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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-10-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 codehero joined #minetest
00:04 mos_basik joined #minetest
00:05 mos_basik joined #minetest
00:08 Hobodium joined #minetest
00:11 pitriss Hi, please is there some table where are described numbers and their explanations for facedir values?
00:11 VanessaE in the lua_api.txt
00:11 VanessaE but they need to be explained a little better, yet
00:13 pitriss ok i will look there. thanks:)
00:14 argyle joined #minetest
00:17 seasaw joined #minetest
00:17 Dragonop joined #minetest
00:18 tadni joined #minetest
00:19 VanessaE pitriss: basically, it's 0-3 for the facedir, and add (0-5)*4 to select the face around which to rotate
00:20 VanessaE or something to that effect
00:20 VanessaE er 0-5....that should read (0..5)
00:20 VanessaE you get the point.
00:20 pitriss ahh  okay:)
00:21 pitriss yes. so when i need also rotate it by some axis then i need to choose proper side and multiply it by 4 to get correct value.. Thanks a lot:)
00:22 RealBadAngel
00:22 exio4 (0,5)? [0,5)? (0,5]? [0,5]?
00:22 VanessaE pitriss: correct
00:22 exio4 (open or closed interval?)
00:22 Nitori joined #minetest
00:22 VanessaE pitriss: choose a side 0..5, multiply that by 4, then add 0..3 to rotate around that axis
00:22 Komodo you need to inject the ASM bytecode
00:22 Komodo and then rewire the mainframe
00:23 Komodo then you should get the gigamatrix sequence
00:23 VanessaE Komodo: but what about launching the nuclear missiles?
00:23 Komodo whoa
00:23 Komodo we dont want to confuse our guest here
00:23 exio4 use monads for controlling side-effects
00:24 pitriss and where is dancing naked around fire while fullmoon midnight and doing some other rituals?:D
00:24 Komodo no IC2 yet
00:24 VanessaE pitriss: that's only if you install mesecons
00:24 VanessaE :)
00:24 pitriss LOL
00:24 Komodo and if you want to do it clothes, install redpower 2
00:24 Dragonop joined #minetest
00:24 VanessaE Komodo: no, that'll just open a wormhole
00:25 VanessaE wtf good is that?
00:25 Komodo duh, free mystcraft travel?
00:25 VanessaE yeah but the other end of the wormholes just end up in Borg-controlled space.  useless :P
00:26 Komodo where you will be assimilated
00:34 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
00:39 paramat joined #minetest
00:43 Nemo_ joined #minetest
00:48 Brains Assimilation could be fun...
00:50 Brains Hrm.  Sorting a gold chest doesn't sort uranium in order of %...  That was a mistake.
00:50 ShadowBot joined #minetest
00:58 Nemo_ Greetings.
00:58 turtleman_ joined #minetest
01:08 Eater4 joined #minetest
01:09 * Brains makes another 2 fuel rods and still has no idea what he'll do with a full reactor's output...
01:15 Nemo_ joined #minetest
01:17 Nemo_ left #minetest
01:21 proller joined #minetest
01:29 NemoMT joined #minetest
01:33 Nemo_ joined #minetest
01:33 NemoMT left #minetest
01:34 NemoMT joined #minetest
01:39 NemoMT joined #minetest
01:40 NemoMT left #minetest
01:41 NemoMT joined #minetest
01:47 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
01:50 jellow joined #minetest
02:03 NemoMT joined #minetest
02:13 zat joined #minetest
02:23 zlsa joined #minetest
02:24 Zeno` joined #minetest
02:30 seasaw joined #minetest
02:39 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
02:39 lasers joined #minetest
02:46 LazyJ joined #minetest
02:47 alket joined #minetest
02:53 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
03:00 dacthebull joined #minetest
03:02 Thenextlevel_ joined #minetest
03:02 dacthebull left #minetest
03:12 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:21 OldCoder
03:22 OldCoder Zeno`, as promised ^
03:22 Thenextlevel_ left #minetest
03:26 Zeno` I still don't get why the usleep is needed :(
03:26 lasers joined #minetest
03:26 lasers joined #minetest
03:28 OldCoder Zeno`, I am not sure it is, but this patch is very fragile
03:28 OldCoder And I have spent a full week with a lockup world
03:28 OldCoder I will take what I can get
03:29 Zeno` So this works for you now?
03:29 OldCoder The negative sequence numbers are a clue, aren't they?
03:29 OldCoder For a day again
03:29 OldCoder If lasts another day, good sign
03:29 Zeno` OK well I think that it works anyway
03:29 OldCoder But it is covering the real problem
03:29 OldCoder If things happen too fast, there is recursion of some type
03:29 OldCoder A hard loop
03:30 OldCoder Negative sequence numbers, etc.
03:30 Zeno` I thought I would have finished cleaning up the_game() last night and gotten onto this today
03:30 OldCoder No rush, Zeno`
03:30 OldCoder Gather thoughts and perhaps Sapier will comment
03:30 Zeno` Yeah well, since it's working (the patch) I will start analsis from there
03:30 OldCoder I think
03:30 Zeno` yeah "probably" working
03:30 OldCoder It is probably as simple as increasing the minimum timeout
03:30 OldCoder I may fall back to that as a test
03:31 OldCoder The code which handles negative rtt may also be involved
03:31 OldCoder But in the end something somewhere else is being corrupted
03:31 Zeno` what is negative rtt?
03:31 OldCoder Meaningless but there is code to check for it
03:31 OldCoder And the code
03:31 OldCoder Allowed resend timeout to pass without being set
03:31 Thenextlevel_ joined #minetest
03:31 Zeno` is that code ever triggered? If so that's a problem
03:32 OldCoder I have not added debug statements to check this, but somebody thought it was possible
03:32 Zeno` hmm
03:32 OldCoder and it would have messed up timeouts
03:32 OldCoder Theory remains, minimum timeout was too low
03:32 OldCoder and this exposed a problem elsewhere in the network code
03:32 OldCoder where if things happened too fast, the code went belly-up
03:33 Zeno` I'll try and reproduce on my machine by making timeout even lower
03:33 OldCoder How about sequence numbers of 65K?
03:33 OldCoder Are those a clue?
03:33 Zeno` well, the first seq num is 65505 or something so maybe not
03:33 OldCoder Hm
03:33 OldCoder I may try running without the patch right now
03:33 OldCoder To see if updating git made a difference
03:34 Zeno` #define SEQNUM_INITIAL 65500
03:47 Vazon joined #minetest
03:49 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
03:52 Cylus joined #minetest
03:53 diemartin joined #minetest
04:27 Weedy joined #minetest
04:33 phantombeta joined #minetest
04:38 TheKingDoof joined #minetest
04:40 alexxs joined #minetest
04:42 paramat left #minetest
04:45 alexxs joined #minetest
04:49 sol_invictus joined #minetest
04:52 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
05:00 Inocudom Bye.
05:00 Inocudom left #minetest
05:00 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
05:04 alexxs joined #minetest
05:21 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
05:21 dbz2k joined #minetest
05:22 HiddenFishy joined #minetest
05:23 jojoa1997 yo
05:30 Viper168_ joined #minetest
05:55 Vazon Guys, is there a way to use a if then function in lua to determine if a nodebox is fixed??
05:55 Vazon if this node_box = {
05:55 Vazon type = "fixed", = true??
05:57 Pest joined #minetest
05:57 VanessaE get the node def into a variable first, then do,   if node_def_variable.node_box.type == "fixed" then ... do whatever ... end
05:58 Vazon ok thanks :)
05:59 VanessaE better would be,  if node_def_variable.node_box and node_def_variable.node_box.type == "fixed" then ... do whatever ... end
05:59 VanessaE (i.e. that extra check first, to make sure there's a nodebox defined at all)
05:59 Vazon ok
05:59 VanessaE node_def_variable of course holds your complete node definition, which you'd get from the minetest.registered_nodes table
05:59 Vazon same goes for a light sourse?
06:00 VanessaE yeah, you can get any field that way
06:00 Vazon kk
06:01 VanessaE so a more exact example might be:   node = minetest.registered_nodes["stairs:stair_wood"]  ;  if node.node_box and node.node_box.type = "fixed" then ... do whatever ... end
06:01 VanessaE er, ==
06:01 Vazon lol
06:02 cmhobbs joined #minetest
06:06 Vazon VanessaE: what is wrong here; if not node_def_variable.node_box and node_def_variable.node_box.type == "fixed" or node_def_variable.paramtype == "light" then
06:06 Vazon node_placement_prediction = "",
06:06 Vazon end
06:07 Vazon i keep getting the error unexpected symbol my "if"
06:07 Vazon by*
06:07 VanessaE lose the comma
06:07 Vazon kk\
06:07 VanessaE pastebin the whole section of code if you don't mind
06:09 rcmaehl joined #minetest
06:09 rcmaehl joined #minetest
06:10 Vazon
06:10 Vazon and yes i know use minetest.override but i dont feel like it
06:11 VanessaE ah, yeah you can't use an if there
06:11 Nemo_ joined #minetest
06:12 Vazon ??
06:12 Vazon well do you have a better solution?
06:12 VanessaE if you want to do something like that, you need to put your conditional outside the node def and use it to redefine the node.
06:12 VanessaE if (it's not fixed) then (code to redefine the node) end
06:13 Vazon ooo ok
06:13 * Vazon just looked at the first sentence becuase it looked like Chinese to him
06:13 Nemo_ left #minetest
06:19 VanessaE I'm off to bed
06:19 VanessaE good luck :)
06:19 Vazon Thanks and bye
06:34 NemoMT joined #minetest
06:39 NemoMT_ joined #minetest
06:47 NemoMT I am now identified. May I request a cloak? Thank you for your time.
06:47 NemoMT Agh, wrong channel. I'm sorry.
06:48 NemoMT joined #minetest
06:54 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
06:55 CWz joined #minetest
06:57 Zeno` joined #minetest
06:58 Zeno` well, minetest client runs
06:58 Zeno` sort of
07:06 CWz joined #minetest
07:18 ImQ009 joined #minetest
07:19 tadni` joined #minetest
07:31 Vargos joined #minetest
07:34 OldCoder He got his cloak BTW
07:35 Fritigern sfan5: Loving WorldEdit, it just needs //undo badly.
07:36 ecutruin joined #minetest
07:38 blaze joined #minetest
07:39 asie joined #minetest
07:58 RiZom-91 joined #minetest
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:05 CWz anybody know if this mod still works correctly
08:08 NemoMT I don't know. But it looks outdated. Although unless the ban-system got updated, I would assume it still works.
08:11 Manfred_ joined #minetest
08:12 selat joined #minetest
08:17 diemartin CWz, from the looks of it, it should work. but why not xban2?? :((
08:19 NemoMT joined #minetest
08:22 CWz i use xban2 but i need future_ban for simple listing
08:34 Akagi201 joined #minetest
08:38 HTML left #minetest
08:48 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
08:52 PenguinDad joined #minetest
08:56 Cacatoes joined #minetest
09:23 chchjesus joined #minetest
09:25 The_Loko joined #minetest
09:34 Krock joined #minetest
09:35 LazyJ CWz, we've been using Future Ban in Wazuland2 for almost 2 years; currently running MT 0.4.10. Future Ban works well but you have to be cautious about what names you enter. Because Future Ban bans by playername, you have to consider if the playername is one that is likely to be used by good player in the future.
09:37 LazyJ Future-banning "griefermaster" is ok, but think twice before future-banning "steve".
09:39 Krock meow
09:40 Krock LazyJ, why not delete unused player files, to get some space for new players?
09:41 LazyJ Future ban bans players by name. Deleting the player file won't prevent them from logging in again.
09:42 Krock limit the accounts per IP..
09:42 LazyJ Future ban isn't perfect. I'd recommend it as a companion to xBan2.
09:42 LazyJ Future ban will catch the players who use a proxy or dynamic IP but use the same playername.
09:43 Krock mostly, they will join as "steve2" instead of "steve" :P
09:43 LazyJ We considered limiting accounts per IP but we have households who have different players coming from the same IP as well as schools and libraries.
09:44 LazyJ Or even Internet cafes... where ever it IPs are coming from.
09:44 Krock true.
09:45 LazyJ As yet there is no one perfect solution to handle all possible scenarios.
09:45 Krock well, general accounts with email verify surely would help lel
09:45 LazyJ So it's a combination of future_ban, xban2, no_guest (modified), and in extreme cases, iptable blocks.
09:48 GhostDoge joined #minetest
09:54 * Krock copied a complete operating system from one to another HDD :)
09:55 Krock LOL
09:55 Krock The OS detected its HDD as a new disk
09:57 Jordach joined #minetest
10:00 PenguinDad Krock: that's easy
10:19 jojoa1998 joined #minetest
10:24 alexxs joined #minetest
10:26 iqualfragile joined #minetest
10:27 jojoa1997|PC joined #minetest
10:28 emeralds joined #minetest
10:29 tpe joined #minetest
10:30 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
10:33 asie_ joined #minetest
10:51 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:57 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:59 theTroy joined #minetest
11:18 rubberduck1 joined #minetest
11:18 rubberduck1 left #minetest
11:19 iqualfragile joined #minetest
11:21 hisforever joined #minetest
11:21 compcube joined #minetest
11:22 compcube joined #minetest
11:22 hisforever How do I configur an Elevator?
11:26 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
11:36 iqualfragile hisforever: EBIC-C3 or DELB-M[10-30]?
11:38 hisforever ty iqualfragile
11:40 alket joined #minetest
12:04 Urfin joined #minetest
12:09 Salbei_ joined #minetest
12:17 asie joined #minetest
12:42 hisforever joined #minetest
12:42 hisforever Having trouble configuring elevator?
12:45 Jordach travelnet ones you just place in the same x and z, but different heights
12:48 hisforever you mean //travelnet x30 z =50?
12:50 Krock joined #minetest
12:53 * PenguinDad throws a mountain dew flavored dorito at Krock :>
12:53 Krock :)
12:54 Some_Donkus joined #minetest
12:58 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
13:08 gloop joined #minetest
13:08 kilbith joined #minetest
13:09 Erthome_ joined #minetest
13:12 Krock meow
13:14 Jousway joined #minetest
13:17 Zeno` Krock!
13:17 Krock Zeno`
13:17 Krock !
13:17 proller joined #minetest
13:17 Zeno` proller!
13:23 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:29 Erthome joined #minetest
13:30 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:31 shadowzone joined #minetest
13:41 Viper168 joined #minetest
13:45 Bob82604 joined #minetest
13:45 Bob82604 How do op players?
13:46 Bob82604 Leme try that again
13:46 Bob82604 How do I give players privilages?
13:46 Krock /grant foobar privilege
13:47 Krock example: /grant crazydood123 fly
13:47 Bob82604 I need to give myself privilages first. How do I do that?
13:48 Krock /grant <me> all
13:48 Fritigern You do that by typing /grant bobmalooga all
13:48 Fritigern Assuming that your user name is bobmalooga
13:48 Krock where <me> is your player name or singleplayer
13:48 * Fritigern shuts up now
13:49 Bob82604 testing
13:49 * Krock wonders why Fritigern does that
13:49 Fritigern Krock: the shutting up?
13:49 Krock no, I mean the shutting up.
13:49 Fritigern Oh, i thought you meant the shutting up!
13:49 Krock exactly that on
13:49 Krock e
13:49 Fritigern LOL
13:50 Fritigern I felt i was getting in the way. That's all
13:50 Krock k
13:51 Bob82604 Responds with "Your privalges are insufficient:"
13:51 Fritigern Bob82604: Are you the admin of that server?
13:51 Krock Bob82604, then you're not the owner of the server
13:52 Krock set "name = <me>" in the server's minetest.conf file if you're the owner, it will grant you all privileges
13:52 nore joined #minetest
13:52 Bob82604 how do i set myself as admin of my server?
13:52 Krock ninja'd
13:52 Fritigern LOL
13:52 * PenguinDad installs ninjad
13:53 * Krock gives PenguinDad '
13:53 * Fritigern warns PenguinDad that it's a very powerful daemon
13:53 Krock demons!
13:53 PenguinDad Krock: no daemons
13:54 phantombeta joined #minetest
13:54 PenguinDad No cookies for kitties :(
13:54 * PenguinDad ignores Fritigern's warning
13:55 * Fritigern sits back and waits for PenguinDad's computer to sneak up on P-daddy and assasinate him :-)
13:58 PenguinDad "Es konnte kein Paket gefunden werden, dessen Name oder Beschreibung auf »ninjad« passt." :(
13:58 * Krock deletes $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder
13:58 Fritigern Well, that sucks,  you should switch to NinjaOS then
13:58 Krock PenguinDad, too bad.
13:58 * Krock gives P-daddy some P-code
13:59 * Fritigern kann Dutch lesen, aber night so gut schreiben
13:59 Fritigern *Deutsch
13:59 Bob82604 I added the "name = <me>" to the config file I still do not have privilages - How do I login as admin? using my name dont work
13:59 Krock Bob82604, replace <me> again with your name
13:59 Fritigern Bob82604: What is you user name in the game?
13:59 * PenguinDad can't read Dutch
13:59 Krock you'll have to restart the server application
14:00 Krock \o/ 70 MB compressed to 11 MB. perfect backup
14:00 Bob82604 Bob
14:00 Fritigern Well, then name = bob
14:00 Krock s^
14:00 Krock ehm. case sensitive, Fritigern!
14:01 Krock it must be "name = Bob"
14:01 Fritigern Yeah, my shift key got away from me
14:01 Bob82604 I think i'm finally getting somewhere, - Thanks all!
14:02 Krock np
14:02 Bob82604 left #minetest
14:02 Fritigern But Krockis right, it is case sensitive. If Bob is the owner/admin, then you can still have accounts called boB, bOb or bob.
14:03 Fritigern And they would all be different
14:03 Fritigern And he's gone. Grr
14:03 Krock it would be amazing if there would be gravity in minetest. many steel blocks = build my own planet :D
14:03 Fritigern LOL!
14:03 Krock well, light would need a rewrite
14:04 PenguinDad Minetest: Build your planet!
14:12 zat joined #minetest
14:16 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:31 Krock sfan5, I miss MTB
14:32 MinetestBot joined #minetest
14:33 * PenguinDad hugs MinetestBot
14:33 Krock MinetestBot!
14:33 MinetestBot Krock!
14:33 * sfan5 meows at MinetestBot
14:34 Xack dat MinetestBot
14:34 sfan5 dat Xack
14:34 Xack dat sfan5 :D
14:34 sfan5 :3
14:34 PenguinDad dat dat
14:34 Xack det dem
14:34 Xack *dat dem
14:34 Xack closeenough
14:34 sfan5 dem dat?
14:34 Xack dem dats tho
14:34 Xack 2dem4me
14:34 sfan5 hmm
14:34 sfan5 hm
14:34 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:34 sfan5 !c bin(ord("A"))
14:34 MinetestBot '0b1000001'
14:35 sfan5 !c bin(ord("A"))[2:]
14:35 MinetestBot '1000001'
14:35 sfan5 !c ' '.join("dat" if n == 1 else "dem" for n in bin(ord("A"))[2:])
14:35 MinetestBot 'dem dem dem dem dem dem dem'
14:35 sfan5 :(
14:35 sfan5 oh
14:35 sfan5 !c ' '.join("dat" if n == '1' else "dem" for n in bin(ord("A"))[2:])
14:35 MinetestBot 'dat dem dem dem dem dem dat'
14:35 sfan5 ^ Xack: an A
14:35 Xack :D
14:35 Xack legit
14:36 sfan5 !c ''.join((' '.join("dat" if n == '1' else "dem" for n in bin(ord(c))[2:])) for c in "meow")
14:36 MinetestBot 'dat dat dem dat dat dem datdat dat dem dem dat dem datdat dat dem dat dat dat datdat dat dat dem dat dat dat'
14:36 sfan5 ^ Xack
14:37 PenguinDad datdat meow :D
14:37 proller joined #minetest
14:39 Xack :DDDD
14:43 MinetestBot [git] -> minetest/minetest: Add meshnode drawtype. 0066bd7 (2014-10-18T16:42:23+02:00)
14:43 sfan5 wow
14:43 sfan5 such color
14:45 PenguinDad Mbzst zrfuabqrf!
14:45 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:46 RealBadAngel sfan5, such colors? such shapes! ;)
14:47 sfan5 :D
14:51 phantombeta joined #minetest
14:52 Fritigern Next merge: /spawn
15:00 Krock waat? 1 virus found per second?
15:00 Krock adware..
15:00 PenguinDad 1 vps lol
15:00 Krock yay! meshnodes!
15:01 Krock PenguinDad, yeah. lol
15:01 PenguinDad yay! faster nodeboxes!
15:01 Krock yay! foobar
15:02 Krock got three 150 GB HDDs now.. don't know what to do. too much space.
15:03 PenguinDad Use them to store anime :p
15:03 Krock mhm too slow internet connection
15:03 sfan5 make a RAID
15:03 Krock *googles*
15:04 sfan5 what?
15:04 sfan5 do you not know what a RAID is?
15:04 Krock now I know what you mean. thanks wikipedia
15:04 Krock looks interesting
15:05 PenguinDad RAID == Read Addicting Internet Dramas :P
15:05 Krock yes yes.
15:07 asie joined #minetest
15:09 Cacatoes joined #minetest
15:09 zlsa joined #minetest
15:10 Krock 0.0 freeminer got many, many new commits
15:11 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:11 PenguinDad And it got much faster for me but is still slolwer than minetest
15:11 PenguinDad *slower
15:12 Krock And it is still at the same speed as some months ago. Zero.
15:12 RealBadAngel PenguinDad, wait for cracks and highlighting changes
15:12 RealBadAngel this will reduce need for mapblock mesh updates a lot
15:13 Krock RealBadAngel, already active in minetest? ^
15:13 PenguinDad RealBadAngel: I can't wait for it ;)
15:14 RealBadAngel Krock, what do you mean? im active for 2 yrs already :P
15:14 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:15 Krock RealBadAngel, then you've got a big knowlege aobut the minetest codes already. :) But I meant the 'cracks and highlighting changes'
15:15 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:16 RealBadAngel Krock, with those i meant moving cracked and highlighted nodes into separate irrlicht scene nodes, independent from blocks meshes
15:17 Krock ah okay
15:17 RealBadAngel now changing pointed thing, or digging something is causing whole 16*16*16 block to update
15:17 RealBadAngel thus is a bottleneck
15:18 Krock uh. therefore the fps drop
15:18 PenguinDad That's totally insane
15:18 Cylus joined #minetest
15:18 RealBadAngel yes its insane
15:19 Krock I hope it's (going to be) fixed in minetest
15:19 PenguinDad Updating 4096 nodes for a change which only makes a difference for 1-2 nodes
15:19 Krock !c 16**3
15:19 MinetestBot 4096
15:19 RealBadAngel exactly
15:19 Krock and I guess, the lightening is calculated everytime, too?
15:19 sfan5 yes
15:20 RealBadAngel ofc
15:20 Krock amazing
15:20 Krock I wonder why my PC didn't get on fire yet
15:20 sfan5 well
15:20 sfan5 MC isn't much better
15:20 sfan5 !c 16*256*16
15:20 MinetestBot 65536
15:20 Krock why 256?
15:20 sfan5 height
15:20 Krock stupid sizes
15:21 PenguinDad !c 16*16
15:21 MinetestBot 256
15:21 Krock yay! a flat minetest world
15:21 Krock minetest! now much faster in 2d!
15:22 PenguinDad Krock: Let's bump blocksize too 256**3 :P
15:22 PenguinDad *to
15:22 Krock PenguinDad, wtf no.
15:22 Krock at least 65500**3
15:22 RealBadAngel size is ok
15:23 RealBadAngel just updating it so often is stupid
15:23 * Krock agrees
15:23 PenguinDad RealBadAngel: I was kidding
15:23 * Krock is off. cloning C: to somewhat
15:23 RealBadAngel anyway, with latest pull it will be faster
15:23 RealBadAngel especially with lotsa nodeboxes out there
15:24 RealBadAngel meshes atm are the fastest drawtype aviable
15:24 RealBadAngel and thx to conversion nodeboxes are equally fast
15:24 RealBadAngel there is nothing faster
15:26 iqualfragile RealBadAngel: can you add an example to minimal or is there allready?
15:26 RealBadAngel i will upload example mod to my repo
15:26 PenguinDad This will especially be nice for kilbith/jp :D
15:27 cmhobbs joined #minetest
15:32 MinetestBot [git] Zeno- -> minetest/minetest: Move buttons upwards to accommodate for new configure keys button in the fe8ef1b (2014-10-18T17:30:17+02:00)
15:33 lemonlake joined #minetest
15:34 ElectronLibre left #minetest
15:45 kilbith joined #minetest
15:45 RealBadAngel im preparing now a repo with some meshnodes examples
15:45 kilbith RBA, I love you
15:45 RealBadAngel oh ty, show with a few crates of beer :P
15:46 kilbith you're a god
15:46 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:50 RealBadAngel lol
15:50 sol_invictus <3 RBA
15:50 RealBadAngel im just a demoscene coder
15:51 kilbith now you can get ride of ~2000 lines of code
15:51 kilbith rid*
15:51 RealBadAngel i could
15:52 RealBadAngel but it should stay here imho
15:52 RealBadAngel we need some docs on how nodeboxes work for future generations ;)
15:53 RealBadAngel a joke ofc, but eventually that code shall be removed since its dead
15:53 kilbith or commented
15:54 lemonlake ^
15:54 RealBadAngel maybe better commented out
15:58 RealBadAngel
15:58 RealBadAngel mod shall be renamed to "mesh"
15:58 shadowzone joined #minetest
15:59 RealBadAngel 2nd test mesh have a property that is about to be implemented for all the nodes
15:59 RealBadAngel custom collision boxes
16:00 RealBadAngel i will make a pull with them in half an hour
16:16 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:17 Calinou joined #minetest
16:20 Vazon joined #minetest
16:24 Hobodium joined #minetest
16:25 cesar__ joined #minetest
16:26 cesar__ learning minetest. stuccked in the depth of the earth. there is some way to reset my position?
16:26 Calinou * Added <code>stepheight</code> to entity definition ''(sapier)''
16:26 Calinou O_o
16:26 Calinou I didn't know this was possible
16:26 cesar__ well.. just dug too much.. :)
16:27 sfan5 cesar__: use /grant singleplayer all and then /teleport 0 20 0
16:28 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:28 cesar__ it worked! thank you!
16:28 Calinou /teleport 0,20,0
16:28 Calinou isn't it?
16:29 Calinou you use commas as separators for coordinates
16:29 sfan5 not with /teleport
16:29 nore I reckon both can actually be used
16:29 Calinou ah
16:29 Calinou nice fool-proofness
16:30 cesar__ left #minetest
16:30 nore yep: p.x, p.y, p.z = string.match(param, "^([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)$")
16:30 nore ^ see the [, ]
16:33 kilbith joined #minetest
16:34 alexxss joined #minetest
16:35 Calinou is there an helper for making multi-parameter chat commands?
16:35 Calinou to make commands with 3-5 params without dealing with string.match stuff or such
16:35 Calinou I've had trouble making such commands
16:37 hmmmm joined #minetest
16:37 exio4 I wonder why it isn't even managed outside the chats command "itself"
16:38 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:38 seasaw joined #minetest
16:38 asie joined #minetest
16:39 exio4 Calinou: go for canadian english
16:39 exio4 >:P
16:39 Sompi joined #minetest
16:44 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:45 dhasenan_ joined #minetest
16:48 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:50 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:50 rubenwardy Hi all!
16:50 MinetestForFun Hi rubenwardy
16:51 phantombeta joined #minetest
16:52 shadowzone joined #minetest
16:53 Chicken_shadow joined #minetest
16:55 Calinou hi rubenwardy
16:56 phantombeta joined #minetest
17:06 Sompi joined #minetest
17:14 Calinou 329 edits on Minetest Wiki already :o
17:14 exio4 330 > 329
17:16 seasaw joined #minetest
17:17 shadowzone joined #minetest
17:21 Calinou Carbone: Put the wieldhand texture back in.
17:25 theTroy joined #minetest
17:25 Vazon Calinou: since you have done alot with stairs and stuff is it possible to where stairs can deside what shape they want to be??? ( like the minecraft stairs i dont want to add more blocks and stuff )
17:26 rubenwardy I can't understand what you mean, Vazon
17:26 rubenwardy Do you mean that the automatically snap to the nodes around them?
17:27 rubenwardy * they?
17:27 rubenwardy That actually wouldn't be too hard.
17:27 rubenwardy Just an on_place function to select the right one
17:27 Vazon yes so like if you what 2 stairs face the other way the 3rd stair will deside to be one of the 2 cornor peices
17:27 rubenwardy when placing it. Updating when new nodes are placed is harder
17:28 Calinou I'm working on some Carbone texture renews (to look less washed out)
17:28 Calinou Vazon, automatic shaping is possible, but tricky
17:29 Vazon ok that is what i thought but adding it where it has to read where the other 2 stairs are is a bit beyond what little i know in lua atm
17:29 rubenwardy I might try it
17:30 Vazon if so thanks, on my Classic server im trying to add a bit more ease to building with out getting to far from the basic game
17:30 Thenextlevel joined #minetest
17:31 rubenwardy I am too busy to do it today. Maybe sometime. Don't let me stop anyone else from trying
17:32 Vazon kk :)
17:38 iqualfragile Calinou: do you have a git for carbone?
17:38 iqualfragile im using it on my server, and recopying it every time is annoying
17:39 iqualfragile rubenwardy: no, not really, you can just check the environment on place
17:39 PenguinDad iqualfragile: here's the carbone repo
17:39 iqualfragile put please make sure that its order-agnostic
17:39 iqualfragile PenguinDad: oh, i meant the texturepack
17:39 GrimKriegor joined #minetest
17:40 rubenwardy You'd need to use register_on_placenode if you wanted it to react to newly place nodes or other types.
17:41 OldCoder joined #minetest
17:41 seasaw_ joined #minetest
17:42 Calinou renewed textures uploaded
17:42 Calinou using new flowers too
17:43 shadowzone joined #minetest
17:44 RiZom-91 joined #minetest
17:50 Calinou
17:50 Calinou
17:50 Calinou ^ how the renewed textures look
17:51 RealBadAngel fps 95, quite nice
17:52 exio4 "less high"
17:52 PenguinDad less high == lower?
17:53 exio4 that english sounds like what I would said
17:54 seasaw left #minetest
17:54 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:00 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
18:04 kilbith joined #minetest
18:04 hisforever joined #minetest
18:07 hisforever Had to relocate an Evelator and now they arent working took both boxes out and remaned then to first floor and 2 floor gow di I reconfiger them to new names?
18:08 hisforever gow = Now
18:08 hisforever di = did
18:08 Calinou RealBadAngel, outside of forests I have way more
18:08 Calinou 95 isn't exceptional
18:13 Krock joined #minetest
18:13 Krock meow
18:13 Krock amaze. it actually cloned the whole HDD
18:14 PenguinDad It was too much for him
18:14 PenguinDad Rest In Pasta Krock
18:15 Sokomine hisforever: the first elevator placed will be ground. if you want to change that, you might have to dig some of them and place them again. as soon as they're configured, they ought to work
18:16 Sokomine PenguinDad: what was too much for him?
18:19 hisforever ok I'll reset thst ty
18:19 jin_xi joined #minetest
18:20 PenguinDad IRC was too much for him because he left it after ~1 minute :(
18:20 Calinou <Calinou> more renewed textures: cobblestone, desert cobblestone, wood, jungle wood…
18:20 Calinou <Calinou> I got OK health and breath bars
18:20 marioxcc joined #minetest
18:21 marioxcc hello, a friend and me are interested in setting up a minetest server, In order to size a VPS to host it, I need to have a rough idea of the resources it will take
18:21 Calinou marioxcc, you need a VPS with at least 1 GB of RAM, 2 GB is recommended
18:21 Calinou dual-core CPU is preferred too, but single core is OK
18:22 marioxcc would anybody be so kind as to give me an idea on this?
18:22 marioxcc Calinou: how much RAM is actually used for a server, where say, the most users at at time is 4?
18:22 Calinou a few MB at start, up to ~500 MB depending on mods and configuration?
18:22 Calinou I don't really know
18:22 marioxcc is there a way to configure minetestserver to use less RAM? 1 GB seems like a lot, I'm asking mainly how much resources we will need for starting
18:22 Calinou you can use settings to optimize performance
18:23 Calinou;t=1825
18:23 Calinou very useful for CPU, helps for RAM a bit
18:27 marioxcc Calinou: I see, is your estimate of 500 MB based on actual measurements?
18:28 Calinou Carbone: Higher player limit by default, more blocks sent and generated (will be slower but feel better), more blocks networked at once (will use more bandwidth but load faster). Edit minetest.conf if you need to use the old settings.
18:28 Calinou marioxcc, I've never hosted 4 players for a long time
18:29 Calinou to measure, you'd need to have 4 players on, doing stuff for several hours (10-20)
18:30 Erthome_ joined #minetest
18:31 marioxcc calinou: yes, of course. I was asking in the case that somebody actually performed those measurements
18:31 Calinou VanessaE and OldCoder run a lot of servers
18:32 rubenwardy joined #minetest
18:32 hoodedice joined #minetest
18:32 exio41 joined #minetest
18:33 Calinou joined #minetest
18:38 hisforever guess I'[ll just use ladders to my apt.'s I can't figure these crazy elevators
18:40 Calinou Carbone: tweaked torch selection box (easier to select), bigger but less wide
18:41 hisforever Ty Calinou I just registred on the linux forun
18:42 hisforever is there a way to reset thye elevatore to default settings?
18:43 hisforever So I van reconfigur them?
18:44 Calinou which mod do you use?
18:44 Calinou I've never used any elevator mod
18:44 hoodedice !g elevator minetest
18:44 MinetestBot hoodedice:
18:45 hoodedice sorry
18:45 mpa1212 joined #minetest
18:49 rubenwardy hg truly sucks
18:50 hoodedice !g hg
18:50 MinetestBot hoodedice:
18:51 hoodedice why use mercurial when you have git?
18:52 zlsa joined #minetest
18:55 rubenwardy exactly
18:55 rubenwardy it is so stupid
18:55 rubenwardy it is used for MMDB
18:56 Pest joined #minetest
18:57 turtleman_ joined #minetest
18:58 shadowzone joined #minetest
18:59 Ritchie joined #minetest
18:59 Calinou joined #minetest
18:59 e1z0 joined #minetest
18:59 hisforever I'm using VannessE's Dreambuliders game
19:00 hisforever I didn't install the Elevator Mod it was in the game itself
19:02 alexxs joined #minetest
19:05 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:12 alexxs joined #minetest
19:16 hoodedice spotify:track:754WgEesWgssZG3XzU9XcG
19:16 hoodedice Sorry Canadians
19:16 * sfan5 meows at hoodedice
19:16 sfan5 hoodedice:
19:18 kaeza joined #minetest
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19:19 kilbith left #minetest
19:19 kilbith joined #minetest
19:21 diemartin joined #minetest
19:21 hoodedice for Canadians:
19:24 Vazon rubenwardy: you there?
19:24 rubenwardy Yes
19:24 rubenwardy But not for much longer
19:24 hoodedice Why not hoodedice? hoodedice knows a lot
19:24 hoodedice (not)
19:24 Vazon do you have some time to explain a bit of im wanting with stairs to someone, i cant find a good way to explain it
19:25 hoodedice a bit of what?
19:25 rubenwardy When placing a new stair, it automatically changes shape to match the ones around it. For example, if you have a row of stairs and then create a corner, a corner stair is used for a smooth turning.
19:25 Vazon hoodedice: im wanting stairs to snap to other stairs
19:26 rubenwardy ^ that's an even better explaination
19:27 Vazon rubenwardy: he has the skills to make the adjustments but doesnt quite understand what we are wanting
19:27 rubenwardy gtg
19:27 Vazon bye
19:27 diemartin joined #minetest
19:28 diemartin greetings
19:28 Vazon Ellos kaeza
19:28 hoodedice stranger
19:28 hoodedice
19:36 hisforever Anybody here now know how to reset Elevator Config.?
19:37 hoodedice try /clearobjects -- this will remove all movable objects from the game
19:37 hisforever Ty Hoodedice
19:37 hoodedice it worked?
19:39 hisforever not yet
19:43 kaeza joined #minetest
19:43 Cacatoes am looking for a way to remove a locked chest or iron doors from world, anyone please tell me how we do that ?
19:44 kaeza worldedit
19:44 kaeza or maptools admin pick
19:45 blaze joined #minetest
19:46 seasaw joined #minetest
19:46 Cacatoes that'll do it, have to get my hands on worldedit, haven't yet, thanks
19:46 kilbith //p set -> punch 2 times chest -> //set air
19:49 OldCoder joined #minetest
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19:56 argyle joined #minetest
19:57 Amaz joined #minetest
20:02 w00tc0d3 joined #minetest
20:14 Amaz joined #minetest
20:18 Miner_48er joined #minetest
20:23 Zephlon joined #minetest
20:35 shadowzone joined #minetest
20:35 CraigyDavi`` joined #minetest
20:43 Jordach so quiet around here
20:44 * OldCoder is busy with a nightmare lockup
20:46 * Amaz is trying to learn Blender...
20:47 * PenguinDad is watching let's plays
20:48 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:51 seasaw joined #minetest
20:53 Thenextlevel_ joined #minetest
20:59 * Jordach is in the mood for fuck all and will be continuing to do fuck all
21:05 hisforever mabee some one can help I'm using Dreambuilders game I need to reset the Elevators, when I put them down they worked. I had to take 1 up because it was in the wrong spot, Now when I click it, it dosen't show the other location. How can I reset config for Elevator?
21:06 Thenextlevel_ just go from buttom up punching them
21:06 Thenextlevel_ to update the lists
21:07 hisforever I'll ty
21:09 Thenextlevel_ wait did you go down from the top one making the elevator
21:09 Thenextlevel_ or up from buttom
21:10 Thenextlevel_ just go to the last one you placed and go up or down from it punching all te other ones
21:11 tadni joined #minetest
21:12 zat
21:13 Thenextlevel_ thats werid zat
21:15 zat Thewerid
21:15 zat Thenextlevel_: werid
21:15 zat (fsckn tab)
21:16 PenguinDad lol
21:18 tadni joined #minetest
21:27 SpeedProg joined #minetest
21:28 hisforever The Elevators arent setting travel to the other Elevator.
21:29 hisforever In text its telling me thats its updated travel
21:29 PenguinDad hisforever: are the x and z coordinates the same for the elevators?
21:30 hisforever how do I fine them?
21:36 Nerotic joined #minetest
21:36 Nerotic heyo
21:37 Nerotic sorry for inactivity, working on a fork
21:39 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest
21:39 shadowzone joined #minetest
21:39 hisforever How do I set X and Y for Elevators?
21:40 CraigyDavi joined #minetest
21:41 deltib joined #minetest
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21:45 Thenextlevel_ hisforever just set them in a stight line down
21:45 Thenextlevel_ you musst have them in diffent areas of the place you are placeing them
21:47 Thenextlevel_ mario look at what i said
21:51 alexxs joined #minetest
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22:03 john_minetest joined #minetest
22:05 Nerotic Anyone know where the "dummy image" file is located?
22:06 PenguinDad Nerotic: most likely in your ram
22:06 Nerotic no like in the minetest folder
22:06 PenguinDad Nerotic: what dummy image?
22:07 Nerotic when a texture isnt found it replaces it with purple
22:07 Nerotic i figured, since loading textures is slow when textures arent found, i could just put it in the textures folder and name them to the appropriate name, and it would load faster
22:07 Nerotic just until i actually make textures for the item itself
22:07 PenguinDad Nerotic: that texture isn't saved anywhere in the minetest folder
22:08 Nerotic where does it come from then?
22:08 PenguinDad It's just a randomly generated color
22:08 Nerotic okay
22:08 Nerotic thanks
22:20 proller joined #minetest
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23:01 iqualfragile joined #minetest
23:01 NemoMT joined #minetest
23:09 marioxcc hello, I'm trying to start minetestserver with the “minimal” game that comes with minetest, but when starting, I get:
23:09 marioxcc 18:08:27: ERROR[main]: Subgame [] could not be found.
23:09 marioxcc with configuration file or not, the error is the same
23:18 Valley_Cat joined #minetest
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