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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-07-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Oryu joined #minetest
00:01 Oryu left #minetest
00:02 Oryu joined #minetest
00:03 LazyJ Oryu, wrong #minetest
00:04 Oryu Cosa ho sbagliato
00:08 Enke joined #minetest
00:38 Jordach HOLY MOLY
00:38 Jordach
00:38 Jordach such design
00:38 Jordach WOW
00:46 swift110-phone joined #minetest
00:48 est31 much blocky
00:53 swift110-phone Lol
00:53 Jordach !tell Krock i should probably update my VPS to host a 0.4.12 BFD server for testing 8)
00:53 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when Krock is around
01:20 Viper168_ joined #minetest
01:25 LinuxGuy2020 joined #minetest
01:25 LinuxGuy2020 Is there a way to change the mouse wheel scroll direction for changing inventory slots while building?
01:26 LinuxGuy2020 Its really anoying
01:45 Testman joined #minetest
01:46 Testman hey guys
01:46 Testman hey est31
01:47 Testman hey all :)
01:48 Testman bye
01:48 Testman left #minetest
01:57 est31 joined #minetest
02:00 Xenoth joined #minetest
02:16 LinuxGuy2020 left #minetest
02:26 jhcole can anyone provide insight into how the servers are ranked in the server list?
02:35 cheapie jhcole:
02:36 jhcole cheapie:  cool, thanks :)
02:59 swift110-phone joined #minetest
03:06 swift110-phone joined #minetest
03:10 est31 joined #minetest
03:10 phantombeta joined #minetest
03:15 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
03:30 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest
03:31 swift110-phone joined #minetest
03:35 swift110-phone joined #minetest
03:38 swift110-phone joined #minetest
03:43 MinetestBot [git] Elinvention -> minetest/minetest: Added get_player_velocity() method. Fixes #1176 5ebb423 (2015-07-20T05:40:44+02:00)
04:18 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
04:19 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
04:26 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
04:32 est31 wow these installation guidelines are fucked up
04:33 est31 tell to cd to /tmp, to discard source, but then tells sudo make install, giving a shit about /usr/bin pollution
04:33 est31 this is almost as horrible as the rust installer
04:33 est31 curl -sSf | sh
04:34 est31 and no it doesnt do any cpack things
04:41 technomancy my last work place published an installer that did that
04:42 technomancy no amount of gripes on my part worked to make that go away
04:42 technomancy but at least on debian-based systems the curl'd script only installed an apt source
04:52 jin_xi joined #minetest
04:53 rcmaehl joined #minetest
04:58 roboman2444 joined #minetest
05:00 mazal joined #minetest
05:06 cheapie joined #minetest
05:57 VanessaE joined #minetest
05:58 CWz joined #minetest
06:04 nore joined #minetest
06:07 Krock joined #minetest
06:07 MinetestBot Krock: 07-20 00:53 UTC <Jordach> i should probably update my VPS to host a 0.4.12 BFD server for testing 8)
06:13 swift110-phone joined #minetest
06:13 Krock !tell Jordach yes, that's a good idea. I think the old map is kept, right?
06:13 MinetestBot Krock: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around
06:15 h539 joined #minetest
06:15 est31 joined #minetest
06:15 swift110-phone joined #minetest
06:17 swift110-phone Hey
06:30 freemint_ joined #minetest
06:41 Krock I won 12.500.000 MILLION $! wow.
06:41 Krock !calc 12500000 * 1000000
06:41 Krock MinetestBot!
06:41 MinetestBot Krock!
06:41 Krock !c 12500000 * 1000000
06:41 MinetestBot 12500000000000
06:42 freemint_ Well, good luck spending this money
06:42 Krock Gonna spend myself a smile
06:42 freemint_ That cant be that expensive, smiles are for free.
06:45 * Krock buys 200 free smiles from freemint_ and sells those for 1.000 MILLION $ to some idiots
06:46 freemint_ for i, i++, i <201 {smile();};
06:47 Krock I thought it was like for(<definition>; <condition>; <do after>)
06:48 freemint_ depens on language you write in
06:48 freemint_ and on the preprocessor
06:48 Krock yeah
06:49 freemint_ it sucks the name wintermute is already registered by someone else...
06:50 swift110-phone Hmm
06:50 Krock then take xX0o0_wintermute_0o0Xx
06:51 freemint_ *smile*
06:51 * Krock takes it and thorws it away
06:51 swift110-phone Ok
06:52 * freemint_ tries to work
06:53 * Krock splashes a cup of coke in freemint_'s face
06:53 alket joined #minetest
06:53 swift110-phone Lo
06:53 swift110-phone Lol
06:54 Krock That's not funny! (For him)
06:54 * freemint_ s afford to work failed, because he is distracted by the irc
06:54 Krock \o/ Target reached
06:55 freemint_ * Krock damages the community
06:55 Krock In a good way, I hope.
06:55 * freemint_ questions this
06:56 swift110-phone Yes
07:05 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:09 Cryterion__ joined #minetest
07:21 zak1975 joined #minetest
07:23 Viper168_ joined #minetest
07:25 Telesight joined #minetest
07:26 Trustable joined #minetest
07:48 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
07:49 OldCoder joined #minetest
07:53 Soni joined #minetest
07:56 freemint_ register_schematics has no wiki page, would be nice if someone would make one.
07:56 uroboro joined #minetest
07:58 est31 Sokomine ^^
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:17 Calinou joined #minetest
08:19 Mittttens hi Calinou
08:20 Mittttens is carbone-ng supposed to only work with the dev release?
08:20 Mittttens it breaks if I'm running stable 0.4.12
08:21 technomancy Mittttens: yeah you need to a prerelease
08:23 Calinou Mittttens, yes, for now
08:23 Calinou will no longer need a dev build when 0.4.13 is out
08:24 Mittttens ah
08:27 freemint_ what do you use add_node_level for
08:28 freemint_ the wiki example is not helpfull.
08:29 Calinou leveled nodeboxes maybe?
08:29 Calinou eg. snow
08:29 freemint_ oh i see
08:30 freemint_ thx
08:30 freemint_ the ~height~ of the snow
08:31 freemint_ does this increase to the node level or does it set a node level?
08:31 Halamix2 joined #minetest
08:32 Calinou it probably increases the node level, judging by the name :P
08:32 Calinou haven't tried though
08:32 freemint_ ok
08:36 cornernote joined #minetest
08:37 cornernote hi, im trying to extract the cube images from the game, but compiling on windows is so painful... does anyone have all the compile tools setup that could perhaps help me?
08:37 cornernote i have the code to get the item cubes, just needs to be dropped in and then re-compiled
08:39 Calinou cornernote, get a virtual machine (VirtualBox) and install Debian in it :)
08:39 Calinou then compile there
08:39 Calinou you need to enable 3D acceleration for that though
08:40 cornernote yeah, its a whole another process... if nobody else has an enviornment setup that can compile i'll have to do that, just thought someone can throw me a bone if they already have it
08:51 Darcidride joined #minetest
08:52 meldrian joined #minetest
09:07 Viper168 joined #minetest
09:08 JamesTait joined #minetest
09:08 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Space Exploration Day! 😃
09:10 xenkey Hi
09:10 xenkey Happy ditto
09:19 Viper168 joined #minetest
09:37 Marq joined #minetest
09:48 Halamix2_ joined #minetest
09:55 Marq Hy everyone
09:55 wilkgr joined #minetest
09:55 wilkgr I found out why my minetest crashes so often...
09:56 freemint_ so is subjective
09:56 freemint_ , wh?
09:56 wilkgr "cURL has some problems with 64bit"
09:56 wilkgr And I'd say crashing 4/5 times is quite often
09:56 freemint_ use wget instead?
09:57 wilkgr No, I have 64-bit
09:57 freemint_ ;-)
09:57 wilkgr Use a 32-bit is simple enough
09:57 freemint_ need to recompile
09:57 freemint_ windows?
09:58 wilkgr nope, I just meant downloading the 32-bit version instead of the 64-bit
09:58 wilkgr and, yep, using windows [I hate it]
09:59 wilkgr But my other, linux, computer just get's too hot when running minetest
09:59 wilkgr bout 89 celsius
09:59 freemint_ live stick?
09:59 wilkgr apt-get on the linux laptop,
09:59 wilkgr Live USB on my current computer (prevents norton from blocking it)
10:00 freemint_ ?
10:00 wilkgr !
10:00 wilkgr ;-)
10:00 freemint_ ¿prevents norton from blocking it
10:01 wilkgr yep
10:01 wilkgr Installing minetest on C:\ (hard drive) would produce a false negative
10:01 wilkgr And I'm not admin on this computer
10:01 wilkgr SO I can't change that.
10:02 freemint_ maybe download an outdated version, other md5 ;-)
10:02 Marq is it strange think "I walk really long to find an appletree?"
10:03 freemint_ sounds like no apple trees generated
10:03 Marq i use 0.4.12 as version
10:03 freemint_ mods?
10:04 Marq none
10:04 Marq and v7 as mg
10:04 freemint_ ok, this standard behavior
10:04 wilkgr Use v6 mapgen, I think
10:04 freemint_ no trees generated by default
10:04 freemint_ in v 7
10:05 Marq how can i let them generate?
10:05 freemint_ use v6
10:05 Marq i gona try
10:05 Marq thansk
10:05 freemint_ get an mor which add trees
10:05 freemint_ (more trees)
10:05 freemint_ plant pack
10:05 Marq a mod?
10:05 freemint_ yes
10:07 Marq and generetes v6 some dessert too?
10:07 freemint_ yes
10:07 freemint_ v6 has build in stuff
10:07 Marq 0.4.12 is much better :)
10:08 Marq thank you very much
10:08 wilkgr I just downloaded the 0.4.12-dev and can't connect to anymore
10:08 wilkgr hm....
10:08 freemint_ v7 is complettly modular, an has therefor not much build in
10:09 wilkgr Nup, can't connect to servers anymore..
10:10 wilkgr "ERROR: Connection timed out"
10:10 freemint_ no access to
10:11 freemint_ seems to be a server side problem,
10:11 wilkgr or shadowninja
10:11 freemint_ the port is closed
10:11 freemint_ ?
10:11 wilkgr doesn't work either...
10:11 wilkgr nor does
10:12 wilkgr Is this my client-side problem?
10:12 freemint_ works
10:12 wilkgr But they don't have a good minetest server :-)
10:12 wilkgr Oh yeah, works too
10:12 freemint_ works, doesnt.
10:13 wilkgr The port is 30021 for the game
10:13 Krock wilkgr, SN's minetest server uses port 30008
10:13 freemint_ well try
10:14 freemint_ sure google has a server
10:14 Krock freemint_, google haz got a minetest server!
10:14 Krock <.<
10:15 freemint_ obvious trolls are obvious
10:16 wilkgr "freemint_sure google has a server", yeah, so does Samsung. Can I connect to with minetest?
10:16 freemint_ an http server, running on :80
10:17 wilkgr Oh, stupid firewall.
10:18 freemint_ the firewall is only as stupid as the admin
10:20 wilkgr haha
10:20 wilkgr at least I know the admin password
10:21 freemint_ you must have a really stupid firewall!!!!
10:21 wilkgr default
10:21 freemint_ and the ip?
10:21 wilkgr What do you mean?
10:22 wilkgr I was using the default one
10:22 freemint_ forget it
10:23 wilkgr I won't
10:23 wilkgr If you wanted my IP, I'm on a LAN, so you wouldn't get my computer but that of the entire network
10:24 freemint_ to bad, one could do funny things with the admin pw :-)
10:24 wilkgr oh yes, yes
10:26 wilkgr what's your IP?
10:27 freemint_
10:27 freemint_ localhost is shorter
10:27 wilkgr "There's no place like
10:27 wilkgr Ikr
10:28 wilkgr Performing a nmap scan on my own computer.....
10:28 wilkgr Yeah right
10:28 freemint_ , works to
10:28 wilkgr You're trying to get me to do it on my own computer
10:28 wilkgr It doesn't
10:28 freemint_ for me it does
10:28 wilkgr ask google "my IP"
10:29 wilkgr Then paste Google's answer
10:29 freemint_
10:29 wilkgr haha
10:29 freemint_ Ungefähr 280.000.000 Ergebnisse (0,32 Sekunden)
10:29 wilkgr No, at the top
10:29 wilkgr Direkt dadrunter...
10:30 freemint_ *flood is comming
10:30 freemint_ What Is My IP - The IP Address Experts Since 1999 ...
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ Lookup, Trace, Locate, Change, Hide ANY IP Address.
10:30 freemint_ ‎IP Address Lookup - ‎How to Change Your IP Address - ‎Internet Speed Test - ‎IP Tools
10:30 freemint_ What is my IP address? - IP Location
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ Your IP address is This is the public IP address of the machine requested this page. If your computer is behind a router or used a proxy server to ...
10:30 freemint_ Was ist meine IP-Adresse? - What Is My IP Address?
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Wilkommen auf Ihre IP-Adresse ist etwas, über das Sie sich wahrscheinlich selten Gedanken machen, aber sie ist äußerst wichtig für ...
10:30 freemint_ Wie ist meine IP-Adresse?
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Mit Hilfe von WIEISTMEINEIP können Sie schnell und einfach Ihre IP Adresse herausfinden. Hier klicken und IP Adresse ermitteln!
10:30 wilkgr Nooooo
10:30 freemint_ What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ IP lookup and many other networking tools: port scanners, traceroute, ping and HTTP headers. Also text related tools like HTML characters.
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ | Hier finden Sie heraus, welche IP-Adresse Sie im Internet haben.
10:30 freemint_ Whats My IP Address | Private Internet Access VPN Service
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ Whats my IP. Find out what your current IP address is and how to mask it. For safe browsing, always use protection. Secure, private and anonymous VPN ...
10:30 freemint_ What is my IP? - MxToolbox
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 wilkgr Oh god
10:30 freemint_ ABOUT WHATISMYIP LOOKUP. Ok, so this page shows you your public IP Address. But the MxToolBox WhatIsMyIP also runs a blacklist check on over 100 lists ...
10:30 freemint_ WTF is my IP?!?!??
10:30 freemint_
10:30 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:30 freemint_ IP address utility that also gives the browser's headers in XML, JSON and plain text formats.
10:30 freemint_ Show My IP
10:31 freemint_
10:31 freemint_ Diese Seite übersetzen
10:31 freemint_ Show my IP displays your current IP address. Show my IP offers host geolocation and provides info about your IP address.
10:31 Krock pls...
10:31 * wilkgr rotfl
10:31 wilkgr Thanks -
10:31 wilkgr nmap scan started
10:32 wilkgr actually, it isn't
10:32 wilkgr I don't have nmap on this computer
10:32 freemint_ thats the ip from a google bot ;-)
10:32 wilkgr oh...
10:32 Krock wilkgr is infected by google virus!
10:32 wilkgr Oh come on
10:33 wilkgr Oh yeah?
10:33 * wilkgr raises 1 eyebrow
10:33 freemint_ maybe site two hols the truth
10:33 wilkgr I thought google banned windows computers at work
10:33 wilkgr so their osx/linux viruses won't get me!
10:34 Krock they made it cross-platform compatible!
10:34 wilkgr Ok. I've allowed minetest through my firewall, but connection times out
10:34 wilkgr This channel contains more nonsense than ##cars
10:34 Krock lol
10:35 wilkgr HexChat can't connect with freenode - which is why I'm using kiwiirc "Connection failed (An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions)"
10:36 freemint_ look for the ports
10:36 freemint_ and ssl vs non ssl
10:36 wilkgr It used to work../
10:37 wilkgr SSL is disabled
10:37 freemint_ well you suck at firewall
10:37 wilkgr Oi
10:37 wilkgr Like I said, it used to work
10:37 wilkgr The firewall wasn't changed in the meantime
10:38 wilkgr Or was it? dah dah dah
10:38 freemint_ mhhh, may the gchq dammaged an cable.
10:38 rubenwardy joined #minetest
10:38 wilkgr "gchq"?
10:39 wilkgr Should it be ""?
10:39 freemint_
10:39 wilkgr SO where did that come from?
10:39 wilkgr Krock is right
10:39 freemint_ port seems legit
10:40 wilkgr SHould it be the + or the :
10:41 wilkgr So, freemint_ how's Paris?
10:42 Krock Paris, who's that?
10:42 wilkgr a place
10:42 freemint_ seems to be an greek hero or something, never met him
10:42 wilkgr I meant meant Paris, France
10:43 wilkgr "Connected to server: Paris, FR "
10:43 Jousway joined #minetest
10:43 wilkgr I ran an info scan on freemint_
10:43 freemint_ No idea, how paris is. I think he is dead.
10:43 freemint_ well it seems like the nearest server was in paris
10:43 wilkgr SHould it be the + or the : for the port settings?
10:43 freemint_ :
10:44 wilkgr ok
10:44 freemint_ inos
10:44 wilkgr76 Maybe that helps
10:44 wilkgr76 Changing my current nickname
10:44 freemint_
10:44 freemint_ not
10:44 wilkgr76 Really, HexChat?
10:45 wilkgr76 [20:44:42] * Looking up
10:45 wilkgr76 [20:44:42] * Connecting to (
10:45 wilkgr76 [20:44:42] * Connection failed (An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions)
10:46 wilkgr76 Aaaand, HexChat changes it from to in the settings panel
10:46 freemint_ wrong port/protocol?
10:46 wilkgr76 I dunno
10:46 freemint_
10:46 wilkgr76 I think "Use global user info" was accidentally checked
10:47 freemint_ try the /
10:47 wilkgr76 nope
10:47 wilkgr76 I will
10:47 freemint_ why you do not good in to #hexchat or something and ask for help there
10:47 wilkgr76 Ok, I will
10:48 wilkgr76 But it changes it to
10:48 wilkgr76 ok, ok
10:48 freemint_ maybe there is an dedicateeed port option
10:49 freemint_ like -p or an an extra field for port ... try man
10:49 freemint_ man hexchat
10:49 wilkgr76 nope
10:49 wilkgr76 I've asked on #hexchat
10:49 freemint_ and?
10:50 wilkgr76 No far
10:52 wilkgr76 Response:
10:53 wilkgr76 Oh well, be back tomorrow I guess
10:54 freemint_ WINDOWS
11:01 Jordach joined #minetest
11:01 MinetestBot Jordach: 07-20 06:13 UTC <Krock> yes, that's a good idea. I think the old map is kept, right?
11:02 Viper168 ffs
11:06 Jordach yo, Krock -pot
11:06 Krock Lol
11:07 Jordach infact, i probably can zip the world up
11:11 rubenwardy joined #minetest
11:14 FreeFull joined #minetest
11:19 blaise joined #minetest
11:19 ecutruin joined #minetest
11:22 Darcidride joined #minetest
11:28 Player_2 joined #minetest
11:43 alket_ joined #minetest
11:47 zetok joined #minetest
11:59 H-H-H joined #minetest
12:33 Halamix2 joined #minetest
12:34 turtleman_ joined #minetest
12:37 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
12:37 PjotrOrial joined #minetest
12:46 Viper168 joined #minetest
13:03 Routhinator joined #minetest
13:06 behalebabo joined #minetest
13:09 greenman_ joined #minetest
13:13 Routhinator joined #minetest
13:14 Routhinator left #minetest
13:34 H-H-H joined #minetest
13:45 est31 joined #minetest
14:07 mazal joined #minetest
14:08 Calinou
14:08 Calinou How much is worth?
14:08 Calinou Website Value:
14:08 Calinou $20k
14:08 Calinou Estimated Worth:
14:08 Calinou $ 20,374
14:08 Calinou heh
14:08 DMackey joined #minetest
14:09 CWz Calinou: sell the site for magic beans
14:11 ThatGraemeGuy Calinou: no don't sell yet, its up to $30,881 already
14:11 ThatGraemeGuy oh i got a 242-day old value for some reason
14:11 ThatGraemeGuy dumb site
14:15 someguy_irc joined #minetest
14:16 Megaf_ Hi all
14:17 Megaf_ VanessaE: What happened to the acacia trees?
14:17 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:17 Calinou they're official now
14:18 Megaf_ uh, so I have to update my game I guess
14:24 swift110-phone joined #minetest
14:30 FR^2 joined #minetest
14:37 turtleman_ which one is acacia?
14:37 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
14:39 technoma` joined #minetest
14:39 rom1504_ joined #minetest
14:40 JamesTai1 joined #minetest
14:40 sd1001_ joined #minetest
14:42 AiShield joined #minetest
14:42 Tiktalik joined #minetest
14:42 Tiktalik joined #minetest
14:42 xenkey huh
14:43 MyTeke_ChrisWMas joined #minetest
14:43 Sketch2 joined #minetest
14:43 Icedream joined #minetest
14:43 Icedream joined #minetest
14:43 greenman_ joined #minetest
14:43 OldCoder joined #minetest
14:49 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
14:52 Jordach joined #minetest
14:56 jin_xi joined #minetest
15:12 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:16 rubenwardy Hi all!
15:16 rubenwardy Please may a moderator delete this post:
15:23 grimelle joined #minetest
15:26 CWz poll(or something): Are non-24/7 uptime servers pointless to host?
15:30 rubenwardy CWz, the load of servers follows a sign wave
15:30 Viper168 joined #minetest
15:30 rubenwardy CWz, if your uptime is less than 1 hour you are usually very low in the server list
15:30 rubenwardy s/sign/sine
15:31 rubenwardy
15:32 rubenwardy CWz, so basically is it's non-24/7 then you'd better make it on the peak of the wave
15:32 rubenwardy if it's
15:32 rubenwardy what kind of server?
15:32 CWz Haven't decided yet
15:33 CWz my time zone also isn't the best
15:33 freemint_ who is admin of the dev wiki?
15:33 rubenwardy freemint_, Calinou
15:33 rubenwardy is an admin
15:33 rubenwardy but he doesn't host
15:34 rubenwardy;t=10473
15:35 freemint_ Calinou , i want to create an account in the wiki, but i can not, it seems like an cat chaptcha is requiered, but firefox does not show it, (no addblocker activated, js activated)
15:35 rubenwardy freemint_, that topic gives info
15:35 rubenwardy <rubenwardy>;t=10473
15:35 freemint_ to late ;-)
15:38 freemint_ Calinou: informations now in the right topic in forum
15:43 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:47 freemint_ minetest.get_voxel_manip([p1, p2]) -- "wiki" what does the [ ] mean in this context? Or is this bullshit in the wiki?
15:52 FreeFull Is this C++ code or Lua?
15:52 freemint_ lua
15:52 sfan5 it probably means nothing
15:52 freemint_ thx
15:53 FreeFull It might mean that the parameters are optional
15:53 FreeFull So both .get_voxel_manip() and .get_voxel_manip(p1, p2) might be valid
15:55 freemint_ works thx
15:55 rubenwardy <FreeFull> It might mean that the parameters are optional
15:55 rubenwardy yes
15:56 jin_xi hm, its more clear here
15:56 freemint_ thx
15:57 freemint_ damn, the wiki sucks, if i am done with my project, i am going clean up some pages there.
15:59 Krock freemint_, then please extend or edit the wiki pages :)
15:59 freemint_ i do not have an account, becuase your chaptchas do not work, Calinou does not react too
16:00 freemint_ and i am not ready with my little project.
16:02 freemint_ Krock:  then please create or share an account of the wiki :)
16:02 freemint_ *for
16:11 Krock freemint_, Krockisamazing with password 1234567890
16:12 freemint_ this was ment as a joke, the and i used was a logic one.
16:13 freemint_ (Both conditions need to be fullfilled (need account AND have project ready))
16:21 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
16:33 AndroidKris joined #minetest
16:34 Calinou freemint_, you want both normal and dev wiki account?
16:34 Calinou or just dev?
16:35 freemint_ both
16:35 AndroidKris So my Field of view got reduced to 5 by my lovely 2yr old daughter last night, and now I can't get a response from the "+" key to increase it again. I can play with fog off, but if to much stuff in the distance starts loading, i get lag.
16:35 Calinou okay, creating them... check your e-mail for the password
16:35 AndroidKris Is there a solution?
16:35 Calinou AndroidKris, yes, edit your minetest.conf
16:35 Calinou at the end put:
16:35 Calinou viewing_range_nodes_min = 96
16:35 Calinou viewing_range_nodes_max = 96
16:35 Calinou (you can change 96 with any other integer value)
16:36 greenman_ joined #minetest
16:36 freemint_ Calinou: can you make the name lowercases, so forum and wiki are the same?
16:36 AndroidKris I just figured it out by accident. Shift+ increases field of view.
16:36 Calinou no, it is not possible to do that on MediaWiki
16:37 freemint_ [R] does also
16:37 Calinou all page names must start with a capital, except on dev wiki where we found a workaround (but even then, usernames must start with a capital)
16:37 Calinou R is full range view, which isn't what you want
16:37 freemint_ thx Calinou
16:39 AndroidKris Wow, not neither one works. I can't increase or decrease viewing range from the 195 that I got it up to with Shift +
16:39 AndroidKris wtf.
16:39 Calinou this is why dynamic range tuning sucks
16:39 Calinou I kept telling celeron55 to remove it :p
16:41 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
16:42 AndroidKris nvm, it was a shotty connection with my wireless keyboard
16:43 alket_ joined #minetest
16:43 AndroidKris How would you do the viewing range then, if Dynamic sucks?
16:43 AndroidKris Any why the hell can't I get this Acacia tree to grow?
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17:00 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
17:03 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
17:34 MinetestForFun Hi, im looking for a heavy warrior armor texture for 3d_armor, someone can help me please ?
17:35 hmmmm joined #minetest
17:35 freemint_ MinetestForFun:  can please specify heavy warrior, what time period what armor type and so on.
17:36 MinetestForFun i need an amor better than the mithril armor, so im looking for a armor wich seems very heavy / plated maybe
17:36 MinetestForFun maybe a dark color, nothing fixed for the moment
17:36 MinetestForFun i will adjust the craft recipe when i have the armor textures =)
17:37 freemint_ better than mythril ... you can maybe make compressed mythril, but a matherial  harder then mythrill does not exist.
17:37 MinetestForFun the material isn't a problem
17:37 freemint_ Can you send me the texture i could repaint it
17:37 MinetestForFun my server contain multiple magic items
17:37 freemint_ i have a bamboo tablett right next to me
17:37 MinetestForFun i just need a good texture, that seems heavy/plated
17:38 MinetestForFun i don't want re-paint a existing texture, the default armores from the 3d_armor mod are so simple/not detailed
17:39 MinetestForFun but htank you for your roposal :)
17:39 MinetestForFun proposal*
17:39 AnotherBrick in 3d_armor quality of armors is in accordance with ores rarity. so natural next step after mithril would be rainbow armor
17:39 freemint_ i do not have the resources of the armor mod here, if you can give me some armot i can paint a heavy based on the texture form
17:39 MinetestForFun maybe i don't explain very well my problem, i think you ned to forget the 3d_armor actual system attribution colors/armors
17:40 AnotherBrick and yes, i understand that it's not what you're looking for :)
17:41 freemint_ if you want me piant something write a pm (query) in irc.
17:41 MinetestForFun i need a texture for an heavy armor, (more resistant than the mithril armor, for the explanation), wich is detailed if possible :)
17:41 MinetestForFun i will give you an example, 2 seconds
17:42 Jordach RealBadAngel, are you fucking kidding me
17:42 Jordach you implemented entity shading
17:42 Jordach one less annoyance
17:44 freemint_ 2 minutes later
17:44 Jordach freemint_, 3*
17:44 freemint_ ;-)
17:44 RealBadAngel Jordach, atm only wielded entities
17:44 MinetestForFun this is two textures of the chest of the hunter class (it's hardened and reinforced leather), the texture are great and implemanted and
17:45 MinetestForFun my problem is to find another armor set detailed like that and seems to be very hard to break (better than mithril, so :p)
17:46 MinetestForFun (it's for an ultimate armor for warrior classes)
17:47 freemint_ MinetestForFun: do you want an west or an armot the frist appears to be an west
17:48 MinetestForFun a west ?
17:48 MinetestForFun soryr i don't understand =)
17:48 freemint_ srry wrong term
17:49 Jordach RealBadAngel, ಠ_ಠ
17:49 freemint_ vest
17:49 freemint_ i only see textures for front and back in the first picture
17:51 freemint_ These are minetest textures?
17:55 swift110-phone joined #minetest
17:56 behalebabo joined #minetest
17:58 MinetestForFun these are minetest textures yes
17:58 MinetestForFun it's just a sample
17:58 MinetestForFun this armor can't be a warrior "armored" armor
17:58 freemint_ i see why
17:58 MinetestForFun so, nobody can help me apparently :/
17:58 freemint_ i work opn it
17:58 freemint_ can you wait a day?
17:59 MinetestForFun if you want to see the original leather armors i link you : and
17:59 MinetestForFun Of course i can
17:59 MinetestForFun a last question, because you're up to date with 3d_armor :p
17:59 Jordach MinetestForFun, assuming like this?,_Gustav_Vasa_-_Livrustkammaren_-_32921.tif
18:00 MinetestForFun shoulders with spikes instand of "cubes" are possible ?
18:00 MinetestForFun for the armor texture of course
18:00 freemint_ i do not know if i get this ready before tonight, but 16 hours shoud be sufficient
18:00 MinetestForFun Yes Jordach, something like that, but more agressive, and with spikes soulders if possible :p
18:01 MinetestForFun No problem freemint, im always on this IRC, you can PM me
18:06 freemint_ MinetestForFun:  Any wishes when it comes to material and colour?
18:15 blaise joined #minetest
18:26 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
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19:14 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:22 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
19:25 paramat joined #minetest
19:25 MinetestBot paramat: 07-16 22:35 UTC <Jordach>]
19:28 paramat left #minetest
19:40 sfan5 wait what
19:40 sfan5 did !tell actually work for once
19:40 sfan5 i can't believe thgis
19:40 sfan5 -g
19:43 phantombeta joined #minetest
19:47 Krock \o/
19:48 phantombeta joined #minetest
19:49 Megaf_ sfan5: I can't believe either
19:50 Megaf_ !tell Megaf is a test
19:50 MinetestBot Megaf_: yeah, sure, whatever
19:50 Megaf_ left #minetest
19:50 Megaf joined #minetest
19:50 MinetestBot Megaf: 07-20 19:50 UTC <Megaf_> is a test
19:50 Megaf sfan5: It is working :S
19:50 Megaf !server Megaf
19:50 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 0/11, 2/8 | Version: 0.4.12-Megaf / MegafXploreNext | Ping: 12ms
20:02 Cryterion joined #minetest
20:07 Delta_ joined #minetest
20:08 Krock I'm a bit late but where is ShadowBot?
20:08 Krock the one in the userlist doesn't have OP
20:12 Marq joined #minetest
20:12 Megaf $ svn update
20:12 Megaf svn: Can't connect to host '': Connection refused
20:12 Megaf this is not good thing, is it?
20:15 Calinou SF is down
20:15 Megaf again?
20:16 Marq trying to instal the boost cart mod, but the mods tab doesnt show it
20:16 Marq could somebody give me a hint?
20:18 Megaf Marq: this one right?
20:19 Megaf Marq: what operating system are you using?
20:19 Marq no, the zip had the name boost_cart-master
20:19 Marq i use ubuntu
20:21 Megaf Marq: ok, just extract the mod to the directory ~/.minetest/mods
20:21 Hijiri does boost car mod provide free peer-reviewed minecart source libraries
20:21 Hijiri boost acart mod*
20:21 Megaf create it if doesnt exists
20:22 Marq what do you mean with free "peer-reviewed minecart source libraries"
20:22 Marq ?
20:24 Marq the directory boost_cart-master contains 2 subdirectories "models" and "textures"
20:24 Marq and 6 files
20:24 Hijiri sorry, I was making a joke
20:24 Hijiri don't consider anything I said as advice
20:24 Marq haha that's a clear advice
20:25 Marq Megaf, mod is extracted
20:26 Megaf Marq: inside the mod folder, there should be its files, like init.lua, and not other mod folder
20:26 Marq in the folder of boost_cart-master is a file init.lua
20:28 Marq and i have only one mod
20:31 Krock When there's a file at ~/.minetest/mods/boost_cart/init.lua then is everything fine.
20:31 Marq ~/.minetest/mods/boost_cart-master/init.lua excists
20:32 Krock remove the -master, that will cause errors
20:32 Marq aah ok
20:33 nrzkt joined #minetest
20:34 Marq -master is removed
20:34 Marq but the mods list is still empty
20:34 Krock perhaps a wrong installation directory?
20:35 Marq huh, how can i do that wrong?
20:36 Marq i see that your filepath starts with a .
20:36 Marq .mintest
20:36 Marq *.minetest
20:36 Krock Dunno about Linux but this could help you "Install directory"
20:38 Calinou Marq, remove the -master from the name
20:38 Calinou call it just boost_cart
20:38 Marq master is already removed
20:38 Jordach did you remove the - part as well>
20:39 Krock Jordach: <Marq>but the mods list is still empty
20:39 Marq Krock, seems the filepath ~/.minetest/mods/ was the correct installation directory
20:39 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
20:39 Marq yes the - is removed the
20:39 Marq *too
20:39 Krock And you're sure it's not shown in your mod list? even after restarting Minetest?
20:40 Marq yes
20:40 Marq i'm really sory
20:40 Marq when i start minetest, the second tab from the right
20:41 Marq "mods"
20:41 Marq the list there is empty
20:41 Megaf Marq: can you give us the link of this mod again please?
20:41 Krock Scroll up :P
20:42 Marq and when i selected my world, and open the settings, the list doesnt contain something like boost_cart
20:42 Marq
20:44 Marq could the mod depends on other mods?
20:45 Krock Different question: Where's your minetest_game directory?
20:46 Marq my worlds or the directory where i saved the game?
20:48 Krock There's a pre-installed game, called Minetest game. It contains the default stuff and has the directory name "minetest_game". When you find that one, you'll also find your mods directory. That are my thoughts
20:49 Marq home/marq/minetest/games/minetest_game
20:49 Marq i think i've found it
20:50 Marq and that's not the directore where i saved the mod :P
20:51 Krock bingo.
20:51 Krock home/marq/minetest/mods/
20:51 Marq yep
20:51 Marq thank you very much
20:52 Krock np
20:52 Marq new excercise here
20:52 Marq minetest don't want to move from the launcher
20:53 Marq seems need a shutdown :(
20:54 Megaf ok, so is not .minetest, is minetest
20:57 Calinou
21:01 sfan5 Megaf: i didn't really change anything except add some debug output
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22:01 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Default: Add biome API tree schematics and enable growing by sapling ABMs e203302 (2015-07-20T22:56:35+01:00)
22:02 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
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23:43 FreeFull I can't figure out how to ignite gunpowder
23:44 FreeFull Oh, with a torch
23:52 Enke joined #minetest
23:54 swift110 hey guys

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