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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-11-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Megaf joined #minetest
00:00 marioxcc joined #minetest
00:00 marioxcc hello, how can I disallow all but only a given list of users in a minetest server?
00:01 AgentFire You mean make a whitelisted server?
00:01 VanessaE modify the "no guests" mod
00:01 Megaf joined #minetest
00:01 VanessaE and hope that no one knows the list of allowed names :)
00:02 marioxcc AgentFire: I don't know how it is called.
00:02 VanessaE you can simply not grant interact by default, too
00:02 AgentFire It is called a whitelisted server, and just listen to Vanessa. She knows what she's talking about.
00:02 VanessaE that's what I do
00:03 VanessaE between that and modifying the no-guests mod to only allow certain names to complete a connection, you'll get the effect you want
00:05 Megaf what was the last thing I wrote you read?
00:05 Megaf ok, just checked on the log, you have read everything :)
00:05 * Megaf missunderstood marioxcc
00:05 Megaf or not
00:05 Megaf [23:52:52] <marioxcc> /join #debian
00:08 paramat joined #minetest
00:09 Megaf well, good night all
00:10 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
00:11 ShadowNinja marioxcc, VanessaE: Use my whitelist mod, its designed for that.
00:12 marioxcc ShadowNinja: ok, thanks.
00:12 ShadowNinja marioxcc: Provided you want specific names.  If you want regex matches you'll need your own mod.
00:12 marioxcc ShadowNinja: this one?
00:13 ShadowNinja marioxcc: Yes.
00:13 marioxcc ok
00:13 marioxcc thanks you.
00:13 Cylus joined #minetest
00:14 VanessaE ShadowNinja: ah, I'd forgotten about that one
00:16 freelikegnu Megaf: attempt to concatenate local 'modpath' (a nil value)
00:16 freelikegnu line 22 of init.lua
00:19 freelikegnu has to do with oflder name having an underscroe
00:19 freelikegnu underscore
00:19 hisforever joined #minetest
00:20 freelikegnu since mod is getting its name from folder name and I guess you cant have - or _ in a modname
00:20 freelikegnu rename the folder from more_blocks to moreblock
00:20 freelikegnu *moreblocks
00:20 hisforever Hi I installed the Car mode and its active , I can't find anything in my inventory for a car?
00:21 freelikegnu you may have to craft the car
00:21 freelikegnu before you can click the cow
00:22 hisforever I'm using dream builders lol funney
00:23 hisforever I would craft it if I could find parts lol
00:23 freelikegnu my wife was play GW2 and looked over at me playing minetest (happily digging a mine with my daughter) and remarked "Having fun clicking the cow?"
00:24 freelikegnu soemday she might understand
00:24 freelikegnu GW2 is the big cow clicking fest of all
00:24 VanessaE hisforever: no idea, I've never used that mod
00:25 Viper168 joined #minetest
00:25 hisforever ty Vanessa your a jewl my friend :)
00:25 VanessaE :)
00:26 Inocudom joined #minetest
00:28 hisforever Vanessa I like the way you document your mods everything is explained so good :)
00:28 VanessaE I try :)
00:28 freelikegnu hisforever: looks like you have to make a concrete slab boat
00:29 freelikegnu to get a car with this mod
00:29 hisforever for what freelikegnu?
00:30 hisforever ok uinderstand
00:30 freelikegnu you were trying to get the car in a car mod yes?
00:30 hisforever yes I am
00:30 freelikegnu do you know how to craft a concrete slab?
00:30 freelikegnu (I dont)
00:30 hisforever yes
00:31 freelikegnu then craft a boat from the slabs
00:31 freelikegnu and you will get a car
00:31 hisforever ok ty
00:31 freelikegnu don't ask me why tho
00:31 VanessaE seems like a ...strange recipe.
00:31 freelikegnu just looking at the recipe in init.lua
00:32 hisforever I'[ll do that tomorrow right now I'min the demollishing mood lol
00:32 freelikegnu I think he just used that recipe because it was already handy
00:32 freelikegnu concrete slab boat... wow
00:33 freelikegnu minetest.register_craftitem("car:car", { description = "Concrete Barge", inventory_image = "prefab_barge_inventory.png",
00:33 freelikegnu now thats hasty modding
00:33 freelikegnu or he's making a buick roadmaster
00:33 VanessaE haha
00:36 freelikegnu now thats a beast
00:36 marioxcc left #minetest
00:39 shadowzone joined #minetest
00:40 freelikegnu you too can be just like Joe Don Baker:  MITTENS!
00:45 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
00:47 Fritigern I donlt quite understand this line. What is being done here? The game thinks that it is defining 4 globals. If so, would defining htem as locals work as well? btype, rotation, bsizex, bsizez = choose_building_rot(l, pr, orient1)
00:48 Fritigern (of course assuming that those 4 vars are not used outside the function)
00:54 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
00:57 ShadowLadyXD joined #minetest
00:57 zBuilder_ joined #minetest
00:59 zBuilder_ hmm
00:59 Fritigern Hm?
01:00 zBuilder_ I play a bit, but I don't know which server to join or what to do on one
01:04 Fritigern Well, i have noticed you on my server a little while ago, but i am currently debugging a mod, so my server is not a good place at the moment (but it will be later ;-)))
01:05 Fritigern My server is Pacata, no mods, no PvP, just build, farm, mine and be happy
01:05 zBuilder_ oh yeah :)
01:05 Inocudom ShadowNinja:
01:06 Inocudom for the item_tweaks mod.
01:10 Fritigern LOL! This is hilarious! My server is usually pretty quiet, but now that i am restarting it every 5 mnutes (or less), suddenly people decide to log in.
01:12 Richard joined #minetest
01:12 richard22 hello
01:12 paramat left #minetest
01:13 Fritigern Hi there
01:14 shadowzone joined #minetest
01:15 richard22 how do i find my player cordinates when my player file is deleted because of an error and will that help get my bags back or how do i recover that stuff
01:21 Fritigern richard22: I don;t really understand the question. But if you want to know where you are, then log in and press F5 once, The coordinates wil be displayed at the top of the screen.
01:21 richard22 there was an error on the server i am on so they had to delete my character to fix it, when they did i lost all my stuff since i did not realize i had to move it to chests before they deleted it
01:21 richard22 oldcoder told me to come here and ask for help
01:22 richard22 said u guys could help me get my stuff back with my player file
01:22 richard22 ?
01:22 richard22 i was asking him about getting the stuff that was in my bags back
01:23 richard22 he gave me most the stuff in my invintory but told me to come here and ask about the stuff in the bags
01:23 Fritigern I'm sure that if they tried, they could have saved the contents of your player file. Perhaps they even have it in a backup somewhere. If the server owner can open your old player file, he/she can then copy  the contents of that file over to your new one
01:23 richard22 to ask about where player cords are stored and editing the playerss ifle it ihnk
01:23 richard22 includeing what was in the bags?
01:24 Fritigern Let me do a quick check, but i do think so
01:24 richard22 becaues he told me if i dident want to looes it to come here and ask
01:25 Fritigern Yup, the player file does contain the bags and their contents.
01:26 richard22 so nothing i need to do but wait for him to have time to restore it all then
01:26 richard22 cant do anyting from my end
01:26 richard22 no copy on my system that cna be used to put it back
01:26 Fritigern All they need to do is open your old player file in a text editor, and copy all the text to your new file
01:26 Fritigern No. I'm afraid that it is all on their end
01:27 richard22 anyone on here can do that for landrush (oldcoder)
01:27 richard22 other then him?
01:27 richard22 that can do that for me
01:27 Fritigern I can not help you with that, sorry
01:28 richard22 k
01:28 Fritigern My own server just went up in the popularity polls, just as i was fixing a mod that was throwing tantrums ;-)
01:28 Fritigern Of course, i can not just kick them off, that would be rude
01:29 richard22 ya the servers seem to always need fixing
01:31 Fritigern In my case, the "issue" is that i am using the development version of Minetest, and so i run into some problems that other people will not, because i report them so they can be fixed
01:34 richard22 cool
01:36 VanessaE popularity poll?
01:39 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
01:51 Fritigern VanessaE: Just a manner of speaking. then again, the server list may serve as one. The more people on your server, the more popular it it, and the higer in the list it appears
01:56 Viper168 joined #minetest
01:56 VanessaE oh ok
01:57 VanessaE yeah, which most of us actually hate
01:57 VanessaE because it just means the server has a lot of users, not that it's necessarily "popular", let alone whether it's any good
01:58 OldCoder Here is the odd part
01:59 OldCoder I stopped the world, edited his coords, restarted
01:59 * VanessaE looks at the latest stuff having to do with systemd and shudders, coldly.
01:59 OldCoder He said didn't move
01:59 OldCoder Or didn't fix problem; and two people have now complained of this
01:59 VanessaE OldCoder: what problem is that?
02:00 VanessaE context FAIL :)
02:01 btoothpick joined #minetest
02:01 btoothpick Greets
02:01 VanessaE hi
02:02 btoothpick The server is working well VanessaE
02:03 VanessaE good deal
02:03 btoothpick The children are impressed with all the features (well many of them) because minetest isn't for everyone.
02:03 btoothpick I had a student get on there tonight and make the doors to the school the owner type so they won't open.
02:04 btoothpick I thought maybe the main account could destroy them with a pick luck.
02:05 Fritigern btoothpick: If by main account you mean admin account, then try giving that account all privs by typing /grant <admin_account> all
02:06 Fritigern Only do this on that account only, you don;t want anybody to have all privileges
02:07 Fritigern *just anybody
02:08 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Mgv5 get ground level at point function. Fast spawn player version d39887d (2014-11-20T21:07:20-05:00)
02:08 btoothpick Fritigern, I typed that, but I still can't destroy the door that reads Owned by...
02:08 VanessaE btoothpick: ^^^ and make sure your admin password is absolutely secure.
02:08 VanessaE also, use worldedit to remove the doors
02:08 twoelk not to forget the mighty admin pick from some admin tool mod
02:09 btoothpick ok VanessaE
02:09 Fritigern Did you replace <admin_account> with the actual admin account's name?
02:09 btoothpick Fritigern, yes.
02:09 Fritigern Just making sure ;-)
02:09 btoothpick It's VanessaE's Dreambuilder
02:10 btoothpick I don't think the person even made the doors locked intentionally. I do like that feature though for people that are building their own houses
02:15 OldCoder VanessaE, the problem Richard22 was talking about
02:15 OldCoder I stopped the server in each case, edited the player file, and they claimed they were still trapped somewhere
02:15 OldCoder Darkness
02:16 VanessaE oh
02:16 OldCoder When I deleted the player file, they were free
02:16 OldCoder But had lost their stuff
02:16 OldCoder Two players on different worlds now
02:16 OldCoder Suggestions?
02:16 VanessaE I have none
02:16 OldCoder In theory, stopping a world and editing the players file
02:16 OldCoder Just the one line with coords in (...)
02:16 OldCoder Should move the player, correct?
02:17 VanessaE unless he was signing in with a different spelling of his name
02:17 VanessaE or different case
02:17 OldCoder Nope
02:17 VanessaE Ritchard22 versus richard22
02:17 * OldCoder uses name_restrictions to prevent that
02:17 VanessaE -t
02:17 OldCoder It is no longer possible
02:17 VanessaE ok
02:17 OldCoder Anyway see question
02:17 OldCoder Is what I have said correct? That is where coords are stored?
02:17 VanessaE but yeah, changing those coords will move the player, as long as you're sure the server was shut down before you opened the file.,
02:17 OldCoder Yes
02:18 VanessaE they're in tenths, btw
02:18 OldCoder Both claimed they were still stuck and in darkness. Interesting issue.
02:18 OldCoder Tenths?
02:18 OldCoder Explain
02:18 VanessaE 1000,1000,1000 = 100,100,100 in the world.
02:18 OldCoder All right, that may be the explanation
02:18 VanessaE divide their values by 10 to get real world coords
02:18 Fritigern OldCoder: Try logging in when the user is online, and teleport him/her to you.
02:18 VanessaE this may be why it didn't help
02:18 OldCoder I will keep this in mind
02:18 OldCoder Fritigern yes; but wish to track down the issue
02:18 OldCoder Thank you
02:19 OldCoder BTW I had fun this week with Landrush
02:19 * OldCoder mentions one more issue
02:19 VanessaE the reason being, they're multiplied/divided by "BS" in the engine
02:19 OldCoder BS ?
02:19 OldCoder What is BS ? And one more related issue
02:19 Fritigern Big Saxophone!
02:19 OldCoder Thank you
02:19 VanessaE OldCoder: yeah, you know - that internal engine variable that lots of position and vertex values are multiplied by.
02:19 OldCoder Got it
02:19 OldCoder Landrush started reported 100,000s of error messages
02:20 OldCoder about statically stored objects more than 49
02:20 VanessaE Fritigern: Block Size probably :P
02:20 OldCoder For about 30 coords
02:20 VanessaE OldCoder: does landrush use any of my entity-heavy mods?
02:20 OldCoder Literally 100,000s of messages as the other issue
02:20 VanessaE eg. pipeworks, signs, etc
02:20 OldCoder Yes
02:20 VanessaE (please sa..... damn)
02:20 VanessaE which ones?
02:20 OldCoder pipeworks, technic and mesecon related stuff, the works
02:20 OldCoder I have told them
02:20 OldCoder to delete some of it
02:20 OldCoder Here is why
02:21 OldCoder 1st what does PP(pos) print
02:21 OldCoder game coords or SQL coords?
02:21 OldCoder This is a good story BTW
02:21 VanessaE PP(pos)?  idk.  maybe mapblocks.
02:21 VanessaE you can increase the default number of entities per mapblock, btw.
02:21 OldCoder idk ?
02:21 OldCoder Yes but this was corruption
02:21 OldCoder So we don't know
02:22 OldCoder Well there were 100,000s of error messages for dozens of coords
02:22 VanessaE idk = I don't know
02:22 OldCoder I know
02:22 OldCoder So we don't know what PP is
02:22 VanessaE max_objects_per_block = 500
02:22 VanessaE a good number to use on a server with pipeworks installed.
02:22 OldCoder I grepped; not much help
02:22 OldCoder Ah!
02:22 OldCoder Does that slow things down much?
02:22 VanessaE no
02:22 VanessaE it's a safe value
02:22 OldCoder Any negatives?
02:22 VanessaE it won't stop those hundreds-of-thousands messages, but once those are resolved, it'll stop the over-49 part from happening in most cases.
02:23 btoothpick VanessaE, Your Dopium Estate screenshot looks great.
02:23 OldCoder Well what happened was this
02:23 VanessaE no negative effects from using a value of 500, no.  the only problem is those hundreds-of-thousands messages, but like you said that was due to corrupt blocks.
02:23 VanessaE (or so you figure)
02:23 OldCoder We went to the coords and found nothing
02:23 VanessaE YES
02:23 VanessaE I had that happen to me too
02:23 OldCoder Go on
02:23 VanessaE I'm dead certain it isn't pipeworks
02:24 VanessaE it's the engine duplicating entities just out of nowhere
02:24 OldCoder yes; ideas? Or wrong coords?
02:24 OldCoder PP(pos) does those messages
02:24 OldCoder Not sure of the scale
02:24 VanessaE it's happened even on one of my servers where there's NOTHING pipeworks' related in that area,
02:24 OldCoder So what is happening?
02:24 VanessaE and I seem to remember it happening on a server of mine that doesn't even have that mod installed
02:24 OldCoder And what is the fix?
02:25 VanessaE I don't know yet, except that the engine is failing to delete these "ghost" entities when they DO show up, and it's duplicating them out of control
02:25 VanessaE even a /clearobjects isn't enough
02:25 VanessaE is it a corrupt mapblock?  idk
02:25 VanessaE is it a mod doing it?  idk
02:25 OldCoder Yep
02:25 VanessaE I'm at a total loss and no one wants to look into it
02:25 OldCoder So I did this
02:25 OldCoder So I did this...
02:25 VanessaE go on
02:25 OldCoder I copied 8GB of world and dropped from SQL the blocks that I thought had the bad coords
02:25 OldCoder Pretty sharp, eh?
02:25 OldCoder But NO DIFFERENCE
02:25 VanessaE indeed.
02:26 OldCoder and took 7 hours!
02:26 OldCoder So I guessed the coords were X16
02:26 twoelk sounds like fun
02:26 OldCoder You understand
02:26 OldCoder And dropped them again!
02:26 VanessaE *nod*
02:26 OldCoder But they weren't X16 because I only found 1/4 of the bad coords in the SQL
02:26 OldCoder So nobody here knows what PP prints?
02:26 VanessaE first,
02:26 VanessaE can you give me a reference to this PP() function?
02:27 OldCoder Yes, in the near future
02:27 OldCoder Possibly in one hour
02:27 VanessaE I mean, I don't know where you're getting it from
02:27 OldCoder It is the core code that prints those 100,000s messages
02:27 OldCoder Can't grep now because I am busy teaching PHP
02:27 VanessaE show me one of the messages
02:27 OldCoder Moment
02:27 OldCoder Yes
02:27 OldCoder How about 100000?
02:27 OldCoder brb
02:27 VanessaE just one is enough ;)
02:28 VanessaE if I'm thinking of the right message, it's a mapblock coordinate.
02:28 OldCoder Coming
02:28 ]DMackey[ joined #minetest
02:28 VanessaE 00:16:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: suspiciously large amount of objects detected: 50
02:28 VanessaE 1 in (34,-2,72); removing all of them.
02:28 VanessaE like this?
02:29 OldCoder No; wit
02:29 OldCoder wait
02:29 OldCoder debug-silvercrab.log.001:23:45:35: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnv: Trying to store id=14509 statically but block (-51,1,-6) already contains 49 objects. Forcing delete.
02:29 OldCoder That one
02:29 VanessaE ok, same difference.
02:29 VanessaE that's a mapblock coordinate.
02:29 VanessaE multiply by 16.
02:29 OldCoder Yes
02:29 OldCoder BUT
02:29 OldCoder Here is the best part
02:30 OldCoder On the 2nd pass I tried to drop SQL blocks with pos based on those numbers
02:30 OldCoder So, mapblocks
02:30 OldCoder Not node coords
02:30 VanessaE you sure you computed the block addresses right?
02:30 OldCoder And I only found 1/4 of the problem blocks in the file
02:30 OldCoder Yes; I have filtered worlds with this. Silvercrab was made this way.
02:30 OldCoder About 30GB of data has gone through the filter
02:31 OldCoder Silvercrab was the result
02:31 VanessaE speaking of Silvercrab, current Minetest engine now has the save-to-disk feature built-in :)
02:31 OldCoder !!
02:31 OldCoder How is it used?
02:31 VanessaE so it's possible to capture the rest of Redcrab
02:31 OldCoder How is it used?
02:31 VanessaE I don't know offhand, but I think it's the same code you've been using up to this point
02:31 OldCoder Well, how is it turned on, I mean
02:31 VanessaE just turn it on with a config variable
02:32 OldCoder Know the variable?
02:32 VanessaE lemme check
02:32 VanessaE # Save the map received by the client on disk
02:32 VanessaE #enable_local_map_saving = false
02:32 OldCoder Great!
02:33 VanessaE looks like it's saved to your regular worlds folder, as server_<ip address here>
02:33 OldCoder Back to the weird issue
02:33 OldCoder Yep
02:33 OldCoder What happens when you revisit?
02:33 OldCoder Overwrites blocks?
02:33 VanessaE I presume so
02:33 VanessaE I have not used it yet
02:33 OldCoder Good resource
02:33 OldCoder Now, what could cause those statically error messages for mapblocks that are not present?
02:33 OldCoder That was spooky
02:34 OldCoder Yes pretty sure computing pos correctly
02:34 OldCoder I did badpos = function(those coords)
02:34 Fritigern Almost done fixing the mg mod. That was a lot of work.
02:34 VanessaE they're ghosts :)
02:34 VanessaE Fritigern: pull-request your fixes against mg upstream
02:34 OldCoder Then in SQL copy did: print if pos ! in bad pos list. Follow?
02:34 VanessaE I'm sure sfan and co. will appreciate it :)
02:35 VanessaE OldCoder: yep
02:35 OldCoder So not clear WTH is happening
02:35 OldCoder In the end
02:35 OldCoder after two full copies of 8GB data!
02:35 VanessaE OldCoder: I think it's related to the problem I was seeing on my servers
02:35 VanessaE I am completely lost as to what the fuck is going on
02:35 OldCoder I reverted a few days, did a clear objects, and an SQL vacuum
02:35 OldCoder That fixed it
02:35 OldCoder I did all three
02:35 VanessaE wait, which part did?
02:35 OldCoder All three
02:35 VanessaE revert, vacuum, or clearobjects?
02:35 OldCoder All three
02:35 VanessaE nonono
02:36 OldCoder I ran out of time
02:36 VanessaE damn.
02:36 OldCoder After 16 hours
02:36 OldCoder After 16 hours
02:36 OldCoder That was too long; out of time
02:36 VanessaE I know.
02:36 OldCoder So gave up and ran all three
02:36 OldCoder That seems to have done it
02:36 OldCoder My theory is
02:36 VanessaE probably reverting did.
02:36 OldCoder corruption due to a crash
02:36 OldCoder follow?
02:36 VanessaE yeah
02:36 OldCoder Heavy entity stuff
02:36 OldCoder Crash
02:36 VanessaE but that begs the question:
02:36 OldCoder Bad combo!
02:36 VanessaE why didn't the engine detect the corrupt block and throw an error?
02:36 OldCoder It did, though?
02:36 VanessaE no
02:37 OldCoder The forcing delete thing?
02:37 VanessaE it would have detected the error on *load*
02:37 OldCoder Yes
02:37 VanessaE and crashed the server outright
02:37 OldCoder Well, I ended up with 30 blocks repeatedly saying force delete
02:37 OldCoder But the delete never happened
02:37 OldCoder What does that mean?
02:37 VanessaE that tells me that this is higher-level corruption
02:37 OldCoder I agree
02:37 VanessaE i.e. at a layer above the SQL database
02:37 OldCoder this would produce the ghosts
02:37 OldCoder Hm
02:37 OldCoder Explain
02:38 VanessaE the data was corrupt before it was written into the database.
02:38 VanessaE so the database *itself* is valid
02:38 OldCoder But it was spread over 1000s of map coords
02:38 VanessaE but the data within is partly gibberish
02:38 OldCoder Yes
02:38 OldCoder But why weren't the blocks deleted?
02:38 OldCoder Or am I missing the point?
02:38 VanessaE my guess is that the engine couldn't detect that the block was actually corrupt because SQL says the record is clean.
02:39 OldCoder I agree
02:39 VanessaE the engine wrote gibberish into the block record, SQL saved it.
02:39 OldCoder But the blocks didn't even exist
02:39 OldCoder Follow?
02:39 VanessaE SQL reads it back, says "all is well" and passes it to the engine
02:39 VanessaE yep I know
02:39 OldCoder All makes sense
02:39 VanessaE that's confusing
02:39 BionicToothpick left #minetest
02:39 OldCoder Except no such blocks; I am sure I did the compute right
02:39 OldCoder Possibly bad compare related to strings vs. integers?
02:39 OldCoder But no more can be said today
02:40 OldCoder That is the story
02:40 VanessaE I suppose it's possible but I'm just not sure
02:40 OldCoder BTW I am now using 32X HDX on Silvercrab
02:40 OldCoder Mixed reactions but mostly positive
02:40 OldCoder And 64X for flowers
02:40 OldCoder I have one more issue about something VanessaE you just brought up
02:40 VanessaE oh really?
02:41 OldCoder 64X much better for flowers
02:41 twoelk with the  copy-to-local version maybe one could visit the area with issues and thus copy said block. If the problem does not exist in the copied block one could extrct the selected area and insert it into the original map.sqlite
02:41 VanessaE twoelk: interesting theory
02:41 OldCoder Yes; but the blocks seem to be missing entirely
02:41 OldCoder If it happens again
02:41 OldCoder I will save the damaged world; this time I ran out of disk space
02:41 OldCoder Was forced to delete it
02:41 VanessaE twoelk: but it also raises an alternate possibility:  if the block is as corrupt in the saved copy as on the server, the client could be used to capture a sample for analysis and bugfixing
02:42 OldCoder I will isolate the problem next time
02:42 twoelk indeed you just type faster ;-)
02:43 VanessaE which means *looks at all the core devs* if that is the case, you guys can't bitch that a world with questionable blocks is too big to download anymore.
02:46 OldCoder Ah
02:46 OldCoder Is that what they say :D
02:47 OldCoder Vanessa I have one more issue; you just brought it up
02:47 VanessaE what's that/
02:47 OldCoder When I loaded the Silvercrab capture, the underground regions that were not captured were not regenerated
02:47 OldCoder Instead there was just air
02:47 OldCoder If the blocks were not present
02:47 VanessaE OldCoder: yeah, some folks have complained that they couldn't download because 2 to 5 GB is too much.
02:47 OldCoder Yep
02:47 OldCoder If the blocks were not present
02:47 OldCoder Why were they replaced with air as opposed to regenerated?
02:48 VanessaE if the blocks aren't present in the database, they should have re-generated completely?
02:48 twoelk OldCoder: didn't you just say RedCrab was worth 30gb?
02:48 VanessaE you're not running singlenode for the mapgen are you?
02:48 OldCoder It was only 8GB twoelk but there was about double or triple that in captures
02:48 OldCoder I extracted and merged different parts
02:48 OldCoder VanessaE, go on
02:48 OldCoder What should I check?
02:48 VanessaE OldCoder: check the world's map_meta.txt
02:48 OldCoder R
02:49 VanessaE if you're running singlenode, it'll only generate air.
02:49 VanessaE you need to be running mapgen v6
02:49 OldCoder Wait
02:49 VanessaE (it should read,  mg_name = v6  )
02:49 OldCoder Wait
02:50 OldCoder That's it. What does single node do? And can I delete air blocks safely and restart with v6 ?
02:50 VanessaE singlenode is basically "no mapgen"
02:50 OldCoder But...
02:50 OldCoder How do blocks get built?
02:50 VanessaE it's meant to be used with custom Lua mapgens.
02:51 OldCoder I wonder how I ended up with this
02:51 VanessaE like if you want to write a mod that builds the map entirely in Lua
02:51 VanessaE so yeah, just switch it to v6 and delete the broken blocks
02:51 OldCoder Can I delete air blocks safely and restart with v6 ?
02:51 OldCoder Cool
02:51 OldCoder I will have mapblocks that are half air and half ore
02:51 OldCoder Those will remain
02:51 VanessaE as for how you got it into singlenode?  *shrug* maybe a copy&paste from another world?
02:51 OldCoder will the blocks below them be regenerated?
02:51 OldCoder Yes
02:52 OldCoder See question
02:52 VanessaE yeah, any block that hasn't been generated will follow the original map as long as you're using the same seed that redcrab used
02:52 OldCoder So if I have some blocks that were part air
02:52 OldCoder They won't prevent ore below?
02:52 VanessaE nope.
02:52 OldCoder All right, Silvercrab will now improve
02:53 VanessaE just let it run normally after you switch to v6 and delete any air blocks from the database as you find them
02:53 OldCoder But mapformat.txt is incorrect; this is an issue
02:53 OldCoder You mean 16x16x16 air blocks right?
02:53 VanessaE yeah
02:53 OldCoder What will happen if I put air blocks in the delete_old_nodes (sp) mod?
02:54 VanessaE you don't wanna do that :)
02:54 OldCoder Heh
02:54 twoelk the saved worlds parts might have had singlenode, otherwise they regenerate were they shouldn't
02:54 OldCoder Ah!
02:54 OldCoder Could be!
02:54 VanessaE you'll end up trying to delete every air node in existence probably :)
02:54 OldCoder mapformat.txt seems to be incorrect for v25
02:54 OldCoder It has a U8 version and a U16 count
02:54 OldCoder But IIRC the code skips the U16 if the U8 is zero
02:55 OldCoder and the mapformat does not reflect this
02:55 OldCoder Am I correct?
02:55 VanessaE dunno :)
02:55 OldCoder For static *
02:55 OldCoder Problem is ShadowNinja has an air delete script
02:55 OldCoder That does not take this into account
02:55 OldCoder Well, thanks
02:55 OldCoder This is enough to move Silvercrab forward
02:55 VanessaE hold a bit, I'm searching for the seed now
02:55 OldCoder Feel free to contribute new captures
02:56 VanessaE or do you already have it?
02:56 OldCoder I have a seed
02:56 OldCoder It might be the right one
02:56 VanessaE ok
02:56 OldCoder Redcrab is down again
02:56 OldCoder So not sure how to tell
02:57 VanessaE no, it's up.
02:57 twoelk even with old seed you might get those vertical cliffs on chunk edges. Parts of redcrab are simply too old
02:57 * VanessaE is downloading media
02:58 OldCoder twoelk it's the best we can do
02:58 OldCoder Redcrab is MIA and may not give away the map regardless
02:58 VanessaE OldCoder: it's up.  seed acquired.
02:58 OldCoder I have map_meta in front of me
02:58 OldCoder What seed do you show?
02:58 OldCoder seed = 6645703502574938571
02:59 OldCoder mg_name = singlenode
02:59 VanessaE OldCoder:
02:59 OldCoder mg_flags = trees, caves, nodungeons, flat, light
02:59 OldCoder R
02:59 VanessaE 6645... is not the correct seed.  see my screenshot.
02:59 OldCoder Glad you checked!
02:59 OldCoder So I'd end up with something weird!!
02:59 * twoelk is pretty happy for all the effort that has been put into making worlds in distress availiable again
02:59 OldCoder What should I use for mg_flags ?
03:00 OldCoder twoelk, thank you!!
03:00 * OldCoder has done this for 2.5 years
03:00 OldCoder What should I use for mg_flags ? water_level ? chunk size?
03:00 VanessaE well my house is still here at least :)
03:00 OldCoder Don't I have it at Silvercrab?
03:00 VanessaE OldCoder: create a new world around v6 and copy the defaults from it.
03:00 VanessaE but plug in that ^^^^ seed.
03:01 OldCoder So just put in v6
03:01 OldCoder and copy the resulting settings?
03:01 VanessaE from a new world, yeah
03:01 Megaf joined #minetest
03:01 OldCoder mg_name = v6 ?
03:01 OldCoder VanessaE, do I have your house at Silvercrab?
03:01 VanessaE v6 is static, if you use the settings you get from a new world, you'll get the same thing redcrab's using.
03:01 VanessaE lemme check.
03:01 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Carefull, my script might just wipe out sections of your map.  And you'll need to rewrite it in C or something like that to get it to complete in less than a few hours on a map of that size.  Expect it to take all night.
03:02 VanessaE *grumble* can't find it in the list.
03:03 ShadowNinja (C might give slight or massive speedups, I don't know without trying.  It's mostly IO bound and SQLite3 handles the IO, so probably slight)
03:03 VanessaE !server silvercrab
03:03 MinetestBot VanessaE: No results
03:03 VanessaE !server silvercrab*
03:03 MinetestBot VanessaE: No results
03:03 VanessaE *grumble*
03:03 VanessaE OldCoder: I can't find it in the list.
03:03 mrtux joined #minetest
03:04 OldCoder Hm?
03:04 OldCoder server at times out a lot
03:04 OldCoder It is port 30019
03:04 VanessaE ok
03:04 OldCoder The server list announce thing often does not work
03:04 OldCoder I am told there is no solution
03:04 OldCoder I increased curl timeout but not much difference
03:05 ShadowNinja ~server --address --port 30019
03:05 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: No results.
03:05 VanessaE it's the server list hardware that's bugged.
03:05 VanessaE ok, yeah my house is still here.
03:05 OldCoder ShadowNinja, may I have the very latest air removal code again? We have a strong use case for it
03:05 OldCoder But I fear the static object thing will corrupt the world
03:05 OldCoder I swear I saw code that contradicted mapgen.txt
03:05 VanessaE in fact, I spawned in it :)
03:05 OldCoder ah
03:06 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Latest is what I gave you recently.  I haven't changed it since then.
03:06 OldCoder Relink in PM? Or here
03:06 OldCoder I save all this stuff
03:06 OldCoder But Lord so many files and so busy
03:06 * VanessaE grumbles at having to clear cache to be able to connect to these old servers.
03:06 OldCoder why?
03:07 OldCoder What old servers?
03:07 OldCoder Silvercrab is new
03:07 ShadowNinja
03:07 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I am going to grep for the glitch I mentioned shortly
03:07 OldCoder ty
03:07 VanessaE OldCoder: I mean Redcrab.
03:07 OldCoder Ah
03:07 VanessaE I was comparing my house on Redcrab with the capture on Silvercrab
03:07 VanessaE seems you're up-to-date after all :)
03:08 OldCoder Good
03:08 OldCoder Feel free to tell others to contribute deep underground or other captures
03:08 ShadowNinja VanessaE: You just have to rm one of the files.
03:08 VanessaE ShadowNinja: I know, but that means Minetest should be doing something different from what it actually does.
03:08 ShadowNinja (from that server)
03:09 ShadowNinja VanessaE: The protocol was messed up before.  Asking for things makes the server send a "end init, you can start playing now" packet.
03:09 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I will look now at the core code
03:10 OldCoder ShadowNinja, hang on pls
03:10 ShadowNinja Oh, BTW, that's untested IIRC, so it may not work.
03:10 OldCoder ShadowNinja, hang on pls
03:11 VanessaE ShadowNinja: understood.
03:11 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I found it
03:11 OldCoder Check this out:
03:11 OldCoder nodemetadata.cpp
03:12 VanessaE ShadowNinja: sapier and I have gone round and round about this in /msg when the newer protocol code was being developed; he was quite insistent that redcrab couldn't be "fixed" without it being hacky
03:12 OldCoder Line 86
03:12 OldCoder nodemetadata.cpp line 86 ShadowNinja won't your code corrupt without this code?
03:12 VanessaE still that server needs to be allowed to finally die off in favor of Silvercrab.
03:13 ShadowNinja OldCoder: One moment...
03:13 VanessaE OldCoder's done a lot of work to make sure the world still works properly with modern minetest, so there's no reason to "un-fix" the protocol anyway
03:13 someguy_irc joined #minetest
03:13 OldCoder Unfix what?
03:13 VanessaE OldCoder: that reminds me, did we ever settle on what to do about all those botched wool nodes around the spawn?
03:14 OldCoder You or Sokomine contributed code that has masked them
03:14 OldCoder Hold on
03:14 OldCoder Was that you?
03:14 VanessaE OldCoder: I mean having to delete (some files from) cache to get onto Redcrab.
03:14 OldCoder Ah
03:14 OldCoder You or Sokomine contributed code that has masked them. Was that you?
03:14 VanessaE Sokomine probably.
03:14 OldCoder Wait
03:14 OldCoder How is this:
03:15 OldCoder
03:15 VanessaE OldCoder: Authentication Required
03:15 OldCoder That seems to replace all unknown blocks with wool ??
03:15 OldCoder Hm?
03:15 OldCoder What is required where?
03:15 VanessaE that link
03:15 OldCoder Nope
03:15 OldCoder Wait
03:15 VanessaE it demands a username + pass
03:15 OldCoder Odd!
03:15 OldCoder Wait
03:16 OldCoder
03:16 OldCoder ?
03:17 OldCoder That fix is not clear
03:17 OldCoder Because we still have unknown blocks
03:17 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Nope, the version is wrapped in a Deflated container.
03:17 OldCoder ShadowNinja, I think we are talking about different things?
03:17 VanessaE OldCoder: that second link works.
03:17 ShadowNinja And I ignore the actual data since I just want to skip it.
03:18 OldCoder I mean after the container is unzlibbed
03:18 OldCoder The point is
03:18 OldCoder The U16 count is omitted if the U8 release is zero
03:18 OldCoder The count is not there
03:18 VanessaE wait..that code actually works?
03:18 OldCoder Am I missing something ?
03:18 OldCoder VanessaE, define works?
03:18 VanessaE since when could an ABM trigger on a node name of "unknown"?
03:18 ShadowNinja OldCoder: I discard the decompressed data, I just decompress it to find it's length and skip it.
03:18 OldCoder ShadowNinja, we are talking about different things
03:19 OldCoder Wait while I copy paste part of your code
03:19 OldCoder # Objects
03:19 OldCoder object_version, object_count = struct.unpack(">BH",
03:19 OldCoder That code seems to be incorrect
03:19 OldCoder Is this or is it not produced by this code:
03:19 OldCoder Disclaimer:
03:19 ShadowNinja OldCoder: That's the object code, not the node metadata code.
03:19 Hobodium joined #minetest
03:20 OldCoder I know
03:20 OldCoder Wait
03:20 OldCoder I am getting the terms mixed up
03:20 OldCoder We agree this is the part right before the timestamp
03:20 OldCoder Hold on
03:21 OldCoder Ah
03:21 OldCoder Yes, ShadowNinja I believe your code will corrupt
03:21 OldCoder Observe:
03:22 OldCoder No; that is not it. I will need to look at this further. Thank you for the code.
03:22 OldCoder Reviewing my own code further; it seems to work
03:27 OldCoder ShadowNinja, the 2nd compressed container does not include the static objects, the timestamp, or the name list, right?
03:27 OldCoder And thanks
03:27 OldCoder VanessaE, let me know what you think of Sokomine ABM
03:27 VanessaE OldCoder: I did
03:28 OldCoder You said, not sure of what it does?
03:28 OldCoder If I remove it and weird things appear, we'll know
03:28 ShadowNinja OldCoder: Each container contains only one thing (or group of things), so yes.
03:29 VanessaE OldCoder: the ABM is fine except for three things:  one, make the interval 1, not 20.  2, use set_node, not swap_node (and don't set param2).  3, are you sure you can actually match on nodenames = {"unknown"} ?  I don't think it works like that.
03:29 OldCoder And only the 1st two are compressed, right? One more question ShadowNinja does your script operate on an SQLite file or create a new one?
03:30 OldCoder VanessaE, is she trying to change *all* unknown blocks? If so, it is not working. But the word unknown appears in serialized data.
03:30 ShadowNinja OldCoder: It operates on an existing one.  I'm not sure what you mean by first two.
03:30 OldCoder Never mind ShadowNinja got what I need to proceed for now. Will comment my code line by line; this will tell me more
03:30 OldCoder Thanks
03:30 ShadowNinja local is_unknown = minetest.registered_nodes[name] == nil
03:30 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
03:31 ShadowNinja ^ That's how to detect unknown nodes.
03:31 VanessaE OldCoder: indeed, this ABM would change all blocks that are called "unknown" in the map, but I don't know what this case will actually result in.  A *normal* unknown block is still known by its real name in the map (e.g. default:stone_with_gold would still be default:stone_with_gold in the map even if you managed to uninstall the default mod)
03:31 VanessaE ShadowNinja: special case.  this is the import-old-map unknown-node glitch
03:32 VanessaE the one that turns exactly one kind of node into unknown with only a numeric reference in the map
03:32 VanessaE in this case, it affects cyan wool from the old  maps
03:32 OldCoder Were those weird blocks actually called unknown?
03:33 OldCoder That would explain it
03:33 VanessaE OldCoder: I don't think so, that's the problem.
03:33 VanessaE lemme get back on and look agaian
03:33 OldCoder Should I remove the mod?
03:33 twoelk arent they still cyanwool in the database?
03:33 VanessaE not yet.
03:33 VanessaE twoelk: no
03:33 VanessaE they're a numeric reference without a name
03:33 VanessaE or some such
03:34 twoelk so they got renamed?
03:34 VanessaE OldCoder: um..where the hell?  you moved the spawn point?
03:34 Fritigern TADAAAA!!!!! sfan5 and nore should buy me a drink now!;t=7263&amp;p=162478#p162478
03:34 VanessaE twoelk: they got re-ID'd because of the expansion of the max number of nodes
03:34 OldCoder VanessaE, type /center
03:35 VanessaE OldCoder: ah, better.
03:35 carlvelleri joined #minetest
03:35 OldCoder carlvelleri, Hi
03:35 OldCoder
03:35 twoelk ah, now I remember
03:35 VanessaE OldCoder: ok, the nodes have already been replaced by cyan wool.
03:35 OldCoder VanessaE, replaced? Don't I need to run the mod with set instead of swap?
03:35 VanessaE note to self:  HDX needs some updates.
03:36 VanessaE OldCoder: either set or swap will work, but you don't normally use swap in this case because you're just going to outright replace the node without caring what was there before
03:36 OldCoder What does swap do?
03:36 VanessaE swap is used when you need to save the node metadata
03:36 OldCoder So both write the file?
03:36 VanessaE e.g. if you need to switch between active and inactive furnaces.
03:36 VanessaE yeah
03:36 VanessaE you don't NEED to change it
03:36 OldCoder So this worked?
03:36 VanessaE it's just coding style
03:36 VanessaE yep, it worked
03:37 OldCoder And I can use this mod to replace other obsolete blocks?
03:37 cg72 joined #minetest
03:38 VanessaE OldCoder: yeah, just change the nodenames =   line to point to the right node, and change the swap to insert the correct replacement
03:38 cg72 left #minetest
03:40 VanessaE OldCoder: your HDX is out of date, or your moreblocks is
03:41 VanessaE OldCoder: can you verify the texture filenames for moreblocks:iron_stone_bricks and moreblocks:stone_tile  ?
03:41 OldCoder VanessaE, I downloaded your latest
03:41 OldCoder Hold on
03:42 OldCoder moreblocks_iron_stone_bricks.png
03:42 VanessaE that's what I show for current HDX
03:42 OldCoder moreblocks_stone_tile.png
03:42 OldCoder Doe
03:42 OldCoder Done
03:43 VanessaE ok, you missed those two then.
03:43 OldCoder Wait
03:43 OldCoder Should not be possible
03:43 VanessaE checking with local HDX copy
03:43 VanessaE yep, works with my local copy
03:43 VanessaE also check your nature:blossom image, it's wrong too
03:44 OldCoder My copy of the 32X ZIP does not have that
03:44 VanessaE you pulled the wrong one then :)
03:44 VanessaE pull from my git repo, not the zips
03:44 OldCoder Your page is not clear then :P
03:44 VanessaE those are "default stuff only"
03:44 OldCoder So the ZIPs are outdated??
03:44 OldCoder Links for 32 and 64 pls
03:45 VanessaE  ~~
03:45 OldCoder ty
03:45 VanessaE clone those and use them to replace your zips
03:45 OldCoder Very well t y
03:45 carlvelleri oldcoder check PM please
03:45 OldCoder After the air removal
03:47 AgentFire joined #minetest
03:50 Megaf joined #minetest
03:51 Fritigern VanessaE: There are some uninitialized globals left in pipeworks (line 29, vars node_breaker_on and node_breaker_off)
03:51 AgentFire Is there a mod like Applied Energistics for Minetest?
03:52 VanessaE OldCoder: dang it, I was in the middle of fixing some griefing.. :P
03:52 VanessaE Fritigern: ok, poke nore about those.
03:53 OldCoder VanessaE, you are most welcome to continue in the shiny world that is coming
03:53 OldCoder It is going to be quite large in the end
03:53 OldCoder Tell people to get their Redcaptures in order
03:53 VanessaE large is good - storage is cheap :)
03:53 OldCoder If people start building in the old cities it will be difficult to merge directly
03:54 AgentFire VanessaE: Do you know of a mod like Applied Energistics?
03:54 VanessaE AgentFire: I don't know what that is
03:54 AgentFire It's a mod in minecraft for better storage
03:54 AgentFire You can access all your items in one terminal
03:54 Fritigern Hmmm... Try pipeworks¿?
03:54 VanessaE AgentFire: sounds like a mithril chest
03:55 VanessaE or what Unified Inventory does
03:55 VanessaE idk
03:55 VanessaE never played minecraft
03:55 AgentFire Okay, thanks. I just hate having to go through 15 million chests
03:56 VanessaE ah that
03:56 VanessaE I don't know of a mod that can do that
03:56 VanessaE but chests don't "register" their contents with any kind of central database so it'd be very hard to make such a thing
03:56 Fritigern Aplied energistics lets you trnsfer stuff from one chest to anohter, you can finler per item, IIRC. So i would suggest trying pipeworks
03:57 DFeniks so i draw this silly picture is it possible to stack worlds like that? i didnt mean actual worlds that have separate folders , you know
03:57 Fritigern OMG, that text is so messed up.....
03:57 Fritigern Corrected text: Applied energistics lets you transfer stuff from one chest to another, you can also filter per item, IIRC. So i would suggest trying pipeworks
03:57 DFeniks hmm, i posted link wrong?
03:58 AgentFire Fritigern: Applied Energistics is a massive storage mod. You can basically store everything you own in it, and access it through one terminal.
03:59 DFeniks is this better?
04:00 VanessaE DFeniks: yes, that IS possible but to my knowledge, no one's done it yet
04:00 VanessaE you can't directly stack whole *worlds* like that but you can read one world into another with some hacking, or you can just generate a world already in that form
04:01 VanessaE and you can alter physics, gravity, etc on a per-rralm basis
04:01 VanessaE per-realm*
04:02 VanessaE (read one into another:  that's what OldCoder did to rebuild Redcrab's world from multiple, separate captures, to create the world we call "Silvercrab")
04:02 Fritigern DFeniks: That looks very interesting. Do you plan om creating a worldgenerator for that?
04:02 VanessaE the only problem is stopping light, rather shadows, from propagating downward
04:03 VanessaE hmmmm: does, or doesn't the engine have some finite limit on that?
04:03 DFeniks actually im seriosly dreaming
04:03 DFeniks i dont thin i can do that . not yet
04:04 VanessaE DFeniks: it's no dream, that's really not too difficult.  the lighting issue I mentioned aside, Minetest can already do all of that with some pretty basic coding
04:04 VanessaE talk to paramat some time
04:04 VanessaE he's the Lua mapgen god around here
04:06 AgentFire VanessaE: What server are you playing on right now?
04:06 VanessaE AgentFire: none right now
04:06 VanessaE I was on Silvercrab earlier
04:06 AgentFire Oh, you have like, 15 million servers
04:06 VanessaE I have 8. :)
04:07 OldCoder VanessaE, we can do that
04:07 OldCoder Sokomine and paramat seem to concur
04:07 AgentFire VanessaE: Does any of them have the Wifi Chests and Travelnet Mods?
04:07 OldCoder I can even change the sky for each level
04:07 VanessaE AgentFire: some of them have Travelnet
04:08 VanessaE but wifi chests, not really sure :P
04:08 VanessaE if technic has that working, then use
04:08 VanessaE yes*
04:08 OldCoder Fritigern, paramat's stuff has the start of that
04:10 AgentFire VanessaE: Do you know how to get rid of pesky minecarts. Mine won't go away
04:12 VanessaE AgentFire: shift-punch I think
04:12 VanessaE if not, worldedit them out :)
04:12 VanessaE (//pos1, //pos2, then //clearobjects with two slashes)
04:12 AgentFire You are a genius :)
04:15 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Mgv5 1 up 1 down overgeneration for biome surface continuity fcdb1a8 (2014-11-20T23:13:09-05:00)
04:19 paramat joined #minetest
04:20 paramat can be done, gravity can be set by y position
04:20 paramat as can custom skyboxes, see my moonrealm mod for the code
04:22 paramat nice diagram and ideas
04:27 paramat shadows will only propagate downwards endlessly if you start at the top and travel mapchunk by mapchunk downwards
04:28 paramat but they won't grief an already generated chunk, so any builds are safe
04:29 paramat the shadows will be messy of course, but have charm when you're used to them
04:30 * paramat is now just the mapgen tea boy
04:32 paramat so no the engine doesnt limit shadow propagation
04:32 DFeniks how the shadows are generated ? if i dig 3x3 hole down for example it never gets dark
04:34 DFeniks what if i teleport to empty cave underground . too big to load cieling it will also be dark?
04:36 paramat each mapchunk looks at the node layer above it for a light level, if the mapchunk above is ungenerated the code assumes darkness below the set 'water_level'
04:37 paramat so for your world you will need to set water level very low, to avoid excessive lighting glitches
04:38 paramat shadows are only vertically under nodes, sunlight propagates vertically downward endlessly
04:38 dhasenan_ joined #minetest
04:39 DFeniks is it possible to swim in not liquid? because liquid will generate flowing probably will be mess
04:40 DFeniks or move up down like with fly enabled
04:42 paramat liquids can be made to not flow 'liquid_range = 0'
04:43 DFeniks ah
04:43 DFeniks im noob yet
04:43 paramat but yes motion in zero-g may be a problem
04:44 paramat i think a cmpletely clear swimmable liquid can be created
04:46 mrtux joined #minetest
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04:58 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Optimise functions from CNodeDefManager and VoxelManipulator d406ac9 (2014-11-21T14:56:45+10:00)
04:58 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Optimise getTileInfo() ea40497 (2014-11-21T14:56:45+10:00)
05:14 AgentFire Does anybody know how long libertyland goes down for maintenance?
05:26 H-H-H joined #minetest
05:30 Inocudom joined #minetest
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05:33 Fritigern AgentFire: It usually doesn;t take very long
05:33 Fritigern It's prolly back by now
05:34 AgentFire It is.
05:34 AgentFire Thanks
05:37 VanessaE joined #minetest
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05:47 paramat left #minetest
05:48 AgentFire VanessaE: Do you know of the Nyancat blocks?
05:49 VanessaE sure
05:50 AgentFire Are they rare or useful?
05:52 DMackey joined #minetest
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05:54 VanessaE they're rare, that's about it
05:54 AgentFire I found one!
05:54 AgentFire Yay!
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06:18 Inocudom Bye.
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09:02 FR^2 joined #minetest
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09:16 aheinecke joined #minetest
09:29 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
09:32 raffahacks joined #minetest
09:36 raffahacks left #minetest
09:38 Megaf_ Hi all
09:47 kilbith hi
09:48 blaze joined #minetest
09:59 Cacatoes joined #minetest
10:00 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:00 JamesTait joined #minetest
10:09 Megaf_ Hi kilbith
10:09 Megaf_ We need more comments here,
10:09 Megaf_ Or just upvotes :)
10:16 Zeno` I think min view range and max are back to front in the comment?
10:33 kilbith not sure for fly/fast
10:46 Zeno` I kinda like fast fly
10:46 Zeno` sort of used to it tbh
10:47 Megaf_ You will only have to press w and e at the same time...
10:48 Zeno` I know but... hmm
10:48 Zeno` I only have to change my .conf as well :)
10:48 Megaf_ and your right hand will not have to leave the mouse to press j to enable and disable it all the time, also messing with fast on walk..
10:48 Zeno` Do players on your server have fly?
10:48 Megaf_ admins have
10:49 Zeno` Surely an admin would know how to turn fast off
10:49 Zeno` I dunno...
10:49 Megaf_ not really
10:50 Zeno` Will wait to see how the conversation evolves
10:50 Megaf_ I think only two admins have actually touched minetest.conf
10:50 Megaf_ most people dont even know that file exists
10:50 Zeno` I mean when they're playing
10:50 Zeno` oh wait
10:50 Zeno` hmm
10:51 Zeno` yeah turning fast move off still works
10:51 Zeno` I'm not strongly opposed to it, just mildly hehe
10:53 Zeno` I like the fall bobbing
10:53 Zeno` can't see why that would be an issue
10:53 Zeno` seems like good feedback
11:04 Megaf_ It is indeed
11:04 Megaf_ It's kinda borng when you fall and nothing happen
11:11 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
11:27 zat joined #minetest
11:28 proller joined #minetest
11:29 AgentFire joined #minetest
11:32 kahrl joined #minetest
11:37 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
11:45 Jordach joined #minetest
11:47 tpe joined #minetest
11:48 * Jordach uninstalls Catalyst
11:50 Zeno` yeah, install NVidia control panel
11:53 Megaf_ Jordach: Im actually using the open source driver on my new toshiba laptop
11:53 Megaf_ the radeon one
11:54 Megaf_ good enough
11:54 Megaf_ Its a Radeon R2 GPU
11:54 Megaf_ :D
11:54 Jordach Megaf_, GTX 750ti would like to have a word
11:54 Jordach >21c temp
11:54 Jordach watr
11:55 Megaf_ lol, Catalyst is for AMD only
11:56 Jordach Megaf_, nVidia GPU > AMD APU
11:56 Megaf_ Jordach: sure
11:56 Jordach not sure how i remember that logic thing points
11:57 Jordach wat no
11:58 Scall joined #minetest
12:00 Jordach_ joined #minetest
12:01 Jordach_ u wot VirtualBox
12:01 Guest18423 joined #minetest
12:03 * Jordach_ goes on an uninstallation spree
12:04 Zeno` I think he accidentally uninstalled his IRC client
12:04 Zeno` oh
12:04 Zeno` never mind!
12:04 Zeno` disaster averted
12:04 Fusl joined #minetest
12:06 Megaf_ :P
12:06 proller joined #minetest
12:06 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
12:15 guest365 joined #minetest
12:15 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:21 Scall joined #minetest
12:27 Megaf_ Zeno`: how do I squash down these four commits to one?
12:28 Megaf_ Or anyone else who knows that
12:28 Zeno` make a backup of your repo
12:29 Zeno` git rebase -i HEAD~4
12:29 Zeno` (when you are in that branch)
12:29 Zeno` the 4 is "squash latest 4"
12:29 Zeno` -i is for interactive
12:29 Zeno` you'll be asked to edit things as it progresses
12:30 Zeno` it'll have something like ....
12:30 Zeno` pick
12:30 Zeno` pick
12:30 Zeno` pick
12:30 Zeno` was kicked by ShadowBot: Message repetition flood detected.
12:30 Zeno` joined #minetest
12:30 Zeno` leave the top picks and change the others to s (squash)
12:30 Zeno` top pick*
12:30 Megaf_ ok
12:32 Megaf_ then what?
12:33 Megaf_ Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
12:33 Zeno` then push it (using -f to force overwriting)
12:33 Megaf_ Thanks, I was missign the -f
12:34 Megaf_ Im afraid it didnt work
12:34 MinetestBot [git] rafael7 -> minetest/minetest: serialize.h: use machine native byte swapping if available, fall-back to previous generic method if not (supported for GCC using endian.h, detection done in cmake) write/readARGB8() - just write 32-bit color in one op, instead of 4 1-byte ops cleanup: removed unneeded buffer init for some serialize-out functions use a #define for the fixed point factor in read/writeF1000() f7
12:34 Zeno` didn't work?
12:35 Megaf_ still four commit here
12:35 Zeno` something went wrong then :)
12:36 Zeno` did you change all but the top "pick" to "s" ?
12:36 Megaf_ whoops
12:37 Megaf_ lets see now
12:37 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:38 Zeno` done ;)(
12:38 Megaf_ cool, Thanks a million Zeno`
12:38 Zeno` you're welcome
12:38 Leoneof Why i'm here?
12:39 Megaf_ Leoneof: No idea
12:39 Leoneof :\
12:40 Megaf_ Leoneof: define here
12:40 roboman2444 joined #minetest
12:40 Leoneof here->this channel :p
12:41 Megaf_ Leoneof: do you play/like Minetest?
12:42 Leoneof no :]
12:42 Zeno` You can't be here for the conversation, surely
12:43 Leoneof >:(
12:46 Leoneof i will play minetest, so i can stay here
12:46 Zeno` lol :D
12:47 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
13:09 LittleJoe joined #minetest
13:21 kaeza joined #minetest
13:31 Megaf_ Leoneof: Thats a good idea
13:42 shadowzone joined #minetest
13:52 Megaf_ My server have the lowest ping of them all
13:52 Megaf_ !server
13:52 MinetestBot Megaf_: more info | | Clients: 0/50, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / minetest | Ping: 69ms
13:52 Megaf_ Is that a random response?
13:52 Jordach ya
13:52 Jordach !server Megaf
13:52 MinetestBot Jordach: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 2/10, 2/3 | Version: 0.4.10-Megaf / MegafXplore | Ping: 2ms
13:53 shadowzone ANd it keeps going down.
13:53 shadowzone !server selahs
13:53 shadowzone Wait..
13:53 Jordach but that's a good fucking achievement for a Brazil server
13:53 shadowzone I don't think it's up
13:53 shadowzone Lemme check
13:53 shadowzone it's up...
13:54 Megaf_ Jordach: is not in brazil...
13:54 Zeno` London!
13:54 Megaf_ :)
13:54 shadowzone Mine's in Virginia.
13:54 Zeno` I have no idea where mine is
13:55 Megaf_ lol
13:55 shadowzone Lol
13:55 shadowzone It's on earth
13:55 shadowzone We know that.
13:55 Megaf_ I see you really care about your server
13:55 Zeno` yeah, somewhere
13:55 shadowzone But where on earth...
13:55 Zeno` It's in the US somewhere
13:55 Megaf_ shadowzone: maybe orbiting Earth
13:55 shadowzone Lol
13:55 shadowzone So does anyone here listen to dubstep?
13:55 Jordach Megaf_, you mean i'll get RTT = 0.01
13:55 Zeno` just tracert the thing!
13:56 Megaf_ Jordach: join and see
13:56 * Jordach signs in
13:56 shadowzone <-- 'cause this song shakes me house when I play it on my speakers.
13:56 Jordach >OpenGL 4.4
13:56 Jordach pssh
13:56 Zeno` I still have no idea where it is
13:57 Zeno` stupid traceroute
13:57 Megaf_ Jordach: My RTT is 0.090
13:57 Jordach shadowzone, or
13:58 Fritigern Zeno. is located in the UK
13:58 shadowzone Listening to both of 'em
13:58 Jordach 0.016 RTT Megaf_
13:58 Fritigern
13:58 Jordach 26ms ping
13:58 Megaf_ Jordach: close enough
13:58 Megaf_ Fritigern: we now about my server, we dont know about Zeno`s server
13:58 shadowzone Jordach: you seriously sent me that song?
13:59 Jordach !server Zeno
13:59 MinetestBot Jordach: No results
13:59 Jordach dammit fellas
13:59 Jordach <3 MinetestBot
13:59 MinetestBot <3 Jordach
13:59 shadowzone Lol
13:59 Megaf_ !server Onez
13:59 MinetestBot Megaf_: Onez' Minetest Server | | Clients: 1/25, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / minetest | Ping: 156ms
13:59 Zeno` Arizone
13:59 Zeno` Arizona*
13:59 Megaf_ Thats Zenos server
13:59 Zeno` yeah that's mine!
13:59 Jordach Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
13:59 Jordach Request timed out.
13:59 Jordach nope.avi
13:59 * Zeno` jumps up and down
13:59 Zeno` that is mine
14:00 Fritigern Scottsdale, AZ, US
14:00 Zeno` your ping must be broken Jordach
14:00 Zeno` unless I disabled it... can't remember
14:00 Jordach Zeno`, or your iptables is blocking them
14:00 Zeno` yeah
14:00 Fritigern !server Pacata
14:00 MinetestBot Fritigern: Pacata | | Clients: 0/20, 0/1 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / pacata | Ping: 166ms
14:00 Megaf_ !server Megaf
14:00 MinetestBot Megaf_: Megaf Server v4.0 | | Clients: 3/10, 2/3 | Version: 0.4.10-Megaf / MegafXplore | Ping: 2ms
14:01 Megaf_ Linode rulez :D
14:01 Megaf_ best VPS ever
14:02 Fritigern Megaf_: How do you get a 2ms ping? Is your server hosted on the same machine as that Mintestbot is running on?
14:02 Megaf_ Fritigern: nope, my VPS provider is fantastic, thats why
14:02 Megaf_ Fritigern: and they fixed a bug I reported...
14:03 Megaf_ ~up 30003
14:03 ShadowBot Megaf_: port 30003 is up (123874us)
14:03 Megaf_ ?
14:03 Megaf_ I think thats 1.2 ms, maybe?
14:04 Zeno` heck I have half the internet blocked with my iptables rules
14:04 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
14:04 Zeno` Fritigern!
14:04 Megaf_ Cool things about Linux, you can git pull, make clean, and make, without having to stop your client!
14:05 Megaf_ then you have to restart it just to load the new bin
14:08 daswort joined #minetest
14:10 crazyR joined #minetest
14:11 Fritigern Zeno`: Have you ever figured out how the markers mod can crash a server?
14:11 Zeno` nah
14:11 Zeno` I haven't tried very hard though hehe
14:12 Fritigern It's easy, really. Just place 4 markers in a straight line, and right-click the last one. CRASH BOOM! Time to restart
14:12 Zeno` Sokomine are you here?
14:12 Haudegen joined #minetest
14:13 Zeno` Fritigern, I assign you to the quest
14:13 Zeno` lol :P
14:13 Fritigern I have already reported the issue, but so far no activity on her git
14:13 Fritigern I also posted it in the forum, nothing though.
14:14 Zeno` Personally I don't think more than two markers should be allowed
14:14 Zeno` You can mathematically solve for > 2 points but it complicates things
14:14 Zeno` (a lot)
14:14 Fritigern I think that the crash occurs because the mod tried to coalculate the area, then divide the area by something else, but because the area is zero, it goes kablooey
14:15 Fritigern Then again, i can not quite make sense of the code, so i could be way off
14:15 Zeno` I think it's the prediction of the opposite/candidate corner
14:15 Zeno` But as I said I haven't looked into it much at all
14:15 kilbith those markers are painful in placing anyway, better to select diagonally with just two
14:16 Zeno` that's what I mean... only two are needed
14:16 Zeno` with > 2 the maths becomes non-trivial
14:16 Fritigern If i were knowledgable enough, i would have forked the mod, and made my own version, like it did with 3d_torch, which i made safe to use on servers now
14:16 daswort joined #minetest
14:17 codehero joined #minetest
14:17 Zephlon joined #minetest
14:18 Cerise joined #minetest
14:18 Zeno` I may just remove the mod
14:18 Zeno` nobody seems to use it a lot anyway (they ask me to protect ROFLOL)
14:18 prozacgod joined #minetest
14:18 kilbith because it's not KISS
14:20 Jousway joined #minetest
14:21 Fritigern What if i were to insert the condition "if area > 1 then" between lines 32 and 33?
14:21 Fritigern Make that if area => 1 then
14:26 MinetestBot [git] PenguinDad -> minetest/minetest_game: Fix leaking globals in flowers and default mapgen.lua 3bf3249 (2014-11-22T00:24:49+10:00)
14:27 Fritigern And building
14:28 someguy_irc joined #minetest
14:28 Fritigern Compilation of minetest completed in 0:01:11
14:29 Fritigern I was a few xcommits behind, so it took a little longer than usual
14:29 Zeno` oh yeah
14:29 Zeno` so slow
14:30 Fritigern :-)
14:41 n4x I'll beat you
14:41 n4x when I get a new heatsink
14:41 n4x and overclock my FX to 4.7GHz
14:49 someguy_irc sup Zeno`
14:49 Doctor joined #minetest
14:49 Doctor hi
14:51 ImQ009 joined #minetest
14:51 shadowzone Doctor?
14:51 Guest26576 hi
14:51 shadowzone Why are you under my IP?
14:52 someguy_irc Ooo
14:52 Guest26576 we share internet
14:52 someguy_irc o.O
14:52 shadowzone OH...shoot`
14:52 someguy_irc your sister? / brother ?
14:52 shadowzone Flippin' hell!
14:52 shadowzone It's my brother..
14:52 someguy_irc lol
14:52 shadowzone s**t
14:52 someguy_irc stop.
14:52 someguy_irc well.
14:53 * someguy_irc give's shadowzone a hammer.
14:53 Jordach meep meep
14:53 someguy_irc hello Jordach
14:53 CWz_ joined #minetest
14:53 ImQ009 joined #minetest
14:53 someguy_irc hello CWz
14:53 Guest26576 im having a hard time changing my nickname
14:53 someguy_irc O_O
14:53 Guest26576 realy
14:54 someguy_irc shadowzone, me claps*..
14:54 * someguy_irc claps.
14:54 shadowzone Lol
14:54 sfan5 wtf
14:54 shadowzone That was Jordach
14:54 shadowzone I think..
14:54 someguy_irc meep, Jordach
14:54 Megaf_ shadowzone: how would Jordach have your IP?
14:55 shadowzone No..
14:55 shadowzone It's my brother
14:55 shadowzone I think he got kicked.
14:55 shadowzone or somethin'..
14:55 n4x kill him
14:55 n4x IRL
14:55 shadowzone Lol
14:55 Megaf_ shadowzone: does he know your nick is shadowzone?
14:55 shadowzone Should I PAB punch hime to death?
14:55 shadowzone Yes he does.
14:55 n4x yes you should
14:55 someguy_irc O.o lol
14:56 Megaf_ shadowzone: is it anything wrong in him being here?
14:56 shadowzone Well he hates swearing..
14:56 Megaf_ besides you hatin him
14:56 someguy_irc ^
14:56 shadowzone So it might set him off if someone swears.
14:56 shadowzone So..
14:56 someguy_irc lol
14:56 someguy_irc it's a anti-swear human.
14:56 someguy_irc nice.
14:56 someguy_irc good for #minetest :p
14:56 shadowzone And I don't want my mom to know I hang out on IRC channels where swearing is okay
14:56 sfan5 ಠ_ಠ
14:57 someguy_irc O_o
14:57 shadowzone Otherwise goodbye shadowzone and Minetest
14:57 someguy_irc it isnt.
14:57 shadowzone Well there is a lot of it here.
14:57 someguy_irc and ;kick too.
14:57 sfan5 oh for fucks sake
14:57 Jordach fuck ths
14:57 someguy_irc xD
14:57 sfan5 the debug build has a crash
14:57 * Jordach high fives sfan5
14:57 shadowzone yeah...
14:57 sfan5 the release build a different one
14:57 someguy_irc shadowzone, yeah..
14:57 Megaf_ fuck yeah
14:57 sfan5 and the release_with_debug_info no crash atall
14:57 someguy_irc afk can't see swearing.
14:57 shadowzone fuck dis shit I'm gonna go get him on the right server/channel
14:58 Megaf_ Whats bloody wront with fucking swering? Everyone does that
14:58 shadowzone I know
14:58 Megaf_ wrong*
14:58 shadowzone It's fun
14:58 someguy_irc shadowzone, VanessaE told me swearing is ok if it dosent go out of topic.
14:58 someguy_irc Dang.
14:58 someguy_irc Its not fun.
14:58 someguy_irc I only swear on chatting sites.
14:58 Zeno` I don't thing people should fucking swear
14:58 Zeno` I never swear
14:58 someguy_irc never on any IRC channel.
14:59 someguy_irc Zeno`, yeah you don't.
14:59 someguy_irc O/
14:59 n4x Zeno`: the fuck you said about swearing?
14:59 Megaf_ I dont fucking swear either Zeno`
14:59 Zeno` lol
14:59 someguy_irc dude's....
14:59 shadowzone I never fucking swear where y'all gettin' dat shit?
14:59 someguy_irc shadowzone, thats immature slang lang dang.
14:59 someguy_irc :P
15:00 shadowzone Yep
15:00 shadowzone It
15:00 shadowzone It's fun
15:00 n4x swearing isn't bad, it is good to tell kids that swearing is bad because if not they would end abusing it, though
15:00 shadowzone A lot like killing your brother..
15:00 someguy_irc shadowzone, get a hammer.
15:00 someguy_irc stop swearing.
15:00 someguy_irc kill yo brother.
15:00 shadowzone YESH!
15:01 shadowzone IMMA GO GET 'IM!
15:01 Megaf_ shadowzone: how older or younger than you he is?
15:01 shadowzone one year
15:01 shadowzone younger
15:02 someguy_irc mentally challenged? , no offence i.e.
15:02 Megaf_ any idea on how he got year?
15:02 shadowzone Nope
15:02 Megaf_ s/year/here
15:02 Zeno` Do you all know why swearing is uncommon here even though it's not prohibited?
15:02 someguy_irc Zeno`, I don't get a single dang your saying.
15:02 Jordach because nobody gives a shit?
15:02 someguy_irc brb maths hw.
15:02 Zeno` It's because that 99% of the time mature people do not type swear words
15:03 Zeno` (there is that 1% though)
15:03 Zeno` It's usually not necessary
15:03 someguy_irc Zeno`, Jordach etc etc are in the 1% peeps?
15:03 * Megaf_ is not mature
15:03 someguy_irc Zeno`, I never sweared in #minetest .
15:03 Jordach i just get really angry
15:03 * Megaf_ is a child
15:03 Zeno` someguy_irc, nah, do you see me swear often?
15:03 someguy_irc Zeno`, Nope until you are pis'd off
15:03 Zeno` I've only even done it once on inchranet
15:04 someguy_irc Ik
15:04 Zeno` and until now I've never done it on here
15:04 someguy_irc explaing what ffs is.
15:04 someguy_irc :P
15:04 Megaf_ Zeno`: I saw you swearing once
15:04 someguy_irc rdfm.
15:04 Megaf_ today
15:04 Megaf_ a couple of minutes ago
15:04 Zeno` Megaf_, what did I say?
15:04 Zeno` lol
15:04 Zeno` yes, yes I know :)
15:04 Megaf_ [14:58] <Zeno`> I don't thing people should fucking swear
15:04 someguy_irc lol
15:04 Megaf_ s/thing/think
15:05 Zeno` aha!
15:05 Zeno` caught me out on a typo
15:05 Megaf_ a typo and swaring on the same day
15:05 Megaf_ lol
15:05 Zeno` It's a terrible day :(
15:05 someguy_irc Typo week.
15:06 Zeno` Shall we all have a group hug?
15:06 Megaf_ Im on it
15:06 someguy_irc bless you Adobe flash...
15:06 Zeno` lol
15:06 someguy_irc go to dang hell :)
15:06 kilbith althought lots of ppl are like Ned Flanders, thats why they dont like swear
15:06 someguy_irc GAH NOT freaking updating.
15:06 Megaf_ is "bloody" considered swearing?
15:07 Zeno` kilbith, my point was that it's rare to hear swearing here even though it's not directly prohibited
15:07 someguy_irc Megaf_, bluddy no.
15:07 Zeno` I think that's a testament to the people on this channel
15:07 kilbith Zeno`: agreed.
15:07 Megaf_ what about feck, heck and for fecks sake?
15:08 someguy_irc heck ok.
15:08 someguy_irc Else idfk
15:08 Megaf_ lol
15:10 * VanessaE peeks in and throws a few random swears into the channel
15:11 VanessaE mature people curse plenty.  sometimes a few choice, four-letter words are the only words that will fit.
15:11 proller joined #minetest
15:11 Megaf_ VanessaE: smooth
15:13 Viper168 joined #minetest
15:15 Zeno` but they don't do it constantly
15:15 Zeno` I save them up for extraordinary occasions... they work better that way :D
15:16 VanessaE Zeno`: my husband goes a few steps further and expands into multiple languages :)
15:16 VanessaE (polish, yiddish, russian)
15:16 Zeno` lol
15:17 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:17 Zeno` sfan5...
15:17 sfan5 hm?
15:17 Zeno` that bug report, is it using HEAD?
15:17 sfan5 yes
15:18 Zeno` happens every time?
15:18 sfan5 yes
15:18 Zeno` not good
15:18 sfan5 indeed
15:18 Zeno` what mapgen params?
15:19 sfan5
15:19 sfan5 this happens with every v6 work
15:20 sfan5 (note: I didn't test that claim extensively, I decuced it from the backtrace and from the fact that it doesn't happen on my mg world)
15:21 Zeno` building
15:21 sfan5 oh and I'm using clang
15:21 Zeno` I'll test with gcc then :)
15:23 stakewinner00|2 joined #minetest
15:25 Zeno` rebuilding with clang
15:26 stormchaser3000_ joined #minetest
15:27 NakedFury joined #minetest
15:29 dhasenan_ joined #minetest
15:31 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:31 someguy_irc AH back.
15:31 someguy_irc Maths.
15:31 someguy_irc I hate it.
15:34 ImQ009 joined #minetest
15:36 Ataron joined #minetest
15:44 Leoneof math!
15:52 Tiktalik joined #minetest
15:56 Calinou joined #minetest
16:00 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:00 Viper168 joined #minetest
16:03 Hobodium joined #minetest
16:07 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx joined #minetest
16:08 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx hello
16:08 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx what is the best NPCs+Mobs MOD in minetest or whats the best combination? and which works best with firearms? and how to get crossbow?
16:09 btoothpick joined #minetest
16:10 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: the mobs mod from Carbone
16:10 VanessaE or sapier's MOBF
16:10 VanessaE but as for firearms/crossbox, idk about those
16:10 VanessaE those are separate mods
16:11 VanessaE any weapon should work with just about any MOB mod.
16:11 VanessaE crossbow*
16:11 Calinou throwing mod has them
16:11 kilbith minetest is not a FPS, btw
16:12 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
16:13 btoothpick I'm only seeing a brown character using the sdzen's/PilzAdam's player_textures mod instead of the png placed in the specific path. Can pngs be added while server is running?
16:14 VanessaE btoothpick: no
16:14 VanessaE you gotta restart the server to add a new texture
16:14 VanessaE otherwise it gets loaded as a "dummy" (the color will change on subsequent client connects)
16:17 Calinou random colour is used
16:18 Calinou (I'd rather see random-colour-within-acceptable-limits texture…)
16:18 Calinou sometimes the random colour is confusing
16:26 Pest joined #minetest
16:26 VanessaE on some clients, the color flickers rapidly :)
16:31 ImQ009 joined #minetest
16:37 Krock joined #minetest
16:40 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:45 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx how do I install the throwing mod?
16:45 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx I renamed it to throwing and put into the mod directory
16:45 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx but no effect
16:45 VanessaE just copy the mod into <minetest>/mods  and then enable it in the menyu
16:45 VanessaE menu*
16:45 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx I enabled
16:46 VanessaE check your debug.txt and make sure there aren't any errors such as missing dependencies
16:46 VanessaE also make sure you enabled it for your world (click the world, click "Configure", click the mod in the list, set the [ ] Enable checkbox at the top, click "save")
16:47 btoothpick Thanks VanessaE, that explains why it was brown.
16:48 btoothpick I just did a restart of the server and will test the texture now.
16:49 btoothpick Cool!
16:49 btoothpick Thanks.
16:49 meldrian joined #minetest
16:50 turtleman_ joined #minetest
16:51 Leoneof joined #minetest
16:52 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx still not working
16:52 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx maybe the one I downloaded is bad. do you have a better link for me?
16:54 srijay joined #minetest
16:54 mrtux joined #minetest
16:55 VanessaE this one, maybe?
16:55 VanessaE and this,
16:55 VanessaE (for the firearms mod)
16:58 frecel joined #minetest
17:05 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
17:05 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
17:16 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx Failed to load and run /home/lel/Downloads/minetest-master/bin/../games/famish/mods/mobf/init.lua
17:16 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx what does that mean?
17:17 btoothpick To backup the map I have to turn off the server, is that accurate?
17:17 btoothpick Had my first griefing today.
17:20 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: mobf depends on a couple of other mods
17:20 VanessaE you probably didn't install its dependencies
17:21 Krock hi
17:22 btoothpick If anyone would like, please point me to area protection. I have a static spawn point, and I want to protect the immediate area.
17:22 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:25 blaise
17:25 blaise btoothpick: I highly suggest using git
17:25 blaise makes things much more simple to update the mod
17:26 blaise or any mod for that matter
17:29 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
17:31 Megaf_ Im cold, its 11 C, quite good, but it feels like 4 C
17:31 Megaf_
17:32 Megaf_ hopefuly tomorrow will be better
17:35 paxcoder joined #minetest
17:37 paxcoder hello. I complained about the minetest binary crashing on Debian a few months ago. I've come to complain about the same thing again.
17:37 paxcoder I get: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LuaError' / what():  C++ exception / Aborted
17:37 marktraceur Ugh, complain complain, that's all Debian users ever do. :P
17:37 * marktraceur is joking and hopes paxcoder can find halp
17:37 marktraceur paxcoder: Did you file a bug?
17:37 paxcoder thanks
17:38 marktraceur paxcoder:
17:38 paxcoder hmmm i don't remember which probably means no
17:38 VanessaE marktraceur: it could be worse.
17:38 VanessaE marktraceur: he could have brought systemd into it ;)
17:39 * marktraceur puts his hand over VanessaE's mouth
17:39 marktraceur Nothing to see here
17:39 paxcoder nah, I'm the kind of guy who would go deeper. Beyond even Linux. I'd call POSIX/Unix the problem.
17:39 VanessaE paxcoder: if you're using minetest from an official debian repo rather than the Minetest dailies PPA or building your own, you'll be hard-pressed to get support for such reports, however that kind of crash is not an engine bug - it's a mod bug.
17:39 Calinou hi marktraceur
17:39 VanessaE marktraceur: haha
17:39 marktraceur Hi Calinou
17:39 Calinou paxcoder, if the issue is not reproducible outside of Debian, you can also report to
17:40 paxcoder VanessaE, hmm. You can tell from just that one message? Are you sure? It always happens when I try to get the public list of servers
17:40 VanessaE paxcoder: 100% sure.
17:40 VanessaE "LuaError" is the giveaway
17:40 paxcoder What do mods have to do with my retrieving that list?
17:40 VanessaE this indicates a mod error or some problem with other Lua code
17:40 VanessaE which is outside of the engine code
17:40 paxcoder so no need to install minetest-dbg?
17:41 Calinou do you use any mods?
17:41 Calinou start a game with minimal subgame
17:41 paxcoder I might have some, it's been a while.
17:41 paxcoder Calinou, I think everything works locally. I just can't get the public list
17:41 VanessaE paxcoder: you need to fetch minetest from git and compile it.
17:41 paxcoder VanessaE, nah
17:41 VanessaE yeah.
17:42 VanessaE it's easy to compile, you'll have it done in 10 minutes.
17:42 VanessaE or you can pull a .deb from the ubuntu daily-builds PPA
17:42 paxcoder lemme su to see if it crashes for the other user (presumably without mods) too
17:42 VanessaE should work fine in debian
17:43 paxcoder wait, where are mods situated?
17:43 Calinou ~/.minetest/mods
17:43 Calinou on non-run-in-place builds
17:44 paxcoder I have no such dir
17:44 btoothpick Tried to load a schem with worldedit and it crashed my server
17:44 paxcoder I mean the subdir
17:45 Calinou create it then
17:45 paxcoder there's a /usr/share/games/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods though
17:46 paxcoder trying to rm
17:46 paxcoder *mv
17:46 paxcoder crashed
17:47 VanessaE paxcoder: I told you, get rid of the version you're using and compile it from git or try the .deb from the ubuntu PPA
17:47 VanessaE if the menu code, which is written in Lua, is busted, it's busted and you'll need an update to fix it
17:48 VanessaE updates only come through those channels unless a debian maintainer has a newer package
17:48 paxcoder I don't want to.
17:48 paxcoder Sorry, but no.
17:49 VanessaE then you won't get a fix.
17:49 paxcoder debian version is 0.4.10+repack-1, how old is that?
17:49 VanessaE very old.
17:49 VanessaE like, July old.
17:50 paxcoder good thing we have the packaged -_-
17:50 VanessaE at least, 0.4.10 was released on July 6
17:50 VanessaE in Minetest terms, that's old as shit :)
17:50 Calinou :o
17:50 Yellowberry joined #minetest
17:51 Yellowberry Calinou: I am aware, thanks
17:51 * ElectronLibre try to remember when was Yellowberry banned. It's been a long time.
17:51 VanessaE paxcoder:  minetest-dbg_0.4.10+repack-1_amd64.deb             15-Jul-2014 22:45            34719798
17:52 VanessaE so yeah, old.
17:52 VanessaE wait, wrong one
17:52 Calinou hi Yellowberry :)
17:52 paxcoder VanessaE, where do you get that info?
17:52 VanessaE minetest_0.4.10+repack-1_amd64.deb                 15-Jul-2014 22:45             1894912
17:52 paxcoder is it just ls -l of what apt-get source does?
17:52 btoothpick This is the error I received when trying to load a .we ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: ...\dreambuilder\
17:52 VanessaE from the debian mirror FTP side pakcage list:
17:52 btoothpick mods\worldedit\worldedit/serialization.lua:148: attempt to perform arithmetic on
17:52 btoothpick global 'originx' (a nil value)
17:52 sfan5 ElectronLibre: less than 30 days ago
17:52 VanessaE
17:53 Yellowberry ElectronLibre: yep
17:53 paxcoder that's ridiculous
17:53 Yellowberry do you remember why?
17:53 paxcoder alright, where's the ubuntu's .deb i'm still tired of compiling minetest myself?
17:53 Yellowberry because I abused MinetestBot, never abuse MinetestBot...
17:53 VanessaE paxcoder:
17:53 ElectronLibre Oh, I see..
17:54 paxcoder VanessaE, thanks
17:54 Yellowberry paxcoder: it should be on launchpad
17:54 Yellowberry afaik
17:54 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx the mobs mod from PilzAdam doesnt work anymore
17:54 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx no error output but just no mobs
17:54 Yellowberry in other news, I now use Arch Linux as my primary OS
17:54 paxcoder VanessaE, is that multi-target (or whatever that's called)? Because I have 64 bits
17:54 VanessaE paxcoder: I'll leave it to you to dig the actual deb out of there, I always have some trouble finding the link to a package from a launchpad page
17:55 paxcoder eh.
17:55 VanessaE paxcoder: should be
17:55 VanessaE
17:55 VanessaE that might be the one you want
17:56 Yellowberry lucky me!
17:56 paxcoder Thanks, lady
17:56 Yellowberry i don't have to worry about that stuff because all I need to do is run "pacaur -S minetest-git"!
17:56 VanessaE good luck
17:56 Yellowberry yay!
17:58 VanessaE paxcoder: really though, you should just use git to manage your Minetest sources, and have a little script standing by to update it and build.
17:58 VanessaE it only takes like 10 minutes on a somewhat slow bit
17:58 VanessaE box*
17:58 Erthome joined #minetest
17:58 paxcoder It takes a lot more on my machine
17:59 cg72 joined #minetest
17:59 Calinou even with -j2 or -j4?
17:59 paxcoder perhaps your "slow machine" has many a core
17:59 stakewinner00|2 Yellowberry: if you are new in Arch Linux probably your packages will broken in the upgrade :D (it happens to me in the past...)
17:59 cg72 left #minetest
17:59 paxcoder Calinou, if anyone ever suggested this to me before (I have only short term memory) then yes
17:59 sfan5 stakewinner00|2: if your arch install breaks when you update you forgot reading the news and output of pacman
17:59 Yellowberry stakewinner00|2: it works, for now
18:00 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
18:01 stakewinner00|2 sfan5: I never used Arch for more than 1 week xD
18:01 Calinou I never installed Arch
18:01 VanessaE paxcoder: my machine has six 2.8 GHz cores and only takes ~3 minutes to build, so "slow" should be closer to 20 with 1 core.
18:01 Calinou about 4 minutes here
18:01 paxcoder After install I seem to be missing /usr/games/minetest
18:02 paxcoder VanessaE, trust me it takes a long time, I've compiled it numerous times
18:02 ImQ009 joined #minetest
18:02 ElectronLibre paxcoder, it doesn't seems to be a non-run-in-place build you use.
18:02 VanessaE paxcoder: as have I, probably more times than you have :P
18:03 paxcoder ElectronLibre, installed from the .deb given above
18:03 Krock VanessaE, 10 mins here with 1 core
18:03 gravgun joined #minetest
18:03 Krock the old Cleron D was actualy weak and hals as fast then this one
18:03 Krock *half as fast
18:03 paxcoder VanessaE, with a kickass PC
18:04 VanessaE 2.8 GHz * 6 isn't really kickass
18:04 Calinou did you use “sudo make install”?
18:04 ElectronLibre left #minetest
18:04 Calinou it is not required to run Minetest
18:04 paxcoder Calinou, sorry?
18:04 paxcoder VanessaE, I'm positive it's slow.
18:05 paxcoder And that does seem like a kickass PC to me
18:05 paxcoder well in comparison anyway
18:05 paxcoder I don't know what's going on
18:06 paxcoder Except me talking to myself
18:06 paxcoder MinetestBot, ping
18:06 marktraceur !ping
18:07 paxcoder marktraceur, I don't think we're connected ;-)
18:07 marktraceur Nope, just you'n'me
18:07 marktraceur So romantic.
18:07 * Jordach meows at Sokomine
18:08 Jordach there's a certain VM world that's started
18:08 Megaf_ is Sokomine here?
18:08 Megaf_ Hi there
18:09 paxcoder Sudden demand for Sokomine. Someting's going on here. I'll have some Sokomine too just in case.
18:09 Viper168 joined #minetest
18:09 * Megaf_ is too lazy to scroll up to read the backlog
18:09 * Megaf_ too busy organizing his home and compiling two minetest at the same time
18:15 paxcoder Debian sid package crashes the same way. It's from November 14
18:16 paxcoder -rw-r--r--    1 3000     3000      1907242 Nov 14 10:46 minetest_0.4.10+repack-2_amd64.deb
18:17 paxcoder Why didn't mv mods meds help?
18:17 Jordach !up
18:17 MinetestBot is up (71ms)
18:17 Jordach purr :3
18:17 Halo joined #minetest
18:17 PenguinDad joined #minetest
18:21 paxcoder Jordach, Why is this happening to me: 19:20:41: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: = not found (HTTP response code said error) (response code 404)
18:21 btoothpick Other features of world edit are working, maybe my we file is corrupt.
18:21 sfan5 paxcoder: becuase jordach broke his config
18:22 paxcoder can someone give me a server ,~,
18:22 Jordach oh
18:22 Jordach i see
18:23 paxcoder Jordach, may I ask is the fix going to be soon?
18:23 paxcoder also must I be registered?
18:23 Jordach paxcoder, MT decided to install a random newline
18:24 paxcoder Jordach, qué?
18:24 Jordach for some reason MT deletes newlines at random
18:24 Jordach inserting a new one fixes it
18:24 paxcoder aaaalrighty then
18:25 paxcoder that sounds like a nice parser []_[]
18:25 sloantothebone joined #minetest
18:25 Viper168 joined #minetest
18:25 FR^2 joined #minetest
18:26 * PenguinDad meows at paxcoder
18:26 paxcoder PenguinDad, I'm sorry, I've been away, I'm not familiar with this meme. Is it pinging? Consider this a pong.
18:27 sfan5 paxcoder: no, it's being a cat
18:27 * sfan5 curls up to paxcoder's lap
18:27 shadowzone joined #minetest
18:28 paxcoder I don't like cats. That is, I have the same relationship with cats, as they do with humans, except neither one of them feeds me.
18:28 kilbith /query VanessaE
18:29 Jordach nload
18:29 Jordach derp
18:30 btoothpick The command //allocate file.we also crashed the server
18:30 rcmaehl joined #minetest
18:30 Viper168 joined #minetest
18:33 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
18:35 Yellowberry I think I need a therapist, I have this video on loop: (Much Warn, Such NSFW)
18:35 Calinou don't post NSFW links here
18:35 Yellowberry fine
18:36 Yellowberry confound these ponies
18:36 Yellowberry gtg
18:36 Yellowberry left #minetest
18:38 Yellowberry joined #minetest
18:38 Yellowberry nevermind
18:38 Yellowberry heh
18:38 PenguinDad Oh well, whatever, nevermind *sings*
18:39 blaise only thought you had to go?
18:39 Calinou /)(^ε^)(\
18:40 Yellowberry blaise: yeah
18:41 Yellowberry but then it turns out that my father isn't home, so I can't go yet
18:41 Yellowberry XD
18:43 shadowzone joined #minetest
18:43 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
18:52 Jordach #rekt
18:54 rubenwardy Oh, no.
18:54 blaise isht da fascha?
18:55 rubenwardy The #rekt virus has spread.
18:55 rubenwardy DEPLOY THE LIFEBOATS
18:56 blaise
18:57 PenguinDad This is about the most stupid shit I've ever seen
18:58 Calinou Tesserekt
18:59 Calinou <Calinou>;p=73760#p73760
18:59 Calinou <Calinou> FUCKING FINALLY
18:59 Calinou I visited the owncloud site randomly, and found this
18:59 PenguinDad rubenwardy: you can't stop it :>
19:00 blaise lol
19:01 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:04 twoelk joined #minetest
19:06 proller joined #minetest
19:08 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:21 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
19:21 n4x joined #minetest
19:22 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:25 CraigyDavi !up
19:25 MinetestBot is up (13ms)
19:25 CraigyDavi woop woop
19:26 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
19:26 jin_xi joined #minetest
19:28 gravgun joined #minetest
19:29 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx the mobs are not working properly here
19:29 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx who can help me? :(
19:29 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx only some sandmonsters spawned( about 6) and nohting else then all the time
19:29 kaeza evenings
19:29 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx what can I do?
19:31 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: did you install the dependencies like I told you to?
19:31 btoothpick I'm unable to load schems with worldedit.
19:31 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx there are no unfullfilled dependencies
19:31 VanessaE btoothpick: maybe the schematic is too big for the amount of memory you have?
19:32 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: pastebin the last 20 or so lines of your debug.txt please
19:32 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx hi kaeza, how can i use the weapons in your firearms mod?
19:32 btoothpick doubt it is that
19:32 kaeza what do you mean with "how can I use", exactly?
19:33 VanessaE evening, kaeza  :)
19:33 btoothpick Here is the error:
19:33 VanessaE btoothpick: ok, in that case I'm wrong :)
19:33 kaeza o/ V
19:33 VanessaE better poke at the worldedit team for a fix, I'll pull it into dreambuilder asap
19:34 btoothpick No worries.
19:34 btoothpick I just wish I could wipe the current server and make it linux.
19:38 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx VanessaE
19:38 VanessaE btoothpick: hm, no current commits from worldedit that should have broken your ability to load a map..  better raise an issue
19:38 VanessaE
19:38 btoothpick Thanks VanessaE
19:39 VanessaE s/load a map/load a schematic/
19:39 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx however I dont understand, and I dont see any error output about "mobs" just not working completely
19:39 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: I see nothing wrong there.
19:39 VanessaE no
19:39 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx only sandmonsters spawning and not each time
19:39 VanessaE those missing files,
19:40 VanessaE did you really extract the whole of MOBF?
19:40 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx not mobf, mobs from pilz adam
19:40 VanessaE oh ok
19:40 VanessaE well even then, if it can't open those files, your copy of the mod is broken somehow
19:41 VanessaE but, don't use pilzadam's version - use Calinou's version from Carbone.
19:42 VanessaE;t=9656
19:42 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
19:45 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx VanessaE now when using calinou's I get this error
19:45 twoelk btoothpick: trying to load certain schematics on a windows machine seems problematic. Krock and me had problems with some files from Sokomines
19:45 twoelk it was a windows only issue
19:45 Krock ^ use, "b") to get around that
19:46 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: rename it to carbone_mobs
19:46 Calinou the mod topic says so ;)
19:46 VanessaE xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx: you changed the name of the mod to mobs, but it's not supposed to be
19:51 btoothpick A few people on the server now, so I'll wait until later to try any modifications.
19:51 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
19:52 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx Calinou, it doesnt work, what do I have to do?
19:52 proller joined #minetest
19:53 Calinou you renamed to carbone_mobs, yet it doesn't work?
19:53 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx yes
19:53 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx no explicit error output, but just no mobs
19:54 Calinou there are no mobs in creative mode
19:54 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:54 Calinou also, monsters spawn below sea level, on stone, in fully dark places
19:54 Calinou (height 0)
19:55 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx but what about tree monsters?
19:56 lukevph joined #minetest
19:56 lukevph left #minetest
19:57 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx ok, I see sheeps
19:57 NemoMT joined #minetest
19:57 Calinou tree monsters are also underground
19:58 Calinou you don't meet monsters outside at night
19:58 Calinou (maybe rarely, if they get out of a cave; they die at day)
19:58 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx ah ok
19:58 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx thanks :)
19:58 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx so next point
19:58 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx npc mod doenst work
19:58 proller joined #minetest
19:59 Viper168 joined #minetest
19:59 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx peaceful_npc doesnt work
19:59 seasaw joined #minetest
20:01 btoothpick twoelk: Maybe I should make a virtual machine and try to run it in there.
20:05 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx and npcf doent work either. what can I do?
20:07 kaeza define "doesn't work"
20:08 btoothpick VanessaE:  The lava is a bit too destructive.
20:08 VanessaE btoothpick: well, lava tends to do that :P
20:08 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx absolutely no NPCs are spawning
20:08 btoothpick Someone put it in the spawn area.
20:09 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx I have both npcf and friendly_npcs enabled
20:09 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx I meant "peaceful_npc"
20:11 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx so who will help me? :'(
20:13 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:13 kaeza him ^
20:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:15 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx ok, obviously I need skins and instabuild for npcf, where do I get it?
20:16 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx and plants_lib
20:16 Trustable joined #minetest
20:16 VanessaE plants_lib is in the plantlife modpack,
20:17 VanessaE instabuild, is probably this,;t=6221
20:17 stakewinner00 joined #minetest
20:17 VanessaE skins could be anything, idk, there are many skins mods
20:18 NemoMT joined #minetest
20:18 VanessaE doesn't the forum topic for the mod you're using tell you what mods it needs?
20:19 casimir joined #minetest
20:24 atatsu joined #minetest
20:27 proller joined #minetest
20:28 paramat joined #minetest
20:30 twoelk joined #minetest
20:31 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx how is there a way to compile mods?
20:31 twoelk mods are scripted in lua, no need to compile
20:31 VanessaE use LuaJIT as your backend
20:32 VanessaE (just install luajit-dev or whatevr your distro calls it and recompile minetest)(
20:33 VanessaE it will auto-compile mods when minetest loads them, making them anywhere from 3x to 10x faster
20:41 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx Kaeza what do I have to click to shoot with firearms, and how to put bullet in the gun?
20:41 kaeza xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx,
20:42 kaeza Frequently Asked Questions: | Q: How do I reload? | A: Shift + Click
20:44 MinetestBot [git] -> Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Fix #184, Fix #186, Fix #187 dcf1f79 (2014-11-21T21:43:28+01:00)
20:45 kaeza woo jeija is alive
20:47 ImQ009 joined #minetest
20:47 * VanessaE updates dreambuilder... ;)
20:47 n4x this is so BS
20:48 PenguinDad zomfg Jeija
20:48 VanessaE there.
20:49 kaeza where?
20:49 VanessaE kaeza: there -->
20:49 VanessaE :D
20:49 VanessaE n4x: what's BS about it?
20:50 Krock ..
20:50 Krock BS is the factor of player positions
20:50 n4x VanessaE: "opensource software over closed source firmware"
20:50 Krock 10.0 to be exact
20:50 VanessaE n4x: ah, didn't see that.  so basically an ordinary laptop then.
20:51 PenguinDad It's block size :D
20:51 LazyJ joined #minetest
20:52 kaeza will it respect my freedom to install proprietary software?
20:53 n4x they basically sell an overpriced normal laptop with a pre-installed distro
20:54 VanessaE n4x: now, if they had pre-installed coreboot, that might change things a bit
20:54 n4x yeah
20:54 n4x that would be neat
20:55 proller joined #minetest
21:04 LittleJoe joined #minetest
21:05 hawk666 joined #minetest
21:06 hawk666 hello
21:07 hawk666 any good builders here ?
21:07 MinetestBot [git] -> Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Fix #182, bug when placing wire crossings next to a powered source 1b9f1b8 (2014-11-21T22:05:35+01:00)
21:08 Yellowberry hawk666, I am a decent builder, why do you ask?
21:08 MinetestBot [git] -> Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Fix #183, noteblock now uses default drawtype 87bfbb4 (2014-11-21T22:07:21+01:00)
21:09 hawk666 I am looking for builders to help build a new breed of server on mintest
21:09 Yellowberry go on...
21:09 hawk666
21:09 NakedFury joined #minetest
21:10 hawk666 that is my IP it's a city role play server soon to be
21:10 VanessaE dammit Jeija, I just updated! :)
21:10 Krock VanessaE, be happy about the updates!
21:10 Yellowberry hawk666, default port?
21:10 VanessaE hawk666: there are plenty of good builders but it would help to specify what you're looking for :)
21:11 hawk666 I am looking for modern style builders as building a city for a role play
21:11 hawk666 t
21:11 hawk666 default port
21:12 Yellowberry Krock, it appears I am on one of your servers or something
21:12 Krock Yellowberry, possible.
21:13 Yellowberry I joined a server called because lol or something
21:13 hawk666 umm under my IP ?
21:15 Yellowberry hawk666: no, on another server
21:15 Yellowberry I will be on yours shortly
21:15 hawk666 ahh ok
21:15 zat joined #minetest
21:17 theTroy joined #minetest
21:18 ventrillov joined #minetest
21:18 twoelk hawk666 quite some media to download
21:21 gravgun Are all the media files transferred one-by one to clients?
21:21 gravgun Or are they compressed/packed in any way?
21:22 VanessaE gravgun: they're batched together but not compressed
21:22 VanessaE and if the client and server support it, http is used.
21:22 VanessaE (nearly all clients support it, and many servers do)
21:23 ventrillov How to install landrush mod into minetest_game? Should I only move landrush_master directory to the mods dir?
21:23 PenguinDad I always disable the usage of the remote media server in my client because the udp way is faster for me
21:23 VanessaE ventrillov: rename it to "landrush"
21:23 VanessaE put it in mods
21:23 ventrillov Thanks :)
21:23 VanessaE enable it in the world you want to play with it in
21:24 ventrillov Where to enable it? In which file?
21:24 gravgun VanessaE: a dirty but effective idea I had would be to make atlas textures + split maps; so that the amount of textures is reduced (no PNG header everytime); server would cache those atlases to avoid unnecessary work
21:25 VanessaE gravgun: not sure that would really save anything
21:26 VanessaE ventrillov: in the menu, click the world you want to play in, click "Configure"
21:26 VanessaE click the mod in the list, tick "[ ] Enabled" at the top
21:26 VanessaE click "Save"
21:26 ventrillov I'm running linux server from console.
21:26 ventrillov And I want this mod on server.
21:26 hawk666 anyone else good at building ? and role play
21:26 VanessaE in that case, from a server, just put the mod into <minetest folder>/worlds/<your world>/worldmods
21:26 VanessaE it'll be activated by default then
21:26 VanessaE (saves you from having to muck about with
21:27 ventrillov Thank you very much :)
21:27 VanessaE so e.g.  <minetest>/worlds/Survival/worldmods/landrush
21:27 VanessaE yw
21:28 Yellowberry I am joining hawk666
21:29 meldrian joined #minetest
21:30 ventrillov One more question, when I join my server, the map isn't loading. About minute later, sometimes faster, the chunks are slowly loaded. Can my server load it faster?
21:35 ventrillov Can someone answer me?
21:38 VanessaE ventrillov: try adding max_packets_per_iteration = 4096 to your server's .conf
21:38 VanessaE turn that number up higher if you want to
21:38 VanessaE max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 500
21:38 VanessaE also this
21:38 VanessaE some folks say this one can go into the tens of thousands range
21:38 ventrillov Ok, I'll try this.
21:38 VanessaE depending on your network's capabilities
21:38 OldCoder VanessaE, see you; response is in the staff channel
21:43 stormchaser3000 left #minetest
21:45 FreeFull joined #minetest
21:55 ventrillov How can I easily modify all players permissions without writting it manually i auth.txt file?
21:55 shadowzone joined #minetest
21:56 ElectronLibre left #minetest
21:57 hawk666 looking a builders to help build a city for role play
22:01 Hirato_ joined #minetest
22:04 phantombeta joined #minetest
22:04 ventrillov How can I easily add permission to all players without writting it manually in the auth.txt file?
22:05 pitriss sed?
22:08 roboman2444 joined #minetest
22:08 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx is there any mod with shooting opponents, like the skeletons in Minecraft?
22:09 Zephlon ventrillov, you could try using find and replace in a text editor like notepad++
22:09 ventrillov Can I do this on linux? I'm using Ubuntu + KDE.
22:10 Zephlon yes, there is gedit which also has find and replace
22:11 Zephlon if they all have the same set of privileges, then it's easy
22:11 ventrillov Okey. Thank you :)
22:11 Zephlon np
22:13 blaise joined #minetest
22:16 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx lol what do I do if I get stucked in minetest?
22:18 Viper168 joined #minetest
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22:25 Fritigern VanessaE: Last night i was going to tell you about this typo in coloredwoods, but then i thought "you know, let's check git first" and sure enough, it was already fixed. You ninja you! :-)
22:28 ventrillov_ joined #minetest
22:29 ventrillov_ joined #minetest
22:30 ventrillov left #minetest
22:32 RavonTUS_ joined #minetest
22:33 RavonTUS_ Greetings
22:33 RavonTUS_ I am trying to run three MT 4.10 servers on one VirtualBox, running in ubuntu.  The first two on diff ports work ok, but the three refuses to bind.  Any ideas or suggestions?
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22:41 phantombeta joined #minetest
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22:47 kaeza RavonTUS_, are you sure you're not using the same port as other one accidentally?
22:47 proller joined #minetest
22:48 kaeza how do you start the servers, exactly?
22:53 jessiebessie joined #minetest
22:53 jessiebessie hey
22:54 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx joined #minetest
22:54 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx how can I remove unknown blocks similarly to /clearobjects?
22:54 kaeza !g minetest clean mod
22:54 MinetestBot kaeza:
22:54 kaeza xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx, ^
22:55 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx ^?
22:55 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx ah ok
22:55 xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx thanks :)
22:55 kaeza is '↑' better? :)
22:57 Zephlon joined #minetest
22:59 kaeza xX_Arch-Lugal_Xx, actually, this one:
22:59 kaeza MinetestBot, go home, you're drunk
23:03 blaise joined #minetest
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23:43 freelikegnu Megaf_: did you get my message about your more_blocks crashing?
23:44 Fritigern I just tried to help someone in another room who wanted to add a new server to Quassel. Seriously, this is something that should take 20 seconds, i have been at it with him for A WHOLE HOUR and he STILL manages to doo everything wrong!!!!
23:45 Fritigern I wrote him step by step instructions, and stil he manages to end up somewhere he only could have gotten to if he completely freaking ignored me!
23:45 freelikegnu send him a bill for additional support
23:45 freelikegnu then he might read your instructions
23:45 Fritigern And to top it all off, he writes lik "Quassel it 4 of them"
23:46 freelikegnu cn haz mientes svr PZL!!!1111one
23:46 Fritigern The guy was born and raised in the New Jersey, but can't even write English!
23:47 freelikegnu ok that does not really surprise me
23:47 rickmcfarley lol NJ
23:47 Fritigern I'm not surprized either, but it pisses me off so bad!
23:47 shadowzone joined #minetest
23:48 freelikegnu new jersey is just not as good as old jersey
23:48 Fritigern English is my second language and i STILL get to teach native english speakers how to "write English good"
23:48 jessiebessie joined #minetest
23:48 freelikegnu why did they change the formula
23:48 Fritigern I am so angry right now, and just have to let off steam. I know that dumbass isn't in this room, so it's safe.
23:49 Fritigern And yes, i said dumbass. Because this line is why i tried to help him: "i need the flash for irc"
23:49 freelikegnu not like there is a public log of the channel on the web...
23:49 freelikegnu oh wait
23:49 Fritigern Like he would even know how to open a web page
23:50 VanessaE do what?
23:50 * VanessaE looks at Fritigern
23:51 VanessaE oh.
23:51 VanessaE (scrolled back and looked)
23:52 VanessaE Fritigern: go read some time :)
23:53 VanessaE you'll feel better or you'll have a stroke at all the utterly dumbshit people out there :)
23:53 Fritigern This is one of the most infuriating help sessions that i have ever conducted. And he is also the first one that i have ever put on my ignore list EVER!
23:53 jessiebessie hey Vanessa! it's been awhile
23:53 VanessaE hi jessiebessie
23:53 jessiebessie 😄
23:53 Fritigern VanessaE: Is that site anything like ?
23:54 jessiebessie what are you up o?
23:54 jessiebessie to***
23:54 VanessaE jessiebessie:  not too much here
23:55 VanessaE Fritigern: it's about customers who are just utterly stupid, where "the customer is always right" most definitely does NOT apply
23:55 VanessaE *clicks on a random item in rinkworks*
23:55 VanessaE yeah, about like this, just less geeky.
23:56 VanessaE and more verbose
23:56 Fritigern Hehehe, you wil love it!
23:56 Fritigern From Rinkworks : "Friend: "Does Windows 98 support Linux?""
23:56 VanessaE heh
23:57 Fritigern My favorite of all time: "I was calling to sign up with a new DSL provider. When the guy asked what operating system I was using, I said, "Linux." I was put on hold for five minutes, and then a supervisor came back and told me, "You can't use Linux to connect to the Internet. It's a hacker tool, anyway." I almost fell out of my chair."
23:58 VanessaE hard to imagine people being that utterly stupid but rinkworks and notalwaysright definitely prove it :)
23:58 Fritigern Some are just plain curte, like a grandmother calling a mouse a "foot switch"
23:58 Fritigern *cute
23:59 Fritigern <= Fat fingers

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