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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-04-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:08 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
00:11 Hijiri joined #minetest
00:16 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
00:21 ecutruin joined #minetest
00:23 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
00:38 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
00:39 fmcd joined #minetest
00:42 Builder123 joined #minetest
00:45 turtleman_ joined #minetest
00:53 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:08 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:10 Hijiri joined #minetest
01:17 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
01:18 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
01:22 Pilcrow joined #minetest
01:23 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:26 Pilcrow ♫ All in all you're just AnotherBrick in the wall ♫
01:34 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
01:38 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
01:45 AnotherBrick we don't need no education
01:45 Pilcrow :)
01:50 cheapie joined #minetest
02:08 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
02:20 Johnsen2 !server CsMr
02:20 MinetestBot Johnsen2: No results
02:20 Johnsen2 !server Builder123
02:20 MinetestBot Johnsen2: No results
02:41 exio4 hai
02:41 Pilcrow hi exio4!
02:42 exio4 :O it's a Pilcrow
02:42 exio4 hi! :P
02:42 Pilcrow 'sup?  :)
02:43 Pilcrow very quiet on here tonight.
02:48 ecutruin Anyone have an idea for something they would like to see drawn, voxel style?
02:52 Johnsen2 30000
02:54 exio4 Pilcrow: it's going, you?
02:56 Pilcrow_ joined #minetest
02:56 Pilcrow_ durned computer unplugged on me...  :P
03:02 Pilcrow exio4: it's going pretty good for me. currently trying to program some script-fu magic to find out how many ABMs are acting on a specified node name...  :P
03:02 ecutruin Noone needs any art. >.<  Sadness.  Was trying to get some inspiration of what to draw on my next stream.
03:03 OldCoder joined #minetest
03:04 Pilcrow sorry, ecutruin, I have no ideas right now...  :\
03:04 * ecutruin shrugs.
03:04 ecutruin No worries, just figured I'd ask out.
03:04 sofar ecutruin: if you're into 16x16 pixelated style, I might have something for you
03:05 ecutruin sofar, check out
03:07 ecutruin I can export as OBJ or DAE.  I don't currently animate or convert to any other format really as I've kinda focused my learning on this specific tool.
03:08 sofar Here's what I cooked up myself (I'm not an artist, at all:;t=11795&amp;p=175593#p175593
03:08 sofar wip - I'm doing a special mesh model for 2-block high corn atm
03:08 sofar very, very simple mesh
03:09 Pilcrow ecutruin: you're good, I'll say that...  :)
03:10 * ecutruin shrugs a lil.
03:11 DMackey joined #minetest
03:11 ecutruin I honestly haven't practices much.  A lot of this is just winging it.
03:11 sofar
03:11 ecutruin practiced*
03:11 sofar Pilcrow: 2-block corn progress
03:12 Sokomine you might just increase the visual scale of the corn so that it looks larger. then it can still remain one block
03:12 sofar yup, this was a first pass
03:12 ecutruin That's pretty good sofar.  It blends in with MT's style well.  I personally abhore MT's style as it feels a lil washed out to me.. I prefer brighter colors.. but overall, you've match MT well.
03:13 sofar I also need to tweak the position of the cobs
03:13 sofar so that they become positioned at the mesh intersection for max shape visual
03:13 ecutruin You should have many more cobs as well.
03:13 sofar there will be 4 already per node
03:13 Pilcrow sofar: lovin' that corn...  :)
03:14 sofar it's only a single texture
03:14 sofar it makes a pretty good corn maze already
03:14 exio4 wooooooo!!!
03:14 exio4 it works!
03:14 exio4 got my arduino
03:14 exio4 it works!
03:15 ecutruin I'm more saying, going from bottom-up.  Corn cobs crow all along the stem generally.. whereas yours seem to only be at the top.
03:15 sofar good point
03:15 sofar I'll see if I can make that work
03:16 ecutruin But overall its still nice.
03:17 ecutruin Not sure you'd want me to do my take on those though.. as I do voxel art mostly lately.. so it'd be way higher poly count.
03:18 sofar ah, yeah, I'm more looking to get better pixels, although it's fun to do myself
03:18 Pilcrow Sokomine: I assume you mean sofar should make a single node that takes up 2 spaces? In my experience, nodes that extend past the normal -0.5 to 0.5 range often cause problems with falling nodes, unless that's been fixed while I wasn't looking... afaik, that's why the doors mod in minetest_game still uses 2 nodes (one for the top half and one for the bottom half)...
03:20 sofar I'm writing this as a pure 2-node thing, like I did with melons, it works well enough so that it's nice and robust
03:20 sofar beds are another disaster
03:20 Pilcrow lol
03:20 sofar one of the bed parts has a 2-node hitbox
03:21 sofar so rotation in worldedit mucks it up badly
03:21 sofar afk a bit
03:21 sofar kicking sons to bed :D
03:23 Sokomine Pilcrow: nodes that ought to be one node and are a combination of two nodes do have their own problems (visual lag, unexpected other mods interfering). for plants, a higher visual scale ought to be just fine. it's not a real problem if another node extends into the space where the top of the plant is
03:23 Sokomine that is, if someone didn't take care of that...well...the plant won't really grow anyway unless it's glass. and glas might look acceptable
03:25 Sokomine my cottages-bed does consist of two seperate nodes, yes. you have to manually put it together. just like when you bought one at a store :-) this was done mostly because some server admins where afraid of nodes that placed their second node automaticly. beds at that time where not entirely safe under all circumstances...
03:25 ecutruin Or you could just have a "placeholder node" for the top, no?  keep the visual in one node, but use a placeholder when it grows above.. so that other blocks cannot be placed there..
03:25 Sokomine it's not really a problem if other nodes are placed there. at least not with plants
03:26 Sokomine it may be a problem with other types of nodes. but doesn't really matter
03:26 ecutruin Granted, I don't know MT's system well.. as I don't really play it.. just watch the development of it right now.
03:27 Sokomine there are diffrent types of solutions to certain problems (like nodes that are bigger than one node). depending on the situation, they each have their advantages and disadvantages. for plants, the larger scaling factor is imho the best solution
03:29 Sokomine i've played a bit with mauvebic's hydro mod in my singleplayer world and changed the grapes a bit. those are a diffrent matter...i want them to eventually regrow grapes per block. so those will be one-node-high plants that can be stacked by the player (or rather, will grow up like papyrus)
03:29 ecutruin I ended up too frustrated with what I cannot do in MT.. so I've kind stayed aloof, but I do watch it to see what things people do create with it.. because I think it has a lot of potential.
03:29 Pilcrow Sokomine: I'm talking about falling nodes specifically though; I've noticed with my own mods, if I increase the vertical scale past the normal bounds of a node, and someone drops sand on it, the sand will fall through half the node and then stay there as an invincible entity. the only way to get rid of it would be to reboot the server or break the plant... However, ecutruin's idea of an invisible 'placeholder' node may solve this,
03:31 ecutruin Creating an invisible node with a solid bounding box should stop sand and such, no?  Alternatively.. you could have the plant detect sand has fallen on it and break as a result.. which would also be a viable option, I'd think.
03:32 Pilcrow of course, I avoid creating this kind of situation out of habit now, so it might've already been fixed without my knowing.
03:32 Sokomine Pilcrow: falling nodes are a problem anyway. they'll make your plant drop or destroy it - no matter how big it is
03:33 Sokomine the engine does break the plant if sand is dropped on it. which is a problem with my moresnow mod as i don't want the plant to be destroyed in that case
03:34 Consortium joined #minetest
03:34 Consortium Hi
03:34 Consortium Morning
03:35 ecutruin Sokomine, could you not just tell the engine that its not a plant, and implement your own plant-like functions?
03:35 Pilcrow Sokomine: that depends on how the plant is registered, I think. my experience actually comes from doors, lol. I once tried programming my own doors mod that used a single, double-height node as the door. if sand was placed on top of it, it would fall through the top half but never become a node again. I suppose if the sand would break your plant, that wouldn't be so much of a problem...
03:35 ecutruin Again, please smack me if I'm talking out my arse, I am mostly just spouting conceptual things based on what I know about MT.
03:37 Consortium Pilcrow: do you know about the list?
03:37 Pilcrow Consortium: list for what?
03:42 Pilcrow oh, ecutruin, if you're still looking for art inspiration, you could look at my hoverbot. so far it's unreleased, but I have the nodeboxes done...   :)
03:43 ecutruin Ah, you used nodeboxes for it?  It's cute. ^-^  A bot could be something fun to make though.  Thanks!
03:43 Pilcrow ^ fyi, his 'fingers' are tiny, simplified versions of the pick, shovel, and axe...  :)
03:44 Pilcrow (just in case the pics aren't clear)
03:44 ecutruin Hehe.
03:44 Consortium Pilcrow: (did it yesterday IIRC)
03:45 Pilcrow but yeah, ecutruin, that took a lot of nodeboxes. I would really like to make a similar-looking mesh, so it'd have less internal faces than the nodebox method, but my blender does not work...  :\
03:46 ecutruin I could replicate that in Voxel, and export it as an obj for you, if that'd help.
03:47 ecutruin Idealy.. if you want it to match as closely as possible, I'd like a top, bottom, side and 3D image of it.. so I could make sure I used the same colors and art as much as possible.
03:48 exio4 I need something relatively trivial to do
03:49 ecutruin exio4, fix all of MT so that I have no excuse not to use it. :P (j/k)
03:49 exio4 I said trivial
03:49 exio4 t_t
03:49 ecutruin Oh...
03:49 exio4 and it is for my arduino
03:49 ecutruin Um.. hrm.. make a copter?
03:50 exio4 heh
03:50 ecutruin Pilcrow, how wide is that bot?
03:52 Pilcrow ecutruin: I'm getting you more screenshots and stuff, including size comparisons
03:52 ecutruin It looks like 26 pixels across.. which is quite a bit larger than a block.
03:52 ecutruin Sure.
03:52 ecutruin Want me to stream this, so you can watch me make it?
03:53 Zeno` joined #minetest
03:55 ecutruin Anyone else that wants anything, I'm up for it as well.. free of any cost right now as I have free time and just want to draw (I am not sure if drawing is really the right term for what I do, but w/e).
04:09 Pilcrow ecutruin: it is 26 pixels wide and 19 tall, but I used 32px textures for it (I know, I'm a horrible, evil person. lol) anyways, here's a bunch of different pics for you:
04:10 Pilcrow (at least, I <think> it's 19 tall...)
04:11 ecutruin Well, with my voxel art.. when I give ya the OBJ, you'll likely need to open it in Blender and scale it down if you want it smaller.. cause 26 pixels would be 26 pixels.
04:11 ecutruin But I'll go ahead and make it. :3
04:12 ecutruin I'll do it on stream too.. soon here (  Just need to get a drink and get things setup.
04:14 Pilcrow ah. that might be a problem. as I said, my blender doesn't work. still, I'd be interested in watching you make it, and would still like the obj... but it may be a while before I can actually use it...  :(
04:15 exio4 :(
04:15 exio4 I don't know what I am doing wrong
04:15 Consortium Does any of you got skype?
04:15 Pilcrow oh, also, here's the nodebox code I used, if you're interested (43 lines!) :
04:17 Pilcrow sorry, Consortium. I used to, but I use Linux and PulseAudio's a b*tch; skype switched to pulse-only a while ago, so I uninstalled it...  :P
04:17 Pilcrow exio4: what ARE you doing wrong?  :P
04:17 Pilcrow or rather, what are you trying to do and failing?
04:17 exio4 rude
04:18 ecutruin Well, Pilcrow.. the only issue would be scale.. so if you can scale entities in-game, that's work as well.
04:18 hmmmm joined #minetest
04:19 Pilcrow ecutruin: you can scale entities, but this is a node. not sure if meshnodes can be scaled, but it's worth a shot...  :)
04:19 ecutruin Alternatively, I could go with 16^3 and alter the design a bit.
04:20 Pilcrow (in case you didn't know, meshnodes are something that were added kind of recently, that allow nodes to be mapped to .obj models)
04:20 ecutruin Which.. I believe should export reasonably.  I've honestly not tried exporting for MT.. since I don't make stuff for it.  Maybe ya could bug Jordach with the model later and have him help ya get it in scale.
04:20 ecutruin Yeah.. I'm familiar.  I lurk here pretty much every day. ^-~  I just scan through, and generally don't talk much.
04:21 Pilcrow ecutruin: I'd rather have the 32px one and worry about scaling afterwards. purity and all that...  ;)
04:21 ecutruin K. :3
04:21 ecutruin Setting things up now. ^-^
04:22 * Pilcrow wonders if will work on android; this laptop's sound is f*cked....  :P
04:27 * Pilcrow is installing beam app, to watch ecu|Streaming
04:28 ecu|Streaming Kay.
04:34 Consortium So... what mods should minetest have?
04:36 Consortium I mean TF2 is definitely cool
04:39 exio4 it's late
04:39 exio4 good night <3
04:39 Pilcrow looks like I can't chat to ecu|Streaming without an account. guess I'll just watch. at least I was able to find the stream on the android app... they don't have a 'search' feature in there....  O_o
04:39 ecu|Streaming Heh.
04:40 ecu|Streaming Yeah, the app isn't the best.
04:40 ecu|Streaming They are working on it, from what I understand
04:40 Pilcrow better than my crashy flashplayer and non-working headphone jack in this laptop...   :P
04:42 ecu|Streaming btw.. I'm not "matching" your texture.. just resembling.  Didn't feel like copying it into the program for each bit. :P
04:43 Pilcrow lol. I could give you my texture files if you want, but I'm kinda curious as to how your 'version' of it will look  ;)
04:45 Etzos Pilcrow: If you don't want to mess with PA to run Skype you can use this:
04:46 Etzos Assuming you use ALSA and not something else, of course.
04:47 Pilcrow Etzos: oh! interesting! bookmarked. yes, I do use ALSA... thank you!  :)
04:48 Pilcrow Etzos: do you know if it works well?  :)
04:48 Etzos Pilcrow: I'm afraid I don't. I'm a PA user.
04:49 exio4 don't worry, we won't kill you slowly, you won't feel anything
04:49 Etzos Pilcrow: I've seen it recommended by various Arch users though, so I assume it works decently enough.
04:50 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
04:50 Etzos Yes, well I'm also a happy user of that accursed systemd. I'm sure I've been killed a few times over already by various people. :P
04:50 exio4 well, systemd
04:50 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
04:50 * exio4 removes the won't kill slowly part
04:50 exio4 now I am going to sleep, I swear!
04:51 exio4 \o
04:51 Pilcrow Etzos: haha! that's a good sign; I'm an Arch user myself (well, Chakra, but it's a fork of arch and still largely compatable with the AUR)...  :)
04:51 Pilcrow night, exio4!
04:51 Consortium I don't use linux
04:51 Consortium Sorry...
04:52 * Pilcrow can't remember the last time he used Windows for anything....   :P
04:52 Consortium >Be me
04:53 Consortium >Only has Tails on USB
04:53 Etzos Every time I use Windows I miss Linux too much.
04:55 Pilcrow oh, ecu|Streaming. it shouldn't matter much, but just so you know, the top of the 'dome' is up against the very top of the cubic space in my nodebox model. as in, level with the top of, say, a cobble block.
04:55 ecu|Streaming Won't matter once I optimize the model.
04:56 Pilcrow mmkay, just pointing it out.
04:56 Pilcrow heh, Etzos, that's exactly my position. try writing batch after you've experienced bash...   ;)
04:57 ecu|Streaming How's that, Pilcrow?
04:58 * Pilcrow has a BIIG smile on his face  :3
04:58 ecu|Streaming Didn't take too long, either.
04:59 Etzos Pilcrow: I know. It's like night and day in difference of power. XD
05:00 Pilcrow ecu: much faster than I expected, tbh. what is your modeling program? I don't recognise it (but I've only ever seen old versions of Blender, so I wouldn't know anyway)...  :P
05:01 ecu|Streaming Qubicle.  App used to make the base models for Stonehearth.  I didn't get into 3D pixel art until I ran across it, and I love it.
05:02 ecu|Streaming Uploading now
05:02 Pilcrow kewl  :3
05:02 ecu|Streaming Anyone else?
05:04 ecu|Streaming PM'd ya link, so you can choose who has access.
05:04 ecu|Streaming Credit if ya want, do whatever with it. ^-^
05:07 Pilcrow I believe in giving credit where credit is due; you will be in my readme when I release the mod.
05:09 ecu|Streaming Thanks.
05:10 Pilcrow and everyone will have access to it eventually anyway; I DO plan on releasing. heck, the mod is mostly done now, I'm just doing bugfixes and making things more efficient. it is a programable robot that can mimic a player in many ways, including right-clicking on nodes, and using items that have 'on_use' functions...
05:13 Pilcrow still needs a bit of work though; since it can use items and such, and mimics the player table, it can cause a crash if an item/node tries to access a player function that hasn't been implemented for the hoverbot...
05:14 someguy_irc joined #minetest
05:15 Consortium Anything fun to talk about?
05:16 Pilcrow for example, player:get_breath() and player:set_breath(). If there's an item that sets your breath to max when you use it, and a hoverbot tries to use it, it will cause a crash. I need to find a way to return gracefully if the command isn't implemented...
05:17 Pilcrow s/command/function/
05:19 Consortium Pilcrow: what is that actually?
05:23 Pilcrow what do you mean, Consortium? the mod I'm talking about? it's one I've been programming for months. it's a programmable robot that mimics a player in many ways, but it is programmed through an inventory system to make it easy... that sounds confusing. better just to show you. here's a screenshot of the programming interface:
05:26 Pilcrow the code above makes it move north, left-click (punch/use/dig) south, deposit the selected item into a chest/furnace/etc. to the east (if one is there), and then drop the selected item (which would be empty anyway, if it just deposited it)... obviously this example program is not useful, but you see how it works, right?  :)
05:29 Consortium Pilcrow: tell me more
05:30 Consortium By the way, Minetest should have 9-12 tool slots for "Battles" because the keyboard have 1234567890-= keys... just a thought
05:30 ecu|Streaming Pilcrow, ya still watching?
05:31 Pilcrow yes, ecu. that is a cute thing that looks like a cross between a snail and a turtle...  :P
05:32 Pilcrow but I have no idea if it's from something...
05:32 ecu|Streaming Nope.  I just made it up.
05:33 Pilcrow I thought you were making a helmet at first. then it started looking like a koopa troopa. now it's a snurtle...  xD
05:35 Zeno` for some reason I cannot load imgur pages any more
05:36 Zeno` perhaps AU is blocking it :/
05:36 ecu|Streaming Snurtle.  I love it.  Totally taking that name!
05:37 Pilcrow Zeno`, if you'd like to see, give me a suggestion for another free image site to put it on...  :)
05:37 Zeno` can you check the link?
05:38 Pilcrow Zeno` the imgur link works fine for me.
05:38 Zeno` oh well :(
05:39 Zeno` qwebirc probably doesn't support DCC send either :(
05:40 Pilcrow Consortium: my hoverbot mod is a lot to explain, but you can watch a video I made for a friend of mine. keep in mind, it's HORRIBLE video quality and has no audio. it also has some outdated info (fuel lasts longer now, for example). Anyways, here it is if you want it:
05:41 Pilcrow Zeno`: I don't know what that is.
05:44 Pilcrow Zeno`: does tinypic work where you are? here's my hoverbot programming interface:
05:44 Zeno` yeah that works
05:44 Zeno` wow
05:45 Zeno` that's pretty cool
05:47 nicolas_ joined #minetest
05:47 Pilcrow Zeno`: I thought the idea of a programmable robot was cool, but couldn't figure out how to make it accessable to non-programmers. then I was inspired by the flash game 'Light Bot', and it all fell into place. example Light Bot screenshot:
05:48 Zeno` I'll be keen to program the robot :)
05:50 Pilcrow as I've said though, it is currently useable but it still has a few major kinks to work out before I'll be comfortable with releasing it. mainly I need to come up with a way to return gracefully if it encounters a player:some_function() that it hasn't been programmed to mimic...
05:50 Zeno` hmm
05:50 Zeno` well it sure looks fun :)
05:51 ecu|Streaming Anyone have an ideas for something I should draw?
05:51 Pilcrow also... I have NO IDEA how to use git/github to release my stuff.  :P
05:51 ecu|Streaming Made Pilcrow's drone and then made a Snurtle.. :P
05:51 Pilcrow ^ snurtle...   :3
05:52 Pilcrow you could always make more composite creatures... how about your own take on a squitten (squid+kitten)?  :P
05:54 Pilcrow you on teamspeak or something, ecu?
05:56 Pilcrow Zeno`: do you know if there's instructions somewhere for how to put a project up on github?
05:59 Zeno` yep
05:59 Zeno` on github
05:59 Zeno` :D
05:59 Zeno` have you got an account?
06:00 Zeno`
06:01 Zeno` there are other ways to do it, but maybe that's the easiest
06:01 Pilcrow yes, I do have an account. in fact, I think we've posted in some of the same minetest issues...  :P
06:04 Zeno` You'll probably also want to learn about git itself ;)
06:04 Zeno`
06:04 Zeno` lots of tutorials... there are only a few commands you *need* to know
06:04 Zeno` or you could use a GUI
06:06 Zeno` Arch linux user though... you probably want command line
06:06 Pilcrow Zeno`: I'd prefer not to use git in the terminal until I need to do something that can't be done on the github web interface. mostly because this computer has all sorts of issues (because my os is very outdated), and my browser works mostly right (as long as I don't use flash)...  :P
06:07 Zeno` hmm, I've never used the github web interface so have no idea how it could work
06:07 Zeno` could/would/does
06:08 Zeno` oh you can edit directory on git. Interesting
06:08 Zeno` s/git/github
06:09 Pilcrow ah, ok. looks like I do at least *have* git installed on this computer already (version so I suppose I can use it if i need to (assuming it's not too old to work)...  :P
06:09 Zeno` good luck :)
06:10 Zeno` bbl
06:14 Krock joined #minetest
06:21 Consortium Wow
06:21 Consortium Sup Krock ?
06:21 Krock moin
06:24 e1z0 joined #minetest
06:29 Jousway joined #minetest
06:35 Viper168_ joined #minetest
06:37 e1z0 joined #minetest
06:43 Krock Consortium, to answer your question: I'm extending and optimizing my bot for the mod search page
06:45 * Pilcrow can't figure out how to make a git repository. after following all other steps, I do a 'git push -u origin master', which asks for my username and password, then gives me an error 403. every time. I tried using my actual github name (Pilcrow182) as well as my email as a username. neither one works, and I'm sure my password is correct as I can still sign into the github website...  :(
06:46 Krock Pilcrow, create a project on github and then use.. uhm
06:46 Consortium Krock: which bot?
06:47 Krock git.exe clone --progress -v  <repo link> <dst directory>
06:47 Pilcrow Krock, the project is created but empty. I'm trying to put stuff into it.
06:47 Krock Consortium, something like google bot
06:47 Krock Pilcrow, so you've got an origin reference?
06:48 Pilcrow Krock: I don't know what that means?
06:49 Krock Pilcrow, well, ask google. I'm a windows user.
06:49 Krock And a GUI is very helpul for git
06:50 alket joined #minetest
06:51 Pilcrow the web interface on tells me to run some commands, which I did, but the last one isn't working.
06:52 aheinecke joined #minetest
06:52 Krock Pilcrow, and where's exactly the error coming?
06:52 dzho joined #minetest
06:54 Pilcrow Krock: when I run 'git push -u origin master', it asks me for my username and password. upon entering them (correctly), it says this:
06:55 Krock HTTP request. Try http://github
06:55 Pilcrow Error 403 = forbidden?
06:55 Krock Yeah.
06:56 Krock My stomach says, you have special characters in your password and they were not sent correctly
06:57 roniz joined #minetest
06:57 Etzos It may also be a version mismatch.
06:57 Krock Wouldn't there be another error? ^
06:58 Pilcrow nope, my password is just letters (capital and lowercase) and numbers. and it still gives me 403 if I use http instead of https.
06:58 Etzos Theoretically.
06:58 Etzos Try running it with the --verbose flag set.
06:58 Etzos See if that gives you any more info.
06:58 Pilcrow it probably is a version mismatch; my git is old and I didn't update it. v1.7.7.4
06:58 Darcidride joined #minetest
06:59 Etzos You can also set GIT_GURL_VERBOSE=1 and run git.
07:00 Etzos Helps if you spell it right.
07:00 Krock Git here. An update can't be bad :P
07:01 Etzos On some systems an update isn't exactly an option.
07:01 Pilcrow neither --verbose nor setting the variable give any different output. and yes, I can probably update. but not tonight. I'm giving up and going to bed for now. thanks for the help, guys...  :\
07:02 Etzos Er... I'm sure setting that variable will give you verbose info.
07:02 Etzos Like TONS of it.
07:03 Etzos It will tell you the connections it's established at the very least.
07:03 Pilcrow I did 'set GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1; git push -u origin master' ... was that not right? no extra info at all, as if the variable wasn't there.
07:03 Etzos No semicolon.
07:04 Pilcrow then it just does nothing. doesn't seem to run git.
07:04 Etzos o_O
07:04 Pilcrow just drops me straight back to the shell without doing anything.
07:04 Etzos Well, the other option is switching to using ssh keys.
07:05 Pilcrow oh. wait. using env instead of set gave me tons of info.
07:05 Etzos OH
07:05 Etzos Yeah. I missed that
07:06 Etzos If you don't use the semicolon don't include "set"
07:06 Etzos Just: `VARIABLE_TO_SET=1 command_name`
07:07 Krock Uh. GoogleCode gets closed on January 2016
07:07 Etzos Krock: Yep. They've been hinting that they were going to close it for a while now.
07:07 Etzos And all projects have a button to migrate to GitHub now.
07:09 Pilcrow no idea what to look for in all this verbose info:
07:11 Krock "The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing http://"
07:11 Krock Everything before was HTTPS
07:12 Etzos Yeah. That's weird.
07:12 Pilcrow I guess it tries both? when I did remote add origin, I used http, not https...
07:13 Etzos Oooo.
07:13 Etzos It NEEDS to be https.
07:13 Krock git remote set-url origin <link>
07:14 Pilcrow ok. I used https before, and it didn't work, so krock suggested http. they both react the same...
07:14 Krock that's strange
07:14 Pilcrow [01:55] <Krock> HTTP request. Try http://github
07:15 Krock Yes I know but already forgot it :3
07:15 Krock Do you get the same verbose output with https?
07:17 alket left #minetest
07:18 Pilcrow seems to be.
07:21 Krock Update your Git version
07:21 Krock I checked with
07:21 Etzos Add your username to the URL.
07:21 Etzos
07:21 Krock " no longer supports git over dumb-http: ...."
07:22 err404 joined #minetest
07:24 Pilcrow thanks Krock. and Etzos too for your help. now, I don't mean to be rude, but it's 2am here and I need sleep. Guess I shouldn't have tried this so late at night. Anyways, yeah, I will compile the latest git tomorrow and see how it goes from there. goodnight, all!  o/
07:25 Etzos Bye Pilcrow.
07:25 Etzos Speaking of late at night, it's 3am here. I should probably be on my way as well.
07:27 Consortium Could we talk mintest design ideas?
07:27 Krock about
07:27 Krock no, Pilcrow.
07:27 Krock *np
07:28 Krock Consortium, the visual design?
07:30 Consortium Krock: I was thinking the list need small descriptions on each of the mods (e.g. Mirror's Edge)
07:36 Krock Can't help you, never plaed Mindkraft.
07:43 Consortium No, just have a look online of Lets play Mirror's Edge
07:43 Consortium The parkours are strong
07:44 sofar Krock: even with minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger) in place, no inventory is created, whereas with the node breaking in anotherway, items drop normally on the ground
07:47 sofar I can confirm "drops" contains the proper items, even
07:48 sofar I'm daft. I'm in creative
07:48 * sofar too tired, should go to bed
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:16 Haudegen joined #minetest
08:23 SouL_|_ joined #minetest
08:32 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
08:33 ac-minetest joined #minetest
08:48 Consortium How complete is Minetest?
08:51 ninnghazad joined #minetest
08:56 Krock Is Google or Linux complete? Define complete.
08:59 Consortium Complete as in Minecraft 1.0 complete
09:00 ninnghazad arh juck
09:00 ninnghazad left #minetest
09:07 JamesTait joined #minetest
09:08 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Siblings Day! :-D
09:11 Viper168 joined #minetest
09:13 Amaz joined #minetest
09:18 Consortium Hi JamesTait !
09:19 JamesTait Consortium, o/
09:19 chchjesus joined #minetest
09:19 Trustable joined #minetest
09:20 jin_xi joined #minetest
09:26 TenPlus1 joined #minetest
09:26 Consortium So JamesTait what do we need to add on to the list?
09:26 TenPlus1 Hi folks... what would bring up an "get_biome_list: failed to load biome (index 1)" error ?
09:29 Consortium Gonna go for a while...
09:29 Consortium left #minetest
09:29 JamesTait I haven't had any feedback from my boys yet (and probably won't until Sunday). But good gravy, that's already a long list!
09:30 JamesTait Oh, too late.
09:32 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
09:35 Krock TenPlus1, #-dev
09:37 TenPlus1 left #minetest
10:51 Jordach joined #minetest
10:55 FR^2 joined #minetest
11:00 behalebabo joined #minetest
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12:32 Casimir joined #minetest
12:32 Casimir Hey deezl 'again'
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12:36 twoelk joined #minetest
12:39 Casimir joined #minetest
12:43 Casimir LOL #dev-
12:43 Casimir #-dev *
12:44 Krock joined #minetest
12:44 Casimir Krock: #-dev
12:44 Krock I'm there.
12:45 Casimir .....
12:45 Krock ooh.
12:46 Krock #-dev = #minetest-dev
12:47 Casimir What would bring up an 'set_biome_list: failed to load biome (index 1)' error?
12:48 Casimir What would bring up an 'set_biome_list: failed to load biome (index 1)' error?
12:48 Casimir .....
12:49 Casimir Hello?
12:49 xenkey hello
12:49 Krock hi.
12:50 xenkey You have reached the Minetest help support hotline.
12:50 xenkey Please stand by while we transfer you to a member of our team.
12:50 Krock Press 1) to repeat the latest sentence
12:50 Krock Press 2) to cancel
12:50 xenkey Segmentation fault.
12:51 Casimir of what team?
12:51 Krock The hotline team
12:51 Casimir me joining?
12:52 Casimir #hotline_team
12:52 Casimir join that if your in the team.
12:52 xenkey no
12:52 xenkey 1) you're
12:52 xenkey 2) no
12:52 Krock Respect the #grammar please and #spell #you're correctly.
12:53 Casimir #minetest-mscs
13:16 hmmmm joined #minetest
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13:47 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:50 Haudegen joined #minetest
13:57 STHGOM joined #minetest
14:08 Matrixiumn joined #minetest
14:14 Wuzzy joined #minetest
14:16 Consortium joined #minetest
14:16 Consortium I am back, JamesTait
14:18 xenkey Etzos: you up yet?
14:21 Yepoleb joined #minetest
14:32 Calinou joined #minetest
14:41 err404 joined #minetest
14:47 jin_xi joined #minetest
15:04 someguy_irc joined #minetest
15:05 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
15:14 alket joined #minetest
15:38 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
15:40 Hijiri Linux is not a complete operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system
15:40 Hijiri wait, I was scrolled up
15:40 Hijiri now I'm out of context
15:40 xenkey Hijiri: Ye
15:43 Krock Out of the context? Depends how this chat continues
15:44 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:45 meldrian joined #minetest
15:59 FreeFull The Linux kernel can be easily used with non-GNU components
16:00 Calinou yes but it's not common outside of embedded devices
16:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
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16:13 STHGOM joined #minetest
16:13 JamesTait joined #minetest
16:16 MinetestBot [git] ShadowNinja -> minetest/master-server: Tweak sorting algorithm bbd62e8 (2015-04-10T12:13:50-04:00)
16:17 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
16:22 Gethiox joined #minetest
16:24 nicolas_ joined #minetest
16:29 Zeno` joined #minetest
16:33 Johnsen2 Hi zeno
16:36 LazyJ joined #minetest
16:39 crazyR is there any way to control how or where the player files are stored in the /players folder??
16:40 ElectronLibre left #minetest
16:41 Johnsen2 crazyR: I don't exactly know.
16:41 Johnsen2 !server CsMr
16:41 MinetestBot Johnsen2: No results
16:41 Johnsen2 !server Builder123
16:41 MinetestBot Johnsen2: No results
16:41 Johnsen2 :/
16:47 est31 joined #minetest
16:52 Calinou;t=11818
16:52 Calinou Tools for making textures, models, sounds, mods, …
16:52 Calinou I probably missed some
16:53 Zeno` yeah... Kate
16:53 Calinou yeah, I mentioned only a few editors
16:53 Calinou can add Kate and gedit
16:54 Calinou good enough for modding
16:55 Zeno` Kate can be used in a way very similar to geany (by using sessions)
16:56 * est31 uses kate too
16:56 xenkey kate gets used so hard
17:04 Krock joined #minetest
17:11 exio4 Kate is kinda cool
17:11 exio4 wish it had more plugins
17:16 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:16 rubenwardy sed -i 's|<|&lt;|g' /tmp/convert/.3_$file.html.tmp
17:16 rubenwardy It isn't working
17:16 rubenwardy It is doing <  ->  <lt;
17:17 rubenwardy nvm
17:17 rubenwardy & needs to be escaped
17:19 Sokomine where's krocks search-for-mods page again?
17:20 Sokomine and why isn't it placed more prominently on the forum page? or do i just not see it?
17:22 Sokomine ah. found it by guessing the modder's name and using github......
17:22 Calinou
17:23 Viper168 joined #minetest
17:23 Sokomine thank you!
17:24 Sokomine i wish it where linked far more prominently. searching for the search function is a bit tiresome :-)
17:25 phantombeta joined #minetest
17:25 rubenwardy This bash script converts my coursework's source code into one PDF file:
17:26 Calinou
17:27 someguy_irc joined #minetest
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17:35 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
17:52 nicolas_ joined #minetest
18:07 Halamix2 joined #minetest
18:10 Krock Sokomine, thanks for your interest. Just bookmark it to find it easier again :P
18:13 twoelk joined #minetest
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18:18 Haudegen joined #minetest
18:42 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:54 Hijiri joined #minetest
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19:09 luizrpgluiz hi
19:12 Shackra joined #minetest
19:16 cCactuz joined #minetest
19:22 Xenoth joined #minetest
19:35 FreeFull joined #minetest
19:43 luizrpgluiz hi
19:43 nicolas_ joined #minetest
19:43 Hijiri hi
19:45 Krock hi
20:05 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
20:07 Sokomine krock: i hope your mod search page will eventually be integrated into the forum. it is a very helpful search
20:08 Xenoth joined #minetest
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20:34 Nytram joined #minetest
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20:37 rickmcfarley joined #minetest
20:43 Trustable joined #minetest
20:43 dave_from_wendys joined #minetest
20:47 dave_from_wendys Would there be too much lag from a minetest server being port forwarded into my home computer. I've found that the stress it puts onto my server is too much.
20:48 Hijiri joined #minetest
20:48 dave_from_wendys BTW, I'm not really dave from wendys (just incase theres a legal problem.
20:48 Calinou what connection do you have?
20:49 Calinou don't host big servers on an ADSL connection
20:49 Calinou get optic fiber or cable
20:49 sfan5 it's easy to say that
20:49 sfan5 you can't get cable anywhere
20:49 Calinou :)
20:49 Calinou I wish I had it too
20:49 Calinou then rent a VPS…
20:49 Hijiri if you are in the US and have a residential plan of any kind, chances are your upload bandwidth is dead
20:49 Hijiri other than fiber I guess
20:49 dave_from_wendys I have a 50 mbps connection.
20:50 sfan5 who cares about US ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20:50 dave_from_wendys I can at least upload 5 mb/s on
20:50 Hijiri murricans, obviously
20:50 Calinou then you should be good
20:50 Calinou how much RAM do you have? and what CPU?
20:50 Calinou read and use;t=1825
20:50 Calinou this helps a lot
20:50 Calinou especially active_block_range = 1
20:51 dave_from_wendys I have 4 cpus with 8 threads. 8 gigs ram. That's more than my server, but I have one heck of a firewall so I'm forwarding from the server to my computer.
20:54 exio4 8 threads and 8 cores or 8 threads and 4 cores
20:54 exio4 or 2 cores and 8 threads?
20:55 Jousway joined #minetest
20:56 Hijiri maybe the cores have negotiated higher wages and decreased hours, so you have 4 threads and 8 cores
20:56 Hijiri and the cores take turns so they don't get too sweaty
20:58 exio4 lol
20:58 exio4 communist cores
21:00 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
21:01 dave_from_wendys It's 4 cores with dual threads.
21:02 dave_from_wendys I believe they called it hyper-threading when I bought it.
21:03 dave_from_wendys Also, who's in charge of deciding what worlds are listed in the public server directory?
21:05 Johnsen2 joined #minetest
21:06 Jordach sfan5, ShadowNinja
21:06 Johnsen2 Oh, hello sfan5.
21:07 dave_from_wendys Would it be OK to only list a server once every week or so or how does that work?
21:07 dave_from_wendys sfan5
21:08 roniz_ joined #minetest
21:10 rickmcfarley Does anyone know who maintains
21:12 Jordach BlockMen, various DokuWiki editors (me, sfan5, Pilz, ShadowNinja, c55, Calinou(?))
21:12 rickmcfarley I was hoping to discuss nonfree javascript
21:12 rickmcfarley thanks
21:12 Jordach nobody cares about JS anyways
21:13 Jordach that's a complaint you can forward to /dev/null
21:13 rickmcfarley lol
21:13 rickmcfarley You might not mind blindly running scripts, but some people mind
21:14 Jordach SamII.exe has stopped working:
21:14 Calinou rickmcfarley, where's that js?
21:14 Calinou we use jQuery UI
21:14 Calinou Jordach, by the way I'm not a DokuWiki editor
21:14 Jordach TIL
21:14 rickmcfarley
21:15 Jordach we're not having a free vs nonfree JS argument again
21:15 Jordach <eot>
21:15 Hijiri what
21:15 Hijiri does have nonfree JS
21:15 Calinou Jordach, eot?
21:15 rickmcfarley :( yeah who likes free culture right
21:15 Calinou not respecting LibreJS doesn't mean the JS is non-free, rickmcfarley
21:15 Jordach Calinou, end of terminator
21:15 Calinou 1. look at jQuery, it has a license header
21:15 Calinou 2. very short JavaScript (< 25 lines) is considered trivial and thus uncopyrightable
21:15 luizrpgluiz hmmmm: hi, I heard that you are very good with mapgens
21:16 Hijiri they can always make a Terminator sequel
21:16 rickmcfarley Thanks Calinou, I was just wondering because it flags in librejs.  I'll get back to them
21:17 Calinou LibreJS should be smarter and be more lenient about headers :P
21:20 rickmcfarley Thank you, I was just wondering, sorry if I struck a sore spot with anyone
21:20 est31 weird: my client complains on my server: GenericCAO::addToScene(): Could not load mesh
21:20 est31 Client::getMesh(): Mesh not found: ""
21:21 est31 (other way round)
21:21 est31 reconnecting doesnt help, and other players report it too
21:21 est31 any ideas?
21:28 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
21:35 Chanku joined #minetest
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22:41 sofar how do you do a *spoiler* block on the forums?
22:44 sofar nvm, [spoiler] it is
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