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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-07-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
00:01 luizrpgluiz hi
00:04 WindHero 'ello
00:05 twoelk oooooh SkyLands just rebuild my portico buildings from VEC in that :-)
00:05 twoelk had to replace all my marble :-(
00:06 WindHero hmm?
00:07 WindHero when using place_schematic(), you can actually set the replacements field to replace certain blocks in the schem with a new one
00:08 WindHero so like {"yourmod:marble", "skylands:quartz"}
00:08 WindHero twoelk: what do you mean by VEC?
00:09 twoelk VanessaE's creative server
00:10 twoelk I guess that would be technic:marble
00:11 VanessaE use building_blocks:Marble :-)
00:11 Zeno` mtz:marble is best
00:11 Zeno` heh
00:11 VanessaE mtz:marble?  heretic!
00:11 VanessaE ;)
00:12 Zeno` xD
00:12 twoelk any of these in skyland?
00:12 VanessaE if it has homedecor, it has the one I mentioned ;-)
00:13 Zeno` and samwiches are the best form of currency:
00:13 VanessaE heh
00:13 Zeno` I forgot that I named the coin a samwich and got very annoyed and confused the other day when people kept offering me "samwiches"
00:14 Zeno` I thought they were having a go at me or something
00:15 twoelk mh just default, moreblocks and skylands blocks in SkyLand game
00:17 Akagi201 joined #minetest
00:17 WindHero it currently does not
00:17 WindHero I want to add more though
00:17 WindHero especially the technic blocks
00:18 WindHero I just shy away from creating TOO many optional dependencies
00:18 WindHero But I built a whole tower out of technic marble on one server :)
00:18 VanessaE just add homedecor
00:18 VanessaE it has LOTS of neat stuff
00:18 VanessaE :)
00:19 WindHero and a HUGE filesize xD
00:19 twoelk here inspect the non classic classizistic gatehouse from Braunschweig
00:19 VanessaE for homedecor?  naw
00:19 VanessaE 7.2 MB for homedecor
00:19 VanessaE (wow)
00:19 WindHero OK, guess it isn't HUGE
00:19 twoelk I used quarter blocks on VEC though for the roof trimmings
00:20 WindHero I'm thinking of DreamBuilder
00:20 VanessaE naw, dreambuilder is huge
00:20 VanessaE like 35+ MB.
00:20 WindHero that's the one
00:20 WindHero dreambuilder and BFD
00:20 VanessaE make that 46 MB for dreambuilder
00:20 VanessaE wow, it's getting fat :)_
00:20 WindHero twoelk: downloaded, gonna check it out
00:22 twoelk I'm not sure the complete homedecor let alone all of Dreambuilder fits the theme of SkyLands
00:23 WindHero That's somewhat how I feel
00:23 WindHero I like little portions here and there
00:23 VanessaE :(
00:24 VanessaE but.....but...
00:24 VanessaE everyone likes it :(
00:24 WindHero but overall SkyLands is more about exploration than settling down
00:24 WindHero I like it too
00:24 WindHero I used it quite a bit on Megaf's server and my other friend's server
00:24 VanessaE good point
00:24 twoelk do the skyland blocks support the circular saw?
00:24 WindHero partially
00:24 WindHero in SkyTest I have a few that work with it
00:24 WindHero and am working on adding more
00:25 twoelk Vanessa, I just installe Minetest for my nephews and Dreambuilder was the game of choice
00:25 VanessaE \o/
00:26 WindHero On my friend's server, I completed the prodigious task of creating a technic Nuclear Reactor
00:26 twoelk and some mobs of course, and some alphabet blocks
00:26 WindHero and I used HomeDecor to put a chainlink fence and barbwire around it
00:27 WindHero can't have people killing themselves...
00:30 twoelk actually, showing the kids (5 and 9y) the game and watching them explaining their father how to play was really fun
00:30 WindHero ok, for some reasson I forgot how to place a .we file
00:30 WindHero lol
00:31 VanessaE //pos1  //allocate <filename>
00:31 twoelk make pos1 and then load file.we
00:31 VanessaE then if it looks like it fits,
00:31 VanessaE //load <filename>
00:31 VanessaE if it does not fit, move //pos1 to another location.
00:32 twoelk lots of room er sky in SkyLands
00:32 WindHero great, thank you
00:32 VanessaE I *think* it puts the bottom, south-west corner of the region at pos1
00:33 WindHero I was used to using //mtplaceschem
00:33 WindHero twoelk: nice building!
00:33 twoelk yeah but I like to look into the file
00:35 WindHero I wonder if I should stick that in the game....
00:35 twoelk visit VEC north road to see them with scenery ;-)
00:36 twoelk go ahead if you like it, it's not a temple though
00:37 WindHero Has that feel though, lol
00:37 WindHero I'll think about it, that's for sure
00:38 WindHero
00:38 twoelk and it's not classic greek, rather 19th century Neoclassicism
00:38 WindHero hmm, there's a problem..... jk
00:38 WindHero hmm
00:38 WindHero (I say "hmm" to much)
00:39 fu-fu hmm
00:39 WindHero there's a question:
00:39 WindHero would it be too much to include technic in SkyTest?
00:41 RealBadAngel including technic means: mesecons, pipeworks, moretres and some others too
00:41 WindHero I already have the three explicitly mentioned ones
00:41 WindHero although I remember there being one or two more...
00:42 WindHero I'll have to look
00:43 twoelk view before the road was widened
00:45 WindHero very nice
00:45 WindHero I see there's also gloopores installed in addition to technic
00:46 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
00:46 twoelk or try a round one (a little further north up the road)
00:46 WindHero hmm.... if I put technic in, I'd probably trim some things down a bit
00:47 WindHero also quite nice
00:48 WindHero I would by necessity have to drop itemdrops
00:48 WindHero (no pun intended)
00:48 WindHero and probably get rid of stargate too
00:49 twoelk doesn't technic also supply that usefull scafolding? that would reall fit into SkyLands
00:49 WindHero I thought that was another mod...
00:49 WindHero but maybe
00:49 twoelk there may be 2 versions iirc
00:49 WindHero currently putting the final touches on implementing TenPlus1's farming redo mod
00:53 twoelk wasn't stargates a mod that cluttered the server with files?
00:53 WindHero yup
00:55 WindHero hmm... google searching "caverealms" brings up my mod as the 3rd result... curses, you MC servers!
00:56 twoelk had been discussing a skyblocks themed game with my older nephews lately, was considering to drop the surface to say -25000 and making it a lava ocean
00:57 twoelk intentionally making the surface useless and deadly and opening up more room for skylands
00:58 WindHero In the "games" subforum, look at SkyTest
00:58 fu-fu I made flowing water turn to water source, that was fun.
00:58 WindHero that completely removes the ground if you use singlenode
00:58 WindHero and automatically allows islands to generate in all areas
01:00 WindHero welp
01:00 WindHero if I DO put in technic....
01:00 LemonLake whoa
01:00 LemonLake shit happens in here when i gone
01:00 WindHero it'll be a significant work investment
01:00 WindHero lol
01:00 WindHero I'll have to manually put in the oregen........
01:01 Exio4 "Given enough time, any programming language allowed to change approaches Lisp"
01:01 Exio4 haha
01:02 twoelk well skytest was one of the games that set us musing ;-)
01:07 WindHero well, gtg now, but I'll keep thinking over various ideas
01:07 WindHero probably gonna push the farm changes tonight
01:17 Akagi201 joined #minetest
01:24 Akagi201 joined #minetest
01:37 kaeza joined #minetest
02:03 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
02:07 jojoa1997 hi
02:08 fu-fu ho
02:09 fu-fu K, why is my sprite hanging out of the bottom and short ontop?
02:11 fu-fu got it
02:21 jojoa1997 left #minetest
02:22 SoniEx2 joined #minetest
02:29 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
02:41 MinetestBot GIT: crobbins@localhost.localdomain commited to minetest/minetest: Fix issue 1527 6929206 2014-07-29T22:39:39-04:00
02:44 Exio4 localhost.localdomain
02:56 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
03:02 Scall joined #minetest
03:06 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
03:09 kizeren2 joined #minetest
03:12 WindHero joined #minetest
03:13 WindHero hmm....
03:13 WindHero trying to update the moreblocks support in SkyTest
03:13 WindHero but running into a problem
03:13 WindHero what
03:14 WindHero is the general procedure for making a node support the circular saw?
03:16 cheapie joined #minetest
03:25 WindHero nevermind, finally found the API file
03:25 WindHero it was a .md instead of a txt....
03:36 Zeno` WindHero, leak fixed
03:37 WindHero :D
03:37 WindHero :D :D :D :D :D
03:38 fu-fu K, I'm.. not super familliar with lua/how this whole thing is implmented... I have an entity, how do I get it to do anything at all...?
03:39 WindHero Try looking at the simple mobs API made by PilzAdam
03:39 fu-fu I did, I couldn't find how they actuallly do anything.
03:40 fu-fu I see how he solved one of the issues I'll have (getting the entity itself to do it.) but not what triggers it.
03:40 WindHero minetest.register_on_globalstep()
03:40 WindHero or something like that
03:40 WindHero put most of your code in there
03:40 WindHero
03:41 WindHero scroll down to Lua Entity Properties
03:41 WindHero to see how to make them react to various things
03:43 fu-fu Ahh, it has it's own version of globalstep in itself.
03:51 WindHero 355 changed files with 6,342 additions and 3,818 deletions.
03:51 WindHero and 2 changed files with 60 additions and 1 deletion.
03:51 WindHero in other words.... SkyTest update!
04:00 fu-fu "userdata expected, got table" ?!?
04:00 fu-fu it's setvelocity.
04:02 WindHero could you pastebin the code?
04:02 fu-fu on_punch = function(self)
04:02 fu-fu self.object.setvelocity({x=0,y=1,z=0})
04:02 fu-fu end
04:03 WindHero al
04:03 WindHero *ah
04:03 WindHero use : before setvelocity, not .
04:04 WindHero : is Lua's primary function call operator
04:04 NakedFury joined #minetest
04:04 WindHero I had so uch grief with that when I started Lua
04:04 WindHero *much
04:04 fu-fu IT FLYS!
04:04 WindHero lol
04:04 fu-fu So, what's the diffrance of that vs .
04:05 WindHero . accesses a field of the object in question
04:05 WindHero so like,
04:05 WindHero to get a value
04:05 WindHero : calls an object's function in most cases
04:05 Eater4 joined #minetest
04:05 fu-fu I see..
04:05 WindHero so object:setvelocity() calls object's setvelocity() function
04:06 WindHero the only place this rule of function calls is broken is with the minetest object
04:06 WindHero e.g. minetest.register_node()
04:06 WindHero but in all other cases, use :
04:06 fu-fu Ah
04:07 WindHero (I'm terrible at explaining this quirk of Lua... you'll get the feel for it)
04:07 fu-fu K, knowing that's the exception helps.
04:07 WindHero looking through other mods will also help
04:08 fu-fu I was, I just didn't notice it was : vs .
04:09 Megaf What could I draw now?
04:13 Zeno` : passes self as the first parameter to the function call
04:13 Zeno` so, I assume, it's the same as  blah.func(self, params)
04:13 Zeno` just cleaner and nicer
04:15 fu-fu AHH
04:15 fu-fu even more sense.
04:16 Zeno` it's kind of object-oriented syntactic sugar
04:16 Zeno` well, not kind of... it is
04:17 fu-fu I see, I've never really used object-oriented, I understand it, just not it's suttle bits and pecies.
04:23 WindHero OOP is OP
04:24 fu-fu I suppose, still never used  it.
04:24 fu-fu Anyways, bedtime  for me. Good night, enjoy.
04:25 Zeno` night
04:28 cheapie joined #minetest
04:46 donat joined #minetest
04:58 dhbiker joined #minetest
05:01 Exio4 actually
05:01 Exio4 OOP is underpowered
05:02 Exio4 it is so underpowered, that you need to use design pattern for having nice code
05:02 Exio4 a design pattern**
05:02 Exio4 i'm pretty sure adding folds, maps, filters, zip, list comprehesion, etc wouldn't hurt! :D
05:11 Gizmo joined #minetest
05:13 Zeno` objected oriented is nice
05:13 Zeno` depending on whether the person actually understands what OOP is and it not
05:15 Zeno` maybe 50% of the C I write is "object oriented"
05:15 Zeno` just doesn't have the fancy syntactic sugar (obviously)
05:20 nman3600 joined #minetest
05:21 Exio4 Zeno`, it isn't as nice as it could be with more "high-level" features
05:21 nman3600 joined #minetest
05:21 nman3600 Hiya
05:23 Zeno` Exio4, more... functional things?
05:23 Exio4 yeah
05:23 Zeno` depends I guess
05:23 Zeno` but in general I'd agree
05:23 Exio4 design patterns seems like re-inventing the wheel
05:24 Zeno` I have a friend who writes C in a manner that is kind of functional-oriented... it's hard to read C lol
05:24 Exio4 because 1) an "high-order-function" is WAY more simpler to use than a whole OOP mess, 2) the compiler/interpreter can do lots of things with it, "could lead to faster code, etc"
05:24 Zeno` he normally programs in scheme and somehow he writes C in a similar manner
05:25 Exio4 wow
05:25 Exio4 any paste?
05:25 Exio4 would like to see that beast :P
05:25 Exio4 if you're coding in C you normally don't want to go too high-level, because if you do, you'd be using another language :P
05:25 Zeno` hmm, not off hand, but when he's online I'll get some
05:25 Exio4 neat
05:25 Zeno` his github is zyxwvuts but I don't think he has any of his unconventional C code there
05:26 Exio4
05:28 Exio4 i'm going to sleep though
05:28 Exio4 it is a bit late for what i'm doing
05:28 Zeno` hah :)
05:28 Exio4 i want to write a GC for a toy language
05:29 Exio4 not just a mark-'n'-sweep GC but more like a generational GC and some weird stuff i want to try
05:30 Zeno`
05:30 Zeno` he doesn't have any of his fancy functional-like C there :(
05:31 Exio4 i was thinking about making a tiny "set" of linked lists functions helpers, and make it support dynamic types and kinda, emulate Lisp with C syntax
05:31 Exio4 of course i won't have one of its best things, the meta-programming part
05:31 Zeno` Daniel already has them
05:32 Zeno` I'll make him upload them
05:32 Zeno` because it's quite interesting really
05:32 Exio4 someone should implementing lazy evaluation of real C functions under C
05:32 Exio4 _that_ would be insane
05:33 Exio4 actually
05:33 Exio4 not so hard i'm thinking
05:33 Zeno` oh, it's possible
05:34 Exio4 you could emulate it easily with a struct and functions pointers and two pair of functions
05:34 Exio4 meh
05:34 Zeno` yep
05:34 Exio4 now i don't want it because it doesn't seem too insane
05:34 Zeno` the trick is making it readable :)
05:34 Exio4 the idea would be "abstract as much as you can"
05:34 Exio4 the serious thing here is
05:35 Exio4 the lack of pattern matching
05:35 Exio4 how can people live without that amazing feature?
05:35 Exio4 well, and algebraic data types
05:36 Exio4 Zeno`, have you played with Haskell?
05:37 Zeno` Exio4, yes, but "played" is the operative word
05:38 Zeno` I come from an imperative background so it took a lot of work to get my head around it (and other functional languages)
05:38 Exio4 who doesn't come from an imperative background?
05:39 Zeno` dunno, but my order of learning was BASIC --> ASM --> C --> C++  (with Pascal, Modula2 and various other languages in there at some point)
05:39 Zeno` For some reason I missed the whole lisp thing
05:39 blaze joined #minetest
05:41 Exio4 mine is (somehow reduced, add Perl, and other stuff in the middle!) Pascal -> C -> (coursera course: SML -> Racket -> Ruby) -> HS
05:41 cheapie joined #minetest
05:41 Exio4 "programming languages" .. awesome name for the course, but can say hell, it is an amazing course!
05:42 Exio4
05:43 Exio4 we even implemented some cute MUPLs! :P
05:44 Exio4 this HW
05:45 Exio4 anyway
05:45 Exio4 i'm going to sleep for realz
05:45 Zeno` haha
05:45 Zeno` sleep well then
05:47 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
05:48 asie joined #minetest
05:54 Miner_48er joined #minetest
06:11 kaeza joined #minetest
06:12 asie joined #minetest
06:42 jp joined #minetest
06:43 jp Hello. Does it possible to use the animated PNG (APNG format / *.png) in Irrlicht ?
06:44 Krock joined #minetest
06:44 Krock hi
06:44 jp hi
06:46 jp So bad that we can't use .gif in this 3D engine...
06:48 Krock there are animated png's
06:49 jp It would be more efficient with that :
06:50 Kalista joined #minetest
06:54 Krock "An animated PNG (displays as static image in some web browsers)" - Didn't read that and wondered, why it's not animated :3
06:56 proller joined #minetest
07:00 Kalista has anyone had luck with mesecon switches? i've been trying to get them to turn off/on from an event(switch) which changs its state without the player needing to hit it
07:01 Krock imposs. use player detectors
07:01 Krock or drop an item on a detector plate
07:12 Kalista ill try both, basically this is to move a lot of pistons and then have them automagically go back to thier positions after a set distancek pheraps doable with detectors
07:12 Kalista node breaker almost work but unfortunately it kills blocks in one hit
07:14 LazyJ joined #minetest
07:15 Krock it's funny when the node breakers remove piston pushers :D
07:15 sfan5 <jp> It would be more efficient with that :
07:15 sfan5 why more efficent?
07:30 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:41 Krock sfan5, - jp quit (Remote host closed the connection)
07:41 sfan5 i know
07:41 Krock :3
07:41 sfan5 but maybe someone else can tell me
07:42 * nman3600 strokes sfan5 :3
07:42 meldrian joined #minetest
07:43 nman3600 (.^o^.)
07:43 * sfan5 meows at nman3600
07:43 * nman3600 wonders when Krock will put his server up
07:46 * nman3600 nudges Krock
07:46 * Krock throws defrag.exe at nman3600
07:51 nman3600 Krock, Could I use your mapgen for my statue world map?
07:51 nman3600 You made a flat mapgen right?
07:51 Krock core devs made mg_flags
07:52 khor_ joined #minetest
07:52 nman3600 Krock, Your flatgen is just what I need.
07:52 nman3600 So could I use it and give you credit when I upload the map?
07:53 Krock dude. it's WTFPL, so do what the fk you want to do with it
07:54 nman3600 Okay! Thanks
07:57 sfan5 using the mapgen has nothing to with  it's license
07:58 Halo joined #minetest
07:59 nman3600 Hi, Halo!
08:00 Halo Hi nman :)
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:02 nman3600 Why is having an update once a week
08:02 nman3600 It's really pissing me off
08:05 nman3600 I'm starting off with the Sam skin statue
08:07 nman3600 Would you say the Sam skin has a dark green or a light green shirt?
08:18 blaze joined #minetest
08:20 jp joined #minetest
08:21 nman3600 I have a sam skin statue with no head :P
08:23 jp sfan5 : « why more efficent? »   Only one file with layers palette (instead of several PNG files or horizontally aligned).
08:24 jp *vertically
08:24 sfan5 you can't use serveral pngs for animations
08:24 jp and for particules ?
08:24 sfan5 I don't you can do that either
08:25 jp APNG should be the solution...
08:26 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
08:32 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
08:33 nman3600 Finished the sam skin statue
08:38 Akagi201 joined #minetest
08:39 nman3600
08:40 nman3600 Krock, Will your server be up at 10 AM?
08:42 Krock it's 10:42
08:43 Kalista joined #minetest
08:43 nman3600 It's 9:43 Where I live.
08:43 nman3600 Krock ^
08:43 Krock future alert
08:43 nman3600 Krock lives in the future!
08:43 nman3600 So at 11 am your time it'll be up?
08:44 Krock yes. because it's already up
08:44 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
08:44 nman3600 Yay!
08:45 fishyWET joined #minetest
08:45 nman3600 Krock, Did you look at the images I sent?
09:00 jp joined #minetest
09:01 jp sfan5 :  "img.png^[verticalframe:<t>:<n>"  can work animation in particlespawner ?
09:01 jp for anim.*
09:09 Akagi201 joined #minetest
09:10 LemonLake joined #minetest
09:10 sfan5 jp: I don't know
09:13 jp Well, I give up...
09:14 Krock never give up, it's a wonderful life
09:15 Akagi201_ joined #minetest
09:22 Calinou joined #minetest
09:29 Calinou 100027 views of More Blocks topic
09:30 Krock horray!
09:32 khor_ joined #minetest
09:41 harrison_ joined #minetest
09:42 Hirato_ joined #minetest
09:45 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
09:45 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
09:45 blaise joined #minetest
09:45 Vazon joined #minetest
09:45 khor_ joined #minetest
09:45 Dafull97 joined #minetest
09:46 restcoser joined #minetest
09:46 pehjota joined #minetest
09:58 LemonLake joined #minetest
10:00 Jousway joined #minetest
10:17 alket joined #minetest
10:18 PenguinDad joined #minetest
10:19 reactor joined #minetest
10:20 reactor Anyone seen proller, thexyz?
10:20 Amaz reactor #freeminer ?
10:21 reactor Oh, thank you.
10:21 Amaz np
10:22 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:28 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
10:30 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:33 nman3600 Woohooo! Well done Calinou1
10:33 nman3600 Calinou!*
10:33 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:33 nman3600 Oh he left.
10:34 LemonLake nman3600: tab completion comes in handy
10:34 LemonLake additionally comes with knowing that said person has left
10:34 nman3600 LemonLake, Poor giz is ill. :(
10:34 LemonLake nman3600: just shut up
10:35 LemonLake it's no big deal anyway
10:35 LemonLake he'll get better
10:35 LemonLake plus it's not for definite he's ill
10:35 nman3600 He's been vomiting for the last 2 days
10:35 LemonLake <LemonLake> nman3600: just shut up
10:35 nman3600 Okay.
10:36 * nman3600 downloads the newest skin database
10:36 LemonLake you don't have to announce that
10:36 nman3600 :D
10:37 proller joined #minetest
10:37 nman3600 Is there a way to download them all? I can only find seperate downloads
10:42 nman3600 Do I have to download them all seperate?
10:45 * Krock points at and mt_skins_updater.exe at u_skinsdb
10:48 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:50 proller joined #minetest
10:55 nman3600 How long does it take Krock?
10:56 Krock 1 minute - 30s
10:56 nman3600 Still trying to update page 0?
10:57 nman3600 Krock ^
10:57 Krock which updater are yu using?
10:57 nman3600 The newest one on your github.
10:58 Krock so you mean the .exe? It requires the json library
10:58 nman3600 How do I get that?
10:58 Krock it's included there and should be in the same flder
10:58 nman3600 Newtonsoft.json?
10:59 Krock yes that one should be in the same folder
10:59 nman3600 Yes it is
10:59 nman3600 What do I do then?
10:59 Krock make sure, you can modify the u_skins folder
11:00 Krock if you can, the updater can, too
11:00 Krock retry
11:01 nman3600 The mod itself or the one in the updater's folder?
11:02 Krock both
11:02 nman3600 And as in modify, What do you mean, Krock
11:03 Krock nvm, just try again and insert page 1 to start
11:03 kahrl joined #minetest
11:03 nman3600 I press enter and it starts page 0?
11:05 Krock use numbers
11:05 nman3600 "Start updating at page 0"
11:06 nman3600 I only need all the textures.
11:11 khor_ joined #minetest
11:12 nman3600 Krock I only need the skin textures.
11:13 Krock then edit nman3600, there are the textures, base64 encoded;page=1
11:14 Krock *then edit nman3600, otherwise...
11:15 ImQ009 joined #minetest
11:15 nman3600 I'm really confused now..
11:16 nman3600 All I need is a way to download all the skin textures, AT ONCE
11:19 nman3600 Nevermind I'll just look at the skins from the website
11:22 CheapSeth joined #minetest
11:22 CheapSeth left #minetest
11:25 OldCoder joined #minetest
11:25 Scall joined #minetest
11:37 LemonLake Krock: I'll go do it for him
11:38 fireglow joined #minetest
11:40 fireglow This is hilarious
11:41 Amaz Yep, it is!
11:42 Krock I like such conflicts
11:43 Krock the one side calls it feature, the other one wants the old version
11:43 fireglow if farming_plus wants to be a minetest mod, it should try not to break with minetest
11:43 Amaz +fireglow
11:44 Krock fireglow: *minetest_game
11:44 Krock "minetest_game mod"
11:44 fireglow dude whatever is the default
11:44 Amaz :P
11:45 PenguinDad whatever isn't the default iirc :P
11:46 fireglow haha
11:52 LemonLake Krock: Done. He didn't know what a path is.
11:53 Krock ah. footsteps^10 = path
11:53 LemonLake genius
11:53 LemonLake The reason it didn't work is because it was downloading the skins to a null directory
11:54 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
11:55 Krock hmm I thought I added a filter for that with an error message :/
12:03 donat joined #minetest
12:11 asie joined #minetest
12:13 asie joined #minetest
12:31 kizeren joined #minetest
12:31 Jordach joined #minetest
12:44 nman3600 Jordach!
12:44 Jordach if you want a good amd chip - A10s work fine
12:44 nman3600
12:45 nman3600 I made a statue of the sam skin.
12:45 nman3600 Since you were the creator of the sam skin, I want your opinion on it.
12:49 nman3600 Jordach ^^
12:49 nman3600 I just finished a zeg 9 statue
12:50 nman3600 zeg9*
12:57 PenguinDad nman3600: looks like the very first sam skin
12:57 nman3600 PenguinDad Yes.
13:13 asie joined #minetest
13:14 Krock Jordach, <3 7s lag
13:17 jp__ joined #minetest
13:17 Calinou joined #minetest
13:17 * sfan5 meows at Krock
13:17 * Krock meows at sfan5
13:18 sfan5 meow
13:18 * PenguinDad isn't using a 7457 line long .x file in his game anymore
13:18 Calinou text model formats ftw
13:19 * Krock wonders what PenguinDad uses now as replacement
13:19 PenguinDad Krock:
13:20 Krock 96kb
13:21 Krock gonna use that one, too :D
13:23 PenguinDad !c 6*16
13:23 MinetestBot 96
13:26 PenguinDad my calculations for my rainbowsword mod were correct \o/
13:29 * sfan5 licks PenguinDad
13:31 ecutruin joined #minetest
13:31 * PenguinDad pets sfan5
13:32 * sfan5 meows
13:36 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
13:39 Jordach more interestingly with that model is, it happens to have fixed animations
13:40 jojoa1997 what model
13:43 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:44 Jordach [14:19:55] <PenguinDad> Krock:
13:45 * Jordach noticed something is wrong with the Steamcommunity workshop pages
13:46 Eater4 joined #minetest
13:47 jojoa1997 :O
13:50 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:51 Jordach
13:51 * Jordach likes this idea
13:53 Megaf joined #minetest
13:54 nman3600 joined #minetest
13:55 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
14:01 Jordach >90 bones in current blender model
14:01 Jordach and some of them aren't used D:
14:08 NakedFury joined #minetest
14:08 Exio joined #minetest
14:12 PenguinDad sfan5: something for you
14:19 Alex_Mercer joined #minetest
14:24 * Jordach knows a cat that will only mew at Jordach
14:29 harrison joined #minetest
14:30 sfan5 joined #minetest
14:30 Fusl joined #minetest
14:30 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
14:31 fishyWET left #minetest
14:31 srijay joined #minetest
14:36 * PenguinDad meows at sfan5
14:36 fireglow /d
14:36 fireglow oops
14:37 Exio /hi
14:37 Krock PenguinDad, there's a heavy wall of changed lines coming to that game
14:38 PenguinDad Krock: you mean the model change?
14:39 Krock PenguinDad, yes. I changed some things there, but it sohuld be backwards compatible
14:45 * Krock sees, The heavy wall reaches PenguinDad
14:45 Krock KWROOOMMM
14:46 PenguinDad I'm not even sure if the patch will apply :D
14:57 swaaws joined #minetest
15:06 werwerwer joined #minetest
15:06 Akagi201 joined #minetest
15:45 sfan5 PenguinDad: <3
15:50 kahrl_ joined #minetest
15:54 fireglow joined #minetest
15:57 Kalista joined #minetest
16:04 nman3600 joined #minetest
16:08 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
16:19 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
16:28 dhbiker joined #minetest
16:37 zat joined #minetest
16:47 Calinou joined #minetest
16:51 SoniEx2 joined #minetest
16:56 q66 joined #minetest
16:59 PenguinDad I found a cactus colony
17:00 dhbiker joined #minetest
17:00 Calinou 1UP-Tool?
17:00 Calinou also we really need a client-side mod to show held item in hand :(
17:01 Krock PenguinDad, which TP?
17:03 PenguinDad Krock: Carbone textures
17:03 Krock oke
17:03 PenguinDad Calinou:
17:04 nman3600 Krock, I've nearly finished the wheat farmer statue, Then I'll make your one.
17:04 Krock crazy stuff
17:04 Calinou ah
17:04 Calinou not really useful
17:05 Calinou mostly for testing
17:05 PenguinDad Just like the craft recipe checker
17:06 nman3600 joined #minetest
17:07 * nman3600 sticks his middle finger up at hexchat
17:07 nman3600 It's really been pissing me off lately
17:15 VanessaE ok I need a bit of help...
17:15 VanessaE From my game, I need to enforce,   mgv6_np_apple_trees = 0, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0
17:15 VanessaE or anything equivalent to stop default apple trees from generating.
17:16 VanessaE already modified the game code to stop them from spawning from a sapling (I want moretrees to handle that)
17:18 VanessaE I guess just include a minetest.conf in the top level of the game ?
17:18 VanessaE (with the above setting in it, along with whatever else I need)
17:21 Vazon VanessaE: do have any idea why im getting this error with this code? error = code = | if i remove the bottom barter part it works fine
17:22 PenguinDad Vazon: put the minetest.conf with the settings you want in the same folder as the game.conf
17:22 PenguinDad * VanessaE
17:23 Vazon o i was so confused for a second lol
17:23 VanessaE PenguinDad: ok, thought so.  let's see how this works out then.
17:24 PenguinDad VanessaE: but the settings can still be overridden by the settings in the normal minetest.conf
17:24 VanessaE that's fine
17:26 * VanessaE waits for the world to generate out a ways
17:26 VanessaE hopefully zeroing out those values will suffice.
17:27 VanessaE yep, seems to have worked.
17:27 VanessaE thanks a bunch, PenguinDad
17:27 VanessaE Vazon: I'll look at your code in a sec.
17:27 Vazon ok thanks
17:34 nman3600 joined #minetest
17:34 nman3600 THAT'S IT
17:34 nman3600 SCREW YOU HEX CHAT YOU..
17:35 PenguinDad nman3600: maybe try quassel
17:35 nman3600 Is it for windows?
17:35 VanessaE Vazon: can you pastebin the entirety of the broken lua file?
17:35 zash irssi in screen accessed over ssh, like a pro! ;)
17:35 VanessaE the error with its line numbering makes no sense with your paste
17:36 nman3600 PenguinDad, Is it for windows
17:36 PenguinDad nman3600: Jordach uses it so it must be for windows
17:36 VanessaE zash: I remember my days of dial-up shells and BitchX :)
17:36 Vazon that is in the a different mod ( pipeworks compat.lua) i have a denpency to it
17:37 nman3600 I'm not liking the look of quassel
17:38 Vazon pipeworks compat.lua file :
17:38 nman3600
17:40 VanessaE 18:27:14: ERROR[main]: ...60784\bin\..\games\minerealms_game\mods\money/compat.lua:4: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
17:40 VanessaE that's not one of pipeworks' files.
17:40 VanessaE I need to see that file.
17:40 Vazon you did
17:41 VanessaE oh you copied pipeworks' compat.lua into your mod?
17:41 * nman3600 has to deal with HexChat for a while
17:41 Vazon code =
17:41 Vazon that is the that file
17:41 VanessaE impossible.
17:42 VanessaE line 4 doesn't have the pairs() call.
17:42 VanessaE unless you deleted the comments from the top of the file.
17:42 ImQ009 joined #minetest
17:42 Vazon hold on
17:42 Vazon oops wrong erro
17:43 Vazon error
17:43 VanessaE also don't copy the clone node functionb
17:43 VanessaE it's deprecated.
17:43 Vazon
17:43 VanessaE use minetest.override_item() instead.
17:43 Vazon ok
17:44 VanessaE pipeworks' compat.lua file is old and needs rewritten.
17:44 Vazon kk :)
17:45 Vazon joined #minetest
17:45 VanessaE so yeah, just don't use that file at all.
17:45 Vazon ... i have to
17:45 VanessaE use minetest.override_item() to do the work.  that's a 0.4.10 command
17:45 VanessaE it does the same job
17:45 VanessaE I'm gonna go in and factor-out that code now.
17:46 Vazon i must use that file to make money shops work with pipeworks :|
17:46 nman3600 joined #minetest
17:46 VanessaE no you don't./
17:46 VanessaE use the override_item command
17:46 VanessaE it does the same thing as the clone node command
17:46 Vazon failed
17:46 VanessaE it just works slightly differenyt.
17:46 Vazon override doesnt work
17:46 VanessaE yes it does.
17:47 VanessaE you just have to use it differently than clone_node
17:47 PenguinDad It should work in 0.410 and later
17:47 Vazon
17:47 PenguinDad *0.4.10
17:47 VanessaE clone_node is bad code
17:47 VanessaE don't use it
17:47 VanessaE gimme a bit and I'll finish this and you can see how it works.
17:49 Vazon ok thanks
17:52 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:02 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
18:05 Krock weee... 6th server crash without any message
18:07 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:07 nman3600 I've had enough of HexChat
18:07 nman3600 I am now using XChat
18:07 casimir joined #minetest
18:08 NakedFury why?
18:08 nman3600 HexChat, was continous crashing for me
18:08 nman3600 No it's not my internet
18:09 nman3600 It was HexChat
18:09 NakedFury weird
18:09 NakedFury but if its fine with xchat for you then uninstall hexchat
18:10 nman3600 I did uninstall HexChat
18:10 nman3600 After I stuck my middle finger up at it for about a minute
18:11 PenguinDad I wouldn't pay 15.99€ for an IRC client
18:12 Krock 15$ need at least an integrated voice function over a special server
18:12 VanessaE Vazon:
18:12 sfan5 >IRC
18:12 sfan5 >voice
18:12 sfan5 wait
18:12 Krock with an auto translate function
18:12 PenguinDad lol
18:12 sfan5 it's Internet Relay Chat
18:13 VanessaE Vazon: THAT is how you use override_item()
18:13 sfan5 not Internet Relay Voice Chat
18:13 Krock k.
18:13 PenguinDad Krock: why not video and voice chat? :P
18:13 Krock even better!
18:13 Vazon o ik that, but i use register_node(:name:node)
18:13 Krock Vazon, doesn't matter
18:13 VanessaE Vazon: override_item is used to redefine nodes properly.
18:14 Vazon and i thought you ment just replace clone node with override, and it would work
18:14 VanessaE use it when you need to modify a node's individual properties
18:15 * Krock hears a KKZ KKZ  KKZ sound from those sheepS soutside
18:15 Krock lound eating.
18:15 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:15 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:16 nman3600 It's doing it on XChat now!
18:16 Krock eating sheep?
18:16 PenguinDad I know hoodedice's name :D
18:16 Krock PenguinDad, and I know yours
18:16 PenguinDad Krock: really?
18:16 Krock "Max Mustermann"
18:16 Krock there ya go
18:17 * sfan5 meows at nman3600
18:17 * nman3600 puts both middle fingers up at XCHAT
18:17 VanessaE now now
18:17 VanessaE xchat is nice.
18:17 * Krock gives nman3600
18:17 sfan5 nman3600: use quassel
18:17 nman3600 NO
18:17 sfan5 Krock: nettalk is the worst client
18:17 sfan5 even utf-8 is broken
18:17 nman3600 I fucking hate the look of quassel
18:17 nman3600 VanessaE, I have continous crashes on XChat and HexChat
18:18 Krock sfan5, false. the clients which cost, are even worse
18:18 nman3600 ^
18:18 sfan5 Krock: xchat at least supports utf-8
18:18 Krock hmm maybe I use idea
18:18 VanessaE nman3600: never crashes for me.
18:18 nman3600 It must be my internet then
18:18 VanessaE I blame your OS or your window manager.
18:19 nman3600 How the fuck can I fix this?
18:19 Krock not with fuck.
18:19 nman3600 I need a good client that won't crash everytime I drop 30 fucking frames
18:21 Krock sfan5, it would be amazing if there would be a "fuc*" counter in the IRC stats
18:21 nman3600 Jordach will be most of them :P
18:21 nman3600 I've lost times of how many times I've seen him say fuck
18:22 Jordach fuck that signal to noise
18:22 Jordach ;3
18:22 nman3600 I am actually really pissed at my internet lately
18:23 sfan5 bug your ISP
18:23 sfan5 not us
18:24 nman3600 I want to go to my internet provider and shove my middle finger in the faces
18:24 sfan5 then do that
18:25 nman3600 I can't
18:25 nman3600 I'm only 10
18:25 sfan5 ^ lol
18:26 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:26 nman3600 ......
18:28 nman3600 I'm going to use the crappy website now
18:29 cheapie joined #minetest
18:29 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:29 nman3600 Agh I have to use this piece of crap
18:30 Krock eww, hold it away. unbelieveable, this taste
18:31 nman3600 Krock the shading on the skin you sent me is impossible to get right
18:31 nman3600 It's gonna be a bit "bright"
18:31 Krock use white wool
18:31 nman3600 for what bit?
18:31 nman3600 Most of it is green
18:31 Krock everying. makes drawing easier
18:32 nman3600 I'm making a statue.......
18:32 nman3600 It looks nothing like a guy who live in the trash.
18:38 asie joined #minetest
18:38 Krock Always look on the bright side of life!
18:41 EvergreenTree Quassel is awesome
18:41 EvergreenTree Idk why nman doesn't like it
18:42 nman3600 joined #minetest
18:43 nman3600 Back on HexChat
18:43 nman3600 Have to deal with the piece of shit
18:43 nman3600 Afk
18:46 proller joined #minetest
18:48 LemonLake Niall.
18:48 LemonLake Stop swearing. You're 10.
18:48 Krock and you're late
18:52 * sfan5 meows at LemonLake
18:54 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
18:54 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
18:58 Krock
18:58 Krock *png
19:05 mati1 joined #minetest
19:05 mati1 hi all
19:05 Krock hi alone
19:05 mati1 :D
19:10 Gregor3000 joined #minetest
19:16 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
19:28 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
19:28 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
19:34 jesse__ joined #minetest
19:35 jesse__ hi, my name is Jesse and I'm wondering what the best way to update the game engine is from 4.9.
19:36 sfan5 which operating system?
19:36 jesse__ Ubuntu. I installed from the repos.
19:36 jesse__ I would check the site but it's currently down.
19:36 sfan5 ppa or the official repos?
19:36 sfan5 down?
19:37 jesse__ official repos.
19:37 sfan5 mhm, really
19:37 sfan5 use this ppa:
19:38 jesse__ thanks.
19:39 Calinou the other way is, compile Git
19:39 Calinou this way you live on the bleeding edge, with latest stuff
19:40 Calinou;t=3837
19:40 sfan5 Calinou: isn't the edge getting hurt from all the bleeding? :(
19:41 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest
19:41 sfan5 o/ jordan4ibanez
19:41 jordan4ibanez \o sfan5
19:44 * jojoa1997 gives sfan5 a rainbow kitten
19:44 PenguinDad Kitten
19:45 sfan5 !rainbow I like rainbow kittens
19:45 MinetestBot 4I l7ike8 ra3inbow 6kitten4s
19:45 jojoa1997 2I3 4l5i6k7e8 9rainbow2 3k4i5t6t7e8n9s too
19:46 PenguinDad I like rainbow kittens three
19:46 * sfan5 meows at PenguinDad
19:48 jojoa1997 meow sfan5 meow
19:48 sfan5 meow :3
19:49 PenguinDad squawk jojoa1997 squawk
19:50 jojoa1997 left #minetest
19:50 PenguinDad <3
19:53 EvergreenTree PenguinDad: <3
19:53 EvergreenTree I listened to it already
19:53 EvergreenTree :3
19:59 e1z0 joined #minetest
20:00 * sfan5 meows at EvergreenTree
20:00 * EvergreenTree barks at sfan5
20:00 * sfan5 is a cat
20:00 * EvergreenTree is a tree
20:00 VanessaE first time I saw the TREE start barking.
20:01 EvergreenTree Bark.
20:01 EvergreenTree I have much bark
20:01 PenguinDad Now I know why so many people hate TOFU
20:01 PenguinDad I can bark too
20:02 * VanessaE points her chihuahua at EvergreenTree.  I'm warning you, I have one of these and I know how to use it!
20:02 VanessaE :D
20:02 * EvergreenTree drops a pinecone on it
20:02 EvergreenTree Take that!
20:03 PenguinDad >:D
20:03 * VanessaE cooks the pinecone for its pine nuts
20:03 EvergreenTree Also, how did you manage to teleport all the way over to me?
20:03 VanessaE how else?  /teleport EvergreenTree
20:04 EvergreenTree I want a /teleporter
20:05 PenguinDad /teleport @random @random :P
20:08 VanessaE bbl
20:10 casimir left #minetest
20:12 Jordach everytime i play skyrim i miss the fun stuff
20:13 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
20:25 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:43 nman3600 joined #minetest
20:43 nman3600 ...
20:43 nman3600 As  I get back it crashes
20:44 Calinou Jordach, play Carbone, it has that fun stuff
20:44 Calinou there are no soccer balls in Skyrim
20:45 nman3600 I might start playing carbone again soon.
20:45 Jordach Calinou, you mean Carcrash :3
20:45 Calinou Jordach,
20:45 Calinou relevant
20:46 Calinou way better than FlightGear
20:47 nman3600 Calinou, When's the next Carbone update?
20:48 WindHero joined #minetest
20:52 Calinou nman3600, it's rolling-release, constantly evolving
20:52 Calinou just make sure to git pull on a regular basis
20:52 Calinou or, if you don't use Git, to re-download the game each week or so
20:52 Exio you should make tags
20:52 nman3600 Calinou, Would you like me to make a statue of your skin in my statue world project?
20:53 Exio like every two weeks
20:55 nman3600 joined #minetest
20:55 WindHero I've been trying to get into the habit of tagging my last version of a mod before a significant update
20:55 nman3600 Minetest won't let me turn my view distance up only down (it's on 5 and I want it higher, IT OWN'T LET MEEE....) (Yes I am talking about +/-)
20:56 WindHero it's certainly easier than creating new branches :P
20:56 jojoa1997 joined #minetest
20:56 WindHero hmm
20:56 WindHero go in the config file and change it
20:57 nman3600 15 blocks shouldn't be so bad
20:57 nman3600 Any higher than 20 lags me.
20:58 nman3600 15 nodes*
20:58 jojoa1997 blocks nodes they are all the same :P
20:59 nman3600 Not really.
20:59 WindHero no
20:59 jojoa1997 though 15 node radius :/
20:59 jordan4ibanez Calinou,  what is that game?
20:59 * Calinou is trying installing Atom around
20:59 Calinou lots of packages
20:59 WindHero blocks refers to mapblocks
20:59 jojoa1997 Calinou what is from
20:59 nman3600 WindHero, Correct!
20:59 Calinou;t=9033
20:59 WindHero which are 16 nodes wide
20:59 jojoa1997 WindHero nman3600 blocks refer to a cubic structure
21:00 Calinou nman3600, yes it's fine
21:00 WindHero ofc
21:00 WindHero I merely said wide
21:00 Calinou Installing metrics@0.33.0 ✓
21:00 * Calinou rage face
21:00 jojoa1997 mapblocks refer to a 16*16*16 are full of 1*1*1 meter objects
21:00 WindHero yes.
21:00 Calinou the famous package that sends stuff to Google Analytics
21:00 WindHero D:
21:00 WindHero >:O
21:01 * nman3600 is currently working on a oOChainLynxOo Statue
21:01 WindHero between Google and the US Gov't, though, I think I'd prefer google to know more about me :P
21:01 * WindHero is very controversial
21:01 sfan5 Calinou: disable it...
21:02 * WindHero is watching Slayers
21:03 Calinou sfan5, yes, but how to do that before first stat? delete package?
21:03 Calinou start*
21:03 Calinou if I start then go to options menu, it may still send some
21:03 sfan5 just delete it
21:03 Calinou yes
21:03 Calinou I had to install Node from official site, not from packages :'( wasn't 1.4.x
21:03 Lordseanington joined #minetest
21:04 Calinou there were binaries available, I just had to move everything to /usr/local
21:04 Calinou that's easy installation for once
21:04 PenguinDad compiling by hand is easy too :P
21:04 sfan5 arch linux is easy too
21:05 Calinou the Node binaries work out of the box
21:06 Calinou so why compile? it's not like I want to contribute or use development version of Node
21:06 Calinou hmm, no Lua support installed by default? (seen by reading downloaded package list)
21:07 jojoa1997 Calinou what was that game with the spaceship called?
21:07 Calinou Stunt Rally:
21:08 Calinou spaceships aren't in 2.3, only in development version, upcoming 2.4
21:09 PenguinDad Some paintings in carbone seem to be tracks from Stunt Rally :D
21:10 Calinou yes, definitely
21:10 Calinou init.lua of paintings says so
21:10 Jordach get real painting silly kitty
21:11 jojoa1997 so
21:11 jojoa1997 Calinou do i have to install stunt rally?
21:12 jojoa1997 s/install/compile/
21:12 Exio i don't think your computer could handle it
21:12 Exio what is your GPU?
21:13 jojoa1997 um
21:13 jojoa1997 how do i tell?
21:13 Calinou Atom is far from fast to start, compared to Geany
21:13 Calinou -jojoa1997- VERSION Hexchat EMERALD EDITION!
21:13 Jordach and this is why i use Notepad++
21:13 Calinou great, I have no idea what your OS is
21:13 jojoa1997 :D
21:13 Jordach simple stable and just fucking works out of the box
21:13 Exio Jordach, >notepad++
21:13 jojoa1997 Ubuntu
21:13 Exio notepad--
21:13 Calinou which version?
21:13 * Jordach pokes LemonLake with the irony version
21:13 Calinou 14.04 is preferred
21:13 jojoa1997 14.04
21:14 Calinou
21:14 jojoa1997 IT IS HUGE
21:14 Exio Calinou, i'll be installing xubuntu
21:14 Exio all your fault
21:14 Calinou however! you don't want to use in-repository MyGUI
21:14 jojoa1997 or my download is small
21:14 Exio jojoa1997, do you like it big?
21:14 jojoa1997 no
21:14 Calinou sadly, you'll have to get MyGUI svn by hand, then compile and install it
21:14 jojoa1997 bad Exio
21:14 jojoa1997 dont bring that out
21:14 * VanessaE is back.
21:14 Exio wb V
21:15 Exio Calinou, how many seconds is the make in your system?
21:15 Exio or minutes
21:15 jojoa1997 wait wait wait a second
21:15 Megaf_ joined #minetest
21:15 Jordach Exio, i may be considering the octa core fx model AMD cpus
21:15 jojoa1997 Calinou is whatever is in the linux download able to be gotten from the git
21:16 Jordach jojoa1997, go back to windows, you're not listening
21:16 jojoa1997 Jordach no
21:16 * PenguinDad slaps Jordach
21:16 Exio Jordach, i've a 6100
21:16 Exio a new gen vishera would be nice
21:16 Jordach PenguinDad, meh
21:16 WindHero to each their own.
21:16 Exio sadly no steamroller FX
21:17 Calinou jojoa1997, or you can use stable version 2.3… much, much easier
21:17 Jordach i quite happily run Linux in a VM just so i get goddamn IRC mod working
21:17 jojoa1997 oh i forgot i had the pdf on here
21:17 Calinou not as featureful, but easier to get working
21:17 Calinou jojoa1997, lspci | grep VGA
21:17 jojoa1997 Jordach yeah but a vm on my computer is slow
21:17 Jordach and yet still not noticed the goddamn lag produced by two cores
21:17 Calinou type that in a terminal to know your graphics card
21:17 Calinou
21:17 jojoa1997 Calinou i recently downloaded a pdf with all the specs of my pc
21:17 Calinou 724 MB
21:18 Calinou jojoa1997, you certainly don't need that
21:18 Exio jojoa1997, two cores? i normally let my VMs have access to 4 cores
21:18 Exio or 3 at least
21:18 Exio :p
21:18 Calinou the thing I gave you just outputs a single line in a terminal
21:18 jojoa1997 AMD M880G Chipset with ATI Mobility RadeonTM HD 4250 Graphics
21:18 Calinou will probably be unplayable
21:18 Calinou you can try Lowest preset
21:18 Calinou we never know
21:18 jojoa1997 Exio and you talk about being poor when you have a 4 core computer
21:18 Exio six
21:18 Exio not 4
21:18 jojoa1997 the nerv
21:18 jojoa1997 at least a 4
21:19 Exio jojoa1997, my virtual machines
21:19 * jojoa1997 thinks Exio has no money cause he spends it all
21:19 * Jordach doesn't even get anything paste= the blackness
21:19 Jordach -e=
21:19 Exio that computer is a year and half old after being using a netbook for 4 years
21:19 Exio and an AMD duron since 2001
21:19 jojoa1997 Jordach lol
21:20 jojoa1997 so Exio you got a computer 1.5 years ago
21:20 Calinou Atom ends up not feeling as reactive as Geany, of course…
21:20 Calinou so I'll keep Geany
21:20 Calinou it's not like my PC is too slow
21:20 Jordach jojoa1997, i'm already hitting rendering speed limits
21:20 Jordach i need octa core or even 2x octas
21:21 Jordach or if i ever go Cycles 2x Teslas
21:21 jojoa1997 hi VanessaE
21:21 VanessaE hey
21:22 Exio 2001-201[02] AMD Duron (256+128mb of ram, 80+40gb) ; 2010-2013 Intel Atom N270 (1gb ram, 160gb hdd) ; 2013-?? AMD Bulldozer 6100 BE @ 4ghz (OC'd) + GT610, 12gb ram, 1tb hdd ; 2014-?? Gov netbook, 2gb of ram, Intel Atom N2600 GMA 3600, 320gb HDD
21:22 Exio all my computers in my whole life
21:22 Exio the HDD of the FX is atm dead
21:22 Exio will use my USB keys for a few weeks
21:22 Exio then i'll get any fucking HDD if i can't get enough money for an HDD
21:22 WindHero SSD's are so less touchy than HDD's....
21:23 Exio SSDs are too expensive to be nice
21:23 WindHero although they do cost...
21:23 WindHero yeah
21:23 VanessaE eh
21:23 jojoa1997 Calinou it is "lspci" not "lscpi"
21:23 VanessaE buy one anyway
21:23 WindHero wait for the magic 50% off, lol
21:23 VanessaE they're down below 50c a gig now
21:23 WindHero ^
21:23 jojoa1997 Exio how many gigabytes do you want on the HDD
21:24 Exio 2TB is my goal
21:24 Exio caviar black, they're about 2000 ARS
21:24 jojoa1997 or maybe you can delete all your downloaded "legal" music
21:24 Exio (200 USD)
21:24 WindHero rofl
21:24 jojoa1997 Exio please
21:24 VanessaE SSD for the stuff that needs the speed, spinning rust for mass storage.  simple enough
21:24 Exio VanessaE, a SSD is too expensive :P
21:24 jojoa1997 you want a 2TB hdd?
21:24 WindHero I had to downgrade to a HDD, and I hate it
21:24 nman3600
21:24 nman3600 :D
21:25 jojoa1997 why not get like a 80gb hdd or somethign if you are worried about money
21:25 WindHero it takes 2-3 minutes until Chrome starts functioning
21:25 LemonLake nman3600: mediacrush or gtfo
21:25 Exio because a 80GB HDD isn't worth the money
21:25 WindHero rofl
21:25 VanessaE Exio: 50 bucks for 80 gigs is too much?
21:25 VanessaE 99 bucks for 240 gigs?
21:25 Exio VanessaE, 50 bucks in the US is 125 USD here
21:25 Jordach i prefer something that won't die in heavy use ala HDD
21:25 VanessaE;c=pw&amp;hash=6223wZfrmdYahK0toynIQjRnkdsneGOlUn7bSgLEd4zwTzUWOohRG9Cs6dlT8c3NwQJGUDfBb0C4qSRGXPDtskw4PM04KzHVrhULbOMImQqGeLdZ%2BGum9wTZAeA
21:25 WindHero you can get a 128 GB USB drive for 50 bucks....
21:26 VanessaE (that's not the $99 one but close enough)
21:26 nman3600 You wanted it in medicrush. here:
21:26 Jordach
21:26 WindHero great wor, nman
21:26 WindHero *work
21:27 nman3600 Thanks, WindHero, I've been working all day on these statues
21:27 Exio Jordach, *2 is the price
21:27 jojoa1997 so Exio you would spend over 1000 USD if it is worth it when you could make a good computer with less than that?
21:27 Exio because importing taxes and stuffs make the "cost" of getting it here a bit.. higher
21:28 Calinou <Exio> SSDs are too expensive to be nice
21:28 Calinou not in 2014
21:28 * Jordach meows at VanessaE
21:28 * VanessaE growls at Jordach
21:28 jojoa1997 Calinou that takes too long to download
21:28 Exio jojoa1997, i bought a 6100, old gen when i bought it, i've two different ram modules (4@1600+8@1333), my HDD died because it was a cheap shit, my GPU can't sustain 90FPS in MC without lagging the system
21:28 * jojoa1997 places a dog in #mintest
21:28 Exio and it was 1000USD
21:29 Exio in the US the computer would have been 600 USD or so
21:29 Exio less probably
21:29 Exio you say omg 1000 USD!!!
21:29 jojoa1997 so you buy heavyduty stuff so you can overuse it>
21:29 jojoa1997 ?
21:29 * WindHero shoots the dog with a fire arrow
21:29 Exio i got money and bought the best i could with it
21:29 Exio 1000 USD for you, in tech, are a lot of shits
21:29 * GhostDoge barks at the dog
21:29 Exio here it is .. nothing much
21:30 jojoa1997 Exio I am using my first and only computer that i got as a present from 6 years ago and it is fast and works great
21:30 Exio i got my first computer when i was 6
21:30 jojoa1997 knowing you, you probably would have custom built it so it would be faster
21:30 Exio and it still works
21:30 Jordach Exio, overkill
21:30 jojoa1997 so you have more computers!?
21:31 Exio yes, my AMD Duron from 2001, I told you
21:31 Exio it has 128mb of DDR1 ram atm
21:31 WindHero HAL?
21:31 GhostDoge HAL9000 :P
21:31 Exio wut
21:31 Exio ah
21:31 jojoa1997 you people
21:31 WindHero A Space Odyssey
21:31 Exio when someone says HAL i think "Hardware Abstraction Layer"...
21:32 WindHero don't get me wrong, I can't stand the movie
21:32 WindHero never once finished it all the way
21:32 WindHero but the puns.... the puns....
21:32 Calinou
21:32 Calinou changed font, unbolded most things
21:32 jojoa1997 what is a good simulation game for linux?
21:32 GhostDoge GLaDOS HAL9000's infamous daughter :D
21:32 jojoa1997 driving or flying
21:32 Calinou now I look like an OS X users!
21:32 Calinou jojoa1997, well, Stunt Rally ;) but any game of that kind is going to be graphics-demanding
21:33 jojoa1997 I know
21:33 jojoa1997 besides stunt rally
21:33 jojoa1997 the downloading is taking too long
21:33 WindHero why do you want double-spawning rats anyway?
21:33 Calinou meh, run it in background
21:33 Jordach brb
21:33 Calinou use wondershaper to limit bandwidth usage, to not lag in games while downloading :)
21:33 jojoa1997 Calinou i mean i want to play it in 5 minutes
21:33 Exio jojoa1997, think about it this way, the past year, i bought my computer for 6000 ARS ~ (+1000 USD at that time), now the salaries are sightly better in ARS terms... but now you need 8000-10000 ARS for buying the "same stuff"
21:33 Exio for a computer you buy for 600 USD
21:34 WindHero ok
21:34 WindHero hop the border, buy a PC for cheap, then go home
21:34 jojoa1997 and ?
21:34 jojoa1997 exactly what WindHero
21:34 Exio M5A99X EVO (not R2.0), some hyperx 1600MHz 4gb module + 8gb 1333mhz
21:34 jojoa1997 wait no
21:34 Exio WindHero, importing stuff means paying tax
21:34 jojoa1997 dont hop the border
21:34 Exio that is where we get fucked up
21:34 WindHero ik, I'm being funny
21:35 Exio and if i could
21:35 Exio still over 35%
21:35 WindHero border hopping is bad in my book
21:35 Exio because credit card taxes to foreign currency
21:35 jojoa1997 Exio at least you save money by illegally downloading stuff cough cough
21:35 WindHero
21:35 WindHero !title
21:35 MinetestBot WindHero: Electric Light Orchestra - So Serious - YouTube
21:36 Exio jojoa1997, i'd pay for my music if i had the posibility, but sending USDs to other countries here is a pain
21:36 Calinou small update,
21:37 jojoa1997 sure
21:37 Exio if i could go to my city, send 500 ARS to an account, and buy music with it, i'd have paid for a lot of things
21:37 jojoa1997 ok how much is a song usually worth in ARS
21:37 Exio "a song"
21:37 jojoa1997 or album
21:37 jojoa1997 whatever
21:38 Exio iirc an album offline is about 400-500 ARS
21:38 Exio (at least)
21:38 jojoa1997 ok so
21:38 Exio
21:39 WindHero I'm gonna make a bot
21:39 Exio 40 Argentina 1,108
21:39 Exio 4 United States 3,263
21:39 jojoa1997 Exio it kinda seems you are better off than me in owning stuff
21:39 WindHero so that whenever a question is asked in a chat
21:39 WindHero it'll shout "42"
21:39 Exio !c 3263/1108
21:39 MinetestBot 2.9449458483754514
21:39 Exio 3x
21:39 jojoa1997 Exio you forget all the big wigs that have tons of money
21:40 Exio argentina isn't a good moment economically atm
21:40 Exio holdouts and shits
21:40 Exio the currency is worth less every day; the inflation is quite high
21:41 Jordach joined #minetest
21:41 Exio our inflation is at about 4% per month atm iirc
21:41 Jordach there
21:41 Jordach did *not* want a bug to go through that side vent
21:43 WindHero My dream world has been shattered:
21:43 Exio jojoa1997,
21:46 jojoa1997 poor WindHero
21:46 WindHero lol
21:46 jojoa1997 Exio just nvm you dont understand
21:46 WindHero I have about 3 different replies I could give
21:46 Jordach things to do in my lifetime: Win the Saxxy Awards
21:46 Exio jojoa1997, wut?
21:47 Exio explain then?
21:47 jojoa1997 nah
21:47 jojoa1997 im gonna go play Teeworlds
21:47 Jordach <3 TF2
21:48 nman3600 I'm off the the night, CYA!
21:49 Exio this says what have been happening
21:49 WindHero <3 Cave Story
21:50 Jordach wtf
21:50 Jordach weapon worth £42.67 on the Steam Market
21:51 LemonLake Jordach: yup
21:51 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
21:52 WindHero LemonLake, watch any anime lately?
21:52 GhostDoge <3 Red Eclipse
21:52 LemonLake WindHero: i had a break after Tamako Market, and now I'm watching Air
21:53 WindHero how is it?
21:53 LemonLake so far? interesting
21:53 LemonLake it's really got the clannad feel to it (well duh, made by the same dudes)
21:53 WindHero hmm
21:53 LemonLake and potato is just so damn cute
21:54 WindHero I'm trying to find more comedic anime right now with some action since the last couple had some real downers
21:54 WindHero which led me to start the original Slayers
21:55 WindHero getting what I was looking for, although the animation IS 90's quality...
21:56 alket_ joined #minetest
21:59 LemonLake WindHero:
21:59 LemonLake piko piko
21:59 WindHero kawaii~
21:59 WindHero I just looked up Air on myanimelist
21:59 WindHero it's precisely ranked #100 @.@
21:59 LemonLake really??
21:59 WindHero atm, anyway
21:59 LemonLake #1115
21:59 LemonLake 100 popularity
22:00 WindHero oh, lol
22:00 WindHero :P
22:00 LemonLake the only issue is the effort to navigating episodes
22:00 LemonLake i would like to click once, not click three times
22:00 LemonLake the site i'm watching it on has english dubs too, and when i click 'next episode' it takes me to the dubbed version each time >.<
22:00 WindHero which site would that be?
22:01 LemonLake animewaffles
22:01 WindHero hmm
22:01 LemonLake usually i'd watch on animebox but they didn't have it strangely :/
22:01 WindHero I just have some decent antivirus
22:01 WindHero and use either nwanime or chia-anime
22:01 LemonLake antivirus?
22:01 WindHero the latter lets you download in mp4, so at least I can watch it from a mobile device
22:02 WindHero I don't know if those sites have any malicious stuff on them
22:02 LemonLake nah man, it's all about html5 players these days :P
22:02 WindHero so I make sure I have strong enough antivirus applications so I don't pick anything up
22:02 WindHero when you watch it on a pc, sure
22:03 LemonLake sane mobile devices support html5 players
22:03 WindHero I prefer watching from an iPod because I can do it when I should be asleep ;)
22:03 LemonLake if you're on ios, ditch safari
22:03 LemonLake that web browser is shit
22:03 WindHero long ago
22:03 WindHero trust me :P
22:04 WindHero (whenever I say that phrase, I think of the ending song for Durarara!!)
22:05 WindHero alright, gtg now
22:05 WindHero sayonara!
22:05 LemonLake sayounara!
22:16 LemonLake Feels good to finally be getting SOME work done on my website
22:31 Hirato_ joined #minetest
22:32 LemonLake TIL pressing ESC while dragging a window cancels the move
22:33 VanessaE oh that's handy
22:33 VanessaE works in xfce also.
22:33 LemonLake oh that's good
22:34 LemonLake has anyone tested it on any other linuxes?
22:34 LemonLake i only have winfk right now
22:34 SylvieLorxu LemonLake: Works on KDE
22:37 blaise joined #minetest
22:51 * Jordach feels the need to go deeper
22:54 Jordach very much deeper
22:55 LemonLake
22:55 LemonLake Factory information > crafting recipes
22:55 LemonLake mate some good progress today
22:56 LemonLake s/mate/made/
22:58 VanessaE LemonLake: speaking of which, nore's about to start a big rewrite of the flowing logic in pipeworks' metal pipes.  heads-up.
22:58 LemonLake sounds fun!
22:58 LemonLake i might re-implement them when i feel more motivated
22:58 VanessaE you'll probably want to be ready to merge his changes when they're completed.
22:59 LemonLake i had to remove pipes for now because i reaally badly failed
22:59 LemonLake so i'll try again when that's been rewritten
22:59 VanessaE ok
23:01 Jordach :D
23:01 Jordach WE NEED TO GO DEEPER
23:02 LemonLake oh my
23:02 LemonLake oh my...
23:03 mati1_ joined #minetest
23:03 LemonLake Jordach: are...are you ok?
23:03 Jordach LemonLake, considering going down to Windows 3.1 via VMware older installs
23:03 Jordach which is running in 95, which is in 98, and so forth
23:04 LemonLake you umm...
23:04 LemonLake u wot
23:04 VanessaE you're insane.
23:05 LemonLake Jordach: can you send me that video from yesterday again?
23:05 Jordach LemonLake, eh?
23:05 Jordach wat video
23:05 LemonLake the pingu one
23:05 Jordach
23:05 LemonLake this is good day
23:06 LemonLake i didn't get to fully watch it
23:06 Jordach you're not the only one who needed air
23:06 Jordach
23:18 LemonLake okay
23:18 LemonLake im just done
23:18 LemonLake night is good
23:24 jvalleroy joined #minetest
23:34 ^v joined #minetest
23:45 Jordach tl;dr i've been doing water wrong my entire blender life
23:46 ^v joined #minetest
23:51 kaeza joined #minetest
23:52 Jordach and i've been doing it righty
23:52 diemartin joined #minetest
23:59 Miner_48er joined #minetest

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