and put them in microwave to warm them up, every one of them got 2 burns on the sides, I think its how wave pattern goes through them
17:24 T4im you also can dry your cat that way
17:25 Krock LOL
17:25 ElectronLibre T4im: Poor microwave.
17:25 Krock But that's a tiny cat
17:25 waressearcher2 ElectronLibre: pensil has carbon center and it can got very hot, there are videos where you can use them to get plasma in microwave
17:25 T4im a kitten then
17:26 ElectronLibre waressearcher2: Still not ink, but yeah, carbon sounds a lot more like fun in a microwave.
17:26 ElectronLibre T4im: Don't try to dry kittens in microwave, it could damage the microwave.
17:26 T4im well you certainly will have to clean it afterwards
17:27 waressearcher2 light bulbs are also looking good when put in microwave
17:27 ElectronLibre That's also a problem.
17:27 Calinou next silly thing to do: "Fire the Thunderbolt in water!"
17:27 ElectronLibre And DVDs. I've seen one being put in a microwave one time.
17:27 T4im waressearcher2: half cut grapes are less dangerous, yes still create plasma
17:27 T4im yet*
17:27 Krock Yes, burn DVDs in the microwave
17:27 waressearcher2 there was that real case when old lady put her cat in microwave to dry it, after than microwave manufacturers added warning in microwave guide about not allowing animals be put inside
17:29 waressearcher2 the fastest way to burn DVD is with tesla coild, there is there video on youtube about that show with huge tesla coils, they burn 15 DVD per 0.1 second
17:33 proller joined #minetest
17:33 H-H-H joined #minetest
17:34 zupoman joined #minetest
17:38 Jordach joined #minetest
17:38 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Save and remove player by pointer 596484d (2015-09-23T19:37:05+02:00)
17:39 ibouvousaime joined #minetest
17:39 ibouvousaime cant start a server
17:39 ibouvousaime I got this error
17:39 ibouvousaime can someone help me
17:39 ibouvousaime ?
17:39 ElectronLibre Let's see.
17:40 ElectronLibre Ouch. That mod is old.
17:40 ElectronLibre ibouvousaime: Try to remove it and its dependencies, you can easily find other mob mods.
17:41 Ataron joined #minetest
17:41 ibouvousaime okay I see
17:42 ElectronLibre Unless you need it as a dependency, then you will have to give up this mod.
17:42 ibouvousaime I dont really need those mods
17:42 ibouvousaime xD
17:43 ElectronLibre <= Those are maintained at least
17:43 * ElectronLibre hopes he wrote it right
17:43 ibouvousaime now its this ElectronLibre
17:44 ElectronLibre Kill all instances of minetestserver.
17:44 ibouvousaime okay
17:49 ferkv joined #minetest
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18:23 MinetestForFun Hi everyone, have a look at;t=13296 please :)
18:24 ringst joined #minetest
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19:32 hmmmm drama!
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19:49 FR^2 joined #minetest
19:49 waressearcher2 why do you want to deactivate logging ?
19:49 Megaf_ Wow, Just installed Debian Stretch with KDE 5.4.1, just beautiful, Qt 5 is doing very well indeed.
19:50 * Teckla wimped out and just installed Xubuntu yesterday.  No problems at all, everything worked 100%.
19:52 Calinou modern distros tend to be more stable than they were before, overall
19:52 Calinou like operating systems in general
19:52 Calinou (to the Windows XP lovers: it wasn't that stable)
19:56 SylvieLorxu More stable than Vista and 7 ever were
19:56 SylvieLorxu I gave up after 7
19:57 waressearcher2 dos can be stable
19:57 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Add /emergeblocks command and core.emerge_area() Lua API f062bbd (2015-09-23T15:56:24-04:00)
19:57 Calinou 8 and later are perfectly stable operating systems
19:57 Calinou and 7 was decent in that regard
19:58 waressearcher2 OSes in video consoles have to be really stable
19:58 SylvieLorxu I see a friend running 10 who has it lock up several times a day
19:59 T4im :P
20:00 Krock Calinou, you just could ping me directly :P
20:01 Megaf_ SylvieLorxu: I gave up of windows when I was using Windows 2003 Server, that was based on XP
20:02 SylvieLorxu
20:02 Megaf_ windows was so just too bloody unstable and fragile, it chashed a lot, and not always it could recover from crashes
20:02 * Calinou has never touched a Windows Server
20:02 Calinou in 2nd year of uni, I might have to :(
20:02 Megaf_ Calinou: Windows Server 2003 was pretty nice, almost everything I wanted Windows XP to be. Much lighter and much quicker. But still, not good enough
20:05 waressearcher2 Megaf_: does windows server 2003 support games as XP ?
20:06 Ardonel joined #minetest
20:06 Megaf_ waressearcher2: Windows Servers are just as good and compatible as Windows Desktops ;)
20:06 Megaf_ but better
20:07 Calinou you can play games on Windows Enterprise editions, on Windows Server... it doesn't matter :p
20:09 Megaf_ And back then, All games I player on Windows had versions for Linux, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake III Arena. And IL-2 Sturmovvik worked great under wine
20:13 * Calinou duels Megaf_ at QuakeWorld :D
20:14 Megaf_ :D
20:14 Xenoth joined #minetest
20:14 Megaf_ s/player/played
20:14 Megaf_ !server Megaf
20:14 MinetestBot Megaf_: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 0/11, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.13-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 7ms
20:14 Calinou Megaf_, if you want to, just highlight me on IRC, I have 4 QW servers up
20:14 Calinou (there's nQuakesv which lets you host 1-10 servers on the same machine easily)
20:15 Megaf_ Cool, ,maybe tomorrow. Today Im reinstalling Debian on my other laptop too. 7 hours to go (netwinstall on a slow internet)
20:16 Xenoth joined #minetest
20:20 Calinou you can get the client at
20:20 Calinou (be sure to get HD textures for better looks)
20:23 Calinou T4im, just download it
20:23 Calinou the "play now" thing is a weird Java applet
20:23 Calinou just ignore it :P
20:24 Calinou it's cross-platform
20:24 Calinou nQuake runs on Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux, nQuake2 on Windows and GNU/Linux
20:24 Calinou (nQuake2 is like nQuake, but for Quake 2)
20:24 red1 joined #minetest
20:25 Megaf_ AnotherBrick: are you in the wall?
20:25 Megaf_ we all are just another brick in the wall
20:26 waressearcher2 "HD textures for better looks", and low fps, I remember whenever someone played quake 3 they always set quality on very low to get better fps
20:28 ElectronLibre (T4im, don't [off] so often.)
20:28 swift110 joined #minetest
20:30 Telesight joined #minetest
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20:34 waressearcher2 John Carmac is a genius
20:35 Robert_Zenz T4im, uh, and not appearing in the official channel log does accomplish that how exactly?
20:37 waressearcher2 right, what if someone else makes logs without concerning that "[off]" thing
20:38 swift110 hey all
20:38 ElectronLibre waressearcher2, my client is doing that right now. But those logs aren't published though.
20:38 T4im it's hard sometimes making such a playful statement without some kid thinking you meant it literally x)
20:40 Robert_Zenz T4im, so, what is then the reason?
20:41 catpigger joined #minetest
20:42 * VanessaE peeks in
20:43 T4im if you're truly interested I'll give you a quick explanation in a query
20:45 waressearcher2 what is the difference between "peep in" and "peek in" ?
20:46 thefamilygrog66 joined #minetest
20:46 thefamilygrog66 Hey kids
20:47 waressearcher2 hey 49 year old
20:47 VanessaE hey tfg, long time
20:47 Out`Of`Control hi
20:47 VanessaE waressearcher2: no functional difference I guess :)
20:47 thefamilygrog66 *45-year-old
20:48 thefamilygrog66 hey v
20:48 Out`Of`Control Krock: hey, do  you know what cause that error with carts?
20:48 Out`Of`Control as none else have it
20:49 Krock No sorry, it works fine for me
20:49 Out`Of`Control Krock:  ok thanks
20:50 Krock lol. "Thanks" is not the correct word here - I can't help you. Does it work for you in singleplayer?
20:53 Out`Of`Control Krock no, i compile 4.13-dev 4.13 4.12 all of them crash on punch with carts similar error with mobs
20:54 Krock Out`Of`Control, update your builtin. I got my own weekly build here and it works fine
20:55 Out`Of`Control i did compile today, same
20:55 ploopkazoo joined #minetest
20:56 Krock But there are no other reports for this type of problem...
20:56 Out`Of`Control i search whole net zero
20:56 Out`Of`Control a mistery
20:56 red1 did you just get a new version of minetest executable or did you update /builtin as well?
20:57 red1 nvm
20:57 Out`Of`Control red1:  i clone git repo then compile
20:57 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
20:57 Out`Of`Control i did it on debian unstable and stable same error
20:58 waressearcher2 Out`Of`Control: can you compile with debug information and run throught it in gdb ?
20:59 Out`Of`Control
20:59 Out`Of`Control waressearcher2: i can will take a bit longer to compile
21:00 Out`Of`Control what are flags to comile with debug?
21:00 Out`Of`Control compile
21:02 Krock -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug
21:02 waressearcher2 for gcc its "-O0 -g"
21:03 waressearcher2 also "-ggdb"
21:04 ElectronLibre left #minetest
21:07 est31 joined #minetest
21:10 swift110-phone joined #minetest
21:12 Enke joined #minetest
21:18 waressearcher2 I'm sure universe is infinite
21:19 waressearcher2 otherwise if there is a solid wall at the edge, that wall should be infinite as well
21:24 Siva_Machina joined #minetest
21:27 Krock waressearcher2, you would wrap around to the opposide edge
21:28 Krock but you would need to travel faster than light
21:31 est31 according to measurements, our universe is flat
21:31 est31 ofc, they dont know whether its really flat
21:32 est31 but with a very small error margin
21:32 Out`Of`Control
21:32 est31 as always in physics :)
21:34 Out`Of`Control nothing is flat, its all round :D
21:35 T4im Out`Of`Control: yea, use
21:35 T4im that one is patched there, iirc
21:37 Out`Of`Control T4im: just copy it to mods ?
21:37 T4im yupp, it's a simple mopd
21:37 T4im mod*
21:37 T4im requires you to disable the builtin one thouigh
21:37 T4im they shouldn't run both at the same time
21:38 est31 mopd, the systemd module for your internet connected cleaning devices!
21:38 T4im :D
21:38 T4im heh
21:39 waressearcher2 I meant ElectronLibre's quit message of course
21:40 Out`Of`Control T4im:  i can just mv buildin/game ?
21:40 T4im wait a second.. what mobs do you use? perhaps its not even the profiler that crashed there, but the mobs mod
21:41 Out`Of`Control i can run only default + mobs it would crash too
21:41 T4im yea, then its probably the mobs
21:43 T4im when you say only default + mobs, you mean you deactivated the profiler in the config, right?
21:43 T4im it's currently running, or it wouldn't show up in the trace
21:43 Out`Of`Control T4im:  no, i did not as i don't know how disable profiler
21:43 T4im well take a look through your minetest.conf then, there should be an option ;)
21:44 Out`Of`Control T4im:  what mods i have to disable for profiler?
21:44 T4im none
21:44 T4im just the other profiler in the config
21:44 T4im profiling = false
21:44 Out`Of`Control ahh i see mod_profiling = false
21:44 T4im or that
21:44 T4im yea
21:44 T4im :)
21:44 Out`Of`Control sec i download profiler from git
21:47 Out`Of`Control T4im:  server does not crash
21:48 T4im oh, so it was that one, after all.. alright :)
21:48 Out`Of`Control so its build in mod profiler
21:49 swift110-phone joined #minetest
21:49 T4im yea, it has been some time, but iirc, it didn't pass all the parameters further during instrumentation
21:49 T4im for some case
21:51 Out`Of`Control now cart mod works fine too
21:51 Out`Of`Control carts
22:00 swift110-phone joined #minetest
22:01 swift110-phone joined #minetest
22:03 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
22:05 Out`Of`Control T4im: thank you, at last  it works now
22:05 T4im you're welcome :)
22:06 T4im happy to hear the work wasn't all for nothing after all ;)
22:09 Enke left #minetest
22:15 Xenoth joined #minetest
22:29 happysmash27 joined #minetest
22:31 happysmash27 I can't get the activation email for the Minetest forum. Does anyone know how I can fix this, or a different place to ask this question?
22:32 est31 no you are right here
22:32 happysmash27 Also, I can't see any texture packs in the texture pack tab, even thought I put them in the right folder
22:32 asl97 joined #minetest
22:33 eugd joined #minetest
22:33 eugd what happen
22:34 happysmash27 For the first question: no email. For the second: no texture packs. So nothing happened, really
22:36 eugd left #minetest
22:37 celeron55 joined #minetest
22:37 celeron55 happysmash27: i just tested registering a new test user and the activation email worked fine
22:39 celeron55 i'll leave to go to sleep right now; i'll reply when i wake up if something more specific comes up
22:39 STHGOM joined #minetest
22:41 est31 happysmash27, with the textures, have you tried to restart minetest
22:41 happysmash27 yep
22:41 red1 joined #minetest
22:42 happysmash27 I've also used multiple texture packs, multiple folder locations, and everything else I could think of
22:43 happysmash27 I think it might be a problem with my build, which is very unpopular, since not many people use Mac OS X 10.6.8
22:54 red1 joined #minetest
23:01 Hirato joined #minetest
23:08 OldCoder joined #minetest
23:10 waressearcher2 all those talks about difficult to fux bugs makes me realise how actually difficult to make a game, I mean considering all that craze nowadays about game making every teenager dreamed about making something like mix of "Halo+Call_of_Duty+GTA" type of game and they don't even know what it takes to even make pacman clone, and there are all lots of
23:10 waressearcher2 books like about game making and they all trying to show how easy it is to make a game but they don't show the other side of the medal: "bugfixing"
23:10 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
23:12 waressearcher2 like can you tell just from looking at Assassin's Creed that it takes 800 people to make it ? or took 1000 people and 5 years to make GTA 4
23:12 asl97 there is always the `it's not a bug, it's a feature` xD
23:13 waressearcher2 no wonder mojang haven't fixed that boat bug yet
23:15 everamzah joined #minetest
23:29 Glorfindel joined #minetest
23:47 Viper168 joined #minetest

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